How to help your son / daughter revise in History How the course examined? There are three History exams, all worth 25% of the overall marks so it is 75% exam. Exam name Unit 1: Peace and International relations 1943-91 Date 16th May length 1 hour 15 minutes marks 60 Unit 2: Germany 191839 23rd May 1 hour 15 minutes 54 (including 4 marks for SPaG) Unit 3: The USA a divided union? 194570 2nd June 1 hour 15 minutes 57 (including 7 marks for SPaG) topics Section 4: How did the Cold War develop? 1943–56 Section 5: Three Cold War crises: Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia c1957–69 Section 6: Why did the Cold War end? The invasion of Afghanistan (1979) to the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991) Key Topic 1: The Weimar Republic 1918–33 Key Topic 2: Hitler and the growth of the Nazi Party 1918–33 Key Topic 3: The Nazi dictatorship 1933–39 Key Topic 4: Nazi domestic policies 1933–39 Key Topic 1: McCarthyism and the Red Scare Key Topic 2: The civil rights movement 1945–62 Key Topic 3: Changes in the civil rights movement 1963–70 Key Topic 4: Other protest movements in the 1960s Useful Revision strategies: - - History is not offering explicit revision sessions for content as experience has shown that students regard these sessions as having ‘done’ their History content from just turning up. All History staff will be marking any extra exam questions that students complete from now until the exams. We would suggest that students had in ‘little and often’ so they can make small steps of progress. Past paper questions set by teacher each week all need to be completed and marked based on the targets set from the last question done of this type so students make progress on specific personal target areas. Use the exam guides on the learning gateway (location below) to give explicit question advice, structure and starter sentences. Use key cards and mind maps to revise. Condense each topic area into keywords to revise. Use the revision work guides to complete the fill in the blanks for each topic areas. Revise key terms – These are all in the revision booklets. Use the tick sheets at the beginning of each topic in the revision booklet and given out throughout the course which lists everything that needs to be learnt for the topic. (These are on the shared area below). Timelines are always an important element in History revision – not only creating them but testing yourself on them. Keeping them thin on detail makes them more readable and clear. Picture timelines are sometimes helpful for many students. Location of past papers and all revision resources: On learning gateway: Subjects—Humanities--History –GCSE courses –(on right hand side of page “History GCSE revision resources” has folders with all three Units with tasks and past papers). Revision booklets: Use the three revision booklets on the learning gateway which allow you to fill in the blanks for each topic. This is on the learning gateway in the same place as the past papers. Edexcel revision guide ISBN is 9781446905128. This guide covers all the topics and others so please get students to speak to their teacher if unsure of which sections to cover. A/A*: Use the exam guides on the learning gateway for each Unit to learn the requirements for each exam question. Hitting the top marks in each question requires very specific things for example having linked paragraphs and prioritised factors in conclusions. How to help your son/daughter revise GCSE Business Studies GCSE Business Studies – Edexcel Exam Board Students have already completed Unit 2 – The controlled assessment worth 25% of the final grade. Students will be sitting 2 exams this summer as detailed below: Exam Unit 1 – Introduction to Small Business Unit 3 – Building a Business Date Wednesday 21st May 2014 (AM) Monday 2nd June 2014 (AM) Length Style of questions 45 mins 20 multiple-choice styled questions worth 40 marks in total % of grade Worth 25% of final GCSE grade 90 mins Mainly short-styled questions worth either 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 10 marks each and 90 marks in total Worth 50% of final GCSE grade Resources/Publications available for students • • • Students have been issued with textbooks covering both Unit 1 & 3 for home use. Edexcel Revision Guide (ISBN 9781446903735) & Workbook (ISBN 9781446903766) - both available on parent pay or Amazon. (Care – DO NOT REVISE ANY UNIT 5 MATERIAL) Edexcel Exam Skills Practice GCSE Business Extend Student Workbook (ISBN 9781446900512) – very useful for students to learn how to answer questions for Unit 3. (Care again – DO NOT REVISE ANY OF THE UNIT 5 MATERIAL WITH ORANGE HEADING). Resources available on