General General Primary Primary School News School Issue 25 37 15 May 2014 Thursday, [2013-2014 10 October 2013 Issue Secondary Sports Activities E– Team Secondary School News Events-ASA Events & ASA School SchoolClinic Clinic Sports Act. E-Team School Martim, Mostafa, Khrisha and Anna We are grade 5 students and we have been working on our Exhibition issue, which is hacking. As part of our taking action, we wanted to create awareness about this topic. We would like to give you some helpful tips on how to protect your identity online. TIPS ON HOW TO PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY ONLINE 1. Don’t give out your personal information online, such as where you live or your phone number. 2. Keep your password a secret from everybody you know. 3. Treat people on the internet how you would like to be treated in person. 4. Store your personal information, like passwords and credit card numbers, somewhere safe and offline. 5. If someone finds out your password, you should immediately generate a new one, write it down somewhere safe and try to memorize it. Article of the field trip On the 30th of April, the exhibition group living with a disability went on a learning experience to the Dubai Center for Special Needs. We met many wonderful children that were truly role models despite their disabilities! Lilia: We all got split up into different classes to spend 45 minutes with wonderful disabled students. The first 10 minutes in the classes were very different, they were filled with affective things to help the students with disabilities such as special math books, reading books and stuffed animals to help their anger issues. My mother and I met many wonderful students, we also got to greet them so we can understand their inner feelings better. I definitely think that these 45 minutes in the classes were very educational and indeed helped us with our research! Davide: The Dubai Center for Special Needs indeed has a different set up and different activities compared to regular schools. Lots of charities donate money to provide better activities for the school witch also adds extra rooms to the place. The tour guide, Ms. Lois showed us around the center. We saw pottery rooms, woodwork, art rooms, a regular room to teach students how to be responsible, P.E gyms and a great big theatre. These activities help the kids be independent and get them interested in the arts. We all loved our trip to the center! It made us realise how lucky we are to be healthy and strong. We all hope that the whole of RWA does too! Kellie: We can all see that when you enter such a beautiful school with wonderful children you do ask yourself: “what do they do that’s so different from what we do at school?” When we entered the school, we saw that it had beautiful classrooms filled with great activities to entertain and teach their students about. They had woodwork, arts and even a musical theatre! Now that’s something very special that these disabled kids love to do. So when you wrap this up, people do see that these kids are different, yet they go to school and learn just like we do! Rather than being dis-abled, it would be better to say that they are differently—abled. Amir: When we first entered the center, I felt exited to meet new and amazing students. When I officially met these students, I felt happy to become friends with them as well as scared that something would go wrong. I also met a 17 year old girl that had trouble getting her folder out of her bag and that touched me deep inside. When they put us in different classes, we could see that they were really happy to work with us. Noemi: At the center, I started to observe the different kinds of disability there were. I saw some students that were blind, deaf and couldn’t speak. I also saw some that couldn’t stand loud noises or had paralyzed body parts. Some of the disabilities were more severe than others but all the students were very nice and caring deep inside. Most of the students had nannies esaccompanying them because their disability is too severe. I still wonder why some kids need nannies and some don’t. We can all see that there are a lot of disabilities yet more are to be discovered! Joining Hands For Our Children PARIS has had a very successful year and with this success comes both congratulatory comment and rumblings of discontent: these are all good signs of a healthy, democratic organization. No matter which camp you find yourself in, you should consider nominating yourself or your competent and appropriately 'driven’ friends or acquaintances for these positions in order to advance or improve PARIS and thus advance the interests of our children. Positions available are: Chairperson Vice Chairperson(s) Treasurer Important