How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke “Anyone who is naive enough to think that bad things cannot happen here or to them, not only has their head in the sand; their butts are sticking up in the air waiting to be run over by a freight train” My Grandmother (It sounds really cool in Italian) One of the hardest things to do in order to become prepared is to actually create and write down a formal preparedness plan that works for you. It takes time, money, effort and thought; which is way too inconvenient for most of us today. Yet it is the one thing that will boost our survivability quotient (our odds of surviving any crisis) and do so with the least amount of trials and tribulations. We all know it takes precise planning to move a data center or move say to another state. A good 80% of the work involved is the planning – before the move. Preparedness planning is no different. “Preparedness is not just about stockpiling, it's about having an actual plan.” Dr. Michael J. Ryan, alertt and response team Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) global aler Through trial, error and personal experience over the years, I have developed a way to do this that appears to be working quite well for people of all walks of life and various levels of preparedness. This method is “needs” based rather than “crisis” based and will ultimately end up being in outline format. 1|Page How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued It is also geared to take control of all those hits (big and small) to your survivability quotient that are within our realm of control. The end result is that this method minimizes many of the hits we take that are not in our realm of control; while at the same time reduces the chances of forgetting something. Outline format also lends itself to re-arranging priorities; should one say move to Florida where you now need to consider hurricanes and floods or moving away from L.A. and its earthquakes. It is far more adaptable to these priority shifts without rewriting the entire plan. As a side note: I created an “Aside” section to my plan, so when I moved out of an area that allows me to remove an item from my Crisis List, I put that particular crisis needs process and procedures in this section. That way if I ever move back into or travel to such an area again, I am all set. So over the next few weeks I will attempt to walk you through each step to formulating your plan. There are a few prerequisites before we start: Prerequisite One: Accepting that we must “balance” some human nature factors that can otherwise cause us problems. These balancing factors are: 2|Page How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • • • Human Irrational Fears and Sixth Senses VS Science and Educations Truths and Fallacies Too Detailed VS Too General Best Case Scenario VS Worst Case Scenario Prerequisite Two: Total Honesty; with yourself and the other members of your household or group regarding your intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual, strengths and weaknesses. • • • Just what you can and cannot do. What can you tolerate and not tolerate. What needs, wants and desires you must have and those you can live without. This is not the time to kid yourself or others! "I've never been poor -- only broke. Being poor is a frame of mind. Being broke is only a temporary situation." Mike Todd Prerequisite Three: A Budget: Review your budget and try to set aside a minimum of $25.00 per week for procurement of your preparedness needs. 3|Page How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued If you feel you just can’t squeeze another penny out of your budget, try this little experiment: • • Sit down with your household and pick a jar to place where everyone can easily get to it and decide that as a family for the next couple of weeks: o Every time you are out and you reach for your wallet you will ask yourself: “Will I die in the next year if I do not buy and or do this right now?” If the answer is NO, then every other time Do Not purchase or pay to do that. When you get home put the money you would have spent in the jar. After a few weeks sit down as a family and count the money in the jar. Chances are there will be more than $50.00. Budgeting for Mere Mortals http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/budgeting_for_mere_mortals_vr_2_new_site.pdf Frugality - A Homesteading Preppers Way http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/frugality- a_homesteading_preppers_way_new_site.pdf Can You Afford Your House Lifestyle? http://weeblyfile/2/2/5/0/22509786/can_you_afford_your_house_lifestyle_new_site.pdf Bartering and the IRS http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/bartering_and_the_irs_new_site.pdf "You will never 'find' time for anything. If you want time, you must make it" Charles Buxton Prerequisite Four: This will take time and accepting that none of this will happen overnight or in a few months is vital. 4|Page How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Sure some things can be purchased, but soul searching and planning take much more than money to accomplish and without it we are the looser and the plan will not work. If we just purchase what we think we need without actually having a plan – we will fail and worse chances are we will end up with items that will be no good when a crisis actually hits. Prerequisite Five: A few rudimentary supplies are needed to facilitate building your plan. • • • • • • A 2-3” three-ring binder Binder dividers (at least 6) Map of your town and surrounding area Highlighters in several colors A specific day/time that the household will sit down and do the exercises required to build the plan. As the collection of the information to build your plan progresses, other items (not directly crisis related) may be needed. "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." Ralph Waldo Emerson Prerequisite Six: Collecting copies of important documents and other vital information. The copies of these documents and information will be stored in the 3-ring binder from Prerequisite Five. This is your Documentation Binder. If you ever have to vacate in a hurry, grab this as it will enable you to get your life back quickly. These documents should cover: In Case of Emergency (ICE) contacts list Emergency Contact Cards (ECC) one for each member of your household and they should be in their wallets. 5|Page How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Vehicle information: Registration, insurance, copy of drivers licenses, location and contact of storage facilities for things like RV’s, ATV’s, Snowmobiles and boats, any warranties, titles or leases and loan papers. Church information: Membership records, name and contact information for the clergy in case you need them, baptismal certificates and the like. Education information: copies of diplomas, class schedules, map of the schools, school calendar and any important class transcripts. Employment Information: Who works Where, When, contact information at work, any retirement or pension or profit sharing information, wage statement and or copy of last tax return, copy of your social security card, copies concerning any other income sources. Estate Information: Copies of loan, deed, mortgage, title and home owners insurance; Advanced Directive documents like Durable power of attorney, Living Will or Trust, Financial Power of Attorney and the like; Will; Any “Final Instruction” documents in case you die; any documentation of prepaid fees to a cemetery or funeral home plus contact information for them; any appraisals; property taxes; land surveys For each family member collect: Current Pictures of all family members; any child ID’s; any DNA information; Adoption, birth, citizenship, divorce, marriage and death certificates; drivers, pilot and or military licenses and ID’s; passports and again social security cards. All of this should be in color if at all possible. Financial Information: Bank name & contact information; bank account numbers; copy of and contact information for any credit, ATM or Debit cards; copies of any investments like annuity contracts, bonds, CD’s, IRA’s or stock certificates, mutual funds, Money markets; safe deposit information like location, number and contents; Current 3 yrs of tax returns. Genealogy information: make a back up or copy of any family historical documents like immigration papers, pictures and family tree documents. General: Copy of house and vehicle keys, labeled; record of home repairs and or maintenance; inventory of all possessions not already listed – pictures and any appraisals or special insurances; Food Storage and Preparedness Inventory list of locations; Preparedness and Evacuation Plan and routes. Insurance Information: Copies of any personal disability, life, long term care, Medicare/Medicaid or other health insurance cards; travel insurance and the like; copies of any group insurance policies; contact information for all. Medical/Dental: Business cards and or address and contact information for physicians, dentists and hospitals; copy of medical and dental records; immunizations; list of medications being taken and where they are usually filled along with contact information for the pharmacy; Pet records, licenses, insurance, immunizations, tattoo info and or registration papers, veterinarian contact information and photos of pet. Photos: Any unreplaceable photos should be digitally scanned and stored on a backup CD or DVD. More detailed how-to can be found at: Preparing Your Emergency Documentation Book/Binder http://weeblyfile/2/2/5/0/22509786/preparing_your_emergency_documentation_book-binder_new_site.pdf Forms to Complete & Section Dividers, etc Plain Simple (for household, farm or ranch; includes section dividers in several styles, Live Animal(s) Left Behind, Help and OK signs; inventory sheets, shopping lists and the like) http://weeblyfile/2/2/5/0/22509786/important_documents_book-forms_to_complete-section_dividers_etcplain_simple_w_ck_bx_images_new_site.pdf Prerequisite Seven: Understanding the Key Terms. 