Community based disaster management HOW TO FILL THE GAPS BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY Dorotea Agnes Rampisela HASANUDDIN UNIVERSITY Makassar - Indonesia CSEAS Kyoto University STRENGTHENING and SUSTAINABILITY of THE COMMUNITY BASED DISASTER MANAGEMENT Study Case WARNING System at Jeneberang Watershed South Sulawesi Indonesia 55 110 0S M Mamaja Mama jja g Ma Mamaja Mama a majan majan a ng ng g TD S UY OCT L AO I N 0 6 1 8 0 Gowa Bo nt o er a a huw oA Sa l Sa lo ) M a k a s ra Kottaa Kota Mak M aka assar ass s sar ar TTaamalate ama malate la te SSomba Somb ombaaOOpu pu Sa lo Ma 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 2 6 1 1 2 4 0 0 Sinja i lin o g Sa lo lan JE Bu E N al o BER AN G S PP Pa allang a an gga gga gaT et eb at u P allang ll an ga 5° 5° 1 5' 5° 5°15' 15' 115' 15' 5' SS e Je n Je n Ba aje ajen jeng ngg B e Bo on onto ntoma tomara maran rann nnu nu u Ba nt im ur in a n ga Ja ja n ng a Sa lo Sa Sa l o Sa l oA n ga ng ra Pa Sa lo apa Ma n J E EN si a A BER G N a ne ap ay lo Ka u s is n ip Ka a te oP Sa l ga na n Bi B i n ga S an o Sa l oB en go a Sa lo Go Gowa Gow Gowa wa a Po P Pol oll omb ombaangk ang ngkken enggUUtar ta tara ra a Mal in JN EEBR E A NG ni a ng go Ben D Je n e o ta r a lo T a ka p a la Sa Tin in ing n ggimo ggimon gimonco ncon cong ngg g T ing n ii ggimo ggimon gimonco ncon cong ng JEE NB E A R NG B Tak Ta T aka kala alar larrr Tak T Ta aka kala alar lar Gow a Ra k ik PP P aaran aran ara rang ngloe gloe oe e P a ara rang ngloe gloe llo g un g a T ok ka 5° 20' 20 S' S Ta ka lar B i n an ga ng B al a Ka lu a Bulu k um ba l a mp a Ka ra ng Bu un u ung nga gaya aya ya B un ung nga gaya aya ya Bi n a ng a Pa t e t ea n g Ta ka la r 0 5° 5°25' 225' 5' S ∗∗ 5 kilomet ers 10 THE DISASTER: Mountain Collapsed JENEBERANG WATERSHED GOWA REGENCY SOUTH SULAWESI PROVINCE Kota Kota Kota Kota Kota 555 10 10 10 SSS M M Maam am maaaj ja jaan nng gg ) 6 ST U DY LO C AT I ON 0 1 18 Tamalate Tamalate Tamalate 1 20 0 122 0 124 0 126 0 0 Tamalate Tamalate Tamalate Makassar Makassar Makassar Makassar Makassar Gowa Sa lo a om mbb ba aa aO Oppu pu So mb aa Op uu SSSoom O So So mb mb Op u er a uw Ah Bo nt o lo Sa Sa lo li no Ma Sinjai NE JE Sa ol B ula ng lo Sa Pallangga Pallangga Pallangga PallanggaTeteba tu BE RA N G 5 5 15' 15' 5° 5° °15 15''' SSSSSS 5° 5 °° 15 15' J ene Bajeng Bajeng Bajeng Bajeng Bajeng Je ne Bi na n ga Bontomarannu BBontomarannu ontomarannu Bontomarannu B Ba n ti m ik an Ra k g Tinggimoncong Tinggimoncong Tinggimoncong JENE BERANG Ja jan g S alo Parangloe Parangloe Parangloe Parangloe ur un g Be ng o ala Salo M anap Salo K au sis i JE NE a n ip Ka ne te Pa ng as ia lo Sa Sa lo A lo Sa Sediment material Sa p ay Ta ka p Pa rang a BER AN G a kk a To Takalar a ng na 5° 5° 2 0'SSSSS 55° ° 20' 20' 20'0' 5° 2 5 ° Gowa Gowa Gowa Gowa Gowa Gowa ga Sa lo ga Bengo B inan Bi G owa o Sal S alo JENE BERANG Bin an J ene D ot a ra Takalar Takalar Takalar Takalar PPo Po olo lom mb mb aTakalar an ng ng kke ke en ng gg g Uta U tar a PP olo m baTakalar nng gkk een ng Uta aa Uta lo mb a ng n U tar P olo olo mb ba a gk e ng rrra a lin o Ma Bina ng a an Ba l g K am p Bungaya Bungaya Bungaya Bungaya Bungaya Approximately 235 million m3 Takalar B in Bulu kumba ala Ka lu a ra n g an g a P at te t ea n g 0 ∗∗ 5 10 kilometer s 55°°25 5° 25' 25'' SSS THE DISASTER : Victims and damages ¾ 10 died, 23 missing ¾ 1500 ha agriculture land covered by sediment material ¾ 635 cows ¾ 6,333 persons imme diately evacuated Juli 2002 THE DISASTER : What happened April 2004 THE DISASTER : Post Event Threats Profile 1 ,60 0 Out e l t of Calder a Elevation (EL. m) 1 ,40 0 S abo Dam No. 4 1/ 10 1 ,20 0 Confuluence of Kusisi River (S and P ocket 5) 1 ,00 0 80 0 1/ 12 Confuluence of Marino River (S and P ocket 5) E nd of B ili-Bili Reservoir 60 0 1/ 27 40 0 20 0 0 0 .0 1/60 1/100 5 .0 1 0.0 1 5.0 2 0.0 25. 0 30. 0 Distance from End of Bili-Bili Reservoir (km) 35. 