"Si*******^^ ? ,, »?' ' :">v v4; *H*S CATHOLIC J0UBNAX ^«l 1ALL PtAYErif PBISaillRS ~i~^<z&^&s$$Gttoow&i'S9ixee9oei \ kJ* How to Live * Common Scute Comment* ©• . Health, HappuMM »n4 . Lonfeviiy s By GEORGE F. BUTLER. A. M, M- D. UoNtikkt HO0,by ]BMnwtloBalPN*i ••nam VARIETY IN OI5T. I do not Jielfeve In a great variety of food at one meal —a ten or twelvecoarse dinner, o r anything o f that sort, Sfeither do I .th'fiife it i s best to restrict the 4let t o npe or two or three articles of food; eating the satiie tiling day in and day out. The digestive organs get into a rat a n d become sluf- £aitern Penitentiarie* Have Teams That Put Up Good Exhibition* of the National Game. S BLINDNESS By ALICE Many prisons and penitentiaries hav# baseball teams composed of Inmates, and the national sport has done much to revive the health and spirits o f prisoners. These baseball teams are uniformed and play a regular schedule of games* but of necessity these games are always played on the prison home grounds. One of the best known prison teams i s that « f Sing Sing. It is known a s the Mutual Welfare League team? and last season it won more than Jif> per cent of gtiines played with visiting uiiies. T h e prison baseball field has a splendidly graded surface, and there are bleacher* .for spectators. The team plays Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Visftlojj tenuis come from «New Jersey unci Connecticut. The prison team has won "from some of tlie best semi-profc'sslomtl nities of the>;e Mates. The Eastern peiiiieiitiar.v in Philadelphia lias 'long' mulritaiiicci a juisehall team, and has -developi ii many goodplayers. HANDLEY. «S. 1920, by McClure Newspaper 8vnd1c»t«.) "Good heavens, girls-, am I late? litis half hour been cnlied yet'/" And lieleii, all out of breath, made a hasty entrance to the dre^shrg-room. Tiie girls paid little •or/.no altcnibin to this excited little damsel as slie tossed her hat on the -nick. Irene gazed at her in the mirror n^ she was about to put the final touch of rouge to her dimpled checks to bring out the youthful charm of ber demure little face.' "You had better hurry. Helen, if ;you Intend' iiia'k-i-ng tlie opening iiuiiiher." I Ill IIIII It - - - . . - — .• . . . W * . . . * * * ! . . ^ * . - . ! ) ^ ^ ^ * . . - . ^ . ! ! . ^ * . . * . ! ^ . ^ . . . . , / I \ far a (SvcV&t&itrlBtwwa ; Bx rX3BOTHT PERKINS ^IMSIUIIIHIIIIIIIIIMi (Copyriabt by A. N*ely HalLj This Is one of the most unique piiwdc blocks I have ever seen, and it 'r.aRes a set of furniture that any girl would, be glad to own for her doll house Stand t h e seven pieces of furniturv shown in Figs. 1 to 7 upon a table, and tell a friend „ to fit them together si. Loew's Star Theater Buys Its Photoplays With Greatest Critical Care And Discrim; ination From The Very Best that The Market Affords. It is The Only Rochester Theater Showing First Runs of Superfeatures. All Pictures At Loew's Star Are Shown In Settings Of Beauty And Artistic Irefineraent. Nowhere Else In Rochester May You Find Sueh Entertainment Values. ' » » » •«n '"They'll never hold the ciirlaili'for von. old <|eur. if you continue to bold flat million dollar letter von have there ,, Aery much longer." coruifnied Vera A s a- rule, the nior* civilized a man with aii air of self-importance. becomes, the greater 'becomes his va"I Mipposf the king of Scotland sent riety in diet. A s I have said, variety you his wHt, or maybe he Is coining In food does not innan a great variety to propose to Miii,'' sighed Vera, a-t 'lie at any one iimai, nor does it mean rich same liaie alu/ricing toward Helen with pastries and indigestible stuffs. 