6|Page How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • • • • • Needs are any good, knowledge or skill that you feel you will physically die without; ie are required to survive a particular crisis. Goods are all the tangible things we can touch, see, taste and smell; the reusable and consumable stuff. Like: tools and storage items from food, medicine, nails, hammers, sleeping bags, hunting, fishing, defense, lanterns, cooking/eating items, barter things, as well as “mental wellness” items like books, journals, guitar, harmonica, playing cards, Holy books etc. Knowledge is all of the intellectual know-how drawn upon to use the goods. Skills are the physical, practical application of the knowledge in using the goods. Survivability Quotient this is that elusive figure that determines who survives what, why and how. There are a multitude of factors, both tangible and not so tangible (including luck) that go into a Survivability Quotient and most are out of human-kinds realm of control. Most of us lack Skills; we either have the knowledge but no practical application experience or we are no longer physically able to perform the skill. All Needs (Goods, Knowledge, Skills) have a process and procedure behind them even if it is just one or two words. This week collect all this prerequisite stuff and next week we will start with accumulating all the information needed to start building your plan. 7|Page How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “Be Prepared ... the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise.” surprise.” Sir Robert BadenBaden-Powell (British Army Officer, founder of the Boy Scouts, 18571857-1941) Step One: Identifying the various crisis’s to prepare for. This will be different for each member of each household; however a general “meeting of the minds” should be possible once you complete this exercise. Before we get started lets define Crisis and Preparedness 8|Page How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Now let us define Crisis in terms of Preparedness: A crisis in terms of preparedness is any event that severely disrupts living our lives as we currently do. 9|Page How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Any crisis will have three common characteristics: Category • • Bad Luck/Clumsiness: Laid off, illness, injury, accident, crime, house fire and the like Natural: Planetary/universe actions out of human control (solar flares, asteroids, earthquakes, volcanoes etc.) Extreme weather (hurricane, tornado, flood, ice storm, etc.); Epidemic (Hanta virus, Legionnaires Disease, Influenza, etc.) • Man-Made: Failure of man-made structures and/or ideologies (bridge/dam /infrastructure collapse; war; terrorism; economic and/or civil collapse, etc.) • Metaphysical/Spiritual: Armageddon, Nostradamus, Mayan Calendar, Newton’s Bible Code and other like predictions and prophecies that can’t quite be proven or disproven. Scope of Involvement The number of people and size of area affected 10 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued 3000+ people, injured dead or dying, in a high rise vs. 3000+ people injured dead or dying, spread out over an urban area is a completely different scenario even if caused by the same category crisis. • • • • Small: A few families or individuals to local to your city, town or county Medium: State to Regional Large: Several Regions to National X-Large: International to Global Duration The time from the point the crisis hits to the time when one is getting back to a pre-crisis living environment. • • • • Short: Hours to 7 days Medium: 7 days to 4 weeks Long: 1 month to 2 years X-Long: 2+ years Ok now that we have defined what a crisis is in terms of preparedness, it is time to make a list and check it twice. To accomplish this and balance all those human tendencies this will take several steps. It’s well worth it though, I guarantee it. First create your Possibility List: List and prioritize all the crises you are concerned about, be it an irrational fear or something that science and education bugs you enough to be concerned about. These are all those “feelings”, those gut instincts and the like. Logic and science are not really taken into consideration here. 11 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Note: Everyone should have the following four crises on their list, somewhere, even if you list nothing else: • • • • House fire: With you home and not home. Catastrophic Illness or Injury to you or a loved one. Crime: While you are home, to your home while you are out or to your person or loved one while out and about. Personal Economic Crisis: A loss of a job; long term disability ends, law suit, bad investments, etc. Notice that these are “Bad Luck/Clumsiness” category and small scope crises. Now create your Probability List: Do a little research on your Possibilities and rank them on this list based on the scientific and educated odds of these crises occurring. The following places can help you with this research: • • Check your local, county and state Crime statistics. Talk to your local Sheriff or Undersheriff. Consult with your physician on your health risks. 12 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • • • • Consult with your local fire department for a home hazard hunt checklist. Review your budget and what your assets and liabilities are. Consult with an economic or personal finance advisor at your bank. (One visit is usually free.) Check out your employer’s financial stability. Standard & Poor’s, the Stock Exchanges and the like. Check your local, county and state Hazard or Emergency plans. For tips on how to find this see: Where to Find Your Community's & States Emergency Management Plans & Agencies (link to this document is found @ • • • Check out any schools your family attends and employers, for any preparedness plans they have and what they are. Talk with your veterinarian for any emergency plans they may have concerning pets, animals and or livestock. For most natural and human-made crisis information see: U.S. Risk Map Links (link to this document is found @ Thirdly create a Moderated Crisis List from your Possibility and Probability lists. The only rule of thumb is: If you have a crisis that is say number 4 on your Possibility list, but is last or way lower on your Probability List, then it can be placed no higher than priority number 5 on your Moderated Crisis List. Once complete make a note of what the projected Scope and Duration are likely to be for each crisis on this list. This is your final Moderated Crisis List that will be used to build your preparedness plan. 13 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Worksheets can be found at: w_calendar_new_site.pdf http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/crisis_possibility_probability_needs_acquire_lists__w-w-w- Next week we prepare our Per Crisis Needs Lists … 14 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “Chance never helps those who do not help themselves.” Sophocles BC 495495-406, Greek Tragic Poet Step Two: Create Per Crisis Needs Lists. This is a list of all the goods, knowledge and skills you feel you will need to survive that particular crisis for its potential scope and duration. It doesn’t matter if you already possess these items or not - list them. You will most likely find that there are quite a few items that will repeat themselves from list to list. Write them down anyway but do “flag” them as repeats. Clean these Per Crisis Needs Lists up a bit by prioritizing and listing all the repeated items first (based on how often they repeat across ALL Per Crisis Needs Lists) and then follow with prioritizing the remaining needs that do not repeat. Next, take each Per Crisis Needs List and flag all the goods, knowledge and skills you already possess. These are your Final Per Crisis Needs Lists for use in building your preparedness plan. Lastly create a consolidated Acquire List of all the goods, knowledge and skills you need to acquire. o Start with your #1 Crisis Needs list and write down all the items that you do not already possess. List any repeat first (before non-repeated items) as you come across it then flag it as a repeat; for each successive time it repeats add a “tick” mark next to it. 15 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued o Continue on to the #2 Crisis. Do not relist a repeat, however do put a ‘tick’ mark next to the first time this is listed, so you have an idea of how many times this repeated throughout ALL the per Crisis Needs Lists. Once this is completed you will have a prioritized Acquire List for your preparedness and budget plans. Worksheets can be found at: http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/crisis_possibility_probability_needs_acquire_lists__w-w-ww_calendar_new_site.pdf