This issue: How to stop digital print color bugging you

the magazine of GMG worldwide. december. 2010
This issue: How to stop digital print color bugging you
The ‘my digital and
litho press now have the
same output’ profile.
Only available with
GMG ColorServer.
GMG ColorServer
Unique color results in digital, LFP and conventional printing
Fully automated color conversions enhance productivity
Maximum production reliability due to standardized color management
Easy to use
High customer satisfaction
Four of Mimaki’s five SGIA
Product of the Year awards
down to GMG solutions.
With the help of color management solutions from GMG, Mimaki has won a number of
2010 SGIA Product of the Year awards.
Companies from around the world entered the competition, submitting more than 100 entries in
21 categories. This year’s entries, which were evaluated during the 2010 SGIA Expo (Las Vegas,
October 13–15), represented some of the industry’s most innovative digital products. “The Product
of the Year award winners highlight the best technologies and consumables from the specialty
imaging community,” says Jeff Burton, SGIA’s Digital Printing Analyst. “Entries were so good that
judging category winners was a real challenge.” Francisco DeBrito, Applications Supervisor, Mimaki
USA Inc and the person responsible for delivering the Mimaki entries to the SGIA explains, “SGIA
provides a PDF image with a number of printing challenges, such as flesh tones, gray scales, and
very specific spot colors – all of which must be reproduced as accurately as possible. That is where
GMG SmartProfiler and GMG ColorServer helped out. Because it is fully wizard-driven, GMG
SmartProfiler is very easy to use. We profiled our printers with GMG SmartProfiler, while GMG
ColorServer created files that, in particular, helped us to create very accurate spot colors as CMYK
Says Steve Urmano, Marketing Director, Mimaki USA,
Inc. “The technological collaboration utilizing both our
companies’ highly innovative solutions helps us meet
the challenges specialty print providers are experiencing.
The success at SGIA corroborates the color accuracy
of our print engines along with the assistance of GMG
color management tools.”
GMG NEWS remote
proofing network now
GMG officially launched the www.proofr.
com Internet platform this week. The
worldwide network of remote proofing
locations makes it possible to provide
online proofing
services in
compliance with
the GMG quality
standards, and can
be used from now
on. Paul Willems,
GmbH & Co. KG
(left), says: “We are
delighted to have
already been able
to recruit numerous
professional partners for our proofing
network. already covers key
locations in Europe, Asia, and the USA,
meaning that we can literally offer many
customers the possibility of sending coloraccurate proofs around the globe in a very
short space of time. We’re permanently
seeking and recruiting new partners to
improve the network’s coverage even
further around the world.”
GMG and Roland key components in new reprographics venture.
Exeter labels and packaging specialist
James Townsend has launched its inhouse
prepress department as a separate
reprographics company called Think Repro.
It has recently installed a Roland VersaUV
LEC-330 which, linked to its GMG color
management workflow, enabling it to offer
color accurate proofs on any substrate.
“We have been using several GMG
products for some time, including
ColorProof, InkOptimizer and PrintControl,”
says prepress manager Kristian Wells. “We
are very happy with the performance of all
the products, so when it came to looking at
new proofing equipment, it was vital for us
that GMG was driving the front end.”
More than two years ago the company
had started looking at the Roland VersaUV
LEC-300 and saw that it had great potential
due to its use of white ink and its onboard
cutter. However, Wells felt it lacked the
level of color management essential for
the calibre of work required in the highly
competitive packaging sector. “We pushed
for Roland to speak to GMG and come up
with a viable solution,” he explains. “We
were delighted when GMG announced that
it was finally able to drive the LEC directly.
We made the purchase soon after.”
GMG UK, Saxon House, Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich, NR6 5DR. e:, t: 01603 789111
Published on behalf of GMG UK. Design and editing: Juan Scott. Contact: Recycle after use.
Copyright GMG UK. Do not reproduce without permission.
xpectations regarding color
accuracy, color stability and
repeatability are growing
all the time, including in
digital printing. Printers
find themselves having
to deal with customers
who impose increasingly
exacting demands, but
are not prepared to pay more to have them
met. If printers opt for a hybrid production
environment, comprising digital printing and
offset, they face the challenge of having to
match the color results of the digital printing
machine to those of the offset press, because
the customer assumes that the printing results
of the two printing processes will be identical.
