Discover How to Explode Your Income Through Real Estate Investing © 2010 INVICTA Property Investments—All Rights Reserved Yo our “Fu “ ture eW Wealtth” Rea al Es state e In nvessting gK Kit Discov D ver Ho ow to Explod E de Yo our Inccome Through h Real Esta ate Invvesting g By Richard R & Jane Kille een-Payne e INV VICTA Pro operty Invvestments W WELCO OME and congratulations for down nloading your fre ee real esstate investing g kit. It is a un niversally y held principle th hat if you u want to o retire rich on a passive income you mus st invest in real e estate. M Many of tthe world d’s w wealthie est individ duals have made e their va ast fortun nes throu ugh real estate in nvesting. The bo ottom line e in real estate in nvesting is simple e– tto increa ase wealth, to wo ork less and a to en njoy life. The wh hole idea a of investing g is to create inco ome so while w you u are enjjoying liffe your money should s be e working for you u, rather than you u workin ng for it. Now whilst this is s not gro ound bre eaking ne ews for m many, wh hat steals this dream frrom averrage peo ople prim marily is la ack of ed ducation n, lack off cash fflow and d lack of capital. W We hope e to prov vide you with valu uable infformation n that will ultimattely lead you u on the path to riches r an nd financcial freed dom. T To Your Investin ng Succe ess……… … © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 2 Comm mand More M Control in You ur Fina ancial Future e: A question that many m of us should ask ou urselves is: here will I be at age a 65?”” “Wh Will you be a part of o the pop pulation who will continue e to workk cause of necessity? bec Will you be reliant upon u Soc cial Secu urity? Or will you be financially secure? A 2001 study s rev vealed more m than n 300,00 00 Canad dians 65 years off age and olde er were still s working – of that t 300,000, 57 7 per cen nt were between n the age es 65-69 and 17 per cent werre 75 yea ars of ag ge or olde er. Be sure to take time t to th hink how w you tto want to t retire - not justt when you y w want to retire…… r ….. Beca ause, if you w want to live l life on o your terms and not be dependent on n any one income e t the focus is to get sttarted stream then ttoday to build mo onthly pa assive in ncome tthrough real esta ate inves sting. "At leeast eightyy percent of millionaires are self‐ made. That is, they othing but startted with no ambition and eenergy, the ssame way most of uss startt." Brian n Tracy T p - just peo ople choo osing to play at being There are no orrdinary people ordinary. © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 3 So wh hy shou uld I in nvest in n Reall Estate e? A Are you tired of trying t to make en nds mee et? Are you trying g to get o out of tthe rat ra ace and secure a better life l for yo ou and yyour famiily? If so o, now is the tim me to find d a differrent way of securring your financia al future. Well chosen, non spe eculative real esta ate invessting can n provide e a mean ns to g the life estyle you u want, the t retire ement yo ou worke ed for, an nd is acquiring a method that the wealth hiest peo ople in the world understa and as a form h creatio on. of wealth "Don't w wait until everything is just right. ever be pe erfect. It will ne There w will always be challengges, obstaccles and lesss than perffect conditio ons. So what? Get starrted now. W With each ste ep you take e, you will grow w strongerr and stronger, more an nd e and more skkilled, more more se elf‐confident and more an nd more successfful." Mark Viictor Hansen gine exa actly wha at you wa ant out o of Imag life and a savo or this mo oment in n your mind d and lett this feeling stayy with you. See your new future. on at all why thiss Welll there's no reaso can't be your new life e... a new w hat bringss YOU in ncredible e begiinning th FRE EEDOM a and WEA ALTH bu ut you ha ave to kn now how w and takke action n to realizze thos se dream ms. If all you u did was s invest in two sin ngle-fam mily home es and never did any other inv vesting fo or the rest of you ur life, wo ould you be bette er off ffinancially? Abso olutely! If you ke ept your job j and had h two rental prropertiess - that w would be tthree inc come streams yo ou would have co oming to you. Jusst a few homes purchase p ed now could