Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2009 INSIDER TIPS INSIDE ▼ Ohio Supreme Court uses AEI ruling as measure of business value .....................................3 ▼ Ten tips for the proper allocation of business value..4 ▼ California refunds may be harder to get, unless you plan ahead ....................................5 ▼ High Court won’t hear California parcel tax case .....5 ▼ State Updates .......................6 ▼ Spotlight on Washington ......8 COMING SOON • Environmental issues in property taxation • Legislative wrap-up • More tips, tactics and strategies on how to make your appeal • Retail property and the recession: Where are we now? CCH Journals and Newsletters Email Alert for the Current Issue Sign Up Here... CCHGroup.com/Email/Journals How to craft and present a winning property tax case t the IPT’s 2008 Property Tax Symposium, the Hon. R. Bruce Johnson, a commissioner with the Utah State Tax Commission, provided an insider’s perspective on making a winning case. PTA asked him to share some insights from his presentation (A View from the Bench—How to Present Your Case), and he generously agreed. While jurisdictions vary, the principles he discusses will help property tax professionals regardless of location. This month, we will look at issues of evidence; in a future issue, we’ll cover his strategies for preparing witnesses and researching your opposition. A Educate and inform Perhaps the biggest mistake taxpayers make is assuming the tax tribunal understands the property or industry in question. “The taxpayer knows the property intimately. The government assessor has probably inspected the property. The tribunal, however, has not inspected the property and knows only what the witnesses tell it,” says Johnson. (Note: If you represent the taxpayer, make sure you know the property. Tour the facility, examine the products and understand the process, he counsels.) This means you have an opportunity to educate and inform. But it also means that failing to do so can be costly. As Johnson points out, the taxpayer almost always bears the burden of proof. If the tribunal is confused about the industry, obsolescence, square footage, etc., it may well decide the taxpayer has not carried its burden of proof, he warns. Sometimes cases wait a long time for a decision and the clearest exhibits are the likeliest to be used to refresh the judge’s memory. “As you move up through the appeal process, it is critical to have the right facts in the record in a way that they can easily be called to a judge’s attention,” he says. Do a draft One way to help solidify your case—and help out the tribunal—is to offer to draft the findings of fact. This provides a good roadmap for your case and gives you the opportunity to ensure you have witnesses and exhibits to support 2 Property Tax Alert April 2009 each finding, he explains. And when the hearing is over, it will remind the judge of the evidence you presented and the crucial points of your case. Properly drafted, the findings can often lead the judge to the legal conclusion that you want, he says. “Sometimes judges are a little lazy or, more often, overworked. If your findings are well-supported, well-drafted and do not overreach, the judge might be tempted to just adopt them verbatim.” Even if you lose, if the tribunal has adopted a lot of your findings of fact, you will be better positioned for an appeal, he says. Tip: Each proposed finding should have a paragraph in the stipulation or an exhibit that supports it, Johnson advises. Show and tell The tribunal hears the information only once, and it may hear several other cases before it renders a decision. “Some judges are great note-takers. Others are not,” he warns. If there are critical facts you want to make sure the judge reviews when writing the decision, try to put them in an easily accessible exhibit. For example: • photographs of the subject property • graphs or charts indicating industry condi- tions or economic obsolescence comparisons of relevant comparables Tip: Don’t forgo the opening statement. Make it clear and concise—and deliver what you promise, he says. • side-by-side Quantify Another costly mistake, Johnson says, is to prove the existence of a condition, but to fail to quantify it. For example, a taxpayer may prove that environmental contamination exists. But without evidence as to the effect on value, “the judge may decline to make his or her own estimate and hold that the taxpayer didn’t prove the amount of the appropriate reduction.” Consider ‘risks of proof’ “You need to make sure you have competent, admissible evidence on your key points,” Johnson says. Returning to the contamination example, he acknowledges that a taxpayer may not want to spend several thousand dollars for an engineering study. “If you don’t have a qualified expert, however, the government may object that your witness is not qualified to testify on the cost to cure. This is a ‘risk of proof.’” EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Todd Barron, CMI President Barron Corporate Tax Solutions, Ltd. Glen Ellyn, Ill. Kyle Caruthers Corporate Property Tax Manager Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. Atlanta Mark Semerad Manager, Property Tax Level 3 Communications Broomfield, Colo. William C. Coleman III Vice President Marvin F. Poer and Co. Orlando Deborah Davis President Strategic Tax Services Inc. Chicago Charles E. Gilliland, Ph.D. Research Economist Real Estate Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas Jim Harden Principal Transaction Advisory Group, Energy Valuation Services Ernst & Young LLP Houston Alexander Hazen President International Appraisal Co. