FREE EBook Volume 9 - Kinesiology How to Study Kinesiology Author Suzanne Tabor HOW TO STUDY KINESIOLOGY Those wishing to study Kinesiology as a profession have two alternatives 1. Certificate IV and Diploma of Kinesiology in various streams:The HLT07 Certificate IV & Diploma in Kinesiology courses provided by various Kinesiology Colleges. These vary in modules depending on the focus of the particular college. There are however certain key components of the Certificate IV qualification that are called Common Units which include the following: BSBCMN204A Work effectively with others HLTHIR1A Work effectively in the Health Industry HLTCOM3A Manage a practice HLTCOM5A Administer a practice HLTCOM6A Making referrals HLTHIR1A Work effectively in health industry HLTHSE1A Occupational Health & Safety HLTIN1A Infection control policies/procedures Two other Common Units are Advanced First Aid and Using Medical Terminology. You will need to refer to the individual colleges as to what other modules that college specializes in for the complete Certificate IV 2. Individualized Streaming - Accumulate Accredited hours in specific and or combined Courses plus complete Common Units The other alternative is to use a combination of College based studies for the Common Units and specialized study of accredited courses specific to your own interests or expertise to acquire the required Accredited hours for Professional Member certification as an Industry assessed Kinesiologist through one of the industry organization, such as the AKA . If you choose to become an Accredited Kinesiologist through an Accredited hours based study program you will need to ensure you choose accredited courses, and meet all the individual requirements of the Category of Accreditation you are seeking – there are two Industry bodies, the AIK and the AKA and the accreditation requirements for membership of each differ slightly. You will need to refer to both the Membership requirements and Accredited Courses of each of the two organizations to be sure you are meeting the appropriate standards for the level of certification you require. In addition to the Accredited Courses and College Courses various practitioners provide student training and practice days, and some host open days which gives the public an opportunity to experience Kinesiology, and the student and Practitioner an opportunity to interact with the Pubic. Various Practitioners are willing to mentor and talk with prospective students. How much can I make? Income will depend on your accreditation level, the type of Kinesiology you offer, the area you are working in, what if any “Add ons” you choose to include with your business. It will also depend on your costs – if you need to pay rent, purchase equipment, support office utilities such as phone and electricity and promote your business through marketing and advertising. If you become a Registered Instructor you may also earn course instruction fees. Initially you will expend more on student fees, than you are permitted/able to earn as you accumulate accredited hours to gain Professional Accreditation. Practitioner’s hourly charges vary and the amount you charge will be dependent on the economic climate when you become accredited. With patience and study it can be reasonably expected that you will earn a respectable income from a professional clinic. SAMPLE SPECIFIC STREAMS OF KINESIOLOGY There are many modalities of Kinesiology, each of these have a focus in a specific area. It may be worthwhile for a potential student to invest the time into reading about various streams of Kinesiology in order to choose a career path most in line with your individual interests or background. The list provided here is not exhaustive by reading the Accredited Courses list of organizations such as the Australian Kinesiology Association you will be able to identify further courses you may wish to pursue information about. Remember to choose Accredited Courses if you want to acquire recognized hours. Courses termed “Pre-accredited” are in the assessment phase. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY AND EPIGENETIC PROGRAMMING – BALANCING THE LIFE FORCE Developed by Suzanne Tabor this course is in the Pre-Accreditation phase with the AKA. The course focuses a quantumphysical approach to epigenetic imprinting and cellular memory to heal the totality of the Life Force. Instructor Training is available. ISSN 1837-9753 2010 April Volume 1 Suzanne Tabor Kinesiology Publishing QUANTUM FIELD THEORY AND EPIGENETIC PROGRAMMING – LIFE REFERENCE PHASES Developed by Suzanne Tabor. The course focuses a quantumphysical approach to the relationship of the Life Reference Phases to the cell and mitochondrion memories and to healing the totality of the Life Force. ISSN 1837-9753 2010 April