A cloudfingr white paper ‘How to’ cloud Sponsored by TELUS Michael O’Neil CEO, IT Market Dynamics February 2013 cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources 1 ‘How to’ cloud As cloud becomes more established in the Canadian and global business landscapes, we are seeing increasing focus on the practical aspects of cloud adoption – on ‘how to’ cloud. Despite the relative conservative use of cloud in Canada, we are able to see patterns in how it is successfully positioned, what the key obstacles to implementation are, and how organizations can overcome these obstacles to take advantage of the agility and cost benefits of cloud-based solutions. Ensuring alignment between real business need and the continuously-increasing options available through cloud is an essential starting point, and integrating these offerings within business, technology and management frameworks is critical to longer-term success. Obstacles are largely tied to the paradigm change associated with cloud, to concerns about security and control, and to the need to address issues with IT skills, measurement and career paths, with management and user technology preferences, and with procurement guidelines. These issues can (and will be) overcome by adjusting business processes and measurement to align with cloud-specific attributes, creating an environment in which the “win” of cloud is shared by stakeholders across the organization. Contents Context Research results As cloud becomes more established in the Canadian and global business landscapes, we are seeing two important changes in the cloud discussion. One is that “cloud” is increasingly seen as a term applied to a variety of different business/technology strategies, rather than as a discrete entity. Cloud is not a monolith – it is a shorthand description for a rich ecosystem of web-dependent services addressing a wide range of specific business requirements, as well as for the overall IT/business architecture within which these services are managed and delivered. The other important change in cloud is seen in the nature of the discussion. While the dialogue around “what is cloud?” continues to evolve, and the answers to “why should we ‘cloud’?” become correspondingly more diverse and compelling, the business community is moving beyond these exploratory issues to focus on understanding how to move forward. As the answers to “what is cloud?” and “why cloud?” become better aligned with pressing business objectives, “how to cloud?” has become the key question in the cloud debate. Synopsis 2 Context 2 What makes the cloud adoption process unique? 3 The “12 Step Method” to rolling out cloud 7 Lessons learned: 10 Canadian cloud success stories 11 Observations 12 Sponsor perspective TELUS 3 cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources Synopsis: 2 Because cloud is still at an early stage of implementation in most organizations, there are few well-established best practices that can be broadly applied. However, there is enough collective experience with cloud to start defining how organizations can position cloud to address common business requirements, what is important to success, the constraints and obstacles to successful cloud implementation, and how organizations can approach the cloud to enhance their likelihood of success. What makes the cloud adoption process unique? In some ways, the process that leads a business to adopt cloud is identical to that used to assess and embrace traditional IT offerings. The adoption cycle itself includes the same stages: a rational approach begins with strategic planning (what business problems are we solving and what are we going to do about them?) and operational planning (how are we going to do it?), moves into recognition and assessment of obstacles to success, and evaluation of the technologies that might provide a means of addressing these problems, and then proceeds to the purchase, implementation, and ongoing support/enhancement of the solution. Implementing cloud: key steps to success An ITMD Q&A with TELUS IT Market Dynamics asked Adi Kabazo, manager for cloud products and services at TELUS, to share the best practices that he has observed – both from customers and from TELUS’s own adoption of cloud. Here’s what we learned… ITMD: What benefits are your customers typically focused on – cost, agility, both? And what evaluation period are they using to see if they are meeting their requirements? AK: The primarily benefit customers are seeking, whether they opt for a managed private ∆: With cloud, it is possible to recognize/ assess problems while tracking/ supporting solitions ∆: Public/ private cloud ∆: Point/ strategic adoption Strategic Planning Operational Planning Recognizing & Assessing Problems Searching & Evaluating Alternative Solutions Traditional infrastructure Selecting Solution & Committing Adi Kabazo, manager for cloud products and services, TELUS Implementing Solution Tracking and Supporting Solution Cloud Source: © Hartco Inc. (traditional); © IT Market Dynamics (cloud) This model should not be copied or used without the express written consent of Hartco As Figure 1 illustrates, the business discussion around cloud is no different than it is for any technology