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Betty McIntosh Director Location Incentives Group Cushman & Wakefield Atlanta Dennis C. Neilson, CMI Sandwich, Ill. Partner (retired) Advantax Group Doug Turner Director of Property Taxes General Electric Company Inc. Atlanta Fred Vance, CMI Principal Fred Vance & Associates LLC La Crescenta, Calif. PROPERTY TAX ALERT (ISSN 1088-291X) is published monthly by CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business. Subscription inquiries should be directed to Property Tax Alert, 4025 W. Peterson, Chicago, IL 60646. Telephone: (800) 449-8114. Fax: (773) 866-3895. E-mail: cust_serv@cch.com. Copyright ©2009, CCH. All rights reserved. Property Tax Alert is also available electronically on the Internet with a searchable back-issue archive. Call customer service at (800) 449-8114 to get a trial electronic subscription. Photocopying or reproducing in any form in whole or in part is a violation of federal copyright law and is strictly prohibited without the publisher’s consent. Property Tax Alert is designed to provide general information on property tax and not to offer legal or accounting advice on individual problems. Questions on specific issues should be addressed to the professional of your choice. No claim is made to original government works; however, within this product or publication, the following are subject to CCH’s copyright: (1) the gathering, compilation, and arrangement of such government materials; (2) the magnetic translation and digital conversion of data, if applicable; (3) the historical, statutory and other notes and references; and (4) the commentary and other materials. Roxanna Guilford-Blake, Contributing Editor roxanna@guilford-blake.com Jessica Wilson, Contributing Editor Kurt Diefenbach, Managing Editor kurt.diefenbach@wolterskluwer.com Technical Consultant Joseph Calvanico, Midwest Director of Property Tax Services Grant Thornton LLP Chicago TO SUBSCRIBE: Please call (800) 449-8114 THIS IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL — it is unlawful to photocopy. Property Tax Alert (800) 449-8114 April 2009 A good expert witness can help you win your case, he says. (For more advice on witnesses, see next month’s issue.) Stipulate, but not too much Johnson advised his IPT audience to “Stipulate as much as possible, but don’t forgo good witnesses.” It’s about finding a good balance. Stipulating ensures that key facts are in the record. This takes some of the pressure off your witnesses. It also allows you to spend your time in the hearing on the matters you really want the judge to hear, “before his or her eyes start to glaze over,” he explains. But you want to make sure you’ve painted a vivid picture of you situation. “You also want the judge to ‘feel your pain’ and think an injustice has been done. You want to tell a story.” So, for instance, even if the government attorney is willing to stipulate that the basement area is unused and unusable, Johnson suggests “it may be a good tactic to have a witness explain that the basement floods every time it rains and that there is only seven feet of clearance. It helps to paint a picture of the whole facility.” Arrive prepared You can have the best possible presentation but if you can’t deliver it efficiently and effectively, it won’t matter—and you may end up frustrating everyone involved. Before the hearing, arrange to set up and test any equipment you will need. And make sure the tribunal can accommodate your evidence and get it in the record, he warns. “I’ve seen many instances where a taxpayer has a map or plat that is very helpful, but they haven’t made any copies for anyone, or the copies are of such poor quality that they lose their impact. Color copies of colored charts and graphs are usually worth the extra cost.” He offers an example of what works: “We had a hearing involving a telecommunications company just recently. Obsolescence is almost always an issue in telecommunications cases. The taxpayer brought a small length of old copper cable and a small length of fiber optic cable. Neither was offered as an exhibit, but we were able to handle the cables and observe first-hand the differences that the witness was explaining. It was helpful to our understanding of the testimony and helped keep our attention.” Property Tax Alert 3 Tip: Have plenty of copies, and—if it’s allowed—provide binders, Johnson advises. Consider a settlement Many property tax cases are valuation cases, and valuation is usually a question of fact. “Appellate courts are unlikely to overturn findings of fact if there is any evidence in the record to support the decision. But it doesn’t have to reach the ‘all or nothing’ stage.” Sometimes, the assessor believes the jurisdiction can’t afford all the relief requested in one year. But you may be able to get some relief this year and come back for more the next, he says. “If you can get most of the loaf in a reasonable settlement at a lower level, you should give it serious consideration.”