* * * * News-Press • Saturday, April 22, 1995 - 3E Miscellaneous Notices 015 Miscellaneous Notices 015 Notice Of Sale 025 Notice Of Sa/e 025 Notice Of Sale 025 Notice Of Sale 025 Buick. Century. REN 676. 3-16-95. vin 4D29C6W 52994. towed from vacant service station at 300 block W. 37th between Montgomery and Jeffer- Whereas, under the provi- lo continue from day to day un- ing been given to secure a note on the first Tuesday in May, Motor Vehicle Low (Section 40-11-1 of OCGA, effective sions of said Security Deed said til sold. even date in the original prin- 1995. by Tronsouth Mortgage To the best knowledge of of indebtedness hoi immediately 7-1-88) by the City's Conlrodor cipal amount of 134,820.50 with Corporation as attorney in fact S&S Towing. 2816 Tremonf Rd.. become due and payable and re- the undersigned, the above de- interest from date at the rate as for Eddie Davis, the following scribed property is in the pos, son Savannah, Go 31405, telephone mains in default; and property to-wit: specified therein. Whereas, pursuant to the session of the said Dale R. 912-233-3814. An owner has the The debt secured by said All that tract or parcel of Special Notice Queen or tenants claiming unpowers contained in said Deed right to .claim his vehicle from peed to Secure Debt has been land shown on Exhibit "A" atGarden City to Secure Debt, the Mayor oad der her. the. Contractor in accordance is hereby declared due be- tached hereto and made a part Notice Is hereby given to This property will Jae sold and Aldermen of the City of Savansaid law prior to the 30-day cause of, among other possible hereof. the properfv owner listed below with nah, ,as attorney In fact of sub I eel to all covenants, condi- events of default, failure to pay All that certain lot. tract or parexpiration of the holding perithat a hearing was conducted on Grantor, his heirs, executors, tions, easements, restrictions the indebtedness as and when cel of land situate, lying and beApril 7. 19y5. rendering the de- od: the owners and or their ad- administrators and assigns, will and reservations of record to due and in the manner provided ing in the City of Port Wentof vehicles described scribed property, indicated be- dresses sell the property hereinafter de- which said Security Deed Is inlow, in violation of Garden below maybe notified that the scribed before the courthouse ferior in terms of priority and to in the Note and Deed to Secure worth, Chatham County, Go., will be disposed of by Debt. The debt remaining,in de- and being known and designatCity's Nuisance Abatement Or- vehicles unpaid taxes and assess- fault, the aforesaid Contractor after door of Chatham County, Go., all this sale will be mode for ed upon o map or plan of dinance. Pursuant to Garden the ments, if any. expiration of the holding pe- during the legal hours of sale an The Mayor and Aldermen of the the purpose of paying the same Crossgate Subdivision, recorded City's Ordinance* you are herethe first Tuesday in May, 1995, and all expenses of this sale, as in the office of the clerk of the by notified, the following action riod. Information as available, that being the 2nd of May. 1995, Cfty of Savannah as attorney in provided in the Deed to Secure Superior Court of Chatham should be .taken and that you for each vehicle is listed os fol- to-wit: fact for Arnold B. Conawoy, Jr. lows: make, year, model and Debt and by low, including at- Countyr Go., jn Subdivision Map have fifteen (15) davs from this All that certain lot or parcel Of c/o CM y Attorney torney's fees (not ice of intent to DD, Page 22. as Lot "F" of a dale to notify the public officer tag number expiration date of P.O. Box 8501 land situate, lying and being in holding period, serial number of collect attorneys fees having resubdivision of Blocks 10 and of the intent to comply. the City of Savannah, County of Savannah. Go. 31412 vehicle identification number been given). 