^" GET TO HOW THIS FROM THERE methods in this little only after selected Several similar hundred each plans organization of confidential a retailers by the out for course, of it is a which among best best records Company only not several plans worked for perfecting has search coimtry-wide built up has from the usually un- editorial the plans book competition makes it necessary than one covers been able extending so only increases that used lines many its fact/ that demonstrated plans and methods be proposition can of the to of group really Shaw this But value, of nine succeed out with for almost of one all other the Furthermore, types. up probably book ten every more carded. dis- been will Company also of years. explains why the retailing. type a was number a This of after had the the A. W. the discover over with men plans, whom to but merchants, hundred So best very with Shaw the A. W. contact. the contains of them methods plans and were those printed in this book. carefully inspected to secure from?'' you did they all come ''Where ask. by a They have been fiunished successful plans and management book, but many VALUE BOOK of store scores are GREATEST THE which ever-increasing intensity business men face nowadays for them to draw their ideas type of proposition if they are to from keep date. Just appeal try out to you one most or two if you of the want plans a or methods first-hand that proof of PREFACE this assertion As field to another. incidents classic registeris said have to after The of all go all,very much Shaw W. fact,there from truth are one many ^the " device a the various cash for recording types of businesses alike. has Company of letters hundreds from ship's engines, for example. to illustrate the important a that A. of come truth fimdamental transferred illustrating this incidents These be can matter a revolutions the are, ideas that which file records on demonstrate the of bility practica- using the other man's idea. There is even a I Used Another Man's Idea" in its department "How magazine, System, which you will receive in connection of with Here's example an System Ford for long George showed I couldn't Mr. desire is information card Our on use for card will be keep Be welfare In our customers. when reference. card. Meanwhile and Indiana, is our We card Ford the enter each what pajrment is closed file away reference the it exactly as credit business the account The company's ^from " to uses sells furniture same. the Ford valuable. our to sure it will future very track of on the the writes: Ford the about card, and the customer's the up is based of Columbus, Imel that department commercially " point: form a Imel, who stood, but the principleis the we the lives retail in at department. course welfare N. removed way welfare Of 1917 outside the furnishings house proves March of this book. which Company's Motor keep track employees. a piu*chaseof yom* system cards are we build helping us customers. each read describe to issue of System you month after carefully,for month tested and practical methods for saving time, new salessales, for advertising, training men, increasing yom* and keeping records, holding down expenses, plans for carrying in the on most all the other effective way. activities of yom* business CONTENTS I" WAYS TESTED GET TO MOBE CHAPTER Why Costs Doing of TRADE I Business Abb High 1 " toward first step The is necessary. finding present-day help increasing it is vital which Why three you Your How Store between with frankly in trade store Ten * a is advocated. How personality. simple plans that Ohio an have made 81 Small talking Getting has retailer goes ''big'' developed it. about good. III Merchants Store difference Why which Advertising store. The personality. CHAPTER How to 6 personality. "owner" customers 'small" book II built store and "store" say this Pbrsonautt a merchant one in cost about profits. CHAPTER Giving find . tions ques- accurate merchants will increase and costs profit. Some net answer. What costs. pare you to What . Won Out 19 ... Proved have who states plans, arranged maintained use them. from in convenient profits above net Secured retailers by 17% personal in towns index form, which for the investigation in cities of from and merchants 1,500 32 to 100,000. CHAPTER 14 Sales Tested Plans determine the IV Ideas and of How to Why special preparation and value of courtesy to amount sales. business planning are Why knowing " Vll " 29 you should required. your clerks do. The well CONTENTS is a factor. One to avoid keeping customers waiting. a can help Using a mailing list. business. Personal letters. How to keep Getting new trade possibility.Questions which arise an eye on every in the sales policy. How window displayscan be made How card to do their way index sales. Service and part. sales. more CHAPTER Advebtisinq Methods V Increase that Pbofits 44 . . A novel plan that hits its mark fairlyand squarely. The standardization advertising. How helps importance advertisingeffectiveness. Plans that help in choosing the right type face to use. Making advertisingmore newsy and interesting.Hitching up advertising with local events of and interest. community display. What mediums a "live" mailing list. Valuable should be used? CHAPTER Planning Store the How one Factors arrangement. What got show tests keep to . " " 55 sales through a better store to consider in planning the store. more about customers' purchases. How well in many stores. timeliness work togetherfor sales*. A arrangement. How Sales that works store window on VI Greater for merchant hints How make to A arrangement plan and suggestionplan of store ''big the small Michigan retailer gets the most from his small store. Using tables for display. Another "big" time and effort. smallH3tore plan. Equipment which saves Reducing lightbUls. enough.'' How one CHAPTER Service What that Holds VII 68 Customers is retail service? How the war has altered service A "hurry policies.How always to have stock on hand. to give service to ihemdesk" plan. Helping customers sdves. Delivery Handling complaintsin the rightway. and service. The ''cash and delivery has reduced carry" plan. costs. policies. Vlll Some How broad tive coopera- service CONTENTS PLUGGING n" LEAKS CHAPTER Picking Right the VIII Location location often is EXPENSE OVERHEAD IN Your for Store 83 . . point. How fast are rents increasing? a rightlocation can be made to pay out. Solving the location problem with the telephone. A plan that helps when you move. How class of trade counts in about ^'upstairs"shops? Why choosing a location. How quick action in moving saved Why one a vital small store in the How retailer. CHAPTER Down Holding bad Why and Bad-Debt debts failure. reduces the results from retailer minimum. book" a to a reduced loss of trade. brought big How results. Your Training reduced? Why Using KNOWING Makes must push up in care are favored Records ing Eliminat- a plan "cash by one More partment." de- Can Sales How Classes for salesmen. Meetings. Social retailer. How to train the stock neat Keeping as responsibility?Payment satisfythe workers. WHERE YOUR BUSINESS which STANDS XI Show up Vital Facts 119 QUICKLT One Why retailer'ssystem a 107 salary costs be the sales volume. hiringsalesmen. CHAPTER SiMPLB install to Salespeople you Getting X clerks to approach customers. want factor. Do salesmen a plans that 50%. "pay-up week" retailer increases his clerks' sales. affairs for clerks ni" A it costs the retailer for salaries. What one debts bad CHAPTER How success "tab The cooperativecredit association. credit without that 94 often sway the balance between bad debts cost. How one plan which A Losses What "bad-pays" plan. IX teUs him where good accounting system is ix he stands every necessary. day. Handling CONTENTS cash and and simple accounting book; sales charge through accounting the the sheet. An How Make TO Sure of the cash ledger; customers' the and ledger; inventory perpetual CHAPTER plete com- effective journal; stock effective A Another the use merchandise departmentalized mark-down to ledger; purchase register. system. How system. cash the the sheet. XII Profit a Every Day 137 . Why the What retailer is to figure downs Many profit? What accurately. exactly retailers price about mark-up not cutting and Your Turn to How can the rate is the stock the closely rate check of amount Overbuying sales. of to turnover be profits? How of mark- up stock and locate on 147 increased? Why correctly. to necessary the profits Faster turnover turnover Decreasing figure analysis an stands. XIII Stock of rate of he reveal. CHAPTER Ways where do What correctly. will often know must . on rate hand on fast-turning perpetual a your rate How of of without figure tory inven- turnover. ing decreas- Watching turnover. lines. to The effect of costs* Appendix xiu Index xxvu . PARTI TESTING WAYS MORE TO TRADE GET " " " r. i ,". "" " " X " " " " " " CHAPTER WHY COSTS OF THERE are DOING two sure " " " " " " " I BUSINESS ways to ARE make HIGH more money in any retail business, you'll agree. The first is to increase your sales without increasing your the second is to cut down expenses; your expenses without reducing your is between the cost sales volume. of merchandise The old, old race plus expenses on of sales on the other. The track, and volume prize is net profit,and, obviously, anything trimmed and ''salvaged"is added off expenses to net profit. Knowing what your costs of doing business are is the one clearlyenough the profit. And exact first step knowledge toward about increasingnet costs is larly particu- abnormal and important whenever times become out of the soaring pricesknock about all the stability factors determining profits sales volume, three main cost of merchandise, and cost of doing business. what How is a merchant his profitsare if to know lines of business, In some he is ignorant of his costs? materials have and raw more prices of merchandise " than doubled. How is a merchant to determine how charge for various items in order to be sure of a legitimateprofit,imless he uses an e"fective cost system His throughout, and knows exactly where he stands? cost of living goes up just as fast as that of his customers. much to Therefore, he And if he needs more cash for himself. formerly received $5 for a pair of shoes which cost him $3.25, will it do, by the same token, to charge $7 if the wholesale price goes up to $5.25? " w " . . ' " " "' " * .2 " MORE -GETTING TRADE . oJ-dcinRbiiiness axe -GosW attention especiallyshow Retailers necessity for to stores Shaw Company of this figures here The costs are generally. averages forth the for this of the A. W. Standards in smaller set men more effectively.For has, in connection an book, conducted of doing business costs business most of Business the Bureau and growing appreciation of the cost knowledge if they are a accurate more their manage reason of hands the at receivingmore with the tion prepara- investigation into retail stores. indicative. are lines various These indicated, or called,indicated attainable costs. of doing business have gone That costs up in dollars and cents, nobody questions. The maj orityof retailers they have as only to refer to their books that costs are higher. There are exceptions,of The proprietor of a hustling store in the what his expenses to a penny West, who knows to prove course. Middle reports that are, have their costs know who been in five years his expenses not are when expressed in percentages. appreciably higher items (expressed as Certain higher, of course, while of sales) percentages others have changed not are ^all " His higher in terms of dollars and cents. total cost of doing business,expressed as a percentage of his sales,has held about prices even, as higher cost somewhat are have been beaten with increased This volmne. man rising costs in percentages. sellingshoes reports his expense percentages for the last five years as follows: 21%, 22%, The 25% cost he explams by 23%, 25%, and 22%. his heavy purchases at a time losses resulting from more when customers beginning to lean toward were The following year he reaped the rigid economies. is keeping pace with merchant Another benefit of his wise purchases of dropped to normal again, as is explanation in plenty There costs costs, but no matter what the you before year and see. for the is correct, there rapid rise in is no denying WHY that COSTS ARE HIGHER 3 is tising higher, the payroll is heavier, and adverbills are larger. Moreover, competition constantly is stiffeningand markets are widening imtil merchants almost everywhere feel the pressure rent small and more "To mind, securing my costs acutely. more down narrows profits despite higher net discovering new to small-store who business," says a man working out of that class. "My argument the mmiber same floor space of nimiber started has of turnover is made of could rapidly is that if of amount sales,then against rising costs. I had the on doubled But when I fingers of origmal my each upward increased. get increased count swimg is same dollars than more sales have capital. My the handle to you have I and thousands in business hand. one be used can tangible headway some The of clerks to ways year. My of doing has increased business not My advertising 10%. ^both costs me sales, my 3.5% of my rent, 3.6% favorable when indicated compared with the averages line. So I figurethat I have been keeping up for my rate cost my " rising costs.'* with THESE Just TESTED PLANS TELL FIQHT COSTS HOW and this merchant how AND OTHER MERCHANTS WIN others are succeeding against constantly risingcosts forms the subjects and substance of the followingchapters. Every described has been ''imder fire." plan and method in their battle Each one has performance, will behind and it what usually benefit a record works of successful well for one test and merchant another. descriptionsof tested methods for going larger sales. You also find plans for and attractive store more pleasing to making your and its personality yoxu* public ^its phjrsicalappearance reflected in your as advertising. In Part I you after " find GETTING 4 Then, their too, you MORE how see TRADE have merchants simplified merchandising problems by getting all in the their stores about stores' relations to facts^ the their spective re- communities. Just building sales volmne plans for choking as is the subject of matter of those neveroff some I, so ending leaks in the overhead are grouped m expense II. You Part perhaps, find when you take your may, business to pieces that the best way to make more from to get more it, is not to strive so much money trade, as to devote your care and attention to trinmiing Part down costs. your value The of knowing successful most "value" about making? are much how ^not " prospects, trade so on, but much do profitare net think you intimate more lines of merchandise What making? '* your these: how as " necessity rather than is in Part III. By "facts" territory,competition, and inside facts such business your say out information not meant, about *' merchants ^isbrought " facts or guess you you helping holding profits are lines are profit,and what real but the down? finds, when (Hardly a store facts are known, that certain supposedly profitable and other items at a loss). These being handled are questions equally as vital are analyzed and answered. Right here on this question of "facts" is where many is nothing gained fall down hard. There merchants gloves absolute by handling this question with frankness is the only policy that will be of constructive make your " value to merchants "No, I have records," is an store one. it. no cost line. system, all-too-common books, and no by smallresponse no proprietorsto questions regarding expenses. too in any "Cost much. I need business My I can't be may is too fine,but small " ^I haven't bookkeeping time for figuringout my do all systems " their detailed they I can't afford the time new cost ways for to WHY increase sales. my do to Those of willing to and which luitural. all learn the the business is closet secrets." to other about aired of successful book has policies are its they this the book are so can you day of the methods in helpful up-to-date be squeezed between ready for use. Turn the pages is eiach eyeing store study dark say, every the could to is and together in that is ^'business of and all it men getting cash ^that some guarded retailers, it then out, Cooperation instead betterment their " making business now not which money every other, other obligation. start closely individual, for are more and ently, Appar- They business. your so worked without to why of plans make don't advice have way each each ideas In to today, suspiciously, swapping and them best Helping beneficial They the being the merchants to motto bigger? taking the and clearly pretty successful. wants facts keeper book- a express merchants, methods offered And hire to grow in fellow merchant Every never proved are small become successful more 5 about just explain believe not use afford of they have who can't perhaps merchants do HIGHER me." for think they men I majority the small many is this honestly you And statements attitude ARE COSTS on cerned. con- of This them. and plans its and use covers. them. CHAPTER GIVING AS YOUR /\ is eye which, the by reminds dark a the neighborhood making money And is he in cheerful, and of anywhere in the lines, and selling a That draw an worthless" competition city, Skidmore few a he is bright, Although be to foimd selling high-grade is each more his personality. toughest for locality. of force the store says Nevertheless, than year imdersell iminteresting The this plus shop panels his did he below the the is raised it is monotony on a would and of white enable the 6 for block, otherwise make a an attention. paint the to such ^that " even is, and window further striped awning in the board him to attract and white Skid- greatly-reduced silver with windows bright spot a in time would was competitors painted red A relieves downtown the section would " is interior that particularly prices front frames. letters conviction a classier his that extent and from ^rent, " front store idea, overhead Gilt the shop, worthless almost attractive trade more's door solely by on before. year the been ''gloomy, convincing mile within it doing neighbors, switched the runs back-sUding. this your contrast. who long still is and business, has its an front, shop suddenly sharp is the merchant the Skidmore, from out lamp city small a in street western a by it stands so room held electric an dingy of and way of you certain comer caught PERSONALITY A a out-of-the-way "^ in STORE down walk you II when drab distinctive it street. sign. STORE Skidmore's shop makes notice it as as soon vivid a of the opposite side the PERSONALITY street impression, and can hardly you within come you 7 block a from fail to and a half of his store. Just as individuals some remembered because know you are easily more make deeper and more lastingimpressions upon the minds of people they meet, it is with stores, investigationpoints. Certain stores so features of livingpersonalities. Characteristic possess their service stand they in customers' out minds. It is forceful business trying to create poUcies. A are indicates vital factor that in of canvass they of importance the on personality which most retailers tising through their selling and adversuccessful chants mer- pretty thoroughly agreed are strong personaUty store as a progressive merchant Every success. retail believe that his store is an to commxmity of service. aggressivelyhonest mstitution It is important, investigation indicates, that the merchant seeking to build store personality draw a real "store personaUty'' and sharp distinction between he may ''owner personaUty." Here profit by the took a experience of a Pennsylvania clothier who vacation after several years of close appUcamonth's his customers' needs. tion to his store problems and he returned, bis business had dwindled When to about bis wants "It had went set a it had third of what one did not take on I vacation my about long me personaUty and making first-class store. there.' I without fear of was the people the advocated across by a nxmiber went away. figure out that my store "When I it," he declares. business say: right when at just as is along. So I certainlyhas went 'Winters business the coimters, he to losing trade." Talking frankly to customers to them when get treated You leave can been an you any time you would go now, talk advertisingmethod of merchants. GETTING 8 Miller TRADE jeweler,has middle-western a 9 MORE store a small so '^ capital of its smal ness. Everything the big store has except expense" is a slogan that Miller in his advertisements. He frequently uses frankly he that makes he pays, and backs his statement affidavit for the benefit of any "doubting of rent the amoimt states with up an Thomas." His plan is to get customers of his prices,values, and because his store THIS PERHAPS In direct office,who man WILL to come service. GIVE YOU BUSINESS OWN finds it pays his to make in store, shop, or woman or about more Miller price than in front that suggests of he ousines lim- pride. exclusive more sells jewelry to automobiles. people, not is frank putting his about his into newspaper classified ''liners" extensively when of its YOUR electrics stop stores, but ideas the to cares and He FOR advertising Miller his appeal PLAN RETAILER'S IDEA AN to and of the is into of one advertisingthat first went he cheapness Here copy. type a " personality and own his he used business, because good results it obtained: fellow who is planning to "live with engaged to some back his ring. You his folks,"give him can get a good job in a and handle A lot of "cannery" right now own your wages. I know eo jewelry from Miller bright girb are buying their own what I'm talkingabout. Square Deal Prices. Biggest Little Store. If you're " " less Not down-to-earth advertisement ^also " in tenor ''liner" a " is the ^intended following to attract men: I want stuck ever at to $1 " into you his ^worth $2. Come evenings. Careful and success show the best pair of SI cuff buttons shirt;sone Sunday Miller. I know. in and any man nifty scarf pins,too, special Biggest Little Store. Open see. building of advertisingwas by an Illinois personalityby the plan followed store merchant. He has store meetings with about great six MORE GETTING 10 This is the way TRADE figureit. We don't take any of the buying. Everyone of us in the we judgment in any to buy. When a shirt manufacturer tells he us can the make, next customer When If you the way buy, why you we don't you Mechanical features often of your ask never tested goods a 'em buy. we of ours? trade. help may We quality, try this buying method will get the lion's share doy we all the do it with a the the style, and then the fit. We them imtil we have tested 'em and thoroughly. That's us better carry. then buy to helps store offer shirt to sell for SI, we it with the kind we compare examine it from tail to collar band. We first examine man's one create live a Skidmore's shoe personality for a store shop is an mission style a haberdasher, has example. Max Schifif, fixtures throughout, and beheves in playing safe on the Kght proposition by having enough, rather than to risk having too little. Tasteful lightingfixtures give his store a well-lightedappearance without glare anywhere, and it is as well lighted in back in front as Schiff is particularon that point. As a result of these features his store is decidedly attractive, and draws a lot of profitabletrade. Breaking the regular line of his store front by letting in sUghtly toward the window Une run the door, makes " " Morehouse's women's-wear it would than noticeable is in store otherwise Tennessee be. more the On posite op- it looks. diagram which shows how The store is small, as you see, yet it stands out from its neighbors in a surprisingway. The change occurred to Morehouse just before he signed the lease and he the sUght alteration. persuaded his landlord to make is Morehouse the loss in display-window space says trivial and his shop front is strikingenough to make up page for it. Customers in toward to just *' a tell him the door drift" into dollars to his unusual Using of a a that it very make the store, store is a so easy he for ing lead- shoppers credits many front. singlestriking color store's decoration Unes the window not as a imcommon dominant feature personality PERSONALITY STORE buildingmethod merchant and His carries he man and a An black the red a wear front store idea and and sWrt red tie Ohio paint shop a for his decorative imusually the "red painted red by having his wagon tie in the m chose scheme, plan and winter, summer. proprietor attractive as are white a southern A is known wagons further shirt and white his stdre usually effective, his store red, and uses store." it is and 11 a easy yellow which to and makes remember. yellow and he keeps it scrupulously clean and bright. Inside, the shelves, coimters, and other woodwork are Against this backpainted dull black. other the merchant, colors show groimd, states up better, and articles of polished metal show up very and to advantage. brightly A third general method, helpful in creating pleasing less spectacular store personaUties,includes more or advertising features. Usually these features have for than immediate sales rather then- purpose bmlding a of asset good will. Many merchants, permanent however, try to work up special features and make ^hold them a once week, each regular events of them and thus them both month, or annually get from The front is " " immediate sales and Frequently window will d J"cult, but some work good wiU as well. simple little twist wonders just getting " in arranging ^nothing expensive away from the a or method GETTING 12 MORE else is following. everybody built in his window ceilingtoward a TRADE hardware partition which a On the street. of small number One articles. dealer slopes from this partitionare slantingsurface The the quite draws upward and displays the goods at the top practicallyas well as those at the bottom. Ohio A jeweler in an is getting some added town attention from passers-by because he put small display windows imder his regular windows. He figured angles carefully and arranged his smaller displays so that the eye would observers point a to stoop to to He see. articles only larger put lower these have not it makes display on in windows. portant not are plans described particularlyimbecause they suggest more display space, but because they are just different enough to be striking. handled. Figure 1 shows more clearlyhow they were The two DIFFERENT THE rrS One hardware window a at barber The to barber surrounded soap, the ALL put beginning of the shave used about of a Another razors, for as and days, 10 that well chair in his and hired weather for as that he the available was desired. and This stration demonsecured dealer for that brand the would fruit on season certain a display in his show window of peaches ever in the seen following week finest collection When the day rolled his window. was shaving accessories. dealer, just before of the aroimd They there were were two putting up menced, com- day the town. handsome fruit and by preserving kettles, fruit cans, peach all other fruit jar caps, and necessities for surroimded parers, hot accessories. shaving advertised girlsin barber's a strops, shaving brushes, shaving razor all the business safety GOOD. free every day those who well -advertised safety razor other lasted MAKES OFTEN AGREE merchant by and THAT IDEA WE'LL PEKSONALITY STORE fruit. preserving double Everybody of the meaning 13 dealer's merchant. graduation the senior the class Others style show. will "People "That is effective. so are auditorium refreshments looks buy what this merchant. cities served school girlsin and at took details. of other care stage of the one in modish parade to he toward of the Some delighted were the across gowns in payment. expenses for donation a the and style show a offered He by advertisement got the business. High school girlshelped stage Ka.nRa8 amused was well the why I could others," on style shows in says large get professional not httle town, and I would in my have been not if I could have got them. able to stand the expense But sales this season have broken all prevous records my store." for my models Nearly studied his window was a sale of observed town baby believes. company The of son of the one the mother and baby he of may written be store where for played using show calls attention signs she to on obtained scheme any of occasion several was sale, on patent a display. could hours the an merchandise slabs in cards, of Ohio watch as tentedly con- haberdasher in -his wmdows synthetic marble. all colors and dealer each in window, this merchant by These thicknesses building material. They absorbent to opaque water colors,and can and over again. over with By selecting slabs that harmonize almost a home. at as Instead in the sat of salesmen requisitioned,dressed in clothes like the ones with some and placed in the window toys and baby fence to enclose him from the goods on The and clothes. 