Inside News... Strauss wins Dist. VOD—Pg. 3 Inside News… Accident training held—Pg. 5 Inside Ag... Stock Show experienced—Pg. 6 $1.00 per copy Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014 Holyoke, CO Vol. 114, No. 48 School’s Phase 2 construction nears completion By Brenda Johnson Brandt Phase 2 of Holyoke School District Re-1J’s construction projects is mostly complete and was reported in detail by Superintendent Bret Miles at the Jan. 14 board meeting. After the original Building Excellent Schools Today grant construction in 2012, there was about $216,000 remaining. However, due to the successful award of a second BEST grant, the district needed to hold back $44,000 for the cash match. Miles explained that about $172,000 was remaining for other projects. The district budget and facilities committee prioritized other projects to be completed, and those are now almost finished. Actual cost of those projects is $140,885. Projects fell in four tiers: instructional needs, health/ Around Town Recipes sought for community cookbook The HHS 21st century skills class and FCCLA are collecting recipes to make community cookbooks. Proceeds from cookbook sales will benefit “Share Our Strength” to fight child hunger in the U.S. Please send in any recipes to Holyoke High School or Holyoke Elementary School. Bridal edition debuts in this week’s paper Johnson Publications’ first bridal edition is inserted in this week’s Enterprise. It features wedding articles, ads and more—all for the bride-to-be. safety needs, aesthetics and efficiencies/other. In the first tier, finished projects include dual light switching, air conditioning for the computer server room, science lab upgrades and elementary classroom doors. Ceiling fans at the elementary school are being bid out, but that’s the only instructional needs project that hasn’t started. Health/safety needs projects that are complete include additional keyless access at the elementary school and old gym sidewalk snowmelt. The restroom fixtures and stalls project is in progress, with $50,971 having been spent. The district in the process of bidding out the restroom partitions to complete the project. Metal siding on gables at both schools has been completed in the aesthetics tier for a vast improvement over constantly peeling paint, said Miles. The sprinkler system project is in progress. The system was installed at the old gym entrance, but the front of the elementary school is yet to be done. Miles said Robert Jacobs, director of transportation, maintenance and facilities, and Stan Kreider in maintenance were especially pleased that the controls system finished the old project in the efficiencies tier. Miles acknowledged the work of Jacobs and his leader- The community remembers Kelsie Jean Schelling with fondness and hope as the oneyear anniversary of her disap- No school Mon. HVFD responds to crash Sat. Weather at a glance Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 20 Jan. 14-20 High Low Precip. 38 59 42 53 50 65 45 25 27 14 14 19 25 10 --------------- Log on to www.weatherbug. com for up-to-date weather information. Markets Jan. 21, 2014 Wheat new Corn new $5.91 (bu.) $5.86 (bu.) $4.12 (bu.) $4.20 (bu.) First-semester random drug testing reported Miles said he met with the random drug testing coordinator, Principal Susan Ortner, Jan. 13 to conduct the audit of records for the first semester’s random drug testing program. He detailed the specific procedures he used for conducting the audit and concluded that policies and procedures for the random drug testing program are being followed in the building with every random sample selected for review. He added that all samples had accurate numbers and appropriate paperwork. There was no discrepancy between the tested numbers collected by the school and by the testing vendor, Centennial Mental Health. One minor change will be made in getting a second set of signatures on copies in the office rather than just the originals. Miles pointed out this is a minor change and didn’t contradict any of the operating procedures or policy. Ortner reported statistics for the first-semester 2013-14 random drug testing. (Cont. on Page 5) Prayer vigil Jan. 25 for Kelsie Schelling A teacher inservice Monday, Jan. 27 means students in Re-1J schools in Holyoke will get the day off. A two-vehicle collision involving a car and a semi caused the sirens to ring out Saturday, Jan. 18 at noon. The crash occurred nine miles north of Holyoke at the intersection of Highway 385 and Phillips County Road 40. No extrication was needed and the Holyoke Volunteer Fire Department assisted EMS. ship. It starts with his initial walkthrough of the facilities and goes through gathering bids, selecting vendors and monitoring completion or in many cases completing the work himself or with his team. Kelsie Jean Schelling pearance approaches. A candlelight prayer vigil for Kelsie is being planned for this Saturday, Jan. 25 at 5 p.m. at Holyoke City Park near the gazebo area. In case of bad weather, the vigil will move to Zion Lutheran Church. Pastor Gary Rahe will lead the informal vigil, which will include prayer, Scripture reading and music. Schelling will be 23 in February and has been missing for almost a year, since Feb. 4, 2013, when she was last seen in Pueblo. She was eight weeks pregnant at the time of her disappearance. Kelsie’s parents are Doug Schelling of Holyoke and Laura Saxton of Yuma. Ardie Besse is pictured with samples of her 51 years of memories as she prepares for retirement from her local beauty salon business. It is the plan that Ruth McMurdy, Besse’s first customer in 1963, will be her last customer at noon Friday, Jan. 24. The community will have a chance to join Ardie for cake and reminiscing from 2-6 p.m. Friday. —Enterprise photo Ardie Besse looks to retirement as a chance to learn how to relax By Brenda Johnson Brandt Ardie Besse has juggled hair appointments, community involvement, family life and more with much finesse for 51 years. But life will take on a new look as of Friday, Jan. 24, when Besse retires her scissors. As with everything she does, Besse’s final day in business will be marked with her flair for fun and memory making. Ruth McMurdy, Besse’s first customer in 1963, will be her last client at noon on Friday as McMurdy travels from Corpus Christi, Texas, to add an extra touch to Ardie’s last day. Forty-six employees have worked for Ardie, and any who can are invited to be part of a picture with her at 4 p.m. From 2-6 p.m. has been set aside for all members of the community to stop by her shop at 235 S. Campbell to enjoy refreshments and reminisce with the soon-to-be retiree. A windfall phone call from Channel 9News out of Denver Monday, Jan. 20, left Besse breathless as they said they would be making the trip to Holyoke to cover her story Friday. SunSet View gets a clean start with the new laundry facility With all SunSet View Home tenant laundry traffic previously confined to a 90-squarefoot room at the community center entrance, it became clear that a new laundry facility was going to be necessary at some point. Ten years after identifying the need for a larger facility, SunSet View Homes moved all three washing and drying machines out of the cramped room due east into a recently completed 940-square-foot building. Along with the additional space, the building houses twice as many machines and a lounge room. “So far all of the tenants have really liked it,” Holyoke Housing Authority director Corey Zeiler said. “It’s much better than being crammed into a tiny room.” (Cont. on Page 3) Business begins in 1963 After graduation from Holyoke High School in 1962, Ardie Peterson started school at McCook Beauty Academy in McCook, Neb., graduating in May of 1963. A young go-getter, Ardie worked for three months for Delores McPherson in Holyoke before opening her own shop in late August of 1963 at the age of 19. The original Ardie’s opened as a one-station shop at 142 S. Interocean Ave. That building was razed and is now part of the First Pioneer National Bank parking lot north of the bank. Ardie’s quickly expanded to include two stations and two hair dryers. In 1970 it was remodeled inside and out as the business grew to include three shampoo units and one combout unit. A few years later, Ardie started selling clothes for Edie’s of Imperial, Neb., and the original Ardie’s building was simply inadequate for the needs of the expanding shop. Ardie and her family decided to build a new structure, and it was erected at 235 S. Campbell Ave., the store’s current location. Ardie’s Beauty Barr and Boutique moved there in May of 1976. In 2003, Besse sold the building, closed the boutique and continued to run Ardie’s Beauty Barr with other operators. Over her 51-year history in business, Besse employed 46 people, some short-term and others for a long time. Both Velma Wettstein and Debby Banaka worked more than 30 years at Ardie’s. Of course one of her favorites was her mom, Frieda Peterson. After Ardie’s parents sold the Rainbow Cafe, Frieda attended McCook Beauty Academy to receive her training. She started at Ardie’s in December of 1965, working as a hairstylist for 20 years and for a number of years after that in the boutique. “There were several times that my mother guided me into the right direction during work situations/employee situations,” said Besse. “I don’t know how I could have made it without her.” Prices, styles and even regulations have seen extensive change in Besse’s 51-year career. In the beginning, her prices were $2.50 for a shampoo and set and $1.75 for a haircut. While prices have certainly increased, they’ve not kept up with inflation, according to Besse’s calculations. When Besse first started, she gave lots of permanents to young and old alike. Now many have stopped getting perms as styles have changed. All haircuts were done with scissors in Besse’s early days of beauty school. Razor cuts were added about halfway through school, and when she started in business, Ardie said, she did more razor than scissor cuts. (Cont. on Page 3) Holyoke Chamber announces Gala award recipients Front-loading handicap accessible washing machines is one new perk of the laundry room at SunSet View Homes. —Enterprise photo Holyoke Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its annual Gala Awards Dinner Monday, Feb. 3 at Phillips County Event Center. Those being honored at the 2014 Gala have been recently announced and include: Employee of the Year Sherry Simms, Business of the Year Melissa Memorial Hospital, Outstanding Citizen of the Year Dorothy Ortner and Youth of the Year Anastasia Conklin and Nicholas Ortner. The Star of the Year Award will be announced at the Gala. The evening includes a social at 5:30 p.m. and a dinner at 6 p.m. followed by the awards program. A silent auction will also take place throughout the Gala. To RSVP, please call Mary Tomky at the Chamber office at 970-854-3517 by Monday, Jan. 27. Page 2—The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014 One Record From the Record • Court News • Police Dept. News • Sheriff’s Report • Colorado State Patrol reports • Births • Obituaries • Building Permits • Hospital News • Neighborhood Watch • From the Record • Court News • Police Dept. News • Sheriff’s Report • Births • Obituaries • Building Permits • Hospital News • Neighborhood Watch • From the Record• Police Dept. News • Sheriff’s Report • Colorado State Patrol reports • Births • Obituaries • Building Permits • Hospital News • Neighborhood Watch • From the Record • Court News • Sheriff’s Report • Colorado State Patrol reports • Births • Obituaries • Building Permits • Neighborhood Watch • From the Record • Court News • Police Dept. News • Colorado State Patrol reports • Births • Obituaries • Building Permits • Hospital News • From the Record for the Obituaries Harold Schroetlin Harold Mi chael Schroet lin was born Sept. 5, 1919, in Loveland. He died Jan. 16, 2014, at North Colo rado Medi cal Center in Greeley at age 94. Harold’s parents, August and Elizabeth (Rothmann) Schroetlin, along with broth ers, Richard and Marvin, and sister, Lorene, lived and farmed where McKee Medi cal Center in Loveland now stands. Farming was a lifelong heritage that Harold learned, lived and passed on to his chil dren from past generations. The Schroetlins were pioneers in the new sugar beet industry along the Front Range. Harold g raduated from Loveland High School in 1937. It was at an ice skating party that he met “one of those Senn kids coming in from east of town,” Mildred Senn. Interest ingly enough, Mildred knew Rich and Lorene (Harold’s brother and sister), and Harold knew Bob and Art (Mildred’s brothers) before they ever met each other. On May 11, 1941, Harold and Mildred were married in Mildred’s grandfather’s house east of Loveland. The couple settled on a farm southeast of Loveland. Four sons, Fred, John, Jim and Mark, and a daughter, Peggy, were born as the family farmed, raised cattle, pigs and sheep, and started a dairy in the Love land, Berthoud and Welling ton area. In 1972 the whole family moved to Yuma and set up a farming operation close to Clarkville. Although they were busy raising crops, animals and five kids, Harold still found time to serve on many boards (Farm Bureau, Big Thompson Water District), as a school board member for Mt. Hope School, on church committees, as a Sunday school teacher and played on the church softball team. He was a member of Great Western Beet Growers Associ ation and was a representative on the board for local growers. Harold enjoyed playing golf, traveling and the morning and afternoon coffee gather ings at the Beacon. For several years after retirement he was thrilled to help out the farming sons however he could. Harold was always eager to talk about all topics and amazed his visitors how he kept up with current events and farming practices. His life could be summed up in these words: “faith, family and farm ing,” in that order. He was preceded in death by his parents, August and Eliza beth; his two brothers, Rich and Marv; daughter-in-law, Pat; and granddaughter-in-law, Shasta. Survivors include his wife of almost 73 years, Mildred; sister, Lorene Senn of Kla math Falls, Ore.; sons, Fred and wife Sue, John and wife Deb, Jim and wife Linda, all of Yuma, and Mark and wife Laura of Holyoke; and daughter, Peggy and hus band Dave Lillich of Yuma; grandchildren, Keith and wife Jean, Julie and husband Chad Ewing, Jerry and wife Holly Boese, Jamie and hus band Nick Ratterman, Kyle and wife Kris, Kevin, Jacquie McCall, Josh and wife Amber, Curt and wife Laura Beth, Tara and husband Ricky Edelen and Mason Lillich; great-grandchildren, Amber, T.J. and husband Owen Wash burn, Wendy Wood, Sarah Haley, Ashley Ewing, Anna Boese, Aislynn Boese, Gracyn Ratterman, Caleb, Elizabeth, Rebekah, Sherayah, Jessica, Kyrie, Lydia, Kourtney, Ja kob, Justin, Ashley McCall, Marc McCall, Miranda, Joe, Brett, Daniel, Andrew and one more expected in May; greatgreat-grandchildren, Trinity Bradley, Azrielle Washburn, Faythe Parsons, Skylar Wood, Cayden Wood, Malikye Wood and Kaysen Wood. Harold knew the saving grace of Jesus and leaves his family and friends with the peaceful knowledge of his salvation. “Lord, now You let Your servant go in peace, ac cording to Your word” (Luke 2:29). The funeral service was held Jan. 21 at First Presbyterian Church in Yuma with Donna Herman officiating. Interment was held Jan. 22 at Rest Haven Cemetery in Loveland. Baucke Funeral Home di rected the service. Mary Matson Mary Audrey Matson was born April 4, 1909, near Val paraiso, Neb. She died Jan. 12, 2014. She had reached the remarkable age of 104. She was the third of eight children born to Carl and Mary Creathbaum Schulz. When Mary was an infant, the family moved to a farm southeast of Ogallala, Neb. When she was 5 years old, the family moved to Brule, Neb. Mary attended elemen tary school at the East Vail District #19 and attended high school in Ogallala. She graduated with the Class of 1929. After high school, Mary worked for different neighbors doing housework and later worked in Ogallala and North Platte, Neb. On July 3, 1934, she was married to Milton Bertram in Lexington, Neb. One son, Mil ton Fredrick, was born to this union, but he died in infancy. In 1939, Mary was at a dance in Ogallala when she met Earl Matson. They later married on Aug. 21, 1943, at the Meth odist parsonage in Grant, Neb. Two children were born to this union. They made their home on a farm near Grant until 1954 when they moved to Holyoke. In 1969 they returned to Grant. Mary continued to maintain her home in Grant after Earl died in 1992. She eventually moved to Park Ridge Assisted Living and in 2006 moved to the Golden Ours Convalescent Home where she lived until her death. Mary had been an active member of Eastern Star and the United Methodist Church in Grant. She was recognized by the church with the unsung saint award for her tireless devotion of calling people for volunteer jobs in the church. She also called for Eastern Star and the Grant Bloodmobile. She was always enjoyable to talk to. In addition to her husband and infant son Freddie, Mary was preceded in death by her seven siblings. She is survived by one son, Leslie and wife Susan Matson of Greeley; one daughter, Donna and husband Jerry Taylor of Colorado Springs; three grandchildren, Dean Taylor and Lindsey and Ben jamin Matson; two sisters-inlaw, Alma Schulz of Ogallala and Jean Schulz of Fort Col lins; and other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Jan. 18 at the Grant United Methodist Church with Pastor Nora Mendyk officiating. Buri al was at the Grant Fairview Cemetery. A memorial has been es tablished to the Grant United Methodist Church. Bullock-Long Funeral Home of Grant was in charge of ar rangements. Sheriff ’s report Phillips County Sheriff Rob Urbach recently reported the following activities for his office: Jan. 15—responded to the 300 block of Monmouth Ave. in Amherst on a dog complaint. Jan. 16—took custody of An thony Holley, 24, of Holyoke. He was arrested by Holyoke P.D. on four active warrants out of Adams County. The warrants are for harassment, driving while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, viola tion of a restraining order and failure to appear, with a total bond of $6,000. Jan. 16—transported a pris At the movies oner from Phillips County Jail to Logan County Jail. Jan. 16—assisted Holyoke P.D. with a family disturbance call in the 100 block of W. Em erson St. Jan. 17—assisted Colorado State Patrol with a motor ve hicle accident on Highway 6 at County Road 41. Jan. 18—assisted Colorado State Patrol with a two-vehicle motor vehicle accident on Highway 385 at County Road 40. Jan. 18—responded to a re port of an assault on County Road 24 one mile north of Highway 23. Police Dept. news The Holyoke Police Depart ment performed the following activities in the past week: Jan. 12—investigated a crim inal mischief in the 700 block of S. Baxter Ave. Jan. 14—investigated an ani mal complaint in the 400 block of S. Baxter Ave. Jan. 14—investigated a 911 misdial in the 600 block of S. Sherman Ave. Jan. 15—investigated a ha rassment report in the 400 block of E. Denver St. Jan. 17—performed D.A.R.E. education classes with 5th-6th grade at Holyoke Elementary School. Jan. 17—investigated two parking violations in the 500 block of E. Hale St. In addition, HPD reported five traffic stops, one bar check, three welfare checks, two juve nile problems, two business as sists, four school safety classes with K-2nd grade, five school zone patrols and assisting the ambulance three times. Court news County Court Kevin Dean Reinarz pleaded guilty to and was found guilty of driving while ability im paired. Four other charges of driving under the influence, driving under the influence per se, expired license plates and failure to display proof of insurance were dismissed by the district attorney. Reinarz received 24 hours community service, two years probation and a 30-day jail suspended im position. He must pay $847.50 in court fines and costs. Gabriel Lee Kuskie pleaded nolo contendere to and was found guilty of underage pos session of alcohol and under age drinking and driving. He received 18 months probation and 24 hours community ser vice. Kuskie must pay $260.50 in court fines and costs. In a separate case, Kuskie pleaded nolo contendere to and was found guilty of pro viding alcohol to a minor. A second charge of child abuse– knowingly/recklessly causing injury was dismissed by the district attorney. He received 18 months probation and a 90-day jail suspended imposi tion. Jail time and a $300 fine are suspended upon success ful completion of probation. Kuskie must pay $1,139.50 in court fines and costs. From the record Wa r r a n t y D e e d s — Jay O’Gorman, Deana O’Gorman to Nestor Daniel Vasquez Granados, Elena Frances Vasquez; Evnan Enterprises LLC to Larson Land Com pany LLC; Lohn Farms LLC to Quentin W. Biesemeyer, Bonnie L. Biesemeyer; Duane V. Har ms to Quentin W. Biesemeyer, Bonnie L. Biese meyer. Birth Harrison Karol Kleve Jon and Amy Kleve of Clovis, N.M., are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Harrison Karol Kleve, born Jan. 17, 2014, at 5:17 a.m. He weighed 9 pounds, 10.5 ounces and measured 22 inches. Harrison is welcomed home by big sisters Ellie, age 5, and Maggie, age 3, and big brother Joseph, 22 months. Mater nal g randparents are Mary Lou Waruszewski of Albuquerque, N.M., and the late Harry Waruszewski. Paternal grandparents are Gene and Rita Kleve of Ho lyoke, and paternal greatgrandmother is Betty Kleve of Holyoke. Chevrolet Buick GMC Dodge Chrysler Jeep Julie Peckham 1-800-607-6401 Ram Ford For all your New and Pre-Owned vehicle needs Lincoln Poker Tournament Thursday, Jan. 23 & 30, 7 p.m.