Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry BIOCHEMICAL AND HISTOCHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION OF SIALIC ACID CONTAINING MUCINS OF RODENT VAGINA AND SALIVARY GLANDS LEONARD WARREN and SAMUEL S. SPICER J Histochem Cytochem 1961 9: 400 DOI: 10.1177/9.4.400 The online version of this article can be found at: Published by: On behalf of: Official Journal of The Histochemical Society Additional services and information for Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry can be found at: Email Alerts: Subscriptions: Reprints: Permissions: >> Version of Record - Jul 1, 1961 What is This? Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 BIOCHEMICAL ACID AND HISTOCHEMICAL CONTAINING MUCINS SALIVARY Institutes Received The mucification thehium reaction of the gated mouse extensivehy the mucus this filled cells oestrous anti phases pregnancy process 16). flicting studies has have involved. dioestrous more been stuolietl from carried prusent histochemical (23) methods sulfated siahic which in vagnma and thie establishing mucification is that sialomucimi of the vagina also shown sialomucins with of that differ respect cheniical to form is the hiistochemically accoroling to enzymatic of siahic and auicl and before organ and rats killing each the For dry, by was acid, and then homnogenized was were heated acids. thiobarbituric of at acid homogenate mg of Norit N 80#{176} C for were method chromatography in 0.5 the 1 hour to was of 10 g of sialic the * 1 filter paper by ascending the N of then Aliquots which and separate HC1, : Solvent 1:2:1 ammonia, (21). 80:20:1. chromatograms spray reagent each tissue and also by (24). For extract with was added Sialidase fluid by M. was an embedding Deparaffinized, for 30 minutes rehydrated in 1% acid sohmtion followed stain according to Mowry and acid thuis pH Winkler puirplish red method a 30 1.5-3.0 stained minute (8) prior to sectioning sections blue at in a periodic combined were 3% acid procedure This or purple method blue colors and neutral (magenta). of staining exposure phosphate-citrate appear obtained imfor 24 hours in alcian by the (11). mmiucins blue second involved in method J. S. Anderson, and Nutrition, and Schiff release and Tissues were fixed formalin methods: mortem acetate acetic by obtained perfringens of Nebraska.2 paraffin ns method were unpublished B. Rhodes Biochemistry of also Clostridium of 25-fold roumtine A the Vibrio cholerac’ by the (1). The best preparations culture post calcium muici of homog- assayed was acid on the alone mediately neuitral homogenates and located 3 ml Norit of water: purified. the many ml both acid purifleti of blotted somewhat with to azure 0.02% buffer more azure (8). A A Mucins metachro- (23). time hydrolysate A was of analysis were to the 0.1 Aliquots Part hours Ethanol: medium of and Fremichi 5 L. stained hours examination. tissues added concentration sialic 24 chemnical histologic bound tissue for for acid fasted anaesthesia. used sialic enates 5-10 were of Sulfuiric a final mice Whatman solvents, Histochemical the present. chloroform remainder weighed For and studied analysis water. to NIH the ethanol. identification, University EXPERIMENTAL Stock 70% on were acid and species digestibility on and with approximately two of H. E. Feeney, Departmnent rat. identified site of thiobarbituric fromn and ml washed fromn N-acetylneuraminic n-propanol: 0.1 1800-fold the in the mouse acid 24 2. culture of Ada presented is elaborated in sialic obtained decanted authentic N-acetylneuraminic acid isolated from human bloooi serum (22, 26). Siahidase (neuraminidase) was purified from the em- of the solution was A was chromatographed non- mucins Eviolence in sialic identify been Norit placed acids the devel- from The 0.5 were Sialic biochemical sulfated supernatant centrifuging containing Solvent mucins recently and specifically numcimis, have glamitls. 