c ma ake you a milliona aire in re etirementt. © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 4 By ownin ng real estate e as s an inve estment, you are not relying on So ocial Security or your employe er's pens sion. Here’s an a examp ple: If you we ere to inv vest in ju ust one single-fam s mily hom me todayy and kee ep it until you ur retirem ment, you u would increase e your ne et worth b by over $400,000. A $10 00,000 ho ome app preciating g at 5% a year fo or 30 yea ars w would be e worth $411,613 $ 3. As we ell as the appreciation, there is alsso a stream of o passiv ve income coming g to you each an nd every month. A And thatt's a cons servative e examp ple. It cou uld be much morre in a market experien ncing soa aring app preciatio on. Real esttate has many ad dvantage es over o other typ pes of invvestmentts and the following g six elem ments arre the prrimary be enefits: ositive Ca ash flow - the am mount you earn e each mon nth in 1. Monthly Po pos sitive cas sh flow frrom yourr investm ments. 2. Mortgage Loan L Red duction – this is a also calle ed Equityy Build U Up. Eac ch month h the ten nant pays s the ren nt; you se end a mo ortgage pay yment to your len nder. A portion p off your mortgage paymen nt is red ducing the loan balance. Every dollar in lo oan that is paid d down is wealth w to o you. In fact, you ur tenantt is payin ng off you ur debts. Wh hen it com mes to sell the prroperty, the outstanding mortgag ge balance will be sma aller and thereforre the ressulting p profit is la arger. 3. App preciatio on - Each h year yo ou own th his renta al propertty, its va alue will be incre easing. Iff your $1 100,000 home ap ppreciate es at 5% %a ar, your home h wo ould be worth w $10 05,000 a after the first yea ar you yea own ned it. 4. Lev verage – unlike stocks s orr mutual funds, p purchasin ng real e estate allo ows you to make money on the bank’s mo oney – th his is called leve erage an nd it allow ws you to significcantly inccrease yyour pote ential © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 5 retu urn on in nvestmen nt. 5. Div versification – is one o of th he keys o of a stron ng investtment porrtfolio. Iff you are e already y investin ng in stoccks, bond ds or mu utual funds, real estate is s great way w to strrengthen n your ho oldings b by esting in a solid, tangible e asset. inve 6. Tax x Savings - At the e end off the year, your re ental pro operty will sho ow a loss s on pap per for tax x purposses. The reason is that th he CR RA allows s you to include an a exp pense ca alled dep preciation n on your tax return. You Y don't have to o pay forr ““I am succeessful this s expens se. T The amo ount of entirely e you create from yyour rea al estate investing g is completely u up tto you. In fact, ho ow quick kly you can c achieve financial indepen ndence is i entirely up to you too. Yo ou can create c as s much T income, or as litttle as you want. The choice is s up to you! The focus is for you tto get startted today y and build monthly passive income so that you y can live l life o on yyour term ms and not n be de ependen nt on anyy one inco ome strea am. b because I h have alwayys b been a torttoise. I did d n not come ffrom a rich h ffamily. II was not ssmart in sschool. II am not paarticularly ttalented. YYet, I am faar richer tthan most simply b because I d did not sstop.” R Roberty Kiiyosaki Building your we ealth is simple, bu ut it's not easy. Th he thought of buy ying a ho ome and renting itt out is simple. s But B actua ally doing g it is nott so easyy. © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 6 How do I ach hieve ex xplosiv ve returrns on my invvestmen nts? Professionals wh ho have made go ood mon ney in rea al estate e will tell you tthere’s no n easy way w to get rich. Sure, the ere are all a kinds of produ ucts and gimmicks bu ut you still need to t w work harrd and most m impo ortantly… …you need to know yo our marke et. y in a Rather than just investing blindly gh resea arch market, carry out thoroug est wisely y. and inve Y You mak ke your money m in n real estate w when yo ou buy th he properrty not when w you u sell the propertyy! It is trrue yyou may y put the money in i your pocket p w when you sell the propertyy, but if you bo ought the e propertty right you have lots