10-month-old The his recently, the display manager dry goods western in woman every from are non- be used the color alwasns has 14 GETTING attractive inches MORE displays. in size, and draw They The without value A Minneapolis grocer. arranged that every time lowers a large round card the The is message card the on tiny easels. on it. is put to novel pulley and door opens suspended 12 by 6 are monopoUzing of motion a uses them supports attention attention slabs that he The he TRADE by use cord is so it raises and in the window. changed daily,describing special bargain. spme "To lots of little articles in show stock my that might otherwise not be displayed/' says a Minnesota and put in it four druggist,"I cleared out my window cut in the shape of the four phases pieces of cardboard of the plamed these linmg moon. them with in the up words: these brings different weather. equipped to meet the changes?' "Below cards the thermometers, tions suitable "In one weather weather sign a tomorrow.' showed take in a this home lot of new stock " grouped kept the When films camera sign readmg: When hot " of daily pleasant the near ;You'Uneed I impended weather juice with this card: ^tomorrow you'llwish you originalityhave brought * Better had.' a me customers." of the devices attributes is I frame. smaller now little twists store my always bottle of grape These One from I window small a promised put in you conditions. weather the of comer was and 'em for other forecast Are cough glasses, sxmbum cream, for chapped skins, and combma- s\m lotions medicmes, articles were ex- change of the *Each moon I window his to the success generous use which a southwestern of his small of "silent chant mer- department salesmen" to ing supplement the work of his "live" salesmen by answerEven in the old questions before they are asked. with their wares his competitors marked days, when hidden label in cipher, he placed conspicuous price a Figine 1: dcacribed abo On on the pi^e detoibed on would right ia " diagram 13. Tbe page 13. get extra other You of the diagram can attention 16 see hardware showt the dearly bow from many dealer's window jeweler's window these proapects. two displays k ," " m " ft 9 " " " " *. " """'." "" ", GETTING 1" MORE tags in plain nnmerals and make a discoxmt the know hesitated much of the clerk's time with to ask is SIMPLE or LITTLE PLAN too by name. MAKES the duction intro- Now Mrs. in advance find out can popular largerones cloth, velour, cloth of that SALES EASIER STORE aisle in the fashion the from the country hat learn what to name on also derived embarrassment word need not A own according customer new through the aisles and for ask ^Englishsailor, " tam, or mushroom offer her ^as " services. soon The noticed that patrons their pronunciation of imusual terms, those especially each color. store's wonderfully well. worked merchant hesitated or is free to the saleswoman has journals,or the is plainly marked wander can Watteau, poke, Chinese them hue THAT advertising. Each hat material to its shape or The took millinery department customers easilyfind the hats they have read of in the the newspapers, plan and weaves "waflle" THIS colors. seeming this information. is the advertised IN as Others pricetags. Up went fit,planned to include "golfine,"or whatever spring or winter. Across in fashionable the fabrics and clerk. busy waiting her tmn, Lamson, his often did his customers novel material of each A at the the caihe letteringto which a brought tints. Down than more obligatedhimself marked price,while the price to some of the various names season boxes. he had that Some Each and to others. retailer noticed This not every" bolts him upon able to "boost" competitorswere and his upon to rely came People soon competitors,since they knew to sell to "each TRADE from many the French. He saved by writing in parenthesisunder it should the way ask, '*Is it rat-teen be or spoken. Now rat-e-nay?" they MORE GETTING 18 "Cleanliness is tooth powder, face Smaller tooth signs "Keep fastened was hound's a Beside sign which The the is lived phase of public come or retaUuig in ought right. point where fully to any about you of your for their possess a siure you you store and own similar was a and it will be fastened know followed point sakes. in out where for difficult whether retail to his not or if you were they would store, and When personality right that you anxious have is well large merchant, any policy is right, polish it up that and store due them be every foremost the find shall second. customers your which policy Analyze yours and ^by formulating " nearly always be an fore, there- personality, store every in him on cleanliness. right methods to be To at " determine to of store contact. you not small, arian. veterin- a it "corralled" impressed studiously and first and policies and beginning basic words and successes which to was but get up, doctrine the at to up hair "whistle" begin building to into putting to passer-by the right from your small simple wa^ way place The A lettered, tooth," shampoo on The sentence. of each attractive this Use files, like. the card obtained tooth ." display gaze It " : the hound's a as proprietary a as finish to on the read clean as clean teeth your nail group. small a articles: soaps, each Keep window. the and by had assortment paste his to cream, placed were sign antiseptic cream, oils, massage shampoo razors, the from else. in sign the reads led ribbons white all above important antiseptically clean/' Snow TRADE the to explain be tic enthusias- to done worth to buy that is it from you possessing. in CHAPTER HOW SMALL 81 convenient in HERE ideas that, them. using in 1,500 32 will plans is Plans which for by collected lower has large find have the chants mer- tion investigafrom population in each have and better given. are in given is be oughly thor- practical are and will It words. business. business tested these been which those of one retail expense thoroughly own every any only costs been read to almost to out, and merchant's while 17% practically that involve to one the achievements, ranging towns adaptable tend Each in note sifted and other were will you 100,000. to You They states fonn, profits above net OUT index among maintained WON MERCHANTS STORE worth your carefully. plan ADVERTISING Copy: it find ''I advertising our than have, every our "I found with employee a and pony of us and why, all grievances thoroughly. from paid the it that radius than so, customers whose to direct already we toward chiefly retailer more getting sales a^e new growing year. Special: a efforts if not the holding southern one says important, as to copy direct to business," fully 5 to 10 cost of to send cart to call miles, if they and paid the did to find The young on out why not, out not. a woman young everybody if they We traded with investigated friendships gained alone woman's within more trip." BUYING Mbbchandisb: manufacturers "By who concentrating guaranteed 1" all my prompt buying with shipments, a few lowert GETTING 20 TRADE* MORE prices,and service,I was able to contract for a year's supply in advance with delivery dates arranged so as always to have This method of buying usually 30-day supply on hand. a discount." netted me extra 6% an ''We buy most of our goods in our own store. This gives us merchandise an opportunity to compare new with the lines we have been canying, and has the added advantage of making salespeople and assistants share the sell a given responsibilityfor goods so bought. Salesmen fine better when they have helped to buy it. This plan has of satisfied customers and helped us immensely in the way Rules for: fewer GASH DISCOUNT CoxTPON to sales." clearance Ststbm which me, I instead inaugurated catalog. th^ bring back less than in is to based the on goods according to a of the buy again. This to sales from only worth inconsiderable advertisements are holders the cash system coupon coupons credit our a seem the store at These reduced would amount redeemable and "Since of: thirds of the two 2% the chaser, pur- 2% rate premium store and system has business to third." one COMPETITION MEtimNG the undertook an We success. 'buying for reasons buy should ''To out-of-town: impress home' at the upon our in my merchants educational campaign which proved offered prizesfor the best reasons why at home. Prizes eommunity to be town big a the people also offered to school children were this and reasons subject. Several thousand of homes submitted, indicatingthat in hundreds were essays parents and children probably for the first time gave serious of home-town loyalty."thought to his matter for essays on CX)NFIDENCE Cttstombbb': Winning the square about neckties which the samples had with window Not as in 24 the I have it pays A at all times. found merchandise purchased were led expect. me to not sign: 'Neckties they look,but worth the good as hours, and same my "I time." increased my up that to the to be on job lot of standard that displayed them in the in many popular designs. I 65 cents.' customers' I sold them confidence in ide out at HOW MERCHANTS 81 WON 21 COSTS Operation: ''I reduced operation costs by Althou^ the discontmuing all premiums and specialdiscounts. of sales dropped at first, found that they volume customers soon under the new value for their money receiving more were plan, and gradually the volume increased,while the costs dropped. RsDuaNG my 19 CXJSTOMERS being friendlywith customers, friendlyin just an ordinary,everyday, human feel better of way. It makes feel better,our customers us Being oar sort Friendly believe ''We with: in us, and it pays. it pa3rs, because our I know business, started only four years ago, has been so successful that there is than that being friendly ^the main other answer point in no toward " policy ^pays." our " Calling on: fill it with attractive day a week I take out my automobile, grocer's samples, chewing gum, cigars,and any whole only make not of the one many either write discover we then I customers. out the needs with customers personalletters 6fferingto straighten talk it the difficultyor These about, and calls on day make country personal friends,but I find "Whenever grievances,we time. be may buying community." whole Disgruntled: out which advertisingmatter the throu^ "On over plans have seldom tactfullyat the first opportune failed to win back the customer." "During one of my clearance sales I advertised that I would give a price reduction of 1 cent for each letter in the of each customer who bought a pair of shoes during the name sale. Although a few fictitious names probably found their and gladly in,most of the buyers gave their correct names way in took advantage of the offer. It helped, too, buildingup eur list." mailing Names: Winning their Friendship: "It pays me to have my desk platform in the central aisle of the first floor of store instead of in a private office. Country people like to my would store not know from whom they buy, and I know my I not among customers lettingthem know were my prosper that I am 'on the job.'" on a little DELIVERY RsDuaNG: offer each COMPLAINTS "Our numerous driver S50 a year delivery complaints led us to 'prizemoney.' It is not a part of GETTING 22 MORE TRADE salary and he does not get it if he does not win it. The $50+200 points"25 cents a point. If the driver mabBS take the proper of his car, we a mistake, if he doesn't care All we say is,'James, two points are charged scold him. never At the end of the year the points charged against you/ against each driver are deducted, and he gets only what is l^t. This system has practicallydoubled the efficiency of our delivery department." a driver's DISPLAYS EFFBcnvB display windows, our trinmiings. Below that would sign reads: with and each form will cost dress you "In I show S8.75.' it givesthe shopper, without she is looking for. In the exact information time considerable salesmen that they my spend at figuringand answering customers' Shelf: forms over in suitable it I place a card itemizingthe cost of everything into the shown. The making up garment go 'This efiTectivebecause drape materials "I Merchandise: order to dry goods displayed on attract my my customers' plan is The effort her part, addition it saves on would otherwise questions." attention to the shelving,I himg cards on a shelf partitionpost. From these upper level with the eyes at each cards, colored ribbons lead customers' eyes up to where are displayed the goods described and priced on the cards. This plaiisells much of this stock and gives me nearly 100% display value from shelving." my mCKEASING SALES "In advertising,window displays,and and of instead actually selling, talking showing merely this that wringer, we talk of saving labor on or washing machine wash day by providing modem equipment to do the work. wash show In the window a we day in a properly equipped and in laundry. This plan helps us to sell additional articles, have sold entire wash day outfits because of it." several cases we Bt Suggestion: our LOCATION OvEBCOMiNG block of: ''My Jewelry the retail district. I store is losing out as a result. I decided to hold Friday and Saturday special sales,and at these to take a loss,if necessary, in order to bring I placed In the main window store to people'sattention. my I sell all the same of articles, price. When a large number I do not replaceit with a duplicate,but out of the window one on . Disadvantage THE a side street a from was HOW attractive by another on MERCHANTS 81 WON bargain. This plan has put I have paying basis in the months a 23 used busineaa my it." MAHJNGLIST built up an excellent mailing list for my with 3 by 5-inch cards. On by providing each salesgirl and address of the for the name card was a space BuiLDiNQ store each "I up: prospect, as well also had we prize of S1.50 for the a each names and name filled-incard For each used. ' for the as month, and kind who one sold about we half of these one We most in the turned of the during the two months greatest number of live prospects, and with obtained 600 names work product she 1 cent. paid the salesgirl girlwho turned in the for the S5 of the We contest. little extra a people within the next months.'' few Keeping "We date: to up mailing lists active by girl in each school young keep our representative usually a lists. We her district,who keeps tab on the community pay for information, and she sends in regular 2 cents name a monthly reports upon a form which we provide. These reports lists active,but they also tell us just what not only keep our peopleare doing, and we are on hand with suggestionsat the right moment." having a " " CUSTOMERS NEW I to town. comes after the business ''I go Qstting: secure names I also have new family that from newcomers agencies,and real estate from of of every the other any papers, news- available agreement with the pastors of local will give me I say to them, 'If you churches. the names of families you know for you.' of, I shall do the same new any I go to the new We both benefit by the scheme. Then family source. an taking with in person, samples me The all advertised of is food gift from sample a our products. store, and brings good will. I keep after them with personal letters assortment until I feel that I have the business permanently." SHARING PROFIT a as much at the earns $150. Stobe: Retail In as he is rate same ''We we 10%, the $1,500 is There firm merely been with us no on pay a our man year agreement gives this,as a We taking out. as fiscalyear. that assume it By or sees means an employee is leaving therefore,pay him dividends capitalstock. If our stock receives contract fit,to any of this a cash dividend between us. employee plan we are who of The has creating 2i GETTING a MORE team-work plan spiritthat give,we feel." can SALARY TRADE competitiveccunmiasion no bonus or EXPENSE CnmNo: and have ''We aisles in main no showcases in tables The store. our orderly helter-skelter. are Yet, arranged an they are arranged so that four showcases or tables form a hollow rectangle,with openings at two opposite comers, so saleswomen walk rightthrough to save time, and can enter the enclosures can from either side. with this way able to serve we are more tomers cussmaller sales force than we could otherwise/' a In SALES Building had "I up: marked that 75 cents at I watched found sales a Roquefort cheese, which I not pound, was sellingfast enous^. it and on my discovered that quarter of one display hiedfa a pound was we average the in cut and two the cheeses, sign reading: '20 cents, top one \i pound.' The sales on this article increased when we put up the the sale. Now dozen card.'' new " Cooperative : sales of individual the appeal. So which stores to our realized that clearance town making not were hold the customers gave outfits in decided we in Merchants all clearance opportunity sales at time, one obtain to line at clearance practicallyevery sufficient a complete prices. The increase in business was normal about 20% over the previous store One increase during the sale. reported a 50% year. These figuresindicate that the cooperativesale was responsible for an increase in business of approximately 30%." "The Increasing: show. pumpkin It in merchants held was on off and entirely to given over A complete program farmers. our sale held town three-day a the streets, which were the displays of merchants and of entertainment roped and ment amuse- morning till night, but aside from four the people could not spend pay attractions of the highestclass, their money unless they patronized the merchants. Every individual was 'tagged' with a tag which said, 'I'm glad I'm I'm coming back.' here My store did a business of Sl,500 given was from " the last day and And the with working well as farmer a grocer of the was made him, and people to were we had feel that interested before. seen never the merchants in him as a were man, as season a customer." Increasing and 75% Delivery: through I (my store is a meat "During harvest market) offered delivery to all GETTING 28 If girlexceeds this sales a MORE TRADE of sales and amount thereby reduces the percentage ratio of wages her to sales,we pay her excess weekly sales,calculated at the reduction bonus a upon accomplii^ed in ratio of wages to sales. If she pushes her sales up to $300 the ratio of wages ($10) to sales is reduced to 3H%* Therefore, she gets a bonus of 2^% SlOO, or S2.66. It is surprising upon how to strong increase SAVING inducement an this plan has proved salesgirls to their sales." TIME "Stock boys frequently replaced on the shelves goods which customers considering. This caused considerable annoywere until I had cards with the word man printed. A salesance reserve of these beside a heap of merchandise leaves one on now ' ' This that it will not be disturbed. counter, and is sure little plan saves three people's time, that of the customer, the salesman, and the stock boy." the SALESPEOPLE GETTiNa there is holiday,and small town. So I would They season. help the churches. out advertised store my during me in to came sales gross but saleswomen, brought in new I certainlyintend see they them and customers to our tions organiza- for work It well. as fine All their friends lots of sales. did make and didn't make the on would who supply in church societies 10% the pay labor extra the women's to of their members any the rush word during the saleswomen extra established no I sent that by made needed ''I Extra: the plan use again this year." SERVICE Bureau "I : ' a use section of the store which good service bureau. This makes also but an ' S3rstem in blunder catches bureau analysis of errors by which store my reports them each to our only adjusts difficulties, and a daily day's work not each of each the nature complaint. Through these report about who the error, and we individual has made find able the are we to reduce to the our the customers. At once they point where discovered "I congregating from a of little annoyance are customers." Improving: of to errors rest of on the the side of store, and I rearranged the every able girlwas that my the shelves which little attention and store to had saleswomen do the took work out a hid was habit them pa'd to these shelves. three had done HOW before without being better service,and To week hands And agency. 'hired' work his trade when of my has farmer free obtained drug store a men employment needed much a courtesy, we're pretty our got Several nearby. 'amateur' our customers our noticeablyreduced." was the farms on a through man course 27 sigus in the windows placed through are Of salary expense my to WON busy. too ''I put FABMEB8^ for farm MERCHANTS 81 of sure getting afterward." SALES SPECIAL tickets help me keep track of the sales of goods. The price ticket is perforated so "Price Tickets: speciallyadvertised be torn off when This half of it may the sale is made. this ticket is brought half is pasted on the sales ticket. When that work lays it aside. Thus morning just what cashier she the to I know advertised every with little extra very the sales on the to buy were articles." STOCK Choosing: attractive goods job lots store my direct from absolutely new some I started ''When paid me. In that STORE none of buy is the latest.' It our althou^ gave six months. or be that sure sales a us advertising our we played this up to the limit for the first five 'At no other store in town,' we said, 'can you everjrthingyou me the manufacturers, offered were it leverage competitors have." LAYOUT Rbducinq stock The so Selunq Costs customers departments directory boards. can get around The stock asking questions. there plan which the lowest- of the department, and only has won salespeople. Three people This frequent are is in plain sight,with at the entrance customers, but it saves for a department care and and store my arrange without plainly marked are priced assortments higher prices last. "I bt: not would otherwise me the many can entirely require five." TURNOVER LocATiNa "SncKEBs": "Whenever the rate of turnover in suspiciouslylow, we list in a note book This book is then held in the each item that is kept in stock. section,and whenever a salesgirlsells an item, she marks a tally a department falls directlyabove that entry. After an item is shown to be a sticker for two months, we clear it out of stock and then do not reorder. stock 70%." reduced corset This 'notebook' treatment our GETTING 28 MORE TRADE BOOK WANT Stock Recording because book' tacks within number which the needs all shelving the than WINDOW the under were needs box a above the sales thumb of stock a is to do put tack a that article until the is 'want' considerably are the in When there stays lost My put to just or tack recorded. they has salesman The replenishing. I sales losing was salesman. every below just I stock string. a of that record to on reach low permanently fewer method." old DISPLAYS Local Interest: too I stock, By have increased I had and directly in my position. pail drop be and the WOMEN The seen. sign did ''Most I so water in on mirror mirror ' words: cured.' feet back of 10 cents The the of reflection tised adver- the a " sign, pail mere lettered it so attracted arrangement slanting a the bar foot a window my in saw a of could passers-by, rest." that store window advertising to into it a dressings. women. refrigerators I sold like women found hardware handsome were. pail of floated the the my CUSTOMERS attractive, enameled sales the which were unusual the the large a into Your fastened was WiimiNo: dingy reflected a hung of top bucket. the I gazing on push ''To I put to tion atten- store's considerably." sales store, public the tax happenings local my it water, Also backward, not drug behind soap. in tying Passers-by of in not about windows display will they Inexpensive: and soap that so interest local use much. Unusual a "I months, three every of hung easy runs found "I neglected salespeople 'want into Needs: five that One showing day.'f things paid to bright, Then to directed I somewhat my well-lighted I clean, and neat, rearrange morning how be of most displayed sanitary and with store, neat my white- th^ C5HAPTER TESTED 14 TO lowered declares total the of subtract from the its share this must do business for the coming "This amount amoimt the corresponding of increase of increase the amoimt over the corresponding for instance, one desired Each increase week $200 "To make requires each of some instead the the the of special months of we show out year, plan two to show before. increase of share than the $800. approximately year. this increase special building seasonable or a 52 should more map the over Going previous year We show total our increase of month year month's of securing figure by week slightly week week 12, thus before. the Each an some of volimie should set we special planning. around events sales these article. special events of one/' of Some later show same done increased required total of be must each for events For the over the determined, is the each suppose must "After gives year the week $10,000. at year increase/' business by the of divide find we desired total month each also farther, "For divide month step the the in month do and year. then we the result reach to business grocer. the The we more should amoimt business IDEAS and Ohio we year. AND of the an business last for week Engard, amoimt during each show Walter PLANS big fight costs, must year we SALES in win IV in this Engard's chapter, plans but the 29 and most events are important described point he GETTING 30 makes is that to we and exacting growth of sales requires It is not planning. do must last/' did TRADE normal a seciire special preparation "We merely to say: than MORE The $10,000 larger a its demands sufficient this year more business grows the for accurate knowledge The the part of the management. on tendency today in all lines of business, investigationreveals, is to and analyze markets, to set sales quotas scientifically, and programs which will sell the to plan sellingevents dollars. goods and win the necessary Study of retail merchandising campaigns reveals effective sales plans and selves thempolicies which group (1) basic conveniently under these five heads: policiesunderlying successful sellingcampaigns; (2) mining getting the facts before you begin to plan; (3) detersales policy; (4) sales plans which the on build petition prestige; and, (5) gaging and meeting commore are right basis. The importance of a sound store policy is emphasized in Chapter II, and investigationindicates that it is the on vitallyimportant when a merchant out sets to increase sellingeffectiveness on a definite plan. The value of unfailingcourtesy to sales was impressed his store was Minnesota day when one a grocer his store's on crowded. well-dressed A effort to have off and waited her. served the woman's By told who noticed whom the he him learned he had janitorof had been there workingman had been who as served several had had time to cool. steady flow of new tomers custhat their janitor had mended recomthe best and cheapest in the could of business large amount the discomfiture his grocery neighborhood. He chance time the soon grocer on workingman a on before The wait him pushed forward in an her, but he politelyput her woman that a not should the in his turn why understand to come poorly some large apartment this him, until by dressed weeks houses laborer before near was by. TESTED "The PLANS SALES is 81 always right. ^no qiiibbling or other goods. Always Money back take never tomers. advantage of cuskeep promises,,and customer never force sales." Never four basic rules express These hardware merchant, built such on why understand a his large-storeclass. A policy like this Iowa but many, say believe,should feelingswithout realizing it. in retail shoe "Sales salesman clerk the because "In the on for shoes. go lost because he pushes a "I saimter is The idea sale always is across." he lost proprietor. to the over cannot fit him, importance warrants it. It is situations. stock button, which the are more many have we shelves push-buttons where that sees a at once brings salesmen sale is being inabilityto satisfy the to the the properly," being turned salesman a of his that that therefore, When up lost because salesman these various being fitted,and interest the avoid store, my located his because than are customer he is the because policy to our structive con- retailer expects a ostentatiously calls the to feel that Ukes proprietor the I believe "And often stores handle cannot continues. rather by real study his clerks shoe retailer. ''Many of eastern tomer's knowing why, and hurt a cus- lose sales without one if measures good starter, a up I ''Every merchant, declares an closely,'' No followed be it must is trade. draw us frequently brings it he merchant's merchandising to and an consider helpers. When you aggressive merchandising methods bed-rock foimdation, it is easy to business is rapidlygetting into the that this merchant's are sales policy of the of his attention the to " " " Iowa wrong customer me. the way he sell him. ten customer, ask about nine times out of proprietor has taken a personal generally puts pleasing, and most GETTING 32 The MORE TRADE easiest way, probably, to get facts pertinent to business jects ^takingup the second of oiu* five sub- your " ia through a close watch on current activities in territory,and a mailing list. Thoroughgoing your will give almost merchant mailing list methods any practicallyall the facts he needs to know regarding his its territory, its population, and buying possibilities. " BBRB'S A SIMPLE ENOUGH CAN USE jeweler keeps One social and business learns from PERHAPS unusually an functions the different specialevents PLAN" TOU rr, TOO and careful watch on entertainments. He organizations of his city when scheduled. example, if a group of business men plan to give a banquet and to present a loving cup to a fellow citizen,this jeweler tactfully bids for the order for the gift. are like manner, In he For watches all athletic and events solicits graduation exercises,and in a dignifiedmanner the business of supplying trophies or gifts. If a customer buys an engagement chant ring, this merthe forthcoming wedding gets the facts about and in plenty of time" through a card mdex systemregarding the wedding ring. approaches his customer first child comes, this jeweler makes parents, friends, and relatives that he When to the the glad to help card The to the tenth year "follow-up" anniversaries fifth year, ^bring " and vague hint is thrown effect that the then select a points out doesn't each on his to imder that he certain has wedding a here, even " to this will event. plan " card the No counters. engraved an prospect addressed a end instances, up some is made present for out in of business insistent solicitation time will be presents for the baby. index The however. up select known ^justa to the doubtless in The "complete jeweler stock at GETTING 84 rea43onable "in MORE He prices." '* times between believe that they solicits these never he has ^when " TRADE prospects logicalreason no to in the market. are jeweler also enlists the aid of his salesmen in sales. summer helping his follow-up system to make The salesmen and are constantlypicking up the names addresses of new prospects, and a little "sleuthing'' The follows as result. a Say, for instance, that Robert Dwinell, a bachelor, is noted in ring. His name purchases an engagement in Figure 3. the card This index, as shown card, filled out, completely when full name, fiancee,and the date benedict's usually local newspaper the week, index card is spends cards, addmg any man The the appears on system does dates market. date. to three or than It also facts to get a tip on salesmen The are give it close attention. all the days going over have secured. he may customer's salesman favorite mformation According merely his customers when his store, and Its buyer. two card. more to up times each of name his approaches, this season summer brought other at of through the society editor of the the as is busy Each the set ^who " prospective address, the name for the wedding. These usually glad approaching wedding. One too the his obtained are carries binds it makes influence to to the jeweler,this keep him posted will be probably on in the his regular trade securely to the occasional buyer a habitual from extends generation to generation. Unconsciously, perhaps, the customer he finds his mind reverting to this one shop whenever has occasion to buy jewelry, although he may pay little attention to the fact that the jeweler'sdignified but to his desk just at the convincing card comes three times two a or right moment year. "I rely upon upon which my mailing Ust to base my to furnish me sellingplans," says tion mformaanother SALES TESTED "It jeweler. is from taxpayers cheap and the tax buy who are not For instance, suppose and knives forks, and in again. "I and always make write her lines,if I beUeve to a woman list of a decides she and name is in to comes she that address looking at shown look will at drop this stage at 'k. and call attention she secure ers customThen, when this list,they can be added. on letter and a fails to If she she note a simple 35 records. her seciure PLANS f.' Later I lower-priced to my expensive stocks. in again, I mark the card (see was come too and address,with a signal Figure 4) carrying her name to indicate that she probably is buying of competitors. reasonable At 'customer into class,' " classes should intervals the "I go out after to conaes other any "Among agreement is I Once the believe list is sale is recorded in other lines of every new family that wide-awake small-town grocer. a says of famihes new agencies, estate available my equally popular business the names real from store. my which by investigation. town," *'I get the offers same advertising list automatically,if every this method brought direct in the card." proper That is in the others my special them interest started,it grows on I divide ^receive " she and the the newspapers, telephone directory, and sources. plans with from for getting these of pastors several is names an churches. I ' of them, in effect : If you will tell me the names famihes neighborhood, I will moving into yom* new both benefit by the pkh. do the same for you.' We I go to the new "Then family in person, taking with me samples of advertised food products. I give them the samples with my compliments and explain that I say to carry the about all the goods they being better popular know than brands about. starting on This new and appeals and sell them can to them untried as food- GETTING MORE sample assortment 36 stuffs. The good will and I keep after them their that I have ''One is gift. As a frequently comes personal letters,until with result a business to me. I feel permanently!'' their business mistakes/' easily dwell too much upon dealer/' yet mine Pennsylvania delicatessen can says a have taught follow: to TRADE I find it worth rule that merchandise no in unless, a me it advance, traced is of its results ramification is safe plan while my advisable or throughout they will apply as every the to particularenterprise. for Good Phone Berriman Eats/ "'Hungry? advertisement. But proved an excellent newspaper it kept our so busy that telephones and deliverywagons both had be increased to devoured the profits. "Similarly,mailings well. strong, but THIS One with to a He estate the dealers. When appeal is nearly doubled welcome to DEALINGS THE FROM it START poUcy a to families of the there finds if he follow family that new names druggist the nothing." were CUSTOMER BASIS secures family, new PROFITABLE druggist also makes personal letter every town. real A HIS PUTS out pan by direct soUdtation up repeat sales MERCHANT ON lists didn't to selected followed of them One started imtil the overhead in mmiber are that children forte the addresses up moves from in the of his his letter of of them. one third determining of the sales policy our ahnost unanimously general subject ^finds merchants effective far more of the opinion that sales efforts are if they are planned at the start to line up with standard The " " policiesof "One the method out plans Bays an for eastern store in helpfulin working year's merchandising operations," which a question. I have department foimd store owner, "is to prepare ^i^Al/ i^w6taK^"tei0^fiuslnen Name SVf Rea. PfMNie ^ tW. Salemai^MlMrAu ^^^ Phone Bus. /.