A great place to get you started on needs per crisis is to check out as they have a ton of high level crisis based checklists. For a list of links to many more detailed preparedness checklists contact @ and I will send you a spreadsheet of these links. Ready, Set, Go! - 24 Weeks of Crisis Supply Procurement (link to this document is found @ How & Where to Learn Traditional Skills http://weeblyfile/2/2/5/0/22509786/how_and_where_to_learn_traditional_skills_new_site.pdf SurvivalBlog’s "List of Lists" (spreadsheet) Is There a Hierarchy for Acquiring Preparedness Needs? (link to this document is found @ Hierarchy of Survival Needs What to Buy First (great graphic) ** Special Note: The Precious and Semi-precious Metals and Gems discussed or visualized in the above two “Hierarchy” documents have several important “truths” that must be understood: • • • • 16 | P a g e They refer to having the actual metal or gem in your hand, NOT the paper certificate They are bulky, heavy and require extensive security They don’t make good mobility items They are only viable for some specific crises and for only a small timeframe at the very beginning and or very end of the duration of these crises. How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • Discussing this in an open environment, where anyone can overhear, puts you and your household in danger in the here and now. The graphic itself is like the Food Pyramid in that it does not mean you eat all your grains for the first meal of the day or purchase all of that type of preparedness need first and then the next brick or food group second. Rather it means that for each dollar you spend on preparedness needs these are the recommended proportions of cents of that dollar that are to be devoted to that type of need. During any major crisis or “end of the world as we know it” scenario - IF: • • • • You can’t eat it You can’t drink it It won’t assist one in gaining food and water without actually purchasing it (like rifles for hunting) It is easy to scavenge and or scrounge It is NOT a viable barter and or trade item. Next week it’s Who, What, When and Where Oh My … 17 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “To be prepared is to anticipate risk and to prudently act toward prevention.” Wes Fessler American author Step Three: Create a Who, What, When, Where Schedule and Map. List all the activities that you and your family members do on a regular basis. Try to list as many specifics as possible. Now take a map of your town and surrounding area. Mark your residence Using a different symbol or colored highlighter mark each person’s activity locations on this map. Make a note of the usual route taken to and from each activity location and your residence. 18 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Notice we do not live our lives holed up in our houses. We live out and about and many activities are spur of the moment; we don’t really know where we will be, how we will get to and from there, who we will be with or when we may do that particular activity. One of the biggest mistakes new preparedness people make is they assume they will shelter in place and never consider having a plan for how to not only get home, but get there as safely as possible if the worst case scenario applies – No usual mode of transportation, usual routes are unavailable and on foot! Bottom Line: A Crisis Will Not Wait to Happen When We Are Home and Ready! Mobility WILL be an issue that needs to be covered in our plan if for no other reason than to get home safely and as soon as possible immediately after the crisis hits. Failure to accept and plan for this IS hazardous to your health and MAY cause injury or death! Next week we will discuss selecting our Home Fire Plan … 19 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.” Whitney M Young Young Jr Step Four: Create a Home Fire Escape Plan and what to do if there is a house fire. Do a home hazard inspection If you cannot put the fire out - Leave the house immediately, go to a neighbor to call the fire department and Stay Out. Have a safe place for the family to meet after exiting the house. This could be a neighbor’s or south corner of your lot and the like. Install Smoke Detectors and or Carbon Monoxide Detectors in appropriate sectors of the house and change the batteries twice a year. Like when you change your clocks. If you are trapped or the room is smoke filled – Stay Low Feel a door before opening If you catch fire – Stop, Drop and Roll 20 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued For multi-story structures have at least one emergency ladder on every level above the first floor Have a multi-purpose Fire extinguisher in appropriate sectors of your home and make sure everyone knows how to use it. Always have TWO WAYS OUT of any room or structure For Kids: Home Fire Safety Checklist and Home Hazard Hunt Checklist;;;;; Commit a Minute: 100 Things to Make Your Home Safer Next week we will discuss selecting our Crisis Retreats (yes, plural) … 21 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “A Scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens.” happens.” Sir Robert BadenBaden-Powell (British Army Officer, founder of the Boy Scouts, 18571857-1941) Step Five: Select a Primary and Secondary Crisis Retreat for Sheltering In Place. Most likely your Primary Retreat will be your Primary Residence, since that is where most of our stuff is. The Secondary Retreat need not be a cabin in the woods. It just cannot be a public shelter or evacuation center – those are your last places to go. Talk with family and friends and see if you can “double up” with them, you could be their secondary retreat and they your secondary retreat. Or your secondary retreat could be just loading the vehicle or RV with your go-bags and camping equipment and heading out of town; pulling over at the first safe place you find and setting up camp. Hint: Store your evacuation needs in different colored containers. Red, Blue, Grey. Have a good mix of the necessities to life in each of these. • • • • 22 | P a g e If you have less than 15 minutes and are not able to utilize your vehicle: Collect all your go-bags and get out of dodge. 30 minutes or less and can utilize your vehicle: collect your go-bags and load the “red” containers 45 minutes or less and can utilize your vehicle: collect all your go-bags and load the red and blue bins. 1 hour or so and can utilize your vehicle: collect all your go-bags and load the red, blue and grey bins. How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Keep in mind what is needed to get to these retreats and be sure the secondary retreat is out of or in a less affected area than the crisis scope of involvement (or is more easily defended). Once you have selected your secondary retreat mark it on your Who, What, When, Where Map. Again make a note of what the usual route is between your primary residence, your regular activities and this secondary retreat, as well as any potential alternate routes. Recommended Retreat Areas State Rankings for Preppers 2010 -The Most/Best: (must download in Excel format to view all columns) Debt, Fed Aide, Corrupt, Crime, Illegal Immigrant DL's, Gun Laws, Growing Season, Population, Financial & education, 19 Best Western States) (link to this document is found @ Tips on Selecting Members for a Successful Preparedness/Survival Group - Getting Along Today & Tomorrow (link to this document is found @ Next week it’s on to selecting Routes to the Crisis Retreats … 23 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued "What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens." Benjamin Disraeli Steps 6 & 7 Selecting Routes to the Crisis Retreats and Rendezvous Spots go together. When deciding on your routes and rendezvous spots keep in mind that you may have one or more routes that come within a block or two of each other, or crisscross or merge, that are coming from different activity locations and or going to different crisis retreats. With these you can have one rendezvous spot that will accommodate both routes. Steps 7 & 8 Selecting Rendezvous Spots and their Secret Communication Spots go together. When deciding on your rendezvous spots keep an eye out for a place to leave a Secret Communication Symbol or message. This is not a note taped to a street sign or tacked on a community bulletin board. Basically do not finalize your Routes or Rendezvous and Secret Communication Spots until we have reviewed all three steps of 6-8. Step Six: Selecting Routes to the Crisis Retreats • Select at least two Routes to get to each Crisis Retreat from each of your family’s usual activity locations – that are not your normal routes 24 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • Take your Who, What, When, Where map and look for possible routes and rendezvous spots along each route to each retreat. Remember: Your usual route and or transportation method may not be available immediately following the crisis event Next week it’s on to selecting Rendezvous Spots … 25 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “I beg you take courage; the brave soul can mend even disaster.“ Catherine II Step Seven: Selecting Rendezvous Spots • Select at least two rendezvous points to meet other members of your family/group along each route to each of your Crisis Retreats. • The sites should be safe and on or in the immediate proximity to the route. “Safe” will depend on just what type of crises are on your list. For instance if some kind of extreme weather is on your list then this rendezvous spot should probably have some kind of shelter from the elements. 