option: successful adoption starts with a definition of business objectives and the steps needed to achieve those objectives, followed by an assessment of infrastructure cloud, public infrastructure cloud or SaaS is increased flexibility – both operational and financial. They are aligning IT better with the business so that the organization can respond faster to changes required (or dictated) by customers, users and the competition. (continued on page 4) cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources Relative Difficulty Figure 1. IT Adoption cycle: traditional infrastructure and cloud 3 the actions needed to address capability gaps. At this juncture, we see a difference between cloud deployment models. Private cloud, which is a new self-service enabled delivery model built (typically) on more or less traditional infrastructure, follows the traditional adoption cycle. Public cloud – including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS – branches off, with reduced difficulty of solution evaluation, due to the fact that the services themselves arrive preconfigured: if you procure a public IaaS service, for example, you obtain processing capability, but for the most part you don’t need to implement the various aspects of that capability – for example, security, backup, ability of staff to use the tools needed to manage the infrastructure – that are bundled into the IaaS offering. Figure 2. Experience with SLA management (continued from page 3) An increasing number of organizations understand that while certain cost elements will be reduced others will increase but overall the ability of the organization to adapt better and faster to changes will improve. For subscription based services (infrastructure or applications) shorter time frames are sufficient to evaluate gains; for solutions that entail investment of capital to deliver the solution (e.g. a private infrastructure cloud) the agility benefits can materialize quickly but the financial evaluation requires around 4 years which is a widely acceptable standard life for IT equipment. At the next stage in the process – the acquisition of the solution – we see another branch in deployment approaches. Buyers looking strictly for point capability can acquire cloud capability much more easily than traditional infrastructure; with a credit card, a user can gain immediate access to a server, a development environment, or a complete application, without having to go through the cost justification associated with a AK: This depends on the type of cloud. For applications the big impact will be on change management and user experience so solid business analysis, service desk and training should be in place. For infrastructure initiatives, experienced staff with virtualization and networking skills are required. For PaaS you’ll of course be looking for developers proficient with agile methodology, web services, databases and web client technologies to name a few. ITMD: Are there characteristics that you’ve noticed in your most successful cloud customers – in terms of their objectives and/or their approach? (continued on page 5) cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources ITMD: What skills are required on staff, to take advantage of cloud? 4 There is an argument to be made that at a strategic level, cloud deployment and ongoing support and monitoring will be more complex than is shown in Figure 1, and when hybrid architectures that commingle traditional and cloud infrastructure become common, we may need to revisit our position on these activities. To date, though, feedback from cloud adopters has been that deployment is very straightforward, and that ongoing support – provided by the supplier, rather than through internal resources – is less onerous than with traditional infrastructure. The net of this analysis is that migration to cloud does not alter the initial stages in the technology adoption cycle. The issues that presage IT acquisition – establishing strategic business priorities, building an action plan to take action on the strategic objectives, and understanding the gaps that exist between current and required capability – are important to both traditional and cloudbased solutions; in fact, the “lessons learned” section in this paper reflects the common perspective across multiple cloud users that this kind of planning is extremely important to successful cloud initiatives. Where the ‘how’ of cloud differs from traditional IT is in the scoping, acquisition, deployment, and support stages. Based on our research data, ITMD believes that cloud solution acquisition (continued from page 4) AK: Yes – being focused in the scope of the initiative such that it is contained and manageable, and realistic in terms of the objectives both in terms of business and financial benefits. ITMD: Do you typically find both IT and line of business management involved in cloud initiatives? AK: Yes, we find business management involved when we work with organizations that are advanced in their IT maturity. The ultimate users and sponsors of IT come from the business lines and these managers need to be on board with the strategy, goals and risks of any IT initiative. Making those feasible through cloud