Friday, 4 May 2012 • contact ACC road closure

Friday, 4 May 2012
release out advising how to contact ACC over the holiday weekend cns/pr MayDay 0405
release out about road closure of Coronation Road for resurfacing cns/pr CoronationRd
release out about ACC hosting first meeting of transnational project group
looking at improving innovation in public sector cns/pr EU Project 04
releases out about temporary traffic lights in operation at various points
across city - pulled into one for ACC website cns/pr templights 04
approved website article and provided quote for use by PR firm about
sponsorship of school crossing patrollers
EE - seeking comment about popularity of the BP Big Screen event at the
Duthie Park. Response - Following the success of last year's events we
are delighted to announce the prohibition on public drinking in Duthie
Park has been lifted to allow these popular concerts to go ahead. We
hope everyone has a good time and enjoys this great event being put
on by BP Summer Big Screens.
EE - seeking confirmation of election results for today's final edition.
Response - The count is continuing. The results are being posted by
ACC on Twitter as they come through. Also referred reporter to the
local government election results page on ACC website.
EE - seeking comment on Tesco vs ACC on the Aberdeen Local
Development Plan. Response - Aberdeen City Council has instructed
an Advocate and will be vigorously defending its position. We remain of
the view that there is no ground for the challenge. It should be noted
that Interim orders were refused after a court hearing last month.
P&J – same
EE - how many people have signed up to the Commonwheels car club so
far? Response – 143
EE - seeking comment about success of the Commonwheels car club to
date. Response - Head of Planning and Sustainable Development Dr
Margaret Bochel said: "When the car club launched a month ago we
had about 75 members. We've now almost doubled that to 143
members, which is a great start. Commonwheels is a great facility for
city residents and businesses. It takes away the need for people who
don't use their cars regularly or rack up a lot of miles, to own a car. I'm
sure that the car club membership will continue to grow as word gets
around about the financial and environmental benefits it can bring. We
are looking to continue to grow the car club and to increase the fleet, to
include at least one electric vehicle."
Mon 07 May 2012
Bank Holiday; no Media Briefing
Media Briefing – Tues 08 May 2012
photocall/release out about Trinity Centre winning Safer Shopping Award following
partnership with Aberdeen City Council and Grampian Police cns/pr safe award 080512.asp
release out about Wellington Road lane closure cns/pr Wellington 080512.asp
release out about opening of ARI busport cns/pr Busport 080512.asp
release drafted about Green THI and the Douglas Hotel
quote provided to PR firm about Aberdeen City Council hosting the local launch of
the VIBES awards
Keep Scotland Beautiful - seeking comment from council for inclusion in press
release about this year's seaside and blue flag awards (Aberdeen Beach is one
of the winners). Response - Aberdeen City Council Environment Manager Steven
Shaw said: "Aberdeen City Council is delighted to have achieved once again the
Resort Seaside Award for its beach. This is deserved recognition for the staff
who work hard to keep the beach clean and ensure that the facilities and
environment retain high standards. I would also like to thank the many partners,
volunteers and community groups who do a fantastic job in helping to keep
Aberdeen beach tidy and the special place it is. We would like to encourage
everyone to come and visit this fantastic beach over the summer.”
P&J - Aberdeen University is seeking listed building consent to erect a plaque in the
courtyard of Marischal College; seeking more information. Response - The
plaque would be installed by Aberdeen University on behalf of the Institute of
Physics to commemorate English physicist George Paget Thomson. The plaque
would read: George Paget Thomson (1892 - 1973). Nobel Prize in Physics 1937
(Joint Winner). Demonstrated electrons to have quantum wave-like properties in
experiments conducted at the University of Aberdeen. Pioneering work
undertaken in this building from 1922- 1930 with local technician C G Fraser. The
plaque would be 17 inches in diameter and blue. It is proposed to position the
plaque on the external wall of the internal courtyard (facing north-west). Because
Marischal College is A-listed, Historic Scotland need to be consulted on the
application. The plaque's installation is subject to the planning process.
P&J - the National Union of Students has raised concerns about indecent
incidents on Aberdeen University grounds and has said they would be seeking to
speak to councillors in the area to help encourage students to remain vigilant;
has the NUS spoken to the councillors yet? Response - Suggested reporter
contacts councillors in the Tillydrone/Seaton/Old Aberdeen ward direct. Directed
reporter to the Your Councillor section of the council's website for contact details.
P&J - the planning list shows Aberdeen City Council applying for planning
permission to install stainless steel cables on Union Street; is that for the
Christmas lights? Response – checking
P&J - campaigners against the Third Don Crossing have lodged an action against
the use of compulsory purchase orders; seeking comment. Response - Aberdeen
City Council has not yet received confirmation of any court action being brought
in relation to compulsory purchase orders raised for the Third Don Crossing and
so it would be inappropriate to comment on any legal action being taken.
EE - requesting council comment about Gypsy/Travellers which have set up camp
on Hareness Road, Altens. Response -The council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison
officer has spoken to the private landowner and they will decide what action to
EE - follow-up to above; we have been told there are health concerns with some of
the Gypsy/Travellers on Hareness Road and they need to be inoculated before
they can move on. Response - The council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer is
working with a health visitor from NHS Grampian to ensure the health issues are
addressed. The Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer has spoken to the private
landowner who has agreed to give us until the end of the week to address this.
Suggested reporter contacts NHS Grampian directly regarding any specific
questions about the health concerns.
EE - the Scottish Government has issued a press release about all Scottish local
authorities receiving a share of £582million as part of the Government's
Affordable Housing Supply Programme; Aberdeen City Council is to receive
£6.061million. Response - Aberdeen City Council Head of Housing and
Community Donald Urquhart said: "This is fantastic news from Aberdeen City
Council’s point of view and is a great step forward in helping us fulfil the need for
affordable housing in the city. We understand that the demand for affordable and
council housing is high and we already have numerous developments in the
pipeline that will go some way to helping alleviate housing waiting lists."
EE - seeking council comment about increased business parking permits charges,
which are due to take effect on June 1. Response - The proposed increase of
business parking permits was approved by council at the budget meeting on
February 9 this year. This decision took account of the ongoing changes to
charges and policy in many comparable areas of parking in the city. The new
permit represents an average daily parking charge of £1.90 and is in keeping
with many other Scottish cities.
EE - delicatessen Pret A Manger has agreed to donate sandwiches to
homelessness hostels in Aberdeen twice a week; seeking council comment.
Response - Aberdeen City Council assistant homelessness manager Edward
Thomas agreed to speak to reporter.
EE - according to
, vice president of the Bon Accord Bowling
Club, the premises they used was originally built for leisure purposes. Is this the
case and what are the plans for the premises now the bowling club has vacated
the premises. Response - checking
EE - Kevin Stewart MSP has suggested that individuals are 'nicking' disabled
parking spaces in the Cairncry Court area which means that those entitled to
park can't; is the council aware of any such issue? Response - checking
Weds 09 May 2012
release out on formation of new ACC Labour-led coalition cns/pr labouradmin
release out on contraflow system on A944 Skene Road cns/pr SkeneRd 090512.asp
release drafted about opening of latest Retail Rocks venture in Torry
release drafted about Countryside Rangers hosting a walk at Nigg Bay
photocall/release drafted about on launch of council's Aberdeen in Bloom garden
EE - a notice has appeared in the local press about a planned increase of on-street
parking charges in Zone X (West End/Harlaw); seeking council comment.
Response - The parking controls in Zone X (West End/Harlaw) were consulted
upon in 2010 when parking charges in the city were at a lower rate. Parking
charges have since increased across Aberdeen so this increase in Zone X brings
the area in line with the rest of the city.
P&J - has a date been set for the next hearing in the Tesco Vs ACC Aberdeen Local
Development Plan case? Response - The case is due to call in the Court of
Session on 15 June.
P&J - the planning list shows Aberdeen City Council applying for planning
permission to install stainless steel cables on Union Street; is that for the
Christmas lights? Response - Yes, it's for listed building consent for a T-bar
support for the cables which would support the Christmas lights and wires for
P&J - Highland Council has suspended the operation of wind turbines (large
turbines as opposed to small windmill-type devices attached to buildings) in
school grounds on the basis of information received following a risk assessment
being carried out; does ACC plan to suspend the use of turbines in school
grounds? Response - ACC does not have turbines in school grounds.
P&J - has there ever been a Labour/Tory coalition in the history of ACC or prior to
ACC? Response - not in the lifetime of ACC; checking whether there has been
Daily Mail - how much did ACC spend clearing litter in the last year? Response Aberdeen City Council doesn't have a specific litter clearing budget. The street
cleaning budget, which includes things like street sweeping and emptying litter
bins (street bins, not domestic bins), as well as litter picking, is £2.9million.
Thurs 10 May 2012
release out on latest Retail Rocks business opening cns/pr oilandGlass 100512.asp
photocall/press release out on launch of Aberdeen in Bloom Garden Competition
tomorrow cns/pr garden competition 100
release out on Countryside Rangers hosting latest walk at Nigg Bay on Saturday cns/pr nigg walk 100512.asp
release drafted about Commonwheels car club
release drafted on local playgroup being the first early years setting in the city to
be awarded the Early Years Health & Wellbeing Award
release drafted on ACC being first local authority to be given the approval to offer
SQA Volunteering Skills Award Level 4
release drafted on Europe Direct Aberdeen inviting citizens to celebrate all things
European by submitting poems, drawings, photos of their favourite European
cities, recipes, sports stars for collage that will go on display at the Central
P&J - following up story which appeared in The Times earlier this week about local
authorities in England spending "thousands of pounds" on Olympics tickets for
dignitaries and "favoured residents"; is this something Aberdeen City Council is
doing/plans to do? Response - no
release out on Sunday's launch of the Aberdeen Granite Festival cns/pr granite festival 110512.
release out on planned tree clearing by the A944 Skene Road being delayed cns/pr SkeneRd 090512.asp
release out on tree-felling work/contraflow system on A944 being delayed cns/pr SkeneRd 090512.asp
John O'Groats Journal - seeking image of artist/entrepreneur Shelagh Swanson at
opening of latest Retail Rocks venture Oil and Glass. Response – arranged
P&J – same
Newsline - how many ACC councillors are there? Response – 43
EE - seeking comment on potential traffic disruption as a result of the Dubford Road
resurfacing work. Response - referred reporter to the press release
pictures from today's launch of the Aberdeen in Bloom Gardens Competition
provided to P&J
P&J - seeking comment from council about today's launch of the Aberdeen in
Bloom Garden Competition. Response - Aberdeen City Council Environment
Manager Steven Shaw said: "I am delighted that
agreed to
help us launch this year's Aberdeen in Bloom Garden Competition. They have an
excellent track record in this event and are great ambassadors for the
competition. Aberdeen City Council has always been very impressed with the
high quality of entries in our Garden Competition and I am in no doubt we can
expect the same calibre this year. This competition is not only a fantastic
opportunity for locals, businesses and schools to showcase their floral displays
and gardens, it also helps improve the overall environmental quality of the city for
visitors and residents alike. I would encourage as many people as possible to get
involved to make Aberdeen blossom."
EE - same and requesting contact details for previous winners
who helped launch the competition. Response - provided
Mon 14 May 2012
release out about Aberdeen's car club being the first in the world to trial
hydrogen fuel cell cars cns/pr hydrogen 140
media event held to mark car club trialling the hydrogen fuel cell cars.
Attended by STV, Original, Northsound, Northscot and covered this
morning by P&J and GMTV. Representatives of Hyundai, ITM Power,
Commonwheels, Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association and
Stagecoach also attended
release out about temporary traffic lights in operation off-peak on North
Deeside Road during demolition work cns/pr NorthDeesideli
ghts 140512.asp
release drafted about liners for food waste kitchen caddies being made
available for collection from city libraries
release drafted about road closure of Sclattie Park during resurfacing
release drafted about road closure of Kingswood Drive during sewer
connection work
release drafted about temporary traffic lights in operation off-peak on
North Deeside Road during SSE works
BBC Radio Scotland's Out of Doors programme - featuring interview with
Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group renewables champion Iain Todd
on the region’s latest energy resource, hot rocks, which are the
feature of his talk at Aberdeen Maritime Museum on Friday as part of
the Granite Festival.
EE - wanting to feature a school that participates in a walking to school
initiative for forthcoming green supplement. Response - arranged for
teacher behind walking to school initiative at Westpark School to be
EE - has launched its School Crossing Patroller of the Year
competition, in conjunction with ACC, Aberdeenshire Council and
Uniconn, which is sponsoring ACC's patrollers. How many primary
school children are there in Aberdeen? Response - 12,390 at council
schools; how many school crossing patrollers does ACC have and
how many vacant posts? Response - 50 and 25; seeking interview with
retired school crossing patroller about why s/he enjoyed the job.
Response - arranged for retired school crossing patroller
to be interviewed
provided quote for inclusion in press release about event at University of
Aberdeen aimed at increasing the amount of electronic waste that is
recycled. Waste and recycling manager Peter Lawrence said:
"Electronic waste (e-waste) contains lots of materials that are highly
valuable resources and are polluting if released into the environment,
so making use of the opportunity to recycle redundant kit just makes
sense and we urge everyone to take the chance to have a productive
clear out."
Daily Mail - how many vehicles with personalised number plates does
ACC, what is the purpose of the vehicles, and what are the registration
numbers? Response - Aberdeen City Council has one vehicle with a
personalised number plate, the Lord Provost's civic car, registration
number RG 0.
EE - are there any school events suitable for school shout page?
Response - Sent release regarding Tullos Primary School joining
forces with Silver Surfers to offer one-to-one digital photography to
over 55s on Thursday.
EE - do you have a colour image of Councillor Finlayson available?
Response - image provided
Tues 15 May 2012
release out on free workshops organised by Europe Direct Aberdeen as
part of Adult Learning Week cns/pr adultlearningw
eek 150512.asp
release out about traffic restrictions for the Baker Hughes 10K cns/pr BakerHughes
roads 150512.asp
release drafted on major summer exhibition at Aberdeen Art Gallery
release drafted about Duthie Park restoration project gathering pace
Central Scotland News Agency - wanting to know the latest yearly figures
for incidents of violence against school staff in Aberdeen. These can
be August 2010-August 2011 or April 2011-April 2012 whichever the
newest figures are available. Response - Aberdeen City Council
operates a zero tolerance approach to violence against school staff
and this sort of behaviour is totally unacceptable. Reported incidents of
violence against school staff in city primary, secondary and special
schools have dropped significantly in recent years. Latest figures show
the total number of reported incidents of violence against authority
school staff (both teaching and non-teaching) in 2010/11 was 497 - that
is 171 fewer reported incidents in 2010/11 compared to 2009/10. Many
of these were non-physical and include verbal abuse and threatening
behaviour. Aberdeen City Council's system for the reporting of any
incident of violence against school staff is robust, as are the measures
for dealing with such incidents. These figures are contained in the
Education, Culture and Sport Performance Report which went before
the Education, Culture and Sport Committee on 23 February, to view
click on link
P&J - wanting details of road closures for Day 25 [Tue 12 June] of the
Olympic Torch Relay in Aberdeen. Response - The temporary road
traffic measures for Day 25 (and Day 24) will be announced in due
Premier Construction Magazine - requesting details about the Oldcroft
Gardens council housing development and seeking contact details
for Robertson Construction, the firm involved in the development.
Response - Sent release issued in January cns/pr oldcroft garde
ns 100112.asp and advised reporter to check the Media Centre
section of Robertson's website for contact details.
P&J - what is happening with the Travellers who've set up camp at the car
park at Countesswells Woods; the Forestry Commission has said it is
continuing to liaise with the council on this. Response - explained that
the car park at Countesswells Woods is owned by the Forestry
Commission and it decides what action to take, if any. The council's
Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer spoke to the Forestry Commission this
morning and was advised by the FC that it had served a notice to quit
on the Travellers which states they must move by tomorrow. Issued
following - A spokesman for Aberdeen City Council said: "The council's
Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer will continue to liaise with the private
P&J - drivers at Aberdeen Beach have contacted the paper to warn of
deer running around the Esplanade and crossing the roads. Seeking
comment. Response - A family of deer is known to shelter in and
around the beach area and is regularly monitored by Aberdeen City
Council officers. Drivers at the beach are asked to exercise extreme
caution if they see the deer on or near the roads.
STV - how many requests has the council received for street parties to
celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee? Response – checking
EE - how much was the winter maintenance budget last year and how
much of it was not spent; there must have been considerable savings
because there wasn't much snow; what happens to the leftover
money? Response - The winter maintenance budget was £1.512
million. We spent £1.787million, with the extra being funded from
savings made elsewhere in the EP&I directorate. Although snow
clearing operations were nowhere near the same scale seen in
previous recent winters, the wet conditions and varying nature of the
ground temperatures meant that we had to react very quickly to treat
roads to prevent them from freezing because temperatures dropped
rapidly. The team continued to work extremely hard at all hours
throughout the winter to keep the streets as safe as possible.
EE - has been given a photo showing a council van parked on a disabled
space in a car park for a block of flats; seeking comment. Response Asked reporter to confirm date, rough time and where the photo was
taken so that we can look into it.
P&J - Travellers have set up camp at Hazlehead Park. What is ACC
doing about it? Response - The Traveller liaison officer has been out to
visit the encampment. Aberdeen City Council will be raising an action
in the courts to have the group evicted from the site. We will monitor
the situation meantime.
Weds 16 May 2012
release out on new Lord Provost, Depute Provost, City Council
leadership cns/pr newcouncil 16
release out on completion of Greenbank Road resurfacing work cns/pr Greenbank 16
release out on Fostering fortnight seeking more people to join Granite
City's unsung heroes cns/pr fostering fortni
ght 160512.asp
release drafted on foster carer encouraging more people to help deliver
crucial services to city's children
release/photocall drafted on launch of Aberdeen's Best Bar None
release drafted on 150 city pupils taking part in Olympic dance world
record attempt at ASV organised by Citymoves Dance Agency
P&J - interviews conducted with new Lord Provost and Council Leader
STV – same
Northsound – same
EE – same
Original – same
BBC Alba - seeking use of hydrogen cars for a Scottish cars TV series,
akin to a Scottish Top Gear, and interviews about ACC plans for
hydrogen transport. Response - arranged car use and in process of
confirming interviews with Council Leader
EE - seeking information about the combined heat and power scheme.
Response - Provided earlier press releases which give background
information and details of current work. Directed reporter to the
Aberdeen Heat and Power planning application which is to be
considered at the next meeting of the Development Management Subcommittee.
EE - seeking interview with
, school crossing patroller at
Tullos School, who has been nominated by pupils for the School
Crossing Patroller of the Year competition. Response – arranging
EE - seeking ACC representative to be on the School Crossing Patroller
of the Year judging panel. Response - Council leader and EP&I
convener Barney Crockett will be a judge.
Original 106fm - wanting to interview
Festival, for update. Response – arranged
Northsound – same
P&J - seeking ACC comment on
asking Education
Scotland to take stock of new technology pilot schemes in Scottish
schools. Response - Education, Culture and Sport Convener
Councillor Jenny Laing said: "This new Labour-led administration is
committed to using modern technologies to assist learning in our
classrooms - but we are determined to ensure that it benefits all of our
pupils. We will make sure that all of our children enjoy the benefits and
opportunities, no matter which school they attend or where they live. "I
would also hope and expect that the Scottish Government will provide
funding to local authorities to expand the use of new technologies and
does not land the financial burden entirely on councils. We have had
promises of finance before which have been broken but I hope that
Ministers this time find the money to make children's education a
priority when it comes to spending."
EE – same
, organiser of Granite
Scotsman – same
P&J - has Council Leader moved into the former Chief Executive's office
in the Town House? Response - Advised reporter speak to new City
Council leadership about office arrangements as many councillors are
moving office as part of the statutory formation of the new
administration, as is always the case in such circumstances.
P&J - how many people are expected to attend the screening of La
Boheme at Duthie Park as part of BP Summer Screens 2012; seeking
council comment on the event. Response - This is a no-ticket event so
it is difficult to gauge the level of interest at this stage. By way of
comparison, approximately 5,000 people turned out for last year's
screening of Madame Butterfly in Duthie Park. Advised reporter to
speak to organisers BP for a comment.
Thurs 17 May 2012
release/photocall out on launch of Best Bar None licensed trade awards cns/pr best bar 1705
release out on partial closure of Sclattie Park during resurfacing work cns/pr Sclattie 17051
release out on three-way temporary traffic lights on Mugiemoss Road cns/pr Mugiemoss 1
release out on planning application for sheltered housing complex at
Craigieburn House site cns/pr shelteredplans
release drafted on Citymoves Dance Agency receiving funding from
Creative Scotland as part of its First in a Lifetime funding awards
release/photocall drafted on first early years setting in the city to be
awarded the Early Years Health & Wellbeing Award
P&J - a heraldic stone apparently showing the city coat of arms has been
discovered in the greenhouses at Victoria Park; requesting interview
with council historian Christopher Croly. Response - agreed and
parking provision, has been designed/provided specifically for an older
Scotsman - are any figures available yet/soon re ACC taking over
enforcement cameras in bus lanes? Response - The cameras are not
yet activated. The council's tendering process is still under way.
EE - has been given a photo showing a council van parked on a disabled
space in a car park for a block of flats at Spring Garden. Seeking
comment, but reporter was unable to say when the photo was taken.
Response - Council vehicles should not be parked inappropriately. Our
drivers should be complying with the rules of the road, as all motorists
are expected to.
EE - Skene Square School crossing patroller
has been
nominated for the School Crossing Patroller of the Year competition.
Seeking photo opportunity. Response - arranged for tomorrow morning
EE - can you tell us what the Scottish Futures Trust's view is of the
emerging Aberdeen TIF business case? Response - That's a question
best directed to the organisation whose view you are seeking.
Fri 18 May 2012
release out on emergency closure of Clifton Road due to structural
problems with Woodside School building cns/pr Clifton 180512
release out on exhibition celebrating Annie Lennox coming to Aberdeen
Art Gallery this summer cns/pr AnnieLennox
release out on foster carer encouraging more people to help deliver
crucial services to children in the city cns/pr foster carer p
raise 180512.asp
release/photocall notice out on Kirkin' o' the Council on Sunday cns/pr kirkin 180512.
release/photocall out on latest on restoration phase at Duthie Park cns/pr duthie park18
doesn’t count" (sic); it's widely reported that people with dementia get
very stressed by new faces, new ways of doing things, and their loss of
dignity and privacy; If carers don’t get to know the people they are
looking after, and their likes and dislikes, isn’t that when little incidents
can escalate into big ones. These clients can get frightened and
confused by things and people that are unusual to them – so what can
the council do to restore their peace and confidence? Response Absolutely not; we try to ensure a consistent carer group for the benefit
of both clients and staff. However, such is their training that their skills
are all interchangeable, which is especially important given the diverse
needs that we meet on a daily basis; Staff are trained to understand
and respond to the needs of every individual. We aim at all times to
promote the dignity, privacy and wellbeing of each and every client. We
aim to minimise these by understanding the wishes of individuals. Staff
are responsive to the changing wishes and needs of individuals. We
ensure, wherever possible, that consistent staff, who are well trained,
motivated and responsive, provide the care and support that
meet individuals' needs and promote their rights. If an individual or their
loved-one expresses dissatisfaction with their care package we
respond as quickly and effectively as is possible.
Daily Record - same, and: were agencies responsible for the high number
of carers rather than ACC? Response - All agencies used by Aberdeen
City Council are regulated by the Care Inspectorate. They are all
expected to provide care and support in adherence with the National
Care Standards as a minimum. Care packages provided are of a very
high standard and monitored and assessed on a regular basis. We
have well trained in-house staff but do not differentiate between inhouse and agency employees. They are all expected to meet the same
minimum standards.
The Times - same, and: roughly how many carers, on average, a
dementia patient in the city might expect to get in one year; if the
council is aware of any cases where patients have received an annual
number of carers similar to
; why can’t people be allocated
regular carers – even given the difficulties of 24/7 care, and days of
sick, holidays, etc; wouldn’t a pool of people that a client could get
used to be able to fill in for each other? Response - Statement
provided; Every care package is tailor-made for their individual needs.
Wherever possible this is exactly what we do. For those clients with
higher care needs requiring many visits a week, this will necessarily
mean quite a number of staff make up this team. All staff are trained in
meeting the needs of their individual clients, also taking into account
wherever possible/or safe to do so, the wishes of their loved ones.
P&J - SNP MSP Kevin Stewart has issued a press release saying council
officials have "released" the statutory return of members' allowances
and expenses 2011/12; have the figures been made public?
Response - They have not bet been published on the ACC website.
The council has a statutory obligation to publish these figures by 01
P&J - what is ACC's view on the latest news that the AWPR legal battle
looks set to end? Response - Aberdeen City Council Leader Cllr
Barney Crockett said: “We would welcome any progress on this critical
issue for the city. It has been drawn out now for far too long, and as an
administration we want to make sure we have a firm grip on things, and
we will get going as soon as we possibly can."
Aberdeen University - can we film some high-level shots of Aberdeen's
skyline from Marischal College for a promotional video encouraging
students to come to the city? Response - access arranged for film
crew, relevant staff notified
EE - is ACC pursuing Aberdeen's trades council at the Adelphi for
£185,000 in unpaid business rates? Response - ACC does not
comment on individual cases involving any person, persons,
organisation or business responsible for paying business rates.
EE - is it okay to use information from Director of Housing and
Environment Pete Leonard about fireraising on Logie Avenue which is
in a letter to MSP Brian Adam MSP? Response - Yes, providing it is
made clear his words were included in a letter to Mr Adam and not
reproduced as though they are direct quotes to the EE.
P&J - who can we speak to about the Kirkin' of the Council? Response Suggested reporter contact
about the formalities of
the event as well as Lord Provost George Adam and Council Leader
Barney Crockett.
Northsound - what are the structural problems with Woodside School; is
it open; are the children in danger; how long will it take to fix; is the
school shut; why not; why is the road shut? Response - There is a
problem with the gable ends of the school, which have shifted slightly.
The school remains open as normal and there is no danger to pupils or
staff. Safety is, of course, the priority. Two classes have been decanted
to another part of the school building and part of the school grounds
(the car park) has been cordoned off. The gable ends will be taken
down to window level, remedial works will be carried out and the gable
end will be reconstructed. The road closure is in place for five days and
the road has been closed for safety reasons due to the proximity of one
of the gable ends to the road. It is not known how long the work will
take to complete.
P&J – same
EE – same
EE - space is being taken from the Bridge of Don park and ride for All
Energy; who made that decision, AECC or the city council; Friends of
the Earth have criticised the decision and said greater effort should be
made to promote green travel; seeking comment. Response - The
AECC is contractually entitled to recover use of the entire site for up to
35 days each year and is exercising its right to do that during the All
Energy event, which continues to grow. The bus service will still be
running, but parking will not be available at the Bridge of Don site. We
continue to encourage people to use alternatives to the car, including
public transport, car sharing, cycling and walking.
Holyrood Magazine - plans were once discussed for a Boris Bikes-type
scheme in Aberdeen; what's the latest on it? Response – checking
Holyrood Magazine - seeking interviews with various people from
organisations involved in the hydrogen car project in Aberdeen and
update on the Aberdeen trial, possibly taking in the All Energy event
next week. Response - Referred reporter to Clr Crockett and provided
contact details for others. Further information on the scheme will be
available next week.
P&J - can we get an advance flavour of what the Lord Provost is going to
say when he addresses delegates at All Energy next week, for use in
the dedicated All Energy pages in Wednesday's paper? Response –
EE - wanting to know what sort of healthy food promotion takes place in
city schools; are healthy options on school menus; how much do they
cost as this may be why pupils are going elsewhere for food. Response
- The city council encourages healthy lifestyle choices so that health
and wellbeing is valued by pupils, staff, parents and partners. Our
schools are health-promoting and food and drink served in school
settings is nutritionally balanced, good value and can be enjoyed in a
safe environment.
BBC radio - wanting to interview Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
manager about House of Annie Lennox exhibition coming to
Aberdeen. Response - unavailable this afternoon so arranged for
Northsound - same
Media Briefing - Mon 21 May 2012
embargoed release out about Citymoves Dance Agency receiving funding from
Creative Scotland as part of its First in a Lifetime funding awards cns/pr fundingforcitymoves
embargoed release out about publication of positive report on St Machar
Academy by Education Inspectorate cns/pr StMacharAcademy 2
release out about plans for housing development at Allan Park, Cove, being
recommended for refusal cns/pr AllanPark
release out about All-Energy traffic impact cns/pr AllEnergytraffic 2105
release drafted about Aberdeen getting ready for the All-Energy conference
release drafted on support system ensuring future foster carers are prepared
and primed to offer vital home to city's children
approved release from metal recycling specialists Alupro about launch of
Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Council campaign to boost recycling of
EE - is the meeting of Full Council on 13 June a special meeting? Response No. It's the scheduled meeting for 27 June brought forward.
P&J - same and: how will any discussion/debate/decision on Union Terrace
Gardens be led; will there be the potential for deputations on the day?
Response - At present it is expected that a report will go before the Council
with recommendations. The report can be debated by members, motions and
amendments can be made and a decision taken at the end as per normal
council policy; Deputations will be allowed on the day if the report takes the
currently anticipated form.
STV – same
P&J - Airyhall School cook
admitted embezzling almost £9k when
she appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court today; seeking comment. Response
no longer works for Aberdeen City Council.
EE - when will a decision be made on who gets the Freedom of the City?
Response - A report was ordered for Full Council. It is due to be considered
at the August meeting, at the latest.
The Sun - seeking trial of a hydrogen car with a view to running a three-page
feature in the paper about the cars, technology and Aberdeen's plans for
hydrogen transport. Response - provided motoring editor with press release
issued last week, vehicle brochure, opening remarks made by council leader
at the launch and arranged car trial.
EE - seeking interview with HMO officer
who may have had some
sort of involvement in the aftermath of the Lockerbie bombing during his
suggested reporter speak
days with Grampian Fire Brigade. Response to serving Grampian Fire and Rescue Service office
, who
had greater involvement.
Enable Magazine - seeking interview with a disabled member of staff for a profile
for a double-page spread on disabled people working in the public sector.
Response – checking
Scotsman - how many street parties and events have been arranged for the
Queen's Jubilee in Aberdeen? Response - one street party, but there are
many other events taking place at a local level. The council's events team
invited local talented amateurs to get in touch to be part of a special familyfriendly concert at the Duthie Park on 03 June - more details to follow in the
press later this week.
Daily Mail – same
P&J - the Seaton Backies Project is carrying out its latest revamp of a play park
in the area; seeking comment on how Aberdeen City Council supports it.
Response - The council is fully supportive of the Seaton Backies Project and
the fantastic work they do to benefit the local community. They work
extremely hard to ensure the area is well maintained for the continued
enjoyment of children and families. Aberdeen City Council's ground
maintenance team is always delighted to lend a helping hand wherever they
can and the council will endeavour to supply equipment and materials when
possible. The Seaton Backies Project must be commended for its continued
commitment to the community.
EE - seeking update on the over-cladding project at the Seaton high-rises.
Response - The appointed contractor for the over-cladding project has been
on site since January. Aberdeen City Council and the contractor will continue
to consult with tenants as work progresses.
Northsound - requesting interview with council facilities manager Alan Findlay
about restoration project at Duthie Park. Response - agreed and arranged
EE - how many people are getting online at council libraries. Response Aberdeen City Council's Library & Information Services manager Fiona Clark
said: We offer support in many different areas online; basic PC taster
sessions and short courses, in 2011/12 we held 193 events which saw 705
attended. This is a large increase on the previous year's [2010/11] figures
which of 116 events held which 193 attended. The increase represents the
library service using the class approach with BBC First Click followed by Go
On Line."
Tues 22 May 2012
release out on city preparing and participating in All-Energy conference cns/pr AllEnergy
release out about Green THI grant award to the Douglas Hotel for restoration of
rare art deco features cns/pr GreenDouglas 2205
release out on road of Victoria Street and Riverview Drive in Dyce for
resurfacing work cns/pr RiverviewDr 220512.
release out on Housing and Environment Committee agreeing to suspend Right
to Buy in 50 letting areas in the city cns/pr pressured area 220
release out on latest in series of Countryside Rangers health walks cns/pr health walk 220512.
release/photocall drafted on Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council
joining forces for Metal Matters recycling campaign
Sky News - interview with LP on Queen's diamond jubilee for broadcast this
P&J - what were the agreed recommendations in Item 5.3 (Housing Service Car
Parking) of today's Housing and Environment Committee? Response - (i) to
agree recommendations (a), (b) and (c) as detailed within the report; (ii) to
defer recommendation (d) pending a committee report on parking and a
broader report on parking policy which will incorporate the HRA Account and
parking that the EP&I Service is responsible for; (iii) to instruct officers to
report back on the feasibility of installing fob operated barriers where
residents have expressed a desire for this added security and to identify
relevant funding for this; and (iv) to request the breakdown of the consultation
outcome by location.
EE - we heard that Fred MacAulay has been asked to front the Metal Matters
recycling campaign, to be launched in Aberdeen on Friday; seeking
confirmation. Response - Our understanding is Fred MacAulay was
approached but was not available to take part in Friday's launch. Advised
reporter to speak to campaign programme managers Aluminium Packaging
Recycling Organisation (Alupro) for confirmation.
EE - what's the latest with pholtovoltaics on ACC buildings? Response - Planning
applications were lodged last month for solar panels on several councilowned buildings, including schools. The project involves installing them on a
minimum of 90 council-owned properties by 2013. The first phase of the
project is being carried out on behalf of the council by contractors Mark
Group. Directed reporter to Mark Group.
Weds 23 May 2012
release out on Aberdeen City Council supporting Middlefield community litter
pick as part of Keep Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean campaign cns/pr middlefield clean
release out on exhibition inspired by wartime tales of trawler skipper
opening at Aberdeen Maritime Museum this weekend cns/pr jinirawlings 2505
release/photo-opp out on announcement of talented amateurs chosen to
perform at diamond jubilee party at the Duthie Park next month cns/pr Aberdeensgottale
nt 240512.asp
release out on fostering team offering help and advice to would-be carers cns/pr foster support 23
release out on road closures during Aberdeen Country Fair this weekend cns/pr countryFair 2305
release drafted on closure of Howe Moss Crescent during sewer connection
release drafted about success of hydrogen car trial scheme
EE - interviews arranged with managers of Soul Bar, Revolution, Archibald
Simpson and Tiger Tiger for proposed feature on the launch of this year's
Best Bar None initiative; interview also arranged with Best Bar None
; pictures and press release from launch event
also supplied to paper cns/pr best bar 170512.
STV - the SNP has sought to requisition a special council meeting; is it right
that it would have to be held within 14 days? Response – yes
Enable Magazine - seeking interview with a disabled member of staff for a
profile for a double-page spread on disabled people working in the public
sector. Response - arranged for school crossing patroller
to be interviewed
EE - is there any update on Remploy, following Kevin Stewart MSP's letter to
the chief executive? Response - The Chief Executive has responded to Mr
Stewart direct.
EE - we've heard that about a dozen council officers went to Frankfurt
last week to look at establishing economic links; who went, what was the
cost, and who paid? Response - It was an Aberdeen Airport delegation,
paid for by BAA, and nothing to do with ACC.
EE - does ACC have any work experience schemes for schoolkids to go
into fishing or agriculture? Response - We offer a wide range of work
experience opportunities for pupils, but none specifically in the fishing or
agriculture sectors. However, we would consider any such offers being
made by the industries.
story placed with P&J and release drafted for 'People' page about
community care co-ordinator retiring after 34 years' service with ACC
EE - has a date been set for the next hearing of the Tesco v ACC
Aberdeen Local Development Plan case? Response - The case is due to
call in the Court of Session on 15 June.
Newsline - are the councillors' expenses published in today's Evening
Express available online? Response - The Council has a statutory
obligation to publish councillors' expenses by 1 June. They will be
published online in due course.
Newsline - when was Aberdeen City Council established? Response The council area was established in 1996.
Original FM - we hear there's an emergency (sic) council meeting today
about UTG? Response - You heard wrongly.
Original FM - are the council leader and SNP leader meeting today
regarding setting a date for the next council meeting? Response - The
BBC is reporting that to be the case.
Original FM - what time is the meeting? Response - Try speaking to the
respective leaders.
Daily Mail - can you put us in touch with the woman who was angry about
being charged for a road closure for a jubilee street party in Aberdeen?
Response - No, because she was not charged and she is unlikely to be
angry, having successfully applied for funding from ACC to help organise
the street party.
EE - if a special full council meeting were to be held, would the motion in
effect be in terms of the wording of the requisition for such a meeting, and
could amendments be moved? Response - yes and yes
BBC - what's the Local Review Body; is it new? Response - The LRB
has been around since 2009. Under the terms of Part 3 of the Planning etc
(Scotland) Act 2006, planning authorities were required to put in place a
scheme of delegation, allowing planning officers to determine planning
applications relating to local developments (ie small-scale matters like
extensions, window replacements, fences and the like). The Local Review
Body deals with requests from applicants for a review of a decision taken
by an appointed officer under these delegated powers, in the absence
under the reformed planning legislation of the right of appeal to Scottish
Sky News - after which queen is Queen Street named? Response Queen Street was named after Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-
Strelitz, who married George III on 8 September 1761. Their first meeting
was on their wedding day at Westminster Abbey. They nonetheless had a
happy marriage - and 15 children.
Thurs 24 May 2012
release out on success of council's car club hydrogen fuel cell car trial cns/pr hydrogen 240512
release out on Craigieburn House site planning application cns/pr Craigieburn 2405
release out on Ferryhill Community Centre getting planning permission for
an extension cns/pr FeryhillCC 24051
release out on closure of Riverside Terrace cns/pr RiversideTerr 24
release out on Community Council Business Development Grant Scheme
report to be considered by EP&I committee next week cns/pr communitystartup
release out on closure of Gordon Terrace, Dyce, during resurfacing work cns/pr GordonTerr 2302
release out on Development Management Sub Committee deferring
consideration of Allan Park housing plans for further negotiation with
applicant cns/pr AllanPark 24051
release/photocall out on tomorrow's launch of the Metal Matters recycling
campaign, which aims to boost food packaging recycling rates in the City
and Shire cns/pr metal matters 24
release drafted on Fostering Fortnight drawing to a close but carers tireless
work goes on
release drafted on Europe Direct Aberdeen drop-in information session at
Mastrick Library
release drafted about road closure of Wellheads Drive for sewer and utility
works, warning of potential delays and disruption
approved release to be issued by NHS Grampian about sod-cutting event for
the new health village and multi-storey car park
Newsline - the Church of Scotland is selling Greyfriars John Knox Church
and there are three interested parties, with two expected to submit bids; is
ACC one of them? Response - declined to comment
EE - the EP&I report on the Olympic Torch Relay states that a further £45k
is sought from the Common Good Budget to cover the cost of the event;
this more than doubles the original budget; is that because ACC couldn't
sell the sponsorship opportunities it had hoped to? Response - Referred
reporter to the appropriate section of the report which deals with the
sponsorship issue and to the table of costs, which shows the increased
costs of hosting the event - traffic management alone is £33k and the
original total budget was £35k.
P&J – same
Holyrood Magazine - several questions about the hydrogen car trial scheme
in Aberdeen. Response - all answered
EE - seeking interview with Greenbrae School crossing patroller
for the School Crossing Patroller of the Year Competition.
Response – arranging
Sunday Herald - is 5 June a designated public holiday in Aberdeen for the
Queen's Diamond Jubilee; are there any events taking place in the city to
mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee? Response - 5 June was designated a
floating public holiday for ACC employees, which can be take on 5 June or
an alternative date throughout the year; forwarded release regarding
Duthie Park event to reporter. cns/pr localtalentwanted
P&J - has a Special Council Meeting been called for 5 June? Response advised reporter speak to group leaders [note: no official notification of the
meeting had been issued by ACC at the time of this enquiry]
EE – same
Scotsman – same
EE - Cllr Delaney has warned that Tesco's legal action over the city's Local
Development Plan could set social housing back 20 years in the city;
comment? Response - The case is due to call in the Court of Session on
15 June. Aberdeen City Council will be vigorously defending our position
when the case calls.
Sunday Post - does the council hire a private security firm to uplift cash from
schools; if so, for what purpose, how often, and what is the annual
expenditure on this? Response – checking
EE - someone from a management committee of a community centre has
said that their committee will not be signing the lease agreement if it has
to pay the maintenance costs of the centre; will the council meet these
costs? Response - Under the management agreement the council
will continue to ensure community centres are maintained so they are
wind and watertight.
EE - at FMQ's in the Parliament Alison McInnes MSP asked the FM about the
case involving an Aberdeen resident and 106 carers; the First Minister
said a joined-up approach between social care and health would ensure
this would not happen again; is this the case? Response - Council staff
are highly trained and work diligently to meet the personal care needs of
residents. Our staff work hard to deliver the best possible care package at
all times and will continue to do so.
Guardian online (Housing Network) - requesting 500 words from council
official/councillor about decision this week by Housing and Environment
Committee to suspend the Right to Buy in 50 letting areas across the
city. Response - Housing and Environment Committee Convener
Councillor Neil Cooney said: "Right to Buy has been instrumental in
creating mixed tenure communities by assisting many people onto the
property ladder who could otherwise not have afforded to buy. However, it
has had some serious negative ramifications for local authorities, not least
Aberdeen City Council. Social housing in the city is scarce, there are no
two ways about it, but the demand for housing from homeless, new
applicants and those who need or want a transfer remains very high. We
as a council have a real responsibility to maximise our existing resources
by ensuring that priority is given to those in the greatest need. That is why
we have taken the decision to suspend Right to Buy in 50 letting areas
across the city. By way of background, the Scottish Government approved
the designation of so-called Pressured Area Status (PAS) to 35 letting
areas in Aberdeen in 2007, suspending the Right to Buy until September 4
this year. In the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010, the Scottish Government
made a number of changes to the implementation of PAS, namely
removing the Government’s role in the process and passing that to local
authorities. We can now make, amend and revoke PAS, where it can be
justified. The decision we have recently taken means Right to Buy in the
50 areas will be suspended for up to 10 years, although these areas will
be reviewed taking into consideration any changes to Right to Buy
legislation or PAS guidance. In reaching this decision we had to consider
the facts. More than 18,000 council properties have been sold in
Aberdeen through Right to Buy since the policy came into fruition in 1980.
Over the past 10 years the average number of new applicants waiting for
council housing is approximately 5,500 per year with an average of 2,500
properties let each year. During the past three years the number of
properties becoming available for relet has decreased significantly and the
shortage of affordable housing has resulted in longer waiting periods for
people on the waiting list. Recent figures show that Aberdeen City Council
has a stock of 22,704 council houses, 5,311 people on the waiting list,
2,630 on the transfer list and 1,599 relets during the year. We have no
choice but to protect our existing level of stock. Tenants’ views were also
sought and formed an important part in the decision-making process.
Some 56% of those who responded to our questionnaire agreed with the
proposed PAS and that they should be applied for up to 10 years. For the
first time in almost 30 years, Aberdeen City Council is undertaking a new
build council housing programme which presents an opportunity to create
inspirational 21st century housing which is quality, sustainable and energy
efficient. These developments are either completed or nearing completion
and have added 171 properties to the council’s housing stock. This is a
welcome boost and a step in the right direction, but it does not address the
bigger picture. The priority for us remains to safeguard the continued
availability of council houses in areas where Right to Buy has led, or could
lead to, a serious shortage of properties."
P&J - it has been claimed that the preferred bidder to takeover the running of
the Hazlehead Park cafe/restaurant was not able to complete the deal
and the second preferred bidder is facing a similar fate; seeking
confirmation of current situation with the cafe/restaurant. Response - We
are not aware of these claims. The initial preferred bidder for the
cafe/restaurant has not changed and as far as we are aware they are
progressing with their plans for the restaurant/cafe. We are not aware of
anything to the contrary. The closing date for the receipt of offers was the
end of February and we had the preferred bidder identified by the start of
March (this is the same preferred bidder we are working with today). All
the bids received by the council made clear that the bidder intended
to spend money upgrading and modernising the property. Advised
reporter that he would need to speak to the preferred bidder regarding
their plan/schedule for reopening the cafe/restaurant.
P&J - a gritter was spotted on Ellon Road/King Street yesterday (Wed); what
was it doing out on one of the hottest days of the year so far? Response the gritter was supporting Grampian Police with a diesel spill. A
spokesman for Aberdeen City Council said: "It is not uncommon for
Aberdeen City Council to assist Grampian Police in incidents of this
nature. The safety of road users is of the utmost importance and if we are
called on by the police to assist we will respond accordingly."
Scotsman – same
EE - we have heard that crematorium staff have been banned from handing
out Orders of Services over fears mourners might get paper cuts or cut by
staples; is there any truth in this? Response - None at all. It is the
responsibility of individual funeral directors to produce and distribute
Orders of Services, which we fully support.
EE - requesting list of winners from last year's Best Bar None pub safety
awards. Response - The awards were not held in Aberdeen last year, but
provided reporter with results from 2010. life leisure/crime prevention/
safer aberdeen/saf best bar none awards 2009.asp
EE - does Aberdeen City Council plan to put any parks/green spaces forward
for the National Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge, a scheme which
aims to protect 2,012 outdoor spaces across the UK as part of the
Olympics celebrations. Response - Provided reporter with Queen
Elizabeth II Fields report from November's Housing and Environment
Committee which states that Alan Douglas Park; Bucksburn Community
Garden; Coronation Park, Peterculter; Kaimhill Residents Site; Eric
Hendry Park and Westerton Park, Northfield have all been nominated for
the scheme. We are in the final stages of the nominations process.
Northsound - how many street parties and events have been arranged for the
Queen's Diamond Jubilee in Aberdeen? Response - One street party,
but there are many other events taking place locally including a
special family-friendly concert at the Duthie Park.
Fri 25 May 2012
release out on Fostering Fortnight drawing to a close but search for
carers for city kids continues cns/pr fostering campai
gn continues 250512.asp
release out on Europe roadshow at Mastrick Library organised by Europe
Direct Aberdeen cns/pr Europedirect 250
release out on international street market returning to Union Terrace
next weekend cns/pr internationalstreet
market 250512.asp
release drafted on temporary traffic measures to accommodate
Aberdeen's international street market next weekend
release drafted on follow-through report on Newhills School
photocall drafted on centenarians proving age is no barrier to getting
active at Granite City's Golden Games
PA - how many street parties and events have been arranged for the
Queen's Diamond Jubilee in Aberdeen? Response - There is one street
party [Colthill Road, Milltimber, Aberdeen] on 03 June but there are many
other events taking place locally including a special family-friendly concert
at the Duthie Park.
EE - further inquiry re standard lease and management agreements
[original inquiry in Thu 24 May media briefing] now inviting council
response to the claim being made by some members of management
committees for community centres that they haven't been told that
maintenance costs [keeping centres wind and water tight] will be met by
the council; they also claim that they are not being kept informed of what
is happening. Response - The council decisions on 04 May, including the
lease and management agreement, have been sent out to all community
centres. We also continue to have regular communications with the
centres. Most recently: community schools - meeting on 10 May, all
centres represented; transition to free standing centres - meeting on 17
May, all centres represented; 3Rs - council officer has been in regular
communication with all their management committees, including a number
of meetings; existing leased centres - officer is in regular communication
with the centres.
Northsound - wanting to interview City Events manager Dawn Schultz
about her report to Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee in
which she requests additional funds for the Olympic Torch Relay event in
the city. Response - Referred reporter to the appropriate section of the
report which deals with the sponsorship issue and to the table of costs,
which shows the increased costs of hosting the event - traffic
management alone is £33k and the original total budget was £35k.
EE - Unite has claimed that the night-time ranks on Union Street are "an
accident waiting to happen" due to bus lanes and lack of rank spaces;
will the council consider reopening day time ranks at Chapel Street and
Back Wynd over night? Response – checking
P&J - has ACC played any part in AFC's decision to delay the new
stadium at Loirston Loch by 12 months? Response - Aberdeen City
Council continues to have active discussions with all parties involved in
the proposed development at Loirston Loch. We look forward to working
closely with Aberdeen FC over the next 12 months.
P&J - pensions issue. Response – answered
P&J - does agenda item 11.5 in the EP&I papers mean the Bridge of
Don Park and Ride site is going to move? Response - We cannot
comment on reports before they go to committee. Directed reporter to
convener. Advised reporter the report in question does not make any
recommendation for the site to be relocated at this time.
councillor comment approved for inclusion in release to be issued by NHS
Grampian about sod-cutting event for new health village and multi-storey
car park on West North Street
Media Briefing Mon 28 May 2012
photocall out on centenarians proving age is no barrier to getting active at
Granite City's Golden Games
release out on sod-cutting event at new health village cns/pr healthvillageso
d 280512.asp
release out on gold medallist Steve Frew at Bucksburn Academy cns/pr goldmedallist
release drafted on evening talk on Transit of Venus being held at
Aberdeen Maritime Museum
release drafted on reminder of Aberdeen's Queen's Diamond Jubilee
celebrations at Duthie Park
release drafted on first in series of tours of Provost Skene's House
release drafted on Countryside Ranger event exploring world of the
release drafted on price rise of business parking permits from 1 June
release drafted on Wellington Road works
release drafted on speed restriction on Dyce Drive
release drafted on traffic restrictions for the International Street Market
this weekend
release drafted on Wellheads Drive road closure
EE - is ACC going to bid for a share of the £50million for ultra-fast
broadband? Response - We will be bidding for a share of the
£50million ultra-fast broadband fund and are discussing how we move
forward with that bid.
P&J - seeking response from council's Trading Standards team following
appeal by Grampian Police about scam internet auctions websites.
Response - A spokesman for Aberdeen City Council's Trading
Standards team said: "Anyone buying from an online auction should
make themselves aware of the auction rules and especially the safety
information regarding what help can be given if there is a problem with
the purchase. Buyers should be wary of any item that is for sale at a
price that seems very attractive - basically if it seems too good to be
true then it probably is. If a buyer advertises an item in an online
auction then suggests that you deal with them directly then be aware
that you will then lose any protection that the auction may offer. Also be
careful as to how you pay for an online purchase as scammers often
request payment by a money transfer service such as Western Union.
Payments made using such a service are not traceable and there is no
protection for buyers who buy goods using such a payment method.
The website has lots of advice regarding a
range of online issues including protecting your PC, stopping identity
theft and shopping online. It has a section titled 'Use online auctions
safely' which provides detailed advice for anyone who wishes to buy or
sell items via eBay or similar sites."
EE - a reader has contacted the paper claiming they saw bins at the
beach taped shut yesterday (Sunday); was the council responsible for
this and, if so, why was this being done? Response - There is nothing
to suggest the council was responsible for this.
Daybreak - can we get the centenarians down to the beach 24 hours
earlier to preview the Golden Games event? Response - No. The
photocall has been arranged to fit around the four woman's daily
schedules, routines etc. Advance notice was given of the date and time
to aid media attendance.
EE – same
EE - has ACC sent extra staff to the beach to help with the litter clear-up
after the weekend? Response - The warm weather enjoyed across
Aberdeen in recent days resulted in a high volume of visitors to the
beach area which resulted in an inevitable increase in litter. The beach
receives daily attention to ensure it is clean for everyone's continued
enjoyment and when there is a high volume of litter we work closely
with Community Payback teams, who do a fantastic job in helping us to
keep the beach clean. We will endeavour to collect the litter as quickly
as possible but would urge people, if bins are already full, to take their
rubbish away with them.
EE - is there a figure available for the cost of the litter clean-up?
Response - It's part of a wider budget; an exact figure on cleaning the
beach is not known. Advised that 40 black bags of rubbish were
collected from the beach today; that's over and above the normal
expected volume of rubbish on any given day at the beach. We did end
up deploying more staff for the clean-up later in the day as there were
fears that some of the rubbish could get washed away in the tide.
P&J – same
EE - a group of Travellers has set up an encampment on land in
Kittybrewster; is it council land and is any action being taken to move
them on? Response - The council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer has
spoken to the landowner and they have confirmed they will be taking
action to have them moved on.
P&J - Labour and SNP councillors have confirmed the 5 June special
council meeting will not go ahead; instead a report on UTG will go
before council on 22 August; is this true; will Finance and Resources
still receive the TIF business case on 19 June? Response - If elected
members have confirmed the 22 August date then that will have been
agreed by the parties and their members; officers are working to the
existing timetables previously set and agreed by committee.
Tues 29 May 2012
statement out about administration's intention to make provision for paying
off AECC debt cns/pr AECCdebt 29
press conference held at the AECC about AECC debt, attended by: BBC,
STV, Northsound, Original, P&J, EE
release out about cost of business parking permits increasing from
Friday cns/pr businesspermit
s 290512.asp
release out about traffic restrictions for International Street Market cns/pr streetmarket 2
release out about temporary traffic lights on Mugiemoss Road during
urgent underground cable repairs cns/pr Mugiemoss 2
release out about consultation on the future design of East Tullos Burn cns/pr EastTullos 29
release out about Sclattie Park re-opening almost a week ahead of
schedule after early completion of resurfacing work cns/pr SclattieOpen
release out about free tours of Provost Skene's House cns/pr PSHtours 290
release about hydrogen fuel producer ITM Power opening a Scottish
office in Marischal College published on ACC website cns/pr ITM 290512.a
press release from Keep Scotland Beautiful about Beach Ballroom beach
being awarded the Resort Seaside Award published on ACC website cns/pr beach award
release drafted about Centenarians proving age is no barrier at Granite
City's Golden Games launch
release drafted about partial road closure of Flourmill Lane
release drafted about one-way system on Deeview Road South
P&J - how much are the business parking permits going up by and how
much is a penalty charge notice? Response - The permits are
increasing to £500, from £200 and from £160 in Zone X. A penalty
charge notice is £60, discounted to £30 if paid within 14 days.
EE - seeking copy of the press release about hydrogen fuel producer ITM
Power opening an office in Marischal College. Response – provided
P&J - interview/photographs arranged with 94-year-old
volunteer gardener at Johnston Gardens, for possible 'People'
EE - planning a wrap-up piece on Aberdeen's efforts in the two-month long
national Keep Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean campaign which draws
to a close on Thursday; requesting stats on total volume of rubbish
collected and number of people involved. Response - Approximately
1,400 people have taken part in Aberdeen's campaign this year; 32
separate clean-up operations were held; 2,500 black bags of waste
were collected; four secondary schools took part; seven primary
schools; six community projects; two environmental services; two
community councils; one charity and four businesses.