-2 a.m. By Sealed Bids 136 W. Denver, Holyoke Bids can be mailed or dropped off at 320 W. Denver on or before Jan. 31, 2014. Bids will be opened on Feb. 1, 2014, and bidders will be notified of results via phone call on or before Feb. 2, 2014. Please include with the bid amount, your name, address, phone number and if it is a cash offer or contingent on a loan. Seller reserves the right to decline any and all offers. No compensation is offered to outside brokers. Please contact Casey Blake, 520-2274 with any questions. Jackson Farm (2) Real Estate Auctions 1 PM February 19 & 20, 2014 Phillips County Event Center, Holyoke - 19th Chappell Golf Club, Chappell - 20th Brochure at John Childears, Broker 308/534-9240 * * * Peerless Theatre* * * 212 S. Interocean—Holyoke, CO—854-2453 Show Times 970-854-FLIK (3545) Movie Info, Trailers & Tickets at Mr. Banks North Platte Telegraph -SavingJanuary x, z Genre: Drama Yuma - 3 Running Time: 125 minutes Rated PG-13 for thematic elements Holyoke - 4 including some unsettling images Auctions in 29 Holyoke Vets Club For Sale 9 Parcels Dryland Cropland Sedgwick, Phillips, Cheyenne, Perkins Counties Friday, Jan. 24 ...................7:00 Saturday, Jan. 25..............7:00 Sunday, Jan. 26 ...4:00 & 7:00 newspapers Tuesday, Jan. 28 ...............7:00 Open Dance 1st Anniversary – Jan. 28 Saturday, Jan. 25 — 9-1:30 to experience a haunting tale of betrayal and enduring love when “Giselle,” the story of a peasant girl who has fallen in love with Count Albrecht, who has led her to believe that he is a villager named Loys and her discovery of his true identity, which has devastating con sequences, comes to the big screen in a special one-night event. This quintessential story brings together an engag ing mix of human passions, supernatural forces and the transcendent power of selfsacrificing love. The role of Giselle provides a dancer with many technical and dramatic challenges, from the charac ter’s early love to her poignant descent into madness and final gesture of forgiveness from beyond the grave. The first act of the ballet is filled with historical detail and rustic color. By contrast, the second act plunges the audience into an eerie moonlit forest haunted by the ethe real Wilis—vengeful spirits of young brides who died before their wedding day. With its combination of memorable story and exqui site choreography, “Giselle” is the perfect way to discover classical ballet. The production by Sir Peter Wright catches the atmo sphere of this great roman tic ballet, especially in the perfection of its White Act, with ghostly maidens drifting through the forest in spectacu lar patterns—one of the most famous of any scenes for the corps de ballet. Giselle dances with lightness and fragility, giving the impression of float ing through the mist. This is one of The Royal Bal let’s most loved and admired productions, faithful to the spirit of the 1841 original, yet always fresh at each revival. Saving Mr. Banks—Twot i m e A c a d e my Aw a rd ® – winner Emma Thompson and fellow double Oscar®-winner Tom Hanks topline Disney’s “Saving Mr. Banks,” inspired by the extraordinary, untold backstory of how Disney’s classic “Mary Poppins” made it to the screen. When Walt Disney’s daugh ters begged him to make a movie of their favorite book, P.L. Travers’ “Mary Poppins,” he made them a promise—one that he didn’t realize would take 20 years to keep. In his quest to obtain the rights, Walt comes up against a curmudgeonly, uncompro mising writer who has abso lutely no intention of letting her beloved magical nanny get mauled by the Hollywood machine. But, as the books stop sell ing and money grows short, Travers reluctantly agrees to go to Los Angeles to hear Dis ney’s plans for the adaptation. For those two short weeks in 1961, Walt Disney pulls out all the stops. Armed with imaginative storyboards and chirpy songs from the talented Sherman brothers, Walt launches an allout onslaught on P.L. Travers, but the prickly author doesn’t budge. He soon begins to watch helplessly as Travers becomes increasingly immov able and the rights begin to move further away from his grasp. It is only when he reaches into his own childhood that Walt discovers the truth about the ghosts that haunt her, and together they set Mary Pop pins free to ultimately make one of the most endearing films in cinematic history. G i s e l l e — NCM Fathom Events, Mr. Wolf, Arts Alli ance Media and the Royal Opera House invite audiences Celebrating with BOGO 1 /2off Buy 1, Get 1 All Week Jan. 27-31 Thanks for a great year! Strandz Salon 101 E. Emerson, Holyoke • 854-HAIR (4247) Misti Redman (466-3267) • Holli Purkeypile (466-9879) Fathom Event London Royal Ballet presents “Giselle” Monday, Jan. 27 — 7 p.m. Peerless doors will open at 6 p.m., pre-show begins at 6:30 p.m. with ballet starting at 7 p.m. General admission tickets are $12. Tickets available at the Peerless box office and at the door. Coming Soon Philomena, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Titles subject to change. The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014—Page 3 Besse looks back on 50 years of hair styling. . . (Cont. from Page 1) Coloring has changed, as well, said Besse, as the service has moved from frosting caps to foiling. In her early years of hairdressing, Besse said, it was against the law to cut men’s hair in a licensed beauty shop unless one had a barber license. Hairstylist regulations disallowed open-toe shoes and required that socks be worn. Besse said all hairdressers wore uniforms when she first started. Surprise inspections from the state department were conducted every year. Besse said she knew it was an inspector when a lady walked in dressed in a suit, wearing a hat, carrying a clipboard and sporting a nice handbag. Inspectors were looking to make sure there was no hair in the sinks, floors were clean, sterilizers were in place, rollers were free of hair, operator licenses were posted, bathrooms were spotless and more. Besse said shops had a second chance to remedy their citations, but ultimately, the inspectors could shut them down. Adding fun to the day-to-day routine is something Besse does naturally. She said recently, “I have a little bit of my mom in me. I like to clown it up and have fun.” A long-standing tradition at Ardie’s, starting in the early 1970s, was to dress up for Halloween—not just Ardie, but the whole staff. Once her crew dressed as clowns, went into a local bank with their sacks and said it was a stick-up, not realizing that bank examiners were there. Oops! During the time of cattle mutilations, Besse remembers dressing as aliens. This was at her former location on Interocean Avenue. The store had a shop ledge out front, and she recalls her green alien self sitting in the ledge. A man walked by one way and stared and stared. He turned around and came back and stared again at her. The next time, she winked at him and he didn’t return. She still shares a good laugh when telling that story. Besse organized men’s night at holiday time, and clothes from her boutique were modeled in a style show to help the attendees select gifts for their wives or friends. She used her expertise in this field to organize style shows for various organizations. One of her biggest ventures was organizing Holyoke’s Centennial Style Show in 1988. It included clothes from all eras, models of all ages, some featured clothes lent by the museum, music from each time period and even entertainment such as a Charleston routine from the 1920s. Twenty-five years later, she served as an organizer for Holyoke’s quasquicentennial celebration this past June and even wore her early-day hairdresser uniform on her float in the parade. Always quick to lend a community hand to help with programs such as this, Besse has become well-known for her Lily May show. Lily May stars specifically at events of the Melissa Memorial Hospital Foundation, on which Besse serves as a member. Lily May has provided much laughter and, according to Besse, has one more go-around. Last time she appeared, Lily May made jokes about getting old and said she was going to find the fountain of youth. Only Besse knows what surprise Lily May will bring to the MMHF Legacy of Thanks this spring. Recognizing something new was needed for the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce’s annual Christmas opening night, Besse organized the first Parade of Lights. That event just keeps getting bigger and was a huge success last month at the Chamber’s Country Christmas. Besse was the first to sign up for the Chamber’s Homecoming band back in the 1980s when she donned her high school twirling outfit and spun her baton down main street. She enjoyed teaching dance classes—basic dance and line dancing—and choreographed the school musicals for about 10 years when Clark Ginapp served as director. Besse’s community involvement was never-ending. She taught Sunday school at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Amherst. For about 10 years she served on the Phillips County Fair Board. Besse was an assistant 4-H leader for the Amherst 4-H club and served on the Fair Queen committee as well. She donated belt buckles for the Phillips County fair queens for more than 25 years. The Montana Silversmiths jewelry dealership that Besse continued to maintain after she closed her boutique has now been taken over by Jake’s Feed in Holyoke in anticipation of Besse’s retirement. Her 19 standing appointment gals have been encouraged by Besse to go different places, and she’s appreciative of the local hairstylists who are taking care of her customers. It’s been an emotional time the past few weeks as her standings have their “last” with Ardie. “I will really miss taking care of my special ladies and making them feel and look pretty,” Besse admitted. “That smile on their face when I get done fixing their hair is worth millions,” she added. “I just knew I was ready— both mentally and physically,” said Besse of her upcoming retirement. She said she wasn’t ready five years ago, but she is now. Reminiscing on her career, Besse recalls a low time one year after she took the big bite to build a new building. She fell while roller skating and broke five bones (two in her arm and three in her Follow Us on Facebook The Holyoke Enterprise We are where you are Open House Ardie’s Retirement Party Friday, Jan. 24 — 2-6 p.m. Join us for cake and reminiscing! Picture of all past employees will be taken at 4 p.m. Also celebrating almost 51 years of business and Ardie's upcoming 70th birthday Ardie's Beauty Barr 235 S. Campbell Ardie's first customer, Ruth McMurdy, will be her last customer at noon Jan. 24, weather and health permitting. Stop by to visit with her. ankle) and dislocated her leg. She was in the hospital for two weeks and used a wheelchair for a couple of months. The accident happened the first part of April, and Besse wasn’t even able to walk on crutches until July, while she worried constantly about losing her shop. It was a big moment in her life, and her employees and family helped out in a huge way. But Besse said she still struggles from the after-effects of her injuries. If it weren’t for that accident, she would probably still work a few more years, she said. On the lighter side, Besse is looking forward to attending grandkids’ activities. Children and grandchildren include Brent and Tina Vieselmeyer and sons Austin and Alex in Amherst, Charla Leighton and daughters Sierra and Sidney in Loveland, Derrick and Stacey Besse and daughter Taryn in Delaware, and Bridgette Kaslon and sons Kaleb and Garrett in St. Paul, Neb. Besse said she also hopes to spend more time learning her husband Fred Besse’s trucking business and helping him. She might even go with him once in a while. Her store always had flowers blooming in the front yard, and she looks forward to spending lots of time in her yard at home. Her first plan is to redo a flower bed for a memorial garden for her brother Don in her backyard. She’ll continue to work a couple of nights a week at Cobblestone Lounge to help transition to retirement. And she said she plans to exercise and get into shape. One thing Besse is most looking forward to is being able to sit outside in the mornings and have breakfast or coffee on the deck and patio and just sit back and relax. Maybe she’ll do some reading too. She said she’s had the nice things in life, but this is much different and she’s going to love it. She is extremely appreciative of those who have been a part of her life. Admitting she doesn’t even know how to relax, Besse will be on a learning curve for a while. “But I am going to learn,” she pledges, adding that she’s looking forward to it very much. Centrally located within the SunSet View Homes property, a new laundry facility was recently completed for tenants. —Enterprise photo New laundry, lounge a welcome addition at SunSet View. . . (Cont. from Page 1) With the additional machines, Zeiler said there hasn’t been nearly as many tenants waiting in line to use the laundry services. Aside from the limited space of the previous room, another driving factor for the new facility was to make the laundry area handicap accessible. In the new area, two of the six dryers are handicap accessible as they are front-loading. All dryers are also front-loading. A handicap accessible bathroom was also constructed. The new building includes a lounge room where tenants can fold clothes, play cards or rest while they wait for their laundry. A new 55-inch television was another welcomed addition to the facility. Construction on the building was handled by Mike Smith Construction of Holyoke, beginning in July. The project SunSet View tenants are able to enjoy a new lounge room while they wait for their laundry to finish. —Enterprise photo was completed in November prior to Thanksgiving. With the facility strictly for tenant use only, tenants will be able to access the building 24 hours a day with an identification card. Don’t forget to include us on your next trip! The f lies Around Strauss is 1st at districts the Wor ld After placing first in the local competition last fall with her speech entitled “Optimism,” HHS senior Meg Strauss moved on to the district Voice of Democracy competition. Strauss claimed firstplace honors at districts Sunday, Jan. 12 in Fort Morgan. Meg Strauss Take a copy of The Holyoke Enterprise with you next time you travel and have someone take a photo of you. Submit your photo and information about your trip by stopping in at the Enterprise office or by emailing newsholent@chase3000. com for a chance to be published in the newspaper. Include travel tips unique to your destination and get creative with your photos! Church Directory First Christian Church 310 S. Interocean Merle Powell, Pastor (O) 854-3438 Sunday School 8:45 a.m. Morning Worship 10 a.m. Adult Bible Study Wednesday 7 p.m. Children’s Group (up to 6th Grade) Wednesday 7 p.m. More info at Fairfield Covenant Church N of Paoli on Rd 40 between Rd 17 & 19 Dean Patterson, Pastor 520-7170 Worship Service Sunday 10 a.m. First Baptist Church 1000 E. Johnson St. Gordon Penfold, Pastor Chad Rozelle, Pastor (O) 854-2452 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Vintage Faith and Worship Saturday 7 p.m. AWANA Wednesday 6:25 p.m., Oct.-April More info at Vida Abundante 1000 E. Johnson St. Ismael Lopez, Pastor Sunday 5:30 p.m. Bible Study Friday 6:30 p.m. More info at Pleasant Valley United Methodist Sharon Strauss, Pastor Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Holyoke Assembly of God 1220 S. Baxter Max Hines, Pastor (O) 854-2817 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday 6:30 p.m. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Venango, Neb. Kurt Hatteberg, Pastor Sunday Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Adult Bible Study 10 a.m. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Amherst Kurt Hatteberg, Pastor (O) 854-4310 Sunday Worship Service 8:30 a.m. Wednesday Midweek Classes 4:30 p.m. Zion Lutheran Church 240 S. High School Gary Rahe, Pastor (O) 854-2615 (H) 854-2614 Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Church Service 10 a.m. Holyoke Church of Christ 105 W. Scheunemann Bill Bryan 854-2870 Worship 9 a.m. Sunday Bible Class 10 a.m. Monday Bible Class 7 p.m. (Alternating 4th Wednesdays in Imperial) Holyoke Community Federal Credit Union 101 W. Denver, Holyoke, CO 970-854-3109 — Insured by NCUA Powell Seed LLC Your Premiere Technology Solution 240 S. Interocean—Holyoke, CO l 970-854-2201 l 866-854-2111 854-3554 774-6167 Aaron Powell 970-520-6771 Baucke Funeral Home & Monuments Regent Park & Carriage House 1220 S.W. Interocean Dr., Holyoke 970-854-2116 • 816 S. Interocean•854-2251•854-5180 Adding Quality to Life . . . St. Patrick Catholic Church 541 S. Interocean Fr. William Jungmann (O) 854-2762 (H) 854-2762 Sunday Mass 8 a.m. Daily Mass 8 a.m., Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. Mass in Spanish 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays 4 p.m. K-6 Rel. Education Wednesdays 6-7 p.m. JH Rel. Education 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sun. 4-5 p.m. Youth Group 1st & 3rd Sundays 5-6 p.m. Neo-Catechumenal Mass Saturdays 7:30 p.m. Reconciliation Saturdays 1-2 p.m. First United Methodist Church 230 E. Furry Al Strauss, Pastor (O) 854-2433 Early Service Sunday 8:15 a.m. Adult Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Late Service & K.I.D.S. Church Sunday 10:30 a.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) Sunday 6 p.m. Men’s Group Wednesday 6:15 a.m. J.A.M. (Children’s Choir) and H.O.W. (Interactive Kids’ Program) Wed. 3:45 p.m. Food Bank Thursday 3-4:30 p.m. Venango Community Church Venango, Neb. 69168 Chris Costrini, Pastor 308-447-5540 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Fellowship Time 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship 10:35 a.m. Emerson St. Church of Christ 730 E. Emerson Sunday Morning Service 10 a.m. 133 N. Interocean Ave. — Holyoke — 970-854-2291 Drive-thru: M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. — Sat. 8:30 a.m.