11, Crossgate Subdivision, ChatBERNARD E. MOCK, 312 and Chatham and State of Georgia, Notice of Sale Under Power the location of the vehicle To the best knowledge and horn County, Go., ond said subMain St. (pin 6-020O7-003) is in known and designated upon the Georgia. Chatham County at the time of removal. belief of the, undersigned, the division map is hereby incorpoviolation of Garden City's Nuipresent map or pton of said City Under and by virtue of the sance Abatement ordinance be* Proof of ownership is required os Lot Letter ."D", Cumtnlng Power of Sole contained in a party (or parties) in possession rated into and by reference to reclalmi -impounded vehicle. of the subiect property is (are): made a part of this description. cause of the derelict vehicles, known Deed to Secure Debt given by Emily M. Gray or tenant or ten- This being the some property as the owner of any Ward (also sometimes W debris and other unsanitary or Additionally, os.Lot Letter "D-4 >. in the subEmily M. Gray to ITT Financial conveyed to Raymond H. unsafe conditions which creates impounded vehicle-must PQV division of Lots Numbers One Services, doted May 25, 1988, ants. Said property will be sold Traeger from Normo R. Lanier a public health hazard and/or a $55.00 towing charge and $5.00 Hundred Thirty Seven (137), filed May 27, 1988 and recorded per day storage charge to resubiect to (a) any outstanding (formerly Carpenter.) and general nuisance and needs to One Hundred Thirty Eight, One in Deed .Book 138-u Page 55, ad valorem taxes (including Wilmotine R. We*sell, as Execclaim impounded vehicle. be cleared* ond/or removed. Hundred Thirty Nine (139) and Chatham County, Ga. records; •taxes which are a lien, but not utors of the Last Will and Testa If the owner and/or the par- Chevrolet, Monte Carlo, LiLot Letter ''E", Cumming Word there will be sold by the underties In Interest does not notify cense, GENARD expiration (formerly referred to os being signed at public outcry to the yet due and payable), (b) any jnent of Alma W. Reiser by of holding period: 4-1/95 ma He rs which might be dis- deed dated August 31,1979,'and the public officer of the intent to date VIN1Z37H9D457330 location of in Gartland Word). Said Lot highest bidder for cash before closed by an accurate survey recorded September 10, 1979 in comply within fifteen 05) days vehicle,when Letter "D" located at the south- the courthouse door of Chatham and inspection of the property, Deed Book 113-U. Page 281, rectowed: South sfde of publication, the-City will un- of #8 Belfair between Mo- west corner of Habersham St.' County, Go., within the legpl and (c) all matters of record su- ords of Chatham County, Ga. dertake the necessary.remedial and curve of and Thirty Third (33rd) St. (for- hours of sale on the first Tues-. perior to the Security Deed first The above described propaction required to bring the hawk/Apache merly St. Nicholas St.) Lane day in May 1995, to wit: May 2, Leefield Drive. set out above, .including, but not erty is also known as* 200 property in compliance to the VW and having an eastern frontage 1995, the following described limited to, assessments, liens, Cantyre St..* Port Wentworth, Fox. License, NSE811, expicode at your expense and a Hen of Twenty Five (25) feet on property: zoning ordi- Ga. 31407. may arise against the sub lee t ration date of holding period: Habersham St. and rectangular Savannah, Ga., and known as encumbrances, The. indebtedness secured property. There shall be an ad- 2/25*5 VIN9BWA03Q1KP0042B4 depth of One Hundred (100) feel all those two certain lots, tracts nances, easements, restrictions, location of vehicle when .towed: by said Deed to Secure Debt covenants, etc. ministrative fee of $600 aswestwordly along the southern or parcels of land situate, lying ITT Financial. Services as attor- having been declared due and sessed against all llened proper- Rear of 400 block of W. Gaston. side of said Lane, and being and being in'the City of Savan- ney intact for EmJIy M. Qroy payable beep use of default in On Sunday, April -23, 1995 the bounded as follows: on the nah, ties