the Gordano Learning Gateway • • • • • • • To access GLG: Subjects/Social Science/Business Studies/GCSE Courses. There are 3 Main Areas: 1. Key Stage 4 – GCSE: This has power points/resources from the whole course 2. Unit 3 Year 11 Revision resources: This covers all the revision material for Unit 3 3. (scroll the page down to access) Unit 1 Revision Resources. Within these sections are many useful topics including: Past Exam Papers, Mark Schemes and Examiner’s Reports Key Terms and definitions How to Answer Exam Questions. What You Need To Know for each chapter Summary sheets on each chapter Student Guide on How To Revise for the Business Studies Exams • This has been given out to students to help them get started. Ask them to show you it. Revision Sessions • Have been running every Tuesday lunchtime in room BS2 since the start of the year. Download the Unit 3 Revision App • Details of the link is in the Unit 3 Revision section of the GLG If you require any further information then please contact Gary Williams, Head of Business at How to help your son / daughter revise in Psychology How the course examined? There are two psychology exams, both worth 50% of the overall marks so it is 100% exam. Exam name Unit 1 41801: Making sense of other people Date 3rd June length 1 hour 30 minutes marks 80 Unit 2: 41802: 10th Understanding June other people 1 hour 30 minutes 80 topics 1,Non-verbal communication 2,Memory 3, Personality 4, Research methods 1 5, Stereotyping 1, learning 2, Sex and gender 3, Social influence 4, Research methods 2 5, Aggression Style of questioning -Short questions -Multiple choice -Continuous prose questions (6 marks) -Implications and applications - Short questions -Multiple choice -Continuous prose questions (6 marks) -Applications of psychology Useful Revision strategies: - - Use key cards and mind maps to revise. Condense each study/ theory and revise 2 evaluation points Use the “key studies” chart given to all students to revise each study with two evaluation points. There is one for the UNIT 1 studies and one for the UNIT 2 studies. This is also on the learning gateway (see below for instructions on location) Evaluation points: Need to be related back to the actual study or theory not general so revise specific ones for each study/ theory. Past paper questions set by teacher each week all need to be completed and marked using the mark scheme (12 sets of past paper questions) Revise key terms – These are all in the revision booklet Use the tick sheets at the beginning of each topic in the revision booklet and given out throughout the course which lists everything that needs to be learnt for the topic. Ways studies can be condensed and revised: Condensed with key words and picture. Original key study in revision booklet Milgram (1963): Obedience – following orders of someone seen as in authority Aim: To investigate how far people would go in obeying orders from someone else. Method: Participants were assigned to be either the teacher or the learner. The Psychologist rigged it so that the real participant was always the teacher and a confederate was always the learner. The participant was led into a room where there was an electric shock machine. The psychologist instructed them to give electric shocks if questions were answered wrong Results: 65% shocked to 450 volts. 3 participants had seizures and several did not want to continue. Conclusion: The study shows how normal everyday people are obedient. . Evaluation: -Only male participants from America – doesn’t apply to female behaviour -Unethical – Deception, protection of participants, right to withdraw all gone against Key card with key words for each section condensed Milgram: Obedience – following orders of authority Aim: Investigated how far people go Method: Gave electric shocks to people to see how far they would go. Learner and teacher. Not real. Questions asked and shocked Results: 65% of participants shocked to 450 volts Conclusion: Shows normal people obedience Evaluation: Only male, America, unethical stressed. Location of past papers and all revision resources: On learning gateway: Subjects-- Social science--Psychology -GCSE Courses –(on right hand side of page “Psychological GCSE revision resources” Revision booklets: Use the two revision booklets on the learning gateway. This is on the learning gateway in the same place as the past papers. There are no effective revision guides for GCSE Psychology you can buy and no recommended website revision pages. A/A*: implications and applications on unit 1 and implications on unit2 are there to create the A* grade. There is a “stretch and challenge and aspire” section on the learning gateway- follow instructions above for location. 