VOLUME XXXII. NO. 49. SOUTH AMBOY. N. J., SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1913. "HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED" RESOLUTIONS TO REV.C.S. MILLER Beet Him Great Senior Sagamore at Annual Convention in Atlantic ; tity—George G. Clivcr Appoin, ted Deputy Great Sachem for District No. 10. . The sixty-second annual State con ventlon of the Improved Order of Red Men was held in Morris Guards Hall, New York avenue, Atlantic City, on Mircb 6 and 7, at which time Charles T. Grace of this city was honored by being selected to fill one of the high . «»t,State offices to help lead more than 29,000 Red Men. The meeting was attended, by the largest number of representatives ever attending a State Great Council, the presiding officer being Great Sachem *• Charles M. Curry, of Dakota Tribe No. '.Ill, of Camden. The night previous a banquet was tendered to the attending delegates; alto a very elaborate vaudeville performance In connection with the ban, On March 13, 1913, the ministers J this city, in consultation, adopted th following: Whereas; The Rev. C, S. Miller, pastor of the Methodist Bplscopal Church of South Amboy for the p five years, is about to remove to another field of Christian labor an activity by action of the last Con ference of which he is an esteeme member; therefore be it Resolved; . That as ministers oi South Amboy we part with him in spirit of reluctance, as our associa tions together in' the past (and e,ven at the present) have been pleasant, agreeable and profitable during his whole pastorate here. Resolved; That as president of th Ministers' Association- of South Am boy, he always showed the true spirt of unselfishness and impartiality as the presiding officer, and was Christ like in all his procedure at the meet ings. Resolved; That the esteem in which he is held in this city as a true minister, Christian gentleman, worthy citizen, Ideal pastor and sincere friend, Is to uft a mark of respect, and a testimony of those who knew him for the past five years, of the worth of the Christian minister. Resolved; That we bespeak for thi» city our prayers and beet wlslfee for bis success In MB new Held of labor. (Signed) THOMAS NEAL, JR., GEORGH KANE, V. V. CRAIG.# "Safety CHARLES T. GRACE, quet, over 450 attending, our boys be* ing very, conspicuous in front seats This affair lasted until the early hours of the morning. — .-.•••• Thursday's meeting was opened at 10 a. m. and after the routine bullnest, the nomination and election of officers took place as follows: Great Prophet—Charles M. Curry, Camden. • ' Great Sachem—John Hackett, Millvllle. < Great Senior Sagamore—Charles r. Grace, of this city. , : Great Junior Sagamore—J. Milton Burdge, Camden. Great Sannap—John A. Meyers, Lake wood. Great Mlshinewa—Thomas Harklns, Vineland. Great Guard Wigwam—Samuel T. Spencer, Brldgeton. Great' Guard Forest—Alex. T. Atkins, Camden, 1 Great Chief of Records—Daniel M. \ Stevens, Camden. Great Keeper of Wampum—Mason ' B. Spotford, Bayonne. Orphans' Board—Joseph Nowrey, Camden; I. J. Hatton, Bayonne; Arthur H. Stiles, Atlantic City; Samuel C, Johnson, Bridgeton; Dr. R, S. Bennett, Asbury Park. There were 600 delegates present and the election of Great Senior Sagamore Grace was unanimous. Representative men from all sections of the State lauded him highly, much to the delight of the delegates from the local and neighboring Tribes, which sent large delegations, particularly interested in the tulvnncement of Mr Grace. His now position places him in rank, next to the highest officer In thlB State. The Convention selected Asbury Park for their next meeting place, in March, 1914. The order throughout New Jersey has done great work during the pa3t year lor which Mr. Grace receives great praise as being one of the main advisors. An (increase of 2,172 new members was ndded to Ihe ranks, making the total membership at this convention 2fl,467, being now the second largest social beneficial and fraternal organization in this State; also adding $17,479.32 to their funds, malting a total wealth of the various Tribes, $605,34!>,2!>. The order is now taking care of (ifty-five orphans ami half-orphans in this Stale. These are cared for until they become fourteen years of age. The local tribe, Snn*ca No. 23, assisted In the good work by doubling their membership, adding M0 now members to their roll last year, paying for sick, death and funeral benefits $800, and yc-t they laid away $1,000 making their wealth $4,500, nnd n membership of 202. Delegations from Keyporl, Perth (Continued on page four.) One of the moat entertaining* treats ever offered to toe railroad men and public generally in this city and'vicinity will be the "Safety First" lecture to be'conducted by Messrs. J. O. Young and H. V. Fackentball, members of the Safety Committee of the New York Division, Pennsylvania Rallro|d Company. It will be given in Knights of Pythias Hall on Thursday evening next. The lecture will be illustrated by a powerful stereopticpn, and will treat on railway accidents, their causes an-i remedy. During the evening music will be furnished by Kerr's (Orchestra, These' gentlemen give a very interesting lecture, and at Trenton recently, an audience of 1,200 was present and was both amused and delighted, so entertainingly was the subject presented. A special train will be run from Hlghtstown for accommodation of employes along the line of the road. Ad mission is free to all, the sole object being the enlightenment' on how to prevent accidents. CHRIST CHURCH NEWS. The preacher on TueBday will bo Rev. D. T. Weidner of St. George's Church, Helmetta. The rector has been sick again and s still far from well. Next week, Holy Week, is the week adopted by a committee, comprising representatives of the various Christian Brotherhoods, throughout the United States, as a week of prayer for men and boys. Next Friday, Good Friday,' will be jbserved by the majority of the Christians throughout the world as the anniversary of the day when Jesue !hrist died upon the oross for us and ur Salvation. KlEVEJf DROWN AS STEAMER WYCKOFF SINKS IN COLLISION Eleven men were drowned In New 'ork bay Thursday night as the teamer S. S. Wyckoff, plying between 'erth Amboy and New York, wa8 itruck in collision with an unknown iteamer. One man, colored, of tha rew of twelve on board was picked p soon after the Nvreck by the mulicipal ferryboat Queens, and was ent to a Staten Island Hospital. The :rew consisted of captain, one enginer, two firemen and eight deck hands. IIEBLAND TO SPEAK AT Y. M. C. A. MEETING. Secretary Deacon of the Y. M. C. A. as secured as the speaker for this unday afternoon, Mr. Fred B, Vreeand, of Newark, who is one 6f the ost enthusiastic Y. M. C. A. workers ,n the Stnte. Mr. Vreeland has been n this city several times before and gospel talks are always intercatng. The service last Sunday afternoon as addressed by C. ID. Barker, of ,ong Jslnnd, the singing evangelist, 'he music arranged for the occasion roved to be very good. o • TO THE LADIES. Skirts made (o measure from $2.50 p. Fifteen years In business. Exerlenced designer.—Hochhelser & osentbal, Pine Avenue. 2-22-6 Price Three Cents. J The Woman's Club has engaged Rev. Madison C. Peters, the popular lecturer, to appear in this city on Wednesday, March 26, at the City Hall, Was a Prominent Physician and Had Rfeided in This City Over fifty at which time he will dellver'his fam- Will Assume Charge as Pastor of ous lecture on "How to Be Happy, Years—Served as Surgeon in Ihe Civil War—Hundreds of Mourners Though Married." Mr, Peters bai-de- the M. C. Church on Sunday Next livered this lecture In hundreds of - R e v . C S. Miller Sent to Auat the funeral, Evincing His Great Popularity. cities, and has delighted his hearers dubon-Other Appointments for with his good humor and wit. Don", fail to hear It. Tickets will be 25 New Brunswick District. ing. On her arrival In New York and cents, The proceeds will go toward Dr. Ambrose Treganowan died s denly on Monday last at his home on after a few days he entered the drug the expenses of the club ia the betThe New Jersey Methodist EpiscoMain street, In the eighty-third year o store of Eugene Dupy, corner o terment of the city. Tickets may be pal Conference' held at Atlantic City his age. During the morning he was Houston street and Broadway, when purchased of any member. has appointed Rev. James E. Shaw,* . pruning the shrubbery apout his prop- he performed the duties of translate] formerly of Millville, as pastor of tho erty, in which he always found great de In the Kngllsh prescription depart M. E. Church of this city, and Rev, . light, and about cloven o'clock ho ment. In 1854 be went to l'hlladel C. S. Miller has been sent to Audureturned to the house remarking thn phia, and resumed his regular mcdlca' bon, In the Camden District. Rev, lie did not feel well. He laid down Htudien, under the proceptorshlp a Shaw was in 1904-06 stationed at Millon a couch, and almost Immediately Professor James Bryan, Professor o town. became unconscious and remained so Surgery In the Philadelphia Colleg' Rev. C, S. Miller has been very busy The Rev. John MacMlllan, the famuntil the end. Dr. J. C. Albright was of Medicine. After bwlnjs in l'hlladel in attendance, and did nil that was phla but a short time lie received let- ous Irish evangelist, of Philadelphia, since conference, packing up his possible to revive his patient, but ters of introduction from England t: has kindly consented to spend a day household goods preparatory to reProfessor Dungllson, Professor o with the Rev, Thomas Near, Jr., and moval. The new pastor will occupy without avail, and about 12,15 p, Therapeutics and the practice of med- will assist in all the services at the the pulpit on Sunday next. Dr. Treganowan had passed away. Baptist Church on Sunday next, March The appointments for the New Doctor Tregnnowan had resided In icine In Jefferson College, who ha< 1€. Mr. MacMlllan is not only a gos- Brunswick District are as follows: this city fifty-three years, and was known the young student's family In pel preacher, but a good singer as James W, Marshall, district superwell known to almost every resident. England, and who took a deep interest well, and those who attend the service ntendent, Ocean Grove. In his behalf, giving him much private He was a skilled physljtlan and surAdelphia—H. M. Smith. J will undoubtedly be greatly pleased. geon, and was ever ready to adminis- Instruction «nd wise counsel, although ABbury Park—Firgt Church, F. B . " he was a candidate for the degree of ter to the poor and needy without a Stockdale; Second Church, D. C. Cobb, Atlantic Highlands—W. T. Valiant, cent of remuneration. During the last Doctor of Medicine in another college. During the years of his study in Phil Belford—W. A. Cobb. few years he confined his practice an Belmar—A. C. Dennett. adolphia he supported himself, purmuch as possible to his office. He had Bradley Beach—N. J. Wright. chased his college tickets, and boro a legion of frilnds In this city, Cliffwood—Supplied by Rollin Hill. other expenses attending his studies, Cranbury—C. L. Ebell. Tfte Funeral. by connecting himself with the pres: Batontown—C. F. Garrison. The funeral took place from.^hrist as reporter, but especially as a stenEngiishtown—D. B. Van Drlght. Y Farraingdale—B. H. Decker, Church at 3 o'clock Thursday after- ographic reporter, In which he exFreehold—H. M. Blake. noon, and the edifice was filled to its celled. . Grlenville and Herbertsvllle (P. O. capacity with friends and relatives Lakewood)—A. C. .Polhemus. The arrangements were in charge of Dr. Treganowan graduated from tha Hamilton (P. O. Asbury Park)— St. Stephen's Lodge, F. & A. M., which Philadelphia College of Medicine ii E. F. Applegate. Hlghtetown—John Allen, Jr. attended in a body. Members of Gen 1857 with honor and distinction, an<i •Inuaystown—To be supplied. William S. Truex Post, of which tht commenced his professional career a Islands Heights and Ocean Gate— deceased was a member, also were Beverly, N. J., meeting with proud A. C. Oliver, Jr. present. The Mayor, ex-mayors, coun- success, but was soon compelled io Jamesburg—C. L. Knight. • Keansburg—J. W. Tower. cllmen, and present and former city abandon the field on account of failKeyport—Calvary, I. S. Yerkes; St. officials, and members of the Middle- Ing health, his medical friends and adJohn's, A. L. Izard. sex County Medical Association, were visers recommending him to some loca Lakehurst and Ridgeway—J. B. in attendance. • tion on the seaboard. He removed to Shaw. Lakewood—William Mitchell. t h e service was conducted by tho South* Amboy in 1860, where he has Little Silver—C. K. Dilks. Rev. H. M. P. Pearse, assisted by Rev. been a.ctively engaged ever since, comLong Branch—Asbury. R. B. Stephi manding a large and responsible pracW. E. Grimshaw, assistant rector. The enson; First Church and Wayside, REV. JOHN MACMILLAN. rector made a few remarks, and tice. C. D. Fisher; St. Luke's, J. Y. Dobtouchingly referred to the generousMr. Neal has also secured for this bins; Simpson, Alfonso Dare. In 1862 he entered the army as Manasquan—A. H, Eberbardt. heartedness of the doctor in admin- surgeon of the 14th Regiment, New Sunday Mrs, Helen Reed-Alexander, Matawan—B, C. Lipplncott stering to the poor. The committal Jersey Volunteers, and remained i i the celebrated harpist, of PhiladelMilltown—L. L, Hand. service was read in the church by the. service about two years. Much phia, who will render both instrumenMorganvllle—Supplied by Georg« Hammer. Rev. Pearse. ""•' of the time he was on detatcbed dutr tal and vocal selections. Mrs. Reed Navesink and Highlands — Elijah A platoon of policemen escorted the in eharie of field hospitals in the is one of the finest players on the harp Reed. body to the cemetery, and as the Army of the Potomac, doing all that in this country, and the sweet music New Brunswick—First Church, ,T. . cortage moved the fire alarm sounded aubrave man and surgeon could do. she draws forth from toe stringfls Morgan Read; Pitman, H. P. Sloan; eighty-three taps, as a token of re- In 1864 his health-failed him, and his truly wonderful. There can be no St. James, G. W. Yard. New Egypt—G. E. Archer, spect to the departed former-mayor. resignation from the service became doubt of a very large attendance at OakhurBt—H, T. Eisler. At the grave the impressive ritual imperative. After a few weeks rest the Church on Sunday next. Services Ocean Grove—J. D. Bills. of the Masonic order was read in the at home, he again began the usual at 10.30 a. m.; 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. Oceanic—W. E. Tedden. o — presence of a large number of people. duties of his profession in this city Oceanport—J. F. Heilman. Old Bridge and Spotswood—To b« The floral pieces were many and beau- For many years Dr. Treganowan was supplied. iful. a salaried surgeon in the employ of Point Pleasant and Bay -Head— William Adams. The bearers were J; M. Parker, the Camden & Amboy Railroad, and Red Bank—First church, S. M. Van Charles Muirheld, F. E, DeGraw, Gott- its successor, the Pennsylvania RailThe Civic Department of the Womlob Stratib, 'Alfred Kerr and Joseph road. He was a member of the Mid- an's Club desires to call attention to Zant; Grace, James Lord. Sayreville—G, S. Johnson. Wilson. Stlllwell & Mason were fun- dlesex County Medical Society, at var- the rubbish receptacles which have Seabright—O. S. Dufneld. ious times holding all the offices coneral directors. SUverton—Alonzo Chambers. been placed at conspicuous point.: nected with that society. He was reSmithburg—Supplied by Charles Biography. about the city during the past week. peatedly a delegate from the State 'Hogate. These receptacles' are designed to Dr. Ambrose Treganowan, A. M., South Amboy—J. E. Shaw. Medical Society to other State medihold papers, fruit skins and other dewas born In Camborne, county of South River—Peter Provost. cal societies, was appointed delegate bris which might otherwise litter and Southard and Harmony (P. O. LakeCornwall, England, February 14, 1830. to the American Medical Convention make, our streets unsightly, and their wood)—D. Y. Applegate. His parents were John and Ann Tregheld in San Francisco in 1869, and Spring Lake—F. E. Purcell. purchase is the first step in a civic nowan, of the same county. He was also to the International Congress Equankum and West Farms—To b« improvement movement which the supplied. he youngest of four children, all held in Philadelphia in June, 1876, and ilub is initiating in South Amboy. The ions, and, besides this immediate famTinton Falls—Supplied by Leroy was a member of the New Jersey M women of the club ask for the hearty Barry. iy and their relatives, there Is not roscopicai Society. He was past masTom's River—J. C. Kulp. co-operation of the citizens in this mother family of Treganowans, and ter of St. Stephen's Lodge, No. 63, F. Wall (P. O. Lakewood)—Supplied "Clean up Crusade," and they appeal ;heir pedigree is lost, except what Is & A. M., having joined the lodge In by Charles Smith. to the civic Sride of each and every related in some curious and romantic West Grove—J. L. Howard. 1864. From 1874 to 1877 he was editindividual, young and old, to make raditions. The doctor's early educaWhitesville—To be supplied. or of the South Amboy Argus. o • i.. this work accomplish results which on'was received at a select academy HANSON—BOCWEB. or boys in the town where he resided, In 1855, Dr. Treganowan was mar- shall be gratifying to the club and ot londucted by William Bellows, a ried to Constance Gordon, daughter of lasting benefit to the city. The. efThe Methodist Protestant parsonaga Juaker, and a former resident of New udge Thomas F. Gordon, deceased, forts of a few, however strenuous, can was the scene of a pretty wedding on ork City. At the early age of 14 *nd a granddaughter of Count Reseau, accomplish little, but the concerted ac- Tuesday evening, March 11, the con•ears he commenced his preparation nice an eminent physician of Phila- tion of many, with a keen desire for tracting parties being Mr. Morits H. P. or the medical profession, by being delphia, who fled to America about municipal improvement will come near Hansen and Miss Grlzelda Bogner, indentured for seven years to the cele- the year 1782, during the revolutlou to making of South Amboy a verit- both of this city. The beautiful cererated surgeon, Alfred Prideaux, Esq., n France. Mrs. Treganowan died able "Spotless Town." mony, which was with ring, was perif Slskeard, about forty miles from eventeen years ago last Monday. formed by Rev. F. F. Craig. is native town. After fulfilling about In politics the doctor was a Repubo ;hree years of his article of engage- lican, but never let his partisan feel- FUNERAL OF MRS. LAWBEJfCE. A PLEASANT SOCIAL. went, however, he grew restive, affil ings overrule him in local affairs. Ho The funeral of Mrs. Ann Lawrence On Tuesday evening, March 11, ivinced a determination to go U) i three times elected mayor of this ook place from St. Mary's Clmrch ;;t about fifty members and friends ot merica. His family, seeing his da0 o'clock on Monday morning last, 3ity, and each time with large majorerminatlon, succeeded in cancelling .nd was attended by a large number the Methodist Protestant Church atties. tended a social at the home of Mr. is articles of indenture, and equip> About 1899, Dr. Treganowan took f friends and relatives. The service nnd Mrs. Jacob Spraguo, of Church, ed him with an abundant outfit and vas conducted by Rev. Father Lane, or his second wife Miss Mollie Strystreet, which proved a very enjoyableha necessary means. He left the ter, of Philadelphia, who survives hl'.n vho celebrated the high mass of re- occasion. Oysters were served in hores of old England in 1S53, fro!ii l.ui'im for the repose of the soul. InHe is also survived by three daugiiabundance, after which a social hour he port of Ponzance, in the ship "Mar:ers, Mrs. Robert Kerr and Miss Con- .erment was made in St. Mary's cem- was spent. It was a time long to ba uis of Chandos," Captain Colenzo, tance Tregannwnn. of this city; and etery. The bearers were Messrs. John remembered. When the (,'uests left n old friend of the family, commandIrs. Harry B. Mack, of Kirkwood, Mo. . Delnney, Patrick Sullivan, John for tlieir homes, they voted tho onlogue, Philip Sullivan, John Qunln j nd C. I. Bergen. J. J. Scully was Spraguo domicile a pleasant retreat, Legs of Spring Lamb ISc pound; and ready for another invitation. AAHON E. JOHNSTON. uneral director. Aaron E. Johnston, a former solie- frosh killed chickr-ns 20c pound, too — or of this city, died on Monday at day at Monaghan'F Meat Market, DavH POST CARDS—St. Patrick's Day Whether you are on tho deep sea or street. * s bomo in Farmingdiile, at the age :ords and local views, lc encli, Easter on motbrr pnrth Yacht Club Coffee f fifty-six years. Mr. Johnston was lards and local views, lc each. Easter tastes good. Sold by Brown Bros. Tea orn In,New Jersey, and served two roadway. 3-1 n-! Co. . • FULL LINE OF POTTED PLANTS rms in the Assembly. and CUT FLOWERS for Holy ThursIf in Deed of wallpaper, read adv. day and Easter. C. W. Stuart, BroadYet the Lord may not lovo a cheerwny and Augusta street. 3-15-2 f R. West & Co.. on fourth page. • ful giver of advice. Advertise in the Citizen, Prominent Persons Sunday Next « Coming— The Rubbish Cans. I' W YC5K0FF & RUE _, offer the following Brief Items Concerning People We SPECIALS Know that Prove Interesting For Saturday,Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday High School Mention ings literary Socjetjr, The second evening meeMng of the Royal Scarlet Pre- Q J «Miss Charlotte Muirheid is visiting High School Literary Society was Fresh Jersey Egys, Qflr> Bervep, pure, bot. L*T^J at Eastern, Pa. per dozen - - OU^ held in the study hall Friday evening, February 28. A large number were Frederick Batzel spent the week end present at the exercises. The followApples, , O C f Sour Krout, fig, Fancy Red Cfl|> n Philadelphia. ing program was rendered: per quart Ql» Onions, bsk j U ^ 1 gal. can £. J»> Song By the School John M. Willett 1B very ill at his Recitation Miss Hazel Compton home on George street. Solo Miss Mildred Learned Swift Premium Hams Oflp Square Brand Milk, f ) F r Reading from Lowell perlb. • ZU^ 3 cans - .. Lv^ Miss Kathryn Craven, of SayreviU?, Miss Estelle Briskly spent Wednesday in this city. Solo Miss Hazel Mason Bulk Cocoa, equal to Baker's, lb. 20c Reading Norman Scully Mrs, Ira B. Mills, of Stevens avenue, Musical Selection... .H. S. Qrchestra Fancy Seeded Raisins •' - 9 c pkg, 3 for 2 5 c spent Thursday at South River. Heading, "Remember the Maine," 1 lb. box Croft's Cocoa . 25c Miss Ruth Locker Mrs. Tobias Grace, of Bound.Brook, Piano Duot Misses Kathryn Hecker's Oats 9<j, 3 for 2 5 c spent Wednesday in this city. Hlmmelberger and Lila Furma'n. , Hecker's Oats, family size package .• .-:, 23c Reading of "High School Message." George Hlllmann, of Stevens aveCarolina Fancy Head Rice, lb. - !)c, 3 lbs. for 2 5 c Song. By the School nue, Bpent Sunday at Cookstown. The executive committee held a FaDcy Salmon, tall can . . . . , !()<• meeting on Monday afternoon and) arMrs. George Taylor, of Brooklyn, New Orleans Molasses, best grade, qt. • 15c ranged for programs, for tho next two was a local visitor on Wednesday. meetings. Whittler and Holmes arc California Peaches, heavy Byrup, per can 15c to be the poets for topics. Miss Ida Webb, of Union Valley, Alto Asparagus, tall can • . . 