-P/u^, *f29.r(0 Remarks: Ouj.I-.Cwm^ i|0^ja-ni7 Figure is 3: kept A complete this on card. of any record Any kind facts entered are inclinationa of a customer's which at will suggest ' imder once and purchases jewelry purchases 'remarks." ! .^ -45 " Figure Another 4: he can. plan He enables jeweler gets the names classifies these names as him mark hard to hit the 37 of all customers described with on page and 35. his sales letters. pects pros- Thifr GETTING MORE of various timely 38 a schedule TRADE Such events. schedule a easilybe prepared by nmning through the pages of a calendar, and it will suggest a number of timely and appropriate sales plans. I study the seasons, also. I plan ahead for seeding time; stove campaigns; fur selling and fur storage campaigns; style shows and style publicity;and put may *^ down on I do not of the a paper depend definite schedule on remind wholly or memory of every About on operation. the nearness the only events which be scheduled, I have cannot found, are the deaths of people and births and styles all of which in merchandising. call for special treatment Again, I schedule the opening and closingdates of schools and colleges; the dates of conventions; the dates and football seasons; of the opening of the baseball election days; inaugural days; the dates of the opening and of legislaturesand other important congresses, event to me. " '^ All of these dates. news eyents easily be Unked may merchandising, advertising, and practically any store's sellingplans. with of has completed as far as practice to note carefully affected or helped by each it schedule coming events practicable,I have found the *'When department of interest '^Coming head to his back which list of scheduled a her or to be taken to good be give each which are sales policies,if standardized make events I a department. not general policiesare individual imderstood by every should Then in been will department event. store's them definite in the and a clearly store, pains they are linked I speak feelinglyand so, as closely with sales efforts. I have these subjects because the seen on I)ositively failure of a good many or campaigns hinge on success the knowledge of store policies. of the specific questions Here, for example, are some with every that come merchandising up in connection so ' service store '^ SALES TESTED plan, whether sellmg event: 1. Shall in its and the store year, a covers a 39 month, short a price quotations comparative use only or advertising? Shall 2. it PLANS endeavor who customer store stand to make a the has back of every permanent transaction of every customer complaint? a advertising be handled as a service to the public for the good of the store today and tomorrow, is advertising space for specificdepartto be used or ment operations regardless of the fut\u*e,and at the of established publicitypolicies? expense 4. Is the store's pubUcity to be judged solelyby the direct visible residts it brings, or is it to be specific, 3. Shall the it reflects the with which judged also by the success day-to-day character of the store, its operations, and its foundation policies? 6. Is the store's merchandising to be judged by spectacular selling events judged by the be to m certain departments, or is it well-regulatedoperation of all departments? 6. Are a helping hand that should 7. Are departments there weak of at the expense be given other to which to be are publicityand display departments? certain departments in the store there given which developed prestige enough to justify special consideration in the general merchandising plan of the have to store "Of the course, of wisdom reason to answers It is not of these many Uttle but with adopting those is self-evident. the departments? determined be can help other answers as always easy, study, and definite Actual emphasized sales subject in which plans you " the our are, need the policies however, policies practiced effectively,and I have questions that to get is the for standards. fourth perhaps, head most " ^form the interested* But don't declare lose sight of the that will almost behind An a made He since he matter of stock merchants most particularlysuccessful plan a study and you foimda- a formerly general merchandise series of sales at the first signs of hot weather. txuned what out to be a mistake^ however, called these sales by definite names, when, as of fact,they were merely plans for getting rid dealer in to hold that threatened example, For fact that merchandising principles. Iowa started TRADE invariablyfind careful tion of sound a MORE GETTING 40 he might begin with follow with sale," then into the over ^'odds an ''clearance a siunmer. and sale," ends announce ''general clearance sale," and finallyhold a During the first three years "profit-sharingsale." he spent advertising this he foimd that the money and circulars string of sales through the newspapers of profit. The fourth year returned a fair percentage he only broke even. next a fifth year The sale." and ends was worried his third to this he His when sale. YOU IN ARE decided that foimd his sales off that A check a buyers LIKE HOLE HERE'S A he had THIS cried these sales overstocked were much to be done. WAS" MERCHANT OUT WAY his dilemma carefully.He "wolf, wolf" his customers reallymeant for page on space simply didn't respond had HELPFUL studied merchant foimd the And WHY, He he signed publicity. Something IF This Uttle response to the "odds second sale also went dead. He foimd no to little more too longer believed them because than often. that they had efforts to clean shelves. word "sale" entirely he called a "three-word and instead began what selling words "final three The were disposal campaign." of high-pitched ^nothing here that smacked days" He bought a moderate amount sales announcements. So the " retailer dropped the GETTING 42 be a long "11 a window time in inside, run them on figure,and and day 69 at brings us to into small or table a on we offering like odd some last division gaging " order days of huge maildepartment stores reaching out for and concerns more 200, of the entire lot." fifth and our have we some cents, probably dispose we if advertisement newspaper In meeting competition. trade but them, stack a certain a TRADE sellingthem^ full of close This MORE these and rural has that districts,no merchant the can on safely feel that he has a "strangle hold" is due for a He buying dollars of his community. towns rude awakening, more, merchants if he feeling. wide-awake That not only are progressivemerchants against, but are holding their own actually taking business from their big-city and petitors catalog comaway and is clearlypointed by investigation. More communities offer their With this realization value waking are to up certain goes a that they advantages. fact the definite growing appreciation of the merchant's of "get-togethers." "Oiur problem was the competition of a city to meet and only a few miles than 12 times as large as ours more merchant distant," says Frederick Hall, a small-town who owns a "The solution the roimd proved winner a It ago. when came made we an trip fare of any customer made purchases amounting and etore in Illinois. store has as led as soon to we many who to came it,a few our plan The to $5. started new offer to pay years unlooked-for and expansions. "For his customer who to came town in wanted how he to know buggy or automobile him to participate. For we provided a ticket provided for the stablingand feeding of his horses if he preferred,he could have a meal ticket good own was that "or, for instance, the a dinner semilocal at any customers hotel or asked: restaiuant ^What in town. about us?' Our For SALES TESTED them provided we 'Good for Then 20 would do for refunded a been had given send time store of ways Customers different, costs we schedule a for and 70 or are and afternoon jump announcing and salesmen. day 50 in who goods, one over interested in all of and we fares. car store our we bar" special our selling in chapter the important and like always eager you down. as news, give which stores. All emphasize the facts then community's your methods small this community, your when of to in came successful knowing people bill 25,000, people 2,000 addresses analysis our getting a of time." to described for newsy, 60 letters imusually of of purchased customers plans necessity addresses single a circular proved your as completes the what population a and many in from have know out of out names these This and store, their them gains of our as keep trolley 20-cent to worked we time, and refimded To so names in Sometimes have ^wanted words, department/ the " short the had of the fares. very had we with 10-cent outside fixed them; car "In had we " 43 stamped and 5- our lived who limit ^the zone in cents customers coin brass a PLANS about finding new attention. merchant one to see and it to them, hear sales Be puts it. something jmnp up V CHAPTER ADVERTISING METHODS THAT INCREASE PROFITS HIS semiannual the best buying advertising material of Once merchant. thousand several his showing A few his on this and after days mailing he trip in the merchant. of a feel "They York reading, and I will that in of its that has about drop from return in using to his Find clothes," the a is to an its business. of the new is flected re- who "small" are has of clusively conwere no ^'outgrown exception article develop* proved is merchants business important 44 This who without growth. feeling in importance whose almost and advertising contributed retailer offering me." but merchants" customers my this out. fairly sure in mark course, experiences I put them read are the to for retail makes this declares hit," advertising letters Of vital is of best up business small "small longer. right goods. by once is he invitation a alone the when more the the are be Advertising ment from note hints care an make postmark attractive and always letters New friendly merchant's the customer every newsy the stocks, and after letterheads on city few about orders he East. "These The the a word western City." York containing a store up brief styles, the made reaches furnish one York, a selecting high-grade into "New to New list receives merchant, coining in letters form name York New trips to you diet find which ADVERTISING THAT PAYS Close study of advertisingmethods small careful on with of hit-or-miss them substituting accurate which economically. principlesupon which most circulars for or displays,and There 93 are He ing grow- progressive line of or for business, guesswork. his He prospects fimdamental advertising out result-gettingcopy advertisements, window uses work to The will reach newspaper so on. three merchants his size knowledge is choosing mediums by 93 plans policiesbased analysis take the place methods. what matter no used and investigationand merchant, is reveals stores that 45 to principalmethods employed by the their advertising expenditures make These methods ing are: (1) buildpull greater returns. tisements store personalityin advertising;(2) making adverand interesting; and, (3)settling more newsy details by test and analysis. read in Chapter II how of wide-awake You a number merchants are building up forceful store personalties. Here we take may several up plans having direct re- everyday advertising problems-plans which contribute directly to store personality. Standardized type faces and styles of composition popular, and no doubt probably represent the most effective ways of getting store personalof the most one ity ktion to into circulars and advertisements. newspaper tinctive has disChoosing a clear,readable type face which features,is a method pursued by a largeniunber it has the advantage of progressive merchants, and of being easy and effective. One retailer held prizes for various groups high school pupils, and he advertisement type, new which had arrangement, entirely.Prizes were advertisement and contest a offered of contestants, adults. Each set up attractive children, as succeeding differently different different " styles of layout offered for the best letters telling of the series was most effective MORE GETTING 46 from type-and-layout point of view. be accompanied by a complete set a had TRADE to sent Each letter of the advertisements out" the information he repliesgave the merchant desired regarding type and layout^ and helped him to establish a definite advertisement ity. policy and personalfirst-class mailing a Incidentally,he obtained The list,and fine lot of effective a contest was SOME ARE VALUABLE MIGHTY INTERESTING Wisconsin he it be he nimiber a that newspapers of local newspaper the he insisted that particulartype "Get retailer says: cooperation; advise can use you. closely, to close Getting knowledge, But all the time determine displays eniunerated " reasoning out decided "We unaccompanied store allow to not brighten to ways by a soimd a a New we England to fimdamentals his bxmdle blotter making method second he got down small-cityclothier,when tising adver- study your policies are difficult tasks for not points many advertising and " ^were on business." interesting the more printer;get your for what into news more to his profitablein getting new and in AN purchased. One his metropolitan fomid of that ON POINT tising good adverthat of standardizing on one them tjrpe style. When none in merchant ideas, among office had IDEAS ADVERTISING advertising Studjdng one the on. HERE gave advertising while or advertising. to go some out other of the little ing "In the furnishadvertisement," says this merchant. goods department we keep blotters advertisingthe clothing department, there blotters are In bujdng our in and about this way, we department other departments. one in the the clothing department ment. furnishing goods depart- call the to what attention we have of those to offer in Figures: same store*. probably rtyle erf approach TWs The it ia Dk* Laraon talking. The it is pullinK trade reafoa talking. point ia " be The reader is would never Naturalnew natural. 47 not for Dick In work at I.arton doubt leada aa to aO ft* i" becauae to who i" peraonality. GETTING 48 ''We also MORE obtained "I find that great deal a spring by printing up the high school, with The cards were given a TRADE lot of baseball the out players^ at every cards score names for them. on game. handle to want women publicity last of the goods they constitute a rebuy to an unusual extent, and women of our markably large p^centage buyers. Along about to the boys' Thanksgiving time we put next department a rack of bath robes and house coats. Women to the boys' coimter cannot help but conung notice this display. They see that we have bath robes and house time had we This twice. in well-selected patterns. coats to reorder robes and where well in advance of mas Christ- house of sales in these two increase directlyto putting them examined bath One coats lines I credit they could be leisurely the holiday season.'' Hitching-up advertising with local events and community interests pulls splendid results for several One western merchants, investigationreveals. jeweler by concentrating on this poUcy has practicallydoubled sales within a comparatively short time, and with absolutely no increase in advertisingoutlay. the schools "When he "one of my surrounded says, gave a May wiadows contained pole by dolls. I usually show for a week season with tiny playersproperly named. May I believe that it is advantageous manufacturer's national advertisements and "At of a one time lot of money manufacturer's a I tried to buck and with in the end of both various lines. baseball little baseball Under field, this method to connect with up in the printed displays. the national campaign another line. lost out. Now advertising and push As while his campaign is on. more the During a miniatiure a advertising, both in window jewelry manufacturer celebration," Day other I also find it wise to a I spent I use a directly lines in- result,I sell use freelythe advertising services offered by manufactiu'ers.'' II U. 'H Jlri It i/ Now for the Sale of White in the May MobilizationSale M4di AnrtMy Md comprtlNMlvt MtMlilit wiiy ttlMr cwiiMwifloi TK b riu dtfly miiritui MTCHX m tipirk ttylM mi ffECML lytiMct 2. Only qroftk* llM Miartii Hmh atfvwtiaai Sd" Miy Il7.yw 40-iKh "HMh Am H"ad"dt ctock ud o( wabtiag, yd.. Cf* whh fwhuc Md have NMdlB advuGca" Am our aad de* thoc that OREAT aad Coals Snita. Coau nemat Miw You $11^ $13JM", $18J4I DOLLAR -irill And Baybrly twaj Brida^ Madam Appletoa City. different ten araiiU pricad in thia mora varietyvaetly coatingJuM ONE lM^yiair-"ua* aad hirinarii^ noat vieiag with Vahw $7Ji^ 17 Trading $Min]^trs gtren ia on* pttrchaM, which SALE. MOBILIZATION EtnXUjCt the haa giving out are our BayHere 17 A PI foe Mca, iMVpcovs tale of Woomm in intereit the to moothi' our arc, wa beaafit of tlw ia prqwred biqriag ia the fj [aadlojral tltt buycn W"' dqwrtmrnt buy depart* Wonca. wflaaaRWqr modea. ,"udte to thoe ^iriagMylet aew and Salt af SkoM I OM growiag ....... May of MSO"^^ {" TWkm'aadMfo feat our mcM 28e Skiria EallU "" SAU Sal* af Soili May ttr^xd bcantifitl Aw m. if thi ooaaing long ditrtwcra Si^. our meat prWuf if mm at 46e Otfuxiio of yvda aie *VALIIP If irtat IH^ BRIDES fran if ItIT SMI ago ""rt ai WWTE Boya, ChOdren Voilct,yd. fOc Fmch ihccr If tMa MAY tomcn yd.... 39e tMa afkM shoca quality. 28e Orgudio, Whhc Am 42-lKb Goedb VoiU, fiM ihcer Am 45-iBGh of WUto Whit* piamntf mmIm JUNE AND MAY for Smmmt. hr thi Hwtfrati pMrliH ww iM SMiS tMi h hir Mtacttms it"M liar at thi ntait MRts MTihr MtoitliM wutat if WHti INBtiZATION 3 GIRL GRADUATES r^ lack May Mt TMs Graft IMY If Mr RATWO nlidy UUS MAY HmMm. if tht Mill ttipt wkM May Sak atyiea .of for.. $L00 BnyPfariy abaolutalyFrac with each and arenr why you ahould atttqd thn rmaoo YoiAdkl RITCHIE'S rwy It b ita tk" lie Ana ttSS^ia ktfa Ute ia an iho eU eae^ daiJag bock dajravhiB Chkafe lllihlpB pert. The to ma a thepweth "ad needs. Note Here 7: the is merchandise, It is timely, particularly to, buHocM many Mw out maay "od direct Herllett and the tetlM Figure Aad the GREATEST STORE afo, he theads "t the hold tlieir bmo. yean Ihu ha the ma leiM for the pNi" Baa Andthegr wiO td yout^ buyer hia aa a heidware laightgo oOi end f"piM. "nhat'b ahM**' o( pnclicel eiperieaca detailed kaoiriedie of yean theuMad. in hies ope naa a oootacL Ubbeid, Spencer, ia 1 that bdiaMa to CheiieB buying Coaapeey^ ceftakf" pnwt they bbom it becuae idencyvhm vacant policy thet the Imnim Awlthewii- hMfadthMtabavlKit. with OOUNTTS AT. CLAIR ahoat tib oJttr-amakm another and too. first lOOjOOO dose suggests Some paragraph of " 50 the shows which advertisement of study type is ^itis difficult the very to familiarity community's bad, however. read, and mussy " THAT ADVERTISING PAYS 61 display may be had from a dealer. window-dressing experience of a delicatessen dressed his from A new a big-cityfancy grocery man with window imported goods sl beautiful display. hints Valuable window on " Friday not declares beautiful window," that from ''So out until Monday from "But aristocratic bottles the went article sold an the and merchant. and cans in cakes, figs,dates, peanuts, honey in the fish,deviled crabs, boiled chicken, cold comb, smoked boiled meats, and salads. By 10 o'clock that night the loose went empty was everything sold. magnificent window ^bees,hives, display of honey in the making combs, the whole natural process in operation before the for a week; but it ^held popular attention public eye of general entailed the loss of five times the volume On the sales beyond the sales of honey it produced. other hand, displays of delicacies in front of counterSi help herself to a sample, eat can ri^t where a customer window " A " " information Definite this merchant same to be sales to me." enjoy it,mean it and clerk with a as to character the to as ''All sajrs. instantlyinformative instructive goods is important, too, about signs are designed price,and emphatically of the article. A girl our genius for cooking, stuff ed with red tomatoes chicken salad in the window absence, placed them two dozen some hand- and, during with a my sign of her 'Stuffed 20 each.' cents Tomatoes, I returned to the store, at 5 o'clock,not a stuffed When The sign was had been sold. tomato changed instantly Stuffed Tomatoes, 20 cents each.' Salad to 'Chicken devising own " o'clock 6 By had A " been Missouri hour one hardware spot in town." two the whole two keeps his windows dozen toes toma- disposed of." illuminated he has " calls his store "the " ^and makes it a liantly bril- brightest changes his display each He wiadows prices plainly. and man point week " to mark GETTING 62 MORE TRADE stationeryshop handling photographic goods had initswindow several different sizes of cameras. Grouped around each model several amateur were pictures A made with that but wide, was children. A attractive and Going size of emphasis noticeable enumerated range placed was increase on of subjects snapshots of in sales followed this appropriate display. the to on The camera. last of the early in principalmethods three chapter, investigationindicates the problems involved in retail store advertising are greatlysimplifiedif careful of a store's and analysis are made preliminary survey market; of its logicaltrading radius; of its possibiUties for reaching beyond that arbitrary limit;of what class clearlythat most of trade it aims the detailed o" attract; of the extent to and type of its competition; of transportation facilities in its territory affect the which trading population; and of other questions which quickly suggest themselves. TOU MAY FIND Taking up first the smallHstore most can how Just represents merchants windows far to a a retail in medimns question for to use, the display windows best pulling medimn store ansrwhere but has merchandise displays. using advertising apparent more 18, of course, a YOUR OF find filled with go SOME HERE question of what Hardly use. its show TO PROBLEMS economical, and easiest, most they ANSWERS THE BIG space outlay of dollars and individual stores which cents to decide. crowd into a steam can figurethat the more you which few mediums ^providedyou select the mediums will give you the largest circulation of the grade you real advertising you ^the more need get,''says a New narrowed *'So we our England clothing merchant. to newspapers, mailing lists,and advertising down centrated conmoving picture slides. We found that the money "I " " in these mediiuns gave far greater results. '' ADVERTISING Lower when resulted costs he letters for 63 Virginia jeweler advertising appropriation in West a concentrated his selected lists. He to PAYS THAT his has and customers prospects graded by the kind and quality of goods they interested in^ and hits them hard at intervals with are letters callmg attention well-done form to specific articles build To up that order and maintain his lists he clerks write customers which upon In sale. on unreasonably purchases, inexpensive gifts are at regular intervals. names cross-examined he pointed out interesting facts about to prospect list of them a for the few a are on these addresses. being to the list of out each of his slips they are they make the cash definite informati and customer merchant one benefit number a so power, he salesmen. intimate of made gent Intelli- facts has led in sales. splendid increase Here sent purchasing of letters based use to when about possesses and think study of his mailing lists and Close a 'names will not customers sales uses of the facts just as he jotted them down: "Every newly married couple surielyneeds from this demand. to their normal store something in addition with a 'best girl' is interested man "Every young in jewelry include in certain lines,which diamond, a and probably a plain gold ring. for "Every piece of patterned stock is a foundation more sales in the "Every should pattern. same of certain types of valuable possessions them repaired at regular intervals. owner have has specialwants. owner "Every automobile for varied baby offers a chance "Every especiallyif its birthday is recorded. equipment' of "Every boy needs grown-up * kinds at certain of this.'' ages, and his father should sales, various be minded re- GETTING 54 These fact all refer ideas that by absolutely that 3 they In handling by 5-inch line they cheap the for town particular goods. 5: Prospect article. 6: Prospect is blank who who take in recognize it rightly applied, who for as advertising back come continually to take for the most are every money method down of sales. that It the policy of some the city. advertising, force they be may in set they common out decide to studying are pays, they if therefore efforts channel. of out they spend and methods before particular of money never Instead uses want out merchants advertising effective. any these ness. busi- use. invested " sends view the 2b: high- trade-drawing upon money granted and powerful uses who will hving goods uses who special uses his competitors different a look their how productive more a interest with for who business. who who tomer Cus- : who divides Prospect a 7." who his competitors 4: 1 high-grade but of runs : Customer goods uses Customer : uses 2a: Customer goods. MerQhants what 3, 3e, 4, ^6, 1a divides of 3a: number This proves card Customer who but Customer medium-grade itably prof- in meanings 1b: cheap uses goods, the merchant the 2b, goods. Customer goods who hues matter of top following business. his 3: grade : but and other no 1b, 2, 2a, goods. 