3rd Feb GCSE ART EXAM GUIDE 40% of the grade 1. Mind Map with question in the middle and images 10th Feb HALF TERM WEEK 2. AO1 – 2 or 3 ARTIST CRITICAL STUDIES For each artist research/study, provide visual reference, text, analysis of style, opinion and inspiration Completed by 03/03/2014 24th FEB 3rd March 10th March 17th March 24th March 3. AO3 - OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES Complete detailed tone pencil drawings and colour observations in a variety of media. One must be a pencil. 12 photographs of subject matter original and edited Completed by the 17/03/2014 4. A02 - IDEA DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 1. Initial ideas on A3 sheet black & white sketches 2. First Idea on A4 explore media & annotate 3. Second Idea on A4 explore media & annotate Completed by the 24/03/2014 4. Refine best idea on A3 with different colour options, scan images and manipulate in the computer. Completed by the 31/03/2014 ALL WORK MUST BE MOUNTED BEFORE EXAM 31st March EASTER HOLIDAY ART EXAM 23TH & 24TH APRIL 5. A04 - FINAL PIECE This will be completed in the 10 hour exam. You may decide to work on paper, canvas, card or in 3D materials. 6. Evaluation Complete a written evaluation of your outcome from start to finish. Explain what, how and why? Order of completion of A03 + A02 is at teacher’s discretion DEADLINE 25TH APRIL 2014 3rd Feb 10th Feb HALF TERM WEEK 24th FEB 3rd March 10th March 17th March 24th March 31st March GCSE PHOTOGRAPHY EXAM GUIDE 40% of the grade 1. Mind Map with question in the middle and images, ideas, subject matter 2. AO1 – 2 or 3 ARTIST CRITICAL STUDIES For each artist research/study, provide visual reference, text, analysis of style, opinion and inspiration with personal responses (own version) use terminology. Aid is in subject area GCSE and revision Completed by 03/03/2014 3. AO3 – 2 PHOTO SHOOTS Take 2 different photo shoots of subject matter; print all contact sheets, with ticks and crosses Enlarge best originals and edit for possible ideas of development Completed by the 17/03/2014 4. A02 - IDEA DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 1. Initial ideas with selected photographs 2. First idea, explore techniques, effects & annotate 3. Second Idea, explore presentation ideas (montage, series, etc...) & annotate. Completed by the 31/03/2014 At this stage you might need another artist to link with your final piece. 4. Refine best idea and annotate your intentions Completed by the 24/04/2014 ALL WORK MUST BE MOUNTED BEFORE EXAM EASTER HOLIDAY Photography EXAM 28TH & 29TH APRIL 5. A04 - FINAL PIECE This will be completed in the 10 hour exam. You may decide to bring your photographs printed on special paper and work on the presentation or edit and print in school and create your final outcome during the exam. 6. Evaluation Complete a written evaluation of your Photography project from start to finish. Explain what, how and why? Add a small photo of your final piece. DEADLINE 30TH APRIL 2014 How to help your son/daughter revise for PE Key Dates: Tuesday 24th March Practical Moderation Day Friday 16th May Final Theory Exam Assessment: Circuits Performer Netball Performer Netball Officiator Includes: All units 1-10 Scenario Useful Revision Resources: Unit Work Folders Create mind maps and flash cards for each unit – aim to reduce this work from A3 paper through to topic top 5 key words. Use the unit tracker within the scenario to focus on key topics areas to narrow scenario revision. Revision Folders Use the Exam Pro questions to recap and practice answering questions. Complete any missing questions from the workbook that haven’t been attempted. Use the mark schemes to help note key points for answers with buzz key words. Student Share Area on GLG: Use the following to help support the processes above. Past revision questions/ mark schemes Previous Powerpoints from lessons. Exam Pro Question booklets and mark schemes. Revision guides. D-C Students: Use the question and answer bank of quick fire questions to help develop knowledge. Create a key word bank of scenario words. B-A* Students: Use the mark schemes to help formulate ‘perfect’ answers, working out where previous marks have been missed from Start to create possible scenario questions and answers based on the scenario information pack. How to help your daughter revise in Health and Social Care How the course is examined? There is one Health and Social Care exam in year 11. As this is a double award this mark will go together with the mark for the coursework completed in year 11, as well as the results gained for the exam and coursework completed in year 10 