DIAS RESORT IS NO LONGER OPERATIONAL AND IS CLOSED DOWN: ALTERNATIVES; For reservations Please contact the camps direct. POINT CARAVAN PARK • Camping / caravan only Contact Tel: Email: (044) 690 3501 ljoseph@mosselbay.gov.za DE BAKKE SANTOS • Chalets / Camp / Caravan Contact Tel: Email: (044) 691 2915 santos@mosselbay.gov.za For your information: DECEMBER HOLIDAY SEASON APPLICATION FORM: MOSSEL BAY MUNICIPALITY / MOSSELBAAI MUNISIPALITEIT ℡ 044 6912915 Private Bag X29 / PO Box 25, MOSSEL BAY 6500 Privaatsak X29 / Posbus 25, MOSSELBAAI 6500 044 6911252 APPLICATION FORM / AANSOEKVORM Surname: Mr / Mrs / Miss / Dr / Prof Van: Mnr / Mev / Mej / Dr / Prof Postal address: Posadres: Code: Kode: ℡ Home: Huis: (………….)……………………………... Identity number: Identiteitsnommer: Booking Date: Arrival: Besprekingsdatum: Aankoms: Initials: Voorletters: Cell: Sel: ℡ Work: Werk (………..)…………………………………. Email: Epos: Departure: Vertrek: Choice of Stands: / Keuse van Standplase: DE BAKKE SANTOS DE BAKKE CHALETS Number of Adults Aantal Volwassenes Getal Kinders Aantal Kinders PLEASE NOTE / LET WEL: Sou geeneen van u keuse suksesvol wees nie, verleen u volmag dat ‘n standplaas / Chalet aan u toegeken word? ________ JA / NEE. Should none of your selections be successful, do you give permission that a selection be made on you behalf? ________ YES / NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Die reg van toegang en verblyf word voorbehou. / The right of admission and accommodation is reserved. Tariewe is onderhewig aan wysigings./ Tariffs are subject to change. Bring asseblief u eie braai toerusting. / Please bring your own “braai” equipment. GEEN troeteldiere word toegelaat nie. / NO pets allowed. Slegs visnet grondseile word toegelaat./ Only fishnet type groundsheets are allowed. Voertuie moet ten alle tye hulle hekpasse vertoon./ Vehicles must display their gate passes at all times. Slegs 1 karavaan met sy meegaande tente of 1 tent en 1 voertuig per staanplek word toegelaat. Additionele voertuie en tente slegs met toestemming en teen die voorgeskrewe tarief. / Only 1 caravan with its accompanying tent or 1 tent plus 1 vehicle per site is permitted. Additional tents & vehicles only permitted after permission has been obtained and on payment of the approved tariff. 8. Ek het die aangehegte reëls en voorwaardes bestudeer en onderneem om dit stiptelik na te kom. / I have studied the attached rules and regulations and undertake to abide by them. ____________________ Handtkening / Signature Staanplek geallokeer / Site allocated: __________________________ Bepalings van Toepassing op alle Woonwaparke / By-laws applicable to all Caravan Parks Besoekers moet by aankoms by die ONTVANGSKANTOOR aanmeld. All visitors must report to the RECEPTION OFFICE on arrival. Betaling van die persele is streng vooruitbetaalbaar. Verlening of verkorting van verblyf moet vooraf met die Ontvangskantoor gereël word en is onderhewig aan beskikbaarheid van persele. Betaling moet sodanige verlenging vergesel. Payment of accommodation is strictly in advance. Extension or shortening of stay must be arranged with the Reception Office in advance and will depend on availability. Payment for such extension must accompany the extension. Okkupasie van AKKOMMODASIE geskied vanaf 12:00 op dag van aankoms tot 10:00 op datum van vertrek. Vertrek tye (10:00) moet stiptelik nagekom word. Occupation of ACCOMODATION is from 12:00 on day of arrival, to 10:00 on day of departure. Departure time (10:00) must be strictly observed. Daar word van alle kampeerders verwag dat hulle gedrag onberispelik sal wees en dat absolute netheid in die gerieweblokke gehandhaaf sal word. All campers are expected to behave in an exemplary manner and maintain strict cleanliness with regard to the use of the ablution blocks. ‘n Breekskade / sleutel deposito sal met aankoms per sleutel betaal word. Van die bedrag sal R50 teruggehou word indien die Chalet vuil agtergelaat of vuil skottelgoed agtergelaat word. A breakage / key deposit is to be paid on arrival. R50.00 will be forfeited should the Chalet be left in an untidy condition or should the dishes be left dirty. Geen meubelstukke, breekware of ander toerusting mag uit die Chalets verwyder word nie. No item of furniture, crockery of other equipment may be removed from the Chalet. By ontvangs van die sleutels van die Chalet aanvaar die voornemende huurder volle verantwoordelikheid vir enige skade aan, of verlies van meubels, breekware of toerusting in die Chalet soos uiteengesit op die bygaande lys Huurders word dus versoek om die lys sorgvuldig na te gaan en hulle te vergewis of al die items op die lys gemeld, wel daar en in goeie toestand is. Enige skade aan, of verlies van, ‘n artikel sal van die deposito afgetrek word teen die