PAGE 12 THURSDAY. JUNE 26, 1975 PUBLIC NOTICE RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HOUCB This Environmental Review NOTICE OF FINDING Record is on file at the above OF NO SIGNIFICANT address and la available for ONE HUNDRED AND ' EFFECT ON'THE public examination and copying, FORTY THOUSAND ENVIRONMENT upon request, at the . City DOLLARS ($140,000) Jimo 20, 1075 Clerk's office between the hours (ESTIMATED COST City oj Railway of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. OF PROJECT) 1470 Campbell Street No further environmental reIt ha3 been determined that Rahway, New Jersey 07033 view of such project is. procuch request for release of fund3 (201) 381-8000 will not constitute an action posed to bo conducted, prior to TO ALL significantly affecting the qual- thc request for release of FedINTERESTED AGENCIES. ity of thc human environment eral funds. GROUPS AND PERSONS: All Interested a g e n c i e s , and, accordingly, tho aboveThe above-named City pro- named City has decided not to groups and persona disagreeing poses to request tho United prepare an Environmental Im- with this decision are Invited to i States Department of Housing pact Statement under the Na- oubmit written comments for and Urban Development to re- tional Environmental Policy Act consideration by the City to lease Federal funds under Title of 1869 (Public Law 91-190). tho office of tho undersigned. I of th,e Housing and Community Such written comments should Tho reasons for such decision Development Act of 1874 (Pub- not to prepare cuch Statement bo received at the address specilic Law 93-383) to be used for are as follows: fied on or before July 11, 1975. 1 the following project: All cuch comments so reANY ADVERSE IM"celvcd will be considered and COMBINED STORM AND PACTS ENCOUNTERthe City will not request the SANITARY SEWER ED WOULD BE AS A rclcaso of Federal funds or take SEPARATION AND RESULT OF ONGOany administrative action on INTERSECTION PROECT ING S E W E R CONthc within project prior to thc (PROJECT STRUCTION. THESE dato specified In the preceding TITLE OR NAME) WOULD BE TEMPORsentence. • * * ARY rN N A T U R E Daniel L. Martin AND MINOR WITH SEPARATE COMBINED Mayor RESPECT T O T H E STORM AND SANITARY City Hall LONG TERM BENESEWERS ALONG 1470 Campbell Street FITS TO BE GAINED WEST GRAND AVENUE Rahway. New Jersey FROM THE IMPROVEAND ADACENT STREETS; 07065 MENT OF—IBAFFIC. IMPROVE INTERSECTION— Dated June 20, 197& F L O W , NEIGHBOR AT WEST GRAND AVENUE —fl_2G u _ , Ta- ~EDOIJ JVK HEALTH AND SANI_WHITTIER STREET TARY CONDITIONS, (PURPOSE OR Japanese Live'Longest AND THE QUANTITY NATURE OF PROJECT) A 197-1 UnilcJ Nations'reAJLP .QUALITY OF --THE- -W-ATKil::J!i3r -CITY OF-RAHWAY— -pivt.'tnry At T -CHARGED INTO TUP. —TOIOIHSOIHHIY " RAHWAY RIVER .. years, up from 70.S in 1971 NEW JERSEY DURING HEAVY According [o the study, [he (LOCATION KATNFAfcfe : Japanese IFavc the" An Environmental Review ilcvjly—73.3 years. Record "respecting the within £~ \ FUBLIC NOTICE project has been made by the Wins poster contest above-named City which docuNOTICE O F F I N D I N G ments tho .environmental reL o r c c Swisstackof 510 - O F N O SIGNIFICANT view of the project and more E F F E C T ON T H E fully seta forth tho reasons why . A l b e r m a r l e S t r e e t , Rahway, was named winner of ENVIRONMENT such Statement is not required. the Middlesex, Union, SomJ u n e 26, 1075 e r s e t Counties c h i r o p r a c PUBLIC NOTICE City of Rahway tic p o s t e r contest. 1470 Campbell S t r e e t ~ OF PROJECT) NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT June 26, 1975 City of Rahway 1470 Campbell Street Rahwey, New Jersey 07005 (201) 381-8000 TO ALL Rahway, New Jersey 070G5 (201) 381-8000 TO A L L ; PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT ' EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT poses t o request t h c United States Department of Housing June 26, 1075 and Urban Development t o r e City of Rahway lease Federal funds u n d e r Title 1470 Campbell Street ...1 of thp HoT^'np ;md..Commun!ty ~zr, RahwayrNew-Jenrey-07061 Development Act of 1074 (Pubi-,r r——^--.