deployment models shouldn’t change that. ITMD: As a supplier, do you find that offering cloud services gets you closer to your clients’ business planning and processes? AK: Our consultants, architects and pre-sales engineers are increasingly involved with cloud initiatives of our clients. Certainly our customers are more receptive to listening to our advice rather than prescribing an infrastructure specification for a traditional hosting solution – though in reality it is in the interest of all parties that the provider is knowledgeable enough to craft the right solution to meet the functionality, availability, performance and budgetary requirements no matter the deployment model – cloud, traditional infrastructure or hybrids of both. cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources CAPEX expenditure. However, it is ITMD’s opinion that acquisition of cloud services as a strategic platform may actually prove to be more difficult than product procurement for many businesses. As is shown in Figure 2, many IT and business managers – especially in small business – lack experience with evaluating and managing SLAs; this will necessitate that they add new staff skills and/or work with suppliers who can help align SLAs with business requirements. It’s worth noting that many of these same organizations might currently find that provisioning traditional infrastructure can also be a complex process: while acquisition of specific physical products may be straightforward, purchase of integrated infrastructure solutions requires extensive work in the solution evaluation stage, and there can be substantial complexity in provisioning the many components of such solutions. The point made in the figure is that the nature of the challenge is different with cloud, and that in turn may require (as is noted above) new skills and/or relationships with suppliers possessing these skills. 5 can actually be more involved than purchase of physical systems, due to a lack of experience in evaluating cloud providers and their ability to deliver on SLAs. However, in each of the other three areas (scoping, deployment and support), cloud reduces the impediments to applying technology to address business requirements. Those who can navigate the ‘how’ will end up with the cost and agility benefits that position cloud as the preferred architecture for organizations of all sizes, and in all industries. In the next two sections, we explore feedback from experienced cloud suppliers and users to detail the keys to cloud success. An alternative view: from line to cycle Pat Waid, president of Hartco, and the original author of the IT Adoption Cycle (Figure 1) – reported that his evolved version of the figure is structured as a continuous cycle with an “optimization” stage as an additional point in the process. Waid also believes that, depending on the situation, search and evaluation may be more difficult that we have shown above, since there may be a need to engage multiple service providers, and most of these suppliers will have a relatively small number of relevant (e.g., similar industry, size, and application mix) reference accounts for a new buyer to assess. He adds, “I see the main benefit of cloud materializing after implementation, as ongoing support/maintenance and scaling (up or down) should be simpler” in the cloud. Figure 3. Two views of cloud adoption Linear model, traditional and cloud infrastructure Feedback cycle of cloud adoption Track/ support solution Operational planning Implement solution Select/ commit Assess problems Evaluate solutions Source: © Hartco Inc. (traditional); © IT Market Dynamics (cloud); NewPath Consulting (Feedback cycle) This model should not be copied or used without the express written consent of Hartco Alex Sirota, who serves as Peer Lead for ITMD’s cloud software research – also prefers a cyclical rather than linear representation, and raised an additional point about how the cycle might vary for SMBs. In Sirota’s opinion, while large enterprises have formal internal processes for strategic and operational planning reviews, SMBs generally do not – and over time, the interaction that cloud suppliers can enable within their user communities (and the wider discussion loops that cloud tends to spawn) may provide additional business management benefit to SMB executives. He believes that in cloud, it is possible to cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources Strategic planning 6 obtain strategic and operational strategy input from the solution tracking process – resulting in the cycle shown in the Figure 3. The benefits shown in the cyclic version are not automatic – and indeed, it’s probable that relatively few SMBs will obtain them until the process is more fully understood. However, this kind of model points to the ways in which cloud can not only replace traditional approaches, but offer entirely new forms of benefit. The “12 Step Method” to rolling out cloud As part of the cloudfingr research initiative, ITMD asked supply-side firms from across the cloud spectrum – suppliers of IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, cloud tools, and other cloud services – to provide their perspectives on “the 3-5 most important steps to