EE - seeking quote from Spring Clean campaign coordinator and ACC
Environment Manager Steven Shaw. Response - Aberdeen City
Council Environment Manager Steven Shaw, who has been
coordinating the city's Spring Clean campaign, said: "It has been
fantastic to see people come out in their hundreds to support our
Spring Clean campaign and help make a real difference to their
communities. Littering is completely unnecessary and throughout this
campaign it was a real shame to see the terrible impact that a few
selfish people can have on spaces that should be safe and clean for
residents and wildlife. It was extremely heartening to see so many
people lend a hand, from school pupils to businesses and even council
staff. We have already been contacted by three community groups who
are keen to keep the momentum going and organise litter picks even
after the Spring Clean campaign closes. It is this community spirit and
willingness to make a difference that ensures our city remains a
cleaner and greener place for all."
EE - seeking council comment on the problem of littering. Response There is no excuse for littering and Aberdeen City Council takes the
issue very seriously. It is an offence to drop or leave litter in any public
place, even if thrown from a vehicle. The council's team of City
Wardens assist the local community in maintaining a clean, litter-free
environment and are authorised to issue Fixed Penalty Notices should
the need arise. Aberdeen City Council has a long history with the Keep
Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean campaign and we are always keen to
support the initiative in any way we can. On many occasions
throughout this latest campaign council staff have led by example and
taken part in clean-ups of their own. This combined with the
tremendous effort by schools, community groups and businesses has
made a real difference to the look of the Granite City.
EE - seeking photos taken at the various Spring Clean operations.
Response - supplied pictures from Donmouth Spring Clean event on
April 18 which involved members of Aberdeen City Council's corporate
management team and the Countryside Rangers, also supplied
pictures of Spring Clean by Cove Community Council group and
another featuring staff from the council's environmental services team.
EE - a parent of a Walker Road Primary School pupil says her son cut his
foot on broken glass while paddling in the River Dee near the play park
on South Esplanade West next to the University of Aberdeen boating
shed; is the council responsible for cleaning this section of the river?
The parent also claims that the headteacher said there had been three
similar incidents in recent weeks, seeking confirmation Response Aberdeen City Council is not responsible for maintaining the River Dee.
Checking the "similar incidents" line, but advised reporter that without
knowing more about the nature/date/time/location of these other
alleged incidents it would be difficult to confirm anything.
Herald - are there any public holidays planned for or around the Queen's
Diamond Jubilee? Response - Aberdeen schools will be off on
Tuesday, June 5 for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The council's
Corporate Policy and Performance Committee approved the granting of
an extra day's annual leave in recognition of the Queen's Diamond
Jubilee celebrations, to be taken by employees either on June 5 or on
another appropriate date, subject to operational requirements. This is
not an additional public holiday but rather an additional day's annual
EE - seeking list of Torchbearers taking part in the Olympic Torch Relay.
Response – provided
EE - is ACC aware of a Travellers encampment behind Bucksburn Police
Station? Response - No, the Traveller Liaison officer has not been
notified of any camp near Bucksburn Police Station.
Weds 30 May 2012
release out on Wellington Road resurfacing work cns/pr Wellington 30
release out on events taking place in the city as part of Bookbug Week cns/pr bookbugevent
s 300512.asp
release out about Countryside Rangers event on Sunday to look at the
world of the bumblebee cns/pr bumble bees
release out advising that replacement liners for food waste kitchen
caddies will be available for collection from city libraries from Friday cns/pr caddy liners 3
release about Aberdeen City Council/University of Aberdeen /
Aberdeenshire Council campaign to boost recycling electrics
published on council website cns/pr electric recycli
ng 300512.asp
release/photocall out on centenarians proving age is no barrier to getting
active at Granite City's Golden Games - photocall attended by BBC
Scotland, STV, Northsound, Original 106, EE, P&J, Northscot,
Newsline cns/pr Golden Game
s launch 300512.asp
release out on special evening talk about the Transit of Venus at
Aberdeen Maritime Museum cns/pr transitofvenus
release drafted on Keep Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean campaign
drawing to a close and highlighting Aberdeen's efforts
release drafted on primary school football set for smaller-sided pitches
as Granite City seeks to boost technical ability
release drafted on Olympic Torch Relay traffic restrictions for Day 24 (12
BBC - is the Technogym equipment fixed in one location or can it be
transported around the city? Response - The equipment is moveable
and is transported to various locations where it is required, including
care homes or sports centres.
EE - has the temporary telecomms Hutchison 3G mast at Whitemyres
Farm been granted a three-month extension? Response - The
Development Management Sub-Committee of 24 May agreed to grant
a three-month extension which, after it was backdated, will expire on
17 June 2012.
EE - we have obtained figures from Richard Baker MSP outlining 951
exclusions from secondary schools last year; comment? Response
- The figures for exclusions in the City's primary and secondary schools
in 2010/11 are at their lowest level for three years. There has been a
reduction in expulsions of almost 13% for the academic year 2010/11
compared to 2009/10. We are committed to creating and maintaining a
peaceful and positive learning environment and take the safety of
pupils and staff very seriously. The decision to exclude is only taken in
response to serious breaches of the school's behaviour policy and
where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the
education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.
EE - the management committee at Altens Community Centre is
concerned about a hole in the wall on the perimeter of the centre's
ground because young people are climbing through the gap and the
committee is worried that someone may get hurt or the wall may
collapse; is the council aware of this and will the council repair the
wall? Response - The usual practice would be for the community
centre to contact council officers directly to highlight such a concern.
We were not aware of this issue; however we will now look at the issue
and contact the management committee directly.
Daily Record - are there any street parties being held in Aberdeen to mark
the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Response - There is one street party
[Colthill Road, Milltimber, Aberdeen] on 03 June but there are many
other events taking place locally, including a special family-friendly
concert at the Duthie Park.
EE - seeking interview and photo opp with Muirfield School crossing
patrollers for School Crossing Patroller of the Year competition.
Response – arranged
EE - there are Travellers on land just off Ellon Road; what's ACC doing
about it? Response - The Travellers at Denmore are on council-owned
land. We will be taking legal action to have them removed from the site.
Thurs 31 May 2012
release out on Aberdeen's effort in Keep Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean
campaign, which ended today cns/pr spring clean
release out on the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebration at Duthie Park
this Sunday cns/pr jubileecelebrati
on 310512.asp
release out on European funding secured for city projects cns/pr Externalfundin
g 310512.asp
release out on community business competition approved by EP&I cns/pr communitygra
nt 310512.asp
release out on closure of Howe Moss Crescent for sewer works cns/pr HoweMoss 31
release out on EP&I approving roads capital programme cns/pr roadscapital 3
release out on closure of Kingswood Drive for sewer works cns/pr kingswood 31
interview with Cllr Barney Crockett on BBC Radio Humberside on how Hull
could learn from Aberdeen's economic success
Original FM - seeking interview with council leader on European funding.
Response – arranged
Original FM - wanting to interview organiser of the Queen's Diamond
Jubilee celebrations at Duthie Park this Sunday. Response - arranged
for Kenny Luke to be interviewed
BBC Radio – same
Daybreak Scotland - wanting more information on the Queen's Diamond
Jubilee event at the Duthie Park and to talk through possible locations
and timings for shots to film. Response - provided details
story placed with EE and Northsound about primary school football
being set for smaller-sized pitches as Granite City seeks to boost
technical ability
EE - follow-up: parents have raised concerns about their lack of
consultation over the change in primary school football; will the
council be able to have the new system in place by August? Response
- We will work closely with schools, volunteers and the SFA to ensure
we have everything in place to deliver the National Player Pathway. It
is vital that we all work together to make sure this is a success and we
hope everyone will continue to support us in implementing this new
EE - requesting interview with officer/convener on exclusions. Response Unfortunately no one is available for interview today.
BBC - asking for comment on St Nicholas House bids closing date.
Response - Phase 1 closing date is set for 03 July. We have received
considerable interest and more than a dozen viewings. Referred to
Ryden for further details.
P&J – same
P&J - requesting comment from council for story about 94-year-old
gardening volunteer
. Response - Aberdeen City
Council area officer and volunteer supervisor, Sandy Scott said: "
is a great addition to our volunteering team and, like all our volunteers,
does a fantastic job to ensure our public parks and green spaces
continue to be in tip-top condition. He has clearly shown that age is no
barrier and has very quickly become a dedicated and valued member
of the team. We are always seeking volunteers, of all ages, and
anyone interested in helping out can call 01224 219291 or e-mail"
P&J - requesting pictures from any of the Aberdeen clean-ups in the Keep
Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean campaign. Response - Supplied
pictures of clean up at Donmouth involving countryside rangers and
members of the council's corporate management team.
P&J - requesting 2011 population figures issued today by National
Records of Scotland, showing new estimate for Aberdeen is 220,420,
an increase of 1.5% (+3,300) on the previous year. Response - With
Midlothian, Aberdeen had the second highest increase in Scotland,
after Edinburgh (+1.9%). Most of the gain between 2010 and 2011 was
due to inward migration. The figures illustrate the strength of the local
economy and Aberdeen's ability to attract workers to the city. Aberdeen
also had the highest population increase in Scotland in 2009, the
second highest in 2010, and seven consecutive years of population
EE - a report, ‘21st Century Secondary School Provision’ to the October
2010 Education, Culture and Sport Committee meeitng recommended
redefining the catchment areas of Aberdeen Grammar School and
Harlaw Academy; has this taken place yet? Response - the review of
the catchment areas has not taken place yet. As stated in the report Primary School Estate Review - due before next week's Education,
Culture and Sport committee, Aberdeen City Council undertook a
detailed review of the secondary school estate during 2010, which was
reported to a special meeting of the Education, Culture and Sport
Committee in October 2010. A follow-up report to the March 2011
meeting of the Education, Culture and Sport Committee considered the
requirement to redefine the catchment areas of Aberdeen Grammar
School and Harlaw Academy. The committee approved the next phase
of the review of school provision by instructing officers to include the
potential re-zoning of these two secondary schools in a comprehensive
review of the primary school estate.
Daily Record - are there any public holidays planned for or around the
Queen's Diamond Jubilee? Response - Aberdeen schools will be off
on Tues 05 Jun for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The council's
Corporate Policy and Performance Committee approved the granting of
an extra day's annual leave in recognition of the Queen's Diamond
Jubilee celebrations, to be taken by employees either on June 5 or on
another appropriate date, subject to operational requirements. This is
not an additional public holiday but rather an additional day's annual
Original FM - asked to correct story broadcast this morning which stated
that people will "lose their homes" because of CPOs for 3rd Don
EE - story corrected for final edition regarding pupil exclusion rates in city
and nature of incidents (newspaper published over-inflated figures for
numbers of exclusions involving "weapon/improvised weapon").
EE - asked to correct today's story on Wellington Road roadworks which
was 70% nonsense
Fri 01 June 2012
release out on primary school football being set for smaller-sized pitches
as Granite City seeks to boost technical ability cns/pr schools footba
ll transformation 010612.asp
release drafted on city day centre to celebrate Diamond Jubilee
release drafted about nomination stage for Best Bar None pub safety
scheme drawing to a close
P&J - Capability Scotland has criticised ACC following EP&I's decision to
make some adjustments to improve disabled access to Marischal
College on Broad Street. Response - Convener of Enterprise, Planning
and Infrastructure and Council Leader Barney Crockett said: "As with
any project of the magnitude of Marischal College problems can always
arise when plans are put into practice. A motion to the Enterprise,
Planning and Infrastructure Committee identified some concerns with
regards to disabled access at Broad Street. I am delighted the
Committee has backed plans to improve access to and from the
building for disabled staff and visitors to Marischal College."
EE - keen to do a spread on the planned changes to primary school
football and seeking interview with someone at the council. Response
- Advised reporter that the story has already appeared in the sport
pages of today's Evening Express.
EE - took photographs of a school crossing patroller for the Crossing
Patroller of the Year Award but photographer forgot to ask for his
contact details; would you be able to provide them? Response checked with patroller's supervisor and provided telephone number
EE - also requesting details for the crossing patroller at Bramble Brae
School. Response - checking, although advised reporter that this could
prove difficult as the request came in late on in the day.
EE - the report 'North Sea Commission and External Funding Update'
from yesterday's EP&I committee provides an update on current and
future transnational projects; seeking interview with report author, in
particular about planned hydrogen buses project. Response - Advised
reporter that the report provides detailed information on the various
projects and suggested she speaks to the EP&I convener for comment.
Sunday Times - what events are planned in Aberdeen to mark the Queen's
Diamond Jubilee? Response - There is one council event planned for
Duthie Park on Sunday - details at cns/pr jubileecelebrati
on 310512.asp. Elsewhere, there are approximately 40 events
planned privately across the city to mark the Jubilee. These range from
galas, concerts, tea parties, barbecues, fun days, (off) street parties
and garden parties. We are aware of one street party which has
required a road closure.
Premier Construction Magazine - requesting previous press release on
Duthie Park restoration project and any images we can supply.
Response – provided
STV - wanting more information on Aberdeen's Olympic Torch Relay
evening celebration at the Castlegate and permission to be located at
the Castlegate. Response - A media briefing is in the process of being
planned for late next week which will reveal details of the events
planned for Aberdeen's Olympic Torch Relay day. LOGOC has advised
us that only tour buses and the BBC will remain backstage at the
Castlegate; Dawn Schultz, city events manager, however, will review
the site plans this weekend so we will be able to advise you at the start
of next week.
BBC - following EIS's suggestion that 16 and 17-year-olds should be
allowed to vote, would it be possible to interview some senior pupils at
a school this afternoon? Response - Unfortunately senior pupils are off
as it is exam time. Suggested contacting Aberdeen College.
EE - asked to desist from quoting ACC officers' reports to committee
without mentioning that the quote is in fact taken from a report, thereby
giving the impression that the officer has spoken directly to the EE. EE
promised memo to that effect to all reporters
Media Briefing – Mon 04 June 2012
release out on Olympic Torch Relay temporary road restrictions on
Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 June
release out on Follow-through report on Newhills School published
photocall out on Craigton Road Day Centre all set for Diamond Day as
Jubilee celebrations draw to a close
release drafted on visit of Lower Saxony PM to Aberdeen on Friday (8
EE - wanting more information on follow-through on Newshills School.
Response - sent reporter a copy of the letter sent to parents/guardians
P&J - seeking council comment about road repairs scheduled for
Hazledene Road. Response - This is the first section of the road to be
repaired and is most widely used with golf course and Hazlehead Park
users. An opportunity arose in the council's roads schedule to carry out
the work in June, therefore avoiding the busy summer holiday period.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused but we hope residents and
visitors will appreciate the necessity for these repairs. Other sections of
the road will be repaired in due course.
EE - why has ACC told
that he will have to remove hundreds
of plant pots and hanging baskets from communal gardens, drying
areas and open green spaces on Greenburn Drive, Bucksburn by June
15? Response - This is a historical issue involving
and the use
of communal spaces, outwith his tenancy agreement. Every resident
and tenant of Greenburn Drive is entitled to access and use of the
communal spaces at their properties, including shared gardens and
drying areas. The Council has a responsibility to ensure such areas are
accessible as well as maintaining and monitoring open spaces in
communities. If someone wishes to take on responsibility for areas
outwith their tenancy then this requires to be agreed by the tenant
concerned and landlord. We are always keen to speak with residents to
consider suitable alternative solutions.
EE - 'Closing Date' signs have gone up on the For Sale boards at the
former Causewayend Primary School; when is the closing date; what
level of interest has there been? Response - Advised reporter to speak
to selling agents Ryden. For info, a closing date of July 24 has been
set and we have had a good level of interest.
EE - how many road closures are planned to accommodate street parties
to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee; when are the street parties
planned; what other events are planned? Response - There has been
one road closure for a street party (Colthill Road, Milltimber) and that
took place yesterday (Sunday). Provided reporter with list of other
events we are aware of, which includes galas, off street parties,
barbecues and fun days.
P&J – same
EE - information released under FoI and published on the What Do They
Know website shows that between January 2011 and December 2011
Aberdeen City Council spent approximately £389,000 on mobile
telephone voice and data; seeking total number of mobile phones in
use in the council and comparable bills from previous years. Response
- advised reporter that the IT Manager, who compiled the FOI figures,
is on annual leave until Wednesday so we would rather wait until her
return to confirm the validity of these figures and to check other figures.
Reporter offered assurances that he would wait until IT Manager's
return but requested holding statement in the meantime. The use of
mobile technology is standard in all local authorities and modern
businesses. It offers more flexibility to staff who often need to respond
to e-mails and phone calls at all hours of the day, ensuring they keep
100% up to date with business. Aberdeen City Council is a modern,
forward-looking organisation and finds that such mobile technology is
an extremely valuable tool.
EE - a planning application has been lodged by the council to install solar
panels at Westburn Tennis Centre, Westburn Road; the design and
access statement submitted with the application states that the council
intends to install "427 Trina 235 Solar PV Modules"; is it safe to say
"the council plans to install 427 solar panels"? Response - checking,
although advised reporter to also check with agent, the Mark Group.
Tues 05 June 2012
release out on 30mph speed limit on section of Dyce Drive during
carriageway widening work cns/pr DyceDr 05061
release out on traffic restrictions during the Celebrate Aberdeen parade
on Saturday cns/pr CelebrateAber
deen 050612.asp
release out on application stage in Best Bar None awards drawing to a
close cns/pr best barnone
release out on essential resurfacing work planned for section of road to
Hazlehead Park/Golf Club cns/pr hazlehead roa
d 050612.asp
release out on St Devenick's Playgroup in Bieldside being first early
years setting in Aberdeen to be awarded the Early Years Health &
Wellbeing Award by ACC in partnership with NHS Grampian
release drafted about hanging basket workshop at Duthie Park on Sunday
statement drafted from LP for inclusion in the World Heavy Oil Congress
EE - a reader has sent in a picture showing a council van parked on
double yellow lines on Clifton Road; seeking comment. Response Council vehicles should not be parked inappropriately. Our drivers
should be complying with the rules of the road, as all motorists are
expected to.
BBC - seeking interview with officer involved in East Tullos Burn
consultation for radio. Response - arranged for consultant
to be interviewed
EE - seeking interviews with school crossing patrollers for School
Crossing Patroller of the Year competition. Response – checking
EE - what is the latest with the Hazlehead Park restaurant; is it likely to
reopen in time for summer? Response - The council is in the process
of concluding the paperwork with the preferred bidder for the
Hazlehead Park restaurant. All the bids we received, including that of
the preferred bidder, made it clear that the bidders intended to invest in
upgrading and modernising the property. Once work gets under way it
is likely to last for a number of weeks. The preferred bidder has
indicated that they would be keen to open the kiosk in the restaurant
while work progresses.
EE - seeking clarification on a press release from CALA Homes which
claims the developer has masterplans for almost 300 new homes in
Cults and 550 homes and community facilities in Milltimber; the press
release also states that 1,000 houses in the Craibstone area have also
been included in the new Local Development Plan. Response Provided following for info only as all developments are subject to
planning permission being granted: It is our understanding that Cala
does have masterplans approved for both Cults and Milltimber, but we
have not determined the applications for these developments yet. Cala
is right to say that Craibstone is in the new Local Development Plan so
the principle of development on the site has been accepted but that is
as far as we have reached with that site.
P&J - are there any jubilee events on today? Response - sent photocall
about Craigton Road Day Centre Jubilee event, photographer attended
Northsound – same
EE - will the Haudagain and Garthdee roundabouts be closed for the
duration of the Olympic Torch relay? Response - No, the torch route is
a rolling relay with road closures in place and expected to lifted as soon
as the procession passes.
P&J - in the Licensing Committee papers are Scorpion GB, who are
applying for permission to stage markets in West North Street car
parks and BOD park and ride, the same applicant as those seeking to
stage markets on Union Terrace? Response - Advised reporter check
with Scorpion GB but officers were happy to confirm it was the same
EE - in the What's On section of the council website there's an event
listed for Wednesday 14 June; does it take place on Wednesday 13
June or Thursday 14 June? Response - The events are submitted by
their organisers; advised reporter to speak to the event operator, in this
instance Aberdeen Psychology, whose contact details are listed on the
notice, rather than Aberdeen City Council (notified web team of the
Weds 06 June 2012
release out on visit by Prime Minister of Lower Saxony to Aberdeen on
Friday cns/pr lowersaxony 0
release out on Lightspeed art installation, inviting people to race against
Usain Bolt cns/pr lightspeed 06
release out on Colin Montgomery announced as Aberdeen's celebrity
Olympic torch-bearer cns/pr Montie 06061
release out on planning application for temporary cafe under central arch
of Union Terrace Gardens being recommended for approval cns/pr UTGarches 0
release out on Licensing Committee agreeing to cap taxi licences and
committing to principle of 100% disabled-accessible taxi fleet [to be
issued later this evening]
release out about hanging basket workshop at Duthie Park on Sunday cns/pr hanging bask
ets 060612.asp
release out about closure of Flourmill Lane during crane works cns/pr Flourmill 0606
release out on consultation event on the future of East Tullos Burn cns/pr EastTullos 06
release out on closure of Abbotshall Road during utility works cns/pr Abbotshall 06
release out on planning applications for installation of almost 2,500 solar
panels on public buildings being recommended for approval cns/pr solarplanning
issued statement from Lord Provost for inclusion in the World Heavy Oil
Congress newsletter
P&J - how much are the bus lane cameras expected to generate for they
city; how much will the penalty be; when will they be in place; have all
committee decisions with regard to the cameras been made?
Response - A report on the proposed level of fine is due to be
considered by the Finance and Resources Committee in October and
approval will then be sought from the Scottish Government. The
penalty imposed by Glasgow and Edinburgh councils is £60,
discounted to £30 if paid within 14 days. Tenders are to be returned by
mid-July. It is expected that work will begin in November, with the
system going live in December. We expect the number of penalties
issued to gradually reduce over time.
BBC - seeking interview with Chief Executive about the City of Culture
report going to Full Council. Response - Declined on the grounds that it
would be inappropriate for an officer to speak to the media about a
report before it has been considered by elected members. Suggested,
however that the chief exec may be available for interview afterwards.
P&J - seeking information about a pre-application consultation for a
biomass plant at Stoneywood Paper Mill. Response - Directed
reporter to the section of the ACC website which contains the plans.
EE – same
EE - seeking images of the proposals for East Tullos Burn. Response –
EE - we are led to believe the two teenagers killed in the car crash on
West Tullos Road on Tuesday night were former pupils of Harlaw
Academy; seeking confirmation and comment from the headteacher.
Response - Grampian Police, which is leading inquiries into this
incident, has advised that the victims have yet to be formally identified
by their next of kin. Until such a time it would be inappropriate for the
council to comment.
BBC - same, also requesting interview with Harlaw Academy head
teacher. Response – declined
STV – same
P&J – same
EE - Cllr Martin Greig has issued a press release which states that as well
as the money committed to repairing part of the road to Hazlehead
Park next week, a further £90,000 of funding has also been approved
and set aside for further works; Cllr Greig states that this funding will be
spent on the worst sections of the road; is this accurate? Response We have no issue with Cllr Greig's press release. As stated in our
press release about next week's road repairs, issued yesterday, future
work on the road is planned and we will publicise this once it has been
EE - following up query from Monday about council mobile devices bills;
information released under FoI and published on the What Do They
Know website shows that between January 2011 and December 2011
Aberdeen City Council spent approximately £389,000 on mobile
telephone voice and data bills; seeking total number of mobile devices
in operation at the council; comparable bills from previous years and
total number of people employed by the council. Response Approximately 9,000 people are employed by Aberdeen City Council;
3,026 mobile devices (mobile phones/BlackBerries/3G cards for
laptops etc) are currently operational through Vodafone, although
pointed out that this figure does not reflect the number of staff who
have access to mobile devices. That figure, although not readily
available, will be much lower as many employees use multiple mobile
devices, for example a BlackBerry and a notebook computer. The total
mobile devices cost from December 2010-January 2011 was £402,947.
Aberdeen City Council is committed to achieving best value and that is
why we saw a reduction in the bill for mobile devices from £402,947 in
2010 to £389,000 last year, a saving of almost £14,000. The use of
mobile technology is standard in all local authorities and modern
businesses. It offers more flexibility to staff who often need to respond
to e-mails and phone calls at all hours of the day, ensuring they keep
100% up-to-date with business. Aberdeen City Council is a modern,
forward-looking organisation and finds that such mobile technology is
an extremely valuable tool.
P&J - (query from late on Tuesday, June 5 - story in today's paper)
Aberdeen City Council is now tendering for the supply and installation
of a bus lane enforcement camera system for the city. The contract
notice was published on the Public Contract Scotland website
yesterday; seeking council comment. Response - Responsibility for bus
lane enforcement was transferred from Grampian Police to Aberdeen
City Council by Scottish Ministers earlier this year. Aberdeen City
Council did not install new cameras in advance of the Scottish
Ministers' decision as we were not prepared to spend a potentially
large sum of money replacing cameras without a guarantee that they
could be used. We are now in the process of tendering for the supply
and installation of a bus lane camera system to be used in the city. It is
hoped this will enhance the efficiency of the bus lanes by reducing
delays to buses and improving bus journey reliability."
EE - the Scottish Government's reply to Richard Baker MSP's
parliamentary question about how many overcrowded homes there
are in Aberdeen was "around 2,000". Is that correct? Response Checking, but advised reporter that we can only talk for our own
housing stock and not for private or housing association properties.
Cycling Scotland - seeking quote from EP&I convener for use in a press
release about its Give Me Space cycling safety campaign. Response
- checking
Thurs 07 June 2012
release out about Education, Culture and Sport approving the health and
wellbeing policy cns/pr health and w
ellbeing policy070612.asp
release out about ACC consulting with parents over future of city's
primary schools cns/pr primaryschool
estate 080612.asp
release out about one-way system on Deeview Road South cns/pr DeeviewRdSo
uth 070612.asp
release out about planning application to convert Beechgrove Church
into flats cns/pr Beechgrove 0
collection for residents whose homes are not currently serviced by the
brown bin collection, for example flats and high-rise blocks. It is
anticipated that a food waste collection to service these communities
will be piloted next year (2013).
Mail on Sunday - follow-up to above; how does the council enforce/plan to
enforce the disposal of food waste? Response - The Waste (Scotland)
Regulations 2012 only made it a requirement for local authorities and
businesses to present food waste for collection from most households
and businesses. It does not make it an obligation for residents to
recycle food so we cannot enforce it. This applies to all Scottish local
P&J - a woman has contacted the paper claiming she was attacked by
crows while gardening the other day; apparently, the woman contacted
the RSPB who told her that crows were very aggressive at this time of
year because they are protecting their young; does ACC do anything to
prevent/deter pest crows? Response - While there is no policy to
prevent or deter birds nesting in Aberdeen, the city council undertakes
an annual programme of nest and egg removal from certain properties,
both public and residential. This is carried out within the remit of the
Wildlife and Countryside Act which permits controls measures to be
undertaken to protect public health and public safety. As a matter of
course, we would encourage the public to exercise caution when
around nesting birds, especially at this time of year when birds can
become aggressive protecting their eggs or chicks.
Newsline - the press release issued yesterday about solar panel planning
applications yesterday mentions seven properties then 90 public
buildings. Which is it? Response - The 2,500 panels are for the seven
buildings listed in the release, for which planning permission would be
required. The plan is to put panels on 90 buildings in total.
BBC - who is applying for planning permission for Beechgrove Church?
Response - Denmack Ltd
EE - seeking interview with school bus escort
, 86, for feature
on older people who are still working, like the Queen. Response works for Central Coaches. Made arrangements with Central
Coaches for
to be interviewed and photographed.
EE - seeking interviews with two school crossing patrollers for its School
Crossing Patroller of the Year competition. Response - arranged for
patrollers to contact reporter
EE - requesting background information on Davidson's Mill Phase One
Masterplan. Response – provided
EE - requesting map of city centre map for Monday's Olympic Torch
Relay event. Response – provided
Building Design Magazine - which architect is working on Bond Offshore
Helicopters new passenger terminal plans? Response - referred
reporter to Bond
EE - there's a burst water main on the South Deeside Road at the
Netherley junction; is that in the city or the shire? Response - It's in
EE - various questions about aspects of the Olympic Torch Relay.
Response - all answered
EE - an internal audit by PWC claims the Common Good Fund could be
better utilised; seeking comment. Response - The audit in question is
due to go before Committee next week. We do not comment on reports
ahead of Committee. Referred reporter to convener of Audit and Risk
and Council Leader or Convener of Finance and Resources.
EE - what is the current balance of the Common Good Fund? Response
- checking
Fri 08 June 2012
media invitation issued to attend visit by Prime Minister of Lower
Saxony David McAllister to the Town House: attended by EE,
Newsline, Original FM, P&J
P&J - when did the council stop providing financial support to Thomas
Glover House? Response - A cultural grant from the government,
which was allocated to Thomas Glover House by ACC, ceased to exist
two years ago. The council was unable to offer further financial support
at that time.
P&J - invitations to tender for the demolition of St Nicholas House have
been advertised; when will the building be demolished? Response - A
closing date has been set for bids for St Nicholas House for 3 July.
Officers are continuing with the work, including inviting tenders for
demolition of the building, as instructed by Council. There is no fixed
date for the award of the contract or for demolition to begin.
STV - will a Diamond Jubilee Garden Party at UTG by Common Good
Aberdeen on 23 June still go ahead? Response - ACC have granted
permission for the event to go ahead. The organisers have not
indicated otherwise.
Consolidated PR - can you provide a quote on the basis that Aberdeen
City nominees triumph at the Scottish Education Awards? Response -
Convener of Aberdeen City Council’s Education, Culture and Sport
Committee Councillor Jenny Laing said: “This year’s standard was
exceptionally high and I am delighted that our education professionals
in Aberdeen have excelled in the prestigious Scottish Education
Awards. I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to the winners
and to all others who were nominated.”
Media Briefing – Mon 11 June 2012
release out about long-serving foster carer lights celebration cauldron cns/pr evelyn torchbeare
r 120612.asp
release out about rolling road closures for second day of Olympic Torch
Relay in Aberdeen cns/pr OlympicsDay2traff
ic 110612.asp
release out on last remaining places up for grabs at Aberdeen's Golden
Games cns/pr golden games co
untdown 120612.asp
release out on closure of Whitestripes Road for resurfacing cns/pr Whitestripes 110
release out about emergency road closure of Ash-hill Road for gas mains
release out about ACC taking part in Food Standards Agency's Food
Safety Week cns/pr food safety 1106
widespread social media, press releases and queries regarding Olympic
Torch Route
P&J - how many council staff have been involved in the Olympic Torch
Relay event. Response - checking, but advised that figures will not be
available today
STV/EE/Original/Scottish Press Pictures/PA - Olympic event queries.
Response - all answered
EE - has ACC dealt with the oil spill on North Deeside Road? Response Yes we have.
Daily Mail - how many wind turbines are there in Aberdeen; how many
wind farms are there in Aberdeen; how many square miles does the ACC
area cover? Response - None. Explained we can only give the number of
successful turbine planning applications and not the number of turbines
erected. Checking number of successful applications.
Original - advised that the contraflow on Wellington Road was removed
with completion of the works on Friday and is not, as they are
broadcasting, still in place.
BBC - various questions about council houses: (1) Does Aberdeen City
Council still have council houses or have they been transferred to a
housing association; (2) How many people are currently on the
ACC's waiting list for a council house; (3) How many council houses have
been sold to tenants in the past year? (If the right to buy has been
suspended, please state); (4) How many new council houses have you
built in the past year - and how many new ones are in the pipeline?
Response - (1) Aberdeen City Council currently retains all of its housing
stock; (2) As at May 1, 2012: waiting list applications = 5,086, transfer list
applications = 2,247, extra care/amenity = 1,266. There may be a slight
duplication of numbers as an applicant can be on either the waiting or
transfer list and on the extra care/amenity list; (3) Between April 1, 2011
and March 31, 2012 86 council houses were sold under RTB. The Housing
and Environment committee decided at its meeting on May 22, 2012 to
extend the suspension of RTB to properties in 50 of the Council's 62
Letting Areas for a period of up to 10 years under Pressured Area Status.
This, however, does not affect tenancies in these areas which started
before September 2002 who retain the RTB; (4) Between April 1, 2011
and March 31, 2012, 120 properties were added to our stock of council
housing. There are an additional 31 properties to be built in the year
EE - Cllr Ian Yuill has contacted the paper regarding the state of
Hammersmith Road; he claims the road surface has deteriorated so
badly that he has been able to lift large rocks out of the potholes; Cllr Yuill
says he has contacted the council on numerous occasions about this.
Response - Repairs using the jetpatcher are scheduled to take place on
Hammersmith Road within the next fortnight. This operation will be
weather-dependent. Aberdeen City Council works hard to address the
potholes issue in the city and is tackling the most serious as quickly as we
can. We would urge members of the public who come across potholes to
report them to the council so that they can be recorded and dealt with.
EE - a case study to go alongside a story on overcrowding in Aberdeen
focuses on a couple who stay in a one-bedroom council flat in Heathryfold
with their two children; the couple say they have been on the transfer list
for three years and have been given no indication of when/if they might be
moved; seeking council comment. Response - Councillor Neil Cooney,
convener of Aberdeen City Council's Housing and Environment
Committee, said: "We are sympathetic to the housing circumstances of
applicants who are living in overcrowded conditions and I empathise with
this family and the many others who face housing problems. At any one
time, the total number of applicants wishing to be housed by the council is
around 5,500 with a further 2,500 current tenants wishing to be rehoused.
The council processes around 600 new housing applications each month.
In most areas of the city there is a mismatch between the demand for
council houses and the number of applicants requesting the type and size
of council houses available. Over the past five years the council has
experienced a dramatic reduction in the number of properties available for
let but the number of applicants has remained the same. Aberdeen City
Council's housing service is currently reviewing the way in which council
housing is allocated. The existing allocation policy has been in operation
for many years and both service users and staff have said that it is quite
complex and can be difficult to understand. The council wants to revise
this policy to ensure that it can react effectively to the increasing demand
and limited housing stock."
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
release out hailing success of Aberdeen leg of the Olympic Torch Relay
and Castlegate concert and paying tribute to enthusiasm of citizens
and hard work of ACC staff cns/pr olympicsucces
s 120612.asp
release out about phase two of work to further improve traffic flow and
public transport links at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary getting underway
tomorrow cns/pr ARItraffic 120
release out about one-way system on King Street cns/pr kingSt 120612
release out about temporary traffic lights in use at various locations
across the city cns/pr templights 12
release out inviting folk to take part in the Lightspeed public art
installation cns/pr lightspeed 12
release from TOTAL about Hanover Street and Culter primary schools
winning Green School Awards published on council website cns/pr total schools
release drafted about lane closure on Ellon Road during Scottish Water
release drafted about one-way system on Rousay Drive during road
realignment for Tesco development
release drafted about one-way system on northern section of Foresterhill
Road during gas mains replacement works
story placed with EE regarding forthcoming Golden Games and 106-yearold participant
P&J - Will ACC be hosting a press conference regarding the publication of
the TIF business case on 26 June? Response - Checking but advised
reporter he might be best served speaking with members of the
EE - Can we visit Bucksburn Academy to take pictures of pupil
who was an Olympic torchbearer today? Response - Access to
school and interview arranged.
Action for Children - Can you provide a statement about the success of the
Roots for Empathy programme, which sees babies used in the
classroom to help children be more nurturing, at Aberdeen schools?
Response – checking
P&J - interview and photographs arranged with
, waste
collection chargehand driver, who retires on Thursday after 46 years
service with ACC.
P&J - has the council started trialling the fire jelly bird deterrent?
Response – checking
EE - turnout figures for the local government elections in May show that
Aberdeen City Council had the second lowest turnout in Scotland at
33.7%; seeking council comment. Response - Aberdeen City Council,
like the vast majority of Scottish local authorities, witnessed a drop in
voter turnout this year compared to the 2007 local government
elections. In the run up to any election we do all we can to ensure as
many people as possible are registered to vote and use their vote.
While we can encourage people to vote and provide them with details
of polling stations and methods by which they can vote, we cannot
guide them on who they should vote for or reasons for casting a
particular vote. The council works very closely with the Electoral
Commission and other Scottish councils to encourage people to
register to vote and remember to vote. This year, the Electoral
Commission funded a national radio campaign and television and
press adverts, as well as the production and distribution of an advice
booklet to every household in Scotland. At a local level, Aberdeen City
Council engaged with residents and the media through press releases
and regular updates on the council's Twitter and Facebook pages and
posted an animation on the YouTube website. The council's website
was also regularly updated and posters were distributed to public
buildings across the city.
Daily Mail - how many wind turbines are there in Aberdeen? Response Planning permission has been granted for 19, three of which would be
domestic turbines. That is not to say that 19 turbines have been
erected in the city.
EE - a bus stop on Powis Terrace has been moved. Why? Response The bus stop was moved to resolve a residential access issue. The
move has helped to reduce street clutter, as the stop is now attached
to a street lighting column and the pole has been removed.The move
means that the bus stop is closer to the pedestrian crossing at the
Bedford Road junction.
GreenFleet publication - seeking images of the Hyundai hydrogen cars
in Aberdeen. Response - Provided, on condition the photos used are
credited to ACC.
EE - the number of caravans at the Travellers encampment at Denmore
Park has almost doubled to 11; what's ACC doing about it? Response We are taking court action and are seeking to have the group evicted.
The case is due to call at Aberdeen Sheriff Court on Thursday.
EE - can we have a comment on the cost of the Lord Provost's portrait?
Response - The official portrait is a tradition going back many years
and is accorded to all Lord Provosts. The £13,000 funding for the
portrait and unveiling ceremony represents 0.25% of the current
Common Good cash balances.
EE - is there any traffic chaos this morning because of the Olympic
TorchRelay? Response - No; commuters have sensibly rearranged
their travel times and/or chosen alternative routes. Those drivers who
were briefly held up on the roads were seen to be getting into the
Olympic spirit and enjoying the sight of the passage of the
EE - would you care to comment on the promising sickness absence
figures reported in the Corporate Policy and Performance Committee
agenda? Response - The sickness absence figures to be reported to
elected members on Thursday show a very welcome downward trend but there is still work to do to meet out targets. The success so far in
driving down the figures can be attributed to a rigorous Maximising
Attendance procedure which is now fully in place. We are determined
to maintain the momentum and to continue to register improvements
across all directorates.
EE - seeking stories. Response -Pointed reporter to the International
Partnerships and Twinning Applications report which went to EP&I
committee at end of May and which contains several potential stories.
EE - seeking pictures of strongmen coming to compete in the Aberdeen
Highland Games this weekend from Regensburg, Clement Ferrand and
Stavanger, after an application for funding from the International
Twinning Budget was approved by EP&I Committee. Response –
Northsound - advised to cease broadcasting the incorrect information that
the Lord Provost's portrait is on show at the Art Gallery; it's no longer
there and is now hanging in the Town House.
Weds 13 June 2012
release out on unanimous city council support for launch of City of
Culture bid cns/pr culturebid 130
interviews on City of Culture bid with Lord Provost and Chief Exec - EE,
P&J, BBC, Northsound, Original
release out on city council support for potential rescue deal for Remploy
social enterprise site
release out on closure of West Tullos Road roundabout this weekend for
resurfacing work cns/pr WellingtonWes
tTullos 130612.asp
release out on one-way system on Rousay Drive during road realignment
work for the new Tesco development cns/pr RousayDr 130
release out on closure of Deeview Road South for gas mains work cns/pr DeeviewRdSth
release out on traffic restrictions during Aberdeen Highland Games this
weekend cns/pr Highlandtraffic
release out on Hazlehead Academy teacher winning top accolade at
Scottish Education Awards cns/pr education awa
rd 130612.asp
photocall/release out on pupils from three city schools planting their
award-winning flower bed designs cns/pr flower beds 1
photocall/release drafted on council teaming up with The Stewart Group to
restore Rubislaw/Queen's Terrace Gardens fountain
release drafted on Granite City celebrating golden greats as Golden
Games hailed a huge success
release drafted on Aberdeen Highland Games
release drafted on Kingswells School Olympics event
Call Kay BBC radio show - seeking interview about practicalities of
providing healthy, nutritious school meals when faced with budget
constraints. Response - arranged for Clr Laing to be interviewed
BBC - is Annie Lennox performing in person at the private viewing of the
House of Lennox expo? Response - She will not be at the press
preview but will be performing at the private preview for a select
EE - the owner of Gallery 121 is complaining that ACC wouldn't let him
put up AA signs directing people to the gallery; he has paintings by the
official Olympic artist Fabian Perez and wanted to advertise the fact
and encourage people to visit the gallery; he claims ACC refused
permission for the signs because there was insufficient parking;
seeking comment. Response - The use of the signs for the gallery was
not appropriate. This type of sign is used to direct traffic to major
events where parking is provided. In this instance the signs would be
been directing vehicles to a shop where there is no parking and would
have caused confusion for motorists. AA signs are used to direct
vehicular traffic, not pedestrians. The use of satnav and tom-tom
devices is much more appropriate for motorists to use to find a small
property, like this gallery.
EE - seeking School Shout story. Response - suggested Kaimhill
School's health fortnight
Newsline - does ACC wish to comment corporately on critical comments
on Aberdeen posted by Annie Lennox on her Facebook page.
Response - No thank-you but you may wish to speak to elected
EE - North-east Labour MSP Richard Baker has expressed deep concern
for mental health services in Aberdeen as it was today revealed that
they suffered significant "£1 million cuts" in recent years; how many
jobs/services have been lost to the cuts mentioned? Response Checking, but advised reporter it was too simplistic to say £1 million
had been cut from mental health as the Council had undertaken a
number of changes to service delivery.
Daybreak Scotland - story placed featuring successful first day at
Aberdeen's Golden Games, including statement from Convener of
Social Care and Wellbeing Councillor Len Ironside CBE: "The Golden
Games are a key part of Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian’s
commitment to reshaping care for older people in Aberdeen. Life
expectancy has been growing steadily across the country with many
people living longer and healthier lives. Times have changed and its
important that we recognise the vital contribution older people make in
our communities as well as the realisation that you can and should stay
active. Working closely with our partners, we devised a packed
programme of events to promote active ageing and highlight the
diverse number of activities available and suitable for people aged over
65 in the city. I am delighted to see so many people, including
residents from the city’s care homes, taking part. Every participant
epitomises what the Golden Games is all about. They do not see age
as a barrier, in fact their attitude exemplifies the Games’ aim to combat
age discrimination, overcome age-related stereotypes and remove
barriers for older people continuing to take part in a range of activities
across the city. The Golden Games are not just about
participation, they also aim to raise awareness amongst all ages about
the importance of staying active and the importance of older
people continuing to participate in social, economic, cultural and civic
affairs in their communities.”
P&J - a
is scheduled to appear before a General
Teaching Council Fitness to Teach panel on 19 June; the
P&J understands this is the same
who taught/teaches
at Scotstown Primary School, Bridge of Don, and who was found not
guilty of supplying drugs when he appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court
in 2009; seeking confirmation. Response is no longer
employed by Aberdeen City Council.
P&J - Councillor Martin Greig has said there plans to make Hazlehead
Park a 'Climate Change Park'; seeking details. Response – checking
EE - following up query from yesterday about figures showing Aberdeen
City Council had the second lowest turnout in Scotland (33.7%) at
May's local government elections; can we provide the total turnout as
a figure? Response - The total electorate for Aberdeen is 164,868 so
turnout = 33.7% of 164,868 (approx 55,560).
Thurs 14 June 2012
release out on launch of cultural grants being offered to cultural groups
and organisations cns/pr culturalgrants
release and photocall out on Olympic-themed event at Kingswells School cns/pr KingswellsOly
mpics 140612.asp
release out on pupils who won design-a-flowerbed competition cns/pr flower beds 1
release out on Development Management Sub-committee agreeing to site
visit for Bond's application for a new helicopter passenger terminal cns/pr airportterminal
release out on Development Management Sub-committee approving
planning application for a temporary cafe under the central arch at
Union Terrace Gardens cns/pr UTGarches 1
release out on Development Management Sub-committee approving
planning application for a sheltered housing complex on the
Craigieburn House site cns/pr Craigieburn 1
release out on Development Management Sub-committee approving
planning application to convert Ashgrove House to create five
supported accommodation flats for people with learning difficulties cns/pr Ashgrove 140
release out on Development Management Sub-committee approving plan
to convert Beechgrove Church into flats cns/pr BeechgroveKir
k 140612.asp
release out on Development Management Sub-committee approving
planning application for boiler house and district heating network
linking three multi-storey blocks cns/pr Boilerhouse 1
release out on one-way system on northern section of Foresterhill Road
during gas works cns/pr ForesterhillRd
release out on Development Management Sub-committee approving
planning applications for the installation of solar panels on seven ACC
release to be issued tonight on ACC's performance at the Scottish
Transport Awards
release drafted on meet the artist Jini Rawlings behind exhibition at
Aberdeen Maritime Museum
release drafted on Aberdeen early years and childcare partnership
conference being held at Pittodrie Stadium
release drafted on Duthie Park staff and the council's Waste Aware
team hosting stands at this weekend's Highland Games
release drafted on Countryside Ranger volunteer event to help record
bird and plant life for the North East Scotland Biological Records
Horticulture Week - seeking comment on City Gardens Project and
information on when the "deciding vote" will be taken. Response explained that the Full Council would consider the TIF business case
and all it entails on 22 August.
Original - seeking more information about Union Terrace Gardens cafe
plan and interview. Response - referred reporter to the applicant
BBC - there's been yet another fire at Broadford Works; what are the
plans for the site? Response - Referred reporter to press release
issued late last year about planning applications made for the site cns/pr broadford works 01
1211.asp It is due to be decided on in the coming months.
EE - working on an article about the low level of female representation on
the Police Board and Grampian Fire and Rescue Board. Seeking
comment. Response - suggested reporter contact board members
P&J says he is meeting with council officials in July to
discuss a lease for the cafe he got planning permission for under the
central arch of Union Terrace Gardens; will he automatically get the
lease or could it go to someone else? Response - Council officials
have not met with
to discuss whether or not the land is
available. No decision has been taken as to whether or not the ground
will be made available. Discussions will commence in the near future.
Council officials would have to be satisfied that if a property deal is
reached, it would achieve best value for the council. The authority
would still have to consider whether or not the best option available to
the council would be to advertise the facility on the open market.
EE - a reader has complained that a council van is being parked overnight
in the car park attached to the block of flats in which she lives; seeking
comment. Response – checking
EE - what was the outcome of the Former Davidson's Mill Phase 1
Masterplan Report following the Development Management
Subcommittee today? Response - It was unanimously approved as
interim planning guidance.
P&J - the article on the Highland Games in today's Your Weekend
supplement states that author Stuart MacBride will be appearing as a
special guest. This is incorrect, Stuart MacBride appeared at last year's
event. Requested a clarification and provided the following: Author
Shona MacLean will make a guest appearance at Aberdeen's Highland
Games at Hazlehead Park on Sunday (June 17). She will host an event
titled 17th Century Super Sleuthing in the Library Fling tent at 2.30pm.
Her latest novel, the historical thriller Crucible, was released in April.
Last year's Library Fling at the Highland Games featured North-east
crime writer Stuart MacBride.
P&J - during a media call at Broadford Works today following a spate of
deliberate fires at the site, the Grampian Fire and Rescue
Service Aberdeen command manager said the fire service has been
working with the police and Aberdeen City Council to serve an
"ultimatum" on Broadford Works owner Ian Suttie; reporter understands
a risk assessment was carried out and the council is producing a notice
which will be served on Mr Suttie "demanding" that he takes measures
to ensure the site is safe and secure. Response - By way of
background, neither ourselves or the police or fire service have made
any ultimatums or demands regarding the Broadford Works site. It is
true to say that a risk assessment involving the police, fire service and
the council's building standards team was carried out at Broadford
Works following a spate of recent fires. Building standards are still in
the process of assessing the information compiled during the risk
assessment and have yet to draw any conclusions about what action, if
any, is required. A spokesman for Aberdeen City Council said: "The
safety of the public is of the utmost importance and the
council's building standards and community safety teams will continue
to work with our partners in the fire service and police to try to prevent
further incidents of this nature. The City Wardens have also increased
their patrols of this area in an effort to ensure anything untoward is
reported swiftly."
VSA - asked to supply comment from Lord Provost ahead of Carers Week
and Olympic lunch which LP will attend at the Citadel. Response Aberdeen Lord Provost George Adam said: “Carers are the unsung
and unpaid heroes in our communities. All face different circumstances
looking after relatives, loved-ones and children who have particular
needs that must be met in different ways.The two things they all have
common are a selfless devotion to those they care for, and
determination to make lives as good as possible for the people who
rely on them. We, as a city, cannot hold carers in a high enough regard
and it’s vitally important that we raise awareness of the work they do
and highlight the support and representation that is out there for them.”
EE - North-east Labour MSP Richard Baker has expressed deep concern
for mental health services in Aberdeen as it was today revealed that
they suffered significant "£1 million cuts" in recent years; how many
jobs/services have been lost to the cuts mentioned? Response - In
2010 we undertook a wide-ranging review of how we deliver and
provide services across the Council. For Social Care and Wellbeing
part of that process involved exploring options of how we provide
services for people who meet the eligibility criteria for social care
services. Working closely with mental health services provided by the
voluntary sector some services were reconfigured which enabled the
Council to invest in a more personalised care service at a reduced
cost. Aberdeen City Council is committed to providing care to every
resident in the city who needs it and works hard to deliver the best
possible care package at all times.
Fri 15 June 2012
release out on council installing CCTV to monitor part of the former
Broadford Works following recent deliberate fires cns/pr broadford wor
ks 150612.asp
release out on Safedem being appointed to carry out the soft strip
demolition works at St Nicholas House cns/pr stNixsoftstrip
release out on ACC being shortlisted for six National Transport Scotland
awards cns/pr transportaward
s 150612.asp
release out about Aberdeen Highland Games on Sunday cns/pr highlandGame
s 150612.asp
release out on traffic restrictions during Highland Games cns/pr Highlandtraffic
release out on closure of Flourmill Lane during crane works cns/pr FlourmillLane
release out on Granite City uncovering some golden greats as free
festival of sport hailed a huge success cns/pr Golden Game
s hailed success 150612.asp
approved release to be issued by Aberdeen Sport Village's PR outfit about
progress on the 50 metre pool
release drafted on council set to aid charity's bid to help improve women's
health in Sierra Leone
Planning Magazine - when will Bond's planning application for a new
passenger terminal at Aberdeen Airport be considered? Response The Development Management Sub-Committee agreed yesterday to
visit the site. The site visit will take place on the morning on Thursday,
21 June.
Original 106 - seeking interview with those involved in the Kingswells
School Olympic-themed event. Response - arranged for reporter to
attend the school at 12.30pm for interviews
P&J - (late last night) Travellers evicted from Bridge of Don have now set
up camp on the cricket pitch at the Links; seeking confirmation that it is
the same group; what is ACC doing about it? Response - Declined to
comment on the movement of groups of private individuals. The Gypsy
Traveller Liaison officer will visit the encampment and take any
appropriate action, as required.
P&J - has the North East Scotland Disabled Veterans Association
contacted ACC looking for help in locating suitable premises for their
group; apparently they meet in a small room in Mastrick Community
Centre which they claim is unsuitable as they need somewhere with
disabled access and disabled toilet; is there any way this can be
provided? Response - referred reporter to Sport Aberdeen, which
administers community lets
EE - there are Traveller encampments on the cricket pitch at the Links, by
the log store at Hazlehead Park and on land beside Zara restaurant in
Dyce; what is ACC doing about it and will the Highland Games be
affected by the Hazlehead encampment? Response - We will be taking
court action and seeking to have the Travellers evicted from each site.
P&J - seeking update and comment on Tesco Vs ACC Aberdeen Local
Development Plan case, which was due to call at the Court of Session
today. Response - The court date has been changed to accommodate
a two-day hearing. It is scheduled for July.
Environment Industry Magazine - what did the Development Management
Sub-committee decide on the district heating network and boiler
house plans for Balnagask; can ACC provide any images to
accompany the story? Response - Referred reporter to press release
issued yesterday about the committee decision and referred him to
applicant Aberdeen Heat and Power for images.
Northsound - seeking interview about Aberdeen Highland Games this
weekend. Response - arranged for reporter to speak to Lord Provost
Original – same
Planning Magazine - when will the council make a decision on the City
Gardens Project? Response - The Full Council is due to make a
decision on the TIF business case and all that it entails on 22 August.
P&J - Becycle is going to hold a 'ghost bike' ride through Aberdeen and
erect a 'ghost bike' (see for info) at the Bridge of
Dee roundabout in memory of a student cyclist and Becycle member
who died after being hit there by a lorry; Becycle is praising the council
for the work it has done to promote cycling safety; seeking info about
some of ACC's cycle initiatives. Response - Road safety is a priority for
Aberdeen City Council. The Council has been working hard to improve
safety for cyclists as well as other road users. There are now a number
of advisory cycle lanes on city streets and shared road surfaces.
Priority areas for cyclists have also been installed on many main
routes, including Union Street. The Westhill cycle track is substantially
completed, the Riverside Drive cycle track was recently completed, the
A96 cycle route from Great Northern Road to Inverurie has been
partially installed and later this year work will begin on an off-road cycle
route from Great Northern Road to Dyce. The Greenbrae Cycle
Project, which was shortlisted for a Transport Scotland award has
proven extremely popular with the community and provides a safe
cycling route. These are just a few of the initiatives the council has
been working on in recent times to improve cycle use and cycle safety.
We would urge motorists and cyclists to adhere to the rules of the road
and to pay close attention to other road users.
EE – same
BBC - Kevin Stewart MSP is calling on Broadford Works site owner Ian
Suttie to invest in the site to make it safe and secure, and/or to make
use of the planning permission in place to begin developing it; it doesn't
have planning permission yet - does it? Response - Planning
permission was granted for the site in 2008 but has not been
implemented. A new planning application has been submitted and will
be considered in the coming months.
