THE WmtFmW m m r \ Is Oysa Far Eprelses ! LEADER, THURSDAY Worid's firel Ebelrie Sij Pet, Hobby Skowi kstalled 50 Years Ago on ••'•( 1 m W B S D S S W I C I C - F i r s t o a U f o r fe enrolleai to **e N«w Jersey Women's (Continued from Page 1) 5}-:.-tatal Jumr «f W» U. S. Crop Corps ' McKiidey Playground fe *> w*rk en Gloucester County fruit Mad vegetable {arms was issued here Pet and hobby show winners at McK jteday fey SCas Mildred B. Murphey, Kinley were: Jane Stein, Janet Con": "itwity's Womw's Land Army ttirec- ,*tantine, Marion Ross, Marilyn Jaffee, i John Savoca; Gloria Mead. Judges L....'"jmboiwh. * number of ,trained were Mrs. M, Pitsco, Mrs. Dominidt year-around women workers have been Villain,' Mrs. Raymond ConsUntine t~" plated on Garden State farms by the and Mrs. 3 . Thompson. Rag rugs Women's Land Army, the first unit are beitig made by the younger chil3 IDJ IMBoen workers is now being re- dren, aprong for the older boys and s t fruited for work in South Jersey from \ girls, Lillje WJae Jones James won the K;; ^ifly It to September «. Miss Murphey said that women BckiBr tournament for younger conI;•'-: toif tigs up for periods of work rang- stantSj William Villane for the oldi i ; ing from 10 days to the full eight er grwp, Asdrey Bullock and Janet ig3:..weeks. Already about SO have en- Constantine were best in sand-model<Si -folleJ, the majority of them secretar- ing. iri |s», stenographers, phyaical education Sjj jJiraetors, school teachers and: other WA woanen on vacation from regular jobs. Enrolment* wil] be accepted until the K*OI**i*ster County unit totals 76 to WtstieM Mother Dtdikei I I ^ I W , after which applicant* will be Draftee.'Public Stnd-.! p;:|4«e»a on^th* waiting list. * K Women who can qualify can earn Editor, Leader: The youth of America is going to up to f t to |4,B0 per day, depending upon their ability, and will be charged war. Theit mothers want them to 110 per »c*k for room and board. leave well-equipped emotionally as Tfcey will live in the pitman Country well as physically. Fortnuuter of tnodtrn $*maphorti plaud at Club, on» »il« from Pitman, where More of our boys of Westfleld, the r«r»ational facilitiet, including a lake majority of whom are only eighteen Black Don't Cut, PhUUpitntrt, At l i f t auttabk for swimming, are availabU yean of aft, will be leaving us next for otT-duty hours. A certificate of week. Need there be any public sendO M of the uuwt important 4av of ttal Mirie* will be istU4)d to all who fal- off which, will overstrain taut nerves? •wloptnenti la promotiiif apeed, the :ytt;*Mr.w«lt. contracts. -1 ,\ - • ft this necessary? The boys themtantrum maximum uauao/raUWtk will consist mainly of picking, selves much prefer to say their fareoftfcaflirtrtaaMload tmokaw*. took plaoa a halfa*4 pacirng fruit* and vegetables, wells privately to their families at eaatvuT a«o, when tbefinteleotrlt tallrawnttd Ntnaphan atnd, eemtphore in. tha we* Id V M ta- 5Tw. Uttij, now SI fata a T i t i W*as*a wiU be expected to put in a home. fteJied on Tb* Central BaUraad of teddM atBetbleben, f t . U M? §|*llf working day.,:-' •" , ' .';? Why not let them assemble, be Mew Jersey at Black D a a t Out, ognltloa of hla tawtffa f a t t a given their instructions and be gone, as tnaflad by OHM tMtaU FhliUpebiuxlf.J. with, the knowledge that we, their rromttiiaorlglrMUaHnaHTOlTtd recetred Uie medal of tlw M a m parents, are calm and very sure of t h e preient-day perleotloa of iMUtute for "• wx* MBMbo ourselves? Why not say "Goodbye" »ted aemaphore sig- tlon to the taxntM Mfat* Mat to these sons of ours with • dignity, nals, an'oftb* almost uairawd UM •peed of Railroad tanUa". tending them sway with genuine faith TK» only qualification* are an age (h Cod and with His quiet blessing? •f 1« years or more, a certificate of Molly Pitcher Tag Day is observed on tion in their Poppy Days will be used • HELEN WINDSOR, haalta from the Indiridusl's family August 4. Women volunteers will sell to make Molly Pitcher Day a success. • . • • * . • A Mother. m>m^mi-: W e e i n g to vjliw /MarMolly Pitcher tags with war stamps Local women's committees will assist. •key, "as anthusissm for helping to and bonds on the streets, in public Molly Pitcher, who was born Mary karreat th« food vital to winning the buildings and wherever purchasers Ludwig of Trenton, is an important " S S t ^ 4 ^ ; ' i / > ' " : - > • ' • ; • . . ^ ; r - -: may befwmd. figure in New Jersey history • All wtmen iitoreated In making ap. y , heroine of the RevofUeatieo fore«r Womea's Land Army lutionary War, will serve as the in- The auxiliary ef the American LeRemember Those Away at Camp— fata n a r ^ o so through tbelr county spiration for women in this war when gion is co-operating in this project and the experience of this organisa- Buy War Bonds and Write Often, fkultBTal agmt or throagh Mias ntHjr'a ««ec at tk* S U t . College al AfriealtuT. in Mtw Brunswick. letten from readers I m: HOW TO GET WAR You, too, can fight the enemy with your hands right here at home, making vital equipment for the planes, tanks, ships and guns that will bring us Victory. Uncle Sun needs you. The Hyatt Bearings Division of General Motors needs you. No experience is necessary—no matter whether you have ever worked before or not. You earn good pay while you learn. Promotions are quick, • You will find Hyatt a "nice place to work." You will want to join the Hyatt Molly Pitchers, an employes' organization. There are excellent eating and recreational facilities. If you want to bring the boys home again, sooner, take a job at Hyatt today— and earn good pay while you do it. Be & modern Molly Pitcher at Hyattl Victory Girdeoeri (Continued from Page 1) . IX CHAMCIWV ••* • » ' i s a w r . fruits, as well as a aitable and PCI CARRIE S. HAWLEY: eedlesB garden. By virtue ef aa order of the Court >f Chancery of the State of New JerOrmm. Diteutiet Potato** < . iey. made on the day of the tou On both tours, gardeners asked Mr. lereof. In a cause wherein State Title Mo«t*aee Guaranty Company, a. corman for bis opinion of their peaato •ratlcn, U complainant, and G. Frankvines, some of which were a hah, ..* Wlndftldt, Individually and aa * « ; l Aaa*. an* U u i t w ttnaet the last will Terrace, dwk gwen while others w»ra »trlsjgy tmttair i F tesUment^ri^rter S; WlndfeMt, and turning brown. In each instance, icg&sed, and you and others are deendaata, you are required to appea-r Mr. Osman pointed out that the md asswer the bill of said compfeln- ueaMM «s> w > a s s I M ft growth above ground it nevtr a re- mt oil or before the thirtieth day ot and liiinm mmtkim*. Sand niai next, or In default thereof liable index of what lie* beneath, Huaruet, iuch decree will be made against you grice waaTe«. Box <••, care here the tubers form. He said, "fa- .is the Chancellor »Ha)l think eqiiltable dtoes need a sandy or a loose, friable and lust •crlution or what have you, k the said Mil Is filed to foreclose a ioil, such as exists on Long Island certain mortgage made by Peter J. ristown Oalleriea, 71 Market Morrlntown. • and May Louise Windfeldt, ir in Aroostoock County, Me.,-to men- Tlndf«ldt da wife, to the State Title * Mortion only two famous potato