0 ACTIVITIES: Community Based Warning System 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Identification of people and community lived in disaster prone area Participatory mapping Daily monitoring of rainfall rate and sediment movement and debris flow Facilitator training collaborate with Sabo Technical Center Yogyakarta Workshop on warning system development Socialization and dissemination of defined warning system Community empowerment ACTIVITIES: OUTCOME Outcome so far •Establishment of Sabo Community •Development of Participatory Monitoring System •Development of Warning and Evacuation System •Community Empowerment Further Tasks •Participatory Needs Assessment •Formulation of Action Plan •Implementation of Action Plan for Recovery of property loss and regional development •Capacity Building for Livelihood Improvement •Mitigation of Sediment Related Disaster •Improvement of Regional Economy and Living Standard LESSONS LEARNED Village People needs information and willing to participate in activities Obstacles: Formal Recognition from Local Government (District Level) There was no clear authority (officers in charge) Coordination of involving NGOs Lack of Scientific Based Researches ACTIVITY 1: Identification of people and community lived in disaster prone area PETA SITUASI SUNGAI JENEBERANG S T DENAH B U 20º Kemiringan 20º 35º ± 500 15º ACTIVITY 2: Participatory mapping ACTIVITY 2: Participatory mapping Purpose: •Community to understand that disaster is closely related rainfall and sediment movement. •Community to understand what is going on the possibility and threats of the disaster •Feeling of involvement in and giving hand to the mitigation of the disaster. Mosque is one of effective places for socialization ACTIVITY 3: Daily monitoring of rainfall rate and sediment movement and MONITORING OF SEDIMENT MOVEMENT c SABO DAM NO. 4 13 c 12 B 9 8 11 B 10 3 7 6 5 2 4 A 1 Development of Gully December 9, 2004 April 8, 2004 June 20, 2004 January 22, 2005 February 14, 2005 September 27, 2004 Necessity of Establishing Sabo Community •To establish effective information system •Necessity of Institutional Building •Strengthening collaboration for saving life and mitigation of disaster Offical Establishment of Sabo Community on 23rd June, 2004 8. Commencement of Sabo Community group in front of JICA Mission Location of Sabo Community MALINO Central Office Sabo-5: Bulo Sabo-6: Ta ne te 17 13 Sabo-4: Gantung 18 22 19 10 Sabo-3: Pute pala 6 5 16 Sabo-7: Limbua Sabo-8: Poncodde 20 15 14 12 11 4 3 9 2 21 1 Sabo-2: M animbahoi Sabo-1: Panaik ang 8 7 KOMUNITAS SABO JENEBERANG Nama Kelompok : BULO Alamat : RK BULO DUSUN PANGGAJIANG / PARIGI Ketua Kelompok: JAMALI Sekretaris : SYARIFUDDIN L Jumlah Anggota : 46 ORANG 1. Minggu Katti 2. Cala Malle 3. SembangTayang 4. Baso Malle 5. Coni Ca’go 6. Serang Ni’ga 7. Sakri Lallo 8. Nai Baco 9. Raba Laco 10. Kamaruddin D 11. Kuba 12. Ali Rumallang 13.Jama Tarima 14.Sija 15.Sule Sija 16.Rumallang Tibu 17.Tojeng Caca 18.Amir Bado 19.Ali Sakka 20.Jai Manna 21.Sinring 22.Dado Sinring 23.Maharuddin 24.Joha Sorong 25.Ancu Sulaeman 26.Sawala bado 27.Ma’ja Saka 28. Mansyur 29. Safaruddin 30. jumadang 31. Muhtar Bangko 32. Sawala 33. Paru 34. Baco Dassa 35. Ibrahim 36. Se’re Panri 37. Making N 38. Sampe Kawali : 39. Tika 40. Taco’ 41. Nyampa Libbo 42. Kammisi M 43. Rahman B 44. Cudding Jama 45. Joha Sorong 46. Maharuddin List of Sabo Community No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Name of Sabo Community Leader Establishment Date Number of Member Monitoring Post Parangkeke Suleman June, 2004 43 Posko-1 Bangkeng Sisang Nurliung C. June, 2004 52 Posko-1 Tobanda Samuddin June, 2004 27 Posko-1 Janna Usman June, 2004 32 Posko-1 Batu Menteng Muhamad Edi May, 2004 36 Posko-1 Bontote’ne Junaid June, 2004 47 Not clear Tassala Kahar June, 2004 11 Posko-2 Tumbu Riwata Alimin June, 2004 29 Posko-2 Daraha M Dg. Nusu June, 2004 33 None Lantebung Putepala Mudu Gaso June, 2004 28 Posko-3 Biring Tumbua Muhamad Daud June, 2004 27 Posko-3 Liku Labua Abd. Rajab June, 2004 25 Posko-3 Bangkeng Popoang Rahman Talla June, 2004 18 Posko-3 Bulo Karisa Muhamad May, 2004 27 Posko-4 Gamissang M. Nurdin May, 2004 27 Posko-4 Salu Dg. Labbiri May, 2004 27 Posko-4 Bulo Jamali June, 2004 67 Posko-5 Tanete Rusmin June, 2004 80 Posko-6 Limbua Najamuddin Bella June, 2004 80 Posko-7 Poncodde Dg. Ronrong June, 2004 >20 Posko-8 Appokang Rama Ranca August, 2004 42 Posko-8 Borong Sapiria Dg. Sattu June, 2004 approx. 