forum the man group magazine 03/2013 Gridlock in large cities how to save mobility solutions for the urban world of tomorrow discover more of in a digital dossier on your ipad content 03/2013 section 1 forum man at work the man group magazine 03/2013 DAS MAGAZIN DER MAN GRUPPE 04 gentlemen, start your engines Comfortable and safe: how the driver’s station functions in a NEOPLAN Starliner urban mobility strategies for city traffic Six-lane highways or car-free city centers? Intelligent high-speed bus networks or underground train systems? Parking lots or cycle lanes? Urban planners in cities all around the world are developing a diverse range of ideas 06 where we are now Gridlock in large cities how to save mobility A museum ship in Hamburg, a mobile school truck in Vietnam and a glamorous boat show in Miami: the face of MAN solutions for the urban world of tomorrow 12 news and approaches to try and keep pace with the rising numbers of people moving around our cities. In News from the world of MAN association with the Technical University in Munich, MAN recently produced the study “What Cities Want,” section 2 dossier man think tank which looked at 15 cities around the world in order to find the transport solutions of the future. The current issue of 18 MAN Forum has taken this study as an opportunity to devote 24 pages to stories on the topic of future urban away from the Chaos 22 moving the masses How 15 cities are shaping the mobility of the future: a study from MAN and the Technical University in Munich 27 Bus on the horizon Correspondent Titus Kroder reports on the bus information system in London 28 the trailblazers Three mayors on transport strategies 29 Short cuts through Chaos How Bus Rapid Transit Systems keep urban traffic flowing 30 fifteen cities, three solutions Mobility portraits of Copenhagen, L.A. and Melbourne 33 Individual expectations What companies can learn from the “What Cities Want” study 34 cities are forever in flux Gebhard Wulfhorst, Professor of transport planning, on factors that impact urban mobility 35 the perfect connection Spectacular bridges 38 Mobile 2.0 Six ideas that could move us in the future 39 tales told by the city Columnist Manuel Andrack on whimsical experiences in buses and trains mobility solutions. This dossier is also available as an app for the iPad and offers a wide range of extras, with dynamic illustrations, multimedia content and interaction with you, our readers. Available now in your app store. How to access your dossier: Scan the QR Code and download the app. section 3 man projects 40 in the heart of fjord and furnace A smelting plant north of the Arctic Circle runs the largest steam turbine in Norway 46 over rough country The new TG construction vehicles with Euro VI engines demonstrate MAN’s 75-year all-wheel drive competence 02 MANFORUM 03/2013 publisher Burda Creative Group GmbH, Arabellastraße 23, 81925 Munich, Germany Tel.: +49. 89. 30620-1320, Fax: +49. 89. 30620-1501 editors & authors Klaus-Peter Hilger (resp.), Vanessa Plodeck (dep.), Andrea Ackermann, Manuel Andrack, Katharina Becker, Miriam Blum, Christoph Hus, Titus Kroder, Barbara Rott, Marcus Schick international editors Patricia Preston (resp.), Asa C. Tomash, Harry Waterstone MANAgiNg editor Bojana Milankovic concept Stefan Lemle, A new kind Art direCtor Michael Weies, A new kind Creative Director Michelle Otto graphics Micheline Pollach graphics editors Elke Latinovic, Doreen Enders, Ann-Kathrin Müller cover image Eduardo Martino/panos pictures productioN Wolfram Götz (resp.), Simone Bindernagel, Cornelia Sauer printing Pinsker Druck und Medien GmbH, 84048 Mainburg, Germany Printed on Galaxi Supermat reproduction permitted with reference. Any changes must be coordinated with the editors. Copyright ©2013 MAN SE and Burda Creative Group GmbH 50 powering up a continent Photo: APPLE INC. Pr masthead MAN Forum – the MAN Group magazine is published four times a year in German and English. published by MAN SE Andreas Lampersbach, Corporate Communications, Ungererstraße 69, 80805 Munich, Germany editors in chief Florian Wöst (resp.) Ute Hofmann, Claudia Weber Tel.: +49. 89. 36098-384, Fax: +49. 89. 36098-382, E-Mail: More than half of Africa’s population lives without electricity. Decentralized power stations can help. 54 size matters Gigantic two-stroke engines standards 02 Masthead 03 Content 03/2013 MANFORUM 03 1 man at work gentlemen, start your engines the Neoplan Starliner offers bus drivers a truly high-class work station: The cockpit comes equipped with a sophisticated combination of intelligent systems, which render the journey even more safe and comfortable. 01 Multi-function wheel (mfl) 04 Infotainment Head unit Drivers can operate The MAN Media telephone and vehi- Coach Advanced cle menus via the radio features a nav- push buttons on the igation system with left without remov- bus-specific map ing hands from the material as well as a 05 steering wheel. Bluetooth interface Driving speed and with speakerphone 03 the distance-regu- function accommo- lated Tempomat ACC dating up to five are controlled on the right. separate mobile 02 phones for alternat- 04 ing drivers. 02 Assistance systems 01 05 air conditioning 01 With these controls, the driver can acti- This operating ele- vate assistance sys- ment comprises all tems, such as the Lane Guard System temperature-control 06 functions—separate and the Comfort for either the driv- Drive Suspension er’s or passengers’ system. areas—as well as for air distribution and 03 Digital tachograph (DTCo) This tachograph rapid defrosting of the front window. 06 doors stores the mandato- These two push but- ry records of driver tons serve to open and operating data and then close again on chip cards and on both swinging doors the hard drive. From to the front and rear there, data can be of the vehicle. Open- either printed out or ing the doors is not read electronically. possible unless vehicle speed falls Photo: MAN below three kilome- 04 MANFORUM 03/2013 ters per hour. 03/2013 MANFORUM 05 1 man at work WHERE WE ARE NOW germany Salvaging a landmark Kicking off the installation of new cylinder liners aboard the Cap San Diego in February of this year required a colossal floating crane and much teamwork. For two weeks, MAN trainees worked side by side with the experienced crew to ensure the preservation of the general cargo vessel that dates back to 1962. As the world’s largest seagoing museum ship’s engine with its 11,650 hp needed certain units to keep running, MAN had donated three cylinder liners with a weight of two tons each and an overall value of €90,000. “The Cap San Diego offers its visitors a time-travel experience back into seafaring history,” says Tilman Greiner, Head of MAN Diesel & Turbo Services in Hamburg. “We are pleased to contribute to the preservation of this historic and cultural landmark.” The successful salvage operation enabled the ship to meet Photos: Andreas Vallbracht/ MAN (3); Cap San Diego PR the date of the annual parade held in mid-May to celebrate the anniversary of Hamburg’s harbor. 06 MANFORUM 03/2013 03/2013 MANFORUM 07 1 man at work Where we are now Vietnam Education on wheels Paying full attention, 30 schoolchildren are gazing at their computer screens. A young teacher patiently explains every step of the process to the children. The kids are all wearing school uniforms—only a much closer look reveals that some of them have come barefoot and that this classroom is actually not a classroom at all. In reality, this structure is a converted sea container, set up by the Swiss Dariu Foundation for 12 weeks at a time as an IT teaching facility in the rural regions of the country. Trucks are needed to transport the container from one location to the next. “MAN decided to donate a pre-owned truck, as our product could support a continuously successful educational project,” says Yvonne Benkert, Head of Corporate Photos: Dariu Foundation(2),gettyimages Responsibility at MAN. 08 MANFORUM 03/2013 03/2013 MANFORUM 09 1 man at work WHERE WE ARE NOW United States Floating powerhouses Beaming down on Miami Beach, sun rays are reflected by the waters lapping at the labyrinth of landing stages. At the Yacht and Brokerage Show, white yachts of all sizes seem to compete in brilliance and brightness. Covering an area of almost a mile, this boat show takes place annually on the Intercoastal Waterway and once again drew numerous visitors to Miami Beach in February to view more than 3,000 boats shown by the 2,000 international exhibitors. Also among these presenters was MAN Engines & Components, the engine division of MAN Truck & Bus. In the newly designed floating exhibition area, the team members from Florida and Germany introduced two impressive powerhouses: the V8-1200 and the V12-1800 diesel engines. Julia Milbert, responsible for Marketing & Communications at MAN Engines & Components, was very satisfied with the outcome: “This year’s show was another outstanding success story. Our exhibit not only delighted our customers, but also attracted quite a few inter- Photo: Forest Johnson ested prospects.” 10 MANFORUM 03/2013 03/2013 MANFORUM 11 1 News 03/2013 man at work ON the wAy FiRed Up FOR the jOb When Thomas Feckl (45), a fireman at the Munich airport, is called to attend a situation, it is an urgent matter: Within merely 30 seconds, he and his colleagues must leave the building in their stand-by vehiwAteRpROOF individual compressor systems facilitate gas production even on the ocean floor. cles and reach the point of action. Feckl has been with the fire brigade of Munich’s airport for almost 25 years and has also served as an instructor for driving airport fire engines since 1999. “As every vehi- Underwater technology Framework agreements with statoil cle has its idiosyncrasies, they must become a familiarity to ensure that everyone knows what to do in an emergency,” he explains. No The Norwegian energy company Statoil and MAN Diesel & one may drive any of the trucks without prior briefing. Over the Turbo Schweiz AG have signed framework agreements for past four years, almost the entire fleet was replaced. Nowadays, a the delivery of turbomachinery, along with maintenance total of seven new fire engines are parked in the fire brigade build- contracts for the next five years. MAN and Statoil have ing team and all of them—including the one remaining model of been working on a qualification program for underwater the old fleet—are based on MAN frames. One of the larger calibers compression since 2005. In 2011, this cooperation resulted features a 1,000-hp MAN SX 43.1000 8x8 chassis and can reach in an order for the construction of the world’s first under- speeds of 143 kilometers per hour. Quite the teAM cOAch this tiMe: bORUssiA MöNcheNglAdbAch water compressors for gas production on the sea floor. a performance, considering that the vewide and almost four meters tall and weighs in at an impressive 43 tons. With its extinguishing agent mix of 12,500 li- eFFicieNt & RObUst man motorizes railcars of the Vlt mobile 4 class. ters of water and 1,500 liters of foam, it is designed to also handle bigger emergencies. Fortunately, there has not been a major incident since the airport was opened in 1992. “According to statistics, such accidents occur every 30 years,” says Feckl. “I still have 15 years until retirement and sincerely hope that noth- rail engines Voith orders railcar engines ing happens before then.” The drive system manufacturer has ordered 68 serial sixthOMAs Feckl is a fireman and driving instructor for airfield fire engines at the munich airport. in an emergency, he will navigate the man sX 43.1000 8x8 with 1,000 hp and 43 tons to any hot spot in just 30 seconds. cylinder engines from MAN, which will be installed in light compact railcars made by the Brazil-based Bom Sinal train company. With a length of almost 60 meters, the trains are used in mass transit servicing the metro areas of Fortaleza and Recife and can transport more than 770 passengers. 