P&J - Kevin Stewart MSP has written to the chief executive seeking an
update on proposals agreed by councillors last October to explore the
possibility of the council entering into a joint venture to develop the St
Nicholas House site and to hold a design competition to select the
best option for the site; seeking comment. Response - The chief
executive will respond to Mr Stewart directly in due course.
P&J - inviting the chief executive to pen a first-person piece about the City
of Culture bid, her experience in Derry, and the work involved for
Aberdeen in trying to win the bid. Response – checking
EE - do the current proposals for the 3rd Don Crossing include ACC
footing the entire bill? Response – checking
Original 106 - can we interview someone about the Early Years
conference? Response - interview arranged with education convener
Action Scotland - Roots for Empathy programme request for statement
for inclusion in release regarding big 'thank you' to the area's tiniest
teachers at a Baby Celebration. Response - Convener of Education,
Culture and Sport Councillor Jenny Laing said: “The Roots for Empathy
programme has been a huge success at seven primary schools across
the city. The project's innovative nature has been warmly welcomed by
both staff and pupils with interaction with babies in the
classroom helping young children learn the core values of kindness,
trust, empathy and respect. I would like to thank everyone who has
taken part, not least the tiny teachers and their parents, without
them Roots for Empathy would simply not be possible."
Original FM - seeking interview with Community Safety Manager Neil
Carnegie about CCTV at Broadford Works. Response - agreed and
Northsound – same
P&J - Travellers have set up three encampments on council land at Dyce,
Kings Links and part of Hazlehead Park; seeking comment about the
former two and asking what the latter means for this Sunday's Highland
Games. Response - An order has been issued by Aberdeen Sheriff
Court authorising the eviction of the travellers at Hazlehead Park and
they are expected to vacate the site this evening (Friday, June 15). The
council is also aware of two other travellers encampments in the city,
one at Dyce and the other at Kings Links. Our Gypsy Traveller Liaison
Officer has spoken with the group at Dyce and they have indicated that
they will be moving on over the weekend. The council has proceeded
with court action for the group at Kings Links. We will continue to
monitor these encampments in the meantime.
EE – same
EE - requesting interview with City Promotions Manager Dawn Schultz
about Sunday's Highland Games for Fun in Focus feature. Response agreed and arranged
Evening Express – same
BBC Scotland - is the Chief Executive available for interview regarding the
number of carers who tended to dementia patient
Response - The Chief Executive is currently unavailable for interview.
A full statement has been provided.
BBC Scotland - Is the convener of Social Care and Wellbeing available for
interview about the number of carers who tended to dementia patient
? Response - The Convener is unavailable for comment.
BBC Scotland - did the Chief Executive find that there were other cases
similar to the
; what is being done to ensure this does not
happen again; was 88 different carers the highest number for the
calendar year April 2011 - April 2012? Response - Referred to earlier
statement and emphasised - The Chief Executive looked specifically at
concerns raised by
relating to the care of her husband.
Aberdeen City Council always tries to provide both the best possible
care and continuity of care we would wish for our service users; We are
looking at solutions to recruitment and capacity issues that might help
us to avoid such situations in the future; the Chief Executive looked
specifically at the case of
, ACC is responsible for providing
care to thousands of service users and strives to deliver the best
possible care.
statement about Broadford Works issued on behalf of Aberdeen City
Council Housing and Environment Committee Convener Councillor Neil
Cooney: "Recent events at the former Broadford Works hammer home
the fact that this building requires urgent attention and the owner must
do the right thing by taking action to remove any danger to the public.
This building was identified through Aberdeen Community Safety
Partnership as presenting substantial risk to public safety. I know the
council’s building standards team is in regular contact with the owner
regarding securing the perimeter of the site or removing dangers
around the perimeter. However, even if the site is secured there is still
no guarantee there will be no unauthorised entry. Unless 24 hour
security is provided by the owner the risk will remain as long as the site
is vacant. Building standards staff have been working with Grampian
Police and Grampian Fire and Rescue Service on this issue and, with
the owner’s permission, carried out a risk assessment of the premises.
My understanding is building standards are currently finalising a
document for the owner which will detail risks, legal responsibilities and
recommendations. A process could then be applied which may result in
the council undertaking actions and recovering costs from the owner.
There has been an excellent response from the council, police and fire
service to address the potential hazards at this site but it is now time
for the owner to do his bit. The possible consequences of last week’s
events do not bear thinking about and I sincerely hope we can find a
prompt resolution to this issue."
BBC - seeking interview with Councillor Cooney about Broadford Works.
Response - agreed and arranged
P&J - requesting photograph with Councillor Cooney at Broadford Works
- agreed and arranged
BBC - has the CCTV been installed to monitor the Broadford Works?
Response - Yes, it is located on Maberly Street overlooking a main
access to the works.
P&J - unable to attend this morning's launch of the Harbour Cruises;
requesting interview with Lord Provost who was present. Response agreed and arranged
EE - was the Procedure for CCTV report approved by the Corporate Policy
and Performance Committee; the report mentions using CCTV for staff
discipline - how and why would it be used and is that mentioned in the
report because disciplinary proceedings against an unnamed Unison
employee were dropped because s/he was not aware s/he was being
filmed; the report mentions parking - how is CCTV used for parking?
Response - The report was approved by committee. On staff: Cameras
are not installed to monitor staff, they are in place to promote
community safety. If by chance a member of staff was captured on
CCTV engaging in criminal activity, gross misconduct or behaviour
which puts others at risk, then that footage could potentially be used in
disciplinary proceedings. This is in line with guidance laid down in the
CCTV Code of Practice produced by the Information Commissioner's
Office. On parking: City wardens wear CCTV cameras and some car
parks are covered by CCTV. The procedure was written based on best
practice demonstrated by other local authorities and in line with
guidance laid down in the CCTV Code of Practice produced by the
Information Commissioner's Office to ensure that Aberdeen City
Council has a robust CCTV procedure.
BBC - asking for interview with Annie Lennox at the launch of her House
of Annie Lennox exhibition at Aberdeen Art Gallery. Response Request passed to Ms Lennox's management team.
Tues 19 June 2012
release out about temporary traffic lights on Baillieswells Road cns/pr BaillieswellsLig
hts 190612.asp
release out about Countryside Rangers event on Saturday to identify and
record animal and plant life for the North East Scotland Biological
Records Centre cns/pr bio blitz 1906
release out about council's involvement in Child Safety Week cns/pr child safety 1
release out about unique opportunity to meet the artist behind the
WAVE/ING exhibition at Aberdeen Maritime Museum
release drafted about city's young ambassadors being hailed as part of a
celebration of science
release drafted about resurfacing of the south roundabout at the Queen
Elizabeth bridge
release drafted about competition to find the city's favourite trees
release drafted about partial road closure of Woodside Road
following quote from council Waste and Recycling Manager Pete
Lawrence provided to European Recycling Platform for inclusion in
press release about electronic recycling campaign held at University
of Aberdeen this month - "Electronic waste can be a valuable resource
containing lots of materials that can be used to make new products. It
can also contain potentially dangerous materials if released into the
environment so it is essential that we keep as much of it as possible
away from landfill. There was a fantastic response to this event and it
was great to see so many people taking the opportunity to have a
productive clear out. Aberdeen City Council provides facilities for
recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment and we would urge
members of the public to keep up the good work demonstrated at this
event and continue to recycle wherever possible."
P&J - there was a raw sewage spill in Granville Lane over the weekend
during heavy rain; is the council responsible for this at all? Response Advised reporter that Scottish Water is responsible for this but an
officer from the council's environmental health team would visit the
street as a matter of course.
P&J - campaign group Animal Concern has issued a press release
claiming the deer management programme on Tullos Hill was illegal
and has called on Grampian Police to "charge Aberdeen City Council
for illegally killing deer"; the release claims that on three occasions
deer were killed outwith the night shooting period, which the Deer
(Scotland) Act 1996 defines as "the period after the expiration of the
first hour after sunset and before the commencement of the last hour
before sunset"; the FOI shows that three deer were killed on March 22
at 04:30, 04:35 and 05:00; Animal Concern claims that sunrise on this
day was 06:04; Animal Concern further claims that Aberdeen City
Council did not have authorisation to shoot at night which, the group
claims, renders the deer cull illegal. Response - There was no nighttime shooting during the deer management programme on Tullos Hill.
The information in the FOI issued to Animal Concern is inaccurate, in
particular the three times quoted by the group. These times should
have been 16:30, 16:35 and 17:00 and the corrected information has
been issued to Animal Concern.
EE - same (story dropped)
Northsound - same (story dropped)
Newsline - same (story that had been sent out on the wires retracted)
Northscot - same (story that had been sent out on the wires retracted)
P&J - still planning to run a story based on other information in the Tullos
Hill FOI issued to Animal Concern; seeking council statement on deer
management. Response - "It is a statutory requirement of Aberdeen
City Council to manage deer on all of its land and this would be taking
place on Tullos Hill whether there was a tree planting scheme or not.
The roe deer population on Tullos Hill was assessed as being much
higher than the land could support, there is very little variety of
vegetation growing and deer suffered as a result. Aberdeen City
Council’s ongoing deer management programme is carried out in
accordance will all relevant legislation and established best practice,
including Scottish Natural Heritage’s (SNH) Code of Practice on Deer
Management and the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act
2011, which increased the responsibility of land owners to manage
deer on their land."
EE - Unison claims that the unnamed manager of an unnamed member of
staff, who had been complained about by a member of the public, used
CCTV as a starting point for disciplinary action and checked the
footage without authorisation. The disciplinary panel upheld the action
but did not allow the CCTV evidence to be used. Is this true?
Response - Advised reporter that with such scant information it would
be impossible to check. We do not comment on individual staffing
EE of Friends of Union Terrace Gardens has accused
the Council of false advertising after it marketed Patagonia Heights on
Belmont Street with great views of Union Terrace Gardens. Seeking
comment. Response - No prospective tenant has been misled by this.
At present the restaurant enjoys good views over Union Terrace
Gardens. If and when the Gardens are ever developed, that view would
considerably alter as any building works take place, but all the
prospective tenants viewing the property are totally aware of this. A
story suggesting otherwise could harm any future let of this property
and subsequent income to the council to provide vital services. Story
EE - the Scottish Parliament is considering introducing a new law to
criminalise people employing the services of prostitutes, does ACC
work with 'streetwalkers'; if so, would it be possible to speak to
someone about the work the council does and what impact this new
law may have? Response – checking
EE - does the Council's Homecheck team have any case studies which
will help highlight the importance of child safety week? Response –
P&J - the chair of George Street Community Council has taken images of
nine properties on the street with large items dumped outside; what's
the council's policy on bulky uplifts and fly-tipping/littering? Response
- Council housing residents are entitled to have four bulky items
uplifted free of charge. Residents who are in receipt of council tax
and/or housing benefits are given a reduced rate for collections. Other
city-based residents can utilise the waste team's reasonably priced
collection service, which offers a city wide service for those unable to
visit the Recycling Centre themselves. Littering and fly-tipping have a
very negative impact on Aberdeen, both environmentally and
aesthetically. There is no excuse for it. The council operates household
recycling centres which can take most forms of waste, including
chemicals, engine oil, white goods, garden waste and furniture, free of
charge. Most items can also be collected from people's homes on
request, so there is absolutely no excuse for committing this type of
offence. Fly-tipping and littering raise a number of safety,
environmental and hygiene issues. Aberdeen City Council takes these
matters very seriously and would urge anyone who spots fly-tippers to
report them.
P&J - have the convener and vice-convener of the Audit and Risk
Committee notified the Council of it's intention to arrange a meeting of
the Audit and Risk Committee on Wednesday 27 June; will the
convener of F&R have to agree to the meeting? Response - A request
has been lodged with Legal and Democratic Services. The request is
subject to the Council's standing orders.
EE - why is Councillor Crockett in Germany? Is he on holiday there?
Response - Councillor Crockett is attending the General Assembly of
the North Sea Regions.
STV - apparently the organisers of a football match and BBQ which was
planned between Glasgow and Aberdeen's Cameroonian
communities at Aberdeen Beach on Saturday as part of Refugee
Week have cancelled the event because they have been told by
someone in the council that it cannot go ahead. Is this the case?
Response - Aberdeen City Council was unaware of this event until we
received this inquiry from STV. The City Events Team searched for and
found an email address for the organisers online. Officers have now
emailed the organisers to advise that the team is responsible for
providing permission for the use of areas such as the beach, and up
until this afternoon we had no knowledge of any event taking place. It is
unlikely that we will be able to give permission at such short notice, but
the relevant application form has been issued which should be
completed along with the terms and conditions for use. Barbecues are
not permitted on council land and the consumption of alcohol is not
permitted in the city's open spaces. The events team will do what it can
in such a short space of time to give permission for the event, but even
if it can go ahead under no circumstances will a barbecue or any
alcohol be permitted on the beach.
EE - do we know which cities will compete against us for the City of
Culture 2017? Response - The competition for UK City of Culture
2017 is not officially open yet. The DCMS [Department of Culture
Media and Sport] has indicated they will announce the opening this
summer (probably to tie in with the Olympics). No other cities have
officially announced their intentions to run for the title.
Weds 20 June 2012
release out on Aberdeen residents urged to help shape policy and review
performance in the city cns/pr city voice 26
release out about photographic competition being launched to find
Aberdeen's favourite trees cns/pr trees 200612.
release out about 20mph speed limit on Foresterhill Road cns/pr foresterhillRdli
mit 200612.asp
release drafted on surprise concert organised by pupils and staff for
headteacher due to retire after 33 years service [school to remain
secret until event takes place]
release drafted on Armed Forces and Veterans Day parade
STV - information about the Tullos Hill deer management
programme released under FOI legislation and sent to campaign group
Animal Concern shows that 23 deer have been killed between March
12 and April 9, 2012 between the hours of 8.30am-7.45pm; the
campaign group is critical of the deer management programme.
Response - It is a statutory requirement of Aberdeen City Council to
manage deer on all of its land and this would be taking place on Tullos
Hill whether there was a tree planting scheme or not. The roe deer
population on Tullos Hill was assessed as being much higher than the
land could support, there is very little variety of vegetation growing and
deer suffered as a result. Aberdeen City Council’s ongoing deer
management programme is carried out in accordance will all relevant
legislation and established best practice, including Scottish Natural
Heritage’s (SNH) Code of Practice on Deer Management and the
Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011, which increased
the responsibility of land owners to manage deer on their land.
EE - seeking information about the council's Zero Waste Management
project ahead of next week's committee meeting and asking if this is a
new project for the council. Response - advised reporter that the Zero
Waste Management Sub-Committee has been meeting since October
last year and forwarded copies of past committee reports and press
releases about the project. Issued following statement: "Far reaching
and structural change in waste management services is required to
meet national and European obligations, mitigate increasing costs,
reduce the city’s environmental impact and meet householders’
expectations. Substantial changes in waste collections systems will be
required as well as the need to build waste infrastructure in the city.
The project will identify the best waste collection and treatment options
for the council’s waste and then develop a business case to deliver this
preferred option."
EE - taken to task over story about recently agreed CCTV Procedure
headed "We're Watching" which incorrectly states "Council bosses are
planning to use CCTV cameras to check on employees" alleges that
some staff are at greater risk than others of being disciplined, the
system could be abused, etc. Response from EE - Website story
immediately taken down, headline changed and story re-written for final
Newsline (following up EE story on CCTV) - advised by the media team
of the problems with the EE story and asked not to repeat.
Northsound - seeking interview with officer about the CCTV Procedure,
based on the Evening Express article. Response - clarified the situation
and explained that CCTV is not being use to check on employees.
Interview request withdrawn and story dropped.
Museums Journal - seeking interview about the Grampian Japan Trust
and Thomas Glover House, or to be put in touch with a board member.
Response - Cllrs Crockett and Young are on the board. Provided
contact details for board member
(with his consent).
EE - what was decided on the loan application for Thomas Glover
House? Response - The Finance and Resources Committee will
consider the report when members meet tomorrow.
EE - is a hole in a wall on Maberly Street being filled in so people won't be
able access the Broadford Works? If so, is this work being carried out
by the council or the owner of the Broadford Works? Response - The
wall in which the hole exists (it's an old window opening) belongs to the
owner of the Maberly Street plot [not the Broadford Works]. It is the
contractor of the plot owner that is completing the work at their own
expense. The owner of the Broadford works is not involved.
BBC - wanting an update on the Broadford Works situation. Response We are in the process of finalising a document which will be with Mr
Suttie in due course.
EE - the chair of George Street Community Council has taken images of
nine properties on the street with large items dumped outside; what's
the council's policy on bulky uplifts and fly-tipping/littering? Response
- Council housing residents are entitled to have four bulky items
uplifted free of charge. Residents who are in receipt of council tax
and/or housing benefits are given a reduced rate for collections. Other
city-based residents can utilise the waste team's reasonably priced
collection service, which offers a city wide service for those unable to
visit the Recycling Centre themselves. Littering and fly-tipping have a
very negative impact on Aberdeen, both environmentally and
aesthetically. There is no excuse for it. The council operates household
recycling centres which can take most forms of waste, including
chemicals, engine oil, white goods, garden waste and furniture, free of
charge. Most items can also be collected from people's homes on
request, so there is absolutely no excuse for committing this type of
offence. Fly-tipping and littering raise a number of safety,
environmental and hygiene issues. Aberdeen City Council takes these
matters very seriously and would urge anyone who spots fly-tippers to
report them.
Thurs 21 June 2012
release/photocall out about council working with The Stewart Group to
restore Rubislaw/Queen's Terrace Gardens fountain cns/pr rubislaw fount
ain 210612.asp
release out on Marischal College Customer Service Centre celebrating
its first birthday cns/pr customer serv
ice 1stbirthday 210612.asp
release out about ACC aiding a charity's bid to improve women's health
in Sierra Leone cns/pr pickup trucks
donated 210612.asp
release out about city's young ambassadors being hailed as part of
Celebration of Science cns/pr celebration of
science 210612.asp
embargoed release out on surprise concert organised by pupils and staff
for headteacher who is retiring after 37 years of teaching service - (to
be published on ACC website tomorrow, in accordance with the
release drafted about next stage in consulting council tenants on rent
restructuring proposals
story placed with EE about Hazlehead School pupils raising money to pay
for school fees and accommodation for one child at the Bunono School
in Uganda.
P&J - Why was the report into Loirston Development Sites taken in
private? Can someone from the council or legal services justify it?
Response - The decision to hear any report in private is taken by
Committee members on the day.
EE - seeking permission to take photos at the Finance and Resources
Committee meeting. Response - agreed with convener
P&J - seeking details about ACC seeking a development partner for the
AECC and surrounding site development. Response - provided copy of
pre-qualification questionnaire
EE - a large encampment of Travellers has set up in the car park of the
former bowling alley at Denmore Park. What is ACC doing about it?
Response - The Gypsy/Traveller Liaison officer has notified the private
EE - a Facebook campaign has been set up to change a "dangerous"
zebra crossing on Victoria Street, Dyce. Seeking comment. Response
- We are looking into the matter. On no account should any motorists
be parking on double yellow lines or zig zags, which are in place for
safety reasons, at any time. Anyone parking on double yellow lines can
expect to receive a penalty charge notice, which could cost them £60.
The police may take action against anyone parking on zig zags. A
safety audit was recently carried out. Provided that vehicles are not
parked indiscriminately on lines that they should not be, the crossing is
perfectly safe.
EE - wanting quotes from the Lord Provost and the Convener of
Education, Culture and Sport in support of Aberdeen's bid to be City of
Culture. Response - Lord Provost of Aberdeen George Adam said:
“The eyes of the world were on Aberdeen recently when it hosted the
evening celebrations for the Olympic Torch Relay. This success of this
event highlighted to the world that the city is able to put on a first-class
show. Aberdeen is in a great position to be considered to a City of
Culture 2017 as it has so much to offer with its unique heritage, cultural
diversity and wonderful countryside on its doorstep. By working in
partnership with external organisations including the tourism, leisure
and creative industries we will be able to put together a bid that
Aberdonians will be proud of and which people from near and far will
want to experience too.” Convener of Education, Culture and Sport
Committee Jenny Laing said: “The scope of this opportunity
encompasses culture in its widest sense including the arts, sport,
technology, education, tourism and heritage. The bid development will
provide opportunities for community engagement within schools and
communities to enable citizens to actively shape what the City of
Culture can mean for them.”
EE - a concerned parent has called the paper because on going to Cults
primary for sports day this morning, she saw a burger van parked up
on school grounds. She claims the school got £50 for letting the van in.
She's concerned about the implications for kids and the message it's
sending when we are supposed to be promoting healthy eating.
Response - It was Cults Academy's sports day today so as well the
athletics final the school wanted to create a family fun day event with
outdoor caterers and Adventure Aberdeen providing activities including
a climbing wall and bungee running. Because rain was forecast, the
caterer used his van to prepare the food. The caterer has been used
previously at Aberdeen's Highland Games. Parents were informed
there would be outside caterers.
TESS - instead of offering free school meals to all pupils in P1 - P3 the
Scottish Government took cognisance of the tough financial climate
and allowed local authorities some flexibility, suggesting they could
prioritise free school meals for children in the 20% most deprived
areas; what did ACC put in place? Is this still running; if not, why not;
does ACC run breakfast clubs; do these exist in primary and secondary
schools; are they in every primary and secondary school; if not, how
many schools run a breakfast club; are these free; if there is a charge,
how much is it; has ACC ever offered free fruit or milk; if so, what did it
offer; does it still offer this; if not, when and why did it stop; has the
price of school lunches gone up in your authority since the Schools
(Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007 was implemented
in August 2008; how much did you charge then and how much do you
charge now in primary and secondary; if prices have risen please
explain why (please feel free to include any additional information
about the school meals you offer or examples of good practice in your
authority; she is keen to hear about schools/authorities which have
succeeded in increasingly uptake, for instance)? Response – checking
Fri 22 June 2012
release out about ACC's finance team being named the best public
sector finance team in Scotland cns/pr Accountancya
wards 220612.asp
release out giving statement from Council Leader on the Bankhead
Academy fire cns/pr Bankhead stat
ement 220612.asp
release about success of campaign to encourage Aberdeen residents to
recycle electronic waste published on council website cns/pr metal recyclin
g 220612.asp
release out about road closure of Woodside Road cns/pr WoodsideRd
release out about road closure of Wellheads Drive cns/pr Wellheads 22
release out about temporary traffic lights on North Deeside Road cns/pr Wellheads 22
release drafted about road closure of the Caskieben road for resurfacing
release drafted about new text/e-mail alert service to notify people of
changing pollution levels in Aberdeen
release drafted about summer programme of events for school pupils at
Duthie Park
aerial photos showing some of the fire damage to Bankhead Academy
sent to EE, P&J, BBC, STV, & Daily Record
provided quote for Greenspace Scotland press release about Hazlehead
Park working to become Scotland's first Climate Change Park.
Environment manager Steven Shaw said: "This is a fantastic
opportunity for Aberdeen City Council and Hazlehead Park to lead the
way on climate change action for parks and is the first step in creating
climate-proof park management plans across the authority. It allows for
the city council to work closely with the newly formed Friends of
Hazlehead group and other partners to develop this new and topical
project for the park."
STV - (this morning) does ACC still own the Bankhead Academy site?
What is the council doing to secure the site? Response - Yes, ACC still
owns the site. Grampian Fire and Rescue Service is still fighting the fire
and until their work is complete, ACC will not have access to the site. It
will be fenced off and warning signs put up.
P&J – same
P&J - locals report that a homeless man was living in the former
Bankhead Academy; has ACC had any reports about this man?
Response – checking
P&J - has the council sold the former Bankhead Academy? If not, was it
being marketed? Have there been incidents of fire-raising at the site in
the past? How are we responding to this recent incident? Response The former Bankhead Academy building was declared surplus to the
requirements of the council's Education, Culture and Sport directorate
in September 2011. Since then the council has been reviewing further
possible uses for the site with plans for marketing it for sale. The
council is aware of previous incidents of fire-raising and attempted
unauthorised entry and after each incident the site has been secured. It
is regularly inspected with the last inspection taking place at the site on
June 15. Following this recent incident, it is the intention of the council
to erect fencing to secure the site further and erect signs warning
members of the public of the potential dangers associated with
unauthorised access.
EE - it has been claimed that ACC must do more to secure the former
Bankhead Academy site to prevent a repeat of today's fire; seeking
comment. Response - Fortnightly inspections are carried out to ensure
that the building is secure and that people cannot gain access. Extra
inspections are carried out if required. Action is immediately taken to
re-secure the building if it has been broken into. Security fencing and
warning signs are being put up around the building to keep people out.
The site is now very dangerous and we urge people to keep out.
EE - what cost is being put on the damage to the former Bankhead
Academy; can we say millions? Response - It's far too early to put a
figure on it, but you'd be safe to say thousands.
Original - seeking interview with officer about ACC winning the Finance
Team of the Year award at the Scottish Accountancy Awards.
Response - arranged for Barry Jenkins to be interviewed
P&J - unable to attend this afternoon's photocall at the newly-restored
fountain on Rubislaw/Queen's Terrace Gardens; requesting photo
from council photographer. Response - photographs supplied
P&J - seeking council comment on Urgent Business Committee which
has been called for and will convene on Monday. Response - We can
confirm the leader of the council called for an Urgent Business
Committee to be convened and this will meet on Monday to consider
the Orders of Reference of Audit and Risk Committee.
EE - the chairman of George Street Community Council is complaining
about people fly-tipping in the area; seeking comment. Response Aberdeen's public spaces are for everyone to enjoy and everyone has
a responsibility to clean up after themselves. Leaving rubbish lying not
only has an environmental impact, it also has a detrimental affect on
other people's enjoyment of these areas. Littering and fly-tipping have
a very negative impact on Aberdeen, both environmentally and
aesthetically. There is no excuse for it. The council operates household
recycling centres which can take most forms of waste, including
chemicals, engine oil, white goods, garden waste and furniture, free of
charge. Most items can also be collected from people's homes on
request, so there is absolutely no excuse for committing this type of
offence. Fly-tipping and littering raise a number of safety,
environmental and hygiene issues. For example, a small child could
easily become trapped and suffocate in an abandoned fridge or
freezer; other items like sofas furniture are sometimes set alight;
chemicals which are dumped in the street can pose significant health
hazards; litter attracts gulls and other types of vermin. Fly-tipping is not
a significant problem in Aberdeen, but it is something we take
seriously. A recent LEAMS (local environment audit management)
report showed that less than 1% of the city’s streets are affected by flytipping. When the council receives reports of fly-tipping on public land
we remove the waste as soon as possible. A minority of irresponsible
people fly-tip, but it is very hard to catch them in the act. We would
encourage anyone who spots fly-tippers in action to report them, with
as many details of those responsible, including registration numbers, if
BBC - is there any news on the sale of Greyfriars Kirk? Response referred reporter to the Church of Scotland
BBC - has ACC made a bid for Greyfriars Kirk? Response - We have no
comment to make on Greyfriars, other than to confirm that Aberdeen
City Council did not submit an offer.
EE - two Scottish local authorities have apparently declared a moratorium
on windfarm applications. Is ACC one of them? Response - No.
Suggested reporter contact Aberdeenshire Council, which has.
EE - seeking more information about the report on Proposed Loirston
Development sites being referred from Finance and Resources
Committee to Full Council. Response - Directed reporter to statement
issued last night cns/pr loirston counci
l referral 2106112.asp and to his colleague who covered the meeting.
We do not comment on private reports.
Media briefing - Mon 25 June 2012
release out on health walk around part of Torry and the coast from Nigg
Bay to Aberdeen Harbour with countryside ranger cns/pr healthwalk 25
release published on ACC website on appointment of new Aberdeen City
and Shire tourism manager cns/pr tourismNE 25
Newsline - is it true that Nick Nairn's cookery school has been refused a
liquor licence because Grampian Police has argued that there are
enough premises in the area that already hold a liquor licence?
Response - We have received an application for a provisional premises
licence for the Nick Nairn Cook School, 15 Back Wynd which will be
considered by the Licensing Board at its meeting tomorrow (Tue 26
June). No decision has therefore been made yet in respect of this
application. We can confirm that the application has attracted an
objection from Grampian Police.
EE - has a date been set to demolish the former Bankhead Academy
building as a result of the fire on Friday? Response - No date has been
set yet, discussions are ongoing.
EE - wanting to interview nursery class teacher for My Job feature for
Wednesday's recruitment pages. Response - arranged for nursery
class teacher at Loriston School to be interviewed.
Private Hire & Taxi Monthly mag - has the council decided whether or not
to limit the number of taxi licences in the city? Response - Yes, at the
meeting of the Licensing Committee earlier this month (06 June) it was
decided that a limit would be imposed on the current number of taxi
licences in the city. Provided a copy of the press release issued
following the committee.
BBC Radio 4 Face the Facts programme - does ACC’s Adult Safeguarding
Policy include guidance on forced marriages and specifically for
people with learning difficulties (also wanting to know of any reported
cases or recent involvements in forced marriage cases involving
people with learning disabilities as well as a link to the council’s policy
online)? Response - 'Adult Safeguarding' is an English term - we use
the expression 'Adult Support & Protection' (ASP). To come under the
auspices of ASP, an individual is required to meet the 'three-point test':
that the adult: is unable to safeguard her / his own well-being, property,
rights or other interests; and is at risk of harm; and because they are
affected by disability, mental disorder, illness or physical or mental
infirmity are more vulnerable to being harmed than adults who are not
so affected. This is the Link to the Grampian ASP policy /
t_protect_adults_harm.asp . Yhe information is hosted on
Aberdeenshire Council webpages as we wanted a one-stop shop for all
agencies in Grampian to access it - it applies to Aberdeen City Council
/Aberdeenshire Council/ /Moray Council equally. Page 10 references
forced marriage as part of the section on types/patterns of harm.
Edinburgh Evening News - does ACC charge for parking at any of its
beaches [in connection with story on apparent proposals to begin
charging in by East Lothian]? Response - There are no parking
charges levied by ACC at Aberdeen Beach. Parking is free.
EE - is it true that Aberdeen structure plans include provision
Gypsy/Travellers at certain sites designated for housing? Response Yes, the provision is included in both the Aberdeen City and Shire
Structure Plan: "It is important that new development meets the needs
of the whole community, including the specific needs of Gypsies /
Travellers. With an ageing population and smaller households, new
development will need to meet the changing needs of society over its
whole life." .... and in the Aberdeen Local Development Plan: "The five
Masterplan Zones identified in Policy H7 with the potential to create
1,500 or more houses are each expected to contribute towards the
provision of these sites for Gypsies and Travellers. Of these five
Masterplan Zones, we have identified three which we consider most
appropriate for on-site provision, although all five will have to contribute
towards the requirement. The three preferred sites offer opportunities
for sites to be distributed to the north, west and south of the City,
thereby offering a choice of locations. Where on-site provision is not
made, a financial contribution will be required. Sites for Gypsies and
Travellers should provide a residential environment and follow the
same principle as mainstream housing developments. Applications for
permanent or transit sites for Gypsies and Travellers will be supported
in principle if: 1. Access to local services and schools can be provided.
2. The development can be made compatible with the character and
appearance of the surrounding area. 3. The development makes
provision for essential infrastructure such as water, sewage disposal
and electricity. Provision of electricity and heat through sustainable
means will be encouraged. 4. It can be demonstrated that the site will
be properly managed. Sites listed below are required, as a part of the
25% affordable housing contribution, to make contributions towards the
provision of sites for Gypsies and Travellers. The contribution will be
for small sites of six pitches, with a net area of approximately 0.5ha Grandhome; Newhills Expansion (Craibstone, Rowett South and
Greenferns Landward); Countesswells; Greenferns; Loirston. Within
Grandhome, the Newhills Expansion and Loirston sites, the provision
must be provided on-site."
EE - will a special Finance and Resources Committee meeting be held in
advance of the 22 August Council meeting? Response - Yes, on Friday
17 August.
P&J – same
Tues 26 June 2012
embargoed release out about Hazlehead Park leading the way in
Greenspace Scotland's Climate Change Park initiative
release out about council promoting use of text/e-mail alert system when
air quality in city is poor cns/pr air quality 26
issued joint statement from Aberdeen City Council, Grampian Police and
Grampian Fire and Rescue Service about owner of the former
Broadford Works being served a Dangerous Building Notice cns/pr broadford wor
ks 260612.asp
release drafted on the Tolbooth Museum reopening for summer season
quote from City Warden Officer Robin Donald provided to Grampian Police
for press release about joint police/city wardens/fire service campaign
highlighting dangers of leaving tenement buildings insecure:
"Residents can help themselves and their neighbours by not doing
anything that causes inconvenience or danger to those living around
them and I would remind residents of the need to keep communal
areas clear and secure at all times. Failing to do so can present
potential health and safety risks and possible serious fire hazards."
Original FM - asking if anyone is available to speak on the Broadford
Works statement. Response - arranged for Housing and Environment
convener Cllr Neil Cooney to be interviewed
Northsound – same
Newsline - what is the latest with the planning application for the former
Broadford Works site? Response - the application is still at the
pending stage, which means no decision has been taken yet. It will be
considered in due course.
Original FM - requesting interview with Environment Manager Steven
Shaw about Climate Change Park bid for Hazlehead Park. Response
- agreed and arranged for 11am tomorrow morning.
Daybreak Scotland - seeking permission to film general shots of
Hazlehead Park for piece on Climate Change Park bid. Response –
EE - are there any artists' impressions of how Hazlehead Park could look
once it becomes a Climate Change Park. Response - No, we are still
in the very early stages of this proposal. Our next step would be to hold
public events and invite residents to create "wish lists" of what they
would like to see at the park.
P&J – same
Newsline - unable to attend today's licensing board; what was the outcome
of the Nick Nairn Cook School application? Response - the
application was approved; suggested reporter contacts licensing board
convener Cllr Marie Boulton for details.
Northsound – same
BBC – same
P&J - same; also asking about the application for variation of a premises
licence for Bad Apple, Justice Mill Lane. Response - It was approved.
P&J - latest Scottish Government homelessness figures show that the
largest reduction in homelessness applications has been seen in
Aberdeen; seeking comment. Response - Aberdeen City Council Head
of Housing and Community Safety Donald Urquhart said: "These
figures are very encouraging and show that the council continues to
make great progress in the prevention of homelessness. This reduction
can be directly attributed to the launch of the prevention team last year
which has worked tirelessly to intervene prior to homelessness
occurring. This has involved looking at housing options with all
households, resolving factors which may lead to homelessness and
providing advice, support or practical assistance to prevent
homelessness occurring wherever possible. Over the period 2011/12
the number of approaches to the service for assistance has remained
broadly consistent, however, crucially the number of statutory
applications has reduced considerably as a consequence of our
proactive approach, rather than responding to people having become
BBC – same
EE - a group of gypsy/travellers have set up camp on a playing field off
Balgownie Road owned by the University of Aberdeen; seeking council
comment. Response - The council's gypsy/traveller liaison officer will
continue to monitor the situation and liaise with the landowner.
EE - Kincorth Community Council is trying to find £200 for their festive
lights. Is it the case that they will have to raise the money
themselves? Response - We can confirm that the festive community
ward lights were originally funded by individual ward budgets, provided
to each city councillor on an annual basis. The enterprise, planning and
infrastructure committee took the decision to cease the funding some
time ago and members were advised accordingly that monies for
maintenance, installation, removal and storage for existing festive
illuminations would need to be sought if they wished to continue using
the lights.
EE - Cllr Jim Kiddie has voiced concern about parents parking on yellow
lines outside Tullos Primary School, he has even been informed of a
parent parking over the edge of the zebra crossing at the
school. Would the council care to comment? Response - We would
remind drivers that they should not be parking on double yellow lines
and zig-zag lines outside the school when dropping off or collecting
their children as it puts children’s safety at risk. Headteachers
encourage parents to park safely through school newsletters, school
handbooks and leaflets during the course of the school year. City
Wardens regularly patrol the roads around schools and may issue £60
fines to vehicles failing to adhere to parking restrictions.
Deadline agency - Edinburgh City Council has taken the decision to
instruct all HMO premises on the 1st floor or above have to be
carpeted and have underlay so possible noise pollution is reduced for
neighbours; is ACC planning to introduce similar rules? Response The Licensing Committee currently has no general requirement
regarding floor surfaces in HMO premises. It considers each HMO
application on its own merits on a case by case basis, in terms of the
Housing (Scotland) Act 2006.
Weds 27 June 2012
EE - arranged for reporter to interview family of trawler skipper Alfred
Craig, author of wartime diaries which inspired artist Jini Rawling to
create WAVE/ING exhibition on display at Aberdeen Maritime
Museum; Jini also interviewed today ahead of her lunchtime talk at the
TESS - instead of offering free school meals to all pupils in P1 to P3 the
Scottish government took cognisance of the tough financial climate and
allowed local authorities some flexibility, suggesting they could
prioritise free school meals for children in the 20% most deprived
areas. What did your authority put in place? Response - Aberdeen City
Council implemented a free daily breakfast service at seven primary
schools in the areas of greatest deprivation in the city. These services
saw up to 50 pupils at each of the seven selected schools receiving up
to three items from the choices of cereals, fresh fruit, toast, pancakes,
scones, yoghurt, fruit juices and milk. Is this still running? Response Services at each of the seven schools are still running. If not, why not?
Response - N/A. Does your authority run breakfast clubs? Response –
Yes. Do these exist in primary and secondary? Response - Primary
schools: in addition to the seven breakfast clubs mentioned above,
there are three further primary schools which run breakfast clubs, a
twice weekly service (Tuesday & Thursday) at Westpark Primary which
is managed by Catering Services, the two others being daily services
at Manor Park Primary and Bramble Brae Primary which are managed
by the schools directly. Secondary schools: while not classed as
breakfast clubs as such, a number of our secondary school kitchens
are open prior to the commencement of the school day, enabling pupils
to purchase breakfast items such as toast, pancakes, scones, fruit
juices and milk. Are they in every primary and secondary? If not, how
many schools run a breakfast club? Response - see above. Are these
free? If there is a charge, how much is it? Response – Primary
schools: service is free at the seven breakfast clubs mentioned above
and also at Manor Park and Bramble Brae Primaries. The service at
Westpark School is chargeable at £1.00 per head, per day where
pupils receive 4 items from cereals, porridge, fresh fruit, toast,
pancakes, scones, fruit juice and milk. Secondary schools: chargeable
dependant on items purchased. Has your authority ever offered free
fruit or milk? Response – Yes. If so, what did it offer? Response - Free
fruit: offered to all nursery, primary 1, primary 2 and primary 2/3
composite class pupils. Milk: offered as a free drink choice as part of
primary school lunch; all primary 1 pupils are given free milk everyday.
Does it still offer this? Response – Yes. If not, when and why did it
stop? Response - N/A. Has the price of school lunches gone up in your
authority since the Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland)
Act 2007 was implemented in August 2008? Response – Yes. How
much did you charge then and how much do you charge now in
primary and secondary? Response - Primary schools: in August 2008,
the price was £1.70, August 2009 price was £1.70, August 2010 saw a
rise to £1.85 and in August 2011 a further rise to £1.95. Secondary
schools: in August 2008, the price was £1.95, August 2009 price was
£1.95, August 2010 saw a rise to £2.10 and in August 2011 a further
rise to £2.20. If prices have risen please explain why? Response Prices have risen to take account of the increases in staffing costs, the
rise in costs of supplies and services and to enable delivery of
balanced budgets. Please feel free to include any additional
information about the school meals you offer or examples of good
practice in your authority. We are keen to hear about schools /
authorities which have succeeded in increasingly uptake, for instance.
Response - Also provided details of primary and secondary school
menus which are based on a six-week cycle. As a result of recent
feedback, the Catering Services menu planning group are intent on
reducing the menu to a four week cycle, removing less popular items
from availability. Feedback is being sought from all site based cooks in
charge to determine the most popular dishes with pupils and the next
cycle menus will be developed taking this into consideration. Our
Hungry for Success co-ordinator will then analyse all menu items to
ensure compliance with nutritional requirements. Also provided five
case studies which are Case Study 1 Cults Academy – S1 & S2 InSchool Lunches, Case Study 2 Manor Park Primary – Social Snack,
Case Study 3: Hazlewood School – Enterprise Tuck Shop, Case Study
4: Cornhill Primary School – Tuck Shop, Case Study 5: Skene Square
Primary – Lunch Survey.
EE - Cllr Yvonne Allan has said that the council is to employ another
company to market the former Victoria Road School as the company
employed has failed to sell it; is this the case; if it is, are you planning
to do this with any other surplus properties as there is concern that
vacant buildings are vulnerable [eg former Bucksburn Academy
building]? Response – checking
statement from Convener of Housing and Environment Committee
provided to Grampian Police for inclusion in press release about
campaign to clamp down on flytippers. Response - Councillor Neil
Cooney said: "Aberdeen's public spaces are for everyone to enjoy and
everyone has a responsibility to clean up after themselves. Leaving
rubbish lying not only has an environmental impact, it also has a
detrimental affect on other people's enjoyment of these areas. Littering
and fly-tipping have a very negative impact on Aberdeen, both
environmentally and aesthetically. There is no excuse for it. The
council operates household recycling centres which can take most
forms of waste, including chemicals, engine oil, white goods, garden
waste and furniture, free of charge. Most items can also be collected
from people's homes on request, so there is absolutely no excuse for
committing this type of offence."
P&J - interview arranged with environment services volunteer who litterpicks at Aberdeen Beach every day for possible "People" page feature
P&J - the minister of Woodside Parish Church has complained about a
neighbouring resident using a drill while a church service was taking
place; reporter seeking clarification on the council's obligations, if any,
in such circumstances. Response - Advised reporter that the minister
has made no formal complaint to the council and
provided the following: "Aberdeen City Council's anti-social behaviour
investigation team treat all complaints about noise with the utmost
seriousness. Officers rigorously investigate complaints, gather
evidence of anti-social behaviour and ensure that appropriate steps are
taken. The vast majority of complaints about noise are dealt with
effectively, without the need to use enforcement measures. However,
we have enforcement options available which will be used when
EE - we understand the private landowner of the former One Sport sports
centre in Bridge of Don is "not bothered" about the Travellers who
have set up camp on the site; does the council have any legal
obligation to move them on if the landowner refuses to take action?
Response - The council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer will continue to
monitor the site and liaise with the private landowner.
EE - Grampian Police has confirmed an incident took place at Walker
Road Primary School, Torry, on Monday; seeking council comment.
Response - "We are assisting Grampian Police with their enquiries."
Thurs 28 June 2012
release out Wellington Road resurfacing work this weekend
release out on Armed Forces Day parade this Saturday in Aberdeen
release out on Race for Life traffic management
release out on Tolbooth Museum reopening for summer season cns/pr tolbooth open
release out on temporary rolling closure for city centre roads for Armed
Forces Day parade
EE - a local resident
, of Lang Stracht, has been waiting over
two-and-a-half years for a salt box for nearby Gairsay Drive; he first
requested a grit box from the council office in Mastrick during the winter
of 2010/11; has he never received a response to his original
correspondence he wrote to the Transport Minister who advised him to
contact the council's complaints section;
contacted our
complaints section and received a reply, apologising and advising him
and explaining that there is a backlog of 200 requests for salt boxes in
the city; why are so many people waiting for boxes when the council in
recent winters has asked members of the community to "do their bit"
for their community; when will
get the salt box? Response There are over 850 grit bins throughout the city. At present we have
200 requests to assess so it is not simply a matter of issuing a grit bin
automatically for every request. Each request has to have a site visit
and a comparison made so only the locations with the greatest need
will receive a bin. We will assess the location
refers to before
the coming winter but there is no guarantee that a grit bin will be
EE - provided information, including quote from Housing and Environment
Convener, about Aberdeen's involvement in the Queen Elizabeth II
Fields Challenge which aims to safeguard 2,012 outdoor recreational
spaces for future generations to mark the Diamond Jubilee year and
the London Olympics. Aberdeen has put forward Alan Douglas Park;
Bucksburn Community Garden; Coronation Park, Culter; Eric Hendry
Park; Kaimhill Residents Site and Westerton Park, Northfield for the
challenge and voting is now open via the website
Housing and Environment Convener Councillor Neil Cooney said: "The
Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge is a fantastic opportunity for us to
safeguard some of the city's most loved green spaces and recreational
areas for future generations. Through a rigorous nominations process,
council officers have identified six sites across the city which I believe
are all worthy winners and I would encourage as many people as
possible to take a few seconds to vote. This is a campaign which will
have a real impact and benefit to local communities and represents a
cost effective way for Aberdeen to mark both the Diamond Jubilee year
and the London 2012 Olympics. The main goal, however, is to protect
outdoor recreational spaces and facilities now and for generations to
come and I am confident Aberdeen can play its part in this exciting
BBC - it has been reported that a total of 35 deer have been killed on
Tullos Hill; the last time we reported this story the figure was 22; why
the discrepancy? Response - As stated on numerous occasions in the
past, deer management on all council land is carried out on a rolling
programme and will continue to take place on Tullos Hill; hence the
increase. It is a statutory requirement of Aberdeen City Council to
manage deer on all of its land and this would be taking place on Tullos
Hill whether there was a tree planting scheme or not. The roe deer
population on Tullos Hill was assessed as being much higher than the
land could support, there is very little variety of vegetation growing and
deer suffered as a result. Aberdeen City Council’s ongoing deer
management programme is carried out in accordance will all relevant
legislation and established best practice, including Scottish Natural
Heritage’s (SNH) Code of Practice on Deer Management and the
Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011, which increased
the responsibility of land owners to manage deer on their land.
STV - the Evening Express is reporting that a 75-year-old man fell down a
manhole in Byron Square; is the council responsible for the
upkeep/maintenance of this manhole? Response - Advised reporter
that Scottish Water is responsible for the manhole. We can confirm we
received a report of a Scottish Water manhole collapsing in Byron
Square. One of our street inspectors visited the scene and made the
area safe.
Scotsman - who produced the TIF Business Case? Response - directed
reporter to Page 15, Section 2, Paragraph 2.1.1 of the business
case, which states: "This business case is produced by Aberdeen City
Council (ACC) and summarises the process undertaken by Council
officers, their advisers and project stakeholders to assess the potential
for using TIF to enable ACC to provide the public sector investment
needed to deliver the TIF Scheme."
Fri 29 June 2012
release from Grampian Police about flytipping operation published on
council website cns/pr flytipper opera
tion 290612.asp
statement issued to all media on behalf of David Wallis, acting
headteacher of Ferryhill School, regarding incident at Stonehaven
Pool: "Our thoughts are with our pupil and his family at this difficult
time. He is a hardworking and popular boy and pupils and staff offered
prayers for him and his family when we attended Ferryhill Church for
our end of term service earlier today. We continue to work closely with
the relevant authorities on investigating the circumstances surrounding
the incident.”
STV - interview with David Leng on above, focusing on how school is
coping and on progress of investigation
BBC Radio Scotland – same
EE - story placed on vandal damage at Glashieburn School to clay oven
made by pupils
quotes provided from Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure
and Council Leader/EP&I convener to PR agency Fifth Ring for
inclusion in press release about next phase in Aberdeen Harbour
development. Gordon McIntosh said: "This is a very exciting time for
Aberdeen Harbour with many new developments and improvements to
look forward to which will maintain its status as a world-leading port.
The harbour is the main commercial port for the north-east of Scotland
and the principal port in Europe for marine support of the North Sea's
oil and gas industry so therefore plays a vital role in the UK economy.
Significant investment at the harbour is hugely positive for the city as a
whole and once complete these developments will enable the port to
support larger projects both on land and offshore. We will continue to
work with Aberdeen Harbour during this exciting phase to ensure that it
can continue to play a central role in Aberdeen's economic success."
Council Leader and EP&I convener Cllr Barney Crockett said:
"Aberdeen Harbour is a world-class port and a key element in the city's
economy. The versatility of facilities and diversity of traffic makes the
harbour a unique yet crucial component in the transport infrastructure
of the north and north-east of Scotland and a vital hub for the offshore
oil and gas industry. This is an exciting development for Aberdeen and
one which will ensure the potential of harbour land and property is
optimised in order that facilities are available for operation, expansion
and potential new business in years to come. For hundreds of years
the council and harbour authorities have worked together. On the
council we recognise how important this partnership is and greatly
welcome this fresh investment."
STV - following up story on BBC website which reports 35 deer have been
killed on Tullos Hill as part of the council's ongoing deer management
programme; seeking council comment. Response - Estimates from a
thermal imagining survey carried out by Scottish Natural Heritage
(SNH) in February last year indicated that, at that time, there were 29
roe deer on the site. This gave an indication of the population on the
site, with about a 10% variation. Deer are transitory animals, however,
and their numbers fluctuate. The guidance from SNH indicates that the
number of deer that can be sustainably managed and will not cause
unacceptable levels of environmental damage is eight per 100
hectares. The area of Tullos is about 60 hectares so the aim was to
reduce resident numbers accordingly. It is a statutory requirement of
Aberdeen City Council to manage deer on all of its land and this would
be taking place on Tullos Hill whether there was a tree planting scheme
or not. The roe deer population on Tullos Hill was assessed as being
much higher than the land could support, there is very little variety of
vegetation growing and deer suffered as a result. Aberdeen City
Council’s ongoing deer management programme is carried out in
accordance will all relevant legislation and established best practice,
including Scottish Natural Heritage’s (SNH) Code of Practice on Deer
Management and the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act
2011, which increased the responsibility of land owners to manage
deer on their land.
P&J – same
BBC - we understand the soft strip of St Nicholas House is due to get
under way on Monday; is this the case; what is the nature of the work
and what is the schedule for the work? Response - Safedem Ltd is due
to start at St Nicholas House on Monday. They are carrying out the soft
strip which in essence is asbestos removal, removal of all carpets,
ceilings, internal partitions, toilets and all service pipework and cabling.
The result will be an empty shell with floors left meantime. Safedem will
also be erecting hoarding around the site. The contract period is 20
P&J – same
EE - an advert has been published on the Edinburgh Gazette website
giving notice of additional information being received by Scottish
Minister for the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre
application; the notice states that the information can be viewed at the
Central Library, among other places across Scotland; it further states
that any queries about the additional information should be directed to
the Scottish Government, Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire
Council; reporter requesting details of this "additional information"?
Response - The European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre
application is being handled by Marine Scotland and not Aberdeen City
Council. Our responsibility at this stage is simply hosting the additional
information in the Central Library. Advised reporter to speak to the
Scottish Government for details about the nature of this additional
Media Briefing - 02 July 2012
release out on voting opening in the Queen Elizabeth Fields Challenge,
which aims to safeguard 2,012 outdoor recreational spaces for future
generations to mark the Diamond Jubilee year and the
London Olympics cns/pr queen challen
ge 020712.asp
release drafted on education report on Cornhill School and nursery class
release drafted on Big Dance event in the city centre
release drafted on preview of House of Annie Lennox exhibition opening
this weekend at Aberdeen Art Gallery
P&J - work was due to start on the soft strip of St Nicholas House today;
are there any photo opportunities available? Response - One member
of staff from contractor Safedem Ltd arrived on site today to install the
generator for the works. Fencing has been delivered but not erected. A
full squad from Safedem is expected to arrive tomorrow and most of
them will be working inside. Agreed to notify paper when fencing starts
being erected.
EE – same
BBC – same
Original – same
P&J - the Dangerous Building Notice served on the owner of the former
Broadford Works site states "This above work must be commenced
by 2nd July 2012"; has the work started as per these instructions?
Response - Staff from the council's building standards team will
monitor the site throughout the work with the first inspection scheduled
to take place tomorrow.
P&J - Grampian Police has confirmed two boys have been charged
following an incident at Walker Road Primary School, Torry, last
week; seeking council comment. Response - We are assisting
Grampian Police with their enquiries.
STV - seeking update on the former Bankhead Academy building
following the recent fire there. Response - We have surveyors on site
assessing the damaged parts of the building as well as sections
unaffected by the fire. The results of these surveys will allow us to
determine what is required to make the site safe.
Original FM - seeking interview with Housing and Environment Committee
convener about Queen Elizabeth Fields Challenge. Response –
Tuesday 03 July 2012
release drafted on re-enactment at the Tolbooth Museum this weekend
that will revisit the destruction caused by the Black Death when it
came to Aberdeen in 1647
release drafted on Central Library celebrating 120th anniversary with
events being held throughout July
release drafted on curator hoping to reel people in for a talk about fishing
rods that are part of Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums collections
Scotsman - wanting council statement regarding the story on the front
page of the P&J today "Boys charged with school sex attack on girl
aged 11". Response - We are assisting Grampian Police with their
enquiries. We can confirm an internal investigation by the council is
BBC – same
EE - inviting council comment to concerns raised by
the proposed TIF business plan which he is going to write to the chief
executive about. Response - If
writes to the chief
executive she will respond to him directly in due course.
EE - the P&J reported today that the council's building standards team
were due to visit former Broadford Works site to monitor the progress
of work to secure the site; did this inspection take place? Response We can confirm that the owner of the site spoke to the council's
Building Standards team this morning and has agreed a verbal
programme of work. The Building Standards team will be in regular
contact with the owner throughout the work to monitor progress.
Original FM – same
P&J – same
EE - follow-up to above; can we get access to the site to take
photographs? Response - advised reporter to contact site owner.
EE - is there any update on the proposed new passenger terminal at
Aberdeen Airport; we understand a committee heard the application
and agreed to carry out a site visit on June 21. Response - the
council's Development Management Sub-committee visited the site on
June 21 and are expected to determine the application on the July 19
meeting of the sub-committee.
EE - can we get access to St Nicholas House to photograph work starting
on the soft strip? Response - St Nicholas House is no longer an
operational building so there are health and safety issues with
members of the public/press gaining access. The nature of the work
taking place also poses health and safety issues.
EE - seeking update on the former Bankhead Academy building following
the recent fire there. Response - We have surveyors on site assessing
the damaged parts of the building as well as sections unaffected by the
fire. The results of these surveys will allow us to determine what is
required to make the site safe.