Based on its long-standing experience as the
technological market leader in digital proofing
solutions, the GMG company today offers
a complete portfolio of color management
software that can be used for the most diverse
graphic arts applications – including software
solutions for coping with the main challenges in
digital printing.
central, software-based color management to
prepare all printing data for digital printing,
and match them to a specific printing system.
These color management systems pass on
files with normalized colors to the individual
RIPs, which then output the files without any
additional color management. As a result,
color management on the individual printing
machines is eliminated, instead being performed
at a single, central point.
“Normalizing” data
GMG ColorServer is one such software solution
that assumes this central role within a color
management workflow, thereby increasing
production reliability. If GMG ColorServer is
used as a central color management system,
it ensures that almost identical printing results
are obtained on different printing systems,
even despite different printing technologies
(digital printing versus offset). By performing
separation, reseparation or color conversion, it
fully automatically sets RGB, CMYK and mixed
data to a uniform color standard, the result
the last minute, while load balancing makes it
possible to achieve optimum capacity utilization.
Production reliability and repeatability
thanks to individual profiling and
In combination with GMG SmartProfiler, GMG
ColorServer forms a software solution that
allows wizard-assisted creation of individual
DeviceLink color profiles and calibrations for a
specific output device. SmartProfiler comes with
preconfigured settings for certain applications,
and guides the user step-by-step through the
process of creating custom profiles. GMG
profiling optimally maps standards, such as ISO
12647-2:2007 and also in-house standards, in
the available color space of the printing system.
This guarantees that maximum color accuracy
and production reliability can be achieved on
every output system. Regular calibration with
GMG SmartProfiler additionally makes for
optimum reproducibility of the quality standard
How can the quality be
Different color results
Is digital color really
Customers usually expect
rapid production. So, printers
would also like to be able to
distribute production over
different digital printing
machines, if the need arises.
However, machine-dependent
color differences can make
this a difficult undertaking.
In addition, distributed,
individual color management
on each frontend leads to
different color rendering on
the various printing machines.
The consequence is highly
time-consuming, manual color
correction of printing data and
color profiles, although this
still often fails to achieve the required quality.
For many short-run jobs, there is simply not
enough time.
If data come from different sources or are
delivered with widely varying color settings,
they have to be elaborately converted and
normalized before printing. The customer
expects the print quality to be as close as
possible to offset, regardless of the quality of
the data. Moreover, depending on the age and
quality of the frontend system used, complex
files containing spot colors and transparencies
may be processed incorrectly, this possibly even
leading to production stoppages.
Color management is the remedy
It takes just a few steps to adapt the color
results of a digital printing machine to those
of classical processes like offset printing, and
to achieve color-stable printing properties
over the entire run length. How? By using
The fact is,
professional color
from GMG offers
repeatable color
results in digital
The Puppet Master
of which is that all data have the same color
appearance. In this context, GMG’s DeviceLink
approach helps avoid the familiar limitations
and disadvantages of ICC technology, such
as reseparation of the black channel. The
high-quality color conversion profiles of GMG
ColorServer also optimally convert spot colors to
the color space of the required output devices.
There is additionally the possibility of preparing
complex PDF files based on the Adobe® PDF
Library in such a way that they can be processed
by any RIP without difficulty. For example,
transparencies in PDF files are flattened, if
Ultimately, the visual color impression is
preserved for all colors, regardless of the printing
process and the printing machine. Consequently,
a visual match with offset printing, or an ISO
Coated V2 appearance, can easily be produced
even in digital printing. Owing to the consistent
printing quality on different printing systems,
the printing process can be selected flexibly at
A simple, but practical
form of quality control can
be performed using GMG
ProofControl. This control tool
quickly and simply measures
and evaluates media wedges
in order to verify compliance
with the previously defined
color standard.
Wholly new capabilities
Centrally controllable color
management puts users in
a position to significantly
improve productivity and
production reliability in their
companies, as well as the
color quality of their products.
And because identical print output quality
means that the output system need not be
selected until the last minute, flexibility is also
increased in hybrid production environments.
Rapid, offset-quality production of short runs,
and color-accurate advance copies on the
original paper later to be used for production,
are just two of the possibilities that make it
worth while to invest in professional prepress
color management. Automated, faultless
preparation of the printing data with the help
of GMG ColorServer, and individual profiling
and calibration of digital printing machines
with GMG SmartProfiler, make it possible
to achieve a color match both with classical
printing processes and also between individual
output devices of an identical or similar type.
