~4-J> PORT Gf ARCAPIAN-WEEKLT ( U - Z E T m SEPTOVFKElfr 4, M>1 SODUS, SKIN LIVER HARRISON J. WOLFE HEL.BYRON; THEMVER With reference to Newark's great sorrow, The hews of the awful wreck oil the Northloss and deep gloom over the terrible wreefc ern Central, s.ent a shook of aadhess through New York Herald, December 28, * onthe Northern Central jaear Fairvilie, last the.hearts of our tpwnaEeQj!le»__&i.majiy .of ^^-^afeonadft-ig -hnmoroh's' episoassr ~~1t6hV"temperament depends ZIBlHJSltexeigr^gi-^ -ali- t h ej n j u r e i . a i i d dead, - being well known Qne was about i n tfae first aet between m u c h u p o n t h e liver. If, in c o n Byron and his trainer. This was doue aot only mourn in sympathy, but, in a de- here* nection with a dull-completwith capital spirit by Mr. Wolfe a n d gree, our sorro-ws are identical, for one of Chas, W. Gaylord loaves to-niorrow for ion,, y o u are ill-natured'—of a "Billy" Elmer. T h e entire - perour highly respected citizens, Mrs. VV'm. H. the Pan-American. b i l i o u s t e m p e r a m e n t - ~ suffer formance was excfptionably capable, Xerhuiiyoh, is.still lying critically ill at NewMif.8 Esther Kotohuni^entertainei^ sixteen' •from -headache—pain- m b a c k art,, badly burned and scalded, both litter- young ladies a t tea, on Saturday, , NOTJQE.V of y o u r eves-—bad ta.ste -in y o u r nally .and externally. Mrs. Lemunyon'sj Mrs. C. Gaylori Parsons leaves Thursday AR^TTHBY DISEASED ? Favorite R.^n.'ly ^ill absolutely curp a'iv ••a*> life i s still despaired of a n d a l J » r 6 deeply for a month's yao'ation in the Adirondaoks. pf kiili.'-y. In T I T WsiiiliT tumble, i t will 1 r '•: m o u t h , it isHIe-biliGUsderangey..ur 1 •(<•'»! tn.l iiiirl-i-'up yiiar system. H i- 'i: • All persons are forbidden t o tres. oonoerned and trust that she may reoover-i; Editor GecocgVEaymondMUlSi and mother .-inly inent. K-Mnvy 'Mfifli-irn1. ( W t djSehTCred t'lr" - -I pass o n t h e grounds of t h e Newark Eegardihg the other unfortunates, and'tthose;! Mrs. Chas Mills, are doing the Buffalo lilies :th'' i-'W N Ail otbers cause coufcii; >'' •' »» n b4eh is Udus-iwus. Improvement ©pmpahy and t o be pilWho have m e t death* they were well and fa- Exposition, fering; pears. Any person detected so vorably known here a n d highly respected The Masonic funeral o f William Meagher, d o i n g will be prosecuted t o the full i , o w n e s s o f spirits, m e l a n JOHN A. HOWE, JB. . Troae. Albany Co. ,.-N.. "ST.. and loved. u Perhaps none, however, of those oalled o u t a large crowd to-day.. Three Every ri-ml'T of tills paper can have a tfiiil I- >t. e x t e n t of t h e Law. drowsiness, a fiirted .•who m e t death as a result of this <most de- trolley cars brought up the Brotherhood, Me -nf this \\.>r;-! -rfnl iiietliciine a-nd a panu';.'-'-' "1 by a di'sSigned,' bad t a s t e i n t h e m o u t h , et cetera, a r e c a u s e d -Valuable ine'rtlinl u.l--li i* JiWlu toly -fi-et.. ]U>-M ,-,.) plorablei accident, were better loved a n d mourners and -friandafrorh the J o i n t , NB-WAKK I M P R O T B M H H T C O byslnipty s.-t,-lla?|thtri'faHjwst o'See address to tin- 22w4 m e r e htghly esteemed than the Rev, D r . a n d Chas. C . Yates ieft Saturday t o aot asp- i-; "lAViiM-ir.vVrpVfTVitVoR.vtlfVX. r «KIITEKBA'"-lsHverMe<JfcIne, " E l ' T E B B A " js-Purely Vegetable. « R l W E K B i " ' k » IJlbod Tonic. " B U X E K B A . " cures• tonstipation,. Dyspepsia, V , ami nii-iiil..