tarief op die lys gemeld, sonder benadeling van die Munisipaliteit van Mosselbaai se regte om enige verlies groter as R200,00 van die huurder te verhaal. Upon receipt of the keys of the Chalet, the prospective tenant assumes full responsibility for any damage to, or loss of, furniture, crockery or equipment in the Chalet as set out on the accompanying list. Tenants are, therefore, requested to check the list carefully to satisfy themselves that all items stipulated are available, and in sound condition. Any damage to, or loss of, an article will be deducted from the deposit at the tariff stipulated on the list without prejudice to the rights of the Municipality of Mossel Bay of recovering any damage or loss, in excess of R200,00 from the tenant. Behalwe die verwisseling van lakens en kussingslope 1 keer per week, word geen dienste in die Chalets gelewer nie. Except for the changing of sheets and pillow cases once a week, the Chalets are not serviced. By die ontruiming van die Chalets moet alle breekware en toerusting in ‘n skoon toestand en in hul oorspronklike posisie gelaat word. On vacating the Chalets, all crockery and equipment must be left in a clean condition in their original positions. Onder geen omstandighede sal die personeel skottelgoed was of privaat werk onderneem nie. Under no circumstances will staff wash dishes or do private work. Die bepalings van die Raad se Woonwapark Verordeninge soos afgekondig by PK 361/1964 & PK1113/1975 is van toepassing en kan afgedwing word. The provisions of Council’s Caravan Parks By-Laws as promulgated by PK 361/1964 & PK 1113/1975 are applicable and can be enforced. Die tariewe in die woonwaparke is slegs van toepassing op die eerste 6 persone. Indien meer persone op een perseel gehuisves word, is ‘n voorgeskrewe bedrag per addisionele persoon betaalbaar per dag. The tariffs in the caravan parks are applicable to the first 6 persons. Should more than 6 persons be accommodated on the same stand, an amount per additional person will be payable per day. Vure mag slegs op ‘n amptelike braaiplek of in persoonlike braaitoerusting gemaak word. Vure op die grond word nie toegelaat nie. Fires may only be made in either official braai places or on personal braai equipment. Open fires on the open ground are not permitted. Gebruik water uiters spaarsaam asseblief. Please use water sparingly. Die Raad word hiermee gevrywaar van enige skade aangerig aan, of verlies gely deur huurders aan hulle persoon of persoonlike eiendom. The Council is hereby indemnified from all losses to, or injuries and their property. VERKLARING DEUR KAMPEERDER / CAMPER’S DECLARATION Ek__________________________________________ verklaar hiermee dat ek bostaande kennisgewing gelees het, dit verstaan en dat ek onderneem om die beplaings daarvan na te kom. I____________________________________________ hereby declare that I have read and understand contents of the above notice and will abide by its provisions. ____________________________ Handtekening / Signature CHALETS BOOKING PERIODS The minimum booking period from the 23rd December to 2nd January is 14 Days and 7 Days for the balance of the December / January Season. APPLICATION FORMS All applications for a Chalet for the December / January Season must be made on the original official application form. No Facsimile copies will be accepted. Application forms for the following season are available from 1st December to 31st January only. No application forms will be accepted after close of office on 31st January. Only one application form per family allowed. Multiple or incomplete application forms will be rejected. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the non-receipt of application forms. BOOKING PROCEDURES Application forms are available and accepted until close of office on 31st January. Booking proposals are posted in February and the forfeitable deposit must be paid by 31st March to confirm the booking. Requests for alternative Chalets must be made in writing before 31st March. A wish or request for a change of Chalet is not grounds for the delay of any payment. Unconfirmed bookings will be cancelled at 12h00 on 1st April. The Chalets then available will firstly be offered to successful applicants who wish to upgrade, thereafter to the unsuccessful applicants who applied on the official application forms before 31st January, and thereafter to the general public. The balance on the account must be settled before 31st August and accounts with outstanding balances will be cancelled at 12h00 on the 1st September with the resultant loss of the forfeitable deposit. The same procedure will be entered into as in April with the Vacant Chalets. All deposits for the Chalets issued in the period 1st April to 31st August must be paid within 24 hours to confirm the booking. All outstanding accounts for Chalets allocated after 1st September must be settled in full within 24 hours. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the booking policy or payment due dates. DEPOSITS A forfeitable deposit of R 2000.00 is payable by 31st March to confirm a booking for the coming December / January Season. All bookings with unpaid deposits on 1st April will be cancelled and no correspondence will be entered into regarding such cancellation or the refunding of the forfeitable deposit. It is the responsibility of prospective guests to ensure that deadlines are met. FINAL PAYMENTS The balance on the account must be paid by 31st August and all accounts with outstanding balances will be cancelled on 1st September at 12h00. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the cancellation of overdue accounts due to the non-arrival of payments and it is the responsibility of each prospective guest to meet the specific deadlines. TRANSFER CANCELLATION OF CHALETS No chalet may be transferred, awarded sold or given to a third party by any successful applicant. Where an applicant no longer wishes to take up his/her accommodation the normal cancellation rules and penalties will apply. CANCELLATION FEES AND PENELTIES No prepaid deposits are refundable and no correspondence will be entered into regarding CHALETS cancelled due to due dates for payments of deposits and final balances not being met. Any request to cancel a booking after payment in full must be given in writing stating the reasons for cancellation. Half of the Total payment less the deposit will be refunded for that period that the chalet is re-let. No refund will be considered for the shortening of any stay that clashes with the requirements of the minimum booking period. No show’s are not entitled to any refund. SHORTENING OF BOOKINGS A booking may be shortened by a maximum of 3 days subject to the minimum booking period. Council reserves the right to place an applicant on an alternative Chalet when bookings are altered or shortened. GENERAL RULES AND CONDITIONS: 1 Chalets are equipped as follows : 1-Bedroom Chalet: 2 Single Beds, 1 Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen and Lounge/Dining Room. 2-Bedroom Chalet: 4 Single Beds, 2Bedrooms, Bathroom, Kitchen and Lounge/Dining Room. 3-Bedroom Chalet: 2 Double + 1 Single Bed, 3Bedrooms, Bathroom, Kitchen and Lounge/Dining Room. 2 No Chalet may be occupied before all outstanding balances have been paid. 3 Occupation of Chalets is from 12h00 on the day of arrival until 10h00 on the day of departure. 4 Only 2 persons in the case of a 1 Bedroom, 4 Persons in the case of a 2 Bedroom and 5 Persons in the case of a 3 Bedroom Chalet may occupy a Chalet. Additional persons within a family group only with the permission of Management and at the approved tariff allowed. Children are included in the definition of Persons. 5 On arrival a Key Deposit is payable. This will only be refunded once the key has been returned to the RESORT OFFICE and subject to the following conditions: 5.1 That no damages were effected to any property belonging to council by the occupiers or their guests, 5.2 Council reserves the right to recover from the Key Deposit the cost of additional guests over and above the allowed occupants for a particular class of Chalet, should it be discovered that additional occupants were not reported and paid for. 5.3 That the Chalet was left in a neat and tidy condition and that all Cutlery and Crockery is accounted for, clean and packed away, 5.4 That all Stock, Furniture and fittings is accounted for and present in the Chalet. 5.5 That the Chalet has been Checked out and that the occupier is able to produce a signed statement to this effect. 6 Payment for the Chalet may be made via CASH, CHEQUE, APPROVED CREDIT CARD OR BANK TRANSFER. In the case of a Bank Transfer the onus is on the Prospective Guest to ensure that a copy of the Deposit slip is lodged with the Resort Office as proof of payment before the respective due date. POST-DATED CHEQUES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL BE RETURNED. 7 Tariffs are subject to change, where a booking has been made in advance the difference is payable before occupation. 8 Only 2 vehicles are permitted per Chalet. Additional vehicles allowed on payment of the approved tariff. 9 Chalet occupiers are required to behave in an exemplary manner and to show respect and consideration for fellow guests. There is SILENCE IN THE RESORT FROM 11H00 TO 06H00. 10 Unsociable behavior or the willful damage to infrastructure or Council Property by Occupiers or their guests will be sufficient grounds to expel occupiers without compensation. 