You may have heard or read stories of bee hives... resistance to one, but the varroa mite has

Where Does Your Food Come From?
The Mystery of the Bees and
How to Solve It
by Bobbie Fredsall, EFC Member
You may have heard or read stories of bee hives falling off trucks traveling on
freeways or other main roads causing great quantities of bees to leave their hives,
making it difficult for people to clean up the accident. Why are so many bees
in transit? Is this related to bee die-off? In December I attended a Learning Life
class given by Marla Spivak, Distinguished McKnight Professor of Entomology and
MacArthur Fellow at the University of Minnesota about bees and learned a lot.
Bees and other pollinators – butterflies, some beetles, humming birds – are needed
to pollinate about 70% of the world’s flowering plants, including more than two-thirds
of the world’s crop species. This includes plants such as apple trees, tomatoes, and
squash we may grow in our yards. Pollination is also necessary for alfalfa, which is
used mostly to feed animals in the meat and dairy industry. (Cereal grains such as
corn, rice, and wheat are wind pollinated.) The traveling hives are usually going to a
field to pollinate. Almond growers in California depend on beekeepers to transport
their hives in time to pollinate the trees.
Most of these hives are the nests of honey bees. Honey bees were brought to the
United States from Europe in the 1700s. There are also native honey bees in Africa,
and South and Southeast Asia. The US also has about 4000 species of native bees.
Many of these are better pollinators than honey bees, especially for crops native to
North America, such as cranberries, apples, and squash. Of the native bee species
we are probably more familiar with bumble bees. Bumble bee species make up only
a small part of the 4000 native bee species. Some species of bumble bee have also
been used commercially for pollinating.
resistance to one, but the varroa mite has
been difficult for them to overcome. The
mites reduce the lifespan of adult bees by
suppressing their immune system. Beekeepers
have fought this mite with pesticides and
treated the bees with antibiotics. Many honey
bees are stressed by having a poor diet, by
contact with pesticides, by mites, and the being
moved from place to place. It is no wonder that
they are subject to disease. Colony collapse
disorder is likely to be caused by multiple
interrelated factors.
Bobbie Fredsall and
her grandson
Bumble bees live in small annual colonies founded by a single queen in the spring.
Their nests may be in dry cavity such as a cavity in a tree or under a clump of grass.
Bumble bees frequently have a long pollinating season, so access to early and late
blooming flowers is important. Unfortunately bumble bees are also in decline.
Several formerly widespread species have declined across most of their ranges. Some
species of bumble bee have been used commercially as pollinators, subjecting them
to the same stressors as honey bees face. It is possible that bumble bees used as
pollinators were exposed to new pathogens.
The problems for both honey bees and bumble bees can be traced to three causes:
• Bees are subject to their own diseases and parasites that can weaken and kill
them. Sick bees are weakened further by poor nutrition and pesticide poisoning.
In a vicious circle, poor nutrition and pesticide poisoning make bees more
susceptible to disease.
Since 2007, when colony collapse disorder was described as the syndrome causing
worker bees to suddenly and mysteriously disappear from their hive, public
consciousness has been raised about problems with bees. But colony collapse
disorder is just a more compelling story. For over 50 years beekeepers faced losses
caused by parasites, diseases, poor nutrition, and pesticide poisoning. The honey bee
problem is just the tip of the pollination iceberg. Important native bees are suffering
also, and some species have been lost. In North America, the number of managed
honey bee hives is down 50% since the 1950’s while the amount of crop acreage
needing pollination is at an all time high. We may be seeing reduced yields on acres
with insufficient pollination.
What Has Been Done?
Major changes in agriculture and the rural environment came about after World War
II. Until then, the rural landscape was composed of small farms interspersed with
non-farm areas – wetlands, woods, meadows. Pesticides hadn’t been developed. The
practice was to rotate crops and plant cover crops of clover and alfalfa to replenish
soil nutrients. After World War II, fertilizers and pesticides were developed making
it unnecessary to rotate crops or plant cover crops. It became more common to
plant large fields in a single crop, doing away with much of the nonfarm areas that
provided habitat and food for bees.
There are many scientists working on the bee problem. Here I will report on some
advances and studies taking place at the University of Minnesota Bee Lab. Spivak
and others in her lab were concerned about helping beekeepers reduce the amount
of antibiotics and pesticides used to control disease and mites. Spivak had noticed
that some insects remove ill and infected brood from their nest. Members of her
group worked to breed lines that select for hygienic behavior, that is, removal of ill or
dying brood. Trials have shown that bees bred for hygienic behavior do what they are
supposed to do, and the colonies have reduced mite loads.
Bees need pollen sources all season from spring to fall. They are healthier when
they have a varied diet of pollens from different plants. They don’t do well with
monocultures. Bees are also very sensitive to pesticides. Having their hives moved
around adds to the stress on the bees. Since the 1980s, honey bees have also been
suffering from two mites introduced to the United States from Asia. They developed
Another project involves studying the possible benefits of propolis for honey bee
colonies. Propolis is a mixture of resins that honey bees collect on their hind legs
from some trees such as birch and polar and use in their nest as a form of cement to
seal cracks and line the entrance. Propolis has been used by humans for its microbial
properties. The researchers are examining whether propolis has a microbial effect for
bees also. The results so far are promising.
• Nest sites and materials and flowers are contaminated with pesticides, which
alone and in combination can be toxic.
• There are not enough blooming flowers over the length of the growing season in
our urban and rural landscapes to support bees.
There are many other research projects in process at the Bee Lab and other research
centers around the country.
What Can We Do to Support Bee Health?
1. Become a beekeeper. Support is available from the Bee Squad.
Visit for information.
2. Modify your landscape. Plant flowers that provide pollen for bees from spring to
fall. See the Bee Lab site for list of plants.
3. Provide nesting habitat for native bees. The Bee Lab has instructions for this too.
4. Protect bees from pesticides. You can’t do it all yourself, since bees forage as
much as 2.5 miles from home. But you can do your part.
5. Buy organic. Unfortunately some products approved for use on organic foods
are toxic for bees, notably rotenone and spinosad. But in general, organic
farming will be much healthier for bees.
6. Get informed by visiting the Bee Lab site for papers and many informative
eastside food co-op news
Publication Notice:
Volume 16, Number 1
a message from your president—february 2014
Cooperation and the E (Executive)-Team
Eastside Food Co-op News
is published by
Eastside Food Cooperative
2551 Central Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
by Manisha Nordine
None of this happens in isolation. As a Board we have many
resources available to us. We can learn about the larger
national and international cooperative community. We
can utilize the resources made available to us through our
contractual relationship with CDS Consulting Co-op and their
Cooperative Board Leadership Development Program (CBLD).
We read articles from the Cooperative Grocer. We educate
ourselves about our community and the world at large.
Because of the internet, we literally have endless amounts of
information available at the touch of a finger. However, the
best resources available to the Board are EFC Owners and
the values articulated by our cooperative community.
Design & Layout: Ginny Sutton
Editor: Kristina Gronquist
Newsletter Committee:
Kristin Boldon, Amy Fields,
Bobbie Fredsall, Kristina Gronquist
Luna McIntyre
Display Ads:
EFC News is published every other
month in the months of February,
April, June, August, October, and
December. Copy deadline is the 10th
of the preceding month.
