How to build your own FuelReducer Fuel costs just keep on going up. It is affecting everyone. To help you save money by increasing your vehicle's fuel economy FuelReducer has put together this short instruction manual on how to build your own FuelReducer. The FuelReducer was built to reduce the fuel consumption of gasoline combustion engines. It has been fully tested on carburetor, throttle body and fuel injection engines. The results of the tests showed better engine performance, better fuel economy + lower carbon emissions. A 25-45% reduction in fuel consumption is achieved. The fuel saver system was first installed on a 1993 Chevrolet Lumina APV min-van with a 3.1 liter throttle body fuel injector system in 2006. Road tests confirmed a 25% reduction in fuel consumption. Some fuel achieved better fuel economy than others. The worst mileage is from fuel with fuel additives like ethanol. Better fuel mileage was my goal when developing the FuelReducer, especially with the rising cost of gas today. If demand is the reason for higher gas prices then a system that used less fuel would mean a reduction in demand and lower fuel costs. The FuelReducer will help lower your fuel costs by allowing your vehicle to travel further on a tank of gas and demanding less fuel to do so. The FuelReducer does what its name states - reduces fuel consumption. The FuelReducer is considered an in-line FuelReducer. The system is easily installed. After the unit is assembled you install it by cutting the vehicle’s fuel line going into your carburetor, throttle body or fuel injector system. One cut with a small pipe cutter is all that is needed. If you choose to remove the system, perhaps when you sell your vehicle, the system can easily be removed and the vehicle's fuel line coupled together with a mass produced tube to tube (fuel line to fuel line) coupling. The original prototype was tested in a throttle body vehicle, which had low fuel pressure (less than 30 psi), but this homemade FuelReducer can withstand higher fuel pressures. Most fuel injector systems have a fuel pressure of around 60 - 65 PSI when the vehicle is started. Fundamentals of the FuelReducer The FuelReducer does exactly what the name says. It reduces fuel consumption. All engines burns some form of fuel. The vast majority of vehicles on our roads today are fueled by gasoline. The gasoline is what is running you vehicles' engines. No engine runs efficiently on liquid fuel. Of course you fill up your gas tank with liquid gasoline but liquid fuel isn't what your engine uses to cause a reaction that gives you motion (drive). You all have heard of flooding your engine. Flooding is another way of saying that too much liquid fuel has flooded you engine cylinders. A 4-cylinder engine has just that, 4 cylinders in the engine block. A 6 cylinder engine has 6 cylinders and an 8 cylinders vehicle has 8 cylinders in the engine. Inside each cylinder is a piston that moves within the cylinder after your engine's spark plugs ignites the fine fuel droplets (not liquid) in each cylinder. It is what the spark plug ignites that causes an explosion that forces the pistons to move and makes your engine work. Gas vapor is what makes your engine work. It is the gas vapor that the spark plugs ignites that causes an explosion that moves the pistons in the engine's cylinders. Fuel injectors have replaced carburetors to better inject fuel into your engine but they are flawed. They inject fuel into your engine but they still inject liquid fuel into your cylinders. The FuelReducer uses the existing fuel system and helps your engine operate smoothly and more fuel efficiently. There is an added bonus from this system too – reduction in harmful carbon emissions. This system is very easy to make with store bought couplings that are mass produced to install it on your existing fuel line. The FuelReducer is connected to the vehicle’s fuel line as close to the fuel injector or carburetor as possible in order to achieve the same or better results than the tests. I also recommend that the vehicle’s fuel filter be changed at the same time as installing the FuelReducer. Dirty fuel can severely affect the unit and the vehicle’s performance. This fuel saver system is based on reducing the volume of liquid gasoline that is injected into your vehicle's engine. The fuel is pumped to the throttle body fuel injectors through 3/8” or 5/16” fuel lines. The fuel pump is constantly pumping enough fuel through to fill the 3/8” or 5/16” fuel line. Too much liquid fuel is being pushed into the cylinders for a good fuel-efficient combustion. It would be more practical and efficient to feed less fuel and still have the same combustion. To achieve better efficiency meant reducing the fuel flow being feed through the fuel lines yet keeping the same or better fuel pressure. Water savers and pressure washers conserve water but achieve the same or better washing performance. It was the pressure washer that gave me the idea on how to save fuel but also maintain fuel pressure. The nozzles on pressure washer reduces the water flow through a smaller outlet and when a liquid is forced to