areas, i&ge Guaranty Company, dated May [7, 1917, and recordedIn Book 867 of Jnion County has a clay or clay loam ortgafes for Union County at page soil which is not ideal for potato cul- rM, covering landB in the Town of GIHL'S SIlnVCLB, M M 14 County of Union and state ture. As a consequence, potato grow- ;( estneldr New Jersey, and you are made a gooi condition. Call WE. 2-23 ing in this locality is always some- lefer.dant because you, together with MIsaiCAK M O C H H needs a l -ilisle L. Hart, are the owners of a. top desk. Address: IT Elm s* thing of a speculative venture. One mortgage covering the same premise* an may succeed while his neighbor flitch is second and subordinate tc MWCM Bova BicvcLti; g 0 U j « the mortgage owned t y complainant. dltion, can b« exchanged for 2ir fails." SNEVILT AND H C Y , 28-lnch boy's bicycle, also good « Solicitors for Complainant, Except for thinning close plantings, dltion. Please call West Be Id H-si 111 Qulmby Street, similar results were observed last BunWeetfteld, N, ] , HINCHILLA •IICK—Must be Jay as on June 27, namely, the ab- 'ated: June 29, 1143. sence of weeds, the better success obained where manure was used in the 'reparation of the soil and, eapeclalCall BovuLK-uucumn aeu. WestDeld S-5241. y, the tremendous contribution which D-WHEEI.. or 4.W1HMI maker « 1 Westfield residents are making to stroller for 8-year-old child. Writjl Bon 30, c«re Leader Office. • their own and the nation's food lard- Otuifidi FOR RENT The Victory Garden committee has Mrs. Ralph Mason, 410 Kllnball Tun I s e n , jKMataklr, In good lennitely decided to hold an open dig IdapiTAL will receive two courtesy tlcktSi condition, for rent. Call WE. 2-36 Also Dh"| to »ee see _ "Hanjmen Hanatnen - Also ussion, probably in the W^stfield the Rlaleo Theatre, Wes w i m w i i t (.BADEII. m at High School auditorium, sometime ran M d July 12th «•" — •" Monday, ~JulV~~Mt)T,~'tiy"camnj"ig>| Elm Itrnt, WMtfleld, N. J. sonally or prestBtlna) proper lias.] this September, the date and details C. C, Hayes, 132 Lincoln Boad, tIBcatfon at Tk* LMAft Office. | receive two courtesy tickets a be announced later in the Leader. will to see "Hangmen Also Die" • o v a BICVCI.B, M " | lawn mo»,r,l at the RUlto Theatre, Westdeld. maple chest of drawers, porch (w-l Monday, July 12th, by calling personally or presenting proper Identification t t T h i U t d e r OBlo». 1XGAL NOTICES DOM. CtHHUfiB C««i GMSllllea, Tel. WE. 2.U81-3. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE 18 HERBBr alVSff,' That CHILD CAHB CENTER must rent ml the third Intermediate account of the AWMMOWmtl I t a i f n M , l n > M borrow ow refr' refrigerator *-- or •ioe •box. -li. •I subscribers, trustees under the last adjusted. Tuttle Bros, Hardware De- stallI IIt 'by"Monday. Call Mrs. L. LI Will anil Testament of JOHN N. partment, South Ave. at the Plasa. Treraa nalne, WE. X-11S6-M. | LOCKE, deceased, will be audited and •11l0 stated by the Surrogate, and reported Mucattmt: COOKBII—aood conditu«,| "or settlement to the Orphans' Court reasonable. WB, 2-i73l-M. | t the County o( Union, on Friday, h« thirtieth day of July next at M 0 (AH GHEIT, l a n e I k * , In goMl AUTOS WANTED mdltlon. Call WB. 1-09J9, • K ' **' LUJTD THOMPSON, PEOPLES BANK * TRUST HOMB n»r rraMl* Cacker «M«_ . COMPANY, Westflald, N. J., (formerly known as Peoplea lady preferred, Phone WeitfJold |. f 100 USED CARS Bank ft Truat Company of Weatneld) Trustees. MEDIUM SIMCD CHILD** TBICICI* I WANTED . Phone WB. 8-SIS1, In Chancery of New Jersey. Between Tobert L. Rooke, complainant, and Morgan Securities Company, B corporation, defendant. Fi. fa. for Bale of ortgaged premises. By virtue of the above-stated writ if fieri facia* t o me directed I shall ixpose for sale by public vendue, In the District Court Boom, in the Court House, In the city ot Ellttineth, N. J., HYATT BEARINGS DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS 25 Bulclci 25 Chevrolet* 25 Dodges AUTOS FOR SALE '.