12 MANFORUM 03/2013 Photos: Alexander Ludwig (3), Øyvind Hagen/Statoil pr, VLT Mobil pr, MAN hicle is 12 meters long, three meters borussia aboard 01 Rolf Hülswitt Equipment manager 13 Mike Hanke 25 Janis Blaswich 02 Lucien Favre Head coach 14 Dirk Müller Physiotherapist 26 Alexander Ring 03 Frank Geideck Co-trainer 15 Adam Szordykowski Physiotherapist 27 Granit Xhaka 04 Manfred Stefes Co-trainer 16 Filip Daems 28 Amin Younes 05 Uwe Kamps Goalkeeping coach 17 Luuk de Jong 29 Branimir Hrgota 06 Christofer Heimeroth 18 Lukas Rupp 30 Tony Jantschke and weighing in at 24.9 tons, 07 Oscar Wendt 19 Julian Korb 31 Peniel Mlapa ous interior and the entire 08 Marc-André ter Stegen 20 Juan Arango 32 Tolga Cigerci MAN buses are state of the art In March 2013, Germany’s Borussia Mönchengladbach soccer team received its new “Linie 1900” team coach: The MAN Lion’s Coach L boasts an impressive 480-hp engine. With a length of 13.8 meters the vehicle features a luxurirange of safety systems. “These and offer our players an opti- 09 Roel Brouwers 21 Álvaro Domínguez 10 Martin Stranzl 22 Andreas Bluhm Physiotherapist 11 Havard Nordtveit 23 Christian Weigl Athletics trainer 12 Thorben Marx 24 Niklas Dams 33 Patrick Herrmann Marcus Breuer Bus driver mum in preparation before the game and proper regeneration thereafter,” comments a very pleased Lucien Favre, head coach of the Gladbach team. 03/2013 MANFORUM 13 1 news 03/2013 man at work Coal-to-liquid mega project Favorable facts Production of synthetic fuels in China 2012 CR Report published powerful sun catcher “Shams 1” comprises about 258,000 mirrors mounted on 768 parabolic collectors, which are tracking the sun. green electricity Steam turbine in the largest solar thermal power station MAN is supplying 11 turbomachinery sets for a Coal-to-Liquid plant in Yinchuan, The stated objective of China. Integrated in the machinery trains, the MAX1 axial compressor (image on acting responsibly as a the left) allows for the production of synthetic fuels from widely available coal company on a global resources. The applied chemical process requires large quantities of oxygen. To scale is further pur- this end, the turbomachines will generate about 40,000 tons of oxygen every sued by MAN on the day from ambient air. basis of a strategy specially developed for its Corporate Responsibility department. Published annually, the CR Report MAN engines for power supply in Lebanon presents these successful results, among others: In 2012, this encompassed inclusion in the Dow Aptly named Shams 1, the Arabic word for sun, a 100-megawatt power plant has Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI), the reduction gone into operation in Abu Dhabi. The heart of the system is a steam turbine sup- of CO2 emissions by five percent and further devel- MAN Diesel & Turbo will deliver a total plied by MAN Diesel & Turbo. Built in Oberhausen, Germany, the customized ma- opment of efficient technology to curtail fuel of 14 engines of the 18V48/60 model chine weighs 220 tons and is the largest MAN steam turbine ever manufactured for consumption. The current 2012 CR Report is avail- to Lebanon’s state power company a solar thermal power station. Shams 1 occupies an area of 2.5 square kilometers, able online at under the tab Electricité du Liban for two new power and will save 175,000 tons of carbon dioxide every year. named “Responsibility.” stations. These will be constructed in Of all the electricity produced worldwide, 85 percent is generated by steam turbines. As many of these units are gigantic and weigh well over 100 tons, one might expect that turbines would emit noise volumes comparable to that of a jet plane. Surprisingly, they are comparatively quiet, however. At around 85 decibels, they resemble trucks in terms of loudness and can run without any further noise abatement measures. Still, those working in the vicinity of a turbine on a regular basis or for longer periods of time should wear ear protectors. When a steam turbine also runs at night near a residential area, it is encased by a walk-in sound protection hood composed of plastic and aluminum elements. This structure looks like a modern garage and reduces the noise emissions. 14 MANFORUM 03/2013 ??? the region of Zouk and Jiyeh near the capital Beirut. Other than the engines, the order also comprises retrofitting kits for gas operation: as soon as the infrastructure for gas has been set up in the region, the engines will be configured for dual-fuel operation, which enables them to run either on liquid fuels or on gas fuels. With a total output of 272 megawatts, the new Lion’s city hybrid 15 urban buses for Paris Quiet and CO2-efficient power plants will contribute to the Photos: shams power pr, MAN(2) Question and answer How noisy is a steam turbine? fit for the future The Paris transport association RATP has opted for MAN municipal buses with a hybrid drive. provision of reliable power supply Paris has undertaken to reduce exhaust emissions and traffic noise. In in the region. “The Zouk and Jiyeh ordering 15 MAN Lion’s City Hybrid buses, the Paris transport associa- power plants serve as an important tion RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) has opted for reference for us in the Middle East,” what is currently the most CO2-efficient and technologically advanced says René Umlauft, CEO of MAN Diesel municipal bus built by MAN. The bus stores the energy generated by & Turbo. “As Lebanon experiences braking in so-called ultracaps and thus derives the driving power for a big demand to expand its energy its two electrical engines. When stationary at bus stops, the hybrid city production, the country is a very in- bus runs emission-free and can start exceptionally quietly in electrical teresting partner for our Power Plants mode. The low-floor bus with a serial hybrid drive saves up to 30 per- division.” The two power stations will cent of fuel and thereby related CO2 emissions when compared to a be turned over in 2014. similar urban bus with diesel drive. 03/2013 MANFORUM 15 2 man think tank dossier 03/2013 away from the Chaos Innovative traffic For the Mobility in solutions urban areas 22 Urban How large cities shape the mobility of the future and which challenges they face: a study conducted by MAN and the Technical University Munich. 16 MANFORUM 03/2013 29 smooth Bus Rapid Transit (or BRT) is more than just a separate bus lane: A local short-range transport concept keeps traffic flowing in large cities. 34 Variable Traffic planner Gebhard Wulfhorst has identified 29 variables that have an impact on the mobility in urban areas. From safety to car ownership. 39 Indiscreet Columnist Manuel Andrack enjoys eavesdropping on the telephone calls of perfect strangers in buses and trams. 03/2013 MANFORUM 17 Dongtai Road, shanghai when nothing moves forward … Photo: gettyimages Shanghai streets are clogging up: Due to the booming economy of the metropolis, traffic volumes have exploded in the last two decades. in order To safeguard mobility, shanghai’s administration seeks unconventional solutions. 18 MANFORUM 03/2013 03/2013 MANFORUM 19 Pudong District, Shanghai … it takes turning a corner Photo: Viktor Lakics traffic flows freely in the dynamic business district Pudong—and without any lights. widely accessible, the circular Lujiazui Pedestrian Bridge leads over the heavily trafficked main intersection and also connects office buildings, shopping centers, CafÉs, bus stops and subway stations. 20 MANFORUM 03/2013 03/2013 MANFORUM 21 2 dossier 03/2013 Animations More information in your MANforum app man think tank moving THE MASSES an ever increasing number of people is BEING drawn to The CITIES of the world. this dynamic growth presents a challenge to traffic experts and urban planners. U pon arriving in the port city of beirut by land, the first thing one notices is the thick cloud of smog that blankets the Lebanese capital. This haze hangs in the narrow streets between high-rise Part i the problem Practically every booming megacity has to struggle with the same mobility problems, as rapid population growth results in a steadily growing volume of traffic. Congestion not only makes life difficult for the local population, it also represents an obstacle for businesses. Local public transport Short-range transit is underdeveloped. Connection interfaces between different systems are poor. Motorized personal transport Cars and motorcycles dominate in the inner city. This results in congestion and pollution. buildings, blocking the view of the Levant coastline, and it almost never clears. Hardly surprising, as the deafthe clock in this city of half a million residents. Beirut is one of the world’s oldest settlements, but its traffic infra- Illustration: Helen Gruber ening roar of traffic fills the air round Non-motorized personal transport Due to a lack of cycle lanes, conditions are unfavorable for cyclists and pedestrians. structure is patchy: local public transport is limited to a few bus lines and is 22 MANFORUM 03/2013 03/2013 MANFORUM 23 2 dossier 03/2013 man think tank Park-and-Ride stations ensure good connections with suburban areas. Illustration: Helen Gruber Designated bus lanes accelerate the flow of local public transport. 24 MANFORUM 03/2013 the few buses that run are constantly as the issues concerning almost every delayed by heavy commuter traffic. metropolis in the world (see infograph- Taxi-shares and minibuses pick up ic, page 22). High population growth some of the slack, but pedestrians and and with it a steady increase in traffic cyclists hardly dare venture onto the volume. Traffic chaos and congestion, congested streets. There is no passen- which make life difficult for local resi- ger light rail network, and ferry servic- dents and businesses. High levels of 1950 2011 2050 es are sporadic. Given all this, Rachid toxic pollution. Shrinking room for Percent % Achkar’s vision may seem a trifle ambi- public areas, open spaces and parks. tious: “We want to give the city back to Urban development leading to urban pedestrians,” says the Head of the sprawl. Citizen mobility habits that are Municipal Transport Committee. In highly resistant to change. Criticism of truth, Beirut is probably the worst-case unreliable local public transport ser- scenario for urban transport planners, vices and lack of safety for pedestrians as the city presents a number of unique and cyclists. Lack of public funding for And yet, however different these cities challenges. Right up to the seventies it new development projects. might be, the study shows that they Urbanization The ratio of urban population will rise sharply by 2050. In North America, almost 90 percent of people will be living in cities. largest city featured in the survey, while Beirut is the smallest with half a million residents. European cities such as Munich, Lyon and London grow by 82.2 half a percent or less per year. The milsuch as São Paulo and Ahmedabad, on 64.4 72.9 the other hand, increase by two to three percent annually. Melbourne has a population density of just 530 residents per square kilometer, while in Beirut the same area has to accommodate more than 20,000 people. 