1 her supercilious yray eje's. • think tltnt a meal of two or three ar"Y-nii shouldn't Keep any M-crds ticles Is really, better than a greater Newspaper In Grtat Northern Terrifrciuus, Helen. It's not quite the number, but vac* nit'Hl should be diftory Promise* Fortune to the nroper thing to do. especially in polite ferent from the othersi Breakfast, Young arid Adventuroua. society like ours," lunched Irene ;i* •dinner and supper should consist of she sauntered nbotit the dressincdifferent artlHes of food, and these The iagre-mlvl.ee of Greeley was nevroom. , he varied from day to day. A va- er more applicable than it is today In "I'm not keeping any vc-ref*-- rotilly riety of wholesome foods well cooked. Alaska, OIIMTW'S ihe Alaska Capital. The sensible Imufrewlfr Is the one who Wlifit llu- i-otiutr.\ needs is the np- I'm tail,. You M-e. Brother Jack wrote does not s i n e U-. lai.sbaud ami .chil- UiuiKins o f youth, coupled' *ffl-th nri ad^ flit" he Is com inn "ii to :-> e the perdren the same things day after day heretti'e t o llie mhi<*<> of Dr. Kilgor of formance this evening, ami he* has until their sippe-tltes, are cloyed and Trinity college, N'orth Carolina, when united three of his classmates along, their stcjnttu-M &o ^ i a strike. The he Siiid: "Vourrg niafi, lire sages "ill 'Hid I hmeii't seen him since the show food should vnry f' 0 ™ »«»«ou to soa- tell ymi t o lie prudent; prudem-e he- played Ww I linen. Really, I'm so as io loi'm M syuiiuetrical block of the «ou, froin day t o day, from meal to longti in the (hiring of yuutli the spirit happy I'm sitflim on the front door- dimensions shown in t'lg. 8, and h e will weal. . of udvetiture that will develop in- iteps of hct1\en'"—covering the won- think that you are joking. It can b e derful little smile with a huge daub done, because the pieces Were cut out Knt meat, eat lish, cat vegetables, dividuality." o l a block of t h e size shown. By com«at fruits, vat cvreals, but do not try lteillice this philosophy to Ahc-kan •if cold i ream. paring the letters which I have placed t o etit them all in one day. Ueiuem- terms, and we hud that the territory "Well, make -the be-t of bis \ h i t 'ber your body is made' up of many dif- Just now needs jouth to tinl*-h the that's wliiit I generally do when a upon the pieces of furniture, with the ferent elements, .iiutj. It is best nour- structure upon the foundation laid h/ sucolic of mine pops In on me un letters upon t h e block In Fig. 9, you will see how the pieces tit together. ished by many diflcrent kinds of foods. those \tunderfill pioneers whom we ••'\pci tcdlA." i-nine u musical voice It is best to mark out the pieces ex- There ki no »lnule food, not evjpn milk, revereme and ailinlre. The raw ma- ifoiu the ••xtri-in?- («nd of the room. actly as I hey are indicated upon the terials are here, materially and i-thlnilttmt will keen ii man In health iiiul "You see. cirl.s. .Taik asked me to block In Fig. fj. before'starting to cut. vigor for any great length of Mine. ly all ihiit is heeded Is for the next iliUle the preiiievt girl, the lAeeli-St iPhone Stone 5793 To sjivf run fusion only one cut Is Phone Main 5793 Kven the domestic animals are kept Tn generation •iiicceedlng the pioneers to slrl :iiul the vampire of the show out better condition by slight changes lif* step Into the trails blii/ed fof' (hem tu dinner with the boys after the perdiet, or changing, frein one pasture to and tiiilsh the work. -foruiiiiiie. 1 «lsh I could in\ito ( atl another. Nature- has provided .-Mich a the elrls then " varibty of prnducis for food that it HAD ANOTHER SHOCK COMING "Oh. well tlv th.it part of It all H e l i o s only reasonable to coiichtde right." Interrupted Kthel. n stubby litthat they im> o f use in the nourish- Modern Young Woman Able to Promtle maiden with a mass itf bright red ment of the bod;*.r ' '* ise Auntie a Further Surprise hair. Her tiny eyes never missed nutWe may change oiir <jf«t twice dally for the Coming Evening. thing worth while. "We'll hold a votand substitute a new one a s often as ing, contest between the first and secIt pays to get our figures before Roofing the Cushion, monthly leader dictates a "Young girls