to give the double GCSE result. This will be two consecutive grades which will count as two separate GCSE’s, for example BC or AB. The exam is very late in the series so it is very important that the girls stay focussed and are continuing to work hard right up until the exam date. Exam name Unit 4 Date 24th June Length 1 hour 15 minutes Marks 70 20% of the double award total Topics Style of questioning Care needs of the major client Three compulsory questions based groups on case studies and short scenarios Care values used in practitioner work Self-concept and personal relationships Promoting and supporting health improvement The unit is a review of topics previously covered in the course which are taken further and applied for this exam. Useful Revision Strategies: • • • • • • • Use the unit specification which lists everything that needs to be learnt for the exam Remember – the unit covers and builds on work done previously in units 1,2 and 3 so revise work done previously on the topics listed above Look at past papers and mark schemes on the Gateway Use the textbook which summarises everything you need to know Find your old books and resources on the computers and revise the relevant work Make your own revision resources – mind maps, tables, diagrams and colours Make sure you are completing all homework tasks set – we will do lots of practice questions and case studies that will help you in your preparation Location of past papers and all revision resources: On learning gateway: Subjects-- Social science—Health and Social Care--GCSE revision There is no revision guide available for Health and Social Care so using the textbook, class revision resources and previous work completed in the units will be very important. A/A*: there will be exercise and tasks on the Gateway but the aspects are: • • • Applying your knowledge not just explaining it Analysing and evaluating material given, thinking about strengths and weaknesses You need to be able to come to your own conclusions about information and justify your responses. How to help your son / daughter revise in Music How the course examined? There is one Music exam, worth 20% of the overall marks. Exam name Unit 1 42701 Listening to and Appraising Music Date Length Marks Areas of Study Mon 2nd June (am) 1 hour 80 • • • • • Texture and Melody Rhythm and Metre Harmony and Tonality Structure and Form Timbre and Dynamics Strands • • • Western Classical Tradition World Music Popular Music Useful Revision strategies: - - Use cards, mind maps to revise Go through each of the strands and make a list of the topics Listen to a good range of different styles of music – BBC Radio offers a wide variety for free! Try Radio 3 for classical music (they also have a regular jazz feature on a Saturday, and world music/folk have featured programmes), Radio 2 for rock/pop, easy listening and a range of specialist programmes, Radio 1 for current music, the Asian Network for a good variety of modern Indian music. BBC4 television often broadcasts programmes about particular styles of music and individual composers and musicians Revise key terms – these are on the revision section on the learning gateway and also in the glossary in your music book Useful Websites for GCSE Music: – The AQA website, with full course details. - Scottish education system, but still useful - Very detailed, but has some useful resources - General GCSE level notes - Very easy to use - written for the previous specification, but still useful – great way to listen to a huge variety of different music – useful listening exercises of the more technical variety, including cadences, intervals, dictation etc – sound exchange has dictation, examples of instruments and a range of general information Location of revision resources: On learning gateway: Subjects – Creative Arts – Music - GCSE Courses – Year 11 - Revision Revision guides: As the exam is based entirely on listening skills, the most effective revision is to ensure a good working knowledge of all the key terms and to listen regularly to a range of different music. However, it may also be useful to invest in a revision guide – the best one available is the AQA GCSE Music Revision Guide by Alan Charlton, published by Rhinegold Education How to help your son / daughter revise in Computing How the course examined? There is one exam in computing that is worth 40% of the final grade, the other 60% are based on the controlled assessments already completed. Exam name A451: Computer Systems and Programming Date 12th June length 1 hour 30 minutes marks topics 80 Computer systems, Computer Hardware, Software, Binary Logic, Representing Data in Computer Systems, Databases, Communication