2 medium-grade Customer the high-grade goods. divides but 7: 1a, medium-grade uses three list, this Along "1, uses borrowed valuable are cards. who in customers' signals have These been business, work. to his reading: jewelry a merchants put are to TRADE already have they used line MORE made hold, use to to prove pour VI CHAPTER PLANNING A RHODE ISLAND accepted meeting noticed doned glove he crowds the sales by arotmd from benefit To removed his from away wait knickknack. some shoppers increase the reflect helping This on. factors and, to us a greater consider taking them store up in with get purchase to the of display, an to the effort, saving words, out theu* " several purchases, making in indicates, to eye additional perhaps of most Hght, and yet probably consider do stores these " five extent. layout under order, discuss 55 cannot investigation and less or Now profits substantially. laying tmconsciously, although furbelows. temptmg complicated when novelty a percentage personahty, time place suggestion the to merchant friends for interior store sotmds merchants most frills and suggesting " from profiting was this in its put novelty store economizing space, and merchant, factors different Let his plan must so yearly it waiters'' sufficient yield small-store The " subtle A waiting than there continual, a passing a shoppers. feminine who women Gloves, suflferingmore was these with stools the satisfy to counters section glove piled counter the waiting the to of aban* entrance. purchased the had favor main an shoppers, women in is store customers room facing the SALES whose for his glove department The whim. that seldom are GREATER place waiting counter realized, FOR merchant, recently regular the the at STORE THE these under five factors, each one, GETTING 66 which methods of the section One of a whom of a and valuable It costs methods for sales from each less to sell to much sold before have prospect, retailers new and years, established of three, and be can all under the induced from that a average stores included were under covering a period of ditions, con- minimum average of five purchases, men's ftimishing 14 stores, 5 shoe stores, stores, and fumitmre 7 make to customer. every stores, 12 drug stores, 8 hardware jewelry stores, customer a agree. Twenty-fomr dry goods stores, 6 customer, possible varieties fact maximum a decreasing it does than In 98 retail stores, a series of tests of two proved successful Unes, in every various in securing more you sale to tried out owners most by suggestion. to TRADE country. the is that costs been have small-store by MORE this test. The general 22 three factors special effort was put in these stores (1) store environment larger purchases were: prompt exterior and interior;(2) suggestive arrangement of customers. stocks; and, (3) clerk-rotation which upon " test results in these The these three factors in 98 stores customer intelligently, every purchases, and possibly five. of all these to leave 98 stores will make Today, that believe to at the allow of that when indicate developed sellingare to and utilized least three proprietors a customer but one purchase having made is to lose at least two thirds,and possibly four fifths of his buying possibilities. "Whenever a can package is taken from a shelf or in our next one store," says a prosperous grocer, "the back of it is moved This gives the shelves to the front. the appearance of being filled all the time, and helps, the impression that the we believe,to give customers the store always store "We have is one after fullystocked. counter just received, or on which articles we we want dise place merchanto push hard. GETTING 58 find We plan the article Each ticket the on When intended to, has of we PLANS goods price ticket and about a basis the all she article. originally the articles over WORKING ARE TO VOLUME that if more than an one generally sell at least as eight or nine. SALES sell each we she had of 15 average customer intention of customers a of 300 working days a year, to $1,125. And, as we following the same plan, in sales amounts increase the articles at a words many THE serve on ^figuring " m 12 or We as estimated 25 cents^ worth day 10 purchased PRACTICAL and mcreasing our of sales suggestion know she just what with few sometimes have " not a INCREASE buying does this counter. THESE "We means help suggest that she look we and item a marked appears displayed on one 3s customer a as usually display We time. TRADE eflfective who customer wants. an and of turnover, rate to this MORE salesmen, each it means a year. a $6,000 increase over his front One druggist has a particular spot near their timeliness door for timely displays,relying upon For example, he to make big sales in a short time. does sells umbrellas, but not always have them on clouds gather and the first raindrops display. When and he hustles out his rack of imibrellas, begin to fall, employ five " thus catches many a dollar from passers-by who are caught by the shower. suggestionplan that sells a druggist is his practice of making lot of One store a lead his counters to " other ^and articles. goods for this display in diagram of one plan ^isshown every A illustratingthis " the of in Figure 9. Revolving displayfixtures help one line in an Indiana furniture store to sell itself ^the goods displayed are " tools which to quicken the merchant his rate puts in of t\imover. as a side line in order BETTER ''When MANAGEMENT STORE into come you 59 store," he my "you says, immediately find you have visited a store which does The not display goods according to usual methods. I have difference begins at the windows. arranged a device which call our auto we display fixture,because the mechanism from which automobile. an is It a bevel six and cylinder,about a taken gear high, and extends from the floor of the each to the ceiUng. It has six faces, and on displayed different articles,together with half feet one window face are prices and COUGH This of sales the short a description. SAFETY RAZORS of assorted goods DROPS Figure 9: display display 50% druggist one in this is store ''Just outside the to cylinderrevolves A prospect fast window is who When look to do they Every expense. to little wheel a stop customers buy and in the so, more. a sign window entire the the six faces appear in succession. the cylinder revolve slow or as gives the prospective buyer something people look at they are come make increasing lead increased he likes. as "This Most can and to the cigar counter on without planned tells prospects the wheel. turn which * operates it is the like to work the wheel. articles and see like. The right into the of those number 5 articles store and knives.' He can to stand do. and for himself are say He exactly what numbered, so he can to us: 'Give probably me hands one the 6d GETTING change exact sale is made In other part. our TRADE the counter, if he across it^^aindthe op MORE with words, he sells first head head store his second our three door attract or store layout and personality. big deUvery baskets placed just inade helping Two tested are effort to himself/^ logicallyfall under to build to have practically no aUied to oiu: Cloliiely plans which equipment " happens In the of attention grocer's one baskets, wrapped separately,he goods with dirty or torn labels, puts all his canned wiU very figuring that their spoiled appearance Ukely customers. make stickers. them prevent that possibiUtyhe puts this sign on To "Take a "chance" his up for chance lobsters." or the dealer The the gave layout idea You 15 cents. saw customer with draw may them: peaches it,however, that every good value, thus linking to his basic policy store " ^honest for prices. He offered four chances this end. When 10 for $1, to further 50 cents, and in lots,as these did, it doesn't take long goods move goods at honest shelves clear the to positionof The of and get the display is,of the into money the course, till. the big secret here. success HERE ARE IDEAS EVERY SHOW WHICH YOU INCH SQUARE OF HOW SPACE MAKE TO PAY Ingenuity is almost space dealer always required to fit the limited of small stores to their requirements. A Michigan in paints,varnishes, painters'supplies,and wall does paper and 20 if he feet stock place left where in his vast saving of a store here space. is,of course, proper, customers he feet wide bulky, and would have could stand. problem by making his store A large basement is included he keeps his regular stocks, at his space room. store, 12 narrow the sample rental,and a a it in So he has solved merely His long. carried scarcely any in business HIGH GLASS CABINET PICTVX?ES^ FHAt1CS\ MOULDINGS ANBFftAMES stoppage: TABLE jlASS snow CASE TABLE SHELVES AND BBCTCASECAAOSANI LARGE MATERI LEATHER GOODS [TMLE MOUlDIl NNGS NSX " ^ frmibmwe OISPIAV RACK FRAMES ^ SMAUCt9JS!^ ^ONTOP CABWET-l PICTURES^ TABLE BASE LAMP tabl: 'MtP SHa/ES L WINDOM(/ ENTRANCE OiSPl/V TAEXS TA"LES MATS TWO ' TAMJL A PMMMtt 40 :^ g PAJAMAS TABU:*^" SMEL/ES SHEIS/ES MACK AND WMTE KMIU MOUN Mt^lWPlNG SHIRT OISPW/ HOSE MLE " AND SHEI/ES GI9VES ^ HOSS SHIRTS SHOW CASE lEirs TIES stiow CASE WHVc TIES COUARS SIKM CASE HAT iCiSES tSHGU/j SHOW CASE CASE TABLE TIC lARGE CMS ENTRANCE WINDOW Figiire WINDOW Here 10: back, in the side walls to art are store, is the arch which the layouts of three a low in the decorative railing which There center. gives the interior wide-awake an 61 is no Half stores. out runs partition " just appropriate personality. way from a the touch GETTING 62 From the wish. samples, salesman The his order on tube The to the The TRADE choose customers writes the to the customer originalis basement with by sent stock the goods they customer's sales slip of the usual a duplicatecopy cashier. MORE a type and of a gives a to pay request means and name the pneumatic room. meanwhile, has paid his bill and received his change; and chairs are provided so he will not have to wait standing if there is any delay. A boy customer, calls out up the the stock from their names of customers and room, hands, reUeving the attention after a I set out "When that their orders packages into delivers the clerk come giving further from sale is made. to create says Leslie Wildey who "I rearranged my stock I determined as if I a personalityfor owns general a completely were to ever as an my store store,*' in initial Iowa, move. get into ihy adver* look newsy merchandise first make tising,I must my and interesting. Canned placed corn, for example, was in a less conspicuous display space and canned peaches, which I was pushed to the front. on a little long/ were Carrying this idea through the entire stock, a pleasing and mighty profitablechange was in the general made * appearance of my store. sight is not likely to be ^calledfor, while merchandise properly displayed will often remind desire of a need, or will perhaps create customer a a article which he had not thought to purchase some one As display space of before coming to the store. was limited in our store, I had several ordinary tables made. tables were of the aisles. These placed in the center They are 10 feet long and 3 feet wide and have a broad "Stock of out shelf which runs imderneath. canned goods and dried fruits;on others, shoes, dress goods, linens, article is plainly hardware. notions, and Every with the sellingprice.' marked "On some of these tables I ' display FIRST FU3DR HeodrcDm Interior disptaij ^p ^S disploij entrance small view This II; less thsn 800 described mirror Ja a 12; on Here page floor plan feet of space cuinc suggests space Figure display J"'-l'-O' Scale Figure for entrant bolconij6*0" under Street headrcDm PLAN you 66. that see It a small a of Moak'a in the store diagram helped him whole of store. the reduce shoe be There Success store. well may to jewelry a are in such real advantage. merchant's window bis light bill materially. GETTING 64 Let us space without space is not of and space, economizing " hardly is under usually inch square every is There head third our merchant making TRADE less than 60 is laid out. the diagonal facing greatest possible The side wall less than feet 8 In addition Mosk's shop. balcony floor,which The has of the of what utiUzation reaUty is balcony. is about of a ''panel" One wide directly underneath this idea in the from have it all in we effective of balcony this the make to pull down this 6 feet long. and is the ladder, which low The first step. the safe Mosk got berths upper prepare have a succeeded as in ours been a says a a arrange stock Parks, who runs a place as the possible in large extent. which to perous pros- "Yet state. interior of as size of moderate room southwestern to make a in to nearly accomplished that very to problem a view," store policy has have Mosk watching porters varied and drug as the Pullman. generous Our required for balcony floor,which in stepladder leading to the forms ''It is something think only five feet. in the finger can inches 16 a on for storage. is in counterbalanced a is not enables there space of in work made is B wall rear been room is used that the has head repair men feature unique most and them a how triangle, a repairmen two part of this balcony that benches A for Space shows giving the display purposes. long, and long. the salesmen, to regularly street, thus the is 16 feet A told, western a shape of for window room all feet of space of Nat Mosk, in It is in thQ of floor feet square cubic 800 the need sterner a tiny jewelry store city, yet three people besides himself are employed in it. The diagram (Figure 11) with of its share. serve than more in the the store on the most Making losing business. necessity in small stores alone, yet a small-store to on go MORE our sell. I end. store We GETTING 66 worked been have and they goods for out well. as space MORE TRADE saving minutes stock The shelves and steps built are " fit to of varying Compartments of space lengths and depths leave just the right amount for a case of goods, or any size of carton Waste can. or is avoided. of shelf room Below, the bins for bulk and goods are all of heavy metal, with roxmd comers Uds. Across the room the cold smooth, tight-fitting for meats chambel" are arranged for the greatest convenience the carry. in storage and use. simple layout change which saved salesmen's steps reduced salary materially an eastern merchant's A also item. He says expense "I found that in the was arranged that so the end of side other I had man series of mobiUty to to aisles among of the clerks, and my stock around get the to tables, the cut are the away go clothingtables ' aisles These payroll. ^ clothing department a them. of the increased reduced the ' ing strategicrailways dur- rush." a last Our fightbills. of the one long a : subject has Just how do to to trim with most merchants this item perplexing problems most down reducing is perhaps for plans solve. do not merchants Many attempt to rather than save on light they prefer using too much and there is fittle doubt that brightlyUghted too little, interiors,windows, and store fronts are an aid to sales. have to " Yet merchant no methods of will shut his eyes knd ears to tested bills for light without ing impair- cutting down the store's illumination. As a considerable his store seemed merchant cut to a wall be going window fight but improved the diagram (page 63) shows It window would appear beside the space at door to the over waste, in it and appearance not a back door Nebraska shoe only saved of his store. of on The wall, before and after. first glance that the original the rear would let in sufficient fight, but the for storing but of top window. new As below the in shed, the showing space To to you the Unes have whether salaries, mind upon interior that the or still has plenty in And a your store interior attractive mind. you in two or head room without the or should you the merchants that Ught gest sug- matter no and heat, item, a costs analysis store, say in of list yoiu* your exerts boost step light expense When help of chapter saving particular a ' earefully, other his through [the [shed remember, any customer's of the to 12). this question most is admit item inside the the light of was lowered roof shed features u^d shed This of panes shed dark the suggested wish you its what study studied had (Figure store improvements. who ends. plenty glass matter no up, small a of ugly the the of sum prompts along of back he frosted and in floor the level, store any let which 67 and merchant the door the odds and waste necessary, into opened door rear MANAGEMENT STORE BETTER strong make volume keep m influence your of store sales. CHAPTER SERVICE features of In goods another it is policy; of store retailer what the so they rest, the goods, coincides broad as are on. service with whole the as store problem do about well as "Service helping them. than merchandise what the what worth, a You customer your this customer price is for when time well body Any- do them to to as what thrift than know merely about ought You they goods means more ought the It that. do. are, your as does rather buy expected goods really retail purchases activities. than customers your style fair are them else. to customers yom* than giving their surface function bigger a poUtely, nearly everybody anybody as is selling to and them, eastern ground more delivering merely are lot a for, and ask wide-awake a and quickly Those can said clerks, "covers them on they At and store practically his promptly. to privilege, customers," to waiting what from delivery, charging " certain distinguish management. "Serving know To retailing sense CUSTOMERS service? "service" called returned HOLDS THAT is retail WHAT VII actually are to " ^a to have, and fair price yourself." and conservation oiu* are , retailers watchwords, to far the have their as service possible aid been and generally cooperation able but departments, all service to release are which their men and 68 greatly eliminating are is not of adding not essential. customers, money from as With retailers purely HOLDING ^Bervicework. The sajrSy ^^It has CUSTOMERS just been with comply the economies in each store shall each route, eliminate the accept of New York request of the government The request only for is that one of merchandise that which has than possessionmore cities in that practically City have decided delivery a day over and refuse to special deliveries^ make return instance, conservation the to Board delivery service. in the customers' "Other reported Industries all of the retail stores to Industries Board, for Wax division of the War 69 remained three merchants days. have recently St. Paul, Minneapolis, adopted the conservation are program Detroit,Denver, Boston, Memphis, New Orleans, Montgomery, Baltimore, Newark, Los Angeles, PortThese in addition to those land, and Oakland. are that have previously complied with the request made in time of war for the general by the government of the country. welfare "The to avoid have replacing employees essential entered cities have 30 of this program adoption been to the saving in automobile is according these to the the stores of return has days an M average two. eastern one has have been rtate been called small 30 the reduced away of been made by Linuting than more three 86% in greater forethought in number from of 116 for other day a that in stores of has 55, the formerly as quired re- in towns delivery to the enabled several men their ployed emmen service. experience in these cities shows hardship to the public through these "The no In has Board. reduction or less of 85% trucks not returned,because of selectingand ordering of goods. "In smaller stores one delivery to do the work delivery map one amoimt drafted reports Industries War merchandise made the to possible large stores with operate it been The force,and This 40%. a made have who work. war able has that there is restrictions.'' ' MORE GETTING 70 TRADE simplifythe discussion of service policiesthat are helping to hold trade for stores throughout the countryit may be well to consider these poUcies xmder these To sound (1) putting service details on a basis ; and, (2) broad service poUcies that build trade. Taking up the first of these heads, never losinga sale heads: two because is "out he suburban to any type from which my clerks goods. The trip each on which of customers other is taken by or one All makes. anyone could seems is the usual by myself that we plan a says: of them nearby big-city wholesalers the of my * wants' fillat the time not listed in it. are "For a I order He One books. article is his service line of business. want two certain a on druggist'spolicy, and adaptable "I keep to of stock'' certain of brand expressing my 'I'm sorry, have it delivered but Count though. "Although the MacArthur, instance, Mrs. on soap regret and I do to not your do so it. Instead that, I say, brand. that have BT;itI'll house this very afternoon, go yields no and trip downtown my have lettingit transaction She deliver it to the customer. and not calls for at me.' on the I do of soap. perhaps, of other hundreds profit,I have obtain my boy appreciates this service, who customers, give me all their trade." saying, "Sorry, but we're all out of that," or, don't carry that," also is a fixed rule in the store "We dealer. hardware of Fred Ruhling, a middle-western Never It makes no difference how far from article may be, Ruhling "has" If a housewife orders a scrub sells her soap to go with his line the needed everything asked for. pail and brush, Ruhling of soap to them, buys a case order,and disposes oiFthe balance of the case This policy frequently calls for rapid sales he can. as work, but Ruhling reaUzes that a service slipwould be costly,and insists upon every helper in his store doing cover her HOLDING the exactly This same. confidence and says, CUSTOMERS "hurry desk" might otherwise be A builds policy is the eastern an of his business. great many a lost to confidence, he stone comer secures 71 orders that A desk grocery. and write to stand just the right height for customers comfortably is provided. A pad of paper is fastened firmly to the desk, and at the top of each sheet is printed: Name Address (chargeor Send c. printed card A hurry, write a d.) o. box." the desk over out order your pencil attached A "If you are in drop it in this reads: and with cord stout a dangles at hand. near customers," "Most their select inclined to they have wants and receive not get around baskets. When a been discriminated the very writes the on " best goods on hand. this diflSiculty by using numbered tells customer vegetables he takes some against order blank a one the salesman that of these basket basket. in the indicated Each item chosen * circle in the she baskets nmnber the salesman picks L24, for example. Then direction and vegetables under the customer's them to times they are vegetables. Many feel,when orders are picked out by the store they did "We "Uke grocer, own people, that that western one says out " the places in this way is column the on quantity' order slip. If a customer takes the vegetables with her is placed in this column. This plan generally a cross by is a clincher Just how have a and a establishes store considerable the customer's handles effect confidence." complaints,may, one way or the of course, other on the customer buyers place in it. The doctrine that "the is always right" has proved a business-getter for other retailers confidence the phrase, and a beside the feeling on famous the one who part of any coined retailer GETTING 72 that his has, money in bad He account. employee instructions The but there his a miany be no western a says is often in his reason turned good to plan, therefore,which into complaining customer a the sticker that on hand, put occur, sticker notifies package a on in the establishment instructions has he as for his store. rooter red to devised invariablyturns small A soon repute. has enthusiastic an as the other on bound Complaints are department-store owner, opinion why they cannot almost TRADE responsibilityceases customer's business MORE he must that called be or every follow to the accoimt. read: "This parcel must go without stopping. Pass it on to delivery department instantly. Floor managers, selves inspectors,and credit department must interest themin this inatance." THESE MAY METHODS YOUR The sticker service a that further OF it usuisdly create when resentment other item of service expense, much thought, probably, as has "To SOME gets results in the store, but what No so SOLVE point,the instructions on good impression on the customer delivered are YOU PROBLEMS to the 18 more such HELP DELIVERY the goods is almost however, has delivery. possible im- caused delivery service,''says one chant, merfor each delivery man in "we set aside $1 a week addition to his regular salary. If no just errors or improve complaints among the come men, our in, but the if one money man of all. is divided makes a equally mistake it words, a man all the gets $1 a week in addition to his pay only when their duties correctlyand vnthout execute deliverymen tendent. complaint. Demerit penaltiesare left to the superinOne week intervenes between the earning affects the bonus money In other GETTING 74 MORE TRADE and its payment, to leave time for prize money in. late complaints to come "Our One of the complaints have decreased 65%. and watch plan'sbest features is that the deliverymen They know they will not get all of help each other. of this the mistakes $1 if any be cut down may to 75 c6nts Charging or seriousness and the mmiber made. are Their 50 money cents, depending upon of the errors.'' for deliveries extra prize is method a which is With growing in popularity, investigationindicates. going steadily up, customers living expenses display all they can in buying a growing willingness to save goods. This plan deliveries. down cuts charge 10 cents for delivering merchandise which weighs 60 poimds or less,to any point within a certain zone," says a dry goods merchant. "It makes difference how makes purchases the customer no many have her packages delivered for 10 cents if she can than 60 pounds. they do not weigh more "For packages which weigh from 60 to 120 poimds also We charge 20 cents within this same we zone. for packages of 60 pounds or charge 20 cents less, "We " delivered outside "Our customers because store their the save of Ohio service rolls to found policy to 10 on his plan the ciple prin- packages carry Those nominal fee from have who for deUvery the less than cents, he this service showed of all his deliveries 80% over almost costs a the service." that grocer who pay to feel that delivery charge. investigationof an learned, had be of them many purchases amounting deUvery his rapidly taking delivered of the convenience an zone. is right. Those purchases When set are apparently involved our of the point. $1, and that decided to One woman, were each change he of standing order for 5 cents' worth be delivered day, and, as far as could every a out, that was all she ever purchased. "Charging HOLDING CUSTOMERS 10 cents for all deliveries the S2 seemed decided "We grocer. solution only 75 to this try the to orders on under the problem/' says plan and made the following announcement: NOTICE In view of the high CUSTOMERS TO is of foodstuffs,which cost a serious question in in every effort to keep the pricesdown to the household, and an still maintain in and high quality our possiblelevel, pure have to lessen cost and meat the of market, we our planned lowest food deliveryin this section. Beginning Saturday all orders for $2 and over will be delivered usual, while a nominal as charge will be made for the delivery of all purchases under this amount. You how, by this plan, can see figures,and stilloffer we keep our pricesdown to rock-bottom can the highest quality merchandise. "The first there but low result was found that that carefully watched. was complaints were priceswere our now of sales volimie and and ordering their groceries are MAEiE TO the "During placed upon the last little later. a in amounts PLANS THESE THE SAY before month daily at We first $2. over FT PAID CHANGE restrictions deliveryof orders,the delivered of orders USE WHO RETAILERS THS the quick, and complained who customers many service sales increased our At fallingoff in sales, a our were number average In 614. was first month the had adopted the new policy,the daily average of packages was reduced number to 138, or a reduction of approximately 73%. Three delivery equipments after were to we taken the change delivered of out was service the \mder by average $1. After sale delivered effect the average sales have 'Take with' $2. Although few this radical customers, we change have this reduction. of amount the new increased increased each plan increased in ' to more about policy has sales." went cost Prior order into than 60%. us a GETTING 76 Variations MORE TRADE of this and they plan are not uncommon; are nearly always successful,investigation rev^ds. adds One 1% of each charge order to cover grocer bookkeeping cost and charges 5 cents for each delivery, regardless of size. As his prices are considerably reduced under the new plan the opportimity is given this Under to customers to save appreciable amounts. of deliveries plan sales have increased, and the niunber has been greatly reduced, as has the volimie of credit business. notified One of his customers ON There dimes are and so in which to every money) Also as we well as food for advice as that must we conserve individuals. our soldiers and of the National possibleevery penny save as as which all we save places to are to are " can. C. A., camp M. Businesses of Defense pennies, our to put our possiblycan. we ^ifwe " and if we allies, of expense to us better no ways. grocers Council of for the Y. much in other We he : spend to one Liberty bonds, the Red Cross, funds recreation,and so on (and there are demand which MONEY causes dollars,that it is up with pricesfollows new SAVING good many circulars of the carry ^must is not must help out save, conserve the sound eliminate as far absolutely necessary. help as best we can in carrying out these various conservation policieswe have decided on a new plan of doing business which feel sure will appeal to your good judgment. There will be no we change in the high class of food products which has helped us build our reputation and our business;and there will be no change in our determination the best service it is possible to try alwa3n3to give you for a grocery store to give. Tlie change will be a lowering of our prices a blanket reduction of from 10% to 20% of our present prices and a cuttingdown of oiur cost of doing business which will make lower pricespossible. our To " " cash-and-carry prices will Beginning Monday, January 7, new gointoeffect. Every item in oiur stock will be marked witii a plainly printed price card. These prices will apply when goods are paid for and Our will be carried away. deliveryand credit systems will be continued, but charges made charged for for these every services. delivery,no A matter flat rate what of 5 cents the amoimt. will be HOLDING goods purchased For for ^ach dollar Here credit on fraction of or dollar a possiblewith this scale of new 77 charge will be made a show ticket. savings will be what prices: OM Old 4 bars soap Cash $0.16 35 .32 10 .08 40 .35 .32 .28 $1.37 $1.19 if charged 2 cents Carry and $0.20 pound cofifee 1 pound rice 5 pounds sugar 1 pound sirloin steak Total Prices New rK.;^/^ Prices 1 Add of 1 cent each individual on sample orders which some are CUSTOMERS .02 $1.21 Cash-and-carry prices Add 5 cents if paid for but delivered $1.19 .05 $1.24 Cash-and-carry prices $1.19 charged and Add 2 cents if Add 6 cents if delivered. .02 .05 $1.26 will You see these from pricesthat can you save have though you delivered. We believe enough of our customers of the extra-savings opportunity to reduce of our expenses that so profitswill be protected. our will be We before and as you have glad to hear always anxious are we considered Another reduced is its mark has way been Not on to wrong. in respectfully, which FARRELL AND deUvery expense by cooperative delivery " in several success GREEN has substantial cities and been savings where towns it tried. long grocery merchant's this plan at any time, make right that which comments your Yours two goods charged