and d lots of o options o of w what to do d with it. If you bought the prop perty wro ong, you may nott have any optio ons. So finding motivate m ed sellerss, finding g propertties below w market value, v with positiv ve cash flow beccomes a critical p part of successful and profitable p e real esttate inve esting. Those who T w cons sistently make m mo oney in rreal esta ate know the marrket. T They kno ow the lo ocation and a the history. h T They kno ow whatt new dev velopme ents are p planned. T They kno ow the trransportation and d the sch hools. T They kno ow every ything ab bout the area wh here theyy invest. Stay ahe ead of th he compe etition in real esta ate invessting by doing yo our homewo ork. Therre are ma any fund damentalls that afffect reall estate vvalues; each e one e is an im mportantt compon nent in finding the ways rreal estate va alues will be goin ng. © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 7 Here are e a few examples e s of the many m Pa assive Fa actors th hat influence real esta ate value es: Mortg gage Inte erest rate e – low mortgage m e rates w will help d drive values upwa ards and keep inv vestor co osts dow wn but thiis positivve effect is offsett by the increase i e in the vacancy rrate that low inte erest rate es bring. More people p are able to t afford to buy in n this clim mate. If you nd flippin ng, low in nterest ra ates are good forr you butt if are buying an a buyin ng and re enting, a little increase in the morrtgage you are intere est rate can c actua ally work k in your favor! Increa ased in-m migration n – an in ncrease o of people e moving g into an n area driven n by fund damenta als not sp peculatio on. You w want to invest in area where e the pop pulation is growing fasterr than prrovincial average e. Watch for ma ajor anno ounceme ents of ne ew jobs o or majorr businessses movin ng to an area. This is alw ways a g good sign n of futurre increa ase in dema and. Up an nd comin ng areas s - The de evelopm ment of ne ew infrasstructure e and transportation n links is a sure sign s that an area a is impro oving. W When you see s new roads an nd schoo ols being g built, it'ss an indiication th hat a comm munity is set for a growth spurt. B Be certain n to visit the loca al town hall and planning g departtment to confirm the expa ansion plans. Avoid d listening to rum mors and specula ation and only buy after any work begins – not beffore it. The Outskirts O s of an arrea - If propertiess in a ma ajor city o or town becom me overpriced, th he areas s on the outer frin nges mo ost likely will soon be in de emand. Areas A in close pro oximity tto major bus and d rail nsportation are e even morre desira able. tran Nea arly any area tha at is abou ut to insttall a majjor train stop or a new major bus All thin ngs are diffficult route will be e in dem mand. before e they are e easy Thoma as Fuller o your homework and to tap It pays to do al resourrces to d determine e which areas loca are e hot now w and, more impo ortantly, whiich oness will be h hot in the e future. Be © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 8 certain to o carry out o detailed resea arch of tthe economic fun ndamentals in tthe area a you are e investin ng in. Mu uch of th he inform mation is out there e and ffree for the t taking. You ju ust have e to be willing to d do the le eg work. T There arre no gett rich sch hemes th hat reallyy work! © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 9 Let som meone e find th he grea at deal and do o all the e hard work fo or you: Do you know k a good g dea al when you y see one? Do you want w a great retu urn on yo our mone ey with ssecurity? Do you want w inve estments s without dealing g with ha assles an nd time consumiing proce esses? T There arre some big hurd dles with real esta ate invessting as a meanss of w wealth creation. c If you've e been sttruggling g to build d momen ntum with h your real esta ate inves sting it's more m tha an likely not yourr fault. C Chances are yyou've been b sold d on how w quick and a easyy it is with hout anyyone mentioning the more m imp portant th hings like e: at does a succes ssful real estate iinvesting g businesss look like, wha wha at skills are a required, how w to deviise a stra ategy, how w do the stages of o busine ess