Dates: Our next PARIS meeting is the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTIONS on Wednesday, the 28th of May from 8am to 10am in the 2nd Floor Lecture Theatre. Second Hand Uniform Shop Open on: Sundays 8am to 9am Tuesdays 2pm to 3pm Thursdays 2pm to 3pm Located in the PARIS room behind the Reception ZUMBA CLASSES Secretary Communication Coordinator Events Coordinator Class Parent Coordinator for Kindergarten 1 -Grade 5 Class Parent Coordinator for Grade 6 to Grade 12 Second Hand Shop Coordinator There shall be only one (1) Chairperson but there may be either one (1) or two (2) Vice Chairperson(s). You may nominate for more than one position. Please send your nominations (including contact details for the nominee) to as soon as possible but in any case no later than 25 May as I will need to check acceptance with the nominee. You may self-nominate right up until the AGM. We are looking forward to welcoming you on board!! ——————————————————————————-Everyone’s favorite event THE took place on the 8th of May in the MAIN ATRIUM from 08:00-3:00pm.There were lots of sweet treat, healthy snacks and popcorn too. Thanks to all PARIS member and parents for their help and efforts. ——————————————————————————-If you want to give your pot plant a new home, you are most welcome to donate it to the school. JOIN A CLUB!! ARABIC COFFEE CLUB How can you learn or improve your spoken Arabic? Join Abeer ( every Tuesday (8:15am to 9:30am) at Starbucks (Jumeirah Road). ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLUB Want to have a simple conversation but don’t have the confidence or vocabulary? Join Maree (055-5824388) on WEDNESDAYs (9am – 11am). FRENCH CONVERSATION CLUB Polish up your spoken French. Join Natacha ( & Stephanie ( for more information. Contact PARIS ————————————————————————————— Thank you students and parents for helping us spend the money by submitting your ideas …. And the winning idea is OUTDOOR PICNIC TABLE AND CHAIRS and the possibility of WATER SPRAY FANS. PARIS RAFFLES WORLD ACADEMCY For all PARIS updates view the PARIS board in the main atrium BE INFORMED, BE CONNECTED, BE INVOLVED. JOIN PARIS General Primary Secondary Events-ASA School Clinic Sports Act. E-Team 2D is as persuasive as can be! 2D have been busy persuading readers to agree with their ideas! They have written about having no homework, more time for recess in school and about bringing iPad in school amongst other topics. They have learned to organize their writing using persuasive text structure (opinion, reasons, examples, conclusion) .They are now able to elaborate their ideas to present a persuasive argument! 3G persuades people to take action for the environment During the last few weeks grade 3G has been trying hard to persuade people to take better care of the environment. The study of our unit entitled “Humans impact the natural world” has shown the students both the negative and positive effects of people’s actions towards nature. The third graders have completed a piece of persuasive writing, with at least three arguments, to discuss their chosen impact and educate people into some of the causes and effects of human actions. These ranged from deforestation and pollution to planting trees and keeping animals out of captivity. Each student gave an oral presentation, first to their classmates and then to parents during the Reporting to Parents session at the culmination of the unit. These arguments were backed up by a visual display, a Powerpoint presentation, a poster or a comic strip. I have been impressed with the commitment and knowledge of my students during this topic. Gill Assi 3G Teacher Grade 5 Corner The past seven weeks have been very busy for Grade 5 students as they prepare for their PYP Exhibition which takes place this week. Now, as we enter our final week, the students are finalizing ideas, planning their boards and preparing their presentations. The students have all been working on ‘Taking Action’ recently and so far we have had beach clean ups, fruit sales in school, planting trees and educational talks to our younger students to name just a few things. We would like to thank everyone for the tremendous support we have received this year in the lead up to the PYP exhibition, and we look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday Evening. Grade 5 Mandarin Field Trip On April 2nd, the Grade 5 Mandarin students went on a field trip to the China Sea Restaurant in Deira. The students watched as the Chinese chiefs prepared dishes for lunch. They saw Chinese noodles being made by hand, the chief skillfully stretching out the dough, thinner and thinner. Students practiced their speaking skills with the Chinese waitresses. They were able to introduce themselves to