22e • • * visited frienda in this city last week. The Gleo Club recolved their drat Snyder Catsup, large bottle, while they last • 2Oc Instructions on Monday afternoon Queen Olives, large bottle • - 2 3 c Robert Stratton, our popular mall when a meeting was held after school. spent last Sunday in Asbury Mrs. C. L. Cnzzens was present. Much Brakeley's Canned Lima Beans - i • 1 0 c carrier, Pnrk. Interest Is shown in the club and It ir, to be hoped tlint It will prosper, Miss Holen Plott, ot Pombctrtnn, Is • * • 134 BROADWAY •OUTH AMBOY. N. J spending tha wenl< ond with Urn, F. Tho boys wore again callod out A. Deacon. for, baseball practice by Captain Kwillnskl las< week. Tho prospects Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Weber, of Hall- for a good team are bright as many way, spent Sunday last vwlth friends candidates »ro coming out for tho In this city. nino. Operators Wanted! GOOD PAY V Epstein & Levy (Successors to Chas, Herrmann, of South River) Ladies' Underwear Manufacturers... WYCKOFF & RUE H. Wolff &€«. Special Sale o f ; : : iitian Enameled Ware \ • • VVe have placed on sale a lot of Venjtjan Blue, White Lined Ware for a few days only at a uniform price. ^These goods are perfect in every particular, and every piece offered is worth considerable more than the price asked. We do this so that you may become better acquainted with our house-furnishing department. In the lot there are two large size Preserving Kettles, 12qt. Pail, Double Boiler, Berlin Kettle, Berlin Pots,. Large Tea Kettle, Tea Pots, Coffee Pots and Dish Pans. Some of these pieces in the regular stock are worth up to 85c, You can have your choice of any article for . . . 50c H. Wolff & Co. \i •&' it • Mrs. C. 0, Collins and Mrs. Jnsoph The High School basketball team Hoffman, of nahwny, spent Wednesday was defeated at Keyport on Saturday in this city. night by the score of 20 to 0. Tho gaino was played in the nroadway Mrs, John Galliigun, of Jersey City, Theatre. The baskets for our team visited friends In town on Thursday were made by Orr and Grace. Our nnd Friday last. boys have not played in over a month and have been unable to practice. Miss Myrtle Price, of East Orange, Koyport.'on the other hand, has been spent Saturday and Sunday with playing regularly and were easily ablu friends in this city. ' to defeat the local team owing to this 'fnct.' Orr, Grace, Anderson, KwilinAdrian Fisher and Clifford Mc- Ekl and Quinlan lined, up for South Laughlln, of New Brunswick, spent Amboy. Monday in this city. The girls will meet Keyport girls team in the K. of P. Hall this SaturMiss Florence Peterson, of Runway, day afternoon. They have been pracspent Saturday and Sunday last with ticing regularly and the coaches hare her mother in this city. great hopes of their defeating the visitors. Music will be furnished by the Miss Emily Rogers, of Old Bridge, high school orchestra. Admissifin will spent the week end with Miss Bertha be 16 cents, . , Bloodgood, of George street. Two good programs have been ar? ranged by the executive, committee Mrs. William Thompson, of South for the next two meetings ot the LitPlainfleld, spent several days last erary Society. The poet selected for week with friends in this city. the topje this Friday afternoon Is O. W. HolmeB. A debate will take Rev. Jairieg Coan, of Brooklyn, vis- place on the proposition: "Resolved; ited his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Pat-That corporal punishment should be rick Coan, Sr., on Tuesday last. abolished." The topic for the next meeting will be Whittler. The debate Miss Anna Rudolph and Miss Emily arranged will be: "Resolved; That lire Larsen, of Perth Amboy, were the baa been proven more destructive than guests of Miss Kitty Donovan on Sun- water." day last. A game has been suggested between the High School boys and the girls. Charles Bowers is spending the Cdach O'Toole thinks It would be a. week, at his home in Virginia, where good idea for the boys to play the he is taking advantage of the fine girls* team, but they must wear "hobgunning offered. ble" skirts and have one band tied behind them. Misses Margaret Kennedy and En- Thomas Chapman, of the Sophmore laila McGuire, of this city, enjoyed a class, has/left school and accepted a performance of "The Whip" at New position with the International Smoke' York on Saturday. less Powder Co., at Parlin. '''The Senior Class had decided to pre Mrs. Edward Good, ol David street, sent Clyde Fitch's comedy, "The Stubreturned home on Wednesday from a borness of Geraldine," but it was week's visit at New Hope, Pa., as th3 learned it could only be produced by paying a large royalty to the author. guest of Mrs. J. Good. They have instead decided to present Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Roxbury are1 The Kingdom of Heart's Content," the happy parents of a bouncing baby by Llndslee Barbee. This is a clevboy, which the stork left at their er college comedy. t ,-'•• i home on Sunday night. Get in Your Order E^r That Easter Suit Easter comes very early this year, and therefore it is none too soon for those intending to have new suits to place their orders. We are showing beautiful samples of pure wool fabrics which we make up for men and boys. Our prices for custom made suits are no higher than some clothiers charge for ready-made clothing «,M6i:AT itI:I»I c r i o \ » now prevail in every department in order to make room for Spring stocks GEORGE GREEN "The One-Price Store"' 158 Broadway South Amboy, N. J. Miss Gertrude Gregory, of Ne'-v York, has returned home after (Spending severer days with Miss Carrie Parieen, of John street. o We are here to stay, and are looking for Good I f orkers to whom we will pay the best wages. Good work and plenty of it all the time. We sell our own goods. No dull markets. . S t e a d y employment guaranteed. This is a golden opportunity for those who desire to earn good wages. Investigate. Do it to-day. , Cor. Main and Thomas Streets, SOUTH RIVER, N. J. YOU'LL KNOW YOUR CLOTHES are right in s.tyle, fit, tailoring and fabric, if you order a suit of CROWN CLOTHES tailored to your order, through us. Call and see our great variety of beautiful all wool fabrics. They cost no more than common clothes, but givtf vastly more satisfaction and wear. Every Garment Guaranteed to Satisfy You SPECIAL! Men's $1.50 Work or Dress.Pants, at • 95c Men's $10.00 8uite. plain or mixed goods, all ' wool, at • • '•''..;. $6.75 ' Men's $1.50 Woolen Underwear, at - 79c THE TURNER STORE Outflttfrs to M«n and Boy* from Head to Foot Broadway and David St. South Amboy • UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Remaining uncalled for In South Amboy Post Office for the week ending Ing March^, 1913. Fred • Westervelt, James Reading, V. Pierson, A. Koksh, Helen Duggan, Amelia Baker, Mrs. M. A. Paul, 415 Clifton ave., Lawrence Harbor. Mrs. Mary Bickerton, of Trenton, and Mrs. John Johnson, Sr., of Philadelphia, spent last week at the horns of Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Johnson, or JVOTCCE TO CONTRACTORS. Broadway. SEALED PROPOSALS W I L L B E received by the Board of Chosen Free_ / holders at their room in the County Mr. and Mrs. John Coyne and Mrs.Record Building nt New Brunswick, N. Anna Snyder left this city Sunday af- J., on MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1913, at ternoon to nttond the inauguration .it 2.30 o'clock p. m., for Improving the road from the railroad to and across Washington. They will not return un- the County Bridge at Chccsequako til Monday. Creek, according to plans and specifications on file at the office of Alvin I). Fox, 137 Smith street, Perth AmNOTICE OF IIVTEJfTrOlV. boy. N. .1., and at the office of Thomas NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY 11. I-Ittgcrty, New Brunswick, N. J. the Common Council of the City of Ench bid must be accompanied liy South Amboy of the intention of saiil a certified check in tlic amount of Common Council of regulating and $1,000.00 payable to the order of grading Portia street in the City of Thomas M. Hagcrty, without uny conSouth Amboy, from Feltus street to ditional Indorsements, which check Pine avenue, ami of the Introduction shall lie forfeited If the successful bidof nn ordlnnnce for that purpose at a der fails to enter into contract and meeting of the Council to lje held nt bond M'ithin ten days from the award the City Hall on Tuesday, the Eigli- of tho bid. •teentli day of March, at the Uour of Tim board reserves the right to S o'clock ]). in., and all persons tint reject or nil bids, if in their opinmay object to the improvement afore- ion it any to the host interest of the said are hereby notified to present County is so to do. their objections in writing at the ofPKTI3R H. S. HENDR1CKS, fice of the City Clerk on or before Director. that date. Attest: ASHER W. D1SSETT. RICHARD M. MACK, 3-8-2 ' Clerk. Clerk. GREAT 3 for 25c SALE! To-day and next week we will have what might be called a 25c sale. While the items quoted below state three of one kind o£ articles for 25^!, you1 can have the privilege of selecting one of each kind—for example: 1 pound Rice, 1 box Raisins and 1 can Tomatoes. This is a great opportunity—don't miss it. 3 Dot. Catsup 25c 3 cans Tomatoes 2i1c 3 bot. Chow Chow 25c 3 bottles Machine Oil.... 25c 3 cans Mustard Sardines.. 25e 3 boxes Corn Starch 3 boxes Elastic Starch, reg. 10c size 25c 3 cans JInnd Witch, the groat hand cleaner 25c 3 cans Lime 3 boxes Raisins =»•' 25c 25c 3 b-ixes Tryphosin. 3 lbs. Fancy Head Rice... 25c 3 nana Square Brand Condensed Milk 25c 3 boxes Black Jack Stone Paste Try ii pound of <wr ruinous Dliimond Krnntl Coffee, JICT lb 35c William E. Slover 146 Broadway South Amboy THE SOUTH AMBOY SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1913. Mechanics GUARANTY FASSEMOEB MANAGES WOOD BROTHERHOOD garU T I B E D FBOM ACTIVE SKBVICJ5 ments m u s t be right. J. R. Wood, Passenger Traffic Manager of the Pennsylvania Railroad re- CCP MOVES INTO JfEW HAJVDS. Post Office I stand behind them. 3 1 750 tired Friday, February 28 from active Machine Shop 5 3 625 In case of defect in On Friday, February, 28, a match E. #C:»D. Co 3 5 400 .service of the company. Mr. Wood workmanshipor material 3 5 400 was seventy years .of age on Febru- was bowled on the alleys of the South Office Men House 3 5 400 a new garment will be ary 9th, and his retirement is in ac- Amboy Yacht Club, for the challenge Round High score held by Whalen, 198; cordance with the pension rules of tho cup, when it changed hands again. Bloom, 198. given free of cost. There is much rivalry between teams railroad. o • M. 9. PITtRS, Maker Mr. Wood is probably better known of the club to'obtain the cup, andCLEMKJfS DEFEATS TOMT DENDEH DOVE* MIW JUIIV the games prove very interesting. to the traveling public than any othDuring the match steamed clams, etc.. er passenger man In this country. Jt Interesting Card of Bouts Enjoyed 1-as been said that of all living Amer- were served. The Bcores wore By Members of tbe Richmond icans, his signature has been looked follows:' Challengers. Athletic Club at Totlenrllle. upon by more persons than that of J R. Smith. 178 158 »ny other. 170 162 As Passenger Traffic Manager, Mr. G. W. Crane. Kid Clemens, of Perth Amboy, bad175 ly walloped Tony Deader, of Uahway, 163 Wood's name has been printed upon L. A. Becker 156 scores of millions of railroad tickets Dr. E. H. E u l n e r . . . . . . 132 last, Friday night, In the final bout every year for nearly (en years. The at the Richmond A. C, Tottenvillu Totals 615 679 Clemens had Bender at his mercy In Fennslyvania Railroad sells probably Cup Holders. .as many, or more tickets than any all stages of the bout and the light 151 17S was stopped In the ninth round by other railroad in this country, so that K. C. Ste'phenson 129 13S Benr/er's manager, as his boy was nearly everybody who has bought a Dr. W. P. Moss 157 163 almost unable to stand. Tho boys ticket on the Pennsylvania in the past W Stophenson 152 185 were considered to be about evenly ten years has doubtless seen Mr. J. M. Parker Y/ood's signature. matched but tho Railway lad was Totals 589 670 apparently neglected training and • It was upon Mr. Wood's initiative Clemens pumiiiekid him about for Hlx that the first "limited" train, in the of the nlnn rounds, the first three beS(*nse of exclusive accommodations :. it. it. it. HOWLERS s i n i, and high speed, was inaugurated in ' IEAD ALL TKAMH ing even, (Reii, U. S. Pat. OS.) tbis country. He has aided and enYoung Levin, of New Brunswick, Tho seventh game of tlm Decouraged every reform which had for inado Young Duffy, of Philadelphia, partmental Tournamental Series was its object the elevation and expansion played last Tuesday flight on the Prank MeCormluk's youngster, tnko f of passenger business, both a* it apV. M. C. A. alleys betwoen the Round tho count In the sevenlh round it plies to tb-? company he represents what was urranged to bo a ton round House, tbe Shop Men, and tho Olliao and to its connections. go. Tho Philadelphia boy was game Men. Upon the death of Samuel P, Pior7 to tho last but was unable to land Thep tlrstt game was played beaon, chairman of tbe passenger comon Loving who IH coiiHldorcd to be tween the Round Houso and the Shop mittee of the Trunk Line Association, one of tho best llghtnrH who has apMen, the Round House winning their in 1890, Mr. Wood was, on April 3 of peared at thq Tottenvillo slugs) thin second tournmnental game by thirtythat year, selected as chairman pro year. Ho kept driving In punch affour points. ' tempore of the committee and held ter punch until lie hud his man grogAll the way through tho gnme was tbe position until the election of a gy. In tho seventh his hung a K. O. very close, the Round Houso team bopermanent chairman, August 1, 189i), on his oye nnd Duffy took tho count Ing very much strengthened by havHe was the choice of the committee Fingy Edwards demonstrated th.it ing Mount as a substitute in place for the permament office, but as the of Chapman. Ho rolled a score of ho had a "kick" In.both hands In his acceptance would have involved tho 166 points and won over hlu oppon- preliminary with Young Hoydler, of rolinquishment of his connections Rosebimk. Flngy landed on his ope n t by sixty-four pins. with the Pennsylvania Railroad, lie ponent's face unill it bled profusi Mr. Nichols played a strong game -declined the honor. Mr. Wood has ly and the bout was stopped In lha on the Shop team, running a score also served a term as president of ! second round by Reforoe Burk. of 161 points nnd winning over his the American Association of General In the second preliminary 'Youn .'opponent by 34 pins. Capt. Ulxon Passenger and Ticket Agents, j had a bad start but led Stevenson Studdors, of Tottenville, had a shad Mr. Wood was born in Auburn, N. after the third and up to and Includ- the'best of Kid Ring, of Rosebank. Y., February 9, 1843. He commenced j ing the ninth frame, when Stevenson's his railroad career in 1809, as secre- i closing nosed him out by one lono Dunellen—Oscar Runyon New Brunswick—^P. J. Young Dry Goods Co. SPOUTING NOTE. ttry to the superintendent of tha pin, It Is reported that one of the pheJame^burg—A. B. Hausser Monmouth Junction—W. W. Emens & Son Burlington and Missouri River RailThe second game was played bo- nomena of the season happened on road, at Crestori, Iowa. From this , , , . ., ... i tween the victorious Round Houso the Yacht Club bowling alleys, when South Plainfield—H. W. Phillips Perth Amboy—The Globe, 322 State St. post he was advanced to the position ' , . ^ * ' _„, * . . , . ,, , , , ,, ... and the Office Men. This game was Mrs. William Stephenson, having of trainmaster, which he held until . , .. _ , ., , _ - , . . ; . . „ r.lso won by the Round TT House Men made a strike, the | ball remained on 1871, when ho was appointed Gen- , , , ' . . „ . „,, „. H. 8. PETER8, Maker Factories: Dover, N. J., and Welland, Ont., Canada . jg ,„. . „ . . . " 'by a lead of s xty-flve pins. The Of- the alley.. The piris fell around tho eral Western Passenger Agent of the „ , . .. , ... „, _. . fice force found it necessary to use ball, which was moving slowly, in Bsme road with office at Chicago. ,, . ... . _ , „¥ . , * „ , J ,,, . . . /-, ' emergency substitute Smock." It was such a manner so as to keep'it from /(In 1873, Mr. Wood became Gen-' . , , . . . , . ,, , ) . _ . , , . , .. „ ,, . Bloodgood and Mount who pulled falling into the pit. eral Ticket Agont of the Burl ngton .. , . . , ., . „. . „. „ ,, , . „ their team to a second victory, .is and. Missouri River Railroad in Na- ' , , . . . , all the other scores were close. The Catholic Club has secured a braska, and subsequently Western In the third game which was be- basketball game for this Saturday for each full i n ol Pilst Tetlb or S«c for ) i «tt. Land and Passenger Agent. After a rani.l icts In pioporlloo. HI(fiH! cash PIIMI tween the Office men and the Shop night with tne Company M. Juniors pud Im Old Oold. Slim, Plilinum, Diimondi.na shtort service in this capacity he was hwtiiy. Send wlitt you hive today men, Smock starred by getting 177 to be played at Snmerville. Although PHILA SMELTING k REF1MING COMPANY apnelnted Qeneral Agent of the Mich69 Catharine 8t., Sould Amboy, pins to his opponent's 125. Larew the team his not >been in basketball E.STAIILI5HED 20 YEARS. igafi Central and* Chicago and* West 823 CHC»TNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. PA. Telephone 101 covered his bad rolling of the first togs for several weeks the boys are Michigan Railroads, at Grand Rapids, game by a score of 159 and won over confident of winning. Duggan, Downs, C@T«tlmatet Cheerfully Mich., and in 1876 Assistant Superinhis opponent by 17 pins. Lambert- Ha'naway, Lovely, Lyons and Leary tendent of the same company, at son of the Shop team had a score of will probably be in the lineup. Jackson, Mich. In 1878 he returned 155 and thus saved his team from a to Chicago as Assistant General Pasbad trouncing. His opponent, King, The Russell Five, of this city, were senger Agent of the Michigan Central had a score of 117 pins, so this gave defeated by the Orion A. C. at KeyTHE MERRIAM WEBSTER? Railroad, for a few months only, reLambertson a lead of 38 pins, and port last Saturday evening, being the turning_ to the Chicago Burlington & Because Jt >s a N E W CHEAmade him the only man on this team second Amboy team to take the count <Juincy Railroad as General Passen. C U " TION, covering every to win over his opponent The Office in the little town down the line. The field of tbo world's thought, ger Agent of that system, He conmen thus won this game by 47 points. score was 36 to 10 and the Russell action, and culture. The only Advertisements in the tinued In this position until April, iiI'M* unabridged dictionary in * The usual Interest was displayed boys put up a surprisingly good gam<; many years. 1881, when he received the appointby a large number of rooters present for this was only the second game In ment of General Passenger Agent of Because t f ^CUDCS over 400,000 who backed their favorite team In which they appeared this year. Wonts; moro than ever tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, which pobefore appeared between two overy way. sition be filled until his appointment covers, s TOO l'ages. 6000 IlSomehow the boys can't seem to lustrations. Oi! Yoi! The freight house twins as Passenger Traffic Manager on Are Working Twenty-Four Hours a Day! understand how some of the pins can made their debut with straw "katJuno 1, 1903. Because l t i a t l l e o° h- dictionary stand on edge, take three turns ios" last Monday. Brose and' Louie • . with tho new divided George W. Uoyd, for more than around and still stand. were afraid some one else might come page. A "Stroko of Genius." twolvo years General Passenger Agent A 2, 10, and 7 split was one of the out ahead of them, and appeared at Because J t i a a n cno yc'opedia in i s •of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, waa sensations of the evening, but Lam-work on Monday morning all togged a single volumo. An advertisement placed in the CITIZEN made Passenger Traffic Manager, to bertson had the good fortune to make up. Nobody believed It at first when Became ! t i a commended by tbe succeed Mr. Wood. Mr. Boyd's aphas no time limit to its usefulness to the Ccuxt3, tuo Schools, and a spare out of it. the rumor started, but soon tho pointment became offoctlvo on the 1st the Press as the one supreme advertiser. It works 24 hours a day, If Round Rouse. / freight house was crowded with curauthority. of March. Dlxon 144 ious people who wanted to see the Because ^° w ' 1 0 l c l o w s wins your ad is well written and interesting, it o Mount 166 curiosity. It takes a brave man lo • . Success. Let us toll Dowdell 123 As Ho Understood Him. will be laid aside by the reader for future you about this new work. woar a straw hat this oarly in the 127 "Wlmt UHini'V" liii|iilri'il IIK> new lint- Bloodgqod . . . ' year, but they are hardened to it. reference. Or, if your ad reaches the ri^ht let' (is another jjutist arrived. TRITE for Bptctaenn of tha mw dlvH»d pi|s. Total.,i 560 Louis was once a baseball umpire G. A C. MERRIAM CO.. Pobliihcn, SpriwfeU, H u i . "S. N, Slie!luy--n relntlvi1, you know." prospect, it will make an impression on his Shop Men. and Ambrose has been manager of Mutton tUipipcr.ncelTeFBEEint of pockitmtpa. snkl the mini In mi uiidoi'lono. Stophpnson ' •• 145 memory which will last for days, weeks '-'Kssontlnll.v n relative!" sliuutvd the Lambertson 102 the Marions. • Stults 118and even months. butler.—ClilciiKu Tribune. Nlchols 181 Manager Charles Hiibbs, of the NaConsider for a moment, can't you recall His Disease. 526 tionals, is looking for challenges from Total.,., When Kurd ('liniiecllor Campbell, Painter* and Deeorators any Junior team in the county, avRound House won by 34 pins. an advertisement which you read months Ihrii plniu • Cumplii'll, married Miss Round Rouse. eraging 18 years, Hubbs has gathPaper Hanging and Monaco Wtrk ago which was so strongly impressed on Seiii'lclt iim! ilc|iiii-|fil mi Ills wwlilintr Dlxon 147 ered together some of the best junEithnatea Cheerhllr S i m . 140 ior baseball material in the city nnd trip, .lustli'i* Alilmlt observed when' u Mount your memory that you still remember the 119 Dowdell .,.. M Yean Experfrae*. :uust' wiiH railed im in the bunch: his team should make a good record 125 Bloodgood offer made ? "I tlioiiKlil. Mr. Liriuigliuiii, that Mr. on the diamond. Mis main twirler Campbell WHS MI this ease." 531 will be Joe Marcy, one of the most Total. The results of advertising may not be "Yes, my lord.'' replied KroiiKhntn; Office Men. clever junior heavers around. For "but I undt'mtand lie Is suffering from Bowen 131 instantaneous. Don't expect that when Ladies! S a v e Money and Scarlett lover."— Chicago Heeord-Her- King 109 tho receiving end of the battery, Phil n Id. you spend a dollar for advertising today, 143 Render, a classy catcher and slugger, Smock = Keep in Style by 83 has been selected. This team will Larew that it will return to you ten-fold tomorrow. Reading McCall's Magazine Would Be Terrible. 406 take challenges for both Saturday Total "The ilueloi'M lire going lo operate on and Using McCall Patterns and Sunday games, and are fast comNewspaper advertising is the very best Round House won by 65 pins. McCII'i Muiiine will tier," / help you dress stylOffice Men. pleting their schedule for the season. "Mint's wrongV" • medium for bringing to the attention of the ishly at a moderate Address Charles Hubbs, South Ame-tponsoby kcoplni.' ••SoinetbinK nbout (lie coat of her Bowen 117 boy, N. J. you posted on tbe King buying public your business and your fltoiinicli. I understnml." lntest f nsli Io us In Smock 177 dallies and Imt.s. 5i> "I liupe I hey don't llml its out of Larew waros ami gaining their confidence- by imNow Knsli In a Do•Ityk'. She'd never «et ovur that."