-12 noon Drive-thru ATM: 24/7 Member FDIC Vieselmeyer Seed 970-854-3965 112 E. Carnahan • 854-3663 Page 4—The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014 VOICE Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editoriala • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Editorials • Viewpoints • Opinions • Insights • Comments • Editorials • The Senior Snippet—By Erin LeBlanc Residents living in a longterm care facility have the right to visitors, as well as the right to refuse any visitors. Studies show visitation improves quality of life for patients and residents. Regular visits prevent residents from feeling depressed and isolated and often enhance their initiative to rehabilitate aggressively to return home sooner. In addition, regular visitation tends to improve the quality and level of care the resident receives. Facilities tend to give more staff time to residents who have regular visitors to observe whether the care being provided is sufficient. The elderly have a wealth of knowledge that all of us may benefit from. In sharing their wisdom and knowledge, seniors might feel a renewed purpose, freedom from boredom or increased vitality. These positive feelings might be increased when a senior shares an interest or passion, such as fishing or a craft like sewing. Things to remember when visiting seniors in a nursing home: —Keep your promises. If you promise to visit your loved one, make sure you do, otherwise the nursing home resident will be disappointed. If you need to reschedule your visit, be sure to call the nursing home. —Knock before you enter the room. Your aging loved one’s room in a nursing home is considered his or her individual home. It is important that you respect their privacy and living space. Be sure to knock and ask permission before you enter. If the nursing home resident is unable to respond, be sure to announce your name before you open the door. —Be affectionate. Physical contact is important to seniors in nursing homes. Hug, kiss or hold the hand of your aging relative if possible to let them know and feel that you love them and that they are not forgotten. —Be a good listener. When visiting your aging loved one in a nursing home, it is important that you listen to him or her attentively. Let your loved one do the talking so he or she does not feel rushed when sharing their stories and feelings. Try not to dominate the conversation. Be a good listener, even if you’ve heard the story or topic several times. Listening attentively to your aging loved one’s story lets him or her enjoy the moment with you. —Bond with your elderly loved one. You want to make your aging parent or relative happy and feel loved. But what you can you do together during your visit to the nursing home? Think of things that you used to do together like playing board games, watching movies, singing or doing arts and crafts. If you cannot think of any activities, you can always contact the nursing home’s activity director for ideas and suggestions for seniors. Remember, doing things together will make your visit fun and memorable! —Bring family pictures and videos. If you have recent family pictures or videos, be sure to bring it. This will definitely put a smile on your aging loved one’s face. Keeping the nursing home resident up to date about family events and activities they’ve missed will make your elderly loved one happy. —Bring the family. If you have children or grandchildren, bring them when you go to the nursing home to encourage a relationship between the kids and your elderly loved one. Kids are so much fun, they will definitely help brighten up your aging loved one’s day! —Plan a day trip. If you plan to take your seniors or elderly loved one out of the nursing home facility, be sure to call the nursing home in advance. Talk to your aging parent or relative about it to find out how he or she feels about your plan. You will also have to talk to the nursing home staff or administrator to make special arrangements for medicines, special equipment or other things that your aging loved one might need. —Thank the caregivers. Take time to talk to the caregivers and staff members in the nursing home. Be sure to thank them and show your appreciation for taking care of your aging relative. Do not hesitate to compliment the caregiver for a job well done with the seniors. — recommends you should enjoy your time and do not rush. Spending quality time with your elderly loved one in the nursing home is something that will forever be cherished by the nursing home resident, so make it a memorable one. When visiting seniors in a long-term care facility, it may also be necessary to come back another time. Residents have the right to refuse any visitors as well, as we do in our own homes. We can make that choice to answer our front doors, or not. Be respectful of their time. Long-term care facilities are always looking for volunteers; if you have the time and ability to be involved in an activity or simply visit with a resident, give the activities coordinator a call at your local nursing home or assisted living. Thinking About Health—By Trudy Lieberman How much should we pay for medicines? At the tail end of last year, the Food and Drug Administration approved a drug that may cure some 3 million Americans who have hepatitis C, a disease that interferes with liver function and can eventually lead to liver cancer. It’s a serious illness; many people don’t know they have it until the first symptoms show up years later, and those who do have it undergo grueling and sometimes ineffective treatments. So when Gilead Sciences, the manufacturer of sofosbuvir, which goes by the brand name Sovaldi, announced its new drug was ready for prime time, doctors who treat patients with the disease cheered. Results of clinical trials showed side effects appeared to be mild compared to those from conventional treatment, and cure rates seemed to be high. A hepatitis expert at Johns Hopkins said, “This is about as hot as I’ve ever seen.” Extension Corner—By Brian Talamantes Glyphosate resistance Glyphosate resistance has been a growing concern for a number of years and for good reason. Glyphosate is the most important herbicide in use today and has been said to be as important to food production as penicillin is to medicine. Glyphosate kills plants because it inhibits an enzyme called 5-enolpyruyl-shikimate3-phosphate synthase—can you say that? Me neither. This enzyme is referred to as EPSPS commonly and is essential to the creation of aromatic amino acids. Much research has been done to identify what it is that makes a plant resistant to glyphosate, and to my knowledge, there are basically three ways that have been identified. They either have a mutation of the EPSPS gene, have a trait that bars glyphosate from ever reaching EPSPS at levels that are toxic to the plant, and more recently discovered is a method called gene amplification. Gene amplification is a wellknown part of plant evolution but was only identified as a method of glyphosate resistance in 2010 (in this case in the plant palmer amaranth). Gene amplification works by making an overabundance of the same gene, and in the case of EPSPS, creates a plant that is resistant to glyphosate. What was identified in palmer amaranth (a member of the pigweed family) is that the EPSPS gene was amplified in resistant plants by 40 to as much as 100 times higher than what is found in a glyphosate susceptible plant. These extra genes act as a “molecular sponge,” so while the application of glyphosate will block some of the EPSPS, there is still enough there to allow for the plant to continue its metabolic processes and not be killed by the herbicide. The continuation of this trait from the parent plant to its progeny is still uncertain. In the same article that identified gene amplification as a method of resistance, they discussed that “EPSPS copy number in progeny can vary substantially from parental copy number, and EPSPS gene amplification and glyphosate resistance can be transferred to related Amaranthus species through cross-pollination.” The presence of these resistant weeds is certainly daunting, but researchers in the United States and abroad are working very hard to better identify and mitigate the causes and impacts of glyphosate-resistant weeds in cropping systems. Five Years Ago Jan. 22, 2009 Boy Scout Dustin Wieland earned his Eagle Scout rank at a special Court of Honor on Jan. 18. Kurt Hatteberg has been installed as the new pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Amherst and Venango, Neb. Nearly a year after construction began, the remodeling of the Phillips County Communications Center is finished. To commemorate the occasion, the county is holding an open house on Jan. 27 for the public to view the new upgrades and changes. Ten Years Ago Jan. 22, 2004 Phillips County may soon have a new bio-composting site if the county commissioners accept a recommendation from the Board of Adjustments to approve a conditional use permit for Ace Compost, LLC of Yuma. After an initial drop in the cattle market resulting from the discovery of Mad Cow Disease in Washington, the local market seems to be on the rebound as action resumes at livestock auctions in the area. Angie Clayton and Lindsey Neitzel, both 2000 HHS graduates, have returned to Holyoke to student teach. Twenty-Five Years Ago Jan. 26, 1989 Phillips County’s “Emergency Plan of Action for Toxic Spills and Releases” was finalized by the county emergency planning committee at its Jan. 16 meeting. Tim Anderson, vocational agriculture teacher in Holyoke School District Re-1J, resigned from his position last week. He stated that his resignation was necessary for career advancement opportunities for himself and his wife. Forty Years Ago Jan. 24, 1974 The Holyoke Alumni Association is trying something new this year. Instead of holding the annual alumni banquet at Homecoming, usually in October, plans are to hold the 1974 alumni banquet during Memorial weekend. Total assets of the three banks in Phillips County totaled $23,187,469.29 at the close of business on Dec. 31, 1973. The Holyoke Future Business Leaders of America chapter installed the new FBLA chapter at Caliche High School on Jan. 16. Fifty Years Ago Jan. 23, 1964 William Pollard, business manager of the Logan County Hospital at Sterling since 1956, assumed new duties as administrator of the East Phillips County Hospital in Holyoke on Jan. 1. He succeeds Ethel Hagemann, who had served as administrator of the local hospital since 1951. A unique communications setup will be used at a meeting of the Phillips County Education Association Monday evening, Jan. 27 to permit two-way conversation between those present and an educator in Denver. Five stations, each with a microphone and a speaker, will be set up, and those present will be divided into five groups. The board of education of School District Re-1J met Tuesday evening and completed plans for the proposed addition to the Holyoke Grade School. Stock analysts were ecstatic. One told the New York Times global sales—about 170 million people worldwide are infected—could surpass the sales record of $13 billion set by Lipitor, the statin used to treat high cholesterol. The press touted the good news, too, as it customarily does when a new wonder drug hits the market. And as it too often does, it gave short shrift to the price. Sovaldi has one major drawback—its budget-busting price tag. Gilead says it will cost $84,000 for the three-month treatment regime. That’s $1,000 a pill. The debut of sofosbuvir offers a clear example of how expensive technology enters the medical marketplace even before all the evidence comes in that the drug works. In Sovaldi’s case, not all the new drug combinations have been extensively tested. “We may be in for surprises, still,” said Charles Rice, a hepatitis C expert at Rockefeller University in New York City, N.Y. It also raises important questions about who should pay for the drug. Should it be Medicare? Medicaid? Commercial insurers? Or should it be the patients whose insurance policies increasingly come with high amounts of cost-sharing in the form of deductibles and coinsurance? And what con- tribution does Sovaldi make to the overall high price of medical care in the U.S., the highest in the world? Indeed these questions can be asked about any new drug or medical device. But they aren’t. Other countries have agencies that deliberate such trade-offs. We don’t. To raise them conjures up unpleasant images of rationing—patients deprived of life-saving treatments. Asking them also conflicts with a deeply held American belief that the medicine man sits at the right hand of God, and we’re willing to spend anything for cures and treatments even if they are extraordinarily pricey. The entry of Sovaldi also invites serious questioning about why the price of new medical technology doesn’t seem to decrease as prices for other technological advances do—computers, for example. There’s no downward pressure on prices. The patent system for new drugs—protection from competition for seven to 12 years—leaves drug makers in the driver’s seat. Payers pretty much have to cough up what drug makers charge. And federal rules prevent Medicare, one of the largest buyers of drugs, from negotiating with drug makers over prices. Basically, what’s left is negative publicity, and the press doesn’t provide much of that. A recent NPR segment did, however, probing the high price of sofosbuvir. It questioned why the drug maker needed to make its prices so high especially given the large potential market for the drug. One hepatitis expert wanted to know why once Gilead recovered its costs it couldn’t reduce the price. “I don’t want to say it’s unfair, but it does start feeling more exploitative,” she told NPR listeners. A Gilead vice president responded, “That’s very unlikely that we would do that.” Right now they don’t have to. Instead Gilead said it would help patients pay for the drug. You know, one of those patient assistance programs that no doubt helps those who have no money for such expensive treatment. (These programs do means test; that is, help is available only for those with the lowest incomes.) But does that gesture do much to bring down the cost of the drug and thus the country’s health care tab that feeds into the insurance premiums and cost of care we pay out of pocket? No, say many experts. Such programs may serve to keep drug prices high. All this is something to ponder as we move into an election year with health care and its cost promising to dominate the campaign. Extension Corner—By Kindra Plumb 4-H instills life skills I’ve written numerous columns about 4-H teaching life skills to youth. Often, the term “life skills” may be used a little loosely. However, 4-H has done a large amount of research and spent a great deal of time defining just how 4-H participation instills life skills into the 4-H member at various developmental stages of their youth. 4-H defines life skills as “competencies that assist people in functioning well in the environments in which they live,” (Targeting Life Skills in 4-H). Adults who work directly with 4-H youth want to help youth become competent in the life skills they will need in adulthood. Life skills are best learned through practices and different experiences that reinforce the skills. The beauty of 4-H is that kids get to practice and experience these skills, and even make mistakes, in the safe confines of an organization with caring adults to mentor them. Mastery of these skills requires various opportunities to try, make mistakes and try again. 4-H focuses on using your Head, Heart, Hands and Health to the best of your ability. In order to teach life skills, the Head, Heart, Hands and Health model is utilized. Under 4-H’s category of “Head,” life skills that involve thinking and managing are addressed. Examples of these skills are: decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, goal setting, planning and record keeping. “Heart” life skills have to do with relating to and caring for others. Some examples of these skills are: communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, empathy, sharing and concern for others. The Holyoke Enterprise Published every Thurs. at 130 N. Interocean Ave. P.O. Box 297 / Holyoke, Colorado 80734 970-854-2811 (phone) 970-854-2232 (fax) (USPS 248-120) Entered at the Post Office at Holyoke, CO for Transmission Through the Mail as Periodicals Life skills that fall under the 4-H category of “Head” relate to giving and working. Kids will gain experience with community service/volunteering, leadership, teamwork and selfmotivation. The final category, “Health,” focuses on living and being. Examples of these life skills include: healthy life choices, stress management, personal safety, self esteem, character and self discipline. 4-H youth probably don’t understand the life skills they are experiencing while participating in 4-H. Oftentimes, it may be months or years after a member’s 4-H career ends when they discover the life skills instilled in them through 4-H participation. If you or your child would like more information about 4-H in Phillips County, please contact the Phillips County Extension office at 970-854-3616. Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. 2012 Colorado Press Awards Black & White Ad Restaurant or Dining Ad Classified Pages or Section (2) Sports Event Story Photography Portfolio Automotive Ad News Story Small Space Ad Real Estate Ad Advertising Layout & Design Sports Photograph 2013 National Newspaper Awards Brenda Brandt............. Publisher, Ad Manager Darci Tomky.......... Managing Editor, Designer Ashley Sullivan........................ Office Manager Kyle Arnoldy......................................... Reporter Elna Johnson.........................Publisher Emeritus Subscription Rates 30.00�����������������������������������������������������������E-Subscription $ 32.00������������������������������������� one year in Phillips County $ 62.00������������������������������������ two years in Phillips County $ 38.00����������������������������per year elsewhere in Colorado & Chase & Perkins counties in Neb. $ 47.00�����������������per year elsewhere in Continental U.S. $ The Holyoke Enterprise P.O. Box 297, Holyoke, CO 80734 Classified Section, Third Newspaper Promotion, Third Member Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.—8-12 & 1-5 Thurs.