10, con- time with method sulfated few chemi- aiiol characterization salivary (5, eluted N-glycolyl 1. n-Butanol: of on 19, 20) distinguish acid mucimis, acid-containing ployed ouit report (17, if in detail and The and chromatographed of hormones preliminary water acid and abundant influence aside been the In opeol It lxcome The However, the 1960 (14). stirring eluiates during data suggesting the presence and nonsulfated acid mucus (19) ( 25) cal to supervenes. this 13, in of fluctuate disappearimig reappearing pro-oestrous on epithehium 11, discarded. that layer 14, Maryland October after investi- It is known S. SPICER Bethesda solution epi- been superficial cycle, Health, publication vaginal has imi the squamous the oestrus rat (7, 9, 12, 15). stratified with the in and for SAMUEL AND of OF SIALIC AND GLANDS WARREN LEONARD National IDENTIFICATION RODENT VAGINA OF centrifuged adided to of and the 1 each for about 2 supernatant Miss We should like to thank Dr. John Hornibrook growing Vibrio cholerae. Pumrification of siahidase was carried out C. Spearing. 400 Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 by IDENTIFICATION if the matic in place section of the alcohols and resinous dehydration xylol medium prior such to as RAT mounting cellulose a Combined staining with Halmi’s aldehyde fuchsimi (4) followed by alcian blue or with alcian blue followed by aldehyde fuchsin was carried out as described previously (19). N,N - Dimethyl p - phenylenediamine monohydrochloride was employed as a reagent for the histological demonstration of periodate engendered the aldehydes periodic enediamine (18). of In procedure brief either sections 24 to at tissue sections dried by section This of in 0.1 ml buffer protein in and as 37#{176}Cin tissue sections enzyme-buffer contaimied ions. case 35 g It of of also con- the Vibrio protein with in ucin of the TABLE Staining properties of vaginal and Mouse Alcian A Azure A pH alcian ++++ 2.5 fuchsin +++ then sialic fluids and were sections distilled were water. The acids. ++++ characterization mouse of vaginal mucus: and blue rat in untreated, nmethilated, sections Mild purple 1)11 1.5 Aldehyde digested No Treatment blue-PAS4 Azure of occa- I pregnant sialidase Stain Species nil on solution. In alcian blue periodic acid Schiff stained sections, the surface mucus of the pregnant mouse or rat vagina reveals the purple blue color characteristic of many mucopolyasccharides (Table I, Fig. 1). The lack of reactivity with the 4 hour dimethylp-phenylenediamine exposure after 11104 and the greyish purple coloration with time prolonged diamine exposure also point to the presence of acid mucopolysaccharide (Table I, Fig. 5). Like nonsulfated acid mucins with strongly dissociated carboxyl groups or sulfated mucins with partially masked sulfate esters, this material colors meta- by at solution the total Histochemical deparaffinized, of or RESULTS (0.01 N). 0.04 M calcium preparation cholerae for basophilia, the 0.1 of sections buffer, supernatant pipette phenyl- - citrate 4 hours mucins 5.25 and 5 g to accomplished (0.1 layering with pH M acetate tained of out solution. for HCI digestion carried p of was Comitrol enzyme-buffer fine 39#{176}C, layer oxidized M) blockade (17), with at a combined supernatant and rinse solutions were assayed for sialic acid by the thiobarbituric acid procedure (23). I)igested and control sectioiis were then stained, or in sonie experiments were scraped into test tubes, hydrolyzed and assayed 6.5. pH twice histologic hours above with the a 18 dishes. inactivated with The to close Petri digestion, rinsed elsewhere - (0.03 After rods similarly heat aspirated an exposure periodate N,N-dimethyl methanolic Sialidase of covered with 3 glass incubated sion phenyl- - described a phosphate described immersing 0.1 according p involves hours methylation” preheated be method 48 0.1% previously air or in “Mild sections - to new this 6, enediamine M) buffer was in tissue acid-N,N-dimethyl in were incubated on water enzyme. perfringens were supported (8a). 