— SIKIIS in earli ISSUIT. A Hi: TOTT rONSTIl'ATEM pressing on them your personality and Also valuable iufnrKnnsas City Journal. Total 579 nmiiun on ull home If so, get a box of Dr. Kins's New an tl personal nunreputation for fair dealing. Life Pills, take them regularly and tors. Only 60c a Stephenson Shop Men. The Spirit of Love. yna i , i 11 c I u i l l n B your trouble will quickly disappear. You will linil us you look back upon Lambortson a fri'i? pattern. Sub.si'rihn to(l;iy or .solid They will stimulate, the liver. Improve your life thnt Hie moments that stnnd Nichols fur 125 fur fntesiiliiplceupy. out nhove everything else are the mo- Stults your digestion nnd Ret rid of all the MeCillPilltraiu'llli'iinliloymiiiiiitaki'liiyuiir MVM homo, willi yntirmvn ments when yon have done things In a o m o , w i l l i y n t i r m v n lntnil.s. I'loltiluff Iloltiluff poisons from your system. They will 532 Total • f y i r w iir l t li li will will lie lie perper r a n u c hhild i l d r e n wliti fm spirit of love—Henry Driiiniiioiiil. M r l U) n n d d l i i t . r r l i i — l i i m I i i ' i l i i i l . ' l itu r tll i n n surely K"t you well again. 2nc at all l l Olllcc men won by 47 pins. is, K o m i Tiir fri'R J ' u l l i ' r l l C u t l i l n c u o . druggists. W« Will Give Yon F k t P r e i n l i f o r C e l l i n i ' m i l Dispatch Is the soul of business, nnd of the Tennis. • ' ' KI-IMI f.lrfi »•<! .vript nothing contributes more to dispatch Team Won LoHt Perct. I'ri-m n mill Cfi^li 1'iizi* Head Citizen Advertisements. than melhuil.—L'jn! Chesterlield. Rarltau River C 0 1000 Farmers Laborers and Railroad Men- should be sure to look into the special features to be found only in the guaranteed H. S. PETERS Brotherhood Overalls You'll find we've put little comforts and conveniences into each of the classes named that make them the most satisfactory garments money can buy. The denim, buttons, thread, etc., are the best made, and the cutting and finishing are done by Union Workers. All Brotherhood garments have the patent fleece-lined pocket from -which your watch will neither fall nor drag out, and the guaranty as printed above gives you full protection. Brotherhoods outwear other makes and always look right because they're cut right. You gain both economy and satisfaction in wearing Brotherhood Overalls. They can be bought of SOUTH A I B O 1 - B . *TKA**i:it WILLIAM MOORE Carpenter and Builder, WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 NEVER IDLE! WEB5TERS NEW INTERNATIONAL' ff DICTIONARY SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN 1 I SAMUEL E, SHINN & SON 83 George Street Try an Advertisement for Three Months in the CITIZEN. l l . * < » | I I L l l ( 1 . 1 J 1 1 1 South Amboy 4 «<4 1 ' I <• ' t • • » l | ••••»•• " * • " ' * • • - * - » - q r — ' - THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1913. Robert Warwick, Charles Waldron, Geoffrey Stein, Malcolm Williams, Anthony Andre, Charles Fisher and numerous others. February Honor Roll. HOME TOW JTOTnCE. A U T F E R S O N S CONCERNED MAY 8OCXXTZS8 Wai. S. Trnex Pott, He. 118, take notice, that the Subscriber, Administratrix, etc., of Felix Szafalow- G.< A. 1R, meets first and third Wediez, deceased, intends to exhibit/her nesday afternoon of each month at final account to the Orphans' Court 3 o'clock, in Michael Welsh's HaH for the County of Middlesex, on Fri- Commander, Aaron Still well; Adjuday, the twenty-eighth day of March, tant, S. H. Chatten. ! 1913, at 10 a. m., in the Term of De- S t Stephen's Lodge, So. 68, F. 4 A. jcember 1912, for settlement and allowance; the same being first audited M. Meets at K. of P. Hall, first and third Mondays of each month (exceptand stated by the Surrogate. ing July, August, and holidays) at ADELIA KELLY, 7:30 p. m. (Formerly Adelia Szafalowiez.) Joel Parker Council, No. 69, Jr. •). Adminlstartrlx. Dated February 17, 1913. If. A. M., meets every Friday evening, in Knights of I'ythias Hall. Councilor, M. Lee Stults; Recording Secretary, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. A. R. Chatten. ' THOMAS BROWN, EXECUTOR OF Catherine Whalen, deceased, by di- florm Lodge, So. 86, D. B. 8 ^ rection of the Surrogate of the Coun- Regular meetings second and fourth ty of Middlesex, hereby gives notice Fridays of each month at 8 p. m., la to the creditors of the said Catherine Bundensen's Hall. President, Louli Whalen to bring in their debts, de- Borlund, Sr.; Secretary, Jens Thompmands and claims against the estate son; Financial Secretary, George of the said deceased, under oath or MortineBen; Treasurer, John S. Lund. affirmation, within nine months from Star of Jersey Lodge, No. 484, B. «f this date., or they will be forever barred of any notion therefor against L, F« and E , meets in Welsh's Hali, First and Third Sundays of each month the said executor. at 2 p. m. C. L. Cozzens, Pres' Dated February 18, 1913. ident; L. D. Wortley Finan. Secretary THOMAS BROWN, Executor. and Treasurer; John Jemrnison, Recording Secretary. Washington Camp, No. 36, P. •„ S. of A* meets second and fouria Monday nights of each month, at K of P. Hall, at 8 o'clock. William W. KYK8I0HT SrEUAUST Anderson, president; Charles S. BuckEyes Examined. O r elew, vice-president; Bert Lambertrect Glasses Mnde. son, Master of Forms; John French,' financial secretary; Joseph E. Pippett, 19WritrurkBt.. KKWARK recording secretary; Joseph Hubbard, chaplain. The following pupils of the Public Schools have made high averages during February: "JfEVER SAT DIE." JfEW T O B K A M U S E M E N T S School No. 1. In "Never Say Die," the farce by W First Grade—Lola Buckelew,'ReuH. Post and William Collier in which ben Buckelew, Nellie Dalrymple, , Cohan' Theatre. the latter is playing at William A. Elizabeth Pauser, Charles Hansen, Miss May Irwin, past mistress of Brady's Forty-eighth Street Theatre Florence Hartmann, Lillian Jensen, pertinent retort and expression, has Mr. Collier impersonates a young Violet Larson, Sophus 'Munck, Arsettled down at the Cohan theatre man, Dionysius Woodbury, who isthur Raynor, Arthur Frischknecht, FOLLOW THE JAPANESE STYLE New York, where "Widow by Proxy," told by his physicians that death is Helen Yanas. First Grade—Julius Alpine, James Many Prefer This Form of Landscape Miss Irwin's newest laugh producer, imminent. With this fact in mind, he Bloodgood, Raymond Henry, Russell in being enjoyed by this irresietablc enters hastily into marriage that hi Henry, John Hansen, Fred Jacobs, Art In Making Plan* for * Their Cirdens. comedienne's myriad New York fol- fortune—which is considerable—may James Kilcomins, Norman Loundes, lowing, re-inforced with ninety per be left on his demise to the girl who Johannes Thompson, Samuel Taffar, Many admirers of Japanese art have cent, of Gotham's floating population, immediately afterward, is to marry Louis Blecker, Doris Berrien, Marwho find the exuberant personality Woodbury's friend. But there is no garet Campbell, Mary Ellringer, Ed- treated their backyards in the Japaua Freed, Isabel Hochdorf, Prances nese style, which lends itself admirof the star and the snappy dialogue death—and therein lies the whole dif- Kamps, Mildred Parisen, Sophy. Ros- ably to small places. It Is a style of the farce, funnyness in sufficient ficulty, and upon tbis the amusing entbal, Anna Schewelowitz, Beatrice which requirer considerable taste and quantity to keep them in paroxysms play is built. Woodbury should die; Sprague, Marie Uhlir, Ruth Weitken, artistic ability to handle properly. II of niirth all through the three acts of he has promised to die; he invites Jennie Yanas. not well done, it becomes grotesque Second Grade—Ethel Alpine, Alice and ridiculous. One very successful Catherine Chisholm Cushing's charm- death. But he remains healthy—heal Bloodgood, Olive Bloodgood, Charlotte example of this style >« the garden ing comedy. thler than before, in point of fact, Dey, Dorothy Fassler, Hattie Larson, of Mrs. Lilliam Burkbardt Goldsmith, Ruth Olsen, Lizzie Rosenthal, Lottie and death is remote. Stelnhauze, Myrtle Thorpe, Martha the well known actress and dramatic Gaiety Theatre. Now comes a very similar incident Wallace, Catherine Ward, Grace Ware, reader. The mousy bills, the water "Stop Thief," now in its third month from real life. Recently, because he Clarvlna Walters, Alida Vedder, Vio- fall, paths and tiny stream were all of prosperity at the Gaiety Theatre, did not die, one Goldblatt, a Spokane let Rushworth, Marguerite Korka, laid out and very largely made by Homey, Edward Agan, Morrll her skilful bands. One of the loveliest continues to uphold Its reputation as Jeweler, brought suit against bis phy- Irene Blum, Charles Dicker, William Freed, things in the garden is the wistaria one of the genuine laughing hits of sician for $3 5,000. Harold Hamilton, Harold Hartmann, arbor, in spring a mass of pendent the season. Absent minded people Goldblatt charged in his complaint Clarence Heyer, Frank Hyer, Alfred lavender chains. ,who cache valuable articles and arothat the doctor told him he had can Howard, Burk LamtiBrtson, Frederick Instead of laying the emphasis on then unable to remember the hiding cer of the stomach. Believing that Mundy, Jerome Newmark, Thomas the garden plan, one may use the back Roberts, Jerry Uhlfr, Nathan Schewelplaces, a peculiarity condoned under recovery was impossible and wisbinj; owitz. yard as a place to collect rare ant) the cloak of kleptomania, are so real- to leave his property in cash, Gold Third (irade—Grace Dicker, Ida unusual plants. Better still, one may istically characterized in this funny blatt says he sold his jewelry busi- Maclver, Wnlter Peterson, Raymond make a collection of all the species Friendship Council, No. 16, D. of L Ott Tour Cesspool or Vault Cleaned farce that the events leading up to the ness as a sacrifice and waited for Davis, Marion Campbell, Ruth Har- and varieties of one family or may meets on alternate Fridays of eack per, Florence Weber, Carrie Bucke- raise trees and shrubs from seed, j month, at 2.30 p. in., in Knfghts o£ final denoument from a series of death to claim him. lew, Dorothy Stults, Alice SamuolPythias Hall, First and Stocktoa Ono Berkeley professor Is making a climatic surprises as unconventional Becoming impatient at his contlnu Bon, Mary Krlckson, Barbara Henry, streets. Councilor, Mrs. Ethel Stulta; collection of iris and is now looking as they are thrilling. Elizabeth Ellwinger, Elinor Purmiin, cd presence among the living, ho forward to the blooming periods of 18 Prlcea—HlnKleCloKta,N.00; DoubleCloeete Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ada War*. William Sprague. consulted other physicians and was Paul Deflraw Hamilton lodge, He. Fourth Grade—Marian Gladstone, new varieties recently Imported from 16.00; Owapsoli, 1100 per Uok load. told that he was a well man. 553, B. of It. T., meets every 2d and Ethel Tlntle, Arthur Skow, Chester Palentlne. Watching those come Into Grand Opera House. • fourth Sunday of each month at K. Hornoy, John Maclver, Minnlo New- bloom will not only give pleasure to When George Bernard Shaw wrote of P. Hall. President, A. M. Slover; mark, Gladys Kinlllusscn, Mildred the family, but to many friends and Secretary, William Bulman; Treashis "Arms and the Man," from which THE DEATH PACT. Stephenson, Marion Munck, Clara neighbors. urer, Thomas J. Kennedy; Agent of the new Vienesse opera, "The ChocBloodgootl, Delia Walters, Bvclyn Growing lilies, trlees, dahlias and Official Publication, Edward McDoaolate Soldier," which comes to Cohan Did Rubinstein Keep H i t Word With MacDowell, Henry Taffar, Leo Tolgladiolus from seed are very fascinatougb. uvsky, Clarence Wortley, Hurlon 1'en- ing. They vary no from seed that any His Former Pupil? & Harris' Grand Opera House for one ny, Frances Gallagher. Protection Engine Company meet* WrilliiK her memories of Anton Itu one Is likely to get some new and week commencing Monday night, Eighth Grade—Willis Slover, Sylvia on the fourth Thursday of each month March 10, was taken, he intended to biiiHtt'ln in Harper's Magazine, a for- Brinamen, Emily Nielsen, Alice Wit- beautiful , varieties. There is great at Engine Houie, Bergen Hill, at 7:3* mer pupil IOIIH a strange slory v( lb« helm, Sophie RebfusH, Melford Roll, pleasure In watching the blooming of p. m. President, William Birmingham; sotarlze the methods of modern war- great pliiulnt'x ilenlli. each new seedling. < Benjamin Schuylcr, Marion TIIOIHH, Treasurer, Michael Welch; Foreman, Broaiwav ni A I I H U StrMt, fare and something of its bombaBt and "One wild mid blustery night 1 found Evelyn Cassldy, Elsie Applogato. The forms of back yards are endlesa Patrick Con way; Secretary, Francis bluster, but in the comic opera form, myself at dinner iitont- with Itublnas the people themselves, for each Stanton. • SOUTH AMBOT, IT. J. while the same story is very much Klein, I lie weather being terrific even back yard should expresa the IndividGeneral Morgan Lodge, He. K, L 9 . 1 School No. S. uality of the owner, and should be In In evidence, It is given in a heartier for St.. IVtorxbiirK- The winds were 0. F* meets every Tuesday evening at Seventh Grade—John Toninszcwski, 7.30 o'clock, at Knights of Pythias spirit of humor, with many inoro howling round the house, ami Itubln- Edmund Hartmann, Mildred Apple- keeping with the house and the surROOMS stcln, who llkoil to mk questions, Inroundings. Hall. Noble Grand, Syrus E. Darts; laughs for the audience. As In tha PARISEN BUILDING. quired of nic what they represented to gate. Secretary, Charles P. Thomas; FinanA simple cottage will ham a simple Seventh Grade —Olgn Hanxalek, book, "The Chocolate Soldier,' is a cial Secretary, Adolph Steiner. my mind, I replied, 'The moaning of Jacob Newmark, Edward Kirk, yard gay and sweet with homelike member of the Servian array who has lout souls.' Prow thta a theological Sixth Grade—Elrti Donnell, Mar- flowers. The stately colonial house Star BiMtag and Lean AnecMta, rather flirt and play for his cartridge iHciiHsion followed. It's A Cure That's Sure garet Brown, Alva Buckelew, Etta will have the formal garden with sunof South Amboy, N. J , meet* In Cttr box and throw them away that ho Hall, on the fourth Monday evening Sullivan, Fernando Fitch, Allen Comp- dial, pool and rore garden. The lines " 'There miiy lie n future.' he mild. -F'OHIn each month. President, Thotaa* may fill his box with chocolate " 'There in II future,1 I cried—'a great ton, Rachel Callahan, Florence New- of the houie will dominate the garRHEUMATISM, GOUT. C. Gelslnon; Secretary, John J. Delasden and both will form that harmonicreama. For this reason Nadfna, the and lienutifill future. If I die first I man, Luclle Massey. Sixth Grade—Blanche Brinamen, ous whole which we delight to call SCIATICA, AND ' ey; Treasurer, John J. Coakley. daughter of the leader of his enem- shall come to you mid prove this.' Clarence Davis, Sadie Newmark, John Lady flrae* Ledge, He. W, D. ef B. "Ho turned to mo with grant solem- Paczkowsky, Leola Stout, John Sllin- home.—Boston Globe. LUMBAGO ies, laughs at him as a "Chocolate 1. 0. O. F. Meets on the First and nity. W* ImVf cured TiioiicHiiils with sky, Carl Skow, Henrietta Dleker. Soldier"—or, as the German put It— Third Friday evening of each month. 'Good, l.iliiHcha; that is a bargain, George Munck, Catherino White, Ruth In Scully's Hall, Stevens avenue. Mr». a "tin soldier;" a laughing imitation. HAVE THEIR SPECIAL CHARM arid I will come to you.' Nilson, Margaret, Erickson, Florence S. Kaufman, N. O.; Mrs. MargaretU Mr. F. C. Whitney has spared neithAND IT WILL CURE YOU "8i.t years later in Paris I woke Nieltopp, Addie Weber, Raymond Per-' Thomas, Recording Secretary. Shrubs Planted Around House or In er time nor expense, in equipping tbis one night with a cry of agony nnd kins, Leon Kabosky. Always ill stock at Ianthe Council, No. 8, 1>. of F. I m i ' i Garden Convey the True Homeseason's production of "The Chocolate despair ringing In my ears, such us I Fifth Grade—Celia Alpine, Carrie Order of Red Men, meets every second like Appearance. Soldier" with everything calculated hope may never be duplicated in my Strusholm, Esther Rosenthal, Rayand fourth Thursday of the month, at 2.30 p. m,, in K. of P. Hall. Pocato make it a. credit tp the composers lifetime. Rubinstein's face was close mond Dowdeli, Pauline Hooley, StnPHABMACY The charm of shrubs lies in their tla Hooley, Margaret Kirk, Mary hontas, Mrs. Bertha Warner; K. of R., and the management. The costumes to mine, a countenance distorted by ev- Grynklewicz, Gladys Parisen, Cather- purely natural adaptation to nooks Broadway and Augusta Street Kate J. Berlew. were made under Mr. Whitney's per- ery phase of fear, despair, agony, re- ine Sobczak. and corners about buildings, In ths morse and finger, I started up, turned Independence Engine A Heat Ca* «onal.,«ipe|vl8lon by tha tailors and on till the lights nnd stood for a mo- Fifth Grade—Mildred Johnson, Mary borders, about well kept lawns, at the No. 1, meets 3d Monday In each month needleworkers of Bulgaria, and they ment shaking in every limb till I put Jankowsky, Ella Buckelew,' Blanche edge of trees and their true sense of at S o'clock p. m. Foreman, Martin Grover, Margaret Cleary, Ivy Rush, HARDWARE STORE IN- TOWN. are faithful in the smallest detail to fear from me and decided that it was worth, Ethel Horney, Elizabeth Pet- quiet and peacefulneBS. The begin8huler< President, John B. Wood war!; Secretary, N. N. Pearce. the strange fashions of that far-away merely a dream. I bad for the mo- ersen, Betty Pcttcrsen, Glenn Stults, ner in plant grouping is apt to maks all of his groups alike. This Is very , land. Every feature of the first two ment completely forgotten our com- Russell Payren, Raymond Raynor, easy to do, and can be avoided by the Good Samaritan Lodge, Ho. 52, M. ef P., meets every Wednesday evening acts of the opera, representing life pact News is ^always late in Paris, Ellwood Grover, Stanley Olenzack. Corner Steveoi avenue and £lnt atreet. planter having in mind the finished Fourth Grade—Edward Parker, and It was Le Petit Journal, published in a Bulgarian household, has pass- Is the afternoon, that had the first tic- John Parker, Prank Gominger, Harry effect before he begins to plant, k Hardware, Tinware, Agateware, at 8 o'clock, at Knights of Pythias Hall, corner of First and Stockton Gas tixturca. Mantels, Gas ed the scrutiny of Mr. Whitney, .who count of his sudden death. Reiner, Carleton Voorhees, Harold background Is made up most naturalstreets. Chancellor Commander, JoPlates, Etc. Stratton, Floyd McKenna, Thomas ly of trees of various kinds and alaes. seph F. Chrlstoph; Keeper of Rec{ has made more than one excursion in"Four years later Teresa- Carreno. Sanders, Andrew Trawinski, Russell In this border many specimen! of ords and Seals, William A. Chapman. to Southwestern Europe to obtain a who had Just coma from Russia and Bloodgood, Clarence Swinson, Ray- rough and uncouth growth ean b» first-band knowledge of the country wag touring America—I bad met her In mond Harris, Samuel Hunter, Bertha Seneca Tribe, No. 2t, Imn'i. 0 . *V ., meets every Thui-sday evening, at < St. Petersburg frequently at Rubin- Bright, Lillian Nelson, Norma Wort- used which do not look uncouth whan Stationery, Tobacco and Cigars and its people. a judicious planting of shrubbery is 8 o'clock, in Knights of Pythlai Hall. stein's dinner table—told me that Ru- ley, Viola Brush, Grace Oliver, Madomade In the foreground. The gardenSachem, Michael Phillips; Chief of . ' binstein died with a cry of agony Im- ine Briskie. CAHTAS OLOTM Records, George G. Clrver; Collector ' THX PAINTED YiOMAX. Third Grade—Margaret Rue, Carle- er should bear In mind that plants In possible of description. I knew then of Wampum, Stephen Miller. the foreground must stand close ex"The Painted Woman," a new ro- that even in death Rubinstein bad kept, ton Grace, Anna Watson, Norma Cas- amination. For this reason special Sterling Castle, He, M, « . fl. 1 » sldy, Katherlne Chevalier, Mildred mantic drama by Frederick Arnold as be always did, his word.'* meets first and third Saturday eveSullivan, Lloyd Nieltopp, William care should be' exercised in their Kummer, was presented by William ning of each month, at 7:30 o'clock, Brown, Frank Pohl, Lena Lukie, John choice. Flowering shrubs and herbaat Knights of Pythias Hall. Noble iukle, Anna Axen, Alexander Levan- ceous plants are especially adapted A, Brady at the Playhouse, New York, THE CUTTLEFISH. Chief, Charles T. Grace; Master of doske, William Ellison. for use in such places. Wednesday evening, March 5. Tha Records, George H. Mack. Second Grade—John Rosinski, VerI F YOU WAN! A play Is in four acts and the writer Itt Queer Ink Sac and I U Ability to non Albright, Jacob Hochheiser, AdBrotherhood of Carpentershas turned for his material and hts GOOD STEW OR FRY nndUnited Change I t i Color. For Beautiful Chinatown. dah Hamilton, Samuel Forgotson, IoJoiners of America, Local 1SS2, background to tho picturesque period The Idea of "the city beautiful" Is Sepia Is a peculiar animal substance na Harris, Florence Dey, Myrlle HanSTOP AT meets second and fourth Wednesdays in the history of the American coast obtained froiii tin- Ink bags or ink sacs sel, Georgiana Harris, Ida Newman, gaining ground. Even Chinese resiof each month In People's Hall, SayreMorrlce Reiner, Benjamin Weinstelu, dents of. America are taking It up. of cuttlefish. tville. President, Benjamin Crabiel; when buccaneers roved the Spanish Carlton. Grace Game, Alexius The Chinese chamber of commerce in Vice-President, Fred Keonig; RecordThe cuttlefish are a group of singu- Edna Main and Port Royal, on the Island Brown, Lottie Letts, Garwood Craig, ing Secretary, Fred Johnson; Finan-", of Jamaica, was tho harbor from lar sea creatures Milled to slugs, snails, James Ellison, Bernice Kirk, Peter Loa Angeles has adopted a plan for cial Secretary, Frank M. Irwin;'creating a Beautiful Chinatown in • 188 Broadway. oysters uud other no called "shell lisu." Brown, LaRue Wyckoff, John Oliver, whence their expeditions against tho Treasurer, Charles Bnglehart that city. It includes projects for a Oysters served in any style. Alto The cuttlellsh ban a sort of shell be'Mward Render, Clarence Palmer, treasuro galleons of Spain put to sen, Singing Society Llederkrant, Seitk iieuth the skin (sold under the naiou of Frederick Kurtz, William Render, Ar- large number of buildings of the Ori- sold In the shell. Orders promptly Hero the will of Morgan and his men ental type, with pagodas, a tea gar-attended to. ' Amboy. Practice of singing takea 'cuttlelwuc"), a pair of large eyes and hur James, William Wingler. • was law, and the drama concerns it- n horuy beak. Like all molluscs, they place every Monday of each month at First Grade—LeRoy Mathis, Wil- den and other things. This sounds 8 p. m. Business meeting held every self with Riiniona, a captive Spanish have no real limbs at nil, but from bur Oliver, Richard Palmer, Anna like a permanent Midway of the Chifirst Monday of each month at 9 maiden, who is compelled to yield to iround the heat! there spring olgbt or rasnal, Alan Brown, Eugene Bright, neae type. Of course, business conp. m. Fred Thumbart, President; Harold Dill, Maurice Steiner, Mabel siderations are at the back of the the bucanecr tyranny. len long tentacles, each armed with Kutscher, vice-president; Harry RickHarris, Donald Reed. enterprise; the projectors think'that TRAINS LEAVE SOUTH AMBOY ard, secretary; Chas. Steuerwald, numerous suckers. Though hold a prisoner by ono of the Chinese residents will thus win By forcibly squirting out the sea waFor New York, Newark .and Eliza- treasurer; B. Grobe, librarian. tho lenders of the "lircthern of th« ter which it lias taken In the sepia more attention from Americans. But beth 6.23, 7,07, »7.32, 7.60, •8.U, Court Baritnn, No. 41, F. of A* meet* if this Los AngeleB movement i helps 10.01, at const,," and by tho Into of the van- can shoot backward thruueu tbu WHter Hati Denoted Liberty. 