✦ ■ OHIO SUPREME COURT AEI’s legacy: Does sales price now constitute market value? The impact of the Ohio Supreme Court’s decision in AEI Net Lease Income and Growth Fund v. Erie County Board of Revision is already having an impact. In AEI, the court ruled that the sale price of property sold as part of a sale-leaseback transaction may be used to determine the property’s value—despite the fact the property was purchased for investment purposes. (For details, see the January 2009 issue of PTA.) The same court recently rejected a similar claim regarding the impact of sale-leaseback transactions on valuations. In CCleveland OH Realty I, LLC v. Cuyahoga County Board of Revision, the court determined the taxpayer essentially argued a similar theory with similar facts and the court rejected that claim accordingly. “In both cases, the BTA properly disregarded the appraisal evidence because a recent arm’slength sale price established the value of the property,” the court said. Bob Mellinger, senior consultant, Marvin F. Poer & Company, Cincinnati, and a harsh critic of the AEI ruling, is not pleased. Ohio claims to be a market value state but is not acting as such, he says. “To simply overlook the evidence before them and state that one has to be familiar with Ohio THIS IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL — it is unlawful to photocopy. Property Tax Alert (800) 449-8114 4 Property Tax Alert case law to understand the decisions in these cases is nothing more than an acknowledgement of their double standard. Are we a market value state or are we not?” Just how broadly the AEI ruling will be interpreted remains to be seen. Will all sales be assumed to reflect market value? “It will be interesting to see if any particular fact pattern can get them away from that answer,” says Joseph J. Calvanico, director, Grant Thornton, Chicago, also a critic of the AEI ruling. ✦ April 2009 (5) ■ TOP 10 TIPS Manage tax liability on a going-concern acquisition (6) By Michael Allen, principal, Ryan Editor’s note: In last month’s Practitioner Perspectives, Michael Allen went into detail about how the proper allocation of value can prevent the going-concern value from being used to represent the entire real estate value. He also provided PTA with a considerably simpler top-10 approach to the issue. These tips don’t replace last month’s indepth analysis; they supplement it and provide a quick checklist for upcoming transactions. (1) The buyer and seller should agree to a purchase price allocation and document those values at or before the closing. Doing so in writing will formally and precisely allocate the total going-concern value among the real estate, the tangible personal property (TPP), and the intangible personal property (IPP). (2) The buyer and seller should negotiate the allocations incorporated into the actual sales agreement and closing documents. These allocations must be reasonable and supported by generally accepted appraisal practices, standards, and guidelines. (3) If an appraisal is prepared for the lender, all Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice required allocations of non-realty issues should be documented within the report and used as the basis for the allocations at closing. Otherwise, an independent study should be commissioned and used prior to closing. (4) When allocating IPP at closing, it is preferable to allocate this total amount into the five permitted Financial Accounting (7) (8) (9) Standards Board (FASB) categories of FASB No. 141 to avoid the entire IPP amount being subsequently characterized as non-depreciable “goodwill.” At closing, the buyer should always require the seller to deliver a formal bill of sale evidencing the sale and transfer of title for only the TPP, with a designated consideration shown therein. The deed transferring title to the real estate should also identify only the real estate value, if permitted locally. A separate bill of sale for the IPP with its own separate considerations is also recommended. At closing, the buyer, seller and associated representatives should always ensure that any real estate recordation or transfer taxes are reported and paid, based only on the segregated real estate value of the sales price, not the larger, total going-concern sales price. Before closing, the buyer and seller should consult with their tax advisors, attorneys, accountants and/or auditors to confirm there are no adverse effects on any existing special tax status for the company. For example, this would be crucial for a REIT buyer where there are maximum amounts of non-realty that can be acquired and exploited without jeopardizing its special IRS status. Comprehensive asset tagging or rationalization should be conducted and completed prior to closing, whenever possible. The resulting market value of the TPP being purchased should be identified and recorded on the bill of sale that is delivered at closing to the buyer. Alternatively, a post-closing review should be conducted as soon as possible to set those values and remove any phantom assets from the seller’s transferred asset ledger. When dealing with a hotel property, this review and adjustment should take place before any large refurbishments of rooms and facilities are undertaken by the buyer. This is particularly important for a REIT. Buyers must pay special attention to ensure the sales price paid and allocated to the real property alone, as shown on the closing statements, is consistently disclosed and reported. This is particularly important in taxing jurisdictions where sales prices and THIS IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL — it is unlawful to photocopy. Property Tax Alert (800) 449-8114 April 2009 transfer tax payments are disclosed to the assessor who may be utilizing recent sales prices as the basis for future ad valorem real property assessments. The same care must be exercised when completing and filing any required