45 51.3 57.7 39.6 lions-strong population of megacities Similar mechanisms was considered the cultural heart of So how do cities approach these the region, a modern and lively “Paris challenges? What are transport strate- of the Middle East,” before 16 years of gists doing to shape urban mobility in civil war split the city into a Muslim the future? MAN and researchers at the west and a Christian east. The war de- Technical University in Munich joined stroyed public spaces and infrastruc- forces to investigate these questions in ture and some urban districts became their study “What Cities Want.” “The isolated, almost autonomous islands. same issues are being discussed every- Since then, reconstruction has been where: How does a city cope with the sabotaged by repeated outbreaks of constant increase in personal car use? conflict, with infrastructure being de- Which methods could be employed to molished time and again. Inadequate reduce traffic jams and thus environ- funding and insufficient or non-exis- mental pollution?” explains Kirsten economic ties between the city and its tent political structures have further Broecheler of MAN Public Affairs, who suburban surrounds, the economic, hampered development. At the same coordinated the research project. The cultural and social development of the time, the city is growing dramatically, study concluded that the strategies, with population figures rising by about driving factors and obstacles in urban trative structure as well as the compe- eight percent every year. The only plac- transport and mobility planning show tence of the municipal government. In es in the world with a higher growth striking similarities across the board. order to shape the mobility of the rate than Beirut are some boom towns Fifteen cities took part in this study, future, one must first analyze the ge- in China. namely Ahmedabad, Beirut, Bogotá, neric codes of cities. Identical problems 17.5 are all linked by a common “generic code” of urban mobility (see Interview, page 34), namely a combination of shared mechanisms and mobility Europe able, such as the structure of urban and traffic volume. Others are linked 70.7 73 in such close, complex and dynamic 62.4 63.9 modules. Some factors are manageconstruction, traffic infrastructure 88.6 Asia 82.2 Africa 86.6 Rail transport Trams and underground trains increase mobility. port planners are essentially the same 14.4 Cyclists and pedestrians are both faster thanks to dedicated cycle lanes. challenges confronting Beirut’s trans- and unreliable. And it’s no wonder, as 79.1 Mobile schedule Timetables and other information accessible on smart phones. 23 million inhabitants, Shanghai is the generally considered uncomfortable 41.4 Part II The solution All over the world, traffic planners are using similar approaches to make inner cities attractive residential areas once again. The most important factor in this regeneration is generally an efficient and well-connected local public transport system. interrelationships that their impact on the overall system can scarcely be controlled. These include the social and population, the political and adminis- Copenhagen, Johannesburg, Istanbul, And time is of the essence. Cur- London, Los Angeles, Lyon, Melbourne, rently, half the world’s population live With its out-of-date transport infra- Munich, St. Petersburg, São Paulo, structure and history of civil war, the Shanghai and Singapore. At first city of Beirut may seem a tragic but glance, there seems to be little correla- isolated case. However, the central tion between these cities: With about Latin OceaAmerica & North Caribbean America nia Source: United Nations, World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision, 2012 in cities. By the year 2050, this ratio will climb to more than two-thirds: 6.3 billion people will spend their lives in an urban environment. Due to this 03/2013 MANFORUM 25 2 dossier 03/2013 MORe iMAges in your manforum app man think tank trend towards urbanization, metropol- transport network—is typically the ex- itan areas are increasingly competing pansion of a low-emission, efficient with one another. They must attract and intelligently controlled network of ever more people and companies in or- buses. Numerous cities have already der to become true “global cities,” that chosen Bus Rapid Transit (or BRT) sys- is, international hubs of economic and tems, which accelerate bus services cultural life. through measures including favorable public transport is key the first step in the battle with congestion is an efficient bus network. in the next five years, sales on the global bus market will rise from €58 billion to €85 billion. 2012 2017 traffic light sequences and designated bus lanes. While rail-based transport Modern mobility solutions are an im- systems like trams and underground portant approach for cities to remain trains greatly improve urban mobility, competitive in this urban contest. The they also require costly investment and targets and strategies set by the trans- vast construction projects. 100 80 reaching far beyond the needs of server every 30 seconds,” explains TfL expert Simon Reed. their own city. Big-city emissions play These massive volumes of data are filtered by the system a considerable role in overall climate and made available to passengers as timetable information change, for example. within seconds. Departure times are indicated on the TfL website, and can be accessed via a smartphone app or moving ahead viewed on the LED displays at bus stop shelters. Minute-to- As the importance of international minute departure times are now available for the next bus megacities for industry and residents from any stop, anywhere in the city. continues to increase, local problems And so in the daily routine of London life, the home of- will likely turn into global challenges. fice or kitchen has increasingly become a waiting room. Many metropolitan areas are already From my flat in East London’s Hackney district, I catch the formulating ambitious goals for sus- 149 bus every morning to get to work in the City. A quick tainable development, ranging as far look at tells me that a bus will be leaving as “green” mobility. The envelope is be- from my Princess May Road stop in 13 minutes. Based on port planners are also astonishingly Establishing a safe and comfort- similar, as indicated by the study (see able infrastructure for pedestrians ing pushed by cities where an effective experience, it takes me around four minutes to reach the infographic, page 24). For all cities, de- and cyclists is only possible once more administration is working together bus stop, which leaves me nine minutes before I have to velopment of a local public transport people switch over to public transport. with local industry and citizens to im- system is the top priority. This applies Then a complete model can be estab- plement and further develop its strat- not only to metro areas with marked lished, building park-and-ride stations urban sprawl and a low population and linking the mix of transport massive structural legacy from the density, such as Melbourne, Istanbul modes using smart solutions such as past, such as Beirut, are not con- and Johannesburg, but also to high- telematically controlled information density but fragmented Beirut, to Lyon displays and public transport network with its endless traffic jams, the island management systems. Once the most Want” highlights which adjustments state of Singapore and the commuter urgent mobility issues have been re- municipal and transport planners can city of Munich. A first step—and the solved, it will then be possible for plan- make to ensure that traffic flow con- Last winter, London’s streets were covered with snow and foundation for any modern public ners to devote themselves to problems tinues to move in the future. slush for days, which caused mayhem in a bus network that 60 40 20 Source: SCI Verkehr / ÖPNV aktuell, 2013 0 bn of euros bUs ON The hORizON egies. Yet even cities burdened by a demned to remain forever in their sta- O profile in short los angeles united states Jamal Jabari, 34 A cab driver, Jamal has worked in Los Angeles for more than a decade. You need to know a bus in my entire life. 26 manforum 03/2013 No, I’ve actually never taken a register the most system hits in poor weather conditions.” This is understandable, since waiting for the bus in London is particularly unpleasant in miserable outdoor conditions. handles 6.4 million trips daily. “The demand for departure times reached record heights,” says Reed. a bus. People will tell you that you wait an hour the new system has been up and running for only a year, but for one of the famous red double deckers, and is already known to half the population of London. Around then three come along at once, bumper to bum- 800,000 passengers use it every day, and in light of this suc- per. This is an experience shared every day at the nearly cess story, TfL already has plans for further expansion. The 20,000 bus stops between Westminster, Walthamstow and next step will be to install display screens in locations such transport authority that serves this metropolis of tens of Photos: Prisma/Lluís Real Do you use public transport yourself? Photo: Richard L. Duncan Sr love their cars, after all. senger numbers,” reports Reed. “Interestingly enough, we Transmitting data on 5,000 departure times per second, Over the past year, Transport for London (TfL), the local Absolutely. It has a lot can’t arrive by bus—people will think that you’re poor. Americans do TfL has invested some €23.4 million in the system. “Since its introduction, we have noticed an increase in pas- of London aptly reflects the agony of waiting for or far too few,” as the locals like to complain. good sense of humor. I’m happy when I can make my passengers laugh. to do with social status here. If you have an appointment or a date, you the number 149 opens its doors for me. Ne jOKe i heAR qUiTe OFTeN on the streets Walworth. “There are either way too many buses in London lot of shortcuts, be patient because of all the traffic jams and have a Is there a lot of demand for taxis in America? shave. Precisely 13 minutes later, I arrive at the bus stop and London correspondent titUs Kroder Has been investigating tHe bUs passenger information system in britain’s capitaL. tus quo. MAN’s study “What Cities What qualities does a good cab driver require? leave. Plenty of time for a cup of coffee, two e-mails and a millions, has been trying to make that joke a thing of the past, and has done so with success: software provided as hospitals and government offices, offering visitors and TiTUs KROdeR works in London as a business journalist. He has lived in the UK capital for 13 years. staff the opportunity to make better use of their time. And because of the clear positioning data on its vehicle fleet, what is probably Europe’s largest urban transport network can now give clear answers if there happen to be too many buses piled up, bumper to bumper, that go missing by the Berlin-based company IVU.realtime now enables elsewhere. “I’m in the 424 on Graham Road. Huge backup Londoners to check bus arrival times around the clock and of buses. What’s up?” a woman recently twittered to TfL. anywhere in the city. “We have equipped 8,500 buses with “Hello, sorry about that! Road works in Balls Pond Road are mini-transmitters that radio their location to a central to blame,” TfL tweeted right back. 03/2013 MANFORUM 27 2 dOssieR 03/2013 MoRe iMaGes in your manforum app 28 MANFORUM 03/2013 Kadir Topbaş the mayor of istanbul (68) has occupied his position since 2004. a member of the Justice and development party, he has resided in istanbul since 1945. istANbUl ChRistiAN Ude at age 65, ude has been senior mayor of munich for the past two decades. prior to his election, he worked as a newspaper editor and attorney in munich. MUNiCh GéRARd COllOMb a founding member of the socialist party, collomb was born in 1947 in chalonsur-saône and has been serving lyon in his position as mayor since 2001. shoRt cuts thRouGh chaos FRom BogoTá To São Paulo: eSPeCIally In emeRgIng CounTRIeS, CITIeS dePloy exPReSS BuS SySTemS To FIghT Road CongeSTIon. lyON WhAt ARe the ChAlleNGes FOR tRAFFiC plANNiNG iN yOUR City? every day, roughly 1.1 million people traverse istanbul. traffic flows are continuously growing heavier, there are 700 new registrations daily, and roads are congested. surface and underground trains, the bus system and cable railways are not yet sufficiently linked to allow for speedy progress. while the share of personal vehicles in city traffic is still comparatively low, the