11 Occupiers are at all times responsible for the actions of their Guests. All Non Resident Guests/ Day Visitors must vacate the Resort by 11h00. All vehicles must prominently display their Gate Pass at all times. Guests of residents are restricted to six persons at any given time. No Parties or functions are permitted except with the express permission of Management. Arrangements to this effect must be made in advance. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the refusal of a request to hold a Party or Function in the Resort. 12 Pedestrians and Children have right of way. A speed limit of 20km/hr pertains to the Resort and will be enforced. 13 Beds, Linen, Crockery and Cutlery for additional occupants over and above the allowed number specified for a specific class of Chalet are not available or provided. In cases where Management allows additional persons provision of this equipment is the responsibility of the occupiers. 14 All Chalets are fully furnished and have exceptionally well equipped kitchens. Bed linen, Crockery, Cutlery and all cooking utensils are supplied. Bring your own towels, tea towels, table cloths and braai grid. 15 No Guest or his visitors may hinder or prevent any council employee from performing his duties at any time. Climbing over gates and fences strictly prohibited. All access gates with the exception of the 24Hr Motor Gate locked from 22h00 to 05h30. Staff gate for staff use only. Unauthorized Possession of gate keys not permitted 16 During cases of Emergency all Guests and their visitors are required to assist and cooperate with any Council Employee, Security Personnel, Fire Services, Management of the Resort or member of the SAPS. 17 No pets are permitted. Possession of a pet or failure to comply with a lawful command by Occupiers or their visitors will be sufficient grounds for expulsion from the resort. 18 The right of admission and accommodation in the resort is reserved. All visitors and guests enter the resort at their own risk and council is not responsible for any damages or losses to the person or possessions of guests or their visitors. 19 Fires are only permitted at the Braai Places Provided. Fireworks are not permitted in the resort. 20 This information sheet is to be read together with the official Application Form, Price List and the information sheet marked Caravan Booking Policy. CARAVAN PARKS BOOKING POLICY GENERAL APPLICATIONS FOR SITES: BOOKING PERIODS The minimum booking period for a SEAFRONT SITE that includes any period between 23rd December and 2nd January is 25 Days and 21 Days for a BACK SITE. A Minimum of 14 Days Applies to all other December / January Bookings APPLICATION FORMS All applications for a site for the December / January period to be made on original official application forms only, st facsimile copies are not acceptable. Application forms for the following years seasonal booking available as from 1st December to 31 January st only. No application form for the following season will be accepted after 31 January and no correspondence will be entered into. Only 1 application form per family is permitted. Multiple or incomplete application forms will be rejected. The Resort office will accept application forms st till close of working day on 31 January. Booking proposals will be posted in February and Acceptance of bookings will be confirmed by payment st st of the forfeitable deposit before 31 March. All bookings with unpaid deposits on the 1 April will be cancelled and then offered firstly to successful candidates who wish to improve on their allocation and who have paid their deposits, thereafter to the unsuccessful candidates who applied before 31st January. A 24-hour rule will apply for payment of Deposits with unpaid bookings cancelled after 24 hours. Thereafter sites will be available to st the general public subject to terms and conditions. The same conditions and terms will apply to cancellations on 1 September. Note that in all cases regarding the payment of Deposits and final balances payments are only accepted till close of office on the date indicated. DEPOSITS A forfeitable deposit of R2000.00 is payable by 31st March to confirm the booking. All bookings with unpaid deposits will be CANCELLED on the 1st April at 12h00. FINAL PAYMENTS The balance on the Account must be settled in full by 31st August and all accounts with outstanding balances will be CANCELLED on the 1st September at 12h00. TRANSFER OR CANCELLATION OF SITES Sites are not transferable and cannot be given, sold or awarded to any person by a successful applicant. Council reserves the right to cancel any booking or to offer an alternative site should a successful applicant no longer wish to take up his/her site. In all such cases the cancellation rules will apply with the