Ocean Inversion Project How-to-Document Version 1.0 May 27, 2003 Fletcher, Sara E., Nicolas Gruber, and Andrew R. Jacobson Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Input Files 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5 Region mask Spatial Pattern Atmospheric CO2 Mixing Ratio Downloading Input Files 3. Model Runs and Generation of Green's Functions 3.1 Initial Concentrations 3.2 Quasi-stationary state 3.3 Time-dependent 4. Output 4.1 Output Routines 4.2 Compiling Output Routines 4.3 Using Output Routines 5. Transferring Output 6 . Helpful Links 7. Contacts 8. How to Cite this Document 9. Bibliography 1 1. Introduction High quality, quantitative estimates of air-sea CO2 flux are critical to interpreting atmospheric CO2 concentration gradients, understanding the global carbon cycle, and predicting climate change. However, significant uncertainties about ocean carbon uptake and the mechanisms that control it persist. Recently, and ocean inverse technique has been explored to estimate preindustrial and anthropogenic ocean CO2 exchange using observations of DIC and other trace species in the oceans (Gloor et al., 2003, Gloor et al., 2001) following an inverse technique originally designed to estimate CO2 fluxes from atmospheric data (Enting and Mansbridge, 1989, Keeling et al., 1989; Fan et al., 1998.) In this technique, ocean transport is described by a series of model-generated basis functions that represent the impact of a unit flux of a dye tracer into a discrete region of the ocean on the concentration of that tracer throughout the ocean. Comparisons between inverse estimates using three different versions of an ocean general circulation model (OGCM) suggest that uncertainty associated with model transport error is the largest source of error in the ocean inversion (Gloor et al, 2003). The goal of this project is to quantify the robustness and uncertainties of this method by employing Green's functions from a variety of different OGCM's. This how-to document contains all of the information needed to generate dye patterns for this OGCM basis function comparison. The ocean surface area will be divided into thirty ocean regions, with an option to use sixteen ocean regions instead if the thirty region scenario requires a prohibitive amount of computation time for some modelers. Then, a constant unit flux will be emitted from each dye region distributed spatially within the region according to the climatology of Takahashi et al. (2002). Two different dye simulations will be conducted. First, for a time-independent inversion, the dye tracers will be integrated forward until quasi-steady state is reached, when the dye concentration is increasing at the same rate throughout the ocean. Then, for a time-dependent inversion, the dye will be integrated forward from 1765-2005. In the time-dependent case, the dye flux will be weighted by the atmospheric mixing ratio of CO2 to account for changing oceanic CO2 uptake associated with anthropogenic perturbations of atmospheric CO2. Once the Green's function integrations are complete, the inversions will be completed centrally at UCLA, according to the method described previously (Gloor et al. 2001, Gloor et al., 2003). Since the majority of the modelers participating in this project also contributed to the Ocean Carbon-Cycle Model intercomparison Project (OCMIP), this document and the data files and programs that accompany it generally follow those designed for the OCMIP project. 2. Input Files 2 2.1 Region mask Figure 1. Proposed model region masks. Top: the preferred thirty region mask, labeled with region codes from Table 1. Bottom: the alternative sixteen region option with region labels describing how the thirty regions have been combined to form 16 regions. Boundaries of the ocean regions used in the TransCom model intercomparison experiment are shown in black, with the additional boundaries included for the ocean inversion project shown in red. The netCDF file 30reg_regionmask.cdf defines the thirty ocean model regions that 3 should be used for the thirty tracer dyes, shown in Figure 1 (top). This file consists of thirty spatial maps where grid boxes inside the model region are set to 1 and those outside the region are set to 0. While the thirty ocean region scheme is strongly preferred, we recognize that integrating this number