—8-12 Letter to Editor Deadline: Mondays, 5 p.m. Advertising Deadline: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. News Deadline: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. Postmaster—send form 3579 to Holyoke Enterprise, Box 297 Holyoke, CO 80734 The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014—Page 5 Random drug testing reported to board. . . During last Sunday’s Farmedic training program, several volunteers from the Wages, Holyoke and Lamar, Neb., fire departments attempt to remove the roof of a car in a mock accident in order to allow access to extricate an accident victim. Firefighters are pictured from left beginning second from left, Russ Chambers, James LeBlanc, Chris Lindholm, Pam Struckmeyer, Damon Struckmeyer, J.D. Holcomb and Stan Cross. Program provides valuable training for farm accidents By Darci Tomky Since agriculture is one of the most dangerous industries in America, local agencies learned valuable training techniques at the Farmedic Program at the Wauneta Fire Hall last weekend. Instructors from AgriSafe in Goodland, Kan., gave classroom training Saturday, Jan. 18 and handson demonstrations Sunday, Jan. 19. The program, hosted by the Wages and Wauneta fire departments, had a total of seven agencies with the addition of fire departments from Holyoke, Amherst and Lamar, Neb., and am- Volunteers from Wages, Holyoke and Lamar, Neb., fire departments are involved in a training scenario at the Wauneta Fire Hall south of Holyoke. They are learning how to handle a situation in which a farmer’s arm was entangled in an auger. Pictured from left are firefighters Damon Struckmeyer, James LeBlanc, Pam Struckmeyer, Cynthia Wieber (in front), Russ Chambers, Chris Lindholm, Heather Mignone-Penton and Stan Cross. Wages Fire Department members attempt to rescue a person from the cab of a combine in a mock situation during Farmedic training last Sunday. bulance crews from Holyoke and Wray. Wages firefighter Damon Struckmeyer said there were 27 people at the training session—some who had been in the program multiple times and others who were learning new information for the first time. “Everybody learned something,” he said. The program covered things like extrication from grain augers, trucks, combines, cars and other machinery. Struckmeyer said agencies don’t always have experience with big farm equipment, which adds a whole different set of challenges. The program is a way they can do training and learn how to handle agriculture situations, he said. (Cont. from Page 1) During the semester, there were three positive THC (marijuana) tests and one positive for ETG (alcohol). Ortner said this involved two students. One student tested positive for THC and ETG. The other tested positive for THC and then on the mandatory retest tested positive again. Additionally, there were two dilute tests. The “dilute” result is determined by checking the creatinine in the urine. A level less than 20 mg is most likely due to increased water or li quid intake. Normal creatinine ranges for females are 37-250 mg, and for males, 40-300 mg. The random drug testing policy says that if the sample is dilute, the student is to be retested on the next testing day. As of Dec. 18, there are 231 students in grades 7-12 enrolled in the random drug testing program, which is required for those participating in extracurricular activities. Seventy-five tests were completed in the Aug. 21-Dec. 18 time frame. Forty-two students were tested once, 12 were tested twice and three were tested three times. Ortner said interest about this program has been expressed from three different school districts. Committee work reviewed Holyoke School District’s shared leadership model includes several focused committees with representation from staff, parents and community to provide input and feedback on a wide variety of topics. At last week’s school board meeting, Miles gave a brief report on the committee progress during the first half of the year. Leadership team has had discussion and ongoing input on the curriculum collaborative project, has done much to update procedures for the gifted and talented identification and has had follow-up conversations about the new teacher evaluation instrument. Standard of excellence team has been planning for the district perception survey and making changes to the format which will be given electronically this year. They heard a pre- measure for the 2014 election that would in effect allow local governments the authority to ban fracking. The constitutional amendment would prevent for-profit companies from acting in a way that would conflict “with the fundamental rights of people, their communities and the natural environment.” Cliff Willmeng of Lafayette, who spearheaded the effort last November to ban fracking in Lafayette, heads the group. In other news at the Capitol, the Senate’s “kill committee” (State, Veterans and Military Affairs) made short work of several Republican-sponsored bills in the past week, including Sen. Greg Brophy’s (RWray) Senate Bill 14-040. Brophy’s bill sought to allow Colorado individuals and small-business owners the opportunity to buy health insurance from companies that offer less expensive plans in other states. The health insurance provider would have to be authorized to conduct business in Colorado and meet actuarial standards issued by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The bill drew strong opposition from a number of consumer health organizations, who claimed that such a provision would be confusing to consumers. The bill also would put Colorado carriers at risk and at a significant competitive disadvantage, according to Marc Reece of the Colorado Association of Health Plans, the trade association for Colorado health insurance providers. The out-of-state companies would not be fully subject to the state’s consumer protection regulations, he explained. SB 40 died on a party-line 3-2 vote, with the committee’s three Democrats against and the two Republicans in favor. The State Affairs Committee also put to an end SB 35, which would have substantially repealed the 2013 bill that increased the renewable energy standard for rural electric co-ops. But Republicans have several more bills in the works to repeal or tweak SB 13-252. SB 252 was a “terribly written piece of legislation that would be hard to accommodate in the real world of business,” with substantial impacts on consumers and rate-payers, according to SB 35 sponsor Sen. Ted Harvey (R-Highlands Ranch). Harvey noted that Gov. John Hickenlooper had concerns about the bill when he signed it, but instead of rejecting it he appointed a 12-member advisory committee to see if the bill was feasible and if any legislative changes were necessary. That committee, under the Governor’s Energy Office, met during the fall but made no formal recommendations. That was largely due to a decision that any recommendation had to be made by consensus rather than by a majority vote. The committee was made up of representatives from TriState Generation and Transmission, the Intermountain Rural Electric Association, agricultural and business interests, and environmental groups that supported SB 252. The committee did agree that meeting the 20 percent standard by 2020 outlined in the bill was feasible. However, in order to do so, the co-ops and Tri-State would meet the goal only by buying surplus renewable energy credits. According to the committee, that plan would work only short-term and would not meet the spirit of the law, which intended that the goal be met through new renewable energy projects. The hearing on SB 35 drew in many of the same groups that fought over SB 252 last year, except for Tri-State and IREA. “That tells me they’re done fighting and ready to move on,” said committee member Sen. Matt Jones (D-Louisville), one of SB 252’s sponsors. Sen. Irene Aguilar (D-Denver) noted the consensus requirement for the advisory committee and opined that the committee should go back to work with a requirement for a majority vote on recommendations. Several members of that advisory group told this reporter last fall that requiring a consensus doomed the committee’s work to failure. Harvey said that if Aguilar were to run such a bill, he would sponsor it with her. The State Affairs Committee again voted along party lines to kill the bill. Two other bills, both sponsored by House Republicans, would change the SB 252 law. One would reduce the standard from 20 percent to 15 percent. Another would extend the timeline for reaching the 20 percent standard to 2025. A bill to grant eminent domain rights to oil pipeline companies has surfaced at the Capitol. SB 93 is virtually identical to the 2013 legislation that passed the Senate but failed to get out of the House. SB 93 is sponsored by Sen. Cheri Jahn (D-Wheat Ridge) and has been assigned to the Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources & Energy Committee. A hearing date has not yet been announced. Last year’s bill was sponsored by Sen. Mary Hodge (D-Brighton). Putting the bill into Jahn’s hands is a strong strategic move: she is a smallbusiness owner, and the Den- Other business In other business Jan. 14, the Re-1J board: —renewed Miles’ superintendent contract for the period of July 2014 through June 2016. Miles, who is in his fifth year as superintendent of Holyoke School District Re-1J, was thanked for continuing a job well done. —hired Veronica Nuñez, on high recommendation, as the general paraprofessional at the elementary school for the 2013-14 school year. —approved nonresident student applications for Jillian Hunter, Jalen Hunter and Jerren Hunter from the Wray school district. —designated the administration office as the official posting location for board of education meeting notices. —discussed attending the Jan. 27 Colorado Association of School Board’s Day at the Capitol. Health and fitness program offered Jan. 29 in Akron Need some help with New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and get in shape? Would some professional advice on Fracking battle moves to state Capitol By Marianne Goodland The battle over fracking moves to the state Capitol this week when the House Local Government Committee takes up a bill that could punish communities that ban fracking. Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg (RSterling) sponsors House Bill 14-1064, which seeks to take away funds from those communities that ban hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, the process of extracting oil and natural gas by injecting water and chemicals into rock formations. The Local Government Committee will review the bill Jan. 22. HB 1064 will make sure local governments that ban fracking no longer get new revenues from oil and gas, Sonnenberg said this week. “If they aren’t going to help produce oil and gas, they shouldn’t get the severance taxes” from those industries, he explained. Currently, communities that are impacted by energy development, processing or conversion of mineral and mineral fuels get grants and loans from the state’s Local Government Severance Tax Fund. Under the bill, communities that ban fracking would see those funds frozen at the level they received at the time of the decision to ban fracking. Any new revenues would be distributed to communities that already receive severance tax monies but do not ban fracking. Sonnenberg’s bill is yet another salvo in the battle over fracking. In November, four communities voted to ban fracking: Boulder, Lafayette, Fort Collins and Broomfield. Earlier this month, a group called the Colorado Community Rights Network announced its intention to sponsor a ballot sentation from Kim Griffith of Rocky Mountain Performance Excellence and have done a review of student achievement data and district goals. Budget facilities committee members have monitored Phase 2 construction, reviewed information about 2013 and 2014 school finance acts and began discussions leading to district budget priorities. The wellness committee launched a new youth weight room program, shifted discussions on community use of the weight room to the coaches group and are planning a staff wellness program. Ongoing discussion on the website has been conducted by the technology committee who has recommended to stay with the SchoolFusion contract for now. They are also researching 1-to-1 device programs for recommendation this spring. The district accountability advisory committee has reviewed student achievement results and uniform improvement plan designations, is building awareness about statewide graduation requirements and is analyzing the need for a mill levy override. The superintendent’s advisory committee has ongoing discussions on questions from employees. ver Business Journal recently called her “the gatekeeper,” a senator who may “decide key issues” in the 2014 session. In November, the Senate changed from a 20-15 Democratic majority to 18-17 after two senators were recalled, including Senate President John Morse, and another resigned to avoid a recall vote. Jahn told the DBJ that she looks at every bill from the perspective of how it will allow her to do business and how it will impact small business. In the House, SB 93 is sponsored by Rep. Jenise May (DAurora) and Sonnenberg. Two bills that are headed to committee hearings this week deal with the aftermath of the 2013 floods and wildfires. SB 7 was to be heard by the Senate Local Government Committee on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Members of an interim flood disaster study committee, appointed by Hickenlooper, sponsor the bill, which would allow county governments to use general funds for road and bridge projects in the event of a natural disaster. Sonnenberg was appointed to that fall committee. Current law prohibits county governments from using general funds for road and bridge projects. SB 7 would remove that prohibition for a period of four years. Thursday, Jan. 23, the House Local Government Committee is scheduled to take up HB 1007, sponsored by Rep. Millie Hamner (D-Frisco). Hamner’s bill, which came from the interim Wildfire Matters Review Committee, would allow county governments to ban fireworks during the summer and agricultural burning during high fire danger, such as a red flag warning or fire weather watch issued by the National Weather Service. nutrition, exercise and problem-solving the metabolism be beneficial? Circle Wednesday, Jan. 29 on the calendar for a special health and fitness program hosted by Colorado State University Extension. Stoney Eskew, metabolic specialist, nutrition coach and fitness expert, will be at Akron for an informative and interactive presentation at 6 p.m. in the Washington County Event Center. This event is open to the public and aimed at adults wanting to improve their health and fitness. Complimentary refreshments will be served. Eskew will give the three keys to losing weight and keeping it off without dieting. After coaching many people in weight loss and fitness, she will share the best tips for getting started. In addition, Eskew will discuss the common reasons bodies hold onto weight and how to avoid them. Over the past 13 years, Eskew has helped thousands of people lose weight, get in shape and live a healthier life. Her main focus is to help break the cycles and frustration of dieting and teach people how to lose weight the right way and lose it forever. Being a National Physique Committee figure competitor, Eskew knows that nutrition counts for 80 percent of one’s results. So, she makes sure that each client is following a personalized and effective nutrition plan. Stoney Eskew is the founder of True Metabolism Testing, where she and other metabolic specialists partner with health professionals, gyms and corporate wellness programs to bring the amazing technology of Metabolism Testing to people throughout Colorado. Information about these services will be available following the educational program. For more information on this event, contact Gisele Jefferson, CSU Extension agent, at 970-345-2287 or by email at gisele.jefferson@colostate. edu. Hold the date of Feb. 8 for a second program involving Eskew. More information will be available at a later date. Page 6—The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014 Ag/Business Wheat • Barley • Millet • Beans • Popcorn • Corn • Sugar Beets • Sunflowers • Potatoes • Rye • Sorghum • Milo • Alfalfa • Livestock • Wheat • Barley • Millet • Beans • Popcorn • Corn • Sugar Beets • Sunflowers • Potatoes • Rye • Sorghum • Milo • Alfalfa • Livestock • Wheat • Barley • Millet • Beans • Popcorn • Corn • Sugar Beets • Sunflowers • Potatoes • Rye • Sorghum • Milo • Alfalfa • Livestock • Wheat • Barley • Millet • Beans • Popcorn • Corn • Sugar Beets • Sunflowers • Potatoes • Rye • Sorghum • Milo • Alfalfa • Livestock • Wheat • Barley • Millet • Beans • Popcorn • Corn • Sugar Beets • Sunflowers • Potatoes • Rye • Sorghum • Milo • Alfalfa • Livestock • Wheat • Barley • Millet • Beans • Popcorn • Corn • Sugar Beets • Sunflowers • Potatoes • Rye • Sorghum • Milo • Alfalfa • Livestock • Wheat • Barley ¨• Millet • Beans • Popcorn • Corn • Sugar Beets • Sunflowers • Potatoes Fair queen and more embrace western spirit at Stock Show From its competitive livestock shows to the exciting entertainment to the highly anticipated trade show, the 108th annual National Western Stock Show in Denver is all about true wester n spirit. Many locals and others with ties to Holyoke got involved in this year’s stock show Jan. 11-26. 2014 Phillips County Fair Queen Josilyn Lutze kicked the festivities off early with the Stock Show parade in downtown Denver Thursday, Jan. 9. Right before setting off in their six-horse-drawn carriage, Lutze and other fair queens walked around the parade route to invite people to the Stock Show. That same day, Lutze met other royalty as they visited the historical Rockmount Ranch Wear, known as the first ones to put snaps on western shirts. A highlight for her was getting a picture with the 2014 Miss Rodeo Colorado and the 2014 Miss Rodeo America. Lutze had the opportunity to return to the Stock Show to volunteer. The royalty met with groups of elementary kids who had the chance to ask questions and take pictures with the queens. Several of the girls also got to help with a pedal tractor race and stick horse race. They showed the kids which way the track went for both races and helped push the pedal tractors during the race. That night, Lutze helped with the Gold Buckle seats at the Professional Bull Riders event, checking tickets and showing people to their seats. “I had a great time representing Phillips County at the National Western Stock Show and look forward to going to many other events,” said Lutze. This sophomore at Holyoke High School is the daughter of Mark and Mendi Lutze of Holyoke. Locals set to compete at Stock Show On the upcoming schedule, the Camblins will be competing in the prospect show Saturday, Jan. 25. Tyler and Kaylee Camblin will each show one steer. Austin and Alex Vieselmeyer have also been busy preparing for and competing with livestock at this year’s Stock Show. Results will be reported in an upcoming Enterprise. Fifteen members of the Holyoke FFA chapter will be attending the Stock Show Thursday, Jan. 23 for FFA day. Adviser Clay Christensen said he’s excited to show the students the different aspects of the agriculture industry. Timm excited to work at the Stock Show 2008 HHS grad Victoria Timm is working at the Stock Show this year with the Rodeo, Horse and Livestock Department. Beginning a couple months ago, Timm has helped with the contracts of people coming to the Stock Show, like judges, superintendents and rodeo acts. She also coordinates things like booking hotels and flights, and she organizes a group of volunteers to help with the people coming in to the Stock Show. “I love working here,” said Timm, who kicked off this year walking in the Stock Show parade and riding in the Wells Fargo hitch at a Profes- 2014 Phillips County Fair Queen Josilyn Lutze, pictured waving in center, rides in a six-horsedrawn carriage during the National Western Stock Show parade Thursday, Jan. 9 in downtown Denver. sional Bull Riders event. Other duties include serving as a scribe at the rodeo to call scores from the judge to the announcer as well as helping with live online resulting. Chase County’s Emma Ferguson a catch-a-calf grand champion For more than 75 years, the Denver Stock Show’s catch-acalf contest has drawn youths from Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming and Kansas. And this year, the program’s Grand Champion hails from Imperial, Neb. Emma Ferguson, 13, who is the granddaughter of Larry and Jeanette Poos of Holyoke, an eighth grader at Chase County Schools and a Chase County Stockmen 4-H member, was crowned the 2014 grand champion on Sunday, Jan. 12 in the Stock Show’s Stadium Arena. As one of the youngest competitors in the yearly event for 12-18-year-olds, it was quite the win, but it didn’t come without some nerves. While saying she felt comfortable, she admitted to some nerves as she led “O’Boy” into the market class competition that day. “I was nervous to actually go in and show,” she said. But, those nerves, and a lot of work, started much sooner than this year’s Jan. 12 catcha-calf finale. A year ago, she was in the ring with a lot of other anxious youths attempting to “catch a calf ” at the Stock Show, and was one of the lucky 40 youngsters throughout the week to do so. In her group, about 18 youths vied for the eight calves in the ring at that time. She earned the chance last year to “catch a calf ” after completing an application, that later was picked in a random drawing with 39 others to take part. She returned to Denver in May 2013 with her parents, Mark and Julie Ferguson of Imperial, to pick up her calf. That began eight months of feeding and caring for the animal, keeping records and communicating with her sponsor, John Brown of Wilcoxson & Brown in Oberlin, Kan., a far ming/ranching operation. During the ensuing eight months, she kept in touch monthly with her sponsor, which is one of the require- Congratulations Emma Ferguson ments of the competition, and is worth 40 points in the tallying for grand champion. The most important aspect, point-wise, of the catch-a-calf competition is the record book, with a maximum