401 SIALOMUCINS Clostridium sections with caprate MOUSE AND dry with filter paper through graded is blotted usual OF Methylation ++++ Blockade red Sialidase ++++ Digested Sections red unstained unstained unstained purple unstained uinstai ned blue blue Alcian hyde blue then fuichsin PAD** 4 h alde- ++ blue & purple unstained ++ brown +++ orange brown +++ brown brown PAD 48 h Alcian blue-PAS Rat Azure A pH +++ ++++ 1.5 alcian blue blue hyde * Periodic Periodic acid then +++ then ahde- ++++ Schiff +++ ++++ red ++ purple blue blue unstained & purple procedure. N-dimethyh-p-phenylenediamine ++++ unstained blue fuchsin acid-N, purple blue unstained Azure A pH 2.5 Aldehyde fuchsin Alcian grey purple procedure. Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 +++ purple blue unstained purple blue 402 L. chironiaticmtlly Fig. 3) at hut sulfated staimi with blue tinily the w-ith color I) method blockade (19). (Table forniation iii miomisuilfated A an(i I) (17) are for the sulfated niuicins. as of as of alcian vaginal mnucus in the had with alcian 75% with acid siahiolase, frommi which mucins comparisomi, siniila accomplished by selectively (Table r I, cleaves Figs. 2, histochemnical sialidase 4, 6). changes digestion of the mouse sublimigual glitnol are shown in Figs. 7-10. Here also the emizymne specifically remnoves exposed sialic acid groups of the polymiier responsible for alcian blue affinity, for mnetachromasia at pH 2.5, ammo!, as observed in experiniemits not illuist rated here, for the ation slow the in diamnine reaction post and H104 l)ro(edltmre lack of brown color- 10% alcian a positive from the section supernatant fluid Iii Table niemit. designed FIG. staimi. Fma. staimiing FIG. of vaginal epitheliumii in 16 hours (Table II). results of an III are seen to 1. Mouse X200. 2. Section assess vagina Mouse the in adjacent characteristic 3. the iii acid To 1, which digested 16 showing staimiing sialic acid sialic staining still had of the section after released. of the When section remiiained detectable. hr be sialic evemi been was 6 could tissuie observed, acid cleavage of noted are Siniilarly dimnethyl-p-phemiylene- approximately particularly digested to sections alone stained appear half is the appear alcian liberated tions of blue by the of the observation by from there blue hours the tissue Sialic acid with Alcian metachromnatic solution mnucin. by cholerae acids, residue. acid upon Azure measurable hydrolyzing periodic A tissue acid Note Schiff the stain. stain to deterMore- treated acid-Schiff mucin. measured thiobarbituric in contrast sialidase. blue-periodic sialic prepara- been of sialidase blue free fragments, siahic of the assay Alcian Vibrio only has in siahic acid ant acid Schiff muet hod sectiomis. by the procedure, is no increase ex- digested sections acid of measuring unbound forni thiobarbituric suipernat after whereas periodic acid as umidigested supernatant amid this methods only the the the samne unstained alone, is the fact that sialic acid-containing sialidase. in the section acid method, mucopolysaccharide. pregnancy of the released, Alt hough . 26% i)luie posure the purple i micreased about was of dimet.hyl-p- only orange be over experi- showing Fig. the u)f alcian pregnancy to sialic into dependency of neuitral vagina the HIO4 that sialidase changes the reaction of the niucins toward the alcian blue periodic acid Schiff stain from the puirple blue of acid mucopolysaccharide to the magenta or red of neutral mucopolysaccharide, indicating that the siahic acid end groups are hydrolyzed without appreciable degradation of tue periodic acid reactive polymer. Sections other mimics of post affinity blue blue characteristics acid. arations all ng from alcian blue of the after is essentially released by alcian Also noteworthy acid, rather than ciiniethyl-p-phenylene- (18). acid acid. digested intervals diamine reaction was discernable