26 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Or if you have some kind of riot or civil unrest, the rendezvous spot may need to hide you and you may want to just leave your Secret Communication and then not wait around at all. • Have a non-obvious, easy to access place to leave a secret message This can be a park bench, picnic table, vending or newspaper machine, a public postal drop, a particular tree in a park or a bus stop bench and the like; that you can “scratch” your symbol on. • Wait times should be minimal (under 10 minutes) Note: In all the Crisis Drills I have participated in no one lasted more than 5 minutes and the average was 2 - 2 1/2 minutes. Next week will be about selecting a Secret Communication Symbol … 27 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein Step Eight: Secret Communications Decide on some sort of code or sign to use at your rendezvous spot • This communication signal is not something that just anyone can stumble upon and understand. It could be as simple as a symbol carved into a particular tree trunk located on the corner of a particular park, bus stop bench, picnic table, to the side of a vending or newspaper machine, pay phone or postal drop box, that any member of your family/group may need to pass to get to the retreat. This is to alert them that “Johnnie has been through here, waited 10 minutes and went on”. 28 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • A good source to develop your own communication signals is the “Boy Scout Field Book” (not handbook, field book – this is also great for learning other survival skills like compass and map reading, trapping and snares and the like). The sign for “Go Right” could be used as the “Suzie has been here and moved on” signal. The Boy Scout Handbook does have a list of the most common trail signs and the Field Book has a list of all the trail signs. You can also utilize other symbols or codes or make up your own. Hint: When you have your drills, use colored dots, grease pencil or some other temporary method that will not be around when the crisis actually hits. If anyone stops to ask what you are doing; just say you are setting up a scavenger hunt. American Boys Book Signs Signals Symbols 1918 Boy Scout Field Book; Signs, Symbols & Codes Secret Communications Secrets: Signs and Symbols Codes, Ciphers & Secret Messages Cryptology And Other Forms Of Secret Communication Codes and Ciphers 29 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued "Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks of changing himself." Leo Tolstoy Next week will be on Compiling your Important Information & Papers Documentation Book/Binder … 30 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “There's no disaster disaster that can't become a blessing, and no blessing that can't become a disaster” Richard Bach Step Nine: Assemble Your Documentation Book/Binder Unless you live in a hurricane zone or the like, one never really plans to have to evacuate! Yet a house fire is just one example of the unexpected that could cause an evacuation. If a crisis is severe enough to require leaving your primary residence/retreat you can bet you will not have the time to run around and collect this information, nor can you count on the banks, etc being available to retrieve this information from in a timely fashion. You could very well need this book to rebuild your life quickly! This holds all important information on you and yours; property, family members, medical info (animals, pets, livestock too), inventory of goods, supplies, knowledge, skills and possessions, phone numbers/contacts, etc. (See the supplies listed in Prerequisite Five and the document items listed in Prerequisite Six.) The Documentation Book can also have a section for Checklists for the more common caused crises or a list of your Secret Communication Symbols. It can also be used to keep an inventory of your preparedness goods and where they are located, along with a copy of your preparedness plan, the Who, What, When, Where calendar/map, potential recipes on using your food stores and the like. You might even want a trusted relative that does not live in your area, to have a “trimmed down” copy of this book (minus the detailed personal finance info and your supply lists, etc.). 31 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Nothing like having all the required information an insurance company needs to get your home back and your life on track again in a timely fashion. This book is designed to increase your survivability quotient and has the potential to shorten the duration of some crises. Preparing Your Emergency Documentation Book/Binder http://weeblyfile/2/2/5/0/22509786/preparing_your_emergency_documentation_book-binder_new_site.pdf Forms to Complete-Section Dividers, etc-Plain Simple (for household, farm or ranch; includes section dividers in several styles, Live Animal(s) Left Behind, Help and OK signs; inventory sheets, shopping lists and the like) http://weeblyfile/2/2/5/0/22509786/important_documents_book-forms_to_complete-section_dividers_etcplain_simple_w_ck_bx_images_new_site.pdf Next week is about some vital questions to assess immediately after a crisis occurs … 32 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued "The will to win is not nearly as important as the will to prepare to win.” Edward W. Smith Step Ten: Key Assessment Questions for Survival The faster you can assess the status of these questions, the faster you act and do; the less whacks you take to your survivability quotient and the less time it will take you to round up your household and/or get to a crisis retreat. Time is of the essence! There are about three (layman) emotional phases we humans go through when confronted with a crisis: • Shock – The deer caught in the headlights. We are immobile and not responding to what is around us. • Denial – We have spent so much time convincing ourselves that this can’t or won’t happen; that when it actually does we don’t accept it. Our illogical brain says this can’t be real while our logical brain tells us it is. The end result is that we still have not done anything to help ourselves (we are our own worst enemy) even though we are conscious of what is going on around us. • Action – We accept what has happened and start to take steps to get us out of it and protect ourselves. The goal is to get to the Action Phase in two minutes or less. 33 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Copy & shrink this down and put on the back of your Emergency Contact Card for your wallet or purse, place a copy in the glove box of your vehicles, have a copy of this in each go-bag and keep one in your Documentation Book/Binder to jog your memory in a Crisis. My Crisis Drill starts with pulling the closest copy of this checklist out. This way in a crisis I only have to remember to do one thing and it then sets me off on doing the others in the shortest time possible. These are not prioritized, as that can vary on the crisis at hand. Most can be addressed concurrently. The bottom line is to answer and act on these questions as quickly as possible. Immediately after a Crisis Occurs Quickly Determine the Following: • • • • • • • • Food – Where and when can I get nourishment and how soon do I need it Water – Where and when can I get drinkable water and how soon do I need it Shelter/Clothing - Am I protected from the elements Illness or Injury needs – Am I or anyone else injured Safety/Defense/Security – Am I in danger and if yes, from what Where is everyone and where am I Bug-out or Stay Put (mobile or static). Do I stay here and wait for help or do I set out towards my retreat Basic Tools to achieve & maintain the above necessities to life. (Leatherman and Swiss Army knives or other multi-functional tools and the like) Emergency Contact Card-ECCard When Do You Bug-Out or Stay Put? (link to this document is found @ Next week will discuss Mobility Issues … 34 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “Despair is most often the offspring of illill-preparedness” Don Williams, Jr American Novelist and Poet, b.1968 Step Eleven: Going Mobile No one wants to be mobile during a crisis or have to vacate their home either. However reality and logic tell us that we may very well need to be mobile at some point during a crisis, if for no other reason than to get to our retreat. Since our Crisis Plan needs to balance some basic human traits it must consider the worst possible scenario when it comes to mobility: • • • We are not home when the crisis occurs or must vacate our retreat Our usual route is not available Our usual modes of transportation are not available – we are On Foot Suddenly that 5 to 10 minute drive from the grocery store to home is a 5 mile long obstacle course. To all of you in the prime of your life, this may not seem like much, but to the rest of us this is a life threatening gauntlet! If we prepare and plan for this worst case scenario, then we reduce this major hit to our survivability quotient. By planning for the worst here we can even increase our survivability quotient when luck is on our side and we can use our vehicles, usual routes and don’t have to walk! Think about it: It is far easier to adjust a