successful cloud adoption.” More than a dozen firms responded, and their input formed the basis for the following list of steps: 1. Identify strategic needs; define success 2. Understand the costs and ability of traditional vs. cloud approaches to meeting your strategic objectives 3. Identify the applications/workloads that are to be moved to the cloud; identify the best tools for migration and cloud-based applications; compare this with current-state technologies 4. Understand how cloud will affect your infrastructure, your staff, and your customers – build a cloud strategy 5. Define the steps needed for migration, and a governance process that can be applied to the journey 6. Rally support from executives and other stakeholders 7. Build or acquire the technical skills needed to support the migration and the solution 8. Evaluate suppliers 9. Build a comprehensive plan for user on-boarding 10. Roll out cloud in controlled stages 11. Execute quickly and according to plan 12. Leverage the full value of the new tools and services A quick comparison of these steps with Figure 1 shows that at a high level, there is alignment between the advice of the cloud supply community and the more general adoption cycle. Drilling deeper into the feedback, though, we find that the unique attributes of cloud have an impact on how each of these stages is managed. Specific observations captured in our research and the ITMD perspective on these observations include: Identify strategic needs; define success…highlight specifically where and how you can reduce cost and [increase ability to] scale; understand that successful cloud adoption goes beyond cost savings and infrastructure efficiencies to business transformation; define what success means to you cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources 12 steps to successful cloud deployment 7 ITMD note: It’s interesting to see that suppliers from every part of the cloud ecosystem (SaaS, IaaS/PaaS, cloud tools/infrastructure, and cloud services firms are all represented here) highlight the need for front-end strategic planning. Clearly, this is a universal cloud requirement! Research traditional vs. cloud solutions…compare a 3-5 year cost of the infrastructure, software and staffing for each; illustrate the financial and operational benefits o ITMD note: Again, we found voices from multiple points in the ecosystem stressing the need for financial comparisons, to help position the business case for cloud-based solutions. These comparisons may extend beyond traditional TCO metrics; TELUS’s Kabazo noted that financial analysis of cloud might extend to include benefits like the financial flexibility gained by avoiding up-front investment and the benefit associated with use of funds not tied up in a capital acquisition. Kabazo also expanded on the operational issues, citing the flexibility to use IT resources for innovation or increased responsiveness to business needs as two considerations in comparing cloud to traditional infrastructure. Identify key business apps to move to the cloud and identify the best tools for migration; understand current state and define goals o ITMD note: This guidance spans three points in the Adoption Cycle outlined in Figure 1 – it incorporates aspects of operational planning, gap analysis, and solution identification. As many cloud offerings deliver capabilities that aren’t well understood, and which don’t necessarily have direct analogues in the traditional IT infrastructure space, organizations need to connect options with requirements and even corporate tactics, to best capture the potential for cloud to address strategic objectives. Build a cloud strategy that addresses your specific goals; understand how cloud will impact your customers and staff; ensure that internet connectivity is not an issue for the users of the software o ITMD note: This step starts to focus in on the solution identification stage in the cycle. The specific advice to understand the impact on customers and staff is echoed in the feedback we obtained during case studies with cloud users (see next section), and the internet connectivity observation is also consistent with “lessons learned” that have been reported to ITMD. Define each step that must be taken to move from your current infrastructure to your desired cloud solution; establish a robust cloud governance system Gain executive support for the initiative and stakeholder buy-in and commitment to giving the new cloud based solution a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate its worth o ITMD note: These two steps refer to actions that should be taken once your organization has committed to moving ahead with a cloud-based (or at least, cloud-inclusive) strategy. Executive support helps users to understand that the new approach is important to the organization’s success, while “time to success” helps reduce the potential for users to ignore new cloud systems in favour of existing tools – another issue that was highlighted in our user case studies. cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources o 8 Achieve the right skill set on staff o ITMD note: In our opinion, the IT staff is one of the most significant potential obstacles to a cloud strategy. Cloud