the waitresses and made a big impression on the workers there. The restaurant staff were amazed that we had so many different nationalities learning Mandarin. The lunch was wonderful. Students enjoyed roast duck pancakes, fried prawns, tofu, broccoli, noodles, fried squid, and of course, Chinese dumplings. It was all very delicious! Everyone had a great time, speaking Chinese and learning how to use chopsticks. Mei Ling Mandarin Teacher General Primary Secondary Events-ASA School Clinic Sports Act. E–Team Message from the Head of Secondary School Dear Parents, Academic Honesty One of the IB Learner Profile attributes is that members of the community are Principled: they act with integrity and honesty. RWA Secondary teachers recently underwent training in the use of the internet based Turnitin software. This is used to review students’ work to help us ensure academic honesty in coursework and internal assessment. It will mainly be used in the IBDP and IGCSE courses. Turnitin identifies sections of work that may have been plagiarized. The two training days were run by our ICT teacher, Ms Qureshi, and were attended by IBDP teachers from all departments in the Secondary School. As noted in the IB documents on Academic Honesty, with the growth of the internet and its use, the abuse of electronic media is now prevalent within the academic community. There are an increasing number of sites that actively encourage students to plagiarize and even purchase essays. We have no control over the emergence of these sites, but we are trying to inform our students about academic honesty and dishonesty and will use the internet itself for detecting academic dishonesty when possible. RWA has an Academic Honesty policy that outlines responsibilities of students, staff and parents with regards to helping ensure all work to promote personal integrity and good practice. Academic honesty also includes proper conduct in written examinations. We are currently running both external IGCSE and IBDP examinations for our Grade 10 and 12 students respectively. On June 1st, we will start our internal end of year examinations. Students have been given a list of expectations for their conduct during our exams and we have been very pleased with how the vast majority of our students take their exams seriously and prepare well for them. If students take time to plan a good revision programme and stick to it, they should not be tempted to cheat. Wishing everyone the best of luck in their upcoming examinations! Carol Meyer Head of Secondary School Raffles World Academy General Primary Secondary Events-ASA School Clinic Sports Act. E–Team Big Heart Foundation - Aid for Syria Representatives from the Big Heart Campaign (Aid for Syria) came to RWA on Sunday 11 May to collect a cheque for Dhs3,395 from raised by students in Grades 6, 7 and 11 students at Raffles World Academy. There was a Gr 6 and 7 student-led and devised campaign (10 minutes of extra lunch break for 10 dhs) as well as a sale of Big Heart bracelets which was ably led by Grade 11 students (notably Sara Catani, Marcello Romagnai, Valerio Nera, Gianmarco Cannizzo, Sebastiano Mirabella & Davideo D’angelo). You can find out more about the Big Heart Campaign at http:// Well done to everyone who donated to this worthy cause. Many thanks, Ciara O ‘Donoghue-Head of Gr 7, Marie Jones-Head of Gr 6 & Courtney Wyche- Gr 6-8 Coordinator DI@TECH 2014 We are very pleased to announce that students from RWA participated in a movie making competition during DI@TECH at our sister school, Dubai International Academy, and secured positions in the competition. Second position was secured by a group of grade 8 students, Alicia Hartung, Martina Ghoraishi and Maryam Daya. They were required to make an advert on a garbage can, which I must say was quite a challenging and a stressful task to achieve in roughly two and a half hours. Third position was secured by Aylin Rana, Hala Koheil and Sharmaine Mehta from grade 11. Well done girls! Zunaira Siddiqui, ICT/ITGS teacher General Primary Secondary Events-ASA School Clinic Sports Act. E– Team FROM THE EVENTS CORNER Dear Parents and Students, The month of May is upon us! Once again we have a lot taking place as the year draws to an end. The highlights in Junior School are the PYP Exhibition and Presentations taking place in the sports hall from May 13 to May 15. I was lucky enough to be present last year and was very impressed with what the students had researched and shared with teachers and parents alike. In Secondary School, the PE Department has organised the annual Swimming Gala for boys and girls in our school. Once again the four houses battled it out for supremacy with Shams coming on top in the boys’ competition. We await