main roads still are often overloaded. during commuting times, capacities are also frequently exceeded in underground and surface trains. the cycle path network must be expanded to actually justify the claim of being germany’s biking capital. B despite massive investments in local public transportation, the residents of lyon still utilize their cars for every second trip—which in turn results in large traffic jams. in addition, the budget for further infrastructure expansion is already tight. it is becoming increasingly challenging to find the necessary funds. WhiCh pRiORities ANd GOAls ARe pARt OF the URbAN tRAFFiC-plANNiNG AGeNdA? the traffic master plan entails a stronger expansion of rail network and roads until 2023. among the top priorities are an improved range in local public transport services as well as more traffic safety. the city intends to foster the mobility of all traffic participants and reduce travel times. modifying busy intersections ought to increase the appeal of cycling, and the planning process for new surface train lines and tram routes is under way. Bus schedules will be accelerated. we also plan to convert the inner city into a barrier-free zone, which is primarily attractive to pedestrians. to reduce congestion, the city plans a traffic system that uses smartphone technology to inform about current traffic conditions in real time. improved local public transport services should shorten travel times and enhance the mobility of residents. the city intends to mobilize even more participants for its bike-sharing program. hOW Will the City iMpROve its NetWORkiNG OF pUbliC tRANspORt iN the FUtURe? as a railroad tunnel extending over a length of 13 kilometers, the marmaray tunnel is designed to connect the surface train lines in the asian and european parts of istanbul, which had previously operated separately. it will be finished, by late 2013. passengers should find it easier to combine different modes of transport. 13.3 mn inhaBitants new bike-and-ride spaces are planned to facilitate the change from bicycle to trains or buses. the city of munich intends to expand the track network for trams and surface trains as well as establish bus lanes and cycle paths. large parts of the inner city are already pedestrian zones and well-served by public transport. 1.4 mn inhaBitants in the future, the “optimod’lyon” project will be linking and processing information from the local public transport system, the traffic control center as well as the bike-sharing program. to render the combination of transport options even more attractive, passengers can access the information via smartphone. 1.3 mn inhaBitants facilitate quick transport of fans and spectators to the stadiums. For passengers, the two major benefits of a BRT system are comfort and speed. From the perspective of cities, other aspects also play a role: They pay attention to the make-up and structure of buses. “City authorities look at factors such as passenger ca- Illustrations: Bernd Schifferdecker, Photos: gettyimages, MAN, laif/hemis fr/B. Gardel, Paulo Fridman the significance of traffic planning rises with the size of cities. three mayors explain how they guard against infrastructural chaos. the tRAilblAzeRs man think tank pacity and environmental footprint when it comes to BRT system vehicles,” says Heinz Kiess, Sales Engineer at MAN Truck & Bus. Like municipalities in Israel, for instance, where MAN buses are already running in BRT networks. MAN has delivered 172 articulated bus chassis with EEV en- ack in the eaRly 1990s, chaos reigned su- gines to Tel Aviv and Haifa. After Euro VI, the Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle (EEV) exhaust standard is preme on the roads of Bogotá. Roughly 850,000 the most stringent pollutant emissions guideline applicable cars clogged the streets of Colombia’s capital ev- to buses and trucks. Due to the low-floor design and a struc- ery day, in addition to around 21,500 buses, oper- ture with four double doors, passengers can board and exit ated by private and municipal providers. the vehicle in a particularly time-saving manner. With a Although 70 percent of the population relied on public length of 18.75 meters and room for up to 199 seated or transport to get around, there was no coordination of short- standing passengers, the buses also offer much capacity. range transportation services. While plans for a new subway In 2011, MAN tested an entirely new bus in Budapest, de- had existed since the 1970s, the project had been shelved signed to meet the requirements of passengers as well as mu- repeatedly for lack of funding. A different solution was dire- nicipalities. The MAN Lion’s City GL articulated bus also fea- ly needed to get this traffic mayhem under control. tures a low floor and five instead of four doors. Thus, The municipal planners found an answer in the so- passengers can get on and off quickly and comfortably. The called Bus Rapid Transit system, or BRT. The Brazilian city of bus is air-conditioned, LED lighting and large windows pro- Curitiba had been the first to introduce such a system back vide a warm and bright ambiance and there is also plenty of in 1974. The BRT principle is that buses use separate and ded- space. “Other than regular seating, the bus has additional icated lanes in the middle of major roads. As the bus stops folding seats. These can be locked from the driver’s side are elevated from street level, passengers can board the bus whenever there are many passengers on board to create more without steps. The bus stations are roofed over and feature standing room during peak periods,” explains Heinz Kiess. glass doors that will not open unless the bus comes to a full halt. This allows for rapid and safe passenger boarding and dismounting. Today, Bogotá’s BRT system comprises 11 bus lines with a total length of 87 kilometers, and represents the highest-capacity BRT system in the world. The buses are utilized by 43,000 passengers per hour. GRowinG tRanspoRt needs Primarily in threshold countries, where the need for transport solutions is growing by leaps and bounds, a growing number of major cities are introducing BRT systems. In India’s Ahmedebad, for instance, the BRT network already covers 85 kilometers, with further expansion in planning. South Africa’s largest city, Johannesburg, introduced its Rea Vaya BRT system prior to the soccer World Cup in 2010 to Rapid and efficient Cheaper than rail systems, but just as effective: In Bus Rapid Transit systems, such as the one in São Paulo, passengers can cover urban distances in a time-saving and very comfortable manner. 2 dossier 03/2013 Information about all 15 cities are available in the MANforum app man think tank 15 cities, three solutions transport modes in percent How residents and visitors get around the city (number of trips) Motorized individual transport 29 % Public transport 44 % Cycling 1 % Walking 22 % Other 4 % From Los Angeles on the US West coast all the way to Melbourne down under: the study “What Cities Want” examined the mobility needs of 15 cities. Each urban area finds a specific approach to meeting its own challenges. a portrait of Three cities. plans to reduce its CO2 emissions by 20 percent in comparison with 2005 COPENHAGEN levels. And Copenhagen aspires to be altogether CO2-neutral by the year 2025. The solution: In coming years, the significance of bicycle traffic will increase even further. The city has set a target rate of 50 percent for commut- transport modes in percent How residents and visitors get around the city (number of trips) Motorized individual transport 27 % Public transport 15 % Cycling 30 % Walking 25 % Other 3 % ers cycling to work or their education- SINGAPORE al institutions. In order to make cycling even more attractive, 80 percent of cycle paths will comprise three lanes for each direction. Concurrent- The challenge: As an island and city tion policy. Urban planners are antici- decade. The sum of €660 million ly, plans are underway for new bridges state, Singapore has an exceptionally pating a 30 percent increase in road alone has been allocated just for new and tunnels for cyclists, a green wave high population density. On average, traffic by the year 2020. Existing buses. There are also plans for road at traffic signals, as well as long-dis- more than 7,000 people live on each transport systems are already reach- expansions, as much as is feasible square kilometer. Only one in 10 resi- ing their capacity limits. In light of the considering the shortage of unoccu- to a share of 27 percent, pedestrian traf- muters—the so-called cycling super- dents owns a car, which renders public limited geographical circumstances, pied acreage. At the same time, the cyclists. The residents of Denmark’s fic reaches 25 percent and local public highways. Besides expanding the transport crucial in this city of mil- expansion presents a challenge. city of Singapore is looking for solu- capital cover 30 percent of all their trips transport 15 percent. When it comes to cycling infrastructure, Copenhagen by bicycle. As for commutes to work or sustainable mobility, Copenhagen is also aims to expand the local public educational institutions, the figure ac- way ahead of other cities, yet the mu- transport network, which includes tually rises to 36 percent—which makes nicipal planners and transport strate- plans for a new subway ring line. An- bicycles the most prominent mode of gists are not resting on their laurels and other topic of discussion is a city toll, transport in the metropolis. While mo- have set their sights on ambitious tar- designed to reduce motor traffic in torized individual transport amounts gets: By 2015, Denmark’s biggest city the inner city by 20 percent. sÃo paulo cOPENHAGEN Los Angeles bogotá lyon Photos: Mads Nissen/Panos Pictures, Geoffrey Clive/Prisma tance cycling routes for regional comThe challenge: Copenhagen is a city of lions: Citizens make 44 percent of tions to improve traffic flow manage- their trips via trains or by bus. In this The solution: The planners aim to ment, such as through a city toll context, the most important means of improve the existing infrastructure based on actual traffic volume. And transport is the subway. In coming of local public transport. Singapore even more restrictive registration years, however, motorized individual has earmarked €33 billion of invest- policies are designed to further cur- transport will increase dramatically— ment funds to double the length of tail the ownership of personal vehi- despite the city’s restrictive registra- the subway network in the coming cles in the future. singapore ST. PETERSBURG Munich BEIRUT london ISTANBUL 2 dossier 03/2013 More inforMation and details on the “What cities Want” study at man think tank iNdividUAl expectAtiONs transport Modes in percent how residents and visitors get around the city (number of trips) Melbourne motorized individual traffic 75 % public transport 9 % cycling 2 % Walking 13 % other 1 % to better manage ever growing traffic volumes, cities are developing new transport strategies. companies can benefit from these ideas for future product development. the challenge: Whereas Melbourne’s the solution: Melbourne aspires to be- center is characterized by a high popu- come much less dependent on car shanghai china pan haixiao, 51 lation density, outlying areas of the transport in the future. Until 2030, the Professor of Urban Planning, city are much less inhabited. As a re- number of trips that its citizens make Tongji University sult, car traffic plays a vastly impor- by car is targeted for a 30 percent reduc- How does a mobility strategy tant role in this Australian city of mil- tion. The city intends to encourage become a reality? lions. In the Melbourne metropolitan commuters to switch to local public tutions participate in our proj- region, residents use the car for 75 per- transport, use bicycles or walk. This ef- ects. The Shanghai