resultant penalties. CANCELLATION FEES AND PENELTIES Sites are not transferable and cannot be given, sold or awarded to any person by a successful applicant. Council reserves the right to cancel any booking or to offer an alternative site should a successful applicant no longer wish to take up his/her site. In all such cases the cancellation rules will apply with the resultant penalties. No Deposits prepaid are refundable and no correspondence will be entered into regarding sites cancelled due to the Due Dates for payments of Deposits and Final Balances not being met. Any request to cancel a booking after payment in full must be given in writing stating reasons for the cancellation. Half of the amount paid will be repaid should the site be re-let. No refund will be considered for the shortening of any stay that clashes with the requirement of the minimum booking period. SHORTENING OF BOOKINGS A booking may be shortened by a maximum of 3 days, subject to the minimum booking period. Council reserves the right to place the applicant on an alternative site when bookings are altered or shortened. No booking may be transferred to a 3rd party. Any booking transferred to a 3rd Party will be cancelled without compensation. ALTERATION FEE An alteration fee of R20.00 is payable for any alteration to a booking or booking period once the Application Form has been accepted, the site has been offered and the Deposit paid. REBOOKING OF ALLOCATED SITES FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR Any person who is on a site has the right to book that site for the following year on complying with the following criteria: That the original approved application form is completed and a nonrefundable Deposit of R500.00 paid. That the site be booked for a minimum period of 25 Days or for the same period that he occupied the site in the current year whichever is the greater. That once booked the period of stay may not be shortened, however minor date shifting, subject to availability and the period remaining the same may be permitted. That a 2nd payment of R2000.00 is made before 31st March. That the balance be paid before 31st August. That no member of the Campers family or their guests be guilty of unsociable behavior or infringe the Camp rules in any way. That as the camper will be fully informed of the cost structure for the following year the onus will be on the camper to ensure that all payments are made by Due Date. No delays or variation of the rules will be allowed and no correspondence will be entered into regarding payment or variation of the rules. The application, re-booking and payment of deposits for the site must be done before the camper leaves the resort during his current tenancy. Any delays in payments will be sufficient cause to cancel the booking with the resultant loss of deposits and other cancellation fees as the case may be. GENERAL RULES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Only fishnet type groundsheets are allowed. No pets are permitted, Birds only with permission from Management. Guests must provide their own Braai Equipment No fireworks or fires other than in Braai Equipment specifically utilized for Braai-fires permitted Guests provide their own toilet paper, basin and bath plugs. Right of admission and Accommodation reserved All sites are provided with a 10Amp Electricity Supply and Guests must remain within the limits 8. The Council is hereby indemnified from all losses and damage to person or property of Campers and their Guests. 9. Tariffs are subject to Change 10. Tariffs per site are for a Maximum of 6 persons (Children included), 1 vehicle, 1 Caravan and its attached tent. It is the Campers duty to report and pay for additional overnights and vehicles or tents on his site. 11. Damage to Trees, installations and facilities strictly forbidden 12. Entrance to the park only via the gates provided, climbing over fences constitutes an offence. Gates open from 05h30 to 22h00 only with exception of the Motor Gate. All after hours entrance via this Gate. Under no circumstances may Guests or Campers acquire Gate Keys. 13. All outstanding amounts to be paid before sites are occupied. Extensions to Bookings to be arranged before 10h00 on day of departure. No person may remain on a site after 10h00 on the day of departure without arranging and paying for the proposed extension of tenure at the Office. 14. All Campers guests are required to pay the required daily fee for any vehicles they may take into the Park. Campers visitors may be barred from taking vehicles into the resort on certain days during the December / January period. Campers and their guests are required to respect the ruling and to confirm if their guests may take vehicles into the park in advance of the expected visit. 