The primary function of the EFC News
is to provide members of the co-op
with information about the products
and services of Eastside Food Co-op
and the actions of the co-op staff
and board, consistent with the
Cooperative Principles upon which
EFC is founded. Members with story
ideas should contact Kristina at
or (612) 843-5407.
Editorial Disclaimer: The editorial
board of the Eastside Food Co-op News
reserves the right to respectfully
decline any content that we deem
inconsistent with the mission and
ends policies of Eastside Food Co-op.
Advertising Disclaimer: Ads in the
Eastside Food Co-op News are paid
for by the advertiser and do not imply
endorsement of any product, person,
or service by the Eastside Food Co-op
board, management or staff. Eastside
Food Co-op reserves the right to
reject any ad for any reason.
Advertising space in the EFC News
is limited. Both display advertising
and classified advertising is on a first
come, first served, space available
basis. Ads are due in written or
electronic form by the 15th of the
month prior for the next newsletter.
Classified Ad Policy: Let the
Eastside community know about your
business, sale item or special event!
Classified Ads are FREE to members
of Eastside Food Co-op as a benefit of
membership. Ad copy must be limited
to 30 words. Members may run the
same ad for up to three consecutive
issues, and then submit new copy for
a new ad. The deadline for classified
ads is the 10th of January, March,
May, July, September, and November
for the following months’ issue. To
place a classified ad, email amy@, who will send
you an ad request form.
Manisha Nordine, Board President
When I was a child, I wanted to be an astronaut. My parents
took me on road trips to NASA’s Johnson Space Center
in Texas and Cape Canaveral in Florida, yet I was always
aware that girls in the 1970s were not encouraged to pursue
such things. When Canadian astronaut Commander Chris
Hadfield came back to Earth after spending 6 months at
the International Space Station, he managed to stir up the
world’s interest in space exploration. I was transported
back to those childhood dreams. I have since read his book
and was very surprised to find how much of it was about
cooperation. NASA’s environment of international hypercooperation to develop space technology, secure adequate
funding, and create life-saving procedures is inspiring for
those of us seeking to figure out how to work together to
create food cooperatives. What we can learn here is about
the process of cooperation.
What we do as a community is not rocket science, but it
might be even more important – it’s about creating healthy
food systems for ourselves and our neighbors. It’s about
providing access to fresh foods and supporting local growers.
It’s about environmentally sustainable practices to preserve
all that we value here on Earth.
We started our cooperative by pooling our money and
opening a successful grocery store. But surely there must
be more to a cooperative than harnessing monetary power.
Now that success and profitability is a reality, the EFC Board
of Directors is on the verge of transformation. We are
seeking new ways to do strategic visioning and figuring out
new ways to model cooperation.
The process is much harder than it seems. Why?
Traditionally, we have been immersed in mainstream
corporate capitalism that focuses on profits with little or
no attention to the consequences to our bodies and to our
planet. We were typically used to top-down hierarchical
models of management. As a cooperative Board of Directors,
the goal has always been to create a business based on
cooperative principles and to seek out alternative ways of
interacting. We follow policy governance in order to keep
our hands out of operations, all of which has been delegated
to a very capable General Manager. We pursue strategic
visioning to help chart the path to our collective future.
We get to choose how we do this and why. It’s fun and
challenging and exciting to know that we get to be a part of
creating the change we want to see in our community.
How do we best utilize our resources? For me, it all comes
down to a quote from Commander Hadfield: “How do you
get a group of people to hyper-cooperate, to the point where
they seek opportunities to help one another shine?” For
the Board, the most effective thing to do is to get everyone
engaged in the process, utilize their individual skills, and
create alignment about a vision for the future.
Modeling productive cooperation begins with a strong
Executive Team (E-Team). EFC’s executive team consists of
four Board officers. Mark Wilde is the Vice-president and his
task is to work with committees that facilitate the work of
the Board: owner engagement, Board development, policy
governance. Mark helps us wade through the possibilities
in order to clearly see the decisions ahead of us. Stephanie
Johnson is the Board’s secretary. She follows up on all sorts
of communication and makes sure the Board follows through
on tasks it has set for itself. Stephanie brings extensive
experience from her previous work with another Co-op
board. Sandy Shipp, the Board’s treasurer, keeps her eye
on our governance budget, assuring that we are using the
Board’s monetary resources wisely. She also brings valuable
experience with project management and a sharp eye for
details. In my role as Board president, I try to set concise
and relevant agendas. I put together reading lists for the
Board which is similar to my work at the University. Yet the
E-Team is more than the assigned responsibilities. Together
we continually try to refine our process of education and
cooperation. Together we make sure the Board meetings flow
productively and stay on time. But in the end, it is the entire
EFC Board that owns the success of our ability to work with
one another.
Together we hyper-cooperate so that our entire cooperative
community here in Northeast Minneapolis can shine. We
search for new ways to practice democracy, new ways to
build community, new ways to serve the EFC Owners, and
new ways to show this country a business model based on
our local values.
I know a lot of people who are curious about the work of
a food co-op’s Board of Directors. This article is meant to
give you sense of what we do, what we hope to do and how
it is we do it. If you’ve ever wondered about EFC’s Board,
you should attend a Board meeting which is scheduled on
the 2nd Monday of every month. 2014 is an exciting year
for EFC, Northeast Minneapolis and the larger cooperative
movement. Come join us and be a part of the leadership and
the governance of your Co-op!
eastside food co-op board of directors
Manisha Nordine, President
Stephanie Johnson, Secretary
Tom Dunnwald
Mark Wilde, Vice-President
George Fischer, Past-president
Lisa Friedman
Sandy Shipp, Treasurer
Chris Pratt
Lisa Filter
open daily 8–9 • 2551 central ave ne • minneapolis, mn 55418 • • 612-788-0950
eastside food co-op news
november 2013
Welcome New Members!
To protect the privacy of our members, we do
not publish their names on our website.
When youth decide anything’s
better than home
by Margo Ashmore
Edison High School is one that has the most identified
homeless youth, up to 150 a year. “That’s a whole grade
level,” said Elena Shaw, one of the speakers at Northeast
Network Dec. 12. She’s the Minneapolis Public Schools High
School Support Liaison.
Youth are doing their best to fit in. One would not know they
are homeless, said Lisa Borneman, who runs a drop-in center
not in Northeast. But there are signs to watch for, Shaw said,
such as hoarding food, falling asleep in class, wearing the
same clothes day after day, frequent changes of address.
In fact, “highly mobile” is the other definition lumped in
with “homeless”—students and families who double up with
relatives or friends, sometimes paying for their lodging with
food, moving on when the arrangement gets too strained.
Shaw said there are almost 7,000 Minneapolis youth
homeless or highly mobile, and 1,200 of them are in high
“When a youth decides anything’s better than home, it’s a
crisis,” Shaw said. Shelters can house about 70 per night, of
600 in need, and the solution is “bus fare so they can ride all
night,” where they’re relatively safe
and warm.
Rules have been changed so that
youth may receive services without
needing a parent signature. Schools
assist with school fees and uniforms.
Some high schools have extra
lockers so homeless students store
possessions rather than haul them
around. They get discreet shower,
laundry and food shelf use.
on behalf of the Eastside Food Cooperative board, said “the
big need in Northeast is drop-in space.” YouthLink isn’t far
away, someone commented.