11.11 a. m.; 12.03, 12.28, J.41, In Rome slaves, wh°n they received to end the Chinatown eyesores that 4.35, 6.00, 5.57, 8.08, p. ra. Sundays, on the second, and fourth Wednesdays quished hla slave, sho Is also, as tho will) groat speed. Tin; sopln Is Inturof each month, at S p. m., In Protecwomen of the town cnll her, IIIB listing, too, us being able to change its their liberty at their masters' hands, exist in many placeB, it iB a movement 8.26, a. m.; 1.17, 5.02, 6.47, 9.22 p. m,tion Hall. Chief Ranger, Marcus toward the good. It Is interesting to wore cone-shaped felt hate, which "light o' love." Agninst this llfi;, color in a measure so as to harmonize For Long Branch, Asbury Park,' etc., Peterson; Sub-Chief Ranger, Louis note that many Chinese progressives 5.22, 9.12 a m.; 12.07, s2.10, 4.39, 6.08, Borland: Finan. Secretary, Edward though it 1B one of npparent case and with its smruiimliiigs. Just under the came to be the symbol of liberty. urge steps in an opposite direction; After the death of Nero tho citizens 6.39, 10.00 p. m. 12.56 night. Sundays Dewan; Treasurer, Michael Zupko; luxury, her spirit rebels. She sub- opuiost layer uf sliin there are ills- of Rome wore pointed hats to show they would have Chinamen in Amer- 4.55, 9.42, a. m.; 5.02, 10.07, p, m. Rec. Secretary, Louis Melnzer; Sr. rllmted all over the surfnee of the mits, however, until with the comthat they were relieved from the op- ica adopt American customs in tho For Freehold. 5.22, 7.08, 9.12, a. ra Woodward, Nelson Banks; Jr. Woodtody n number (if culls, containing a ing of Puritan sailors, from, the New 12.07, 2.27, 5.39, 6.26. 6.39, p. m. Sunmatter of buildings, clothing, etc. If ward, Nelson Kylest; Sr. Beadlo, dark pigment. When tlicse cells are pression of a tyrant. Later on, when England const—to trade their honest expanded I lie surface of the boily be- tho Netherlands threw off the Span- this progressive Idea carries the day, days, 11.10, a. m.; 5.02, 10.07, p. m. Michael Press; Jr. Beadle, Ludwlg 8 Saturdays only. Hartman; Trustees, Aaron Hyer, Sr.. cargoes for buccaneer loot—sho ilnda comes darkly spotted, but as they me ish yol;p, they adopted a hat in thotho distinctive Asiatic Features of •New York only. Richard McCloud, Sr., Andrew KronChinatowns would disappear, ..oat of arms of that nation. lerself in love with a merchantman oulrurteil Hie creature looks paler. meyer. malo. Upon, this romance the play Though liesst (levelopcd in (he si'pia FIRE ALAItM SIGNALS. Beautifying the Home. turns, detailing a utory of love, pas- and its ueari'st allies, nearly every All decorative planting of homo 27—Stockton and First streets. .OVER 65 YEARS' sion, jealousy and .nilrontiire tlnl member of the cnltle.nsli group pos- itliST KNOWN COUGH RKJIEDY EXPERIENCE grounds should have for its first and 32—Bordentown avenue and Feltui brings the rigid Puritan cotlr into viv- sesses :III ink sue Thu ink sac constreet. For forty-throe years Dr. King's highest aim the beautifying of tha .talus Ilio dark pigment secreted by a 3G—Broadway nnd Augusta street. id contrast with tho lawless ruin of New Discovery has been known home, for the enjoyment of the home bneennner might. Rainomi, Innocent spi'i'hil j-'liwiil. When ilisi-overi'il or hroughout the world as the, most ro- people. How it wiirfook to outsiders 45—Main nnd Augusta streets. 54—Broadway and Bordentown aveof wrong, is tho prey of conditions pursued liy an enemy tlii? sc|ii:i ilis- inblc cnugh remedy. Over three mil- Is never lo be lost uiKht of, but tbo nue. rbnru'es snnii' nf its ink through :i and circumstances and I lie victim of suit of funnel or lube. T h e plyiiienl ion bottles were used last year. Isn't first consideration should be, must be, fiS—P. R. R. Yard Master's Office. 1ho conllict bohveen Nuw ISnglnnil mixes with wnlur very (illicitly tim! Lhis proof? It will got rid of your how it will look from within. It must 72—John street and Stevena avenue Tn.i:--- MARKS ideals nnd Port. Royal morals. The forms ii (lurk cloud of inky water, l>o- :nugh or we will refund your money. be,a home picture for home-folk. This 81—Fourth and Potter streets. l>-r.Kr> same law or construction should rule COPYRIGHTS &C. young mate's \nvn triumphs, however, y u i d which till' sepia will d a r t ink) I. J. Owens, of Allcndale, S. C, writes Anvnrm FCiKitni: n -i.i J .-I- ;iu.i . i , ' (YiiiHnii nmy within and without. iMll''IMy used-mill (.!ir ui'H.ii'i l n : j IYI,.-1HT till prevailing against, the sti>rn denun- safely. Signal Code. ho way hundreds of others have; lnvi'nHi:ll It pnil'iiMv fun ' i , " • ' ', ••i.iiiMlilr'lI HMhctly <'"iniiliMiti.il. IIAulllW. oi, I'uU'iiui ciations of bis BhipmufcH, niul HninSepias a r o often cauj.'bl in nets with lone: "After twenty years, I find that 1 tap wire trouble or fire out. PHIL frt'C. IM'K'Sl lit-'i'l'V l o r h"i:in,l;- |i|i!f!iH. His Past T h e lishcruien. ilesplslii); Ilii" 1'ntiMitn tiilii'ii ( I J T ' I H - I I M U M ; , t i V . l e r e l v r onn, jilpnding her own cause success- Hah. 2 taps 12 o'clock or teat. )r. King's New Discovery is the best Iliinkln—Ray, did you ever do set- 3-3-3 General alarm. l l iiuflcf, w i t h o u t , c mti!! fully, is saved in the end from slav- cuttles, throw Ihein mil upon I be emeily for coughs and colds that I tlement work? 4 followed by company number the* ery in tile cnnu-Zlelds (if the Interior. beach, and (lion they may bo seen ly- lnve ever lined." For coughs or colds Fyle— No. In my younger days, box number means that said coming in tiny pools of dense black liquid \ JinmlflomrJy njuplrnleil woclily. .Tyirsrest firpany IB wanted there with apparaFlorence Heed appears in the role and continually oozing out more ink In ml all throat and lung troubles, it though, I did someunsettlenieut work; mint Urn i<( /my priRiMitle Journal. '1 rn;ia, t'i ft tus. yrnri four iiiimtlie, |L. Sultl li/nll m-wMiwilur-. of Rnmnna. in the eompaay aro a vain attempt at concealment.—Chi- uis no equal. Tiflr; and $1.00 at all 1 used to lecture on "Tha Folly of Be- 5-6—Police force wanted to report bj lieving in a Hereafter." 361Broortwav ruggists. Jubynn Iluvvland, Louise Everots, cago Tribune. telephone or In perBon to Cltjr Hall Odorless Excavator MAVIh QUINLAN. Henry s« Dr. GEORGE LUKE HAVELL DENTIST JONES BREAK/UP A. O. FAUXSXN'S LOWEST PRICED O. I. BERGEN MH00L MJPPLIES-Big Stock OYSTERS! P. P. KENAN'S CAFE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL s Scientific Jfmcricatie MUNN & Co. New York. llnncti Offlco, ea F St.. WMIIIUISIUII, 1). C THE SOUTH AJfBOY CI.TIZEK, COMPLAIN OF STREET LIGHTING.had presented a petition last June to that effect He suggested that city engineer draw, plans, etc., with ap (Continued' from Page One.) proximate cost, so that the same could SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1913. ? S. J . Mason 75 00 be placed before the State Road Com J. J. Braney 36 00 missioner. Also that the clerk comItems of Interest Presented In OPPOBTCNITIES FOB ILL. Collins & , Gundrum 150 00 municate with Mr. Stevens asking for Mason 50 00 appointment at his office in Trenton Short Paragraphs for Busy S.S. J.J. Mason FOB KMT. 33 00 with a committee from the council J. P. Shanley Co 856 26 He thought the State might make an Readers. FOIl KENT—House, 7 rooms. ii George street .Apply to It. V. Mason, first street. J. F. Shanley Co 84 23 appropriation on this thoroughfare. 3-8-tf M. & M. E. L. H. & P. C o . . . . 19 S3 The members of the Girls' Friendly FOR KKN'f-llouse. 7 rooms, bath, all im On motion of Mr. Slover, Mr. O'Conprovemeutu, 176 Henry Btreet, rear Stevens Society are planning to present H. W. Lambertson »32 1 0 nors' suggestion will be carried out. avenue. Apply to Dolan, 174 Henry street. H. Wolff & Co . . . . . *13 70 r v "Anita's Trial" later in the year. On resolution of Mr. Stratton, It FOR KENT—House on Main Btreet, near Labor, teams 16 0'J Broadway: recently remodeled throughout, was ordered that $40 be paid to all modern Improvements; mas, electric light Labor, garbage. "49 30 Lee Clark, the taxidermist, at Mor«t€»m beat, batli, toilets, range, wash trays, James Campion for one month's ser52 63 hardwood floors, etc. Apply to JosepluWII gan, is having an exhibit and display Labor,, streets vices at the "Hole-ln-the-Wall." •on. 2-16-tf Bond of William Maxfleld as consta. room built adjoining his shop at that The Board of Trade was granted tho KOEHKNr—jrooms, gas, city water, toilet, ble was received and ordered filed. 196 Broadway. Apply on premises or Mrs. place. Klohard O'Connor, Second street, 1-2&-1 Also insurance policy on City Hall use of the City Hall for Friday eve TO LET—Five room bouse, city water, on , ning, and the Council accepted inviThe young mea who went to Wash- for" $4,500. Catherine st. Mrs. J. V. Kmlllussen. 1-iVtf tation to attend the meeting. The report of Police Justice BirmFLAT TO LET on David Btreet-P. J ington this week report that Congress The Board of Education was grant Monaghan. 1-tl-tf man Scully gave them great attention^ ingham showed that during February ed the use of the hall for meetings $35 had been collected for fines an,! and made/ their visit most delightful. FOIt KENT-Store, 192 Broadway, 1'. F. Kenan. 7-«-tf petty licenses, and money turned ov- on such dates as do not conflict with meetings of the Council. FOH RKNr—Hooms In Parlsen Building. A lire drill was held in the Public or to treasurer. On motion of Mr. O'Connor, amendSteam heat, electric light and water. InReport of Superintendent* Martin Schools on Wednesday. This is tho quire on premises. ' 6-7-tf mended by Mr. Slover, the cleric was stated that $310.69 had been expended first drill held this year but the Instructed to communicate with the schools were emptied in a very short! for laying, .water main on Portia Middlesex and Monmouth Electric FOB 8A1B. street. It was received and ordered time. Light, Heat and Power Co., demand(lied. PROPERTY FOB 8ALK—House, 5 rooms, ing that the lights be kept burning all latest improvements, undone lot, ou AnOn resolution offered by Mr. O'Confuatastreet,Kastufrailroad, Apply toMi-n. "Song of Redemption," is the title later in the morning than In tho past, Patrick (Jrlniee, oil the premises 3-8-2 ' nor, the contract for repairing anil of a now hymn just published. The and to keep tho lights burning ench FOU SAI.IS CHKA1' to quick buyer. 7 words are by Benjamin Green, of thin liainting fire tower was awarded to night. room iiouse city water and gas. Lot 60x101) feet, with barn. U, K, Applugato, 1'raspeel city, and music by Russell Hancock Willlnm H. Parlsen. Mr. Slovor spoko of instuncoH whero 3-8-tf The cleric read report of John D. street. Miles, of Philadelphia, lights wero not burning for thren FOH SALE—Property, corner George Mullane RB overseer ot tho poor for street and Broadway, consMUng or 2 lots, niglitfl in succession, February. Mr. Stratton moved that •tore with 12 roonm.aud store with II rooms A large number of members of SenMr. I'enrso roported that tho Muland basement. Low price to quick buyer Inquire or tire. Elizabeth itoll'nian, John eca Tribe, No. 23, Improved Order of It should be received and filed. •2-22-tf •treet. Mr. O'Connor moved to amend that lane cortlorarl case hud b«en deferred RedMen, attended tho Great Council until April 1. FOH SALK OHISAl'—Hoiise, i:i rooms and They no action ho. taken on report. Mo! ion three lots, on AuguBta streot. Una, steam at Atlantic City this week. He also Hpoke of the District Court as amended carried, Slovor nn;l heat, bath, not and cold water. For particu- were accompanied by flreat Junior Hiitt for Hillary, and slated that owititlars apply toJ. J. .Scully or A. II. Greene, Stratton voting against, Sagamore C. T. Grace, of this city. Steveng avenue. • 'M Solicitor Pcnrso reported Unit the. to ponding enso in court, the Judge FOH SALK-Kight lots on David and deferred doclslon, Henry street, easterly of the N. V. & L. il. H 11. Apply to A, Steluer, SBUIiurch street. Sunday morning, March 9, the Or- 'olumbla-Knlckerkockor Trust Co. had Solicitor Poaroe stated that he had to reprint schoolbonds, at nn extra dinance of Baptism will be adminisiiiudo an agreement In the Stults FOR BALK—A special bargain In a-nine room house and 3 lots, city water and gas or tered in the Baptist Church. An en- expense of IJ29.O0, over iiml nbovo citHo, accepting $250. electric llghu. Also 6 room house, tine yard tire day of good things. Read of tho original cost of $C».'70. \ With flowers and fruits. (Jan, hot and cold On motion of Mr. O'Connor, tho On resolution offered by 'Mr. Slo•'water,largestationary range. Also several spiritual treat awaiting nil who coma ork was Instructed to notify thj •pedal farm bargains ranging from nix acres ver, it wan ordered that a noto for upwards. Silota In Ulock 41 bis. ntasacrttlce in another column of this paper. price All lot* are extra sine, same as deep $3,000 'be discounted at tho First Na- THcy Central Traction Company and MttOtoat, CharleiS. Huckelew 6-25-M tho Public Service Street Railway Co. ional Bank, . TO PBOrKBTY OWNEltS-1 make a i, r The baskotball game between th« to till In between their tracks on StevWarrants 16,816 and 17,747 wcru tMelalty of managing estate* and col lee tin* girls' High School team of this city, ens, Dordentown and Pine avenues, m U , and can collect yours better than you eported to be lost and new warrants ' ean collect your own. 1 will take charge of and Keyport this afternoon at K. ot and also to place culverts on Stevens four rtpalraand collect for a per cent. You Hall, Is open to the public, ami were ordered lssued,save no trouble chasing delinquents. You avenue in proper condition, come to my office on the loth of each month Mr. O'Connor offered a resolution ana gat an Itemized statement and iiheok will be a good opportunity lor those la full. Wm. H, Parlsen, real estate and iln- who have never witnessed this game stating that the improvement on Davenrance, 189 Broadway, South Amboy, N. ,1. to do so. The girls would like to seo id street east of Broadway, had co&t a record-breaking crowd present. Ad- $1,238.41, and Instructing the clerk to mission, 15 cents. Doors open at 2.30; orward copy of same to commissionnsciixinoui. ers on assessment. It was adopted. game commences at 3 o'clock. NURSINQ-Mrs. K.C. Davlaon, a profesOn resolution, It was ordered that sional nurse, Is open (or engagements. Ad" • Mrs. Alfred I'enuy, Ueorie street. 3-1-3 The services at the Methodist EpisA delivery auto, No. 15,579, N. J., 10O copies of city ordinances he printcopal Church this Sunday will be In WOOD FOB SALE-Cord Wood, long tire owned by S. Ratner, 623 Warren st., ed. 'wood, by the load; chestnut and locust posts On motion of Mr, Manhattan, tho charge of R. P. Mason, Sr. Mr, Mason cut to order, any length-Frank Heluzer, Newark, was left standing by tho 1241-4 IK Broadway.) chauffeur at Broadway and Main street committee on fire department were will deliver the sermon In tbe mornMONEY TO LOAN In s u m s ot 1100, MOD, »t00 ordered to place alarm boxes at Pino Ing and will be In charge of the eve. IMU, awn and up to U N O . Inquire at Law on .Tuesday, while he stopped to make O O o n o f John a. Lovelf. 119 broad way. •ome inquiries. The wind was blow- ayenue and Henry street and at Cen- ning service, although the address er and Walnut streets. ;~~ It that time will be made by Mr. L. ' MONET TO MMN on Bond and Mortcags ing a gale from the northwest, and apply to J. a, Conn. P. O. Bulldlnr. )?•• i Robinson, of Newark, one of the Mr. ,O'Connor stated the property its force started the machine down, nrs' on Stevens' S t n s ' a venue were Motf fost prominent speakers ot the New the grade on Broadway. Il ran into owners' I'ersey Antl Saloon League. the barber pole of Stephen Clauer at lous to have street improved, and WORK WA.NTED-A. woman would like First street, and also broke the post to do washing and Ironing at home or to go out by tbe day. House cleaning or any that supported the awning. The mawork. Mrs. Johnson, 60 David street. 8-1-2 chine was damaged somewhat, and tho lamps destroyed. It was fortunate , For Fountain FOB and Oonoral ! ) • • there was but little travel on tho Wad Papers, street at th« time, or serious damage might have resulted. Ornoi—First Screec. n««r Broadway. Robert P. Mason Will Deliver Sermon Brown Bros. Specials! Don't get in tho rut of buyiog your groceries in a haphazard way. Look around a bit and compare prices. A penny or two saved on each item you buy will net you a handsome dividend at the end of each month. Also please bear in mind that the quality of our goods is second to none in the state. Think the matter ov.er and give us a trial :•: :•: :•: Specials from Saturday to Tuesday Magnolia Milk, can • l O e (Low Cost of LitlotT.) Cream ol Wheat, pkg. l $ c . 2 lor Faney Norway Mackerel,1 lb. 1 3 c (Low Cost of Living.) Faney Maine Style Corn, e a n (Low Cost of Living.) Gold Medal Flour, 243^ lb. sack 7 9 c (Low Cost of Llvlnjr.) Red Alaska Salmon, very special, can 1 4 c Ohio Matches, don't miss this one, 8 pkgs. 2 5 c Washboards, brass or ztnc 15c each, 2 for 2S« Domestic Sardines, box.... SUo Economy Peas, can Be (reg. 12c brand, very special.) Pink Alaska Salmon, can Ac Post Tavern Special, large size ISc Small size 9c Karo Syrup 9e tut, I for 25c STAMP SPECIALS. 11.00 In ttampi with following! Golden Santos Coffee, l b . . 28o Eagle (Corn gtarch, pkg.. 10c Vanilla or Lemon Ex., bot 18e Egg Plums, can 15c Pearl Borax Powder, box,. 8c Lusks' Mustard, bot 10c Eagle Cocoa, bot lSe Best Ammonia, bot 10c All kinds of Cheese on sale: American, Pimento, Imported Swiss, Limburger, Phila. Cream, Rocquefort and Snappy Cheese. Brown Bros. Tea Co. BLUE FRONT 183 Broadway •>, Telephone 153-W won GIDDIJVCtS Ceilings, Shades Dry-dcaned like o PBE9BITEBIAH ITEMS. On Sunday evening Mr. G. E. Bar; kety who has been with us before and You can dolt yourself with Wal-Cal- who has rendered such delightful I n e — q u i c k l y , spiritual service, will be witn us easily without lit- again. He will .speak to us and also ter—saving '. the |}ng several selections for us. We inexpense "kii- y 0 U to this service, but don't rating, the ,i ance of covering furnr8nrng"s"over,"tK(B.7*oinfi. to be entertained, but edified by .the-jiiessages of this enthusiastic soul drudgery of cleaning afterward;; winner.' The pastor of the church begins on Sunday morning a series of Sermons "Cleans Walls Without on -"Religion." The first theme will Makes soil, smoke, be': "Religion, Man's Need." Do you soot from stoves •nd lamps disapknow that practically every nation pear like magic. land tribe on the face of the earth 76c can renovates has a religion? The universality of reoAe to two rooms. ,JU1 regular sizes. ligion is a silent testimony of Its need, Come and follow up this series ot S6* 40c, 75c, $1.75 sermons. For nnlu by The time draws near'for that feast Harvey MaeOowill of good things which the Ladles' Aid1 237 llroadwivy Society is planning, Great preparations are being made to bring this LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! supper up to the former standard, and What You Can Get At The even to make it tha lest ever. Let us impross your mind again with the date—March n t h , St. Patrick's Day. Butter, Eggs, Milk, Croam, Pot Tho Junior C. E. Society Is preparCheese, Bottled Milk, ing to celebrate tho anniversary Any Kind of a Lunch Meals Frofli G A. M. Until 8 P. M. of Its birth on Monday evening, March 10, at 7.30 o'clock. A good time Is Oysters, Claris and Sandwiches. being prepared for the members and Board by the Day of Week Chowder by the Pint or Quart tholr invited friends. Home rando Pies and Baked Beam to order. NOTICE. MBS. W. II. M I N E S . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT •8 First Street, South Amboj, IT. J. the Commissioners of Assessment of Telephone 187. the City of South Amboy will meet at tho City Hall in said City on Wednesday, March the Twenty-sixth, at the hour of 8 p. m., for tho purpose of hearing all parties Interested in n If you want egg« whon KKS to 7£>o per da/.on, certain public improvement, to wit: "buy our wlntar laying stock. the laying of sidewalks on both sides Foby. Men. April Mny of David street between Broadway and RoBowell street. Hatching EKSH 5c Se So 4c RICHARD M. MACK. BauyChlx 12$ 12c 1 0 c Clerk. Will hatch your ORgs lor 81.DO por Iray, (75 3-8-3 WAL-CAL-IND People's Lunch Room Single Goml) White Leghorns IIVK A 'Self-Filling Fountain Pen Free with a Quart E. H . J A l | l KN P H ARM A1Y ;."..-<. Agent for G i d d i n g s I n k . Spring Goods Arriving We want to draw your special attention to our new spring line of Ladies' Shirt Waists, This beautiful line cannot be described on • paper, to do justice to them, come in and see for yourself. Following are a few specials: White Bntiste Waist, beautifully trimmed with shadow insertion and hand embroidf, eiy, special at $2.25 Fine White Lawn Waist, made up of fine pin tucks, Val. insertion, hand embroidery, at 2 . 2 5 White Voile Waist, open front and Robespierre collar, trimmed with colored glass buttons, tucks and emby, very special at 1.75 Fine White Striped Dimity Waists, with low neck and short sleeves, trimmed • with Irish crochet lace, fine value at - 1.49 Saturday Special! All Men's 50c Dress or Working Shirts, special from 3 to 6 P. M. at -eggs)iuid guarantee sumo caroful attention as own receive. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT TERTILITY KUNNFNG 88 PER CENT tho Commissioners of Assessment of A. 0 . EBNST, the City or South Amboy will meet Tel llU-W. Sonth Amboy, T). J. at tho City Hal! in snitl City on Wednesday, March the Twenly-slxth, at Wo Make the hour of S p. m., for the purpose of hearing all parties; Interested In n carlnin public tmprovpinnnt, to wit: the paving of Bnmdway In Rnld City And Bug Rugs Out of Your Rugs from Main struct, to Uordentown avi;nup. J. MILLER, 1UCHARD M. MACK". Clerk. 815-317 Sinte St, Perth Aniboj, If. J. 3-8-3 FINE RAG CARPETS WersolH renton A good watch for the railroad man Gives the service he needs at a fraction of the price of other equally accurate watches. It is adjusted to rive positions, two more than required in railroad tests. Its beautiful case and movement are fully guaranteed. 