and will take advantage prices, even new oui because money ago the stores ov^mers in a of three Wisconsin delivery association and general stores town agreed formed as and a follows: GETTING 78 That 1. two in the stores driver 3. That safe 4. That under each of and be given service deliveries two 2 at one 7. store one and That That for the should good prompt be shown should partiality no 6. be bonded should circumstances no That that deliveries of the five of and five stores. of the be made, any member. other be guaranteed any day should a $1,000. guaranteed. names any should to be the to of sum delivery of all packages should customers 5. the association. That the TRADE handle should men 2. of MORE at 9 one a. m. m. p. should receive S2,500 a year for delivery men to take performing this delivery service, they, of course, care of their own this sum to be proportioned according expenses; size of each the to two In order to be on the to the as deUvery system, entirely satisfied. are PERHAPS THESE m"AS ON FOR morning that So orders no the for the promptly in loading the trucks stores packages BUILD WILL TRADE stop in suffer may the trucks. morning the dehveries are started from the next morning from another, and so on. be dehvery arguing over this kind the jump to may the arises a instructed been and customers, trouble any packages delivered the to courteous have men be wrong that missing, customer. special dehvery to correct the error. to come may or its filling taken are instance, For one The the stores. at first dehvery, turns on customers TOO STORE. dehvery little objection today all SERVICE YOUR of the one but was and new Each change, new proposition. There new the dehvery plan was made in the in advance, so that there several weeks littletrouble as possible in getting started papers would for customers prepare of the announcement local store. store, one always refrain up. from times Some- article may trouble When an boy is sent to out be of on HOLDING to facilitate deliveries In order four has in deliveries,and to the deUvery the While and men of the five stores out are time for agreed the books other given are with trucks are on used for afternoon the in the delivery, start. prompt a side east the orders up with all of the orders enter the books These they check deliveries,two to for one books. books these morning in mornings for the west. one the entries in the stores each all of the delivery books in which for each day are entered. Two books filled out are 79 separate orders grocery CUSTOMEBS exactly what proportion each store should pay of the $2,500 charge for handling This the deliveries. proved satisfactory. agreement of the cost This careful is primary apportionment It was considered of the detail what he all ends saving, which it runs on The second service is must an average methods or to for each the success bookkeeping or any merchant plan. Each for his deUvery service and The figuring on expense. over $2,000 in the aggr^ate, individual of about concern, $400 poUcies " inasmuch as for each. which subject under and of the pay checking features intricate no about amounts while is worth chief the There bothersome that the outset of one plan. knows at we ^broad have classified poUcies that build retailers agree intangible, yet many that it is of the utmost importance. to be prompt and never Our service not only means to refuse any order," says a wide-awake florist,"but the filling of the orders, it also means to be careful with in selecting the stock, in packing it, and in protecting in the customer's hands. after they are the flowers We do that only by educating our customers in the can best ways ^how to take care to treat plants or flowers of them properly so as to get the longest possiblelife of them. out Along this Une we begrudge no expense trade " is more *' " or time to our customers." GETTING 80 in Merchants growing the "Our all the trade successful by locaUty adapted ' ' a We local the the enough to clip 25 a and goods believe policy my sale in therefore, and store that in and in seed. increased to study crops best a we up ' the I who had a a would as you try to keep the the long run attracts wins out for the money dealer. done operation goods same it is better and merchant." spite of house." be it in and in In packed clothing tisement, adver- our spends do substantially interested with ticket. of one tickets, were free customer smns in issued appeared a secured We views another, as thus our productive the We all To night, find You one in them houses. gave service," business, store. prietor pro- however, have their stereopticon things thoroughly in store conspicuously We raise rural the to farmers the certain a which we two are of to for coupon rainy, disagreeable "There " and cents. however, a of with us have, encourage presented at "We increasing moving-picture selling them look most them. We agency who trade the land. their have lecturer by methods to the trade with farm. farming of the power the hold general merchants. cooperating on like furnish to naturally we one secure buying power so as crossroads to enough southwestern a ranks able their need, says who service and draw to large not we districts," that are sort. is town been fails businesses whose testimony never desirable most new offer describes florist lines several steadily TRADE MORE for "I by' in for service, holds tomers, cus- CHAPTER IS bill rent my expenses, in offered thoughtful retailer's vital question, lead him of The in and In Is of trade to which in this scarcely a tages disadvan- or evident all locations upward has cities in the United give is -1900 manifested man every should movement since tendency is commimi- business Canada it when growing for conditions logical when stocks Would the States. who pays rent item Investigation into of Bmall-store nimiber tested plans and bill, which tEeSBTWo and, a worthy are principal (2) where the Ought I to to offset of careful merchante be to the 83 less bring higher poUcies rental? of a large has brought to Ught the most"""t^f the (1) making I locate? pay of study. conveniently heads: shall get class location higher-priced rent-saving methods may I consider appeal? in sales increase problems These ; is decided quarters my more? or sufficient pay advantages rentals of in most such location my i^t the is consideration. proper rent of it will undoubtedly and 14 business for rent the study rentals strongly as light the Prom close The office Figiu-e itself just tjie there practically scale general in shown a in that store and view, location of rapidly advancing. is location? my other my of point importance the to location. his remembered ties STORE of turnover, rate by and YOUR proportion my analyze to FOR proper profits, my advantages more LOCATION RIGHT THE PICKING Vra discussed your imdef location REDUCING 84 OVERHEAD First, then, let look EXPENSE into rent-reducing plans and policiesused by merchants who recognize certain of their locations,but who drawbacks prefer to stay where they are. The fact that his store is scarcelybigger than very hall bedroom has compelled one a Michigan jeweler to pay from its specialattention to getting the utmost chose the store he occupies because He when space. he rented it he could not afford a more expensive one. Now he does not want more a pretentious location though he Figure studies can 14: How over 13 us well afford rents years, are of the going same population one. up in this is shown properties of 10,000 or in 48 chart, based localities having on a more. considering himself hopelessly out of the and running against competitors with more money how he might make better locations,he saw advertising He had one distinct capitalof his side-street location. advantage in the small rent he paid S15 a month; his expenses this made But, in order imusually low. Instead of " CHOOSING realize to to convince and today he run he expenses reallylow, give exceptionally in have always good, unusual. his advertising that for month a he would were his store been have were also that saw SI 50 over 85 that he would saw could he supplied by convincing has sales he realize that his values them the service So advantage, in consequence prices. And favorable to make LOCATION prospects that his that and this on THE each square foot of floor space, and his rent item is but 0. 12%. Nat Mosk, of the Pacific Coast, also a jeweler, is another He specialistin getting has store a but and each he pays ten stillmakes money. inch square diagram of his of small direct goods which three on is in the of center district and close the on near as that of the enough to of the several miles. inmiediate of the was miles people his store east of in which comer there, ball base- fountain streets could verge. con- get his business downtown department increased pretty well to be in stores them, a grocer his "percentage of in eastern an rent to sales" his trade in control radius of his beyond him to do their shopping. is a residence suburb, most me formerly bought downtown,'* neighborhood, going by "Four He He n^ike. competition with and his for their casual possiblebuyers fringe the A closer he sales he could them. mechanical three where bring meet daily papers. space stance circum- to streets the are many city of 300,000 solved problem by telephone were wanted Four comers of the goods to thousands inspection, the more Situated stands. realized Mosk 11. people who could buy 200,000 people daily pass of the scoreboards a the his store in unfavorable he other, making good profit. A Figure the because the as believer a space. er's; Michigan jewel- rent show in is shown space, to that estimates and also is He of out the much as deliberately chose Mosk near times of floor space store most than smaller even the but residents out REDUCING 86 he says in describing how from grocerieswas '*My orders want for the from suggesting this HERE that WAYS ARE first the totaling about about have been 60 from then sales customers new on orders, the following Friday Often, as location towns grow, shoe western his the-way comer. to with two is of a found but a smaller able to rent comer and way location took his landlord a choice store, facing comer of the out and change, dealer. ended stores, giving the advantages of the exactly what happened Expansion of the city move, occupied. He before long was dicker becomes one-time decided side of the became have trading centers That poor. changed He would them charge except for the installation desirable once commercially one have now plan." service new customers of any of the store customers the OTHERS HELFED week. each accoimtair Hardly and dumer. LOCATION The of these althougl^tiany \ duty not only well, by as night they took and they ing. promise delivery before 9 o'clock Satiuxlaymornmen. The telephone orders are put up by the two salesMost of the goods bought are sent out C. O. D., "I to buy on They customers HAVE THEIR doubled, are part of the Sunday WHICH Friday added to a as $250. salesmen o'clock. 9 they sell or whatever Two 7 until FIND were to order can end. week store "On the easiest way by telephone. housewives orders, but take tise to adver- began now front the "I is open Friday evening for telephone in With the store's daily advertisement store only. of them, at that store my EXPENSE he did it. suburbanites these to OVERHEAD into out-of" an every available store next a ner cor- corner, the space on the other the other street. A on by shoe the owner dealer location,more connecting most space, of and the a "-"""" " r r CHOOSING lower owner rental of the rented LOCATION: foot square store. comer than per A furniture way, THE a dealer in another new when he could front replaced the ordmary signed the lease only on chant make get a alterations 1 "" , paid by that show wmdow" the and " an mer- attractive line. to the curb it the lord that the land- condition suit him extends almost now canopy this store now is to remember -; " r' " comer to :"r city,caught in the same middle of a good block location. A plateglass store in the not o To pass distinctly. Groetrits Sboas H L0W Figure 15: grocery and This chart shoe stores the shows " H Hk|h ratio Common between including low, medium It is well worth your close or Typical rent and and high net rent sales in stores. study. Moving may easilybring about a loss of business, though only temporary, unless active measures even used to accustom to trading at steady customers are location. the new A dry goods merchant recognized the chance of a possiblefaUing off in sales,and resorted reduction in to the simple expedient of a blanket store. pricesas soon as he opened his new He made capital of moving by displaying this large for the shght customers placard: "To our repay inconvenience of looking us up at our location, new of 10% will make all a on we sweeping reduction for the first 15 days in our new merchandise quarters." Below the sign he displayed a chart showing a dotted line from his old to his new location. " * "" " " " " " " " ".i2-r^ " . . . " " " " ,' " 'i * :: """ " " " " " " ..: /. .. WHICH FLOOR IS WORTH Stonlto.1 Stonlto.2 Stonlto.1 Stirtlto.4 Stirtlto.9 StMilto.6 StMiNa. Stonlio.8 Figure seven each 16: This to the upper 7 Storilto.9 chart shows floors,apportion their store MOSn main how rent. floor, and floors and 10 how 88 run "rom two to large a share is charged in relativelylow the charges are for Note basements stores, which how in most instances. 90 REDUCING fixtures and OVERHEAD filled the which EXPENSE shelves with a line of women's days they could sell at $2.50 a pair ^not job lots,or samples, but stock that readily retailed in first-floor stores at prices 20% higher. did not These have tising, advermen capital for much but their windows faced the wide hallway in front of the elevators, so many office employees and could visitors their see came displays. Business told their slowly at first, but satisfied customers friends,and sales soon began to multiply. rent and use Today these men 4,036 square feet on shoes in those " the same first floor the on floor. upper also rent They with feet 20 791 frontage. $1.47 a square foot for the upper $4.55 a square foot for the first floor percentage of increase of rate has been upstairsstore floor double feet They pay space and The space. of annual than more square sales in the the percentage of rental increase for floor space. Here was an example cheap location first,and taking more of picking a expensive quarters PAYS rr KNOW TO business when ALL 8AY THESE justifiedthe step. BEFORE THE FACTS TWO MERCHANTS MOVINQ. Occasionally a retailer does not figureon his class of trade when though he gages picking a location, even take other factors accurately. This was exactly the mismade He had clothing dealer. by an Indiana dious prospered in one location and when he rented commobank new building he quarters in a handsome had his confidence keep rent His step bills and fixtures trade would follow him to store. new Sales increased to his that ate up distress wholesaler to to be sure, somewhat, with increased interest on a but overhead. generous not His enough larger investment profits,and more, too. signals to his creditors brought in all his the rescue. The wholesaler looked one the CHOOSING situation for half the store leasehold the 10-cent balance. for He overhead When expense bankrupt him, to himself in business to 5- and a the short in rent a small his less tentious pretime. These the retailer's business. saved moves into remarkably a to sold he still left dealer moved got the smaller a paying; was and expenses, quarters in rapid found bank-building store a price which paid moving the 91 and out dealer the rent of the concern arrears, he went Then over. LOCATION THE rent ^principally " a delicatessen dealer Hi^-classservice time. ened ^threat- " had caught built his point where he was operating foiu* stores. unusually successful,but he was Apparently he was with the facts wise enough to keep closely in touch about and the danger his costs profits,and he saw mum he must make he saw a maxisignal. To make money As of sales to customers who he he soon wasted as to the wise in priceshe The he wanted shallow into his store. came was vacated heading the retailer of his foiu* stores, three of his competitors. That he shown by the good acting promptly was amazement he for his leases. kept had to carry traveled most He obtained store where saw time. no much was a central on-^a in street instead of a for the business advantages location comer good section. Its on the depth so store, his place is, in effect,one big display window, 48 feet long by 13 feet deep. Here he is making money-^plenty of it that being a " is drawing trade sales of two, three, four, and he because sale where per Another before incident he which his store, and to high as sold but one as a making dozen items item. emphasizes the need also of thorough analysis and knowledge of facts before clothing actually moving in, is the experience of one secured He merchant. a large increase in sales by moving to a from a small first floor spacious "upstairs room store/' in a poor location BOYS* OVERALL AMD WOfUC CLOTHING DEPARTMENT aOTHES OFFICE OEPAR.TMENT 1 Pt"**f " " "" B " VK^J UJ " O "" o i! -J u III 2 MEN'S I L. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT i""va (9 Z "ft Z IU) i i "a ^ g lU 2 .-^ Figure 17: Before .^^ " uu. is the Here he moving first floor convinced was But possible advantage. \ plan that he merchant's one using was plan with this compare of old space the in one Figure -4 B0V8 I 11 II I II ir " II I MENS A II 1 Figure ^^ CLOTHINO I 1 " 1 I HunoNr OEPARTMENT OFFICE n " 18: i wwm EK tk 1 0 0 n II 18* ^r PEfldgTMEKT CLOTHINO I P=p best ^ K f^?n=TT'^=fT9TTlj store^ the to " This Space was n is the ly TT " first floor reduced by D: plan in the than more 92 Q new half and store (see Figure profits 17). CHOOSING old his In Unable mark. in located the secinred for The of the feet, and placed the there could be from doorway on the plate glass showcase and side One feet 7 of the store floor to large courtyard, which of Ught. ^$8,000 clothing " while his net sales went So much it. to point is and of item in of Every see that a the in his greater. and handrails installed the at with well former location, In the afford can his rent to third the advantages particular business. The and Like rent. the proper between to The of site and particular any year 18). problem selling activities. to of $58,000 worth doing business, rent rental difference large a analysis of the factors retailer or of the But numerous. sold cost in fair ratio to frequently complex mean 2% the study cases side of in to convenience are built feet 10 each to plate glass ceiling. They opened out on the entire room plenty gave than more his buying to fitted was careful consideration same On were the display $110,000 (Figure 17 and for the question of location and up calls for close control about Bronze high. merchant profitwas other every does the first year make landing. a The also was stairway the street. he street the on from windows the This to turn that floor included. the and electric light fixtures bronze entrance widened level, so the and of $2,700, heat landing a seen second a retail district. He sidewalk above take that centrally store building agreed alterations. annual an get beyond not to yearly rental a did desirable a of the heart owner necessary could finally decided located, he 93 merchant he find to LOCATION this location of $50^000, but business 12 THE factors paid that he essential location, of tomers, cusduct con- is problem involved and give the for the rent understanding failure group which of success. in it it are may IX CHAPTER HOLDING HOW DOWN much credit customers? This is retailer credit of these ' Credit retail business 86% of only 60% to they bound to business of Since the 0.4% from solution them to a retail Any abnormally and the based on To have stores high following in problem, minimum. various total net low 94 losses each individual found was machinery inevitable, are lies in course, credit were reducing figures from for analyzed All merchant sales. charge apparently lines. sales: debt credit a foimd bad it offer becoming And average figures good. trade. the end centage per- lose much of this have how percentages retail is of the runs are capital this been or or necessary losses of basis some of the 0.6% debt the of 991 credits to bad some on of the maintenance the costs credit, but Out average, give credit determines course of every usually retailers many The last many almost it cash a on extended, come. in invest an on and in sales. net 80% to is credit whenever that forced are the ing extend- policy. that shows day, every hours, 24 big figure a costs practice, but credit business doing popular more can cuts The my every debt year. common loose a to 65% Although are of which Bad each every line; investigation from that failed result a as a give to in interested. become has afiford question a proportions business one year is LOSSES I can vitally dangerous assume BAD-DEBT this book. disregarded, rough check percentages for are THE KEEPING BAD Groceries 1.94% 0.47% Clothing 0.34% Furniture. that Now debts the and are, of cost let payers, to use Department Drugs bad debt losses better are by buyers than progressive retailers slight,"says one retailer, is very satisfactory. We are system credit extend not retailer is burdened the methods credit our bad problem a evil. the "because who examine us stores serious how seen customers 0.21% 0.21% 0.19% 0.19% 0.10% Shoes heavily the how check ''Our do have we 05 Dry goods 0.31% Hardware DOWN Jewelry implements. 0.33% Vehicles and DEBTS all until at have we ourselves that the applicant is worthy customer asks for credit, he must satisfied of it. to come When oiu* a office application(Figure 19). This tells the need to know, including where facts we look we can is the accuracy the applicant'sstanding. Such of up appraisement, and so smoothly does oiu* credit our find it necessary to send out system work, that we rarjely fill out and a an collector for "If he every have week's a high standing can we try to keep possible,for as so close a store of owner in the South fail. A satisfactory, that cash means of unusually 30-day credit list,but get on our the *cash-every-Monday' rule as of most that margin in order discounts The to is deemed credit, but without Monday, far for credit appUcant an can accounts. our hold to says but made are take must the he purchases oiu* we small a man on the 10-day profitmargin up." progressive dry goods has reduced his bad debt practicallynothing by followinga clean-cut credit policy. He never without account a new opens of his credit policy thoroughly explaining the terms expense to the to customer. that for credit is extravagant is He a careful,too, convenience buying. to and show not the a tomer cus- medium REDUCING 96 Another has merchant list of all overdue a " OVERHEAD statements who made are of tenth out debt credit Local PLAN WHICH WITHOUT and especially successful in of dollars on a desirable than years of ago, of the the methods majority in the and of his competitors. example, requested the relied on S0% experience there references his own in men has in a been western hundreds many years to ago. the This effective the the Mrs. privilegeof her that judgment her dealer traveled Each towns. word she trade cared the experiences Brent-Lane, for a charge accoimt, that to her as she would pay, give; and he abilityand ness willingto If she failed to pay, to a competitor; and her obUgations. transferred two were When had, besides to meet soon been unusually DEBTS nothing about knew way only BAD entirely due of small own dealer one township. before this organizationwas created, half dozen in this vicinityused towns in extending credits that prevail his the have been township one business merchants same a BUYERS credit they is condition organization Two to As lished annually. Today, credits there are estabsound the average, basis;and collections, on better 60% are reduced the costs. merchants the saves clerk, a days on immediately. have REDUCED of state, and first to binreaus OFFENDING interchange This monthly the sales. associations A book'' 30 over been in many towns, and successful in reducing bad debt IS ''tab a given have organized HERE calls When they are running costs of his net 1% he investigatesthem and result his bad what accounts. lists all accounts ''tab book" EXPENSE she the originaldealer felt a certain pleasure, greater or less according to his temperament, in watching her "sting'' dealers failed to recognize in her The his rivaL two a common enemy. 08 OVERHEAD REDUCING EXPENSE lition of this very fact,however, is the that is today bringing into being more and organizations like this against the ''dead war alone. The commercial who lack of in fact,on relies, more association. beat'^ cannot man dition con- be does not waged fully success- his debts pay organization among The merchants his ends. Competition of the sort that aims at a rival^s throat is what permits him to prey on one and then on another, going the rounds of all of them. He listed ''black" dreads, above all,having his name index that can be freely consulted an on by all the to attain merchants record he wishes stands there still grants him who obtain to credit from. plainly revealed, and does a credit privilege His the past dealer with so all risk. danger signalsup, and at the merchant's own The first problem faced by the organizers was to establish ratingsfor the credit buyers of the community. Each merchant went through h^ books and listed Ids Then he credit customers. placed a checkmark beside each name, showing his experience with that There were five classes: "prompt,'"' good," eustomer. "fair," "slow," and "very poor," which were nated desigin the lists respectivelyby the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. merchant Each ratings in his list with these secretary of the association. signed so not were the to sent there was private The lists danger that facts which no might wish to keep secret would be divulged their competitors. In the association,the secretary is the working center. merchants to He receives various credit the merchants (Figure 20) any whenever it is wanted. At up the top the Below is space and gathered holds part of the information to furnish sums information The card his information buyer's name in which which is shown and address to tabulate the himself to any on from in are ready member, the tary secre- Figure 21. written in. the records taken The devoted space to each columns, captioned with placed first column is revision takes that data and from On is CBEDIT7 OR revision are running now in on AND is conducted cash a basis. mail-order who extended compete with low prices offered houses. One he would wholesale and discounts overhead the postage, and often cannot by the catalog that by eUmmating get cash to houses, reduce bookkeeping his be able policies is especially competition is credit decided merchant credit a store This Merchants the TESTED changed their where towns some keen. from his of expense in this way save money customers. First he thought of all the advantages he could his customers induce to worked He goods. and in POLICIES have who in the past have business 6IMPLE ARE BOTH FOR merchants Many for year; of the year .goes of the card, space reverse HERE PLANS credit in the it. on CASH true secured the information, such as the buyer's of his homestead, and incumbrance any salary, value and In 2. beginning of each at the the years. into two figures 1 and information second eight additional left for there the of 99 is subdivided year the DOWN period a the place column. the other DEBTS reports for members' from BAD THE KEEPING them out a selling,and cash to plan cash pay based cash on saving of the for money offer quality buying to his customers. This plan a to them," of his farmer some says this could buy and sell for cash worth-while we saving, because we of the number that had I submitted showed "I if he long as to add showed as them how of costs we to we merchant, "that could give them could doing business. incurred our we these tomers. cus- extra eUminate I a explained expenses, we sellingprices. In otiier words, could operate on a considerably REDUCING 100 EXPENSE OVERHEAD margin of profitby cutting out the overhead bookkeeping, bad debts, long-time credits, on expense and lost cash discounts. I also explained how, on a would be in a position to take advantage cash basis,we of cash buying. of the power that by operating on ''Furthermore, I demonstrated narrower a basis I could cash out-of-town I could and would competitor on only give the not the meet pricesof any class of merchandise. any better customers service houses, but I could save every half the freighton any pinrchase. customer ''If customers basis are willingto buy on the same that they buy from the mail-order houses, paying cash and eliminating certain convenience of service, then I in a positionto give them the same am or even a larger lines. saving on most "From the beginning the farmers took to this plan. than mail-order the Not said one them One of Most said And they would they have. try it out. Store which night last month, Wildey's General been chants operated on a credit basis by various merunder with On who the the the other has running been his One money. credit. He Westerfeld store on next " morning been "I in for cash a he day says: The years keeping trade at home, problem of mail-order competition." hand, Sol Westerfeld,an Illinois grocer in business has 25 over in business. little trouble I have "Now, started Store for names last time. for the Cash Wildey's trade various its doors closed had cash. pay " had or couldn't he that 20 over basis turned years, and about that ever under been making was face, and giving credit found had since. the cash gave Mr. plan own. My really call my trade was at the call of competitors' temporary price reductions. unreasonable I had to spend an amount on advertising and constantly offer special price no customers inducements in I could I order to hold my share of trade. Figure 21: ciat The ossodation cards in order 21 The : to reduce proclamation shown obtain to unaiEned, ai" Rgure card so there their of the is no one and about southern each bad used by credit town accounts. merchant held one commer- The ciutomers. of giving out danger losses fmm week, of those one infonnation of merchants U above ' trade ' 'pay-up week," a The displayed mayor a aecrett." signed copy of a it. ' " : " " :;BEDiJGiNG :"":iOi.Hi These facts When I received from a OVERHEAD and EXPENSE led others to invitation to open an awakening. my charge account a large department store running a grocerydepartment, the die was cast. I reasoned that if the largestore found charge accoimts worth while,I was making a mistake in holding to a cash basis. I concluded if that even I made a cash basis, on money my not boimd customers to me as were closelyas they be if I carried their accounts. would ''So I said to the .firstcustomer to ask for credit after I had made decision: 'I shall be glad to my extend credit,but I would like to have the references business.