miwadnjs," said Miss ond acts juid In that way there won't aew style; but, u o variation hi clothes Xlnry (I Ivilbreth, tile well-known untJlie any loin! iVellngs among the fair alters the personality, whereas thd suffrageitt*. "are lllppant and totally ladles of "the chorus." food we ear may either Improve or IndlfTereut tu the opinions of their Met ween the unHeal numbers ilurdeteriorate the character of the body elders. Woman suffrage Is to blame, • ng the Hi-st act several of the girls which is oar soui-gurtnent. "On a hiitliing beach last 'summer a grouped about hack* stage, plotting THE ACME OF GOOD TASTE The feet th»t iio|>ortant changes In beautiful young girl appeared in a . m i l " [ > i ' l l l I i i l i C . *. - — - -f. animal characteristics are produced by bathing suit tlmt was extremely dar"It will lie n good joke on the boys." Made, Laid and Guaranteed by variation In foo«l cannot be doubted ing. i C-lggfod Irene. "Kthel, with her fiery "by any observer of bird* and animals "Her aunt approached her a s ±\w red hair ami her bird like eyes, should In K state of domestication. Seeing was swaggering in this eoxtiime beside fie \ o t e o the prettiest cjrl. while Vert) then that the food plays «M great u the water's edge and remonstrated who is 'charmliiL'.' hut a typical fault part i n these cashes, i f may safely he with her. ttndet will be Ihe sweetest damsel. Inferred -that its- effects will be still "'Sjlvln.'. Mild the aunt, "I consider The v.impiie honors KO to I'euc.v I.ee. more apparent in the civilization ot that costume absolutely shocking-' • ihe lit tie count r.v" •gal.' "ho Joined us Mankind. Till* being found true, is " 'Ohj. yi>u ilo, do JOIIV the girl re- 'nst week in Ahl»\s\ilh\" k not highly tlesi ruble that we should * plied iiiillfferently. "Well, wait till you seek t o adopt a diet tending directly Tho ilie^sing room proved n scene shown upon Figs. 11 and !"_'. In the see me In my new evening pran,'" order in which it should be made. to improTe the body, Jn order that it of merriment aSj. the names of the A siaall hrackiU saw, or what >ou may become u more efficient vehicle •hosen i'irls w t w read by the condQuestionable Remonttration. for the mini), or, more correctly rr'tiircil dresser, who pnrrlcipated tn probabi.v know UH a hand scroll-saw, ' He was an elderly srui of the soil should be used- for cutting out the •* upeakiug, tjaw «go? ic ist of their schemes! ami fun, pieces, been use a very tine blade is A sickly, wnuUig appetite can fre- and he luul all the fanner's sa\age Tho ulooms of <«l! glooms passed necessary. Tho block should be of quently be .stlmuUUed by some exceed- hatred of rales and taxes uf »»ver,v .»ver Helen She did hot. nppnrto of white pine, free from knots and cracks. ingly simple change in the commonest kind and deseriptlon. the |d> ki'd winners, although she sue- <"ut it to the dimensions shown In . -To mill insult to Injury, a perky little W e have a big variety of different styles in ' ' articles of dally food. For example, •'ceded In hiding her feelings with one Fig. St, and plane Its surfaces straight | D i a m o n d Lavalliers and i n D i a m o n d Heart P i n s from $5.»0 up • slices of dry brtnul are particularly Jack in office of :i rate collector called if her captivating little smiles. and smooth; then upon the two face aniDviting, but tbe same bread, light- on hi tn one? day for .faxes he hud alIt was not long after the finale of and two side surfaces, mark off the I also a big variety of diamond brooches, and diamond cuff links from $10 up. > ready paid. ly browned, with a delicately poached the show when Jack and the boys lines on which to cut. The corners I'nfoi'tunntely. the farmer could not egg resting on the crisp toast,* becomes :Mivii»us|y made their appearance at are shown rounded because it is nec\ W e have a special ladies white o r green gold latest atyle mounting with a^ altogether $ wither item in tho dally find the receipt. the stime door. essary to <-ut them thirf vvny in order \ "I explained this to him." he explainbeautiful blue white diamond for » > men a There art* some forty or fifty riic May-fair Inn was their destina- to turn tho corner with the saw blade. ways in which t o prepare potatoes, ed to* a frltMid of his Inter, "anil, would $ 4 5 . 