7 to 19 jewels $5.0Oto|35.'0O SAMUEL KINSXLFNGEB Jeweler anjl Optician Opposite Central B. B. Stotlo*. NO LiET U P ! And it's no wonder, for one tells another what WONDERFUL VALUES they are getting at A. L. KiVFIM'S SELLING OUT SALE! of the best and most reliable grade of Boots and Shoes Never in the history of South Araboy have HIGH GRADE shoes been sold SO LOW BUY! If You Have to Borrow the Money! None sold before or after the hour at that price. M. KAUFMAN 150 Broadway South Amboy A. L. KAUFMAN Opposite Post Office South Amboy, N. J . THE SOUTH AJTBOI CITIZEN. WILSON MADE PRESIDENT. first essential of justice in the body great trust? Who dares fall to try? politic, if men and women and child- I summon all honest men, all patriotic JL ren be not shielded in their lives, all forward-looking men, to my side. (Continued from Page One.) their very vitality, from the conse- Cod helping me, I will not fail them, , T E R M S : - O N E VKAB: $1 IN ADVANC of great industrial and social If tlit y will but counsel and sustain and definite purpose. No one canquences TELEPHONE 14«-M processes which they cannot alter, mistake the purpose for which th« Control, or singly cope with. Society nation now seeks t o , use the Demo- must s i c Pl'KMSHEIl BV to it that it does not itself cratic party. It seeks to use it to crush or weaken TUB SOUTH AJ1BOY I'lllNTINIi CO. damage its own FOR THIS WEEK AT interpret a change in its own plans constituent parts. orThe first duty of and point of view. Some old things law Is to keep sound the society it Administrators, Knecutors and Guardlani with which we had grown familiar, serves. Sanitary laws, pure food (Continued from Page One.) and which had begun to creep into the laws, and Till please bear In mind that tI»sjWnal Is laws determining condilegal nowBpaper aud therefore a proper med- very habit of our thought and of our tions of labor which individuals are with President Harrison and as soon lives, have altered their aspect as we powerless to determine for them- as he was ushered into the President's ium for the publication of tbelr notices. have latterly looked critically upon selves intimate parts of the very office he told the chief executive that them, with fresh, awakened eyes; have businessare 113 David Street. All commuulcatlom or Items of news reof justice and legal efficiency. Cape May wanted the Marine Band dropped their disguises and shown delved by us must be accompanied by the I These are some of the things we ) . themselves alien and sinister. Some for two weeks. President Harrison ilgnilture of the writer to Insure publlcatio: new things, as we look frankly upon I ought to do, and not leave the others explained that it would be setting up J Entered in tho l ost OHice at South A in bo; them, willing to comprehend their real undone, the old-fashioned, never-to-be- a precedent by allowing the band to character, have come to assume the neglected, fundamental safeguarding as Beconii class mall matter. aspect of things long believed In and of property ana of individual right. leave the capital on such a trip but it Prime Rib Roast, Small Pork Loins for roasting and familiar, stuff of our own convictions. j t h i s is the high enterprise of the new the close of the conversation the boosWe haye been refreshed by a new| day: to lift everything that concerns ter-preacher left with an executive SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1913. Legs of Spring Lamb at lowest insight Into our own life. our life as a nation to the light that order sending the Marine Band to We see that in many things that shines from the hearthfire of every Cape May at the disposal of the compossible prices. SCULLY D01KG TJUNUS. life is very great. It is incomparably I man's conscience and vision of tlic right. It is inconceivable that, we mittee. He then took up the wargreat in its material aspects, in its There was a time when all of tho Telephone Orders body of wealth, in the diversity and i should do this as partisans; it Is in- vessels problem with Senators Sewell Quality and Weight Guaranteed money available'for the improvements sweep of its energy, in the industries conceivable we should do it_ ill igWill Receive and Learning and following Senator norance of the facts as they" nre or of the nation's waterways was grab- which have been conceived and built Hallo 26-J Careful Attention in blind haste. We shall restore, not Sewell into Secretary Tracey's office, bed by the Congressmen and Sena- up by the genius of individual men destroy. Wo shall deal with our ecoagain made a plea for "any kind of a tors from the West, with the result und tho limitless enterprise of groups | nomic system as It is and as It may of men. It Is great, also, very greai, tub with a gun in it if he couldn't that a. fine system of waterways has In its moral force. Nowhere else In be modified, not as it might ue if wo get a battleship." Secretary Tracey beon developed in territory where the the world have noble men and wom-had a clean sheRt of paper to write reconsidered tho matter and, possibly, upon; and step by step we shall en exhibited in more striking forms shipping Interests do not comiiaro make .it what it should lie, In to silence the irrepressable pasfor, the beauty and tho energy of sympawith the interests of the East. But thy' and helpfulness and counsel in tho spirit of those who question ordered the "Dolphin" oT the original things have changed since Congress- their efforts to rectify wrong, alleviate their own wisdom and seek counWhite Squadron and the "Vesuvius" The unflersignod desires to announce sel and knowledge, not shallow man Scully went to Washington and suffering, and set the weak In the way to report at Cape May on July 2nd. self-satlfifaction or the excitement of of strength and hope. We have built became a member of the Rivers and that he will continue the Underup, moreover, a gr/at system of gov- excursions whither they cannot tell. Harbors Commission. He has taken ernment, On Sunday morning at sunrise, the which has stood through ,• Justice, nnd only Justice, filial! always taking b u s i n e s s of tho lute James T. Monaghan, care of the interests of the East'aml long age as In many rosnectB a mode lie our motto. Marino Hand arrived In Cape May and will promptly answer H 11 calls sent to the resiparticularly of New Jersey. He hasfor those who BOPII to set>liberty upAnd yet it will be no cool proeoss and marched from the station playtc stand abuse from some of the men on foundations that will endure of more "science. Tho nation has been Ing "Onward, Christian Soldiers." Tho ' denco of Thos. Monagban, 112 Bordontown Ave., d a y against fortuitous • change, again? stirred, stirred by a solemn Interested in the West, but lie hasstorm and accident, Our life contains deoply passion, stirred by the knowledge of b&ntl nsHlsted In the services at tho or night, and will guanmtoe expert services and perstood his ground well and has won.every great thing, and contains It In wrong, of Ideals lost, of govornmout Baptist Church wltli their sunoru too often debauched and mails an In- mimic on both Sundays they wero in Middlesex Is represented by a nuii rich abundance. sonal attention. South Amboy telephone 209-J strument of ovll, Tho I'flollngH witli who does things and does them well Uut the evil has come with the which we face this new age of right Capo Mny, They elected Mr. Neal Perth Amboy Phone, Office, 222- M —New Brunswick Times. good, and much fine gold has been and opportunity sweop across our chaplain of the band and tho WashResidence, 148-M corroded. With riches has conio In- heart-strings' lllio HOIIIO air out of ington Light Infantry honored him H-8-62 oxcuaablo waste. Wo have squandered (iod'H own presence, whore jiiHtico with tlie sanm office In their regiment, a great part of what we might have and mercy are Reconciled anil tlm WOMAN'S CLUII HOLM used, and have not stopped to con-judge nnd tho brother are ono. WA According to the paper, the raillNTEItriSTIMJ WKKTIXJ serve the exceeding bounty of naturn, roads carried ovor 20,000 people to The Woman's Club of South Amboy Without which our genius for enter- know our task to be no mere tusk of politics hut a taski which shall Cape May from tho IIrut to the fourth met Thursday afternoon in the City prise would have been worthless and Hearth us through and through, of July, and over $30,000 wna spent Hall. There were about seventy pres- Impotent,' scorning to be . careful whether we be able to understand our shamefully prodigal as well as ad-time and the need of our poopln, In the town by the visitors. ent.. In the absence ot the president, mirably efficient. We huve beon are necessary to good health. Don't neglect decayed Atlantic City's mayor then tried to Mra. Charles Clark, the meeting was proud of our industrial aohievemcntu, whether we be indeed their spokesmen and interpreters, whether wo called to order by Vice-President Mra but we have not hitherto stopnci huve the pure heart to cotnproheml gut Mr, Neal to come over and help teeth. Have them attended. I use only the very best thoughtfully enough to count the hu-and the rectified will to choose our put Atlantic City on the map, but Newell James. , materials. My methods are the most modern, and man cost, the cost of liven snuffed when they found that President Neal, The secretary, Miss Charlotta Mil- out, of energies overtaxed and broken high course of action. of the Citizens1 Committee, was Rev. 1 you pay me no more for good work than you pay for ler, read the minutes ot the last meet the fearful physical and spiritual cost This Is not a day of triumph; It !n Neal, of tho Baptist Church, it stir-, Ing which were approved and ac-to the mem and women and children ii day of dedication, Mere muster, not poor work to be had elsewhere. Consultation Free. upon whom the dead weight and bur the forces of party, but the forces- of prised them. cepted. T^T> G A T T*TTX> *•««««*« •UlLDWO, den of it all has fallen pitilessly the humanity. Men's hearts wait., upon ———o • XJXX. Ox\-J-J J. JliJTt, II7-II* Smith Street The treasurer, Miss Mack, read a years through. The groans and agony UH; men's lives hang in the balance; Any man's credit 1B good when it Also flsuth River PERTH AMBOY, N. J . report which was accepted. It sinto.I of it all had not yet reached our ears, men's hopes call upon us to say what that there was a balance of $60.28 in the solemn, moving undertone of our we will do. Who shall live up to the comes to borrowing trouble. life, coming up out of the mines and the treasury. factories and out of every home where A communication was read from Mi; the struggle had its intimate and faD. W. Reed. A check for $25.00 was miliar seat. With the great governwent many deep secret things enclosed which wag (or the prpose of ment we too long delayed to look Into and m i s t i n g the Woman's Club in the scrutinize with candid, fearless eyes. commendable work which they have The great government we loved has too often been made use of for priattempted to accomplish. vate and selfish purposes, and those It was moved that the communica- who used it had forgotten the people tion and check be accepted by a risAt last a Vision has been vouching vote of thanks. Motion carried safed us of our life as a whole. We unanimously. see the bad with the good, the deA bill of 70c from Miss Miller for a based and decadent with the sound' and vital. With this vision we apminute book was read and ordered proach new affairs, Our duty is to paid. cleanse, to reconsider, to restore, to A report was read by Mrs. George correct the, evil without impairing the Gundrum, chairman of committee on good, to purify and humanize every streets, which contained suggestion's process of our common life without wenkenlng or sentimentalizing It. that communications be sent to the There has been something crude and City Council and to the Boa,rd of heartless and unfeeling in our haste Health .concerning important matters to succeed and be great. Our thought of public Interest and that a public has been 'Let every man look out for himself; let every generation look out letter be placed in the South Amboy for Itself,' while we reared giant ma Citizen concerning the same. Report cbinery which made it impossible that any but those who stood at the was accepted. evers of control should have a chance Mrs. James introduced to the club to look out for themselves. We hadl Mrs. Ropes, of Montclalr, who i i a not forgotten our morals. We remember of the State Federation of membered well enough that we had set up a policy which was meant to Woman's Clubs. serve the humblest as well as the Mrs. Ropes's address wai clear, most powerful, with an eye single to forcible and Interesting. It was stat- the standards of justice and fair play, ed that the work as outlined by the and remembered it with pride. But we were very heedless and in a hurWoman's Club of South Amboy, was ry to be great. along the same lines as the work of We have come now to the sober the Federation Clubs. Mrs. Ropes scond thought. The scales of heedmentioned and gave a brief descrip- essness have fallen from our eyes. tion of various departments of work We have made up our minds to square , such as; Public Education, Civic Im- svery process of our national life provement, Legislative Work, Pure galn with tho standards we so proudy set up at the beginning and havo Foods, Public Health and Household lways. carried at our hearts. Our Economics, and suggested methods of vork is a work of restorallon. p(rooedure. as to Just how this work We have itemized with some degree could be accomplished. Interesting if particularity the things that ought ' exnmploa wore given of the methods 0 be altered and here are some ot he chief Items: A tariff which cuts Used in Montclalr In some of tho iff from our proper part in the comdifferent lines of work. ueroe of the world, violates the just irlnciplos of taxation, and makes the At the conclusion of her talk, Mra. ovornmont a facile instrument in ASTER IS T H E NATIONAL GOOD CLOTHES DAY: A YOUNG MAN WITHOUT A NEW Ropes extended an Invitation to the he hands of private Interests; a bank• Woman's Club to jnln (lie Stale Fed- ng and currency system based upon suit on Easter day feels like a barren tree in a forest of budding foliage. But why not make your new he necessity of the government to eration. ell Ita bonds fifty yeurs ago and perA rising vote of thanks to Mra. Easter suit the best? The men who lead the Easter parade on March 23 will be Royal Tailored men. ctly adapted to concentrating cash Ropes was passed to show tho appro- nd restricting credits; an industrial bation of the club for. her remarks. yatotii which, take It on all sides, It costs absolutely no more to have your Easter suit made to order by \he famous Royal Tailors of Chicago Mrs. Miller made a motion that tho Inuncinl as well as administrative, local Woman's Club join tho Stato olin; capital In leading strings, reand New York than it would cost you to buy it like a pound of coffee—all-ready blended. $20, $25, $30 and $35 rK -.s the liberties and limits the opFederation. Motion carried unani- LiUinities of labor, and exploits witho—in fact even as low as $16—will buy you through the Royal system the utmost in custom tailored clothes. All mously. ut renewing or conserving the naturAn invitation was extended l)y M M . 1 resources of the country; a body pure wool too, and guaranteed a perfect fit, or your money back. It's none too early to order that Easter suit Ropes to tho members of tho club to if agricultural activities never yet iven tho efficiency of great business RIGHT AWAY. ' be present at a mooting of the S. V. indertaklngs or served as It should of W. C. which Is to bo held at Atlan- ie through the instrumentality of You can also find here all the other things that go to make up the well dressed man—all in good taste, latest tic City In May. Invitation was ac- .clence taken directly to the farm. ir afforded the facilities of credit best cepted with thanks. style and patterns. Shirts. Neckwear. Hats and Caps. Meyer's Dress Gloves. Fancy Vests. Hosiery. uited to its practical needs; waterA rising vote of thunks was passed :ou'rses undeveloped, waste places unto Mrs. Stuart for a vase of flowers, •eclaimed, for,ests untended, fast disMen's and Women's Regal Shoes. Boys' and Girls' Shoes 90c to $2.65. Infants' Shoes 25c to $1.50 which decorated the President's table. ippearlng without plan or prospect ot onewal, unregarded waste heaps at There was an Intermission of half very mine. We have studied as peran hour for a social time. Tea and mps'no other nation has the most cfective means of production, but we fancy cakes were served. uivo not, studied cost or economy as On motion tho meeting adjourned. e should either as organizers of inustry, as statesmen, or as indlvlduThe man who insists on having hla Is. Nor have we studied and perfected own way at. nil times is apt to In- UP means by which government may terfere with I ho progress of others. r- put at the service of humanity, in © and in pn lining, step on Ills own toM. nfegimrding the health of the nation, hf. hnalth of its men and its women nd its children, as well as their rights A woman says the way to reach .'i ii I he struggle for existence. This in >*man's heart may be through his stom- io sentimental duty. The firm bnsls f government is justice, not pity, ach, but it may take cunning or brute hese are matters nf justice. Tlioiv strength to rrac.li Ills pockelhook. :an be no equality or opportunity, the ALL CUTS OF PRESH MEAT LOWER PASTOR GOT WARSHIPS AND BAND Monaghan's Ibat Market Fresh Rilled-CMckeiis, lft. 20c El IS A Card Eugene J.Mullen G c - O O D 17JHJEITEC Will You Be Satisfied with Yourself On Easter Morn? B VALUABLE COUPONS WITH EVERY PURCHASE. J. ALFRED JOHNSON "The Regal Store" 182 Broadway - _ _ - South Amboy, N. J. because be knew something of her good works. Bible ref.—Acts 9:3«. 2.30 p. m. Sunday School. Subject: story, that she was thirsting for re"The Destruction of Sodom." Bibl* venge. ret—Genesis 19:12-29. Remember On meeting bis gaze she gave a slight this is special offering day. Services as Arranged for the ' start, but passed on without giving Ooming Week. J 7.00 p. m. Senior C. E. Societf. any other sign of recognition. She was Topic: "Obeying Conscience." Bible alone and sat at one end of a table ref.—1 John 3:18-24. A leaderlesa CHRIST CHDBCH PARISH. where there were no other diners. Her meeting. Let all attend and let back was to Borden, so he could not Conscience lead. see her face. He left the dining room Rector, Her. H. M. P. Pearse, 7.45 p. m. Song Service. All are welbefore her and waited in the adjoining Residence, Christ Chore!) Rectory, come to enjoy these services. And the Charge That room, where he hoped to get another Ber. W. X. Grlmshaw, Coral*, 8.00 p. m. Preaching1. Subject: sight of her. While at dinner he had "The Abiding Comforter." Came Later Residence IM Second Street Thursday—• made a story to fit her case. This was 7.15 p. m. Class Meeting. Services Sunday, March 9, 1913. what he fancied: 8.00 p. m.. Prayer Meeting. (Fifth Sunday in Lent.) By F. A . MITCHEL She had suffered in. the mines of FridayChriBt Church. Kara. She bud Joined hunger strikes. Holy Communion Choir Practice. 9.00 a. r She had fallen under disease in the Morning Prayer, Baptism and I was glad when they said unto me Edwin Borden, after having graduat- damp prisons and living upon unSermon 10.30 a. m 'let us go into the House of the Lord." ed at a law school, suddenly found wholesome food. She had found an Sunday School !...2:30 p. m —Psalms 122:1. himself by Inheritance in possession of opportunity for escape. She had toiled Evening Prayer and Sermon 7:30 p. m Services during the week endin a fortune. He resolved to put off the through snow or over,frozen waters tp NOTICE TO CKEDITOBS. practice of his profession for a more some country, Sweden probably, where March 15, 1913. Lillian Hendrickson, administratrix congenial occupation—traveling. So she hnd arrived hungry, frostbitten, Tuesdayof Tneodosia H. Grover, deceased, bf Evening Prayer and Serbe went to Europe and "did" all coun- more nearly dead than alive. And now mon 7.45 p. m direction of the Surrogate of the HY take a tiresome journey to some distant tries, winding up with Russia. that she was free she was consumed Wednesday— County of Middlesex, hereby gives After doing Wnrsaw, Moscow and St. by one nil absorbing passion—revenge. Litany 4.00 p. sn notice to the creditors of the said town or city when you may use the Long DisTheodosia H. Grover, to bring in their Petersburg he concluded to go into th« And here the presence in Paris of tbe Thursday— tance Telephone and obtain the same results ? country and see something of Russian man who stood for all this wrecking, Evening Prayer 7.45 p. m debts, demands and claims against tbe estate of the said deceased, under the emperor of Russia, furnished a Fridayrural life. / oath or affirmation, within nine Litany and Address. "The Helpclimax. Business matters that require immediate and deOne day while walking on the main months- f.-oin this date or they wlH ing Hand in the Sunrise streetror road, rather, running through b« forever barred of any action ther»She was there to kill him. cisive action may be transacted quickly and without Kingdom" 4.00 *p. m a village, he Raw what appeared to be The girl must have gone out by an- Choir rehearsal 7.30 p. m for against the said administratrix. intemiption or loss of time, by Long Distance Telephone. a crowd In the dlstnnce moving toward other door, probably to avoid him. Dls-. Dated February 21, 1913. Doane Memorial Chapel. him. When It came up he saw It was appointed, he was nbout to go to his LILLIAN HENDRICKSON, For out of town rates consult the Telephone Directory. Administratrix. one of those snd processions of/prison- room when n .servant approached him Morning Prayer, Litany and Sermon 10.30 a. m er*! pu their way to Hiberln. Kirs! and handed him a bit of paper. OpenSunday School 2:30 p. m Etmy B*U Tthphent it a ing It, he rend: , Long DUImitc* 7W»pAwi«. Chapel o r the Good Shepherd. May 1 ask that you will Join mo for a few minutes In fciy private parlor? Sunday School 3:00 p. m. assuredly," were the words Evening Prayer...,, 3.30 p. m. NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. that came to him, but ho did not speak them. lit' Himply followed tbe servant, Baptism Is administered as follows: who led him to a donr, knocked and At Christ Church, at the 10:30 a, T. SPAWN, Local Agent, left him. The door was thrown open tn. service, second Sunday of tb anil before him stood the woman who month. 108 Fmyette Street, . Perth Amboy, N. J. At Doane Memorial Chapel, at lO:3i bad occupied his thought* for twu yours. She shut tiler door behind him a, m. last 8unday of tbe month. Chapel of the Good Shepherd, and stood for a few moments us if at At 3:30 p. m., last Sunday of month. striving fur composure. Then she snld venu*, ne«Mittu utrtin In a low, unsteady voice, an If fearing HODTH AM HOT The Parish House. to be overheard, "1 have sent for you Meetings of the Varloui Societies: to ash you not to mention ki uny oneSunday—Tbe Sunday School,2:30 p. m having Keen me on my way to Kara." Monday— The Woman's Auxiliary. .2:30 p. m "1 certainly will not mention It," The Girls' Friendly Soc...7:30 p. m, Bordtm replied. "On the contiWy, la Tuesday— thtire anything I can do for yon?" The Junior Auxiliary. ,3:30 p. m SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. 'Where l«. Kngaijfi PHHKHKO for me to Wednesday— America us your sister or some other The Boy Scouts 7:30 p. m. relative." Thursday—The Brotherhood of St. Andrew, (Juniors)..7:00 p. m "I will do HI) wllh pleasure, When Seniors 8.30 p. m do you wish to null and from what port'/" Friday—Tbe Teachers' Training class 8:00 p. m "As to your first question, It depends. As to your wocoml, Cherbourg will prob- Saturday— The Sewing School, where ably be the best for me. Engage u room for the next steamer. If 1 mil' children are systematically taught plain sewing....2:30 p. m 171 H«ary Stwei tat* Aatoy ON ACCOUNTS SUBJECT TO CHECK not ready to leave then 1 must take tbe The Basketball Team 7.30 p. m Telephone 121-W next later." P E R C E N T on balances averaging daily "If 1 am to trust you It Is but right The Rector can be found at the thnt you should trust me. Tell me your Rectory (except on Mondays) from $500 and over for the month. • story." ! 