results for the girls’ competition that will take place soon. As the year comes to an end, we are all organising the events calendar for next year. We strive to improve on the quality of current events and also hope to bring new ones that can help our students have fun and learn at the same time. We will soon let you know of the great ideas our staff and students have come up with to bring new ideas to the fold. AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Dear Parents and Students, May 22nd will be the last day for ASA’s at our school for this year. In the hectic days leading up to May 22, we will have some venue changes and cancellations. Please read the following information carefully. May 4- May22 All ASA’s in Junior School Gym All ASA’s in Junior School Gym moved to KG Activity Room. IBDP/IGCSE Exams Gymnastics moved to Downstairs Sports Hall. May 13-May 15 May 22 All ASA’s in Downstairs Sports Hall All Regards, Colin Scicluna ASA and Events Coordinator Cancelled PYP Exhibition None Last Day of ASA’s General Secondary Primary Events-ASA School Clinic Sports Act. E– Team Dear Parents, Please find attached and here below some very important information about next year’s vaccination program at Raffles World Academy . Please read carefully and get back to the Health Office before June 10th with the attached form duly signed, as we need time to analyse the Data and inform the Department of Health, Dubai Health Authorities. Below you will find the list of vaccinations provided by Dubai Health Authorities (subject to availability) Vaccine Age DPT/OPV (Tetanus, Diphteria and Polio) 2nd Booster MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) 2nd dose Td/OPV 3rd Booster Td 4th Booster HBV (Hepatitis B Vaccine) 1 dose nd HBV 2 dose, after 2 months from previous dose HBV 3rd dose, after 4 months from previous dose Mantoux test and BCG vaccine (tuberculosis) 5- 6 years old 5-6 years old 10 years old 15 years old 5-12 years old 5-12 years old 5-12 years old Any age Your prompt reply is highly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact the Health Office for any concerns. With kind regards, Dr Jinane Chalouhi School Doctor, Raffles World Academy Tel. 04-4271366/04-4271376 Email: General Primary Secondary Events-ASA School Clinic Sports Act. E– Team Dear Parents, Raffles World Academy will be providing vaccination to students under the umbrella of Dubai Health Authorities (DHA). Nurses from DHA will be conducting the vaccination program at school; you will be informed in a separate e- mail about the dates and times. Please send your child’s ORIGINAL VACCINATION BOOK and tick the case below, IF YOU AGREE on your child receiving vaccination at school. I give my consent for my child to receive the required vaccination by Dubai Health Authorities at RWA Child’s name ……………………………………..…………………………………Grade………… Section:………….. Parents name and signature ………………………………………………..……………… Date……………………. Parents contact details…………………………….…………… email address ……………………………...…… Telephone number …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… RWA Health Office Email: Telephone: 04-4271366/04-4271376 General Primary Secondary Events-ASA School Clinic Sports Act. E– Team Boys Grade 6 Table Tennis Tournament 32 Grade 6 Students competed in the tournament which was held in the first week of May. After some very hard fought matches Maxence Rivier 6C and Aryaan Kulkarni 6B made it through to the final. Despite Aryaan’s late charge, Maxence held out to win the game 21-16 and take the title of Grade 6 Table Tennis Champion. Tony Azoulay Head of Physical Education Grade 4 and 5 Girls Basketball We had another fantastic year with the primary schools girls basketball team. The girls faced stronger and more stiff opposition throughout their league but gained much insight into the game, it's rules and skills. Captained by Anna Monus throughout the it campaign, they battled full heartedly for every ball in every game and encompassed the phrase "big and ugly" to enhance their defence skills. Returning stars Emilie Vaandrager and Julia Hajagos really assisted all newcomers to learn our plays and they all displayed a huge improvement in playing the game. We are already looking forward to next seasons league. A huge congrats to all involved! Laura Comerford Girls Basketball Manager Grade 7 Table Tennis Tournament 20 students in total competed in the tournament which was played throughout lunchtime this week. Jean Mansini 7B defeated Kaspar Nagels 21-14 in the final of the Boys Grade 7 Table Tennis Tournament. Nakhla won the house competition as their players won double the amount of matches than any other houses. Tony Azoulay Head of Physical Education Netball Match Report Grade 3-5 Girls—Tuesday 6th