0 O t o $ 4 , 5 0 0 r tion, a deliirhiful. secluded spot Where The first piece to cut out is the tayet how feur^are the tables where, one you believe It, Bill, the feller began J Come in and look them over without any obligation on your part. the fastidious banquet wasIn renillble (Fig. I ) ; this is marked A in Figs. Bees the vegetable save in tho stereo- to abuse iiifV We have also a full line of high grade Watches at reasonable prices. ' 9 and 10. When you have removed J "Did -he?" s„i..l tint. "And what did in-ss (•• irreet the merry party. typed bolleti, mashed, or fried! A Theenchanted music tickled .Tack this piece from the two ends and oue great variety of delightful dishes can you do?" "Do! /Well I roinonsinrieil ""with s.i that he couhl hardly keep his feet side of t h e block, a block like that be made with sipplea a t all seasons ot iniionnr-y. Finally he got up enough shown In Fig. i t will remain. him." the year. Tlu're is no need to enumThe next step is to separate the e-oiirnjro to ask Kthel for the next "You d i d t o what effect?" erate the host o f what are known ns remaining block into two equal parts shovel jdance. "I dUnlio exactly, but the Blade dishes. It i s always better to set J "I'm wild nnouf your beautiful red by sawinc along the heavy Hn'es On the family faille, not courses of got broke."—London Tit Hits, .hair, I-ithel, nun* your eyes -twinkle like shown in Fig. It (Fig. 1.21. This pair J elaborate ntMiesv but a wholesome, 1 oil 6-10 F R O N T S T R E E T Not the Insect. h '"'* " '"""uHght night," agreeable, and yet economical diver"I haw tiuttiv %iines heard people re"Thanks. ,h{ck; you are (lie first to sity of fooiL Th§ Best That Can Be Bought Is The best route to health in relation fer to a whale as a fish." remarks a ••ompll.taent me on njy beauty," as to food is Ny way of variety. Always librarian i n a western town, "but it thev aimlessly walked toward .'he tnvariety 1 it new! not necessarily etixt remained for a certain youngster, a ,!>le where Ned Warren was seeri gazing Always Served '> :it IVcav with sincere, soulful, eyes. patron of our institution, to mtroduci any more titau t h e deadly monotony, •••I-'io yoii know, I'esrgy. you are the either in time, Jabor or money. Tn a totally new elasoitlcaiioti of tin cutest little vntnp In .voiir own' little W e Serve the Best T h a t Can Be Bought fact it should cost less in all direc- creature. " 'Please/ saiij the ind.j'let me have *vay? You almost jjnve nie hypnotized tions; A IittTe practice, a-list of funds, jv\ ith your quaint, fascinating manner." for easy reference, and a sincere de- a book on whales,' "Very shortly the youthful student | l'csigy eoiib.1 only smile as she plavi,. sire for health a n d comfort, these aire erjougR to f<tart the ball of strength Vras provided wifl'i .» book on natural-'ed the part of n vnnip uiicoiisi'ioiisl^ *, and content rolling, a ball that will history and his attention invited to H and'unknown to herself. THE MAUKER-HAAP CO., 1 4 9 MAIN ST. EAST I Kn\y had already made plans for the roll more and more smoothly as it chapter oir whales: "The boy gave otie look i\\ the vol> futtii'e. to spend the rest of his nmr gathers moTHPiitHin with time and Visit the basement for faolly, Pine Roping, Laurel Roping, Misleurae and then said: days in a love nest on an Island with practice. LEAKS- HOW TO LIVE. " 'Oh, I don't mean a book on the intoe Wreaths, Ferns, Films, Christmas Treea and Blooming Plants, Vera, the sweetest ijlrl in the world. • • * • fl 1f you aiuj I