• ••*• - i " — '•» •n " t '• » — ^ P » i » " ' w • ' » * • TW*r- * PAGE F O U R T H IT'S T I M E T O S H I N E WITH 7N£QUtO(*6*Sy IT* MUKN1NG HEKALD. GLUVCMSVUXE AND JOHNSTOWN. N. T. TUESDAY, NOVLMbtK lb, 1M« BENJAMIN RICKARD ELECTED VARIED PROGRAM PROVIDED COUNTYAUTOCLUBPRESIDENT;; l n r r v „ i r i | T r n FdR 300 WHO VISITED YMCA MEMBERS HEAR OF FUNCTIONS B i t LAHIDI ILU LAST NIGHT AT OPEN HOUSE EXTRA • Men's Sanforized Benjamin R. Rickard of Gloversville, was elected president A varied program wa» preserved last night at the second of the Automobile Club of Fulton County at the annual memannual open house of the YMCA with approximately 3 0 0 bership meeting held last night in the Eccentric club, one of the [friends, relatives, and parents of members attending. large*t held in recent years. He succeed* Assemblyman Joseph With the annual observance of The physical department events were under the direction Eitro Heuvy Soil C l o t * a g e * QQ R. Younplove. who served as head of the club during the National Book Week scheduled;of William Alter, physical director. The midget class particiPockets . . Zipper Ply « ? • £ T O i past year. thi. week, a colorful di.pl.>-of j p . ^ i n t h e following events: maze running, catching fish, crab 350 new books baa been arranged on the tables in the Eatee Library. walk relay, dribble around pin relay, pin bowling relay, pin Other officers elected during thbusiness session are: William TayThe theme used this year is The knocked d o w n and set up. Bays Section Mae's lor r.f Johnstown, first vice presi—•• The preps took part In the fpl* Atomic Age in Eatee Library, and dent: Earl W. Hathaway of Glovj lowing events, horse .and springdisplays based on this idea were N«w, Bright, Heavy Long or ersville .vecond vice president board, lay-up shot relay, straddle made by pupils in the art classes Post-Color Short Sleeve Claude B. Pitman of Johnstown, ball relay, over and under relay under the direction of Miss Bea-; third vice president: l^awrence G. and boxing bouts. Those taking trice Falla. Kennedy of Gloversville, fourth part in the boxing were Harry The trophy-case in the corridor i vice president: J. Edward Lotze of McCoy, Drew Cordone. Carl Clay SELF-POLISHING contains the suggestion to "follow Gloversville, secretary • treasurer; and Louis Albanese. your chain reaction," from reading { George M. Deyoe, Victor T. Fisher, Dads and Sons in Games books of hobbies, to careers, to i Mathias T. Ralbovsky Jr., and AsThose assisting Mr. Alter were biography, etc. This was arranged { semblyman Younglove. Johnstown Donald Burnett. Charles Passino, by Dewitt Dorn. David Kuebaugh LIQUID WAX SHOI POLISH directors: James H. Madden. Wiland Mary Streeter. Harlow Walte, George Chrlstodulu, liam B. McLaren, James T. ReutlSLACK mam TAN SUE OXILOOO Erwin Seeley and Robert Clay. Over the library door is a sign ing. and Kurt Schaefer. GloversIn the Boys' department the dads ville directors; Ivan B. Duesler of saying Operation Book Roads, letand spns participated in the variEphratah. William R Smith of tered by Patty Glover and Donald ous lobby games and witnessed a Northville, and Frank Warren of Christiano. On the weat wail is a ] typical club meeting carried out by Broadalbin, directors from the mural to show the four great dis-. the Kingsboro Gra-Y Club under county. coveries of man: Fire, the wheel, the supervision of Howard W. electricity a n d atomic energy, COMPLETE L I N I OP MEN'S Sees Need for More Members Bunting, boys' work secretary. painted by John Ligons, Andrew In turning over the presidency. Donald Wilson, president, presided Eschler, Louis Mele and Ernest j ' Assemblyman Younglove expressed over the session, and reports were Cammorere. On the east wall the I his appreciation for the honor conmade by William Yanno, vice presiI mural, Atomic Power For Peace i ferred on him and complimented dent; Edward Sanford. treasurer, depicts the peacetime uses of j the personnel of the board of diand Jack Handy, secretary. > atomic energy, and was produced rectors and the standing committee Sound movies followed the profor the excellent work accomplished by Pat Burgess. Eleanor Berger, gram with reels featuring Camp Benjamin K. Rickard during the year. He asserted that j Grace Sena and Janet Streeter. Agaming after which refreshments after many years he realized more* i Connie Ermie. president of Liwere served. than ever the need of such an board, and Ray G. Lewis, Glovers- *>rary Club arranged a bulletin < Many Helped in Program organisation for motorists. He vllle secretary. i board whose caption is Discover j complimented the secretaries on Those who assisted Mr. Bunting ! "In behalf of the board I want This Atomic Equation: Ability plus their work during the past year. in the Boys' Department were John to thank the board of directors of I interest equals reading success plus In closing he stressed that the Brooks, Clarke Dunn and Louis Dr. Lillian " M.