when 20% of the sialic acid had been removed, amid reached a maxi- Assay of the siahic acidi released into the supermiatamit fluid amid that remnainirig in the tissue sections after emizymiiatic digestion substantiates the idemitification of sialomucimis. The sialidase prepreleased the no sialic siahic the sialic in beemi of staimii l)rocedtire after tissue gland were for various staining by decrease acid mum of alcian tiomi of of siahic t he miiucimis some blue stainimig and azurophilic miietachromiiasia, and the alteration of post 11104 dimnethyl-p-phienylenediamnine staimming by diges- For from amid neutral cie- structiomi derived amount increased, reased only acids methylatimig tue a sialomumcimi di- interpreted blockade dec detected HIO4 of carboxylic As sections phenylemiethiamiiine miiethylation Stronger iclemitification moumse in acid post be esters J)ar- reactivity mild mnay required in the a level the the previously of acidic fromii niticins. affinity Specific loss azure of miiethyl conditions ies nonsulfated omi the of tinie. fuchsiri of staining mucin least pru)pert blue SPICER achro- met at aldlehvde The resulting the bluie with are alciutmi blue, amnimie and S. mouse suhlimigual of Vibrio cholerae mmmialdehvde iii S. Sections of by siahidase where of this blue I, 1.5, show sequence, AND (Table pH tendency characteristic (Table A at alcian sequence as toward the purple reverse recognized muicins noted blue tti azuire rides formuerly fuchsimi-alciami the 2.5 uiiistutined mu ticopolvsacchia The miiasiit. to pH remnains WARREN at red X200. pH 2.5. X200. FIG. 4. Section adjacent to Fig. 3, digested 16 hiours with Vibrio cholerae sialidase. Note nietachromatic azurophihia from epithehial mucin and stained mnetachromasia in mast cells in the propria. Azure A at pH 2.5. X200. FIG. 5. Moumse vagina in pregnancy showing greyish purple acid mucimi. Periodic acid-diamine 48 hours. X200. Fmtu. 6. Section staimiing FIGS. lingumal to Fig. 5, digested 16 hours with Vibrio of neutral mucopolysaccharide. Periodic 7, 8, 9 amid 10 resemble Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively adjacemit characteristic gland cholerae sialidase. acid-diamine except that staining. Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 Note reddish loss of lamina stain, brown stain, 48 hours. X200. they illustrate mouse sub- t ..S.. 1 li. 1#{149} .1.;’ : r .,‘c .I. & ... ,, . _,.1 _% - lms. l--1() Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 S ..i Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 Il)ENTIFICATION sections acid. With hydrolysis release it all of the be concluded miiay tions Flu rality to )rolonged sialiolase. Rat that and of sections sialic over the also been observed acids are in different ample a of of preparatiomi the the of the tissues the muicosa 40 41 l)uirple 70 (ii PuirPle red whether sialidase homogenates zyme action fixation releases that siahic on sialic the substrate. acids from mouse tissues, were cleaved from were In while rat brow-mi red +++ omamige brow-mi varies 420 100 red + + + oramige brown exSections of to one 24 Digestion of tissue vaginal anioumnts con- II sections pregnant mouse by sialidase Sialic Acid Alcian Reaction ditions. of Section useol. in the measuired two met was ever, in not the sections be enzyme amount did of the not sialic acid be of serumm proteins. acid of rat serum Howtissue mouse acid time have The from found tissues their comitemit that is rapidly of small rat by re- amount amoumnt tissues. for proteins was the released We hydrol- of sialic rat I. completion. increase accounted were Table Increasing froni of two sections enzymatic to III). released possibly that of and 5-fold acid solutions hydrolysis all II conindicated PAI)--See go enzymatic (Tables times the PAS, rioted is from sections the amid to virtually leased At hools. of 5 IL sections sumpernatant allowed sialidase procedumre Umitreated aciol. acids It should ysis might Blue.PAS Adjacent