How to Hire the Best Staffing Agency 7 QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE HIRING A STAFFING AGENCY Research & publication by 7 Questions to ask before hiring a staffing agency 1. What expertise do you have with recruiting in my industry? 2. H ow do you measure your client satisfaction and what is your most recent satisfaction score? 3. What was your turnover rate for internal staff last year? 4. W hat is your most recent satisfaction score for your permanent and temporary placed talent? 5. W hat current trends and recruiting issues should I be aware of? 6. D o you expect your rates to be higher, lower, or about the same as other agencies we may consider? 7. What are your expectations of me in this partnership? S HA RE THIS GUID E in ©2013 Inavero 3 million TE MP ORARY E MP L OYE ES G O T O W O R K E V E R Y D AY 1 In today’s uncertain and ever-changing business environment, many companies find it is no longer a question of whether 35% OF U.S . COMPANI ES US E D A S TAFFI NG AGENCY I N T H E PA S T 1 2 M O N T H S 2 or not to implement a flexible workforce strategy, but rather which staffing agency or agencies are best to partner with when building and executing that strategy. Leveraging more than a million survey responses over the last decade, Inavero has identified 7 questions to help hiring managers, procurement professionals, and senior HR leaders choose the best staffing agency for their needs. ©2013 Inavero 1 What expertise do you have with recruiting in my industry? Inavero research has shown that while an ability to effectively match technical skills and culture fit are critical, it is the staffing agency’s knowledge of your industry that is often most important.2 Does the agency attend your industry events? Have they filled positions for your competitors? If they aren’t one of the key contributors to your industry, find an agency that is and partner with them instead. ©2013 Inavero GOOD A G ENCY F I T = SK ILLS AN D CULTUR E + IN DUS TRY K N O WLE D G E 2 How do you measure your client satisfaction and what is your most recent satisfaction score? One of the most reliable indicators of future performance is past performance. Ask staffing agencies to provide you with their most recent client satisfaction score and how they compare to competitors. Don’t just accept 3 testimonials from the staffing agency—anyone can find 3 people that love them. Inavero’s Best of Staffing™ list is the nation’s only award that recognizes staffing agencies that receive remarkable reviews from their clients. The 2013 Best of Staffing™ Client winners have all achieved a minimum Net Promoter Score® of 55%, more than double the industry average score (17%) for staffing agencies.2 ©2013 Inavero HOW D OES YOUR CLIENT SATISFACTION S CORE COMPARE T O Y O U R C O MP ET I T O RS ? 3 What was your turnover rate for internal staff last year? Partner with an agency that has low turnover of their internal staff so that you can build a long-lasting relationship. It’s important that your account manager and recruiter know you, your business, and your industry. This is tough to accomplish if they leave the staffing agency. A recent Inavero and CareerBuilder study found 32 percent of staffing agency clients had a different contact this year compared to last year at their primary staffing agency. The best agencies should have internal turnover significantly less than the most recent industry average of 21 percent.2 T HE BES T AGEN CIES SHOU L D HAVE <21% T U RNOV ER OF INT ERNA L S TA FF ©2013 Inavero 4 What is your most recent satisfaction score for your permanent and temporary placed talent? A staffing agency with happy people working for them is invaluable. Dissatisfied permanent and temporary employees who are working for you are twice as likely to quit their job early.2 These types of avoidable disruptions are painful and costly for you and your team. Gauge the satisfaction of permanent and temporary employees currently working for a staffing agency by viewing testimonials, reviews, and satisfaction scores. DISSATISFIED EMPLOYEES ARE The industry average Net Promoter Score for permanent and temporary employees working for a staffing agency is 30%,2 but those who earned Inavero’s 2013 Best of Staffing™ award for talent satisfaction achieved a minimum NPS of 50%, with average scores that are more than double the industry benchmark. ® ©2013 Inavero 2X LIKELY TO QUIT T HE I R JO B E AR LY 5 What current trends and recruiting issues should I be aware of? Choose a staffing agency you trust as a strategic advisor for your company. Your agency should provide you with useful and enlightening information that makes you smarter, even before you hire them. Did you learn anything new the first time you met with them? If not, continue your search. ©2013 Inavero 6 Do you expect your rates to be higher, lower, or about the same as other agencies we may consider? 4 X M O RE I N TR U E COST Don’t just buy from the staffing agency with the lowest price or markup. It’s important to make an informed decision based on value, and not solely on cost. Inavero research shows that if your organization makes a bad hiring decision it will cost you up to 4 times more than if you had just hired a staffing agency with expertise in filling the needed position.2 However, if an agency is higher in cost than their competitors, they should be able to explain and illustrate why. Pay for concrete value and true differentiation, not clever marketing or a persuasive sales pitch. Choose a staffing agency that provides you with permanent and temporary employees you can’t necessarily access yourself and invests in training the talent who will be working with you. ©2013 Inavero COST OF STAFFING AGENCY VS. COST OF BAD HIRE 7 What are your expectations of me in this partnership? A high-performing relationship with a staffing agency won’t happen without your investment of time and resources too. Partner with a