Volume 2 Suzanne Tabor Kinesiology Publishing QUANTUM FIELD THEORY AND EPIGENETIC PROGRAMMING – MIND MEDICINE – MIND MAPPING Developed by Suzanne Tabor. The course focuses a quantumphysical approach to formatting the brain for accessing the cell and mitochondrion memories and to healing the totality of the Life Force. ISSN 1837-9753 2010 April Volume 3 Suzanne Tabor Kinesiology Publishing TOUCH FOR HEALTH (TFH) Touch for Health is the foundation of Kinesiology training recognized internationally. Introduced in the early 1970s by Dr John Thie, Touch for Health is taught in over 55 countries and has benefited millions of people with its simple to learn and use techniques. It uses muscle testing, and benefits are attained by balancing acupuncture meridian energy, identifying foods that raise the body's energy, reducing stress and pain, enhancing physical performance, improving vision, sensory input and brain function, and by improving posture, co-ordination and learning difficulties. TFH is either studied as stand alone courses or the techniques may be incorporated into another modality. Five Element Metaphors flows on from the Touch For Health modules. The following courses are provided for information only – they are not necessarily recommended or endorsed by STK. EDUCATIONAL KINESIOLOGY (EDU-K) Educational Kinesiology is a movement based program offering a means of re-educating the mind /body system for optimum potential in daily life. It is based on over twenty years of research by its founder Dr.Paul Dennison and his wife Gail, of Ventura, California. Brain Gym, Brain Organization Profiles, Edu-K In Depth, a Brain Gym review, and one of Whole Brain Reading, VisioncirclesTM or Movement Exploration are some of the courses available under this banner NEURO TRAINING (previously Educating Alternatives) Neuro-Training (NT) is based on a philosophical model - The Model of Universal Principles, as well as a practical working model - The Solution Oriented Neuro-Training Procedure. Ingenious Regeneration is NT course which educates through training the nervous system to be able to recuperate in the best possible way from the effects of the past. Professional Training includes the Certificate of NT which includes a government recognized Cert IV in Kinesiology and Diploma of Neuro-Training and in the near future an Advanced Diploma. Neuro-Training is now being taught in Institutes in Australia, Italy, Norway, Spain and Germany KINERGETICS Kinergetics uses healing energy as its only correction. Kinergetics accesses the emotional and metaphysical causes of dis-ease, and balances the body's energies to facilitate change. Kinergetics assists a natural path to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Kinergetics is a 5 unit course that spans 10 days. THREE IN ONE CONCEPTS Three in One concepts focuses on the management of stress and change through the 'One Brain System'. PROFESSIONAL KINESIOLOGY PRACTICE (PKP) The International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice (ICPKP) founded by Dr Bruce and Joan Dewe, provides students an internationally recognized Diploma course in kinesiology. Its foundation is 10 basic kinesiology units (BKP 101-110) which are VETAB approved Certificate level IV. This is followed by 14 separate areas of integrated learning including anatomy and physiology, emotional and spiritual issues, integration and instinctual behaviours, joints, adrenals and flexibility, nutrition and exercise, holographic perceptions, pelvic diaphragm and girdle, trigger points, hypertonic muscle release, muscles learned regionally, business, finance and records, essences and metaphysical issues. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY (AP) AP is a stress management procedure developed by Richard Utt. The course includes a comprehensive system of 5 element theory of Chinese acupressure and a unique system called 'The Seven Chi Keys' for balancing the 7 chakras. CANDIDA SYNDROME Developed by John Holodnak, the course inclues The Emotional – Spiritual Self Struggle & Survival Syndrome. COMING TO GRIPS WITH LEARNING Coming To Grips With Learning developed from Retained Primitive Reflexes. And includes an overview of the primitive reflexes & their impact on our wellbeing, learning and relationships, demonstration of testing procedures, implementation of our correction protocols. COUNSELLING KINESIOLOGY Developed by Gordon Dickson, Counseling Kinesiology TM is a synthesis of mainstream counseling techniques combined with kinesiology. It includes relationship parenting, career and anxiety issues. It is designed for working with adults and children and utilizes talk therapy, inner child work and practical exercises for implementing change. CRANIAL KINESIOLOGY Guy Bennett B.Sc., developed this course which integrates