represents change, which creates uncertainty with respect to how a current staff member will fit within the new IT strategy. Most people understand that cloud is coming at some point to nearly every organization and workload; by providing IT training early in the process, management can help staff to understand where they fit, and to develop new skills that are well aligned with emerging requirements. Evaluate suppliers, ensure that they have the redundancy/security needed; address security and management; compare providers to see whose services best complement your capabilities; contact other users of cloud and on premise solutions [to understand experiences/lessons learned]; vet cloud based software vendors…it's critical that a cloud adoption strategy take into consideration the track record and stability of the vendor, and also potentially draft a mitigation strategy in the event the vendor ceases business operations and stops supporting, or even hosting their software o ITMD note: Here again, we find voices from multiple points within the ecosystem agreeing on a common cloud requirement: to evaluate suppliers according to the issues and principles that are important to understanding cloud capabilities. It’s worth noting that while this guidance aligns directly with the “evaluating solutions” step in the Adoption Cycle, it may involve issues (security, redundancy, continuity) that are specific to, or particularly important within, a cloud context. Security in particular has proven to be an essential consideration in cloud; it is generally cited as the key obstacle to cloud adoption. Organizations planning to adopt cloud will need to align with suppliers who can help them build organizational trust in cloud by delivering security standards that are equal to or greater than the security levels that the organization’s IT function can deliver on its own. Plan for/address user on-boarding. Engagement is important; it's critical that due time and attention are given to learning the features and committing to regular use until the product is integrated into the businesses workflow. This is especially true for cloud based solutions, since most are billed monthly and do not require a long term contract. Implementation failure due to an 'easy out' is therefore a more likely scenario, making stakeholder buy-in the most important step to cloud adoption. o ITMD note: In many contexts, “integration” of cloud services is more about integrating them with business processes than with other technologies. The guidance presented here reflects this need to connect user requirements with cloud system features. Roll out the cloud in a controlled fashion – select a set of workloads (for IaaS) or test group of users (for SaaS), make some investment and try it for three months before expanding the service penetration in your company; start small – the scalability and elasticity of the cloud provides the ability to start small and add and consume resources as demand grows; prioritize and plan a phased migration to cloud services Execute quickly and according to plan cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources 9 Leverage full value of new toolsets o ITMD note: the advice reflected in these final two steps aligns directly with the “implementing” stage in the Adoption Cycle – and with ITMD’s long-held belief that incremental deployment is essential to successful introduction of new technologies. As is shown in Figure 4, an approach that focuses strictly on technology risks becoming a “field of dreams” exercise, where functionality is deployed without any real proof that users are asking for (or will use) the system’s capabilities. Systems that are deployed against multiple demands by multiple users run the opposite risk – that they will meet requirements without delivering the levels of integration and control needed by viable long-term solutions. The success path – articulated succinctly by TELUS as “crawl, walk, run” – is one in which the technology is first deployed against a limited and well-defined set of user needs, and scaled in stages to address a wider set of business requirements. cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources Figure 4. The “success path” to new technology adoption 10 Lessons Learned: 10 Canadian cloud success stories In parallel with the cloudfingr research, ITMD (and media firm IT in Canada) conducted case studies with Canadian organizations that have adopted cloud. Consult with customers – gain clear understanding of what new systems can/should deliver (Allocadia). The customers may be internal or external, or both – but in any event, starting with business need helps avoid the “field of dreams” trap Map the processes being moved to the cloud in advance – don’t bank on ad-hoc adjustments (Sunny Hill/Pine Cliff); understand how you will maintain, administer, and monitor the system (Verafin). We heard repeatedly that the front end of the adoption cycle – the planning items – are crucial to success. Plan for scale – ensure that the new architecture is capable of meeting current and future needs (Postmedia); select vendors who will invest in the solution over time (University of Waterloo). Both of these organizations implemented