Urban Trans- t cent of the trips they make—which is fort means that local public transport port Bureau coordinates the Want” study have significant implications for MAN’s bus sec- also due to heavy commuter traffic. facilities must be made more attractive. interaction between urban plan- tor: All queried metro areas taking part in the study place a Every day, 400,000 working people The planners will significantly raise the ning, the transport department, major emphasis on local public transport when it comes to drive from the suburbs into the city. frequency of metropolitan rail services, traffic police and the construc- prospective transport strategies. “In the future, attractive Between now and 2030, the number of while expanding the tram network and tion companies. local public transport services will become a more impor- jobs is expected to rise by 100,000, modernizing stops. In addition, there What are your most important tant factor for every city,” says Jörg Willert, Head of Bus which will result in a dramatic in- are also plans for extending the cycling goals for Shanghai? Engineering at MAN Truck & Bus. For with rising appeal of crease of commuter traffic. Outlooks path network and the bike sharing sys- share of public transport usage predict a growth rate of about 50 per- tem. Urban planning is also lining up ought to grow from its current cent until the year 2030. The city plans behind these new guidelines: In the fu- 25 percent to 30 or 35 percent. to cope with the additional traffic to ture, new residential districts will be How will you achieve this? avoid a negative impact on the quality built in such a way as to have easy ac- Not only are there are plans for of life in Melbourne. cess to local public transport facilities. a new subway line of more than city should actually be reduced. profile in short The of parking facilities in the inner Melbourne crucial role in this regard. The findings of the “What Cities Yet MAN will go even further in adapting to the requirements of customers in the future. “Alternative drives are another area where we are doing a lot of work,” explains Meyer. Along with natural gas drives, which have been part of MAN’s product range for decades already, another alternative has been available since 2010: The Lion’s City Hybrid, which runs on electrical power. The bus stores the energy released by the brakes to drive the electric motors, reducing fuel consumption by as much as 30 percent. Furthermore, the growing number of people also places higher demands on the capacity of municipal buses. “In the future, we anticipate even greater demand for buses with more standing than seating room,” says Frank Krämer, Key Account Manager for Local Public Transport at MAN Truck & Bus. All over the world, the vehicles need the capacity to car- pOsitive eNviRONMeNtAl bAlANce is an image issue— which motivates metro areas like paris to opt for co 2 efficient buses, such as the man lion’s city hybrid. the hybrid bus converts braking energy into drive power, which is ideal for the stopand-go patterns of urban traffic. ry large numbers of people. “Especially in emerging nations, municipalities focus on much room for many passengers,” adds Krämer. That picture is a rather different one in industrial countries, as cities there focus primarily on buses with much comfort to lure commuters into switching to buses. Notwithstanding all their common transport planning goals, every city has its own priorities and therefore places different expectations on public transport means. “The product range of MAN must meet these individual preferences,” explains Krämer. Thus, he says, the study results offer valuable insights into the expansion of different product lines. public transport services, more people should be willing to switch over. “As highly flexible means of transport, buses in particular are very popular,” emphasizes Willert. Environmental conservation and the reduction of exhaust emissions are also at the top of the municipal agenda. “Cities need more environmentally friendly buses,” says Olaf Meyer, Head of Bus Product Management & Strategy at MAN Truck & Bus. “They must meet very stringent environPhoto: MAN Johannesburg creates new challenges for urban areas, and mobility plays a Photos: gettyimages, imaginechina/Zhou Junxiang ahMedabad living in cities by the year 2050. Rampant population growth Many insti- 400 kilometers, but the number shanghai wO-thiRds of the world’s population will be Already, municipal buses of the Lion’s City class comply with the strictest EU exhaust standard to date, the Euro VI. mental standards.” A positive environmental balance is also a question of image. Cities therefore place value on buses with low CO2 emissions. 03/2013 MANFORUM 33 2 dOssieR 03/2013 man think tank “Cities ARe FOReveR iN FlUx” For the study “What Cities Want,” ProFessor Gebhard WulFhorst investiGated diFFerent FaCtors that aFFeCt mobility in urban areas. concept for the metropolitan areas of this world? There is no such thing, actually, as every city is totally unique. When architects speak of the “genius loci,” they are referring to the distinctive spirit of a city, which consists of many different elements. If we remove just one of these building blocks, the city would no longer be the same. Therefore, we did not set out in search of a unified mobility blueprint that could be simply applied to just any city. Instead, we PROFessOR GebhARd WUlFhORst is head of the department of urban structure and transport Planning at the technical university munich. For the study “What Cities Want,” he and his team worked with 15 urban and transport planners from around the world, as well as with experts from different industrial sectors, to identify variables that act as a “generic code” to affect mobility in urban areas. and effective mechanisms, are compa- and resort to taking the car more of- rable. Sometimes the significance of ten. This shows that the safety factor single variables escapes a first impres- does also play a major role in Munich, sion—but they are still present in ev- even if indirectly. Other crucial influ- ery city and definitely are influential ential variables would be the geo- factors in terms of mobility. graphical layout of the city, for in- Can you explain that in the light of stance, the average length of trips or an example? the degree of private car ownership. How residents feel about safety is So an optimization strategy for mo- a very influential factor for urban bility concepts merely requires the mobility. This perception is one of perfect adjustment of all those 29 variables that we have identified. If external cornerstones? people don’t feel safe on sidewalks or It’s not about reaching an opti- nents whose complex interactions are afraid for their lives when walking mized final status in terms of mobility. have formative implications for urban to the subway, they will refrain from Cities are very complex and dynamic mobility: the generic code of mobility, using these services—no matter how systems that are always in flux and as it were. modern, rapid and punctual the un- constantly reinventing themselves. And how do urban planners benefit derground is or how nicely paved the Thus, mobility must continue adapting from recognizing these individual sidewalk looks. In a city such as to repeatedly changing requirements. variables? Munich, the safety of the local public Our study not only offers suggestions were looking for individual compo- Just small changes in the individu- transport network hardly seems an is- as to which aspects the process urban al mobility elements can trigger dy- sue. People are more likely to discuss planners and transport strategists namic effects that will change the en- congestion suffered by the heavily should watch out for, but also shows tire system. The study proves very used metropolitan rail network. Yet if that it depends on much conscious clearly: Every city has its own and un- Munich’s residents didn’t feel safe in decision-making focused on details in mistakable character, yet the single public areas, they would no longer use order to shape a sustainable mobility building blocks, their relationships this mode of transport as frequently system for the future. 34 MANFORUM 03/2013 ireland harmony of strings The Samuel Beckett Bridge in Dublin is dedicated to one of Ireland’s most famous authors. Spanning the river Liffey, this steel structure is designed to echo the form of a harp, and so combines two beloved symbols of the Emerald Isle in one impressive monument. And it has a hidden highlight: The bridge is anchored on a revolving concrete base and can be Fotocredit: study reveal the perfect mobility Photos: Vuk Latinovic, Nieves Mares Pagán/iStockphoto Professor Wulfhorst, does your rotated through 90 degrees to allow ships to pass. the perfect connection They link viTal TransporT arTeries, soar over waTer and someTimes even appear To defy graviTy: a gallery of ouTsTanding bridges around The world. 03/2013 MAnforUM 35 2 dossier 03/2013 man think tank Thailand Giant rings The Bhumibol Bridge crosses the vast Chao Phraya river in Bangkok. It forms part of the planned Industrial Ring Road, which will connect the industrial area in the province of Samut Prakarn with the Port of Bangkok, Brazil Presidential arches and greatly simplify freight transport operations. Also known to locals as The Mega Bridge, the sinuous curves of the access roads offer an intriguing contrast to the tall The Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge is named after the Brazilian president who instigated the construction of Brasilia in the 1950s as the power of its gigantic cable-stayed pylons. country’s new capital. With its spaced-out, asymmetrical steel arches, the structure links the southern districts of São Sebastião and Italy A bridge across time Venice has more than 400 bridges, with four of them alone crossing the Grand Canal, the city’s main transport artery. One of these is the Ponte della Costituzione, named in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Italian constitution. This pedestrian bridge links the Santa Lucia rail station with the Piazzale Roma. It symbolizes modern Venice and yet blends in elegantly with the ancient town. United Arab Emirates Steel dunes The Sheikh Zayed Bridge carries traffic in both directions on a four-lane highway connecting Abu Dhabi with the mainland. At its highest point, the steel support structure towers more than 60 meters above the water below. The flowing curves of the arches evoke imagery of the undulating dunes in the Arabian desert. Inaugurated in November 2010 after eight years of construction, the bridge was designed by British-Iraqui architect Zaha Hadid. Spain A work of art In Valencia, the Monteolivete Bridge runs across the Turia river directly to the heart of the Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias, the City of Arts and Sciences. It includes an opera house, planetarium, museum and aquarium. The architect Santiago Calatrava designed the complex to work as a coordinated ensemble. 