>ilpi! tilts paper. T h - pul: a f r i , A,-P8>fce Burgess, who died" hut three; rtenorm the qu'art'BtnsriirtheT'irst Pfesby- N*; PROF. BRADLEY, Malaria, toTuiimia, Nervousness, Chronic Stomach, Liver anil -Kidney Complaint. nf ,:'i-^, i-at- r' cuaraaree tb? ffeuuiuene&s i-r i' hours apart; neither left to rnpurn t h e loss terian ohurph o f Syraouse, i.IIUTiVl. (iri'Klt Fnvnrit"- tier—ijr Is sold by all dnisgist-s T h e optician," at Hoffman *•& Robin(;entlL-.nen:-:It fjives m e great piea.sura.to recommend.' E D X B B B A ' . t o those who o f t h e other; _ What a-corjsolation t o their Gur union school opens to-naorrow, about JHvet. $1 00 a bottle, 6 bottles for 53,00. _ . ' i\e.f,',„lwJ with Dyspepsia and Kllioubriess, the effect pf a aluBgyb.liyer.as in i„y son's Sept. 13 a n d 1 4 ; t w o days only. family and friends to think that Sh6se two three hundred pupils Being registered. ?\J Fur \ t- 1r»,-any-Utile inilisc.retton.in eitting, or a. hurried meal wouldbrm^on an-at.Uu.1: ^arateirviw-tU^'il'livexUiso^'pervous tremor, e t c ^ o n ^ Prices reasonable; work not excelled. noble christians, husband and wife, will enMiss Elnora Bulver left this a.- m . to re'feelh I's >.f mind iind body. A friend recommended " B U T I i B B A " to me, and 1 gave it a ?5w2 • f i l r t m l »'tl" must pleabinK results, in fact, I beliey.e.a permanent cure has been-affecwd. ter t h e pearly gates together, after their sume her duties i n t h e high, school at SHERMAN OPERA HOUSE Ko't a ioui'li of imligrestirar.Miice I nrst started o n ' ' K D a i - B ' B A . . ... long sojourn o f olose oompartionship, here. Gloversville. . i\oi a i.mi ^,e|y ^ u ( y y u u f t ( ju U j(. A . Uc»wKri"t.-Treasttrer Albany Connty, X. y, SEPTEMBER 7. . your dniccist, we will send you a f a l l s i z e b o t t l e p f " B C L. 0 . MATTISON. This community, was shocked again Sun Mrs; S. A. Lawrence gave a tea o n Thurs- H 1 1 . . 1 1 > ihe had of your drniririst. we will send you a f a l l s i z e bottleof;*• BUTI5EIJA . AKu our bouKlet, "Wholesome andfcnjoyable Daet and iTtatis", prep;!!').^" r. HS« i1f f.i0UO day afternoon to learn thatCteorge A. Sent,. day to her many friends. During the even- H a r r i s o n J . W o l f e In C a s h e l Byron; sells t h e p a i n t t h a t wears twice a s T)iheahf. **BU u u i v n « ^ - . ; ^ .Maileil»£cee on requbst long as lead and and o i l ^ D e v o e lead who had worked here as station agenl i n ing charades filled u p the hours. Synopsis o f t h e . , P l a y . Dr. B R O W N M E P I C A L G O . , IQ^M-ipStateSt... A l b a n y , jN;Y. and zinc, >ground b y machinery. 1895,-had committed suipide by shooting G. D . Hullett a n d Sand Cattieu are t h e The profession of Cashel Byron was; 4tf. - himself in the head with a revolver about-3 battery for a game of base ball at RedGJreek pugilism. F o r all that h e was well. . "p. m . , while sitting in his office at Palmyra. to-morrow. born. H e is i n truth, a real gentleTOP SOIL FOR SALE. He seated himself in a chair; placed a mir- ;Mrs. C. 3. VViliiamshapi8sued ; several inm a n prize-fighter—of t h e genus not ror i n front of him andi'it would seem, de- vitations for her " a t home" o n Tuesday. infrequently spoken of these days, but Very' best top soil for sale. liberately committed the rash aot. . Mrs. A. B. Williams and -daughter,, Mrs. never' seen. . His father was.