of dye tracers may not be feasible for some groups. Modelers who find this prohibitively computationally expensive may instead use the 16 region mask shown in Figure 1 (bottom), 16reg_regionmask.cdf. Both region masks were designed to be compatible with the 11 ocean regions employed in the TransCom model intercomparison project (Gurney et al., 2000) in order to allow for comparisons between the two studies. The Fortran program read_mask.f is provided as an example of how to read these files. The exact region boundaries for the thirty and 16 region scenarios are shown in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. When interpolating region masks to differing model grids, some model grid cells may straddle two regions. We prefer a 'hard boundary' approach to this problem in which straddling model grid cells should be assigned to the region that contains the majority of the volume of the grid cell. The region mask, M, should be set to 0 for grid cells outside the model region and 1 for grid cells inside the model region: M i,j Mask 1,0 Eq.1 Due to differences between model grids, some differences between region areas are expected; however, the area of the interpolated model regions should not deviate from the original region areas by more than 10%. Table 1. Description of thirty model regions Region Region Location Number Code Region Boundaries 1 NOCN Arctic Ocean North of 75.595 N 2 NAH North Atlantic 48.901 N - 75.595 N 3 NAM North Atlantic 35.563 N - 48.901 N 4 NAL North Atlantic 17.781 N - 35.563 N 5 NAT North Atlantic 0.000 - 17.781 N 6 SAT South Atlantic 17.781 S - 0.000 7 SAL South Atlantic 31.117 S - 17.781 S 8 SAM South Atlantic 44.455 S – 31.117 S 9 SAH South Atlantic 57.794 S – 44.455 S 10 SOCN Southern Ocean South of 57.794 S 4 Region Region Number Code Location 11 NPHW North Pacific 12 NPHE North Pacific 13 NPK North Pacific 14 NPLW North Pacific 15 NPLE North Pacific 16 NPTW North Pacific 17 NPTE North Pacific 18 SPTW South Pacific 19 SPTE South Pacific 20 SPLW South Pacific 21 SPLE South Pacific 22 SPMW South Pacific 23 SPMC South Pacific 24 SPME South Pacific 25 SPH South Pacific Region Boundaries North of 48.901 N West of 195.000 E North of 35.563 N East of 195.000 E Kuroshio Extension 17.781 N – Kuroshio Extension West of 195.000 E 17.781 N - 35.563 N East of 195.000 E 0.000 - 17.781 N West of 198.75 E 0.000 - 17.781 N East of 198.75 E 17.781 S - 0.000 West of 198.75 E 17.781 S - 0.000 East of 198.75 E 31.117 S - 17.781 S West of 232.5 E 31.117 S - 17.781 S East of 232.5 E 44.455 S – 31.117 S West of 247.5 E 44.455 S – 31.117 S East of 247.5 E and West of 277.5 E 44.455 S – 31.117 S East of 277.5 E 57.794 S – 44.455 S 5 Region Region Number Code Location Region Boundaries 26 NI North Indian North of 0.000 27 SIT South Indian 17.781 S - 0.000 28 SIL South Indian 31.117 S - 17.781 S 29 SIM South Indian 44.455 S – 31.117 S 30 SIH South Indian 57.794 S – 44.455 S Table 2. Description of alternative 16 region scenario Combination Region of thirty Location Number Region Model Regions Region Boundaries 1 NOCN + NAH Arctic Ocean +North Atlantic Arctic Ocean + North of 48.901 N in the Atlantic 2 NAM North Atlantic 48.901 N - 75.595 N 3 NAL North Atlantic 35.563 N - 48.901 N 4 NAT+SAT North Atlantic+ South Atlantic 17.781 S -17.781 N 5 SAL+SAM South Atlantic 44.455 S- 17.781 S 6 SOCN+SAH+ SPH+SIH Southern Ocean South of 44.455 S 7 NPHW+NPK North Pacific (Kuroshio Extension) North of 48.901 N, West of 195.000 E 8 NPHE North Pacific 9 NPLW North Pacific 10 NPLE North Pacific and the Kuroshio Extension North of 35.563 N ' East of 195.000 E 17.781 N – Kuroshio Extension West of 195.000 E 17.781 N - 35.563 N East of 195.000 E 6 Combination Region of thirty Number Region Model Regions Location Region Boundaries 17.781 S - 17.781 N 11 NPTW+SPTW North Pacific + South Pacific 12 NPTE+SPTE North Pacific + South Pacific 13 SPLW+SPMW South Pacific 14 SPLE+SPME+ SPMC South Pacific 15 NI + SIT Indian Ocean North of 17.781 S 16 SIL + SIM Indian Ocean 44.455 S - 17.781 S West of 198.75 E 17.781 S - 17.781 N East of 198.75 E 31.117 S - 17.781 S, West of 232.5 E and 44.455 S – 31.117 S, West of 247.50 E 31.117 S - 17.781 S, East of 232.5 E and 44.455 S – 31.117 S, East of 247.50 E 2.2 Spatial Pattern The flux for each dye should be distributed spatially according to the CO2 flux climatology of