^ customarilyrequested by any well-regulated Under the combination cash and credit plan which I have since followed, I held my cash trade and expanded business credit customers. satisfactorily By among and offeringcredit I am able having steady customers to obtain a better profitmargin. Since my loss from bad debts has never half of 1% of my exceeded one sales,I think these advantages well worth their cost." my Merchants H, week" pay-up The in several plan, and merchants "pay-up cities have of week" foxmd have Wilson, North one and year, the adopted it worth while. Carolina, held collected $73,000 " a a result,you'lladmit. satisfactory This was an of average than more for every $10 in town, since the census figuresgive Wilson a population of about 7,000. Furthermore, the cost of person campaign the only the a was little over merchants' ''The one merchants' industrial undertaking committee dollars were tenth was " of 1%. a season The year. given to to it: a good time crops and an of this management the good regular advertising association. of the merchants' appropriated of secretary of The selected association after in all to ^itamounted " tells about association for the campaign active low very One put it through. hundred M ' --" PAY-UP WEEK November Six for Days Reasons !" Your 2. We A Your 5b will been payment with 4" help us kind to will now you, at goes prhited and Wilson a deposits,and their customers all farm on are a products tfaousand which to a to town sent 'pay-up week*' much TMs ticket entitles you to one Association Merchants SIGN NAME AND and Figure One 24: Moore's Prizes of these chance amounting tickets was ON at either BEFORE $70 given WILL now pay grow reproduced one out in on the town one were with 103 on above first of the were month held. was $1 the $50 in GoM OF BACK Patterson MONDAY to last Account on ADDRESS Deposit in Contest Boxes above if you $1 Pay-UpWeek the thus assistingthem pay slips like the $1 Paid rating bank, for WILSON statements ' are CAN BOOSTER help your attached during to once to accommodate Ten turn credit your bank increasing If you and 23: it's your now merchant year's prices. You Figure Six debts our pay improve Wilson every check Prices 6b 13 to reciprocate to S* 8 and Paying Your Accounts Why You Should Pay Now mon^ have .. " r " THIS Drug Co. NIGHT, every TICKET or NOV. given during $1 paid given by ' Turiington 15 'pay-up week. on account. "" "* " " " " /"\;l^::-"B^DUGING OVERHEAD first action ''The EXPENSE of the committee to arrange was for newspaper advertising.By an agreement formerly with the editor of the local paper, the association made to have was as much newspaper it as space required, desired. free of charge, whenever "Two weeks prior to, and from one used by signed which during columns half to two the front page was lend dignity the mayor advertidng. To 'pay-up week' proclamation (Figure 22), published continuously. the committee advertisingin the newspaper, 10,000 envelopsprintedin red ink with the a "Besides had 'Pay-up Week, November help/ in these A WEEK" "PAY-UP PUT THIS BASIS THAN TOWN everybody their statements ON EVER all store that series of five window windows cards printed in distributed by the secretary to every so to fit the as bore in each cards four about measured 14 "Painted on were the words: And \mder banner and Four Each card it oblong, and was inches,and after the 30-foot at each the it was on printed newspaper banners. These banner, in 14-inch 'Pay-up some the mayor. and window principalbusiness Week this slogan, in carried a proclamationsignedby seven the streets across ink member. of windows. fifth card 22 red a triangular in shape, were corners by the 'pay-up week' in value "Next displayswere set The slogan. some BETTER A BEFORE might present during 'pay-up week,' we had appearance of these Let " the first of November. on order uniform 8 to 13 mailed merchants The CREDIT "In week,' pay-up on the was words * such " 8-inch phrase blue as comers. red November himg we letters, 8 to 13.' letters,each 'Start dollars 'If you can't pay all, moving,' 'Every littlebit helps,' some,' 'Boost your town's credit,'and the like. pay banners before. were These put up the week 106 REDUCING OVERHEAD reported collections than entire the and year, week, tsame previous, the ' Some of goods are have of for delivery. successful A sums *'I up have by the conditions whole be placed upon to charge the from out man doing both 60 my to 90 must do. business, receiving I and have my equal been very problem credit own that that in my at customers benefits in that credit I injustice wait you worked have real satisfied, and the for which way, dollars should an makes found are saying: prices longer. last is same own in patrons it who naan often plan, well all tlie the problem own have " order an impression basis; customers days, cents pretty the same as delivery losses. situation bettered; cash 5 price. selling the and and his under the to in "cash-with-a-discount" the be amount plans solved been where bad-debt credit merchandise same in departments, credit these down has could fall eliminate down goods of using always year to able marked for charged who successfully are certain a cutting retailer the the previous been cash and Both in best not merchandise $1 on during camjiaign, the installed add their preceding collected pay-up have delivered not the more store." merchants cent for the 20% as of was been which entirely price a week' November than having concerns Other of more that credit 1 month without history *pay-up for 150% EXPENSE every pleasure and we cents." in are CHAPTER TRAINING HOW X SALESPEOPLE YOUR SALES MORE GLANCE A sales sell his to is not there as " be And cost. first increase must Investigation the each dollar. be given much sales the responsibility how total and and, (3) he store's was retailer. solution he a "I too studied lay in to each sales from men, salesmust doing ^how " be lower his the why year, given the sales employer; interest in and percentage the mission, com- profits. sell," declares situation 107 or material net using from must represents a much is last raise of the increasing the are salesman store bonus, the can throughout more (2) he can given share direct costing he a or merchant they the in the on; so by be the results best the personally be must what how profits, either or "It told " this expense lowering of get that increased right, and is mark-up get the of have will retailers to declare idea an net generally actual fimdamentally To of his is sales. methods same retailers (1) do to It it is the one successful that the these total among practically salary in order his shows country ^but rather " item. indicates. salaries that show 9% over lowering indication reduced percentage of doubt no selling,however, question no much very of cost a is merchant business doing single goods, investigation the Reducing agreed, retail typical the will largest the as of costs merchant any salaries'' costing list of the a almost of '^ at MAKES and individual's an Ohio decided sales. the REDUCING 108 "I but thought for an But I watch to It took a lot of needed salesmen my I decided day. OVERHEAD only EXPENSE good as the their sellingmethods were as long that training. If discover to customer a average, for that and came one they asked article,the salesman perhaps leisurelyImnted aroimd for it,found it,laid it on the counter somewhat and 'We're disinterestedly, probably said: sellinga lot of these/ If the customer wanted it badly enough, he bought it,if not he walked it. out without portant "Right then and there I reaUzed what vitallyimfactors in my organizationmy salesmen were. that sometimes saw the salesmen their opportunities and everything I could to make opportunities. Today main sales to bring our and "One sales class. At up employees our realize these working with might and force to a higher state of effectiveness we to realize this evening I made failed to nize recogmind to do my are important weeks every two these meetings we we factor. conduct talked a of sort sales over methods increase our by which we can business, and all changes that can be made better work to obtain or to have make the only three work pleasant. more salesmen but we make Of we course, it plain that meetings, and that if they have anything to say or any suggestions to offer or any criticisms to make, not to hesitate; for we are always eager to get their ideas and suggestions. "We also take up the study of merchandise; at one these are meeting their history and will discuss taking each up one perhaps discuss tea and study its methods of preparation. At another we And later coffee. or so we proceed, sooner will we almost every of salesmen the about our Une in our stock. learns, and merchandise can In this way talk convincingly to customers. business does not typical small grocery do itself as readilyto commission as arrangements I obtain enterprises in other lines. Therefore "The lend some the TRAINING COUNTS THAT 109 clerks by paying a bit higher wages and the next than treatment by considerate man, makes which employees feel satisfied." my observation is," declares one merchant, "that "My clerks cannot always be traced I"oor sales results from indifference lack of experience or them. to among be followed back times it could desks to oiur Many for by oiur incompetency as leaders. and accounted cooperation of of "Some my salesmen think us and clerks are the same. by a long shot. A clerk waits sells goods. the trade and takes orders; a salesman on It is true, however, that in the majority of instances clerks and salesmen rate. are paid at the same "For example, say we want to hire a salesman, as I should not hire mere clerks. contend that we Suppose fellow who is popula^ and a good we pick out a young His fitness for the work, or his sellingability, mixer. They like as not are is put in we a located, and salesman. Next about talk not we into the transaction enter hired have we that stock me not, does as "After are with a few at all. real salesman, the chances hours tellinghim where the then him turn forget him. salesmanship, no over There reference another to has to been our no store of ways to sell service. There is have that he may latent sales ability, chance some a but surely this sort of procedure will not bring it out. policy,no "In once them our a store month at restaurant. my discussion house the we hold meetings of the salespeople the year round. In the winter and store get limch afterward During and help the the summer talk we at have some get together at with along we refreshments before the we cigars. Sometimes go to the movies car meetings, or take rides in my ^my 'sales force' is not so large that I cannot I auto. get it into one lot of good in our find that these meetings do us a You notice I say 'us' fight with higher costs. I always learn something at these meetings. because and " " REDUCING 110 "At of some into a wanted them net also EXPENSE meetings I took I showed them the workers exactly how I sellingcost" 16%, and explained that I did this because profit of 10%. at my wanted We first our confidence. my arrived OVERHEAD to obtain discuss store customers, methods for information the I I first hand. service, ways approach to attracting interest in lines, new getting acquainted with our newcomers, advertising, competitors' publicity,window dressing, for plans and arrangement, store HEBE so PLANS ARE THAT FROM "r We into customer's hands manufactxuing details If argument. handle with handled a or in this way interested becomes what interest we the in large for to have try close or attachment; in fact,carry personal RESULTS simply putting an article its and then tellingthem about provides the best sort of sales at least to open ^as " BIG that article is too an readily,we it GET list. the SALESPEOPLE concluded have down on him a do something door, take oflfor put a out any desire that will act to customer on an arouse a for possession. When customer forgets the price and ^which is exactly the article " want. /right oflf the bat' the market that the article is superior to anything on something about by showing him that we reallyknow 'live' manufactiu-er it. Of coiu^e, cheerfully every tion supplies literature prepared to give retailers informabehind the about the manufacturing processes "We strive goods they what "Each This the to that work one keeps our him information This stock. matters basis, convince 'manufacturers' called is to to its face probably But selling arguments.' us? It on gives us the facts, or on. of us sets stock goods belong, and to out looking when be neat. not good stockkeeper. a We busy at all know sellingwe where work Pigure 25: in 10 ThU different pcrcent^et. chart Unei The you as ihows compared vehicle BCC, the but salary with business not has far ahead Ill cost the a of perceotage* total cost to net sale* of doing biuinen high salary percentage, some other lines. aa 112 REDUCING the stock. on worth dig for under the we counter article that an in order another "When is not that means or enters in to come waited ^we " several to him buy. is what until we 'This to take ready are is ihe manner that jump' all entered a clerk one stores decided to putting up try to avoid. stereotyped *What and 'Now, what else?' are We find it easy to signifyto we brisk a to discontinue or "The that have to salesman any 'at the We minutes in basement shout store our assume stop talking to associates That the upstairs,or goods. to locate business into be busy sellinggoes customers stock. down go should customer a who and So EXPENSE always appear to be busy, whether is reallya little dull, and that alone is busmess have something. We to seldom, very seldom not or OVERHEAD I do can banished for you from our the customer by of him. We care oiu" today?' store. attitude also avoid market/ and like platitudes. start in by saying 'Do Perhaps we know, Mr. you Hawkins, that this article goes through 12 different best before processes on the it reaches finisher?' the corresponding quality appeal. Our the prospect in the article so for the price when the time "Then not we a may crude some All clinching sales quoted. But in other him work is not in goods. of the in customer one some like to task This store our " us a this?' but a I sell you additional awaken desires. of wants argu- the it, its cheerfulness, its ^for we service shoppers, our well as the goods." ^the arrangement veniences for busy points as Every worker comes. If the customer strive to interest these quote it receptive 'Can't to attempt " shoulders. is the sale. with mean to some effort is to interest to get his mind as other price try to interest we subtle more Or end not hurry, does with Finally the ments. does follow we or responsibilityon feel that well, that our we work are con- sell his plishing accom- is worth OVERHEAD REDUCING 114 retail merchant Another employees on last the meeting the merchant holds day new lines he wants to to secure, As supplement a keeps and like. to these he made He month this At discusses how out. also lines out- tells which " of sales he is volume the record book a month. plans which the coming push, what and each carried the for his meetmg a just past^ been plans have plans for far these of reviews first of the month at the EXPENSE ious anx- meetings, this merchant shows him just what each which man's salespeopleis doing. The book gives the salesrecord not only for the month just past, but also of previous years. the corresponding months In of his for the merchant this way can progressing. are increased see how the various Increased sales uals individ- totals, plus in the details of store conscientiousness work, plus increased abilityto work with others, taken all value to the store. for increased The together,make merchant to his desk, frequently calls the salesmen shows and In their records. them fact, they quite without often come being called,because they are eager the best possibleshowing. to make salary in proportion to the Fixing the salesman's in the form of commission, bonus, sales made, whether premimn, or the like,is one of the greatest factors in gaining the cooperation of salespeople. An eastern that his salesman employer fruits of his labors to individual retailer pays at is is that proper to the willing to have him share a mighty good incentive effort." his Semiannually 1% of all employees among store fo\md have " reward One "I says: ^like all of us, I guess, appreciate a for oiu* labor. Any plan which proves salesmen in the druggist salespeopleby salaryand bonus. the who least six months. total cash sales have been employed The distribution is divided in the is shared " on a basis of the wages each salesman receives " the TRAINING bonus of the of the one COUNTS THAT receiving $20 receiving $10 a week. is double week a one 116 that the amount It is easy for this merchant to determine of bonus should receive. each salesman He finds what paid the amount percentage the total amount paid for out salesman to each out labor; then he gives him that percentage of the 1% of the total sales. For example, if the total sales for six amoimted of $30,000, the salesman to total the period will paid amount receive ''Although dividend a considerably, it is well labor amoimting increased plan the to $30. this it,'* says worth that during labor our months salary is 10% whose for out is of expense retailer. sales force, and spreads interest to our gives new salesman's the spirit of cooperation. Each interests of lies just where does own oiu" ^boostingthe volume "It " sales for the whole store. plan sales have A and into effect clothier finds gives a bonus that that and And from for or over by good clothing. wear the profitthat comes grades of merchandise. better automatically that the increased The voliune commission method of a of payment unsatisfactory,a California which has plan for paying salespeople, in his store. He plan only method, So he decided that 25%." sale of $25 sometimes devised well likes to is benefited an over this merchant. ReaUzing was everybody selling the been increased put this bonus covered surprisinglywell. He dislike to sell good clothing, it works his business have we for every his salesmen almost that result has sales our Since a and considered the retailer worked salary and mission com- of the straight commission equally unsatisfactoryin his case. modification to fix each month a maximum percentage department ought to cost for sellingexpense. the Then he planned to allow for distribution among salespeopleany saving in the actual cost of each department ^the saving t6 be divided as against the standard each " REDUCING 116 equally of From experience for work returns individuals, department tends bring conditions making The and stimulus To his affairs for increased is he and himself and The motive to his power will shop with windows both the to has fix all employees give this problem to A worked it before it acts as a month, basis yearly forgot but maxi- a salespeople the constant effort. look into his clerks that he then his drives which him, his but bright. with their affairs; when other of thinks reflect his business all who workers than think will and he more his workers strengthened, makes in interest and will sales retailer the ideals, shows and be when that his them him, is to bonus business; success only stay also department's any yearly imselfish, with him, It the convince to entire proprietor the consideration. each ideals lets manages of people sales- strong bring the plan retailer it appears up, and that the Paid workers' of the fair is figure, up. sum of This to because was year his that easy poorly the to against part thoughtful more record the on bonus the standing. attention operate employer. the was not the difficult very on to percentage mmn in order everybody As lead to this showing. good most not bonus-earning a which a and weak, to up to the method it induces benefit. tendency a on tion principal objec- the that equally it has develop to in department this with far department's divided are each worked. days so system, the in it eliminates that bonus a of number finds to to the his merchant salespeople the among basis the EXPENSE OVERHEAD this spirit. machine will success help for to keep PART III WHERE KNOWING BUSINESS YOUR STANDS CHAPTER SIMPLE RECORDS XI WHICH FACTS approximately how the with of day spend much work who men losing sight accounting and day on The jeweler of this chapter of each month, day period, profits, and readily, without think the made I use, perhaps the to on again with are too in they the are will give so help 119 simple others. over and the today. beginning at the for comparisons previous to every faces facts same of solving the a right work at in amoimt great toward fussing much The "Promptly I have planned fact, still. are lost becoming statement the the are They merchant say: too trifling affairs minutes* far go time takes them. a few a too, I know here and average expenses records for the '^It over take not will goes ing correspond- perhaps standing are will who know expenses haven't or, time do labor, and and "My records They which problems their could books your that, I the These big objective system time your of the detail. of mass busy." too employees "I say: systems," spending are their that I'm for if so, before.'^ merchants and before, and than figures accounting on earned sales, profits, and same Detroit a business day More day's year hear VITAL says my the me much. the the often We to how previous compared whether for money o'clock/' 10 at retailer, ^'I know any UP QUICKLY morning EACH SHOW end the of 30- sales, year. me these details. helpful facts The that I LESS 120 "RED TAPE" ACCOUNTING IN ''I will start right at the b^;iiming. We cash and charge sales through instances most ticket which the the cash customer wants write it out for him then into goes are sales are. in the cash registergives each salesman. of These (Figure 26), interestinginformation: the are which assembled gives Clock of the Merchandise ledger (customers') Charge cash as the the made by in a special following sales and novelty sales Optical sales Watch repairdepartment sales Jewelry repair department sales Clock repairdepartment sales sales diamond small one sales ''Laid aways'' sales Watch sale,we This ticket of sales amount of cash and when report which the SQverware Jewelry But morning all of these tickets are register.They go to the office, ''Paid outs" Diamond small of the register,instead facts record to the when next cash Charges out. sales-ticket book. together with the actual cash and Total amount on the sale is rung up. successfullythe same way ''Promptly the from a cash out handled removed recorded are both roister. In cash registerthrows complete record a the ordinarilythrown sales sales the the handle sales Total of each salesman's sales '^This specialrecord goes to the bookkeeper, together and he makes with the 'charge' and 'paid out' tickets, his entries in (Figure 26). a For the information I need bookkeeper also This shows the each store, and purpose to run enters my the each and journal of the exact giving me business properly, the sales daily, monthly, also book salesman in and another book. yearly sales of (both charge and ing comparisons against the correspondprevious periods,and percentage rates of increase decrease,for every department and each store. cash or cash-sales combmed sales); with LESS 122 ''Quite method. the TAPE" often a specialenvelop safe which envelop sales sell we ACCOUNTING IN make we Whenever put it in of "RED by 'laid-away' the article in this way, an and file it in is reserved for the a we compartment The purpose. (Figure 27) has spaces in which we record payments Whenever laidas they are made. a buyer calls,therefore,to make a payment on or away tell by looking can get the merchandise, the salesman at the envelop the whole history and present status of the transaction. I keep a separate ledgerfor these laid we use ' * ' aways' this is checked and envelops in each THESE RECORDS store each MERCHANT ALL THE ^laid aways, "Payments on the cash the register. And with sales the other the envelops been entered. record the bookkeeper gets slips. make to a against the ^ JUST WHERE TIME of course, record we following morning of these He checks the sure have We balanced week. ONE SHOW STANDS HE and in the along slipsagainst payments, the amounts proper specialaccount in the have general ledger for ^laid aways.' "We receivable keep separate ledgers for accounts and accounts payable. All postings to the accounts receivable ledger come from All credits to accounts book. small the combiaed cash-sales payable, with the tion excepcash-sales book items through the from an invoice register(Figure 28). and journal,come it for only two purhave a journal,but we "We use poses. In it we record, first,all bills payable; and, entries in connection second, the end-of-the-month sheet. Bills with monthly closing and balance our for payable are entered in a separate ledger accoimt in which each month at due, so we know they become is coming due each month. all times how much merchandise records are kept in an interesting "Our of way. a We few have a specialbook for the purpose (Figure Insure 27: Here is shown gooda Figure records 28: The which on form top facts about goods, and an customers reproduced invoices so on. envelop for keeping track have made shows the received, detnt Merchandise of ' " 'Uud-away payments. invoice memoranda is classified by register, which covering turned re- departments. LESS 124 29). "RED This section and TAPE" book the sections, each of the finns we buy from, numbered contains being devoted to firm being known one the section by separate sheets in each section and so So, when on ^while the lines " enter we have price tag a to show costmark symbol where us 3-F-12 lettered are sheet each on which numbered. are that means matically auto- we place on find the cost. can we The ^A,B, C, D, " must we the the Thus, paid, the price we sellingprice,and a full descriptionof found by referringto the merchandise fijm whose number. article in this book, an the ACCOUNTING IN will be the article, book under the This method F, line 12. of keying proves very satisfactory. ''This book is for original entry only and for a full descriptionof the article. In addition, I have a set of cards (Figure 30) by which I keep track of what chandise mernumber is on is 3, sheet hand and the merchanin the stock room, dise descriptionon hand in each store. of every ''This is checked time to tell hand, on at any call we of form for those book stock oiu* descriptionof of the stock and room "From articles which record the various makes and up a have does a book ties novelthis on mentioned, The second been entered contain not of the record merchandise any bution distrito the stores. sheet merchandise is kept for all mounted day's business,the showing the cost of all sold. A separate record diamonds. recapitulatethe total of day, and obtain a monthly total. "We above direct to the card. record, but item, merely stock entered book the and the sales tickets for each bookkeeper diamonds the in quantitiesare clocks for alarm merchandise The recorded is used one what stock room, but in each store form is used for all articles also specials, entry being made the the The all kinds. is not form in time. one which only in able at any are we articles and just what not daily and up the cost With sheets "this each figurewe SIMPLE RECOKDS EFFECTIVE AND 125 journal entry creditingthe stock accoimts, and Of course, charging the cost of sales,by departments. make a for account the between difference the the sales profit of that is the gross department a of sales and cost department. monthly ''The extended all three show to listed much separately. store this on FACTS monthly trouble, be worked extra is statement ADAPTABLE ALSO ARE e3q)enses without the ESSENTIAL THE GIVE WHICH AND keeper the book- the results from of my stores; and the results for each RECORDS SIMPLE "The I get from in the first set of columns shows operating which statement report can, out on a per- ful basis,and I find such percentages helpcentage-of-sales of comparison. for purposes Checking the expense for against corresponding percentages percentages previous And the to show sure and once, I of this sort with taken are sheets out of which the salesman the a customer department, to the can might and office and write be as his a as soon opinion as mailing list and our next thus original the in spaces to whether of any other This insert goes prospect if so, which ones. is entered the name our These attached. inserts contain The also expenses. paper envelops sale is made. record on laid-away envelops contain and of carbon of the erly. prop- are check a managing am startingare pretty looking for the holes at I find it mighty impor-^ in time. ''Repairjob envelops inserts leaks start can stop them I whether place where up. have to tant I know years, supplies accordingly ammunition on for mailings. buyers to place orders unless the and ofiSce purchase requisitionis obtained signed by and the merchandise a duplicate is left on file man, in the office. By chandise taking this precaution, the mer"I do not man allow knows at all times what is on order Figure 29: above. of A This goods from page book keeps hand on the a merchandise department INDIVIDUAL ^MtCalHvd of the rumiing record in each ledger is reproduced stock be can the stock, and glance. at a seen amoimt RECORD STOCK DwcriiMlon Stock DlMioml Ifl Petfaction NumiMr WboM _ Color rrr RECORD " \iVhIi^i^js mrkj] REPAIIt %u^i"^m4MMdt^ [TO"ngiifta"lS^ MLLEirS NGfiEST UTTIE STORES SMckCinl . . from^(l^t"a.Cort_iL^".MI."