subtle cranial adjustments with Kinesiology. Cranial Kinesiology explores the interface of energy and matter within the body, incorporating chakras, auric fields, meridians and centered harmonics. HYPERTON-X (HTX) Frank Mahoney developed HTX it is designed to identify and release the hypertonic state of muscles. Key aspects involve sports performance, injuries, learning difficulties in reference to the release of muscles which influence thee sacrum, occiput and cerebrospinal fluid. LEARNING ENHANCEMENT ADVANCED PROGRAM (LEAP) Dr Charles Krebs developed LEAP based on the hierarchy of Brain Function. The Brain Integration Program – LEAP - is a 5 part program NEURAL ORGANISATION TECHNIQUE (N.O.T.) Dr. Carl Ferreri D.C. recognized the importance of the survival systems of the body. Feeding, Flight/Fight, Reproduction, Immune System are primary to survival. Protocols were developed to correct these as well as Head Injuries, Dyslexia, Scoliosis, Endocrine and Circulation Imbalances. NEURO ENERGETIC KINESIOLOGY Neuro Energetic Kinesiology works with chakras, the aura, Kundalini, the nadi system, genetics, astrology, neurology, emotion, hormones, sleep and dreams. A large portion of this stream in Kinesiology is devoted to chakras. The human energy system has seven major chakras, numerous minor chakras and out of body chakras. Chakras are the main places where stress is held. NEURO-LINGUISTIC KINESIOLOGY Wendy Bennett developed NLK to include aspects common to kinesiology and the approach of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLPTM). NLK uses meridian therapy, acupressure, bodywork, stress release techniques and visualization. SFEF KINESIOLOGY SFEF is a holistic modality based on Kinesiology and ancient Chinese theory plus new and advanced concepts. SFEF balances all emotional, physical, chemical, electrical systems and disease states caused by them. SFEF corrects learning difficulties and brain and personality dysfunction and integrates the brain during the procedure. WELLNESS CENTRE COURSES (Herbs For Kinesiologists, Nutrition For Kinesiologists etc). Parijat Wismer developed HFK as a result of her study in Medical Herbalism in the courses Herbs are used to support clients through specific detox programs, to tonify and sedate meridians, and to balance organs, body systems and the 5 Elements. Remember to refer to the full list of Accredited and Adjunct Courses provided through the Industry Organizations such as the Australian Kinesiology Association and to contact the relevant course providers to know more about your preferred modality studies. Referencing, research and further information is provided below. You may find some of these sites of interest to your own journey and searching AGGREY, JAMES The Parable of the Eagle in Darkness and Light England, Faith Press AVERILL, J.R. (1986) The acquisition of emotions during adulthood. The Social Constructions of Emotions, Basil Blackwell, New York BATTEN, H.L., PROTTAS,J.M. (1987) Kind Strangers – the families of organ donors. Health Affairs 6 (2) BECK S, OLEK A, WALTER J. 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Ph.D. DACHER Elliot S., M.D. Psychoneuroimmunology: The Mind/Body Healing Program New The Healing Mind: The Vital Links Between Brain and Behavior Immunity and Disease Dunne Books, 1998 Paragon House, 1991 MOYERS, Bill GOLDBERG, Burton Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide Healing and the Mind Main Street Books, 1995 Future Medicine Publishing, Inc., 1998 PERT Candace B., Ph.D. GOLEMAN, Daniel, Ph.D. and GURIN, Joel Mind-Body Medicine: How to Use Your Mind for Better Health Consumer Reports Books, 1995 Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel Scribner, 1997 SCHEDLOWSKI, Manfred and Tewes, Uwe Psychoneuroimmunology: Interdisciplinary Introduction an Journal of Humanistic Psychology enu.html Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine Journal Academic Publishers, 1999 SIEGEL, Bernie M.D. WEBPAGES:- Love, Medicine and Miracles Harper Perennial Library, 1990 (Global Consciousness Project) SOBEL, David S. M.D., and ORNSTEIN, Robert Ph.D. The Healthy Handbook Mind, Healthy Body ISHK Book Service, 1997 (Official publication of the International Society of Behavioural Medicine) Institute of Epidemiology , University of Ulm, Germany WATKINS, Dr. Alan Mind-Body Medicine: A Clinician's Guide to Psychoneuroimmunology Harcourt Health Sciences Group, 1997 MIND BODY MEDICINE – Journals:Advances in Mind-Body Medicine ult.cfm?jhome.html The Humanistic Psychologist FURTHER INFORMATION IN RELATION TO :BALANCING THE LIFE FORCE Quantum Field Theory and Epigenetic Programming May be obtained by contacting the Author Suzanne Tabor PO Box 199 Carina, Queensland, Australia, 4152
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