could only—" Barring accidents or unhappy hered- sect! I mean the country!' " Gold Fish and supplies, also Table decorations and, Candles, Christ"Well." interrupted Jack, "the isitary burdens or the overwork mas Candles Birthday, Candles, Draw-ins: Room Candles, etc., Biff Heavenly Inspiration land arrangement is wonderful, but wiiich sometimes seems inevitable, it Line of Art Pottery and Imported Novelties, Central Floral and The film corporation was on the'don't you think we had better he startlies within the power of a great numv Nursery Depot. • ber of « s to be ready for service threes verge of bankruptcy. Try a s It might, ng for town? The girls have a rehearsal In the morning." hundred a*d sifty-five daya in the It could not soil its pictures. Then, one day* the president con"I could remain here forever and year. ceived a brilliant Idea, and soon he vvtts ever." sighed Peggy, ns they started, * • • of blocks, you will see by Figs. 2 und 5. H a r e a variety of food, but eat mod- using ft scoop shovel to handle his toward the car, . Will call w$h auto truck and pay you highest prices fsr folded newsJack 'reached for his sister Helen's are to form the two chairs, after more" erately.. No» one can have, good health money. papers, magazines, rags, rubbers, metals* scrap iron, old clothes Instead o f selling pictures he made, gloved hand, patting it several seconds • utting lins been <Jnm\ The block C. and clear perceptions of right and and miscellaneous junk. Call Stone 7481-X or Main 3864,at any time (Figs. 3 mid 6), which becomes a foota,quick sens* of wrong who indulges he charged $5 admission to his studio before he spoke. stool, must be Pivwed out of each chnir to see therri mitde.—Film Fun. "Sis. you're a real little girl. You to overrating. Office and Warehouse. Analogy. used such good judgment In inviting base, as indicated in Figs. 13 and 14. *- • • T f l M fi S O N "A rutin who steals antos is an the 'prettiest,' the ^sweetest" and the f h e n when this' cutting has been done, I rPITT BUCHAN PARK Peace itsfctt i s J a struggle, or rather, x o v w block P must^be cut out ^of the re-r ' ^ K ' n « » V-utest' for^'iis boys. autb-jack, isn't he?" It «s straggle and activity which are "We plahned to leave town tomor- milining portion of each chair base tfte tew. W f e t n l j find rest in effort, f "0? course;" ft S T O N E 71* ' M A I N 721 row', but have decided to remain here (FigSi 13 and ir>), for tabourets (Figs. Then Is a man who steal? boots ft iur tfte fteiae only finds existence in 4 and 7). . indefinitely, . • boot-jack?" cfltttonttea. Unless y o u hftve done, the marking "If they only knew," thought Helen, if m • •• and sawing very accurately, you will /'Shakespeare was right when he Do not desplR* jenr sttvatfen; la it It's Nature. find It impossible;* tfoif Interlock the jm most »et, snffer, sad coaquer. "One industry in Australia is ralk H*r©tc, pieces except when placed in the po' 'Love looks not'with the eyes, but with' |y»tt, eteir point MI Mrtfc. we ar« iflfkanjaroos," sitions they* originally occupied, This •Our Tracks Deliver io the Country the rolhd, ****** aetr to laaivaa aa4 to tH* l%- "I should think that would keep will make a nine* better puzzle—hairjj. A-tid therefore is winged Cupid painted thoae engaged in Hon the,jump." O F F 1 C 1 A N D Y A R D S , J5t A L L E N S T . ^ (*w--a s 4 ^ > u «r t o , assemble the pieces. bUnd."» » Now Playiiig: "HELIOTROPE Coming Soon: "Fools of Clay" "The Sin that Was His" ALASKA APPEALS TO YOUTH Loew's Star Theater LABORATEl-^ ROOFING M^J E P A T E N T PRINT R O O F I N G Elaborated Roofing Co. • 226 CLINTON AVE., N. i D. PRESENT i 106 Main St. East cor. N. Water St. ; ;. Diamonds at Old Prices 1 HALL BROS. LUNCH W A N T E O F, H. Phelps Lambcr Co., Inc. We Serye You io LUMBER - -w^* * - - * • - 'I \ 1 >M * * i - . . ^ \-'ft. A « , s w .
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