were by the text. Mg of siahic siahic by experimental were 5.7 stained is the block tained sialic of epithelium in sections it digesteui The cholerae. dlescribed fresh similar were Vibrio of TABLE brow-n 100 IV small tinder browmi 300 extensively only tissues browmi oramige which lack of enbe dume to liberated oramige +++ orange from Table +++ orange 20 purple brown +++ determine acids to ptmrple orange +++ 16 hours, to of rat tissues, since the on tissue sections might effects seen sought + red of diges- after unstained blume red the experiments Purple 75 1’ibrio 4 hours 12 to purple bluie to Puirple 92 reaction only 0 17 95 hours. Further Reaction 120 For from after gland at section 1 to 0 resuper- mouse. staining after submaxillary rate sialidase acid gland vaginal proper- the the sublingual PAD 6 Hour l5 diges- suhlinguial into the of mouse sialidase AicisBIue-PAS a high of rat from of by “in of resist miiouse that tissues sublingual unaltered contain acid III sections leased sections. removed eliminated cholerae of Stic t he histochemical 1)igestion widely tion, their those tissue of acid- preparations they of histochemical also that TABLE Digestion Thaeo remiiains glands 405 SIALOMUCINS gland miiolecules. to MOUSE preparasialic its resemble sialic and miiouise, flumid has mouse the measurable HO It despite fact acid (20). natant the to Suirprisingly, rat, AND mucins sialidase exposure of of siahic leases of various mucin sublingual imi spite glands of knowmi soluble sjalomucins: following closely the HAT of such are from liberate in the simiiilarity ties not of mucus level acids fragments vaginal conditiomis H2504) that do containing the ‘s 0.1 sialic employed tion Since (80#{176}Ciii OF the sialic liberated by sialidase. Resistance pg 1. Undigested control 2. Supernatant 3. Section section of Section blue However, by rat digestion... after enzyme 0.2 ++++ red 0.2 ++-F+ red cholera digestion... of 3 1.1 that 6. of 1.4 tissue 16 hours procedure PAS digestion is = 4 described periodic 39#{176}C. The at in acid the Schiff. text. experimental rat mucimis to we have well tissue found from in that mouse the presence siahic in and sialidase-sensitive is released homogenates in the absence of after purification on of to mice free the with paper Table Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 the resistance the chemical differs froni mucins. homogenates hydrolyzed standards. actiomi homogenates. cally graphed the acid tissue Another possible explanation for of rat mucins to sialidase is that form of sialic acid in these mucins 5. Supernatant Supernatant certain might be accounted for by the presence inhibitory to sialidase in rat tissues. sialidase equally Cbs- perfringens enzyme 4. purple 0.0 1 after tridium ++++ 1.5 of of sialidase of materials buffer in V and sialic Norit two shows A solvents that Accordingly chemi- rats were acids and were these chromatowith a sialic known acid in- 406 L. ANI) WARREN S. TABLE Sialidase digestion of rat and S. SPICEIt IV mouse mucins in tissue homogenates Release Amount of Sialic Acid in Tissue C1,,slridi,i,,i of Sialic perfringens enzyme A. pg pg 5.5 0.5 17.0 0.6 Acids -____________________ Vibric clilorerae enzyme pg % 9.1 0.1 3.5 0.4 1.8 2.4 0 0 0 0 1.6 3.0 1.2 2.2 Rat Vaginal epithehium (non-pregnant) Vaginal epitlielium (pregnant) Stibmaxillary B. 8.6 glandi Stiblingumal 54.1 gland Mouse Vaginal epithelium Sublingual Submaxillary Each vessel ILmoles; drolysis gland4 contaimiecl The acids was tubes the * were carried out directly were aci(ls paper the vessels 51.1 3.4 75.6 60.2 36.2 62.5 41.4 14.9 36.0 21.7 52.2 sodium acetate sialic vessels buffer, 37#{176}C.The inctubation. thiobarbituric Homogenates to l)revent the for omily and mouse acid. served tissues has only Rat not Mouse been neuraminic acid Type neurammnic of acid Tissue Fast component N-acetyi I N epi+ + + + + + + states: + mouse. fairly acid Sublingual gland + N-Acetylneuraminic Solvent 2 Solvent 1 RF material: acid: RF 0.35. 