~* Gilbreth, ot DAgostino. membership in the club should bethe Eccentric Club and Colonial pleasure. Dewitt oDrn and Richard greatly increased and expressed Club for the use ot their rooms for ! LaFountain prepared another bulle- Montclair, N. J., has been named Checking was in charge of the the belief this can be obtained if monthly meetings of the board, and j tin display, Harness Your Reading "Woman of the Year" by theEstee Junior Hi-Y Club, which to the newspapers for valuable Energy. Posters were made by the American Woman's Association. consists of Paul Meyer, Leonard the people in the community are | following: Clark Dunn and Jack Mother of 11 children and grand- Simbnds. Wesley Harris. Joseph more fully informed of the benefits publicity." At the close of the program a Cole. Climb on the Reading Rocket; mother of 18, she has a success- Flcig, James Perrella and Richard they will enjoy as members. buffet lunch was enjoyed by the I Richard LaFountain and Clark ful career as a management Maider. Mr. Lotze presented the report Dunn, The Atomic Rage—Reading engineer at the sge of 1C. The refreshments were under the of the community service commit- membership. Good Books: Lawrence Therrein direction of Harry B. Houtz, tee and stressed that an investiga' and Raymond Guilea. The Atomic membership and program secretion shows the local club provides Age More Leisure Prepare; Emma tary. He was assisted by Mrs. the membership with as many , Lou Smalley and Jennie Mae I Bernice Mosier. *Mrs Ruth Alter, j services as some of the larger Schwed. Is Your Reading Energy Miss Janice Helwig. Mr. and Mrs. clubs, and more than some of the Atomic or Comic?; Martha Vietn. Harold Berner and Calvin 8imsame site. He stressed the fact : Give Your Reading Habits Jet Promonds. that members seeking assistance, pulsion Other poatera were drawn i should always call one of, the ofby David Stewart. Martin aVIaahy j ficial garages, where they are cerCharles Par rant and Alward and Gloria Ware. tain to get preferred service. MacDonald. who have enlisted in The guest list of K of C. digniEach pupil will a* gtvaa a assail i tanea Fred A. Dailey of Gloversville re- the U. S. Navy, were guests of Raquksrly wk© will attend the supper ported that the membership com- honor at a surprise farewell party Week Contest compiled ky *>• $175 «o he held at the Kingsmittee has had under consideration last night. The affair was given Gertrude Smith, librarian Tar***** I Saturday night, the several plans for increasing the I by the members of Senior Outfit examination of the aew the local council's After a blustery week end. the membership, but these have been | N o 1 2 g^ scu^, a t y^ h o m e | pupils will find the aswees %• was announced j temperature took a drop and the postponed for the time being be- o f t n e s k i p p e r i R o d n e y This is the seme hemstitcher that has told) by the Simonds. g J j f ' l J ^ j K S S L ' S • * * "** * • — « " 0 C 0 n ' , 0 r ' high yesterday amounted to only cause of business conditions. m B , e e c k e r 8treet. 1 43 degrees. The temperature range Wants t Directional Signs _ • chairman of the "Night of during the day was only ten detake out the hundreds during each demonstration special. Wendell G. Fallis of Johnstown The two Navy0 0recruits were prePupils are also urged ta . 