^ES' No_2_Bouaht Stora 0--Dato Hmd |RMeivMi|SoMlOn HMdlOtfo jR"Mivwl|SeM||On '.f\'s\\1 1^1 J MUSTS I III I BMBT I I UTTIE I I I I Figure mounted The 30: diamcmds handkerchiefs. form upper The sold form in each this day. just below 126 group It is a might supplies a I I J l,4.itti special record as III lii N^ Slwet NOb I STORES SiMkCwd Slofv a I I easily be check on for cdl tools or repairs. Figure to keep a dH The 31: purchase of the record rate of mark-up, watching Figure 32; old f"MTn, before it became it was "mark-up," changed and "% into three marked," the no way importanoe great of apparent. Thelargetpaceheaded"refaarka" so provided above, ledger, shown was headed columns in this seldom new ' uaed in the 'sellingprice," purchase ledger. LESS 128 "RED TAPE" ACCOUNTING IN and tindelivered, lihood whether there is a likeI, also,know of overbuying. "The cashier also keeps a record of the probably due dates of the invoices that will be rendered against these orders file. In this way liabilityis not assiuned on cashier, under of what only to the yet been not and "The with the that due, or terms result is to put which having have after discounts issued. records such in the without closest I have as possible touch seeing anything I like to have mean. definite and possibly cannot right to the merchant discovered after at our anything my records point that the that he his a was jewelry store it Ihies,as you can the verge on of situation carefully he changed his accounting sjrstem entirely. His new system is made up of a journal,a cash book, ledger,a department-' a pmrchase ledger, a customers' stock ledger,a reduction alized perpetual merchandise mark-down trolling sheet, and a private ledger. A conor remained in the private merchandise account by ledger, its totals matching with the totals shown failmre,and the more In stock studying " I feel me." escape Although this system is used in be adapted very easilyto other can readily see, by a few changes. One invoices facts of my business. liable to look merchants are we records clear and facts become may office also looks The me really important, I so on what not ing accord- really essential sometimes business of due shortly become file The intelligentidea, an all orders on month. one he also knows on that too much sure any has will received. net described plan, orders the by this books, but from due is make we ledger. He also divided closelyby increasingthe order to secure stocks a bit of departments. figures regularly, he mmiber mark-up the merely added three columns- to the sheets ledger. There was a large colimm to in the the chase pur- right of LESS 130 ''RED TAPE" IN ACCOUNTING these sheets headed "remarks." This column was seldom used,so he justdivided it into three columns headed "selling price," "mark-up,"and "% marked," respectively. The selling entered in red ink. The result are prices is like the usual bill register, except that he uses a for each line. The old form and the new shown in Figures31 and 32. one are He also improvedhis forms for coveringa monthly tabulation of expenses, a monthly departmentalprofitand-loss statement, and annual tabulation of an special page and forms are expenses accounts. profit-and-loss shown These four self- in Figure 33. They are sheet. explanatory.Figure34 shows the mark-down "These exceedinglysimple changes," says this new facts to my attention merchant, "brought startling almost automatically.For instance, I found that I for my was paying more candy stocks than I was gettingfor them. It took me months to adjust this situation carelessweighing the explana* was particular remedied. tion but it was finally "My new system has now been workingnearlyfive " " that were all the difficulties drivingme to the wall. My sales were relentlessly $17,000the firstyear I used my new system, $20,000 and last year they crossed the next, $37,000the third, years. It has overcome the $40,000mark." The perpetual inventorysheet which is shown in Insert I was devised by a largewholesale clothing firm for retail clothing mer* stores, and progressive chants are findingit an effective dailywatch on the i f trend of their business. there must In order to keep this system accurately, cash or be a written record of every transaction, credit,every day; the cost of every item must be time as the selling written down at the same priceThis givesan accurate check. I SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE regularsales book (Figure35),both ruled A and a RECORDS "returned for cost and 131 goods" ticket also selling prices, used in this system. The perpetualinventorysheet,as you will notice, is ruled for five weeks and one extra day to provide for axe of 31 days, the first day of which falls on Saturday,the last day on Monday. The columns are numbered and in describing their use we or lettered, a month will refer to each Column 1 '* " by its number Merchandise letter. or on hand" " ogivesthe inventory,at cost,the firstday that the form is exact used. This colujnn is not totaled. Colunm 2 " ''New goods added to stock" " covers nothing but goods received from manufacturers. If merchandise is retiuned immediately upon its before it is put into stock,the cost is deducted receipt, from the invoice and only the net amount is entered. the is totaled every week and every month. of goods returned during the day total amount This colunm The is inserted by customers, figuredon the selling price, in column 3, and this column is totaled every week and every month. of merchandise returned to takes care the makers after it has been put into stock. Column 6 is totaled every week and every month, and gives the total of the sales checks for the day, Column 5 the seUing prices,after the amount 7 gives the 3 is deducted,and column in figuredon column total figured on cost same prices. The gross profit the difference between the amounts is recorded in colunm 8. in columns 6 and 7 Colunm 9 "Percentage on sales" is figuredevery " " " " and is found day, week, and month without totaling, by dividingcolxmm 8 by column 6. This column is extremelyimportant and should be watched closely. Often in the reason j" making comparisonsit is necessary to know why sales increased or decreased from the elgned by an usher" No. Figure inventory It is worth returned This 35: sheet shown remembering, merchants have goods in Insert ticket however* that stopped giving the 132 accompanies The I. 470 ticket during the returned the perpetual is self-explanatory. war period many ff" goods ''privilege.' STOCK TICKET ^ From Whom ^^ ^ Date I Al Cost SellingPrice vuM "" I Quantity ti" ^ Profit y P"r CMit Remarks PURCHASING TICKET ArUele By Whom "^ Purchased Di^ Quantity Cost M f Selling Price Profit *, Per Cent 570^ Remarks PAID OUT TICKET ^ C/j^^ (^^,,^ ByWhom Charge \" Expense rf^Klifi^rfTrf^y. Date Amount Artidea OuAjl. ""0 ^ I /Hf^^-/^' LOSS AND CAM TICKET Artfel" Quantity jsf ^jUU^"-^^ c"w" . Regular Retail Price Amount Received toss "r-CMii' * 7^ Remarks Figure Stock 36: jobber or purchase "i tickets manufacturer. made 'Loss and by a gain" are used Purchase salesman, tickets and record to tickets are paid out help the 133 purchase every salesman used tickets from record to for locate every payments. losses. a LESS 134 "RED TAPE" IN ACCOUNTING corresponding day of the previous supplies this information. The exact from taken the Column a sales charge and in colunm keeping this information entered are sales in column totaled every When you should inserted take is 11. the day week on and to date. up month. every inventory, equal "merchandise sheet,but is day in column 13, and every of these columns 14. Both are and week 10 receivable accounts gives the total collections for receivable,"and is totaled every month, Cash books total 12 accounts every of amount Column year. the hand" on of amount as shown stock on the shortage from goods which have of the store without out being paid for. gone Column XX of this shortage. gives the exact amount In the "slunmary, LL," only five items of expense are given: "rent," "advertising,""general expense," "salaries,including owners'," and "freight and express." "General heat, light, expense" includes there usually a insurance,interest,charity,taxes, deUveries,supplies, of which depreciation, bad debts, and so on, most tabulated are separately in the cost-of-doingbusiness tables given in the Appendix. that all using this inventory"sheet, the same for one of the records given on day are horizontal greatly simpUfies the posting. line,which You will note, in merchants Many full year The have are averages in reports sent Average percentage Average percentage Average percentage Average percentage give business these this installed it. this system for showing their percentages. 29.1 of gross profit of expense of net 19.0 10.0 profit 3.3 of discount net profitplus discount percentages system After a follows: as Average percentage of We used have who the has to show been details to are 13.1 what those worked a guide who out to have in the LESS 136 and price All the and potato and rebates a second year." for much these about right in " will retailers them facts, at then all times. and it ^but, unless profits, net be their they use best and and make of in and expense system gressive Pro- you. to systems keep the use accoimting then a dollars all you to we only of you accounting them, $2,200 are give worthless absolutely use year, However, may losses the the years, and hundreds spend down cutting your devised system two records that may business your facts mind You end. the increasing the in last the accounting. and and bookkeeper the first the recording it. during $1,500 records bear an getting facts sales that so retail the at ''gain" entering methods these word the when recorded are When price. gain, a and figured course, cost discounts All ledger. the through mistake our to the at recording using means of are, barrels, boxes, gain. gain. a as of gains as in recorded a as counted drawn always must counted not increased So ever is no "By in and line a make the sales gains when we the column gain and reverse will is also the price, loss, price is are Losses selling retail from sacks to " IN received money direct new ACCOUNTING TAPE" "RED on get using CHAPTER HOW ilAKE TO SURE did We be We in This due of the most in the West. *'To mind,'' my and where eliminated. in volxmie house in profit. merely "But am I to Profit and " did probably country This would guessed at just what know is not for only been push knowing just be must changing. week. next shrinkage a business every showed one merchants true almost is satisfactory a had possible we facts." am soimd what a a salary example, he can had we long so condition a by be not have profit interest to are not constantly still not lines we today ''we when ^we " times Guesswork may year, the it is not would, ^as keen of the clothing apart are last this During But time. the such now if bankruptcy, Unes all with. which who man continues, yesterday true a costs. Conditions was *' he deal expense apart small-store expense stand we profit and by with successful tendency Years longer." made fast-rising to sales, them much face to to profit What push was face mainly the must very costs conditions The pulling the statement was ago other DAY evolution. an rising of business EVERY mark-down many one together. live have profit margin. our to seems have not not and competition, decrease did PROFIT undergoing RETAILING we A OF is back XII on be I entitled profit paid for you managing investment. correctly 137 is?" to, These classified and how ask. a business, items two if a man LESS 138 managed "RED TAPE" for store a in stocks money would another and bonds fellow under other The be getting ACCOUNTING IN instead these invested or man, of in his business. a circumstances,however, profit the owner's return for the risk he takes for being in business as an owner. The realizes that a profitof this sort successful merchant is due him, and he stands steadfastly for it, in up spite of temptation to cut prices. Investigation revealed that a majority of retailers a " " in all lines unfair are themselves to figuringcosts and profits. Many business their their own stocl^. few But for all of these be added to the expense mark-up for of are charge fixtures to comes fail to charge Others themselves their on and true items in order it themselves. charge ofif interest depreciation or of them buildings and store Very rent. salaries with when no ment, invest- shrinkage of cost and to arrive at of must profitable a them. sells women's clothingreported that his yearly sales were $100,000 and his cost of doing His store is located in a live Uttle city business 18%. in the 25,000 population class and not over 100 miles from a largecity. Competition also is very keen there. The that the merchant was investigatorfelt sure of doing business he claimed low when of only a cost bit further. So he questioned him He then 18%. a One dealer discovered who the dealer figurein any salaries for himself and his three daughters, although his daughters Moreover, he did not helped greatly in his store. that did not charge interest on the money business,or depreciationon old When the among and that would has stock others admit the his costs he is invested and investigator remarked charge these items several he store that of he in the fixtures. should doing business, overlooking,the retailer point. he said, "I'd only be transferringmoney "Why," from one pocket to the other, and that's a fool's game." not PercentagesBased on Total Net Sales. Gross Marknjp, Costs, and Net Profit AveraKOfor Each Une Operation "2% Figure aod tbe net This 37: chart profitsin Mnollett net Note showi 11 retail lines. profit*,but the high net the these gross marlc-up, Department two lines costof stores have high profits for clothing and 139 dcnngbusineM, and BTOcerief show rates of tumovtr. hardware. "RED LESS 140 And TAPE" retailer could that ACCOUNTING IN not and would not that see of from transferringmoney other one pocket to anbe transferringit from he would the wrong side balance, of the profitand loss accoimt to his bank ^e could not understand, either,that when he failed to charge up these legitimate costs of conducting his store, all of his competitors lost money, too, if they met his he setting the skids for an old prices. Not only was the income he deserved, but he was forcing age without of his competitors. that impleasant fate upon some mstead ' has Price-cutting always and the been considered in his fight with keen best weapon perhaps it always will be. If you are of "overhead" comers buyer and expenses, your PROBLEMS WHICH ARE RETAILER EVERY ANSWERED able if you are therefore HAS TO chant's mer- competition, discounts,and to take a lower mark-up without losingyour most certainlyhave the right to give your the benefit of your good management. take a to cut a good are able profit,you customers MEET HERE But always there is the danger of cutting prices to meet competition without reducing the costs at the time, and thus lowering your net profit. The same who does have this, although he may man a good volume of sales,usually will lose in the end. There is only one to know just how far you can way retailer. "You must cut yoiur prices," declares one " know and to the Knowing amoimt a penny exact amoimt these for how the much of facts,you it costs profit you can to sell must easilyarrive an article make at the on it. right mark-up." Investigation indicates that a heavy percentage of retailers are not figuring their mark-up correctly. They often are using the buying price as a basis for and the selling Either one calculation, pricefor others. the buying or sellingprices may be used, if the one "t"/ """ "" .4^ B""4l(t " 10 1112 17 ItlfllO IS 14 isie 21 22 23 24 2S 7;? M. ^ ?7 /^ 2 ^ 7 i2 7 /;? M ^^ 1 SbU hand OR SibflMtiDttiCraiMi 2T 282930 n 3B;t3^ 21 // 2E aJ4 Month ' ^/^ z ^ ^JK ffla :?! mm. of" /u^i ^ ^ Tfltd^Sdles ^ TotPl Pn"Ht DflY^"^o^'f^ Dov"ftTdroVExP. E5gD Oft / Sk (52 J4"^5ffc2^ ^^.?M ^;^ iimL 5:^ :?5^ ^^ ? JJl if in 12. fo_ 2^ JSl 4/^53^6 M.^ m. tLt z?^ 1^ $ J l"^k Pr""fi^Record ot- Sales Costs i U "I!L'A L "^M m n illk "^ Mon+h ^)^/ l" % Profile, /Sf I 29 7 '^^7 N"+ i 111 i /^9 k2JL k 11 DisLOuur P*-otitPlu^ Q. L Prof if""flts ExP. Discount ^alJ /aSlf a Cc 3or 2^ fc M^ n tt 3^ ii ^a J^a 51 i Z^ 4522^ ^f(^VA i5(2. Zl :3:2 2^ "^ i^ "^ iSr ^5' ^5^ " ;25 7gS7 n^lllJL iu. l^tGain N""f/05" Z. f2^ i z " ^ i^ 22:2aEZ ^^ 24 ^ i^/ ^^ "^^2 KpRh!"ifi-l?^/ T^y nr^r/.J-fi ^ 2 2Z 2 1 ,. j^ yfyf.^i^ j"ii UL / Figure 38: order keeps them retailer draws In up have to on cards charts, like the one records his of a handy convenient a size. in Figure shown these, profit leaks in have 141 small From 39. chance. form, these V^th cards records one he like 142 LESS chosen is used "RED TAPE" ACCOUNTING IN consistently. However, think of expenses So, if the expenses as a certain merchants most of their sales. percentage expressed in percentages of sales, it is necessary the sellingprice,and not the cost to use price,in figuringthe percentage of profit. For example, suppose whose ness doing-busia merchant of his sales,desires a net profitequal costs are 25% of his sales. to 10% to find the Suppose he wants sellingprice of an article which cost him $1.30. He knows that the sellingprice represents all,or 100% of his income, and since the cost of doing business and the desired net profit amoimt of this, the to 35% of the article, be nothing which is $1.30, can cost less than 65% of the desired more or sellingprice. If $1.30 is 65% of the sellingprice, then 1% is 1-65 of $1.30 or $0.02, and $2" or 100% is 100x$0.02, the correct it may selling price. In this connection be well to remember of 50% the that a mark-up on on buying price is only equal to a 33"^% mark-up the are sellingprice. Mark-downs always almost are "evils'' ; yet it is often with care, to learn lessons necessary, them avoid to one costly mistakes in the if unpleasant, even by studying possible, which help you may future. Here's merchandisHig expert says about them: "I've always found it extremely important what to record record mark-down, and to study the mark-down before making further purchases. When I know how every times many lines,we "A we have marked down stop buying those that careful analysisof goods are not in the different profitable. reveals the mark-downs It may show, for instance, that we down and then another because first one secrets. mark competitors offered the so we probably paid too we may discover been that a same much house is profitable, now many had of lower to our prices in the first place. Again, tofore whose goods have heregoods at causing us a " loss. On "RED LESS 144 lines,we some been merchandise better been specializingon ^mark-downs, several goods to soiled. were favor in of that's that if of course, mark-downs, the the chase pur- losses. stores some and amoimt down and carefullystudying usually their dends. divi- unavoidable are ^but the number by writing And mean further prevent have protecting may experience my mark-downs style lines could prevent most of doubt no they could double their Some " ACCOUNTING ^perhaps it " glass cases has "It the good argument a of IN find that may because taken usually TAPE!' can be reduced the reasons for reducing prices. "Before going into the market record the of mark-downs shows to buy, us what of study a lines have This analysis proves frequently reduced. or pretty clearly,other points being equal, whether been most the not workmanship lines certain on was wrong, or it is a tremendous too high, and prices were help in buying our next stock.'' Occasionally,too, we find a retailer using a mark-up This is too high. mistake which usually is just as is usually found disastrous the low mark-up, and as whether where the should mark-up does merchant HERE IS A MARK-UP PLAN WHICH GROSS the He would talked have as a result: branded a OVER his time. on he ONE 3% losing trade was a merchants problems same says to INCREASED PROFIT retailer,for example, costs rising at the same were locate the trouble, so he went One had exactly what be. MERCHANT'S and know not He short could tour in other and his not of investigation towns who my trip I my up mark- faced. "Before I went suggestion that on I cut held out for have I would absolutely absurd. by marking up more, not for getting more gettingmore by marking less. But the retailers I visited quickly as MAKING convinced SURE that me PROFITS OF I had to the been 146 making ingly exceed- an costly mistake. awoke "They me fact that 1 was getting not satisfactorynet profitbecause I had marked up I was goods so high that losing trade. They convinced I was that me practically without a my also any control. merchandise mapped out in detail before I returned to the store was simply a set system for merchandise control. It provided, first,that I take only a sufficient mark-up and hold to it;second, would that I establish standard figiu*eswhich point I could safelyinvest in each line;third, much out how that I spread my purchases under these figuresso as stocks always fresh. to keep my "I was the only remedy convinced that this plan was difiiculties. Later for my events proved that this "Therefore, conclusion " On was way my the plan I had correct. the to the store I got back day I looked in at several Goods that competitors' estabUshments. I would at $1, I saw probably have marked sellingin Under these conditions, competitors' stores for 85 cents. I finallywould be forced I knew to mark below down 85 cents ^not to meet competition, but " get rid of the goods. to "The from competitors my that trade, of of the cream figure in order at to 85 course, I cut When cents. itself below of of volume sort get any supplied sales, to lay in a surplus stock customers simply induced attractive to them, but at the prices I offered ^prices with ruinous Provided the surplus goods, to me. I " these customers then periods. This condition dwindling profits. "As soon the retail and then as I reached pricesbe tabulated marked so of the market out were the was the on explanation of I gave the invoices store that I would for abnormal have orders for a my that month the percentage "RED LESS 146 of the knew by the of mark-downs only ^I " bills The costs. had office ACCOUNTING record no origmal and me had I mark-up. IN TAPE" of record no the K.'d O. merely were of percentage mark-ups. 'T hfid credit expected the a handed figures of mark-up average And groceries. "I was now before in my the and including applied that the 33^^%. of my average It between nmning an gross! ordered vicinity was gross stocks, groimd I hardly showed 24% only my hesitation. held be mark-up of all on making was could They me. 42% over sure without remedy long I to I but showmg, poor not was and 27.5% 27.8%." have Costs become necessity in leaks, order successful the total, And of the wherewithal costs. is ^for " course, profit for in keep merchant cheapest keep the the margin, keeping up we with from the all and expense profit ahead most business the know, an profit The do can bit widening as all. at who a for watch race one oflf cutting means close it found have a has competition merchants to to and rapidly so that keen so absolute risen margm. suppUes of the higher CHAPTER WAYS TURN TO THERE Only of remaining With such his exact his How the can rate indicates before for take tiunover the in two without stock average and, tigation Inves- obtained be can the how (2) by increasing the increasing stock at and stock on hand the at cost stock or dise merchanif merchandise or sales at the prices into average retail, or total the they rate result, dividing the same cost sales, results only by dividing the secured the into be turnover are confusion Stock selling prices into give practically of rate turnover true much secured the at not are such. be of rates it will methods, two figure to average as can these up of turnover, of turnover stock of increased? proportionately Sometimes considered cost this result results, however, rates will be voliune; know to us dividing are of tiunover know man ra^te the in one business every his without we correctly. lliese smaller stock. average by of staring rate profit, and that sales voliune well death sales the decreasing But the so concerns, failures year. retailers. decreasing (1) by ways: the last times? all at indicate business costs, failures large were logical,isn't it, that is face, it these of them a FASTER business 20,000 many STOCK YOUR 22,000 were 2,000 businesses, Xm what age aver- sales at prices. Figures prices into secured sales by at dividing retail might 147 average be stocks called at capital cost rate 148 "RED LESS of turnover they he stock not are secured has the added of turnover, of tiunover. rates and tiunover profitwhich gains climb net capitalrates figures for cost difficult for the retailer to demonstrate his store, it is not The ACCOUNTING IN figuresor merchandise but Once TAPE" when the will turn extra an bring. are cut, the expenses owing from customers increased, the totals reduced, or the gross profitslengthened. As soon as largerstocks accumulate, customers neglect to pay, or increase,the net profitsdwindle, and the merchant expenses turnovers is headed To show so these balances reach $90,000 Then, if days' average many a your or year, is $250 the total due only and sales. stock average days' sales,and to ruin. conditions, it the customers' express to the road on necessary the stocks Your equal as sales,at cost, day, let a to us suppose. costs $7,500, it equals 30 from customers, 15 days', Also, if your gross profitis 25% and your cost of doing business 20%, the net profitfor these two the period will equal the difference between of the stock and the percentages, divided by the sum customers' plied accounts due, expressed in days, and multiby 360. Or, in figures: if we Net take it as $3,750. profiton your capitalfor the year " " r;" r X360, " 40%. oO+lo If the turnover stock is increased lessens,and to the net a days' supply, the 60 profitat falls: once 25-20 Net profiton 3roiir capitalfor the year X360| "., or 24% ,, 00-|-lO if you buy closer and push the goods on the shelves down turnover to a 15 days' stock, the increased But carries the net profitupward : 25"20 Net profiton your capitalfor the year =-7-" 10 -z +10 x360, or 60%. FASTER STOCK TURNS 14" Although these relations of profitsto turnovers are of conditions the number universal, individual vary The standard stores and lines. turns secured in specific given in this chapter therefore requires modification local influences when in unusual. are The large department store and general store will,of course, differ. in a In order watch that small a with turnover retailers agree accuracy, have to the store obtained turns any country of degree concerned must like those we one perpetual inventory system tory, Without have previouslydiscussed. a perpetual invenit normally is almost impossible for a merchant a " to know how fast his stocks slow-moving lines,and THSBB METHODS SHOW OFTEN The first method hand without carries too found; HOW CAN BE turning, which much THE he RATE much TURNOVER OF INCREASED of for its voliune stock the are safely buy. can increasingthe rate is by decreasing the amount decreasingthe sales. Almost laid down we how are of of turnover of stock every on store sales,it was After studying his inventory and stock records, the merchant usually can easilylocate the fast-turning lines and ''stickers.'^ Then the he can push the the dow quickly tiuming lines,and discontinue ones far as possible. as ''We were dise,'' merchancarrying altogether too much clothier. I had records of the departments' says one I fixed buying sales. With these before me tion quotas for each department, after taking into considerathe stock on hand. the Gradually I cut down authority to buy, and thus eliminated the danger of '' * too many ''The could on cooks.' salesmen saw get along all right and " less stock. that soon many for themselves I also discovered lines were do more from my even lying idle. I that they business stock " cards investigated and "RED LESS 150 found that them. there Some from the was field of IN ACCOUNTING demand longer a no women's department for goods, for example, had the clothing passed that to store of some of the store. "Discretion valor. TAPE" here the better certainly was not paying their way were lines These of part we so " dropped them flat. After analyzing my stock cards overloaded more on closely,I decided that we were the better grades of suits. I pointed out to the salesmen the advantages of sellingthese grades quickly more profits for the store, larger sales for them, greater " for the satisfaction "I put salesmen our Another stock $15 or 'walked' $20 suit a still higher a a he that out. overcoat, or $25 grade, quality and discovered merchant much too of one a man simply smts marked overcoat or their efforts to sell him bent perhaps or Those sellinga suit each on $25. of Instead bonus a above at customer. price." carrying was for the in his suit department sales it brought in. His suits were priced at $12.50, $13.50, $15, $16.50, $18, $20, $22.50, $23.50 and $25" nine ^and when prices " by prices,he foimd years obtained at foiur made That nine reduce it clear that his stocks was in the bank. a all sales had if he When and been $25. all of the eliminated four, he could put a larger live pricesand at the same time did that He 35% to 40%. from " and faster rate of tmnover longer obliged no ahnost these into the iour the result that the sales for three prices" $12.50, $15, $20, prices,except selection tabulated had he the end to close out of the at a season " he comes loss the slow $13.50, $16.50, $18, $22.50, and vital always a big and Buying the money more $23.50 problem is movers, lines. " ^is so of stock that it is closelyassociated with turnovers As ahnost impossible to separate them in discussion. a general rule, if your buying is right your rate of turnover will be right. 