36 MANFORUM 03/2013 Photos: shutterstock, Tips-Masci/Bildagentur-online, Alamy/mauritius images content, Pixtal/mauritius images content, Franziska Richter/iStockfoto; gettyimages, F1online, Jean-Pierre Lescourret/Corbis, Hykal Free Lance Photographic Collection Paranoá with the original urban district of Brasilia, Plano Piloto and its central transport axis, the Eixo Monumental. Germany Slinky link Like an oversized child’s toy in brightly gleaming colors, the bridge Slinky Springs to Fame coils over the Rhine-Herne Canal in Oberhausen. Locals call it the Rehberger Bridge, after the architect who designed it. Extending over a length of 460 meters, it connects the Kaisergarten park in Oberhausen with Emscher Island, France Head above the clouds home to the stadium of the Gleaming DNA Made of a mix of stainless steel and glass and featuring LED lighting, the Helix Bridge on the Marina Bay in Singapore comes into its own at night, when it lights up like a giant chunk of glowing DNA. This pedestrian bridge connects the cultural, leisure and entertainment attractions of this city district. Oberhausen Red and White soccer The gigantic columns of the Millau viaduct in the club. In keeping with the toy- south of France soar to 343 meters above the Tarn inspired esthetic, its elastic valley near Montpellier. Before the €400 million surfacing and spiral design make cable-stayed bridge was built, traffic regularly ground crossing this work of art a rather to a halt here at the start of vacation season. The bouncy and uplifting experience. bridge was designed by architect Sir Norman Foster. High tension The Kurilpa Bridge in Brisbane is the largest bridge in the world to be designed according to the so-called tensegrity principle. The solid support structures of this pedestrian and cyclist bridge across the Brisbane river are linked through tension cables, and maintain their own stability as a result of tension and pressure. 03/2013 MANFORUM 37 2 dOssieR 03/2013 MORe iMAges in your manforum app man think tank MANUel ANdRAck ReAds Audio in your MAnforum app MObile 2.0 tAles tOld by the city GrowinG cities call for creative mobility solutions: six ideas to move us in the future, ranGinG from innovative to quirky. T hey ARe NiMble, envi- ronmentally friendly and can carry loads from 50 to 180 kilograms. Congested roads are also not an obsta- cle. Especially the “last mile” in citycenter deliveries is the perfect stage for exceptionally efficient electrical cargo PAckhORses ON wheels saving energy and money, versatile and perfectly suited for city-center transport due to their maneuverability: the ibullitt electric cargo bike operated by the urban-e company in berlin. future: In three US states, the Internet by offering their vehicles through car- giant has received a testing license for sharing programs. The car sharing plat- tured by the Urban-e transport com- computer-controlled cars. Its vision: form has now developed an pany in Berlin: 30 cycles can replace up no more accidents, and seamlessly app that enables mobile searches for a to 20 passenger cars – and are especial- flowing traffic. One practical invention suitable loan car in the vicinity even ly cost-effective to purchase and oper- for future infrastructures comes from when on the road. Also interesting is ate. The Chinese automotive company Dutchman Erik Schlangen. His solu- the idea developed by Australian in- Chery also intends to deploy its inno- tion for road damages caused by heavy ventor Geoffrey Barnett: His cycle ca- vative @Ant vehicle to simplify road use is called “Self Healing Asphalt.” ble car Shweeb would have passengers traffic, hence making it more efficient. When heating the steel wool incorpo- The cars recognize one another and M A coluMn by MAnuel AndRAck eyes, dreaming of a championship for love and devotion, marital strife, eulo- my Cologne kickers. Some time later, a gies: All this holds never-ending fasci- soft jerk wakes me from my brief slum- nation for me, proving that life itself is ber. While I’ve been told that taking fiction. Oh, my, another classy insult five-minute power naps in the car may dripping from the lips of that gorgeous result in unfortunate consequences— and just very recently single-again fe- nals the closing of doors. We depart on provided that you are the driver—a lit- male. Enough spying. I dig headphones time—not always the case. And yet, we tle snoozing is part of the tram pro- into my ears, listening to the soothing as public-transport veterans know that gram. Then a sudden epiphany hits me. sounds of the German band Tocotronic. soar above the streets in transparent delays are the exception rather than This is the perfect solution for that Sure, it’s perfectly possible to also enjoy rated in the road surface, the asphalt capsules, traveling at speeds of up to the rule. Apparently, just the more spo- problematic meeting tomorrow! Wor- music while driving, yet never as feasi- dock when traveling on the same route melts and mends cracks as if by magic. 90 kilometers per hour on their way radic passengers must forever endure thy of Nobel Prize consideration, this ble to observe the landscape to such an to save time and space for other vehi- For years, drivers have been able to from A to B. So far, the cable car oper- those community transport disasters idea is immortalized on a little piece of extensive degree. One stop before cles. Google also has ideas for the save money and do something green ates only in a New Zealand leisure park. we hear about—the “buttered side paper. As the most brilliant insights are Cologne Central, another tram stops down” theory we know as Murphy’s born aboard trams, it should not come alongside, headed in the other direc- Law. Utterly relaxed, I peruse the sports as a surprise that passenger numbers tion. I observe a couple that first ex- section of my newspaper. It’s a Monday, have risen steadily over the years in our changes adoring glances, then embrac- and the Cologne soccer team has scored land of poets and thinkers. Rays of sun- es tenderly and finally embarks on a victory. Thus, I am obliged to devour light caress the windowpanes, and I am some serious smooching. I imagine every line composed at the occasion of eavesdropping on a young lady, who that they had just met 10 minutes be- this glorious win. It is quite fortunate very energetically speaks into her cell fore in that tram, with immediate in- that I recently moved to the outskirts of phone. If I overhear correctly, she’s cur- fatuation sparking between them. Love town and can therefore enjoy a full half- rently breaking up with her boyfriend. at first sight. Is there a more romantic hour commuting time into the inner Whoa, that was a bad word she just place to meet than on a tram? In the city. Such reading enjoyment would be used, I hadn’t heard that one before. company of others, yet still somewhat out of the question if driving—scan- Better remember it. I find it rather en- safely ensconced under a bell jar of ning the paper while clutching the tertaining how fellow passengers con- one’s own. I get off, thoroughly re- wheel has proven rather impractical in duct their most intimate communica- freshed, prepared for the day. And the past. When I am finished with the tion on mobile phones while aboard already pleasant anticipating the sports section, I smile and close my buses or trains. Solemn declarations of ride back home. bikes. Take the iBullitt cargo bike fea- eRely AN elegANt whOOsh behind me sig- sT. PeTeRsbURg RUssiA seRgei cheRePANOv, 38 The executive director of Inter Yacht Service operates two of St. Petersburg’s four water taxi lines. Why does St. Petersburg need water taxis? The city is struggling with traf- fic congestion. Water taxis save time. In the case of some trips, traveling on land will take twice as long. How many people can you carry? We have 16 boats with 12 seats each. This year, for the first time, we will operate four boats with 36 seats each. Who uses water taxis? Businesspeople, workers and also tourists—a cheaper alternative to the expensive boat tours. 38 MANFORUM 03/2013 Photos: iBullitt pr, Pauline Tillmann; Hans Georg Merkel PROFile iN shORT NOthiNg is qUite As eNteRtAiNiNg as a ride on public transport. And no one knows this better than Manuel Andrack, who finally passed his driver’s license exam at the proud age of 45. Risen to fame as the sidekick and editorial manager of German comedian and satirist Harald Schmidt and his late-night show, the journalist now pursues his career as a moderator and book author. 03/2013 MANFORUM 39 3 in the middle of nowhere The smelting plant of Finnfjord AS is in the remote Troms Province in Norway. man projects Photo: Hauke Dressler Norway 40 MANFORUM 03/2013 in the heart of fjord and furnace Set in the far north of Norway, Finnsnes is a center for the production of ferrosilicon—a substance used as an additive in steel production. The Finnfjord smelting plant uses the largest steam turbine in the country. 03/2013 MANFORUM 41 3 3 More than 100,000 tons of ferrosilicon are produced at the Finnfjord plant in Finnsnes every year. Fifty years ago, annual output was only about a tenth of that. man projects ll the way north, 500 kilometers beyond the complex is already plunged into silicon, used in photovoltaic cells or darkness, while the reflections of its semiconductors. lights float and shimmer on the sur- “Ferrosilicon production is an ex- face of the fjord. Steam rises from the tremely energy-intensive process,” factory and hangs like a white flag explains Geir-Henning Wintervoll, against the pale blue of the sky. There Managing Director of Finnfjord. Elec- is nothing to be seen in any direction trodes in the smelting furnaces con- but raw, unspoiled nature. a rich history This is hardly the typical setting for heavy industry, but Finnfjord’s electrical smelting plant has been producing ferrosilicon from Swedish iron-ore since 1962. Ferrosilicon is an essential ingredient used in steel and cast iron production. The mixture of 75 percent 500 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle lies the Finnfjord smelting plant, in the Norwegian province of Troms. Its setting right on the side of a fjord made order logistics much simpler: the MAN steam turbine and generator could be delivered and unloaded directly off the ship. duct electricity into the ore, and once the mixture reaches 2,000 degrees Celcius, smelting and chemical reactions begin. The ferrosilicon formed in this process is allowed to cool before being broken down into manageable pieces with a blueish, shimmering surface. These can then be conveniently shipped from Finnfjord directly to the production facilities of their customers in the steel and chemical industries. the Arctic Circle, you know you’re in a quartzite (SiO2) and 25 percent iron different world. In November, twilight ore (Fe2O3) gives steel its characteris- “More than 50 years ago, Finnfjord starts in Finnsnes just after midday, tic qualities: it is hard, durable and had a workforce of 132 and produced while in June the sun still hasn’t set by heat and corrosion resistant. It can 12,000 tons of ferrosilicon a year. To- midnight. This small community of also be used to produce high-grade day, our 125 employees manage an out- 4,300 souls is nestled on the wild put of more than 100,000 tons,” re- coast, protected from the Norwegian ports Wintervoll. Productivity and the Sea by the island of Senja crouching off efficient use of resources have always the coast like a bulwark. It’s like a scene been essential components in the com- in a picture book of a Fjord idyll, and pany’s history, he says, and Finnfjord it’s one reason why this small town in remains especially focused on energy the Lenvik municipal district is one of consumption—despite the commonly the few Hurtigruten (or Coastal Ex- held belief that Norway enjoys an press) ports along the 2,700 kilometers abundance of energy. Norway’s econo- of the Norwegian West Coast to have my has grown steadily since the coun- been served continuously by the post try began exploiting its oil and gas re- office shipping line since its founding serves in the early 1970s. Once one of back in 1893. Ralf Hommers has not come for the picturesque fjords or the illuminating panorama of the Northern Lights. The MAN Diesel & Turbo project manager is traveling west along the Storgata road to visit the Finnfjord company. It is a drive of just under seven kilometers to reach one of the most modern industrial facilities in the country. In the early afternoon, 42 MANFORUM 03/2013 340 gigawatt hours is the annual energy yield of the MAN Diesel & Turbo steam turbine and generator set. The raw materials for such energy-intensive processing are delivered by the truck loads: ore rubble from neighboring Sweden and quartzite from Norway. the poorer West European countries with an economy based primarily on shipping, fishing, agriculture and forestry, Norway has transformed itself into the world’s seventh-largest exporter of crude oil and second-largest exporter of natural gas. Itis now one of the countries with the highest per capita income in the world. In order to remain competitive in a world of dwindling fossil fuels and Photo: Hauke Dressler A man projects 03/2013 MANFORUM 43 the steam being channeled from the melting furnaces into the 40-megawatt turbine reaches a temperature of 440 degrees Celsius. 