together with the costs of Chatham County, Go., Craig R. Goodman the payment of the indebtedness serving all .notices required by West Bound Lane of 1-516 be- north by said Lane; oh the east known on .the map and in the secured thereby, this sale will our ordinance. The amount of tween Montgomery Crossroads by Hobersham St.,' on the south plan of said City os Lots Thir- Goodman, Hudnall, .be made for the purpose of pavthe lien shall also Include the and Hwy 17 south *ill be closed by Lot:Letter "C" (also sorrier *teen (13) and Fourteen (14), Conn & Abrams, P.C. ing the same and all expenses of 780 Johnson Ferry Rd., N.E., ,T cost of vacating, removal, clos- between the, hours of 7:00a.m. - times referred to'as Lot Letter Block D, Purse Ward; said lots sale, including attorney's fees Suite 200 ing, or demolition, which shall 4:00p.m. to place temp striping. "C-3" of said .subdivision, and Hereby conveyed lying and be-, Atlanta, (notice of intention to collect atGo. 30342 be the cost paid or incurred by on the west by a lane set apart ing contiguous and being locat- 404-851-9200 torney's fees having beerr givthe City in effecting action Notice for the use, in common, as a pri- ed pn the south side of Thirty en). against any property. All ques-, vate easement of the owners of Four (34th) St., between Cedar The property will be sold as Notice of Sale Under Power .irons should be directed to the Of Sale the several subdivisions of Lots and Ash Sts., ond os one body of By virtue of the power .of the .property of Eddie Davis City Marshal's Office. 100 Main 95-200-221-32 58-51220 Numbers One Hundred Thirty land having a frontage on Thir- sale contained in a Deed to Se- subiect to the fallowing: all priSt., Garden • Citv, Go., State of Georgia Seven (137), One Hundred Thir- ty Fourth (34th) St. of Sixty (60) cure Debt by EDDIE DAVIS to or restrictive covenants,- ease912-966-7777 between the. hours .County of Qhathom • ty Eight (136), One Hundred feet and a rectangular depth of Transouth Mortgage Corpora- ments, rights of way or encumof Bam and 5pm, Monday Whereas, there is default in Thirty Nine (139). and!Lot Let- Ninety (90) feet to a" lane, and. tion, dated March* 24, 1994, and brances of record; all valid zonthrough Friday. .the payment of the indebtedness 1er "E" hereinabove set -forth, being bounded on the north by 3 filed for record March 24, 1994, in.9 ordinances; matters which, . • Klmberly 5. Kamlnsky secured by Deed to Secure Debt the improvements on said prop- Thirty Fourth (34th) St.; on the Code Enforcement Off leer. .dated May 21,1985, from Arnold erty being known as 1715 haber- east by Lai Fifteen (15), said In Deed Book V66-B, Page 363, would be disclosed by an.accuChatham County. Ga. records, rate survey bf the property or B. CONAWAY; JR.to th^Mayor shamSt. block and word; on the south by there will be sold at a public by any inspection of the proper95-222-101-3106-51220 Together with all improve- said lane and oh the west by Lot outcry far cash to the highest ty.; all outstanding taxes, 'asDerelict Vehicles \ and Aldermen of the City of SaThe. following vehicles * have vannah, recorded in Chatham ments and hereditaments be- Twelve (12), said block and bidder before the Courthouse sessments, unpaid bills, longing or in anywise appertain* Ward.'• ' been impounded pursuant to the. County, Go. Records in.Book of door of.Chatham County, Go- charges, and expenses that'are ing thereto; terms; cash; sale Said Deed to, S?rwe Debt hav- between the legpl hour of sale a lien against the property State of.'Georgia Abandoned Deeds 126-W. Page835; and. 025 Notice Of Sale Notice Of Sdle 025 whether due ano poyooie or not vet due ond payable T o trie best of the under signed's knowledge and belief. possession of the subject prop erty 15 held by Eddie Davis Tronsouth Mortgage Corporation as attorney in toct for Eddie Davis Shuping & Morse by S. Andrew Shuping, Jr 6259 RiverdaleRd Suite 100 Riverdole, Ga. 30274 1698 404-991-0000 • State of Georgia County of