Technologies, Programming Style of questioning -Short questions (1-2 marks) -Continuous prose questions (6 – 9 marks) -Write program code - Algorithm Useful Revision strategies: - - Use key cards and mind maps to revise. Condense each topic (see below) Make up phrases – Have a BIT of Cake, Have a NIBBLE, then have a BYTE. Practise Binary / hexadecimal/ Denary calculations and conversions. Draw the table out. Past Paper/Practise questions set each week to be completed and marked using marks scheme Revise Key Terms Flow Chart and Algorithms - Practise creating them ( How you decide what to eat for breakfast, How to decide what to wear depending on day and weather, how a chip in matched to a pin on a credit card, how to work out the size of glass for a window) Look at real world examples of where YOU use concepts/ideas ( Database – school system of all your details, doctor with patient details, Networks – School WAN where a STAR is used in each room, how is a word that is typed turned into binary) Ways topics can be condensed and revised: Condensed with key words and picture. Networks Client Server: Computers connect to a server Peer-to-Peer: All machines are equal LAN: Small size (LOCAL) WAN: Large scale area Topology 1: BUS: Hardware: server Advantages: Very cheap, as it requires a minimal amount of cabling Easy to add or remove computers Disadvantages cause failure of the network The network can be significantly slowed by high network traffic Topology 2: STAR: Hardware: Server, switch Advantages: If one cable fails, only the device attached to it is isolated from the network Faults are easy to find It is easy to add extra devices The system is secure, as data is only sent to devices that need that data Disadvantages: Lots of cable, which means more expensive to install than other topologies Topology 3: RING: Hardware: server Advantages: No collisions, as there is typically only one batch of data allowed on the network at any one time Very high rates of transmission are possible Disadvantages: Failure of a single cable can bring down the entire network Failure of a single device can bring down the entire network Security is not ensured, as data passes through other devices en route to its final destination Anything else that will help me: IP address: unique number assigned to a device, 4 sections each between 0 -255 MAC address: unique, is hard-wired into a device 12 digit hex Packets/Switches: Data is sent in small packets – packets DO NOT go the same route Revision booklets: Students have been provided with two revision guides on the GLG in lessons to use. How to help your son / daughter revise in Sociology How the course is examined? There are two Sociology exams, both worth 50% of the overall marks. The course is 100% exam. Exam name Unit 1 Date 14th May Unit 2 19th May length 1 hour 30 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes marks 90 90 topics 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Studying Society Family Education Crime and Deviance Media Social Inequality Style of questioning -Short questions -Choice of 12 mark essay -Short questions -Choice of 12 mark essay Useful Revision strategies: • • • • • • • Use key cards and mind maps to revise Practise writing mini essay plans Past paper questions are all available on the Learning Gateway Revise key terms – These are all in the revision checklists/revision guide Use the tick sheets at the beginning of each topic the course which lists everything that needs to be learnt for the topic Remember that 12 mark essays must answer ‘How far’ include this in your revision Use pictures, colour, diagrams where possible Location of past papers and all revision resources: On learning gateway: Subjects-- Social science--Sociology--GCSE Courses Revision Guide Available from Amazon. A/A* Make sure you are keeping up with news and current affairs by reading newspapers and websites and watching/listening to the news. For example: • • • • • Free schools Official crime statistics Welfare reform Immigration policy Poverty and unemployment stories How to help your son/daughter revise in Design & Technology How is the course examined? There are 2 elements to the course; Controlled assessment worth 60% and the final exam worth 40%. The deadline for Controlled Assessment was 14th February so the focus in all lessons now is on preparing for the final exam in May/June. Exam name GCSE Hospitality and Catering GCSE Electronic Products GCSE Graphic Products GCSE Product Design GCSE Resistant Materials GCSE Textiles Products Date Wed 4th June 09.00 Fri 23rd May 13.30 Wed 11th Jun 13.30 Fri 13th Jun 13.30 Tue 10th Jun 09.00 Fri 23rd May 13.30 length 1 Hour 15 mins marks 80 Style of questioning Short answer questions mixed with others which require longer, more descriptive answers. 