8:30 to 9:30 a. m., and from 1:30 to HJSH EYES MET n i g . Sue did so, and he had been right In 2:30 p. m., and requests that cases of sickness be reported to him promptly csme a line of soldiers marching "rout* his surmises as far as they went. Her In order that he may attend- to them. P E R C E N T in'Speoial Deposit Dapartstep," then criminals, politicals, men, fate had made a madman of her fawomen and some who were scarcely ther. Her brother bad gone to Kara meat on accounts of $200 and over remaining DEFECTIVE EYE8 BAPTIST CHUBCH. more than children. Among the latter and had arranged for and elected her in Bank for at least Three Months prior to cause bluring headachea, Bervouroeai,. was a girl of about eighteen. That escape. But be was killed by the dizziness, etc. Proper glaasea will ihe w s i a political was apparent from guards in doing so. Her mother bad Her. Thonai Netl. Jr., Faster. January 1 and July 1. BeiMence 71 Seeoad Street. her feature*, which marked refine- died of grief induced by the family mis afford immediate relief. Consult fortunes. ment, Intellect and character. F. J. MONAGHAH, 0 > t D. ' ISSUES TBAVELEB8' CHECIS PAYABLB l Y E B T W U U . To see any one in tbe strong arm of "And now," said Borden after she Services for the week beginning IN Bmttk S i , FciU AmUj, I . J. 8ELLS FOBEIGN BBAFTO PAYABLE DC A I T PAST O f 1 Sunday, March 9, 1913. tbe law Is sad, but to see a girl on the bad given a synopsis scarcely more deTHE WORLD. Datyi t a. • . I* S p. u. very threshold of life trudging along tailed than this, "you, are here In Paris 10.30 a. m. Preaching. 2.20 p. m. Bible School Session. Recommended by Dr. ftthian, Or. through snow, with armed men ready for revenge." HARRY C. PERRINE, President R. C. 8TEPHEN8ON. Caahler to shoot her If she attempts to get That he bad divined her secret was 6.45 p. m. Senior C. B. Society meet- Wilson, Or. Hay, Dr. Kitchell, Dr. Ing. ' T. FRANCIS PERRINE. Assistant Cashier away, her destination the terrible mines evident from the stare she gave him p. m. Delirhtful Song Service Baiter and other leading prolenlonai of Kara, on the Arctic ocean, is enough and a nervous shudder that passed 7.30 men. Glasses from $2,50 up. and Sermon. DIRECTORS: , to freeze tbe blood In one's heart. over her. Almost In a whisper Borden Week Day Services: DANIEL C. CHASE CHRISTIAN 8TRAUB HENRY WOLFF While Borden was looking at her she added: Thursday raised her eyes and met bis, and so "You are here to assassinate the 7.45 p. m. Church Prayer Meeting. HARRY C. PERRINE GEORGE V. BOQART great was the -sympathy she saw In c»ar." J. BAIRD PERRINE! R C. 8TBPHEN8ON Friday v them tbat she returned It by an expres- Whether it was tbat tbe danger, the 3.30 p. m. Junior C. E. Meeting. sion of gratitude. Borden would have horror of It all, was suddenly revealed 7.30 p. m. Choir Rehearsal. walked on that he might continue to to her; whether It was that her secret Come hear the Gospel and enjoy look at her, but the sight was too, sad, had been so readily divined, causing a Christian Fellowship. (All seats and he feared to be considered obtru- her to realize thnt her design was im-free. sive, so he remained standing where practicable, does not matter. Possibly he was till the melancholy procession she did not know herself; possibly It METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUBCH bad passed, then gazed after them till was a transfer of the burden she bore they disappeared, a dark spot on the to one who sympathized with her. Her BCT. C. 8. Miller. Paitor. white snow In the distance. Residence 120 John Street frame shook convulsively; then, throwBorden went back to St. Petersburg, ing herself back in her chair, she guve Services for tbe week beginning unable to throw off a sadness induced way to passionate sobs. Sunday, March 9, 1913. by the distressing sight of persons goBorden deemed the last of these supServices. With a Six Ing to a doom far worse than death, positions correct and permitted her toClass, 9.80Sunday a. m. Months' Trial and passed through the city, delaying take her time to decline from being Preaching 10.30 a. m. by Rev. R. P. Subscription to only long enough to pick up baggage strung to the highest pitch to a normal Mason. he had left there and be sure that his relnxedness. Then, reaching forward, Sunday School 2.30 p. m. passport was In proper condition. Then he took her bund in his and said: Epworth Leagle Service 6.45 p. m. he started on bis wny to a more con- "For two years you have never for Led by Miss Mildred Deats. Song Service and address 7.30 p. m. genial climate and a laud with n less a day been absent from my raiud. AND Address by Mr. L. R. Robinson. despotic government. Heaven has sent me to befriend you. Services' during the week. One thing lie did not forget during Let me bear your burden. This meetJunior League, Thursday 4.00 p. m. the rest of his stay In Europe nor after Ing tins brought n change for us both. Prayer Service, Thursday 7.45 p. m. his return to America—tbe face nnd Har- I see for you. If not a happy future, at Choir rehearsal, Saturday 8.00 p. m. are of the convict girl on her way to least ojie of comparative comfort. All are welcome. All seats free. For One Dollar Kara. He could not shako off the mel- Give ilp this mad design and let me The Oldest Outdoor Weekly:-Recog1 ancholy procession, especially the out help you, plan for you, that you may nized authority on Hunting, Fishing, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Trap-shooting, Yachting, Archery and person in it who had returned so pn- gradually throw off a terrible past find Game Conservation. S u b s c r i p t i o n RCT. George Kane, Pastor, thetically his look of sympathy, lie take on a more inviting future." price, (3 a year. Send for sample cony. rOREST n l STBKAM PUB. C«. took an office, swung out his shingle us Borden in telling the story added: ThU Hub-Mark u your Value-Mark on Rubbers 127 Fruklla SL . . New Vat* an attorney and tried to work, but cli- "There is an undercurrent to this ex- Services for the week beginning Sunday, March 9, 1913. ents were not to be had without nn ef- perience thnt no words can properly Wear Hub-Mark Rubbers this winter. They cost no fort, nnd, having a fortune, there was express. Yet without It my story 10:30 a. m. Morning Service begins. more than any first-class rubber. If your dealer can't Preaching by the Pastor. Theme: little Inducement for him to miike It. would be like salt without savor.' It supply you write us. "Religion, Man's Need." However, he stayed on Cor a couple of would have been merely nn episode. p. m. General Sunday School. , Boston Rubber Shoe Co., Maiden, Mats. yenrs, then gnve it up.nnd returned to Ilml It not been for thnt of which I 2,30 Subject: "The Destruction of SodEurope. speak this girl, suffering from a madom." Gen. 19:1-3, 12-29. Bonlon when abrond at times stopped ness to which she hnd been driven by 7.00 p. m. Senior C. B. meeting. n cruel fate, would linve shunned me Theme: "Obeying Conscience." 1 nt pensions Instead of hotels. At the John 3:18-24. former he made ncquiiintunceM, while Instead of calling on mo to come to 7.45 p. in. Evening Service begins. her when we mot In Paris. Whether nt tbe hitter ho usually pnssed his 1111she would liiive tried to curry out her Spenklng and singing by Mr. C. E, occuniwl timo nione. One day on arrivCARPENTER and BUILDER Barker. Pnlnter and Faperhnnger. ing nt Paris ho stopped nt a pension ill desperate intention I do Mot knuw. Window mill Door ISYls n Spi-cmlty Rut <mo thing I know—owing to this 7.45 p. in. Thursday—Evening prayer which he wns accustomed to put up KslinmteH Kiii'MiHlud and and praise meeting. WALL PAPER FOR SALE when In thnt city. That was the your undercurrent of which I speak, taken 4.00 p. m. Friday—Junior C. E. meetJobbing Promptly Dono with our meeting, she was brought tn Estimates Cheerfully Given. the czar of Russia visited the French in p. P.O. Box 35 80 Catherine St. 68 SECOM) ST. Box 111 people mid beciinie Ilielr ally. Indeed, look upon what she had had In inlml S.OH p. in. Friday—Chorus rchenrsnl. OMMIBSIONEK OF DEEDS with horror. Morn than this, the he bad Just arrived In Paris nt this The doors of tliis church arc open time. Rordnn fmrt gone tliore to wit- whole current of her life us well as to all. If you am a strahgor in town mine was turned into smoother walors. we give yon an invilntion to come and ness the festivities nttoiidlng llio 111011ROTARY PUBLIC ureh'K reception. At dinner lJurdeu As she. herself afterward expressed it. worship with us. la I opposite the entrance of the dining Mi<; cluitiKu was like riding into a snfe Plumbing iiinl 11 (.'Jiling fnom nnd suddenly, looking up, wns luirbor, leaving liehind it tempest of m i O n i S T PROTESTANT CIIURCI1 -ingry winds and waves. ENGINES, B0I1EKS nnd JTACHHTKB j startled at seeing n woman enter wlinin Gas F i t t i n g nnd Tinning lie renignlzprl nr once im the girl cuiv "And what was this hidden power? Of all kinds repaired. I!cv. F. F. Crnfg, Pnstor. vict lie had seen nn her way to Siberia. It Hashed between her and me when Estimates Furnished on Request But, oil. how chnnged! Instead (if EIi MAKING, I>LUMBING, nppenrinff as <ine Just from her teeim she was staggering In the snow on her Services for the week beginning Office, Post Offloe BnlMUnf. GAS FITTING. STEAM AJTB SHOP : she looked ns If she might he any- wny (o Tvnrii. when slip looked up and Sunday, March !), 1013. a. m. Preaching. Subject.: HOT WATEB HEATDffl where between thirty and fifty. And saw pity In my eyes. Love, Illto the 10.30 "Tbe Heavenly Vision nnd How It instead of wearing the pntlent look plei'iric spark, passed'from me to her wan Treated." George St., between Stevens from her to me. And like n spark V. NEWELL JAMES of a mnrtyr her face had become hard- and 2.00 p. m. Junior C. K. Society. ened. It seemed to Hordtii, perhaps it eluelrlelty, little in Itself, It him Supt. MrH. PeterRon. Topic: "Dorand Pine AVOR. Corner Second and Stockton 8U. power to move the universe." Telephone Offloe.l07-ll ens," the story of a woman full of A Siberian Exile The Churches j "Economical Traveling" -rBy Telephone W fflGM-GRADE F. W. STEINS, FIRST NHTIONRL BRNK Capital $50,000 Surplus $75,000 Undivided Profit* Earned, $30,000 JAS. J. DOLAN Electrical Contractor This Bank Pays Interest 3 We Offer You HUBtfAHK RUBBERS' FOREST STREAM F. E. DeCiraw, C. H. EDWARDS WM. T. HAMMELL, Real Estate and „ Insurance Broker Daniel J. Donlin MACHINE SHOP THE SOUTH AMBOT CITIZEN. We Glre aid Redeem Surety Coupons. NEW JERSEY NEWS CONDENSED, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1913. M. P. CHURCH NOTES All {of the services last Sunda were of an interesting nature and a: Increase in attendance at them all. •"- The Sunday morning service wai narked with deep thought and splr Itualily as the pastor spoke on Dan ifel 12:3. The Junior C. E. Society at 2 p. m Ti'as another rich treat. The previous Sunday, there was an attend ance of 43, this Sunday 51. Wo an aiming for GJTnext Sunday. The pas tor addressed Ithe meeting on tin topic, "Beginning the Christian Life, and told of a number of childro . <hat had been converted and led oth ers to Christ. A visit to this servici will do you good. The regular Sunday School was held at the usual hour with an Intercsilng study of the lesson. At.tli lonclusion several made remarks i reference to advance Sunday Schoo work. The school Is rehearsing t.h Easter, nnislc and the choir is practicing It weekly. We ,are oxpectln »t least 300 next Supday. ' Let « double our diligence, ) Miss Klla Jones led the Senior 0 E. service at 7 p, in. at which time number of good things were said an read on the topic, "Practical Service.' A real spirited song service- led b the choir followed the Senior (!. IC eorvice and was enjoyed by all. At 8 p. m. the pastor Hpolte on th text, St. John 10:10, showing ho» It was the privilege of each perso to enjoy the abundance of God' Grace In their heart and show Jt 1>; their life. Next Sunday, the second one of th month, is the regular time for th offering for the parsonage fund b; the school. Efforts have been am are still being made to make the col lection next Sunday at least $50, good part of this is in hand. Come etc and bring an offering. The social given by the Primary Department last Tuesday evening liroved a success, A short entertainment by the children was, given, anc refreshments were served which net ted a neat sum to the Junior Schoo: for their offering. Dignity and Justice. Hourly and earnestly strive, as Roman and a man. to dn what falls t your hand with perfect unaffected di Bity, with kindliness, frccis;;i and ju tlce/ and free your soul from over Other imagination.—Marcus Aurellu TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT IN A GREAT HOTM Twenty-three stories.above the side walk, at the Intersection of Broadway and Thirty-fourth street, New Yor|t City, the largest private branch .CKchange telephone switchboard eve .installed, built by the Western Electric Company and having a capacity of 2,000 lines, provides the Hotel McAlpin with telephone service. To operate this switch-board and th. public telephone station in the note requires a force of forty-four" people says the Now York Telephone' Review, This Indicates the importance -which is attnehed to the Bell telephono for Interior and outside communication In a modern and thoroughly equipped hotel at any hour of tho day, or night from any -part of tha building. There are telephones in all the bodroonis, in corridors, pantiles, kitchens, offices and other departments, public telophone installn t'ons in several locations and portable telephones in the grill and other public rooms. To connect tho te.lopliune stntlonn lo tho switchboard it was necessary to install 7,184 feet of cable, ranging itislze from II pairs to COC pnlM. these cables welsh about 24,000 pounds and contain about fi22 milas of wire. In addition to the cables approximately 200,000 frot (if inside wire and 15,000 foot of cross connecting wire were used, thus making a total of 600 miles of telephone wire. This is sufficient to extend two-thirds of tho distance between New York and Chicago. Jt Is estimated that the telephone operating force In the Hotel McAlpin will handle 500,000 local messages annually, in addition to the enormous number of Incoming calls and the house service traffic. Every morning the telephone operators call 500 sleepy guests to enable thorn to catch trains or to keep business or social appointments. All orders from the guests' rooms arc given to thoi tclopiionu operators. Tho number nf telephone staiion,: i« greater* than In the; famous town of Sanitojjn, which is nolrd fur its hotels. It Is as many as arc In service In tho kliiKdnm of (irofee, which lias an arm nf over 1 ",000 square miles ami a population r>r more than 2,r.0O,0OO. Tim insinuation is practically ns lavgo as the entire telephono plant of Ilul^aria, with an area cf over ns.flflO Kiiuaro miles ind a popvlntlnn of 4,500,001). Store Closet Saturday at f f. u. Nt: Items of Interest From all Parts of the State as Gleaned From Our Exchanges Briefly Paragraphed. EWARK'S STORE BEAUTIfUL ItkOM), 1*IEW-.*D I1ALJEY JTKeET RCTAltCBS- What You Ought to Know Fliigmiin Averts Pennsr Wreck. By the narrowest margin the Pennsylvania limited from New York to Washington, No. 191, running, seventy miles an hour, escaped collision with a freight just below Princeton Junction Sunday night. The pieaence of mind of a flagman, John Schrcnk, and good judgment of tho engineer of the express averted a disaster. Schrcnk planted signal torpedoes in the path of the express, varnlng the engineer of tlie obstacles that lay before him. Corner and Metuchen was effectec Eoveral days ago. The line is prac tically complete from Cartaret to New Brunswick, with the exception of few places where there is some grad ing to be done. One of these ii where the trolley tracks cross tho3i of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com pany. « # « * ftiiutl Cfilleclnr Transferred, William H. Reickard, an employe nf the Delaware and Raritan Cana for the last forty-six years, twelve ol which has been spent aa collecto # * * # nt Uordentown, has boon, transform Dr. C. II. Holmes Dead. Dr. Charles 11. Holmes, of Rahwar, to Now Brunswick to take the pine secretary of the Unlon'County Medi- of Leonard Wright, tho collecto cal Association of New Jersey, \vh there, who has been retired. Mr, four times was elected mayor of Rah liclckard, it is expected, will be suc way, died Sunday afternoon at till ceeded by Kdwln C. Ponnock, frelgh homo, 168 Mnin street. Ho wan 6 agent for the Pennsylvania Iliillroa years old. He was a member of th nt Dordontown, Navigation on th Railway Hoard of Trade and actlv canal will h« opened on March 1fi. # * # * In muny civic movements. # * (# * Fntlicr mitl Two Sons Hurt. On Sunday while returning wit his Ufo sony from a christening, span of horses driven by Michael Ma dero, 37 years old, of 44(i Ilayway avo nue, Elizabeth, took fright «iear Bay way and New Brunswick avenue nn ran half a mile to the tracks of th Long Branch Railroad, whore tho dnshed Into a moving freight truln, Both horses were killed, and the threj occupants of tho carriage were throw thirty feet over an embankment an seriously Injured. The threo victim oi the accident were taken to th< Alexlan Brothers' Hospital, their Injuries were treated. Killed II) Electric Shock. Sunday, William R. Meilck, man ager of James B. Duke's creamery a' Somerville, was found deffd in tb< basement of the creamery. A smal burn on the right wrist Indicates tha in turning off an electric motor Mel; ick's wrist came in contact with a llvi wire. # # * « l'ertli Amboy Mini (aught Under lit' Surprised in the apaq^Lnent of Wil Ham Gebhardt on the first floor o 190 Court street, Newark, last Monda night, a man attempted to crawl.un der a bed In one of the rooms, bui he was caught after a tussle witl: (iebhardt. The Intruder tried t jump out of the window when th police were coming, but he wu stopped. The police will Investigate to determine whether the prisoner has figured In the robbery of othe apartments in Newark. At the Fourth Precinct Police Station the man said he was William Coleman, twenty-five years old, of Perth Amboy. He refused to give his street address. Lleu;enant McGovern said that he answers the description of the fugitive wanted in Perth Amboy. Coleman was hold in $500 bail by Acting Judge Yuill In the Fourth Precinct Court.. i'he charge wa3 breaking, entering nd stealing. * 4 * * Mil) Soil BOIKIH for Sewers. At a meeting held Monday night ip Borough Council of Metuchen deded to bold a special session on arch 17, for tho purpose of taking fi the proposition of submitting to ie voters at a special election a bond sue of from $125,000 to $150,000 for sewer system and street paving, t this meeting also Recorder C. C. eber threatened to resign unless ho allowed $75 a year for office rent. bark's H. Carman, a civil engineer •mn Railway, applied for tho poslon of hornugh engineer at a Salary i?7o pnr month. * -* * * Line Is Nrarlntr Cnni|ilcllon. I! is slated that t h e n e w fast. line lininllllos of ox.vcen. In gunpowder fni' liiritiinr'e, I lie 11it I'll 11* nf |i"tnsl i x i i l l p i ' l c n . w l i l e h Is Hie I'hlef Inert lli'iil. Is iinii'tli'iilly iiii|irlsiiiiei1 o x y g o i n i l WIK-II It in iloi'ompoHod iihuif: w i t iiiii'ciinl nil Immense liont IN ilevelopei Upon application of George V. Roy nolds, Chancellor Walker on Monda: appointed Thomas Drown receiver foi the Perth Amboy Chronicle Publish ing Company. Urown'H bond wai flxud at $15,000. Tho order require; the company to show cause March V why the aippolntinent of the rocelve should not bo inadu permanent. Mr, Reynolds charges that tho compait: Is inBolvunt, having liabilities of mor. than $30,000 and assets of betwee $10,000 and $20,000, and that it H unable to meet its current obliga tlona. * * ft # Kimlnc Holler Wows Up. Vllilll I'llllMOS till' VISOH t o CXpllIld HIK lolilV. llcliec es|;!iisloli. Good T i m e Coming. "I k'ii yon. Kltilis," suld Hie inllllnii iilri'. with w i l l (jiisto. "tnllt abpiif y o u fiin! T h e r e ' s none In equnl Unit i. I'MiiiIng n million, dnlInr Iiy dolliir." "ll.v K l n w f . " snid little Blnks. "win a lot of fun I h e i v ' l s nliend of uiol"— IIIII'IH'I'K Wiwikly. Pretty Meek. Blobbs—Henpwkko always reminds me of n mouse, SIUIIIIH—Nonsense; he was anything like n mouse bis wife would be afraid of him.—Philadelphia Record. Leaving Jersey City shortly befor !) o'clock Monday morning a spec! Pennsylvania Railroad train of fivi coaches and a baggage car was run Ding through Rahway a short whil later when the locomotive boiler exploded. The. engineer, J. A. Hennick' et of Newark, was hurled throug Perth Aintioy's Oldest, Largos! Hit the window of his cab. His skull wa Most Complete Out.Htler to fractured and he was badly burned Ho died later in the Elizabeth Hos Men ami Boys. pita!. The fireman, Edward Manley of Jersey City, was badly burned an cut about the head and body. He i in the same hospital and is expecte to recover. The train itself was saved by the airbrakes, which operate automatically and stopped it within short distance. On it were 250 mem bcrs of the Salem Cadet Corps of th Massachusetts Infantry bound for th Inauguration at Washington. . All The Latest Spring L. BRIEGS "A TOP NOTCHER' « ft * ft Asphalt Worker Scalded. Peter McClusky, of Fulton street, Woodbridge, is in a critical condition in the Perth Amboy Hospital from severe burns sustained while at his work in the Barber asphalt works Tuesday. A rod running through the boiler caused the boiling water to escape, burning about two-thirds of tho man's body. ~ ft ft • ft Deserted Girl Spurns Food. Declaring that she will starve herielf until her fiance returns to her, Jiss Josephine Pratto, of Third and iliokle streets, Camden, has not eat;n since Sunday night, when her inended husband left her. Miss Frato says that when neneliro Pancorla, her suitor, went away, $250, her savings of live years,-went with him. it tho loss of fiance and savings sho ost her appetite. ft ft ft ft llelmnr Man In lliinkruptcy. A voluntary petition In bankruptcy ras filed in the United States DIsrict Court Wednesday by Lewis S. 'auffunsky, of Belmar. He has liaIlitles of $1,824 and assets of $557. * * « 4 Styles of Young's Hats There is so much that is exclusive, dashy, stylish, new and beautiful in our ABOUT COLD STORAGE You cannot afford to trust your valuable furs and other clothing, nor your rugs and draperies, in a cold storage vault that is anything but perfect. Right here in this establishment is a commodious and Scientifically constructed cold storage plant. Here in this dry, dustless air, 13 degrees below freezing point all surhmer long, a climate that is so natural to the furs that it prevents the drying out of the natural oils and gives them new life and lustre, you can keep your furs throughout the summer at little cost. ritOTECTION AGAINST FIUE. The absolute flr.eproof construction of our building makes the possibility of lire so slight that your furs, rugs and draperies nre much safer here than in any other building in Newark, and burglars haven't tho ghost of a show of getting them. IJVSUKANUE. The small fee you pay us for storage covers the cost of storing, and the insurance as well, our insurance covering both fire and burglary, making you absolutely safe. STEADY (JI1OHT1I. Kvery yeur our storage business has Increased, people realising tho value of cold storage, and realizing that right here, at their doors, was a perfect plant, equipped in the most modern manner to rightly care for anything entrusted to us. Although, we greatly enlarged our plant last season it was crowded, so It behooves you to place your furs with us at as early a date as possible, remembering that no goods are stored on ths short-time basis, the charges being the same as for the entire season ending December 31st. MOTHS l(KKIKI). In this temperature moths cannot live, so that you are assured perfect protection from the llttlo pests that do so much damage onco they get a start, mm STORAGE ItATKS. Minimum ehargeB aro made on articles of a value insufficient Id furnish prices for percentage charge. All goods are stored at u fair value—no considerable undervaluation of costly furs and no overvaluation can be accepted. Each article is given a distinct value and storage charge. No receipt is Issued for less than $1. Purs are thoroughly cleaned and examined as to their condition before being placed in storage. FUR REPAIRS. Those desiring to have their furs or fur garments altered or repaired during the summer can have it done here under the supervision of our expert furriers and be assured of having them ready when the fall season opens. Our charges are as moderate as can be, consistent with first-class service. HAHNE & CO. Broad, NPW and HaLsey Streets, Newark. N. J. Eggs Are Money everywhere and all the time. Pay a little . special attention to your hens. Get more eggs and make more money. \*& Poultry Regulator is a mild tonic which strengthens and gently stimulates Jthe digestive and egg-producing organs, producing wonderful results,. 