1 grees as the low early yesterday suggested a directional sign should iT•***•" "**? P ^ testaments by Practical, aaty to use, fits any machine. N o t just book displays in the OhsswsellW _ J ~ . I ™ * " * **«**.' * £ morning was 82 degrees. be erected at East Main and East; t h* lom *» Johnston, representative of R V M I ihraev a* thwnr m a I JSBMfil A. JSXSSfci. district deputy Other morning temperatures were a hemstitcher . . . it also picoti, makes perfect State streets, and that a sign di-! » Fultpa County Chapter of Gidrecting motorists to Gloversville j «"»• »» d «*«h received a purse of tJOes to ^ rcc h b ^ f ^ ^ T S S •« the 4fch District. Amsterdam; 36 degrees at 7:30, 3? at 10, and 41 fagoting, binds button holes, braids and does " «*• * • * * l * « y gtoae district deputy of the at noon. should be put up at North Perry I money from the outfit. Games and Hbrarv I ~ « ~ The readings last night showed and East Main strests. ! contests were conducted and . w - »—w » '•*•» Watilet * • Johnsville; WUpiping. See it demonstrated by the inventor . . , lB In the business session the awards made.1b*?rv!BC* * " ? £ W # ? ' lm« •«">. «***»«* *»«»«>- Amnominating committee for 1M9 waa S Later refreshments were served „ this week. John Corbett. deputy! temperaturee of 39 degrees at 7:30 elected as follows: Assemblyman by Mr and Mrs. Simonds and Mr. Mrs. Slavin has arranged for pupils ^ r d e m in her Ninth Grade speech classes ^^^ Amsterdam; Thomas Kelly,! and 39 at 9:30. I Younglove. Mathias S. Ralbovsky and Mrs. Arch MacDonald. to give impromptu Ulka on books, j faithful navigator of the fourth j The local observer predicted the •Jr. of Johnstown; Kurt Schaefer' Parrant and MacDonald are' *•* tomorrow and William B. McLaren of Glov- leaving today for the Naval Train- I; their-,selection '' _ ^and . . ^care, . ~ on _ today degree .Amsterdam; Anthony Jesek,; weather today will be fair and I grand knight of the Johnstown j slightly warmer. Wednesday, he ersville, and William R. Smith of | n g station at Great Lakes. 111., to 5 LOCAL E D U C A T O R S Council; Thomas H. Moynihan, said, will be mostly cloudy with Northville. start their boot training. master of the Third New York! light rain and slightly cooler. The report of William L. KenATTENDING PARLEYS 3 BIRTHDAYS NOTED District of Fourth Degree Assemnedy Jr., secretary, presented some 1 blies, Schenectady, and William J. of the highlights for the past S.T.C. ENTRANCE Fred B frcTC I ITIIBniV Painter, superintendent Mulligan, Supreme master of the A triple birthday party was held i year. It reads in part: T £ 5 1 a S A I U R I M I of the Gloversville public schools, fourth degree, Hartford, Conn. Saturday night at the home of "There has been a light falling {headed a delegation of five educaDon't let a weak battery stall Sidney Hollenbeck, Caroga Lake off in membership compared with LOOM DEGREE TEAM Amsterdam is the nearest canter tors from the city who are spendthe WK«»HMI occasion Ibeing ral Graatar Values Always 1947, but it is hoped it will be you in the mow . . . come in \nClT I S / W I T / • ' I f V I Stage, "sr=. •."«> K I H I tthe n e birthnirin' made up before Dec. 1. the end of where local candidates desiring to ing a short time in Allentown, Pa, Y I 5 I T RUClV LI I I days of Mrs. Leroy Palmatier, Mrs. to observe the program being cartoday for our free check-up . . , W e Give C H m t m e * Club Thrifties Richard Tyner, and Mr. HollenI our fiscal year, We started the I take the entrance examinations for beck. year witb 348 members, and of' State Teachers Colleges on Sat- ried out there. The trip was authend be sure of quick starts and The member, of the degree team Albert Gloria entertained with this number five died, six resigned urday from 9:80 A.M. to 4:80 P.M. orised by the Board of Education of Gloversville Lodge, Loyal Order safe driving. and 80 will be dropped for non- Candidate, for Teacher, colleges I ^ J Z ^ J ^ I L * £ T E ° . of Moose, will visit the Little Falls songs, dsnees. and Jokes. A buffet If your car needs a new payment of dues unless paid before- planning on taking the examination " " «««*»» being attained in a lodge Sunday, according to plans supper was served. Guests were Dec. l, so as ofNov. 