May 2014— 2.30-3.15 Score: WIN 4-0 to Raffles World Academy Raffles World Academy girl’s netball team had a friendly match against Raffles International School on Tuesday 6th May at our home campus. This was such a memorable experience for all 12 girls as it was their first ever match. In fact the girls only started playing the sport a few months ago, prior to which they had no experience with the game. They all did such a fantastic job, winning with a four goal lead. The girls were: - MARIANA SOFIA CARNEIRO DE SOUSA 3E -MINNA (LILLA) ABRAHAM 3F - ANNA VERONIKA MONUS 5F - SHEHREEN RASHID 5E -RIA MAIREAD DSOUZA 5E -SARAH SAMI 5E - OLIVIA GERALDINE CAUGHEY 3C - AYLIN TALIBOVA 3G - CIDRA NOOR VAN DER WEL 3C - ZAINA SHAMEL IBRAHIM 3E - DEEYANAH ZUNAID MOTI 4F - ANIKA WINKLER 4F Player of the match was awarded to Mariana in grade 3E (center court position) Mariana was extremely energetic and a true team player throughout the whole game. Well done Mariana! Thank you to those parents who came along to support the girls and cheered them on in their winning victory. Emily Hunton Primary School Netball Coach Boys Grade 6 – 8 Swim Gala on Sunday 4th May 2014 Boys Swim Gala Exhibition Race 1st Place Shams 394 2nd Place Rimal 387 3rd Place Amwaj 384 4th Place Nakhla 331 The third annual boys swim gala took place on the 4th of May. This year’s event was the closest yet with Shams winning on the very last race by 7 points. It was great to see so many enthusiastic participants and the gala highlighted the improvements in speed and technique that the boys have made in their PE unit. The gala ended with an exhibition race consisting of our 6 strongest swimmers and a staff team. The boys swam an individual medley against the staff who each swam one length of the medley relay. Mr. Wasseem just about managed to hold off a strong challenge from Yazan Al Bawwab to take the first place for the staff team which also included Mr. Quigley, Mr. Jennings and Mr. Koopman. Thank you to all the parents who turned up to cheer the boys on and to our team of IGCSE PE students who successfully managed the finish line. Tony Azoulay Head of Physical Education Official place judges - Grade 9 IGCSE PE Students, Ms. Bergin and Mr. Patrick General Primary Secondary Events-ASA School Clinic Sports Act. E–Team The E team had huge success in this year’s Environmental month. Students and staff at school were busy during the month taking part in a No Lights Day (in keeping with the international event – Earth Hour) doing green themed bake sale, making pledges to care for the environment, a green mufti day, collecting oil (OIL4GOOD) and the grand finale of the recycled material fashion show. Well done to all those who took part in the recycled material fashion show, with such wonderful outfits (all made from recycled material of course!) Our judges had a tough time deciding our winners. In the end our prize winners were: 1st: Navinya (6E) nd 2 : Catharina (7E) rd 3 : Maryan (8A) Runner up: Faizan (8C) Another E team competition that ran through the month was our OIL4GOOD competition. We had a 50% increase in our oil collection during the month of April! Thanks to all who brought in their oil in April (and who continue to now). Natascia from OIL4GOOD kindly donated gift vouchers for the top 3 students who brought in the most oil: 1st: Hiromi Ota (6C) nd 2 : Abdullah AlShirawi (6D) rd 3 : Aunie (7A) RWA and the E team are proud to be the first school in the region to be part of the recycling used oil ‘OIL4GOOD’ scheme. Any used oil (from cooking oil, tins of tuna, etc) can be saved and deposited in green collection bin in the back atrium (near the E team notice board outside the canteen). Once our bin in full of used oil it will be converted into biodiesel to run cars and perhaps one day even our school buses! For more information please visit: http:// Our E team worked hard to prepare for the student led assembly and other activities during the month. As a small token of our thanks we were able to ‘adopt’ a gulf turtle in their name. We also were able to do this for PARIS as a thank you for all their hard work. Three out of seven species of marine turtle are critically endangered, our ‘adoption’ allowed us to donate 450dhs to Gulf turtles and contributed to conservation efforts as well as raising awareness to the issue within the region. For more information visit: For the remained of the year the E team will be keeping up their efforts by coming up with an innovative and imaginative art piece to display all the pledges made during environment month. It should be appearing around the school somewhere in the next week – watch this space! Sophia Howe (SS Co-Eco Coordinator)
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