Takahashi et al. (2002) based on the Wanninkhof parameterization of airsea gas exchange. The monthly mean exchange can be found in the netCDF file taka02_monthly.cdf. This ocean CO2 flux field has been extrapolated to cover land regions in order to prevent errors in the interpolation of coastal grid boxes resulting from differing land-sea masks. The program read_taka.f is provided to read this file. Once the CO2 flux field has been interpolated to the appropriate model grid, one creates a spatial pattern, P. P is defined as the magnitude of the monthly CO2 flux, F, for each grid cell of area, A, within the model region, divided by the total annual flux from that model region. M i , j F i , j ,t A i , j P i , j ,t 1 year i j t M i,j F i , j ,t A i,j 0 Eq. 2 Please insure that for all model regions, the annual sum of the spatial pattern the model grid is equal to one. 7 i 1 year j t P i , j ,t 1 0 Eq. 3 Figure 2. Annual mean CO2 ocean fluxmap in units of mol m-2 yr-1 based on the climatology of Takahashi et al. (2002). The thirty dye boundaries are superimposed over the spatial pattern. 2.3Atmospheric CO2 Mixing Ratio The atmospheric CO2 values are divided into two files. First, splco2_mod.dat contains a spline fit to ice core and Mauna Loa observations of atmospheric CO2 from 1765 to 2001. This file has been updated from the original OCMIP file splco2.dat file to include more recent Mauna Loa observations for 1990-2001. The second file, cis92a_mod.dat, contains projected values for atmospheric CO2 from 2001-2010 from the IPCC scenarioIS92a representing a 'business as usual' projection of anthropogenic CO2 emission. This scenario over-estimated the increase of atmospheric CO2 in the 1990's, so the offset between the original OCMIP file cis92a.dat and the NOAA-CMDL Mauna Loa observations at the year 2001 has been subtracted to reflect recent trends in atmospheric CO2. 8 The atmospheric CO2 files are text files, and the OCMIP routine read_co2.f is provided to read them. In addition, c_interp.f can be used to interpolate these data to the appropriate model time steps and try_c_interp.f illustrates how c_interp.f can be used. Figure 3. Comparison of the adjusted spline fit of Mauna Loa and ice core data (black line) and the adjusted IS92a projection (red line) with the NOAA-CMDL Mauna Loa monthly mean observations for the 1990's (green points). 2.4 Downloading Input Files These files can be downloaded from the ocean inversion project website (http://quercus.igpp.ucla.edu/OceanInversion) or by anonymous ftp using the following commands: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ftp quercus.igpp.ucla.edu user: anonymous password: <your full e-mail address> cd fletcher/ocean_inversion_input binary mget takahashi/* 9 7. mget region_mask/* 8. mget atm_co2/* 9. mget write_netCDF/* 10.mget sample_code/* 3. Model Runs and Generation of Green's Functions Two basis function integrations will be performed. First, in order to estimate the preindustrial carbon sources, the basis functions will be integrated until they reach quasistationary state. Then, to estimate the present-day carbon sources, annually averaged time dependent basis functions will be calculated. Sample code to demonstrate the calculations discussed here has been provided. Modelers are invited to use their currently preferred ocean circulation model; however, an important component of this study will be the comparison of the ocean inversion results with the corresponding OCMIP-2 forward model simulation results. Therefore, modelers who choose to use a model version with different transport from that used for the OCMIP-2 simulations are strongly encouraged to submit results from the anthropogenic (hist) and natural (biotic) simulation for their new model version following the OCMIP-2 How-to documents (Najjar et al., 1999, Orr et al., 1999). 3.1Initial Concentration Within some model regions, the provided spatial distribution includes both uptake and emission of CO2, which lead to negative concentrations of the tracer dye early in the model simulation. If you model is not able to deal with negative concentrations, the dye concentration should be initialized to a uniform concentration of 1.0 mol/cm3. Before writing the dye concentrations, this initial dye concentration should be subtracted. 