-r~. (201.) 38141000 : " 'licISwTI3 3831"*Jo"'b^"useorf6r_ above-named City proTO ALL th» fnllnwlng projrc -to—request—the— United INTERESTED AGENCIES, CONSTRUCTION OF States Department of Housing GROUPS AND PERSONS: FIREHOL'SE and Urban Development to reThe above-named City pro(PROJECT lease Federal funds under Title poses to request the United TITLE OR NAME) I of the Housing arid Community States Department of Housing Development Act of 1D74 (Pub- and Urban Development -to re* ** * lic Law 93-383) to be used for lease Federal funds under Title CONSTRUCT I of the Housing and Community HREHOUSE_QN tho following project: Development Act of 1074 (PubMAIN STREET EAST HAZELWOOD lic Law D3-383) to be used for (PURPOSE OR PROJECT II the following project: NATURE OF PROJECT) (PROJECT * * » TITLE OR NAME) SENIOR CITIZENS COMPLEX PROJECT CITY OF RAHWAY * • * (PROJECT UNION COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION TITLE OR NAME) NEW JERSEY AND (LOCATION * * * PARK DEVELOPMENT CITY, COUNTY, STATE CONSTRUCTION OF A (PURPOSE OR OE PROJECT) NATURE OF PROJECT) SECURITY FENCE AROUND " . * ' « • . ' • ——":.' EXISTING SENIOR CITIZENS ONE HUNDRED COMPLEX AT 22M50 WEST CITY OF RAHWAY THOUSAND DOLLARS GRAND AVENUE UNION COUNTY ($100,000) (PURPOSE OR NEW JERSEY (AMOUNT REQUESTED NATURE OFPEOJECT) (LOCATION FROM COMMUNITY CITY, COUNTY, STATE DEVELOPMENT FUNDS) OF PROJECT) CITY OF RAHWAY * * * UNION COUNTY SEVEN HUNDRED AND NEW JERSEY _ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND (LOCATION-FIFTEEtJ-THOUSAND. DOLLARS ($750,000) — CITY, COUNTY, STATE DOLLARS ($115,000) " (ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT) (AMOUNT REQUESTED OF PROJECT) * • • FKOM COMMUNITY rt—tmi> IJUIJU GuteiiuIuL'd that TWENTTTTHOUSAND DEVELOPMENT FUNDS) 6uch request for release of fund3 DOLLARS ($20,000) * • * will not constitute an action (ESTIMATED COST TWO HUNDRED AND significantly affecting thc qualOF PROJECT) THIRTY THOUSAND ity of the human environment It has. been determined that DOLLARS ($230,000) and, accordingly, the above-suchrequest-forrelcasc cHunds (ESTIMATED COST - - -named City has decided-not towill not constitute an action OF PROJECT) prcpare an Environmental ImIt has been determined that significantly affecting the qualpact Statement under the Narequest for release of funds ity of .the human environment such request tional Environmental Policy Act such '—will not -constitute an action and, accordingly, the aboveINTERESTED A G E N C I E S , G R O U P S AND P E R S O N S : - The--above-named C i t y - p r o - VVllh/AlVU W * uw wun tfirwwf • few " " " wt « " " " " • * • • — - : ' • * * • Tr!e 26th annual commencement exercises of the Charles H. Brewer School eighth grade graduating class Were held yesterday evening The 192 graduates, their teachers, parents, relatives and guests heard the welcoming address given by graduate Louis R. Esposito of 3 Alan Court, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Esposito, and the farewell address delivered by graduate Phyllis R. Goldstein of 97 Liberty Street, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry O. Goldstein. David M. Hart, school principal, reviewed the class achievements during two years at the school. He noted over 100 awards were received by thc pupils in areas of both varsity and intra-mural athletics, scholarship, attendance, social progress, community service, leadership, citizenship and school spirit. Doctor John T. Farinella, superintendent of schools, addressed the assemblage and spoke about yet to be achieved goals by the graduates. He also remarked about their accomplishments of the eighth-graders. throughout their years in the township school system. Philip "A." Miller president oftJuTtownshlp board of education, alsoipolTeah'd' assisted the'prlncipal with the presentatlon-of the diplomas.