40 Posko-7 - approx. 820 8 Posko Total (22 Communities) - Location of 8 Monitoring Post (Posko) FOKUS Posko-5: Bulo Posko-6: Tanete Posko-7: Limbua Posko-4: Gantung Posko-3: Putepala Posko-8: Poncodde Posko-1: Panaikang Posko-2: Manimbahoi River flow condition is monitored from Posko Posko-3 : Putepala View from Posko-3 (Putepala) Damages – River Structures Before Collapse Daraha Bridge Daraha Bridge was flushed out by debris flow on 14 April 2005. Trans 13,000 village People has been affected. May 07, ‘05 April 17, ‘05 Discussing the form, size and colors of Warning signs Installing the flags and signs ACTIVITY 5 AND 6: Workshop on warning system development Socialization and dissemination of defined warning system Villagers Rainfall Monitoring Station Posko 1 Ke ntongan Villagers Posko 2 Villagers Radio Communication Posko 3 Camat : : FOKUS (Sabo Community Forum) Posko 8 Evaculation Station from hazard area Installing the Kentongan, signaling the warning Discussing and analyzing local version hazard map Emergency drill of warning and evacuation Learn how to make paving block: Make use of sand and sediment material Utilize paving block for evacuation road NEXT STEP Utilize paving block for village road cooperate with local government program Selling paving block Fabrication Factory EVACUATION PATH Activity 4 : Facilitator training collaborate with Sabo Technical Center Yogyakarta gaps Lack of data base and Coordination at Local Government No support from Scientific Base organization Level of knowledge on disaster and experience of the community HOW to fill the gaps Strengthening LOCAL Government ( District Level) Support from National Level: assignment of Acting Coordinator at Provincial Level ( Academician is preferable) Clear Job Description of Officers in Charge Training for Coordinators Training for NGOs on Disaster Management Community Level Participatory Action research Training for Local leaders Information Center managed by community Recognition of activities by the authority Chairman : Minister Coordinator of Public Welfare Members : Minister of Internal Affair Minister of Security and Defence Minister of Social Affairs Minister of Health Minister of Public Works Minister of Transportation Minister of Agriculture Minister of Forestry and Plantation State Minister of Environmental State Minister of Research and Tech Minister of Information Armed Forces Commander State Minister of National Development Planning Local Governor Chairman of the Working Group Chairman : Governor Vice Chairman I : Arm Forces Commander Vice Chairman II : Police Commander Executive Chairman : Deputy Governor Secretary : Civil Defence Commander Members Vertical Gov. Officer Provinsial Officers Territorial Commander Team in Charge Red Cross Scout Organization Non-Government Organization Businessmen Team in Charge : Team in Charge Team in Charge Chairman : Head of District/May or Vice Chairman I : District Arm Forces Commander Vice Chairman II : District Police Commander Executive Chairman : Head of Civil Defence Office Secretary : Assistant District Secretary District Disaster Relief Members : Vertical Gov. Officer Provinsial Officers Territorial Commander Task Force SATGAS Red Cross Scout Organization Non-Government Organization Businessmen Task Force SATGAS Task Force SATGAS
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