3.2 Quasi-stationary State (Pre-industrial) For the time-independent inversion to estimate preindustrial fluxes, a constant dye flux, Ftot, of 1.0 x 1018 mol/yr is released from each model region. This dye flux should be distributed spatially within each model region for each month according to the climatology of Takahashi et al. (2002) discussed in section 2.2. The model is integrated forward in time until it achieves quasi-stationary state, which is when the dye concentration increases at the same rate throughout the entire ocean. The model run should be terminated either after 3000 years or when a the dye concentration in the 10 deepest vertical grid box increases at the same rate as the surface concentration to within 1.0% for am arbitrarily selected point in the Pacific Ocean, 180 º E, 40 º N. The dye flux for each model grid box in mol cm-2 yr-1, Fdye, is equal to the total dye flux, Ftot, multiplied by the spatial pattern of the flux, P, divided by the pattern-weighted area of the model region, A. F tot P i , j , t F i , j , t dye 1 year i j t P i , j ,t A i,j 0 Eq. 4 3.3 Time-dependent For the time-dependent case, the model should be integrated from 1765 to 2005. As for the quasi-stationary case, the Takahashi pattern is used to describe the sub-regional distribution of the dye flux, but it should be scaled according to the temporal evolution of the atmospheric CO2 provided in the input files splco2_mod.dat and cis92a_mod.dat, following the OCMIP 2 experiment. This scaling is based on model results showing that ocean uptake history is proportional to the atmospheric CO2 perturbation. From 17652001, the spline fit of ice core and Mauna Loa observations is provided in splco2_mod.dat should be used to represent atmospheric CO2. After that, the future projection in cis92a_mod.dat should be applied. Thus, the time dependent dye flux can be written as: F tot P i , j , t t F dye i , j , t 1 year i j t P i , j ,t A i,j 0 Eq. 5 Where ф is the anthropogenic perturbation of atmospheric CO2, equal to the atmospheric mixing ratio of CO2 at time, t, minus the preindustrial mixing ratio. t CO 2 atm CO 2 preindust Eq. 6 4. Output All model output must be provided following standard GDT netCDF format in order 11 to be included in this project. The GDT netCDF standard defines a set of conventions to facilitate the exchange of climate data. More information about the GDT netCDF conventions are available on the web at: http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/drach/netCDF.html. Routines are provided to write the required output in a standardized fashion. The output routines can be obtained by anonymous ftp as described in section 2.4 from the directory /fletcher/ocean_inversion_output. All model output should follow the OCMIP output conventions: Conventions 1. Longitudes must be expressed in degrees as eastward positive (e.g., 120W is to be expressed as -120; 120E is to be expressed as +120). 2. Latitudes must be expressed in degrees as northward positive. (e.g., 90S is to be expressed as -90; 90N is to be expressed as +90). 3. Depth must be expressed in meters as positive downward (e.g., the depth of 1000 m is to be expressed as 1000). 4. For irregular model grids which must be stored as a 1-D vector instead of a 2-D array (e.g., model AWI), you must set jmt=1, and not imt=1. 5. You must provide model output on a grid without overlapping boxes. For example, if for longitudes of your model i = 1 is the same as i = imt-1 and i = 2 is the same as i = imt, then you must only provide model output for values from i=2 to i=imt-1. Future reference to i during analysis will thus be shifted by one, relative to that used in your model. 4.1 Output Routines Physics of the Model: write_nc_MaskAreaBathy.f write_nc_phys.f These routines, originally written for OCMIP, write the characteristics of the OCGM and several key physical quantities in standard OCMIP-2 format. The original OCMIP version of write_nc_MaskAreaBathy.f wrote the land sea mask, surface area, and model grid. In addition to these quantities, this version also writes the interpolated region mask and the surface area of each model region in order to examine differences in the model region boundaries on the various model grids, and ensure that these differences are minimal. Write_nc_MaskAreaBathy.f should be called only once and the beginning of the model run. Write_nc_phys.f writes