private cloud; this “lesson learned” highlights issues that are of specific concern to private cloud initiatives. Connect your internal project management team with external experts (Postmedia) Both cloud’s newness and its pace of change make it unlikely that an organization will have a full complement of skills on staff; the suggestion here is to connect internal resources focused on business outcomes with external subject experts, to both enhance prospects for immediate success and to facilitate knowledge transfer in key areas. Select tools that fit with the current infrastructure and staff experience (University of Waterloo); experiment with the cloud system – become familiar with it before integrating it with other systems and user processes (Sunny Hill/Pine Cliff). Regardless of whether external experts are engaged or the IT staff takes internal responsibility for system rollout, it’s important to build familiarity/comfort with the system before rolling it out to end users. Take the time to explain the intent and value of the new solution to users before deployment (Ingenuity); obtain early feedback to help shape the adoption and rollout process (Allocadia); implement specific performance metrics to alleviate business concerns associated with platform changes (Postmedia). This was some of the most interesting feedback from the cases. Users may be discomfited by the new system; helping them to understand the reasons for the migration will help them to understand why they should embrace it. Feedback helps to address rough patches through the testing/implementation process; performance metrics help address the (likely) objections that ‘the old way was better’ with fact-based comparisons of the previous state, new system expectations, and the current state. Dedicate planning time to understanding how to get all employees to use cloud-based systems in the same way (UniForge); invest in internal training programs to ensure adoption of new systems, rather than allowing employees to default back to existing tools (Atlantic Interiors); be detailed and specific in describing tasks managed through the cloud system – this will reduce time needed cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources After reviewing these cases, ITMD extracted 10 “lessons learned” which provide readers of this paper with guidance based on the real-world experiences of Canadian organizations. These lessons (with ITMD observations added in italics) include: 11 for management or technical support if/when issues are escalated (Ingenuity). Current users agree that time spent ramping up users is crucial to adoption of the new system. Don’t overwhelm employees with too many options – focus on most relevant system aspects, allow for time to learn and absorb, cover additional features/functions in subsequent training (RSI); document each stage needed to create and implement the solution (Verafin); stage the rollout with clear milestones to help align expectations, progress and requirements (Allocadia); build in stages, prioritizing specific systems for migration to the cloud (Postmedia). This guidance echoes the “crawl, walk, run” advice from TELUS, and the key message in Figure 3. Migrate from virtualization to cloud through implementation of next-generation management tools; automate routine IT tasks through the transition (University of Waterloo). Although this advice comes from a private cloud user, it applies more broadly; it behooves users to take advantage of the technology to automate both the transition to and the ongoing management of the cloud environment. Have an internal “go to” person within the business unit who can train others (Sunny Hill/Pine Cliff, Atlantic Interiors). This is good advice in the adoption of many new solution types, and it was repeated in two of our case studies: establishing internal champions who can help colleagues to understand and use the new technology is an important aspect of new technology adoption. The migration to cloud is still in its early stages, but the path itself is beginning to sprout signposts offering direction along the way. The “12 step method” provides a practical framework for a cloud strategy, and the lessons learned from the Canadian case studies illustrate specific issues that IT and business management will want to consider as they build plans for integrating cloud capabilities within their business processes. Finally, the Adoption Cycle section of this paper raises two key points. The first is that, while deployment of cloud differs in some important ways from implementation of traditional infrastructure, there is an enduring need to link any IT decision to core strategic and operational objectives. And the other, captured at the end of the section, is true of many important new technologies, and of cloud as well: that while we can see how and why cloud is a better way of delivering needed services than traditional approaches, we are likely to find that it also offers entirely new (and difficult to predict) benefits to firms that invest in the technology, and use it to its full potential. cloudfingr: the definitive directory of Canadian cloud resources Concluding observations 12
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