The high degree of automation in GMG color
management makes a decisive contribution
towards cutting costs, while at the same time
increasing productivity and guaranteeing
consistent color results.
Looking for the early
adopters of digital print
sslingen is an old city just outside
Stuttgart. It prides itself on its
well-preserved medieval town with
splendid buildings and old squares
dating back thousands of years. Not
so long established, but still a long-time resident
of Essinglen is Digital Repro Druck.
From a prepress house to a full-service provider,
including print production and finishing, Digital
Repro Druck offers unusual formats and high
quality in digital printing. The company began to
opt for new technologies like digital printing at a
very early stage. Founded as an electronic image
editing company in 1993, it was in the mid1990s that Managing Director Wolfgang Vogel
decided to branch out into additional lines of
business. Alongside classical prepress services, he
was convinced by the emerging concept of digital
printing – the ideal complement to the existing
portfolio. Although the technology was still in its
infancy in those days, and the achievable print
quality a long way from meeting the high quality
demands of the prepress professionals at Digital
Repro Druck, Wolfgang Vogel could already see
the potential of this new printing process.
Their first Xeikon was purchased in 1999. The
DCP 50D model won the day due its large variety
of formats on reel material.
Xeikon 6000 at an exhibition. As a result, the
replacement investment in software turned into
the complete package of machine and RIP after
all. However, these days, the achievable color
quality is also a very important point. So far, there
are no ISO specifications for production by digital
printing, although Digital Repro Druck uses the
ISOcoated_V2 offset standard as its reference.
This though, involved a lengthy procedure
beforehand, as it first had to be determined
whether the two machines were at all capable of
covering this color space. Another fundamental
prerequisite for production according to the
offset standard is that the machines demonstrate
predictable color behavior. Since the respective
frontends of the two digital printing machines
have only limited color management functions,
GMG ColorServer is used for this purpose.
Try this medieval town in
Southern Germany.
(It also has a rather lovely Christmas Market
in the old town square)
Esslingen buildings after digital
(Digital Repro Druck offices)
Uli Münzenmaier (left) and Mustafa
Dilek (right, GMG) assessing the
print quality of the Xerox 700
Color management as a quality criterion
The weekly market at the Rathaus
Extensive work with profiles
Esslingen buildings before digital
to do without GMG InkOptimizer. After all, toner
consumption was cut by an average of 15%, in
addition to which the gray balance is more stable,
metameric effects are reduced, and detail definition is improved.
It prepares the printing data fully automatically
by means of color separation and conversion,
as customers are supplying more and more
mixed data or pure RGB data. GMG ColorServer
achieves a high degree of automation. After all,
if the work is to be economical and efficient,
it is impossible to adapt all the data to the
subsequent output process manually. Above
all, Digital Repro Druck is convinced by GMG’s
DeviceLink technology, which offers significant
quality advantages compared to color conversion
using ICC profiles.
The scope of supply already includes color
profiles for the common printing standards,
whereas users have to create their own profiles
for digital printing. The possibility of setting
the machines to a defined color standard by
means of ColorServer improves color stability
and repeatability over the print run, thereby
enhancing quality as a whole.
Continuous investments
Changed printing density
The print products created on demand for
industry and private customers include not
only classical print products, such as visiting
cards and stationery, calendars, brochures,
banners, and advertising posters, but also direct
mails, wallpaper, high-class picture books, and
newspapers. In addition, Digital Repro Druck is
also an authorized service provider for the Online
Print Shop of the VfB Stuttgart soccer club.
It was time for another innovation in 2007
when, after eight years, the old RIP technology of
the Xeikon was proving to have its weaknesses.
Wolfgang Vogel was instantly convinced by
the leap in quality when he saw the new
The printing density of the Xeikon had to be
significantly increased in order to cover the
ISOcoated_V2 color space. However, this resulted
in higher toner consumption, and the wear
parts, such as wires and drums, wore out faster.
While the increase in toner consumption could
be compensated for by using GMG InkOptimizer,
the higher maintenance costs were only
eliminated when the basic density was reduced
again – the best compromise between a visual
match with the ISOcoated_V2 color space and
optimum machine settings. In addition, the lower
density led to a marked quality advantage when
changing papers. But the company still refuses
Uli Münzenmaier, Technical Manager at Digital
Repro Druck, says: “This experience showed us
that it’s incredibly important, particularly in the
digital printing field, to get the printing machine
into a good basic state and keep it there. Only
then, and using suitable color management
solutions, can you get the very best out of the
machine – and cut costs at the same time.”