•• 25 Ply mouths. 1»M BI'ICK IPROIAL SRDAN—QMI tires, good condition; l«00. csit. I Phone %E. J-»179. ' WBDNE8DAT, THE 4TH DAY l»4* DODOR J-DOOH aRDAK — O>4 I OF AUGUST, A D.| 1943, t two o'clook (EWT) In the afterovi'ner, tires eitra good. C. T. Discs, Loon ot said day. 433 Bast North Ave., WB. J-34S4. C. T. BLACK, All the following tract or parcel of lets noiw.K oovrii—Excellent COB. and and premises hereinafter partlcu433 East North Ave. arly described, sUuate, lying and bedltion; good tires; radio and heattt. ing In the- Town of Westfleld, and 13» Elm St. WE, 8-1134. WE. 2-3434 Borough of Mountainside, is the Coun:y. of union, and Btate ot New Jersey. IBM KOHD V-» COACH—Radio alj I VIJtST TRACT: DEING partly, in th« heater; |60. Tel. Weatfleld I-0704-*,| Town of Westfleld and partly In the WANTHD—GOOD VIBD CAM* Borough of, Mountainside. ; BEGINia«» » R ttTIE INIRD COUPE, . NING at a stake In 'the center line of WUIOKT, 1S« SOUTH AV« OAHWOOD condition; IB00. 'Phone Westfl Xjawrence Avenue, which stake Is loS-439S-M. cated In a course South l*. 50' w » ' along the center line of Lawrence Avenue 275-5 feet from a spike In the center line of Mountain Avenue or Bprlngneld Road where It Intersects the center line ot Lawrence Avenue' and snld center line, being also tho most northerly corner of lands conveyed by William G, Peckham to t/loyd Thompson; thence (1) South 3S* CO' East along the center line of Lawrenci Avenue 11(7.80 feet to an Iron nip*In the center line of Lnwrence Avenue thence (8) North 53" 35' East 1!>1 fee to n post In the lino of lands o< 1 Brown; thence (3) North 3° 3' Eaa nlom? wild Brown's line 1070 feot tc n spike In the conter lino of Mountain Avenue or SprlnKfleld Road; thenc< (4) North 89' 43' V e s t 261.3 fee WE'RE AFTER alone tho center Hue of Mountain Avo nue or Springfield Bond to a turn li THE CREAM OF THE CROP said Avenuo or Road: thence (5) Nortl 8(1° 21' West niong tho center lino o' Mountain Avenue 332.6 feet to a poln In thfi center line of Mountain Ave nuo; thenco (0) South 50- tV Wen' 402.41 foot to the place of BEGIN' NINO. WE DON'T WANT JALOPIES! Late Models • All Makes SECOND TRACT: BelnB all t l » tvnet or parcel of land nnd premise, horelnnfter particularly described, s^t unto, lying and bcinf? In the Borougl of Mountnlnslile, In tho County o Union and. State of New .Torspy. BBGINNINO nt the point of lntereectlot of the center line of what was formerly Lnwronco Avenue with the oen ter line of I,awrenco Avenue as nov laid out; thence from snld beginning li a northeasterly course 33 feet, mor or less, to tho easterly lino of whs was formerly Lawrence Avenue an1 corner of Innds of Leigh M. Pearsal thonee continuing northenaterly ftlon^ his line of lands a distance of 329.4 feet to tho southerly Una of Mountalt Avenue or Springfield Road; thenc continuing along said last mentlonei course 33 feet to the center line o stiM Mountain Avenue or Sprlngrlek Road: thence westerly along the cen ter lino of snld Mountain Avenue 01 Springfield llona 248.4 feet to tho poln of Intersection of said center line 0: Mountain Avenue or Springfield Roac with the center line of what was foi merly Lawrence Avenue;'thonoo Boutherly nlong tho center line of snld for