Weds 04 July
release out on Community Payback clients' hard work helps city charity's
efforts cns/pr communitypay
back donation 040712.asp
release out on reenactment at the Tolbooth Museum this weekend that will
revisit the destruction caused by the Black Death when it came to
Aberdeen in 1647 cns/pr plaguereenact
ment 040712.asp
release out on curator hoping to reel people in for a talk about fishing
rods that are part of Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums collections cns/pr lunchtimetalk
release out about council's Waste Aware bus being outside Marks and
Spencer tomorrow cns/pr waste bus 04
release drafted on resurfacing works to get underway around Don Bridge
area during the trades fortnight
EE - private owners in tenement blocks are starting to receive letters
advising them that they will be invoiced for electricity costs for
common services, such as stair lighting and door entry systems; the
letters also advise that the invoice will carry a £28 administration
charge; seeking council comment. Response - Following a review of
services that the council offers to private owners in tenement blocks, it
became apparent that we were covering the cost of electricity for
common services, such as stair lighting and door entry systems. This is
a cost that is liable for settlement by private owners of the flats within a
tenement on an equal share, therefore we are in the process of
recovering these costs for the period 2010-2011. Part of this process
involves raising an administration charge for administering the electric
supply and processing payments. However, to save all the private
owners in a single tenement from receiving this administration charge
we have advised them that they can collectively decide on one owner
to meet the cost and be reimbursed from the rest. Alternatively, we
have advised that they can collectively choose to purchase their
common electric supply directly from Scottish and Southern thuscutting
the council out of the loop.
P&J - we understand the AECC is taking legal action to have the
Gypsy/Traveller group in the car park removed; is the council
assisting AECC? Response - The council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison
officer is monitoring the situation and will continue to liaise with the
private landowner.
EE - what is the latest with the refurbishment of the Hazlehead Park cafe?
Response - We have now concluded the paperwork with the preferred
bidder for the Hazlehead Park restaurant. All the bids we received,
including that of the preferred bidder, made it clear that the bidders
intended to invest in upgrading and modernising the property. Once
work gets under way it is likely to last for a number of weeks. The
preferred bidder has indicated that they would be keen to open the
kiosk in the restaurant while work progresses.
Northsound - wanting to interview head of public programmes at Aberdeen
Art Gallery about the House of Annie Lennox exhibition which opens
this Saturday. Response - suggested reporter attend the media
preview on Friday.
EE - wanting update on the Pound for Piper campaign. Response suggested speaking to Sodexo, the company behind the campaign.
P&J appeared in court today and pleaded not guilty to
charges of electoral fraud, would ACC like to comment? Response No, it would be inappropriate to comment ahead of the case going to
trial in December.
EE - has Aberdeen City Council got any intention at present of introducing
"Boris Bikes" to the city? Response - There are no immediate plans to
introduce Boris Bikes to the city but ACC is open to exploring new and
innovative means of transport delivery.
P&J - has the Labour administration ordered all staff to be sent letters
advising them that they are in politically restricted posts in a bid to
keep officers out of policy decisions? - Response - No, the Council sent
letters to members of staff in politically restricted posts in accordance
with guidance issued by the Local Government Political Restrictions
Adjudicator. It was an administrative exercise to keep staff informed of
changes and was not ordered by the Administration.
EE - is Community Safety Manager
available for interview
regarding plans for CCTV modernisation in the city? Response - No, it
would be inappropriate to do so as plans are at a very early stage with
a myriad of options being considered.
Thurs 05 July 2012
release out on road repairs due to start on parts of Ellon Road and King
Street on Sunday cns/pr ellonfix 05071
release out on the House of Annie Lennox exhibition opening at
Aberdeen Art Gallery this Saturday cns/pr AnnieLennox
release out on Central Library celebrating its 120th anniversary with a
day-long celebration today with events and displays on during July cns/pr centrallibrary
release out on public opening arrangements for Marischal College multistorey car park cns/pr marischal par
king 050712.asp
release drafted on road restrictions to allow city centre cabling work
The Sun - could Education, Culture and Sport ask the family of the little
boy discharged from hospital following the incident at Stonehaven
Outdoor Pool if they would be willing to be interviewed? Response unlikely, but asked the question on The Sun's behalf
BBC Scotland - the Public Standards Commissioner has cleared
Aberdeen Licensing Board of any wrongdoing in relation to a
complaint lodged in 2002; what was the complaint and would the
Council wish to respond? Response - The Public Standards
Commissioner concluded that the complainant's allegations could not
amount to a breach of the Code of Conduct by any councillor on
Aberdeen City Licensing Board.
EE - additional questions about council recovering electricity costs for
common services in private tenement flats; (1) how many letters have
been sent out already? (2) how many residents in total will be written
to? (3) how much has the council paid out to cover the cost of
electricity for common services in private tenements? (4) how and
when did the problem come to light? (5) what was last year's bill,
including any other annual fees? (6) how long has this been going on?
Response - (1) Letters have gone out to five tenements affecting 35
private owners. (2) 2,095 (3) Information not readily available and
would take some time to compile so suggested submitting a FOI
request. (4) At a meeting of Full Council on June 29, 2011 councillors
instructed officers to report to the Housing and Environment Committee
on all costs borne by the Housing Revenue Account in relation to
private owners. The report "Housing Revenue Account and Private
Owners" went before the Housing and Environment Committee on
November 1, 2011. Councillors agreed to "note the contents of this
report and the actions being taken by officers to recover costs from
owners". (5) Information not readily available and would take some
time to compile so suggested submitting a FOI request. (6)
Information not readily available and would take some time to compile
so suggested submitting a FOI request.
EE - a member of the public has complained to the paper about play
equipment being removed from Forrit Brae Park, Bucksburn; he is
complaining that there is now nothing for his two children to do in the
park. Response - A number of items in the play area at Forrit Brae Park
were deemed unsafe so they had to be removed. Aberdeen City
Council will not put anyone at risk by keeping unsafe play equipment.
We are currently working with two community groups in the Bucksburn
area with a view to raising grant funding to pay for improvements for
the Forrit Brae play area and we are confident these improvements can
be made.
EE - can we confirm who has signed the lease for the Hazlehead Park
cafe? Response - No, it would be inappropriate for us to comment on
the private business of an individual.
EE - follow-up to same; Cllr Martin Greig has claimed demolition of the
kiosk at the cafe will form the first phase of the revamp, is this the
case? Response - We have had no indication from the tenant's
architect that the kiosk will be demolished. As far as we are aware, the
plan is to refurbish the existing kiosk.
EE - asking for update on River Don Corridor SURF project. Response arranged interview with project manager
P&J - a group of businesses in the Rosemount area say they started a
petition in response to increased business parking permit charges
and handed it to Cllr Bill Cormie; reporter unable to make contact with
Cllr Cormie so asking if we can confirm anything about this petition.
Response - Advised reporter that it would be difficult to
comment/confirm anything without knowing where in the council this
petition was submitted or if it has indeed been submitted.
P&J - a number of motorists have contacted the paper to complain about
the lengthy delays on Dyce Drive caused by roadworks; some are
asking why a contraflow system was not put in place; seeking
comment. Response - Aberdeen City Council did not instigate the work
but we are facilitating it as best we can. The nature of the work,
coupled with health and safety requirements, means a contraflow
system would not be appropriate in this instance.
P&J - looking to run a series of features on the Curriculum for
Excellence over the summer and would like to find out what ACC has
been doing about its implementation.; reporter is trying to get a feel of
what is happening locally; the most important aspect would be its
rollout in secondary schools and preparedness for the new
exams; have their been any problems from, say, teachers; are schools
ready; also interested to find out how it went and how things are going
in primary. Response – checking
EE - asking for response to critical report from financial expert on TIF
business case. Response - The working draft of the TIF business
case was issued to all elected members and published on the City
Council website last week. The lengthy document was provided to
elected members to allow them sufficient time over the summer recess
to take full stock of its contents in advance of its consideration by the
Finance and Resources Committee on 17 August and at Full Council
on 22 August. Officers continue to work with the Scottish Futures Trust
to refine the document.
P&J - same
Fri 06 July 2012
release out on number of city taxi licences capped at 1049 cns/pr taxi licence li
mit 060712.asp
release out on Trinity Quay/Exchange Street road restrictions to allow
cabling works cns/pr city centre ca
bling restrictions 060712.asp
release out on Olympic Games inspire sportswear exhibition and creative
workshops at Provost Skene's House cns/pr provostskenes
house 060712.asp
EE - is the council going to repair the potholes on Loirston Close as local
residents are complaining to the newspaper about the state of the
road? Response - Loirston Close, Cove, is an unadopted road
therefore the council is not responsible for its maintenance.
EE - what is the council doing about the Gypsy/Travellers located onto
the Queens Links? Response - We will be proceeding with court action.
EE - will there be any public consultation regarding the planning
application for a wind turbine at Tarbothill, Bridge of Don? Response The planning application will go before the Development Management
Sub Committee in due course. As with all planning applications,
members of the public can participate in the planning process by
submitting their views on a proposed application which are
then considered when the application goes before the sub committee.
EE - does the council own the land next to Loirston Close as the grass
hasn't been cut for ages and local residents are complaining to the
newspaper about it? Response – checking
EE - Nestrans has indicated plans to boost public transport in the city are
under consideration; are there any plans to introduce a bus lane to
George Street? Response - We continue to work with our partners to
find suitable solutions to traffic management and infrastructure in the
city. We will continue to work together to improve public transport
across the city for the travelling public. No specific proposals have
been identified for the city as yet but work is on-going.
BBC - will ACC receive the planning application for the EDWC offshore
windfarm in Aberdeen Bay? Response - No, the application will be
submitted to Marine Scotland. The Central Library is hosting a display
of the plans.
P&J - are the roadworks on Ellon Road on the same stretch as those
carried out fairly recently? Response - No; as it says in the media
release, the works due to start on Sunday will complete a three-year
programme on Ellon Road/King Street. The previous works in 2010
and 2011 were, respectively, on the north and southbound
carriageways of Ellon Road, between the AECC and Balgownie
Road/Links Road, as was reported extensively in the P&J at the time.
There is, therefore no scope for the kind of story you had in mind.
pointed out to the Evening Express that there was no basis for the claim in
today's paper that the Hazlehead Park cafe "could be reopened this
summer". This information did not come from the council and there was
nothing in the article to back this up. Advised reporter that although we
now have a new tenant for the cafe in place there is considerable work
to do and a date for reopening has not been confirmed. Article
amended on website and in late edition of paper.
Newsline - seeking confirmation that the information in today's Evening
Express about the council recovering electricity costs for common
services in private tenement flats is accurate and requesting copy of
statement sent to Evening Express. Response - Advised reporter that
this was not a "mistake" as reported in the Evening Express; it was
a policy decision taken by councillors. At a meeting of Full Council on
June 29, 2011 councillors instructed officers to report to the Housing
and Environment Committee on all costs borne by the Housing
Revenue Account in relation to private owners. The report "Housing
Revenue Account and Private Owners" went before the Housing and
Environment Committee on November 1, 2011. Councillors agreed to
"note the contents of this report and the actions being taken by officers
to recover costs from owners". Sent reporter copy of report from H&E,
November 2011. Advised that the letter sent to residents states that the
title deeds for their property shows that the electricity cost for common
services is "liable for settlement by the owners of all flats within the
tenement on an equal share. A spokesman for Aberdeen City Council
said: "Following a review of services that the council offers to private
owners in tenement blocks, it became apparent that we were covering
the cost of electricity for common services, such as stair lighting and
door entry systems. This is a cost that is liable for settlement by private
owners of the flats within a tenement on an equal share, therefore we
are in the process of recovering these costs for the period 2011-2012.
Part of this process involves raising an administration charge for
administering the electric supply and processing payments. However,
to save all the private owners in a single tenement from receiving
this administration charge we have advised them that they can
collectively decide on one owner to meet the cost and be reimbursed
from the rest. Alternatively, we have advised that they can collectively
choose to purchase their common electric supply directly from Scottish
and Southern thus cutting the council out of the loop."
Scottish Sun – same
BBC Aberdeen – same
BBC Newsdrive - same; also asking if someone from the council was
available for radio interview on the issue. Response - sorry, no
Media Briefing – 09 July 2012
release out about consultation on rent restructuring proposals continuing cns/pr rent survey 0
release out on latest statistics on Fixed Penalty Notice for littering cns/pr littering stats
release out on City Wardens step up ARI patrols to educate
motorists about new parking restrictions
release out on summer series of Discovery Gallery events at Aberdeen Art
Gallery, inspired by Annie Lennox exhibition cns/pr discoverygaller
y 090712.asp
release drafted on Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums' summer programme
EE - asking for ACC comment on letter of complaint to chief executive
Valerie Watts about TIF business case. Response - The working draft
of the TIF business case was issued to all elected members and
published on the City Council website at the end of last month. The
lengthy document was provided to councillors to allow them sufficient
time over the summer recess to take full stock of its contents. The
business case will receive due consideration by the Finance and
Resources Committee on 17 August and at Full Council on 22 August,
as has already been agreed by elected members. Aberdeen City
Council Chief Executive Valerie Watts will respond to
communication in due course.
BBC – same
Herald – same
P&J – same
Scotsman – same
EE - does the Council's car sharing scheme benefit from the same
funding avenues as the new Stagecoach electric bus? Response –
EE - we've been told five newborn babies were taken into care over the
past couple of weeks as part of a new Council strategy to help babies
perceived to be at threat of suitable development including basic life
skills such as empathy; is this true? Response - We are not aware of
any spike or increase in the number of newborn or pre-birth cases of
children being taken into care. ACC treat every child on a case by case
basis, working with parents and partner agencies to ensure the welfare
of every child, regardless of their age.
EE - the Council had a motion granted unopposed v Stewart Milne Group
at the Court of Session last week, what stage does it take the Carnie
land case to? Response - An unopposed motion was allowed in the
Court of Session last week in connection with ACC relating to the land
at Carnie. This was a routine procedural matter which continued the
Original FM - seeking interview with Environment Manager Steven Shaw
about littering statistics - Response - agreed and arranged
EE - what stage is the over-cladding project at the Seaton multi-storey
blocks; are the blocks linked up to the Seaton Heat and Power Energy
Centre yet? Response - checking
Tues 10 July 2012
release out on Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museum's summer programme cns/pr summerartpro
g 100712.asp
release out on free talk on Thursday on Aberdeen's links with queens cns/pr tolboothqueen
EE - what is the Council doing about Travellers (two caravans) parked on
Moss Road, Altens? Response - The council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison
officer will continue to monitor the situation and liaise with the
P&J - can we get a provisional timetable for the Safedem work taking
place at St Nicholas House? Response – checking
P&J - is a full list of tenders etc available for St Nicholas House; can the
Council comment on the nature and value of the bids? Response - The
full list of bids etc will be considered by the Council in due course.
It would be inappropriate to comment at this time.
P&J - the Draft Aberdeenshire Local Housing Strategy 2012-2017 states:
"Aberdeenshire Council is currently in discussions with Aberdeen City
Council to develop and possibly expand the number of pitches
currently run as stop-over pitches on Aberdeen City Council's Clinterty
Travelling Persons Site"; what exactly is ACC involvement in
this? Response - Aberdeen City Council is committed to developing the
Clinterty Travelling Persons Site and we have recently introduced four
new plots for short-term use. We will continue to work with our
colleagues in Aberdeenshire with a view to further expanding and
developing this much-used facility.
P&J - received a tip-off which claims a former council employee received a
"six-figure pay off" as part of a redundancy package; is this
information accurate? Response - Checking, although advised reporter
that without any more information it would be difficult to confirm
anything. Also advised that under normal circumstances we do not
comment on staffing matters.
EE - what stage is the over-cladding project at the Seaton multi-storey
blocks; are the blocks linked up to the Seaton Heat and Power Energy
Centre yet? Response - The over-cladding project at the Seaton multistorey blocks is progressing well and on schedule for completion early
next year. Work to install the combined heat and power system in Lord
Hay's Court has been complete for those who accepted the new
heating offer. St Ninian's Court had an existing communal boiler
system and this was connected to the Seaton CHP network in March.
Work to link Inverdon and Balgownie Courts to the CHP system is
ongoing and scheduled to be complete in late August or early
EE - it has been suggested that the proposed rent restructure could
result in some tenants facing increased levels of rent; is this the case?
Response - sent reporter copy of report 'Rent Restructuring
Consultation' which went to May's meeting of the Housing and
Environment Committee and directed him to line: "Any variation to the
way rents are calculated will ultimately have an impact on our tenants
with some rents increasing and some reducing." Pointed out, however,
that until the consultation is complete and a new system adopted we
cannot confirm any details of new rent levels.
Weds 11 July 2012
release drafted about success of Metal Matters metal recycling
quote approved for inclusion in press release by the Big Partnership about
Clermont-Ferrand artist Jill Bonnaud appearing at this year's Aberdeen
Art Fair. Aberdeen City Council international partnerships officer,
Amye Robinson said: "Aberdeen City was twinned with ClermontFerrand in 1983 and since then the two cities have successfully
undertaken various projects of mutual benefit. An artist from our twin
city Clermont-Ferrand was invited to participate in the Aberdeen Art
Fair which will be a fantastic opportunity for local people and visitors to
see high quality work from another country and to bring new cultural
and business benefits. Jill Bonnaud's participation will continue to build
on and strengthen our twinning partnership with Clermont-Ferrand."
EE - at the meeting of council on June 13, a motion was
approved to instruct the Director of Enterprise, Planning and
Infrastructure to enter into discussions with Remploy Aberdeen over
assistance the council may be able to offer, including purchase and
lease back of their building on St Machar Road, to ensure that the
business can continue to operate; have any discussions taken place?
Response – checking
EE , of Friends of Union Terrace Gardens, has passed
on to us the response on behalf of ACC Chief Executive Valerie Watts
to his five-page demand last week for the "withdrawal" of the working
draft of the TIF business case. Response - The Chief Executive has
responded promptly to
communication to her. Elected
members will now consider the matter at Finance and Resources
Committee and at Full Council on 17 and 22 August respectively, in
line with their decision to do so.
BBC - will the TIF business case go to the Scottish Futures Trust before
its consideration by Council on 22 August? Response - No; Council
has already agreed that Council approval is required for the submission
of the business case.
EE - figures released under FOI reveal 106 teachers were subject to
violent incidents in Aberdeen classrooms in 2010-11; a list of
weapons includes a laser pen and lighter; was the laser shone in
someone's face and the lighter used to burn someone; what's being
done to tackle violence in schools? Response - It would be
inappropriate to speculate that the weapons listed were used in this
manner; Convener of Education, Culture and Sport Councillor Jenny
Laing said: "Aberdeen City Council operates a zero tolerance approach
to violence in our schools. Behaviour of this kind is unacceptable and
we take the reporting of any incident of violence against school staff
very seriously. There are a range of measures in place for dealing with
such incidents and we will continue to deal with them in a robust
EE - feature placed on up-coming talk on Broadford Mill
P&J - can we get a provisional timetable for the Safedem work taking
place at St Nicholas House as we would like to take regular pictures
of the building's demolition for a time lapse series. Response - The
contract which began on 2 July is purely soft strip of the interior
(removal of asbestos/services etc) so there will be little to see/record
externally. The contract should see Safedem on site for approx 20
P&J - the Council leader has been critical of Tesco's legal action against
ACC's Local Development Plan, is ACC expecting the case to go
ahead? Response - The case is due to call in the Court of Session on
12 July. Aberdeen City Council will be vigorously defending our
position when the case calls.
Thurs 12 July 2012
photocall drafted on town planning institute president touring Granite
P&J - how much money did Aberdeen City Council set aside for Acsef in
the 2010/11 and 2012/13 budgets? Response - £229,000 was
approved for Acsef in the 2010/11 budget; checking 2012/13 figure.
The Council has committed this money to Acsef for the financial year
and any subsequent decision on funding for Acsef would be taken by
the Council when the budget for 2013/14 is set.
P&J - did the legal case involving ACC and Tesco's bid to block the Local
Development Plan start today? Response - Yes, it got under way as
scheduled. The case is being treated very seriously, with
Council representatives in attendance to monitor the outcome.
EE - is ACC responsible for the decision to close the Linx Ice Arena for
much of the school summer holidays? Response - No, the ice arena is
managed by Sport Aberdeen and any closures etc is solely
their decision. Referred reporter to Sport Aberdeen.
Turning Point Scotland - as mental health project, Rosie's, funded by
ACC has been shortlisted for a Social Enterprise award at the Private
Business Awards in London in September; would it be possible to
include an ACC logo in a press release? Response - logo and copy
quote from Housing and Environment Convener provided to Zero Waste
Scotland for press release about launch of Flytipping Small Grants
Scheme. Councillor Neil Cooney said: "The small grant scheme is an
excellent opportunity for local landowners, managers and communities
to receive support to clear their land of illegally discarded material.
They can also use the money to create long-term, innovative deterrents
to flytipping. Fly-tipping has a very negative impact on Aberdeen, both
environmentally and aesthetically. There is no excuse for it. The
council operates household recycling centres which can take most
forms of waste, including chemicals, engine oil, white goods, garden
waste and furniture, free of charge. Most items can also be collected
from people's homes on request, so there is absolutely no excuse for
committing this type of offence. I would encourage people to take this
opportunity to apply for a grant and help rid the city of the blight that is
EE - will the council be commenting on the Development Management
Sub-committee report about the proposed urban village at the former
Broadford Works, Maberly Street? Response - We do not comment
on reports before they go to committee and this report will be
considered by the sub-committee in due course.
EE - following-up story in today's Daily Record about landlords in
Edinburgh and Dundee being ordered to fit carpets following growing
complaints about the noise caused by laminate/hardwood flooring;
does Aberdeen City Council have any such policy? Response Provided reporter with advice leaflet prepared by the Scottish
Government which is issued to all council tenants. The leaflet outlines
good practice for installing laminate/wood flooring and tips on how to
reduce noise levels cause by such flooring. Aberdeen City Council
does not insist tenants seek permission before laying laminate/wood
EE - Grampian Police has confirmed an Aberdeen City Council van was
stolen from outside a property in Seaton and dumped nearby.
Response - We can confirm a council building services van was stolen
from outside a property in the Seaton area. We are assisting Grampian
Police with their enquiries.
EE - can we have details of SURF Don corridor project plans to create
new bridges across the river and new parks? Response - The SURF
project is proposing to deliver no such thing. Under the Local
Development Plan, significant development is envisaged next to the
Don on several sites. Some of the masterplanning suggests that
footbridges be created across the river (and over other watercourses)
by the respective developers, and the creation of public open
space. The planning applications for the Davidson's Mill site on
Muggiemoss Road and for the Stoneywood Estate site, approved last
Sept, included plans for significant public open space. Footbridges
across the Bucks Burn and the Don are part of the Davidson's Mill
scheme. You'd have to chase up various developers to discover details
of their proposals for bridges and parks.
EE - can you provide details of plans to increase capacity at Riverbank
School? Response - Talked reporter through short-term and mediumterm plans to increase capacity, directed reporter to detailed report to
EC&S Ctte of 7 June, and provided details of Riverbank extension
The Sun - checking whether an ACC vehicle driven by a city warden was
parked straddling two parking spaces on Don Street (allegedly)
and was subsequently "ticketed" by an irate local resident (allegedly).
Response - checking alleged scenario
Fri 13 July 2012
release out on Burnside Road closure extended to allow for building work cns/pr BurnsideRoad
extended 130712.asp
release posted on website on Aberdeen City Council awaiting court ruling
on Local Development Plan cns/pr council awaits
court ruling 130712.asp
release out on Metal Matters recycling campaign drawing to a close cns/pr metal matters
release drafted on ACC social media event next week
release drafted on Trinity Street closing to allow crane works
release drafted appealing for volunteers for community archaeological
excavation of Tullos Hill
Herald - how many tickets have Aberdeen primary schools received for the
London 2012 Olympics? Response - Advised reporter to contact
sportscotland which has been liaising with the London Organising
Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG) to issue tickets to all
Scotland's schools.
Original FM - seeking interview with Housing and Environment viceconvener Cllr Jean Morrison about Metal Matters recycling campaign.
Response - provided Cllr Morrison's contact details
EE - why has there been a delay in the building work at Burnside Road?
Response - Suggested reporter speak to property developer regarding
developer's works.
EE - asked to remove identities of two vulnerable elderly adults in ACC
care, who were victims of theft at their residential homes; paper agreed
to update archive and keep both victims names and home residence
out of future stories.
EE - some parents are claiming that asbestos will endanger their children
when work starts on the planned extension at Riverbank School, and
that the extension will not be big enough. Response - The planned
extension at Riverbank School will be constructed separately on a safe
building site cordoned off from the rest of the school. It will
be physically connected to the school during the long school break next
summer, when no children will be present. Fears over any asbestos
dangers are therefore groundless. As part of normal building
management, the council carries surveys to identify the presence of
asbestos. Where we are undertaking major refurbishment works,
we carry out more detailed intrusive surveys. If the material is
discovered it will, as a matter of course, be professionally removed in
line with best practice. The planned extension, meantime, will more
than accommodate projected increases in the school roll. The plans
have been formulated by officers after careful consideration of future
pupil numbers and were unanimously agreed by elected members at
the Education Culture and Sport Committee meeting on 7 June.
Media Briefing - 16 July 2012
release out on ACC social media event this week, showcasing huge
range of council services, activities and events cns/pr socialmedia 1
release out on major Ellon Road/King Street roadworks finishing ahead
of schedule, having caused almost nil disruption cns/pr elloncomplete
photocall out on President of town planners to tour Granite City
EE - figures released under FOI reveal 24 teachers have "under standing
order 50" asked the Council for permission to take 2nd jobs in the past
year, what does this mean? Response - ACC has almost 2400
teachers, this figure represents 1% and in almost every case the
requests were for posts as exam markers, invigilating and tutorial
posts, which are common and historic in the profession. All employees
of Aberdeen City Council, including Teachers, are obliged by virtue of
the Standing Orders of the Council to inform us when they seek a
second form of (paid) employment. Employees are not dissuaded or
blocked from seeking a second job, this contractual condition is
primarily to ensure there is no conflict of interest arising between the
employee's position at the council and any other form of employment
they seek.
EE - 46 people with blue disabled badges received fines for parking in
green disabled bays. What is the difference between blue and green
badges and their respective bays? Response - The Green Badge
scheme was introduced in Aberdeen several years ago for wheelchair
users. Parking provision for both Green and Blue Badge holders is
made in the city. Green Badge spaces are only available in the city
centre and allow for getting out from a vehicle either by a side ramp or
a tail lift, or for the transfer of a driver or passenger out into a
wheelchair. Kerbs have been lowered at every Green Badge location.
Green Badge spaces are clearly marked and signposted. They should
only be used by Green Badge holders with Blue Badge holders notified
on receipt of their badge of the different parking provisions
in Aberdeen.
P&J - why has the archaeological investigation contract for the AWPR
been awarded when it is not certain that the road can go ahead?
Response - The contract has been awarded to ensure that this vital
infrastructure project can proceed without further delay if the latest
appeal fails.
STV – same
Northsound – same
Sun - we have been sent a picture by a man who took a photograph of a
city warden vehicle parked in a parking bay on Don Street, which he
subsequently "ticketed" as a "joke"; your response? Response - City
wardens visited Don Street as part of their normal duties to help a
resident who had asked them to visit to provide some advice on
parking. The wardens parked in a parking bay while they went about
their legitimate business, as they are entitled to do.
P&J - has the Cattofield depot, which is now the subject of a planning
application for housing, been vacated? Response - It was a Scottish
Water depot, which was declared surplus to requirements. Check with
them to se if it's been vacated.
EE - do you know anything about the power cut on Holburn Street?
Response - Try checking with Scottish and Southern. ACC is not
responsible for electricity.
STV - do you know when the Court of Session will rule in the Tesco v
ACC case? Response - Afraid not. It will be in due course. The court is
now in recess.
P&J – same
EE - has ACC released figures revealing Aberdeen as the top grossing
tourist destination in the UK? Response - No, I don't think so. Try
VisitScotland instead.
Tues 17 July 2012
release out on President of Royal Town Planning Institute hailing
quality of Marischal conversion cns/pr town plan pre
sident praise 170712.asp
release drafted on free guided walk with historian, archaeologist and
countryside ranger, including Duthie Park, Allenvale Cemetery, Bridge
of Dee, Deeside Railway and salmon bothy at Ruthrieston
release updated on Art Gallery and Museums summer activities
P&J, BBC, Original 106 - requests for interviews with Council Leader –
EE - how many blue disabled badges are there; how many green
disabled badges are there and where are the green disabled bays?
Response - Blue Badges issued over last 3 years - 8032; Green
Badges as of March 2012 - 111; map available on the ACC website.
EE - have Trading Standards collared anyone for selling below-thecounter or illegal meat; have any ‘back-street processing plants’ been
shut down? Response – checking
EE - interview arranged with lead curator Judith Stones on forthcoming
talk on Richard's and its fire hose production at Broadford Mill
P&J - FOI figures have revealed parking income is set to fall by £6,000
after ACC increased permit charges, prompting customers cancelled
permits; comment? Response - The FOI gives an estimation for
2012/13, which was given on 18 April, just a few days into the new
financial year. The estimate is expected to increase and earn more
money than 2011/12 as well as freeing up more parking spaces in the
city centre.
EE - residents of Tillydrone are carrying out a consultation on what they
would do with Wallace Tower; does ACC support the consultation?
Response - The residents of Tillydrone are carrying out this
consultation, it is not an ACC project. ACC has encouraged people to
come forward and show an interest in Wallace Tower. We wish the
residents well in their consultation and would be happy to see the
results in due course.
EE - according to Cllr Martin Greig, voluntary groups which pay staff now
have to pay a commercial level of let ie around £50/£60 instead of
£20/£30; is this the case as Cllr Greig believes that this will hit these
charitable groups hard if they want to continue to use the council's
community centres. Response - The Bookings & Lettings Policy was
agreed in February 2010 by Education, Culture and Sport Committee.
This policy introduced a new charging category of 'Community
Commercial'. The Community Commercial Rate (charged at two times
the standard rate) means that any ‘commercial’ service provider which
may be profit-making, but where the service provided is deemed to be
of significant community benefit, is charged this rate rather than the full
commercial rate. An example of this would be a self-employed martial
arts or dance instructor, who charges for their classes but the activity
contributes towards the delivery of the council’s 'Fit for the Future'
strategy. This means the City Council is supporting the provision of
activities that are beneficial to the community without directly
subsidising a profit-making business.
EE - as a supporter of the Sound Festival does the council have images
of the festival organiser and of the festival bus as the reporter has been
unable to contact the organiser directly? Response - Suggested
reporter contact New Century PR.
EE - have any further options for the route of the proposed 3rd Don
Crossing, other than those detailed by ACC officers several years ago,
been put forward more recently? Response – no
EE - wanting council response on GMB's press release issued today that
stated 20,000 fewer jobs in Scotland's local authorities since the 2010
general election. Response - Suggested reporter should contact
leader of the council for a comment.
EE - taxi drivers are apparently not happy with the new road changes in
place around ARI, claiming they were not consulted; would the council
care to comment? Response - Suggested reporter speak to NHS
Weds 18 July 2012
release posted on website regarding Applications invited from Aberdeen
as £75k flytipping fund opens cns/pr flytipping gran
ts 180712.asp
release out on talk on Richards manufacturing history at Broadford
Works next Tuesday cns/pr richards 1807
release out on temporary lane closure on Maryculter Bridge to allow
routine inspection on Sunday
release drafted on Council urges more businesses to tap into city's
amazing archive of art
release drafted in anticipation of decision by Development Management
Sub-committee tomorrow on Broadford Works urban village scheme
release drafted in anticipation of decision by sub-committee tomorrow on
solar panel plans for five ACC buildings
release drafted on How to get to zero HIV talk, organised by the
Discovery Gallery at Aberdeen Art Gallery in partnership with the
University of Aberdeen to coincide with the House of Annie Lennox
release drafted on how to make a medal drop-in sessions for primary
aged children and their parents as part of Provost Skene's House to
celebrate London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics
EE - what does the tweet from ACC on SaferAberdeen refer to?
Response - It's part of Aberdeen's social media week highlighting
services on offer in the city. Sent relevant press release.
P&J - has ACC had any further discussions with Church of Scotland
regarding Greyfriars John Knox Church, which has had its asking
price cut in half? Response – no
EE - in the Aberdeen's Children and Young People: 2011/2012 Audit it
claims the number of unemployed claimants under 24 increased by
33.6% from June 2006 to June 2011; are these figures accurate; is
there more a up to date figure available? Response – checking
EE - are there any plans to pedestrianise Union Street? Response Referred to Council Leader in relation to photocall with RTPI President
and his comments regarding Union Street.
Northsound – same
Original 106 - same
Thurs 19 July 2012
release out on Development Management Sub-committee decision to
reject, by majority decision, the latest urban village planning application
for Broadford Works cns/pr broadfordwork
s 190712.asp
release out on sub-committee backing plans for solar panels on the roofs
of three school and two sports/leisure premises cns/pr solar 190712.
release out on Seaton health walk promising close encounter with River
Don's wildlife cns/pr seaton surf w
alk 180712.asp
release published on ACC website on Aberdeen Harbour Board
awarding £5.2m contract for major improvements to the port entrance
and for widening and deepening the navigation channel [issued by Firth
Ring PR] cns/pr harbourcontrac
t 190712.asp
release drafted on Aberdeen Art Gallery inviting people to participate in
nationwide bell-ringing event created by Turner Prize-winning artist
Martin Creed to coincide with the start of Olympics and Paralympics
next Friday
Daily Record - what are the current cost for parents of a week of full-time
childcare for one child during the school holidays of 2012, and the
equivalent cost for 2011? Response - The current costs are £25 for a
full day and £15 for a half day. These charges were the same in 2011.
BBC - asking for breakdown of sub-committee voting on Broadford
Works planning application. Response – provided
Daybreak Scotland – same
EE - what roadworks are taking place on the A944 Skene Road from
Monday; a sign on the road says they will last nine months; is this true?
Response - From Wednesday 25 July a 30mph speed limit will be
imposed on the A944 Skene Road from a point 250m west of the
Ardene House Veterinary Hospital access road, to a point 500m east of
the Kingswells Roundabout during off-peak times. The speed limit
will be introduced to enable preparatory work in association with a new
commercial development. The speed limit will only be imposed during
off-peak times when the preparatory work will be carried out. A full
programme of works is currently being determined in association with
the developers and will be made public in due course.
P&J - what is ACC doing about Travellers next to the Waterwheel Inn on
North Deeside Road? Response - The council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison
officer will continue to monitor the situation and liaise with the
Scotsman - is ACC having further talks with Church of Scotland regarding
Greyfriar's John Knox Church adjacent to Marischal College?
Response – no
BBC - at what time will the full council meeting finish on 22 August.
Response - good question
Fri 20 July 2012
release out on Council Leader urging more businesses to tap into city's
amazing archive of art through Picture Loan Scheme cns/pr public art sch
eme 200712.asp
release out on one-way system for Kepplehills Road next week cns/pr kepplehills roa
d one way 200712.asp
EE - release out on free guided walk with historian, archaeologist and
countryside ranger, including Duthie Park, Allenvale Cemetery, Bridge
of Dee, Deeside Railway and salmon bothy at Ruthrieston cns/pr citywalk 2007
release drafted on 'bags of fun' environmental workshops for children,
organised by Europe Direct Aberdeen
P&J - can we speak to someone at the Art Gallery about the collection
in the Picture Loan Scheme? Response - interview arranged with
head of collections John Edwards
EE - is a valuation list available for the works in the Picture Loan
Scheme; how much revenue did the scheme generate last year; is a
Francis Bacon portrait included in the scheme's collection? Response No, such information is not publicly available; approximately £20,000;
Newsline - is the Picture Loan Scheme the first of its kind in Scotland?
Response - Officers are not aware of another in the country but
advised reporter they would have to ask other Scottish local authorities.
EE - what's caused the closure of St Andrews Street? Response Directed reporter to Scottish Water, who are carrying out emergency
repairs. Diversions have been put in place and it is hoped the road will
reopen on Monday afternoon.
P&J - are details of the roadworks advertised on the A944 Skene Road as
starting on Monday available? Response - From Wednesday 25 July a
30mph speed limit will be imposed on the A944 Skene Road from a
point 250m west of the Ardene House Veterinary Hospital access road,
to a point 500m east of the Kingswells Roundabout during off-peak
times. The speed limit will be introduced to enable preparatory work in
association with a new commercial development. The speed limit will
only be imposed during off-peak times when the preparatory work will
be carried out. A full programme of works is being determined in
association with the developers and will be made public in due course.
P&J - what are the council's security arrangements for kayaks and canoes
at Duthie Park? Response - The Duthie Park pond is used by
Harmony Kayaks; suggested reporter speak to the firm.
The Sun - we're doing a feature on begging in Scotland's cities; can you
provide some info on Aberdeen's begging boxes? Response -
Provided media release on scheme launch in 2006, media release on
most recent promotion of the scheme in Dec 2011, and link to more
info on ACC website.
EE - how many people attended the recent BP-sponsored opera event in
Duthie Park? Response - about 1,000
EE - placed story/pic on Kincorth Academy and ASG pupils working
together on Transition enterprise project to help the young people gain
confidence, team work and a sense of responsibility by engaging in an
enterprising business project and selling 'back to school' packs at
Union Square today (and making £115 in the process)
Deeside Piper - wanting details about the A944 road restrictions that are
due to start next week between Kingswells and Westhill because many
people were surprised when they saw a sign on the road posting that
work could last up to nine months. Response - From Wednesday 25
July a 30mph speed limit will be imposed on the A944 Skene
Road from a point 250m west of the Ardene House Veterinary Hospital
access road, to a point 500m east of the Kingswells Roundabout during
off-peak times. The speed limit will be introduced to enable preparatory
work in association with a new commercial development. The speed
limit will only be imposed during off-peak times when the preparatory
work will be carried out. A full programme of works is being
determined in association with the developers and will be made public
in due course.
EE - is the council aware that Gypsy/Travellers are on Dubford Road,
Bridge of Don? Response - The council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison
officer will continue to monitor the situation and liaise with the
EE - what is the council doing about rubbish left on land vacated by
Gypsy/Travellers in Kittybrewster recently. Response - ACC is
dealing with the matter in line normal procedures.
BBC - what are visitor figures for the first two weeks of the House Of
Annie Lennox exhibition at Aberdeen Art Gallery? Response –
Media Briefing- 23 July 2012
release out on bags of fun environment awareness workshops organised
by Europe Direct Aberdeen cns/pr bagsoffun 230
release out on talk by expert to talk about the positive contribution made
by Annie Lennox in the fight against HIV cns/pr discoverygaller
ytalk 230712.asp
release drafted on temporary traffic restrictions for Tartan Day
release drafted on Aberdeen's international street market returning to
the city in August
EE - following a press release issued by Grampian Police that named the
victim of fatal crash on A90 Blackdog yesterday as
[73], a
former teacher at Northfield Academy, reporter wanting a council
comment. Response - No, we will not be providing a comment.
EE - Aberdeenshire Council has concluded its investigation into the
incident at Stonehaven open air swimming pool and it has decided
to introduce more lifeguards at the pool; has ACC concluded its
investigation? Response - We will await the outcome of the H&S E
report before commenting further.
EE - locals are complaining about the state of the pavement running from
properties 2-88 Mastrick Drive; are there any plans to repair it?
Response - Roads and footpaths are regularly inspected and any
safety defects found are reported for repair. Repairs are carried out on
a priority basis. Footway repair work is being carried out in the area.
There are no plans to have the Mastrick Drive footpath resurfaced this
year but consideration may be given for its inclusion in future years'
work. Any safety defects found will be dealt with as a matter of priority.
EE - when will ACC be repairing the damage to the road, which occurred
during torrential downpours on June 19, on Jesmond Drive?
Response - Scottish Water are responsible for these road repairs;
suggested reporter contact their press team.
EE - Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire have stated that they will require
35,630 homes before 2027 but, according to a report by Geddes
Consultants, their most recent development plans include only
enough land supply for just 16,000 new homes, leaving a shortfall of
19,630; is this true? Response - No, since 1 January 2011 (the base
date for the audit) both councils have adopted local development plans
(Aberdeen City on 28 February 2012 and Aberdeenshire on 1 June
2012). These were prepared to be consistent with the Aberdeen City
and Shire Structure Plan (2009) and have allocated over 20,000 homes
on greenfield sites for immediate release with a further 20,000
identified for release for the period 2017 - 2023. This is in addition to
brownfield sites and houses in the countryside. The onus is now largely
on the development industry working with the councils, infrastructure
providers and local communities to bring forward these sites for
P&J - is ACC sending anyone to the London 2012 Olympics to provide
assistance, expertise, fact finding, training etc? Response - No.
Several members of staff are attending but are not doing so in any
official Council capacity. Staff attending have taken leave to attend.
Tues 24 July 2012
release out on Lord Lieutenant welcoming Duke of Gloucester on visit to
Aberdeen cns/pr gloucester 24
release out on partial road closure of Riverside Terrace during sewer
works cns/pr riverside 2407
release out on Volunteering Strategy launched by ACVO published on
council website cns/pr volunteerstrate
gy 240712.asp
release out on Aberdeen's annual Tartan Day celebrations on Saturday cns/pr tartanday 240
release out on temporary traffic restrictions during Tartan Day parade
and other events on the day cns/pr tartanday 240
release drafted on road closure of Fairview Brae for resurfacing work
release drafted on road closure of Earlswells Road for resurfacing work
release drafted on road closure of Craigton Road during cable-laying
release drafted on road closure of Trinity Street
release drafted on Green THI Main Grant Scheme Award being made for
repair and restoration work to the Market Arms and flats above
release drafted on Green THI releasing £100k in grant funding for
shopfront restorations and improvements
release drafted on resurfacing works on Powis Terrace and Great
Northern Road
EE - what repairs are being made to Hazledene Road which require it to
be closed for a year, as per the statement from Cllr Martin Greig
welcoming that repairs are to be carried out? Response - There are no
repairs being carried out. A section of Hazledene Road will close on 1
August (Wednesday) for up to one-year. A stretch of road between
125m and 185m north of Hazledene Road’s junction with
Countesswells Road will be closed to all traffic. The road will be closed
to address road safety issues and will prevent drivers from using
Hazledene Road, which runs throughout Hazlehead Park, as a through
road. Motorists will be able to access car parks located at the north and
south of the closed area to enable them to enjoy the park and its
surrounding woodland walks. Aberdeen City Council will continue to
monitor the road over the course of its closure.
P&J – same
EE - Scottish Water have claimed ACC should be repairing the damage to
Jesmond Drive, which occurred during torrential downpours on June
19, is this true? Response - At a meeting on 10 July Scottish Water
agreed to undertake the work on Jesmond Drive. Council officers will
contact Scottish Water to urge them to remedy the fault asap. (Did not
issue quote after discovering Cllr Young had spoken to the paper
regarding the matter.)
Scottish Daily Mail - requesting ACC school exclusion policy. Response –
EE - story placed on ongoing restoration at Duthie Park
P&J - requesting comment from ACC Chief Executive on results of Office
for National Statistics which show Aberdeen to be the happiest city and
Scotland and one of the happiest cities in the UK. Response - Chief
Executive of Aberdeen City Council Valerie Watts said: “The people
who live and work in Aberdeen know what a great city this is, with its
1,000 years of heritage and its thriving modern economy. We have a
lifestyle here which can more than match anywhere in the UK, with
beautiful surroundings, good incomes, low crime and below-average
unemployment. We even have one of the sunniest climates in the UK -
at least in a normal summer! I am delighted that the survey has shown
what a wonderful city Aberdeen is and I hope the message will be
heard loud and clear across the UK as we gear up to make out bid to
become City of Culture 2017.
P&J - we've been told that a draft report stating that "businessman
is asking ACC to provide and staff a temporary cafe in Union
Terrace Gardens" (sic) has been circulated to councillors; seeking
comment. Response - We do not comment on draft reports which have
been circulated in confidence. Suggested reporter may wish to speak
for clarification on any of his business plans. And for
your information, and purely for the avoidance of a wrong-headed
story, the draft report suggests no such thing.
EE - how many members does the Commonwheels car club have now;
how many businesses have signed up and which businesses are they?
Response - Commonwheels reports that at the start of June it already
had over 200 members, which is unprecedented at this stage in setting
up a new car club scheme. At least five companies are using the
scheme - advised reporter to contact Commonwheels direct for details.
EE - seeking information and update on the East Tullos Burn
consultation. Response – checking
EE - do you know anything about water supply being cut off in Kingseat?
Response - No, we don't.
Business Women's Scotland - wanting generic picture of Aberdeen for
feature on the city in forthcoming magazine. Response – provided
EE - is it true that some council officers have been receiving specialist
driving training from Grampian Police? Response - Yes, it's a routine
EE - what's happening at the site of the former Greenfern School; is
the 'levelling out' work in preparation for something? Response Education, Culture and Sport has not authorised any particular work for
this area. We cleared this site around two years ago to make it safe.
Weds 25 July 2012
release out on road closure of Fairview Brae for resurfacing cns/pr Fairview 2507
release out on Green THI making £100K grant funding available for
shopfront improvements cns/pr thishopfronts
release out on resurfacing work on Powis Terrace and Great Northern
Road and warning of likely traffic disruption cns/pr PowisTerrace
release out on residents being invited to take part in nationwide artwork to
celebrate the start of London 2012, by ringing bells at an event at
Aberdeen Art Gallery on Friday cns/pr olympicbells 2
release drafted on temporary traffic lights being in operation on North
Deeside Road next week
release drafted on Council welcoming investment in the city as work
begins on multi-million pound Prime Four Business Park
release drafted about temporary traffic lights being used at the Spital,
Froghall Terrace and Merkland Road junction during water
connection works
release drafted about temporary traffic lights being used on the Cults Kingshill road during tree-felling works
BBC Radio - will there be any bell ringers outside the art gallery on Friday
for live broadcast of nationwide artwork to celebrate the start of London
2012? Response - Yes, we can arrange for some bell ringers to be
P&J - are there more details of the roadworks advertised on the A944
Skene Road? Response - There is a press conference tomorrow at the
Town House which will include details of the roadworks.
EE - seeking information and update on the East Tullos Burn
consultation. Response - There's no updated information available
meantime, but undertook to contact the paper with an update in the
coming weeks.
Daily Mail - some councils have a policy allowing for discretionary housing
allocations for released prisoners, which allows them to take priority
over other groups; does this policy exist at ACC and is it would be for
all prisoners or only those identified as a serious threat to the public;
would sex offenders be given discretionary allocation also when it
comes to social housing? Response - Released prisoners (including
sex offenders) would be treated the same as any other applicant as
regards priority for housing.
Daily Mail - seeking details of ACC's school exclusions policy. Response
- directed reporter to the Revised Exclusion Policy and Procedures
EE - seeking update on the closure of Grandholm Bridge road last month
due to unsafe trees; is it still shut? Response - The road re-opened on
13 July.
EE - working on a story about the Green THI making £100k grant funding
available for shop front repairs and improvements to shops in the
Union Street and Guild Street area; does the media team think it would
be worthwhile speaking to some of the shopkeepers who might be
interested in applying for funding? Response - Yes, it is always
worthwhile for reporters to speak to people who may be involved or
have an interest in a story, but shops on Union Street are not eligible;
it's businesses in the area covered by the Green THI. Referred reporter
to a map showing the Green THI footprint and suggested he contact
organisations based within it.
EE - quote provided from Housing and Environment Convener Councillor
Neil Cooney regarding work at Duthie Park. Response - Councillor
Neil Cooney, Convener of the council's Housing and Environment
Committee said: "This major restoration project is an exciting period in
the park's history and you can really see the changes starting to take
place. The flag pole has been erected and the city's flag is now flying
high above the park; it's very eye-catching and whets the appetite for
what's still to come. Duthie Park is hugely popular with local folk and
visitors alike, attracting thousands of people through its gates every
year. I am in no doubt we will not only continue to see a huge level of
interest in the park but also a surge in visitor numbers. Anticipation for
the final project is growing by the day and I'm sure myself and the
residents of the city will continue to watch with interest as Duthie Park
is transformed to its former glory."
Thurs 26 July 2012
release out on one of the most daring escapes from Aberdeen's Tolbooth
being re-enacted during Tartan Day this Saturday [28 July] cns/pr tolboothreenac
tment 260712.asp
release put on the council website issued by NHS Grampian on Health
Minister's visit to Aberdeen to see two new NHS developments cns/pr healthministerv
isit 260712.asp
release out about ACC welcoming investment in Aberdeen as work begins
on Prime Four Business Park and associated roads infrastructure cns/pr Prime4 26071
media briefing held about Prime Four Business Park, with director of
Drum and council leader; attended by P&J, BBC, Scotsman, EE &
Northsound; STV carried out interview at Kingswells site
EE - is the council aware that Gypsy/Travellers are in Hazlehead Park?
Response - Yes, we are aware and the Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer
will visit them in the morning. If they refuse to move from the
location we will move for an immediate eviction.
EE - according to figures released in response to an FOI request, ACC
issued 43,000 parking tickets, which equates to a value of more than
£1.2million, last year; the Association of British Drivers says it's a
"stealth tax" (for the umpteenth time); seeking comment. Response Anyone who parks illegally can expect to receive a fixed penalty notice.
Parking is banned in certain areas for very valid reasons, not least
safety and access. Parking tickets are only issued when a vehicle has
been parked where it shouldn't be. Parking in prohibited areas can
cause serious safety and access problems for members of the public
and the emergency services. The vast majority of motorists, who abide
by the rules and park responsibly and legally, have nothing to fear. City
wardens issue penalty charge notices to tackle the problems caused by
illegal parkers and to deter them from repeating their irresponsible
behaviour. It is not about making money, it is about improving public
safety. Repeat offenders or those who do not pay their fines may have
their cars impounded.
EE - average council house rents are double what they were in 2001;
would you care to comment on that? Response - For info only, and not
as comment: ACC council house rents are not double what they were
in 2001. In 2001/02, the average weekly rent here was £39.76,
which was well below the then Scottish average (£42.43),
Dundee (£45.67), Glasgow (£52.60) and Edinburgh (£51.18). The
average Aberdeen council house rent is now £68.18pw following a
modest rise of £2.87 in this financial year. It's still well below the
average rent level in Edinburgh (about £80), and comparable to
average rent levels elsewhere in Scotland. Rents in Aberdeen have,
over the past 10 years, funded comprehensive modernisation
programmes and contributed recently to the creation of high-quality,
new-build, mainstream council housing. Rent increases in recent years
have generally been set at inflation + 1%, largely with tenants' support.
So I don't know what the issue is.
EE follow-up - we've come to the same conclusion after looking at your
figures .... but can we have a comment anyway on why the rents have
gone up? Response - For info only, not as comment: This year's rent
increase was agreed six months ago at the February budget meeting.
The increase came into effect four months ago at the start of April.
We're now almost into August. I'm not aware of anyone having taken
major issue with this at the time or subsequently, or indeed with any
other increase over the years. All rents go up - council, housing
association, private sector. Stuff generally goes up in price over time. I
can't for the life of me see any story in this and for that reason we won't
be commenting.
EE - residents say they were initially "confused" by the use of the former
Greenfern School site as a short-term base for British Gas to store
their gear while carrying out works in the area because the council
didn't inform them of the leasing arrangement; was this a
"communication failure" (sic). Response - For info and not as comment:
Information would have been readily available to anyone who
contacted the council or one of their local councillors. This is not a
story. We will not be commenting.
Fri 27 July 2012
release out on Urgent Business Committee agreeing the recruitment of
home carers and support workers cns/pr HomeCarers
release out on temporary traffic lights in operation on North Deeside
Road cns/pr NrthDeesideLi
ghts 270712.asp
release out on northern section of Foresterhill Road reopening to twoway traffic this evening
release drafted on free family drop-in session to decorate Olympicinspired t-shirts at Provost Skene's House
story published on council website on First Employee Grant Scheme
enabling a newly formed oil & gas company to recruit its first member
of staff
EE - what is the latest on the Gypsy/Travellers at Hazlehead
Park? Response - The Gypsy / Traveller liaison officer visited the
location this morning and we are now proceeding with court action
seeking an immediate eviction.
Northsound - wanting to interview the organiser of Aberdeen's Tartan
Day ahead of the day-long event tomorrow. Response - arranged for
event organiser Kenny Luke to be interviewed
BBC - wanting latest visitor figures for the House of Annie Lennox
exhibition at Aberdeen Art Gallery. Response – checking
P&J - seeking case study of someone who receives home care; what are
"complex needs"? Response - Trying for case study. An example
would be someone who requires several visits a day, including visits
during the night, by two carers, seven days a week; they are likely to
have multiple problems and health issues, including mobility difficulties,
and will require help for, eg, dressing, bathing, toileting, moving from
eg bed to chair. Some people will have a range of equipment, like
hoists, which sometimes have to be used.
P&J - following up EE parking tickets story highlighted in yesterday's
media briefing - is ACC still impounding cars? Response - Yes we are.
Newsline - same and seeking general comment about issuing of penalty
charge notices. What is the money raised used for? Response Anyone who parks illegally can expect to receive a fixed penalty notice.
Parking is banned in certain areas for very valid reasons, not least
safety and access. Parking tickets are only issued when a vehicle has
been parked where it shouldn't be. Parking in prohibited areas can
cause serious safety and access problems for members of the public
and the emergency services. The vast majority of motorists, who abide
by the rules and park responsibly and legally, have nothing to fear. City
wardens issue penalty charge notices to tackle the problems caused by
illegal parkers and to deter them from repeating their irresponsible
behaviour. It is not about making money, it is about improving public
safety. Repeat offenders or those who do not pay their fines may have
their cars impounded. The revenue raised resources the enforcement
and appeals team, any surplus is reinvested in traffic projects.
EE - how many vehicles has ACC uplifted and impounded since it began
using these enforcement measures to deal with illegal parking and
failure to pay PCNs; how much does it cost the owners? Response 306. Anyone who doesn't pay their parking tickets can expect to have
their car seized. If you don't pay to get it back we will crush or sell your
car. This is an expensive business for those motorists who park
illegally and don't pay up. It costs £150 just to cover the uplift cost and
£20 a day thereafter to get your car back. We will dispose of vehicles
which are not claimed and paid for.