That simultaneously opened up the possibility of
offering customers another new service – a coloraccurate advance copy, printed on the production
machine and on original material. And without
running the risk of a major effort subsequently
being necessary in order to achieve the same
results again. Uli Münzenmaier suspects that
customers prefer to have a true advance copy in
their hands, rather than approving the product
on the monitor in a soft proofing process. While
proofing on the printing machine later to be
used was very expensive in the past, it is now no
problem at all to create color-accurate proofs in
the era of digital printing.
Digital Repro Druck is now using the new
Version 4.6 of GMG ColorServer. Partly because
it includes the important function of flattening,
and partly because it also makes it possible to
use GMG SmartProfiler. Like a navigation system,
SmartProfiler guides the user to his destination –
regardless of how little or much expertise he may
have – offers tried-and-tested presettings, and
greatly reduces the time taken to calibrate and
profile digital printing machines. Excellent results
were already obtained during the test phase,
and they quickly convinced Uli Münzenmaier of
the product’s capabilities: “You don’t optimize
print quality and create color profiles once and
never again. It’s an ongoing process. The quality
achieved a year ago is already being critically
examined again today – could it be even better?”
Yes, it could be even better. And that’s precisely
why Uli Münzenmaier takes such delight in
technological progress. Because it gives him the
right tools for achieving the required quality even
faster – and for tackling the next project: Fogra
Validation Print certification.
One week old, and
people are already talking
Jim Kos, Edge Pre media in the
Netherlands: “Since we already use GMG
ColorProof ourselves at various company
locations, we know for sure that proofs are
output identically and reproducibly everywhere.
That’s why we’re also convinced that the Proofr
partners around the world will deliver proofs of
the same, high quality. After all, GMG itself tested
and certified the proof quality of the partners
Kristian Wells, Think Repro in the UK:
“It’s no problem at all for a GMG user to
become a Proofr partner, because preconfigured
workflows can simply be downloaded from the
Web site, enabling every partner to guarantee
consistent proof quality. On the customer side, it’s
very easy to use the online portal, upload data,
and select a partner. Since every partner uses the
same GMG ColorProof proofing software and
GMG ProofPaper semimatte 250, the customer
can depend on every partner producing top
quality proofs.”
Angela Zoglowek, Oestreicher+Wagner
in Munich: “Being a long-standing GMG
customer, it was instantly clear that
Oestreicher+Wagner would join the global
platform. Proofr is a very good opportunity
for offering our services in cooperation with
international partners. We’re pleased to see the
network being launched, and look forward to
lots of international jobs.”
Maxime Dumesnil, DLW,
a prepress company in
Paris:“Many of our customers have
their printing done outside France.
The Proofr community puts us in a
position to select a trustworthy
partner for our customers at the
individual printing locations, and to
deliver a color-accurate proof to the
print provider on the same day. That
results in direct economic and
ecological benefits for our customers.
Since transport is eliminated, the costs
are lower and the carbon footprint
Sector: Packaging
Product: GMG FlexoProof XG/
Roland VersaUV LEC-330
Company: Plastex
Production of perfect
packaging mockups on real
Plastex, spol s r.o, Slovakia
Flexo prepress services and preparation of packaging print data
Job definition
Creation of packaging proofs, both contone and halftone, on original substrates and
creation of packaging prototypes/mock-ups with the Roland LEC-330
Previous method
Until now, there was no satisfactory method for Plastex to simulate printing on
transparent material using white. There were only inaccurate, very time-consuming
methods of combining the analog and digital process of preparing this kind of
packaging proofs
GMG products in use
GMG FlexoProof XG
Roland VersaUV LEC-330
Real substrate proofing significantly saves the client‘s time and money avoiding e.g.
expensive “test“ short runs of the final packaging
Shorter approval procedures with clients
Excellent opacity of Roland white ink enables continuously regulation of its intensity
or color tint as well as accurate simulation of the white background for nearly any
packaging substrate
Ability to print on almost all packaging materials including metallic ones with consistent
color results
Besides perfect simulation of color, the Roland cutting features, enable simulation of
the specific shape of e.g. labels
Customer statement:
Igor Jurena,Technology
Manager, Plastex
“The combination of GMG and Roland is exactly the kind of solution for creating
packaging proofs we have been looking for for several years. Precise control of the
intensity and tints of white ink, control of the total ink coverage, the ability to print on
almost all packaging materials including metallic ones with consistent color results, are
the assets that prove me daily about the rightness of our choice.“
In essence, fog is a natural soft box: it scatters
light sources so that their light originates from
a much broader area. Compared to a street
lamp or light from the sun on a clear day, this
dramatically reduces contrast:
Special northern
hemisphere December
taking photographs in
mist or fog.