plan that has us on foot for a “good case” scenario where our vehicles and routes are available … Than it is to adjust a plan that has our vehicles and routes available and then we are faced with the “worst case” reality of being on foot!! 35 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Think of football teams; they not only practice the passes and running plays; they also practice what to do to minimize the fumbles and interceptions too. The really good teams do this almost instantaneously and seamlessly so that they rarely get a major hit from the fumble or interception. Failure to accept and plan for this IS hazardous to your health and MAY cause injury or death! The next few steps will be a brief overview of some things we can do to help us through any worst case scenario. (Go-Bags, Supply Storage, etc.) 36 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “If you are prepared, you will be confident, confident, and will do the job.” Tom Landry Step Twelve: Go-Bags Go-Bags have many names (BOB, E-Kit, Grab Bags, etc.) and can be for anywhere from 3 to 10 days. In terms of “just in case” preparedness we are only concerned with the 72-hour or 3 day Go-Bag. This should be enough to get us to our retreat. All Go-Bags should provide for one or more people/pets with three (3) days worth of the basic needs to survival and be light enough for on foot mobility. Here again we must balance some human traits – namely we humans tend to want to help just about anything and anyone. We only have two logical choices here: • • We can plan and be prepared for extra people and animals We can plan and be prepared that these extra people and animals are on their own and we will not be of any assistance. The third, unspoken, choice is to risk everyone’s lives by trying to stretch insufficient supplies with too many people and animals. This Go-Bag discussion will assume that we are going to plan and be prepared for the unexpected extra people and animals. There are three (3) types of Go-Bags: • Individual: One for each person and pet in your household. This is where you can individualize the bag, so if “Johnnie” has asthma you can put an extra inhaler and or RX script in his bag. 37 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • Household: Large enough to cover the normal number of people/pets likely to be in your house (including guests) at any given time or at the least a combined Go-Bag that covers your immediate family and pet members. If Johnnie and Suzie each have a friend spend the night about once a month – you add a people count of two. If Aunt Bess and Uncle Joe regularly visit with their Yorkie – you add a head count of 2 more and a pet count of 1. • Vehicle: This covers the maximum number of people/pets that can be in the vehicle at any given time. One for each vehicle you own. This way even if you have a classic two seater that you, your spouse and shepherd only ride in every Labor Day to lead the parade, you can account for your friend or neighbor that is walking next to your vehicle when the crisis hits. Or if something inside your individual go-bag got damaged, you can retrieve the vehicle go-bag and you now have a replacement for the damaged item and a little extra for that friend or co-worker that has latched onto you. Think small, lightweight, compact and multi-functional items for your go-bag tools and supplies. Much like a backpacker‘s pack. Items like: Leatherman tools; Swiss Army Knife; mess kit, first aid kit, MRE’s, food bars, space blanket, water treatment tablets and containers, etc. Be A “Go-Bagger” Individual go-bags should be with you as often as possible. I’ve been known to check my go-bag at the coat room when going to a formal. I also have a smaller (Altoid Tin type) Emergency Kit (E-Kit) inside some of my go-bags that can fit in my purse when the larger go-bag must be left in the car. 38 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Business people: Many backpacks are also brief cases with plenty of room for your supplies and laptop too. Ladies: Many “Satchel” type handbags are large enough to hold your go-bag needs along with your normal “purse” contents and still be fashionable. Children: Many backpacks have wheels and handles so a child can “carry” their own. Some backpacks have smaller detaching “kangaroo” packs where your child’s pack could be attached to your pack during a crisis. Diaper bags now come in backpack format with plenty of extra room. Pets: If your dog is large enough, get a doggie backpack and have it carry its own crisis supplies (Yes they even have these for cats now too). Walk your dog with its go-bag so it is familiar with it Before Crisis Use. For smaller pets; store their go-bag in their travel crate then have a portable luggage cart for the crate & go-bag. 39 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued It is recommended to have two water purification methods in your go-bag: Filter & chemical. A three (3) day supply of water for 1 person will weigh apx 24 pounds, so just keep a quart. Use re-fillable water containers (canteen or other stainless steel are best). If you happen to be at your retreat with ALL your go-bags and then must vacate - you have the advantage of having extra supplies! Note: Pre bottled water nowadays is made of plastic that breaks down quickly. According to studies from Bingham Young University: In 1-2 years the plastic decomposed enough to contaminate the water. Not enough to make a person sick, but the taste was bad and could not be “freshened” up. In 3-4 years, more than half of these bottles decomposed enough to leak. (Someone told me that this biodegradable plastic is utilized for all use-and-toss bottles that are 2 liters or less, as of this writing (12/2010), I have not verified this.) Aside from that you really don’t want to have trash to hide if you are mobile for any reason and it is easier to crack or break plastic than it is metal; plus the new stainless steel containers don’t leave that awful “canteen” taste in the water. Next week will be a few quick bits of information on Food and Water Storage … Campmor For all things Camping, hiking, backpacking , etc and consistent “best bang for the buck” value see Grab-Go-Bag-Adult, Infant, Disabled and Animal Checklist Prepping for Animals, Pets & Livestock _site.pdf Preparedness Bags Checklist Compare (goes with “What is the Difference Between All the E-Kits and Bags and What Do I Need?”) What is the Difference Between All the E-Kits and Bags and What Do I Need? (goes with "Preparedness Bags Checklist Compare") 40 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “Chance favors the prepared prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur Step Thirteen: Food & Water Storage Food storage includes: medical, dental and hygiene needs during a crisis as well as actual food and water. Warning: If there is a crisis on your list that can take out electricity city wide or larger, you will lose water. This means that even if you do NOT have any long duration crisis on your crisis list - you still need to think about water at the very least. All Food Storage Requires: • • • • A place to store this An even cool temperature with very little if any variance (45-72 no more than 10 degree change in temp in under 28-30 hours). Dry Bug and Rodent free or proof as possible. (Yes the area and not just the container!) The most common mistakes in Food Storage are: • • Not rotating and utilizing your food stores during non-crisis times. IE: Stock Piling and forgetting. Purchasing a “food kit” or all of one type of food preservation technique or “meal in a packet”. “Food Survival Kits” tend to include foods you do not normally eat, are allergic to or are all freeze dried or all canned or all dehydrated or all MRE’s. Most only have about 10 different meals – in a crisis situation you don’t want to contend with the mental depression of “taste bud boredom”. • 41 | P a g e Third most common mistake: Attempting to store flour instead of the un-ground grain. Flour only has a 1-2 year shelf life at best, while un-ground grain has a 30+ yr shelf life. How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Water • • General Rule with hygiene: MINIMUM is 1 Gallon per person per day Human General Average: MINIMUM of 2 liters or 8 cups per day to maintain efficiency; In general one quart of water is needed daily for every 50 pounds of body weight; Children require about 4-6 cups of fluid per day on average. Factors that Determine the Water Needs for adults, children and pets: • Age • Weight - The heavier a human or pet is, usually means they need more water to sustain themselves. • Activity - The less active one is; the less water they can get away with. • Health - A female that is pregnant or nursing needs more water than one that is not. • Dry pet food will require more water for the pet than wet pet food. (Dogs & Cats) Do the Math • • • • 1 Gallon of Water = a little over 8 pounds Water for 1 person for 3 days = about 24 pounds Water for 1 person for two weeks (14) days = a little over 116 pounds Water for 1 person for 30 days = about 240 pounds No matter how you look at it that is a lot of water, a lot of weight and a lot of storage space that is needed for just a two week supply for an individual, yet alone an entire family and pets. Hint: Keep waterless anti-bacterial hand gel and or wet wipes to reduce hygiene water needs. The survival quantity of 1 gallon per person