15. Day visit passes are only valid to 23h00 on the day of issue. Day visitors are not permitted to overnight in the park. Overdue day visit vehicles will be removed at owner’s expense. 16. Campers are responsible for the actions and behavior of their guests. 17. Silence in the Park between the hours of 23h00 and 06h00. 18. Pedestrians have right of way 19. Camping only permitted on registered and allocated sites. All vehicles, tents, Caravans and paraphernalia to be kept within the boundaries of the allocated sites. 20. All vehicles must prominently display the gate pass at all times on the right hand section of the windscreen so as to be clearly visible to the Gate / Security Guards. 21. No parking on unoccupied sites. Unmanned Vehicles found on unoccupied sites will be removed at owner’s expense. 22. The Bookings of Late arrivals or No Show’s will be cancelled at 10h00 on the day following the non-arrival unless prior arrangements have been made. Deposits paid for such sites will be forfeitable and only 50% of the balance paid will be refunded for that period that the site could be re-let. 23. A caravan means any vehicle self-propelled or not which is permanently fitted out for use by persons for living and sleeping purposes. 24. Only electrical lights permitted, no candles or oil / paraffin lights are permitted 25. It is expected of campers and their visitors that they behave in such a manner that respects the privacy, person and possessions of their fellow campers. 26. The willful flouting and / or refusal to comply with the rules or unsociable behavior by visitors or their guests will be sufficient grounds for refusing to renew a booking or to accept an application form for another booking by the registered occupant of the site or his immediate family. In extreme cases the occupant of a site may be requested to vacate his site and to depart from the resort without compensation. 27. In cases of dispute between campers or their guests that are referred to the Resort staff for solution the decision of the Resort staff will be final and accepted by all parties. 28. In cases of emergency campers and their guests are expected to cooperate with, and assist, any member of the SAPS. Fire Services, Security Section and Management if requested to do so. 29. The drains situated at the garden taps are soak-a way’s and not connected to the sewer system. Under no circumstances must left over or other scraps be washed down the drains as this causes blockages. 30. Payment may be made via CASH, CHEQUE, APPROVED CREDIT CARD OR BANK TRANSFER. The onus is on the payee to ensure that a copy of the BANK TRANSFER is lodged with the Resort Office as proof of payment by the respective due date. POST DATED CHEQUES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE !!! 31. This information sheet is to be read in conjunction with the official Application form, Price list and the information sheet marked CHALETS PRICE LIST ; DE BAKKE, SANTOS, Date of implementation ---- 1 st FEBRUARY SEASONS : High Season: Mid Season: Low Season: st th 1 Dec- 16 Jan th st st th 17 Jan- 1 May + 1 September – 30 November nd st 2 May – 31 August CHALETS DE BAKKE 1 Feb 2011 - 31 Jan 2012 LOW Mid High 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom Lux 3 Bedroom Lux Reserved Chalets 360 460 620 670 390 510 720 770 550 770 925 1050 1 Feb 2012 - 31 Jan 2013 LOW Mid High 360 460 620 670 430 560 790 850 715 1000 1200 1360 DISCOUNTS: Pensioners discount, Mid-Season only: Non Pensioners; mid-season only; 20% per Chalet/Day BOOKING FOR 7 DAYS OR LONGER 20% As from 1Feb 2012 the above discounts will apply in both Mid and Low Season. Pensioners discount applies when the Chalet is occupied by persons over the age of 60 years and the number of persons does not exceed the number of beds provided. CARAVAN PARK SANTOS, DE BAKKE AND POINT SEASONS : st th High Season: 1 December- 16 January th st st th Mid Season: 17 Jan- 1 May + 1 September – 30 November nd st Low Season: 2 May – 31 August 1 Feb 2011 - 31 Jan 2012 Low Mid High Seafront Backrow 140 110 170 130 360 280 1 Feb 2012 - 31 Jan 2013 Low Mid High 140 110 190 140 470 360 DISCOUNTS: Pensioners Discount (+60 years): 50% per day (Applies to Low and Mid-Season only) and Applies when the occupants are over 60 years. Non Pensioners; A stay of 10 days and longer (single booking), Block booking 11 caravan sites and more, Discount of 20% per day Discount of 30% per day Midseason only: Midseason only: Additional Charges: A) Additional persons occupying chalets or caravan sites: A i) 3 Bedroom Chalets..Per Person exceeding 5 Persons:…………… A ii) 2 Bedroom Chalets..Per Person exceeding 4 Persons:…………… Aiii) 1 Bedroom Chalets..Per Person exceeding 2 Persons:…………… Aiv) Caravan/ Camping sites..Per Person exceeding 6 Persons…...... 