Photography in fog, mist or haze can give a
wonderfully moody and atmospheric feel to your
subjects. However, it’s also very easy to end up
with photos that look washed-out and flat. This
techniques article uses examples to illustrate how
to make the most out of photos in these unique
shooting environments.
Scenes in the fog are also much more dimly
lit – often requiring longer exposure times than
would otherwise be necessary. In addition, fog
makes the air much more reflective to light,
which often tricks your camera’s light meter into
thinking that it needs to decrease the exposure.
Just as with photographs in the snow, fog
therefore usually requires dialing in some positive
exposure compensation.
Making use of fog: Emphazing
In photograph A, there are at least four layers
of trees which cascade back towards the distant
bridge. Notice how both color saturation and
contrast drop dramatically with each successively
distant tree layer. The furthest layer, near the
bridge, is reduced to nothing more than a
silhouette, whereas the closest layer has near full
color and contrast.
Although there are no steadfast rules with
photographing in the fog, it’s often helpful
to have at least some of your subject close to
the camera. This way a portion of your image
can contain high contrast and color, while also
hinting at what everything else would look like
otherwise. This also serves to add some tonal
diversity to the scene.
Beware of condensation.
If water droplets are condensing out of the
air, then you can be assured that these same
droplets are also likely to condense on the
surface of your lens or inside your camera. If
your camera is at a similar temperature to the
air, and the fog isn’t too dense, then you may
not notice any condensation at all. On the other
hand, expect substantial condensation if you
previously had your camera indoors, and it is
warmer outside.
Unfortunately, sometimes a little condensation
is unavoidable. Just make sure to bring a lens
cloth with you for repeatedly wiping the front of
your lens.
GMG techSpecs. The latest technical information for GMG software.
GMG ColorProof latest v5.1.2.5 with Service Pack 3
Operating system Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, 2008 Server, XP Professional, Vista, Windows
7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Supported output devices Epson Stylus Pro 4000, 4400, 4450, 4800, 4880, 7400, 7450, 7600, 7800, 7880,
7900, WT7900, 9400, 9450, 9600, 9800, 9880, 9900, 10600, 11880, HP Designjet 130, 1050, 1055, 4000,
5000, 5500, Z2100, Z3100, Z3200, Z6100, Canon imagePROGRAF iPF 6300, 6350, 8300
and other inkjet and laser printers
Measuring instruments support Current models from X-Rite incl. DTP70, Spectrolino/SpectroScan, EyeOne,
iO, iCColor, iSisMeasurements from other devices can be accepted in form of IT8 measurement data.
File formats PS, PDF, PDF/X, TIFF, TIFF-IT (CT/LW composite and separated) TIFF-LZW/Packbits, Scitex CT/
LW (Kodak), Bitmap-LEN (EskoArtwork), Delta Documents and Lists (Heidelberger Druckmaschinen),
Photoshop® DCS/EPS (Adobe), JPEG, etc.
Workflow integration Interfaces to Delta and MetaDimension, Nexus and Barco, Brisque, Prinergy,
ApogeeX, CelebraNT, TWiST, Harlequin
Supported profiles Proof Standards and calibration sets, incl. MXC, MX3, MX4 and ICC profiles (incl.
multicolor), support of ICC specification V2 and V4
Spot color databases Support of unlimited process and spot color separations in pixel data, support of
27 spot color separations in PDF files; support for spot color systems, such as Hexachrome®
RIP Adobe PDF Print Engine technology and full PDF/X 1a and PDF/X-3 support.
GMG DotProof module of ColorProof latest v5.1.2.5 SP3
Features Reproduction of the original screen ruling, screen angle and dot shape of the image setter RIP;
incorporation of the tone reproduction curve and dot
gain; special computer algorithms for dot-for-dot reproduction; high throughput due to optimised
adaptation of the image setter data to the resolution of inkjet printers;
Supported formats PS, PDF, PDF/X, TIFF (LZW/Packbits), TIFF-IT (CT/LW composite and separated), TIFFBitmap (LZW/Packbits), Scitex CT/LW and Assign (Kodak), Bitmap LEN and ArtPro AIF, Delta Documents and
Lists, Presstek, Photoshop DCS/EPS, JPEG.