Lisa Borneman talked about the YouthLink Youth
Opportunity Center, 41 North 12th Street, Minneapolis, where
she is Clinical Services Supervisor. It’s a drop-in center for
ages 18 to 24 in the mornings, 16 to 21 in the afternoons.
“Brains are not fully formed until ages 24 or 25, and with the
trauma these youth have been through, it means they are
often further behind so they definitely need more support
beyond 18 or 21.”
She explained “trauma” as being exploited sexually or
financially on the streets, plus whatever was going on at
home. “They’re not always willing to work through it.” As the
identified cause of family strife in many cases, they may have
been forced to get therapy, or been put on medications, and
then because of other circumstances, the treatment might
have been interrupted. “We build trust first, then invite them
in” to ask for mental health services.
Youth Link brings services on site throughout the month,
including doctor, dentist, legal, GED
preparation, Medical Assistance,
“Dialogue is a positive endeavor. It
and food support. They can shower
builds solidarity and creates unity. . . .
and wash clothes, do yoga, art, and
[It] gives rise to trust, even among
energy healing. Phone 612-252-1200.
those who don’t see eye to eye.”
Deena McKinney is the Program
Manager for the Minneapolis
Host Home Program by Avenues
for Homeless Youth; they have
The above quote inspired the Northeast
20 shelter beds, turning away
Network committee in their work of
two to three people a day while
planning the monthly breakfast dialogue.
accommodating those they serve
Casey Schleisman is Community
for an average of four months,
Program Director at the Emma B.
maximum 18 months. They also place
Howe YMCA in Northeast. It’s an administration building with
youth with volunteers who welcome youth to live in their
no public programming. She listed the top causes of teen
homes. There is no financial incentive, unlike foster care.
homelessness in the last two years:
She said it’s a myth that homeless youth have drug problems.
• LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer)
“Most are not chemically dependent. If there’s chemicals
youth whose families kick them out.
involved” in the family breakup, “it’s the adults.”
• With more households in apartments because rented
—from Buddhism Day by Day |
by Daisaku Ikeda
homes were foreclosed, oldest youths are sometimes
asked to leave because of too many people on the lease.
Similarly, a pregnant girl’s baby puts the family over
• Refugee and immigrant families sometimes go back to
their home country, expecting the young person to stay
behind and send money.
When young people come into the Y on Jackson Street
NE, “We usually refer them to outreach workers who are
available seven days a week. We let them come in and wait
and warm up, or talk with them to make a plan.”
The extent of Northeast youth homelessness is an issue, and
Emma Hixson, who arranged the Northeast Network meeting
Homelessness for youth is not a choice, but a circumstance,
McKinney said. She’s seeing an additional problem: as
grandparents age, they can’t keep an 18 year old with them
(in senior apartment complexes that don’t allow children).
Over 80 percent of homeless kids are of color.
“One caring adult makes the most difference” to a child, she
said, explaining how the volunteer-youth matches are made,
asking people to consider hosting, to serve on an advisory
committee, or offer speaking opportunities to other groups.
McKinney said it takes about four months for a traumatized
youth to adjust, start to heal, reflect on where they have
been and start to think about the future. The average
stay with a host home is eight months, though the host is
asked for an 18-month commitment. Hosts get 16 hours of
continued on page 10
At left, Deena McKinney, Casey Schleisman,
Lisa Borneman and Elana Shaw.
Photo by Margo Ashmore.
open daily 8–9 • 2551 central ave ne • minneapolis, mn 55418 • • 612-788-0950
eastside food co-op news
in the store
Meet John Lacaria
by JoAnne Peters, EFC member
Meet John Lacaria, EFC’s new Store Operations Manager. Who is this former First
Ave. night-owl, self-proclaimed “math nerd”, craft-beer enthusiast and toddler
wrangler? Is it true that he has met Mother Teresa and lives outside the boundaries of
Northeast? And what does a Store Operations Manager do?
I began with EFC General Manager Amy Fields for the scoop on this new position
and the role it will play in EFC’s expansion plans. Amy explained that the Store
Operations Manager position is part of a restructuring plan designed to support EFC’s
growth. EFC is transitioning into a Core Team Environment structure, which includes
three teams: the store operations team, the branding team and the administrative
team. “We made the decision to hire the Store Operations Manager first,” said Amy.
Department managers, who previously reported to the General Manager, will report
to the Store Operations Manager. The General Manager has a lot on her plate, and
Amy said the addition of this position will mean “department mangers and staff will
be better supported and issues involving the sales floor will be addressed quickly
and efficiently.” After a thorough process involving an HR consultant and multiple
interviews, John Lacaria, EFC Front End Manager, was chosen for the new position.
“John is very interested in learning everything possible to make the customer
experience at Eastside Food Co-op really fantastic,” said Amy.
“The Store Operations Manager position is a big, important sounding job,” says John.
“Although it’s both big and important for the future success of our co-op, it’s really
a pretty simple job. My role is to support all of EFC’s great sales team managers. The
real beauty is that all I have to do is let these great people do all of the things they
are so good at. I will supervise the Produce, Fresh Foods, Wellness, Grocery, Deli and
Front End Managers. We’ll work together as a team to realize the full potential of the
John grew up in West Virginia, studied Mathematics and Philosophy in college, and
moved to Minneapolis to attend Graduate School at the U of M. He worked for five
years at First Avenue, where he connected with a Wedge Co-op position through
First Ave. coworkers. “What brought me to co-ops was the desire for a consistent
paycheck and a normal bedtime. However, my thirst for knowledge and love affair
with cooperation and farming has kept me working in the co-ops for the past 11+
years,” he said.
At The Wedge, John worked as a cashier and bagger, and eventually became an
Assistant Front End Manger, responsible for training new employees. In 2010, John
joined EFC as Front End Manager. The Front End includes all the co-op’s cashiers
and baggers, around 15 employees. “As the front end manager I hired, trained and
evaluated the front end employees,” said John. “Our focus has been on providing the
highest level of customer service to all of our shoppers on a consistent basis. While
we aren’t perfect, I think we do a pretty good job of meeting this goal.”
According to Amy Fields, EFC was looking for a candidate with “leadership abilities,
active listening, and commitment to excellence, experience managing managers
and a long-term vision for Eastside Food Co-op.” John meets these expectations
and brings unique skills to the position. “I personally believe that the best way
that we can achieve our mission of being at the forefront of a prosperous and fair
cooperative economy is by running a really great store,” said John. “My background
in mathematics makes me want to use data available to us through our point-of-sale
system and the National Cooperative Grocers Association to evaluate where we are
succeeding and where we aren’t. A big part of my job will be making this information
available to the managers I supervise and ensuring that they understand what this
data is telling us about our business.”
John Lacaria, former Front End Manager,
now Eastside’s first Store Operations Manager.
of meeting Mother Teresa. “I had the unique opportunity to visit India when I was in
high school, with a group of approximately 20 youth. We saw the Taj Mahal, visited
the largest slum in Asia and spent about an hour in a small classroom with Mother
Theresa. I learned a lot about myself, our materialistic world and the positivity of
humanity when faced with the most challenging situations. I often think about this
trip and the important things it taught me.”