EE - follow-ups: Of the 306 uplifted vehicles, how many have we a)
crushed and b) sold? Response - Disposed of 15 and sold 2 to date.
Were any of the crushed vehicles 'flash' motors like
BMWs/Audis/Porsches, etc? If so, can you provide some details about
them? Response - No; all disposed of vehicles were believed to be
unauctionable, hence disposal. Were any of the sold vehicles 'flash'
motors like BMWs/Audis/Porsches, etc? If so, can you provide some
details about them. Response - One Volkswagen Golf 02 plate and 07
plate Landrover Freelander. What's the highest price you've got for a
sold vehicle and can we give details of make/model/year, etc?
Response - 07 plate Landrover Freelander, which had been damaged.
We are awaiting settlement, believed to be around £9000. What's the
total income to the council so far from the sale of impounded vehicles?
Do the owners get back any of the money once their debt and all
associated costs have been covered or does ACC get to keep it all?
Response - As you'll see from the above response, we've only had
money back for the 02 Golf so far. Can you provide a pic of any
recently impounded vehicles - the flashier the better? Response Advised reporter that the paper already had a pic of the Landrover.
Have any vehicles been repeatedly uplifted and can you give any
examples? Response - The vehicles lifted more than once include: A
VW Golf, VW Touarag, Audis, BMWs, Mercedes, Audi TT and a Toyota
Lexis. Can you give some examples of the types of vehicles crushed
so far? Response - These include a Peugeot 306, Volvo V40, Vauxhall
Astra van and Mazda 6.
EE - has the planning application for the internal works at The Tivoli been
approved? Response – yes
P&J - how much money did ACC lose by cancelling or writing off parking
tickets; how many parking tickets are outstanding (reporter unable to
specify over what period). Response - ACC has not lost any money by
cancelling or writing off parking tickets. They are written off or
cancelled only when appropriate and it does not cost the council
money to do this.
P&J - follow-up: how much does a parking ticket cost (we want to work
out for ourselves how much ACC has lost by writing off or cancelling
parking tickets)? Response - Reinforced message that ACC has not
and does not lose money by writing off or cancelling penalty charge
Media briefing - Mon 30 July 2012
release out about road closure of Earlswells Road for resurfacing cns/pr Earlswells 300
release out about Green THI awarding a £67,000 grant for restoration of
and repairs to the Market Arms and flats above cns/pr GreenMarketA
rms 300712.asp
release drafted about weekend contraflow system on A944 during tree
removal works
P&J - do you know when the Court of Session will rule in the Tesco v
ACC case? Response - Afraid not. It will be in due course. The court is
now in recess.
EE - following release issued by Grampian Police on vandals causing
hundred of pounds of damage to Quarryhill School last weekend [21
July], reporter wanting more details and asking if photographer can go
along to take pics of the damage? Response - The council’s Building
Services team attended to the damaged roof edge protection handrails
and roof guttering when they were made aware of the damage. The
roof gutters have since been reinstated and the edge protection
handrails will be repaired in due course.
P&J – same
TESS – looking for information for its annual probationer employment
survey which all 32 education authorities participate. 1 How many
probationers did you take in the 2011-12 session? 2 How many postprobationers will you employ in the new session, 2012-13 in total
including those who spent their induction year in another authority, as:
a) Permanent primary contracts; b) Permanent secondary contacts; c)
Temporary contracts. 3 How many supply teachers do you have: a) this
year on the supply list? b) and how many did you have at the same
time last year? Information required by 10 August. Response –
EE - taxi drivers claim there's been an increase in the number of folk
running off and not paying their fare; seeking comment. Response suggested reporter speak to Grampian Police as this would be a
criminal matter.
EE - is the council taking eviction action against the Travellers at
Hazlehead Park. You said on Friday they'd be evicted?. Response - As
we told the EE on Friday, we are now proceeding with court action
seeking an immediate eviction.
Original - seeking interview with Green THI project manager about the
grant award made for the Market Arms work. Response - The project
manager is not available today. Radio station declined the offer of an
interview with the bar owner because he has the same name as a
Northsound 2 DJ or former DJ.
P&J - wanting update on Broadford Works as the Dangerous Building
Notice, served on the owner, required work to be completed by today
July[ 30, 2012]. Response - Work is ongoing and we continue to
monitor the progress being made.
BBC – same
EE - SEPA has released household recycling/landfill statistics today
which show that Aberdeen does not compare favourably with other
local authorities; seeking comment. Response - Comparison with all
other local authorities is not sensible when our circumstances are all
different; a better comparison is with other urban authorities and on this
basis Aberdeen recycles more than the other city authorities of
Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh. The Council is currently planning to
develop new services and infrastructure that will deliver further
improvements, such as the new Grove Nursery Recycling Centre and
expansion of recycling and food waste collections in city centre areas.
In terms of waste to landfill, some other Councils use Energy from
Waste facilities to reduce the amount of material they send to landfill.
Aberdeen City Council intends to use Energy from Waste facilities in
the future to gain value from residual waste and to reduce the amount
of material being landfilled. Traditionally, recycling and composting
rates are lower during October-December than in July-October
because of seasonal variations in garden waste. The SEPA figures
show that all Scottish Local Authorities bar 3, increased the percentage
of waste to landfill during this period with the average increase across
Scotland being 6.8% points.
P&J – same
Tues 31 July 2012
release drafted on ACC making £25,000 of sports grants available to
local sports clubs and voluntary organisations to help them deliver
sport and physical activity projects that benefit young people
Financial Times - wanting to speak to someone in the council regarding
the sponsorship of buildings and the council's involvement in such a
scheme? Response – checking
EE - wanting update on the repairs being carried out on Jesmond
Drive. Response - Suggested reporter speak to Scottish Water as they
whether the Northfield baby's death could have been prevented had
social work and health teams spotted that she had been abused by her
step dad earlier. Response - suggested the reporter contact the review
Daily Mail - does Aberdeen City Council provide help with private rent
deposits for former prisoners? Response - We do not have a formal
scheme for this. However, the homelessness team has a prevention
fund, which is open to anyone, and will occasionally lend a deposit to
allow applicants avoid homelessness by accessing a private tenancy.
This loan is repayable to the council and the tenant would have to
agree to enter into a repayment arrangement. This fund was accessed
on 15 occasions in 2010/11, 10 in 2011/12 and five so far this period.
Only one of the beneficiaries in the past three years was a former
STV - seeking interview with member of local tenants' group about
changes to the Housing Scotland Act 2010 which makes it harder for
councils and housing associations to evict tenants for failing to pay
their rent. Response - arranged with chairwoman of Kincorth Residents
BBC Call Kaye - would a council officer or councillor be available to go on
the show for a feature on graveyard vandalism? Response - Declined
and explained that graveyard vandalism is not a major issue in
Aberdeen with only a handful of incidents in recent years.
EE - in a written parliamentary answer, Kevin Stewart MSP has received
the household recycling rates for each Scottish local authorities since
1999. The figures show that Aberdeen has been below the Scottish
average for much of this period; seeking council comment. Response Comparison with all other Local Authorities is not sensible when our
circumstances are all different; a better comparison is with other urban
authorities and on this basis Aberdeen recycles more than the other
city authorities of Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh. The council is
currently planing to develop new services and infrastructure that will
deliver further improvements to recycling rates, such as the new Grove
Nursery Recycling Centre and expansion of recycling and food waste
collections in city centre areas.
EE - seeking details about the proposals and offers received for the St
Nicholas House site and images of the proposals. Response - We are
unable at this stage in the process to provide any further detail than
those contained in the press release, or images.
P&J – same
P&J follow-up - seeking details about the 650,000 sq feet proposal and
offer made for the St Nicholas House site. Response - As stated
earlier, we are unable at this stage in the process to provide any further
detail than that contained in the press release, or images.
BBC - seeking recent image of St Nicholas House. Response - provided
via Ryden
STV - seeking interview about the sale of the St Nicholas House site.
Response - arranged interview with council leader
P&J - Request for interview with Director of E, P & I regarding notice on
Public Contracts Scotland Limited for feasibility study into potential
Council wind turbine sites at AECC technology park, Coalford and
Peterseat. Response - Interview arranged and statement provided on
behalf of Council Leader - "Aberdeen is a world-renowned energy city
so it makes perfect sense for the City Council to consider every
available option as part of our commitment to green energy.
This exercise will help us to explore the viability of these sites and their
capacity to create sustainable energy, reducing our carbon footprint
and cutting electricity bills for the benefit of city council tax payers.
Once we are armed with that information we can make an informed
decision as a Council about whether or not we wish to take this project
P&J - can we get maps of the potential turbine sites? Response –
P&J - What was the Council's annual electricity bill last year? Response ACC's electricity bill for 2011/12 was approximately £6.5million.
Thurs 02 August 2012
release out about temporary traffic lights at the Spital, Merkland Road
and Froghall Terrace cns/pr Spital 020812.
release out about partial road closure of Craigton Road cns/pr CraigtonRd 02
release out about partial road closure of School Road, Peterculter,
during resurfacing work cns/pr SchoolRd 020
release out about road closures during the Aberdeen International Youth
Festival parade cns/pr AIYFparade 0
release out about A944 tree removal works being postponed cns/pr A944trees 02
release prepared by Ryden about Pinewood and Hazledene sites being
put on the market published on the ACC website cns/pr PinewoodHazl
release out on council's Waste Aware team hosting stand at International
Market this weekend cns/pr wasteaware 0
release out on Europe Direct's free environmental workshop for children
at Airyhall Community Library next week cns/pr europedirect 0
release/photocall drafted about Britian In Bloom judges visiting Aberdeen
next week
release drafted about road closure of the Tarves Road during carriageway
release drafted about partial road closure of George Street and St
Andrew Street during resurfacing work
Estates Gazette - seeking details of the bidders for the St Nicholas
House site. Response - Unfortunately, at this stage in the process, we
are unable to provide any further information, either on or off the
record, about any of the bidders or their proposals. Undertook to
provide further information at the appropriate time.
EE - seeking interview on broadband bid. Response - Interview arranged
about broadband in general, but on the understanding that ACC is not
in a position to discuss the bid for superfast broadband meantime.
EE - seeking detailed information about membership of the
Commonwheels car club. Response - referred reporter to
P&J - would the Lord Provost wish to make a comment regarding
the Olympic success of Aberdeen's Tim Baillie and David Florence?
Response - Lord Provost George Adam said: "Congratulations to our
Olympic heroes Tim Baillie and David Florence. Like many in the city I
have been fixated on the London Olympics and to see two of our own
winning Gold and Silver in the C2 canoe slalom is just fantastic. To be
chosen to represent your country is a tremendous achievement in itself
but to see these two homegrown talents clinch Gold and Silver in the
same event is unbelievable and a wonderful inspiration to everyone in
the city. I wish all our athletes the best of luck for the remainder of the
Games, particularly Aberdeen's Katherine Grainger as she bids to
win a well-deserved Gold tomorrow."
EE - request for interview with Director of EP&I regarding notice on Public
Contracts Scotland Limited for feasibility study into potential Council
wind turbine sites at AECC technology park, Coalford and Peterseat.
Response - Statement provided on behalf of Council Leader "Aberdeen is a world-renowned energy city so it makes perfect sense
for the City Council to consider every available option as part of our
commitment to green energy. This exercise will help us to explore the
viability of these sites and their capacity to create sustainable energy,
reducing our carbon footprint and cutting electricity bills for the benefit
of city council tax payers. Once we are armed with that information we
can make an informed decision as a Council about whether or not we
wish to take this project forward." Aberdeen City Council's Director of
Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Gordon McIntosh said: "As a
Council we are committed to carbon reduction and demonstrating the
use of renewable energy. We have already done so through the use of
photovoltaic panels on Council properties and our plans to
introduce Hydrogen Buses in the city. As part of that continuing
commitment officers have been carrying out initial work over the past
18 months exploring the possibility of harnessing wind power. As a
result three Council sites have been identified as the most suitable in
the city at the Bridge of Don Technology Park, Peterseat and Coalford.
The plans are still at a very early stage but we have reached a point
where we need external consultants to come in and help us look at
how viable these potential sites are. This contract will allow a feasibility
study to be carried out, which will explore many aspects of the three
sites including the size of the turbines, the potential energy they could
generate and the investment required. It's important that we consider
every option available to us as we continue to seek out suitable means
of creating sustainable energy, reducing our carbon footprint
and freeing up funds that can be invested into frontline Council
BBC – same
STV – same
EE - can we get maps of the potential turbine sites? Response –
BBC – same
STV – same
EE - what was the Council's annual electricity bill last year? Response ACC's electricity bill for 2011/12 was approximately £6.5million.
BBC – same
STV - same
Fri 03 August 2012
release out about continuing repair work at Woodside School cns/pr WoodsideScho
ol 030812.asp
release out about wide range of events and attractions in this city this
weekend cns/pr fantasticAberd
een 030812.asp
release out about series of training and networking events to help local
firms learn how to bid successfully for public sector contracts cns/pr PPP 030812.a
release out about one-way system on the Cults - Kingshill Road during
development works for the Prime 4 business park being postponed cns/pr cultsKingshill
release out on exhibition of celebrated British artist Eric Ravilious
opening at Aberdeen Art Gallery this weekend cns/pr ravilious 0308
release drafted on talk that will consider the architecture of Aberdeen's
bath buildings during the 19th century, at the Tolbooth Museum next
P&J - quote provided by the Lord Provost following Katherine Grainger
winning Gold at Olympic Games. Response - Lord Provost George
Adam said: "Congratulations to Aberdeen’s Katherine Grainger on
winning a well-deserved Gold in the women’s double sculls event with
Anna Watkins, earlier today. I am absolutely thrilled for Katherine, her
family and friends. The commitment and dedication Katherine and
indeed the rest of Team GB have shown is truly inspirational. I am sure
it will encourage children and the not-so-young to give sport a try which
is a wonderful spin-off of the Olympic and Paralymic Games being held
here in the UK. I wish all our athletes the best of luck for the remainder
of the Games.”
EE - a review by the British Pest Control Association found that Aberdeen
City Council had 2,700 pest control call-outs over a year. The BPCA
claims many local authorities are struggling to cope with complaints of
pests due to budget cuts; seeking council comment. Response - The
council's budget for pest control has remained the same in recent years
and has not been reduced. We deal with complaints of pests in a timely
fashion and are currently exploring ways of making the service even
more efficient. Aberdeen City Council has a statutory duty to ensure
that owners and occupiers keep their land and property free from
pest infestations. All complaints are investigated and, where
appropriate, our pest control staff will undertake pesticide treatment
of infestations. More information about the service and ways of dealing
with pest animals can be found on the council's website by searching
for pest control.
EE - quote from City Wardens provided for story about Chernobyl
children visiting Aberdeen. Senior City Warden Davie Henderson said:
"The council and the City Wardens are absolutely delighted to be
playing such an active role in the organisation of this trip. The wardens
have arranged around 10 activities for the children and it is extremely
gratifying to see the positive impact this visit is having. The youngsters'
confidence is growing by the day and they are taking great pleasure
from all the new experiences. We are extremely grateful to all families,
companies and individuals who have helped to make this visit possible.
EE - ran a story claiming that drivers are warned of traffic delays in the
city centre as a result of the International Street Market and the AIYF
parade. ACC warned of no such thing and stressed to the reporter
responsible that traffic problems were not anticipated during these very
popular and regular events. Strong words had with the content editor.
Story removed from the website.
Original - (at 4.45pm) seeking interview with officer about public sector
contracts training and networking events. Response - The officer is
now unavailable. We may be able to arrange an interview next week.
Northscot - seeking comment on damage caused to Wellington
suspension bridge by a lorry and details of associated road closure.
Response - An engineer has inspected the bridge. Some minor
damage has been caused to the masonry, but the bridge remains
structurally sound. Grampian Police will determine when the road is reopened. Meantime, messages warning of potential delays have been
posted on the variable messaging signs.
EE - why has the A944 tree removal work been postponed? Response Work on the development continues on schedule. Some works are
being rescheduled. This is normal.
Local Government Chronicle - inviting team behind the series of training
and networking events to help local businesses bid successfully for
public sector contracts to write a blog article about the project and
how it goes. Response - checking with team
EE - when will the one-way system on the Cults-Kingshill road, which
has been suspended until further notice, be put in place? Response It's been postponed until further notice, which means there's not a start
date for it.
Media Briefing - Mon 06 August 2012
release out on temporary traffic lights at Jesmond Drive/Jesmond Avenue
junction during Scottish Water repairs to a manhole cns/pr jesmondlights
release out on talk by expert from Victoria & Albert Museum on touring
exhibition The House of Annie Lennox on show at Aberdeen Art
release/photocall out on Britain in Bloom judges visiting Aberdeen
tomorrow cns/pr britain bloom
release issued under embargo [00:01 Tues] on city's SQA exam results cns/pr examresults 0
STV - unable to attend this morning's Administration media conference, so
requesting copy of administration's vision document. Response document provided
P&J - when does ACC expect a judgment from the Court of Session on the
Tesco Vs ACC Local Development Plan case? Response - best to
check with the court, which is in recess meantime
EE - some Travellers were evicted from the former British Legion site on
Mugiemoss Road and they've left rubbish behind; has it been cleaned
up yet or are there plans to clear the site? Response - The site is
privately owned. Any clear-up is the responsibility of the landowner.
EE - seeking interview with officer about broadband and why Aberdeen is
bidding for funding for superfast broadband. Response - agreed and
Tues 07 August 2012
release out on Aberdeen's schools continued exam success cns/pr examresults 0
release out on twins
, pupils at Oldmachar
Academy, have both passed 4 Advanced Highers and the Scottish
Baccalaureate, the highest award in the schools system cns/pr examsuccess
release out about new traffic lights being installed at Eday Rd/Stronsay
Dr/Stronsay Pl junction for new Tesco development cns/pr TescoLights 0
release out about partial road closure of Trinity Street during crane works
release drafted about new housing allocation policy coming into force in
release drafted on talk that will consider the architecture of Aberdeen's
bath buildings during the 19th century, at the Tolbooth Museum next
release drafted about road closure of Airyhall Road for sewer works
release drafted about ongoing work at Bankhead Academy site
P&J - when will the media team issue further information about the road
closures during the work to install traffic lights for the new Tesco
development? Response - In due course, as stated in the notes to
editors section of the press release. It'll be as the work progresses and
depends on how quickly the work is done on each of the legs of the
EE - who is carrying out the traffic light installation work; is ACC paying
for it; how much extra traffic will be generated by the supermarket; will
there be traffic delays because of the traffic light works? Response referred reporter to Tesco for information about the contractor. Tesco is
covering the cost. There may be some minor local delays during the
Original 106FM - wanting to interview EC&S convener and successful
pupils on their exam results. Response - Convener can be contacted
directly, provided details of pupils that had agreed to be interviewed.
Northscot - do have know of any twins that are receiving their exams
results today that are willing to be interviewed? Response - Yes, but
they are unable before lunchtime which was too late for the agency's
EE - have interviewed some girls on their exams success, are there any
girls up for interviews? Response - Arranged for
, S4
pupil at St Machar Academy to be interviewed.
BBC - reporter is filming a short piece about the reintroduction of school
uniforms at one particular school and so as part of the piece he would
like to know the following: 1. Do you have any formal policy on school
uniforms at secondary schools in your area - or are the rules at the
discretion of each individual school? 2. How many secondary schools
in your area have a formal school uniform (eg blazer, tie, smart
trousers) which students are required to wear? 3. How
many secondary schools have an informal school uniform which
students are required to wear (eg school sweatshirt)? 4. How many
secondary schools have no rule on wearing a uniform, so for instead
have things like a "voluntary" uniform, no formal rules at all or a ban on
certain clothes (eg football colours, outrageous or unusual dressing
etc) but otherwise allow students to wear what they want within reason.
5. Have any of your secondary schools reintroduced a compulsory
uniform in recent years? Response - 1. All schools have a dress code
which is implemented in cooperation with parents/carers and pupils. 2.
10 out of 12 schools have 'blazer and tie' type uniform although some
have tie but no blazer. 3. One school has less formal uniform. 4. One
school has no compulsory school uniform and pupils are expected to
dress reasonably. 5. We are aware of one school which re-introduced a
formal uniform in 2008, following consultation. Another established a
dress code on its establishment in 2009.
TESS - reporter is looking at ICT/internet policies in all Scottish local
authorities, with regards to use in schools. He'd like to know the
following: 1. Do schools in your authority have access to wi-fi? 2. Can
schools use YouTube? 3. Can mobile devices such as iPhones and
iPads be used in classrooms? 4. Can pupils and teachers access
social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook in school? 5.
Can pupils and teachers access file-sharing services such as Dropbox,
Skydrive and iCloud? If the answer to any of the above is "yes", please
outline any restrictions placed on use. Please also send any other
comments you think relevant. Response – checking
P&J - unable to attend this afternoon's photocall with the Britain in Bloom
judges, requesting photographs from council photographer. Response agreed and arranged
P&J - requesting details of all the Lord Provost's engagements since the
new administration was formed. Response – checking
EE - would Aberdeen City Council care to comment on ACSEF accounts
for 2011-12? Response – No; how ACSEF spends its money is a
matter for ACSEF and its board. Funds committed are an
annual budget line for ACC matched by Aberdeenshire.
EE - what additional traffic is anticipated in association with the new Tesco
development that it requires new traffic lights at the Stronsay
Drive/Stronsay Place/Eday Road junction? Response - As part of the
planning application the developer carried out a transport assessment,
which identified road improvements including the introduction of traffic
lights at the aforementioned junction. As part of planning permission
being granted the developer committed to carrying out the identified
road works. The Council does not envisage any traffic issues at the
sight as planners identified the area, with the additions made, has the
appropriate transport network in place.
BBC - is there a problem with the phone lines at ACC Customer Service
Centre? Response - We’re experiencing problems with the incoming
phone lines into Marischal College that is leading to some telephone
calls being cut off. Our telecoms provider is working to rectify the
problem and we are monitoring the situation carefully. We apologise
for any inconvenience this may cause. The emergency contact
numbers for out of hours services are Housing Repairs 08456 080929
or Social Care and Wellbeing on 01224 693936.
BBC - SNP councillors at Aberdeenshire Council are calling for a special
civic reception for the shire's Olympic athletes; is ACC planning
anything similar? Response - Aberdeen Lord Provost George Adam is
already working with the Provost of Aberdeenshire on a joint
celebration to congratulate our Olympian and Paralympic athletes, and
to recognise the contribution of local games makers, torchbrearers,
games officials, Grampian police officers and others, who have all
made their contribution to the success of London 2012.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
release out about community archaeological dig at Tullos Hill cns/pr tullos dig 080
release out about temporary traffic lights at Holburn St/Riverside
Pl/Ruthrieston Rd junction during gully repairs cns/pr HolburnLights
release out warning of potential delays during Scottish Water repair works
near the Haudagain cns/pr Haudagainrou
ndabout 080812.asp
release out about road closure of B999 Tarves road for urgent
carriageway repairs cns/pr Tarvesrepairs
release out about fashion icon Twiggy visiting Aberdeen as part of ACC's
50+ Festival celebrations cns/pr twiggy 50+ fe
stival 080812.asp
release out about Europe Direct environmental workshop for children
taking place next week at Kaimhill Community Library cns/pr europedirect 0
release out about youth sports grants funding available for local
community and sports clubs cns/pr sportsgrants 0
approved release about Visit Aberdeen, prepared by the Big Partnership,
for issue tomorrow
release drafted about overnight lane closure of Wellington Road during
BT work
release drafted about weekend resurfacing work on George St, St
Andrew St and Powis Terrace
release drafted about City Wardens involvement in visit to Aberdeen by
children affected by Chernobyl disaster
BBC - request for interview with Events Officer Alice Brooks regarding
Twiggy's appearance. Response - agreed and arranged
Scotsman – same
Northsound – same
P&J - what provisions does the council make for recycling in schools
and what does ACC do to encourage recycling in schools? Response Aberdeen City Council is committed to encouraging young people in
our schools to recycle, be it in the classroom or at home. Recycling
facilities for the disposal of discarded paper and cardboard are
available to all city schools and many provide facilities for the disposal
of food and drink containers. The council's Waste Aware Team makes
regular visits to all schools in Aberdeen to highlight the city's waste
awareness campaign and assist with class projects and extra curricular
activities that focus on waste and recycling. City schools also
participate in the national Eco Schools initiative which engages young
people in key issues, including the environment, sustainability, global
citizenship and the value of a low carbon future. Many of our schools
have attained Green Flag status, which is the ultimate accolade in the
Eco Schools initiative.
P&J - figures released under FoI legislation show that Aberdeen City
Council has paid more than £1million since 2007 for council staff to
work for trade unions; seeking comment. Response - Aberdeen City
Council, like the majority of Scottish local authorities, has a facility time
agreement that allows staff a restricted amount of paid time off to
undertake duties for recognised trade unions. The council's Framework
Agreement for Industrial Relations (FAIR) details the arrangements for
time off for trade union duties and activities. The difference between a
trade union duty and an activity is duties are required, by law, to be
time off with pay. Aberdeen City Council undertakes regular reviews of
its facility time agreement to assess whether trade union
representatives have sufficient access to facilities and facility time to
enable them to carry out their functions efficiently and effectively.
EE - requesting photos of the archaeological sites at Tullos Hill or images
of previous digs. Response – provided
EE - received a tip-off that gardening equipment was stolen from a
council depot. Response - We can confirm some gardening
equipment was stolen from a store within our Cairnwell Drive depot.
This matter has been reported to Grampian Police and we are assisting
officers with their enquiries.
Daily Mail - a press release from the AA claims that trading standards
officers in England and Wales have been receiving reports of petrol
pumps supplying more fuel than the counter indicates; is this
something that Aberdeen City Council trading standards officers have
ever encountered? Response - Aberdeen City Council's trading
standards officers monitor city petrol pumps on an annual basis to
check they are dispensing accurately and to ensure there are no
discrepancies. Through these assessments, our officers have not
encountered any discrepancies of this nature.
Project Scotland - who is the main contractor for the Green THI works at
the Market Arms building? Response - Graeme Cheyne
EE - what's ACC doing about the Travellers at Denmore Road? Response
- We'll be taking eviction action.
P&J - wanting image of Eric Ravilious exhibition that has opened at
Aberdeen Art Gallery. Response - Unable on this occasion to provide
an image due to copyright restrictions.
TESS - on ICT/internet policies in schools - 1. Do schools in your
authority have access to wi-fi? 2. Can schools use YouTube? 3. Can
mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads be used in classrooms? 4.
Can pupils and teachers access social networking sites such as Twitter
and Facebook in school? 5. Can pupils and teachers access filesharing services such as Dropbox, Skydrive and iCloud? If the answer
to any of the above is "yes", outline any restrictions placed on use.
Response - The answers to the questions are affected by two main
factors: the technical measures to allow management of individual
users access to ICT/web services based on their role, age, individual
requirements and the policies and procedures governing the use of ICT
services. In answering a question such as "Can schools use
YouTube?" we have tried to reflect that we are moving forward both on
the technical front and on the policy front however, the technical tools
need to be in place before the policy can safely move forward. 1. Most
schools in the authority have access to a set or sets of laptop
computers which are connected wirelessly to portable (trolley based)
local access points. Fully managed wireless LAN (Local Area Network)
systems are presently available in six academies and 12 primary
schools. We are engaged on a programme to roll out managed
wireless LAN to all schools. Two academies have been completed in
the first half of this year and more schools are scheduled. Access to
these wi-fi systems is presently restricted to school-owned and
managed equipment (laptops). Further access for other devices
(including BYOD (Bring your own Device)) will become available when
the technical and policy measures are completed. 2. Not at present. 3.
We are presently evaluating the use of mobile technology in
classrooms and pilot projects are being run in 3 primary schools and 2
academies. 4. Not at present however, our schools are able to use
sites such as Edmodo which provide social networking solutions
designed specifically for educational purposes. An increasing number
of schools operate a school Facebook account in order to better
communicate with parents and the community. Most social media sites
deny access to those under 13 in their terms and conditions. 5. Yes,
these services are available however access is by web only. These
services again, usually exclude access to those under 13 in their terms
and conditions. Other file sharing services are also available both
locally on the school network using NAS drives, and on the internet
using services such as Google Drive and also through Glow.
Northsound - how does the city plan to celebrate the success of local
Olympians. Response - The Lord Provost of Aberdeen George Adam
is in the early stages of planning a celebration for all those from the
North-east involved.
Thurs 9 August 2012
release out about City Wardens helping organise trip to Aberdeen for
children affected by Chernobyl disaster cns/pr chernobyl chil
dren 090812.asp
release out about 80-year-old proving age is no barrier as she follows in
fashion icon's footsteps at 50+ Festival cns/pr marion model
50+ 090812.asp
release out on exhibition of new work created by celebrated ceramicist
David Cohen opening this weekend at Aberdeen Art Gallery
release out about road closure of Langstane Place and one-way system
on Crown Street during Scottish Water works cns/pr LangstaneMan
hole 090812.asp
release out about road closure of Kings Gate cns/pr KingsGate 09
release out about road closures of George Street and St Andrew Street
for resurfacing this weekend cns/pr PowisGeorgeS
t 090812.asp
release prepared by NESCAMP about motorists caught speeding on city
dual carriageways published on ACC website cns/pr Speeders 090
release drafted about road safety work being carried out
release drafted about road closure of Albyn Lane during cable-laying work
P&J - will a closing date be set for the Pinewood/Hazledene sites and, if
so, when? Response - Yes. It's likely to be in late September.
P&J - is there any news on the appeal against the compulsory purchase
orders for the Third Don Crossing? Response - We expect the case
to be heard towards the end of the year.
P&J - is there any news on the Tesco vs ACC Local Development Plan
case? Response - No. The court is in recess meantime. We await a
EE - seeking an update on the East Tullos Burn consultation. Response No news yet, but undertook to provide an update as soon as we have
information we can share.
Original - seeking interview with Social Care and Wellbeing convener
about the 50+ Festival. Response - advised reporter to contact
convener direct.
BBC - what the situation with the Carpe Diem Trust and the Bon Accord
Baths? Response - We are still in discussion with Carpe Diem.
P&J - long list of questions about setting and reviewing of speed limits.
Response - all answered
statement issued in response to sentencing of
for starting
fire at Northsea Court earlier this year. Councillor Neil Cooney,
Convener of Aberdeen City Council’s Housing and Environment
Committee, said: "This incident was completely reckless and although
it caused a huge amount of damage it is extremely fortunate that no
one was seriously injured or worse. The safety of staff and tenants in
our multi-storey blocks is paramount and we treat any potential safety
breach with the utmost of seriousness. Aberdeen City Council adopts a
zero-tolerance approach to anyone who puts our staff or tenants in
danger and we welcome the sentence handed out in relation to this
incident at Northsea Court."
has been sentenced to 11 months
behind bars.
Original FM - requesting interview with a City Warden about the
Chernobyl children's visit. Response - agreed and arranged with senior
City Warden Davie Henderson.
EE - requesting details of what equipment was taken in the theft at the
council depot on Cairnwell Drive this week. Response - 3 leaf
blowers, 6 hedge trimmers and an extendable hedge trimmer
P&J - how many Council employees are Unison members? Response Suggested reporter speak to branch secretary; in the meantime
checking with Council HR.
P&J - interview arranged and held with senior social worker
for future series on award-winning Operation Begonia project and its
partnership working with Grampian Police.
BBC - what are the visitor figures are the House of Annie Lennox
exhibition at the Aberdeen Art Gallery? Response - Deirdre Grant,
head of public programmes, for Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums,
said: “Since the exhibition opened last month the Gallery has had
average of 4,500 visitors per week. These figures are high as a normal
weekly average is around 3,000 - 3,500 visitors. The figures for the
House of Annie Lennox are on a par with our hugely successful
summer exhibition last year so we are delighted that the gallery
continues to attract so many visitors."
EE - looking for update on Tullos Pool. Response - Work is progressing.
EE - with the introduction of the Protection of Voluntary Groups Act [in
May 2012] although not mandatory, chief executives of councils have
responsibilities to make sure their staff are cleared for regulated work.
As councillors often go to nurseries, libraries, community centres as
well as sitting on joint boards is there a list of councillors who have not
applied for it? What action is taken if a councillor applies for a
certificate and is not cleared? Response - Councillors are not staff. The
responsibility is on the councillor - they should not undertake regulated
work where they know they are barred from doing it. If barred, the
councillor would be committing an offence. It is also an offence for an
employer to knowingly recruit a barred individual to a post doing
regulated work, but councils do not recruit councillors, and we would
not know if they were barred until their certificates were returned. In
hypothetical terms, if a member's certificate were returned and it
showed they were barred, then we would take the appropriate action to
ensure that they did not work with the regulated group in question.
Fri 10 August 2012
release out on retexturing of two roads to cut accident rates cns/pr Retexturing 1
release out on road closure of Albyn Lane cns/pr AlbynLane 10
release out on temporary traffic lights on Cults-Kingshill road during tree
cutting work cns/pr CultsLights 10
amended and approved release prepared by Aberdeenshire Council on
their and ACC's involvement in Offshore Northern Seas
photocall/release drafted on launch of Safer Aberdeen's smartphone app
release drafted on businesses being urged to comply with new licensing
legislation's impact on late hours catering licences
release drafted on city residents being reminded that equality is
everyone's business as new survey is launched
EE - seeking officer comment about the retexturing work. Response Road safety and traffic management team leader Doug Ritchie said:
"Re-texturing the road surface is a simple and very effective way to cut
accident rates on certain stretches of road. We've seen great results on
the areas which were re-textured in previous years, where the number
of accidents reported has dropped from double figures to none. The
best way to prevent accidents is for motorists to drive carefully, but as
the roads authority we are doing what we can to make the routes
across the city as safe as possible."
P&J - a member of the public has contacted the paper to complain about
Allenvale Cemetery, specifically the grave of local musician James
Scott Skinner; it is claimed the grave is unkempt, overgrown and a
display of roses is covered in weeds; seeking council comment.
Response - The council's team of ground staff work hard to maintain
the city's green spaces, which includes our cemeteries, but this has
proved particularly challenging this year due to the weather conditions.
The usual practice for reporting an issue relating to ground
maintenance would be for a member of the public to contact council
officers directly to highlight such a concern. We are not aware of this
particular complaint regarding Allenvale Cemetery; however, we will
now look at this issue and take action where appropriate. There is a
rose planting session planned for Allenvale Cemetery later this year
which should go some way to address this issue.
Northscot - is the bungalow in Gillespie Crescent where a woman died
following an early morning fire today a council property; if so, seeking
council comment? Response - Yes. Our thoughts are with the victim of
this incident and her family at this distressing time and we are assisting
the relevant authorities with their enquiries.
Northscot - follow-up to same; neighbours have suggested the woman had
mental health issues and said she should not have been living alone;
was the council involved in any way with her care? Response - No, but
suggested reporter contacts the health board.
STV – same
CentrePress – same
P&J - has Adventure Aberdeen noticed an increase in inquiries and or
bookings for the range of activities on offer at following the success of
local Olympians? Response – checking
BBC - follow-up to yesterday's inquiry re House of Annie Lennox
exhibition visitor figures: is the head of public programmes at Aberdeen
Art Gallery available for radio interview? Response - Yes, Deirdre
Grant is available; interview arranged.
EE - looking for council update on Peacock Visual Arts as its lease was up
in June, what is the council's involvement is in helping PVA move
forward? Response - We continue to provide an annual grant of
£81,000 to Peacocks Visual Arts and this year they have also had
allocated a cultural grant of £11,980. One of the Priority Based Budget
options is a root and branch review of arts and sports commissioned
services. This review is of all of our current commissioning
arrangements with external arts and sports providers. PVA is part of
that review which is a supportive process to help organisations move
P&J - seeking explanation of 'chief officer voluntary pay restraint report'
to be considered by F&R Ctte next week. Response - Finance and
Resources Committee members will receive a report next Friday [17
August], which explains the voluntary pay restraint which Aberdeen
City Council’s chief officers agreed to accept for the financial year
2010/11. Directors and heads of service voluntarily agreed in
December 2009 not to accept their nationally agreed pay award of
2.5% for 2010/11 to allow the City Council to make budget savings on
salaries in that financial year. The report to next week’s committee
meeting explains that the contractual rates of pay had been due to be
reinstated in 2011/12. The outstanding 2.5% pay increase, however,
was not applied last April at the start of the last financial year and is
therefore now more than a year overdue. The report, which will be
presented to elected members next week for noting, states that the
situation should now be rectified. The pay award is now due to be paid
to Aberdeen City Council chief officers with effect from 01 April 2011. It
is a “one-off” pay increase, however, and chief officers remain
otherwise subject to the current public sector pay freeze once the
nationally agreed award has been honoured. The situation applies to
the City Council’s 24 chief officers but not to Aberdeen City Council
Chief Executive Valerie Watts. Scottish local authority chief executives
agreed separately in 2009 to decline their pay award not only for
2010/11 but until further notice. Note: also explained the requirement to
resolve the pay award issue in order to avoid the potential anomaly of
employing a new director of Education, Culture and Sport at the rate for
the job; the post would, without the rectification of the chief officers' pay
issue, have been salaried at a level above that of the other ACC
EE - same
Media Briefing - 13 August 2012
release out on Europe Direct Aberdeen children's environment workshop
at Woodside Community library cns/pr europedirect 1
release drafted on lunchtime talk about Aberdeen and Marquis of
Montrose, at the Tolbooth Museum
release drafted on Scottish singing sensation tuning up for 50+ Festival
release drafted on weekend diversions to enable city centre roadworks
Newsline - would the Council care to comment on the letter from Sir Ian
Wood to the Council in which he warns that failure to back the City
Garden Project would see him withdraw his cash offer? Response No, the letter was sent to political group leaders and not to Aberdeen
City Council. Advised reporter speak to group leaders and reminded
them that reports relating to City Garden Project to F&R on Friday and
Council next Wednesday will be considered in due course.
STV – same
P&J –same
EE – same
Northsound - are there any updates on plans for an Olympic celebration
to herald the North-east effort at the London Games? Response - Work
is still at a very early stage. Full details will be issued regarding the
proposed event once more details are finalised.
Herald - has there been an Olympics-driven surge in interest in sports in
Aberdeen? Response - referred reporter to Sport Aberdeen PR
EE - a reader has taken a picture of a store in the city taking an alcohol
delivery into its stockroom and claims it does not have a license to sell
alcohol; is this true? Response – checking
Scottish Sun - planning feature on street begging in Aberdeen, Glasgow
and Edinburgh; what does ACC do to prevent street-begging/support
street beggars? Response - Ultimately we would like to see beggars off
the street and help those in genuine need secure a more sustainable
future. Where beggars are homeless, the council has expanded its
range of temporary accommodation so that no one needs to sleep
rough in Aberdeen. Aberdeen City Council, along with partner
agencies, has dedicated a considerable amount of time to engaging
with street beggars. This has included identifying their needs, directing
them to relevant council services and educating the public on how they
can help. We also work closely with charities, in particular the Bethany
Christian Trust, which supports 4,000 homeless and vulnerable people
in Scotland. Giving to beggars directly can often be
counter productive and to make a real difference money should go to
reputable charities. That is why we introduced our Begging
Box scheme in 2007, which encourages people to put their spare
change in dedicated collection boxes located throughout the city.
All funds collected through the Begging Boxes support projects working
for homeless people in the city so they can move away from a life on
the streets. Giving to the boxes is a guaranteed way of assisting the
needy and we would urge people to consider giving in this way.
P&J - a business owner in Rosemount has contacted the paper claiming a
faulty pay and display parking machine in Leadside Road means
people have been enjoying free parking while he pays for a business
parking permit; seeking council comment. Response - Advised reporter
that the council has received numerous complaints about this particular
machine from the gentleman in question and that all reported faults
have been dealt with promptly. The last reported fault, caused by a
ticket jam, was April and this problem was rectified. There was a further
complaint in May but on inspection our technicians found no problem
with the machine. The machine was last inspected on Saturday and
found to be fully operational. Reporter confirmed she checked all
machines in Leadside Road herself and found they all work.
P&J - a visitor to Hazlehead Park over the weekend has contacted
the paper to complain about the state of the park's toilets. The
woman says the toilet blocks were dirty, with broken glass everywhere
and no locks on cubicle doors. Response - The toilets in Hazlehead
Park are visited daily by staff who ensure they are thoroughly cleaned
and tidied. However, there is not a full-time attendant in the toilet
blocks so if a problem arises over the weekend, for example, it is not
always addressed immediately. The toilet blocks have been vandalised
on numerous occasions in recent months and, while the council is
committed to their maintenance and upkeep, this has proven difficult
due to the reckless behaviour of a few selfish individuals. We are
assisting Grampian Police on this matter and hope to reach a
resolution in due course.
EE - seeking update on the Gypsy/Travellers who set up camp near the
ice arena at the beach last week. Response - The council's
Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer will continue to liaise with the group and
assess what action is required.
EE - Gypsy/Traveller follow-up; a group of travellers have pitched up at
Foggieton Woods, near Cults; is this Aberdeen City Council land?
Response - No, try the Forestry Commission.
EE - a company called Rice and Spice Aberdeen Ltd has lodged a change
of use planning application for the Criterion Bar on Guild Street;
does Rice and Spice Aberdeen Ltd run spice shops or curry houses?
Response - This is a change-of-use 1 (retail) which suggests the new
business, if the planning application is approved, would be a spice
shop/specialist grocer. However, advised reporter to confirm from
applicant what their intentions for the property are.
EE - what is happening to Bankhead Academy following the fire last
month? Response - The site will continue to be inspected on a regular
basis until the buildings are demolished.
EE - is the council as part of its review of sports facilities, considering
using a building owned by Aberdeen College, opposite what was once
the Gordon Barracks, Bridge of Don, as a sports facility? Response The leisure asset and pitch strategy review is designed to help the
council prioritise investment in sport over the coming years. As such,
the venue will be considered in terms of its relationship to other assets
(whether they are ours or another providers), but we have no plans to
turn it into a council asset.
EE - how many councillors are eligible for the Protection of Vulnerable
Groups scheme and on which committees/groups; how many
councillors have filed PVG applications; how many have been okayed?
Response - Council agreed to check every councillor, as members can
be substitutes on committees which deal with regulated work. In
addition, all members are in the pool for school placing and exclusion
appeals. All councillors that have been submitted have been cleared.
Tues 14 August 2012
media conference with First Minister and ACC Leader on announcement
of funding for Aberdeen hydrogen energy hub - attended by BBC,
STV, Northsound, Original, Daybreak Scotland, EE, P&J, Newsline,
Northscot, Scotsman
release published on ACC website on funding announcement for
Aberdeen hydrogen hub cns/pr hydrogen 140
release out on Exchequer Row to close for a fortnight to allow cabling
work cns/pr exchequer ro
w closure 140812.asp
release out on Scottish singing sensations tuning up for 50+ Festival cns/pr 50+ festival c
oncert 140812.asp
release out on places are still available for a free illustrated talk on the
Burgh of Aberdeen and the Marquis of Montrose, this Thursday at the
Tolbooth Museum cns/pr tolboothtalk 1
release out on work to resurface the junction of Powis Terrace, Powis
Place and George Street will get under way on Saturday 18 August
and continue throughout the weekend cns/pr roadresurfacin
g 140812.asp
release/photocall drafted about the launch of Safer Aberdeen's mobile
EE - do you have any further details regarding the licensing application for
Hazlehead Park Cafe; when will it open; what work will be done?
Response - Nothing bar what is listed in the license application to go
before the Licensing Board. Suggested reporter speak to applicant.
EE - following inquiry yesterday on the council's review of sports
facilities, now wanting more details about the review of leisure and
any information on consultations/discussions with sport groups, the
general public etc, when will the review be completed and what will
happen next? Response - The review is intended to provide a robust
and objective review of current sports provision, and to inform and
assess the future provision of accessible, high quality, sustainable
facilities for sport and physical activity in Aberdeen. The review will
conclude in December 2012. Key to the review is consultation with our
sports partners, sports clubs and leagues, the governing bodies, our
own services and other local providers. When the review is concluded,
officers will develop a series of actions and recommendations for
approval by elected members, with the findings and subsequent
recommendations being presented for public consultation.
BBC - notified us that they would be filming in Victoria Park this
afternoon, interviewing a 'mum' about breastfeeding and about a milk
bank being opened in Glasgow.
EE - information released under Freedom of Information legislation show
that in the last round of voluntary redundancies - January 2011 - 329
posts were lost costing the council £2,657,029.01 in redundancies
packages. Response - The saving of £1.5million is the estimated
reduction in salary payments for the first year and similar sums will be
delivered in subsequent years. It would therefore take under two years
to cover the costs of what the council paid out in redundancy
payments. Beyond this it will achieve savings of £1.5 million per
EE - wanting to know how regular are site visits to the former Bankhead
Academy site; was it building standards that inspected the site? Was a
report produced; when, and by whom was it decided that the buildings
should be demolished? Response - There is 24 hr security at the site.
The appropriate inspections were undertaken by Building Control.
Limited demolitions were carried out following the fire to ensure the
remaining buildings are safe. The Finance & Resources Committee
approved the demolition of all the buildings at the site prior to the fire.
No date has been set for the demolition of the remaining buildings. We
are still in the process of procuring a contractor to carry out this work.
EE - will the wind turbines proposed to be created by ACC be the ones
providing the power to produce the hydrogen energy? Response – no
Weds 15 August 2012
release out on roadworks at Market Street, Stoneywood cns/pr road works 1
release/photocall out on imminent switching on of pump at Rubislaw
Quarry to reduce water level
release drafted on open day at Ruthrieston Community Centre on 25
release drafted on North East of Scotland Trade Group launched in bid
to co-ordinate and support export activity across the region
release drafted on North East of Scotland Trade Group launched in bid
to co-ordinate and support export activity across the region
release drafted on Cotton Street set to close for weekend work
quote from Housing and Environment Convener, Councillor Neil Cooney,
provided to Grampian Police for press release about initiative to tackle
antisocial behaviour in Seaton multi-storey blocks: "The safety of
tenants and staff in our multi-storey blocks is paramount and we treat
any potential safety breach with the utmost of seriousness. Aberdeen
City Council adopts a zero-tolerance approach to anyone who puts our
staff or tenants in danger. This kind of joint working must be
commended and I am confident tenants in our multi-storey blocks will
feel reassured that we are taking a proactive approach to addressing
this sort of reckless behaviour. Our dedicated team of City Wardens
provide a flexible service and have a presence that is felt in all areas of
Aberdeen. By working together with the community and partner
agencies, the City Wardens aim to promote a safer and better
environment for all. Similarly, the council's Antisocial Behaviour
Investigation Team (ASBIT) works hard to help make sure all citizens
can live peacefully in safe and secure communities. They will rigorously
investigate antisocial behaviour complaints and always give residents
affected by antisocial behaviour help and support to make them feel
BBC - the Provost of Edinburgh has expressed disappointment that
Glasgow was chosen over the capital as the city to host the official
parade for Scotland's Olympians; would Aberdeen's Lord Provost
like to offer his views on the situation? Response - declined but
provided following statement: The Lord Provost of Aberdeen George
Adam is in the early stages of planning a local celebration for all those
from the north-east involved in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, in
conjunction with the Provost of Aberdeenshire. Aberdeen's Lord
Provost said: "I know that everyone in the north-east is hugely proud of
all the athletes who have competed this year in the Olympics, and who
will compete in the Paralympics in the next few weeks - we want to
show them just how much we admire their amazing efforts. I also want
to acknowledge the contribution of coaches, volunteer Games Makers,
Judges and Officials, Torchbearers and Grampian Police Officers they are all playing an massive role in the success of London 2012 and
should be part of any homecoming celebration. There has to be a very
public element to the celebrations so that everyone who has been
following at home - shouting encouragement at their TV, checking their
mobile phone for scores, and tuning in to the radio - can come out and
show these dedicated people just how proud of them we all are."
Daily Record - seeking comment from Councillor George Adam, in his role
as Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Aberdeen, about the Duke of
Edinburgh being admitted to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary as a
precautionary measure. Response - Councillor George Adam, Her
Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Aberdeen, said: "My thoughts are with the
Duke of Edinburgh at this time and I wish him a speedy recovery."
Daily Record - follow-up to above; was the Lord Provost at the garden
party at Balmoral last week? Response - No, he wasn't;’ only
Aberdeenshire/Moray Councils were asked to submit guest lists.
EE - wanting to know how many school playing fields have been sold off
in recent years and for how much; has overall playing field
provision increased? Response - The only playing field that Aberdeen
City Council has sold in recent years was as part of the sale of
Oakbank School. This playing field was used by young people who
attended the school and not the general public. Under our statutory
responsibility, in consultation with sportscotland, we negotiated
investment from the new owner of the Oakbank School site for our
pitches at Sheddocksley playing fields.
EE - requesting response to press release issued by the Scottish
Conservatives on repair costs to Scottish schools due to vandalism.
Response - The price of repairing the damage caused by vandalism is
paid from taxpayers' money - money which could be put to far better
use on other services. The cost of vandalism is not only financial but
often an emotional one for staff and pupils of the schools. Aberdeen
City Council deplores the wanton damage and does all it can to ensure
our school buildings are kept safe and secure. When vandalism does
occur we work closely with police to ensure the culprits are brought to
Scotsman – same
P&J – same
BBC – same
EE - drivers from Aberdeen Taxi Group say they won't stop to pick up
potential passengers at the Castlegate taxi rank because there is "no
queuing system" leading to arguments over who is first in the
queue; are there any plans to have a marshal in place there in light of
these issues? Response - We have not received any complaints or
been notified of any concerns by taxi drivers or members of the
public. If anyone has a concern regarding this taxi rank we would hope
that they would contact council officers directly to highlight their
Thurs 16 August 2012
media calling notice out on behalf of Oh Really Creative PR for 3pm
tomorrow - all 10 of the world famous Mysterious Book Sculptures
will go on display at Aberdeen Central Library tomorrow
photo call out for 2pm tomorrow [Fri 17 Aug] at Aberdeen Maritime
Museum - young sculptor Rachel Grant will be available to talk to the
media about her exhibition which is inspired by the women who worked
in the North-east's herring fishing industry during the 19th century
release out on family-friendly free junk modelling workshop this
Saturday at Aberdeen Maritime Museum cns/pr junkmodelling
release/photocall out about launch of the Safer Aberdeen mobile app cns/pr safer app 160
release out about implementation of new housing allocation policy cns/pr housing policy
release drafted on City residents urged to help Council challenge
inequalities cns/pr challenge ineq
ualities 170812.asp
release drafted on New partnership group aims to offer trade support and
expertise to North East businesses
EE - has the Mastrick Grocers applied for an alcohol licence? When will
the application go before the Licensing Board? Response - Directed
reporter to Licensing Board papers on Council website and advised
meeting will take place on Tuesday 21 August at 10.30am.
EE - a dog has had its paw sliced after it walked on smashed glass next
to the River Dee; what's the Council's policy on littering? Response Aberdeen's public spaces are for everyone to enjoy and everyone has
a responsibility to clean up after themselves. Leaving rubbish lying not
only has an environmental impact, it also has a detrimental affect on
other people's enjoyment of these areas. Littering raises a number of
safety, environmental, hygiene issues and has a very negative impact
on the city. There is no excuse for it and Fixed Penalty Notices will be
issued by City Wardens when necessary.
EE - did senior officers threaten legal action regarding matters in the pay
restraint report to go before the Finance and Resources Committee
tomorrow? Response - We don't comment on reports before they go to
Committee. Advised reporter they already had a statement regarding
the report from last week.
P&J - how much revenue was generated by Sunday on-street parking in
2011/12? Response – checking
P&J – follow-up: how many on-street parking spaces are there in the
city? Response – checking
Fri 17 August 2012
release out on council encouraging Aberdeen companies to consider
Brazil business boost cns/pr samba semin
ar 170812.asp
releases out on South Loirston Road and Gowanbrae Road closures to
allow sewage and water works cns/pr SouthLoirston
210812.asp cns/pr Gowanbrae 2
release out on start of pumping of water from Rubislaw Quarry for the
first time in over 40 years cns/pr rubislawquarry
release out on Aberdeen Central Library being first to host national
Mysterious Book Sculptures tour cns/pr mysteriousscul
ptures 170812.asp
EE - according to Torry Community Council, ACC had planned to turn the
former Torry Nursery building [Oscar Rd] into a neighbourhood office
but due to financial constraints this hasn't happened; Torry Community
Council would like the building to be demolished rather than lying
empty and falling into disrepair; what are City Council's plans for the
building? Response - The building is provisionally scheduled to be
demolished in the next financial year.
Deeside Piper - is the young artist Rachel Grant, whose show opens at
Aberdeen Maritime Museum today, from the Cults-Culter area?
Response - No, Rachel grew up in the Summerhill area of Aberdeen
and now lives in Garthdee.
EE - how many council tenants will be affected by welfare reforms; how
much housing benefit was distributed last year? Response - The
benefits system is changing as part of reform proposals brought
forward by the Westminster Government and implemented by the
Department of Work and Pensions. The council works with the DWP to
implement the existing rules and regulations regarding housing benefit
for every resident in the city and will continue to work closely with DWP
to determine what impact future reform will have. Alongside this the
council will be developing proposals to ensure we
can assist every resident trying to maximise their potential in the city's
vibrant economy." Last year more than £54million was distributed
according to DWP rules and regulations to residents, not just council
tenants, in the city.
EE/Original106/Northsound - all seeking Safer Aberdeen app launch
images. Response - all sent screenshots and presentation video
Sunday Times - Sir Ian Wood has accused the council and its
administration of risking irreparable damage to its reputation if it goes
against the public referendum decision regarding the City Garden
Project; care to comment? Response - The City Garden Project will
be discussed as part of a report to go before Full Council next
Wednesday. Aberdeen City Council does not comment on reports
before they go to committee/council. Suggested reporter
contact council leader.