flow through a smaller opening the water pressure is automatically increased but the flow is decreased. With the FuelReducer I’ve coupled together a few store bought brass fittings in such a way that fuel flowing through the 3/8” or 5/16” fuel line is forced through a smaller 1/8” opening of a 1/8 to 1/4” Barb to MIP Brass connector. The resulting fuel spray is pressurized and provides for a better combustion in the engine’s cylinders but doing so using less fuel. How it works How the FuelReducer works to achieve better fuel efficiency is a simple matter of physics. Installed on a vehicle the fuel enters the FuelReducer unit through the 3/8” (or 5/16” depending on the vehicle's fuel line size) Compression x ½” MIP brass fitting end which has a 1/8” x ¼” BARB to MIP brass connector pressed into it. Immediately the 1/8” brass connector restricts the fuel flow. Instead of flowing through a 3/8” fuel line the fuel is now being pumped through a 1/8” opening. The 1/8” brass connector acts like a high pressure washer nozzle. Inside the FueReducer the fuel is being pressurized into a fuel spray. Fuel pressure being registered by the vehicle’s computer doesn’t detect a loss in pressure so there is minimal or negligible effect on a vehicle’s onboard computer sensor and control systems. The fuel spray continues on through the FuelReducer unit and out into the vehicle’s regular fuel line. Instead of a high volume of liquid fuel being pumped the fuel is automatically converted to a pressurized fuel spray reducing the amount of fuel reaching the carburetor or fuel injector. No matter what vehicle you install it in you will automatically acquire better engine performance and fuel efficiency. If gas spray or mist is only injected into your engine's cylinders then your engine will perform as it was meant to perform. In the present fuel systems when liquid fuel enters the cylinder it cannot be completely burned and it ends up being ejected out your exhaust system. The fuel return line is the evidence that automakers have been building vehicles that are not fuel-efficient. If the engine performed as it should there would be no need for a return fuel line. Injecting fuel vapor into the cylinders means better combustion and less (if not totally eliminating) unburned fuel going out you tail pipe. An engine that doesn't burn the fuel injected into it causes green house gases and global warming. If you can get twice the mileage from a gallon of fuel using this system then you have just cut your fuel cost in half. If you put $20 in fuel in your car and you can go twice as far then you won't have to refuel as often. Logic behind the FueReducer development The automotive industry claimed to be trying to make more fuel efficient vehicles when all they did was control fuel flow and focused the fuel into the cylinder. They still inject as much fuel as a carburetor but they made it look elaborate by having your vehicle's onboard computer control the fuel flow. When GM and Ford came out with more fuel-efficient vehicles they were being deceptive. The vehicles weren't more fuel efficient they just removed a number of the cylinders and focused the fuel flow into the remaining cylinders. GM and Ford's SUV are still made with 8 cylinder engines and they are still gas guzzlers and it costs more to fill up today than 5 years ago. Making SUVs that are now available with 6 cylinder engines doesn't make a vehicle more fuel-efficient. Automakers are just taking away 2 cylinders therefore taking away the fuel needed for those cylinders. If you use your SUV for what they are advertised for then the 6 cylinders have to work harder and burn more fuel than an 8 cylinder SUV. You end up paying just as much as an 8 cylinder. Case in point. I owned a 93 Crown Victorian with a big V8 and traded it in for 1993 Chevrolet Lumina APV with a V6 engine. I burned more fuel with the V6 Lumina APV than I did with the Crown Vic. I emphasized that I stated I burned more fuel by volume. I did not say I paid more ($) in fuel because fuel was much higher than when I had the Crown Vic. The V6 had to work harder and at higher rpms than the Crown Vic's V8 and this made the V8 more fuel efficient than the V6. A B WATTS WCSC-363 3/8” or 5/16” (depends on fuel line size) x ½” Tube to FIP Coupling Master Plumber 3/8” Medium bevelled Bibb Washer C D WATTS WCA-85 1/8” x ¼” BARB to MIP Adapter WATTS A-124 3/8” or 5/16” (depends on fuel line size) x ½” Comp to MIP Coupling Assembly of B+C+D Assembled Unit A+B+C+D Assembly of Unit Use the images on the previous page to help in assembling the FuelReducer. Before you go out and buy parts A and D shown above have your mechanic determine the size of your vehicle's intake fuel line. If your vehicle has a 3/8” intake fuel line you will need to buy 3/8” brass compression fitting. This homemade FuelReducer is only for vehicles with metal fuel lines. If you have chosen to assemble your own FuelReducer you assume full responsibility and liability. Step 1. Using plumbing tape wrap the tape around the “threading” of part D (WATTS A-124 - 3/8” or 5/16” (this depends on your vehicle's fuel line size) x ½” Comp