I hope you’ll all join me in wishing John luck in his new role at EFC and in shaping
the future of the co-op. When I asked John about his vision for the future, he shared
a scenario I’d be glad to be part of as an EFC member. “I see a future in which our
upcoming expansion project has been wildly successful,” he said. “In this future, we
are again busting at the seams and are trying to figure out how we can provide our
unique blend of service and community involvement to more people. I believe we
are most successful as a co-op when we are able to touch the most people. I believe
the work we are doing to provide an alternative to the conventional food system is
imperative to the sustained health of our friends, communities and environment.” When he’s not spending his time helping EFC grow and prosper, John is busy raising
his two-year old son with his wife in South Minneapolis. He also enjoys sampling craft
beers, disc-golfing and the Minnesota Twins. And he did, indeed, have the privilege
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eastside food co-op news
gm report
Expansion in 2014 –
Together we will build a better store!
by Amy Fields, EFC General Manager
Membership Means . . .
Member-owners at Eastside Food Co-op
have benefits, rights and responsibilities.
Happy New Year,
EFC (member)
There’s no doubt
that 2013 was
a banner year
for our store.
It was the most
profitable year
we have ever
experienced. We
paid dividends
(again) on
our C- and DShare preferred stock, and, for the first time ever, we paid
patronage dividends! How cool was that?!
As great as 2013 was – it’s not going to hold a candle to
2014! This is the year EFC expands to the full footprint of
this building that we purchased in 2003, expecting that the
demand for fresh, local and organic foods in Northeast
Minneapolis and the surrounding communities would soar.
By the time you read this article, EFC will have signed a
contract with our building contractor and architect, two
key players in our expansion team (we’ll hear more about
them in a future issue of EFC News). Other members of our
expansion team include our store designer, PJ Hoffman
of the National Co-op Grocers Association Development
Cooperative (NCGADC); our deli/food service consultant
Allen Seidner of DeliOps; CDS Consultants Nicole Klimek
(interior design), Bill Gessner (finance) and Leslie Watson
(member capitalization); and additional support staff from
the NCGADC in specialty areas of the store. What this means
is that EFC has gathered an incredible team of experts –
people who have consulted on many, many co-op and
natural food store expansions, relocations and start-ups in
the course of their careers. Our project is in excellent hands!
Of course, as much as the project excites all of us at EFC, we
do recognize that our #1 priority is the shopping experience
every customer has every day. That’s where our incredible
team of employees comes into play. We’re currently 70
strong, planning for 115 or more post-expansion. Beginning
this year, EFC has adopted a living wage policy, where
every employee at the co-op will be compensated with
a livable wage by the time they have been employed for
two years. That’s a pretty big step for us to take, but every
bit as important to our mission as expanding our product
selection. We’re increasing the length of our new employee
orientation, expanding our new employee “onboarding”
trainings, and asking every department to review and
document training protocols before expansion begins.
Perhaps you’ve seen our employment postings – we’re
building depth in our teams, and while there’s a lot of hiring
going on already, it will just accelerate during the expansion.
We’ve had great response to our ads – our business is
one where people want to work. On that note, EFC’s 2013
employee turnover percentage (the number of staff who
leave in a given year as a percentage of the entire staff)
was 26%. Compare that to 100% for traditional retail grocery
and 59% for general retail, and we can feel pretty confident
that EFC is providing good jobs. Expansion also gives us the
opportunity to promote current staff into positions of more
responsibility, allowing them to grow professionally along
with the co-op. Check out the article on John Lacaria in this
issue. John’s promotion to Store Operations Manager will
ensure that the sales floor departments have the attention
they need as I focus on the expansion project.
• A 5% discount on the purchase of your
choice each month
Look for more information on how you can move Eastside’s
expansion project forward, either by making a loan to the co-op
or investing in preferred stock. We’ll be rolling out both
programs this spring. If you have questions or comments
about our expansion planning and financing, send me an email
at or call me at 612-843-5401.
Rights and Responsibilities
EFC Board Meetings
• In-store members-only specials
• Free subscription to Eastside Food
Co-op News, mailed to your home
• Free classified ad in EFC News
• Discounts at Northeast businesses with
whom EFC has partnerships
• Check writing privileges, check cashing
for $25 over the amount of purchase
• Members-only rates on classes at other
TCNFC co-ops
• Owning a community-controlled
• Have a voice in the direction of the
Cooperative by voting at annual and
special meetings and by electing the
board of directors.
• Serve on the board of directors if
elected by the membership.
• Receive patronage dividends from the
Co-op in profitable years.
• Be an active member: shop at Eastside
Food Co-op, invite and encourage
friends and family to join the Co-op, keep
informed by reading the newsletter,
and be active in events and meetings.
All Members Welcome!
EFC Board meetings are held on the
2nd Monday of each month, 5:45-7:45.
All Owner-Members are welcome and encouraged
to attend. Dinner is included.
All Board meeting minutes can be made
available upon request.
Please contact
to rsvp for a meeting or to request minutes.
Chiropractic Care in NE for 11 years!
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food co-op’s
ends policy:
EFC is at the forefront
of a prosperous and fair
cooperative economy.
We provide access to healthy
food, foster positive environmental impacts, cultivate a thriving
community in our neighborhood,
and educate members for
a sustainable future.
1. Voluntary and open membership
2. Democratic member control
3. Member economic participation
4. Autonomy and independence
5. Education, training and
6. Cooperation among cooperatives
7. Concern for community
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open daily 8–9 • 2551 central ave ne • minneapolis, mn 55418 • • 612-788-0950
eastside food co-op news
p6 update
Program to Expand in 2014
by Abby Rae LaCombe, P6 Coordinator
The Principle Six (P6) Cooperative
Trade Movement exemplifies just and
equitable trade relationships between
farmers, producers, retailers and consumers rooted in cooperative principles and values. P6 is the symbol of
a growing consumer-supported food
economy recognizing product grown
or produced locally, or internationally, by small farmers/producers, and
Members of the Principle Six (P6)
Cooperative Trade Movement envision a food system in which farmers,
workers, and producers are valued and
compensated fairly at each step of the
supply chain.
P6 Members view consumers as
powerful participants in global and local economies: engaged, educated and
empowered to user their purchasing
dollars as a tool for social change.
P6 Members believe that by creating a
values-based economy we contribute
to healthy, just, and sustainable communities locally and globally.
The P6 hot house tomatoes are filling the shelves, the first
sign that the Growing Season is upon us and soon our
P6 diets will grow beyond meat, dairy, grains and root
vegetables. But this year, the Growing Season doesn’t just
apply to the foods we eat. Eastside Food Co-op will be
growing, as we expand into the full footprint of our building,
and the Principle Six Cooperative Trade Movement will also
grow in many ways!
After much work this past fall and winter, the P6 Steering
Committee will present our bylaws and organizational
structure to the rest of the members for approval, bringing
us closer to our finalized co-op status. Additionally, more and
more stores are reaching out to P6 to join the Cooperative
Trade Movement. As more stores and producers join P6, our
movement will grow as well. New membership in P6 means
a greater number of retailers are dedicated to increasing
the market share available to small, local, and cooperative
producers and a greater number of shoppers will know what
products to buy to make their food dollars a vote for big
This growing dedication also means more retail co-ops,
their member-owners, and their employees can dive into
the complicated food system conversations that are needed
to build a more equitable food system. Paul Wood, EFC
Bulk Buyer, has an article in this issue biting off an often
overlooked part of this conversation: consolidation and
distribution in the natural foods industry. We’re looking
forward to expanding these conversations as 2014 progresses
and we can! Because with P6, consolidation doesn’t have to
leave us feeling overwhelmed. We can join a growing number
of shoppers around the country choosing to invest in a fairer
food system by choosing to buy P6.