DotProof functionality only supported with 1bit formats or PDF/PS/EPS using built-in DotCreator
Supported profiles MX3, MX4, MX5, ICC profiles
GMG FlexoProof / FlexoProof XG v5.1.2.5 SP3
Operating system Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, 2008 Server, XP Professional, Vista
Supported output devices Epson Stylus Pro 4000, x400, x450, x800, x880, x600, x900; HP Designjet 130,
1050,1055, 4000, 5000, 5500, Z3100, Z3200, Z6100; Canon imagePROGRAF W6400, W8400 and other inkjet
and laser printers
Supported profiles
Proof Standards and calibration sets, incl. MXC, MX3, MX4, MX5 and ICC profiles, support
of ICC specification V2 and V4
GMG ProofControl latest v1.5.0.2
Operating system Microsoft Windows 2000, 2000 Server, 2003 Server, XP Professional, Vista
Features Reliable color communication through proof inspection and verification. Complete quality control
based on a defined standard. Reproducible print quality and high customer satisfaction. Incorporated
industry standards; user- defined quality criteria. Self-adhesive label with information on productionrelevant data and measured values.
Support of DeltaH for better control of exact reproduction of neutral gray on proof.
Implemented printing standards Target values to ISO Offset 27L-32L and 39L-43L; ISO Newspaper
26 and 30; 3DAPv2; GRACoL 2006 #1; SWOP 2006 #3 and #5; PSR Gravure (ECI) HWC, LWC, MF and SC;
evaluation to new and old ISO 12647-7 tolerances possible
Supported measuring instruments X-Rite i1 with and without UVcut filter (device also suitable for
monitor calibration), X-Rite DTP20 (Pulse) with and without UV cut-off filter, Integrated measuring device of
the HP Zx100 series . INFO: not all standards available for all measurement devices
Output device Zebra TLP 2824 label printer using fade resistant transfer type labels.
GMG ColorServer latest v4.6.2.1 with Service Pack 1
Operating system Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, 2008 Server, XP Professional, Vista
Features RGB-to-RGB, RGB-to-CMYK, CMYK-to-CMYK, CMYK-to-RGB conversion, CMYK reseparation, TAC
reduction within a color space, automatic scaling (adjustment of the resolution), 3D dynamic sharpening,
separate processing of pixel and vector elements within a document, PDF-to-PDF conversion, including
scaling, sharpening and separation of embedded RGB data. Further processing of PDF documents as PDF/X-3
or X-1 document including incorporation of the output intent.
Profile support MX4, ICC
Input formats PDF (up to 1.4), PostScript, TIFF, TIFF-IT, JPEG, CT/LW, EPS (Photoshop® pixel data)
Output formats PDF (with PDF-to-PDF), TIFF, TIFF-IT, JPEG, CT/LW, EPS (Photoshop® pixel data)
Profiles for common standards PSR, ISO, SWOP, GRACoL, Japan Magazine & Publishing Standard Color
(JMPA color), 3DAP, sRGB, AdobeRGB and ECI-RGB (v1 and v2).
GMG PrintControlPro v2.0.3.0 GMG RapidCheck latest v2.0.3.0
Operating system Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, 2008 Server, XP Professional, Vista
Product features Measurement based evaluation and determination of optimal print densities and CTP dot
gain curves for ISO-conform printing and also monitoring of ongoing conformity.
Advantages With the included ProfileEditor the user may make his own printing standard. Colorimetric
values for primaries, secondaries, and paper may be specified, as well as TVI with tolerances. In addition
to classical monitoring of trapping and its display in percent, it is also possible to compare color deviations
colorimetrically with the ISO target values on the a*/b* axes.
The database provided allows the user to classify all papers in use, and compare them with the ISO 12647
paper classes and with each other. The combination of the “Print Contrast” function and the optimum
density values guarantees maximum print contrast in the given density range.