the monthly mean potential temperature, salinity, Eulerian zonal and meridional velocities, and Eddy-induced zonal and meridional transport 12 velocities. For the quasi-stationary state case, this routine should be called monthly for the first year of the model simulation, prior to model spin-up, and for the final year of the model simulation. For the time-dependent simulation, ten-year monthly mean values should be written at the end of the simulation. In some cases, modelers may not be able to directly produce 10-year means due to limitations in the maximum allowed job time on their local systems. If this is the case, simply provide the average of ten one-year averages. Basis Functions: write_nc_basisfnctns.f This routine writes the annual mean basis functions in units of mol m-3. For the timedependent basis functions, it must be called at the end of the year for one out of every 10 years from 1775-1965 and every year from 1970-2005. For the quasi-stationary state basis functions it must be called once the model has achieved quasi-steady state as defined in section 3.2. When writing the dye concentrations, please subtract the initialization concentration. Diagnostics: write_nc_diag_0D.f write_nc_diag_2D.f These routines write several quantities useful for diagnosing problems with the dye flux calculation, and should be called at the end of the model simulation. Write_nc_diag_0D.f writes the global mean total dye flux, cumulative dye flux, and global mean dye concentration calculated at the end each year throughout the model integration for both the time dependent and quasi-stationary state simulations. Write_nc_diag_2D.f writes the dye flux and cumulative dye flux, which should be calculated at every time write_nc_basisfnctns.nc is called. Error Handling: handle_errors.f You will also need this OCMIP subroutine to handle errors in the other programs. 4.2 Compiling Output Routines The output routines are f77 compatible, and can be compiled by: f77 -C -O -L /usr/local/lib -lnetcdf -I /usr/local/include write_nc_basisfnctns.f These routines may also be compiled using f90, but you will need the function len_trim.f. This function returns a character string after neglecting trailing blanks. 13 4.3 Using Output Routines These output routines should be called, for example, as follows: call write_nc_basisfnctns.f(“IGPP”, “MOM3”, . imt, jmt, kmt, ndyetrac, year, nb_seconds_per_year, . array) Line by line, these are: 1. Your assigned group code and your model name and version number. 2. The model dimensions and number of dye tracers and the year and number of seconds per month. 3. The model array containing the dye concentrations Input quantities for each individual output routine are listed in Table 2. Table 2. Summary of output routines Output Routine Input variables write_nc_MaskAreaBathy.f Tracer Mask write_nc_phys.f Units Land=0; Ocean=1 Surface Area m2 Bathymetry m Region mask, interpolated to model grid Within region=1; outside region=0 Model Region Areas m2 Potential Temperature C Salinity Net surface heat flux W/m2 Net surface freshwater flux m/yr Eulerian zonal velocity m/s Zonal wind stress N/m2 Eulerian meridional velocity m/s Meridional wind stress N/m2 14 Output Routine Input variables Units Eddy-induced zonal transport velocity m/s Eddy-induced meridional transport velocity m/s write_nc_basisfnctsn.f Tracer dye concentration mol m-3 write_nc_diag_0D.f Global total dye flux mol s-1 Global total cumulative tracer flux mol Global mean dye concentration mol m-3 Dye flux mol m-2 s-1 Cumulative dye flux mol m-2 write_nc_diag_2D.f The following files should be generated: “Group_name_MaskAreaBathy.nc” “Group_name_Stationary_phys.nc” “Group_name_Timedep_phys.nc” “Group_name_Stationary_BasisFCTNS.nc” “Group_name_Timedep_BasisFCTNS_year_.nc” “Group_name_Stationary_Diag_0D.nc” “Group_name_Timedep_Diag_0D.nc” “Group_name_Stationary_Diag_2D.nc” “Group_name_Timedep_Diag_2D.nc” 5. Transferring Output All files should be compressed using either gzip or compress, and then transferred to UCLA. To transfer your output by anonymous ftp, use the following commands: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ftp quercus.igpp.ucla.edu user: anonymous password: <your full e-mail address> cd incoming/ocean_inversion binary mput *.nc Please note that for the 'incoming' directories no directory listing is possible and files may be uploaded but not downloaded for security reasons. 