Solar Energy Systems
Residential • Commercial
Crockpot Chili – A P6 Delight!
If you are dieting, measure the amount. A healthy meal.
If your diet allows, add some grated cheese when serving.
Or serve Cincinnati style with spaghetti.
Total Preparation Time: Less than 15 minutes
Actual Cooking Time: More than 2 hours
Number of Servings: 8
Origin: American
Special Features: Make Ahead, Crock Pot
Nutrition Content: High Fiber
Meal Type: Soups & Stews
1 lb. ground beef – Thousand Hills Cattle Co.
1 cup chopped onion
2 (14.5 oz) cans diced tomatoes, un-drained
1 cup fresh diced tomatoes – Living Water Gardens
1 (14.5 oz) can tomato sauce
1 (14.5 oz) can Great Northern beans, rinsed and drained
1 (14.5 oz) can red kidney bean, rinsed and drained –
Whole Grain Milling Co.
1 (14.5 oz) can corn, drained – SnoPac Foods Inc.
2 tbsp. chili powder
1 tbsp. cumin
1 cup salsa
Brown ground beef and onion in a skillet until cooked
thoroughly drain and pour into a crock-pot. Dump rest of
ingredients in crock-pot, stir. Cook on low for 8 hours.
Nutrition Information
Calories: 324 ; Total Fat: 10 g ; Carbohydrates: 45 g ;
Protein: 19 g ; Sodium: 593 mg ; Fiber: 10.4 g
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eastside food co-op news
big picture
Local, Sustainable, Secure Food:
¡Viva la conversation!
by Paul Wood, EFC Grocery Staff
In Rebuilding the Foodshed - How to Create Local,
Sustainable, and Secure Food Systems, (Post Carbon
Institute, California, Chelsea Green Publishing, Vermont,
2013), Philip Ackerman-Leist takes on the formidable task of
imagining what a future sustainable U.S. food system might
look like in the face of dwindling and increasingly expensive
energy supplies that currently run our industrial food
system. What would constitute a truly sustainable human
food system?
As Deborah Madison writes in the
forward of the book, “This is definitely
a big-picture book, one that requires us
to dig in and look deeply at all aspects
of the food system and to examine
assumptions we might not even realize
we held.”
“In the end, it’s not just about where the
food was produced,” writes AckermanLeist, an academic, activist and farmer.
“We must also bear in mind the impacts
of its production, processing, storage,
distribution, marketing, preparation,
and even reclamation. Where matters
immensely in the food system world,
but so do how, why, by whom, and for
whom. How is the food being raised?
Why are those the chosen methods of
production? Who is doing the real work
in getting the food from farm gate to
dinner plate? And is it ultimately food
for all or just a select few?”
The last part of the book is devoted to “New Directions and
Bringing It All Back Home,” in which he writes about other
collaborative possibilities, touching on Food Policy Councils,
Urban Agriculture, Community Gardens, School Gardens, and
the budding Farm to School and Farm to Institution initiatives
taking place across the country.
“What’s common to highly effective movements seeking
to change the food system is not necessarily a bright new
idea but rather the conversation –
the ability to meet with and work
with other groups most likely doing
different things but together aspiring
“Ultimately, the
to rebuilding the foodshed,” writes
greatest concern in
defining this moment
and all of its
momentum as a local
food movement is
that movements can
be both exclusive and
short-lived. Resilient
community-based food
systems can be neither,
and reestablishing
such systems is not
simple or whimsical
work. Rebuilding a
local food system is the
work of a lifetime, and
the vigilance required
to sustain it is the task
of generations.”
He begins the book with a quick history
of the U.S. food system before delving
into the “Dilemmas” of today’s current
local food movement, spending the
first three chapters examining in detail
“community-based food systems,” and
the importance of supporting them
wherever they may be. In the bulk
department at Eastside we currently
sell sun-dried organic mangos grown on
rural cooperatives in Burkina Faso, one
of the poorest countries in the world.
—Philip Ackerman-Leist
Though far from being local, by buying
Rebuilding the Foodshed
those mangos (which are delicious by
the way) we directly support a healthy
community-based food system -- in this
case a rural mostly female-run co-op
where an entire community benefits thanks to the Fair Trade
price paid to them by Equal Exchange.
“Part Two: Drivers For Rebuilding Local Food Systems,”
makes up the bulk of the book, and in it Ackerman-Leist
examines the major elements of our current food system,
like Food Security where he shares stories about his visit
to D-Town, the largest urban farm in Detroit with more
than seven acres in production. When discussing Market
Value he includes a graphic showing how consolidated the
natural foods distribution network has become, a potentially
vulnerable situation.
Though UNFI deliveries (we receive four per week) do make
up a large percentage of the product we stock in our store,
every department at Eastside uses a multitude of suppliers,
many of them small and local independent businesses, like
Co-op Partners Warehouse (CPW), which trucks fruits and
vegetables to our produce department, as well as product to
our meat and deli and dairy departments. What makes CPW
unique is that it allows small producers to store their goods
in the co-op’s warehouse, which the drivers at CPW then
deliver for a small fee to Twin City co-ops.
“LFS (Local Food Systems) 1.0 is directed
to a public audience whereas LFS 2.0
is an interactive and decentralized
community conversation – not a
marketing pitch. And lest we forget
the significance of the era in which we
live, the 2.0 version also employs a
full suite of social media resources in
order to expand the dialogue and the
“In this new era, we have the
opportunity – indeed, the privilege
and responsibility – to completely
reimagine our community food systems
in such a way that they connect people
not just to their food but also to one
another. Communities of all scales,
scopes, and colors are beginning to
recognize that food is not a commodity
to be simply entrusted to large
corporations and government entities.
To do otherwise, however, requires
creativity and collaboration – and a
willingness to confront the complexities
Author Philip Ackerman-Leist
Which is what we’ll continue to do here
at Eastside as we expand and grow and
continue the conversation about how
best to serve the food and community
needs of Northeast Minneapolis and
save the date
eastside food co-op’s
Annual CSA Fair
Come meet and greet our local farmers and
purchase a CSA share!
Saturday, April 5 • 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
At Eastside Food Co-op in the Granite Studio
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) provides individuals an opportunity to
form partnerships with local producers. A consumer becomes a member of a CSA
Farm by purchasing a share in a farm’s harvest, which helps cover yearly operating
costs. In return for that investment, he or she receives fresh product, delivered
to the co-op weekly throughout the growing season. In this way, consumers and
producers share the risks and rewards of growing food together.
open daily 8–9 • 2551 central ave ne • minneapolis, mn 55418 • • 612-788-0950
eastside food co-op news
in the neighborhood
The Mill Returns to Northeast—
and other tasty developments on Central Avenue!
by Kristin Boldon, EFC member
The Mill Northeast
1851 Central Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Sunday & Monday: 10am to 9pm
Tuesday to Thursday: 10am to 10pm
Friday & Saturday: 10am to 12am
Mid Menu every day 3 to 6pm
Friday & Saturday 10pm to midnight
Bloom & Buttercup
1842 Central Ave NE
Maya Cuisine
1840 Central Ave NE
Recovery Bike Shop
2506 Central Ave NE
Coming Soon:
Fair State Brewing
Aki’s Bread Haus
In May of 2012, the Mill City Cafe’s
lease in the California building
ended. Owner Mandy Zechmeister
started looking for a new location,
but it took longer than she’d
planned. Committed to staying in
Northeast Minneapolis, she finally
found a good fit on Central Avenue
in the former home of Porky’s and
Falafel King. The building needed
only minor changes to convert to
a full-service kitchen, restaurant
and bar. The new incarnation, The
Mill Northeast, opened quietly on
November 12, 2013. In a nod to the
former tenants, the neon “DINE IN
YOUR CAR” has been shortened to
“NE” to match the new name, The
Mill Northeast. Fans of the former
location on California Street will
be glad to know that many of their
menu favorites are still here, like
the wild-rice pancakes and the Ecuadoran baked eggs. There
will also be patio seating in the spring.