P&J - the SFA has issued a letter to group leaders and the Chief
Executive insisting that, contrary to Cllr Young's comments regarding a
potential replacement for the proposed new Cove stadium, Aberdeen
already has a regional sports hub; has the council received this letter
and would it care to comment? Response - The Council has not yet
received a copy of this letter; suggested reporter speak to F&R
Convener about any comments made by SFA.
Media briefing - Mon 20 August 2012
release out appealing for nominations for the Community Council
elections cns/pr community co
uncils 200812.asp
EE - at a community council meeting last week the local police officer
reported that CCTV and new lighting has been installed in Rona
Place following a spate of incidents of antisocial behaviour in recent
months; when was the CCTV/lighting installed? Response - Checking,
although advised that the council's antisocial behaviour team has not
installed a CCTV camera in Rona Place.
EE - graffiti has appeared on the side of the Thistle Hotel; is the council
aware of this; will the council be removing it? Response - The council
has a dedicated city-wide team which removes graffiti from all city
council properties. We provide free surveys and quotations for graffiti
removal from non-council properties. We have not received such a
request from the owners of the Thistle Hotel at this stage.
BBC - the recently submitted plans to install solar panels on the roof of
Marischal College are presumably substantial given the size of the
building and will therefore generate significant amounts of electricity?
Response - No, actually. The useable roof area on Marsichal is a very
modest size (it's on the unlisted extra floor that was added on the old
roof) and the electricity generation will be similarly modest.
BBC - will the council be holding consultation meetings on the
Countesswells Consortium, proposals to build 3,00 homes west of
Hazelhead Park? Response - No. The developer is statutorily
required to hold community consultations as part of the Pre-Application
Consultation procedure to explain their intentions, take on board
community comments and consider amending their proposals in light of
the feedback prior to submitting their planning application in a minimum
12 weeks' time.
BBC - wanting an update on the public engagement exercise over summer
and autumn 2012, with a view to developing a long term School
Estate Plan, which will include proposals on rezoning; rationalisation
and development of the school estate to take account of changing
demographic factors across the city? And, details of the how the
council has addressed areas of immediate concern in relation to seven
primary schools which are projected to go over capacity during the
next school session beginning August 2012? Response - The
Education, Culture and Sport Committee [June 2012] instructed officers
to undertake a public engagement exercise over summer and autumn
2012, with a view to developing a long term School Estate Plan, which
will include proposals on re-zoning; rationalisation and development of
the school estate to take account of changing demographic factors
across the city. This review is currently being planned and there will be
a range of opportunities for stakeholders to contribute their views. A
programme for the engagement opportunities will be published in due
course. The main considerations will be: Educational - changes in the
curriculum and approaches to Learning and Teaching; Condition - what
is the state of repair of our schools and how efficient are they to run;
Sufficiency - which schools are over-occupied or under-occupied and
what are the likely effects of changes in pupil number and proposed
housing developments; Suitability - how fit for purpose are our schools
for delivery of a modern curriculum and other uses. The Education,
Culture and Sport Committee [June 2012] agreed to a range of
approaches to ensure the capacity issues were resolved for the start of
the school session in August 2012. These included adaptation of
existing facilities for use as teaching spaces/ classrooms at Seaton
School, Mile End School, Kaimhill School, Manor Park School and at
Riverbank School. The location of new temporary classroom units on
the school site at Milltimber School. An agreement to increase class
sizes in P1 and P1/2 at St Peter's School up to a maximum of 25. This
increase has been offset by the provision of additional staffing to
enable P1 and P1/2 classes to be more than 18 but maintain pupil teacher ratios.
P&J - following a press release issued by the Conservative Party on the
lack of “Green Energy” rebates applied for by residents across
Scotland, reporter wants to know why not one single resident in
Aberdeen, that is planning to make his/her home more energy efficient,
applied for the Council Tax Discount Scheme; or did residents apply
but were not awarded a discount; do we advertise the Council Tax
Discount scheme? Response - Anyone contacting the council’s Home
Energy team is advised of a number of energy efficiency offers and
discounts including: Council Tax Discount Scheme; Insulation
Programme offer 2011; Aberdeen Free Home Insulation Scheme; SGN
Central Heating Fund; Energy Efficiency Loans and Aberdeen Victorian
Tenement Project. The team also advises residents to contact the
Home Energy Scotland free telephone line for more information on
relevant schemes or to speak to organisations such as the Energy
Saving Trust and SCARF (Save Cash and Reduce Fuel) Energy
Saving Scotland Advice Centre north east as they can direct residents
to other schemes that could potentially offer greater discounts such as
the Energy Assistance package. All of this information is available on
the Energy Efficiency page of the council’s website. Of those residents
who have contacted the Home Energy team four people have indicated
they would apply for the Council Tax Discount scheme however none
have completed the application process to date. Nine city residents
have claimed a similar £200 discount offer through Aberdeen
Affordable Warmth Scheme and the Aberdeen Victorian tenement
Project. The council is committed to offering its residents access to
information and advice on all home energy efficiency projects and
possible discounts in Aberdeen, covering all tenure types, so residents
can make informed choices.
EE - Transport Scotland has published a traffic order to redetermine a
section of footpath along the A96 (Inverurie Road/Auchmill Road/Great
Northern Road) so it can be used by cyclists as well as pedestrians;
the order states that the full details of the order can be viewed at
Marischal College; reporter asking if we can e-mail him the full order
and provide a comment about the council's involvement in this scheme.
Response - Provided PDFs. Aberdeen City Council is committed to
ensuring cyclists travel to work safely while enjoying the city in their
leisure time. Cycling is a form of transport that nearly everyone can
take advantage of and is enjoyable, affordable, fun and healthy. It is
also congestion-beating and good for the environment. The council has
policies and targets that strive to meet objectives when it comes to
cycling and these include developing a safe, convenient and efficient
P&J - how many requests for deputations has the Council received for
Full Council on 22 August? Response - 13 deputations have been
received to date. However, requests can be made up to a full working
day ahead of the meeting. A list of the deputation requests received
thus far is available on the Council Meeting papers published today.
BBC - same
Tues 21 August 2012
release out on retexturing works and road closure of the C21C Upper
Persley road cns/pr UpperPersleyr
etextured 210812.asp
release out on road closure of Gowanbrae Road cns/pr Gowanbrae 2
release out on road closure of South Loirston Road cns/pr SouthLoirston
release out on temporary traffic lights on Springhill Road cns/pr lights 210812.
release out on temporary traffic lights on Provost Watt Drive cns/pr lights 210812.
release out on the last in the series of talks by experts inspired by House
of Annie Lennox exhibition have organised by Discovery Gallery in
partnership with University of Aberdeen cns/pr experttalk 210
Grampian Police media release published on council website (as pupils
return to school, Grampian Police today launched four-day blitz on
traffic offences in the West End of Aberdeen cns/pr trafficoperation
release drafted on road closure of Deeview Road South
release drafted on temporary traffic lights on Countesswells Road
release drafted on Aberdeen Country Fair
release drafted on road closure of Flourmill Lane
release drafted on annual Housing and Environment open day at Music
Hall on Sept 1
EE - South Loirston Road doesn't exist; which road will be closed for
sewer works? Response - Sent reporter plan showing extent of closure
of South Loirston Road, which does exist, and where sewer works will
be carried out.
EE - is the Third Don Crossing on the agenda for the Full Council
meeting tomorrow?
, who is fighting a compulsory
purchase order, is under the impression it will be scrapped tomorrow.
Response - No, it's not on the agenda.
P&J - interview/photographs arranged with waste and recycling manager
Pete Lawrence and local bee-keeper, who has been given permission
to site bee hives on restored grassland at Ness landfill site.
P&J - a local businessman is calling for Item 11(a) - Loirston
Development Sites - on tomorrow's council agenda to be heard in
public; would this decision taken before or during the meeting?
Response - If any elected member wishes this item to be heard in
public, they would move a procedural motion to that effect. It does not
have to be unanimously backed; a majority would suffice. If there is
such a request tomorrow, it would be dealt with at the start of item two
on the agenda.
Newsline - unable to sit through all of tomorrow's full council meeting;
requesting regular updates as the meeting progresses and pre-warning
when the vote on Item 8(f) is expected. Response – agreed
Daybreak Scotland – same
Northscot – same
Daybreak Scotland - requesting access to the council chamber for
generic shots ahead of tomorrow's full council meeting. Response agreed, on the condition that the reporter/cameraman vacates the
chamber floor when business commences.
BBC – same
EE - what local condition was placed on the agreed pre-application for the
Hazlehead Park Cafe? Response - A local condition was agreed that
stated the patio area of the cafe must have clearly marked barriers,
distinguishing areas where alcohol can be consumed. The condition
was applied to make it clear that alcohol purchased in the cafe cannot
be consumed beyond the agreed parameters of the outdoor cafe area.
EE - did the Licensing Board adopt the plans put forward by Unight to
swap additional licensing hours from Bank Holidays to Halloween and
St Patrick's Day weekends? Response - No, the Licensing Board
resolved to engage in further dialogue with Unight about their
STV – same
P&J - will a breakdown of voting be available following tomorrow's City
Garden Project vote? Response - Officers will be able to provide a
hard copy of how members voted at some point following the vote.
P&J - what is the council going to do to ensure the legacy of the Olympic
Games continues beyond the summer, particularly in schools; what
plans does the council have to encourage more obscure sports such as
synchronised swimming, handball? Response – checking
EE - is it true that the library at Quarryhill School has water damaged due
to the vandals removing piping from the roof of the school recently; if
so, what is the extent of the damage; is the library open; if not, when
will it reopen? Response - The roof was punctured by vandals during
the summer holidays, which led to rainwater getting into the building
during the heavy rain last week affecting the library and a
corridor. Some but not all books are damaged and the carpet is
soaked. The library is closed meantime while it is being dried out
and dehumidifiers are in use. We are working to have the library open
again as soon as possible.
Weds 22 August 2012
release out on abandonment of City Garden Project and reworked
proposals for city centre regeneration cns/pr UTG 220812.
release out on new proposals for Calder Park cns/pr calder park le
ase 220812.asp
release out about road closure of Airyhall Road cns/pr AiryhallRd 220812.
release out about Aberdeen Country Fair cns/pr countryFair 220812.
release out about temporary traffic lights on Seafield Road cns/pr SeafieldLights
release drafted about future road closure of Airyhall Road
release drafted about changes to the way people are assessed for
eligibility for the blue badge scheme being introduced
P&J - seeking information about plans to install solar panels on a number
of public buildings, including schools, and the reasons for it. Also
seeking interview with relevant officer. Response - Provided a copy of
a press release issued earlier this year which contains background
information and arranged interview with ACC's energy manager.
Scotsman - wanting details of music tuition charges [and exemptions] for
2012/2013. Response - We currently charge £340 annually for
individual lessons and £272 for group lessons. This can be broken
down into £10 for an individual lesson and £8 for a group lesson.
Parents/guardians are billed in advance of each term. Pupils entitled to
free school meals are exempt from music tuition fees. Parents of
pupils in receipt of a clothing grant qualify for a 50% discount on music
tuition fees. Families where several children are receiving music
tuition, the second and subsequent child(ren) receive a 50% discount
for their first instrument only.
Daily Mail - conducting a survey of all Scottish councils asking about any
moves, either planned or already under way, to reduce education
budgets. Questions: Can you please detail any such moves in your
area? Would the council rule out shortening the school day? If not,
please provide detail of how any such plan might work. If it has already
been done please provide detail and when. Would the council rule out
cutting spending on school transport? Again, please provide any
available detail depending on your answer. If it has already happened
please provide detail. Would the council rule out limiting the number of
the new National exams pupils can sit? (For example, some councils
have indicated children will sit only six new Nationals and will only be
able to sit more if they are judged academically capable). Has the
"educational supplies" budget fallen in the last two financial years and
is it forecast to fall again in the next financial year? If so please provide
all relevant figures. Reporter interested in finding out both about any
moves that are planned or have been instituted even within the last
couple of years and would also appreciate full figures relating to any
potential savings. Response – checking
P&J - are the archaeologists and volunteers still working on Tullos Hill (at
4.15pm) as we want to get pictures of them. Response - They're
packing up for the day, but would be happy to oblige tomorrow.
EE - seeking details of the application for variation of licence sought for
Shooters on Chapel St; will it be a strip club? Response - The
application seeks permission to create two separate areas - Shooters
and Silhouettes. Permission is sought to introduce adult entertainment
in "a sophisticated dancing club offering burlesque shows, private
dances in booths and pole dancing". The application is due to be
considered by the Licensing Board when it meets on 18 September.
EE - members of the public have complained about the general
appearance of Grove cemetery; they claim the bins have not been
emptied and the cemetery grass appears unkempt. Response - The
council's team of ground staff work hard to maintain the city's green
spaces, which includes our cemeteries, but this has proved particularly
challenging this year due to the weather conditions. We are aware of
some areas of the Grove cemetery which are in need of a tidy up and
our ground staff will be addressing that issue in due course. The bins in
all of our cemeteries are emptied on a regular basis.
EE - can we provide figures for the amount of times the Safer Aberdeen
app has been downloaded? Response - The developer of the app, who
is on leave just now, compiles and stores that data and will be able to
provide it on his return. Advised reporter to check back next week.
Thurs 23 August 2012
release out on new partnership aiming to offer trade support and
expertise to North-east businesses cns/pr north east tra
de group 230812.asp
release out on expected delays and contraflow on Great Northern Road
during resurfacing work cns/pr GtNorthernRd
release out on overnight lane closures on Wellington Road cns/pr WellingtonNigh
tWork 230812.asp
release out on changes being made to assessment criteria for the blue
badge scheme cns/pr bluebadge 23
release out on planning application for wind turbine at South Lasts Farm
being approved cns/pr SouthLastsTur
bine 230812.asp
release drafted on council, with funding from Scottish Government,
offering free loft and cavity wall insulation to all households in
release drafted on 'Provost Skene's House through the centuries' talk
by lead curator and historian
P&J - interviews/photographs arranged with archaeologists and volunteers
working on Tullos Hill as part of community excavation
P&J - is Tesco suing ACC over the planning permission granted to
Morrisons on the Lang Stracht? Response - Tesco has lodged a case
at the Court of Session against Aberdeen City Council's decision to
grant planning permission for a supermarket on the Summerhill
Academy site. We expect the case to call in late November or early
P&J - when is the sound system in the council chamber going to be
sorted out; was it not to have been carried out during the summer
recess? Response - The work is soon to be carried out. It will be the
subject of a report going to EP&I in September.
P&J - how much did ACC spend on the City Garden Project; how many
officer hours were spent on it; what's the financial value of those
hours? Response - We are unable to give details of officer time or the
financial equivalent, because it's not recorded against any project. In
terms of actual money spent, it remains at our share of the referendum
cost. The Council accepted the Wood Family Trust's offer to pay 80%
of the cost of the referendum, up to a limit of £200k. The referendum
cost £215k, which means ACC's contribution was £43k.
EE - received information that there are plans to turn Nellfield Cemetery
into a nature reserve; is there any truth in this? Response - Stressed
that there are no plans for any Aberdeen cemeteries to be turned into
nature reserves and requested the term nature reserve is not used.
Cemeteries can support an important diversity of wildlife and in some
areas act as a refuge for rare or uncommon species. That is why we
are managing a small section of Nellfield Cemetery as a natural area.
The project is in the early stages and is part of a wider review looking
at different ways of managing and maintaining our green spaces.
Original FM - requesting interview with council officer about newly-formed
North East of Scotland Trade Group. Response – checking
P&J - did Sir Ian Wood formally visit the Council HQ today to speak with
Chief Executive Valerie Watts? Response - Sir Ian Wood visited the
Town House this morning and met with the Chief Executive. As
suggested in his press release following yesterday's meeting he
confirmed he would be withdrawing his offer at this time.
EE - we understand that business rates for a redeveloped St Nicholas
House site could amount to £1 million a year; would this business rates
income have become part of the TIF scheme, ie collected by the
council and used to help pay off the loan; what is expected to happen
to these business rates now the City Garden Project/TIF business case
has been ditched? Response - The level of business rates to be paid
on a redeveloped St Nicholas House site will depend on the size and
the development mix on the land. City council officers have at this
stage made no recommendations on the initial bids and elected
members have made no decisions on how the site should be
redeveloped. The Full Council yesterday instructed officers to
investigate the possibility of drawing up a revised TIF submission. If a
new submission is drawn up and agreed, the business rates from the
site would be retained by the council and used to help pay off the loan.
For information: under normal circumstances business rates are set
nationally, collected locally, pooled by the Scottish Government, and
redistributed proportionately to local authorities as part of their
Aggregate External Funding, part of which comprises Revenue Support
Grant. This transaction is a notional one, however, in that no money
actually changes hands. The SG assumes a certain level of business
rate income in calculating the amount of RSG a council is paid.
P&J - is a breakdown available of how councillors voted yesterday on
the Bobby Calder Park issue? Response - breakdown of 24-19 vote
Planning Magazine - wanting details of Depute Leader's motion at Full
Council regarding UTG and comments from the leader and depute
leader. Response - Provided a copy of the motion and contact details
for Cllr Crockett and Cllr Boulton.
Architects' Journal - wanting details of UTG/CGP decision at Full Council
and asking if proposals to improve UTG include reviving the Peacock
scheme. Response - Details provided; and there are no proposals on
the table to revive Peacock's contemporary arts centre project.
Fri 24 August 2012
release out on beekeeper siting hives on a restored area of the former
Ness landfill site cns/pr landfill bees 2
release out on council, supported by Scottish Government, offering free
loft and wall cavity insulation for Aberdeen households cns/pr free insulation
release out about road closure of Countesswells Road cns/pr Countesswells
Rd 240812.asp
release issued by Grampian Police about possible traffic disruption due to
abnormal roads being moved through the city to an Aberdeenshire
windfarm development, published on ACC website cns/pr disruption 240
release drafted on next in series of Countryside Ranger Health Walks
release drafted on Lord Provost to present Queen's Award for Enterprise
(International Trade) to local company
release drafted about road closure of Craigton Road
release drafted about road closure of Greenbrae Drive
Newsline - following up Evening Express story about plans to turn part of
Nellfield Cemetery into a wildlife area; requesting council comment.
Response - Cemeteries can support an important diversity of wildlife
and in some areas act as a refuge for rare or uncommon species. That
is why we are managing a small section of Nellfield Cemetery as a
natural area for wildlife. The project is in the early stages and is part of
a wider review looking at different ways of managing and maintaining
our green spaces.
Newsline - wanting more details of the council's decision on Bobby Calder
Park. Response - Advised that the item was held in private; however, a
press release was issued following the meeting providing an update.
EE - wanting confirmation that the council has, according to Cllr Allan, a
new 'seller' for the former Victoria Road School site. Response Following a tender process we have appointed a new agent to market
the property.
EE - what was the decision of the Development Management Subcommittee on the planning application for Crown Terrace: change of
use from office to flats? Response - There will be a site visit.
EE - seeking comment about foreign travel, after receiving an FoI
response on that subject. Response - Aberdeen is an international city
with a very strong business base, which drives the UK economy. It is
second only to London in terms of its international links. It is essential
that the city continues to strengthen existing and forge new links
overseas if it is to continue to thrive and attract new business and
funding opportunities. Council officers and elected members are
regularly invited to attend meetings, events and conferences overseas
and it is essential that the city continues to have a presence and to
showcase itself as an ideal place in which to live, work, learn, do
business, and visit and to support the business community here, while
attracting new business to Aberdeen. Millions of pounds of European
funding has been brought into Aberdeen through the efforts of council
officers and this would not have been achievable had they not travelled
to meetings and conferences in the UK and overseas to learn about
available funding streams. Officers and the Lord Provost will travel to
Stavanger next week to participate in Offshore Northern Seas
conference in Stavanger, where Aberdeen City and Shire will have a
strong presence. Some officers have been invited to travel overseas to
work on a consultancy basis for other organisations and in doing so
have earned an income for Aberdeen City Council.
Northsound - wanting an update on what Aberdeen is doing to mark the
success of local Olympians. Response - A celebration for all those
from the north-east involved in the Olympic and Paralympic Games is
being organised by the Lord Provost of Aberdeen George Adam and
the Provost of Aberdeenshire Jill Webster, details of which will be
released next week.
EE - would the headteacher of Quarryhill School be available for an
interview regarding the water damage to the library as a result of
vandalism to the roof during the summer holidays and would a
photographer be allowed to take some pictures of the damage?
Response - No, not on this occasion. The damage is being repaired
and the headteacher thinks it is best that the school focuses on the
Media Briefing - Mon 27 August 2012
release out about Saturday's tenants open day at the Music Hall cns/pr open day 270
release out about next in series of Countryside Ranger Health Walks cns/pr health walk 2
release out about Scottish singing sensations tuning up for 50+ Festival cns/pr 50+ festival c
oncert 140812.asp
release out about flooding mop-up operation cns/pr flooding 2708
release drafted about late-night retailers being urged to check new
licensing law ahead of October 1 introduction
release drafted about rent restructuring report, due before Housing and
Environment Committee
release drafted about Local Housing Strategy, due before Housing and
Environment Committee
release drafted announcing winners of Best Bar None licensed trade
award scheme
release drafted on talk about the history of Provost Skene's House and
the Guestrow area
EE - following the flood damage caused on Saturday at Fernielea
School, when will it be able to reopen? Response - The school will
reopen as usual tomorrow.
P&J – same
EE/P&J - stories placed about model putting best foot forward to launch
50+ Festival with fashion show
Northsound - seeking interview with officer about impact of Saturday's
flooding and clean-up operation. Response - arranged for operations
manager Mike Cheyne to be interviewed
BBC Radio – same
EE - seeking permission to get into Fernielea School to view the damage
caused by flooding at the weekend. Response – declined
EE - did EP&I committee approve ACC's share of the spend on the
Integrated Catchment Study; how many potentially vulnerable areas
(PVAs) are there in Aberdeen? Response - Yes, the committee
approved ACC's contribution. There are five PVAs in Aberdeen.
P&J - has ACC sold the Bon Accord Baths yet? Response - We remain
in discussion with the Carpe Diem Trust.
EE - how many refuse collection lorries are there in the Aberdeen fleet
and what does a new one cost? Response – checking
EE - seeking images of ACC refuse collection lorries. Response provided, on the condition that ACC is credited for the images
Daybreak - is Hazledene Road closed because of flooding? Response No. A 60 metre stretch of Hazledene Road is closed for road safety
reasons and has been since the start of the month.
EE - interview held with Senior Partnership, Performance and Funding
Officer about European funding opportunities and future plans for
hydrogen transport.
EE - seeking update on flooding clear-up. Response - We are carrying on
with the clean-up operation today. Inspectors are out assessing for
roads damage caused by flood waters and checking the hecks (culvert
grilles) and burns. We are continuing the clean-up of the hecks and
burns today. Full surveys of the burns will be carried out later, when it
is safe to do so. Part of the problem at the weekend was caused by
hecks becoming blocked as a result of rubbish being washed down the
waterways. This was mostly garden rubbish but one incident involved
parts of a chopped-up tree, which had been dumped beside the
waterway. Once the hecks were blocked, water levels rose and the end
result was flooding. Inspections of the hecks are carried out regularly,
particularly when warnings of heavy rain have been given. The
drainage systems were working but they could not cope with the
intensity of the rain which fell. The water drained away fairly quickly
once the rain stopped.
EE - following up an FoI response: a trip to Berlin cost almost
£7,000; why? Response - It was a school trip involving four teachers
and 29 pupils.
Tues 28 August 2012
release out about late-night retailers being urged to check licensing law
ahead of October 1 change cns/pr licensing chan
ge 280812.asp
release out about Housing and Environment Committee approving final
draft Local Housing Strategy cns/pr housing strate
gy 280812.asp
release out about Housing and Environment Committee approving
changes to council house rent structure cns/pr rent restructur
e 280812.asp
release out about Tullos Hill archaeological dig open day on Saturday cns/pr tullos dig 280
release out on lunchtime talk by historian Chris Croly on Provost Skene's
House and surrounding area of Guestrow cns/pr lunchtimetalk
embargoed release out announcing winners of the Best Bar None
scheme cns/pr best bar 2908
statement issued on behalf of Chief Executive on tragic loss of staff
member in car accident
Original FM - requesting interview with Housing and
Environment convener about committee approval of Local Housing
Strategy. Response - agreed and arranged
Newsline - how many trees have been planted as part of the Tree for
Every Citizen scheme (a) in total and (b) on Tullos Hill; how many tree
protectors have been installed? Response - Approximately 190,000
trees have been planted across the city as part of the scheme.
Approximately 70,000 of these are on Tullos Hill. Information regarding
tree protectors would require a Freedom of Information request
because this information cannot be readily compiled and would take
some time.
EE - a member of the public is concerned after some of her newlyplanted flowers in Nellfield Cemetery appear to have been cut or
strimmed; seeking council comment. Response - We are very
supportive of friends and relatives leaving or planting floral tributes at
the graves of their loved ones. Our ground maintenance staff work hard
to maintain the areas around graves and would never intentionally
remove healthy floral tributes from graves or around headstones.
EE - how many refuse collection vehicles does ACC have? Response The council has 57 large refuse collection vehicles. The cost of the
vehicles is circa £115k for smaller vehicles and £130k for the larger
ones. The fleet is approximately 60% smaller vehicles and 40% larger
Newsline - do you have a comprehensive breakdown of the Aberdeen City
local government elections for 2012? Response - Sent link detailing
vote breakdown for each ward and overall results.
EE - is it true that a teacher has been suspended for adding pupils as
'friends' to his Facebook page? Response - Aberdeen City Council is
making no comment at this stage.
Edinburgh Evening News - how many parking tickets were cancelled on
appeal in 2010/11 and 2011/12? Response - checking
Weds 29 August 2012
release announcing Best Bar None winners published on council website cns/pr best bar 2908
release out about road closure of Airyhall Road
release out about road closure of Deeview Road South
release out about road closure of Kepplehills Drive
release drafted on council inviting young people to come forward and aid
their communities with Youth Activity Grants
P&J - requesting pictures from Tuesday night's Best Bar None awards
ceremony. Response - pictures sent
Edinburgh Evening News - how many parking tickets were issued in
2010/2011 and how many were successfully appealed; how many
parking tickets were issued in 2011/2012 and how many were
successfully appealed? Response – checking
EE - a member of the public has raised concerns about the bathroom
refurbishment of a neighbouring council property at Shapinsay
Court; he member of the public, who is a private homeowner, claims
that asbestos was discovered during the refurbishment work.
Response - Advised for background only that building services are
carrying out the refurbishment of some bathrooms in Shapinsay Court.
After stripping out the old bathroom equipment the tradesmen
discovered a material which could be asbestos. As asbestos only
becomes problematic if disturbed the tradesmen did the correct thing
and stopped work until the suspect material could be tested. If it is
confirmed that the material does contain asbestos it may be necessary
to relocate the resident for a short period while the material is removed.
Newsline - campaigners against the deer management programme on
Tullos Hill claim that all of the trees have protectors on them and deer
fencing has been erected; if this is the case, is deer management on
Tullos Hill necessary? Response - Approximately 70,000 trees have
been planted on Tullos Hill of which 2,300 are protected by tree
shelters. This means just 3% of the trees planted so far are protected
by tree shelters. The area of Tullos Hill where the tree shelters have
been installed was considered to be particularly susceptible to damage
by deer and rabbits while the trees were in their younger stage of
growth. Fencing has been erected in this area for the same reason.
This area is also where the community planting took place so the tree
shelters provide a form of identification for school children and
members of the public keen to keep track of their tree as it grows. It is
a statutory requirement of Aberdeen City Council to manage deer on all
of its land and this would be taking place on Tullos Hill whether there
was a tree planting scheme or not. The roe deer population on Tullos
Hill was assessed as being much higher than the land could support,
there is very little variety of vegetation growing and deer suffered as a
result. Aberdeen City Council’s ongoing deer management programme
is carried out in accordance will all relevant legislation and established
best practice, including Scottish Natural Heritage’s (SNH) Code of
Practice on Deer Management and the Wildlife and Natural
Environment (Scotland) Act 2011, which increased the responsibility of
land owners to manage deer on their land.
BBC - has a figure ever been put on the value of the St Nicholas House
site? Response – no
EE - what's ACC doing about the Travellers at the Charleston flyover?
Response - The Council's Gypsy/Traveller Liaison Officer has met the
private landowner. They will continue to monitor the situation.
P&J - provided with case study about Operation Begonia and the typical
cases ACC Criminal Justice Social Work deals with as part of the
EE - we've been told than an SNP councillor travelled first-class to "a
police meeting" in Glasgow (EE could offer no clear idea of the event in
question, no identity for the elected member in question, no clue as to
which local authority the elected member represents, no suggestion as
to which organisation, if any, had paid for the travel, and no source for
claim); would ACC comment? Response - No comment on such flimsy
information; explained, for background only, general ACC travel
Thurs 30 August 2012
release out about animated film created by pupils at Harlaw Academy as
part of the Reading Bus project Moving Flicks, supported by TAQA
Bratani, premiered at TAQA's headquarters today cns/pr readingbus 30
release published on ACC website about preparations for event to
celebrate North-east Olympian achievements cns/pr Olympiccelebr
ations 290812.asp
release out about glamorous grandmother striking a pose to help 50+
Festival kick start 10th anniversary celebrations cns/pr marion model
launches 50+ 300812.asp
release out about council encouraging people to come forward with
proposals for youth grants cns/pr small grant a
ctivity 300812.asp
release out about photo opportunity at singing workshop with Michael
Williams, lead singer of ‘The Drifters’, and pupils at Gilcomstoun
School tomorrow (detailed release will go on council website after the
release drafted about Academy Shopping Centre donating new bench to
council for play area at Pocra Quay
EE - interview arranged with council's lead curator (local history and
archaeology) about Saturday's Tullos Hill open day to showcase
archaeological sites
Edinburgh Evening News - how many parking tickets were issued in
2010/2011 and how many were successfully appealed; how many
parking tickets were issued in 2011/2012 and how many were
successfully appealed? Response - (a) 2010/2011 - 50,467 (b) 5,277
penalty charge notices (PCNs) were cancelled which may or may not
have been a result of an appeal (c) 2011/2012 - 49,261 (d) 3,841 PCNs
were cancelled which may or may not have been a result of an appeal.
There is a whole range of reasons why we take the decision to cancel
PCNs and not all cancellations are the result of successful appeals.
Cancellations range from faulty tickets machines being reported, to a
driver producing a valid parking ticket that was not properly displayed.
In some cases we will cancel a PCN without prompting if we discover it
has been issued in error. In other cases members of the public will get
in touch. We thoroughly investigate any instance where a driver feels
they have been issued a PCN in error.
STV – are education bosses aware that Grampian Police is making
enquiries into an incident in Tillydrone, in which a schoolgirl reported
being approached by three males; if so, has a letter been sent to
parents/guardians to make them aware of the matter? Response - On
hearing of the alleged incident yesterday [Wed 29 Aug] staff at
Riverbank School contacted Grampian Police. Following advice from
the police the school sent a letter to parents/guardians to make them
aware of the incident and to advise them that teaching staff had spoken
to their child/children about ‘stranger danger’ that afternoon. The
school has also posted a message on Facebook today [Thu 30 Aug].
P&J – same
P&J - follow-up: are there any other schools in Aberdeen that have had
to contact Grampian Police recently over similar concerns? Response Notified media team at Grampian Police, who advised that the police
had put a message on Facebook stating it was being treated as an
isolated incident.
EE - a prominent Aberdeen businessman has distributed a survey to
traders around the city, because they are concerned that they weren't
adequately prepared by the council for events like the Olympic Torch
Relay and events like it; does ACC think the arrangements were
adequate? Response - Aberdeen City Council was well prepared and
worked with all local partners, including the Aberdeen BID, who
represent all city centre businesses. ACC and Aberdeen BID handdelivered a letter and asked BID members to acknowledge receipt. The
Aberdeen BID, on behalf of its members, also produced a supplement
with all relevant info relating to the event.
Newsline - is someone available to talk about Aberdeen Art Gallery's
purchase of a granite and silver bracelet gifted by Queen Victoria to her
Lady in Waiting, which went on sale yesterday by
Bonhams? Response - Interview arranged with Christine Rew,
Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums manager.
BBC - how is the art loan scheme at the Art Gallery is going? Response –
Fri 31 August 2012
release out about council appointing Director of Education, Culture and
Sport cns/pr gayle gorman
release out about Michael Williams, singer with The Drifters hosting
singing workshop with children from Gilcomstoun School cns/pr thedrifters 310
release out on how Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives, Aberdeen
Central Library and Aberdeen Maritime Museum helped Annie Lennox
research her North-east roots for episode of "Who Do You Think You
Are?" on BBC1 next week cns/pr annielennox 3
release out about Dr George Stevenson commissioning and gifting a
bespoke oak table and chair to ACC for use in the Grant Room cns/pr GrantRoomTa
ble 310812.asp
release out about temporary traffic lights on Countesswells Road
release out about road closure of Flourmill Lane
approved release approved, prepared by organisers of the World Heavy
Oil Congress about the event
release drafted appealing for nominations for community council
elections as deadline approaches
Sunday Post - doing a ring around of all Scottish councils; asking if
Aberdeen City Council penalises drivers for passing on unexpired
parking tickets to fellow motorists. For example, if someone was
leaving a council-operated car park and handed an unexpired parking
ticket to a driver arriving in the same car park. Response - We do not
have a policy on the transfer of unexpired parking tickets. However,
parking tickets are non-transferable between parking areas. For
example, you could not buy a ticket designated for car park A and use
it in car park B.
EE - provided with info on Doors Open Day
EE - who pays for the Criminal Records Bureau checks for parent
volunteers at schools; is there a policy on this; if so, where can the
reporter find details? Response – checking
EE - Cllr Ross Thomson has issued a press release following his
successful motion from Tuesday's Housing and Environment
Committee calling for a report to be prepared looking at ways the
council could use its housing stock more efficiently and effectively;
seeking council comment. Response - Cllr Thomson's motion at
Housing and Environment committee on Tuesday was successfully
carried and a report on the issue, as requested, will be
brought before committee in due course. Supplied reporter with details
about the council's final draft local housing strategy, which was also
approved at Tuesday's meeting and maps out housing needs and
investment required in the city over the next five years.
P&J - Kevin Stewart MSP has written to ACC chief exec Valerie
Watts, asking the council to consider easing parking charges in the
West End; comment? Response - The Chief Executive will respond to
Mr Stewart's correspondence in due course. Guided reporter to existing
parking charge regime on ACC website.
EE - keen to do something on the various projects centred on the
Donmouth Local Nature Reserve; planning a before-and-after piece
about the work done by the various groups at the reserve. Response Countryside officer Ian Talboys and woodland community ranger
Stephen Bly are happy to speak to the reporter; meeting scheduled for
Tuesday at Donmouth.
not deal with anyone who does not give a business address; Just because a
telephone number has an 01224 dialling code does not necessarily mean that
they are from Aberdeen. Beware of companies that only use mobile phone or
0800 numbers; Check all contact details before agreeing to have any work done;
If you are at all unsure, say no. Anyone who seeks further advice can contact the
Trading Standards team via the Consumer Direct Advice line on 08454 040506.
EE - follow-up to above; has the council's Trading Standards team been contacted
about the Sheddocksley Drive cold callers? Response - No, Trading Standards
has not received any recent complaints specific to this area of the city. We would
urge anyone who believes they have been the target of a cold caller/bogus
workmen to contact Trading Standards immediately and they can rigorously
EE - a member of the public is complaining about the grass at Danestone Park;
apparently it is long in some areas and short in others; what is the council's policy
for maintaining this site? Response - There are different cuts at Danestone Park
so not all the grass is cut the same length. For example, the outer sections are
cut a mowers width to provide a path for dog walkers while a middle section is
cut out to act as play area for football and other sports. Some areas are cut less
frequently and left to grow naturally.
P&J - a member of the public has complained about state of the cemetery attached
to Peterculter Parish Church; apparently grass and weeds are overgrown.
Response - The council's team of ground staff work hard to maintain the city's
green spaces, which includes our cemeteries, but this has proved particularly
challenging this year due to the weather conditions. We are aware of some
issues at Peterculter and every effort is being made to address these.
Tues 04 September 2012
release out about temporary traffic lights on Corunna Road
release out appealing for nominations for this year's community council elections cns/pr community councils 04
release out about public/private sector project to install new bench at Pocra Quay
play area cns/pr beach bench 040912.a
release out about next in series of Europe Direct roadshows cns/pr europe direct 040912.a
release out about Community Festive Fund cns/pr FestiveFund
release out about St Nicholas House site being closed to pedestrians cns/pr StNixaccess
release drafted about temporary traffic lights on Hareness Road
EE - planning feature on the Aberdeen in the '70s photo exhibition at the Central
Library; requesting interview with organiser and photographs of the exhibition.
Response - interview arranged with Edith Wemyss (team librarian - local studies)
and agreed for photographer to go along for photos.
EE - an unnamed woman is allegedly suing the council after falling over at
Inchgarth Community Centre; seeking more details about this. Response Suggested reporter finds out more about this alleged incident. It would be difficult
to look into this without a name, time, date or exact nature of the incident.
EE - the Scottish Conservatives have issued a press release about the loss of
personal data from Scotland's local authorities; the press release lists the
number of times data has been lost and the number of people this data loss has
affected. This information is listed by local authority, but there are no numbers
against Aberdeen City Council; what does this mean? Response - Suggested
reporter contacts the Scottish Conservatives' press office direct as it was they
who requested the information and issued the press release.
EE - follow-up; the Scottish Conservative press office advises that they did not
receive a response from Aberdeen City Council; why? Response - It could be
that the response was delayed or the Scottish Conservatives chose to issue the
press release without having our response. Either way, it is for the Scottish
Conservatives to chase up the council's FOI team for a response.
P&J - preparing a preview piece on the David Cohen ceramics exhibition which
opens at the Art Gallery on Friday and requesting photographs for use with the
article. Response - images provided
Press Association - following-up story on BBC website about police investigating
incidents of someone defecating on the floor of Stonehaven library; seeking
council comment. Response - Advised reporter that Stonehaven is in
Aberdeenshire and suggested he speaks to Aberdeenshire Council's press
BBC - requesting copy of report - City of Aberdeen Hogmanay Celebrations - due
before Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee next week. Response pdf sent
EE - seeking comment on EP&I report about Hogmanay. Response - We do not
comment on reports prior to them being considered by committee.
Shetland Times - seeking information about a civil case involving ACC and a
Shetland firm. Response – checking
EE - is there a problem with the parking signs around Pittodrie? People are
complaining that the signs say no parking when there are events on at the
stadium, but people don't know when events are on. Apparently tickets issued
are being successfully appealed. Response – checking
quote from Licensing Board convener provided to Big Partnership for inclusion in
release about launch of Aberdeen City and Shire Licensed Trade
Association. Cllr Marie Boulton said: "I welcome the launch of the new
Aberdeen City and Shire Licensed Trade Association, which brings together
Aberdeen Excise Licensed Holders Association and Aberdeenshire, Banffshire
and Kincardineshire Licensed Trade Associations. Aberdeen City's Licensing
Board has enjoyed a long and successful working relationship with the licensed
trade in the city and we look forward to working with the new association to help
deliver a safe, welcoming and vibrant city centre as an essential component of a
successful local economy."
Weds 05 September 2012
release drafted about rescheduled Skene's Through The Centuries talk at Provost
Skene's House
release drafted about launch of new tenants' magazine, Tenant Matters
release drafted about council supporting West End Traders community litter pick
release out about partial road closure of Craigton Road
release out about ACC winning an award for the Trinity Group public/private sector
initiative and a commendation for the Aberdeen Local Development Plan at the
Scottish Quality in Planning Award cns/pr planningaward 060912.
photocall drafted on World’s first supermodel arrives in Aberdeen ahead of 50+
Festival appearance
release drafted on Iconic fashion figure hails Aberdeen's 50+ Festival
release drafted on Giant Python and Red Hot Chilli Pipers just some of the treats in
store at Duthie Park's Inter-generational Day
release drafted on Aberdeen care home seeks green fingered volunteers at Open
EE - seeking update on the East Tullos Burn consultation. Response - There's no
news meantime.
TES - seeking interview with newly-appointed director of Education, Culture and
Sport once she's in post. Response - We'll look at interview requests once the
director has settled into the post.
P&J - a planning application has been lodged for 73-79 Union Street; seeking
applicant and agent's details and confirmation that the application site is the Top
Shop building. Response - The applicant is Caffe Nero, of 3 Neal Street London.
The agent for the planning application is Miller Planning, PO Box 7632, Glasgow.
The application site is the building on the corner of Union Street and Market
Street occupied by Top Shop.
EE - how many gritters does ACC have; how is the winter maintenance budget
calculated; why is it lower this year than in previous years. Response - provided
a full list of the winter maintenance plant; the winter maintenance budget is
based on plant; labour; salt; depot costs; and bought-in services including
forecasting. Most of the plant is specialist plant which cannot be used year round,
but is used almost round the clock in winter in early morning, daytime and
overnight operations. The budget is the same as last year's budget was. Last
year more was spent than had been budgeted for and the extra cost was covered
by savings found elsewhere.
BBC - a parent of a pupil at Bucksburn Primary School has posted a Facebook
message about her son's education and educational needs; will the council be
saying anything about this? Response - We are aware of this matter and are
speaking to the school and the parent. We do not comment on an individual
child's education needs.
Thurs 06 Sept 2012
photocall out about fashion icon Twiggy arriving in Granite City to launch city's 50+
Festival - attended by BBC, STV, Daybreak, EE, P&J, Northsound, Northscot,
Newsline, PA, Scotsman and Daily Record
release out about EP&I report on twinning and international partnerships, focusing
on bid for funding for joint Aberdeen/Stavanger education project to fill future
skills gap in energy industry cns/pr twinningproject 060912.
release out about re-enactment at the Tolbooth of the magistrates inquiry into a riot
sparked by fears of body snatching cns/pr bodysnatchers 060912.
release out about temporary traffic lights on Hareness Road
EE - pointed out inaccuracies in story and editorial comment about winter
maintenance, including the assertion that ACC will "slash" its snow clearing
budget and the paper having the spend on winter maintenance in 2010/11 almost
£1million out; paper will publish letter from EP&I convener to redress damage.
EE - is there a problem with the parking signs around Pittodrie; people are
complaining that the signs say no parking when there are events on at the
stadium, but people don't know when events are on; apparently tickets issued are
being successfully appealed. Response - The parking restrictions around
Pittodrie have been in place for many years and work well to protect residents
from the area being parked up by those attending games.
freelancer - seeking interview with teacher heading the work between city and
Stavanger schools to fill the future skills gap in the energy sector. Response Will endeavour to arrange this once committee has considered the report.
P&J - interview with council leader and EP&I director about ACSEF bonds scheme
and embargoed release issued
Fri 07 September 2012
release out about council leader welcoming ACSEF's bonds plan for infrastructure
investment cns/pr bonds 070912.asp
release out about fashion icon Twiggy hailing 50+ Festival cns/pr twiggy 50+ 070912.asp
release out about lunchtime yarn about Richards textile mill cns/pr yarn spin a good tale
release out about increases in fees and allowances for carers in the city cns/pr foster carer fee increas
e 070912.asp
release published on ACC website about partnership City and Shire campaign 'If you can read between the lines, you can save lives' cns/pr choose life 070912.asp
release out about temporary traffic lights and traffic control in Milltimber while
Scottish Water carries out ironwork repairs
photocall issued/release drafted about new gritter drivers being trained for winter
maintenance operations cns/pr gritterTeam 100912.asp
release approved for issue by PR company about Hanover Street School pupil
winning a poster competition
release approved for issue by Aberdeenshire Council on behalf of both ACC and
Aberdeenshire Councils about the parade planned to celebrate local Olympians,
Paralympians, torch-bearers, volunteers and games-makers
EE - parents are complaining that a shortage of physics teachers at Bridge of Don
Academy is affecting their children's education; what is ACC doing about it?
Response - Teacher shortages do occur, often at very short notice. In these
circumstances, schools and the local authority work together, making every effort
to ensure pupils continue to receive appropriate access to the curriculum by
immediately advertising posts, re-timetabling classes and using support from
other schools. The Bridge of Don Academy post was immediately advertised but
we received no applicants and we continue working to fill the gap. In the
meantime we are striving to ensure all pupils who will be sitting exams during this
academic year are taught by other suitably qualified staff. There are no physics
specialists on the supply teacher register at present, but we are trying to find
someone suitable to fill the gap.
BBC - has ACC submitted a bid for Scottish Futures Trust funding for a new school
which could cover Torry, Kincorth, and Cove? Response - A bid has
been submitted with the Scottish Futures Trust for funding in principle for a
school in the south of the city. The application is at a very early stage and no
decisions have been made as yet. Any approval of SFT funding would only be in
principle, with further details to be developed at that time. Officers
from Education, Culture and Sport will attend Torry Academy Parent Council
Meeting next week to explain the application and answer questions.
Media Briefing- Mon 10 September 2012
release out about launch of forthcoming public engagement exercise on
future of primary and nursery school estates cns/pr school estate
release out about next in series of lunchtime talks at Provost Skene's
House cns/pr skene talk 10
release out about special Silver City Surfers session as part of 50+
Festival cns/pr silver surfers
release out about new drivers being trained to use winter maintenance
plant, including gritters cns/pr gritterTeam 1
release prepared by Aberdeenshire Council about joint city and shire
celebrations of Olympic and Paralympic achievements celebrations
published on ACC website cns/pr OlympicParad
e 100912.asp
release out about demolition work progressing at Bankhead Academy cns/pr Bankheaddem
olition 100912.asp
photo call held to introduce new gritter drivers, attended by STV, P&J,
EE, Northsound, Northscot
release drafted about city events programme 2013-14
release drafted about tall ships photo exhibition opening at Maritime
Museum on Saturday
P&J - is the story in the Evening Express today about the primary and
nursery school estates accurate; can we have a copy of the table the
EE used in the article; what are the exact arrangements for the public
engagement exercise; requesting interview with Charlie Penman.
Response - We have no issue with the Evening Express story; the
table used by the Evening Express is contained within the report Primary School Estates Review - that went before Education, Culture
and Sport on June 7 (sent reporter copy of report); above press release
provides details of the arrangements so far confirmed for the
engagement exercise and a quote from Charlie Penman, who is
unavailable for interview.
EE - someone has posted on Facebook that they stole a gavel from one
of the venues in the Doors Open Day event; did it belong to a council
building? Response - There were 36 buildings taking part in
Aberdeen's Doors Open Day; suggested reporter narrows it down a bit
or reports this matter to the police.
P&J - Friends of the Earth has issued a press release criticising Aberdeen
City Council for supporting/hosting the World Heavy Oil Congress this
week; FoE say it is "disgraceful that Aberdeen City Council is inviting
the international oil and gas industry to Scotland to plan for further
extraction of tar sands". Response - The Congress chose to hold its
2012 event here as Aberdeen is a global energy city and a centre of
excellence in energy technology development. The local industry
demonstrates an extremely strong track record not just in technology
development, but also in health and safety and environmental
responsibility. Aberdeen companies are therefore well placed to export
their expertise and best practice in these and other areas to emerging
energy provinces and sectors. The City Council supports the
positioning of Aberdeen as a first-class destination in which to live,
work and invest. The City Council also provides support services to
businesses to help create the conditions for sustainable economic
growth in Aberdeen. Part of this work involves bringing major
conferences and events to the city. It is anticipated that this four-day
event will bring around 1000 delegates to the City, benefiting local
hospitality and retail businesses.
Commercial Property Register - requesting images of the city centre for
feature on Aberdeen. Response – checking
Original FM - why is ACC making a profit out of music tuition, as claimed
by the EIS? Response - The claim that Aberdeen City Council profits
from music tuition is simply incorrect. Aberdeen City Council has not
and does not make a profit from providing music tuition to pupils. The
full year cost, which is reflected in the net budget for 2012/13, has
gross expenditure of £1,317,000 and income of £534,000 (including
fees and other support), showing a net cost to the Education, Culture
and Sport service of £783,000."
STV - same; story dropped
Northsound – same
BBC - same; corrected story published on local and national news pages
EE - pointed out that their story about music tuition fees is wrong and
provided above comment. Story pulled for final edition and planning to
run a fresh, correct story tomorrow.
PA - asked for a correction to be issued about the incorrect music tuition
fee story, which states that ACC makes a profit from music tuition.
Response - Corrected story issued by PA to all media.
BBC Call Kaye - seeking ACC representative to appear on the show
tomorrow morning to talk about music tuition charges and why ACC
makes a profit. Response - Declined and pointed out the true situation,
providing relevant figures.
BBC - does ACC charge pupils to sit their Standard Grade and Higher
music exams? The EIS says you do. Response - No, we don't.
Tues 11 September 2012
release out about Have a Word with the Wardens event in Northfield cns/pr wardensmeet
release out about the Children and Young People's Services Awards cns/pr childrensaward
s 110912.asp
release out about City Events Programme 2013-14 being approved cns/pr cityeventsprog
ramme 110912.asp
release out about EP&I committee approving grants from the
International Twinning Budget cns/pr EPITwinning 1
release out about EP&I committee instructing a further report on funding
for Hogmanay celebrations cns/pr Hogmanay 11
BBC - seeking ACC comment about the future development of the
AECC. Response: Aberdeen City Council is engaged in a
procurement exercise to appoint a developer partner for the Aberdeen
Exhibition and Conference Centre and surrounding site development.
Aberdeen City Council is responsible for any proposed redevelopment
of the facilities and buildings at the AECC site. Aberdeen City Council
will decide how the AECC will be developed to ensure the venue's
ongoing success as an events and conference centre, in consultation
with the AECC board.
P&J - how much has ACC spent in each of the last two years in deploying
security to "protect" the council's parks and open spaces from
Traveller encampments to ensure city events are not disrupted?
Response – checking
Freelancer - seeking list of winners of the Children and Young People's
Services Awards. Response - Embargoed list provided on the strict
understanding that none of the winners are approached until the
winners have been announced and that no stories about them are
published until that time.
P&J - seeking interview with EP&I director and council leader about
possibility of an Aberdeen Airport rail link. Response – arranged
EE - did ACC know the solar panels planned for Marischal College from
Trina Solar are linked to an EU investigation into cut-price Chinese
parts; how this will affect plans; will officers be seeking a different
supplier; are Trina Solar the main supplier for the council; how many of
their panels are the council looking to use and on which buildings; what
is the approximate spend planned for these panels; how does this
affect the council's overall solar strategy; will there be delays/ cost
implications? Response - Aberdeen City Council has not spend any
capital on the installation of the solar panels. As far the Council is
concerned, the Mark Group, installers of the solar panels have
complied with Microgeneration Certification Scheme. Referred reporter
to the Mark Group with any further queries.
P&J - a tenant in Logie Avenue who complained about the state of his
kitchen and bathroom is now complaining that he has been asked to
move into temporary accommodation while the necessary upgrades
take place. Response - We believe the work to upgrade the
kitchen/bathroom facilities would take around three days and arranged
for a contractor to start work on Wednesday. The tenant rejected this
proposal. We have said that we would temporarily house his family and
pets in alternative accommodation for five days, however, that too has
been rejected as he does not want to move his pet bird. We advised
we would seal off an area of the house for his bird and work around it.
This suggestion has also been rejected by the tenant. The tenant has
advised that he does not want people working in his house when he is
not there. We agreed to stagger the work to suit him but this
suggestion was also rejected. We are now continuing discussions with
the tenant to find a way forward.
P&J - the Care Inspectorate has reported improvements at Eastleigh
nursing home, Peterculter. This follows a negative report earlier this
year which led to Aberdeen City Council halting new admissions to the
home. Has the council lifted this halt in light of the developments?
Response - We are fully aware of the progress that has been made at
Eastleigh and have been working closely with the care provider and the
Care Inspectorate in recent months. Discussions are ongoing with a
view to lifting the embargo on placements in due course.
Press Association - what time does the 50+ Festival 10th Anniversary
Concert at the Music Hall begin tomorrow? Response - Doors open at
Commercial Property Register - requesting images of the city centre for
feature on Aberdeen. Response – provided
Project Scotland - seeking image of council leader. Response – provided
provided the following quotes to all media about the Queen's visit to
Aberdeen and Marischal College - Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeen City
George Adam said: "I and everyone in Aberdeen will be delighted and
honoured to welcome Her Majesty to the city to visit the magnificent
Marischal College and the University of Aberdeen's impressive new
library building. Marischal College was opened in 1906 by her greatgrandfather and it is very fitting that Her Majesty will visit the newly
regenerated building 106 years on in this, her Diamond Jubilee year."
Professor Ian Diamond, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University
of Aberdeen, said: “The University of Aberdeen is delighted to confirm
that HM The Queen will formally open the new University library during
a day of celebration on Monday 24 September. This will be a wonderful
occasion for our staff, students, and our local communities, and we will
be welcoming friends, supporters and alumni of the University from
around the world.”
Weds 12 September 2012
release issued about opening of tall ships photo exhibition at Maritime
Museum on Saturday cns/pr tallshipsexpo
release drafted with University of Aberdeen about Queen's visit later this
release drafted about traffic restrictions during the Olympic/Paralympic
celebration parade
P&J - can ACC change the speed limit on the C128C without reference
to any other body; when will the speed limit be changed; what's been
done to prevent accidents on the stretch of road between the
Kingswells roundabout and the section north of Cults where there's a
40mph limit; how many accidents have there been on that stretch in the
last year? Response - Yes. As local roads authority, we have the right
to control speed limits on our roads. The proposed speed limit change
on the C128C between the A944 Kingswells roundabout junction and
the existing 40mph limit north of Cults will now go through the full traffic
regulation order process, including a consultation process. This is
expected to take about nine months. There have been no accidents
recorded on that stretch of road in the past 12 months, following the
implementation of traffic engineering measures including the
installation of advisory signs, including electronic signs, and retexturing
the road surface.
Daybreak - can we go to the Children and Young People's Services
Awards tonight and can we get a list of the winners? Response - Yes
and embargoed list of winners provided.