-Also presenting diplomas were board members John Fitzpatrick, Steven M. Deara and vice president Mrs. Arthur (Thelma) Purdy. dKe of-alleglarice. - COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS ... The 26th annual commencement exercises for Charles H. Brewer School in Clarfc—wererrheld- yesterday- evening. Louis Esposito, right, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Esposito of 3 Man Court, Clark, delivered the welcoming address for the eighth-grade cta"ss. Phyllis Goldstein, the. daughter of "Mr. "and Mrs. Barry O. Goldstein of 97 Liberty Srv^pr ("Hart* dpHvAr^fT ^TIA'fof^i'*>~~ The Invocation was conducted by reverend Lee R. Ion was led by reverend Edward Furrevig of St. John the Apostle Roman Catholic Church. The faculty committee assisting with the program included administrative aide Peter Dulk for special arrangements, Robert Henderson and Kenneth Lighthipc for seating arrangements and graduation practice, Mrs. George (Estellc)-Pakenliam for organizing h o s tesses, Robert Slnkewitz Tor printing, Mrs. Ralph (Rose) Rlgliano, Walter E. Boright and Otto Picard as advisors for student speeches, M r s . James (Norma) Binetti for invitations and Mr. Boright for publicity. The Brewer band, under the leadership of Frederick Fischer, performed "Pomp and Circumstance" and "Trumpet Voluntary." PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE-OF-FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT ^—JunriMr 1075— Cityj)f_Rahway_ 1470 CampbeirStreet Rahway, New Jersey 07065 (201) 381-8000 TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPSTttiD PERSONS: The above-named City proposes to request the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to release Federal funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-383) to be used for the following project: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION (PROJECT TITLE OR NAME) NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT " ^ ^June:26, 1075 -'~~~: ADMINISTRATION -OF- COMMUNITY^ DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (PURPOSE OR NATURE OF PROJECT) • * • CITY OF RAHWAY UMUN CUUNTYTZ" NEW JERSEY (LOCATION CITY,-COUNTYrSTATE - . OF PROJECT) A list of g r a d u a t e s follows. Robert R b B Brian i A Adamonls, d l Jeffrey J David Allen, David Michael Arbeitcl, Jean M, Arciniaco, Margaret Mary Armstrong, Robin Barr, Denise Ann Elizabeth Bartkus, Egon R. Behrmann, Christopher E. Bcrtsch, Leslie Ann Beshella, Nancy Pamela Blejwas, Christy Bobyack, Ronald "Michael Bogner, Paul Bokoske, Maria Jean Bora—Glenn—Howard- Breckenridge, Dwaync Burnett, Gary Paul Calvin, Robert Michael Carney, Lisa Ann Castagna, Nicholas Arthur Castagna, James V.Cerasa, Grace Cicala, Debra Ann Cimbalista, Laurene Cisnaji, Mitchell B. Cohen and Diana Constantine. Also Elizabeth Ann Condlt, Alice Corson, Deborah Anne Christine Czeresko; Richard L. Dalley, Jr., Lewis John Deara, Jeane Marie deBerjeois, Karen deBerjeois, Nancy Deladvitch, Kathleen Delia Sala, James DeLuca, Louis Joseph DeMarzo," John"Joseph DeMllIe, David PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT" June-26_1275 1470 Campbell Street City of Rahway Rahway, New Jersey 07005 1470 Campbell Street (201) 381-8000 Rahway, New Jersey 07065 TO ALL (201) 381-8000 INTERESTED AGENCIES, TO ALL GROUPS AND PERSONS:-INTERESTED AGENCIES, Thc above-named City proGROUPS AND PERSONS: poses to request the United The above-named City proStates Department of Housing poses to request the United and Urban Development to re- States Department of Housing lease Federal funds under Title and Urban Development to reI of the Housing and Community lease Federal funds under Title Development Act of 1974 (Pub- I of tlie Housing and Community lic Law 93-383) to be used for Development Act of 1974 (Pubthe