»•• Neighborhood Aides Attend GS Session Hiking Club Lists 3 Weekend Treks I Richard Potter Joins 1V.Y. Export Firm THE WESTFIEU) (N. f . ) LSADEft, THVXgDAY, OCTMHSR « , U N Capt. J. J. Rutscher Ends Studies as Tanker Pilot i. George Dunham, field vicegmann and Miss Judy Henehan, who Smith, Kirkpalrick & Co., Inc. of; ident of the Washington Rock j will serve as field advisers in Eliza-1 ^ . « , ^ . . . . I New York City, export merchants, j Scout Council, presided lastibeUi, Springfield and South Plain-i ' » r l « u i C a m p a i g n A i d e s have The Union County Hiking Club has I announced the appointment of I j . at the neighborhood chair-j field. I Map Voter Drive scheduled three trips for its mom-! Richard A. Potter of Wosliield, a s ; i's meeting held in the Girl Scout J Te next Neighborhood Chairman's \ j room. 201 E. Grove St. More) meeting is scheduled for Jan. 19,' M r s - Willard V. Kaylor ot 302 j bers and Rtn-sts for the coming week-1 manager of their contractors and in- Capt. John P. Rutscher. stm of dustrial equipment division. , 40 neighborhood chairmen From 11965. Washington Rock Girl Scout jw S' cnw ood Rd. was hostess last week jend. On Saturday, the group will par- A graduate of the Massachusetts Mr. and Mrs. John Kutseher of 315 20 comn) unit > es throughout the j Council is a participating agency of i a t a W t m l e "' s campaign committee New Providence Hd.. Mountainside, idl attended to discuss the fall the United Fund. jmeding for the election of Irene T. ticipate on a canoe trip on the Pas- | Institute of Technology, with over! has completed the academic phase Griffin to the Board of Freeholders. | saic River from Millington to River 1" years of experience in export of his Strategic Air Command (SAC> iK'dule of scouting activities. _ ! Campaign techniques to get the vote j Rd., Summit. The loader of this marketing. Mr. Potter will assume | combat crew training a s a KC-J35 A highlight of the meeting was out on election Day wore discussed, j group will be George Sedmont of j the responsibility of the company's! jet lank pilot at Castle APB. Cal. t announcement by Mrs. Joseph world-ttidc export sales of M-H-Sj Mrs. Griffin explained the word-i Cranford. unzenbach, Council staff member, ing of the referendum question which j Also on Saturday, Miss lima Hey- Manufacturing Co. pneumatic-tired j Captain Rutsclier will Tie assigned tlie forthcoming council-wide will appear on the ballot Nov. 3 re-1er, Elizabeth, will lead a Saturday tractors, Balmar Industrial tractors, to a SAC unit at Carswell AFB. Tex., -ent. "The Village Fair"' to be lating to the expansion of the Union j afternoon ramble in the Watchung Mobilift fork trucks and Gorman-1 for duty. SAC, keeps the nation's and Industrial intercontinental missiles and jet dd May 8, 1965 at the National County Technical and Vocational | Reservation. The group will meet at Uupp contractors and bombers on constant alert. uard Armory, near South MounSchools. She recommended a "yes" jthe Trailside Nature and Science ptuvps. Center parking area at 1:30 p.m.. Mr. PoiitT resides at 89 Fairhill Cuplnin Kutschcr was commissionin Reservation. Mrs. Kunzenbach, "Around the World in Many vote on the question and pointed out Iand will hike from the Nature and Dr. ed upon completion ot aviation cadet .neral chairman of tlie event, re- Days." a program of color slides and further how more extensive voca- j Center to Scely's Pond and training. A graduate of Regional ; irted tlwt all Scouts, aged seven a lecture will bo presented at thetional education might serve as aScience High School in Springfield, he attendroush seventeen may participate Union County Park Commission's remedy in the matter of school drop- back to the parking area. On Sunday, Jack Chard of Ringed Newark College of Engineering. Iher individually or in groups in Trailside Nature and Science Center outs. wood will lead an eight-mile hike His wife, Shirley, is the daughter iy of the 114 booths demonstrating in the Watchung Reservation, Sun- Campaign literature was disof Mr. and Mrs. James Mullin of 102 tributed and a plan was discussed from Cupsaw Lake to Sterling Furills and activities in the arts, the day, 3 p.m. nace in northern New Jersey. This Kline Hlvd., Herkeley Heights. Mi1. nttA Mm* Htttjnmltt Him* nMd fnmtl}-. formerly of H»*«!!