25c, 50c, $1 25-lb. Pail, $2.50 "Your money back if it fails" ft0> Roup Cure cures roup, colds, catarrh 25c, 50c, $1 Sample FllEE CM PnlU ProfilMhufa* Boofckt II. WOLFF & CO. MRS. A. BEH>' THOS. B. CAl'IfER JOHN SOTLIFF ;'::»* new Spring Hats, that they can readily be picked out as Fashion's Favorites. KEEP IT IN MIND THAT Stiff or Soft Hat Man, The Citizen Job Department you'lLfind a hat here that la prepared to do any and all hinds of will suit you exactly, Holeproof Hosiery Meyer's Gloves Agent, Staten Island Dyeing Co. NOTEHEAUS LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES BILLHEADS HUSIKE8S CAHU8 STATEMENTS SOCIETY CARDS RULED BLANKS ULANK BOOKS PAMPHLETS JL. BJftJLE€iS9 !>1 Sinhh St. Perth Get a Salary Raising Education!" an Expires After Taking Morphine. That's what an education in this James C. Cyphers, a former emohool means. ' loye of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, It means that you get a thorough led at his homo, In Oxford Townalilp, cnowledge of all the commercial list on tho outskirts of Belvidero, iranohes so necessary In the business uesday from the effects of a dose i-orld to-day. Ambition will not keep f morphine, taken, it is believed, you long at the "elbow of the boss" Ith suicidal intent. Ho had been ill —you'll own the revolving chair your>r about nne year. Whilo Ills wlfo self before you know it. This school as temporarily absent, Mr. Cyplioiv iada the way—enroll at once. l hlnifielf In a bodrnom ami .vallnwod the poison. On hor reiTiitnn will be in s e r v i c e heforo tin 1 rn, Mrs. Cyphers ftinvil the door nl of May n e x t . "Pin• w i r e s a r e now ii'ii. Mr. Cyphers was lying on •InK s t r u n g and Hie ITOKSIIIP of t h " the llnnr unconscious. Physician < lblie Service Intel;!, between Ford's worked nver him for several hours, hi; operated b(il\ve<?n Kllznbnth a n d F u l m i n a t e of Mercury. A i n v i i l h r i t r cif t'ulmliuile o f iner'.•iiry Is Unit It produces n shuck t< vvlila-li Mil oilier Kiilisliiueos a r e heimi live, iiud'ilH supremo vulnu an nil exl l re>tn in tfilx fiu't and In t h » II liiihllit.v of nil i>X|il)iHlvi>H to 1)( IMII;III'II IIV more <ir less distant e x sions. T'lci'e Is ii iMirronl of 'lie liilliii'iire ill Iheso tei'i'lble I ('uinposiiiiins Unit i» us slniiih'o a Is ilniim-rons. Whiil in required ti uliiie I'xiilosiou is I lie I'nplil treaeni Ion of uroiil heiil nliinu wltll la Chnink-lt' In HIIIKIN of KOCCIKT. I'llo Driver Crushes Man's Hand. A pile driver hammer weighing 500 pounds t slid down the greased ways * * #/* suddenly Tuesday afternoon at High Mctuclicn School Expcngc. lands and crushed the right hand of The figures for the. proposed budget lohn Johnson. Mr, Johnson was or the running of the Metuchen ushed to the Memorial Hospital at Tlgh School have been issued by tho jong Branch whore the hand was Board of Education. They show an inputated just above the wrist. increaso of $2,300 over the flguros of ft ft ft « list year or a total of $19,8i>0. The ncreaso is made necessary, it Is exilalned, because of the proposed inrense In the salary of the principal, hich is to he enough to make It 2,2fjO; also the inc:reasing of saliries of several teachers, a salary or the custodian, a salary for one exra teacher and* n salary for the kiniergarten teacher, as well as an alnwaiuio of $3fiO par annum for an xtrn room. Mr. Cyphers was fifty-three years ol He is survived by his widow and om son, Cleveland Cyphers. He belongei to the Odd Fellows' Lodge and th Red Men. Coroner Elmer I. Smitt viewed .he body and gave a buria permit. WHY GO OUT OF TOWN ? HARRY PARISEN 'raioer's Business College, Maclver & Letts American Building, Smith and Suite Streets. PESf E AMBOT, N. ,','. LIBRARY! when you can purchase pianos Just at sheap at home. We guarantee to Mil lust as low as any other dealer. New All the Best and Latest Books o i l ho pianos from $125 up. Read at Small Cost Whj Go Without flood B e a i h f ! !O1 DAVID STREET SOUTH AMBOY THE A. C. PARISEN LIBRART Sooth Amboj 4-1-tf Tow Is the Time (o Get Estimates on T«l. 210 South Hcntlng. 1 apiioiil to uvury laboring man and every woman to help me to MEKICAJf ATfl) IDEAL RADIATORS forever [lnnio'iEh Urn practice of AND BOILERS. charging exorbitant prices for Funeral Siipi'lics. ICHAKDSON * BOYNTON HEATDON'T HE IMPOSED UL'ON. ING BOILERS AND RANGES. Avoid lOxnrMlant I'ricps. (.'all the Ko.'iHomible 1'M)KI;TAKJ:K PLUMBING lordentown mid I'nrker Aicnaci Soulli Auibojr, N. J. IDS ,Iolin SI., LVA: J. THOMPSON Souili Auibof, Tf, J . \ XXXII. NO. 49, SOUTH AMBOY. N.J.rSATURDAY, MARCH/lo/1913. RESOLUTIONS TO "HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED" RCY.C.S. MILLER Beet Him Great Senior Sacamore v Annual Convention in Atlantic tity—George G. Cliver Asfoin* led Deputy Great Sacfeem for rktNo. tO. The sixty-second annual State con•' vention of the Improved Order of Red ..,.;„ Men was held in Morris Guards Hall •;'i*',.'New York avenue, Atlantic City, on ' ^ i f a r c h 6 and 7, at which time Charles S'^'T.'Grace of this city was honored by y ' b e i n g selected to fill one of tbe hlgb®;Jest State offices to help lead more than V'y?2&;00<l Red Men. ,£' ( The meeting was attended by the '^largest number «f representatives ever Attending a State Great Council, tho ,. ipwsMlttg officer being Great Sachem Ties M. Curry, of Dakota Tribe No. of Camden. night -previous a banquet was .. ,,»,»M^i'ed to the attending delegates; ^i'-also a very elaborate vaudeville per'|^|forinance in connection with the ban , On March 13, 1913, the ministers J this city, in consultation, adopted th< following: Whereas; The Rev. C. S. Miller, pastor of the Methodist Episcopa Church of South Amboy for the pae five years, is about to remove to another field of Christian labor and activity by action of the last Conference <>l which he Is an esteemed member; therefore be It Resolved; That as ministers of South Amboy we part with him in a spirit of reluctance, as our associations together in the past (and even at the present) have been pleasant, agreeable and profitable during his whole pastorate here. Resolved; That as president of tho Ministers' Association of South Am boy, he always showed the true spirl of unselfishness and Impartiality aa the presiding officer, and was Christ like in all his. procedure at the meet ingB. Resolved; That the esteem in which he Is held in this city as a true minister, Christian gentleman, worthy citizen, Ideal pastor and sincere friend, is,to us a mark of respect, and a testimony of those who knew him for the past five years, of the worth of the Christian minister, Resolved; That we bespeak for thli city our prayers and best wishes for p success in his new field of labor, (Signed) THOMAS NEAL, JR., GEORGE KANE, F. F, CRAIG. !&-""• "Safety First" Lecture. - CHARLES T. GRACE. ..- «uet, over 450 attending, our toys be. ) ' ing very conspicuous in front seats. ,. Tbla affair lasted"untll the early hours 1 ,«f the morning. " '""" -.'•- -Thursday's meeting was opened at r . 1 0 ». m. and after the routine bull ' aess, the nomination and election or .' officers took place as follows: Gnat Prophet—Charles M. Curry, Camden. •s . . , Great.Sachem—John Hackett, Millville., . Great Senior'Sagamore—Charles T. Grace, of this city.. >' .] Great Junior Sagamore—J. Milton Budge, Camden. f Great' Sanaap—John A. Meyers, , iJUkewood. > V Great Mlihlnewa—Thomas Harklns, Tlneland. I - . . Great'Guard Wigwam—Samuel T. I Spencer, Brldgeton. J",Great Guard Forest—Alex. T. Atrates, Camden. ' V Great Chief of Record's—Daniel M. 'Stevens, Camden. , '. Great Keeper of Wampum—Mason B." Spofford, Bayonne. ' Orphans' Board—Joseph Nowrey, 'Camden; 1. J. Hatton, Bayonne; Arthur H. Stiles, Atlantic City; Samuel C. Johnson, Brldgeton;' Dr. R. S. Ben. nett Asbury Park. . There were 600 delegate! present . 'and the election of Great Senior Sag% amore Grace was unanimous. Representative men from all sections of the .State lauded him highly, much to the delight of the delegates from the local and neighboring Tribes, which ' Bent large delegations, particularly interested In the advancement of Mr. Graoe. His new position places him in rank, next to the highest officer In this State. ,. Tbe Convention solected Aabury Park for their next meeting place, in " March, 1914. ^ Tbe order throughout New Jersey has done great work during the past year for which Mr. Grace receives great praise as being one of the main advisors, An Increase of 2,172 new members was added to the ranks, making the total membership at this convention 29,457, being now tbe second largest social beneficial and fraternal organization In this State; alEO adding $17,479.32 to their, funds, making u total wealth of the various Tribes, $695,349.29. The order is now \klng care of fifty-five orphans iand ilf-orphans In this State. These are jared for until they become fourteen years of age. The local tribe, Se&eca No. 23, assisted In the good work by doubling their membership, adding 146 new Members to their roll last year, pay. ing for nick, death and funeral benefits $800, aba yft they lnid away $1,000 niaklng tielr wealth $4,500, and a membership of 292. Delegations from Keyport, Perth (Continued on pace four.) Oae or the most entertaining treats ever offered to the railroad men and public 'generally In thli city and vicinity will be the "Safety Pint" lecture to be conducted by Messrs. J. O Young and H. P. Packentball, members of v the Safety Committee of tho New York Division, Pennsylvania Railroad'Company. It will be given in Knlgbts of Pythias Hall on Thursday evening next,. The lecture will be illustrated by a powerful stereopticon, and win treat; on railway accidents,'their causes and remedy. ~ During the "evening music will be furnished by Kerr's Orchestra. These gentlemen give a very Interesting lecture, and at Trenton recently, an audience of 1,200 was present anJ was both amused and delighted, so entertainingly was the subject presented. - A special train will be run from Higbtstown for accommodation of employes along the line of the road. Ad minion is free to all, the sole object being the enlightenment on how to : prevent accldentB. CHRIST CHCSCH NEWS. The preacher1 on Tuesday will be Rev. D, t . Weidner of St George's Church, Helmetta. Tbe rector has been sick again and Is still far from well, Next week, Holy Week, is the week adopted by a committee, comprising representatives of the various. Christian Brotherhoods^ throughout the United States, as a week of prayer for men and boys. Next Friday, Good Friday, will be observed by the majority of the Christians throughout the world as the anniversary of the day when Jesus Christ died upon the cross for us and our Salvation. ELEVEN BROWN AS STEAMER WYCKOFF SINKS IN COLLISION Eleven men were drowned In New York bay Thsreday night as the steamer's. S. Wyckoff, plying between Perth Amboy and New' York, was struck incollllsion with an unknown steamer. One man, colored, of tho crew of twelve on board was picked up soon after the wreck by the municipal ferryboat Queens, and was sent to a Staten Island Hospital. The rew consisted of captain, one engineer, two firemen and eight deck bandit, WEELAffD TO SPEAK AT Y. Jt. C. A. MEETING. Secretary Deacon of the Y. M. C. A. as secured as the speaker for £hls Sunday afternoon, Mr. Fred B. Vreeland, of Newark, who Is one of the aost enthusiastic Y. M. C. A. workers In the State, Mr. Vreeland has been n this city several times before and iis gospel talks are always Interesting. The service last Sunday afternoon vas addressed by C. B. Barker, of. iong Island, the singing evangellat. The music arranged for tho occasion proved to be'very good. TO THE LADIES. Skirts made to measure from $2.50 p. Fifteen yenrs/in business. Exlerienced deBlgnAr.—Hochhelser & losentlial, Pine Avenue, 2-22-6 Price Three Oeytt. The Woman's Club has engaged Rev. Madison C. Peters, the popular lecturer, to appear in this city on Wednesday, March 26, at the City Hall, Wis a Prominent Physician and r W Raided in This City Over Fifty at which time he will deliver his fam- Will Assume Charge as Pastor; of ous lecture on "How to Be Happy, Years-Served as Surgeon in the Civil War-Hundreds of Mourners Though Married." Mr. Peters,has de- the M.E. Church on SMRday Next livered this lecture in hundreds of —~~KvV» i t a* Miner wOK to A H * at the Funeral, Evfacinf His Great Popularity. cities, and has delighted his hearer* duhon-Other Appointments f o k with his good humor and wit. Don", fall to hear it, Tickets will.be 25 New Brunswick District. Dr. Ambrose Treganowan died sud- ing. On her arrival in New York and cents, The proceeds will go,;(oyard denly on Monday last at his home on after a few days he entered the drus the expenses of the club In the betThe New Jersey Methodist EpiscoMain street, in the eighty-third year of store of Eugene Dupy, corner of terment of the city. Tickets, ia»y,, pal Conference held at Atlantic City his age. During tbe morning he was Houston street and Broadway, where purchased of any member. . has appointed Rev. James E, Shaw, pruning the shrubbery apout bis prop- he performed the duties of translator. formerly- of Millville, as pastor of tho erty, in which he always found great de- In the English prescription departM. E. Church of this city, and Rev. light, and about eleven o'clock he ment. In 1854 he went to PhiladelC, 8. Miller has been sent to Audi;returned to the house remarking that phia, and resumed his regular medical boo, in the Camden District. Rev. be did not feel well. He laid down studies, under the preceptorshlp nf. Shaw was in 1904-06 stationed at Millon a couch, and almost immediately Professor James Bryan, Professor of town, became unconscious and remained s.i Surgery In the Philadelphia College Rev. C. S. Miller has been very busy The Rev, John MacMIUan, the famuntil the end. Dr. J. C. Albright was of Medicine, After ueing In Philadelsince conference, packing up his in attendance, and did all that wmi phia but a short time lie received let- ous Irish evangelist, of Philadelphia, has kindly consented to spend a day household goods preparatory to reposslblo to revive his patient, but ters of introduction from England t» with the Rev, Thomas Ncal, Jr,, and moval. The new pastor will occupy without avail, and about 12.15 p. 7n, Professor Dunglison, Professor of will assist In all the services at the the pulpit on Sunday next. Dr. Treganowan had passed away, Therapeutics and the practice of medBaptist Church on Sunday next, March The appointments for the New Doctor Treganowan bad resided trt icine In Jefferson College, who ha>l 1(1. Mr. MacMlllan is not only a gos- Brunswick District are as follows: this city fifty-three years, and wai known the-young student's family In pel preacher, but a good singer as [James W. Marshall, district superwell known to almost every resident. ffagland, and who took a deep interest well, and those who attend the service intendent, Ocean drove. He was a skilled physician and surhis behalf, giving him much private will undoubtedly be greatly pleased. Adelphis—H. M. Smith. ' geon, and WHS ever ready to adminis- iBtructlon and wise counsel, although Asbury Park—First Church, F, B. Stockdale; Second Church, D. C. Cobb. ter to the poor and needy without, it was a candidate for the degree of Atlantic Highlands—W. T. Valiant. cent of remuneration. During the last ftoctor of Medicine in another college, "Belford—W, A. Cobb. few years he confined hi) practlM as luring the years of his study in PhilBelmar—A. C. Dennett. much as possible to his office. He had dejphla he supported himself, purBradley Beach—N. J. Wright. • y Cllffwood—Supplied by Rollln H i l L ^ a legion of friends in this city. hssed his college tickets, and. bora Cranbury—C. L. Ebell. . _ > " The i fa expenses attending his studies, Batontown—C. F. Garrison. The funeral took place from Christ b> connecting himself with the press Engllshtown—D. E. Van Dright. '' Church at 3 o'clock Thursday after- as 'reporter, but especially as a sten. Farmingdale—B. H. Decker.' ', Freehold—H, M. Blake. noon, and the edifice was filled to Its agfapnlc reporter, in which he exGreenville and Herbeitsvllle. (P. 0. capacity with friends and relatives. celled. Lakewood)—A. C. Polhemus. Tbe arrangements were In charge of Dr. Treganowan graduated from thu Hamilton (P. 0. Asbury Park)-^ St. Stephen's Lodge, F. & A. M., which-Philadelphia College of Medicine iu E. F. Applegate. - ' •Hlgntstown—John Allen, Jr. attended in a body. Members of Gen. 1857 with honor and distinction, and v :Imlaystown—To be supplied. William S. Truex Post, of which thu commenced his professional career at Islands Heights and Ocean Gate— deceased was a member, also were Beverly,- N. J,, meeting with proud A. C, Oliver, Jr. present. The) Mayor, ex-mayors, coun- success, but was soon compelled to Jamesburg—C. L: Knight. Keansburg—J. W. Tower. oilmen, and present and former city]abandon the field on account of failKeyport—Calvary, 1. S. Yerkes; S t officials, and members of tbe Middle- Ing health, his medical friends and adJdhn's, A. L. Izard. •,. sex County Medical Association, were visers recommending him to some loca Lakehurst and Rldgeway—J. K" in attendance. |Morion the seaboard. He removed to Shaw. Lakewood—William Mitchell. The service was conducted by the [South Amboy In 1S60, where he has Little Silver—C. K. Dilks. Rev. H. M. P. Pearse, assisted by Rev. been actively engaged ever since, com Long Branch—Asbury, R. B. StephW. E. Grimshaw, assistant rector. Th<* manding a large and responsible pracenson; First Church and Wayside, REV. JOHN MACMILLAN. rector made a few remarkB, and tice. C. D. Fisher; St. Luke's, J. Y. Dobtouchingly referred to the generousIn. 1862 he entered the army as » Mr. Neal has,also secured for this bins; Simpson, Alfonso Dare. Mana8Q.us.n-A. H. Eberhardt beartedness of the' doctor in admin- surgeon of tbe 14th Regiment, New Sunday Mrs. Helen Reed-Alexander, Matawan—B. C. Lippincott, ' storing to tbe poor. The committal Jersey Volunteers, and remained l i the celebrated harpist, of PhiladelMllltowa—L. L. Hand. service was read in the church by the service about two years. Much phia, who will render both Instrumen- • Morganville—Supplied by Georg* r Rev. Pearse. of the time he was on detatcbed duty tal and vocal selections. Mrs. Reed Hammer. Navesink ' and Highlands—Elijah1 A platoon of policemen escorted the tn charge of Held1 .hospitals in the if one of the finest players on. the harp Reed. body to the cemetery, and as the Ai»ny of the Potomac, doing all that In this country, and tbe sweet music Nef Brunswick—First Church, J. cortage moved tbe fire alarm goundeil a brave man and surgeon could do. she draws forth from the strings is Morgan Read; Pitman, H. P. Sloans eighty-three taps, as a token of re- In 1864 his health failed him, and his truly wonderful. There can be no St. James, 0. W. Yard. New Egypt—0. E. Archer. ' ' Bpect to the departed former-mayor. resignation from the service became doubt of a very large attendance at Oakhurst—H. T. Eisler. . At tbe grave1 the Impressive ritual imperative. After a fe.w weeks rest the church on Sunday next. Services Ocean Grove—J. D. Bills. of the Masonic order was read in the at home, he again began the usual at 10.30 a. m.; and 7.30 p. m. Oceanic—W. E. Tedden. Oceanport—J. F. Heflman, presence of a large number of people. duties of his profession in this city. Old Bridge and Spotswood—To bt The floral pieces were many and beau- For many years Dr. Treganowan was supplied, * ' tiful. • a salaried surgeon in Jhe employ Point Pleasant and Bay H e a d The bearers were J. M. Parker, the Camden t Amboy Railroad, and William Adams. Red Bank—First church, S. M. Van Charles Muirbeld, F. E. DeGraw, Gott- its successor, the Pennsylvania RailThe Civic Department of the Wom- Zant; Grace, James Lord. '" ob Straub, Alfred Kerr and Joseph road. He was a member of the Mid- an's Club desires to call attention to Sayrevllle—G. S. Johnson. Wilson. Stillwell & Mason were fun- dlesex County Medical Society, at var- tbe rubbish receptacles which have Seabrlght—0. S. Duffleld. eral directors. ious times holding all the offices con- been placed at conspicuous point* Sllverton—Alonzo Chambers. Smlthburg—Supplied by Charles nected with that society. He was re- about the city during the past week. Blognpfej. Hogate. Dr. Ambrose Treganowan, A, M,, peatedly a delegate from the State These receptacles are designed to South Amboy—J. E. Sbaw. was born in Camborne, county of Medical Society to other State medi- hold papers, fruit skuiB and other deSouth River—Peter Provost. cal societies, was appointed delegate Southard and Harmony (P. 0. Lake* Cornwall, England, February 1*4, 1830. bris which might otherwise litter and His parents were John and Ann Treg- to the American Medical Convention make our streets unsightly, and their wood)—D. Y. Applegate. Spring Lake—F. E. Purcell. anowan, of the same county, He was held in San Francisco in 1869, and purchase Is the first step in a civic Equankum and West Farms—To be 1 he youngest of four children, all also ) to the International Congress Improvement movement which the supplied. Tlnton Falls—Supplied by Leroy sons, and, besides this immediate fam- held In Philadelphia in June, 1876, and club Is initiating in South Amboy. The ly and their relatives, there is not was a'member of the New Jersey Mic- women of the club ask for the bearty Barry. Tom's River—J. C. Kulp. another family of Treganowana, and roscopical Society. He was past mas- co-operation of the citizens in this Wall (P. O. Lakewood)—Supplied ter of St. Stephen's Lodge, No. 63, F. heir pedigree is lost, except what is' "Clean up Crusade," and they appeal by Charles Smith. West Grove—J. L. Howard. related in'some curious and romantic ft A. M.," having joined, the lodge in to the civic pride of each and every Whitesvllle—To be supplied. raditions. The doctor's early educa- 1864. From 1874 to 1877 he was edit- individual, young and old, to make ,S o lon was received at a select academy or ot the South Amboy Argus. this work accomplish results which HANSON—BOGNER. lor boys in the town where he resided, In 1855, Dr. Treganowan was mar- shall be gratifying to the club and'ot onducted by William Bellows, a ried to Constance Gordon, daughter of lasting benefit to the city. The efThe Methodist Protestant parsonage Quaker, and a former resident of New Judge Thomas F, Gordon, deceased, forts of a few, however strenuous, can