-! the 6tf • ' A. C. B A R T L E . „. Among those who attended the P a n Am. Colonel Eli KT Sutton, gave a large dinner younger spn in a noble family, h i s froin here last-week -were, Mrs. James C on Friday to about 'Seventy-five lady friends- mot her a n actress who b e c a m e famous. T a k e your cider apples t o t h e Gaf^ E d g e t t a n d s o n Ollie, Byran C. Wilcox, Mrs. Mrs. C. JJ Williams won the prize, a sterling His father died when Cashel was quite lock mill at East Newark o n or after . Chas. Snyder, the Misses Libbie and Mary table-spoon. young, and h i s mother returned to the j3e.pt. 2, a n d g e t t h e cider or the cash Smith, Mrs. Maj. Hiram Schutt, "Ada B, Mrs; Oi E. Banford gave a luncheon last- age, placing the boy i h j boarding for them. 2Avii Parker a n d Mrs. Walter S. Throop, This week in honor of Mrs. R . R. Odell. school. Here he was t a u n t e d by his Special prices o n upholstery 4 in •was Mrs. ThEroop's second trip to the RainVerne Parker has obtaihed a fine positioh schoolmates which aroused a bitter August and September.- Seerour solid bow City within a week. resentment in him toward them and in Vermont. Seneca S m i t h was "with the boys?' at S o - Mrs. Amy Hillman Smith and daughter, also Bis mother.) H e finally runs comfort lounges. W. B . Roche, 20 22w4 dus T?oint last week. Florence, left for their home in Newark, away, a n d a s a stowaway, ships for P a l m y r a S t . : Australia, There^ in time, h e becomes 5— She--giealtes>-atferactiion-at- %he -Pan-Am? ^ f ^ . 7 oh-Tuegd'ay last;: " H. C. Watkihs, sexton of t h e Meth-^ for our.musioal folks is t h e m a m m p t h organ Billy Pendelbury, of Wolcott, oalled here a champion pugilist, a n d t h e first act odist church, Springfield,, P a . , says: shows him training for his fight for the i n the Temple of Music. * Friday. He i s very successful as a barber championship of England, i n which a "My wife has beep very bad with kid W- S, Thropp spent Saturday at Roches- Ithere. eiever three-found b o i i n g b o u t is in- ney trouble and tried several doctors ter. » Dr. H. J . Cull h a s left Sodus, to b e mar- troduced,' a d e c i d e d n o v e l t y i n this without benefit.. After taking one A c o m "roast held at Bpardmah's Island ried to-morrow, a n d he Irnok again on Sat- class of- play. T h e n a love interest bottle of F O L E Y ' S K I D N E Y CURE, last Wednesday night consisted of the fol- urday from h i s bridal tour. D A V I D . begins, an'd another fight o n his part was m u c h better, and was completely lowing perronages: Ina Snyder, Lois'Terry, begins against the ban Society places cured after taking four bottles." John Kettie {Stacy* Margarette Borroff, o f N e w o n his profession. The story would E. Wiser. EAST PALMYRA. York* Battie Robinson, of Oswego, Bessie h o t b e a story,, of course, if h e did n o t G. A . Stillman, a merchant of Tarn and Beulah Throop, Roy Scott, Jay Wilson, How pan it b e possible that D r . Burgess is win in this, a n d a l s o t h e w o m a n l i e -"Frank" and~Harry Bart, Ethan Jionflfnyonj n o - m o r e ? -He-was-a warm 4riendr-of E a s t roves. T h e adventures of this hero pjco. 111., writes: "FOLEY'S K I D NEXptTRdE is meeting with -.onderful Ransom Short, and John Stacy. It i s hoped Palmyra, and of o u r Presbyterian church. a r e described in t h a t bold, caustic, success. I t has cured some cases here that lander's store house was n o t open; if i t H e was especially good m h i s remarks o h half humorous vein so characteristic that physicians pronounced incurable. i^i^yfr?iwi^ •was o u r friends knew it all right. funeral occasions. Perhaps h e officiated at of Mr. Shaw. I myself am able .p testify t o i t s 5 Mrs. HalBday of Michigan i s Mr. and Mrs. more funerals than any other minister w h o merits. M y face to-day i s a living STATES &2QP m S2 ~° PEN DAY FOR * pin An Hiram Sphuti's guest. ' ever lived in Wayne county,, RELATING TO ANIMALS, picture of health, a n d Fole ™ " OWNER JjLF LODGING BREAHFASTMDIVEHI\G O l / V / V E R ^Atf ^tAl JJIJM> P«W»i Miss Mary Smith was called ta Fairpoit Mr. and Mrs. Moore* of Michigan, Visited €m*B" haT~niade i t such." J o h n E . B o o n s WITH BATH. EXTRA, T? x r C T f / » * STATURS STATURS Horn • T TUf K1IK Bees e a t 20 pounds of i o n e y i n m a t Wiser. last Saturday on account of the illness of last week at 0 . M. Clark's. Mrs. Mcore is a J&t.jTL. &* SrATirpsRfsni/gAW, xulatiyes there. ~" = ~ ~ cousin of Mrs. ClarS. H e r mother, deceased' ing-one pound of vvaxi "I had a running sore o n m y leg for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parker had for their a few years since, w a s known t o us a s Miss The c o m m o n wasp will destroy 80 seven years," writes Mrs .fas Ffirss guests over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wet- Jennie Jagger. t o .150 flips a, flay. .' - -•--,_ of Chippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent Open for Trust and General Banking September 3* 1901. TOpi» of Troy, N". J\ There are aJbjmiJ&flOd.OOO c a t s in the Miss Margaret Fisher is t o teach the coming hundreds Of dollars in trying to get it Mrs. <3haa, MaoMulleh and Paul are here year in Macedon Union School. IJnited Kingdom. healed. T w o boxes of B A N N E R with her father and brothers, Frank and Mrs. Cornelia Rumsey, who i s nowhere, The flounder lays 7*000,000 .eggs a S A L V E entirely cured i t . " J o h n E . is manager of a large 'dress making estab- year, the turbotl2,0d0,obp. Wiser. Mrs: Bart is jg Pennsylvania now with her lishment in |Jew Haven, Conn. I t i s estimated t h a t one crow"jvill desisterg, ''The MethodiBt entertainment last week s t r o y 700,000 i n s e c t s every year. , Ulcers, open or obstinate sores, Glint Herman came down from Buffalo was unuaually BgooeBsfulf hoth- sooially a n d The temperature o l a live oyster i s scalds a n d piles, quickly cared b y Saturday to spend Sunday at home, bring- flnanoially. 