per day - is just that – the bare, very basic, best case MINIMUM! *** Storing medications, both RX and OTC are covered in these documents *** 42 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Food Storage - Starting & Maintaining http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/food_storage_-_starting__maintaining__quick__easy__economical_how-tos_new_site.pdf Food & Water Storage Considerations http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/food_and_water_storage_considerations_new_site.pdf Shelf Life Information on Lots of Things http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/shelf_life_information_on_lots_of_things_wrd_97_new.xls Food Storage Mistakes - Yikes! http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/food_storage_mistakes__yikes_new_site.pdf Cheap & Cool Pantry Can Organizer http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/cheap_and_cool_pantry_can_organizer_new_site.pdf 2 Food Storage Calculators http://weebly-file/2/2/5/0/22509786/2_food_storage_calculators_97_fmt.xls Next week is determining if you should stay put or bug-out … 43 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued "No man who is not willing to help help himself has any right to apply to his friends, or to the gods." Demosthenes, Greek Orator Step Fourteen: Bug-In or Bug-Out? I have yet to run across someone who wants to evacuate. It just rubs us humans the wrong way to have to leave our homes and possessions behind to some unknown thing. Yet to keep our survivability quotient high we have to plan for this worst case scenario and we have to understand that planning for this will NOT cause it to come true. At a high level there are only two things that could entice us to vacate our homes: • • Some impending danger that we see or sense. An evacuation notice from an authoritive entity. In the case of Evacuation Notices we must understand the following: If a government entity suggests or orders an evacuation, they have waited until the last possible moment to issue the order – so don’t tally! We the evacuees, are solely responsible to pack and go; not our employer (even if they tell you to stay); not the government and not our neighbor or in-laws – You Alone Are Responsible for You and Yours. In the United States there are two types of Evacuation Notices: 44 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • Mandatory - Mandatory does not mean you are dragged out of your home kicking and screaming. Although the President can enact an executive order that gives the local authorities the power to drag you out of your home, the few times this has been done the local authorities DID NOT do so. When asked why; they stressed that they did not have enough time or manpower to go back and force people to evacuate; they barely had enough time and manpower to be sure everyone got the evacuation order in the first place. • Suggested – This means that the authorities are not more than 50% sure that this area will be affected by the pending crisis. This usually occurs in large scope events, like hurricanes and the authorities are already maxed out dealing with the mandatory evacuation area. The After Crisis Protocols (Search, Rescue and Emergency Assistance): Immediately following a crisis all the “helper” entities have a large complex job to perform in the stricken area. They must be able to find and rescue the greatest number of people utilizing limited; funds, manpower, equipment and time. To facilitate saving the most people utilizing these limited resources and taking into consideration historical crisis (evacuation percentages, etc) statistics, the following protocol was created: 1. An area that was Never issued an evacuation notice of any kind, and was devastated, will be addressed First. 2. An area that received a Suggested evacuation notice will be addressed Second. 45 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued 3. An area that received a Mandatory evacuation notice will be addressed Last. This means that if you received an evacuation notice and you decided NOT to evacuate and now need help; the “helper” entities will go to the areas that were NOT ordered to evacuate BEFORE they help people in areas that were told to evacuate. One of the first elements to assess the need to vacate or not is Awareness. To be aware, take advantage of every possible type of news communication in your area: Newspapers, TV, Radio, HAM, CB, Scanners, internet, weather alerts and the like. Keep your eyes and ears open and be alert to what is going on around you. The more sources of information, the faster you will be able to determine if you can stay put or must bugout. The more information you have and the more aware you are, the better you can “read the signs” around you. Some Additional Signs to keep aware of are: • • • • • • A rush or long lines at banks, gas stations or grocery, home improvement, sporting, camping and gun stores An increase in police, fire, rescue and military personnel and or vehicles An increase in barrel & barricades and trucks Ambulances and medical personnel are flocking to the hospitals Long term care facilities appear to be removing residents There is more traffic leaving your area than approaching If you have been monitoring your communication and news sources then you will know if this is a city Preparedness Drill, a massive toxic spill, hurricane or whatever. 46 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued In order to determine if you should shelter in place or evacuate/bug-out I highly recommend that you listen to the 15-20 minute podcast by (see link at end of this discussion). At the very least you and your family need to discuss the following questions: The 12 Key Questions to Ask & Plan for are: (Thank You • • • • • • • • • • • • Which choice gives you the best chance of survival for the scenario at hand? (this is not always clear) How well prepared are you to shelter in place? What exactly are you prepared for? (a forest fire is far different from local rioting) Have evacuation orders been given or suggested? What is the nature and probable duration of the threat? Will staying put change anything as far as “saving your home”? Where will you go and how will you get there? Do you own a bug out location or have double up plans or no place to go at all? Will you be able to help your community if you stay? What will the impact of staying or going be on your family, can they handle what you can? What can you take with you and what must you leave behind? If you leave what exactly is waiting for you at your destination? The two questions in red are the most important and “What will the impact of staying or going be on your family, can they handle what you can” is a double edged question: • • If you decide to stay behind and keep your family with you; can they handle the pending crisis as well as you? If you decide to stay behind and send them on; can you and they handle the possibility of never seeing each other again? Remember that the needs and agendas of governments are different than that of its citizens. They are not being cruel or mean, it is just the way things are. Bottom Line: It’s your choice, your responsibility and yours alone! Only you can determine the ultimate consequences of staying or going, for you and yours. 47 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Next week we will cover Family Crisis Drills … There an excellent podcast about this called: Bug In or Bug Out - 12 Questions to Ask - Episode-289 found at: It is about 30 minutes long and well worth your time. A great article called When to Bug Out: Knowing the Signs can be found at: Another good one is Heed the Disaster, Know the Dangers at: “…The Effects and Damage Could Be More Than One Envisioned …” Bug Out or Batten Down? Should you Stay or Go? by Captain Dave at: is fantastic “…We all have a strong desire to protect what's ours. Regardless of whether you own the largest house in the neighborhood or rent a ramshackle shack, home is where the heart is, not to mention all the rest of your stuff! And Captain Dave knows you've worked long and hard to accumulate that stuff, so abandoning it and running for safety may stick in your craw. …” Where to Find Your Community's & States Emergency Management Plans & Agencies (link to this document is found @ 48 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued "Emergency preparedness is a team sport.