2 Hours 120 2 Hours 120 2 Hours 120 2 Hours 120 2 Hours 120 Design question in Section A. Short answer questions mixed with others which require longer, more descriptive answers in Section B. Design question in Section A. Short answer questions mixed with others which require longer, more descriptive answers in Section B. Design question in Section A. Short answer questions mixed with others which require longer, more descriptive answers in Section B. Design question in Section A. Short answer questions mixed with others which require longer, more descriptive answers in Section B. Design question in Section A. Short answer questions mixed with others which require longer, more descriptive answers in Section B. N.B. on all of the D&T papers you are expected to spend roughly 1 minute per mark. In your revision sessions try to remember this when practising your sketching and designing. Useful Revision strategies: - Download revision cards from the Learning Gateway Use key cards and mind maps to revise. Read the pre-release material and practise sketching ideas based on the design context. The design question at the start of the exam is worth Break the subject down into appropriate sections and tackle each section one at a time. Always ensure you can explain about material properties as well as material uses. Past paper questions set by teacher each week must be completed on time in order to make the most of the exercise. Practise past paper questions from the AQA website, and submit them to your teacher once you have marked them yourself using the mark scheme. Use SAM learning, GCSE Pod and BBC Bitesize and BBC Learning Zone Clips; to go through audio and visual information. Location of past papers and all revision resources: On Learning Gateway: Subjects—DT – Relevant D&T subject GCSE Courses –(on right hand side of page “Revision Resources” Revision Guides: Every student should hopefully have purchased a revision guide for the D&T subject(s) they are studying. These will be referred to in lessons but should also be used individually by students when revising. They include typical exam style questions and activities to go through as well as the complete content of the subject specification. In addition, most subjects have a revision guide which teachers have prepared and which is available on the Learning Gateway. A/A*: there is an Aspire session on 7th March for students who are aiming for the highest grades and resources used in that session will also be available on the Learning Gateway. How to help your son / daughter revise in GCSE Dance How is the course examined? There are two remaining dance exams, equating to 80% of the course remaining to complete. Exam name Unit 3 - group performance (20%) and Unit 4 choreography (25%) Date 20th March length Practical exam (off timetable most of the day) marks Unit 3 = 30 Unit 4b = 40 Content 1, performance in a trio. 2, solo/duo or group choreography Unit 1 - critical appreciation of dance(20%) 4th June Written exam – 1 hour 50 1, Ghost Dances 2, Nutcracker! 3, action, space, dynamics, relationships 4, physical/aural setting/costume 5, dance terminology 6, analysis, description, evaluation, interpretation 7, ability to reflect on own work Style of the exam This is a practical moderation - students will be performing live to a visiting moderator who will mark at the same time as their teacher to ensure that marks are at the right standard. Students will only be given one chance to perform. If students have agreed to be in others choreographies then they will perform these as well. A piece of choreography has already been completed in year 10 – this will be shown to the examiner by video recording. - Mixture of short and long questions. -Continuous prose questions (up to 10 marks) - Knowledge of basic dance principles will be tested - choreographic processes, rehearsals, performance skills, technical skills - The two professional works (Ghost Dance and Nutcracker!) will be the foundation of most of the questions – their knowledge of all features of the work may be examined. Useful revision strategies (UNIT 1): - Use key cards and mind maps to revise. Link the learning in practical sessions to their written understanding – students can often practise the correct techniques and forget that they know them in the written paper! Useful phrases could be ‘how would you choreograph that in class?’ ‘what was effective about that performance?’ Use the revision booklet (provided paper copy to students before the mock exams in December) Sign up to ‘mark up’ an online revision tool – letters to be sent out to parents (cost of no more than £10 if all students sign up through the school) students have access to one question per day (for 3 weeks leading up to the exam) which they electronically answer and email back – the examiner will then email them with detailed and individual feedback on their answer stating where marks have been awarded/lost. Their teacher will also receive the feedback. Location of revision resources: On learning gateway: Subjects—Creative Arts—Dance --GCSE Courses – (on right hand side of page “GCSE Dance revision resources” A/A*: should be using the extended use of vocabulary in the revision booklet/exemplar, A/A* pieces of work available through Miss Lloyd in lessons/revision sessions. UNIT 3 and 4: ALL students will need to rehearse as much as possible in the few weeks leading up to the exam, they are responsible for organising their music (should it need editing) and must be handed in by 8th March. They may also need to find/create costumes for their performances/choreographies. All students are expected to perform their dance in the annual Dance Showcase 13th March – this provides an excellent practise ONE week before their practical moderation. Revision sessions: ‘drop in’ sessions are now available on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes (1-1.30pm in DR2) it is expected that students will come to as many as possible. How to help your son / daughter revise in Geography How the course examined? There are three Geography exams, all worth 25% of the overall marks so it is 75% exam. Revision Sessions 2014 – Wednesday 3.30pm-4.15pm Unit 1: Dynamic Planet – 1hr 15 min exam • Restless Earth, Changing Climate, Battle for the Biosphere, Water World, River Processes and Pressures, Extreme Environments Unit 2: People and Their Planet – 1hr 15 min exam • Population Dynamics, Consuming Resources, Globalisation, Development Dilemmas, Changing Settlements in the UK, The Challenges of an Urban World Unit 3 – Making Geographical Decisions - 1 hr 30 exam. Involves responding to questions on a resource booklet provided in the exam on an unseen issue. Useful Revision strategies: • Geography is offering explicit revision sessions for content. These all happen in H10 on Wednesday afternoons after school from 15:20 to 16:30. These are brilliant for a quick recapitulation of content and then some exam practice. We would strongly recommend attendance at these as bits of the course changed in 2012 and the updates are integrated into the revision sessions. I am sure that it goes without saying that these need to be part of a wider revision strategy for students and not the only revision they complete for Geography. • All Geography staff will be marking any extra exam questions that students complete from now until the exams. We would suggest that students had in ‘little and often’ so they can make small steps of progress. • Past paper questions set by teacher each week all need to be completed and marked based on the targets set from the last question done of this type so students make progress on specific personal target areas. • Use key cards and mind maps to revise. Only use mind maps with questions as the focus NOT topics (like rivers) as the exam is about application and not recall. • Use the revision work guides to complete and fill in the blanks for each topic areas. • Revise key terms – These are all in the revision booklets and on our Talmos page. • Structure is an important element in Geography exam questions – students need to be really clear on how to write ideas in a structured way (eg intro, main and conclusions) for any question over 6 marks. Practice of this style of writing is also important. Location of past papers and all revision resources: On learning gateway: Subjects—Humanities--Geography–GCSE courses - Once on here you have all the units and all the relevant information (including past papers, mark schemes, case study cards and key word lists) Revision booklets: Use the revision booklets available to buy on parentpay which allows you to fill in the blanks for each topic. Edexcel revision guide ISBN is “My revision notes Edexcel B GCSE Geography ISBN 9781444193930”. Please note that this guide covers all the topics and others so please get students to speak to their teacher if unsure of which sections to cover. A/A*: Use the exam guides on the learning gateway for each Unit to learn the requirements for each exam question. Hitting the top marks in each question requires very specific things for example having linked paragraphs and applying case studies even when not asked for in the exam.
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