following project: lic Law 93-383) to be used for URBAN REDEVELOPMENT the following project: PROJECT R-109 INTEREST SENIOR CITIZENS (PROJECT MINI-BUS TITLE OR NAME) (PROJECT * • • TITLE OR NAME) DeVlto, Michael J. DeVito, Thomas John Dicellis,Mary Anne Dickey, Timothy Charles Dietzc, Dlanna Ditzel, Jull Ann Dousa, jOretta Jean Dreschcr, Robert Peter Dynda, JenniferCMarle Dziedzic, Lisa Elishberger, ' "Mitchell Robert Elman, Mary Louise Engelberger, Louis Espo.sito, Thomas H. Faedt, Deborah Ann Fcdirko, David F. Ficke, Michael Anthony FigureUi, Joan M/irie Fitzpatrick. and Karen Lee Frakl. Also Mark Anthony Franciotti, Craig V. Franz, Susan Ann Franz, Ann Shari Friedberg, Frank Fruciano, Cathy Marie Gallagher, Keith Howard Geldhauscr, Dennis James Glllen, Phyllis Renee Goldstein, Cynthia Hassler, Susan Jean Heller, Robert Scott"Helminski, Steven Hock, Karen Ann Hofschneider. Ronald Michael Homyock, Kimberly Faith Howell, William W. Humckc, Jr., Brian L. Hunslnger, Robert Johnston, Alan Kent Jones, Steven Michael Juzefyk, Judith Kaminsky, Robert J. Kennelly, Richard Alan Kiray, John Andrew Knles, Patricia Ann Krahling, Raymond Jay Kraus, Susan R. Krohn, Stanley M. Krupowies, J r . and Nancy Virginia Larkins. Also Susan Lieber, James Logllsci, Thomas Gordon Long, Jr., David Macera,Nancy AnnMacknowsky, Linda Ann Mac Vicar, Faith Marie Madersky, David B.Makow, Tonl Ann Malanga,^Carollne Marrone. WilliamMarsip-lia, Tom""Martino7Ddnaltl"MartulIi, Aflene Larroine Mason, Karen Ann Masterson, Cheryl Lee Matthews, -Kathleen-Mr-McCnskcrT—Jotm—Cr-McGtiire, Karen --Michelle-Medwiedg-Keith—R;—Meehan, Patricia Ellen -ivreriniicfc7~Blane Sue Meti0fC7~Ua^Ia~Tay"'MinrcrwsIcy^~ Anthony Mongiovi, William Charles Munzing, Edward A. Murin,_K.T.thlccn Emmaxy-Muth,-David-r^mllo-Muak-,— Scott W. Nellis, Rita Helen Nelson and Stephen Thomas Newell. Also Carol Elaine Oakes, Mark William Oberlies, John D. O'Brien, Mary EllenO'Hare, DianeOverholser, Laura •pallitto, Evelyn Anne Patella, Robin Lynn Paterek, Robert J . Peason, Richard Charles Perez, Robin Pispecky, Susan Plspecky, Cheryl Ann Pratt, Ronald Prelss, Joseph Daniel Purdy, Peggy Anne Quinn, Paul Charles Raabe, J r . , Keith David Ratzman, Laura Beth Redfern, Dean RelUy, Karen Joyce Rembish, Alan J. Reppy, Berntce Marie Riccio, Daniel Ricdo, Wayne Christopher Richardson, John A. Ridge, Charles Eugene Rlechers, Linda Rlsko, Thomas Rlzzie, Leonard Jerome. Roth and Linda A. Rutledge. Also William.W..Ryan,.Antonio.Santiago, Frank Sir-"!, acino, Arlene Schneider, Richard W. Schroeder, Gregg S. Schulz, Mitchell L. Schwartz, Susan Marie Scraggs, Cathleen Seery, Glenn Ian Shalit, Fay Elizabeth Siemering, Cynthia Ann Smith, Howard Sokolow, Michael Soltis, Gerard Soriano, Kurt Stalger, Michele Elise Steele," GaryTTOtfertr Stetson; David'Jqhn Strakele" M a r i a " A- Streckfuss," -Joanne Marie Siiba/ Christine Sywec, Vincent JohirTattoll, Michael Mark Thompson, John C. ToHh, "Peter T>. T6tIn7~Tames B'.T Treger, Gene Craig Uhlig, Diane Urciuoli, Charles A. Urso and Annette Vacca. Also John Philip-Vincenti, Thomas Jay Waidelich, Dawn Elizabeth Walsh, Peter C. Walts, Melissa Nadine Waton, Mary Christina Wietrzykowski, Carolyn Wood, Patricia Wozniak, Russell P. YaremandEstherMiriam Zisholz. Suggestions OBI how to smni Ronald Thompson A total of $128,076 in state and local law can he revenue sharing funds for financed by revenue sharC l a r k is anticipated by ing funds, mayor Yarutownshlp mayor Bernard G. savage explained. PROVIDE INTEREST -Yarusave—who—asked—for —Please-remembcr that PXYMEN'TS-ON PROVIDE INTRA-CiTY suggestions from township—if-this^moncy-is allocated LOANS FOR R-109. TRANSPORTATION FOR r e s i d e n t s on how the for a new service or new (PURPOSE OR SENIOR CITIZENS monies should be used. equipment, the taxes to be NATURE OF PROJECT). (PURPOSE OR * * * He said one proposal be- raised next year will go up NATURE OF PROJECT) Private