of 50 points awarded. Expenses, feed costs, supplies and O’Boy’s weekly weight gain were among the records included in Emma’s multi-paged entry. Her showmanship performance last week was worth a maximum of 20 points, O’Boy’s market class placing and his production performance (cost of gain, etc.) each could also net a maximum of 10 points. O’Boy, an Angus-Hereford cross, finished second in his market class, while Emma placed second in junior showmanship. Contest rules require that the animal finish in the top four of his market division to compete for overall Grand Champion honors, no matter what the youth’s point totals are. O’Boy’s final weight was 1,325 pounds, gaining 685 pounds from the 640 pounds he weighed when they picked him up last May. Another big category, worth as much as 25 points, was the interview process Jan. 11 with a panel of three judges. It also included a two-minute speech on what she learned and how she will promote the beef industry. Of the 155 maximum catcha-calf points, Ferguson’s total was 139.88 points, finishing six points ahead of reserve champion Riley Eisenhauer of Farnam, Neb. Emma will have to say goodbye to O’Boy later this week when he’ll sell at the Stock Show’s junior livestock sale on Friday. Overmiller family wins distinguished Triple Crown The American Gelbvieh Association sponsored the National Gelbvieh and Balancers Show at the Stock Show Jan. 13. Judge Brandon Callis of Yukon, Okla., evaluated the cattle, and the Overmillers of Smith Center, Kan., took away several awards. Two former Holyoke girls are involved in the Overmiller Gelbvieh and Red Angus operation. Risa (Rumold) Overmiller, the daughter of Erick Rumold and Benita Bock, is married to Kelly Overmiller, and Brittany (Young) Overmiller, the daughter of Steve and Kim Young, is married to Kelly’s brother, Brent Overmiller. The two brothers’ parents, Roger and Norma; their two older sisters and their families; and some of Risa and Brittany’s families were all in Denver for the Stock Show with the Overmillers’ six bulls. SAS Ace of Spades 082A, shown by Kelly and Brent’s nephew Kyle Sasse, found its way to second place in the Class 40 Balancer bulls. Class 49 Balancer bulls saw Over miller Gelbvieh with 3G EZ Money 209Z at the top of the class in first place. EZ Money was then named junior bull division champion. Judge Callis then selected EZ Money as the reserve grand champion bull of the Balancer show. The grand finale show was the purebred Gelbvieh bulls. Entering the ring in Class 53 bulls, Overmiller Gelbvieh finished in first place with 3G Archimedes 353A. Archimedes was then selected spring bull calf division champion. Overmiller Gelbvieh entered the ring in Class 55 bulls with OGSG Army Man 514A, who was selected class champion. Class 57 saw Overmillers again with 3G Aristotle 320A, who was selected first place in this class. When the class champions and reserve champions entered the ring in the winter bull calf division, Callis then selected Overmillers’ entry 3G Aristotle 320A as division champion and Overmillers’ other entry OGSG Army Man 514A as reserve division champion. The last class the Overmiller family was represented in was Class 63 bulls. First place went to Overmiller’s entry 3G Zipline 266Z. When the junior bulls class winners gathered in the ring for the selection Enterprise t y i n u m m Co Calendar Thursday Jan. 23 Baby Bear Hugs playgroup, Methodist Church, 9:30-11 a.m. Call 854-2921 for more information. Junior high girls’ basketball at Yuma, 4 p.m. Junior high wrestling dual with Burlington, here, 5 p.m. High school wrestling dual with Burlington, here, 6 p.m. Friday Jan. 24 Men’s Fellowship breakfast, 6 a.m., KarDale’s. Strength and balance exercise class, 11 a.m., SunSet View community room. High school basketball at Wiggins, 4 p.m. Get Ready for Spring Planting with 10% Off TILLAGE PARTS Plus . . . 5 Additional “Cash and Carry” Discount % Disc Blades Seal Kits Scrapers Nuts & Bolts Sweeps Harrow Tines Bearings Chisels Ripper Points ® Saturday Jan. 25 A Caring Pregnancy Resource Center’s 2014 fundraising banquet, 5:30 p.m., Phillips County Event Center, Holyoke. Junior high wrestling at Brush Invite, 8:30 a.m. High school wrestling dual at Highland, 2 p.m. Monday Jan. 27 No school due to teacher inservice. Weight Watchers, SunSet View Community Room. 5 p.m. weigh-in, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Girl Scouts meeting, 5:30-7 p.m., Boy Scout building at Phillips County Fairgrounds. Tuesday Jan. 28 Strength and balance exercise class, 11 a.m., SunSet View community room. Junior high girls’ basketball with Burlington, here, 4 p.m. Junior high wrestling at Yuma Bash, 2 p.m. East Phillips County Hospital District board meeting, 5:30 p.m., Melissa Memorial Hospital. Sponsored By Grand Champion 2014 NWSS Catch a Calf Program Your grandparents, Larry & Jeanette Poos and John & Wilma Ferguson of division champion, 3G Zipline was selected as division champion. After all the divisions were complete and the division winners were paraded in, Over miller Gelbvieh had three of the six division winners in contention for the selection of the national champion bull. After a final evaluation of each bull, Callis selected Overmillers’ entry 3G Zipline as the grand champion, giving him the national champion title. After winning the American Royal, the North American Livestock Exposition and then the National Western Stock Show, Zipline had won the distinguished Triple Crown. Overmiller Gelbvieh, along with Emily Griffiths, were named premier exhibitor for their high placings throughout the show. 3G Zipline and 3G EZ Money were named ring of gold champion Gelbvieh and Balancer respectively for their accumulated points throughout the year. This was 3G EZ Money’s second time winning the reserve national champion Balancer bull title; in 2013 he won it as a calf and then in 2014 as a coming 2-year-old. Imperial, Neb. (308) 882-4295 Wauneta, Neb. (308) 394-5555 TOLL FREE 1-888-727-9737 TOLL FREE 1-877-862-4389 130 N. Interocean Holyoke, CO 970-854-2811 The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014—Page 7 Sports Football • Volleyball • Gymnastics • Basketball • Wrestling • Baseball • Track • Bowling • Rodeo • Softball • Cheerleading • Racing • Running • Bicycling • Football Volleyball • Gymnastics • Basketball • Wrestling • Baseball • Track • Bowling • Rodeo • Softball • Cheerleading • Racing • Running • Football • Volleyball • Gymnastics • Basketball • Wrestling • Baseball • Track • Bowling • Rodeo • Softball • Cheerleading • Racing • Running • Bicycling • Football • Volleyball • Gymnastics Basketball • Wrestling • Baseball • Track • Bowling • Rodeo • Softball • Cheerleading • Racing • Running • Bicycling • Football • Volleyball • Gymnastics • Basketball • Wrestling • Baseball • Track • Bowling • Softball • Cheerleading • Racing • Running • Bicycling • Football • Volleyball • Gymnastics • Basketball Stroh, Brown to be remembered at Thursday dual For mer HHS wrestling coaches Larry Stroh and Bart Brown will be remembered Thursday, Jan. 23 at the Stroh/ Brown Memorial Dual with Burlington in the HHS gym. Action that evening will begin with junior high matmen at 5 p.m., followed by the high school dual at 6 p.m. under the spotlight. Brown coached for five seasons of wrestling in Holyoke. He coached junior high his first year, both JH and HS the next three years and high school only the last year. His last season was in 1997-98 when Tyler Chappell won Holyoke’s first state championship since 1957. A couple of weeks after that state tournament, Brown was on his way to Yuma to watch the Holyoke JH wrestlers when he was killed in a country road auto accident March 12, 1998, at the age of 28. Stroh was a two-time state placer at 98 lbs. for HHS in the early 1980s. He was assisting his brother, Duane, in coaching the HHS wrestling program when he was killed in a farm accident Dec. 5, 2006. It occurred one week before he turned 43. Stroh’s nephew, Chad, who ended up a three-time state champion, was just a freshman when his uncle died. Four days after Larry’s death, the Dragons went ahead to host their annual tournament, labeling it the Larry Stroh Memorial Torn a d o To u r n a m e n t . T h at year, nephew Chad earned outstanding wrestler honors. Wrestling families tend to become one big family through their time spent at all-day tournaments. Fond memories of both Brown and Stroh are recalled often by the wrestling community, and the Thursday night memorial dual is one way of honoring their service. Dragons battle to a 3-point dual loss By Brenda Johnson Brandt Holyoke came up on the short end of a 33-30 wrestling dual when the Dragons hosted Merino under the spotlight Thursday, Jan. 16. Dylon Lousberg at 132 lbs., Luke Stewart at 160 and Fernando Rojo at 195 all won their matches for HHS, and all three won by pins. Issac Brandt led throughout his 126-lb. match that ended in a controversial 4-5 loss. Nick Ortner was back on the mats for the Dragons from the injured list. He and Javy Rojo both suffered two-point losses on the night. Holyoke’s Eric Rojo and Marques Harvey won by forfeit as Merino didn’t have wrestlers in their weight divisions. Both teams were open at 113 and 220 lbs. Individual results from the Jan. 16 dual follow: 106 lbs.—Eric Rojo won by forfeit as Merino didn’t have a wrestler. 120 lbs.—Fernando Lopez was pinned in 3:37 by Aris Shino. 126 lbs.—Issac Brandt lost a 4-5 decision to Jaxson Hastings. 132 lbs.—Dylon Lousberg pinned Jon Ramey in 4:40. 138 lbs.—Edgar Cruz was pinned in 2:33 by Caylan Egan. 145 lbs.—Nick Ortner lost a 0-2 decision to Leon Johnson. 152 lbs.—Javy Rojo lost a 7-9 decision to Nick Vollmer. 160 lbs.—Luke Stewar t Luke Stewart is on his way to a takedown over Ace Congar of Merino in the Jan. 16 wrestling dual in Holyoke. Stewart won by a pin in the second period. —Enterprise photo Swimmers top Valley in Jan. 16 triangular Holyoke swim team members competed well in the triangular with Skyline and Valley at Valley Thursday, Jan. 16. Skyline won the competition with 134 points, followed by Holyoke with 85 and Valley with 83. Coach Adria Colver said the Holyoke team goes into some meets behind by 6-15 points because there’s no diver on the team. But the girls make up for it and swim well. She emphasized they can’t do it without the entire team. There are the workhorses who get it done every week. And there are the newcomers who are improving each week and definitely impact the team, as well. The meet moves the Dragon swimmers close to the end of their season. They swam in a triangular with Eaton and Windsor at Eaton Tuesday, Jan. 21. Colver received word early this week that the girls will be swimming at Myers Pool in Arvada for the conference meet Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8. It is a 10-lane pool, while most others are eight lanes. Holyoke will not receive any points, but if any of the HHS swimmers rank in the top 16 in prelims, they will be able to swim in one of the outside lanes the next day in finals, along with 16 other girls. At Valley last week, Dani Brandt finished first in the 100-yd. backstroke and third in the 100-yd. butterfly, Jayden Durbin grabbed two seconds in the 200-yd. individual medley and the 500-yd. freestyle, and Emily Krogmeier took second in the 100-yd. freestyle and third in the 200-yd. freestyle. Lori McWilliams placed second in the 50-yd. freestyle and fourth in the 500-yd. freestyle; Madison Beckner, fourth in the 100-yd. freestyle and fifth in the 200-yd. freestyle; and Ashley Humphreys, fourth in the 100yd. backstroke and sixth in the 200-yd. freestyle. Malena McWilliams won fifth in the 100-yd. breaststroke and sixth in the 200-yd. individual medley; Jordyn Turney, sixth in 100-yd. backstroke and sixth in 100-yd. freestyle; Kaylee Michael, fifth in 100-yd. butterfly; Megan Humphreys, sixth in 100-yd. breaststroke; and Michalla Drake, seventh in 50-yd. freestyle. In 400-yd. relay competition, Brandt, Beckner, Durbin and Krogmeier teamed up to place second, and Turney, Michael, Jaylene Dominguez and Drake finished sixth. The 200-yd. medley relay event found Lori McWilliams, Durbin, Brandt and Krogmeier finishing in third, and Ashley Humphreys, Malena McWilliams, Beckner and Megan Humphreys placed fourth. Holyoke also placed two teams in the 200-yd. freestyle relay. Lori McWilliams, Me g an Humphreys, Ashley Humphreys and Malena McWilliams finished third, and Drake, Michael, Kaetlynne Overton and Dominguez placed fifth. Gerk Funeral Home Issac Brandt, pictured in back, puts the squeeze on Jaxson Hastings of Merino in a close, hard-fought match that Hastings took by a one-point decision in the end. —Enterprise photo 241 E. Furry—Holyoke—854-3333 242 N. Logan—Haxtun—774-7272 By Brenda Johnson Brandt Nine Dragon wrestlers finished in the top four at the Wiggins Invitational Saturday, Jan. 18. Eric Rojo, Issac Brandt and Sidney Struckmeyer all earned second-place finishes; Nick Ortner, Luke Stewart, Marques Harvey and Tristan Sullivan finished in third; and Dylon Lousberg and Nathan Miles earned fourths for the day. As a team, HHS took third Saturday. Thompson Valley JV won the tourney with 166 points, followed by Merino 160.5, Holyoke 106, Wiggins 86, Sterling JV 70, Byers 63.5, Valley JV 58, Stratton 47, Kiowa 29, Miami Yoder 16 and Brush JV 12. Individual results from the Wiggins tournament follow: 106 lbs.—Eric Rojo placed second. In 2:35 he pinned Vinny Bempcy of Valley, won a 9-1 decision over Tory Bean of Valley and lost a 1-6 decision in the championship to Trevin Waechter of Thompson Valley. 120 lbs.—Fernando Lopez was pinned in 3:13 by thirdplace finisher Jake Breidenback of Sterling, pinned Evan States of Byers in 3:36 and was pinned in 2:23 by fourth-place finisher Cameron Holm of Wiggins. 126 lbs.—Issac Brandt placed second. He won a 7-5 overtime decision over Jaxson Hastings of Merino, pinned Tyler Fritzler of Byers in :43 and lost an 11-14 championship match to Dustin Parker of Thompson Valley. 132 lbs.—Dylon Lousberg placed fourth. He won a 4-0 decision over Jon Ramey of Merino, lost a 5-11 decision to second-place finisher Trevor Gantenbein of Valley, won an 8-0 decision over Jason DeLeon of Sterling and lost a 4-12 decision to Thomas Roth of Byers. 138 lbs.—Edgar Cruz was pinned in 1:20 by third-place finisher Caylan Egan of Merino, pinned Christian Mendoza of Thompson Valley in :41 and was pinned in 2:38 by fourthplace finisher Dante Rivera of Thompson Valley. 145 lbs.—Nick Ortner placed third. He pinned Marshall Hornung of Stratton in 1:17, was pinned in 5:38 by eventual champion Leon Johnson of Merino, pinned Ryan Rohn of Wiggins in 2:57 and pinned Marshall Hornung of Stratton in 4:29. 152 lbs.—Javy Rojo was pinned in 1:50 by fourth-place finisher Andrew Ban of Kiowa, pinned Izzy Torralba of Brush in :24 and was pinned in 4:17 by third-place finisher Danny McCombs of Wiggins. 160 lbs.—Luke Stewar t placed third. He lost a close 12-13 decision to eventual runner-up Connor Quick of Thompson Valley, pinned Luckas Fehrenbach of Stratton in 2:08, pinned Ace Congar of Merino in 2:42 and won a 7-0 decision over Dillon Donaghy of Wiggins. Listen to Streaming Dragon games at This week on Star 92.3 Community Weight Room Hours will begin Monday, Jan. 27 Monday through Friday 7-8 p.m. • Cost: $0 • Participants will be asked to sign in and provide a phone number to contact if needed. • Adult Community Members (NO children allowed during this time) • Sponsors: Nate Groshans & Dakota Douglas • Questions? Call 854-3640. 195 lbs.—Fer nando Rojo pinned Jason Matthews in 3:22. 285 lbs.—Sid Struckmeyer was pinned in 1:00 by Trace Elliott. JV 160 lbs.—Luke Stewart pinned Taylor Gonzales in 3:42. Dragons place 9 wrestlers at Wiggins Caring, Compassionate, Professional When it matters most... It matters to us Brad & Chris Gerk Bryan Kroeger pinned Ace Congar in 2:29. 170 lbs.—Nathan Miles was pinned in 1:34 by Caleb Ramey. 182 lbs.—Marques Harvey won by forfeit as Merino didn’t have a wrestler. 170 lbs.—Nathan Miles placed fourth. He was pinned in 4:41 by champion Matt Ewertz of Wiggins, was pinned in 2:03 by runner-up Caleb Ramey of Merino and lost by injury default to third-place finisher Tobey McDonald of Brush. 182 lbs.—Marques Harvey placed third. He was pinned in 1:06 by runner-up Quentin Cole of Thompson Valley, pinned in :54 by champion MC Griffin of Stratton and pinned Brenden Thompson of Valley in 1:30. 195 lbs.—Fernando Rojo was pinned in 3:33 by third-place finisher Tyler Mosher of Miami Yoder and was pinned in 2:42 by fourth-place finisher Chris Diaz of Thompson Valley. 195 lbs.—Dennis Amaya was pinned in 1:28 by runner-up Steven Leon of Wiggins and lost a 5-7 decision to third-place finisher Chris Diaz of Thompson Valley. 285 lbs.—Sidney Struckmeyer placed second. He pinned Tristan Sullivan of Holyoke in 4:32 and lost a 2-6 decision to champion Chase Flynn of Stratton. 285 lbs.—Tristan Sullivan placed third. He was pinned in 4:32 by runner-up Sidney Struckmeyer of Holyoke and was pinned in :54 by champion Chase Flynn of Stratton. Upcoming action This week, the Dragon wrestlers will host Burlington for dual action Thursday, Jan. 23. The Larry Stroh/Bart Brown Memorial Dual will begin at 6 p.m. under the spotlight, following a 5 p.m. junior high dual. Saturday, Jan. 25, the wrestlers have a 2 p.m. dual at Highland. JV competes at Grant Four junior varsity wrestlers competed in the Grant Invitational in Grant, Neb., Tuesday, Jan. 14. Cody Lamm went 2-1 on the day, while Troy Brown, Dennis Amaya and Tristan Sullivan were all 0-2. Daily Enjoy our hot soup this fall! Specials Pizza p.a.d. 110 N. Interocean Ave. | 854-3042 7:30-8—Tues.-Fri. | 10:30-8—Sat. 4-8 p.m.