Chatham Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed to Secure Debt (the "Security Deed") from Frank J. HERNANDEZ. JR (Grantor), to Ameribank, N.A. (Grantee), dated March 4, ,im ond recorded in Deed Book )37-o. Folio 491, in the records of the clerk ol Superior Court of Chatham County, Go., default having been made In the pavmenl of indebtedness secured by the, Security Deed, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry on the first. Tuesday, in May 1995 before the courthouse door in Chatham County, Ga.. between the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for-cash, the following described property, described in the Security Deed, to wit: All those certain lots, tracts or parcel of land situate lying and being in Rauers Ward in the Citv of Savannah, Chatham County, Ga.. and being known as Lots 32, 33. 34, 35, 36, 60, 61, 62, 63, and 64, upon fa mop or plan of-Washington Park Subdivision, prepared by E. J. Thomas, C.E., doted October 1909, of record in the office ot the clerk of the Superior Court of said County in-'Historical Mop Book. 4; Page 190 (formerly recorded in Deed Book.lO-B, Page 64, -in the aforesaid clerk's office) and as will be more particularly 'shown upon the official map .or plan of said:City. Express reference is hereby made to the aforesaid map for. belter deter-, mining the metes, bounds and dimensions of the property herein conveyed. Subiect, however, to'all valid restrictions, easements and 025 or 1 ot record Toyeintf »v'n ir* improve menli ona appurtenance1.- tri^r^ Ufi'O Dvongmy or in ony/.i«? at> periamif»cj cmd oil ot 'he ngnt, lille interest, or eauii» ol re dempMon of Grantor, hii neirv executors, administrators., ond assigns, m ond to w.d property, aqd oil ol tne rtght, title, interest, and equity of Grantee in ond to said property Soid property will D,e sola os the property of Grantor. Terms of sole ore cash. Purchaser POVing State transfer tax ond all applicable unpaid taxes and gssessments that are liens against said property superior to the lien of the Security Deed, ond subiect to all superior conveyances, easements, restrictions or other matters of record, if any The indebtedness remaining in default, the sale will be mode for the purpose of applying the proceeds thereof to the payment of the indebtedness secured by the Security Deed, in eluding without limitation-attorney's -fees as provided therein, ond the remainder, if any; shall be applied as provided by low. By Ameribank,'N.-A., attorney in fact for Frank J. Hernandez, Jr. . f Marvin A. Fentress, ESQ. Hunter. Maclean, Exlevi Dunn, P.C. P.O. Box.9848 . Savannah, Ga. 31412 912-236-0261 ' 95-198-221-3258-51220 State qf Georgia County of Chatham' Whereas, Minerva FAI RE, defaulted in the paymerrl of the indebtedness secured by Deed to Secure Debt dated April 6, 1984. to the Mayor and Aldermen of the Citv of Savannah, recorded in Chatham County,- Ga. Records in Book of. Deeds 123-4, Page-d79; and Whereas, under the provisions of said Security Deed said indebtedness has immediately become due and payable apd remains in default; and Whereas,, pursuant to the powers .contained in said Deed to Secure Debt, the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, as attorney In fact of Grantor, her HeJrs, executors. adminis.trators and assigns, wilj Notice Ot Sale 025 sen tne property hereinafter described before tne courthouse door of Chatham County. Ga . during the legal hours of sole on tnt f i r s t Tuesday m May, 199S. tnot being the 2nd of Mav. >»95. to-wit. All that certain lol or parcel of land situate, lying ond being in the City of Savannah. County of Chatham ond State of Georgia, ond known on the map and in the plan of said City as the western one-half (1?) of Lot Twenty (20). Flonnery Word. Soid western one-half ( I ? ) of sold Lot Number Twenty (20) hereby conveyed has a northern frontage of Thirty (30) feet on Thirty Fifth St. between Barnard and Jefferson Sts.. and a depth of One Hundred-Twelve (112) feet southwardly to a