The Mill Northeast has much more to offer in their new
location. Open every day, The Mill Northeast serves brunch
through dinner with happy hours every afternoon, and from
10 p.m. to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. The menu goes
from low to high in both price and fanciness, with new items
created by co-chefs Matt Kempf, an alum of the Café Maudes,
and Tommy Begnaud, who was part of the crew at the muchmissed Town Talk Diner. Their goal is to have a neighborhood
spot suitable for everyone from families to singletons, drop
ins to date nights. You can get a well-crafted cocktail, a local
draft beer, a quick snack, or a full meal. The Mill Northeast’s
team has been pleased and overwhelmed by initial response,
a mix of former regulars and many new faces.
My family’s first visit was for dinner. My 7yo and 10yo liked
the kids’ menu, while I liked that it included things like shrimp
and the dishes came with whole steamed carrots, departures
from the dumbed-down fare that kids usually get. My husband
and I had a hard time choosing; we were tempted by items
across the menu. After we eventually managed to order, we
devoured our food so quickly I barely got a photo of my own
sandwich, a creative and crave-able take on the Cubano. My
Philly ex-pat husband liked their version of the cheese steak,
and all four of us fought over who got to finish our side of
fried cheese curds with roasted-beet ketchup. We all thought
the French fries were excellent, and showed how attention to
the small stuff can really pay off.
The new face of The Mill Northeast.
we had more than enough food to go around and had tried a
number of things across the menu.
Our most recent visit was for brunch. As when we visited
for dinner, I had a hard time choosing. The wild rice
pancake? The lobster benedict? All the more reason we
want to go back. (Just revisiting the menu as I’m writing this
article makes me want to go back.)The boys each went for
The American, with two eggs, a mountain of toast, and a
generous helping of their excellent breakfast potatoes. In
retrospect the boys probably could have shared one plate,
but I was happy to bring home the leftovers. I didn’t have
anything leftover from my Ecuadoran baked eggs, nor did my
husband have any leftover braised beef hash.
When you do check out the Mill Northeast, be sure to take
a good look around. The opening of The Mill Northeast is
just one of many signs of revitalization on this formerly
tired stretch of Central Avenue. Across the street from The
Mill is newly opened Bloom & Buttercup, with flowers, gifts,
and candy. Maya Cuisine has some of the friendliest service,
and what my husband called the best burrito he’d ever
had. Recovery Bike Shop, the first project of the Northeast
Investment Co-op (NEIC) has spiffy new digs at 2506 Central.
They’ll soon by joined by the eagerly awaited Fair State
Brewing Cooperative and Aki’s Bread Haus, specializing in
German baked goods. Beer and pretzels under one roof!
And keep looking; there’s further development planned on
Central. Good things are in the works.
On our next visit, we tried out the Mill’s Mid Menu. The Mid
Menu goes way beyond happy hour, because it’s three hours,
every day, and twice on Fridays and Saturdays. I won’t be
taking my kids to the Mill NE between 10 and midnight on the
weekends, but 3 to 6 every day is exactly when the boys are
hungriest, so it’s perfect timing. I find happy-hour menus are
kid- and budget-friendly ways to dine out or try someplace
new. The Mid Menu currently has nine $5 dishes. For the
grownups, there are $3 tall boys, $4 taps and house wine, and
$6 craft cocktails.
From the Mid Menu, we made a family meal out of several
items. My elder was so happy to be eating cheese curds he
didn’t complain when I kept putting some of my beet and
arugula salad onto his plate. My husband was suspicious of
the squash soup (he has a strange bias against fall vegetables)
until he tried it. Then we duelled with spoons over the last
bite. There were similar squabbles over the sliders and the
cod pops--fried fish on a stick. How Minnesotan! In the end,
All photos by Kristin Boldon
The Cubano.
I am drooling just looking at this picture again.
open daily 8–9 • 2551 central ave ne • minneapolis, mn 55418 • • 612-788-0950
eastside food co-op news
Share the Love
The Ecuadorean
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open daily 8–9 • 2551 central ave ne • minneapolis, mn 55418 • • 612-788-0950
eastside food co-op news
New Members, from page 3
Youth Homelessness—YOU Can Help!
About Youth Homelessness
Wilder Research estimates that, on any night in the state
of Minnesota, 2,500 youth and young adults are homeless
and unaccompanied by an adult. In any year, 10,000 youth
experience homelessness in Minnesota.
Youth homelessness has jumped 46% in Minnesota since
2006, according to Wilder Research’s latest count in October
Homeless youth are disproportionately youth of color and
victims of violence, sexual, physical or emotional abuse.
They are young people who are on their own at too young an
Homeless youth struggle with numerous issues because of
their age and lack of safe housing:
• They are too young to obtain rental housing on their
own; they simply do not have adequate income or
savings to pay a damage deposit.
• Without job experience or personal identification with a
current address, they struggle to gain or improve upon
their employment.
• They have had little or no access to health care, mental
health, legal support or social services.
• Very often, their education is interrupted or curtailed.
The choices many homeless youth must make in order to
survive often are not good for them. Youth on the streets
are more likely to be assaulted or coerced by predators, to
engage in prostitution, to become pregnant, to not receive
needed medical or psychological attention, and to fail to find
enough food and shelter to survive.
homeless youth with those volunteer host homes, so that the
youth may continue to live, attend school, and work within
their respective Minneapolis communities.
To refer a youth into the Minneapolis or Suburban Host
Home Program, please contact Deena McKinney,
Minneapolis and Suburban Host Home Program Manager,
Cell: 612-750-9503, Office: 612-522-1690,
Avenues for Homeless Youth is located at 1708 Oak
Park Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55411. The above
information was reprinted with Ms. McKinney’s
Northeast Network, continued from page 3
training, and staff who’ve referred the young person remain
connected throughout the stay. The host writes a letter to a
generic young person, the youth read the letters and select
the hosts; from there they meet and mutually decide if it’s
the right fit.
Attendees and speakers traded resource tips and some
may pursue the idea of a youth drop-in center in Northeast
further (contact Hixson through the co-op). Others
mentioned a need for public bathrooms, and “pod” or single
room occupancy housing.
Homeless youth need youth-specific intervention in a
setting safe from the hazards of street life. Age-appropriate
shelter and supportive services is critical to protecting the
vulnerability of homeless youth.
For these youth, a stable residence with adult supervision is
the beginning of addressing larger life shaping issues.