0.20, Solvent 1 RF 0.30, N-Ulycolvlneuraminic Solvent Solvent 1 HF 2 HF 0.53, acid: 0.27. Solvent Fast 2 RF moving 0.47. level alcian from N-acetylneuraminic N ,O-diacetylneuraminic acid, chromiiatographically tylneuramninic lingual gIant! acid) gland mouse. anti the is present iii and It is miiouse which vagimia gland that also (or rat contain of the submaxillary N-glycolyl- There level rat of and The trolled sialidase sialidase to the the it moiety to which acid content physiological in the the non-pregnant be seen that between the there sialic mucin appear to be an as followed sialic is a acid visualized index mucification reaction which pattern of chamige throughout Both of ascribed resistance of i.e. attachment a differ- variation of can amount be and sialic different vagina miiate- suisceptible mode mucin, in of rat moving that or sugar V) forms resistant cannot the rat ob- (Table the suggest histology vagina with of the underthe cycle. mucification and by injection the of reaction, biochemical estradiol results imi a marked of the staining. methods, administration comitent bluie fast in is considerable the blue. the results In Table VI good correlation chemical behaves samiie w-ay as N-acein the vagina, sub- submaxillary of interest acid in mouse extent of the goes a regular oestrus distinguishable and to The material sialidase those resistance factor. Variations rat and of Submaxillary glamid sialic 70#{176}Cfor interfered gland in for as to sialidase of sialic acidsis due to N -e- moving Since found except same mucins, fast submaxillary ent bond configuration, sialic acids are attached. theliuim free at which characterized. are, the to this The acid mucins rial, Vaginal for 20 acid hy35 pg of enzyme, of material in rat neuraminic comym CaCl2, by acid assay were incubated release neuramiiinic rat chromatography N-gmy- 50 pmoles; 2 hours. V in of 5.25, above (determined or clostridial assay. incubated Type pH acid listed 1 Mg of protein, emizyme, at after to experimemital identified by 2.3 :34.9 of cholera for 3 hours on TABLE Sialic ml; amount homogenates); acid vessels of 0.3 the incubated thiobarbittiric These volume containing adolitiomi 3 miiinutes before with imi a fimial tissue homogenate of an ahiquot of the protein. 4.5 58.0 (pregmiant) ghamid* vagina However, Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 of into lowering and by histobe may hormones. The pre-ovuhatory of the the elimination the injection conmice sialic acid of alcian of proges- IDENTIFICATION TABLE Correlation of reactive sialic macin RAT VI acid in OF of sialic level the and vagina alcian of the iaic act Species PAS 0 Re- action 21 mg/g wet tissue 1-2 month old.. Mouse 1 1.10 Normal 1-2 month old.. Mouse 1 1.05 Normal 1-2 old.. Mouse 1 1.24 mnonth ++ the carboxyl tions over the sialic acid such mucins. The Normal 1-2 nionth old.. Mouse 1 1.00 Normal 1-2 month old.. Mouse 1 1.68 +++ Norlnal Normal 1-2 month 1-2 month old.. old.. Mouse 1.36 ++ 0.77 + Normal 1-2 month old.. Mouse 1 1 1 0.84 + Normal 1-2 old.. Mouse 1 0.63 0-+. Normal 1-2 month old.. Mouse 1 0.67 0 reagent Normal 1-2 month old.. Mouse 1 0 as demonstrating Normal 1-2 month old. Mouse 1 O.66 0.33 Normal 1-2 month old.. Mouse 1 0.67 Normal 1-2 month old. Mouse 1 0.40 Pregnant Mouse 1 Pregnant Mouse 1 Pregnant Mouse 1 1.54+++ Estradiol Mouse 6 0.45 Estradiol month Mouse taming well sides tam. 0 Mouse 6 0.96 ++ Rat 4 0.43 0-+ Pregnant Rat 4 2. 