was the scene of a pretty wedding on York City, At the early age of 14 and a granddaughter of Count Reseau, accomplish little, but the concerted ac- Tuesday evening, March 11, the conears he commenced his preparation once an eminent physician of Phila- tion of many, with a keen desire for tracting parties being Mr. Morlts H. P. For the medical' profession, by being delphia, who fled to America about municipal improvement will come near Hansen and Miss Grizelda Bogner, indentured for seven years to the cele-. the year 1782, during the revolutlou to making of South Amboy a verl; » *oth of this city. The beautiful ceremony, which was with ring, was perrated surgeon, Alfred Prideaux, Esq., in France. Mrs. Treganowan died able "Spotless Town." formed by Rev, F. F. Craig. if Slskeard, about forty miles from seventeen years ago last Monday. o its native town. After fulfilling about In politics the doctor was a RepubFUNERAL OF MRS. IAWHENCE. hree years of his article of engage- lican, but never let his partisan feelA PLEASANT SOCIAL. The funeral of Mrs. Ann Lawrence ment, however, he grew restive, ami Ings overrule him in local affairs. He On Tuesday evening, March 11, vinced a determination to go to was three times elected mayor of this took place from St, Mary's Church at about fifty members and friends of merica, His family, seeing bis de- city, and each time with large major- 10 o'clock on Monday morning last, the Methodist Protestant Church atand was attended by a large number ermination, succeeded in cancelling tended n social at the home of Mr. About 1809, Dr. Tregtfiibwan took of friends and relatives. The service and Mrs, Jacob Spragiie, of Churcbi is articles of indenture, and equipped him with an atundant outfit and for his second wife Miss Mollie Stry- was conducted by Rev. Father Lane, street, which proved a very enjoyable he necessary means. He left the ker, of Philadelphia, who survives him who celebrated the high mass of ro- occasion, Oysters wore served In shores of old England In 1853, from He Is nlBo survived by three daugh- queim for the repose of the soul. In- abundance, after which a social hour terment was made in St, Mary's cem,he port of Penzance, in the ship "Mar- ters, Mrs. Robert Kerr and Miss Conetery. The bearers were Messrs. John was spent. It was a timo long to bo uls of Chandos," Captain Colenzo, stance Treganowan, of this city; and J. Delaney, Patrick Sullivnn, John remembered. When the guests left n. old friend of the family, command- Mrs. Harry E. Mack, of Klrkwood, Mo. Conlogue, Philip Sullivan, John Qualn for their homos, they voted N tao and C. I. Bergen. J. J. Scully was Sprngue domicile n plensnnt retreat, Lags of Spring Lamb 18c pound; AARON E. JOHNSTON. and ready for nnother invitation. funeral director. Aaron E. Johnston, a former sollo- fresh killed chickens 20c pound, totor of this city, died on Monday at day at Monaghan's Meat Market, Davl'l POST CARDS—St, Patrick's Day Whether you nre on the deep sea or • its home in Farmingdale, at tbe age street. cords and local views, 1c each. Easter on mother earth Yncht Club Coffee t fifty-six years. Mr. Johnston was cards and local views, lc each. Easter tastes good. SMMlf'Brown Bros. Tea 10m in New Jersey, and served two 3-15- J /POLL LINE OP POTTED PLANTS Broadway. erms In the Assembly, aiid CUT FLOWERS for Holy Thurso day and Easter, C. W, Stuart, BroadIf in need of wallpffiier, read adv. Yet the Lord may way find Augusta stxppt 3-15-2 if R. West & Co., on fturth page, * ful giver of advice. Advertise ifl the ProminentPe Coming Sunday" Rubbish Cans. J AJtBOt CITIZEJf. We eire ana Brtttm Sirctr Ceiptni. Store Cleiwi Satnriar at» p , . " NEWJERSEY NEWS CONPENSH). i.- • l \ / Last Sunday was a delightful day not only/as far as the weather wai concerned, but also at the church fo All the services ge«med delightful os castons) and at the close of each meet ing the congregation seemed loth t< depart. After the uplifting spiritual aervic in the morning the Junior 0. E. wai held at 2 p. m., led by the superinten dent and addressed by the superin' tepiient of the Sunday School, Mr Howard Bloodgood, In a slmplifie yk intelligent manner, and the lit tie Juniors could not help but de'rirt benefit from his timely and appro iprjate "remarks. The llttlo Juniors 'are being trained in the Bible way o Christian living. One of the special meetings of th day was Sunday School, it being offering day to the parsonage fund, am all were anxious. After an interest - 'ing study of the Bible lesson on th ;' "Destruction of Sodom," thesccretar "' of the school, Miss Ethel Dill, an. nounciid as the offering for this montl ," $65.11. There was general rejoicing -' 'and the school broke out in slngin, '• "Praise God from Whom all Blessingi Flow." It was an enjoyable time, I a little over a year, in monthly col' lections, the school has turned In tc the parsonage fund $682.49. This I grand for a small school and th work la still going on. Mrs. Lizzie English led the Senior C. E. service* at 7 p. m. It was a t unique meeting, The topic was "Obeying Our Conscience." Some remarks were made that made you think . study and pray. It was a helpful 1 meeting and an lacreaied number w»« in attendance. A full choir'was present at the service of song and some very spirited and effective singing was enjoyed; At the time of preaching it wai pleasure to Bee the Increased attend' ance and Interetted congregation aa the pastor discoursed on "The Holy Spirit as the Abiding 'Comforter. Some new facet were seen at the ler, vice. Thus the day closed with much satisfaction and Joy, . ' The social held br class, Caiket ol Pearls, at the horn* of the teacher, Mrs. Bmma Stnlts, brought-a larce ~*iumber and a very enjoyable time was spent. Refreshment* were served, all of which added to last Sun day's offering, ( .: The chlor and others met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Havens to practice the Easter Carols. After the singing, those present enjoyed a one treat Envelopes have been given out for ;.the annual offering to the Board of . Home Missions as the EaBter offering. - Let every member of the Church, ' Sunday School scholar and friend, do what they can'to help raise th* as•'•' Mssment The Ushers' Association will meet • • i t Sunday at 7 p. m. sharp. - * The pastor and official board high' 'ly appreciates the energy and efforts that are being made even at the point of sacrifice to some, to keep up the 1 interest that is being manifested In the church. PETIT JURORS FOR APRIL TERM On Tuesday Sheriff Albert Bollsch weller drew the petit jury for the April term of court. They are as follows: - South Brunswick—John D. Mershon, William W. Emmons, Isaao ^Barlow, Sr,, Potor Cortolyou, Elmer Grlggs. Now Brunswick—John Balrd, Edward Kelly, James Bates, David Clau. (sen, George Pyatt, Benjamin W. Suy, dam, John McColllgan, Prank Howley, William H. Strykor, Harry Haywood, MLchnpl F. Daly, Nicholas Cantorn, Edward Tallmnn, Milton Julian, John MaAndrows. Dun^llen—Henry Warge, Highland' Park—John Delnzer, William Ouderklrk, Samuel Latham, Jr., Placataway—John Ruypell, John R. Manning. Jamesburg—Charles H. Harlas, William E. Paxton. Sayreville—Frank Kolb, John Keagan. South River—James E. Servlsa, George Van Deventer, John H. Van Norden, Thomas Lyons, Charles Frseban. South Amboy—Edward Sutllft, Geo, Bverltt, James C. Connor, Antonio Nicorva, Perth Atnboy—James Morris, LouU Smith, Dennis J. Flynn, T. S. Lyons, Thomas Farroat, Julius Klein. Thoa. • Faiiey, Goorge Leavy. Cranbury—ThotrJ^ijjtoghlnnd, Harrison Lewis, j Rarltan—^p ' " •*"—.Tnmes' A. Dnnford. a Kolasli, Adam Items of Interest Prom all Parts of theState as Gleaned from Our Exchanges Briefly Paragraphed. NEWARK'S STORE BEAUTIFUL NEW-,,,, HALStY JTKEE rBROAD. What You Ought to Know Ited Bank Justice Dies. Charles H. Borden, a justice of th peace of Red Bank, died Sunday o heart disease. He was sixty-seven years old and had been employed b the Fleishman Yeast Company. He i: survived by bis wife. « « * « Prosecutor Robert S. Hudspeth, nf Hudson County; State Treasurer Ed ward E. Orosscup; Assistant Secre tary of State Job B. Lippincott and Thomas's. Henry. The committee In charge of the arrangements for th dinner is composed of, Chairman former Assemblyman Frank A, Boettner; Daniel A. Dugan, Philip A, Mo< Guire, C. A. Hart and A. B. Elbow, « «• « « Stnmp Sells for $455. A ninety-cent stamp, unused, of thi August iBBue of 1801, was sold fo $465 in New York last week at the sale of the collection of J. P. Walker, of Freehold. It was bought for an English collector. The second high est price was $350 for a five-cen groen Unlontown, Ala., one of th Confederate provisional issues, It ; a used 'specimen on the entire envi* lope. It wag knocked down to. Alex' under Maildox, of New,, York. * # # « forces. Mr. Wescott informed the Acting Governor that he called expressly to say that his father had decided that in view of I the announcement of Mr, Fielder's candidacy he would not permit his name to be used in any way in connection with the Gubernatorial fight. ' ABOUT COLD STORAGE You cannot afford to trust your valuable furs and other clothing, nor your rugs and draperies, in a cold storage vault tnat i3 anything but perfect. Right here in this establishment is a commodious and scientifically constructed cold storage plant. Here In this dry, dustless air, 15 degrees below freezing point all summer long, a climate -that is so natural to the furs that it prevents the drying out of the natural oils and gives them new life and lustre, you can keep your furs throughout the summer at little cost. PBOTECTIOX AGAIXST FIRE. The absolute fireproof construction of our building makes the possibility of fire so slight that your furs; rugs and draperies are much safer here than in any other building in Newark, and burglars haven't the ghost of a show of getting them. IXSIIKAJiCE. The small fee you pay us for storage covers the cost of storing, and the insurance as well, our insurance covering both fire and burglary, making you absolutely safe. STEADY GROWTH. Every year our storage business has Increased, people realizing the- value of cold storage, and realizing that right here, at their doors, was a perfect jilant, equipped in the most modern manner to right|y care for anything entrusted to us. Although we greatly enlarged our plant last season it was crowded, so It beho6ves you to place your furs with us at as early a date aa possible, remembering that no goods are stored on tho short-time basis, the charges being the same as for the entire season ending December 31st, MOTHS 'DEFIED. In this temperature moths cannot live, so that you are assured perfect protection from the little pests that do so much damage once they get a start. COLD STORAGE KATES. Mlnlirium charges are made on articles of a value insufficient to furnish prices for percentage charge. All goods are stored at a fair value—no considerable undervaluation of costly furs and 'no overvaluation can be accepted. Each article Is given a distinct vnlue and storage charge. No receipt Is Issued for less than (1. Furs are thoroughly cleaned and examined as to their condition before being placed In storage. FDR REPAIRS. \ Those desiring to have their furs or fur garments altered or ' repaired djuring the summer can have it done here under tbe super* vision of our expert furriers and be assured of having them ready when the fall season opens, Our charges are as moderate as can be, consistent with first-class service. / Step Toward A Hospital. Good Flihing In Galilee. Directors of the Asbury Park Fre Bible students may be interested tb Dispensary for the Medical Relief ol know that there is still good fishing in the Poor have changed the corporathe S«a of Galilee. Dr. Ernest W. Gurtion name of that institution, am ney Masterman, who has ' practice medicine In Galilee, made a special hereafter it will be known as tb study of the fishes found there and In Asbury Park Hospital. Physician! a recent book says that he found 4 and others Interested in tho dlspen. varieties, twice as many as can be sary declare that this Is the first ste, found In the Britten Isles, Tho fishertoward the construction of a modernmen are taxed a fifth of the value of ly equipped hospital for the city. Dr, the (lfili caught, the revenue goln John Taylor reports that 875 patient partly to the sul'an and partly to a pasha in Damascus, have asked for treatment at the dispensary. Dr. William K. Campbell of Long Branch, has been uppointe Ht Liktd Thtm Cooked. opthalmlst of the hospital, and Dr, There was a Frenchman who hatec Charles M, Mcllwalne, of Asbury Purl tbe country as much as did Obarlei assistant opthalmlst. Dr, Taylor 1 Lamb, but compressed bit feelings lnti Moimliiiii, Sr. few words. This wim Charles Motixi the medical director. JaineB Monohun, Sr., one of tho old let, who lived on tbe Qunl Voltnin # * * # eat residents of Jamesburg, died Sat Paris. "It is," lie suld, referring to tli Jumcsburg 11ns n Fire. urday at the homo of his son, Jame country, "tbe place where the blrdn ur . raw." Tho Jamesburg Electric Light an Monahan, Jr., after an illnoss of < Water Company's electric plant wai week. Mr; Monahan was slxty-twi A Marktd DifUrmci. years old, and for the last six month destroyed by Are Saturday night, le Bilkluit-He looked like bis brothe ing the town in darkness, The build' had been In falling health, The fun. und I bit him. Waller-Couldn't yo ing housed both the water pumps an eral was held Tuesday morning from tell them npartV Illlkins-I couldb the dynamos and switchboard, bu St. James's Catholic Church. Ilien. but now there's a marked differ the water plant which supplies thi • # • # * viwe.—Birbunge. town was saved. Merrltt 1'haro, Aito Runs Over Child. Phlladelphian, Is president of th. Employmint. A minute after ten-year-old Ollv 1 . To him tbat baa no employment life company, and places the loss a Wilson, of Matawan, stepped from the In a little while will have no novelty, $10,000. , curb to cross the Btreet on her way and when novelty In laid In tbe grave • ' • * * " * ' • . . •• home from Sunday School, Sunday, Uw funeral of comfort will soon foi Hector at Princeton II Years, Vow she was lying In tho roadway, whll tow.-Anon. Resigns. nearby was an automobile which had The hatred or the rldoua will do jrm The resignation of Rev. Dr. Alfre passed completely over her, over B. Baker, rector of Trinity Church a turned with Its four occupants lens harm than their conversationBwUty. Princeton since 1866, has been ac sprawled on the fround. The driver cepted by, the vestry. It will take et- of the automobile, which came from ST. PATRICK'S DAT. feet on the fiftieth anniversary of th Atlantic Highlands, tried to turn ou clergyman's ordination as a deacon, of the way to avoid running the child and at that time he will be elected down, but she was too close. In Lines Written on St, (Patrick's Da; /»nd visor are the ba«U of profitable dalrylnc »»« •««* Ijowin*. rector; emeritus. When Dr. Baker spite of the quick turn of the steering 1913, by Benj. Greene, South Amboy. /Unthrifty itock li carried at a Ion, and i« a diigrace to< IM faraar. wheel, the machine knocked the child submitted his resignation he gave as ' Immediate Improvement in condition follow! Ike UM « Tbe gallant sons of Erin's Isle down and passed over her and then his reason the effect of his advancing To-day are on parade; turned turtle. The child suffered a Of Jests and jeers and scoffers' sneers age. He will remain affiliated with irld'n "urcntcBt conditional (or honei. cattle. ah««p, bofm II broken nose and bruises'and scratchThose boys are not afraid. .......... <itn« nppotite. itrengtheni the dlgcitlve ay-item, pun the atocK the church and will continue work in es, but the occupants of the car, al In solid ranks and square Phalanx in Vhape to worji hard or produoa heavily. That brim, aatlifactloa Md the parish, His place as active rec They're out in full array of whom were thrown out, were not I C M C , 911 IWb. Pail. $3.50. "Your monty Uck if It Me." tor will probably be taken by Rev. To celebrate and Jubilate seriously hurt. O*t PratU Proflt-iluring Booklet ana learn about PralU Coapeia, •Mr. Pomeroy, who has been assslstThis Is, Saint Patrick's Day. H. WOLFF * CO. MB8. A. BEHBT ' ant rector under Dr. Baker. ,'',.. .. » . * « • ' , This day BO dear, which we revere IH08. E. CAPKEB , J0H9 SCTLIFF • « * * Father Healer Transferred. Because In bygone days, Bishop McFaul has transferred Rer. That man of God on Tara's sod Received Shock of 3.4M Yells an* Still The cross on high did raise. Father, Healey, rector of St. Joseph's TITtrnrnl And proclaimed the truth to age and Although a 2,100-volt current'o church nt East Millstone, to Mmyouth ' By Satan led astray, electricity passed through his body asquan. Father Healey has taken up Monday morning, John Whlttls, ol bis new charge. Before going to the And this is why we raise the cry, All hall Saint Patrick's Day. .V New Brunswick, will live, physicians East Millstone church, Father Healey was a curate at St. Peter's Church, n St. Peter's Hospital, that city, think. This grand Old Saint, without one taint , Whlttls, who Is thirty-four years old New Brumwtck. He has been a popOt Godless dark desire, is employed as a carpenter by the ular rector at Millstone and has done To lift a race from sin's disgrace, Pennsylvania Railroad. He was work- much to build up the church. He nobly did aspire. ing with three others on the railroad And won the Held, made darkness Is prepared te t > any and all klneis ef • • • • yield, . bridge at Main Btreet, Metuchen, when Its long disputed sway; bt School Clews. he touched a feed wire. It Hook the This is tbe cause of our applause combined efforts of his companions to The - Seabright Public School was This fair Saint Patrick's Day. liberate him. The Injured man was closed Monday by order of the Board • I ,« 4 M' NOTEHEAUS carried to the office of Dr. Herman of Education because of an epidemic Then fall In line and march to time; LETTEBUEADS Your colors do not hide, Gross, a short distance away, and of measles. There are sixty cases ENVELOPES In this great name of ancient fame from there to tho hospital in New The school will remain closed until We take an honest pride. BILLHEADS March 19. » » Brunswick: in an ambulance. He was And dear Innesfail, which we bewail STATEMENTS Remember when you p r a y severely burned and one side of his ft « « « BUSINESS CARDS That tery soon sweet freedom's boou body was paralyzed. SOCIETY CARDS Milton Hnlshlser. Shall reign on Patrick's Day. . * # * « RULED BLANKS Milton Hulshlsser, an employe ot thj Old Tara's Hill* we'cherish still." Prices of Fifty Tears Ago. ( BLANK BOOKS Pennsylvania Railroad, at Belvidere, Where the gospel's joyful sound, That the prices of to-day are not died at the Easton, Pa., Hospital Tues- From Patrick's voice in accents choice PAMPHLETS :o be compared with those back In day morning, front pneumonia. He Was echoed all around. HiiiiiliilliailiiJlliiiiaiillilaillliilillJlliiJniiiUlllllimlliHII 864 is disclosed by a ledger owned was fifty-four years old, Mr. Hulshizer Those chiefs believed the truth received, by Charles Morris, 75 yearB old, of was taken ill while at the home of Belmar, Back in 1SC4 Mr. Morris Frank Gibbs, in Front street, and was To guide their onward way; since that time this light doth conducted a store at Hamilton. Hia removed to the hospital for treatment. And shine ' ledger of that year shows charges of He was unmarried and ts survives by PahUer aid Papariungw. Bright on Saint Patrick's Day. kerosene, $1.62 per gallon, sugar 20 wo sisters, Mrs. Martin Thomas, of WALL PAPER FOR SALE ents a pound, soap 20 cents per bar, Belvidere, and Mrs. Orvllle Shuler, of The snakes, they say, he sent away 69 Catharine St., South Amboy.,' To a mor.e congenial clime; Estimates Cheerfully Clv«n. muslin 23 cents per yard, tea $1.25 Washington. Mr. Hulsizer was u We cannot know if that were so, Telephone 1M 18 SECOND ST. Box l i t ound, coffee, 64 cents pound. Car- member of the. Jr. O. U. A, M,, and the But his preaching was sublime. BSfEatimatts Cheerfully CMren'Sa. enters' wages were then $1.50 to $2.00 Red M«n's lodge, of Belvidere, and Do not mistake,, through toad or snake The wonderful display ler day, and farm employes from'75 was also identified with the PennsylOf sovereign grace, which won a race :ents to $1 per day. anla Relief Association. On that Saint Patrick's Day. * « « # * * « « One Ood, yet Three, they could not Aviator's Father Dead. Held On Wife's Charges. see James Francis Boland, father -it 'Till Patrick did explain, On each of two charges, each preAviator Frank Boland, who was killed By the shamrock green, was fully erred by his wife, Fredrick Waters, seen roprietor of a garage at Red Bank, anuary 23 neaf Port-au-Spain, TrinThe Trinity made plain. Eat I mates Furnished on Request was arraigned before Justice James dad, died Tuesday at his home, 26 And thus we wear this emblem rare Westfield avenue, Rahway. He was H. Sickles Sunday and held under While from Erin, far away, SHOP: 200 ball. In connection with tho eventy-eight years old. He was born t's always found the wide world 'round irrest, Mlas Grace Cottrell, of Union n Bath, England, and had lived in Displayed on Patrick's Day. ' venue, Long Branch, was also ar- ;his country sixty years, and fifty-four raigned before Justice Sickles and ears in Rahway. Mr. Boland la sur- On March seventeen still wear tho With a Six green eld under $200 ball to await the ac- ived by a widow, three sons, A. J. Months' Trial And proundly march along, ion of the grand jury. Waters was Boland, Joseph J. and James P. BoSubscription to nd sing the praise o£ by-gone days harged with non-support by his wife and, and two sisters, Mrs. Francis In patriotic song. nd adopted daughter, and another Bartell, of Plainfield, and Miss Ella And have no fears that coming years Shall see the least decay oland, of Rahway, and twelve grandharge was laid against him. n honor paid by grand parade shildren. * * * * On each Saint Patrick's Day. « * « * E5GDTES, BOILEBS and XAOHUnBl Wfttpenn Dinner Speakers. •o take your stand for the dear old Wcscott Will Xot Bim. Of all kinds repaired. BDth United State Senators William land, Tl2. fourteen hundred years ughes and James E. Martlne are Acting Governor Fielder had severMODBL UAEDTG, riUMBIHG, cheduled to apt-alt nt tho dinner to 1 callers Tuesdayv.am'ong them being ince Patrick came across the main For One Dollar To banish doubts anil fears, GAS FITTCTG, 8TBAM A m aluh Weacott, a son of John W. We.i- nd to-day we're found in doctrlno n given at tho Washington In Newark The OItlo.lt Outdoor Weeklyi-Rccog. nized authority, on Hunting, Fishing, n March 'M to Mnyor H, Otto Witt- btt, who placed Wilson dn nominii|HOT WATER JHBATtHfi sound ' •'•til A IDHIllH! Trap-shooting? , Archery and And determined so to stay enn, of Jersey City. Addresses will lon at Baltimore nnd Wli had boeft 1 Gnrac Oinsor. bscription nd the sham'rocli green on March, . price, $J a ycr e mad« also by Congressmen BugeniJ lontioned ns a.nosslble lomprniu.'n<! sample copy, seventeen "•,. j ' FOREST a m PUB. CO. " "J n Corner 8r ' " d 8tocl*on SU\j Kinkeml nr omas J. Scullyl andlilai',V,t wear on PfttrV i Day. 127 F r u n k U New Yorlr Broad, New and Halsey EALTH • • ' i ? : , -: •• • • . • , • • Animal Regulator 1 ' t KEEP IT IN MIND THAT The Citizen Job Department PRINTING WM. T. HAMMELL, WILLIAM MOORE' * Carpenter and BiiiMef,>' J. Donlin We Offer youDaniel Plumbing and Heating Gas Pitting and Tinning George St., between Stevens ' and Pine Aves. MACHINE SHOP STREAM V. NEWELL JAMES
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