13 there were i must obtain an approval card f rom I p r * c t i c a I vocational program there. completed during the meeting in from Meco. Johnstown. Gloversville, battery, we have Genuine Ford 467 member?. During the year 80 the school they are attending or i The four GHS instructors are: the rooms last night. The team will Fonda, and Caroga Lake. Batteries on hand at the right new members were elected to give from which they graduated. This Bert H. Crandall, principal; Car- initiate a large class of candidates the club 637 for the year. prices! Budget Terms. examination is not required of can- melo DiGioio, head of commercial on that occasion. Outstanding Workers didates for State College for Teach- department; Laurence C. Boylan, George Langlois. acting governor guidance director, and John P. "Outstanding workers in securing ers at Albany last night, extended an invitation to Walsh, director of adult education. members during the year were I n c off Gloversville the members of the lodge to make Secretary Kennedy 25, J. Edward Gloversville the trip with the degree team. Lotze 16. the late Ray G. Lewis 11. NO CHANGES MADE IN ART EXHIBIT LOANED Plans were also discussed for Cenatte MsMsSJM Motors, INC. William Taylor 4, Herbert L. BowSCHEDULE AT FONDA the initiation of a large class of ers 3, Victor T. Fisher, and Mr. •Johnstown FOR ESTEE DISPLAY Ralbovsky* 3 each. Eigh^*en other candidates here Sunday, Nov. 37. No changes have been made in members secured one each. Several membership applications Northville "During the year the club paid train stops at Fonda by the New, The Museum of Modern Art in were approved during the business 197 bills for service amounting to ! York Central Railroad, according i New York City has loaned an ex- session $871.06, the largest amount t V ( i r to Fred A. Moore, general passen-1 hibit to the Estee Junior High paid in the history of the club ger agent of the F J. ft G. Rail- \ school which is entitled, "What Is brought about largely through the r o * d C 0 t h e Winter schedule goes Art After it has been exhibited 1 , 6 4 0 V I S I T E D LOCAL here for a time it will be sent to c r U A A l e I ACT u t r r v weather last Winter. The < '»to effect. STOCKS, B O N D S severe another school. d v t l U U L o L A M WfcCA average cost per call was 82,90. ' The exhibit is not a survey of; There were 140 call, for members DINGMAN H A S SHOW INSURANCE of our own club amounting to j | modern art, but pictures grouped ( Effort^ of the pupils of the Glovor a cost per call of I2.4S. the ideas ersville Public schools and faculty' Call F. L. Kemmerer $843.56 There were 57 service calls for i • Rr>o « - m i D l n g m * n 8 ° n £l M r a n d , expressed. Each panel is accom in preparation of programs to atclubs at a cost j ** - William Dingman, 22 Ltttauer; panled with Information concern tract parents to the schools during Pb. 2927 11 Church St of $231.50 for which the club has *!*c*' n M developed his own show. • ing the painting, pointing out cer- American Education Week were been re-imbursed Because of the I «"">*" *s I'Take It Easy Time." j tain aspects that might be over-successful last week. A summary . aspects calls three additional service sta-! o n Stations WEVR in Troy each i looked. schools. tlons, the Broadalbin Garage and Thursday night at 8:3ft He is a CEU 136, Columbia, 171; KingsBaton's garage in Broadalbin and mern&er of the announcing staff of BUY ELMWOOD REALTY born 211, Lexington. 82; McKinley, I REMODELING Quinn's Motor Sales in Gloversville, I Stations WTRY and WTRFM in Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of 117; McNab. 203; Oakland, 201; OpCabinet Work were designated during the year. Troy. Gloversville have purchased the portunity. 9; Park. 1M; Estee. 237; "The club expended 142.45 fir property on Elmwood avenue from High school, 100, and Hearing A New Ceilings road signs. All metal signs were', About nine-tenths of the coal Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calhoun. The Speech, ROOTS Refinished 14. re-decorsted and new ones erected mined in Bulgaria is produced by sale was completed through the Phone 7133-M the state-owned colliery at Pernlk. Sawyer real estate agency. in Gloversville and Johnstown. "We continued to furnish safety FAMILY REUNION HELD lessons and posters to the schools , in the two cities, and the villages : A family reunion was held over i of Mayfleld Northville, and Broadthe week end at the the home of ! albin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver. X Balance of s&fll turkey dinner waa served and "President Younglove and your games were played. Out of town , secretary attended the state conguests were from New Britain. I1 vention held in September at West Hooting Supply Conn., Bristol. Conn.. Utics, Littlt Point, Falls, Raquerte Lake, and Nelliston. "From my repoA as treasurer rimSACE CLEANING i you have noted that we had a and REPAIRING i profit of $501.16 on the year's ao E L E a OFFICERS sudden opening in the traffic kttm and C o m * in —find o v t BOW ! operations, while many other such j FURNACES - FANS — —you're through it! ! organization are running in the red > Poelrard folrei fha fansion Louis DiGiacomo was elected OIL BURNERS : because of increasing costs. Your; Above all, you'll prise the restful ridpresident of the Mount Carmel I officers and directors should be •Iff of city drivingl CYO meeting held last night Johnstown ing ease . . . the sure-footed readability ; commended for their careful and prudent management of your club. Other officers elected ware Mary the husky construction that brings 211-J or 112-W "We held 12 meetings of the Ioeavone, vice president; Carolyn Here's a car that meets til the demands relaxing comfort in aSy rush-hour snarl. board during the year with an Paciolla. secretary, and Rudy Tagof downtown traffic. And handling tmst average of 13 in attendance Wllllatela, treasurer. And when you head this eager, roadit only an ever-present part of the story. ; Ham Taylor, Mr. Lotse, and your The next meeting will be held worthy Packard down an open high; secretary have perfect attendance' Mondsy. Nov. M. What impresses you first, in thil way—! • records while Mr. Richard missed only one meeting. sleek, roomy Packard, is the way you But come in first for the city story. "Your club was fortunatp In havTROOP 23 HAS PARTY can st*—the wonderful feeling of alIt's one of the hi% reasons why the new ; Ins its president in the Assembly ways knowing exactly where the front, so we were well represented in AlPackard Eights arc the greatest ever The annual birthday party of sides, and rear of your car "are st!" He has always been most built! Girl Scout Troop 23 was held last WE ARE NOW PAYING ;1 bany responsive to any requests from It puts an end to all the old "squeeze night in the First Methodist •' the club and we feel proud of the plays" . . . whether you're cruising or church. A covered dish supper was ! i fact he was willing to giv* so much served with the mothers of the parking. of his valuable time to the in members of the troop as guests. rer afl Sresp Iron Delivered te Mtereats of the organisation. We Following the dinner a esndlelight N a t you'll marvel at the turhinav TWIN CITIES WASTE : ] cooperated with the legislative romservice was held at which time smooth trigger-quick responsiveness of j mitteea of the state association. A METAL CO. scout pins were awarded to the Packard power. You simply point to a Bat E Pulton St.. Phone 7i?t-R -Rebuild East Avenue" members M. Cassedy acted as OtjOVaaWVlUJC. s f . j "As there has been little new mistress of ceremonies. j contraction in thr Stat* this past I ASK TNI MAN WNO OWNS O N I year, the club has had a few calls i The Ross goose was named for for improving roads We are conBernard R . Ross, a correspondent ; tinuing our efforts to secure the of the Smithsonian Institute and a GOLD and SILVER j reconstruction by the Stat» of f*«st factor of the Hudson Bay Co., who avenue in Johnstown. THIS IMHtiSfVI collect;^ o! guru, jewe'.s, cameras, luggage and furs PLATING acnt out the first specimens from "During the year the club *u» .sas found in an automobile operated by California jsil-bresker John the Great Slave I^ke regions. It tained the loss hv death of two Weaver. 31, and his nnfe, shown In Jersey City, N. J, with srrestmg is the smallest of all geese. J«ek H. BornsTein officers who server! faithfully for officer Frsnk Crawford. The loot was valued st more thsn $50,000. The many years They '•ere Harland L 9 Watkino.ro- St. I t BROADWAY, GLOVERSVILLE, N. Y., PHONE 48*8 couple was srrested when Mrs Weaver allegedly a.tempted to rash s Read THE MORNING HERALD Ponds of Mayfleld, member of th* money order purchased with a forged traveler's check. (International) Classified Ads Daily. W o r k Trousers 1948's Woman GRIFFIN Random Union Suits Turtleneck $2.49 36 to 48 -ft-$1.98 • , Jerseys Carter's COATS « ZIPJACKETS » SHIRTS CAPS - HATS » HOSE At Extra Low Prices!, Demonstration All This Week! TWO WHO LEAVE TODAY FOR NAVY GUESTS AT PARTY Perfect K OF C SECTION OFFICERS TO BE HERE SATURDAY Hemstitcher FAIR AND WARMER PREDICTED TODAY $150 TO READ HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY! How to smile vour way KIMMEY WANTED! SCRAP IRON •28.00 ;r. BROADWAY MOTOR SALES Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com f
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