22, + + + of 4 old in corn and female injected oil day estradiol days terone after staining content of the animal. at which vagina The for (Table VI). back in in sialic acid alcian salivary ties levels of the consistently blue is the high alcian blue sialic acid be correspondingly The gation methods employed localize in epithehial certain tissue. Since philia from with purified sialic acid by of the great in the present the enzymatic removal tile a orcimiol lie imiterprets in ganglio- siahidase which as thd’v of at least hormonal consome control. take in staining hiistochemically preparations potent as proper- identified as sialo- elimination by sialidase the to vagina have been the of specific baso- digestion the removal is not periodic in the fails source like of accompanied acid Schiff of staimiing the polymer place. rich, and re- mouse, mucopolysacchiaride. degradation alters alter mucificatiomi anti However, by extensive quickly We of sialidase. vagina gland. a have the rat hiistochemical sections slowly in the submaxillary as thie basis effected not the acid tissue hence does investispecifically show ami alteration glanol sialomucins developed lw acid in of these on mucins vaginas DISCUSSION as l)resent BIAL synthesis vagina mouse Siahidase pregnant and ac- there are several types origin which vary in elaborated the mucins, In the animal, in the has which is un(ler a nonsulfated mucins killed. may non-pregnant by ohigestion the mucins of and reaction the been reaction, residues of sialic addition, of for VI). prominent are the The old were to form sialomucins action day and then vegetable the rise mucification animals affinity they 50 g daily 21 in In these con- tissue. be noted that of epithehial the in sul- acid SUMMARY Schiff. (Table is always pregnant time brings absent mucification Eight attendant the or given subcutaneously killed. acid an were treated similarly of progesterone estradiol with Although present were 1 mg periodic = mice oil, then 5 days for PAS female were mice with daily as other sialic the acid other has 3) sectiomis and fromn and orcinol (2, sialic of also acid sections with susceptibility well these described tissue esters procedure of the Diezel of nervous their 2. 26 + + + Non-pregnant 21 in methyl of tissue reaction It shoulol of sialomucins + Eight 20). chromogenic (6) of By methods (17, More- hvaluronic miieans IW the authors of progesterone in by as Cbs- virus.3 localization materials complished cholerae, distinguished as removal prepara- Vibrio staining. are with The methvlation sialoniucins it is combine influenza formatiomi mild basophilic fated + and probable mucins dyes ehimidyes, by sialidase sources, the basic of sialomnucins. three by the be effecteol perfringens, acid ++ tan sections with that groups from tridiu,n imi tissue staimiing of basophilia criteria + nitlcifls to assume blocks Normal from characteristic reasonable Basophilia with Alcian Blue- 407 SIALOMUCINS acid nates blue rodent 0 Condition MOUSE AND used of are cholera Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 staining of sublingual amiol even I)igestion more with reactions similar of the in niucin pregnant commercial sialo- relatively slowly in the the enzyme the siahic acid- imi tho salivary rat, ant! fails influenza vaccine However, these neuraminidase. relatively and clostridial mouse gland, crude and not preparations. as 408 L. to) rtluase sialit or tid)Iis thit variatn)mls l3othi orgamis. in mutitin is ai Iiiiut, )rogesttr( ill thiuse of the (.hirOn1:mtOgrImJ)hi \agimia glan(ls all that niotse IliSt) tt)iitaiii amid! low pmd- with sialic acid liv thiiit :tnut sumbsu’- amiul mitt imi two) solvemits acid is in Au . with presemit a 11(1 gIant! ati(l of neurainimiic of auidl sul)mnaxillary ‘-glvcolvlmicuramiiimiiu form nieans thie rat a mit! sIml)miiaXillary N-auetylneumamnimiiu vagimia maxillary is truatt(l imicitase ruveals sul)lingual contaiii identified in cu)ml(emitmatu)n u)eStflI(liu)l )StIlt huit hiisto- ulevateol )mle t r(atnient. lulentificatiomi mno)umse aciul vagina cyclic t)l)Sum’e(l d() sialiu see- thic the vu ra llul of rnuuin are ‘l’hie ovumlatory l)ility rat level uyule AND histologic acid t)f tIme allit)tlmlt prtgmiamity. fromn these sialiu otstrouls tlieiiiitally. l)1PtI of imi thc durimig Oltl(mlt tither hiomiiogumiatus (‘hianges ami(I Itui(l WARREN uinmo- rapid thit rat sub- glamitl. 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