—Mon. (pizza only) Dragon Wrestling Larry Stroh/Bart Brown Memorial Night Thursday, Jan. 23 •••••••••••••• Basketball Spaghetti Meal—$5 Holyoke at Wiggins •••••••••••••• Friday, Jan. 24 Tuesday, Jan. 28 Haxtun at Imperial Wrestling Thursday, Jan. 23 Burlington at Holyoke Thursday, Jan. 30 Holyoke at Ovid 5 p.m. — High School Commons Area Holyoke Dragons vs. Burlington 6 p.m. Sharp Matches will be wrestled under the ••••spotlight•••• Come support your Dragon wrestlers! •••••••••••••• Sponsored by Holyoke Wrestling Club. Questions, call Brooke Dirks at 580-9190. Page 8—The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014 Lady Dragons lose to Merino, defeat Wray By Kyle Arnoldy Lady Dragon basketball players bounced back from a close loss at home to Merino Friday, Jan. 17 by beating Wray by double-digits on the road Saturday, Jan. 18. Holyoke girls remain even at 5-5 on the season after splitting last week’s games. “This week was truly a tale of two teams. How could we play so poorly on Friday night and then come out on Saturday and play so well?” coach Arlan Scholl asked. “I guess it proves that any team can struggle and have an off night.” Holyoke 41, Merino 44 For the first matchup counting toward league seeding come the postseason, Holyoke fell by just three points to Merino Friday night. HHS at times struggled with the Merino press, leading to 31 total turnovers for the Lady Dragons on the night. “We could not seem to negotiate their press and that showed by us starting out with eight turnovers on our first 10 possessions of the game,” Scholl said. “It is pretty difficult to win under those conditions.” After falling behind 9-2 in the opening minutes, Holyoke closed out the final 90 seconds of the first quarter with a fivepoint run to cut the Merino lead to 15-11. With Holyoke in a zone defense, Merino was able to get open looks from close to the hoop through penetrating the paint and crisp interior ball movement. Megan Vieselmeyer led the way for another strong finish to a period, dropping in a pair of buckets in the final minute as each team scored 10 points in the second quarter. The two teams remained evenly paced throughout the second half, trading baskets throughout the third quarter. With Merino outscoring the Lady Dragons 12-11 in the third period, Holyoke entered the final eight minutes trailing 3237. HHS forced turnovers to pull within two points with close to 2:30 left in the match, but was unable to complete the comeback as shots just wouldn’t fall. The Lady Dragons missed a few open looks in the lane that would have tied the two teams late in the match. Neither team had success in the closing two minutes, with Holyoke scoring just one point on one of five from the free-throw line. Merino failed to put the game out of reach, converting on just two of six attempts at the line in the same timespan. Despite the offensive woes in the closing minutes, Holyoke still had a shot on the final possession of the game with seven seconds remaining. A potentially game-tying 3-pointer bounced off the front of the rim at the buzzer, giving the Lady Rams the 44-41 victory. Maddie King finished with her fourth straight doubledouble by scoring 12 points and picking up 11 rebounds. Vieselmeyer also scored 12 points in the match. Zuri Lopez led the team with seven assists and eight steals on the night. Statistics Holyoke 41, Merino 44 2 3 FT F TP FG Lopez 2 0 5-10 0 9 Peña 2 1 1-4 2 8 King 6 0 0-1 1 12 Vieselmeyer 6 0 0-0 5 12 Beavers 0 0 0-0 3 0 Bencomo 0 0 0-0 4 0 TEAM 16 1 6-15 15 41 Merino TEAM 13 5 3-11 15 44 Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 11 10 11 9 --41 Merino 15 10 12 7 --44 Holyoke 62, Wray 49 Holyoke and Wray traded leads in the first quarter Saturday with the Lady Dragons winning the period 15-14. In Trudy Herman, mother of HHS freshman Austin Herman, was crowned the mothers’ free throw champion, Friday, Jan. 17. After tying with two shots made, a shootoff between Herman and Brenda Krueger, mother of freshman Tara Krueger, was Remember Now is the time to decide how much you will spend for RTK service in 2014. Call RTK NET 15 Towers Phillips, Yuma, Sedgwick, Logan, Chase, Dundy and Perkins 970-520-5024 • 970-854-3770 $1,000 per farm per year If you are tired of always relocating your base unit, call us. An offer you can’t refuse! necessary. Her man outlasted Krueger for the victory. The contest was held during halftime of the boys’ varsity game against Merino as mothers of both HHS boys’ and girls’ basketball players took the court. Cheer clinic/show set for Sat., Feb. 8 Holyoke High School cheerleaders have scheduled their annual cheer clinic for Saturday, Feb. 8, with the performance scheduled that same night. Open to youth age 3 through sixth grade, the clinic will be held in the HHS auditorium. Participants in grades 4-6 will go from 9:30-noon, while all others will attend from 10 a.m.noon. Point guard Roni Beavers gets around a defender to bring the ball up the court through a tough Merino press Friday night. —Enterprise photo fact, HHS won each period en route to a 62-49 victory. “Saturday night was a breath of fresh air and a complete turn around,” Scholl said. “We spent a little time before the Wray game talking about what we needed to do to correct our problems, and the girls responded very well and came out and played their best game of the season.” The Holyoke squad came alive in the second quarter, springing to a 28-16 lead on solid defense and accurate shooting. Wray made a little run to close out the half, but Holyoke maintained a 32-24 lead at the break. Aggressive play was the key to success for the Holyoke team in the third quarter as the Wray squad was forced to foul HHS girls to slow them down. The Lady Dragons made seven trips to the line, successfully sinking five of 11 attempts to take a 47-36 lead heading into the fourth quarter. HHS stayed consistent in the fourth period, scoring 15 points in a quarter for the third time in the game. Wray trailed by double-digits for most of the second half as they were defeated by the Holyoke girls 49-62. King earned her fifth doubledouble of the season, all since the holiday break, with 19 points and 14 rebounds. Lopez scored 19 points to go along with a team-high five steals. Audi Peña also chipped in with 13 points. Statistics Holyoke 62, Wray 49 2 3 FT F TP FG Lopez 7 0 5-7 4 19 Peña 6 0 1-2 1 13 King 5 1 6-11 2 19 Audi Peña makes a pass to a teammate under the hoop during Friday’s game with Merino. —Enterprise photo Herman wins halftime free-throw contest Vieselmeyer 3 0 0-0 5 6 Beavers 1 0 1-2 3 3 J. Krueger 1 0 0-2 4 2 Bencomo 0 0 0-0 4 0 TEAM 23 1 13-24 23 62 Wray TEAM 15 1 16-24 19 49 Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 15 17 15 15 --62 Wray 14 10 12 13 --49 Upcoming action Holyoke was scheduled to travel to Yuma Tuesday, Jan. 21 for the second league game of the season. Results will be included in next week’s Enterprise. Wiggins will host Holyoke Friday, Jan. 24 for another game counting toward the Lady Dragon league record. When the two teams met Jan. 7, Holyoke won in dominating fashion, 59-25. “We have the talent and desire on this team, we just need some on-court discipline at times to get the win,” Scholl stated. “I look forward to watching this team grow and improve as the season progresses.” JV basketball girls split weekend series Holyoke junior varsity basketball girls broke even over the past weekend, beating Merino Friday, Jan. 17 and losing in Wray Saturday, Jan. 18. Holyoke JV 31, Merino 20 After trailing by two Friday at the conclusion of the first period, Holyoke strung together a 16-point period, led by 10 points by Adi Bencomo, to take a commanding 20-10 lead over the Lady Rams. HHS secured the win by outscoring Merino 11-10 in the final quarter for the 31-20 win. Bencomo led the team with 10 points, Me g an Parker chipped in with seven, Brook Prottsman six, Tara Krueger four and Mackenzie Thompson and Savanna Krueger two each. Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 4 4 2 --10 Wray 14 16 20 --50 Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 4 16 11 --31 Merino 6 4 10 --20 Holyoke JV 31, Wray 56 A big Wray first quarter set the tempo early Saturday as Holyoke fell 31-56. Offensive production was slow in the first two quarters for the Lady Dragons as they were outscored 12-28 by half. Scoring picked up a bit in the second half, but HHS could not overcome their deficit, losing 31-56. Krueger scored 10 points to lead the HHS team. Bencomo contributed six points, Thompson and Parker each added five, Prottsman and Roni Beavers two each and Juana Penzing one. Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 3 9 8 11 --31 Wray 21 7 10 18 --56 Please buckle up! C team girls fall in Wray Sat. HHS C team girls’ basketball squared off with Wray on the road Saturday, Jan. 18, falling 10-50. Holyoke could not keep pace with the Wray girls who outscored the Lady Dragons in all three quarters of the game. Karen Nuñez and Savanna Krueger each scored four points and Karla Hermosillo added two. Performance for the cheer clinic will be that night at halftime of the boys’ varsity basketball game with Wray. Registration deadline is Thursday, Jan. 30 at noon so T-shirts can be ordered. Registration forms and fees can be sent to cheer coach Jane Zink at 638 E. Gordon. For further information, she can be called or texted at 970-520- Have your automobile or homeowners rates gone up? We may be able to Check with us. You might like it! save you 10%-15%-20% and sometimes more. Trumper Agency 854-3365 Ken’s Tax Service Ken Skipworth, Owner • • • • Computerized Tax Preparation Bookkeeping Payroll & Quarterly Reports IRS Audit Representation 106 Park View Dr. — Sterling, CO 80751 522-0602 In back of Phillips Co. Abstract, 202 S. Interocean Friday & Saturday, Feb. 7 & 8, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. st al 1 2 nu An Sr HH r e e d d a a e l le in r r c e i c e i e e n h l i h l C C C ee rr C e For kids e h C ages 3 thru Ch 6th grade Saturday, Feb. 8 9:30-noon, grades 4-6; 10-noon for everyone else Clinic in HHS Auditorium To perform at halftime of the Saturday, Feb. 8 boys’ varsity basketball game with Wray Registration Deadline—Jan. 30 at noon For more info call or text Jane, 520-3424 Holyoke Child’s Name_____________________________________ Age_____Grade_____Phone #______________________ Parent’s Name____________________________________ Address________________________________________ T-shirt Size (Circle One) Youth S M L Adult S M L XL $25 fee (includes T-shirt) Family Rate—$25 first child; $20 each additional child Return registration form, with fee, to: Jane Zink, Cheer Coach, 638 E. Gordon, Holyoke, or text her at 520-3424 The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014—Page 9 Dragons extend winning streak to 6 By Kyle Arnoldy Holyoke boys’ basketball picked up their sixth straight win over the weekend by taking down Merino at home Friday, Jan. 17 and Wray Saturday, Jan. 18 on the road. With the wins, HHS improves to 7-3 for the season. Holyoke 81, Merino 79 It truly was a game of runs Friday night as the Dragon basketball team hosted the Merino Rams. Holyoke earned a 1-0 conference record with the win, outlasting Merino 81-79 Holyoke started the game hot, stunning Merino with a 12-0 spree out of the gate. Merino responded with a 19-6 run to take the lead near the halfway point of the first quarter. Tito Fierro came up big in the period, scoring 15 points as the two teams ended the first knotted at 23. “I felt like they were really ready to play,” coach Scott Dille said of his team. “I am proud of how they came out focused and got out to a 12-0 start.” The fast-paced play continued in the second quarter as each team exploited shot opportunities early in possessions. Zach Roll led the Dragons with seven points in the quarter as HHS outscored Merino 21-14 for a 44-37 advantage at half. Fierro once again handled scoring duties for the Dragons to begin the second half, scoring eight of Holyoke’s first 12 points. Logan Tharp scored eight of the final 10 points for HHS as the Dragons boasted a 66-58 lead heading into the fourth quarter. Merino began to heat up from deep four minutes into the third quarter, hitting seven 3s in the second half to stay within striking distance of the Dragons. An offensive surge to open the fourth for Merino had the two teams tied for the first time since early in the second quarter. Holyoke took control of the lead with under three minutes remaining in the game and never let up. An open shot from close and a good look at a game-winning 3 rattled off the rim for Merino as HHS kept the scrappy Rams at bay for the 81-79 victory. Fierro finished with 31 points, Tharp added 17 and Trevor Dalton 12 in the highscoring game. Dille noted that with a tough league this year, any conference win is huge. Statistics Holyoke 81, Merino 79 2 3 FT F TP FG Tharp 8 0 1-4 4 17 Cumming 0 0 2-4 2 2 Parker 2 0 0-0 1 4 Dalton 4 0 4-7 2 12 Smith 0 0 3-4 3 3 Roll 2 1 0-0 0 7 Fierro 11 3 0-3 4 31 Loya 0 1 0-0 1 3 Krogmeier 0 0 2-4 3 2 TEAM 27 5 12-26 20 81 Merino TEAM 17 10 15-22 19 79 Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 23 21 22 15 --81 Merino 23 14 21 21 --79 Holyoke 76, Wray 39 Many teams have trouble matching their energy from Bradley Cumming chases down a loose ball near the end of Friday’s close game with Merino. —Enterprise photo Boys C team earns 2 wins over Merino, Wray HHS C team boys picked up two wins over the weekend, topping Merino Friday, Jan. 17 and Wray Saturday, Jan. 18. Holyoke C 43, Merino 26 With a strong start to both halves, the Dragons held off Merino for a 43-26 victory. Tyler Camblin had a gamehigh 15 points, Jahir Gardea scored eight points, Erick Zink six, Eddie Marroquin four, Xander Nelson and Edwin Cruz three and Zach Churchwell and junior Jesus Martinez two each. Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 13 8 17 5 --43 Merino 3 11 7 5 --26 Holyoke C 36, Wray 28 With an extra period of play needed to determine the winner, Holyoke captured a 36-28 victory over Wray in overtime. No stats were available for the game. HHS junior varsity basketball boys earned two big wins over the weekend, easily handling Merino Friday, Jan. 17 and Wray Saturday, Jan. 18. Holyoke JV 72, Merino 19 With a 21-0 opening quarter Friday, Holyoke faced little resistance as they dominated the Merino team for a 72-19 win. Merino could not match Holyoke’s offense as the Dragons continually added to their total to take a 40-9 lead at half. The second half was more of the same as Holyoke outscored the Rams 14-6 and 18-4 to close out the game up 72-19. Sophomore Jesus Martinez finished with a team-high 16 points, Austin Herman was close behind with 15, Taylor Mayden 11, Brenden Kage and T.J. Gertner eight each, Alex Strauss five, Dylan Kotch three and Gunnar Kroeger, Alex Yanez and Jesus Loya two. Technology Solution Computer Repair • Internet • Cable TV/Video Computer Sales • Phone • Cell Phone Business Solutions • 24/7 Technical Service 970-854-2201 | 866-854-2111 | TAX Preparation (970) 854-2900 Please call for appointment Tax Season Hours Monday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Gloria Jimenez Tuesday 1-5 p.m., Gloria Jimenez Wednesday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Gloria Jimenez Thursday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Gloria Jimenez Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Chas Reynolds Call if you need a later time. Tax Returns — Individual, Corporations, Partnerships; Electronic Filing. Also Bookkeeping & Payroll Services Chas’ Accounting Service 130 E. Denver — Holyoke — 854-2900 Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 21 19 14 18 --72 Merino 0 9 6 4 --19 Holyoke JV 70, Wray 40 Holyoke pulled away from Wray as they scored with ease throughout the first half Saturday. After two strong offensive quarters, HHS entered half up 37-20. All 10 players for HHS who stepped on the court made at least one basket as the Dragons continued to excel offensively. Holyoke finished the game with a 70-40 victory. Herman led the Dragons with 16 points, followed by Loya with 14, Kroeger 10, Kotch eight, Martinez seven, Strauss and Mayden four each, Gertner three and Yanez and Kage two apiece. Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 22 15 19 14 --70 Wray 10 10 4 16 --40 HJHS girls’ basketball faces tough competition Zach Roll completes a nice reverse layup for two of his seven points Friday night. —Enterprise photo a high-intensity Friday night game the following Saturday afternoon, but Holyoke was able to close out the weekend with a 37-point win over Wray on the road. Dille noted that Saturday’s game with Wray was the polar opposite of the style of Friday’s game. While Merino played man and looked to get quick shots Friday night, Wray played a zone defense and looked to slow the game down. Once again, HHS had a lot of success at the offensive end of the court, scoring with relative ease from the getgo. At the conclusion of the first quarter, Holyoke led the home team 2213. Holyoke’s defense suffocated the Wray team in the second quarter, allowing just two points on free throws while the Dragon offense poured in 25 points for a 47-15 halftime lead. Scoring simmered a bit in the second half, but Holyoke never gave up control of the game. After finishing out the third quarter with a 63-29 lead, Holyoke began to rotate in more players to pick up some varsity experience. Dille praised the HHS team for their defense in the second half, pointing out that their aggressive play led to transition and more opportunities on the offensive end of the court. HHS extended their winning streak to six with the 76-39 win. In the victory, 12 different Dragons made contributions to the scoring column. Dalton did a great job attacking the basket all night to pick up 17 points and Fierro and Tharp each ended the night with 13 points. Statistics Holyoke 76, Wray 39 2 3 FT F TP FG Tharp 5 0 3-4 1 13 Cumming 4 0 0-0 3 8 Parker 0 0 0-0 4 0 Dalton 7 0 3-3 0 17 Smith 0 1 0-0 1 3 Roll 0 1 0-0 2 3 Strauss 1 0 0-0 0 2 Fierro 2 2 3-4 2 13 Gertner 0 0 1-2 2 1 Martinez 1 0 0-0 2 2 Loya 2 0 0-0 0 4 Krogmeier 3 0 0-1 1 6 Kotch 2 0 0-0 0 4 TEAM 27 4 10-14 18 76 Wray TEAM 13 1 10-19 15 39 Scoring By Quarters Holyoke 22 25 16 13 --76 Wray 13 2 14 10 --39 HJHS hosted Caliche for a pair of girls’ basketball matches Thursday, Jan. 16, and hit the road for a gymboree in Wray and Yuma Saturday, Jan. 18. Between the A and B teams, Holyoke posted a 0-9 record. In A team action with Caliche, Holyoke girls began the game in a hole, going scoreless in the first quarter and entering half down 5-26. When the final buzzer sounded, Holyoke had lost 11-37. Grace Dille scored six points to lead the Lady Dragons, Kaylee Camblin and Jaydy Dominguez added two and Savannah Burris one. B team girls stayed close with the Caliche team throughout the match, trailing by just two at half. Caliche held on for the 16-12 victory by outscoring HJHS in each quarter in the second half. Rebecca Owens scored four points for Holyoke, followed by Bailey Hamaker, Kaitlyn Kent, Mackenzie Golden and Dominguez with two each. In the gymboree, each game was shortened to 20 minutes of running clock. Holyoke’s A team was 0-4 on the day and B team was 0-3. Sterling was the first opponent for Holyoke’s A team, with HJHS losing 5-22. Dille and Kyra Loutensock scored two points each and Dominguez one. A team then faced Wray, falling 9-15. Burris scored four points, Dominguez three and Dille two. In the third game of the day for the A team, HJHS lost 6-19 to Fort Morgan. Ashley Lopez scored all six points for the Lady Dragons. Brush got the best of Holyoke in the fourth game of the day for the A team girls, winning 23-5. Dille and Burris each scored two points and Dominguez added one. In B team action, Holyoke first faced Wray, losing 6-19. Hamaker, Kent and Owens each scored two points in the game. Holyoke was shut out in the second game, losing 0-20 to Sterling. In the final game of the day for Holyoke’s B girls, the Lady Dragons lost 4-13 to Fort Morgan. Kent scored all four points for Holyoke in the match. Upcoming action HHS was scheduled to travel to Yuma Tuesday, Jan. 21 for a league game. Results will be reported in the Jan. 30 issue of the Enterprise. Holyoke will travel to Wiggins Friday, Jan. 24 for a chance to improve their league record. The Dragons won the Jan. 7 meeting 70-48. Hear Ye!! Hear Ye!! Dr. Karen Swope, Audiologist Your Premiere JV Dragons cruise for 2 lopsided wins Your Ear/Hearing Specialist Integrity... Honesty... Ethics... Athlete of the Week Wray Hospital Mondays Yuma District Hospital Tuesdays Sterling Office Fridays 1-866-377-9993 or 970-867-9993 to schedule your appointment! MARTINEZ DRYLAND AUCTION W/RESERVE Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 10:30 am, MT Ramada Inn - Sterling, CO 160 +/- Ac • DRYLAND - CRP SE LOGAN COUNTY, CO • 147.6 +/- Ac Dryland • Legal: SE1/4 of 8, T6N, R50W • 147.6 +/- Ac growing wheat • Owned Minerals to Buyer • 12.5 mi S, 7 mi W of Fleming • 20 +/- mi SE of Sterling • 8.5 +/- Ac CRP • Mature Windbreak • L/L Share to Buyer • Domestic Well • Class II & III soils • Slightly rolling terrain Tito Fierro Tito was on fire over the weekend, scoring 31 points Friday night to help HHS edge Merino and another 13 Saturday in a lopsided win over Wray. Logan Tharp Logan has been consistently productive for the Dragon basketball team, averaging close to 16 points per game and not once scoring less than 10 points. Sponsored by: For Further Information: Marc Reck, Broker or Troy Vogel, Broker Associate For a Color Brochure, Visual Tour & Online Bidding: visit: 970-522-7770 or 1-800-748-2589 Ag Power Equipment Co. 970-854-4535 • 1-866-854-4535 280 N. Sunflower Dr., Holyoke, CO Page 10—The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014 Classifieds For Sale • Vehicles • Lost • Found • Free • Help Wanted • Work Wanted • Garage Sales • Cards of Thanks • Notices • Farm Misc. • For Sale • Vehicles • Lost • Found • Free • Help Wanted • Work Wanted • Garage Sales • Cards of Thanks • Notices • Farm Misc. • For Sale • Vehicles • Lost • Found • Free • Help Wanted • Work Wanted • Garage Sales • Cards of Thanks • Notices • Farm Misc. • For Sale • Vehicles • Lost • Found • Free • Help Wanted • Work Wanted • Garage Sales • Cards of Thanks • Notices • Farm Misc. • For Sale • Vehicles • Lost • Found • Free • Help Wanted • Work Wanted • Garage Sales • Cards of Thanks • Notices • Farm Misc. • For Sale • Vehicles • Lost • Found • Free • Help Wanted • Work Wanted • Garage Sales • Cards of Thanks • Notices • Farm Misc. • For Sale • Vehicles • Lost • Found • Free • Help Wanted • Work Wanted HELP WANTED—Holyoke School District/Chartwells Dining Services, full-time and sub position at Holyoke Elementary School cafeteria. Pick up applications at the Holyoke Admin building or the elementary cafeteria. Call Shannon Lippitt at 970-571-1404 with questions. 