83 degrees; t h a t of a m a n , 99- degree*. B A N N E R SALVE, the m o s t healing Injt« friend, Mr. Sperry, of Buffalo, with A camel can carry 400 nounds w e i g h t medicine i n t h e world. J o h n E . "-; " ' " "" Ilim._ / i d miles a day, and; Svorfe i r o m the a g e Wisejv" SOUTH LYONS, - E k e Palmyra, we' too have a christian p f five t o t h i r t y y e a r s . A n Ox cannot Chas. Replogle, of Atwater, O., was jrp»«B who is^ure of the Divine protection Mies Clara Soofielct is visiting relatives i n c a r r y more t h a n 200 pounds on"' h i s unable_tp_ work o n -account o f kidney *"*v*fy tour of the day and every day of tha Prattsburg. „ ......PRESIDENT. trouble. After using FOLEY'S K I D HENRY C. BREWSTER.. back, nor travel ovfer 24 miles a day. Week. Yet, at the approaoh of a thunder FRANK H. HAMLIN t..EIRST VICE-PRESIDENT. I t i s said, t h a t there -were a t l e a s t N E Y C U R E four days h e was cured. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson, of Wash;, atorm, shs skedaddles to the back bed room CHARLES HV PALMER... ..SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT AND<SEC'Y. andJOr, JPj Jaokson, otBooheater, were at 200,000,mustangs s c a t t e r e d over t h e J o h n E . Wiser. down-stairs and engulfs herself i n * •feather p l a i n s of "Arizona, N e w .Mexico a n d C. E . Jackson's last week. ' Sid Darling, 1012 Howard St., Port bed until the clouds have rolled by. The Misses Maud and Mabel Kelley are T e x a s t e n years a g o a n d t h a t n o w Huron, M i c h , writes: " I h a v e tried Miss Ada B. Parker has accepted a fine n e a r l y a l l of t h e m are g o n e . . A f e w visiting friends near Rochester. position in- a Pennsylvania State Normal Fenton Cuddebaok visited the Pan-Ameri- w e r e caught and k e p t b y t h e Indians m a n y pills and laxatives, but DeWitt's Little Early Risers are far t h e best school at Xook Haven, Pa., and will go there can last week. i n their reservations* b u t t h e wild pills I h a v e . e v e r used." T h e y never the 9th inst., to take charge of the same. E. R. Kelley, Mrs. Arthur Blaokmar a n d horse, in his natural s t a t e , is practical- gripe. Hanks' C o m e r Drug Store, Mr. and Mrs. George Stoeokel enfertained Miss Bertha Kelley spent Thursday a t C. E . l y extinct, , - • -- , DEP6SITS S P t a SEPT; V t J R A T r INTEREST AS t ) F 3 E P t : 1. • ''.'. ." . . "m ~m . i!—i l r . 8t<j«ciers sister asd~son last week. Jackson's. D o n t wait until you b e c o m e chronio SCIENTIFIC NOTES. G, A, Weatfal), wife and little daughter. The MiBSflB Edith And JJathei J t e a l a n d •eally constipated, b u t t a k e D e W i t f s Trere'hexe over Sunday with Gibb'B parents, brother Harry were in Sodus Friday a n d Little Early Risers n o w a n d then.. DIRECTORS Typhoid fever d e a t h s have fallen in. Mrs. Caroline Auslinger and Mamie are Saturday. T h e y will k e e p your liver a n d bowels A. London from 374 d e a t h s per million WILLIAM H . ADAMS, LESTER H. HUMPHREY, visiting Henry Auslinger at Rochester. in good order. . E a s y t o take. Safe in 1871 f o 156 p e r million a t present. PresidhiK Justioe Supreme Court, Senator 46th Dis. Pres. Wyoming Co. James C. Edgettf was home froin Clyde pills. Hanks' Corner Drng Store. FOR SALE, CHEAP. Canandaigua, N . Y. The chrohos-cope will register t h e Nat'l Bank, Warsaw, N. I . over Sunday,' where he is employed in a —^-r ~<i ^ ' ^ ALEXANDER B. LAMBERTON, JOHNS'. ALDEN, velocity o f a b u l l e t 16 t i m e s i n 100 f e«t. canning factory;. Henry Braydon, Harris, N , C , says; PreB. Chamber of Commerce, Trustee American Bridge Company. Mr. and Mrs. Harbertson had for their T h e J o h n H , V a n D u s e n place