High school youth all have been given Go-To cards so they
have bus fare.
YOU can help!
Minneapolis Host Home Program needs
Northeast Minneapolis Hosts!
The Minneapolis Host Home Program will increase housing
and support options for homeless youth of Minneapolis. Specifically, it will address their needs by connecting them
with caring adults from their own community who are willing
to provide safe housing and support.
The host home model is unlike any other approach. In fact, it
is an “outside-the-system” response to youth homelessness!
This program is about the community taking care of its
young. Youth are matched with willing adults who voluntarily
share their home and themselves. The matching process is
youth-driven and the adults receive no compensation – two
program features that really matter to the youth. The host home experience gives youth the time, space and
support to stabilize, address immediate needs and work
on their personal goals. When they move out, nearly all
move into a stable, independent living situation and fully
participate in the community.
Avenues for Homeless Youth, which has deep experience
as the coordinator of the GLBT Host Home Program and
Suburban Host Home Program, will manage this new
program for Minneapolis. The immediate objective is to get
the Minneapolis Host Home Program launched and into its
startup phase. Avenues has been planning this program and
is ready to launch it and recruit the first hosts in summer
2012. Please see the website for updates and current status.
Downtown library is friendly to homeless youth, and to some
extent, the Northeast library.
Streetworks, a collaborative program, puts out a resource
brochure and its members take turns scouring the streets for
youth to give it to.
HUD (federal department of Housing and Urban
Development) has mandated coordinated assessment of
homelessness. Communities need to map it out and decide
how and where to refer people for help.
A Youth Service Network of executive directors in the field
meets monthly.
There is a free mobile phone program.
Food shelves have been made “no hassle,” youth can access
food and leave.
How can a business be friendly to youth without inviting
more hang-around problems? McKinney suggested offering
information about where to hang out instead.
“Northeast is disadvantaged by not having a just youthfocused agency,” said State Representative Diane Loeffler.
State Senator Kari Dziedzic asked how homelessness is
trending. (Earlier, the YouthLink representative said when
they opened they expected maybe 100 youth in the year;
100 came in the first month.) The consensus: Homelessness
is up and people are needing to stay in shelters longer than
anyone would like.
This article was originally published in the Northeaster/
North News, reprinted with permission.
At full operation, the Minneapolis Host Home Program will
provide transitional living arrangements for at least ten
homeless youth ages 16 to 21 in safe, supportive host homes
within the city of Minneapolis. The program will recruit
and train adult volunteers to be host homes, then match
open daily 8–9 • 2551 central ave ne • minneapolis, mn 55418 • • 612-788-0950
eastside food co-op news
the hive
Let the Eastside community
know about your business,
sale item or special event.
Free to any member of the
Eastside Food Co-op. Please
see the publication notice on
page 2 for ad deadline. Email
eastside food co-op
member classifieds
PSYCHIC MEDIUM & PET INTUITIVE Accurate. Experienced. Powerful
Results. Readings by phone daily. Detailed
information and schedule securely online.
Hart Lake Massage. Affordable Professional Therapeutic. Northeast Minneapolis Area. Co-op Members get $15.00 off
their first session. Call 763-706-0954 or
visit our website for on-line scheduling
and more information.
A natural way to eliminate back, neck and
joint pain, regain function and improve
overall health. Anna Evans, Postural Healing LLC, 612-282-7707,
Affordable Criminal Defense—
All State Courts—All Crimes
prosecuted in Adult Court
Luke Stellpflug 651-439-0822
Thieves Household Cleaner
Clean everything in your house safely.
Great smell, amazing health benefits.
Contact Ginny at 612-251-2735 or
Strong Advocates - Experienced Trial
Lawyers. Sonja Peterson – Employment
& Human Rights. Tom Dunnwald –
Criminal Defense, Zoning & Land Use.
205 Garland Building,
201 E. Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Minneapolis Civil Rights Attorneys
Photographer. Award-winning
photojournalist Brie Cohen is available
for all your photography needs. See her
work and find out more at
Anna Evans, Postural Healing, LLC.
A natural way to eliminate back, neck and
joint pain and to increase function and
overall health. 612-282-7707,
Whispers of Wisdom Spiritual
Coaching. What are your deep questions? Spiritual direction is a safe place to
ask your spiritual questions, to ponder
life’s mystery, to talk to another person
about your faith concerns.To set up your
free first session, contact Julie Bonde,
certified spiritual director, at whispers@, 612-789-6031
Rehabilitative Massage and Body
Work. Mary Bowman-Cline CMT.
201 E. Hennepin, Ste. 204. 763-442-1340.
NE Community Acupuncture.
$15-40 sliding fee scale. Affordable and
effective Acupuncture in NE Mpls Arts
District. 612-399-6322 (NECA)
Noah Frohlich L.Ac. Deborah Owen
L.Ac. Andrea Danti L.Ac.
Houk Kantke Toftness Kelly, PLLC.
Attorneys in Roseville, free parking,
(651) 633-2516,
From the Heart therapeutic
massage and Hatha Yoga
Instruction in Himalayan tradition.
Over 15 years experience. Healing, pain
reduction, relaxation, spiritual renewal
Brickmania hosts a free, familyfriendly LEGO display on the first
Thursday (5-8pm) & second Saturday
(10am-4pm) of each month.
We’re on 18th Ave NE between
Jackson & Central. More at
MAssage and Healing
by Mary and Friends
features practitioners of therapeutic
massage, energy work, chiropractic,
Thai Yoga Bodywork, Raindrop technique,
and other helpful healing techniques.
For more info visit the website at
(the “NETT”)
Join during the soft launch of the Northeast Time Trade (the NETT), Northeast’s
own neighborhood skills and service
exchange. Find and like /netimetrade
on Facebook, follow @netimetrade on
Twitter, or e-mail netimetrade@gmail.
com for information on upcoming events.
Logo-creation proposals being accepted,
e-mail for details. (763) 789-0529.
to complete your classified
ad submission.
Graphic Art, Design, Fun Stuff. NE
graphics, arts, custom furniture, oddball
projects. Free consultations and chats.
No project too serious, small, or weird. Double high fives to NE businesses,
Co-op, and NEIC members!
CONTRACTOR. Current Affairs
Electric: Efficient, local small business
owned. Residential, Commercial, and
Industrial. 20+ years experience. 612817-9213/612-220-6273. Free Estimates!
Ashley Miller is a Northeast
Minneapolis portrait, wedding, and documentary photographer. She is available
for location and studio (Northrup King
Building) sessions Email: or
call: 612.223.3174 with inquiries.
La Leche League group of NE Mpls
invites pregnant/nursing Moms to our
meeting the 1st Tuesday of the month at
10AM at First Lutheran Church for more
ne-minneapolis-and-suburbs.html Pura Vida Doula Services Offering
Doula services for families with all types
of birthing scenarios experience with
natural and medicated birth plus lots
of breastfeeding support experience or 612-703-9232
2300 Central Avenue NE; 612.520.1557 Registration is now open for our Spring
classes! Study Spanish in Ecuador, Argentina or Mexico!
Register/Info at
THERMOGRAPHY offers safe breast
screening using Digital Infrared Thermal
Imaging.This technology
can detect breast issues 7-10 years
before a mammogram. Picture of Health
Thermography. 6420 W. Lake Street, Ste.