48-3tc HELP WANTED—Cow calf/feedlot operation in Dundy County, Neb., looking for a dependable, honest, hardworking individual who likes to work with cattle. Salary and benefits. 308-423-5242. 48-2tIhgw HELP WANTED—NEW position at the City of Holyoke as office assistant. Must have computer skills, be a self-starter and be able to work with the public. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Residency required. Great benefits. Interested parties should pick up an application and submit to: Kathleen Olofson, City of Holyoke, 407 E. Denver St., Holyoke, CO 80734. Call 970-8542266 for further information. Open until filled. EOE. 48-2tc HELP WANTED—Daytime bartender and nighttime waitress needed at KarDale’s in Holyoke. Apply within, 142 N. Interocean Ave. 48-2tc HELP WANTED—HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY has immediate openings for truck driver at our retail facility in southwest Nebraska. Full-time, part-time or seasonal positions available. Training available. Compensation and benefits package (health, dental, life, disability, 401(k)). Please stop by or call Helena Chemical Company, 33821 Hwy 34, Benkelman, NE 69021, 308-423-2942. EOE M/F/ H/V. Pre-employment drug screen and background check required. 47-3tIhgw HELP WANTED—Imperial Manor is looking for a part-time cook and a full-time dishwasher. Experience preferred but willing to train the right person. Please contact Kelsey at 308-882-5333 or stop in at 933 Grant St. in Imperial, Neb., and pick up an application. We are an EEOC facility. 47-2tIhgw Vehicles FOR SALE—2000 Ford Excursion, Limited Edition. V-10 gas, automatic, tow package, leather, loaded, excellent condition, 160,000 MILES. See at Holyoke School bus shop or call Robert at 970-520-4714. $5,250. 48-2tc FOR SALE—1974 F-600 truck, 16’ steel bed, custom cab, 360 V8, 4 & 2, nice truck, 68,000 miles, $4,500. Also, Dymax rotary brush bunk cleaner, $2,500. 785-4430125. 48-2tpIhgw FOR SALE—2007 Honda Accord, Luxury Edition, 4-door, in excellent shape. $10,000. Call Holyoke Community Federal Credit Union, 970-854-3109. 47-tfc Deadline Tuesday, 10 a.m. HELP WANTED—Office help wanted. Must have computer skills and be able to work with the public. Must be a self-starter. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m.-noon on Saturdays. Stop in to pick up an application. Sullivan’s Appliance & Air, 128 S. Interocean Ave. 47-tfc HELP WANTED—Holyoke School District Re-1J is currently looking for the following coaching positions for the 2013-14 school year: HS girls’ golf head coach, HS girls’ golf assistant coach, JH boys’ and girls’ track and field assistant coach. Apply online at http://holyoke. Vacancy open until filled. The District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 47-2tc HELP WANTED—Ampride in Holyoke is now hiring part-time customer service associates, up to 30 hours per week. We offer competitive wages, paid sick and vacation time, profit sharing, 401(k) and holiday pay. All shifts available. Please apply at Ampride. 46-tfc HELP WANTED—Gary Sporhase Trucking, LLC, Holyoke, driver needed immediately. Must have clean CDL. Call Gary at 308-2896128 or Ellory at 308-289-0682. 36-tfcHig HELP WANTED—As our company grows, so does the need for good drivers. PSI Transport in Hoxie, Kan., is looking for livestock and grain haulers. Health, dental, life insurance as well as other benefits upon hire. Contact 785-675-3477 for more info. 33-tfcIhgw NOTICES NOTICE—Are you needing day care? Hugs and Tugs Day Care has openings for babies and toddlers. 970-854-2156. 48-2tc NOTICE—Last chance! All hair styling products at Ardie’s half-price until Saturday, Jan. 25 at noon. Hurry while supplies last! 48-1tc NOTICE—Want to make some noize! Call White Noize Entertainment for any occasion or event! 308-882-2206 or 308-882-8939. 48-1tIhg NOTICE—8 small roll-off boxes available for rent to help with small remodel jobs for yard and construction debris. Contact Phillips County Landfill, 970-854-2166, for information packets, pricing, rules, release forms and scheduling procedures. 48-1tc NOTICE—DISH—It’s easy to SWITCH—All promotions. Just call 970-854-2745, Howard Hunter, H&B Home Service. On the web, 40-tfcHig NOTICE—Joy’s Cozy Cottage, neatly furnished, 1 1/4 miles south of Holyoke. Call for reservations, 970-854-3308 or 970-520-5403. Daily rental. RV parking available, electricity only. 14-52tp Recycle this newspaper Stone Motors Inc. Julesburg, CO All forms of Domestic Well Service Pumps • Windmills Complete Water Systems Installations Service Ault Well Service Day or Night call: 970-463-8822 Mark Ault legal notices FOR SALE Help WANTED Doug Stone 970-520-1100 (Cell) Or Toll Free 1-800-662-7866 Front Office Position Open Melissa Memorial Hospital is looking for an individual to work in the front office at Family Practice of Holyoke. Able to handle busy front office, work with the public and have strong communication and computer skills and must be a team player. For more information or an application, please contact Amanda Houghtelling or Sheila Robinson at 970-854-2500. East Phillips County Hospital District is an equal opportunity provider and employer. FOR SALE—Do you need to light up your yard or shop? If you have 3-phase, 480-volt service, we have the lights you need. Removed from the Holyoke football field. 1,500 watt, metal halide. For information, call Robert at 970-520-4714 or see at the Holyoke bus shop. 48-2tc FOR SALE—Four-piece kids’ locker room theme bedroom set. Like new, asking $300. Call 970-466-1981. 48-1tc FOR SALE—Jake’s Feed has a half-yard trash dumpster for sale. 970-854-7220. 48-1tc FOR SALE—Oxygen/acetylene torch set. Includes large oxygen and acetylene bottles, gauges and regulators, hoses, cutting torch, welding torch and cart. $750. Call Steve after 5 p.m., 970-520-7282. 47-2tc FOR SALE—Glass blocks from the old windows at the Enterprise office, $5 each (includes sales tax). Roughly 7.5 inch squares by 3.75 inches deep. Stop by the Enterprise office to purchase, 130 N. Interocean Ave. First come, first serve! Must pay for glass blocks when you pick them up. 40-tfnc for rent FOR RENT—50 x 100 storage Quonset available Feb. 1. $500/ month plus electricity. No plumbing, concrete floor. Call Speer Cushion at 970-854-2911 if interested. 47-2tc FOR RENT—1-bedroom apartment for rent located at Sunset Haven, 300 Warren Ave. in Grant, Neb. Maintenance and utilities furnished. For more information, call 308-352-4346 or pick up application at Sunset Haven office. E.O.H. 47-2tGih LEGAL NOTICE The Phillips County Commissioners, 221 S Interocean Ave., Holyoke, Colorado (970-854-2454), have filed an application to expand an existing Construction Materials Limited Impact (110) and Reclamation Permit to a Construction Materials Regular Impact (112) and Reclamation Permit with the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board under provisions of the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Act for the extraction of construction materials. The proposed mine is known as the Kennedy Pit, and is located in the SE1/4 of Section 21, T7N, R43W of the 6th P.M., Phillips County, Colorado. The proposed date of commencement is as soon as possible and the proposed date of completion is indefinite. The proposed future use of the land is wildlife habitat. Additional information and tentative hearing date may be obtained from the Mined Land Reclamation Board, Room 215, 1313 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado, 80203 (303-866-3567), or the Phillips County Clerk, Phillips County Courthouse, Holyoke, CO on the above named applicant. Written comments must be filed with the Mined Land Reclamation Board by Feb. 26, 2014. Published Holyoke Enterprise First Publication: Jan. 16, 2014 Last Publication: Feb. 6, 2014 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of JULMA Y. BONESTEEL, a/k/a JULMA BONESTEEL, Deceased Case Number 14 PR 30000; Division B All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to District Court of Phillips County, Colorado on or before May 23, 2014 or the claims may be forever barred. Carol K. Jones 350 Road East E South Ogallala, NE 69153 Published Holyoke Enterprise First Publication: Jan. 23, 2014 Last Publication: Feb. 6, 2014 WANTED Farm Misc. FOR SALE—Long-stem millet straw, square bales. Brad Michael, 970-774-6419. 48-2tc BUYING—Buying old or junk cars, trucks, tractors, etc. Will pay $125 and up, cash. Pickup included. Becky, 970-463-0463. 48-1tc Colorado Statewide Classified Advertising Network To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 84 Colorado newspapers for only $250, contact your local newspaper or call SYNC2 Media at 303-571-5117. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Indian Creek Express HIRING!!! Local Driver OTR Drivers, Singles/Teams Fleet Mechanic (Entry level/Advanced) Dispatchers Benefits, Weekly pay, Drivers: home weekly, Mechanics & Dispatchers FULL TIME 40+/wk 877-273-3582 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Learn to drive for Swift Transportation at US Truck. Earn $750 per week! CDL & Job Ready in 3 weeks! 1-800-809-2141 SYNC2 MEDIA Buy a statewide classified line ad in newspapers across Colorado for just $250 per week. Maximize results with our Frequency Deals! Contact this newspaper or call SYNC2 Media at 303-571-5117 Calendar of Specialists' Services Available in Holyoke — Call for Scheduling Information NCMC Neurology Clinic Dr. Hagar (854-2241 ext. 316)* ............... Wed., 1/29 COAG (Coumadin Clinic) (854-2500)* D. Carpenter, FNP (854-2500)*..................................................... Wed., 1/22 Audiology: Columbine Audiology T. Cummings (854-2241 ext. 316)* ...............................................Tues., 1/28 Cardiovascular Institute J. Drury, M.D. (970-526-8181)* ............Tues., 1/28 Dermatology T. Alkousakis, M.D. (854-2241 ext. 316)* .................. Mon., 1/27 OB-Gyn: Sterling Women’s Care S. Adler, M.D. (854-2241 ext. 316)* ...............................................Tues., 1/28 Ophthalmology D. Carter, M.D. (854-2241 ext. 316)*.................No Jan. Clinic Podiatry: High Plains Foot & Ankle L. Brandon, M.D. (854-2241 ext. 316)* ...................... Thurs., 1/30; Fri., 1/31 Surgery: PVHS J. Schiefen, D.O. (854-2241 ext. 316)* ............Thurs., 1/23, 1/30 Urology: North Colorado Urology, PC J. Wolach, M.D. (800-281-1964)*.................................................. Wed., 1/22 *Please call this number to make an appointment A nominal administrative fee will be charged for all MD and DO clinic visits BEFORE THE COLORADO GROUND WATER COMMISSION NORTHERN HIGH PLAINS DESIGNATED GROUND WATER BASIN; FRENCHMAN GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT; PHILLIPS COUNTY TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with Section 37 90 111(1)(g), C.R.S. and the Designated Basin Rules, 2 CCR 410-1, the Colorado Ground Water Commission is considering applications from Donald G. Poe (“applicant”) to change the description of acres permitted to be irrigated by well permit nos.18701-F and 20337-FP. There is no request to increase in the number of acres permitted to be irrigated. The Permit No. 20337-FP was issued as an increase to Permit No. 18701-FP. The well with Final Permit Nos. 18701-FP and 20337-FP have a permitted location at a point 1,420 feet from the North section line and 1,200 feet from the East section line in the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 4, Township 6 North Range 43 West of the 6th P.M. Permit No. 18701-FP has a permitted pumping rate is 1,200 gpm, the permitted annual appropriation is 450 acre-feet per year, and the permitted use is irrigation of 180 acres described as part of the NW of Section 3 and the NE1/4 of Section 4 Township 6 North, 43 West and the SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 33, Township 7 North, Range 43 West. Permit No. 20337-FP has permitted pumping rate is 0 gpm, the permitted annual appropriation is 463 acrefeet per year, and the permitted use is irrigation of 215 acres described as part of the N1/2 of the NW1/4 of Section 3, Township 6 North, 43 West and the SE1/4 of Section 33, Township 7 North, Range 43 West. The applicant requests to change the description of acres to be irrigated by the well under Permit No. 18701-FP to 180 acres described as: 140 acres in the SE1/4 of Section of Section 33 Township 7 North, Range 43 West consisting of a circle and the southern corners of the quarter, and 40 acres in the N1/2 of the NW1/4 of Section 3, Township 6 North, Range 43 West and under Permit No. 20337-FP to 215 acres described as 148 acres in the NE1/4 of Section 4, Township 6 North, Range 43 West consisting of a circle and portions of the corners of the quarter and the western most 67 acres of the SW1/4 of Section 34, Township 7 North, Range 43 West. The applications are published as required by statute. Favorable consideration by staff is not required prior to publication of a change in water right, nor is such implied here. Any person wishing to object to the requested changes must do so in writing, briefly stating the nature of the objection and indicating the applicant name and well permit number that are the subject of the objection. The objection letter, along with a $10 fee per application, must be received by the Colorado Ground Water Commission, 818 Centennial Building, 1313 Sherman Street, Denver, CO 80203, no later than Feb. 23, 2014. Published Holyoke Enterprise First Publication: Jan. 16, 2014 Last Publication: Jan. 23, 2014 Real Estate garage SAles FOR SALE—Three irrigated pivots with good equipment and electric motors for sale near Lamar, Neb. Call John or Derek at Colson Agency, 308-882-4909. 48-2thI FOR SALE—3-bedroom, 1.75-bathroom house for sale. Great location. 410 W. Hargreaves St. 970571-3901. 29-tfc FOR SALE—40 acres—35 acres farmable. Balance house, garage and other outbuildings. Southwest of Holyoke. 970-520-3170. 43-tfc GARAGE SALE—Saturday, Jan. 25, 9 a.m.-noon, Ardie’s, 235 S. Campbell Ave. Everything must go! Ardie’s wants all merchandise and furniture gone by noon. Beauty shop supplies, etc. and home merchandise. 47-2tc Home Inspections John E. Zion Home Inspection Technician 970-630-1962 - Work Cell 970-332-4569-Home/Voice 926 Paul St Wray, CO 80758 854-2269 720 E. Emerson—Holyoke •New Homes •Remodeling & Additions •Roofing—Asphalt or Metal •Cement Work •Flooring—Carpet/Vinyl/ Tile/Hardwood •Int. or Ext. Painting •Steel-Vinyl Siding-Soffit-Fascia •Glass Repair •Garages & Garage Door/Openers •Vinyl Windows •Decks & Fencing—Wood or Vinyl For Sale 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Move-in ready. 1,800 sq. ft. plus 1,024 sq. ft. garage, updated kitchen, living room and baths. New furnace and air conditioner, color lock siding, clad double paned windows. Underground sprinklers, well landscaped yard with plenty of entertaining spaces. Asking $154,000 332 S. Baxter Call 970-854-3154 Sully Team Realty Olga Sullivan, Broker, 970-520-5705 | Jeff Sullivan, Broker, 970-520-2740 • New Listing: 41501 Co. Rd. 14 — Beautiful set up! Million dollar sunsets! 2006 built home sitting on 40 acres of land!!!! Corrals, 2 quonset huts, pole barn and much more. • 128 E. Furry — 4 bdrm total, 2 baths, 1 car garage, included are appliances and NEW HOT TUB. Close to downtown, well kept home and landscaping. $152,000. • 626 S. Baxter — Newly remodeled, bungalow-style, 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Big lot with mature trees. $71,900. • 415 S. Walsh — This very spacious prairie style home sits on 2 lots with sprinkler system and a 2 car oversized detached garage with heated workshop. 2,700 sq. ft. with 4 bdrm, 2 bath, large open dining/living room. Maintenancefree exterior. Hardwood floors under carpet throughout. $165,000. • 115 S. Interocean (Bill’s TV Bldg) — PRIME downtown location, 3,040 sq. ft. commercial building. 1 car garage parking inside building, office space, retail space and much more! $115,000. • New Listing: 234 W. Denver St. — 1,200 sq. ft. 3 car garage, insulated, electrical, garage door openers. Commercial lot with driveway. $89,000. • 235 S. Campbell (Ardie’s Bldg) — Commercial building and exercise equipment for sale. New furnace. Rental income from interior space will help make your payments. Ardie’s building. Only $149,000. • 702 W. Fletcher, 4 lots, Haxtun, CO — Two lots have water, sewer and electricity! Ready for a mobile home or house. NEW PRICE $35,000. U/C Go to our website for more pictures & info Employee Wanted: Crop Production Manager, experienced in sprinkler irrigation and farm machinery operation. Associate or BS degree desired. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. 401(k) pension plan, PTO, annual bonus, pickup and fuel furnished. Send resume to Crop Production Manager, Box 445, Wray, CO 80758. CHS/M&M Coop has an exciting opportunity in Yuma, CO! We are looking for a Grain Merchandiser to join our growing agriculture organization. To see the complete job posting and apply online, please visit Click on Careers/CHS Opportunities/ search CHS careers for Posting #3562. CHS Inc. in an EEO employer. 1001 E. Johnson St.—Holyoke, CO—854-2241 We’ve Got You Covered. AUTO • HOME • LIFE • CROP 127 E. Denver St. Ste. B, Holyoke, CO • Lighthouse Real Estate Julie Wiebke, Realtor 970-580-9262 • NEW LISTING—310 S. Morlan. 3 BR home with large kitchen, wood floors. $105,000. NEW LISTING—1030 S. Belford. 3 BR, new kitchen, huge garage, partially finished basement. $172,000. 304 S. Reynolds. 2 BR house with garage, carport and central air. $70,000. 743 E. Gordon. 3 BR, garage, 2 storage sheds, hot tub. $100,000. Visit us at 715 E. Hale. 4 BR home with deck, 3 car garage spaces, central air and more. $165,000. 125 S. Baxter Holyoke, CO 80734 410 S. Bowman. Great cozy 2 BR home with a deck, a beautiful yard and a detached garage. $72,500. nder basement, shop, lovely yard. NEW Usemi-finished 536 S. Campbell. 2 BR on main, 2 bath, LOWER PRICE $121,000. Contract 1443 E. Hale. 3 BR home on nearly 2 acres. Just outside of Holyoke. Includes garage, utility shed and pole shed. NEW LOWER PRICE $129,000. 970-854-2290 nder 639 S. Bowman. 