15 If the ftp transfer rate is too slow to reasonably transfer your files this way, please write your files to a tape and mail them to: Sara Fletcher Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics University of California, Los Angeles 5839 Slichter Hall Los Angeles, CA 90025 6. Helpful Links Model intercomparison Projects: Ocean Inversion Project http://quercus.igpp.ucla.edu/OceanInversion OCMIP http://www.ipsl.jussieu.fr/OCMIP TransCom http://transcom.colostate.edu Data Format and Visualization: netCDF homepage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf netCDF user's manual for Fortran http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/guidef COARDS Conventions http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/noaa_coop/coop_cdf_profile.html GDT netCDF Conventions: http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/drach/netCDF.html 16 Ferret http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/Ferret Tecplot http://www.amtec.com/ Atmospheric CO2 Data: NOAA-CMDL Carbon Cycle Group http://www.cmdl.noaa.gov/ccgg/index.html 7. Contacts For more information about the ocean inversion project or clarification of this how-to document, please contact: Sara Fletcher Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics University of California, Los Angeles 5839 Slichter Hall Los Angeles, CA 90025 Fletcher@quercus.igpp.ucla.edu (310) 206-5445 Nicolas Gruber Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics University of California, Los Angeles 5853 Slichter Hall Los Angeles, CA 90025 ngruber@igpp.ucla.edu (310) 825-4772 8. How to Cite This Document Fletcher, S. E., N. P. Gruber, and A. Jacobson, Ocean Inversion Project How-To 17 Document Version 1.0, Internal Report, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 18 pp., 2003. 9. Bibliography Aumont, O. and J. C. Orr, Injection-HOWTO, Internal OCMIP Report, LSCE/CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 17 pp., 1999. Enting, I. G., and J. V. Mansbridge, Latitudinal distribution of sources and sinks of atmospheric CO2: Direct inversion of filtered data, Tellus B, 41, 111-126, 1989. Fan, S., M. Gloor, J. Mahlman, S. Pacala, J. Sarmiento, T. Takahashi, and P. Tans, A large terrestrial carbon sink in North America implied by atmospheric and oceanic carbon dioxide data and models, Science, 202, 442-446, 1998. Gloor, M., N. Gruber, T.M.C. Hughes, and J.L. Sarmiento, Estimating net air-sea fluxes from ocean bulk data: Methodology and application to the heat cycle, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 15, 767-782, 2001. Gloor, M., N. Gruber, J.L. Sarmiento, C.S. Sabine, R.A. Feely, and C. Rödenbeck, A first estimate of present and pre-industrial air-sea CO2 flux patterns based on ocean interior carbon measurements and models, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, art. no. 1010, 2003. Gurney, K., R. Law, P. Rayner, and A.S. Denning, "TransCom 3 Experimental Protocol," Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University,USA, Paper No. 707, 2000. Keeling, C. D., S. C. Piper, and M. Heimann, A three dimensional model of atmospheric CO2 transport based on observed winds: 4. Mean annual gradients and interannual variations, in Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and Western Americas, Geophys. Monogr. Ser. 55, D. H. Peterson (ed.), AGU, Washington D.C., pp. 305-363, 1989. Najjar, R. G. and J. C. Orr, Biotic-HOWTO, Internal OCMIP Report, LSCE/CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 15 pp., 1999. Orr, J. C., R. Najjar, C. L. Sabine, and F. Joos, Abiotic-HOWTO, Internal OCMIP Report, LSCE/CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 25 pp., 1999. Orr, J. C., J.-C. Dutay, R.G. Najjar, J. Bullister, and P. Brockmann, CFC-HOWTO, 18 Internal OCMIP Report,LSCE/CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 12 pp., 1999. Takahashi, T., S.C. Sutherland, C. Sweeney, A. Poisson, N. Metzl, B. Tilbrook, N. Bates, R. Wanninkhof, R. A. Feely, C. Sabine, J. Olafsson, Y. Nojiri, Global sea-air CO2 flux based on climatological surface ocean pCO2, and seasonal biological and temperature effects, Deep-sea Reas. II- Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49, 1601-1622, 2002. 19
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