firstclass_Ron- __ing considered use... by the amount-of-revenue -CITX-QFJRAHWAY _ ald Thompson, who" was"the funds to help pay the sharing money we used," UNION COUNTY CITY OF-RAHWAY graduated from Rahway.. Rahway—Valley- Sewerage he warned. NEW JERSEY UNION COUNTY(LOCATION High School last year and Authority bill for the handNEW JERSEY ••CITY; COUNTY-,-STATE— (LOCATION Mayor Yarusavage said ling of sanitary sewers, a OF PROJECT) . CITY, COUNTY, STATE m a r i n e s corps last Octo- policy followed in the past. suggestions should be made * * • OF PROJECT) ber, completed three monThe mayor said funds in writing and sent to his ONE HUNDRED ths of basic training at could be used for public oflfice at the municipal THOUSAND DOLLARS TWENTY-FIVE • Paris Island, S.C. safety, environmental pro- building on Westfleld Ave($100.000) THOUSAND-DOLLARS — — H e also"completed"fourf TecTion7 "transpc5rEaHon7 ~}IUe. . —-— " (ESTIMATED COST ($25,000) months in communications health, recreation, the li"The funds are based on OF PROJECT) (ESTIMATED COST training at the naval tech- brary, social servlces~for population, per capita inIt has been determined that OF PROJECT) nical training c e n t e r at the poor and aged an fi- come, taxes collected and such request for^release of funds It has been determined that " other Income received by will not constitute an action such request for release of funds Carry S t a t i o n Penasala, nancial administration. significantly affecting the qual- will not constitute an action Fla., in May and will go to "In addition any ordin- the t o w n s h i p , " he said. Guam this month. ity of the human environment significantly affecting the qualary and necessary capital The money is received and, accordingly, the above- ity of the human environment The private first class, expenditure authorized by .quarterly. named City has decided not to and, accordingly, "the" "above- a deacon at Greater Mt. .prepare-an-En_vironmentnl Im-_- -named-City-haj-deeldedTnot-to. -Morial^Baptist-Courch. ofpact Statement under the Na- prepare an Environmental Im- Linden, is the son of Mr. tional Environmental Policy Act pact Statement under the Naand Mrs. Golden Thompof 1969 (Public Law 91-190).tional Environmental Policy Act son of 1014 Thorn Street, The reasons for such decision of 1909 (Public Law 91-190). Rahway. not to prepare such Statement TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS (512,000) (ESIIMATEILCQST OF PROJECT) It has been determined that such request for release of funds will not constitute an action named City has decided not to significantly affecting the quality of the human environment prepare an Environmental Imnot to prepare such Statement and, accordingly, the above- pact Statement under the Na- and, accordingly, the abovenamed City has decided not to are as follows; named City has decided not to tional Environmental Policy Act prepare an Environmental ImT H E PROJECT I S 1969 (Public (Public Law Law 01-190). prepare prepare an an Environmental tnvironmemai Im im ooff 19G9 Ul-IHU). _ pact- Statement, under_the_ NaSMALL IN SCALE, pact. Statement ..under _the_NaThe reasons for.sueh decision —tional Environmental Policy Act OCCUPYING—LESS tlonal such Statement Statement tlonal Environmental Environmental Policy Policy Act Act nott tto prepare re such of 1069 (Public Law 01-190). THAN ONE ACRE OF of 19C9 (Public Law 01-130). are as follows: LAND. The reasons for such decision The reasons for such decision T H E PROJECT I S CONSEQUENTLY, IT not to prepare such Statement not to prepare such Statement VERY SMALL IN DIRECTLY AFFECTS are as follows: are as follows: The reasons for such decision SCALE AND DIRECTRELATIVELY FEW DUE TO THE ADMINare as follows: not to prepare such Statement THE SCALE OF THE LY AFFECTS THOSE (Continued from pego 1 -Rahway) PEOPLE AND ANY ISTRATIVE NATURE T H E RELEASE O F are as follows: PROJECT IS SMALL. LIVING