162 LESS store's common accordingly. that carry owns a to from that and tastes the high-grade buy high- a stock. vehicle and prosperous in staple lines. line confine my I decided make not that of the most the first I made a chant mer- must ment imple- I investigationwhich business for myself convinced file of retailers do "So, agreed "The says: merchants much too must going into many It is instance, if he is located in who store before he ACCOUNTING his customers' For class section man IN demands. know must One TAPE" "RED made me themselves the rank and specialties. drive both to carry full push specialties.I had a favorable I location and 12-foot two plate glass windows. in carrying out the these windows to use determined different manufacturers' advertisingplans. lines and also to LIKE PLANS ARE THESE VALUABLE LINES. PROFITABLE LOCATINO IN YOU'LL AGREE to hang in the writing room of ''My initial step was the local hotel a glass sign that read : Vehicle Bamlene and 'The Implement Company Main at 241 is located Street, and carries stocks of acessories,electrical goods, and hardware, automobile lines. It will be pleased to have kindred traveling but call. We caimot buy from men we everyone, and yoiur lines caretreatment will give you courteous ful '' attention time every call.' you of us "My experience on the road told me that many miss promising new lines,good ideas,soimd suggestions, and attractive bargains by not going a littlemore than half way to make when a dealing with wide-awake road man transfer along his good ideas he encoimters up the sign in order to get "The traveling men. It is easy all the to you route. ^So I put share. my I stocked first specialtiesthat electrical supplies. I decided to meet There it and was to go local it one heavily were competition, but better. I did. - STOCK FASTER "At the time about I TURNS opened 153 turer store, the manufac- my line of electric flashnationally advertised work hard into starting his lights was putting some product. The line had a utiUty appeal and looked good local competition offered only about to me. The two of a sizes of flashes and "I took knew an the extent "Now small very him to send reach dressingand that so fresh a I Saturday morning. every me He with cooperates I advertising. line in my entirelyceased, and as has batteries me danger of overstocking on batteries to such that they grow old and fail to give service. I annually buy about $300 worth of this manufacturer's line. attention of batteries. stock by this manufacturer, and size made every arranged with supply would a any window on me give this specialty as much local competistore. The tion my is of turnover rate a rapid one." have "I policieswhich three have made my stocks' faster," reports a progressive jeweler. "They (1) locating and pushing the fast-turning lines; are: (2) holding down stocks; and, (3) cooperating with turn competitors. my "First, then, come fast-turninglines to ways in order to put yoiur pu^ them. in most^ there are certain staples carried almost at a loss. My diamonds as in a correspond way to the finger on the In my stocks which be must and grocer's sugar. silverware Stocks of this type usually are a necessary evil and the best that be done is to keep them turning as fast as possible. can "But " I this necessary evil compensations accompany lines. The ^fast-turning problem is to locate them. do this by keeping a sort of perpetual inventory in each on drawer stock which are or marked the additional purchases, and "The of these value probably kept by These case. are initial stocks the simple cards on hand, the sales. types of inventories,which all retailers in some shape or are other^ "RED LESS 164 TAPE" abnost depends IN the entirely on be instrumental ACCOUNTING made use of them. giving you what amoimts to a scientific merchandising plan, and they may stop at merely showing you that it is time to send in another order for goods. *'When much to the carefullystudied they mean as They may of welfare business a patient. each week. been possibleto do biisiness without Sometimes to it usually means earnings normally effort and hard that speed effort to earnest is not experience that not it is fast-turning stock a profits. And are without bread be made to and without work. condition ''One will show . But attractive more poppycock reduction from it soimds. it habit. a I know how see all seems rapid-tiuning stock a as easy butter have few of the orders a experimental obstacles,however. as a two or it would little less and a when stocks,an road ''The not with overstocking has become that hour an not or to mean show. out. reduce to for them whether *'Try getting along works with Consider cards these temperatinre charts as Sit down fever in is the consumer's always threatens the up to swamp of stock niunber turns desire for larger selections and greater Possibly this is partiallythe fault of the price ranges. more distributors,since they have offered the consumer and each more hand whip over competition whatever And, us. has the had the cause, the once set still exists. condition "It But year. what is remarkable ourselves to do only $5,000 yearly sales are was it. Six less than can years my be ago annual done my we average sales. $17,000 ahead about if stock Today of my my average stock. is "I have no secret did it. increased about I located There 25%. ^I have described exactly how I fast-turninglines by studying my it " the turnover rate FASTER simplest the forcing ^'It and fast the lines faster bank back 12 "Today When buy if idea. as long at as you less In for those from averaged to doubled. 12% their And of rates prices of profit, little the profit received the tiunover. merchants fixed, margins this retailers loss the rapidly, profits is better cover your to for rising him costs.'' get costs, merchant the fast work answer discover will today. acciu^tely more small at doubt And 10%. money the no profits but profits from fewer margins. sales It fast the wholesaler paying narrower on exceed even wider "Quick only the you or selling turned is or with turns which line taken that years business with sell and equal may 15 increase they rise stock the a balances. pretty unless costs must reducing is when faster practically are measures take must and or doing costs difference then rule. a as of have It you. are you of cost and find you it, you manufactiu-er than 15% to over the merchandise the to attractive paid you days over if push to rolling "Looking that neglect open into inventories possibility that saying opportimity go increase the 155 out. without goes turns filled I TURNS perpetual consider to order half simple of myself every STOCK who has " is ^that three than is f oimd sales 5% at it is to able to a modem the make make large part net, one his of APPENDIX TO HELP WITHOUT is like captain Without able attain longitude, his to like but is imable will you business of they been attained latitude shortest and course to because you, influences this Publications that the find them been economic this figures as will good the the occur radical Great questions any from Standards War. you may changes remain now the figures. Biureau has and indicative when as Bureau they would studies. its current """ XUl the the on the Shaw the of watching constantly observation, useful Otherwise figures answer after of question mind in and Business of has current of to hold abnormal by the figures point. Bureau The aflfected have prices during is inserted These naturally will you p'ages cost-of-doing- concerns. nevertheless they not on note on and following form, the period a course, or new have his the on concrete during whether result given is figures of 1,219 retail changes, of ship a longitude. men the out costs, like his which has find is not by who to find, in collected have methods captain a information where This the he other costs his latitude. men's other but man destination. This were own, the find to of his of ^and " is he them, unable latitude business the of his COSTS costs knowledge costs idea some to has knows who of sort some some he though RISING ship captain a Without even FIGHT YOU that were have effect As a decided you will first lected. col- supplied APPENDIX of the percentages as store at which as it costs usual run As business is Here has Biureau expressed been been The Graduate recently announced current placed another place page, it at remained the are costs more merely " the hidden On them. you costs your you at retail. sales. this On book percentages have the costs actual no page other In now is figured words, ^it will " and increases xxiv The more. percentages w:ant cost a a blank on explanation the sales this book help you suggest ways form which is cloak should be ferret out to meet will Bear in mind costs. figuring yoiur own affected by ciurent conditions, and are calculations accordingly. in It cost ^much sell to the higher costs. just what of the Harvard percentages in this book that rising to conclude reason problem. Of course, it really the longer no that while lected. col- were investigationinto an the cost them. indicative, is costs see, same because course, remain the You 20.4%. \mder of these 20.6% of the the figures in at find will you about changed Of cost common the Administration selling hardware of of accurate they Research Business results the cost the of School that for which of Business Bureau how indicates purpose in the cost indeed. in its conclusion the figuresstill serve which in stores percentages as small very instance an 50,000, increases to about certain a "general" or So, of cost held of of fact, in stores 30,000 stores' sales have the sales),have particularlydepartment doing the of the matter a cities of around of in be sold. must store, the percentages a (expressedas percentages tyP^i increases recent articles in stock to more same. The expressed accompanied by greatly increased least springing from the higher prices at the sales. figuresare been have costs sales,in part the the cost explanation is that The help that make APPENDIX In of grooeriee of the expeDasB to Oregon York New from Attered bneiiieae. cost of ddng fixed this average trade drawing that groceries Note (1) small or either with ciwtomere from not included; (2) that, are largeincomes mark-up is 19.91% of since the average of are the turnovers prices* the selling low net a and carry AnalyiM _ expenses the rent. Salaries Advertising Rent Salaries Advertising Heat and light Delivery Supplies and General expenaoB taxes Depreciationand shrinkage percentage Total It is natural h"w"iing for cash modest fix from an dkould 14.8 %r-*-below a figures from type of grocery. that a incomes, Total drawn investigation " Heat and Insiuanoe General taxes. O.Syo Depreciation and shrinkage 21.62 43.25 21.62 or Bad or 0.2 0.4 or 0.2^0 86.50 or 0.8% $1,567.73 or 14.5% . Depreciation and shrinkage Bad debts Total expense HARDWARE or or General light Delivery Supplies and taxes. Insurance General expenses Depreciation and shrinkage Bad percentage of 16.4% or STORE 264 864 2.5" 8.3" 0.2* 0.8* w or 24 or 78 120 or 36 32 or or 0.3% 0.3% 60 60 or 0.6% or 0.6% 1.2% or $1,538 or 14.8% STORE HARDWARE 6,000, a oi about In an a sales of $45,000 with store hardware are whidi these expenses, pays year (1) that Note standard. close to the of the sons because excessive salaries are abnormal at in the store work owners that the losses from bad debts (2) unusually town wages; are high. Rent Salaries Advertising andlight Delivery Supplies Heat and taxes. Insurance General expenses. Depreciation and . shrinkage Bad debts . . 2.9" $1,306.61 6,042.35 or 405.20 225.10 270.13 180.08 495.23 360.17 or 0.9* or 0.5{ or or or 11.2^ 0.6" 0.4* or 1.1^ or 0.8Vo . 225.10 180.06 or 0.5" or 0.4% ...... 0.3yo debts Total ... expense Indiana 10.1 1.1 0.4 0.9 0.6 0.1 2.0 0.5 Advertising and 0.3^ or , AVERAGE AN 3.4% Rent Salaries taxes. expenses debts Total COSTS STORE and Insurance of retailing cost This is the standard fixed by analyses as in America hardware in Canada and, the of tsrpical stores business the that Note States. United not does takes healthy net profits but handling sales as stores as many secure costs. average involving lower lines tion concentraoften l^at indicate Reports profitable repairs results in dingy on selling fioors and lost sales. hardware Heat 0.3Vo Advertising and light Heat Delivery Supplies or expenses 0.6" or $ or Delivery Supplies or Salaries 21.62 82.44 291.92 1,048.76 andHisht 301.27 150.63 or GROCERY AVERAGE 2.7 9.7 0.2 Advertising 0.4* 0.3" 0.5 1.9 $8,834.68 expense Rent debts; (2) rented. S or or siq;"plycosts. average. Rent Salaries 0.7" or store Ohio from an These figure of a sales volume annual has an which rate of $10,000. The average little over no tbat there are Note is 8. turnover These ei^ store represent this Note (1) that there is bad loss from or delivery expense ever, that a good location is. how- no or are grooeriea trade percentage eq}en8e the 351.48 251.05 954.01 150.63 200.84 160.63 and BaddebU AN among only taxes.. expenses..., Depredation shrinkage GROCERY CASH and Insurance 17.91% SMALL 8.1^ to of expense sales A Delivery Siq"plie8 General 3.3" or 0.47Vo debts Bad fiiBht and Heat or $2,256.95 4,067.09 Rent 8.07 8.46 0.83 0.39 2.63 0.37 0.58 0.45 0.76 43,OO0L sales oi the to dose an expense Note (1) ttiat advertising costs in other lines : (2) that delivery much as as to almost amount average. less than necessity rapid profit. Insmanoe annual handles this grocery at $50,000 of town middle-'westem a STORE GROCERY AVERAGE AN COSTS STORE GROCERY expense to 10-4^ xvi Total expense $8,689.06 or 19. HELP TO CLOTHINO STORE COSTS FIGHT AN OOSTS of aeiUng clothes at States set by was the investigation's analyses of actual all sections of the country. figures from in stores that Note large cities, for cost standard which of 30.12% a separate fixed, are not included; (2) that the was en)enditure is the hi^est advertising^ if furniture scheduled the standards, in stores and depwrtment excepted. are cost This average retail in the United AVERAGE This cost Rent Salaries 9.5* 8.2" Advertising 0.6* Heat 0.7* 0.4* 1.1* 2.3* 2.2* Delivery Supplies Ught Delivery Supplies and tazee Insuranbe General expenses Depreciation and shrinkage Bad percentage of expense Bad (1) Jewelry The stores not are considered, higher in any other standard fountain letidl activity; (2) that soda niake it possible to pay profits nomuuly spedalties high rents; (3) that many vie with old line drug stocks connected not above used to build net returns now are rents the than i^aid are rising expenses. 0.7' 0.7J 0.4* 1.2* 4.5* Supplies taxes expenses Depreciation and of expense percentage itemised therefore, follow: $ Insurance and taxes General expenses Depreciation and .... 900 or 2,730 or 780 800 180 or or or 8 9.1 2.6 1j 0.6 360 540 or 1.2% 1.8% 660 or 2.2% or 21.5% or debts AN cost average net of (1) that, under normal weak; (2) that, profits are your success closer demands light $ shrinkage Bad 0.5% STORE 778.13 2,786.21 . 4.4* debts . . . 376.51 225.91 76.30 100.40 301.21 1,029.14 or or or Z.V 11.1^ 1.5' or 0.9^ or 0.3' or or or 0.4* 1.2* 4.1 Vs 150.61 25.10 or or 0.6% 0.1% $5,848.52 or 23.3% 0.1% debts Total percentage sake SHOE Insurance and taxes. General expenses. and Depreciation 0.3* 1.0* Insurance and taxes General expenses Depreciation and shrinkage AVERAGE These New figures from England a shoe store fit the average closely. Three and one half turnovers made under are a loss of about mark-down 9%. Therefore, is forced the owner to r"uise throu^ the stock close to 85% a mark-up in order to get a sound net profit. Advertising Heat andhgfat Delivery Supplies 0.5* Delivery Supplies $6,450 expense Rent Salaries 3.2" 10.5 1.7* 1.1* Advertising Bad 21.3% STORE Salaries Total in styles. and DRUG or to Rent Salaries Heat AVERAGE or expepaoa shrinkage by retailing shoes set for the country (1) that rents are the investigation. Note also heavy, high; (2) that salaries are These conclusions, proportionately. buying or Rent COSTS STORE SHOE hence, $12,801.73 or here itemised are paid bsr a druggist who handles annual sales in an Ohio of $20,000 city. They are below the iot the oountry, average Note given to the ri^t. (1) that the supply costs are inchaded in the general which almost lower are 3% expenses, than the average. Bad 24.9% is the mark-ups, expense or 0.2% sales This 0.4% or 0.5* shrinkage debts Total 2.2% or Delivery Siq"pUes 1.8* Advertising Heat and light Delivery Bad or 240.41 HeatandHght 10.9' General 1,822.24 .... Advertising 4.0* Rent Salaries Insiurance and I.870 . debts AN of doing a retail drug badness Note averaoed to this standard. furniture, and that, if department^ Costs were or taxes. expenses Total COSTS OTORE or l,061.8d and Depreciation and shrinkage 23.3% DRUG or $1,322.24 5,469.29 2,043.47 fiight and Geiieral to sales 180.31 860.61 120.20 661.12 2.2 9.1 8.4 0.3 0.6 0.2 1.1 Insurance 0.3% debts Total is paid heating is reduced by supplying tenants; into (3) tiiat these savings are thrown the advertisingappropriation. 3.0J and doing a Salaries Heat STORE business clothier in the Middle who West annual sales of $60,000. Note secures "1)^ ^at the rent is low because an entire leased and building was improved until needed for selling could be not space subleased at a profit; (2) that the cost of by Rent Advertising CLOTHING of of expense to Total 23.3% XVU expense APPENDIX STORE FURNITURE COSTS AVERAGE staiidaRi here given is the average after analysing the cost of retailing Note States. furniture in the United (1) stocks of the that the bulky nature drivee other in any rent higher than national for itemised thoee average, and jewelry stores excepted; department are (2) that general expenses unusually of the incidental heavy^ partly on account by poor packing. lepainng necessitated The found Rent fialaiiee and Heat Ught Delivery Supplies , Insurance and taxes General expenses Depredation and shrinkage Bad debts Total highest the of some Insurance General largest AN pay if expenses, stores department 4.9" 10.9 2.9* Rent Salaries Advertising General 0.9J 1.4* 3.9* 0.9* taxes shrinkage of expense percentage ia the investigation a vehicle and percentage as or 1.9% or 1.2% $25,453.76 or 25.4% $1,080.40 3,361.23 1,050.38 Advertising andfight Insurance and taxes. General expenses. Depreciation and . . . 180.07 30.01 270.10 540.20 630.23 360.13 90.03 ........ debts the average Note Crtionate^ "ge Total AN pcnnted by the cost of doing in the implement States. Dusiness that salaries sales because are are pronot ooimter- 2.1" 9.4* 1.2* 0.5* 1.1* 0.4* 1.1^ Rent Advertising light Delivery Supplies and taxes Insurance General expenses Depreciation and shrinkage debts Bad of expense $7,592.78 .... AVERAGE VEHICLE STORE or or or 3.6" 11.2 3.5* 0.6^ or or 0.1" or 0.9^ or 1.8^ or 2.lVo or or 1.2% 0.3% or 25.3% These figures are from the books of a selling$57,600 worth of vehicles and implements annually in an eastern city of to within total 33,000. They 1% of the for the country, given to the left. average $1,094.63 5,818.81 Advertising Heatandlight Delivery Supplies Insivrance and taxes General expenses Depreciation and .... 0.7J shrinkage Bad 0.6* STORE store Salaries Salaries Total percentagB sales expense Rent their inf requency. and 1,904.03 JEWELRY AVERAGE shrinkage. COSTS STORE high enou^i individually, to Heat 1.8^0 1,202.54 Rent Salaries Bad 26.9% VEHICLE bauukce or or to sales United 1,402.97 1,803.82 l.V 0.5" 1.4" or or 0.3Vo debts Here expense . expenses Total 2.9^ 0.8^ and Delivery Supplies 0.1" Depreciation and Bad or or In Kansas show one Jeweler's books these There is not i"ayments. expense item in which from an the they vary national average than An by more 2%. Indiana jeweler has cut his payrollto 5^0 by advertising his repairbench and it and dividing the clerks' time between the counters. Heat 0.7J Heatandught Delivery Supplies and . . ... debts Total is here The standard that turnovers the these high costs slow; are secured often are (2) that, therefore, net profits when even unsatisfactory* heavy net realised; (3) that, hence, mark-ups are healthier returns from safe novelties and repairs are needed. Insurance or 601.06 taxes. 5.6" 8.3 or 1.102.33 and year a 801.70 shrinkage Bad (1) Note under given. sells which $5,511.56 8,317.60 2,906.15 expenses Depreciation overlooked. are Rent Salaries 0.9J retail average store in the South are typical of the average established for the line in this countiy. Note that the loss from bad d'^bts u the heavisat encountered the among assembled from costs stores operating under normal conditions. 0.4* 1.6' l.V 2.2* COSTS investigation showed, Jewelers, the a fumiturd of Heatandught Delivery Supplies 26.4% STORE worth to sales JEWELRY figures from STORE l.9^/o of expense percentage These #$100,000 Advertising 6.0* 9.7 2.7* 0.9" Advertising FURNITURE debts . 633.73 345.67 518.51 230.45 460.90 230.45 403.28 115.22 or 1.9" or 10.1^ or Ll^ or a6{ or or or or 0.9* 0.4* 0.8* 0.4* or 0.7^ or 0.2^^^ 0.3^/o to Total expense 17.4% XVUl $0,851.65 or 17.1% VARIETy STORE Tsrpioal variety States found were when (1) that at counters 2,000 cheek for the country. average $11,000 store can under a a, year. delivery no are losses from a defaulted % Advertising Advertising 1.9' 0.8% Heatandlight Delivery Supplies 0.2" 1.0* Insurance and taxes. Qeneral expenses .... Depreciation and Depreciation and 23% investment through Bad 401.49 166.18 19.11 . shrinkage 0.9J 0.1^ shrinkage this (2) that the 10 or 080.07or 8.5j Insiuance and taxes Qeneral expenses of Rent Salaries 4.4" andl^t on in well with the The sales total Note (1) that and oharges no debts; 60% net mark-up net Rent Salaries Delivery. Supplies STORE variety store turnovers. mark-^p. Heat a of about there loss to attract trade : is rapid and (3) that, since the turnover of doing business the cost low" this line and is profitable under a suitable volume the VARIETY figures from town a Note aTeraffed, these expenses. good locations rents raaJc high because (2) that the adverare usually demanded; tiung expenditure includes "leaders" put on AVERAGE These United the paying, be to AN COSTS in stores COSTS FIGHT HELP TO 22.02 99.11 66.06 11.01 or or or 0.2* or 0.9" or 0.6 or 0.1% or 17.1% debts debts. Bad Total percentage of expense to Total 17.8% sales Retailers they because to go sheriff at Here are placeswho are guess. retailers in three their cost of about the .91.803.05 the of 30 rate a day the proportions of the actuallyguessingtoday doing business: 96% CSty of 5,000 (Indiana) 30,000 (Illinois) of 26,000 (Illinois) 29% Town CSty of Costs of doing business 39% and profitsfrom tables which analyzed in the follow. 38 stores They were are lected col- Association. It is by the National Dry Goods that the average of doing cost exceedingly significant of the sales,while System's business is set at 23 8% national made investigation, independently, had previously fixed the average at 23 05%. of interA number esting facts will be brought out by a few moments' . . study of these figures. The averages for all of the stores profit,30.45%; net profit,6.45%; cost of It should be understood that doing business, 23 8%. are: gross . these percentages figuresthat gone over only refer established and audited to these dry goods averages by experts. stores. were The carefully APPENDIX PROFITS GROSS (States with Five Minnesota 33.86% 33.30% Tennessee 33.12% Kentucky COSTS AVERAGE (States with Six Highest Percentages) Virginia 31.41% Alabama 30.50% DOING OP BUSINESS Highest Average Percentages) Tennessee 27.34% Nebraska Indiana 27.00% Alabama 26.83% 25.94% Minnesota 27.00% Texas 25.58% (States with Six PROFITS NET AVERAGE Highest Average Percentages) Utah 11.00% Louisiana 9.40% Kentucky 10.66% 9.80% Michigan 8.00% 6.00% West Virgmia AVERAGE York New PROFITS GROSS (By Population and Locality) 33.23% 31.29% .31.07% 30.20% 30.00% 31.80% 30.00% 75,000 to 100,000 population 15,000 to 25,000 population 100,000, and over, population 60,000 to 75,000 population 25,000 to 50,000 population Fanning districts Manufacturing and fanning localities 29.95% Resorts Manufacturing 29.88% centers COSTS AVERAGE OF DOING (By Population and BUSINESS Locality) 300,000, and over, population Gowest) 75,000 to 100,000 population(highest) Shipping centers Farming districts Resorts Manufacturing centers AVERAGE NET (By Population and 300,000,and 100,000,and Fanning over, over, XX 27.03% 24.88% 24.52% 24.00% 23.22% PROFITS Locality) population(highest) population (lowest) districts 21.25% 8.40% 5.91% 7.28% TO FIGHT HELP COSTS Manufacturing centers Manufacturing and farming localities 6.66%. 6.25% 5.95% S.50%. Resorts Shipping centers the portion of the table below appear have savings actually seciu^ed by distributors who In the lower section is replaced horses with trucks. ^ven the cost of a typical day's work by a power In the upper and wagon team a : Miles Loads per T3rpe of East" East" East" Middle Middle Business and Location truck 1,000-lb. eL hardware heavy ; 3-ton West" coal 5-ton g"s. West" furniture.... 2-ton el. dry goods. dry goods gas. l"500-lb. gas. 1.000-lb. gas. goods. West"dry 2,000-lb. gas. West" Middle dry goods 750 sas. dry goods... NewEngland" 1,000-lb.eL West" dept. stoxe 3.000-lb. gas. West" groceries Middle . and Wagon . or day stops "av.) (pkgs.) . 82 46 55 27.92 88 58 58 62 40 75 205 Horses Cost $00.00 ... 810 25.18 2 12 4 mo. 9.74 day .05 pkg. 11.09 day 195 195 180 185 Team replaced .05 .05 .08 30 46 24 8 83^ 4 40 14 pkg. pkg. pkg. Three-ton Truck $910.00 Originalcost $3,500.00 3.79 Interest at 5% 16% Depreciationat 11.37 Saving % 14.38 (at 20%) 68.33 Repairs 9.20 14.10 Insurance 1.00 12.90 .80 2.00 License 26.00 Shoeing 3.00 (tires) (gas) Miscellaneous 9.00 (oil) Feed 31.10 31.66 6.80 Wages (driverand jumper) 93.00 (driverand jumper). 98.68 Rent 10.00 (garage) 10.00 Cost per The Kansas $6.15 day (27) retailers in 29 towns use a $10.34 and cities in Missouri cooperativedeliverysystem. and The savings deliverycosts by this method have cut individual Following are figures anywhere from 25% to 40%. the equipment savings which result ^inthree towns on made " 59 wagons and one saving it truck have must been be admitted. XXI discarded " ^a while worth- APPENDIX Wagons Stores now using Independenoe, Mo Columbia^Mo. Mejdco,Mo Wagons fonnerly used used. 22 11 35 16 10 32 11 6 19 noting that in but a few instances was retailers' lightingexpense found to be in excess of 1% this 1%, because the different of the net sales. Below stocks requirevarying amounts of light,a wide range of percentages appeared. Averaged for the various lines, these percentages give the following norms be advantageously against which similar expenses may checked in a general way: It IB worth Percentage of net sales Line volume Shoes 1.10% .92% .81% 69% .62% 61% M% 51% .43% Pomiture Variety goods Drugs Clothing Jewelry Dry goods Vehicles and implements Hardware Crroceries .39% Department following the National Dry The lines .22% stores mentioned. figures were turnover Goods Association These averages compiled by for the must not various be sidered con- as absolute,but will serve a basis of comparison is for your own figures. Rate of stock turnover 147 and on fully discussed in Chapter XIII pages of figuringit accurately. It 148 you will find methods is one is worth noting that a rapid rate of turnover of risingcosts. Even of the bitterest enemies a small it is the net profitpile up stock makes rapidly, when tinned again and again,with a small profitat each turn. as " " ZXll " XXIV XXV INDEX ADVERTISINQ holds that copy " trade 19 how the to improve meoial inezpennve " " ^Dorel " methoofl Bam^ee " "lunud " be store , yalne of^ what " medinms ^ 102. 108, 104, 106 CUSTOMERS 47,48 --being 21 49,fiO " 21 " 28 friendly with oalUng on gettiiusnew handling disgruntled prises for "names, of winning friendship 46 21 " 12, 18,14 44 store to 95 47, planned personality small to lines 46, 8, 9. 11. -" weeks*' 101, 19 of well bnilda that " various 46,49 good of in '*~**P*y*'Up 62,63 use 21 21 " "winning 28 women zm Arrangement of floor store plans 92 D Debt, in losses bad, various lines 96 B DELIVERIES BONTTS deliveiy men paying salespeople 72 ^f or " " 114, a 116 116^ BUYING" the having " derks store the for help small 20 19 store for "charging 74, 76, 76 ooo|"erative 77, 78, 79, 80 war-time needs 69 to meet "cutting, instead of 20 Discounts, system coupon " DISPLAYS "effective merchandise 22 "shelf FLOORS CASH advantage " " 22 of changing credit 100 basis on 99 -^wliich 89,90 upper valuable most are 88 20 qrstem coupon and *K3ash business cash from to, "discount a Carry,'* starting ss^stem a, H 76,77 Charge Color accounts, aid an as in for charging bulding 76 store sonality per- 11 meeting Conmetition, the customer desk," how for Helps "Hurry 16, to 17, 18 71 use outK"f-town I 20,42,48 COMPLAINTS " " " build confidence handliny to preventmg, l^ good delivery reducing " ^reducing, " tabulation Confidence, 72 71, ddiveries 130, 73 of winning customers* "for " to 24 them 1 107, reduce operation reducing of "tendency rising costs -^why are cuts most of "that speeds Letters 108 LOCATION 21 2 -clangers "effect 2, 3, 4, 6 CREDIT how to "making 100,102 of "on 96,97,98 extending from, to 96, cash basis 96 99 work up 66, 64, 66 67, 60 66, choosing poor 67 44 91 of 83 rents 89 choose capital upper ", **hit" a from on 61, space sales make that 27 costs small 60, increases " for that the "that 111 " "changing store, a making 2 salary costs of knowing importance "of selling how 134 LAYOUT 20 cutting selling, 133, 74 66% attainable "of 132, 21 " " 131, . COSTS " perpetual Inventory, 72 of a 84 poor 89, noors "overcoming a "overcoming poor, 90 22 poor with the phone tele86 INDEX " LIST MAILING to date keeping up keyinc the leeaonB from eome " " " stocks mslring -.planning " reoords of, help to buy it affects sales 145 - . how Moving, to " bonuses " loss of trade " " " ;meetingsof " 101. 102, 103. 104, 105 Pay-up weeks" PERSONALITY ^records of what they cost " " 12, 13, 14 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, building business with 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 18 and "store" between "difference based " 7 "owner" to reach new 29 35, 36 families TIME 26 65,66 " SERVICE 31, 38. 39 win into enters sales, that -"what improving " ^in delivenes time in war " 140 140 of "dangers ^value of 26 27 69 69 79 27 68 71 72 bureau " 39 sales CUTTING PRICE " 84, 35 32, 38 events "plan to ^plansthat help in POLICIES " touch setting quotas " SAVING 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 14,16 develop in price tags list with mailing on keepingin " " "how "shown PLANS SALES displasrs in window shown -Hts 109 108 113 26 106, 109. 110. 112 109, 110. 114 114 107. 108 classes for contests for how to pay how to train " 87 *" 114, 115, 116 for choosing " when a ,." I^ prevent into enters SALESPEOPLE 140. 141. 142 figure percentage of " what " to 25 25 27, 40, 41 sales poluQr 39 reducing lost "special " MARK-UP "how "how for greater store 55, 56, 57 142 144 anabrsis of how the quotas " " increasing 151, 152 by suggestion 56, 57, 58 without increasing, " MARK-DOWNS " 24 25 22 increasing by suggestion " 23 23 54 53 buikUncup " ddireries boost can tact will increase 4iow how " " policies " farmers it is what -^with "hurry desk" a Stickers that speed service -Hio PROFIT " a " common in error 138 figuring 142 141, 143 ^how to figure "records to show it is "what " STOCK 137,138 that helps sales ^arrangement "choosing Store front, a distinctive 23 Profit sharing " 62 27 6,10 RECORDS " a " a perpetual inventory 130. 131. 132, 133. 134 simple for system any 128, 129, 130, 135, stand 119, how show "that you 121. 122. 123. 124, 125. 126, 127, 141, that show profits store " TURNOVER retail 136 120. 128 143 RENTS " how how location they "overcoming " " " " are affects rising high ^ratio to sales should be spent for what most floor is worth which 83 84 85 87 83 88 150 148 147, 148 to figure rate of 147 iportance of rapid rate of the rate of "Ucies that increase 153, 154, 155 rate of 147,149 to increase "two ways how how ^how " " " rapid, increases BOOK WANT to 24 " 70 use 28 of DISPLAYS WINDOW Salary, cutting cost of profits w ~-how "value 8 affected by bu3ring building store personalitywith 12, 13, 14 SALES by courtesy "cooperative "displaying stock to make "displays that help " built 30 24 62 25 XXVUl "local " some "^unusual Women 28 olt M interest hints on and customers, inexpensive wmning 28 28
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