EE – same
EE - has learned of a situation in Aberdeenshire where a teacher has
moved straight from one school over the summer break to another, but
has been unable to teach on his own so far this term without someone
else sitting in because there's been a delay in processing his PVG
check. Are there any similar problems in ACC schools? Response – no
EE - how much is the fine for illegally parking in a disabled bay; how
many people have been fined for this in the past 12 months; will there
now be a new enforcement squad; and is it safe to say there's going to
be a policy for dealing purely with green badge misuse; seeking
comment on the EP&I committee decision yesterday to instruct officers
to investigate permit misuse. Response - The fine for parking in a
disabled bay, if you don't have a green/blue badge, is £60, discounted
to £30 if you pay within 14 days. It's a standard parking ticket. We are
unable to give a figure for the number of penalty charge notices issued
this year specifically to folk who've illegally parked in disabled bays
because the information isn't recorded that way. We'd have to go
through every single ticket issued to get that information and that would
be an enormous task. There's no suggestion that an "enforcement
squad" would be created. The report states that there is a need to
develop a policy for dealing with the misuse of all parking permits in the
city, including residents' permits, contractors' permits, business permits
and blue badges. Referred reporter to committee convener for a
comment on the committee decision, and referred him to paragraphs
one, three, four and five on the second page of the Permit Misuse
Policy report for an explanation of why a policy is needed.
freelancer - an FOI response received last year stated that 35 primary
schools use/have access to wifi, but a response to a subsequent
inquiry this year states that only 16 primaries use/have access to
wifi; is one of the responses wrong; if they're both correct, why has
there been such a drop in the number of primary schools with wifi?
Response – checking
educational resources for teachers planning trips to the Maritime
Museum. Arranged for copies to be sent to the Press and Journal.
Daybreak Scotland - what are the arrangements for the media for the
Queen's visit to Marischal College? Response - Details will be
released in due course.
Daybreak Scotland - what is happening with the Wallace Tower?
Response - The Wallace Tower continues to be offered for long-term
lease by Aberdeen City Council. Organisations are being invited to
express an interest in leasing the building and we will continue to
consider notes of interests until we find a suitable tenant.
EE - provided with full details of imminent bus service changes (timetable
+ change of operator from First to Stagecoach) Services 5 and 6
Thurs 13 September 2012
release out about Royal Society of Edinburgh Young Academy
visiting Aberdeen as part of recruitment drive cns/pr young acade
my 130912.asp
release out about traffic restrictions during Olympic/Paralympic
celebration parade cns/pr OlympicParad
eTraffic 130912.asp
release drafted about road closure of Contlaw Brae
release drafted about road closure of Broad Street
release drafted about road closure of the Pitmedden road
release drafted about operational changes planned for traffic signals on
Market Street
release drafted about council's Trading Standards team warning of cold
call scam operating in Aberdeen
Original FM - seeking interview with council quality improvement officer
and RSE Young Academy member
. Response agreed and arranged
EE - a member of the public has contacted the paper to say he has
cleared rubbish and waste, including excrement, left behind by
Gypsy/Travellers at the former One Sport car park on Balgownie
Road; who owns this land; what is the council's policy on flytipping;
would this incident present an environmental health issue? Response This land is in private ownership so its upkeep is not the responsibility
of the council. The council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer was aware
of this encampment and had been in regular contact with the agent of
the landowner. If the council is made aware of flytipping on private
property and nobody takes responsibility for its removal the council can
remove it and bill the cost of removal to the private landowner. The
council's Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer did raise concerns to the
Travellers at Balgownie Road that some of their activities could present
an environmental health issue and the council could choose to take
action as required. It never came to this, however, as the group moved
Fifth Ring - seeking quote from Lord Provost for inclusion in a press
release about the success of the World Heavy Oil Congress.
Response - Lord Provost of Aberdeen George Adam said: "The World
Heavy Oil Congress has been an interesting and very busy event,
which has brought hundreds of delegates from all over the world into
Aberdeen. It has provided a fantastic opportunity to show off the
energy industry skills and expertise we have in Aberdeen and the
North-east. The WHOC has also allowed those involved in the industry
to network and discuss future business opportunities, which can only
be good for the city."
Local Transport Today - was the Speed Limit Review report agreed by
the EP&I committee; is it correct that 50% of city's residential areas are
covered by a 20mph limit? Response - The report on speed limit
reviews was unanimously agreed by the Enterprise, Planning and
Infrastructure Committee when it met on Tuesday. The 50% coverage
quoted in the conclusions of the committee report included the 20's
Plenty coverage. A rough estimate is that 30% of the city is covered by
mandatory 20 mph limits and the committee has requested that we
consider the conversion of the existing 20's Plenty schemes to
mandatory 20 mph.
EE - can the council now go and immediately change the speed limit on
the Cults back road to Kingswells; when will the speed limit be
reduced? Response - As local roads authority, we have the right to
control speed limits on our roads. The proposed speed limit change on
the C128C between the A944 Kingswells roundabout junction and the
existing 40mph limit north of Cults will now go through the full traffic
regulation order process, including a consultation process. This is
expected to take about nine months.
STV - seeking interview with officer involved in the 100 Doric Words
project for online article. Response - Arranged for Alison Black in Arts
Development to speak to the reporter, and provided the following
information: The 100 Words Project will engage with primary pupils
attending Gilcomston Primary School’s Gaelic Unit and adults
interested in Doric language attending workshops held at Rosemount
Community Centre. The children will work with an artist and a Gaelic
language specialist while the adults will work alongside a Doric
language specialist and artist to compile a lists of their favourite 100
Gaelic and Doric Words. The stimulus for the groups will be
Aberdeen’s Vibrant Cultural Heritage past, present and future.
Once the groups are happy with their 100 Words they will be brought
together to create artworks to share with wider communities in
Aberdeen. A launch event will be held at Aberdeen Arts Centre on
Sunday 24 March 2013 to celebrate Aberdeens' vibrant cultural
heritage, past, present and future through an exhibition of the artwork
and entertainment celebrating the City’s indigenous languages. You
can take part by tweeting your favourite words to @100wordsABDN
For more information call the Arts Development team on 01224 814740
or email
Fri 14 September 2012
release out about Queen's visit to Marischal College University of
Aberdeen on 24 Sept cns/pr queenmarisc
release out about council's Trading Standards team warning of cold call
scam operating in Aberdeen cns/pr cold callers 1
note out about Accommodation Road re-opening following flood damage
release drafted about Bucksburn Academy holding cycling roadshow on
Holyrood magazine - interview with council leader for feature on personal
background, original motivations for entering politics, and short to
medium-term priorities for Aberdeen
EE - can we speak to a victim of the cold caller scam? Response Trading Standards attempted to contact a number of victims and they
either declined publicity or were not available.
Northsound - seeking interview with Trading Standards team leader
Graeme Paton about the cold caller scam. Response - agreed and
P&J - same and seeking photograph of Graeme Paton. Response agreed and arranged
P&J - asking the media team to put a formal a request to the head teacher
of Ferryhill Primary School, asking if the pupil involved in the incident
at Stonehaven Open Air Pool would be willing, along with his parents,
to be interviewed for the paper. Response - The head teacher spoke to
the father of the pupil who declined the interview request.
EE - information received under FOI shows that there is one animal in
Aberdeen registered under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act - a
western diamond back rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) kept by a resident in
the George Street/Harbour ward. Seeking line about council's policy on
the keeping of dangerous animals; is this animal monitored by the
council; are its owner's neighbours notified of its presence? Response Anyone wishing to keep a dangerous animal will require to have a
licence. Aberdeen City Council endeavours to ensure that only
competent individuals are granted a licence and that current best
practice is used in assessing the acceptability of welfare standards and
licensed premises. The conditions attached to dangerous animal
ownership were developed with veterinary advice where necessary and
there is no legislative requirement to inform neighbours of a dangerous
animal living nearby. Aberdeen City Council's Animal Policy can be
viewed at
EE - how many times has the Safer Aberdeen mobile app been
downloaded? Response – checking
EE - what are the arrangements for this year's beach fireworks display?
Response visitor attractions/economic p
romotion city events/eve fireworks.asp
Scotsman - do taxi drivers in Aberdeen have to adhere to a dress code?
Response - The conditions applicable to taxi drivers' licences require
that "the driver of a taxi whilst so acting must at all times be strictly
sober, clean and tidy in his person and clothing, shall conduct himself
in a proper and civil manner and shall not smoke". The conditions also
require them to wear their ID badge visibly at all times.
Scottish Sun - requesting details about this weekend's homecoming
parade for north-east Olympians and Paralympians. Response forwarded copy of press release
Northsound, Original, P&J and RGU Radio - interviews arranged with Lord
Provost to talk about Sunday's Olympic/Paralympic celebration
Frank Gilfeather - how many children in Aberdeen get free music
lessons? Response - 692 who get free music lessons through the
Scottish Government-funded Youth Music Initiative and 192 who get
free lessons because they are exempt (on account of being entitled to
free school meals, etc).
P&J - following up an FOI response on Community Payback Orders and
seeking comment about Aberdeen's performance. Response Community Payback Orders were introduced in February 2011 and
applied to people who committed offences after that date. Aberdeen
City Council's criminal justice social work service has supervised 726
CPOs in that time. Sixty-nine orders were breached and 11 revoked
and the offender jailed. The rest are ongoing. In addition to supervising
Community Payback Orders, the criminal justice social work team is
responsible for supervising a range of orders, including probation,
community service and supervised attendance orders. Last year,
53,000 hours of unpaid work were completed in the community, across
all types of orders, under the team's supervision. While people are
supported to attend community service and community payback
orders, they are also rigorously monitored and followed-up on for nonattendance or non-compliance. Those who fail to attend or comply will
face breach proceedings and it is up to the courts to decide how to deal
with them. We have a text messaging system which can be used to
remind those subject to orders to turn up. We have a statutory
obligation to supervise orders in accordance with the National
Outcomes and Standards for Social Work Services in the Criminal
Justice System.
EE - pupils from Kincorth and St Machar Academy will be going on a trip
to Auschwitz next month; can we get a boy and a girl, one from each
school, to write an article of about 300 words reflecting on their
experience? Response – checking
EE - seeking photos of a Seaton Backies consultation event taken at
Seaton School this week. Response - arranged for images to be sent
to the paper
provided quote on behalf of the Lord Provost for a joint city and shire press
release about the Olympic/Paralympic celebration event on Sunday.
Lord Provost of Aberdeen George Adam said: "North-east athletes
have really done Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire proud this summer,
regardless of whether or not they brought home medals, and Sunday's
event is a great way to publicly recognise their achievements and those
of our army of Torch bearers, volunteers and games makers.
"Thousands of people took to the streets to cheer on the Olympic Torch
Relay when it passed through the area and I hope that as many of you
as possible turn out again to show just how proud we are of what has
been achieved.
"I look forward to welcoming the athletes and others involved with the
Games on Sunday and to seeing the people of Aberdeen and
Aberdeenshire giving them a very warm reception."
Northsound - we want to cover the Olympic/Paralympic celebration
parade; can we put a van into the parade to broadcast live? Response
- Yes, but you cannot be in front of the athletes, volunteers, torchbearers or games-makers. The order will strictly be: pipe band; bus;
torch-bearers, volunteers and games makers; Northsound van; police
van; council van.
Media Briefing – Mon 17 September 2012
release out about work to re-align disabled parking bays cns/pr DisabledSpace
s 170412.asp
release out about Getabout at the beach event cns/pr beachgetabout
release out about Aberdeen trees photographic competition cns/pr Aberdeentrees
release out about Bucksburn Academy holding cycling roadshow
tomorrow cns/pr cycling roadsh
ow 170912.asp
release out about council hosting Zero Waste from Business seminar on
Wednesday cns/pr waste seminar
release drafted about road closure of Friarsfield Road
release drafted on art classes available on offer at Aberdeen Art Gallery &
Museums in partnership with other arts organisations
release drafted about arrangements in place during Royal visit next week
Deadline News - seeking comment about a city resident keeping a
rattlesnake. Response - Anyone wishing to keep a dangerous animal
will require to have a licence. Aberdeen City Council endeavours to
ensure that only competent individuals are granted a licence and that
current best practice is used in assessing the acceptability of welfare
standards and licensed premises. The conditions attached to
dangerous animal ownership were developed with veterinary advice
where necessary and there is no legislative requirement to inform
neighbours of a dangerous animal living nearby. Aberdeen City
Council's Animal Policy can be viewed at
BBC radio - would someone be able to talk on the western diamond back
rattlesnake being kept by an Aberdeen resident under the Dangerous
Wild Animal Act? Response - declined offer of interview but provided
following statement: Anyone wishing to keep a dangerous animal will
require to have a licence. Aberdeen City Council endeavours to ensure
that only competent individuals are granted a licence and that current
best practice is used in assessing the acceptability of welfare
standards and licensed premises. The conditions attached to
dangerous animal ownership were developed with veterinary advice
where necessary and there is no legislative requirement to inform
neighbours of a dangerous animal living nearby. Aberdeen City
Council's Animal Policy can be viewed at
EE - how many times has the Safer Aberdeen mobile app been
downloaded? Response - 355 times on the iOS and checking Android
STV - will the council be taking part in Twitter 24, an event which aims to
give residents an insight into a typical 24 hours at a Scottish local
authority. Response - We have no plans to just now.
EE - pupils from Kincorth and St Machar Academy will be going on a trip
to Auschwitz next month; can we get a boy and a girl, one from each
school, to write an article of about 300 words reflecting on their
experience? Response – agreed
ITV Daybreak - can we film the disabled parking bays realignment work?
Response – checking
P&J - when is the disabled parking bay realignment work going to start?
Response - Tomorrow, weather permitting, in the Bridge of Don and
Denmore areas.
P&J - has had sight of an email which states that £1.5- £2.5m worth of
work to address structural issues would be needed on the Union
Terrace Gardens toilets if they were to be reopened. Seeking
confirmation and details of work required. Response - The figure given
is an estimate based on a historic report. If plans were made for the
required work to go ahead more finite costs would be established.
Significant amounts of work would be required to bring the toilets back
into use, including work to address water ingress and to waterproof the
roofs. This would require road closures and the footpath above the
toilets to be lifted to expose the entire roof structure. Some demolition
work would be required. Work to address corrosion to steel structures
and rot to wooden battens, caused by the water ingress, would also be
needed. Specialist trade and construction disciplines would be
P&J - can we get into the Union Terrace Garden toilets to take some
pictures? Response – no
BBC Scotland - have the organisers of Saturday's public protest outside
Marischal College got permission for a public procession in the city?
Response - No application has been received for a public procession in
the city centre this Saturday.
Evening Express - does the Licensing Board receive recommendations for
applications, for instance the applications to vary premises licences to
adult entertainment at Rileys and Shooters? Response - No, the
Licensing Board does not receive recommendations for each applicant.
The Board makes the decision it deems fit within the parameters of
Scottish Licensing Laws and policies operated by the Council.
EE - according to Donside Football Club they signed an agreement with
Aberdeen City Council around three years ago to use the land at St
Fittick's; the club claims it can't apply for funding because they are
unable to prove that this agreement is in place; reporter is looking for
confirmation and council comment. Response – checking
BBC Scotland – same
P&J - a woman in Cults has contacted the paper to say she is fed up with
her neighbour who has acquired a pet sheep and keeps it in her back
garden. Apparently the sheep, which lives in a Wendy House, makes a
lot of noise and defecates all over the pavements. The complainer has
also raised concerns about the woman's title deed which allegedly
states no livestock should be kept. There are also claims that the
sheep is being made to wear underpants. Response - Officers from
Environmental Health visited this property and found no issues. They
did not see any evidence of the sheep fouling on the pavement and
apparently it has not been wearing underpants. Our officers advised
the complainer that the complainer has recourse to raise a civil action
in a District Court under Section 49 of the Civic Government (Scotland)
Act 1982, and that this will have no financial cost to them. The welfare
of the sheep has been checked by a SSPCA officer. While the SSPCA
officer did not think it a particularly good idea to have a sheep in this
environment, the animal appeared to be well cared for. The SSPCA
officer advised that he would be taking no further action just now,
however, it is a requirement for the animal to be properly tagged and to
have the correct documentation.
Tues 18 September 2012
release out about Aberdeen’s 50+ Festival attracting thousands to 10th
anniversary celebrations cns/pr 50+ roundup
release out about deadline approaching for nominations for Community
Council elections cns/pr community co
uncils 180912.asp
release out about temporary traffic lights on Riverside Terrace during
utilities works
release drafted about road closure and alternative arrangements for
council services during Royal visit on Monday
release drafted about broadband bid
release and photo call drafted for city wardens at Cults, Bieldside and
Milltimber Community Council bell-checking/fitting event
Sunday Post - how many active burial sites is Aberdeen City
Council responsible for; do we block advance purchase of lairs in
burial sites; if yes, which ones and when was this implemented?
Response - Aberdeen City Council is responsible for 17 cemeteries in
Aberdeen; we block advance purchase of graves in Hazlehead
Cemetery and Newhills Cemetery; this was implemented in June 2000.
EE - received information that we have branded our refuse lorries with
the Recycle for Scotland logo replacing the Recycle for Aberdeen logo;
is this case; why and at what cost? Response - Our Waste
Aware and marketing teams have advised that the most recent
change in refuse vehicle livery took place in early 2012 and all vehicles
included in this rebranding were fitted with the 'Recycle for Aberdeen'
and 'Aberdeen City Council' logos. No one is aware about vehicles
being branded with 'Recycle for Scotland' or any similar variation.
P&J - has a closing date been set yet for the Pinewood/Hazledene site?
Response - Yes it has. The closing date is 9 October.
BBC - seeking comment on claims that it could cost £2.5million to bring
the Union Terrace Gardens toilets back into use. Response - The
figure given is an estimate based on a historic report. If plans were
made for the required work to go ahead more finite costs would be
established. Significant amounts of work would be required to bring
the toilets back into use, including work to address water ingress and to
waterproof the roofs. This would require road closures and the footpath
above the toilets to be lifted to expose the roof structure. Some
demolition work would be required. Work to address corrosion to steel
structures and rot to wooden battens, caused by the water ingress,
would also be needed. Specialist trade and construction disciplines
would be required.
BBC Scotland - what was the Licensing Board's decision regarding the
application for variation of a premises licence at Shooters on Chapel
Street? Response - The application was refused on grounds of
potential harm to children. Suggested reporter contact chair of the
licensing board if they sought further information.
P&J – same
Alloa Advertiser - a man who worked as a service manager with social
care and wellbeing at Clackmananshire Council died suddenly last
Wednesday; apparently
was due to take up a similar role at
ACC; can you confirm whether he was due to start at ACC and whether
you will be saying anything about his untimely death? Response - We
won't be commenting. It would be inappropriate to do so regardless
whether or not
was set to join ACC.
Northsound - can the council confirm that the results of a review into the
death of baby
is due out soon? Response - The
review has been headed up by Howard Llewellyn, the chief officer of
Tayside community justice authority, and he has been reporting to the
North East of Scotland Child Protection Committee so suggested
contacting the committee directly.
Newsline - wanting a copy of the council's response to the P&J inquiry
yesterday about the suggested repair costs for Union Terrace
Gardens toilets. Response - copy provided
P&J - asking for statement on 'Roles and Responsibilities' report going to
Audit and Risk Committee next week. Response - The report to be
considered by the Audit and Risk Committee next week recognises that
sustained and significant progress has been made over the past few
years to improve the governance of Aberdeen City Council. Working
relationships between officers and elected members are generally
positive and constructive, as the report states - but as in all large and
complex organisations, there is always room for improvement. The
very fact that the City Council commissioned this report demonstrates a
clear recognition of the need to make further progress. Officers and
elected members are committed to continue to work constructively
together to ensure we remain focused on providing the best possible
services for our citizens.
Weds 19 September 2012
release out about ACC's bid to the Super Connected Cities fund cns/pr broadband bid
release and photo call out about city wardens teaming up with Cults,
Milltimber and Bieldside to fit free bells to bikes on the old Deeside
Railway Line cns/pr broadband bid
release out about arrangements for Royal visit on Monday cns/pr Royal arrange
ments 190912.asp
release drafted about autumn events planned for primary school children
at Duthie Park
release drafted on illustrated talk on unexpected archaeological
discoveries in Aberdeen over the last 30 years being held at Provost
Skene's House next week
release drafted about council staff taking part in corporate litter pick with
staff from Mitie
EE - is a planning application for the old Mile End School due to be
considered in a couple of weeks? We've been told a few folk are
interested in buying the site. Is that right? Response - The council has
just concluded missives with a preferred purchaser, subject to planning
consent. A planning application has been submitted and will be
considered in due course. Referred reporter to the web page which
gives details of the application.
provided following quote from EP&I convener for use in press release to
be issued by charity CarPlus about rapid growth of car clubs. Council
leader and convener of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure
committee Barney Crockett said: "The Aberdeen car club has been a
huge success and proven very popular with both public and private
sector employees, as well as citizens. The council has benefited from
the Commonwheels club since its launch, but I am very pleased to
see that others are benefiting from it too and the club is continuing to
EE - various basic queries about the bid for Super Connected Cities
Funding. Response - all answered
STV - Aberdeenshire Council has revealed that 50 Shades of Grey by E L
James is the most reserved book in the local authority's libraries; what
is the most reserved book in Aberdeen City Council's libraries and how
many reservations are there currently? Response - A Wanted Man by
Lee Child. There are currently 22 reservations on it.
P&J - how many tonnes of waste are processed in Aberdeen annually?
Response - In 2011/2012, Aberdeen City Council collected 98,982
tonnes of household waste (this includes residual waste, recycling and
composting) of which 14,952 tonnes were composted and 20,055
tonnes were reused/recycled.
P&J - are any events/visits planned between Aberdeen and its twin city
Bulawayo in Zimbabwe? Response - Nothing scheduled at the moment
but suggested reporter contacts Grampian Fire and Rescue Service's
media officer and asks to speak to officer
who leads the
local group for the Aberdeen/Bulawayo partnership.
BBC – same
Scotsman - asking for statement provided yesterday to P&J (see last
night's Media Briefing) on 'Roles and Responsibilities' report going to
Audit and Risk Committee next week. Response - statement provided
STV – same
BBC – same
EE – same
Newsline – same
Original 106 - same + request for interview with Chief Executive.
Response - ACC does not, as a general rule, offer interview
opportunities on reports prior to them being considered by committee.
The report, however, is a public document and will be considered in
open session by the committee next Tuesday.
Northsound - same + same interview request. Response - as above
P&J - the Olympic Torch Relay and Evening Celebration cost ACC
£86,196; does ACC consider it money well spent? Response - Leader
of Aberdeen City Council Councillor Barney Crockett said: "The
Olympic Torch Relay and Celebration Evening was an outstanding
success for the City of Aberdeen. I think the people of Aberdeen were
inspirational and embraced the opportunity to play their part in a
truly International event. Predictions of traffic problems were
avoided thanks to the support of the city's residents and their desire to
take part in a successful Olympic experience. I am proud that the City
Council played a full part, working with public and private sector
partners, to deliver such a wonderful occasion for everyone in the city."
EE – same
P&J - what did the Council agree in June in relation to Remploy? (Query
follows a letter from Kevin Stewart and Mark McDonald MSP to Chief
Executive Valerie Watts and Council Leader Barney Crockett calling for
the use of Common Good Funding to buy the factory). Response - The
amended motion 9b reads: “Council instructs the director of Enterprise,
Planning and Infrastructure to enter into discussions with Remploy
Aberdeen over what assistance the council may be able to offer,
including purchase and lease back of their building on St Machar Road
to ensure that the business can continue to operate.” (Reporter
indicated he had no wish to pursue the story)
Thurs 20 September 2012
release out about Aberdeen Sports Village planning application cns/pr SportsVillageP
lans 200912.asp
release out about Aberdeen Snowsports Centre planning application cns/pr skirun 200912
release to be issued this evening on committee decision today on library
service new ways of working
release to be issue this evening on committee decision today on progress
with community centre leasing arrangements
release out about one-way system on Maberly Street
release out about width restrictions on Stronsay Drive and Stronsay
release out about ACC employee Jane Forbes being named on of the
UK’s top 10 candidates for membership of the Royal Town Planning
Institute cns/pr Jane RTPI 20
P&J - seeking interview with and pictures of Jane Forbes. Response photo provided and interview agreed
P&J - was Aberdeen in the running for a share of the UK Govt's initial
£114million superfast broadband funding? Response - No. Note then
sent to all newsdesks after EE changed its first edition story on
Aberdeen's new broadband bid for a share of the second round of
funding and ran in its place an inaccurate rewrite + editorial in the final
edition, stating that Aberdeen had "lost out" on a bid for broadband
funding. Advised newsdesks that Aberdeen was not and never had
been in the running for the £114million pot of superfast broadband
funding, had not submitted a bid for a share, and had therefore not "lost
out"; advised also that the list of cities who did win in that funding round
has been public knowledge and widely reported more than six months
ago and repeatedly since; and that Aberdeen was in fact bidding for a
share of a second £50million pot; secured a correction in tomorrow's
P&J - the North East of Scotland Child Protection Committee will be
publishing a report into the death of
tomorrow at
10am; does anyone at the Council have a copy of the report we could
see before it's published? Response - No. Even if we were in
possession of the report we do not distribute other organisation's
documents ahead of them being made publically available.
Fri 21 September 2012
reminder release out about road/customer service arrangements for
Monday's royal visit
release drafted about new newsletter for council tenants, titled Tenant
release drafted about reduced service in housing application department
during implementation of new housing allocation policy
release drafted on Olympian swimmer David Carry to visit Kingswells
School and talk to the children about his Olympics experience
EE - requesting interview with City Wardens Ian Brown or
about youth football tournament they are organising. Response agreed and arranged with Ian Brown
EE - requesting interview with officer about the various environmental
projects taking place at Donmouth Local Nature Reserve. Response
- checking with countryside officer Ian Talboys and woodlands
community ranger Stephen Bly.
EE - an Aberdeen woman's pet cocker spaniel required stitches after it
was allegedly attacked in a park by a Staffordshire terrier near
Montgomery Road; she reported the matter to ACC; what is being done
about it? Response - An incident involving a dog on dog attack near
Montgomery Road has been reported to the Council's Environmental
Health Team. The Council's dog wardens are looking into the matter
and will take any appropriate action following the outcome of their
EE - an application has been lodged for the demolition of Leadside Hall;
can you give any further details or a timescale for any demolition.
Response – Not at this stage. An application in relation to Leadside
Hall has been lodged. A report is expected to go to the Development
Management Sub-Committee in due course.
EE - a report to go before Corporate Policy and Performance reveals
discrepancies between directorates over average absence rates; will
the Council comment on why this is and what is being done to promote
healthier lifestyles amongst staff? Response - We do not comment on
individual reports before they go before committee. The report will be
discussed publically by elected members at the meeting.
EE - can you help us locate a press release recently issued about
wardens, community councils and bells? Response - sent link to
press release issued earlier in the week cns/pr ringyourbell 1
EE - can we speak to the entrants of the 'Snapping Aberdeen’s favourite
trees' contest? Response - Officers at ACC and Forestry Commission
behind the project were unavailable today; will check again on Monday.
STV - the North East of Scotland Child Protection Committee will be
published a report into the death of
today; will the
Council be commenting? Response - No. Only health were involved in
the case and subject to the report's findings. Suggested reporter
contact NHSG.
Northsound – same
EE – same
Newsline - is the council holding a briefing on the report into the death of
? Response - An executive summary will be
released at 10am - along with a short progress report from NHS
Grampian. Suggested reporter contacted NHSG as the health service
was the only agency involved/subject of this report.
Media Briefing – Mon 24 September 2012
release out about drop-in session for Hazlehead Park's bid to become a
Climate Change Park cns/pr climate park
release out about community litter pick at Torry Battery tomorrow cns/pr litter pick 240
Original FM - requesting interview with officer about Hazlehead Park's bid
to become a Climate Change Park. Response - agreed and arranged
Newsline - string of detailed questions regarding fire at Walker Road
property regarding its tenancy and security. Response - We can
confirm that 62 Walker Road is an Aberdeen City Council property and
that we are assisting police with their enquiries. We won't be adding to
P&J - a report from the Scottish Government's equal opportunities
committee has criticised all Scottish Councils over their treatment of
Gypsy/Travellers and the standard of halting sites provided for them;
comment? Response - The Council recognises Gypsy Travellers as a
marginalised, vulnerable group who historically have experienced
discrimination and disadvantage, and so we seek to balance the needs
of the Gypsy Travellers with those of the local settled community and
businesses. At present there is one official Gypsy Traveller site in
Aberdeen located at Clinterty, near the border with Aberdeenshire,
which provides 21 pitches in total and has become increasingly
popular with the Gypsy Traveller community. At present it is operating
at full capacity with a lengthy waiting list of families who have indicated
a desire to stay at Clinterty. There is a nationwide shortage of official
encampments , which results in many Gypsy Travellers staying in
illegal encampments because there is nowhere else for them to go.
The Council regularly has to manage a situation of unauthorized
encampments and promote good relations between different
community groups and will continue to do so. The Council continues to
work with the Gypsy Traveller community and our local partners,
Aberdeenshire and Moray Councils, NHS Grampian and the Scottish
Government to find a suitable solution for both Gypsy Travellers and
the local settled community and businesses.
Tues 25 September 2012
release out advising of postponement of Torry Battery litter pick due to
the weather
release and various updates out about weather conditions and ACC
efforts to deal with storm damage cns/pr trees 250912.
release out about city wardens surgery in Northfield cns/pr wardensword
release out about road closure of the Pitmedden Road for urgent culvert
repairs cns/pr C55Cculvert 2
release drafted about open day for new housing allocation policy
release drafting on rescheduling of Aberdeen's International Street Market
release drafted on Paralympic Gold medal winner to visit Greenbrae
photocall drafted on Golden Games continuing to strike a cord with city's
older residents
EE - how many times has the Safer Aberdeen app been download since
it was launched? Response - 355 times on iOS handhelds and 32 on
Android handhelds.
EE - a pile of building material appears to have been flytipped in a layby
on a road near Aberdeen Lads Club; what is council's policy on
flytipping? Response - Aberdeen's public spaces are for everyone to
enjoy and everyone has a responsibility to clean up after themselves.
Leaving rubbish lying not only has an environmental impact, it also has
a detrimental affect on other people's enjoyment of these areas.
Littering and fly-tipping have a very negative impact on Aberdeen, both
environmentally and aesthetically. There is no excuse for it. The
council operates household recycling centres which can take most
forms of waste free of charge. Most items can also be collected from
people's homes on request, so there is absolutely no excuse for
committing this type of offence.
Newsline - did any of the trees which came down in the storm land on
anything? Response - The limb which came down on Willowbank Road
landed on two parked cars. There were no injuries.
Original - seeking interview with officer about efforts to clear up and deal
with storm damage. Response - arranged
Northsound – same
BBC – same
BBC - Footdee is covered in dirty white foam which has blown in off the
sea during the storm; are there any environmental concerns about
this? Response - The spume was caused by the storm and was blown
in off the sea. It will dissipate naturally, helped by the rain. We'll go in
and sweep the area out once the spume has cleared. There are no
environmental concerns about it.
P&J - there are dozens of dead rabbits in the play park at Footdee, which
appear to have been drowned by the spume washed in during the
storm; what is ACC doing about a) the spume and b) the dead rabbits.
Response - The spume was caused by the storm and was blown in off
the sea. It will dissipate naturally, helped by the rain. We'll go in and
sweep the area out once the spume has cleared. There are no
environmental concerns about it. We've already had someone down to
remove the rabbit carcasses. At least 30 have been removed. There
may be more, but we've removed all that we could find.
The Guardian - seeking information about today's storm and specifically
about the spume which has covered Footdee; what caused it and is it
a health hazard; what is ACC doing about it; is Footdee part of
Aberdeen? Response - Provided press release issued earlier about our
response to the storm. Yes, Footdee is part of Aberdeen, it's an old
village on the waterfront next to the harbour and is one of the city's
conservation areas. The spume was caused by the storm and was
blown in off the sea. It will dissipate naturally, helped by the rain. We'll
go in and sweep the area out once the spume has cleared. There are
no environmental concerns about it.
EE - how many council workers have been involved in the storm clean-up;
how many reports of fallen trees have there been; how many trees
have been removed; how much will the clean-up operation cost;
seeking interview with one of the team involved in the clean-up
operation. Response - It is too early to say how many reports were
received or how many trees/limbs have been removed. Our priority
meantime is to deal with the damage caused. It is far too early to put a
value on the damage caused or the cost of any clean-up operation.
The tree squad has been working flat-out since before midnight on
Monday to deal with trees which have come down onto roads or
footpaths, causing obstruction or which are posing a danger. Others
will be tackled once the priority issues have been dealt with. The tree
squad, of about a dozen people, has been working to remove trees,
assisted by members of the roads team and colleagues in
environmental and grounds services. Trees which are not posing a
danger and which are not on roads or pavements will be left meantime.
Priority is being given to those which are posing a danger or causing
an obstruction. Anyone reporting tree problems is asked to be clear on
whether they are reporting a fallen tree or fallen limbs and to provide as
much information as possible, including an estimate to the size of the
tree and whether or not it is blocking a road or footpath. The council is
grateful for the assistance of those members of the public who have
removed small trees, branches and other obstructions from roads and
footpaths. The clean-up operation will continue for some time. The
team is still trying to catch up with the effects of the last big storm
which happened in December last year. It will probably take about a
year to deal with the damage to trees and woodlands caused by this
storm. A large amount of green leaves has blown down during the
storm and may be blocking gutters and gullies. Members of the public
can, if they wish, help to reduce the risk of flooding by clearing the
leaves and other debris from the gullies. Help to do this would be
appreciated, but we would remind people to put safety first. Problems
can be reported by calling the council’s contact centre on 08456
080919. The spume blown onto Footdee is dissipating naturally and
being washed away by the rain. We will sweep the area out thoroughly
once the spume has cleared.
BBC – same
P&J – same
STV - what sort of response has the 100 Words project had so far; which
Doric words are proving most popular? Response - Interest in the
project has steadily increased. The number of people following on
Twitter has increased to 156 and we've received 36 tweets suggesting
words for the project, including contermashious. Some of those who
have sent in a message via Twitter tell us that's been their first Tweet.
The top five words so far are: bosie, gype, glaikit, drookit and dreich.
EE - placed update highlighting that the first school engagement session
will take place at Northfield Academy on Wednesday 26 September.
Comment from Convener of Education, Culture and Sport Councillor
Jenny Laing included. She said: “I'm delighted the public engagement
exercise will begin with our first meeting at Northfield Academy. A
tremendous amount of work has gone into preparing the engagement
exercise as it is vital that the council hears the views of stakeholders.
Wednesday night's event will enable the council to find out what people
think and gives them a great opportunity to let us know their views so
that we continue to offer pupils the best school environments that are fit
for purpose and cost effective. We hope as many parents as possible
can make it along as their participation at the meetings will help the
council plan to provide long-term sustainable management of its school
EE - how many artworks does Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums have in
storage? What type of artworks and artefacts that are in storage and
where? Response - checking
Weds 26 September 2012
release out advising of reduced service as council introduces new
housing allocation policy cns/pr housing policy
release out about next in series of Countryside Rangers Health Walks cns/pr health walk 2
release out about road closure of Friarsfield Road cns/pr Friarsfield 260
release out about disabled bay re-alignment work in Dyce, Bucksburn
and Heathryfold this week cns/pr disabledbays
release out about council welcoming Scottish Govt announcement that
Aberdeen is to get funding to help build a secondary school in the
south-side of Aberdeen cns/pr councilannoun
cement 260912.asp
release out about Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums Get Creative
programme which runs Oct 2012-Apr 2013 cns/pr getcreative 26
release out about start of Lunchbreak Concert series at the Cowdray Hall cns/pr lunchbreakcon
certs 260912.asp
photo opp issued on Olympic swimmer David Carry visiting Kingswells
School tomorrow [Thurs 27 Sept] - story not on website until tomorrow
release drafted about last few days to see House of Annie Lennox
exhibition, which draws to a close this Saturday at Aberdeen Art
BBC - at what stage was the secondary school for the south of the city
at, prior to the announcement? Response - This project was not
included in bids to the non-housing capital fund, in the period 2012 up
to 2015. The Education, Culture and Sport Committee would have
considered making a case for this project in time for the next round of
bids for the post-2015 cycle. Should funding be made available, it
would allow us to potentially bring this forward, subject to statutory
EE - how much funding is the Scottish Govt giving the council for the
building of the new secondary school? Response - The exact cost of
the project, and therefore the level of Scottish Govt support, will
depend upon details such as the site, the size of the school and the
facilities provided. The level of funding under this programme is
normally two-thirds funding of construction costs from Scottish Govt
government and the local authority finds the balance.
P&J – same
P&J - is Loriston the preferred site for the new secondary school?
Response - No site identification has been made. We will carry out an
options appraisal of all potential sites.
P&J – are the figures in the pupil census in 2010 the current pupil
numbers for Kincorth Academy and Torry Academy? Response - The
pupil numbers as of today [Wed 26 Sep] are: Kincorth Academy - 622,
Torry Academy - 462. We will update the figures in the pupil census so
when we go to statutory consultation we will use the new revised data
and projections.
P&J – will the new secondary school building costs be similar to the
most recent secondary school the council built? Response - The cost
of the 3Rs schools is not comparable with the possible costs of this
new secondary school in the south of the city. Also, suggested
checking the Scotland's Schools for the Future website as it might
provide details of an average cost of building a secondary school.
Holyrood Magazine - requesting interview with waste and recycling
manager Peter Lawrence about issues facing waste and recycling
collections in Aberdeen and asking following questions; when were
fortnightly collections of waste introduced; what does the council collect
for recycling; how many households are served by a kerbside
collection? Response - Interview agreed and arranged. Fortnightly
collections of general refuse were introduced in May 2010. Our
kerbside recycling service (first phase) was introduced in February
2004 and the roll-out completed in 2006. Kerbside garden waste
service was first trialed in May 2002 and the roll-out completed in 2006.
Our kerbside recycling and organic waste collections have always
operated on a fortnightly basis; kerbside collections and recycling
points collect paper, cardboard, aluminium and steel cans
(including foil, aerosols, biscuit tins), glass bottles and jars, plastic
bottles. Our organic waste collections pick up food and garden waste.
Further materials are separately collected through recycling centres,
including waste electrical and electronic equipment, household
batteries, scrap metal and wood; kerbside recycling collections are
offered to approximately 80,000 households, organic waste collections
are available to approximately 54,000 households. Recycling points
and recycling centres may be used by all residents for household
waste/recyclable materials.
EE - information released under FoI legislation shows an estimated
500,000 pieces of chewing gum has been collected/removed from
Aberdeen streets since 2009; £28,000 was spent on a deep clean of
Union Street and the city centre during this time, which included the
removal of chewing gum; the streets targeted were Union Street,
Schoolhill, St Nicholas Street, Market Street, Castle Street, Alford
Place and Holburn Street; reporter seeking comment. Response Discarded chewing gum is a blight on our streets. Aberdeen City
Council's dedicated street cleansing team often uses specialist
mechanical washing equipment for the removal of chewing gum. This
machinery can be costly to operate and the cleaning process timeconsuming. Under section 87 of the Environment Protection Act 1990,
it is an offence to drop or leave litter in any public place and this
includes discarding chewing gum. Our team of City Wardens assist the
local community in maintaining a clean litter free environment and are
authorised to issue Fixed Penalty Notices should the need arise. The
Fixed Penalty cost of £50 will be issued if anyone is found littering in
any format in a public place.
EE - follow-up to above; where is the collected gum discarded? Response
– landfill
P&J - in the Notice of Uncontested Election for this year's community
council elections it lists nine community council areas that will be
disestablished; were any of these active prior to the start of this year's
nomination process? Response - Yes, Braeside and Mannofield,
Craigiebuckler and Seafield, and Froghall, Powis and Sunnybank. The
rest have been disestablished for some time.
Guardian - following the right-to-buy contribution by Cllr Cooney to the
Guardian website's Housing Network Blog earlier this year, seeking
someone from the council to join an expert panel for a live web debate
on right-to-buy, scheduled to take place on Monday. Response Donald Urquhart, Head of Housing and Community Safety, has agreed
to take part.
Scotsman - requesting latest figures for the number of calls the council's
pest control team has received about foxes, rats, mice and other
pests; how do the council's environmental health officers deal with pest
animals? Response - Checking, although advised reporter that she
might want to consider submitting a FOI request.
EE – is ACC responsible for the issuing of parking tickets at Aberdeen
Royal Infirmary? Response – No, please speak to NHS Grampian.
BBC - seeking interview about the storm damage, clear-up efforts and
cost, preferably with the tree squad and tree cutting work being carried
out. Response - agreed and arranged
STV – same
P&J – same
Northscot - where is the tree squad working today (for pics)?. Response They're working across the city. Arranged for tree squad to be
photographed working at Westburn Park.
Northsound - seeking interview with officer about storm clear-up
operation. Response - Arranged for arboricultural officer Richard
Nicholson to be interviewed.
P&J - a tree surgeon at Westburn Park told us the cost of yesterday's
storm damage would be far less than that caused by the storms in
May last year, which the Council is still working on; how much did the
storm in May last year cost? Response - The council's tree squad has
an annual budget commitment of £400,000 to carry out its work. The
squad works all year round on the city's tree population regardless of
whether or not there are storms. The work is carried out on a priority
basis so when storm damage occurs, as witnessed yesterday (Tues)
and last May, the repair and clean-up of damaged trees becomes their
immediate priority. Once these cases are dealt with they can return to a
regular timetable of work, which includes tending to lower priority storm
damaged trees and the regular inspection of trees in the city."
P&J - the BBC says it's going to take ACC a year to deal with the
aftermath of the storm; why; is ACC leaving dangerous trees?
Response - No we are not leaving dangerous trees. We are working on
a priority basis and dealing with anything deemed dangerous asap.
Referred reporter to statement issued yesterday: It is too early to say
how many reports were received or how many trees/limbs have been
removed. Our priority meantime is to deal with the damage caused. It is
far too early to put a value on the damage caused or the cost of any
clean-up operation. The tree squad has been working flat-out since
before midnight on Monday to deal with trees which have come down
onto roads or footpaths, causing obstruction or which are posing a
danger. Others will be tackled once the priority issues have been dealt
with. The tree squad, of about a dozen people, has been working to
remove trees, assisted by members of the roads team and colleagues
in environmental and grounds services. Trees which are not posing a
danger and which are not on roads or pavements will be left meantime.
Priority is being given to those which are posing a danger or causing
an obstruction. Anyone reporting tree problems is asked to be clear on
whether they are reporting a fallen tree or fallen limbs and to provide as
much information as possible, including an estimate to the size of the
tree and whether or not it is blocking a road or footpath. The council is
grateful for the assistance of those members of the public who have
removed small trees, branches and other obstructions from roads and
footpaths. The clean-up operation will continue for some time. The
team is still trying to catch up with the effects of the last big storm
which happened in December last year. It will probably take about a
year to deal with the damage to trees and woodlands caused by this
storm. A large amount of green leaves has blown down during the
storm and may be blocking gutters and gullies. Members of the public
can, if they wish, help to reduce the risk of flooding by clearing the
leaves and other debris from the gullies. Help to do this would be
appreciated, but we would remind people to put safety first. Problems
can be reported by calling the council’s contact centre on 08456
Northsound – same
Newsline – same
STV - how long will it take for Footdee to be cleaned up after being
covered in spume? Response - The foam has all been washed away
by the rain. The area needs a good sweep up and we'll be going in to
do that over the course of the week.
freelancer - an FOI response received last year stated that 35 primary
schools use/have access to wifi, but a response to a subsequent
inquiry this year states that only 16 primaries use/have access to wifi.;
is one of the responses wrong; if they're both correct, why has there
been such a drop in the number of primary schools with wifi?
Response - Last year's response referred to wide area network wifi and
this year's response specifically dealt with wireless local area networks.
The number of schools with managed wireless local area networks
(WLAN) (which is what we would accept as proper wifi) is as follows:
Secondary: 7 or 8 if we include Dyce Music School as a separate
school; Primary: 13. The number with managed WLAN is increasing
regularly as there is a rolling programme to implement this in all
schools. There has not been a reduction.
EE - we hear there were lots of dead rabbits in Footdee yesterday; why
and was the SSPCA involved? Response - We removed the carcasses
of more than 30 rabbits which appeared to have been drowned by the
spume which washed in yesterday. The spume was caused by the
storm and was blown in off the sea. It has now been washed away by
the rain. We'll go in and sweep the area out later this week. There was
no need to involve the SSPCA.
Thurs 27 September 2012
release out about House of Annie Lennox exhibition ending this Saturday cns/pr annielennox 2
release out about launch of new Arts Development programme of
creative activities for city’s regeneration areas cns/pr creativeprogra
mme 270912.asp
release out about Olympic swimmer David Carry's to talk to pupils at
Kingswells School today cns/pr davidcarry 27
release out about publication of Notice of Poll, Notice of Uncontested
Election and Notice of Disestablished Community Councils for
Community Council elections cns/pr comm council
s 270912.asp
release out about changes to operation of Market Street traffic lights cns/pr MarketStlights
release out about one-way system on Balgownie Road
release out about road closure of Pitmedden Road for pre-winter works
release out about road closure of Princes Street
release out about road closure of Albert Lane during BT duct work
release out about Development Management Sub-committee approving
Aberdeen Snowsports Centre application cns/pr DMSub 27091
release out about Development Management Sub-committee approving
Aberdeen Sports Village application cns/pr DMSub 27091
release out about Development Management Sub-committee approving
application to convert a former children's home into flats cns/pr DMSub 27091
release out about Development Management Sub-committee refusing
application for a wind turbine at Tarbothill landfill site cns/pr DMSub 27091
release drafted about partial road closure of Farburn Terrace
release drafted about talk by archaeologist on community excavations on
Tullos Hill
Original 106 - is the head of public programmes for Aberdeen Art Gallery &
Museums available for interview about the success of House of Annie
Lennox exhibition which closes this Saturday. Response – checking
Original 106 FM - wanting to interview
on launch of Arts
Development's Creative Communities programme of activities aimed at
adults and children in regeneration areas Response – checking
EE - wanting to interview someone from Kingswells School involved in
today's visit to the school by Olympic swimmer David Carry. Response
- arranged for headteacher and depute headteacher to speak to
P&J – same
P&J - the Sistema Scotland Orchestra is in talks with councils in
Aberdeen, Dundee and Fife after coming to the fore this year, when
Stirling’s Raploch housing scheme hosted Scotland’s Olympic Festival
opening celebrations and Venezuelan conductor Gustavo Dudamel led
the Simon Bolivar Orchestra in the heart of the estate; Glasgow city
councillors have today backed plans to bring a similar event to
Govanhill; at what stage are talks with ACC? Response – checking
EE - Cllr Yvonne Allan says Victoria Road School is going to be boarded
up again, made more secure and cleared out of rubbish left by children
going into the building so that it can be made more attractive to
buyers; is this correct? Response - We constantly monitor the site to
ensure that it remains secure and in the best possible condition for
marketing. We have now instructed a new agent, Graham and Sibbald,
to market the site for the council. The 2.07 acre site is being marketed
as a potential residential development opportunity. Anyone interested
in purchasing the granite building should contact Graham and Sibbald's
Aberdeen office.
P&J - what's the latest on the Remploy situation; what is ACC doing about
buying the factory and leasing it back to Remploy Aberdeen?
Response - Following the decision to enter into discussions about the
future of Remploy, Aberdeen City Council joined a working group to
explore all possibilities to endeavour to ensure its continued operation.
Of the 14 Remploy Aberdeen staff, only four wished to continue in
employment. Following initial discussions, Glencraft offered to employ
them. Remploy Aberdeen did not wish to pursue the option of a
purchase lease-back or include it in a business plan. A purchase leaseback would not have supported the new business in offering more
employment opportunities to Remploy staff than those offered by
Royal Horticultural Society press office - requesting a winner’s quote and a
runners-up quote for use in planned press release about the
forthcoming Britain in Bloom finals. Response - Aberdeen City
Council Environmental Manager Steven Shaw said (respectively): "We
are absolutely delighted that Aberdeen has once more triumphed in the
RHS Britain in Bloom competition. This prestigious award is a great
honour for the city and is testament to the huge effort made by council
staff, communities, businesses and volunteers who have all worked so
hard to make this campaign such a success. Aberdeen has a long and
illustrious history with this competition and has built up a reputation as
a strong contender and the city to beat. A great deal of work went into
preparing for the judges' arrival and they were clearly impressed with
what they saw. Our green spaces are stunning and a real joy for
anyone seeking refuge from the hustle and bustle of city life. Aberdeen
City Council would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who
contributed to or supported this year's Britain in Bloom bid and for
helping to make the Granite City a greener and cleaner place to live."
// "Aberdeen has a long and illustrious history with this competition and
has built up a strong reputation as a real contender in the competition.
Although we are disappointed not to have gone a step further this time
we have thoroughly enjoyed our experience. Getting this far in the
competition is testament to the huge effort made by council staff,
communities, businesses and volunteers who have all worked so
hard to make this bid such a success. The RHS Britain in Bloom
competition is as much about the community spirit as it is the winning
and it has been a real joy to see so many people working together for
the benefit of the city as a whole. We are delighted with our
performance this year and I am sure everyone will agree that our green
spaces are stunning. Aberdeen City Council would like to take this
opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to or supported this
year's Britain in Bloom bid and for helping to make the Granite City a
greener and cleaner place to live."
Scotsman - requesting latest figures for the number of calls the council's
pest control team has received about urban foxes, rats and mice; how
do the council's environmental health officers deal with pest animals?
Response - The council has received 3,066 reports of mice and 1,373
reports of rats over the past 10 years. Urban foxes are not as prevalent
in Aberdeen and we do not receive many calls about them. Provided
following comment: It is difficult to accurately assess the rat and mice
populations in Aberdeen but anecdotal evidence by pest control
officers suggests that the populations have remained fairly stable.
Aberdeen City Council has a statutory duty to ensure that owners and
occupiers keep their land and property free from rodent infestations. All
complaints are investigated and, where appropriate, our pest control
staff will undertake pesticide treatment of infestations. Council officers
will act in an advisory capacity in all cases of fox complaints; however,
we will not offer to trap or destroy the animals. When approached we
will speak to individuals about deterrent measures that can be adopted
to discourage foxes from entering gardens and public places.
EE - the Scottish Government's latest statistical bulletin on affordable
housing shows that we spent £338,646 in affordable housing
commuted payments in 2011/2012 and finished the year
with £895,621 in commuted payments; reporter asking what
the 2011/2012 money was spent on; how we calculate/negotiate
commuted payments; does the council have a requirement for 25% of
new developments to be affordable; how will the £895,621 left at end of
2011/2012 be spent? Response - The £338,646 was a grant to
Aberdeenshire Housing Partnership to build eight properties at
Mugiemoss Road; commuted payments are paid by the developer in
lieu of affordable housing at a set cost of £25,000 per unit; if the
developer is building five units or more then the 25% requirement for
affordable housing comes into force; of the £895,621 left at the end of
2011/2012, £663,767 has already been committed to Langstane
Housing Association for them to build 35 units on the Copper Beech
site on Auchinyell Road. The remaining £231,854 will be distributed in
due course. Any decision on the use of commuted payments is taken
by the Housing and Environment committee.
Daybreak Scotland - is there a report due before council on the
enforcement of bus lanes? Response - The report, Setting of Charge
Rate for Civil Enforcement of Bus Lanes, is due before the Finance and
Resources Committee on Thursday, October 4.
EE - the Northern Criminal Justice Authority has announced the lowest
rate of reoffending for 6 years, would the Council be prepared to put
forward an offender who has worked with the Council's Criminal
Justice Social Work and successfully emerged as a rehabilitated
member of society? Response - Social work clients were uneasy about
taking part in any interview due to the paper's reluctance to grant them
anonymity. Declined to take part.
P&J - do you know what the situation is regarding the land row at Westhill
between ACC and Stewart Milne Group; has the council been paid
since the Court of Session judgment? Response - checking
Fri 28 September 2012
release out about Mastrick Community Centre's management committee
signing up to new lease agreement cns/pr MastrickComm
unityCentre 280912.asp
release out about Aberdeen's international street market postponed cns/pr internationalm
arket 280912.asp
release out about road closure of Willowbank Road for work to deal with
storm damaged trees cns/pr willowbank 28
statement issued following media enquiries about leaked confidential
report to be considered by Finance and Resources Committee on St
Nicholas House next week: Members of the Finance and Resources
Committee are to consider a confidential report which gives an update
on the sale process of St Nicholas House, when they meet on
Thursday, 4 October. Twelve bids have been made by local, regional
and national property developers and are all for ambitious mixed-use
schemes including hotel, office, retail and restaurant/café use which
would help drive the regeneration of the city centre. The scale of
development ranges from about 180,000 square feet to 650,000
square feet with parking for 150 to 600 vehicle and each proposal
envisages the partial pedestrianisation of Broad Street, with a number
of bids including proposals for significant spend on the public realm
and the creation of new public space. The proposed developments
would be sympathetic to Provost Skene's House. The report presents a
shortlist of bidders selected from the 12 who expressed an interest in
the site of Aberdeen City Council's former headquarters on Broad
Street and recommends that the four shortlisted, using a scoring matrix
based on Treasury guidelines, are selected as preferred bidders to
move forward to the next stage. The council is encouraged by the
number and quality of offers received, which demonstrates the level of
commercial confidence in the city. It is envisaged that a preferred
bidder will be selected in early 2013.
P&J - the Sistema Scotland Orchestra is in talks with councils in
Aberdeen, Dundee and Fife after coming to the fore this year, when
Stirling’s Raploch housing scheme hosted Scotland’s Olympic Festival
opening celebrations; Glasgow city councillors have backed plans to
bring a similar event to Govanhill; at what stage are talks with
ACC? Response - We are still exploring the possibility of working with
Sistema. a report will go to the Education, Culture and Sport
Committee in due course.
BBC - a number of businesses in the West End are concerned about the
possibility of flooding of the Denburn, around Beaconsfield Lane and
Fonthill Road in particular; Cllr Jennifer Stewart has called for the
council, Scottish Water and businesses in the area to work together to
find a workable solution to the potential flood risk; seeking comment
and details of the measures being discussed and the timescale.