ON THE SITE DIRECT ENVIRONOF THIS PROJECT, COMMUNITY DEVELbirthday, Good Friday and 560 St. George Avenue, INVOLVING L E S S THE SIZE OF THE AND DIRECTLY ADMENT I M P A C T S THERE WILL BE NO OPMENT FUNDS FOR Memorial Day. . Rahway, was a p p o i n t e d THAN ONE ACRE OF PROJECT IS SUCH JACENT TO IT. WOULD BE MINOR. D I R E C T ENVIRON.. THIS PROJECT WILL . A clerk-typist at the school dentist at an annual LAND. THAT ANY IMPACT ALL OF THE- IM- - " INDIRECT IMPACTS, MENTAL IMPACTON" H A V E NO IMPACT CONSEQUENTLY, city's mini-learning center salary of $2,500. IT MIGHT HAVE- ON PACTS IDENTIFIED TNVOI vT^r, TwnovT H E COMMUNITY ON THE ENVIRONANY IMPACTS WILL failed to receive tenure THE CITY OR ITS City comptroller Roger ARE BENEFICIAL ED FIRE PROTECRESULTING ' F R O M MENT BECAUSE BE SMALL IN MAGRESIDENTS WOULD when she received only four E. Prlbush was appointed TION SERVICES FOR AND SLIGHT. THE PROPECT. THESE FUNDS WILL NITUDE. BE SLIGHT. MANY CITIZENS OF IT WAS THEREFORE ANY IMPACT THAT supporting v o t e s . Voting custodian of school monies BE USED STRICTLY RAHWAY, SERVE TO NO NEGATIVE IM-M4-G-H-TIN ADDITION. THE THAT i g i v i n g M r s . -for—thc—1925-19-76 school -TO—PAY— INTERESTRETURlfSERVlCE'TO"' PACTS WERE IDENSITE, IN A FLOOD T H E QUALITY O F FROM RELATED Benjamin (Rachel) Wilder year at a salary of $1,300. ACCRUED ON LOANS -PAST— LEVF.T.S OF PLAIN—AREA r—KILL TTFTF.n, AND, .TS.E COMMUNTTY-DEVEl -• THE—H5MA-N— EN-VI tenure—were-board-menv Qne-resMentqueetioned-thePir ' PERFORMANCE B E N E F I C I A L IM BE C O N V E R T E D RONMENT WILL NOT OPMENT HAS BEEN bers W i l l i a m Roesch, increase. He stated that QUIRED, AND WILL RATHER THAN TO PACTS WILL AFFECT F R O M A NON-REB E SIGNIFICANTLY ASSESSED IN THEIR Henderson, LoRocco and Mr. Prlbush was paid $800 N O T BE USED TO PROVIDE A SIGNIFIA SELECT FEW OF COMMENDED U S E AFFECTED BY RERESPECTIVE E N V I Paul M. Geyer. in 1973 and $1,000 last FUND ANY ON-GOCANT CHANGE FROM T H E CITY'S RESITO A RECOMMENDLEASE OF F U N D S RON M E N TAL ASI N G OR PLANNED member Board member Roesch year. B o a r d DENTS. PAST. STANDARDS. _ . _ ED..USE --FOR THIS-PROJECT -• - SESSMENTS. ACTIVITIES. said the clerk^ryplstT~as-- -Henderson was the only An Environmental Review An Environmental Review An Environmental Review An Environmental Review An Environmental Review An Environmental Review for Washington dissenting vote. Record respecting the within Record respecting the within Record respecting the within Record respecting the within "This is a fine time for you h e a d e d Record respecting the within S c h o o l since the miniproject has been made by thc project has been made by the project has been made by the project has been made by the Record respecting the within project has been made by the The board unanimously lo come waltzing in!" project has been made by the above-named City which docul e a r n i n g program was approved above-named City which docu- above-named City which docu- above-named City which docu- above-named City which docuexpanding the ments the environmental re- ments the environmental re- ments the environmental re- ments the environmental re- above-named City which docu- ments thc environmental redropped. He accused the voluntary t u t o r training view of the project and more view of the project and more view of .the project and more view of the project and more ments the " environmental re- view of the project and more administration of b e i n g program as long as the cost fully sets forth the reasons why fully sets forth the reasons why fully sets forth the reasons why fully sets forth thc reasons why view of the project and more fully sets forth the reasons why over staffed at Washington does not exceed $4,400.Six such Statement Is not required. such Statement Is not required. such Statement Is not required. such Statement Is not required. fully sets forth the 'reasons why such Statement