“ Eric Whitaker Step Fifteen: Family Crisis Drills We all have office, school and home fire drills – we should all have regular Crisis Drills. We want to be prepared to think fast during a crisis and not loose precious seconds to the fog of uncertainty, panic, shock and confusion. Think of football teams, do they just practice the passes and running plays? No way – they also practice what to do when a pass is intercepted or there is a fumble. In these cases the offensive team must instantaneously change into defense mode and reduce the “hit” this fumble or interception causes. The really good football teams practice and do this instantaneously, seamlessly and without thought. This does not mean that you take a week off from work and hole up in your house and practice “sheltering in place”. Remember those balances? Good. This means we practice the worst case scenario, which for most of us are the two mobility issues. At minimum twice a year (3-4 times a year is ideal) have a crisis drill. One will address getting to your retreat immediately following a practice crisis and the other should address having to vacate your retreat – with at least one based on the worst possible situation – On Foot. 49 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued You can spice things up by having a contest on how quick everyone can make it to a rendezvous spot or load the vehicle and the like. These drills are to ultimately ‘train’ us so as to cut our reaction time to facilitate keeping our survivability quotient high, without thinking, so that we can Act to Win instead of React and Loose or make do. Next week we will put all this information into creating our Preparedness Plan … ACT or REACT - The Need for Disaster Drills Preparedness Survival Drills 50 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “I am prepared for the worst but hope for the best” Benjamin Disraeli (British Prime Minister & novelist 18041804-1881) Step Sixteen: Create Your Preparedness Plan Now that all the information you need to develop a viable and workable plan has been collected – it is time to formalize the plan and put it into writing. I have found the outline format, with each Roman numeral being its own page to be the most effective and easiest to keep up to date without rewriting the plan for each change. Have a section in your Documentation Book for your plan. In this section you should have: • • • • Moderated Crisis List Per Crisis Needs Lists Needs Acquire List Your Plan Your plan should include and or point to: • • 51 | P a g e What you need to do for each Need on your Per Crisis Needs Lists, with regards to the Scope and Duration of the crisis Retreat Locations, Routes & Rendezvous, Secret Communication Signals How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • • • • • • The Needs Process and Procedure - Goods or supplies, along with Knowledge and Skills that you have and need to Acquire to survive the longest duration event on your Crisis List A Budget Plan to procure the goods, knowledge and skills you lack. A readily accessible place to organize and store your goods A Practice Drill Schedule; including being mobile to get to your retreat, Sheltering in Place and BugOut/Evacuation or going to your secondary retreat Go-Bags and Important Documentation Book information/references for getting your life back and assisting in the worst case mobility issues. How and when to inform family and friends of your situation (communications) First create your plans (process and procedure) for your Crisis Drill mobility issues – getting to your retreat and having to vacate your retreat. Next take a good long look at your Per Crisis Needs Lists and its Repeated Items. These will be things like food, water, first aid, safety/defense, cooking¸ sanitation, communications and the like. These Roman numerals will be the process and procedure behind all these needs that repeat themselves on each crisis in your Per Crisis Needs Lists (or just shy of all the lists). Then group the remaining repeated needs based on how many times they repeat themselves - from most frequent to least frequent. Each of your following Roman numerals will be these process and procedures for each of these needs. Lastly, out of the remaining needs that are not repeated, look at the crisis they pertain to. Most likely these are crisis specific needs. If this is the case use the crisis priority to determine the sequence of Roman numerals and the process and procedures for each of these items. As an example let’s say that on your Crisis List (somewhere) you have the following: • • • 52 | P a g e Citywide power outage caused by a severe snow/ice storm that lasts 5 days. There is a solar storm (CME) that takes out electricity and fries all digital devices, globally for a long duration. There is a drinking water shortage with a power outage, city wide due to a flood for 3 days. How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued • There is an attack to the U.S. by EMP blasts that takes out electricity and fries all digital devices, nationally to internationally. All four of these crises have one common factor – no electricity for more than 24 hours. The Needs to address this factor are the same. So your plan would have a Roman numeral for No electricity with a subset for what to do if all digital devices are fried (the less frequent repeats to no electricity). IV. No Electricity 1. No Electricity Only a. Generator & fuel for 3 days b. Rechargeable batteries with solar recharger c. Hand crank and or battery powered lights, radio and the like. d. Charcoal or propane for a grill with enough fuel for 5 days. 2. No Electricity CME/EMP particulars a. Faraday cages for radios and other necessary digital electrical equipment The following is an example of the Doe Family Preparedness Plan, minus the actual process and procedure behind all the needs. The Doe Family Preparedness Plan I. II. III. 53 | P a g e Crisis Drills (at least twice a year) a. Mobility to retreat b. Mobility from retreat (evacuation) Mobility (go bags come into play here): a. To Retreat b. From Retreat (evacuation) Shelter In Place a. Personal i. Food & Water 1. Cooking & Cleaning 2. Gardening 3. Food Preservation/Storage ii. Defense/Security 1. Preventative a. Outer Perimeter How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued IV. 54 | P a g e i. Non-lethal ii. Lethal b. Inner Perimeter i. Non-lethal ii. Lethal 2. Defensive a. Non-lethal b. Lethal 3. Offensive a. Non-lethal b. Lethal iii. Communications iv. Medical/Dental v. Bedding vi. Heat/Cooling 1. For Shelter 2. Personal (clothing) vii. Sanitation b. Block/Group i. Food & Water 1. Cooking & Cleaning 2. Gardening 3. Food Preservation/Storage ii. Defense/Security 1. Preventative a. Outer Perimeter i. Non-lethal ii. Lethal b. Inner Perimeter i. Non-lethal ii. Lethal 2. Defensive a. Non-lethal b. Lethal 3. Offensive a. Non-lethal b. Lethal iii. Communications iv. Medical/Dental v. Bedding vi. Heat/Cooling 1. For Shelter 2. Personal (clothing) vii. Sanitation Personal Crisis a. House Fire How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. 55 | P a g e i. Home ii. Not home b. Crime i. At house when home ii. At house when not home iii. When out and about c. Illness or Injury i. to me ii. Illness/Injury or Death in family d. Personal economic i. Loss of income ii. Law suit Loss of water a. Drought b. Utility Severe weather Space weather a. CME b. Asteroid or Comet Loss of electricity (utility) a. 1 day or less b. More than 1 day c. Long term Hyperinflation a. National b. Global Civilization collapse a. State b. National c. International Public Health Hazard a. Local i. Natural ii. Man-Made b. State i. Natural ii. Man-Made c. National i. Natural ii. Man-Made d. International i. Natural ii. Man-Made Terrorist Attack a. Domestic b. Foreign How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued XIII. War a. Domestic b. Foreign c. Multi-National Resources to assist with building your Plans: (Note: These workbooks will contain worksheets for collecting the information presented in this seminar; use whichever format you desire.) Check out for links to the other Homesteading, Preparedness & Survival web sites, magazines and downloads. The two most detailed, yet general “build your plan” documents I have found are: Home Emergency Preparedness Workbook by Pandion-LLC. Although I can’t seem to find the original web site I have uploaded the PDF to: http://weeblyfile/2/2/5/0/22509786/documentation_book_home-emergency-preparedness-workbook-pandion-llc.pdf and the 26 Weeks to Emergency Preparedness Workbook by Cowichan Valley of British Columbia, Canada found at: A great “all purpose” get started sample plan that includes your pets (just substitute your pet for equine) can be downloaded from: A great guidebook called: How to Prepare for Any Disaster Your Easy Step-by-Step Preparedness Guide can be downloaded for free by supplying your email address @ For a “Down’n’Dirty” Quickie Checklist for a Making a Plan and accumulating needed information: PDF Format: or then select the Excel version. How to Become a Prepper (link to this document is found @ Prepping for Animals, Pets & Livestock Ready, Set, Go! - 24 Weeks of Crisis Supply Procurement (link to this document is found @ Another good starter is the Emergency Preparedness Checklist at: or for BabyStep Checklist Email Program – Biweekly emails sent to you with detailed checklists to walk you through our BabySteps in a one year FREE program. You will need to sign up for the free email checklists. 