Response - Officers met with local councillors and businesses and
agreed a proposed method of reducing the likelihood of future flooding
in the Beaconsfield Lane and Fonthill Drive area. Separate meetings
have been held with Scottish Water about other flooding incidents in
Aberdeen. A report on the recent flooding in the city will go to the next
meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee. We
would remind people that a large part of the problem last time was
caused by the amount of garden waste and debris left on
embankments being washed down the waterways and causing
blockages and flooding, and ask everyone to dispose of their waste
BBC - is there any update on the ACC Vs Stewart Milne land deal case?
Response - The action is back in court and negotiations are continuing.
It would be inappropriate to comment further while the case is live.
P&J – same
Original 106FM - follow-up from yesterday requesting interviews:
community arts officer interviewed on the launch of Arts Development's
creative communities programme and Deirdre Grant, head of public
programmes interviewed on the House of Annie Lennox exhibition
ending tomorrow at AAG.
P&J - provided with images of school pupils at the oil and gas exhibits at
the Maritime Museum for use in a planned supplement titled Young
P&J - seeking update on work to secure the Broadford Works site.
Response - The council's Building Standards team met with the
property owner at the end of August. Building Standards can confirm
that the work to enhance the security to the perimeter of the site has
now been completed. The blocking up of open lift shafts has also been
completed. Work to remove external gantries that provide access to
roof areas is still in progress. The indications from Grampian Police
and Grampian Fire and Rescue Service are that the number of
incidents of attendance at the site has dropped significantly.
EE - the partner of a council tenant who stays at 265 North Balnagask
Road, Torry, says she has complained to the council about pigeons
nesting in the loft of the property; are we aware of this; what will the
council do about it? Response - Advised that we are aware of this but
could not provide an update on what the next stage is as the officer
leading the case is on leave. Suggested reporter checks back on
EE - has a consultation been launched on the misuse of blue badge
parking permits? Response - The report, Permit Misuse Policy, went
before the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee on
September 11. Committee agreed to note that officers are
monitoring levels of misuse of residents' permits, including blue
badges, and will continue to do so until the end of September to gather
statistical data on the potential levels of abuse. Committee also agreed
to instruct officers to report back to the November EP&I committee on
the levels of misuse and with draft policies, procedures, actions and
any financial implications arising from resources to address the misuse
of parking permits and blue badges. Sent reporter copy of committee
EE - requesting copy of new housing allocation policy document.
Response - provided pdf version of policy
P&J - a 44-year-old man has admitted having under-age sex with a 15year-old in the city; did ACC act accordingly in following up
allegations about the teenager's involvement with an older
man? Response - We do not comment on individual cases. Aberdeen
City Council takes matters of child protection very seriously and, along
with police colleagues, carries out full, thorough investigations into all
concerns before taking any decision with regard to the wellbeing of any
child in the city.
Media Briefing – Mon 01 October 2012
release out about talk on Tullos Hill archaeological work cns/pr tullos talk 011
release out on autumn programme of events for children at Duthie Park cns/pr duthie autumn
release out on Lord Provost hails part Aberdeen's Paul Lawrie played in
securing historic Ryder Cup victory cns/pr LP hails Lawr
ie achievement 011012.asp
release out about Aberdeen's Favourite Trees competition attracting
almost 100 entries so far cns/pr treecomp 011
release out about disabled parking bay realignment work being carried
out in Heathryfold and Northfield areas cns/pr disabledbays
Original FM - requesting interview with council lead curator, local history
and archaeology, Judith Stones about talk on Tullos Hill excavations.
Response - agreed and arranged
Newsline - following up story in today's Evening Express about the
pigeons roosting in a council house in Torry; seeking council
comment. Response - We are aware of the situation and will continue
to monitor it. The removal of nesting birds, especially if their chicks
have hatched, can often prove difficult. The repair to the fascia of the
building is scheduled to be completed in due course.
Daybreak Scotland – same
P&J - is the Zero Waste Management Sub-committee going on a study
visit to a local authority in England this week? Response - yes,
members will be visiting Southwark and Basingstoke tomorrow (Tues)
to see the waste and recycling treatment services they operate. This
trip was unanimously agreed at the June 27 meeting of the subcommittee. Forwarded reporter copy of June 27 report.
P&J - are councillors due to consider a report on candidates for
the Freedom of the City? Response - A report will go before full
council in due course.
EE - does the Lord Provost's congratulation to Paul Lawrie indicate a
preference for him to receive the freedom of the city? Response - No, it
indicates that he is an Aberdonian and was part of a European team
that made history in Chicago at the Ryder Cup yesterday.
Newsline - is the Lord Provost or the Council making any plans to honour
Paul Lawrie's achievements, given his role in the Ryder Cup victory?
Response - Lord Provost of Aberdeen George Adam has written to Mr
Lawrie to congratulate him on the team's achievement and the role he
played in it. The Lord Provost is considering ways to mark Mr Lawrie's
P&J - seeking images of some entries for the Aberdeen's Favourite Trees
competition. Response - directed reporter to the Flickr site where
entries are being posted
Original - businesses in the Queen's Cross area are demanding that ACC
does something to address flooding problems in the area. Seeking
interview. Response - Officers met with local councillors and
businesses and agreed a proposed method of reducing the likelihood
of future flooding in the area. Separate meetings have been held with
Scottish Water about other flooding incidents in Aberdeen. A report on
the recent flooding in the city will go to the next meeting of the
Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee. We would remind
people that a large part of the flooding problem in some areas has
been caused by the amount of garden waste and debris left on
embankments being washed down the waterways and causing
blockages and flooding, and ask everyone to dispose of their waste
STV - what is the most borrowed children's book from Aberdeen
libraries? Response – checking
EE - is ACC going to apply for a share of the £300k fund announced by
the Scottish Government to help local authorities deal with windfarm
applications? Response - We're looking at it, but it's unlikely that we'll
Freelancer for TES - seeking interview with David Leng about city schools
working with Stavanger schools to look at ways of filling a predicted
skills gap in the energy sector. Response – agreed
Estates Gazette - will the shortlisted preferred bidders for the St Nicholas
House site be named after Thursday's meeting? Response – no
EE - has heard Seaton Community Enterprise has been given planning
permission to turn the former Cairnfield Community Centre into a
nursery; is that right? Response - No planning application for this has
been received.
EE - Seaton Community Enterprise has made an offer for the former
Cairnfield Community Centre; is that right? Response - The closing
date for the sale of the community centre was 24 July and a preferred
bidder was agreed by the Finance and Resources Committee when it
met on 17 August. The preferred bidder has submitted an offer and we
are in the process of concluding missives with them.
EE - is ACC's legal team still speaking to legal teams representing
community centres about the new lease arrangements? Response A council solicitor and a solicitor acting on behalf of the community
centres are in final discussions about legal refinements. The Education,
Culture and Sport Committee has agreed that those centres which sign
up to the new arrangements prior to the conclusion of these
discussions can adopt any changes made to the document.
P&J - is there a License Review Hearing at the Town House tomorrow?
Response - Yes, it is scheduled to start at 10am in Committee Room 2.
EE - same
Tues 02 October 2012
release drafted about winners of council's annual Aberdeen in Bloom
Garden Competition
P&J - latest Scottish Government homelessness figures show that the
largest reduction in homelessness applications has been seen in
Aberdeen; seeking comment. Response - These figures are very
encouraging and show that the council continues to make great
progress in the prevention of homelessness. This reduction can
be directly attributed to the launch of the prevention team last year
which has worked tirelessly to intervene prior to homelessness
occurring. This has involved looking at housing options with all
households, resolving factors which may lead to homelessness and
providing advice, support or practical assistance to prevent
homelessness occurring wherever possible. Over the period 2011/12
the number of approaches to the service for assistance has remained
broadly consistent, however, crucially the number of statutory
applications has reduced considerably as a consequence of our
proactive approach, rather than responding to people having become
BBC Call Kaye - asking if someone from the council is available to go on
tomorrow morning's Call Kaye radio show to speak about the work
being done to address the street begging situation in Aberdeen.
Response - Notified Councillor Martin Greig, chairman of Aberdeen
Community Safety Partnership, of the BBC's request.
P&J - is there a start date for the bus lane camera work yet? Response Work is due to start in the near future. The start date hasn't been
finalised yet.
STV - what is the most borrowed children's book from Aberdeen libraries;
are the libraries popular with children; and seeking some examples of
ways to encourage children into libraries. Response - The most
borrowed children's books from Aberdeen libraries are: 1.Julia
Donaldson, Tiddler; 1.Bert: The bear who was scared of the dark;
2.J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; 3.Julia
Donaldson, The Gruffalos Child; 4.Douglas: The duck who wanted to
swim; 5.Jacqueline Wilson, Cookie. Events at the Central Children's
Library - During July Central Library celebrated its 120th Birthday. As
part of these celebrations we held a children's colouring competition to
Decorate the Central Library. On Saturday, 29 September, the winners
of the two categories were invited along to the Children's Library with
their families to be presented with their prizes.
won the 47-year-old category and
won the 8-11-year-old category.
During October, to mark the 50th Anniversary of the first James Bond
film Dr No, the Children's library is celebrating all things spy related.
Our author of the month is Charlie Higson, author of the Young Bond
series, and we will have a display of spy books and films. Would-be
spies can visit the library during the holidays to crack codes, create
their own spy badges and design spy kits containing gadgets inspired
by what they've read. Children's library membership has increased
recently, helped by the Summer Reading Challenges. Last year saw an
80% rise in membership and this summer saw a further 25% rise.
BBC - could you please answer the two questions below if your local
authority owns/or uses a Cold War-era nuclear bunker; when was the
bunker constructed; what is the bunker used for today? Response –
P&J - did the Licensing Board revoke the licence for Aurum and Cafe
Society with immediate effect? Response - No, the Licensing Board
agreed to revoke both licenses in 14 days time. It is widely accepted
that this decision may result in an appeal being lodged, which could
prevent the board's decision being carried out in 14 days time.
EE – same
Daybreak Scotland - is it true that the council is set to save £13million as
reported in the Evening Express? Response - No, the report, due to go
before Finance & Resources Committee on Thursday, does not say we
are going to achieve savings of £13m; it states we will achieve £2m
and further savings can be anticipated that would mean a £5m saving.
Our uncommitted reserves, currently £11m would grow to £13m if we
achieve the £2m of in-year savings. The opportunity to increase them
further does exist if we can achieve the £5m saving.
Daybreak Scotland - is it possible to get access to Tullos Pool to film
building work? Response - Sorry, but the answer is no due to Health &
Weds 03 October 2012
release out about road closure of Foresterhill Road cns/pr ForesterhillRd
release out about Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan survey cns/pr UrbanMobility
Plan 031012.asp
release out about Aberdeen residents urged to get onboard to help shape
policy and review performance in the city
release out about Aberdeen in Bloom Garden Competition winners
media invite drafted on Holocaust survivor set to speak to senior pupils
at local school
release drafted on forthcoming royal visit to community centre in
P&J - is there any news on the Tesco Vs ACC Local Development Plan
case? Response – no
P&J - has a closing date been set for the Pinewood and Hazledene sites,
and what happens next? Response - A closing date has been set for 9
October. A report will be taken to the Finance and Resources
Committee in December.
EE - Kincorth and St Machar academies each have two pupils going to
Auschwitz for a Holocaust memorial event. Will one from each school
write a short first person piece about the effect the visit had on them
and provide photos of themselves at Auschwitz? Response - Pupils
happy to oblige.
P&J - what's the latest on the sale of the old Mile End School? Response
- The council has just concluded missives with a preferred purchaser,
subject to planning consent. A planning application has been submitted
and will be considered in due course. Referred the reporter to the
planning application online
P&J (follow-up) - so will the old Mile End School site be paid for before
the planning application goes through? Response - No. The sale is
subject to planning permission. No money will be transferred until such
time as planning permission is in place. If permission is refused, the
deal may fall and the site may be put back on the market.
P&J - we've been told the work at the Beach Leisure Centre will not be
completed in time for the October holidays. Can you tell us what is
happening with the Beach Leisure Centre opening hours over the
October School Holidays? Response - Directed reporter to Sport
Aberdeen for comment.
EE - following the EU's plans on dealing with smuggled kids (Action plan
on unaccompanied minors) turning up in Scotland from war-torn or
poverty-stricken countries outside the EU. Please can you let me know
if the council has had to look after any of these kids? They will most
likely be from Afghanistan, Vietnam or Somalia. Response - There is
no recent record of ACC dealing with cases of this nature.
Original - seeking interview with officer about the Sustainable Urban
Mobility Plan and survey. Response – arranged
Mail on Sunday - wanting to know if there is a shortage of places for pupils
in primary schools; 1) do you have a shortage of places in your
primary schools this year, and how does the situation compare to last
year (please supply figures if available)? 2) do you expect the number
of pupils wanting places in primary schools (at the entry age of rising
5/5) to grow over the next five years and , if so, what are your
projections for each year (with figures if available please)? 3) have you
had to take unusual measures to cope with the expansion this year i.e.
convert buildings that were former shops/stores or had other uses
(bingo halls, football stadiums, police stations) or buildings away from
the main site of a school so children have to travel from one site to
another? What are the most unusual places you have had to utilise to
house extra pupils (or what are the most unusual you are
contemplating for future years)? 4) have you had to organise
taxis/minibuses to take children some distance to reach their school
because closer schools are full? Response – checking
STV - what is the council doing to address homelessness in Aberdeen?
Response - provided reporter with copy of report, Homelessness Towards the 2012 Homeless Target, which went before the May
22 Housing and Environment Committee and is available to view at
Thurs 04 October 2012
release out about Finance and Resources Committee decision on the St
Nicholas House report cns/pr StNix 051012.
release out about Finance and Resources Committee approving the use of
£50k from the Common Good Fund to pay for a Hogmanay fireworks
event cns/pr Hogmanay 05
release out about Finance and Resources Committee approving the
charge for bus lane offences cns/pr busLaneCharg
es 041012.asp
release out about road closure of The Bush
release out on Council establishes working group to consider permanent
tribute to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
release drafted on council funding on offer specifically aimed at
supporting the professional development of individuals and
organisations involved in the city’s cultural sector
release drafted on popular pianist Joseph Long returning to perform at the
Cowdray Hall next week
STV - is the council planning to introduce an Aberdonian of the Year
award, particularly in light of all the fantastic achievements by
Aberdeen folk this year? Response - The Lord Provost is very keen
that local people are rewarded for their contributions to life in the city
and wants to encourage active citizenship. Recognising and rewarding
the positive contributions made by our citizens is something he will be
concentrating on during his time as Lord Provost.
P&J - has Aberdeen City Council ever lodged an objection to the
application made by the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group [AREG]
for wind turbine project at Aberdeen bay? Response - No, we haven't.
P&J has issued a press release about the Sponsor a
Swing initiative which invites businesses and communities to sponsor
play equipment for Union Terrace Gardens. The press release states
that Aberdeen City Council is fully supportive of the idea; is this the
case? Response - stressed that this suggestion by
is in the
very early stages and no formal proposal has been submitted. We have
not received any details about the nature of this equipment, how it will
be fully funded, who will install it and who will pay for its
upkeep/maintenance in future years. Provided following comment:
"Suggestions for the development of any of our green spaces should
be submitted to the council so they can be considered in due course."
EE – same
STV - who is standing in the Community Council elections for
Torry/Queens Cross and Harlaw. Response
P&J - is there a report due before full council next week on the Freedom
of the City nominations? Response - yes, provided reporter with PDF
copy of report.
EE - a woman has contacted the paper claiming her council tenant
neighbour's hedge is overgrown and has not been cut for a year. The
woman says she has contacted the council; are we aware of this?
Response - checking, although asked reporter to provide
names/addresses for those involved.
Fri 05 October 2012
release out on bags of fun environmental workshop for children at
Cornhill Community Library, organised by Europe Direct
release out on Royal visit to Powis Gateway community centre tomorrow
to mark the centre's 70th anniversary celebrations cns/pr Powiscommuni
tycentre 091012.asp
release out on Auschwitz survivor's two-day visit to Harlaw Academy to
speak to senior pupils as part of their religious studies and history
higher study
release out about ACC criticising fireraisers who destroyed road safety
equipment cns/pr roadsafetytorc
hed 051012.asp
EE - is Walker Road School closed today following a suspicious death
close by to the school's grounds last night/early hours of this morning?
Response - The school is open. The school advised all parents via
group call that the school is open but instead of the usual four entry/exit
access points there are only two in operation today.
Northscot – same
P&J - have ACC and the Lord Provost made any further progress with
plans to celebrate Paul Lawrie's achievements? Response – checking
EE - is ACC aware of any financial threat to Mears Care? Response - We
are not aware of any financial threat to Mears Care.
EE - the unions have backed the LATC model and the transfer of staff but
want reassurances that managers in the new company will not be able
to net higher wages at the expense of grassroots workers. Seeking
comment? Response - A report regarding the Local Authority Trading
Company will be discussed in private at a meeting of Full Council next
P&J - what is the council's policy for treating Dutch elm disease?
Response - We will fell any tree on public land which has Dutch elm
P&J - is the council a statutory consultee for the European Offshore
Wind Deployment Centre; has the council objected to the
development? Response - We were consulted and we provided a
response. We did not object.
Newsline – same
P&J - is there some sort of seagull deterrent on the Town House roof that
makes noises? Response – no
STV - a businessman is proposing creating a playpark in Union Terrace
Gardens, funded by sponsors; what stage is this at and is it something
the council would consider? Response - Stressed that
suggestions was in the very early stages and no formal proposal has
been submitted. We have not received any details about the nature of
this equipment, how it will be fully funded, who will install it and who will
pay for its upkeep/maintenance in future years. Provided the following
quote: Suggestions for the development of any of our green spaces
should be submitted to the council so they can be considered in due
P&J - is Pinewood/Hazledene the biggest piece of land ACC has
available for housing, or does the council have any other, larger sites;
could it be described as a prime West End site; how much is it worth;
when is the closing date; what happens next? Response Pinewood/Hazledene is held on the Common Good account and
proceeds from any sale, should councillors agree to sell it, would go
into the Common Good account. It is not the largest site zoned for
housing, but it is the largest being marketed by the council at the
moment. Yes, it could be described as a prime West End site. The
closing date for offers is Tuesday, 9 October and we would encourage
anyone interested in purchasing the site to contact our agent Ryden's
Aberdeen office before then. A report on the offers is due to be
submitted to the December meeting of the Finance and Resources
Media briefing - Monday 08 October 2012
release out about ACC being prepared for winter cns/pr WinterMainten
ance 091012.asp
release out about Aberdeen's success in the Royal Horticultural Society
Britain in Bloom finals cns/pr britain bloom
release out about Wednesday's talk on Tullos Hill archaeological
discoveries cns/pr tullos talk 081
media invite drafted, offering members of the media the opportunity to go
out with the roads team on an early morning winter patrol; invitation
taken up by STV, EE and P&J so far
releases out advising of minor changes to traffic management on Union
Street, near Dee Street, during repairs to a collapsed BT manhole
release drafted about Community Grant Competition
release drafted on appeal for artefacts from the Great War for
commemorative projects in 2014
BBC - did ACC ever own/or use a Cold War-era nuclear bunker; if so
when was the bunker constructed; what is the bunker used for today?
Response - ACC has no record of ever owning or using a nuclear
P&J - what time does the Licensing Review Hearing commence
tomorrow? Response - The hearing will commence at 10am in
Committee Room 4.
EE – same
EE - figures released under FoI legislation show a breakdown of littering
fines issued and littering fines paid from 2008-present; the figures
show that during that period 1,964 £50 fixed penalty notices have been
issued for littering while only 931 have been paid; does this mean there
are 1,033 unpaid/outstanding littering fines? Response - No, since the
beginning of 2010 all unpaid/outstanding fines have been referred to
the Procurator Fiscal. The PF is then responsible for pursuing
unpaid littering fines on our behalf. We do not keep a record of what
happens to littering fixed penalty notices once they have been referred
to the PF. Suggested reporter contacts the Crown Office and
Procurator Fiscal Service or the Scottish Court Service. Prior to 2010
we were waiting to be linked up to the system for reporting unpaid fines
to the Procurator Fiscal. This was also a period of transition following
the introduction of the City Wardens service in 2009.
Herald - when does the council set its budget? Response - A report which
presents efficiency, stop/reduce and transformation options for the
council usually goes before elected members in December. The final
budget is usually approved at a special budget meeting of full council in
P&J - a group of Gypsy/Travellers have set up an encampment in one of
the car parks at Hazlehead Park; is the council aware of this?
Response – Yes; provided following statement: We will be seeking a
court order to have the group evicted from this site
and our Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer will continue to liaise with them
in the meantime.
BBC – same
EE – same
EE - what is ACC doing about the Travellers' encampment near
Redmoss Road? Response - We are aware of the encampment. The
Gypsy Traveller Liaison officer has visited the site and the appropriate
action will be taken. We are moving for eviction.
EE - there's a Travellers' encampment at the old fish factory premises on
Palmerston Road and we're told it's council property; what's ACC doing
about it. Response - It's not council land, but the Travellers have
moved on in any case.
STV - when are the Christmas lights going up? Response – checking
P&J - seeking a copy of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the
proposed urban extension at Grandhome (4,500 homes). Response
– provided
P&J - is it right that the Aberdeen Local Development Plan stipulates that
the proposed Grandhome development can't go ahead without the
AWPR and Third Don Crossing being in place? Response - Not quite.
The ALDP does, however, refer to infrastructure improvements being
required to support all of the developments outlined in the ALDP.
Significant infrastructure improvements would be needed to support a
development of this size. Stressed that we have not received a
planning application for this as yet, but that a Notice of Pre-application
Consultation has been submitted.
Newsline - seeking contact details with a member of the arts development
team who is raising money for the Neo-natal Unit at Aberdeen
Maternity Hospital, where her 10-year-old son was cared for as a baby.
Response - passed a message from the reporter to the lady in question
Original 106 - seeking interview with general operations manager Mike
Cheyne about winter maintenance plans and operations. Response agreed and arranged
ITV - seeking permission to film Development Management Subcommittee meetings for use in a documentary about people planning
home renovations. Response – checking
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
release out about Duthie Park gardening workshops cns/pr duthie worksh
ops 091012.asp
release out about Community Grant Competition
ttp:// cns/pr communitygrant
comp 091012.asp
release out about road closure of Farburn Terrace
release out about disabled parking bay realignment work
ttp:// cns/pr disabled 09101
release out about evening southbound lane closure on Ellon Road
note out advising that repairs to a collapsed BT manhole on Union Street
are complete and all lanes are now open
release drafted about ACC inviting expressions of interest from community
groups in taking one tonne bags of salt for use on public streets and
release drafted about Saturday's open day on new housing allocation
EE - a tree in the Garden of Remembrance at the Crematorium blew over
in the recent stormy weather; a woman has contacted the paper asking
when this will be removed; she also said this tree was a popular place
for people to scatter the ashes of loved ones; will it be replaced?
Response - We are seeking to remove this tree as a matter of urgency
but are mindful of the sensitive nature of its location. Removal is
scheduled for Sunday when the Garden of Remembrance is known to
be quieter than other days of the week. This should hopefully cause
minimal disruption for visitors to the garden. Aberdeen City Council can
plant commemorative or memorial trees and we would ask anyone
wanting to remember their loved one in this way to get in touch. The
council's tree squad has been working hard since the night of the storm
in late September to deal with trees which have come down across the
city. Priority was given to those which had come down on roads or
footpaths, causing obstruction or which were posing a danger. The
clean-up operation will continue for some time. Felled trees can be
reported by calling the council’s contact centre on 08456 080919.
P&J - how does the council address cases of Dutch elm disease in the
city's trees? Response - Aberdeen City Council removes dead, dying or
dangerous trees from public spaces as a matter of priority. Trees
known to have Dutch elm disease are felled on an 'as and when' basis
and often the timber from these trees can be sold. The council's tree
information officer can offer advice to anyone who believes trees in
private land require attention, pruning or removal.
EE - Shelter Scotland has raised concerns about lack of affordable
housing in Aberdeen and is blaming the Right to Buy; what is the
council doing to address this apparent lack of affordable housing?
Response - Aberdeen City Council's Local Housing Strategy, which
has been submitted to the Scottish Government for approval, identifies
a need to ensure there is a continued supply of and access to
affordable housing in the city. We are already involved in a number of
affordable housing schemes, including the National Housing Trust
Initiative which allows developers and councils to jointly fund homes
with local authority loans to the scheme being underwritten by the
Scottish Government. A development of 50 homes at Kingswells under
this scheme is nearing completion with an additional 50 properties
planned elsewhere. We understand that the demand for affordable and
council housing is high and our new build council housing programme
has gone some way to alleviate this. Housing developments of five
units or more are also required to contribute no less than 25% of the
total number of units as affordable housing. In May, the council's
Housing and Environment committee agreed to suspend the Right to
Buy in 50 letting areas of the city in order to safeguard our housing
stock for future generations. We have also recently introduced a new
housing allocation policy which aims to give priority to those in the
greatest need. We will continue to work with developers and registered
social landlords to ensure we are doing all we can to continue to
address housing need in Aberdeen.
STV - when are the Christmas lights going up? Response - We're due to
start putting the Christmas lights up in the week beginning 5
November, with the switch-on scheduled for 25 November.
P&J - seeking comment about a couple who are appealing for motorists
to be more careful on the B992 Auchterless Road and the A947
Turriff to Aberdeen road, after their pet was run over and killed.
Response - Referred reporter to Aberdeenshire Council.
P&J - we've had several complaints about traffic "chaos" on the A90,
Ellon Road and at the AECC; what is the reason for the "chaos"?
Response - We're not aware of anything which would have caused a
problem on the roads this morning. It could simply be that there were
more cars on the road, or that a car had broken down at some point.
Suggested reporter try Bear Scotland to see if there were any problems
on the trunk road.
ITV - seeking permission to film Development Management Subcommittee meetings for use in a documentary about people planning
home renovations. Response - Declined and explained that the vast
majority of home renovation applications are determined by delegated
powers, so it would be unlikely that there would be many filming
opportunities which would suit. Instead, directed the reporter to the
weekly planning applications list on the ACC website which gives
details of applications and applicants.
Freelancer - is ACC planning to dim or switch off street lights to save
money? Response – no
STV - seeking update on the 100 Words Doric project. Response - The
five most popular Doric words put forward so far are: bosie; glaikit;
gypit; dreich; drookit. Five of the more unusual words put forward so far
are: countermashious; skyrie; tattieboggie; birdies' eenies; hingin-luggit
(NB - translations available to media briefing recipients on request). We
have 171 followers on the Twitter account and have received over 150
responses. We have also received several lists of favourite words from
community groups in Aberdeen.
EE - seeking comment on the Limassol Declaration, blue growth, and
renewables. Response - arranged for Council Leader to speak to the
Weds 10 October 2012
release out about Auschwitz survivor Kitty Hart-Moxon OBE's
presentation on and discussion about the Holocaust with senior pupils
at Harlaw Academy cns/pr kittyhartmoxon
photo opp at Harlaw Academy with Kitty Hart-Moxon OBE and senior
pupils, attended by Northsound, BBC Radio, STV, Northscot, Original
106, SHMU and the EE
release issued by RGU on Scott Sutherland School of Architecture
student recognised for his designs with prestigious award from
Aberdeen City Council published on ACC website cns/pr designstudent
release out about Lord Provost being set to chair Freedom of the City
working group cns/pr freedom city
wg 101012.asp
release out about council backing LGBT+ Fair to encourage stronger,
more inclusive communities cns/pr LGBT Fair 10
release out about Full Council decision on St Nicholas House cns/pr StNix 101012.
release out about council appealing for help in identifying on-street
disabled parking bays which are no longer needed cns/pr disabledBays
release out about closure of Contlaw Brae for repairs
release drafted about lunchtime talk about history of royal
souvenirs being held at Provost Skene's House next week
BBC - has ACC created a local authority trading company Bon Accord
Cares? Response - The matter was heard in private; advised reporter
to speak to convener of Social Care and Wellbeing.
Original 106 – same
Northsound – same
EE - what was the outcome of item 10(b) in today's Council meeting
regarding new road measures on Union Street? Response - The
written answer was accepted by Cllr Dickson.
P&J - can we get a breakdown of the vote for the Crematorium Bus vote?
Response – provided
EE - wanting to interview council officer about report that went to Council
today on waste treatment facilities. Response – arranged
The Sun - there's a woman living with five or six dogs in a tent near
Bridge of Don; is ACC aware of her; have any complaints been made
about her; is the council taking steps to move her on? Response –
STV - when will the 100 Words project end (we'd like a full list of all the
words suggested)? Response – checking
Northsound - what was the outcome of the Ask Entertainment appeal
against the Licensing Board at Aberdeen Sheriff Court today?
Response - The license holder has appealed against the revocation of
the license. A date for a full hearing has not yet been set. The case will
call again at Aberdeen Sheriff Court on 31 October, when a date for the
hearing will be fixed. The sheriff agreed to recall the revocation
EE – same
Newsline - are the 10 trees felled in Westburn Park because of Dutch elm
disease the most recent which have been taken down, or have any
others been felled; are there plans to cut down any other trees infected
with the fungus? Response - Dutch elm disease has spread across the
city and region, affecting trees in both council and private ownership.
The council will fell affected trees and is working across the city to do
so, with health and safety considerations taking priority. However, this
work is carried out alongside other work - for example, clearing
damaged or felled trees after gales. The disease is no longer notifiable
and the council has no powers to force the removal of diseased elms
on private land. However, we would urge landowners with diseased
trees to remove them to restrict as much as possible the spread of this
virulent disease.
Thurs 11 October 2012
release out about countryside rangers kicking off winter programme with
Bats to Bugs events cns/pr bats to bugs
winter 111012.asp
release out about open day on new housing policy cns/pr housingopend
ay 111012.asp
release out warning of potential delays on Farburn Terrace during utilities
connection works cns/pr FarburnTerrac
e 111012.asp
release out about Tesco's legal challenge to the Aberdeen Local
Development Plan being refused cns/pr ALDPchalleng
e 111012.asp
release drafted on council upgrading invoice system for residents receiving
home care and support
EE - Cllr Jim Kiddie says he has asked for something to be done to
prevent people from parking in the gap between the zig zags and
double yellow lines outside Tullos School; what's being done about it?
Response - A report on the matter will be considered by councillors at
the next meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure
Committee. Proposals to alleviate the parking problem will be
progressed subject to approval at committee.
RGU journalism student - seeking interview on city centre regeneration
and what ACC is doing to fill vacant Union Street properties.
Response - Checking on interview. Explained that the vast majority of
city centre buildings are in private ownership and the council has no
control over letting them and advertising them and limited control
over cleaning them up, but that it is hoped that the regeneration of the
city centre will encourage more businesses to open up in the area.
STV - seeking interview with council leader about the AWPR, ahead of the
Supreme Court ruling being announced on Wednesday. Response –
BBC - wanting to speak the Lord Provost on the setting up cross-party
working group to explore the criteria and nomination procedure for
recipients of the Freedom of the City. Response – checking
BBC - wanting to speak to Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums manager
regarding update on picture loan scheme. Response - checking
EE - with the news that 16 and 17-year-olds will be able to vote in the
independence referendum, the paper is keen to find out what a group
of 14-year-olds think about the prospect; is there a school that would
be keen to take part in feature? Response – checking
BBC - with the news that 16 and 17 year olds could be allowed to vote
in the Independence referendum reporter wanting to speak to an
elections officer as to why the decision was taken not to allow 16 and
17-year-olds to vote in the Union Terrace Gardens
referendum. Response - Young people aged 17, who would be 18
(between 01 Dec 2011 and 30 Nov 2012) and who had registered to
vote were allowed to vote in the referendum.
Daybreak Scotland - asking when the fallen tree at the crematorium
will be chopped up and removed. Response – Sunday
BBC - do you have any centenarians in council care homes available
for interview on the back of new stats showing more and more people
are living to 100-plus? Response - Suggested 102-year-old
at Fergus House, but story dropped.
EE - is it appropriate for a local authority website such as ACC's to be
carrying a free advert on its homepage for a "Ladies Night of EnterTEASE-Ment, full of sexy dancers, tons of teasing, hunky male
strippers, a boy-lesque dancer, topless butlers and more surprises"
(see ACC website homepage, What's On) at a local nightclub?
Response - checking
Fri 12 October 2012
release out on council's awards programme aimed at supporting the
professional development of individuals and organisations involved in
the city's cultural sector cns/pr creativefundin
g 121012.asp
release out on royal souvenirs the subject of lunchtime talk next week at
Provost Skene's House cns/pr royalsouvenirs
release and updates out about weather-related issues cns/pr rain 121012.a
release out on council upgrading invoice system for residents receiving
home care and support cns/pr invoice upgra
de 121012.asp
EE - does the Campus on Justice Mill Lane have permission to remain
open until 2.30am on Friday and Saturday nights? Response - Yes, the
Licensing Board unanimously agreed to a variation to the premises
licence for The Campus at their meeting last month.
Planning Magazine - straightforward questions about Tesco legal
challenge to the Aberdeen Local Development Plan. Response - all
EE - seeking comment on an alleged incident at Bucksburn School
involving a six-year-old boy, three seven-year-olds and a knife.
Response - We cannot comment on individual matters. Safety is an
absolute priority in schools and any allegations of incidents like this are
taken very seriously. The matter will be thoroughly investigated.
EE - seeking first-person articles from Kincorth and St Machar Academy
pupils who visited Auschwitz. Response – provided
EE - seeking comment on an evening of entertainment for "ladies" at a
local nightclub, publicity for which was published on the council
website; is that an appropriate forum to advertise an event of this
nature? Response - The publicity for the event was placed by one of
our regular advertisers but we recognise that it was not appropriate for
it to be carried on a local authority website.
Original 106 - wanting to interview convener or vice convener of
Education, Culture and Sport Committee about the funding available
for individuals or organisations involved in the city's cultural sector.
Response - telephone interview arranged with vice convener.
Northsound – same
P&J - recently been made aware of Aberdeenshire Council's moves to
reduce the subject choices available to 4th years from eight to six so
wanting to find out what the state of play is with Aberdeen City Council;
when, if the six-subject timetable is to be implemented, will this come
in; why is this blanket change necessary; wasn't the Scottish
Government prepared to let each school address the Curriculum for
Excellence changes as it saw fit; are other authorities looking to do this
too; has there been consultation with parents; if not, why not; isn't six
subjects too restrictive, as really pupils will only have two subjects to
pick from once they've done the obligatory English, Maths, language
and a science; what happens when they move into fifth year - are they
expected to do a crash higher to make up for the standard
grade/national they weren't able to do; will this have an impact on
pupils' ability to get into universities outwith Scotland; the reporter
understands there may still be some 'flexibility' in subject choices - i.e.
a child may be allowed to do music as a seventh subject if they
are already knowledgable about it through private tuition outwith school
- however is that not somewhat discriminatory to those who can't afford
such a luxury; what are the benefits of reducing the number of subjects
available; is the education service going round all the parent councils;
which ones have been visited so far and which are still to
come? Response – checking
EE - following British Gas saying they are going to increase prices, what
are the fuel poverty figures for Aberdeen? Response - Fuel poverty in
Aberdeen is estimated to be 26.9% of households*; however, each
time fuel prices increase this figure could rise [*estimated from the
Scottish House Condition Survey 2011 update]. As part of our
commitment to providing affordable warmth to the citizens of Aberdeen,
through the Home Energy team we have established partnerships to
provide support and incentives for the installation of energy efficiency
measures. For free and impartial advice on reducing your fuel bill
contact the council’s home energy advice service, which is managed
by SCARF, on (01224) 213005. Alternatively, visit the energy efficiency
page on the council website or email the
Home Energy team
Media Briefing – Mon 15 October 2012
release out about ACC carrying out community self-help salt trial cns/pr Salt 171012.a
release out about road closure of Fernhill Road
release out about temporary traffic lights in use in the city
release out about Lord Provost hitting out at litter louts at City's War
Memorial cns/pr lplitter 15101
release out about appeal for artefacts from Great War for
commemorative events in 2014 cns/pr GreatWarartef
acts 191012.asp
release out about places still available on creative classes organised by
Aberdeen Art Gallery cns/pr getcreativewo
rkshops 151012.asp
release drafted about world-renowned British contemporary artist Gary
Hume's exhibition opening at Aberdeen Art Gallery
release drafted about Aberdeen Country Fair
release drafted about Countryside Rangers joined by city historian as
they take a trip through time on latest health walk
release drafted about green fingered enthusiasts urged to sign up for RHS
gardening workshops at Duthie Park
BBC Aberdeen - is the council still involved in Work Club, an initiative
previously run by a community learning officer to help unemployed
people in the city? (Reporter looking for a case study of someone longterm unemployed and the challenges they face in a city will a low
unemployment rate.) Response – checking
Sunday Post - a Bridge of Don couple claim ACC joiners removed wood
from their windows nine weeks ago and have never returned to
complete the repair; what has happened with this case? Response –
Grampian Police - quote provided for police and community safety release
about fire-raising in Hazlehead ahead of Bonfire Night. Convener of
Housing and Environment Councillor Neil Cooney said: "It is always
great to hear fire safety is being improved in our communities. Key to
this success has been the close partnership working between the
local policing team, the council's City Wardens and other
bodies. Tackling the risks and problems associated with fire-raising has
been an important part of this. With Bonfire Night just around the
corner it is important that this work is continued across the city. We rely
on the support and co-operation of members of the public for the
continued success of our joint effort on fire safety. People can stay safe
and still have fun on Bonfire Night - and clearly the best way to do that
is to attend a properly supervised event."
STV - seeking interview with an expert on wind turbines, specifically on
the subject of the dangers they may or may not pose to wildlife.
Response - Suggested reporter try Scottish Renewables.
BBC - what is an EIA scoping request, in relation to
and is this the site earmarked and given planning permission for a new
football stadium for AFC? Response - It's an Environmental Impact
Assessment Scoping Request - in other words, can you (the council)
please tell us (the applicant) what you think we need to focus on in our
Environmental Impact Assessment, or which matters should form the
basis of our EIA. We (the council) then consult with specified
consultees, including Scottish Natural Heritage, Sepa and Historic
Scotland, which will give us their information and views on a proposed
scheme and we then draw up and issue a Screening Opinion, which is
a statement of the issues the applicant should focus on for their EIA. It
could be things like dust, noise impact, impact on protected species,
drainage, or a range of other things which may be relevant. The
proposed development is for works around the proposed stadium site in other words, the applicant is not proposing to build on the site which
had been earmarked for a new football stadium.
Tues 16 October 2012
release out about first gritting patrol of the season taking place tomorrow
morning cns/pr firstgrittingpatr
ol 161012.asp
release out about disabled bay realignment work being carried out in
Tillydrone and Seaton cns/pr Disabledbays
release out about Scottish Water carrying out manhole repairs on King
release drafted about re-launch of council's winter weather web pages
release drafted about places still being available for a free illustrated talk
on the history of bodysnatching in the 19th century at Aberdeen
Maritime Museum next week
release and photo opp drafted about renowned contemporary artist
Gary Hume visiting his new exhibition at Aberdeen Art Gallery
release drafted about temporary exhibitions, cafe and gallery at Provost
Skene's House
release drafted about older people in the city being urged to have their say
on the future of care in Aberdeen
release drafted about closure of the Duthie Park's Riverside Drive car
park during ongoing restoration works
Sunday Post - a Bridge of Don couple claim ACC joiners removed wood
from their windows nine weeks ago and have never returned to
complete the repair; what has happened with this case? Response - A
council joiner will visit the property today. Explained to reporter that the
property had not been left in mid-repair and that an extended period of
work is required at the property.
EE - Travellers have set up camp in Hazlehead Park and are blocking
access to the greenkeepers' shed; what is ACC doing about a) the
encampment and b) work at the golf course when the staff can't get to
their equipment? Response: We are moving for eviction action and the
case is due to call in Aberdeen Sheriff Court on Thursday. Referred
reporter to Sport Aberdeen on the access to the shed question.
Original - seeking interview with officer about the first gritting patrol of the
season being carried out, and winter maintenance in general.
Response - agreed and arranged
EE - seeking images of the gritters. Response - Arrangements made for
the photographer to go to the West Tullos depot in the morning.
Weds 17 October 2012
joint press call between Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council
and Scottish Government about Supreme Court ruling on the AWPR
case - attended by BBC, STV, Northscot, Original 106, Northsound,
release out about on places up for grabs on historian Chris Croly's talk
about bodysnatching being held at Aberdeen Maritime Museum cns/pr bodysnatching
release out about ACC delight at the Supreme Court ruling on the AWPR
challenge cns/pr AWPRyes 17
release out about the Duthie Park car park at Riverside Drive closing
during restoration work cns/pr Duthiecarpark
release drafted about MUSIC Transition Arena initiative
release drafted about Community Festive Fund applications
release drafted about council team seeking would-be foster carers to
come forward and help city's children in need of care
release drafted about annual Funolympics event held at Aberdeen Beach
Ballroom supported by ACC in partnership with Aberdeen City and
Shire Hotels Association
Newsline - wanting council's reaction to the Supreme Court ruling on
AWPR. Response - statement sent
Newsline - wanting to interview historian Chris Croly about forthcoming
bodysnatchers talk. Response – arranged
P&J – same
P&J - apparently the council removed play equipment from a park in
Tillydrone [Gordon Mills Road] for health and safety reasons recently;
can we confirm this; will the equipment be replaced; if so, when and
what is the cost of the new equipment? Response - The play
equipment has been identified by an independent expert as being
beyond economical repair and recommended for removal. The council
has a budget to help the service identify and remove equipment that is
no longer fit-for-purpose but there is no budget at this time to allow for
replacing the equipment. The service has a small maintenance budget
to cover all 150+ play areas in the city and the team ensures that
they are safe and in working condition. All play equipment that remains,
although old, is safe for play.
EE - a member of the Tilly Youth Project Committee has claimed Council
officers have told the committee that they will be forced to close or be
made homeless next year; is the council axing TYP? Response - The
council has opened preliminary discussions with the Tilly Youth
Project Committee to discuss potential venues to host the project in the
event that their existing home closes. The council has always made
clear its commitment to identifying a suitable venue to host the TYP as
it is a vital community resource. The committee continues to be well
supported and does a great job engaging and working with young
people in the community."
P&J - a Bucksburn resident has accused ACC of not staying true to its
word and allowing him to do what he wants on a plot of council land at
the end of his street; he claims council staff have threatened him with
the police and destroyed Bucksburn in Bloom plants and displays
which he had every right to grow there; is this true? Response –
P&J - seeking interview with officer about winter maintenance operations,
particularly the community self-help salt scheme and public liability
implications of that. Response - Agreed to interview, but made clear
that the UK Government, backed by the insurance industry, has stated
there is not a liability issue and that there wouldn't be any requirement
for volunteers to go out at certain times or make sure roads and
footpaths are salted so - in terms of, for example someone falling on an
unsalted area - there's no comeback on the volunteers.
Daily Mail - Glasgow City Council has increased the distance between its
grit bins from 100 metres to 200 metres and will now have 20 per
neighbourhood; has ACC reduced gritting facilities from those in place
last year or from two winters ago; will there be fewer grit bins or will
they be further apart than last year or the year before; will there be less
primary salting of the road network; will the bins be filled less often;
have you got less grit stockpiled than at this time last year; how many
tonnes of grit do you have in readiness for winter; how many grit bins
do you have and how many tonnes of grit would you need to fill all of
the grit bins in the council area? Response - We've no plans to reduce
gritting facilities and we instal new grit bins in the most appropriate
location every year. The grit bins will be filled as required and we
actively encourage the public to let us know when the grit bins in their
area are running low. The road network, including footpaths, will be
treated as usual.We have a full stock of salt, almost 17,000 tonnes,
with further deliveries scheduled throughout the winter season.
Provided press releases issued earlier this month about winter
operations which provide detailed information, including the scale of
operation required to fill all grit bins and a new trial community self-help
salt scheme. cns/pr Salt 171012.a
sp cns/pr WinterMainten
ance 121012.asp cns/pr firstgrittingpatr
ol 161012.asp
Big Partnership (for Transport Scotland) - seeking permission to provide
The Times with ACC images of congested traffic in Aberdeen to
illustrate a story on the AWPR Supreme Court case. Response Agreed, on condition that the images are credited to ACC and a copy
of any publication featuring them is sent to the ACC photographer.
Thurs 18 October 2012
release drafted about concert and conversation with English composer
John Casken as part of the lunchbreak concert series at the Cowdray
release drafted about one-way system on Westfield Road
release drafted about road closure of Jopp's Lane
freelancer - writing article on Aberdeen and her favourite things to do so
wanting details of forthcoming exhibitions at Aberdeen Art Gallery
and Museums in February and March 2013. Response – checking
TESS - when is the report on PSAs due back at the Education, Culture
and Sport Committee? Response - The report on PSAs is due to be
heard at the Education, Culture and Sport Committee on Thursday 22
EE - was Tilly Youth Project promised a place in a new community hub
by March 2013? Response - No. TYP has been earmarked in future
work regarding a potential new community hub in Tillydrone as part of
wider regeneration of the area. No site or work on such a property has
ever been scheduled. The council has opened preliminary discussions
with the Tilly Youth Project Committee to discuss potential venues to
host the project in the event that their existing home closes. The
council has always made clear its commitment to identifying a suitable
venue to host the TYP as it is a vital community resource. The
committee continues to be well supported and does a great job
engaging and working with young people in the community.
EE - what was the housing open day at Marischal College about on
Saturday 13 October? Response - sent link about the event
P&J - we've been advertising a series looking at care for the elderly, we
requested interviews with the Chief Executive and Director of Social
Care and Wellbeing at the end of September; you indicated it would
likely be 9 November before they were available; we need them now as
we will run the series at the start of November; when can we interview
them? Response - The Director and Chief Executive have very busy
diaries. We simply cannot magic slots in them at your behest. We will
check dates and report back with potential availability.
Operation Zenith - Grampian Police asking for quote from Aberdeen City
Council about motorcycle safety etc. Response - Vice Convener of
Enterprise Planning and Infrastructure Councillor Ramsay Milne said:
"Whilst roads within Aberdeen City do not, in general, lend themselves
to high numbers of motorcycle collisions, we cannot be complacent and
continue to strive to maintain these low accident levels. There are a
number of initiatives that can reduce the likelihood of serious collisions
on our roads, both for motorcyclists and other road users. We have
found that one of the most effective means has been a programme of
re-texturing the road surface at locations with higher collision rates. Retexturing gives the surface back its resistance to skidding where a
polished effect has resulted from vehicle over-run. Aberdeen City
Council has had a re-texturing programme in place over the last three
years which has reduced collisions to zero at three separate locations
within the city, compared with the previous year’s accident figures.
Whilst we put in place engineering schemes to help reduce collisions
with the more vulnerable road users such at motorcyclists, there is
nothing more effective than being properly prepared and riding within
safe limits. This is where Operation Zenith can, and does, make a
difference through enforcement but also through education and
encouragement to ride safely today and in future years."
quote from Clr Barney Crockett provided to Transport Scotland for use in a
press release about the publication of the Prior Information Notice for
the AWPR main works contract: Aberdeen City Council leader Barney
Crockett said: "We've had to wait a long time to get the green light to
build this road and we are not going to waste any time now in getting it
done. Within days of the Supreme Court throwing out the legal
challenge to the scheme Aberdeen City Council, as the Scottish
Ministers' appointed agent for the AWPR, will be publishing a Prior
Information Notice in the Official Journal of the European Union, to
make the industry aware that contract for the main works construction
of the road will soon be going out to tender. This shows just how
serious all partners in the scheme are about getting the road built and
delivering a high-quality bypass as soon as practicably possible, which
will bring enormous benefits to the city and North-east as a whole."
P&J - interview with Hugh Murdoch and Clr Ramsay Milne about winter
operations and community self-help; copy of the 2012/13 press
release provided
EE - we've been told the Craighill School building will be demolished this
financial year; is that right? Response - The school is scheduled for
demolition this financial year. The contract for the work went out to
tender earlier this month. Demolition work is due to start early in the
new year.
EE - it's been claimed that a child took a knife into Bucksburn School.
Seeking comment. Response - We cannot comment on individual
matters. Safety is an absolute priority in schools and any allegations of
incidents like this are taken very seriously. The matter will be
thoroughly investigated.
Fri 19 October 2012
release out about Trading Standards warning of scam advertisements
for top-of-the-range cars for sale at extremely low prices, on local free
classified ads website cns/pr tradingstandar
dswarning 191012.asp
release out about 16th Funolympics for people with
disabilities, Sunday, Beach Ballroom, organised by ACC and Aberdeen
City and Shire Hotels Association cns/pr funolympics 1
release posted on council website about Safe Drive, Stay Alive roadshow
at Beach Ballroom cns/pr stayalive road
show 191012.asp
EE - why has all the play equipment in Tillydrone Park, Gordon Mills
Road, been removed; is it being repaired or replaced? Response - The
play equipment has been identified by an independent expert as being
beyond economical repair and recommended for removal. The council
has a budget available to help the service identify and remove
equipment that is no longer fit-for-purpose but there is no budget at this
time to allow for replacing the equipment. To install a set of swings,
roundabout, multi tower unit with slides, two springers and a see-saw in
the park would cost in the region of £70 000. The service has a small
maintenance budget to cover all 150+ play areas in the city and the
team ensures that these play areas are safe and in working condition.
All play equipment that remains, although old, is safe for play.
EE follow-up - who is/are the independent experts that checked the play
equipment; was it a health and safety or a money issue, or both, that
saw the equipment removed; wanting confirmation that six swings,
three baby swings, two benches, a slide and a number of bins were
removed from the park in Tillydrone; it has been suggested by
the community council and the development trust that the council didn't
tell them the equipment was going to be removed - was any attempt
made to keep the local community informed; are the annual checks
done at a particular time each year or is it a rolling programme; how
many parks are affected; will any of the parks that have or are due to
have play equipment removed get new play equipment? Response –
Sunday Post - is it true Aberdeen City Council has purchased a dog
fouling collection vehicle known as a FIDO, and if so do we think it is
value for money? Response - We have not purchased or leased a
vehicle of this type.
Newsline - wanting council comment following article in EE today about an
alleged incident involving a knife being taken into Bucksburn School.
Response - We cannot comment on individual matters. Safety is an
absolute priority in schools and any allegations of incidents like this are
taken very seriously. The matter will be thoroughly investigated.
EE - when will the plaque in honour of Mary Webb, author of The
Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen, be erected in Kaimhill Cemetery
where her ashes were scattered?
, the
resident who made the successful nomination, was in contact
on 04 October but has heard nothing
since. Response – checking
P&J - a Bucksburn resident has accused ACC of not staying true to its
word and allowing him to do what he wants on a plot of council land at
the end of his street; he claims council staff have threatened him with
the police and destroyed Bucksburn in Bloom plants and displays
which he had every right to grow there; is this true? Response - The
work carried out by
in the community, particularly with regard
to Bucksburn in Bloom, is hugely appreciated. However, the council
must also take into consideration the feelings of neighbours and
residents in the surrounding areas.
does not have ownership,
and has ever been granted ownership, of council land. We continue to
engage with
in the hope of finding an amicable solution for all
parties involved.
P&J - a case at the civil court today between ACC and Epic Group heard
claims that the Licensing Board hearing which placed a two-week
suspension on the Pearl Lounge should not stand because: a member
of the licensing board fell asleep during the hearing; a vote was not
taken in public; and a representative acting on behalf of Epic was not
allowed to follow through with their submission; is this true?
Response - We do not accept Epic Group's version of events. We will
continue with our preparations for a robust defence of the Licensing
Board's decision when the appeal goes to court.
EE - a hearing is listed at the Nursing and Midwifery Council into a nurse
who worked at ACC's Balnagask Court regarding allegations of
improper use of medication; comment? Response - We do not
comment on individual cases.
EE - the council reported an issue with fading ink on parking permits in
July and asked people with a problem to come forward and seek
replacements; how many people were affected and subsequently came
forward? Response - checking
Media briefing - Monday 22 October 2012
release drafted for Aberdeen's international street market returning to
the city on Friday 2 - Sunday 4 November
following the ditching of helicopter in the North Sea quote provided by
the Lord Provost for the media - Speaking from the World Energy Cities
Partnership Annual General Meeting in St. John's, Canada, Aberdeen's
Lord Provost George Adam said: "Incidents like these remind us of the
dedication shown every day by those working in the Oil and Gas
industry who do very hazardous jobs for the benefit of us all. We are
indebted to the bravery of those who put their own lives at risk to
rescue others - particularly those from the RNLI who do so voluntarily."
EE - wanting council response to Kingswells Community Council’s
concern about the local primary school's ability to handle the increase
in capacity which will arise from new families moving into the
Huxterstone development. They say it could have a big impact on the
education of Kingswells children. Response - Aberdeen City Council is
in discussion with the developers of the proposed 120 homes in West
Huxterstone, Kingswells in relation to the impact it could have on
educational provision and pupil capacity at Kingswells Primary School.
An update of these discussions will be in a report that will accompany
the master plan which will go to Enterprise, Planning & Infrastructure
Committee on Tuesday 6 November 2012. The Council is in the
process of carrying out a public consultation on its Primary School
Estates which will include consideration of the education provision in
the Kingswells area. Developer contributions will be identified to ensure
that pupil numbers generated by this development can be
accommodated. The nature of this will be determined once the
conclusions to the consultation have been formed at the planning
application stage.
Newsline - following up Evening Express query from Friday about play
equipment being removed from Tillydrone Park, Gordon Mills Road;
seeking comment. Response - The play equipment has been identified
by an independent expert as being beyond economical repair and
recommended for removal. The council has a budget available to help
the service identify and remove equipment that is no longer fit-forpurpose but there is no budget at this time to allow for replacing the
equipment. To install a set of swings, roundabout, multi tower unit with
slides, two springers and a see-saw in the park would cost in the region
of £70 000. The service has a small maintenance budget to cover all
150+ play areas in the city and the team ensures that these play areas
are safe and in working condition. All play equipment that remains,
although old, is safe for play.
P&J - when is the licence appeal hearing for Aurum and Society
scheduled? Response - The case next calls at Aberdeen Sheriff Court
on October 31.