con- I t registers t h e milliontlisof s e c o n d s . . " I t o o k nfedicine 20 year- for asthma East Side Savings Bank. CHARLES JB. ANGLE, Of 1,000 unvaceinated children, '360^ b a t one bottl'4 o f One Minute Cough sueatsover Sunday their daughter and son- taining a b o u t i3£ acres of- land, near FREDERICK Oi LOEBS, Director Alliance Bank, Treasurer Marbletown 'will foe s o l d cheap, if sold w e r e found to be pitted w i t h smallpox. in-law and son,, Fred, all of Rochester. President American Brewing ('», Cure did m e more g o o d t h a n a n y t h i n g Moseley & Motley Milling Go. W. HENRY MATHEWS, W.fi*McClelland and wife* of Syracuse, at once.-^ Qqod hojise, barn, a o d Out o f 1,000 vaccinated only t w o w e r e else during that time. Best Cough LEG BLOCH, evaporator. Good water. Plenty of found so marked. Pres. Rochester Printing Co. DirecCure." H a n k s ' Corner Drug Store. who have been visiting, here, went to Elba fruit^-appleB, pears, pltuiis, rasp' Sfeeih-Blboh Co. Wholesale Clothing. tor Central Bank. Rice, r a w e g g s a,nd boiled venison GARROL'ft E.BOWEN, WILLIAM S. MORSE, Hoisie's Croup Cronp Cure a r e t h e e a s i e s t things t o digest. A t They, will also visit the. Pan Am. before reAssistant Cashier Tractas? National W. B. Morse <fcSons, Lumber. Fot farther taformattert" call o n t h e other end of the scale a r e pork, turning to Syracuse. the life saver of childrea, cures Dii>h ,. CHARLtaS H.»PALMER. Bank. JOSBPH GDCBEB.T, cabbage and hard-boiled eggs, w h i c h Mrs. 0 . B. Williams went to Palmyra 50tf theria atd JPneumonia. $0 opium. Cashier Traders' National Bank'HENRY e. BREWSTER, Ndwark, N . Y, t a k e four hours t o digest. ...... CLLNION ROGERS, Monday morning to condole with her friend N o nausea. 50' cents. President'Traders' National Bank. i n a cubic yard o f a i r in a London Howe & Rogers GOm^any, Carpets Mrs, Geo. A, Kent; in her bereavement. HORACE G. BBEWSTER. NOTICE. suburb 20,000 d u s t particles have b e e n Brewster, CritteHcten & Go., Wholeand Draperies. Sir. Kent, whose death we mentioned above, pull line of furniture, c h a m b e r Buits, sale Grocers. ~ JOHN S. SHEPPARD. leaves a widow and five little children. We All persons indebted to the under- measured. Near Charing Cross there side boards, hall racks &c; also uiider—Attorney,-Penii¥anrNew YwrtGEORGE erBTJELLr _learn..that he earrie&<BO-Lfe4n8uranoe,-..Mr&- signed ^,Te^Teqttested"--t6 call" a t t h e a r e usually 50O?GOQ>»but there i s only- t a k t a j r r - W . B . Eoche, 2 0 P a r m p a m SAMUEL SLOANj G^O. Buell &^oM Wholesale Grocers. 22w4 Kent has the sympathy of all here who knew office a n d isettle their accounts be^ one microbe i n 38,000,000 of s u c h d u s t President Mechanics' Savings Bank. ^ 'JOHNM.PAVX, " a t o m s . ber. twefln n o w arid September 1 . DARR15LL D. SULLY. Justioe-N. Y. Supreme Court. Attorney. Director Trad. Nat. Bank. 22w3. . W . F . JSDTTEN. THOMAS B. UTJNN, ELI M. UPTON, EX-GOVERNORS OF STATES. President T. B. Dunn Co., Manuf'r's. Miller. Director Trad..Nat. Bank. Letter to a N e w a r k L a w y e r . of Perfumes, &o. VALENTINE F. WHITMOK1'. Of t h e surviving governors of Vir'NATHANIEL FOOTE, Ifewark, N. ¥. Whitmore, RauDer <fc Viainus, .i'un. Eoote, Perkins & Havens, Attorneys. • Dear Sir: It i s said