merly Lawrence Avenue 275,15 f^et tc the Mint or place of BEOINNINO BXCEPTINO from the nbovo describee premise* tho fallbwlng: Parcels ISA nnd i8B em Indicate, on » certain plnn fllod or nbout to b. riled, showing tinrtlculnrly the locntloi of the right of wny lines of tho StsUi Hluhway Route 2S (Rev. 1S27) 8eo , widening Mountainside to Sornerao County line, na adopted by the Btat, AND WE'LL PAY EXTRA CASH TO GET THEM We Have an Immediate Market Among Wat Worker* Who Need ThU Transportation Badly. THArS WHY WE CAN FAY MORE Get Our Offer Today! • OLDSMOBILE DEALER NORRIS CHEVROLET, Inc. "YOUR HOMt TOWN DEAL**" PIMM WaartaM t-OMO North auid Central Arm. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Transportation t o the plants Is easy. T w o pianist To reach Harrison plant: take bus 4 0 which connects with all Newark bus lines. Of, H. * M. Tubes to Harrison. Plant is opposite Tube Station. T o reach Clark Township plant: take bus a from Bltmbeth. Tako bus 54 from Woodbridge, Perth Ambo)1, IUhway and Westfield. If you don't feel that you tan do war woilt yourself, won't you tend us a good man/ WAHTEO 1 Abraham B. Ya&Doren at abowf 4|taIon 614+68 on the w e s t C o n u t a l i g iZU stiuare feet more or less. There Is due approximately |lS,«« •lth istereat from June 10, IMS, a a t CHAJ.LEg E. ATEKS, SheriaT. OLD nmnrruM BBPAiaiBP, r.iin- Innil.H nniv or form'erly"of Apfrnll'"()! Urown "t lilinnt Stntlon HS04-37 <m tho post to lftn'la now or formerly of .liliiytl Thuiu|ison fit nhout Stntlnn MR A-n on (ho ivrst, Cnntnlnlnir 7200 l'nrrnl No. 1811. Iru'luillmr «nc^lHcnlly nil Mid Inniln nut! prMnl " 'ontroHrl l ' M employment Offleti Open Daily, 3 A. M. to 5 P. M , Fourth St, Hirtlion. N.I. mil Rirltan /!»»., Clirk Tomult!»,N. J. HnOM In wor work or *iunlht activity Ml totnlthrtd wMoul iloftntinf el avalltAltlly , ffoo, 4 wldrntnK. na Inlfl down on II nforwnlil plnn nt nlimit Hlntlon r,CO+t ishtd and polished; formerly with sFlp ooveri afia 4rap«rlei. Fred KantMcManus Bros., BUtabeth. 'John Arformerly with W, Daumgartw nold, 267 Locust Ave., Oarwood, N. J. *ner,Co., and V7. J. Sloan; 4B South Telephone WSJ. 1-JJ07-J. prices reaUnion Ave., Crantord, N J. Tellsonable. 7-1-Dt phone CRanford 6-08>l. _j M-5t rBNTBH—Malta ¥«ar Kllckra up. to-date. Cabinet work, linoleum counter tops. Porch "oroorio Open P l GLASS AUD MIRRORS porches. Alterations. 10 years ex|f, E »5«T P«r»o««. old mirrors rp>erlenae. Financing arranged. W, E. f'Jvered. Auto safety glass. GorklB lushby, 748 Central Ave., Wtt aCIIBJS Co., 1«5 Bomeraot St., Pl&ln4309. 7-1-Ct Held, N. j , Tel. I'Lti. 6-0544. 7-1-et CHAIRS lUCJBATlBl! WIU O u > or J flber rush. l orch olmlrs with rood rAI'HIIIIANOINO •«< l>«l»«l»«—Flr<»sonts. Oood work. lteAsonabte rfttes. olass work—best ot m*lerl&T--lo«'ej< C. J, Orove, 7H South Avo., WB. >- prloM, sstlmate fro«. National WallO0B1-H. T-l-Ct paper Co.; Co., iFrWatVhung lot Wat-hung Ava, Plain-. 7-l-5t 'phono 1'IJ. 8-4703. J, O. I'OtllN, ISIrelrlitnl ^unlrnrinr, All kinds of electrluAl work. Motors FURNITURE REPAIRING a specialty. Orders proirtntty attemloil to. Call Wffl. J-1987, lrl 151.11 t-O*» tn Ave. Also ho»|ilt»l 7-1-Bt bods fori rent. 7-1-H VAOt'lIM CMDANICna, All Mlikf.. 10nnlrpit, BrtRti, brushos nnd l>olts sold. PVISII Audiorlaitd Knit.. A H%nUt. Klocti'lo wiring Installed or nltorml. ro Kriimto Dent. Store, 1 ID l'nr* Alll work tcunritntefd. J, O. A O.Cardoso, oso, clootrlalan Wll B2037M clootrlalan, Wll. B-2037-M. ol for ?, f."8!i00 — « • lnsp»otlon, K. ft C. Guslor, sorvloB 'mnn. 4-10-8* f
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