*, Ht • and the out-of-doors. In addi- The program will lw narrated by for the organization of a telephone group will meet at the Administra»»\v llvlu* lit ihrlr nrvr knmp X IRIS ( V i l n l « » . nklrk thrr »«r ••Hu.,,1 from Mr. itn« Mm, »<il lAttrtt. (), ». Rmllk Jr., HraHur, ««•<> m there will be opportunities for Miss Emily Gulick and Mrs. Arthur campaign. tion Building of the Union County LKADBR WANT ADS PAY irticipation in an art show, Village Dingce, both of Summit. Miss GulPark Commission, Warinaneo Park, Elizabeth, at 8:30 a.m. reen. village theater and singing ick, who traveled around the world William S. Miller of 760 Lawrence ;oups. She advised that the neigli- in 1963, by steamer, rail, air and Ave. has been named president of irhood chairman's troops interest atito, will talk on the various cusChase International Investment Corp. port should be completed by Nov. toms and traditions of the people a wholly owned foreign investment and filed in Hie council office and nations around the world. subsidiary of the Chase Manhattan On Monday, Tuesday and Thurs»v. 25. Dank, it was announced today. day next week, at 4 p.m. each day. Mr. Miller joined the Chase NaMrs. John Foster, council presi- Dr. Harold N. Moldenke, director of Mountainside — Wilkinson Sword, •nl. announced a publication for Trailside, will conduct one-half hour Reot«h Plains—Tlie concert com- tional Bank In 1il2!) and was appointed an assistant treasurer in 1341. He irenls of new Girl Scouts, "Now nature talks for children. The topic Inc. was a recipient of a "meritori- mittee of (he Scotch Plains Comhat Your Daughter Is a Girl to be discussed during the three days ous service award" presented re- munity Choir has Announced the was promoted to assistant vice prescently by the Federation of the Han- date for tlicir !1th presentation of ident in 1848 and became a vice tout." and also pamphlets relating is "Grasshoppers,. Cicadas, and dicapped. president in 11125. Since lflfiO he has community relations, all avail- Bugs." Dr. Moldenkc's lectures arc The award coincides with (he na- Handel's "Messiah." The concert Is served ns executive vice president set for Sunday nftwnoon. Dec. <i, at ile from the council office. | illustrated with color slides, and the tionwide observance of National Em4 P.M. The Christmas Concert will of C.I.I.C. Mrs. Dunham introduced new j programs are presented in the audi- ploy tlie Handicapped Week. The new C.I,I.C. president is a lake place in the Scotch Plalnslaff members, Miss Jane Cam- *'»'ium of the Nature and Science Milton Cohen, executive director Kanwood High School on Westfield member and director of the execu1 Center. _ of the- federation, presented a pl.in.ue lid. tive committee of the liulistrial and to Charles Coo. a Wilkinson board Harry G. fSeellein, music director, Mining Development Hank of Iran. member, at the federation liendquur- of Scotch Plains, will direct with the He is also a director of Arclurus tcrs in Manhnttiin. assistance of Thomas Kneeshnw and Investment and Development, Ltd., Wilkinson, manufacltirers of stain- Robert Denuiston, boih of Westfield. Montreal. Canada; Nigerian Textile less steel razor libidos and other The program is sponsored by theMills, Ltd.. Laitus. Nigeria; ICspcstool products, packnws and distrib- Scotch Plains Hecrention Commis- rance IntcrnnlioitoK 1'ty. Ltd., Ksutes from Mountainside facilities sion with (iooi'tfe I1'. Venezio as perancc, Western Australia; and THE P«OFESSIONAt$ WITH W 6 | opened durinj,' Hie summer. Its head- chairman. Indiistiia l'npelei'ii Ccnlioamei'iquarters have boon hi London. Kngcuna. S.A., tiualemala City, (iuateThe choir consists of volunteer mala. land for nearly 200 years. sinners in the Scotch Plains area. MOUNTAINSIDE: The firm employs handicapped All sinners interested in learning lie was graduated from MuhlenAD 3-4100 persons trained hy the federation's the "Messiah" are cordially invited bei'K College and also studied at the industrial homework division, to as- lo attend the rehearsals. Over the Wliarlon School of tlie University of semble ra^or blade snniple kits, Is giving away on electric blanket years, (he choir has consisted of Pennsylvania and at New York Unipaying thorn at the regular indus- sinrccrs from Scotch Plains. Kan- versity, "free" with the purchase of any electrial rate acconliriK to their produclie and lii.s wife, the former finite wood, Westfield, tlie :i Pliiinlields, tric dryer. tion. An ovor.ii;e of 20 to i!f> oreSummit, (Jnrwood. Mountainside, I1'., liice, have U'o sons, William S., Did you know that drying conveemployed oach month. Jr., mid James K, Miller. Livingston, mid Colonia. nience is one thing, but even more Mr. Cohen siiid the award is Kiven: Ilehenrsols are .scheduled for four important is safe, carefuly drying for "For utilisation of the handicapped, Sunday