Is not required. School. He said d o c t o r department chairmen were such Statement is not required. This Environmental Review This Environmental Review This Environmental Review This Environmental Review This Environmental Review Bowes was making a approved by the b o a r d . This Environmental Review Record Is on file at the above Record is on file at the above Record Is on file at the above Record Is on file at thc above Record Is on file at thc above "palace" at the elementary Each will receive an addladdress and Is available for address and Is available for address and is available for address and Is available for address and Is available for Record is on. file at the above rionnl $695 for heading his for_ --p-abHc-trxamtnirttea-and-copylng ieetings-of-the-board-cf- srhnoi, public examination and copying. public examination and copying, publTc examination and copying. r,ihifn i.vnmlnntlon and copying, address and is available 1 -Fre9iiman—hoard—mem——departments -.— ' _at_Jh£_Cliv_ —upon—wiueflt;—ot—th*~Ctty "upon requelti a! the City upon request, at the City pnH|> qrnmlmtjnn jinn copying, "upon request, at—thc—eity eddcaHcTT~ot~t)!~tori"eT)uiiiy iipon request, at the" City Henderson claimed The board unanimously Clerk's office between the hours - Regional. High-School Dis- ber - Clerk'n office between the hours -Ciprk'n office .between thchours •Clerk's office between the hours Clerk's office between thc hours Clerk's office between thchours of D a.m. and 4:30 p.m. of 0 ajn. and .4:30 p.m. oi 0 ajn. and 4:30 p.m. Of 9 ajn. and 4:30 p.m. trict no. 1 and the S a r d ' s " W a s hin'grorr School"was ^approved the "appointment of 0 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. of 9 ajn. and 4:30 p.m. No furthe^envlronmental_ re- -policies - committce-ivere,.Joinr.. No further environmental rcNo further environmental reoJL..Arth.ur—Luadgren.aa.. —• No ..furthor-cnvirnnmenlaljce-... -- -No-further environmental-re-. ""' view of "such" project"!*- p r o - _vley/ v)<w nf Biieh project Is pro- V W nf ciirti prnirCt Is PrO- view of such project is pro-" nnnnunrpH ing against the motion for principal of the title I sumposed to ETcohflUHBl, Dliur to posed cOnflUCleTt, jirl poscd to be conducted, prior to poscd to'be conducted, prior to were board mem- mex school program.. He ' for release of Fcdl f •requegt-fog-rclrn'if' nf Fed- -the-reqaCTt for releato of Fedvov nnrt T n~nrrn [fill rwolvf W i l l fn-r eral funds. eral funds. eral funds. eral funds. eral funds. Without applying for the heading the program for eral funds. ference room of the Keyes, AU interested a g e n c i e s , All interested a g e n c i e s , / m interested a g e n c i c B , All Interested a g e n c i e s , All Interested a g e n c i e s , All Interested a g e n c i e s , Building, 841 assistant principal job a r one month. groups and persona disagreeing M a r t i n groups and persons disagreeing , groups and persons disagreeing groups and persons disagreeing groups and persons disagreeing groups and persons disagreeing the s e n i o r high school, Thc position of superwith this "Decision arc invited to • w [(j, Q J J decision arc invited to with this decision are Invited to with'this decision arc Invited to with this decision are Invited to with this decision are invited td Mountain Avenue, Springsubmit written comments for field, on Monday, June 30, Edward Hirschman w a s visor of curriculum and submit written comments for gubmit written comments for submit written comments for lubmlt written comments for submit written comments for transferred. He formerly instruction was abolished consideration by .the City to at 8 p.m. •consideration by the City to consideration by the City to consideration by thc City to consideration by the City to consideration by the City to thc office of the undersigned«hp office of the undersigned. ' • jJjC-PfQcc of the undersigned. On Tuesday, July-1. at _was