4 BR home, new siding,U central air, new windows and NEW KITCHEN, fenced back yard. Check it out! $89,000. Contract 300 W. 8th, Julesburg. GORGEOUS home with too many features to list! 3 BR, 3 bath. $299,000. This agency is an equal opportunity employer er equipment for sale. Rent income from 235 S. Campbell. Commercial building U andnd exercise interior space will help make your payments. $149,000. ract ContONLY For pictures & details on these and other homes, go to or stop by 800 E. Denver. The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014—Page 11 Alexa Lock, Kevin Keathley marry in June wedding High school students who participated in honor band Monday night are pictured from left, front row, Anastasia Conklin, Eva Penzing, Monica Dominguez and Dani Brandt; and back row, Meg Strauss, Jesus Martinez, Whitney Powell and Shaylee Krueger. —Enterprise photo 18 Holyoke students selected for 50th annual honor band Eight HHS and 10 HJHS students were selected to participate in the 50th annual honor band in Holyoke Monday, Jan. 20. After submitting recorded auditions, 100 high school and junior high students from the area were selected. HHS students selected for honor band include seniors Shaylee Krueger, flute, first chair; Meg Strauss, clarinet, first chair; and Eva Penzing, clarinet; junior Anastasia Conklin, clarinet; sophomores Jesus Martinez, percussion; and Dani Brandt, trumpet; and freshmen Whitney Powell, flute; and Monica Dominguez, percussion. Junior high students from Holyoke in honor band include eighth-graders Trey Bennett, percussion, first chair; Jarrett Woodhead, percussion; Anna Jelden, flute; Grace Dille, flute; Becca Owens, trumpet, Jair Jimenez, trumpet and Michael Voigt, trombone; and seventhgraders Ashlyn Churchwell, alto sax, first chair; Keegan Shaw, bassoon, first chair; and Colby Purkeypile, tenor sax. Jay and Dana Clanin handled conductor responsibilities. Jay, the band director at Timberline PK-8 in Longmont, acted as the high school clinician and Dana, the band director at Altona Middle School in Longmont, worked as the clinician for the junior high. High school members performed “March of the Belgium Paratroopers,” “In Late November,” Arabian Dances” and “Inchon.” Junior high honor band members performed “Kentucky Pride,” “An American Hymntune,” “Praises!” and “Rites of Tamburo.” Area schools that participated include Akron, Caliche, Haxtun, Holyoke, Peetz, Revere, Sterling, Stratton and Wray. Junior high band members who participated in honor band Monday night are pictured from left, front row, Keegan Shaw, Trey Bennett, Anna Jelden, Ashlyn Churchwell and Jair Jimenez; and back row, Michael Voigt, Colby Purkeypile, Becca Owens, Grace Dille and Jarrett Woodhead. —Enterprise photo New standards cast shadow over traditional light bulbs Seven years after a law that raised minimum efficiency standards was signed by President George W. Bush, the final pieces of the light bulb provisions went into effect at the beginning of January. With the changes, shoppers can expect a bit of stickershock as prices for bulbs have gotten considerably more expensive. The new, more expensive bulbs are supposed to help reduce the price of electricity bills, however. According to the Department of Energy, replacing 15 traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient light bulbs will save about $50 yearly in energy costs. Energy-efficient light bulbs include compact fluorescent lamps and light emitting diodes. Typically, CFLs and LEDs use about 25-80 percent less energy and can last 3-25 times longer than incandescent bulbs. Contrary to popular belief, the incandescent light bulb is not dead. While the manufacturing of the 40 and 60-watt incandescent light bulbs will cease, other incandescent bulbs are still options. The new mandates did not ban incandescent light bulbs, but called for them to be roughly 25 percent more efficient. New 43-watt incandescent bulbs can generate the same amount of light as a 60-watt incandescent does. These 43-watt bulbs are known as halogen incandescent bulbs. Based on two hours of usage per day at an electricity rate of 11 cents per kilowatt-hour, the Department of Energy estimates that a 60-watt incandescent bulb has an annual energy cost of $4.80 and a life of 1,000 hours. The 43-watt energy-saving incandescent bulb uses 25 percent less energy, has an annual cost of $3.50 and a lifespan of 1,000-3,000 hours. A 15-watt CFL uses roughly 75 percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, Alexa Marie Lock and Kevin Louis Keathley were married in an intimate family ceremony on June 1, 2013, at James Arthur Vineyards in Raymond, Neb. The bride is the daughter of Ron and Cindy Lock of Holyoke. She is the granddaughter of Evelyn Lock of Holyoke. The groom is the son of Jim and Kathy Keathley of Scranton, Ark. He is the grandson of Gilbert Weisenfels of Scranton. The bride was escorted by her father to the music “Marry You.” She wore a champaign strapless fitted gown. The corseted bodice had a sweetheart neckline accented in beads and crystals. The chiffon A-line skirt had matching bead and crystal accents at the hem and bustled train. She carried a blue and champaign button bouquet made by special friend Brittney Ferguson. Vocal music was provided by family members Gentry Lock, Charity Lock and Novi Lock. They sang “The Day Before You” a cappella. Pastor Gordon Penfold of the First Baptist Church in Holyoke officiated over the outdoor, sunny morning ceremony. The couple exchanged vows near a clear running stream with the vineyards in the background. Near the end of the ceremony, the couple poured soil into a glass decanter mixed from Colorado and Arkansas to symbolize their unity. Maid of honor was Jes-c Brandt, childhood friend. Bridesmaid was Rachel Stratton, college friend. Each wore a navy knee-length V-neck empire waist summer dress. Each carried a similar smaller version of the bride’s button bouquet. The groom wore a dark gray tuxedo with a navy vest and tie. His boutonniere was a smaller version of blue and champaign buttons. The best man was Gary Weisenfels, uncle of the groom. Groomsman was Jer- L ANGUS RA NC th IN H W AnnuAl Production SAle 40 Monday, February 3, 2014 1:00 PM (MST) • At the ranch • Haigler, NE • 2 Miles East on US Hwy 34 TC FORTHRIGHT 9284 970-854-3663 112 E. Carnahan St. Holyoke Top new herd sire at Windmill Angus Ranch Complimentary Lunch & Homemade Pies served by the Lutheran Ladies! Open comm. heifers Raising big, stout two-year-old bulls for over 60 years!! Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services Many top sons sell! TC Forthright • O’Neills Renovation • HA Image Maker 0415 Connealy Impression • BM Max T56 • Wilson Total Value 722 Connealy Final Product • O’Neills Lucky Boy and more! Joan or Alex Peterson • 31820 Hwy 34 • Haigler, NE 69030 308-297-3368 • Serving you since 1935 with the best— Chevrolet, Buick, & Callaway Cars, and over 200 lines of Farm Equipment. 970-854-2241 1001 E. Johnson St. Holyoke 308-882-5389 12th & Broadway Imperial Contact your local Johnson Publications newspaper for more information on how you can put your custom advertisement online! 970-854-2811 You’re Invited... Start the Year Right Automobile Special Celebrate with Interest Rates as Low as 2.4% Toll Free 888-GO-CHEVY (888-462-4389) Ask About Monthly Rates! Reg. fall bulls Reg. open heifers Evan Swanson has been named to the Fall Dean’s List at Doane College in Crete, Neb. Students must achieve a minimum 3.7 GPA on a 4.0 scale to qualify for this academic distinction. Swanson is a senior at Doane College and is a 2010 graduate of HHS. Your business can be here and online! Reg. 2-year-old bulls Reg. yearling bulls College news 24/7 advertising worldwide! 320 head sell! 40 30 50 50 150 employed by Melissa Memorial Hospital as a registered nurse and the groom is employed by PC Telcom. Imperial, NE 308-882-4295 Wauneta, NE 308-394-5555 Imperial 800-538-2667 (308) 882-3200 Wauneta Grant (308) 394-5610 (308) 352-4726 The Holyoke Enterprise IL DM emy Phillips, friend. The ceremony was followed by a luncheon reception at the vineyards. The couple enjoyed a five-tier doughnut cake decorated with gold and blue sprinkles and accented with ribbons in the wedding colors. Jim and Kathy Keathley hosted an Arkansas reception on June 21, 2013, in Morrison Bluffs, Ark. Dinner was served, and the bride was introduced to many new friends and family members. A Colorado BBQ reception was held in Holyoke Aug. 3, 2013, by Ron and Cindy Lock in their yard to welcome the new couple. Following a honeymoon in Jamaica, the couple lives in Holyoke, where the bride is Look Who’s Advertising Online With Us! has an annual energy cost of $1.20 and a lifespan of 10,000 hours. A 12-watt LED bulb uses 75-80 percent less energy than traditional bulbs, has an annual energy cost of $1 and a life expectancy of 25,000 hours. Production of 100-watt incandescent bulbs was halted in 2012 and 75-watt incandescent bulb production stopped in 2013. While 40- and 60-watt incandescent bulbs are no longer in production, retailers are still allowed to sell them until they are out of stock. Not all bulbs will be affected by the new efficiency standards. There are 22 traditional incandescent lamps that are exempt, including appliance lamps, black light lamps, 3-way incandescent lamps and many others. For more information about changes to lighting choices, visit Super BULL Monday!! Alexa and Kevin Keathley on vehicle loans with approved credit Holyoke Community Federal Credit Union Locally owned, member controlled 101 W. Denver, Holyoke, CO | 970-854-3109 NMLS #811861 The Grant Tribune-Sentinel 308-352-4311 The Imperial Republican The Wauneta Breeze 308-394-5389 308-882-4453 g n i v r Se yoke Hol New & Transferred Prescriptions FREE Local Delivery FREE Emergency After-Hours Services Wide selection of over-the-counter drugs on hand. We can special-order and then stock regularly. Accepting virtually all insurance plans Jamie Hanes, Pharm.D Jason Burke, Pharm.D 854-3677 • 112 E. Carnahan SW Corner of Holyoke Marketplace Hours: M-F—9-6 Page 12—The Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, Colo. 80734, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014 ‘Feed the Philippines’ packing event coming up By Sheri Hink-Wagner, The Wauneta Breeze Mercy Meals of Southwest Nebraska is working with Orphan Grain Train and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to host a large-scale meal packing event at Zion Lutheran Church in Imperial, Neb., Friday, Feb. 21, Saturday, Feb. 22 and Sunday, Feb. 23. “The purpose is simply what Jesus said in Matthew, ‘Feed the people,’” said Pastor Keith Wellman, Mercy Meals of Southwest Nebraska board president. Mercy Meals is currently recruiting volunteers to help package meals during the “Feed the Philippines” event. “This is a very ambitious goal, and we are looking forward to seeing the community rise to the challenge,” Wellman expressed. “Mercy Meals is an organization that is dedicated to providing life-sustaining subsistence meals to hungry and starving people around the world,” explained Michael Widhalm with Orphan Grain Train. “If you are able to raise a fork to your mouth, you can pack a meal,” Wellman said. Organizers said they will accommodate volunteers of all ages. Stools can be provided for those who have difficulty standing for a two-hour shift. Wellman added young and strong teenagers are also need- Mercy Meals of Southwest Nebraska needs to fill 540 volunteer slots at “Feed the Philippines” in Imperial, Neb., Feb. 21-23. Volunteers will work to pack 160,000 meals over the three-day event. Here, clockwise from front right, Dennis Gockley, Lois Glover, Cindy Einspahr, Mary Haarberg, Laurie Kerchal (hidden) and Annie Pursley (hidden) pack meals during an open packing session in Wauneta, Neb., Monday, Jan. 13. —Wauneta Breeze photo ed on every shift to help move the boxes of raw food product and packaged meals around. The event will include a total of 10 two-hour shifts where groups or individual volunteers can package meals. A total of 540 volunteers are needed, roughly 50 volunteers each shift. At the end of the weekend, volunteers will have packed 160,000 meals for starving children and families impacted by the typhoon that hit the Philippines on Nov. 8, 2013. According to the LCMS website, “The storm displaced 4 million people, killed nearly 6,000 and destroyed everything in its path. Emergency food provisions and rebuilding homes and churches on the island of Leyte are part of the ongoing relief efforts by the LCMS and the Lutheran Church in the Philippines.” The meals—which consist of rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables, chicken flavored vitamin and mineral powder—are designed to be gentle on the digestive system of individu- als who may be malnourished or starving. These raw food products are packaged together in sealed plastic pouches. Recipients can eat the food after it has been boiled for 20 minutes. Widhalm noted the cooking process has the added benefit of making cooking water sanitary. He said this is a benefit because in many places where Mercy Meals are shipped there is no access to clean water for cooking or drinking. “Feed the Philippines” has a goal of packaging one million meals total. In addition to the Imperial event, “Feed the Philippines” events will be completed in Sioux City, Iowa, as well as Lincoln, Hastings, Norfolk and Wauneta in Nebraska. The target completion date for packaging all 1 million meals is April 30. The events were made possible by a grant from LCMS to purchase the raw food supplies needed for the packing event. Transportation and distribution of the packaged meals is provided by Orphan Grain Train at no charge. Mercy Meals has ordered the raw food products to package the meals at the Imperial packing event, which will be delivered to the Zion Lutheran Evangelical Church in Imperial on Feb. 21. The Orphan Grain Train truck will stay on site to get the meals started on their voyage to the Philippines. Sign up online or by phone Individuals and groups are invited to volunteer to package meals at the “Feed the Philippines” event. Volunteers can sign up at mercymealsofsouth or by calling Laurie Kerchal at 308-350-0975 or Rick Einspahr at 308-8830759. The organization can be reached by mail at P.O. Box 474, Wauneta, NE 69045. Shifts are available in Imperial on Friday, Feb. 21 from 5-7 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22 shifts include 7-9 a.m., 9-11 a.m., 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., 1:30-3:30 p.m., 4-6 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. Two final slots are Sunday, Feb. 23 from 1-3 p.m. and 3-5 p.m. Volunteers also needed for packings in Wauneta For the Wauneta portion of the project, Mercy Meals leaders plan to schedule six or seven packing sessions at the Mercy Meals house in Wauneta between now and the end of April to contribute an additional 65,000 meals to the “Feed the Philippines” project. Groups or individuals who are interested in packing meals in Wauneta or in Imperial can sign up online or by calling Kerchal or Einspahr. Jan. 27 meeting set for adult leaders in youth organizations For those who are adult leaders of a youth group in the community and are concerned about why local youth aren’t staying in the community to live, work and raise their families, help is needed to make Phillips County a place in which youth want to stay or return. Leaders should plan to attend an informational and goal-setting meeting Monday evening, Jan. 27 from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Peerless Theatre in Holyoke to begin working on solutions to this problem. Free pizza and beverages will be provided. In September 2013, Phillips County Economic Development, together with the Holyoke and Haxtun school districts, partnered in implementing the Youth Engagement Project. It 2012 Chevy Silverado 2500, LTZ, Leather, 6.0L Gas, 4x4, 56K Miles. 9024A 2011 Chevy Silverado 36,950 $ 2011 Chevy Avalanche Leather, Z71, 4x4, 22K Miles, 1 Owner. 8319A 35,850 Lariat, 6.7L Diesel, Nav, FX4, 4x4, Lifted. 8947A 44,900 28,950 34,000 26,950 Mercy Meals board members, from left, Pastor Keith Wellman, Laurie Kerchal, Janet Keiser, Mary Haarberg, Cindy Einspahr and Rick Einspahr pose next to a pallet of rice, a main component in the meals that will be packed at the “Feed the Philippines” event. Board members not pictured are Jan Coone, Harold Nordhausen and Kent and Elaine Haarberg. —Wauneta Breeze photo 45,900 $ AWD, 6.2L V8, Nav, DVD, Sunroof, $ Luxury. 9077A 46,500 2011 Chevy Silverado 36,900 2010 GMC Yukon XL $ 2500, LTZ, Leather, Duramax, 4x4, 1 Owner. 8908A 2011 Cadillac Escalade $ 2500 Ext. Cab, LT, Z71, Duramax, $ 4x4, 1 Owner. 8910A SLT, Leather, DVD, Sunroof, 2nd Row Bench, New tires. 8849A indicated that Holyoke and Haxtun are good places to raise a family, and 43 percent agreed that the school and health care options are very good. Of the participants, almost 60 percent of the youth rated their communities as an above average to excellent place to live as a youth. So how do leaders get the youth to stay or return? Plan to attend the meeting on Monday to help set goals and plan activities based on what the youth of Phillips County are saying about returning to the area. All adult youth leaders are needed at this meeting. For further information, please call Julie Worley, Phillips County Economic Development executive director, at 970-854-4386. 2011 Chevy Silverado $ 2011 Chevy Silverado $ 2010 Buick Enclave CXL, FWD, Very Clean. 9028A 1500, LT, Z71, Leather, 33K Miles. 9076A 2011 Ford F350 $ 2011 Chevy Suburban LTZ, Nav, DVD, Sunroof, 4x4, Loaded 1 Owner 8952A is a program designed to help community leaders better understand youth perspectives and the attitudes of the youth about their hometown and their futures. During the fall 2013 semester, 186 students in grades 7-12 in Holyoke, and 129 students in grades 7-12 in Haxtun participated in a survey to measure their perceptions of their community, their future education and career plans and if they desired to live in Holyoke or Haxtun in the future. The results of the survey indicated that 53 percent of the youth surveyed picture themselves living in the Holyoke or Haxtun area in the future. Among reasons given for wanting to live in their hometown in the future, 86.5 percent 2500 Crew Cab, LT, 6.0L Gas, Flatbed, 1 Owner. 8838A 34,500 $ 2010 Chevy Silverado 33,900 $ 2500 Crew Cab, LT, Duramax, 4x4, 1 Owner. 8907A 34,900 $ Blood Draws Call 854-2110 for an appointment Sunset View Community Center 725 S. Bowman Holyoke, CO March 3-7 and March 10-14 — 6-9 a.m. Health Fair—March 22, 9 a.m.-noon Phillips County Event Center Stay on the Cutting Edge of Technology by Enrolling in a Class Today! Imperial Extended Campus. Times are based on MST CSCE 1604 IM 01 Intro to Microsoft Word Learn the basics of the Microsoft Word software program. TH, 2/20-4/17, 2:30pm-5pm, staff, 1.5 Credit Hours 2008 Chevy Silverado 2500 Ext. Cab, LTZ, Leather, Duramax, 4x4, Long Box. 9026A 2008 Chevy Silverado 30,950 $ 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee LTD, Leather, 4x4, 3.0L Diesel, Very Nice! 8888B 2007 Chevy Suburban 26,950 $ 2007 Chevy Trailblazer 18,900 $ Crew Cab, LTZ, Vortec Max, DVD,Sunroof, 52K Miles. 8687B LT, Leather, 4x4. 8530A LT, Husker Red, Leather, 61K Miles, $ Great Tires! 9051A 27,500 2007 Chevy Trailblazer 11,995 $ LS, 4x4. 8880A 4,595 $ CSCE 2990 IM 01 Windows 8 Basics Do you have the new Windows 8 operating system? Learn how to maneuver your computer with ease. T, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 6-9pm, Todd Hatcher, 0.5 Credit Hours Computer Maintenance This class will show students the best way to clean their computers and other technology without causing damage. Cleaning TV screens monitors, and cell phones will be included. In addition to cleaning the exterior of your computer and other devices, time will be spent discussing the best methods to remove viruses, spyware and other “junk” from your computer. T, 1/28, 6-8pm, Todd Hatcher, $20 Help…My Smartphone is smarter than I am! Do you have a smartphone and need some instruction on its capabilities? Join this class to learn how to download Google apps, use the GPS, voice activation, and more. T, 2/18, 6-8pm, Ashton Colton, $25 Pin it! : Using Pinterest to Explore the Web The World Wide Web has become a popular source for finding anything, but finding and organizing all of your favorite sites can be a hassle. Pinterest is a newer website that can be a great tool for organizing webpages quickly and easily. Using virtual “bulletin boards,” users can view and pin images pinned by other users, or create their own pins. This class will walk you through the process of setting up a Pinterest account, creating boards, pinning and repinning images, changing account settings, and learning the various features of the Pinterest website. SA, 3/8, 9-11am, Matthew and Jacquelyn Schranz, $25 Loving My New Nook HD Discover what your Nook HD can do for you as you navigate through your settings and learn how to purchase and find free apps, books, videos, magazines, etc. You will leave the class loving your new e-reader! (This class is for the beginner Nook user - please register your e-reader before class begins). TH, 3/27, 5:30-8:30pm, Sharon Kircher, $25 Are you interested in an iPad class? Call and let us know! Open k 6 Days A wee s) ay (Closed Sund Service Center Hours: Monday - Friday 7 AM - 5 PM Saturday 7 AM - 12 PM Imperial, NE (308) 882-4295 Toll Free 888-727-9737 Financing Available w.A.c. Visit and click on Imperial Extended Campus for the complete detailed schedule. For more information and to register, call 308-882-5972. Clip and save this schedule!
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