2011-2012 R 80.00 R 80.00 R 80.00 R 80.00 2012-2013 R 85.00 R 85.00 R 85.00 R 85.00 Maximum 8 persons permitted on a site Additional persons only permitted within a family unit and then only at the discretion of the Resort Manager. The Number of Persons includes all Children, including infants. Guests are responsible for their own bedding and mattresses for additional overnight occupants; no additional beds or bedding is available from the resort. B) Entance Fee’s perVehicle: Bi) Bii) Biii) Biv) Chalets.................... Per Vehicle exceeding 2......... Caravan Sites...........Per Vehicle exceeding 1......... Non Resident Guest's Visitors: per vehicle. Surfer/Diver Annual fee..........per Vehicle. C) General Tariffs : 2011/2012 2012/2013 R 18.00 R 18.00 R 25.00 R 220.00 R 25.00 R 25.00 R 30.00 R300.00 per Day per Day per Day per year 2011-2012 2012-2013 R 50.00 R55 00 per person. R400.00 per Key Ci) Shower/Bath...................per Person. Cii) Ciii) Breakage/Key Deposit : on Chalet Key..... R400.00 Damage to infrastructure/Installations: Cost of Repair plus 15% Booking System : Confirmation of Booking Deposit required, Low Season ..............Within 24 Hours of making a booking, Deposits Required: A) MID +LOW SEASON Chalets......... Full payment within 48 hours of making reservation Caravan Park Full payment within 48 hours of making a reservation B) DECEMBER HIGH SEASON DEPOSITS REQUIRED: Bi) Booking Application Fee per Application. ……………..R 50.00 Application fee will be Credited as part payment if the application is Successful, but is forfeitable if unsuccessful, st Bii) Deposits Payable before 31 March Chalets.................. Caravan Site……... C R 2000.00 R 2000.00 (Note that special arrangements apply when specific sites that were occupied are rebooked for the next season by the current occupier.) Outstanding balances Payable: December High Season........ Payable before 31 August Cancellation Fees. A) High Season ; Cancellation Before 31st August for December or 31 January for Easter: Booking Application Fee....................... Booking Deposit................................... Balance of Payment Made..................... 0% 0% 90% refund refund refund Cancellation between 31st August to 1 December(Dec) or during February(Easter) : Booking Application Fee + Booking Deposit..0% refund Balance of Payment: 50% of funds for Period site or chalet re-booked No Show's.......No refund, subject to cancellation fees and reasons for non-occupation. Low Season : Confirmation of Booking Deposit .................. 0% refund 0% 50% 75% 100% refund refund refund refund Balance of Payment made: When the booking is cancelled less than 48 Hours to occupation…………….. One Month to 48 Hours to occupation........... Three Months to One Month to occupation.... Three Months plus to occupation.................. Alteration Fees. 2011/2012 Per alteration………………………. R 30.00 2012/2013 R 35.00 Refund on Early Departure/Shortening of Stay (subject to minimum booking periods); Charges: Less 10% of Refunded amount or R100.00 which-ever is greater Refunds only in cases of Death or Serious injury/illness and supported by Death Certificate or Medical Certificate subject to cancellation criteria. Where Deposits or outstanding balances are not paid, or notification of payment are not received by the Resort concerned, by the due date, bookings will be cancelled without further correspondence. Where bookings are not taken up by 12h00 on the morning following the date of arrival, and no further arrangements are made with the resort concerned, these will be treated as "No Show's" and cancelled without further correspondence. All cancellation fees are subject to minimum booking periods and in cases where the shortening of stay clashes with the minimum booking period policy no refunds or credits will be given. Minimum Booking Periods: Chalets : December High Season, 23 December to 2 January............................... Rest of High Season.................................. 14 Days 7 Days Low Season, Long Weekends, 5 Day Long Weekends….. 4 Day Long Weekends… Ordinary Weekends.................................... School Holidays: …………………………………. 4 Days 3 Days 2 Days 7 Days Caravan Parks: December High Season...................... Seafront Back row WC Easter Holidays…………………….. 25 Days 21 Days 7 Days Note that special conditions exist for persons rebooking the December High Season Sites for the Following year. Refer to December Application forms. FLOORPLAN CHALETS: (not to scale) ARRIVING FROM CAPE TOWN ARRIVING FROM PORT ELIZABETH THE VIRTUAL LIBRARY http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/iti26097/home.htm
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