director of adult and^ by a 5-3 vote. Doctor Neil_ the office ofjhe undersigned. . -tho o2kc of the .undersigned, -theofQce-of tho undersigned. Such written commcnlifsifould vo'cafionaTeducaSon. T h e " • Such written comment*" ffibuH Such written comments sBoiild •Ellman was given a 60-day Such written comments should 8 p.m. the board session Such written comments should Such written continents should be-reeeived-at thc-addrcsa i p e d - . - b e received attho addrrai speci- brreeeived at th»_»ddr£ss specl- ' be received at the addrcw •peel- "DCTeccivcd at -the-ou«TCES-ipcci-_ _;b&received-at the address specie, •will-begin-in^tnc-cafeteriai -noH c n—of—rrrminnrton, fied on or before July 11, 1075. fled on or beforo July 11, 1975. fled on or before July 11, 1075. fled on or before July 11. 1073. fled on or before July 11, 19'S- fled on or bcfbrc~Tu~y~nr~B75~- of David Brearley Regional after the board eliminated Voting against both motions All cuch comments so • reAll such comments so reAll such comments so reAll such comments BO re- All such comments so rehis director position by an were board members All such comments' IJO received will be considered and High School in Kenilworth. 8-0 vote. ceived will be considered and ceived will be considered and ceived will be considered and ceived will be considered and ceived will be considered and .Kennedy, S p r o w l s and the City will not request tho the City..wal-not. request the the City will not request the the City will not request the the City will not request the 'the City will not request the The board governs Arthur Though stating thc pri-> Hardgrove. release of Federal funds or take L. Johnson Regional High release'of Federal funds or taie release- release of Federal funds or take release of Federal funds or take release of"Federal funds or,takc -mary—reason for eliS e v e r a l motions conany administrative action on School in Clark. any administrative action, on any administrative action <fo any administrative action on any administrative action on any administrative action on minating the director post cerning tfie contract the within project prior to the the within project prior to the the within project prior to the tho within project prior to the the within project, prior to the the within project prior to the was to save money, board Bicycle classes? between the board and the date specified fn tho preceding dnte specified £n tho preceding date specified In the preceding dato specified In the preceding date oDcclflcd tn the preceding date specified to tho preceding president Hardgrove adsentence. Rahway Education sentence. —Expressing concern for sentence. sentence. sentence^ ., were other olation—wore—wltlidra\rn l i *• bicycle—safety, memfeeES Daniel L. Martin Daniel L. Martin Daniel L. Martin ' Daniel trMartln ^ " T J f T r ' C t t i i t y "P o i J e m o y "Police •Mayor Mayor" • Qlty Hall City Sail ^ 'QfcLHall ; .said -the ...the"'! final . d r a f t of thc City Hall Chiefs' Association for-, tor -ai»HaB... • . . _ . ' ".City Kail ....'..1470 Campbell Street 1470 C a m p b e l l S t r e e t 1470 Campbell Street 147? Campbell Street contract. ' warded a resolution to state secondary reasons w e r e 1470 Campbell Street 1470 Campbell Street JUihway.'Ncw Jersey • legislators ^recommending • ..privy, in formation..-..- :.:..,.. .—Withdrawn -motions -will-. -., nnfrMffi Wtw iTrmi*T • f i K f f i r " • " • • • • -• 07063 ' O7063 Mr. Hirschman will earn be discussed at another 07OC5 h|cyp.1(? nnfety education be 07063 88. 1~75Tate3~Jane 20, 13T5 Doted June une , A , ; Dated Dated Juno 20711175"" Fee $45.12 integrated into elementary • i24,90TrJnTUs new position.,- special meeting on June 30 fl OR ,,1f m^™*?$™-. .r-— • - = ^ = J ? g g j ^ r . : - — • 6 - 8 6 — I t — - - . Fco J4 p - c ™ - e ^ " £™fs school education"~ •;—Doctor—jrving-Klcln--of—-in~
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