Supported standards ISO 12647-2 (with all 5 paper types), ISO 12647-3 with the specifications for
Newspaper 26 and 30, in-house standards
Supported media wedges Three versions of the ECI-bvdm Gray wedges, PCPro Control Strip, RapidCheck
media wedge, and user-defined media wedges
Supported measuring i1, DensiEye, SpectroEye, DTP 500 series and iCPlate (platereader) from X-Rite,
SpectroDens from Techkon
Import/Export options Data exchange between GMG PrintControl Pro and GMG RapidCheck
GMG InkOptimizer latest v4.6.2.1 with Service Pack 1
Operating system Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, 2008 Server, XP Professional, Vista
Input formats PDF (to 1.4), PostScript, Tiff, Tiff IT JPEG, CT/LW, EPS (Photoshop pixel data)
Output format PDF (with PDF-to-PDF), TIFF, TIFF/IT, JPEG, CT/LW; EPS (Photoshop pixel data)
Supplied profiles ISO Fogra 29L, 39L, GRACoL7
GMG SmartProfiler v1.0.1.1 with Service Pack 1
Operating system Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, 2008 Server, XP Professional, Vista
Profile support GMG MX3, MX4 and ICC profiles, support of ICC specification V2 and V4
GMG releases frequently new profiles. A PDF listing profiles installed with your software version is located in
ColorProof\Reference Profiles\.
Used with permission. Source:
The digital
the trueColors
Why are 75% of the
pencils sold in
the United States
painted yellow
Since 1890, pencils in America have been
painted yellow.
During the 1800s, the best graphite in the
world came from China. American pencil
makers wanted a special way to tell people that
their pencils contained Chinese graphite.
In China, the color yellow is associated with
royalty and respect. American pencil
manufacturers began painting their pencils
bright yellow to communicate this ‘regal’
feeling and association with China.
Planet yellow
Harrison Butterworth, Account Sales
Manager Person, GMG UK.
• Yellow is traditionally associated with the
Malay Rulers of Malaysia
• The Yellow Turbans were a Daoist sect that
staged an extensive rebellion during the Han
• In India, yellow is the color of the Vaisya
caste, who are farmers
• During the tenth century in France, the
doors of traitors and criminals were painted
• Yellow signifies sadness in Greek culture and
jealousy in French culture
• In Chinese culture, colors corresponded with
the five primary elements, the directions,
and the four seasons
Can looking at
a sunflower effect
your mood?
• Yellow can create feelings of frustration and
anger. While it is considered a cheerful color,
people are more likely to lose their tempers in
yellow rooms and babies tend to cry more in
yellow rooms or when left alone in a field of
• Yellow can also increase metabolism. This
might help you lose weight if you eat alot of
sunflower oil.
• Since yellow is the most visible color, it is
also the most attention-getting color. Yellow
can be used in small amounts to draw notice,
such as on traffic sign or advertisements.
Beetles on the front page,
Beatles on the back.
Yellow Submarine was the first Beatles song
to create public rumors about a hidden drug
culture subtext; supposedly the title referred
to yellow Nembutol (Darvon) capsules, which,
since they were depressants or “downers,”
were called “submarines.”
A lot of goal
keepers in
football wear
yellow shirts as
it is believed that
the strikers shoot
more readily to
the goal keeper.
What is your middle name?
Can we use it throughout this interview?
Okay, Georgie, what is your favorite color?
It goes with everything
What books are you reading right now?
Toby Top Tips on Sales
Tell us something about you that will shock and
amaze the readers of trueColors?
I’m color blind
You too, huh? When you’re not working at
GMG UK what do you do?
Play and watch football or spend time with
my family and girlfriend
What team do you support?
I support whatever team my dad has
played for or managed [His dad used to play
for and later manage Norwich City FC] but if I
had to choose one it would be Norwich City
– it’s where I was born and my dad has the
most history with the club
Who would you most like to have over for
Denzal Washington
If you could work for GMG in another country,
which would it be and why?
Italy – because I can get by on the lingo and
love the food
Georgio it is then. What’s your favourite GMG
product and why?
All of them! (I was told to say this)
If you weren’t at GMG what would you want
to be?
Chief Narcotics Officer in L.A
Now George, these questions may seem a bit
contrived but this is the magazine of a color
management company which makes them very
relevant: what do you do once in a blue moon?
Watch the lottery
The Stones’ Brown sugar or The Beatles Yellow
Yellow Submarine
How do you like to paint the town red?
Going to vibrant, trendy bars and lowering
the tone by participating in drinking games
What’s your most irritating habit?
My girlfriend tells me I talk in my sleep and
I iron my clothes too much
Yes, ironing your clothes in your sleep must be
pretty irritating for her...