44 MANFORUM 03/2013 inevitably rising electricity costs, the system to be used whenever the tur- Finnfjord management team resolved bine set needs to be serviced. In the to invest €100 million in their facility summer of 2012, the remaining com- to provide new and sustainable foun- ponents finally followed, when the dations for their energy-intensive pro- steam turbine itself, the main con- duction process. The company’s deci- denser and the generator were all de- sion-makers were no longer willing to livered. “This was such an inspiring accept that alongside the huge energy moment,” recalls Hommers. “We were consumption of the smelting process quite aware that this was the largest itself, vast amounts of energy were be- steam turbine in all of Norway.” In ing lost as waste heat. Therefore, they September, the record-breaking tur- partnered with MAN Diesel & Turbo to bine powered up for the first time— investigate alternatives that would pro- creating another big moment for the vide greater resource and energy effi- project directors Ralf Hommers and Jo ciency. Their objective was a first in the Strømholt. Their joint efforts had ferrosilicon production industry: to been rewarded. “And all this was accomplished on a very tight schedule,” convert waste heat from production into electricity using a generator— same applied to work permits for the power that in turn could be fed back German installation mechanics.” The new hardware was built by into the smelting process. MAN Diesel & Turbo in Oberhausen in time-critical project Germany and specifically configured “In early 2011, MAN Diesel & Turbo re- for Finnfjord. At the heart of the sys- ceived an order for the delivery of a tem is a 40-megawatt steam turbine steam turbine and generator set that that uses waste heat from the smelt- would serve to boost Finnfjord’s en- ing process. Steam enters the turbine ergy efficiency by about 40 percent,” with a temperature of 440 degrees says Ralf Hommers. Andreas Gorkow, Celsius and at a pressure of 41 bar, and who is Power Generation Team Leader in giant smelting furnaces, ore is converted to ferrosilicium at 2,000 degrees Celsius. Electrical conductors are used to heat up the ore and break down its chemical components. This form of processing makes production extremely energy-intensive. installing and commissioning the sys- says Strømholt with pride. “We did not tem. The plant sits right by the water of take any of this for granted.” After all, the fjord, and its geographical location he recalls, the project team had con- accommodated the planners and tech- stantly received fresh and demanding nicians working with Ralf Hommers. requests and faced new and intriguing After all, the steam turbine and genera- challenges throughout the duration of tor could be delivered by ship right to the project. Finnfjord’s doorstep, where the cargo was then unloaded by the vessel’s on- rising energy prices board crane. Integrating the new sys- The plant has been fully operational tem into ongoing operations of the since November 2012, and Hommers the generator converts this energy smelting plant was equally straightfor- is satisfied with the outcome—not at MAN Diesel & Turbo, worked with into electricity. “The new facility can ward. Finnfjord had constructed a pur- least because Finnfjord’s Managing him during the proposal phase to produce up to 340 gigawatt hours of pose-built turbine hall, so the MAN in- Director Geir-Henning Wintervoll get the project up and r unning. electricity per year,” says Hommers. stallation crew, Finnfjord employees considers it a milestone in both tech- Thereafter, Hommers and his part- The resulting power can be fed direct- and the other plant suppliers did not nolo g i c a l a nd e nt r epr e neu r i a l ner at Fi n n f jord , projec t d i rec tor ly into ongoing production and re- get in each other’s way during the cru- achievement. “While the strong re- Jo Strømholt, focused on the imple- duce the demand for externally gener- cial installation process. duction in consumption of conven- mentation of time lines. And their ated power by as much as 40 percent. schedule was tight indeed—especially “This approach also benefits the envi- record turbine revs up in light of the fact that Norway is not a ronment,” emphasizes Hommers: “In In spring of last year, the “advance ment directly, it simultaneously member of the European Union. “It comparison with conventional power guard” arrived in Finnfjord: the trans- renders Finnfjord less dependent on was an important factor because un- production, a coal-burning facility for former and a so-called bypass con- rising energy prices,” summarizes example, the efficiency gains amount denser. Measuring some eight meters Wintervoll. From his point of view, to savings of roughly 240,000 tons of in length, this heat exchanger con- Finnfjord has just entered a new era: CO2 emissions annually.” like doing business within the EU zone, we needed to plan for the more complicated customs formalities and import regulations between Germany and Norway,” says Hommers. “The Photo: Hauke Dressler man projects “We have reached our goal of becoming the world’s most efficient smelting plant.” 3 tionally produced energy drawn from the grid stands to benefit the environ- densed the steam output while the “We have indeed reached our goal of Finnfjord entrusted MAN Diesel & turbine was not yet up and running. becoming the world’s most efficient Turbo with complete responsibility for Today, it serves as a kind of backup smelting plant.” 03/2013 MANFORUM 45 3 The four-axle Type 96S 8x8 TGS is used for detecting natural resources, for test drilling, seismic measurements or the construction of overhead power supply lines. man projects Construction vehicles over rough country MAN Truck & Bus presented its new TG series At bauma 2013, the world’s largest trade fair for construction vehicles. it complies with the Euro VI exhaust standard, effective in Europe from 2014, and emphasizes the company’s 75-year tradition of all-wheeler expertise. Structure The three-directional dumper truck is just one variant of a versatile construction vehicle range. In order to not curtail the flexibility of superstructure options, no vehicle components may protrude beyond the upper edge of the frame. M Steel bumpers The steel bumper was also adapted to the new vehicle design. An integrated footstep assists the driver when climbing up to change the windshield wipers. The bumper comes in a threepart design in all production series models to minimize repair costs in the case of component replacement. aximum transport capacity over multiple shifts, heavy loads, adaptability to rough terrain and heavy exposure to stand up to the most demanding conditions. Customers therefore expect durable and robust trucks with a long service life, equipped with powerful and efficient engines that also deliver economic operation and outstanding driving properties in all-wheel mode. Other important features include a 46 MANFORUM 03/2013 Exhaust aftertreatment When compared to the Euro V standard, Euro VI requires a reduction of nitric oxide emissions from its previous level of 2 g/kWh to 0.4 g/kWh. The new TGS series achieves this goal with a combination of cooled exhaust gas recirculation (CEGR) and an SCR (select catalytic reduction) catalytic converter. Illustration: Hokolo 3D dust: Construction vehicles must AdBlue tank Urea (AdBlue) is used in the exhaust aftertreatment to reduce nitric oxides. The combined exhaust aftertreatment system ensures low fuel consumption and minimized utilization of AdBlue. Metal protection grille A metal protection grille shields the headlights, giving a long service life. This ensures that this essential function remains operational even in the toughest conditions. steps Elastic foot boards can cope with the most challenging terrain and impact from rock falls. They give way rather than being bent out of shape permanently. 03/2013 MANFORUM 47 man projects maximum of loading capacity, flexible the choice between optional switching hicle steering. The front axle drive can train, while providing maximum trac- for conducting test drilling or seismic employ its public road use permit only superstructures as well as a wide range and permanent all-wheel drive. The ad- be easily activated by turning a rotary tion and narrow progressive ratio measurements, or for timber trans- while traveling to deployment sites,” of special chassis variants and drive vantage of the switching variant lies in switch when the vehicle is stationary. when operating on rough surfaces. port on steep, muddy tracks. It offers explains Schmidt-Robin. options. All these requirements are the versatility of the vehicle, which can The transfer gearbox will then connect met by MAN Truck & Bus with its new be driven equally well either on or off the front and rear axles by means of a Maximum traction generation of construction vehicles the road. Another positive point is the dog clutch. The cross-country reduc- that meet the strict Euro VI exhaust option of using just the rear axle drive standard. In order to comply with the on paved surfaces. This reduces wear drastically reduced limits for nitric ox- and tear on the tires and facilitates ve- maximum traction and excellent sta- Many equally valuable services are bility—even when covering long dis- provided by the all-wheel drive in TGS Generally, the four-axle Type 96S 8x8 tances in conditions of widely varying models with two or three axles. These tion setting on the transfer gear box is employed in rough terrain—for con- traction conditions. “smaller brothers” of the 8x8 trucks makes it possible to raise the total gear structing overland power supply lines, “With its maximum legal weight work under the widest range of condi- ratio. This takes the load off the drive for instance, in mineral prospecting, of 41 tons, this stately truck tends to tions: Not only are they utilized on construction sites, for municipal ser- ides and particulate matter, the engine technology, exhaust aftertreatment have all been rethought and integrat- Euro VI engines Central components of the engine design are the Common Rail fuel injection, the cooled and regulated exhaust gas recirculation, the two-phase turbocharging and the exhaust aftertreatment. This combination ensures compliance with pollutant limits while reducing diesel consumption and CO 2 emissions. ed in vehicle platforms with the tried and tested Common Rail diesel engines. The TGS series of all-wheel vehicles (see illustration) is a showcase example of how these technological challenges were met. Difficult terrain All-wheel drive plays an important vices, road maintenance and snow Transfer gearbox In permanent all-wheel drive, this is responsible for constantly transferring the engine output to all wheels in just the right ratio. and overall electronics of the vehicle Main gear unit The main gear unit transmits the 440-hp engine output of the TGS 96S 8x8 to the transfer gear box, which was specifically developed and manufactured by MAN. clearing, but also in civil defense and disaster relief organizations such as Germany’s Federal Agency for TechniDifferential gearbox For rear axle 1 cal Relief or fire departments. Meeting Euro VI standards In order to provide a wide range of variant construction vehicles, as well as comply with the Euro VI