DISTRICT NUTFIELD DERBYRACECAR HOWTO BUILDA PINEWOOD THATYOUMAKECOPIESOF THESERULESFOREVERYPARENTAND IT IS RECOMMENDED BOYIN YOURUNIT! withthispackagearelhe racingruleswhichyourunitshouldfollow Included theserules, Be sureyouunderstand NOTthose includedwith the officialBSA kit or in books at the council store. NutfieldDistrictRules(detailedin this book be used for the DistrictDerb For thoseunitswho may not havehad any experiencewith a pinewoodderbyrace' it can be a great dealof fun and excitementfor your pack. lt doesrequiresomecareand studyof the rules. willanswerall of yourquestions. Hopefully thisinformation The followingare the DistrictPinewoodDerbyRules,pleasestudythem lf you shouldhaveany EventChairman.Failureto or Pinewood pieasecallyourDistrict Activities Chairman questions, of theentrant. followthe ruleswillcausedisqualification 'L PARENTS ANDGUARDIANS:This is vour bov's car. Pleasesupervisehimwhilehe makesit. DON'TMAKElT FORHlM. Hewillonlyknowhowgooda job he cando,if he makeshis car himself.lf the car arrivesat the districtlevel,madefrom a non-BSAkit or obviouslymadeby someonewithskillsbeyondthatof an 11yearold,it willbe disqualifiedHelphimto do-bigbest' THEBOYWILLMAKEA NEWCAR EACH PROGRAM YEAR. ONLYA CARMADEBY THE SCOUTYEARWILLBE ACCEPTED.THE BOYMAYNOTRACEA CAR BOYIN THECURRENT YEARSOR BY SOMEONEELSE THATWASMADEIN PREVIOUS so thatthe boymay is a worksheet AND SHAPINGTHECAR BoDY: Included 2. DESIGNING precut or any othernon-BSAkit' kit developanydesignhe likes. However,he may not startwith a Onlv the Official kit is acceptable. Do not chanqethe wheel-baseor width of wood block boysshouldbe closelysupervisedwhilecuttingouttheircar at axleqrooves.Afterdesigning, powertoolssuchas lathesor usingalablescrollsawora copingsaw. No otheradultoperated routerscan be used.A boywho has earnedhiswhittlingchip may use his knifewith supervision' Sandpaper on a sandingblockis the safestwayfor a youngboyto shapehiscar. Theboy'sskill levelshouldbe consideredwhenapprovingblg design.New for 2010races No notched front endsl nose pieces. cAR CA WETGHT:THEFINISHED 3. on the car suchas a steeringwheel,hood QIINGES- fnis couldincludeany accessories maybe usedandmustbe securely etc. Onlyleadandothermetalweights omarnent, winOsnield, fastened.No liquidmetalweightssuchas mercuryis allowed.weights shouldnot extendbelowthe bottomof the car. Any weightsusedon the undersideof the car mustbe recessedinto andflushwith bottomof the car body. NEHES. 5. PAINTING:The finishedcar shouldbe carefullypaintedby the boy. He may handor spray paintthecarwithsupervision in the PLEASEDO NOTDO lT FORHIM Usethe suggestions provided paint in weight of the car. Remember, is included the worksheet to helphimfinishthe car,pleasehavehimallowforthisin hisdesign. 6. WHEELPREPARATION: useorulvrne wnErls {!I= To removethe seamfrom the plasticwheelsprovidedin the OfficialBSA Kit , use a drill to smoothout the roughedges. lt is recommended that that a handdrill be usedwith youngerboys. All 4 wheels must remain flat on the ridinq surface and must not be mustrcmain at theoriginal rounded.pointedor thinned down in anv wav.Thewheels width and diameteras providedin the OfficialBSA Kit. Do not use any bearings,washers, springs,clipsor foreignobjectswith the wheels.lf you damagethe wheelsprovidedin the kit you mustobtainofflcialBSAkit replacements at the scoutstore,notthe modifiedversions. INDIVIDUAL S WHATEVERLEVELIT IS RACINGATif they are not in compliancewith theserules. See the diagrambelow. Carswill be disqualified AcreptEble wheeis 7. INSERTING THEWHEELSANDAXLESINTOTHE BLOCK: PROVIDED IN THE YOUMUSTUSETHEWHEELS,AXLESANDTHE PRECUTGROOVES KIT BLOCKOF THEOFFICIALBSA PINEWOOD Extendingor reducingthe wheelbaseis not allowed.Usethe pre cut grooves.That'swhy theyare there.You maynotreducethewidthof thewoodenblockat theaxlearea. lt will be disqualified.Oil or greasewill damagethe plasticwheelsand the track,therefore,the onlylubricantacceptablewill be evenlyandshould dry powdered lubricant or graphite.ALL WHEELSWILLTOU not be too loose. Carsshouldbe free-wheeling with no startingdevicesor attachments. Keep in mind that all cars will be inspectedbefore the unit race and at the District Racealso. lf a car does not meetthe requirements as specifiedhere.it shouldbe disoualifiedat the unit race Carsthat win at the unitlevelwill be heldby the PackCommitteeuntilthe day of the DistrictRaceto at protectthemand to insurethatthe winningcars havenot beenmodified.Carswill be re-inspected will be the districtlevel.The cars mustarriveat the DistrictDerbyin runningorder. No modifications allowed.Onlydry powderedlubricantor powderedgraphitemay be applied. and havefun! Don'tdisappointyourson. Followthe rules,showhim honesty,sportsmanship, (Ver 08/09) DERBYCARWORKSHEET PINEWOOD 1. Drawand refineshapeof raceron paperFIRSTIUse Dre-cutaxel slots that are alreadvin the currentversionof the OfficialBSA pinewoodDerbvKit. 2. Transferdrawingto woodwithcarbonpaper. cut away 3. Usingcopingsawor tablescrollsaw(withhandson adultsupervision) wastewoodfrom shape to shapeand removesaw 4. Usinga sandingblock,startwith200gritsandpaper marks. Use320or 400grit paperto smoothoutdesignandmakewoodfinishedfor painting. 5. At thistime,you maywishto drillholesor carvea slotin the carfor mountinglead weights.Weighshapedcar,wheelsandaxlesaddingweightto the scaleto bringif up to about4 and 1/2ounces.Thisallows112ouncefor paintandaccessories. wneruflttsneo.rge
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