grow wth affectt strategy, how w much work w and d commitment is involved d and d so muc ch more T The drea am of be ecoming wealthy and succcessful iis sometthing tha at we can all re elate to, but whe ere do we e draw th he line between tthat drea am and reality? There is no shortage s e of peop ple online e right now sellin ng dreams, using biig numbe ers of wh hat stude ents havve made,, and che ecks tthey’ve cashed. c Howeve er, keep in mind tthat theirr successs does n not ttranslate e directly y to your success s, as man ny a discclaimer w will tell yo ou. T This is very v impo ortant to note bec cause an nybody tthese da ays can ccreate a system m, marke et it with plenty off hype an nd sell a dream. Y You can chose to believe e the hyp pe and fo ollow eve ery get rrich quickk sales pittch out th here, or you y can decide tto invest in your e educatio on, learn the e fundam mentals and a spen nd time b building ssuccessfful teamss. Success s has gott to be ea arned, and to be e successsful you are goin ng to need eve ery adva antage yo ou can get g becau use goin ng it alone will on nly end up costing c you y thous sands in mistake es and tim me lost. © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 10 How ca an we help ge et you closer to yourr dream m Our “Futture Wea alth” prog gram helps individuals w who recog gnize the e vvalue of real esta ate inves sting but lack the e time to capitalizze upon tthese grreat oppo ortunities s. Individ duals who o decide e to particcipate in n this program m invest with w investors wh ho know how to buy b posittive cash h flow rea al estate w while ma aximizing g returns s. They are a “Thee winner iss the chef looking for f ongoing posittive cash h flow, who o takes thee same property y appreciation or a combination ingrredients as everyone of the tw wo. uces the elsee and produ bestt results.” Edw ward de Bo ono T To inves st in real estate, many m of us mustt ttake actiion out of o our com mfort zone. So many pe eople kno ow the benefit b off real estate in nvesting buy give e many re easons a and excu uses whyy they arre not yet ready r to invest. Even E if yo ou are a cautiouss “what-iif” investtor w we can answer a every e question fo or you. T The time e to focus on inve esting is now. If yyou want to live yyour dream life, you will neve er get the ere if you u don’t ccommit to o taking the actio ons tthat you need to take tod day, to ge et where e you wa ant to be tomorro ow. g you there, t yo ou just ne eed to de ecide, co ommit to Real esttate will get action an nd succe eed. © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 11 Develo oping Your Y Winning W Mindse et Money is s the too ol that pro ovides us with fre eedom a and the luxuries o of life. Big opportun o nities are e going to o cross yyour path in life. Howeve er, if yyou are in the mindset off poverty y and sca arcity the en you're e going to miss the em. But iff you pre epare yourself byy learning g how th he wealth hy tthink and d work, you'll y be in the mindset m o of abunda ance and d wealth. People in a wealthy mind dset don't ask ho ow much h someth hing costss; tthey ask k how mu uch it will make them. W Wealthy people (or those e who arre on the eir way to o being w wealthy) don't look at opportun o ities bas sed on prrice. The ey look a at the ben nefits and tthen dec cide if the e price is s worth itt! In order for you to t succeed beyond your wildest e expectattions (and you can n!), you w will need d to re-prrogram yyour pas st beliefss and expand your positivve tho oughts an nd habitss in orde er to crea ate a “If yyou keep doing the pro osperouss and we ealthy atttitude. sam me thing the e same Wh hilst takin ng action n is cruciial to wayy, you alwaays get the inv vestmentt successs, menta al conditio oning sam me result.” tha at drives this actio on is parramount and Albe ert Einstein n can nnot be o overlookked. ng your mindset m can c have e a signifficant impact on achievin ng Changin yyour goa als. BECOME YOUR R OWN SUCCES S SS STOR RY……… ……. T ng Succe ess, To Your Investin Payne Richard & Jane Killeen-P A Properrty Investtments INVICTA info@inv victaprop a © 2011 INVICTA Property y Investments s - all rights re eserved – ww ww.invictaprop | 12
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