exhaust standard, the finished truck chassis needs to be able to accommodate su- role in the construction industry. It perstructures made by different man- gives the vehicle the necessary muscle ufacturers, many of which are quite to cover the most difficult terrain, as complex, without loss of function. For well as providing an ideal distribution this reason, no vehicle components of power between all the wheels for balanced traction. MAN can look back on 75 years of experience in the design and construction of trucks with allwheel drive. This includes a wide variety of drive configurations and MAN’s own production of planetary hub reduction axles and transfer gearboxes as well as special solutions for axle sys- can protrude beyond the upper edge The permanent all-wheel drive of the TGS 96S 8x8 offers maximum traction and a high degree of handling stability in varying conditions of traction. The transfer cases for power distribution were developed by MAN. of the frame. Another challenge is that the ultra-efficient exhaust aftertreatment system requires a bigger exhaust silencer housing, compared with Euro V. The additional components needed for this have been deDifferential gearbox For rear axle 2 signed in such a way that a minimum of payload is lost, while the curb tems based on leaf spring and pneu- weight of the truck remains as low as matic suspension systems. possible. By consistently designing the vehicle with an emphasis on light- flected in our 50 percent share of the ness of structure and uniting several European all-wheel truck market,” says Rolf Schmidt-Robin, Senior Manager for TGS & TGX Product Management, MAN Truck & Bus AG, Munich. There are few commercial vehicle manufacturers other than MAN that can offer 48 MANFORUM 03/2013 Differential gearbox The differential gearboxes—the gear unit for front axle 1 is shown here—ensure complete rpm balancing between the individual wheels without any loss of power, so balancing out the different wheel paths when the vehicle takes curves. Differential gearbox For front axle 2 Illustration: Hokolo 3D “Our expertise in this field is re- functions in a single component, MAN’s engineers have succeeded in Drive for transfer gearbox Drive for front axles Drive for rear axles combining full functionality and driving performance on rough terrain with a heightened emphasis on environmental considerations. “A market share of 50 percent proves MAN’s expertise in the all-wheel sector.” 3 3 particularly in rural Africa, energy infrastructure is often patchy and in some cases destroyed by civil wars. Many inhabitants are forced to rely on improvised generators. man projects power plants in Africa powering up a continent In Africa, More than half the population lives without electricity. Inadequate energy production hampers social development and economic growth on the continent. this is where Decentralized power stations can help. atellites run by Nasa, the US Space Agency, have 50 MANFORUM 03/2013 or more than half of the population of the continent, live without reliable access to electricity. “Because of economic growth and rapidly increasing populations, energy demand is rising much faster in all parts of Africa than supply,” says Inge Hackenbroch, expert for East Africa at Germany Trade & Invest, the economic development agency of the Federal captured some spectacular images of Republic of Germany. According to the Earth at night: billions of street current estimates, the need for power lights, advertising displays, office in North Africa alone will quadruple buildings, residential blocks and air- by the year 2050. Inadequate electrici- ports brilliantly light Europe, the ty supply is holding back social and Americas and large parts of Asia. Only economic development. one massive area remains predomi- Multiple sources of energy are nantly dark: Africa. According to the actually available, however. “Tradi- International Energy Agency (IEA), tionally, African countries have relied Photo: J.B. Russell/Panos Pictures S almost 600 million people in Africa, 03/2013 MANFORUM 51 MANFORUM 03/2013 man projects power stations were ordered by the reference for f uture orders in the operate a Diesel Combined Cycle (DCC) Angolan energy company ENE, and region. “It also offers good opportuni- power plant by MAN—which is a first were constructed by a consortium ties for MAN PrimeServ branches that for Africa. Five engines will produce comprised of a Portuguese and a Bra- already offer their services locally,” around 88 megawatts of electricity. zilian company. The Holeby team is says Virkelyst. “The engines run on heavy crude, responsible for project management, production and configuration of the generators, as well as for installing them on site. “You can probably imagine the efforts required in planning, coordination and communication ac- Expanding the power supply grid in Africa is a very slow process. Countries lack the financial means and technical know-how to build power stations. In many of Angola’s villages, meals are therefore still cooked traditionally over an open fire. type of power production here is a lit- ing from Europe or anywhere else in tle different, however. “Around 70 per- the Western world is the availability of neers are expected to have all 49 ma- cent of energy in Kenya comes from parts and services. Every single detail chines up and running by mid-2013. hydropower. A few years ago, a period has to be planned,” relates Vehkakoski. The power plants are distributed in a of drought resulted in an energy short- In the case of one order fulfillment in decentralized pattern, and will supply fall and thereby forced the country to Gabon, during which MAN provided not just large cities on the coast such look for alternative sources.” The inde- support to an Israeli company, this as Luanda and Benguela, but also the pendent energy producer Thika Power meant that everything—ranging from hinterland, from the extreme north Limited placed an order with MAN the trucks to the elevators, from the bordering the Democratic Republic of Diesel & Turbo for a turnkey diesel pipes down to the tiniest screw—had the Congo to the southern areas close power station. The Thika location will to be imported from Israel. domestic construction companies are Bureaucratic red tape alone could provide power for ha l f of expensive commodity all over Africa. able to handle such large projects fi- The ramifications of many years of Africa—if only these resources were “Power outages are a daily irritation,” nancially,” says Vehkakoski. civil war are still visible, above all in tapped,” says Hackenbroch. “Naturally, reports Hackenbroch, who has lived in the utilization of solar energy might Africa for over 20 years. “In Nigeria’s Expertise from Germany also be perceived as a given in Africa. metropolis Lagos, for example, the And as they also frequently lack the Yet the technology is still unafford- power goes down just about every eve- necessary expertise, it is usually for- able, especially for the low-income ru- ning. That’s why practically all house- eign companies that work as contrac- ral population that could actually holds, offices and factories run their tors or suppliers. This includes MAN make very good use of it,” she adds. own diesel generators.” Diesel & Turbo: the plant in Holeby, 40 megawatts, to seven power sta- with an output of 1,000 megawatts also recently announced that it aims to tions in Angola. “This has been our could often supply the power require- spend close to €18 billion on the devel- largest order of its kind to date,” says ments of an entire country,” says Petri opment of its electricity grid. The René Holmblad, responsible for pro- Vehkakoski, Executive Manager and re- Angolan government intends to invest posal preparation. The project setup sponsible for African business at MAN the equivalent of about €13 billion by also presents its own challenges: The 6.8 megawatts. Angola in December 2012, MAN engi- er stations is very expensive and few sets with an output of between 10 and bine, which produces an additional almost a home game for MAN. “We’ve eight generators were shipped to ergy anyway, electricity is a scarce and panding their energy supply. Algeria east of the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, is “The biggest difference between ing power lines could not carry this en- have stated their commitment to ex- drive a type MARC2 MAN steam tur- orders placed in Africa and those com- gigantic water resources, Ethiopia “In Africa, even a single power plant heat of the engines will also be used to tion project in Thika, located north- many years,” says Vehkakoski. The thirds of their electricity. With its Ailing power lines diesel,” says Vehkakoski. The exhaust Compared with Angola, the power sta- order management. After the last the year 2016. “Constructing new pow- Denmark, will deliver 49 generator which is some 30 percent cheaper than been doing business in Kenya for Diesel & Turbo in Augsburg. As the ail- Almost all nations in Central Africa angola and kenya are striving to expand and develop their energy supply, similar to other African nations. Home game in Kenya tivities,” says Bo Tornøe, who heads on hydropower, which generates two- to Namibia. the more remote areas. And this situPhoto: J.B. Russell/Panos Pictures, Guy Mansfield/Panos Pictures “In Africa, an output of 1,000 megawatts could often supply an entire country.” 52 3 ation does not make the job any easier. “At one power station site in the 30 percent of the population in Angola live without electricity. Equipped with MAN generators, a power station in Benguela serves to remedy the situation. Decentralized models “In the coming 20 to 30 years, development in Africa will offer a plethora of business opportunities, especially as MAN’s power plant solutions are ideally suited for decentralized power supply,” asserts Vehkakoski. “After northeast of Angola, the bridges were years of civil war in many cases, set- in such deplorable condition that we backs on the path to democracy can- had to break the generators down into not be ruled out altogether – but the lighter components for transport,” economically stronger nations such as says Vehkakoski. “Importing goods is Angola, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, also extremely complicated, often in- Uganda and Ethiopia, or Ghana with volving mountains of paperwork,” its oil reserves, are still fairly stable adds Holeby project manager Gregers politically,” adds East Africa expert N. Virkelyst, alluding to the bureau- Inge Hackenbroch. These countries cratic obstacles and red tape. The are working towards a future when team takes it in its stride—after all, Africa at night will no longer appear as this project is designed to become a the Dark Continent. 03/2013 MANFORUM 53 3 Can any sightseeing tour continue for two full years? We are your MAN. size MAtteRs man projects By 2050, two-thirds of humanity will live in cities. What is the impact on traffic patterns in metropolitan areas? How do we retain our mobility? In cooperation with the Technical University Munich, MAN examined these issues in its “What Cities Want” study. For two years, we have listened to representatives from 15 large cities as well as experts from the business and transport sectors. And we understand. Our knowledge and experience will serve to safeguard the quality of life in urban areas and ensure the continued flow of traffic. Let’s get the job done. GiANt vessels with a two-stroke Learn more on how MAN can tackle other issues through careful attention and a lookahead approach: beat: In huge container ships, multistoried two-stroke power for full speed ahead. The largest two-stroke units built by MAN Diesel & Turbo reach a height of up to 18.5 meters. Photos: Hauke Dressler, MAN engines deliver the Engineering the Future – since 1758. MAN Group 54 MANFORUM 03/2013
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