lane, and being bounded on the north by 'Thirty Fifth St., on the east by the eastern one-half U/2) of said Lot Number Twenty (20), on the south by said lone, and on the'west bv Lot Number Twenty One (21 )V said ward, the improvements on said property being known as 207 W. 35th St. Together with all improvements and'hereditornents belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto; terms; cosh; sole to continue from day to day until sold, To the best knowledge of the undersigned, the .above described property is in the possession of the soia Minerva Fdireor tenants claiming under her.' . " ' . . . ' This property will be sold subject to a 11-covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions and reservations of record to which; said Security. Deed is inferior in terms of priority and to all unpaid taxes and assessments, if any. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah as attorney in fact for Minerva F-oire c/o City Attorney P.O. Box 8501 Savannah, Go.31412 State of Georgia . . . County of Chatham Notice of Sale Under Power Because'of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by Deed to Secure Debt executed bv Eugene THORNES and Teresa Polite T.HORNES to Mortgage One, Inc. doted June L • - RESPOND To 1-900-646,1500 $1,99/perminute, You must be 18.years old io use ihis service. Average fcaH length:i3 minutas- 24 hours a day, seven days a week J', Looking tor .x ..•;.. ; JAV. \f.,ftf.j: x <l SWF; 65, seeking WM, 65-75, who believes life begins after 50. Very active, love to jet ski and dive.: #84192 No Head Games. SWr*:21. Seeking WPM, 21-30, who enjoys talking, not analyzing. #64143 Full-figured SBF JSO a warm, sensitive,^ caring soul mate. Someone to share true friendship and quiet times. . #83862 ;Christian Lady Looking for non-drinking BM.."SQ-SS. #80593 QBM.19 5'6",. ISO GBM who is in the military. #811213 SWF, 30 Christian gentleman, 6065, non-drinker, with oldfashioned morals, integrity and a good selfesteem. #84831 Honest BF, 19 College student, enjoys dancing and dining. ISO humorous SBM, 19-24. #48068 HIV Positive Independent GWPM ISO honest, good-looking, healthy-minded, caring GWM for fun, friendship, more, #48873 "* DWPF, N/S, 5'4" 12<nbs., ISO WPM, N/S, 34-45, easygoing, in Jeff Davis, Toombs or surrounding eounties.084786 V"S-t^*^^^'{ifs^^^$$fP&S$!. . *-/U * J-yr£~>?r-\f -- Cooking tor Men Looking for No-Cane Walkers .DBR31 ' Slender woman, 49, 5'8", seeks SWM, 45:j55, who enjoys being active. #68957 LoottngYor Men :V 57", looking for fairskinned S/DBM, 31-43, for friendship or relationship. ' " #68374 Looking for Women St. Simmons Blonde Petitej N/S SWF, mid ,40s, ISO honest, secure SWPM/.mid 40s-50s. ' . ' #89339 *%/?£$•>•'/ •»>/•;*.•£--a&f-fr i^'fry^^ .^^"Wfr- tyfffW V^tWas***»*>• tf&*f*fy&fff/jf*'*£ff X'giS'V'^ =: V < >> •£'**> & S W, *' «> , ', ^"•ff'jjs"t How to place a People Meeting People ad TO PLACE a FREE print ad you rnust, have a touchtone telephone. Call 1 -800-6.18-0742 to place your ad. You will receive a FREE 6 line ad for "4 weeks. Additional lines cost $2 per line. You may fifl but the People Meeting People coupon and mail it in, or fax the coupon to 1800-597-9225. The People Meeting. People coupon can be found in he Savannah News-Press. YOU ALSO -GET A FREE VOICE MAILBOX. You will be given a 5-digit mailbox number and passcode. You must setup your mailboxand record a greeting before you can listen to messages left for you. 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Listen to the system instructions carefully. Press jj to respond to a mailbox. Enter the five digit mailbox of ' your choice. ~ THEN Usten to the advertiser's greeting and then press nj to leave a message, press [2j to repeat the greeting or press the star key. jj, to exit. BROWSING MAILBOXES IS EASY 1-900-646-1500 from a touchtone telephone. Listen to the system instructions carefully. Press ^j to browse mailboxes; you will be able to choose your category(ies). such as, Women Seeking Men. CALL LISTEN to the advertiser's greeting and then press ^ to leave a message, i2j to repeat the greeting, press ^ to skip ahead to the next greeting; press the star key. jj, to exit. Note, you may enter one of these three choices while the advertiser's greeting is playing. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, please call 1-800-618-0742. Live operators are available Monday-Friday, 8 am - 1 1 pm ET Saturday. 11 am - 7 pm ET and Sunday 11 am • 7 pm ET. •. SWM ISO SWM 5'4", 115 IDS., who enjoys sports. Seeking SWPM, 40-50 only^ who is serious about relationships. , #21836 Lonesome Dove DWPF, 44. ISO SWPM, 45-55, to start a relationship; #41865 20-40, for fun, fnendship and maybe more. #64491 BF, College Professor, 48. attractive and energetic, looking for someone special to love, a Major Dad who is honest and true #67579 SWF, 30 5'8", 115 Ibs.. blonde hair, blue eyes, non-drinker. ISO SWM. 19-28 Tired of bars ISO serious rel.ittonship. #68.958 No Couch Potatoes Seeks SM, 50-55, for long-term relationship Enjoys long walks on beach and quiet nights __j #60943 Good-looking GSWM ISO gay black male for tun and fnendship • #88414 . SWF, Brunette Enjdys music, dining out, walks on beach Looking for SWM, 30-37. for dating and possible relationship ; 081874 Sensual Tall Blonde 29, In South Georgia, ISO white gentleman of means for a special relationship • #24223 §WF Seeks SWM 25-35. 5'8" plus, mature, hanbsome, confident, imaginative, a conversationalist Is this you7 #67906 SWF, 40 SBF ISO SBM; 31-40, for friendship and possible relationship. Sincere, serious replies only. #84631 If You Are A * ISO male who likes country music and lives close to the Hinesville and Fort Stuart area. #8(1484 SWF, 40, ISO SWM , SBF.23 Likes ~ travelling and I came from Alabama, music.. Seeks easygoing With a dulcimer- on, my SM for friendship who . knee, ISO someone, with likes to spend quality time, no kids on his. #68850 movies; -holding hands. Single And.Full-figured #65354 Brunswick' SWF, 48, . Nice-Looking Lady, 39 brown hair, blue eyes, ISO nice,'intelligent, sen- 57", varied interests. ISO sitive, well-built NAM, 30- S/DWM, 50-60, for friend40, who lifts weights, has ship. then?!: #82031 a good job, drives a nice Full-figured car. #81306 SBF, 23, enjoys shopping, Clawy, Witty DWPF dancing, cooking, -N/S, ISO tall, witty, intelligent social drinker. Seeks S/DWPM, 23-35, for dat- S/DBM, 25-40, with chiling, possible relationship. drenornot. #84437. P6lic|/militafy O.K. Attractive SBF T #22141 20, 5'5", seeking military •; WM.21 guy for friendship, possiISO handsome WM, 23- ble marriage.. Like meet36, for fun'and friendship. ing' people and travelling.. .;". #67422 Serious only, v #80580 Looking And Looking DWF, 23 I'm as beautiful. WF, 27, Brunette, medium build, with a great career in daughter, would like to meditine. 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TI . 33 m m " - -n TJ m m T) 33 m m Une5 ) ^^^^B^^l Lme6 MaslprT.,ird • ^ _ • - - . . . ----- Dinrnvor • Mailbox Number ^ 38 > Une 7 (Prepay for all ads with more than 6 lines.) 'Siqn/ituro . Une'i 1 m a first time artvprtisor 1 m renewing . 1 previous a d V'M . 1 IMPORTANT - Chock One: CM . S-Smgle W-White wW-Widowea -Feet _ lnc ie£ l lbs -P^ljncls Une3 . Siafp Daytimo i H-Hispamc ISO-ln Search Of J-Jewish ^AMKale . NA-Native American N-'S-Non-smoKer P-Protessional "^ Lme2 AMrp.bS Homp i A-Asian B-Black C-Chnstian D-Oivorced c Cnrn . F-Female G-Gay - . - . . . . . „ - NMmp i~''Y USE THESE ABBREVIATIONS ONLY CHECK ONE CATEGORY ._ _ . . - C ^> Chprk/Monoy OnJor EinDa . " r 6 ^atmnnah> 3\ cliis-?JrcB i *j Ads containing ^pioai'y eipiiCit'irnpiinL anatomical language will nol he accepted The Savannah Ne*r> P'cw rcsfrves Ine ngM tu edit or 'p|ert any ailvprtiscmeni Atis -»ay bo sut-m'ttoii lor pufjucalion only by perbor.s tS.years ot age or older Mr, a.1s Aiii he published sppkmq persons under 18 The Savannah News Press assumes no liability tor the content ol o' 'ppiy ti. any personal ad The customer placing the ad