o f a lawyer ginia, Gen. Fitzhugh L e e i s t h e b e s t tractors. Direo. Merchants' B\ • CHARLES P. EORD, sometimes that h e isn't m u c h of a k n o w n ; JAMES E. WOLCOTT, Of t h e surviving governors of businessman. Queer, that a m a n w h o 0. P. Ford Company, Inc., Shoe Capitalist. isn't himself a busineesuian makes h i s Massachusetts, the m o s t prominent Manufacturers. WILLISE, VVOOCRURY. - Persons have been Known t& fortmiB" b y helpiBg businessmen ouf of i n public life i s Secretary Long, t h r e e FRANK H. HAM-LIN* Merchant. may attack any part of the body , The cordially invited Pres'tpublic Canandaigua National Bank,to call and inspect the new bank. ^ain a pound a day by taking their difficulties a n d k e e p i n g them oat 1 t i m e s consecutively elected governor butNeuralgia most frequently occurs where the nerves u are going t o paint your house^- of t h e B a y state, a n d n o w s e c r e t a r y are most Canandaigua, N . Y.J. abundant. ^an ounce of SGOtT'S EMUL- and¥ o paint of course is put o f your line. of t h e navy.. I n the head. It is strange, but it often Whose a d v i c e a t e ,you going t o take I t i s a somewhat curious f a c t t h a t , In the face. • DOES \T PAY T O BUY CHEAP? about paint? A cheap r e m e d y lor coughs a n d .ens. excepting President McKinley a n d Sometimes the heajt nerves seem -to twist B e v o e lead a n d zinc i s about t h e Senator Fbraker, w h o s e official resi- # Twinging rheumatic pains of the extremi- . colds is all right, b u t y o u want someSomehow tile ounce' produces same as lead and oil i n other respects, d e n c e s a r e in Washington, a m a j o r i t y ties thiflg that will relieve and care t h e the pound; it seems to start the lasts twice as loa--, hold's color better, of more severe a n d dangerous result* pf In alFits Bta^eB there [HW-fEVEB1 Sharp and intense at times t h e surviving former governors o f costs n o Wore, rather. les«i and Ohio are now residents of N e w York throat and l u n g troubles. .What iiBdlT sbonU be cleauiineaav . Ifl the intervals dull and heaver. clitestive machinery going prop- and o u t agent w h o sells it, t a k e s whatever cityi Neuralgia is,the result of impoverished you d a ? G o to a warmer a n d more erly, so that the patient is able risk there is of a customer's dissatisblood caused by impairment of the nerves— regular climate f Yes, if possible ; if Ely's Cream Balm T h e r e are s i x surviving governors a lack of nerve force. not possible for y o u , then i n either CleangeSjBoothesandheals io digest and absorb his ordinary faction with. It Is a disease 61 trie nerve centers, and case take t h e ONiiY remedy t h a t h a s the diseased membrane. W e rather tjbink you are a b u s i n e s s o f KeW York: Cornell, elected i n ~ftiffii which he could not dd be- man, 1879; Cleveland, elected i n 1882; Hill, the pains accompanying it are a prayer for been ihtrp4uoed i n all civilized coun- It cures catarrh "and drives away a cold in the head first elected i n 1885; Morton, elected better nourishment. They are the danger tries with success i n severe throat arid- quickly. Crca.fi. B n l m i s plsoedlnto the nostrils, 8p?