C, St. Louis Park, MN. 952-926-2511
ROOFING: Becsom’s Roof Top Shop is
Northeast’s neighborhood roofer. Seasonal maintenance, repairs & replacement
for commercial & residential properties.
We love NE! 612-401-9642
Help with Spring cleaning, organizing,
downsizing, moving; also yard work, odd
jobs. Background screened; references
available.Very reasonable rates; discounts
for NE locations, seniors. Downsizing (&
housekeeping) Adepts: 612-788-0303,
NE Community Chiropractic.
Helping you get well and stay well.
Dr. Hanson. 612-331-1417.
Drain Cleaning & Expert Handyman Services. Call: John Schulte
Girasole Yoga On Central. A studio
for the spirit, culture and community.
New to the studio? $10 for your first 10
days. Classes include Kundalini yoga,
hatha/vinayasa yoga, beginner programs
and candlelight classes.
Swedish,Trigger Point, and Craniosacral
Massage Therapies. Jen Adams / 651-3346248 /
$10 discount per session for Eastside
members. Help for chronic pain, stress,
and work/sports injuries.
Kantke Toftness Kelly, PLLC. Attorneys in
Roseville, free parking, (651) 633-2516,
MLS Mortgage Group will
sponsor a Housewarming (Cooking Edutainment) with local culinary
expert Chef Kate when you finance
your home purchase or refinance with
us! Call us today: 612-789-Loan (5626).
NMLS#: 365483.
Thursday, February 13, 2014 • 6:30-8:00 p.m.
At the Eastside Food Co-op • COST: $27
FIND OUT 3 easy ways to introduce Superfoods into
your diet
LEARN how to stay nourished on-the-go
DISCOVER special herbs that provide superior nutrition
TO REGISTER: Contact Dorine King 612-272-8425
open daily 8–9 • 2551 central ave ne • minneapolis, mn 55418 • • 612-788-0950
Co-op Cooking Class
Topic TBA
Wednesday, February 12
6 – 7:30 p.m.
Let’s “be the bosses” of our
kitchens together, and flex
those culinary muscles!
Free - RSVP required
or 612-843-5409
At the Co-op in the Granite
Studio • Class size limited to 20
participants – 10 required to
hold class
Demo with tastings and a take
home class packet with cooking
tips and recipes.
Essential Steps for Steps
for Women’s Health New
Teacher: Dmitri M. Medvedovski,
Sat., February 8
2 – 3:30 p.m.
Learn the essential steps to
rejuvenate key body organs
promoting the best women’s
health. Attendees will also be
introduced to the educated
choices of functional food
nutrition along with several
elegant, practical and simple
ways to achieve new frontiers
of women’s health based on
the recipes of the ancients
supported by modern science.
Everyone Welcome!
Free - RSVP required
or 612-843-5409
At the Co-op in the Granite
Studio • Class size limited to
25 participants – 10 required to
hold class
February 2014
Co-op Movie Night & NE/
SE Hub Seed-packing
Thursday, February 20
6 – 7 p.m. Seed-packing Party!
7 – 9 p.m. Screening
“The Garden”
Free - RSVP required
or 612-843-5409
At the Co-op in the Granite
Studio • Refreshments will
be provided - Open to the
community - All are Welcome!
Seed-packing - Seed-packing is
a fun activity that is necessary
for the Local Food Resource
Hubs program. It’s easy, fun,
and a great way to meet other
community members!
You’ll be able to learn about
the Hub and can sign up if you
desire, and feel free to stay for
the film.
Screening - The fourteen-acre
community garden at 41st and
Alameda in South Central Los
Angeles is the largest of its kind
in the United States. Started
as a form of healing after the
devastating L.A. riots in 1992,
the South Central Farmers have
since created a miracle in one
of the country’s most blighted
neighborhoods. Growing their
own food. Feeding their families.
Creating a community.
Northeast Network
Breakfast Meeting
Topic TBA
Thursday, February 13
7:30 – 8:45 a.m.
At the Co-op in
the Granite Studio •
All Welcome—complimentary
coffee, muffins and fruit
Free - RSVP required nenetwork@eastsidefood.
coop or 612-843-5409
events calendar
Essential Steps to Better
Health:Your DNA Is
Not Your Destiny
Teacher: Dmitri M. Medvedovski,
Tuesday, March 11
6:30 – 8 p.m.
Attendees will be introduced
to the essential steps to
improve health by defying own
DNA based upon the recent
scientific discoveries and upon
the recipes of the ancients.
The critical steps to express
good genes and to suppress
NEW Co-op Class - Easy
Cooking with Essential Oils
Teacher:Terra Johnson an
Educator with Veriditas
Thursday, March 6
6 – 8:30 p.m.
Learn some deliciously easy
recipes for enhancing your
culinary palate!
Free - RSVP required
or 612-843-5409
At the Co-op in the Granite
Studio • Class size limited to 15
participants – 10 required to
hold class
Getting Healthy and
Staying Healthy
Teacher: Dr. Mary Clifton
Saturday, March 1
1 – 2:30 p.m.
Join Dr. Mary for a talk about
what is the healthiest diet
for preventing many of the
common Western diseases.
She will introduce Get Waisted
—a weight loss program that
utilizes the proven benefit of
a high-antioxidan, low-fat diet
that helps you lose weight while
focusing on your health. Get
Waisted is for anyone who is
looking to lose weight and/or
get healthier eating more fruits
and vegetables, whole grains and
Free - RSVP required
or 612-843-5409
At the Co-op in the Granite
Studio • Class size limited to 25
participants – 10 required to
hold class
March 2014
Co-op Cooking Class
Topic TBA
Wednesday, March 26
6 – 7:30 p.m.
Let’s “be the bosses” of our
kitchens together, and flex
those culinary muscles!
Free - RSVP required
or 612-843-5409
At the Co-op in the Granite
Studio • Class size limited to 20
participants – 10 required to
hold class
Demo with tastings and a take
home class packet with cooking
tips and recipes.
Co-op Movie Night –
Ina May Gaskin and
The Farm Midwives
Thursday, March 20
7 – 9 p.m.
At the Co-op in the Granite
Studio • Free + refreshments
Forty years ago Ina May led
the charge away from isolated
hospital birthing rooms, where
husbands were not allowed and
mandatory forceps deliveries
were the norm.Today, as nearly
one third of all U.S. babies are
born via C-section, she fights to
preserve her community’s hardwon knowledge.
Post Screening Q&A
Northeast Network
Breakfast Meeting
Topic TBA
Thursday, March 13
7:30 – 8:45 a.m.
All Welcome - complimentary
coffee, muffins and fruit • At the
Co-op in the Granite Studio
Please RSVP - nenetwork@
bad genes will be discussed
including the educated choices
of functional food nutrition
promoting the best health.
Free - RSVP required
or 612-843-5409
At the Co-op in the Granite
Studio • Class size limited to 25
participants – 10 required to
hold class
Photo by EFC member Shirley K. Doyle
In this issue:
What About Those Bees?
Eastside’s E-Team
P6 Update
Store Expansion News
and much more . . .
an official publication of the eastside food cooperative
volume sixteen, number one
february/march 2014
eastside food co-op news
Eastside Food Cooperative
2551 Central Avenue Northeast
Minneapolis, MN 55418
u.s. postage
twin cities, MN
permit # 30139
Time-Dated Material