assumes complete liability and holds The Savannah NCAS Press harmless tor all costs expenses (including attorneys leesi liabilities and damages resulting from 01 caused by lh.p publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to any such advertisement By using People Meeting People the cublomp' plating the ad agrees not to (eavp his her phone number last name or address m his<>ipr greeting message Looking for Womea , :^»:»S«M*>*<;»*>>^<W»WV**W SWM ' SWPM, 29, Tall ' Professional, honest, Brown hair, blue eyes. humorous, 30 something, ISO slim SWR 19-29, for romantic, volunteer 'fire- , serious relationship. ; man. . 162123 : *477SS DWPM.-5'IO" ^ SBM, 27 .•'•:•. 175 Ibs., looking for a. 5'4n, black hair, brown lady, -40-60, who needs eyes, light-skinned. Seeks love and plenty of tender any nationality. Must be care. No head games. ' SF. with honest heart.v ^#48045 . 121450 '-' SWM, 45 SM Looking . Seeking SWF, 35-45, t for For fun and friendship. stable, secure;.relation-' #80147 ship. " #67946 Let's Party DWM, 27, 6^2", 197 Lbs, • SWM, 30i 6', 260 Ibs., Military, loves kids, the great, personality, openoutdoors and boating. ISO minded, likes to have a S/DWF who t wants an good time. ISO SWF, 18 honest and loving relaplus. ' #80823 tionship. ' v - ' #69015" Big Guy ^ SWM, 24, Handsome 'DWM, 41, 6'1", green 5'10", 155 lbs., enjoys ' eyes, country boy. Seeks reading and rock music. tall, N/S, special lady,' 2539, for relationship. •ISO SWF, fun, intelligent, petite, for friendship and #64651 fun. #67948 SBM, 30, Seeks SBF Feminine SWF, 23 25-38, for the movies, -Attfaetivei-S'4". 125 Ibs^- -romantic-evenings^having— Enjoys dancing, a!} music,, a good time. Friendship, possible relationship. reading. ISO ' same, SW/HF, 21-35. for fun, #69058 new experiences. #87967 SBPM, 42 SBPM, 33, N/S 6'2", 195 Ibs., ISO SHF. 28-37, for friendship and 190 Ibs.. muscular, edupossible long-term relacated, artistic, athletic, tionship. #48173 humorous, mature, seeks SF. 25-40. petite, honest. SWPM, 25, 6'5" caring. Child O.K. #68288 Intelligent, attractive, hard Lives In Alaska working, ISO slender SF, 20-30, for dating, possible SCM, 37, 5'H", enjoys relationship. #84271 -outdoors, family, honesty, seeks S/DWCF, 23-30 BM, 37, ISO SBPF plus, active, petite, no 40-45. N/S, full-figured is drugs, no drinkmg.#84600 fine, attractive, for friendOWM, 55 ship, possible relationship. #68061 Enjoys home life, outdoors and gardening, SBM, Seeking seeks N/S, non-drinking SBF. age and looks unimSWF. 40-50. churchgoer portant, who is sensitive, preferred. #61884 caring. I enjoy sports, Life With Seniors cooking for that special woman #47932 WW/VVM. 67. financially secure Seeking S/DWF. Looking For A SBF 62-72. who enjoys meetI'm 42. 5'10", 180 Ibs, ing people, dining out. ISO an honest lady. 30travel #82018 36. must be churchgomg. • DM. 49 more I'm a one-woman #64086 6'2" handsome enjoys outdoor activities dining WW/W Gentleman m ^nol out vorv liexihle LatP 60s ISO senior lady. Seeks slim attractive WF. over 55. neat, with good 30-60 .^8444 tiourt 1 for friendship or may ho more _ #62099 SBF. 5 5 ' . Aggressive SWM. 23. 5V7". 150 Lbs. Sliong-mincleil ISO hon ost humorous, attractive ISO cute SWF who is a SBF 25-30. 5 -1" or shortlovor of music, movies, er loi relationship n.itui^ to share talks and #62082 romance with #68831 DWPM. 40 SWM, 45 Likos to work out. dancNow Orleans area ing movios water sports T r a v e l s frequently Car SooKf, 'un loving SWF. and motorcycle enthusi32-40. non-ilnnkoi ast ISO SWF. same inter#62089 ests tf 8 0 ? 0 4 European SWM. 20. 6 ,165 Lbs. Ariotr.rMt and titloholder. Athletic N'S. ISO SWF verifiable :->eeks lady 19-23. with sense of #68608 humor, loves music and tho outdoors SWM. 39 Xr68347 SWM, 25 5*10" IV V TjO llv, foreigner, Knows tnglish Enjoys ih5 Ihs . masculine, colsimplo thinqs in life work leae student, employed IM ISO SWF lor mamaqe ISO SW/HM for friend #81410 ship Military O K 068322
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