«*| fore, and that is the way the gain TbHrs truly, signals which warn you "against a total col- lung troubled, "Boschee's German over the membrane and is absorbeii. Rei n 1894; Black, elected i n 1896, a n d =81 F . W. D E V O B & C O , is made. lapse of the nervous system. L G, Mattison sells o a r paint i n Roosevelt, elected i n 1898; T h r e e o f Liniments and all external applications Syrup", It n o t only heals a n d stimunot produce imeezlng. Large Stee, 50 cenis »tPi» A ^certain amount oi flesh is your section. t h « s i x , after having b e e n governor, • can only give temporary relief. Permanent lates t h e tissues t o destroy t h e germ gists or by mail; TrialSize, ldcerts by W»- ' : m.'i » "—~—^ attained Honors i n t h e field o f n a - cure cannot possibly come until' the _neirye disease, but k allays inflamation, causes necessary for health; if you have ELY BROTHERS, 5a:Warren Street, Mew »° -1 i o n a l politics; Cleveland a s presi- centers are thorougly revitalized and reinvigr easy expectoration, gives a good night's not got it you can get it by " C . e . C . , f o n Every lablet tdent; Hill as s e n a t o r , a n d Roosevelt orated by Dr. A, W. €nase's Nerve pills. rest, and cores the patient. Try O N E TOBAGCOSP The beneficial eftesta o f this great nervere- bottle. Recommended many years by andSAlOKE Every tablet of Cascarets Candy M vie* p r e s i d e n t •torativeare felt thrilling through the nerve all druggists in the world. Get YourLKea«»y| Cathartic bears the famous G. C. C. fibres as week by week and month by month Green's Prize Almanac. J, Jj. .Wiser You can be cured o f a t i y form of tobacco M M easily, be wade well, strong, w a g " ^ ' aOM the aenre force of. the body is restored. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and new life and vigor by taking MfTp'PffiM Women afflicted with diseases peculiar fo ttiat make* weak men Wrong. "'"Vflll W . B . KOC1IE, aceejptno other. Beware of fraud. their sex are frequently gre^tsMettrs froji tea pound* in ten day*., Over BO"'" --' n F U N E R A L D I R E C T O R Jot UiuiU and Children,^ BeuraWa. r f c a ^ ' a N e m P f l l s j a o s i t i v e l y «ire«f.. All druggists. Care «"»« *J All druggists* IOC. let end « d v i « PRBB. Address S artel U N D I J R t A K E B * YoawflfiMlKiuftwuicftilinMniiner •. Mmt » . _., ,«;_ s . . . »<MJU>Y <X)^^McaSo-nr KeW VQI^. . «In winter, wdtfyod aretiirfviagupon O A » V O R XJL, OorhplAtK Mr»« of F u r n i t u r e 'tt<Wiilb1te^M the vtealhcr b waraw bought toreMfc-*i»d^»M i t the lowew nrleii "RVTERiA E.v PMAHEtUCAN IMPOSITION mil NOT BE COMPLETE UNLESS YOV^B . v ^ . . ^ . -«3' - DANIBI, P. SM BYEON THOM FRANK GARL LLIAN. E9G-: v- • - , We haveourD Lilt PROOF Judhave boxee 3 deposited: wii Genesee Valley Trust Company, 21 Exchange Street. Capital, $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 , Interest per Surplus, $60,000 on S^f!f^!^*^^f^-1«5^ f^teWfc**. How To Will rent_sai (Proof Vault, 1 [ and upward. Remember TV j dnce business, I -anytime* • W. B Bnper [eEKlo^thebns! j fore selling yo Our office ho j p. in. If yon < : In the evening. Office No. 9< TJie Prayer of a Nerve for More Blood. Nasal CATARRH mLL 1"S m UnrTotfe. i«r.u. ^m m vm i far*- mm Ws. agalrist , the county'of requbed>to>pri thereof-, to Wi of the said d W.H.N!cholo fore the 20th DatedMay 1+, JOSEPH Gn Attorhe
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