staffing agency that you trust enough to allow them the access they need to learn about your business and culture. The success of a partnership is rooted in valuing each person involved—clients, job candidates, and the hired staffing agency. With this commitment in place, hiring a staffing agency and developing your flexible workforce strategy can be a transformational component for your organization’s growth, flexibility, and sustained success. ©2013 Inavero What’s next? Select a Staffing Agency. Inavero’s Best of Staffing™ is the nation’s only award that recognizes staffing agencies that receive remarkable reviews from their clients. The list of agencies on the following page identifies the best staffing agencies in North America. MO R E T H A N TRIP LE THE INDUSTRY AV ERAGE S TAFFIN G IN D US T RY BE ST O F STA F F I N G AWA RD WI N N I N G AGENCIES AV E R A G E C L I E N T S AT I S F A C T I O N S C O R E 2 ©2013 Inavero TM L ESS THAN 1% OF NOR TH AMERICAN AGENCIES MADE THIS LIST 201 3 OF STAFFING AWARDING S TA F F I N G A G E N C I E S F O R T H E B E S T C L I E N T S E R V I C E REVENUE $0-$99M 52 Limited ABR Employment Services Adams & Garth Staffing Advanced Group Allegiance Staffing Apollo Staffing, Inc. ASK Staffing, Inc. Bolder Staffing, Inc. Cardinal Staffing Services Carlton Staffing City Staffing Comrise CulverCareers Delta Flex Travelers Brand of The Delta Companies Delta Healthcare Placement Brand of The Delta Companies Delta Locum Tenens Brand of The Delta Companies Digital Prospectors Corp Donovan and Watkins Brand of Willis Group ettain group Flexicrew Staffing FutureStaff GDH Consulting, Inc. Glenmont Group, Inc Health Providers Choice Helpmates Financial Staffing Helpmates Staffing Services Hire Dynamics Hiregy Ideal Engineering Staffing Solutions Brand of Joulé, Inc Ideal Marine Staffing Solutions Brand of Joulé, Inc Infinity Consulting Solutions Instant Technology Insurance Recruiting Specialists Insurance Relief Brand of PrideStaff JFC Staffing Companies Joulé Clinical Staffing Solutions Joulé Scientific Staffing Solutions Joulé Staffing Solutions JustinBradley Kineticom, Inc. LC Staffing Lofton Energy Services Brand of Lofton Staffing Services Lofton Security Service Brand of Lofton Staffing Services Lofton Staffing Services Magellan Group Medix Staffing Solutions Mee Derby Monarch Staffing Monroe Staffing Services Portfolio Creative PrideStaff PrideStaff Financial Priority Personnel, Inc. Pro Resources Professional Staffing Group Proposal Development Consultants Brand of BLR Holdings, Inc. Provisional PsychPros, Inc. Reliance Staffing & Recruiting Rx relief Brand of PrideStaff Seis-Stream Global Brand of Willis Group Smart Resources Inc. S H A R E THIS GUID E ©2013 INAVERO SPARKS Staffing Alternatives Stark Stephen James Associates SUPERIORHIRE TERRA Staffing Group The BOSS Group Brand of BLR Holdings, Inc. The Medicus Firm The Plus Group, Inc. The Squires Group Top Gun Recruiting Partners TopSource TriCom Technical Services Victory Marketing Agency VonChurch Wood Personnel Services Hudson Hudson Legal Kimco Staffing Services Labor Finders Medical Doctor Associates MedicalSolutions Brand of EmployBridge Mergis Group Brand of Randstad US, Professionals Nelson Nesco Resource Personnel One Brand of EmployBridge Randstad Finance & Accounting Randstad Human Resources Resource Accounting Brand of EmployBridge ResourceMFG Brand of EmployBridge REVENUE $100M+ @WORK Personnel Services 500 Staffing Brand of The Ian Martin Group Adams & Martin Group Brand of Roth Staffing Addison Group Advantage Resourcing Allines Brand of EmployBridge Analysts International Corporation (AIC) Apex Systems, Inc. CoWorx Staffing CSI Healthcare IT Brand of The CSI Companies CSI Professional Brand of The CSI Companies Express Employment Professionals Snelling SOS Employment Group Staffing Now Brand of SNI Companies StaffingSolutions Brand of EmployBridge Staffmark Staffmark Professional Services Staffmark Transportation TEKsystems The Ian Martin Group TRC Staffing Services, Inc. Ultimate Staffing Services Brand of Roth Staffing VisionIT Weatherby Healthcare Brand of CHG Healthcare Services Inc. ZeroChaos Inavero administers more staffing agency client and talent satisfaction surveys than any other firm in the world. Inavero’s team reports on satisfaction surveys from more than 500,000 staffing agency clients and talent each year and the company serves as the American Staffing Association’s exclusive research partner. Inavero’s Best of Staffing™ is the nation’s only award that recognizes staffing agencies that receive remarkable reviews from their clients and the people they help find jobs (employed talent). The Best of Staffing winner lists are a central place that businesses and talent go to find the best staffing agencies to call when they are in need. For more information: (800) 921-2640 | S H AR E T H IS G UIDE in Those recognized on the 2013 Best of Staffing Client list earned the distinction based on the strength of more than 37,130survey responses. Participating staffing agencies were required to survey all clients they had worked with during a recent consecutive 3 month period, using the Net Promoter® Score (NPS) methodology. Net Promoter Score is calculated by taking the percentage of clients who rate their likelihood to recommend the staffing agency with a score of 9 or 10 (promoters) and subtracting the percentage who rate the staffing agency a 6 or lower (detractors). A minimum response rate of 20% (with at least 15 responses), or 500 responses per brand were required to ensure the score’s validity. Sources 1 American Staffing Association: Quarterly Trends in Temporary Help Services ( 2 Inavero and CareerBuilder Research: 2012 Opportunities in Staffing ( Copyright ©2013 All Right Reserved. Best of Staffing & Inavero, Inc. ®Net Promoter, NPS, and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld.
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