to MIP Coupling). Tightly wrap the tape over the threads of the fitting, clockwise - 3 to 4 complete turns. This is to help seal the unit and prevent fuel leakage. Failure to complete this step may result in a dangerous fuel leak inside your engine compartment. Step 2. Take Part C (WATTS WCA-85 - 1/8” x ¼” BARB to MIP Adapter) and press it into Part D. It should fit but might need a tapping on a shop countertop or using a hammer to press it completely inside Part D. The side you are to insert is the left side when looking at the photo above. If you have to use for to press it into Part D make 100% sure that no metal pieces or shavings are visible. You must make sure absolutely no metal pieces or shavings or present. It could damage you clog and damage you injectors after installing the unit on your vehicle. Step 3. Take Part B (the washer) and fit it over Part C which you just pressed into Part D in the previous step. It is an exact fit for the 1/8” tip of Part C. Step 4. Compare your assembly to the photos above. Steps 1 through 3 will assemble to look like the photo named Assembly of B+C+D above. If it doesn’t you’ve done the assembly wrong. Disassemble the pieces and start again. Be sure to strip off of the plumbing tape and rewrap the threads of Part D. Only when your assembly looks like the photo Assembly of B+C+D do you continue onto the next step. This is the most important part of the unit. Improper assembly could mean either a failure in the system or poor performance. Step 5. Take the assembled unit from step 4 and thread it into the threaded opening of Part A (WATTS WCSC-363 - 3/8” or 5/16” (again this depends on your vehicle's fuel line size) x ½” Tube to FIP Coupling). Tighten as far as possible without stripping the threads or cracking the unit from too much force. If you’ve completed step 5 correctly you will have finished assembling the FuelReducer unit and it looks like the photo above named Assembled Unit A+B+C+D. Step 6. Now that you have a completely assembled unit go to your trusted licensed mechanic and have them install the unit on your vehicle by cutting the fuel in line as close as possible to the carburetor or fuel injector. Part A of the unit must face the engine for installation. I strongly advise against installing the FuelReducer yourself. If you've assembled and installed the unit correctly the FuelReducer will start saving you money in fuel costs. Better than 25% fuel reduction could be achieved depending on the fuel you buy and the maintenance of your vehicle. If you don’t change your oil as recommended and if you have never changed the fuel filter your unit will not last and nor will your vehicle. Oil changes are very important for every combustion engine. It provides the necessary lubricant to keep you engine running. Lack of or very dirty oil can result in engine failure. A fuel filter that has never been changed can also cause engine problems like stalling, hesitation, rough idling and more. If you install the FuelReducer on a vehicle that has an old or original fuel filter you could experience symptoms that are attributed to your vehicle’s fuel filter and not the FuelReducer. The FuelReducer relies on clean fuel all of the time just like you vehicle requires anyway. Dirty fuel or fuel contaminated with dust, rust or metal bits can cause your fuel injectors to fail as well as the FuelReducer. The purpose of the fuel filter on every vehicle is to filter the fuel of dirt particles, dust, and sand, rust and so forth before it reaches the vital organs of your vehicle, like the fuel injectors. As I stated before, I highly recommend that the vehicle’s fuel filter be changed at the same time as installing the FuelReducer. CNC precision made FuelReducer mpg+ are available at Terms and Conditions of Use License Copyright © 2006-2013 FuelReducer All text, images and other materials contained or displayed herein are proprietary to FuelReducer and constitute valuable intellectual property. No materials from any part of this document are authorized or intended by FuelReducer to be downloaded, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, reproduced (scanned, copied or print) or in any other way used or otherwise disseminated in any form to any person or entity, except for your own personal use or reference. 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Any and all commercial application and/or use of this copyright intellectual property, whether in whole or in part, by any and all; for profit, non-profit, business, company, corporation, commerce, government, union, agency, district, province, territory, city, town, village, borough, city state, state, religion, police, military, or other trade entity is now and forever strictly prohibited without notarized permission and monetary compensation to FuelReducer. Without further notice infringement(s) will prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by law. Please make a small donation via Interac eTransfer using the email address and support the development of other clean energy and fuel saving projects by FuelReducer.
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