56 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Next we will discuss the “and not go broke“ part … 57 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued "He who does not economize will have to agonize" Confusius Step Seventeen: The “and Not Go Broke” Part I don’t care if you are preparing for the four personal crises listed in the prerequisites or for one or more of “the end of the world as we know it” crises - Budget is a key! "Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and yet one that we are culturally cut off from understanding and enjoying. The consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in having things, and has failed to teach us the happiness of not having things." things." Elise Boulding There are dozens of resources out there on creating and sticking to a budget. Pick one that meets your needs and go for it. We can’t really complain about someone else or the government on their wasteful spending if we don’t have our own under control. With a budget you can be debt free or as close to it as possible (most of us can’t get away from a mortgage or auto loan), remember the Jones do not pay your bills so pooey on them! With a minimum of $25.00 per week you can accomplish a lot. You can save for a trip to a Colonial farm for a vacation and learn a skill you feel you need. You can take advantage of buy one get one free sales and the like. Sure it’s great to go to that 1st showing at $50.00 a head, but are we going to die if we don’t go? Is going through life feeding our whims of fantasy going to save us if that gas line explodes, the roof at the store collapses, we get attacked getting into our car or we have a kitchen fire? "By sowing frugality we reap liberty, a golden harvest." Agesilaus 58 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Take advantage of garage sales, estate sales and flea markets or surplus and warehouse stores. On the internet try CraigsList or FreeCycle. Team up with a relative, neighbor or friend to split the cost and product from warehouse stores and remember that they don’t need know why you are purchasing canned goods or rice like that – only that you want to split the item with them because it is too much for just your household alone. Try to “weigh” all your purchases to multi-functional. This will not only reduce clutter and storage space needs, it is budget wise as well since you will be purchasing one item that can do the job of two or more. "Being frugal does not not mean being cheap! It means being economical and avoiding waste." Catherine Pulsifer Try cutting back on all the “use and toss” products, see what you can make and do for yourself, rather than purchasing, like cloth napkins instead of paper or making your own re usable “swifter” cloths. There are also tons of sites out there with instruction sets on making your own solar ovens and solar panels or wind generators – to how to trap and snare or preserve food. You can find almost everything you may need on the internet for whatever crisis is on your list. Keep in mind that you need not have the same mindset as the author that wrote that informational article, just “pick their brains” for what applies to what you need to know. And remember that this takes time and patience so don’t get frustrated. Hey, you can even save additional monies in the process of taking things on for yourself while accumulating your preparedness needs! "When making your choice in life, do not neglect to live." Samuel Johnson Above all, Enjoy Life, Live it to the Fullest with confidence that by getting prepared, none of you will be at the mercy of an outside entity during a crisis - you know you are protecting you and yours to the fullest! Check out “Ready, Set, Go! - 24 Weeks of Crisis Supply Procurement” (link to this document is found @ At the end of 24 weeks your Documentation Book should be complete. You should have established a plan and have accumulated enough of the basic goods for one person (food and water, etc), in one household, for a minimum of 6 days. 59 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued “You can only eat an elephant - one bite bite at a time.” Unknown Unknown What you end up with for one person per household (for apx 6 days): Qty Item 1 “Heatalter” fireplace grate (puts more fireplace heat into the house instead of up the flume) If needed 1 “I” brackets to secure furniture to walls, If earthquake zone 1 “Mess Kit” (pan, plate, bowl, cup) 1 3 Ring Binder 2 Aluminum foil (heavy duty) 2 ammo handgun (box) 2 ammo rifle box 2 ammo shotgun (box) 1 Assorted reusable plastic containers (for food and freezer) 1 Assorted screws, nails, nuts and bolts (including wood screws) 1 axe-hatchet/hammer/crow bar tool (All purpose) 1 Backpack for go-bag 1 backpack, duffel bag or rolling luggage (household or vehicle go bag) 1 backpacker binoculars If being “mobile” plays a big role in your Crisis Plan 2 bags Heavy duty large garbage (pkg) 1 baked beans (with meat if possible) can 1 Batteries Extra (preferably rechargeable) 1 Beans 5 lb sack 1 Blankets and or sleeping bag for each household member 1 Bleach Plain liquid (gal) 1 Boy Scout Field Book (check out the used book stores for this) or if you are the experienced outdoors type – SAS Survival Manual (just search the web to download for free a digital copy, then print it out) 1 Bungee cords (1 pkg) 1 Camping supplies fuel for stove & lantern 1 Camping supplies lanterns 1 Camping supplies stove 1 Camping supplies tents 2 Can Opener – Hand Operated 2 can opener Extra hand operated or GI 1 Cereal dry box 1 Cereal Instant oatmeal or cream of wheat pkg 1 Chapstick 1 child proof latches for cupboards and cabinets, If needed 1 Coffee Instant 1 Commando Saw 1 Compass 1 Condoms 1 container , Waterproof portable plastic with lid for use for important papers not accounted for in your Documentation Book/Binder 1 Cordage (rope) all purpose 1 Crackers Animal box 1 Crackers Graham box 1 Crescent wrench 1 Crowbar 1 Denture care items If needed 1 dish towels, cheap pkg 1 Disposable dust masks 60 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued 1 Eating utensil kit (knife, spoon, fork) 2 fire extinguisher ABC (per retreat and vehicle, at least 2 per retreat/house) 1 fire extinguisher Extra ABC for each floor and or room of your home, including garage 1 First Aid: “butterfly” bandages, various sizes pkg 1 First Aid: activated charcoal 1 First Aid: Adhesive bandages, assorted sizes 1 First Aid: Anti-diarrhea medicine (Lomodium) 1 First Aid: Antiseptic 1 First Aid: Aspirin and or acetaminophen, ibruprophen, naproxum sodium 1 First Aid: Bee Sting/Insect Bite Kit 1 First Aid: Compresses pkg 1 First Aid: Dental Kit (includes antibiotic treatment, pain gel and temporary filling/caps) 1 First Aid: Disposable hand wipes 1 First Aid: elastic ace bandages 1 First Aid: Eye wash and patch kit 1 First Aid: eyeglasses, Extra If needed 1 First Aid: gauze or bandages roll 1 First Aid: Ipecac syrup 1 First Aid: Latex gloves 1 First Aid: Liquid hand soap and or waterless anti bacterial wash 1 ech First Aid: OTC medications – adult and child (Benadryl, Sudafed, Pepto Bismal, Cola and or Ginger syrup) 1 First Aid: Rubbing alcohol 1 First Aid: Scissors 1 First Aid: Sewing Kit 1 First Aid: Snake Bite Kit 1 First Aid: Splint 1 First Aid: Splint sticks for fingers and toes 1 First Aid: Suture kit 1 First Aid: tape 1 First Aid: Thermometer (Get one of those “strips” instead of a glass/mercury filled type or battery operated digital type) 1 First Aid: Tweezers 1 First Aid: Vitamins and or herbal supplements/remedies 1 Fishing hooks pkg 1 Fishing line pkg 1 fishing rod collapsible, Optional 2 Flashlights with batteries 1 Food for special diets, if needed 5 Fruit can 1 Fuel Extra for camp stoves, heaters, grills, lanterns, etc each 2 Fun Stuff: Travel board games, playing cards, harmonica, activity books, pleasure books, etc. 1 Gloves Fireplace 1 Gloves Heavy work 1 Hammer 2 Hearing aid batteries, if needed (pkg) 1 Infant Items (if needed): Extra plastic bottles, diapers, baby food or formula – Think ahead if you are going to be potty training and or your infant will be weaning to toddler food - do not purchase for more than two weeks worth of these items - weeks 3 Juice lg can 1 ech kitchen tools Hand powered hand grain grinder, hand mixer, etc. 1 Kleenex box 1 Ladder emergency escape for at least one window in each second+ story room 1 Lantern Battery powered camping or extra flashlights and batteries (preferably rechargeable) 2 Large plastic food bags (ZipLoc type) 5 Meat can 1 Medications: If Needed, extra RX or see your physician for a prescription to mark 1 Milk powdered box 1 Milk unsweetened evaporated or condensed can 61 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 3 5 2 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 Miracle shammie to use as towel pkg MRE’s pkgs Multi-Tool: Leatherman Tool and or Swiss Army Knife Pasta pkg Peanut Butter Pencil, paper, sharpener Permanent marking pen Pet food for any pet (10lbs+) Pet: Carrier for your pet Pet: Leash for your pet Plastic wrap Pliers Pocket sized first aid book/guide Powdered flavored drink mix (Gatorade and the like) Instant quick energy snack, protein or food bar (box) radio Portable AM/FM – preferably hand crank, solar or rechargeable battery operated Reusable plastic containers Safety goggles safety pins various sizes pkg Saline solution and contact lens case If needed Sauce tomato can Shovel Folding backpackers signal mirror Smoke detector with battery (rechargeable preferred) soup, stew or the like ready to eat Space Bags (for those blankets, pillows, sleeping bags) Space blanket Sunscreen Super Glue Tape Double sided heavy duty Tape Duct tape Masking roll Tape Plumber’s (roll) Tea Instant Thermal underwear (top & bottom) toilet paper (rolls) Toothbrush Toothpaste (can be travel size) Towels paper roll Vegetable can Velcro (roll) Video tape or digital camera memory stick/DVD Vise grips water barrels with wheels, towing handle and gravity spout - 2- 5 gallon or larger Water (gal) Water purification filter and or tablets wheat (bulk) Un-ground, whole grain (2-5lbs) Whistle emergency Women’s Hygiene- sanitary napkins/tampons Wood (cord) 62 | P a g e How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke - Continued Keep On Preppin ;-} TNT 63 | P a g e
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