afternoons prior to the conall your washables. And that's ex- • enabling them lo acquire technical cert from :i lo 5 p.m. ill the choral l'ark actly what you get with Equa-flow training and increase Ilioir produc- room of the liittii school. The first f>-Y«»«r ltcpoii. I« tivity for the benefit of industry, the rehearsal is set for Nov. It. Chorus tempered—heat drying. Your clothes Heady for I'uMic community and themselves." ere tumbled gently in air that is heatbooks and choir robes are available ed before it enters the drying drum The federation is a private reha- to Iho shifters. A six-year report of Uio Union bilitation agency founded in 1935. . . . they're never exposed to damag('fiiinly Pink Commission eovorint! ing direct heat radiation. And TernThe youth, .lames A. Crowtey, 17, the period from l'.iRII to ami including pered-Hear is circulated throughout of Newark, was lined $ir> for oil-1%;| recently has been published. the drum to dry uniformly, thorThe 40-paKe Illustrated booklet sli'iiclini! traffic on Houlfi 22 Sept. oughly. IS). Tlip I'ilikerton man, J. 10. Sliver ilescrihes Ibe various Iniprawinenls and ncconip'lshnieiits which look of Somerville was assessed $15 on ft Stop soon and pick out your RCA lilace over the past six years clmrse of simple assault. Whirlpool dryer and "free" electric The niiiKistnife noted Stives' cre- throughout the piirk system. The reblanket, limited time offer. dentials were in order mid thai lie purl was prepared, except for cercan make a civilian arresl, 1but that tain lynctl text, lit the park commis333 South Ave. Westfield sion's centralized duplicating section. Mountainside — Magistrate Jacob in attempting lo remove lh' keys of AD 2-4660 U, Halter last week in Municipal the youth's car he struck his arm. Copies of the report tuny lie had by contacting the Union County I'nrk ! Court told a Pinkorton detcrlivc I agency employee he was justified in LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS Commission. PO Itox 275, Kl ; making a civilian arrest, but that LEAPKH WANT ADS PAV BRING RESULTS ! in the . rocess of ".'irresting" a youth, I overstepped his bounds. World Travelers' Slides, Lectures Wilkinson Firm Receives Honor For Job Policy William S. Miller Now President Of Chase Unit Plains Choir Lists "Messiah" Dec. 6 Station Radio & TV Civilian's Arrest Action Valid — But Costly Going To A Party? Professional Character Make-Up For Hallowe'en and Parties Be A: Pirafe Superman Fireman Clown — Witch Princess Ghost Policeman Indian Monster Hobo Soldier Prince Also Available for Rent Wig* — Beard* — Mustache* — Follow Spotlight Microphone System Call For Appointment AD 3-0551 AD 3-1594 Tuev, Wed., Thur«., Saf., Sun. Wanr G O O D Food? AUTOMATIC REVER$IMO TAPE RECORDERS to Irfi Stereo sounds best on tnpo . . , mid tupc sounds best on the fiimoiis Ampex. Ileris is new realism in sonml-ricii, brilliant A?«(K't sound midistcirtcd no mutter now soft or loud tho volimip. And here is new simplicity imd e>ise of operation. Anyone run thread the Amjiex 2000 in two seconds. No more fti«iii« with tukc-up reels. At tlie cmt of the tape, it reverses aiilotiiiitif.'aHy—lets you j>l;iy comjilrto fillitims (both sides) witliimt clifiiiKi»K rtels. Yon can listen to four hours and Hum: of glorious uninterrupted music. Youortjoy enntinuous music unlil sliut-off AUTOMATIC THREADING America's Outstanding V»luo In Quallty-Englnssred Taps Recorders- lU't-ouls and fjlays ;i* 7.'a, -i?i, anil IT* tps (Mono or Stereo) with superb fidelity. Exclusive dual cupstan drive keeps tjipo tension even owl speed uuffonn. Motlel 2070 lias Iniilt-in traiisistori'/i-fl priwer supply find amplifiers. Plays in vertical or horizontal position. Available in portable models with built-in spcakm .. . desk anil Walntil cabinet models. Threads in two second!; AMPEXPORTADLE Model 2070 When a man wants good food he drops in to see How tocook and chat at the same time: Just order yourself a kitchen extension phone from the Telephone Business Office. Only 90$ a month. New Jersey Bell Stereosoundi hat on Uipr....tmttu>pc MHituhbaton EASY TERMS us. Here he knows he'll get cooking fit for a king. So stop in. You'll bo glad A M P E X Pna-raoordacf IOOO TIT^S 4.TRACK BTBF1BO TAPHB Ov«r a thousand favarlto mus.'c»t solactfom bg hundrad* of famous artltti—alt available M America's leading labels. you did! ONE YEAR GUARANTEE AT OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY Audio New Jersey's Largest Tape Centei 17 Elm St., Westfleid 232-04B3 8 Aldan St., Cronford 276-0483
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