income and expense forms. Generally, these forms can serve as useful vehicles to further establish and separate the real estate value for assessment purposes. Assessors will likely use the reported value as the unadjusted basis for the next reassessment for ad valorem real property tax purposes, if consistently and repeatedly disclosed contemporaneously to the local jurisdiction. (10) The buyer must review carefully the first post-closing real and personal property tax assessments when issued by the local assessor to ensure they reflect only the allocated, reported and applicable components of the total sales price. If discrepancies exist, the buyer must file a timely appeal and aggressively challenge the proposed real or personal property tax assessment. This is particularly important in California when new Proposition 13 base year supplemental assessments are issued.✦ ■ CALIFORNIA New BOE procedures may mean refund delays The California Board of Equalization has taken action on AB2411, which set time limits for refund claims. And, depending whether you check the right box, it could make refunds more difficult to obtain. Letter No. 2009/016 specifies that, when filing an application for an assessment reduction, taxpayers can designate that the application also be considered a claim for refund. Property Tax Alert 5 If the appeal application is filed not designated as a refund claim, the taxpayer must file a separate refund claim, explains Fred Vance, principal, Fred Vance & Associates, La Crescenta, Calif. Previously, many counties automatically refunded the excess tax amount after the local appeals board ruled in favor of a lower assessment. The new procedure “is going to make it a longer process,” he warns. Scott Donald, vice president, Pacific division of Marvin F. Poer & Co. in Irvine, agrees. He adds that the change “allows for greater opportunity, at least in the short run, to minimize payment of refunds.” It’s now more important for businesses to track to the process—or have someone they trust do it for them, he adds. “Everything must be checked carefully prior to filing documents. A great reduction can be nullified if either the box isn’t checked or the refund window closes. The BOE outlines how to file a separate refund claim here: www.boe.ca.gov/proptaxes/pdf/ lta09016.pdf. ✦ High Court won’t hear California parcel tax case The U.S. Supreme Court has denied a property owner’s request to decide whether a parcel tax that was assessed at a flat rate violated the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. In Neilson v. California City, the property owner claimed the law enacting the tax denied equal protection because ownership of property alone triggered the tax, and the parcel tax was not proportional to property value. The California Court of Appeal held that there is no legal requirement that a parcel tax be assessed in proportion to the value of the property. The California Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court denied review.✦ THIS IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL — it is unlawful to photocopy. Property Tax Alert (800) 449-8114 6 Property Tax Alert April 2009 generate more proceeds than were necessary to refinance the district’s targeted debt, the district was also prohibited from setting or maintaining property tax rates at a higher level than necessary to refinance that targeted debt. (Opinion No. 06-1102, Office of the California Attorney General) The Dept. of Treasury has revised the rules that relate to the State Tax Commission’s authority under the General Property Tax Act, the authority transferred from the State Board of Equalization and the State Board of Assessors, the authority under the State Tax Commission Act, the Plant Rehabilitation and Industrial Development Districts Act, and the Commercial Housing Facilities Exemption Certificates Act. The rules also provide information on appearing at STC meetings and hearings. (Rule 209.1-111) COLORADO MISSISSIPPI Legislation that allowed local school districts to collect and expend revenues in excess of the property tax revenue limitations of Article X, Sec. 20, of the Colorado Constitution is constitutional. (Mesa County Board of County Commissioners v. Colorado, Colorado Supreme Court, No. 08SA216) A county may not reduce the personal property taxes of an industry based upon the freeport warehouse exemption when the industry did not file the required documentation seeking the exemption by the statutory deadline. Such exemptions must be approved by taxing authorities upon proper application, and tax exemptions cannot be made retroactive. Further, the applicable statute contains no exceptions and does not provide for any discretion in waiving the filing deadline. (Opinion No. 2009-00036, Mississippi Attorney General) FEDERAL States and localities would be prohibited for five years from imposing “a new discriminatory tax” on cell phone services, providers or property under proposed legislation (HR1521) introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. ARIZONA HB1344 clarifies that an assessment adjustment made by the county board of equalization is applicable only to the year the assessment was made. The legislation also allows taxpayers to appeal decisions of the board if they either exhaust their administrative remedies with the board or failed to because they were not sent the statutorily required notice of value change. The provision relating to situations in which the taxpayer did not receive notice was added to secure the taxpayer’s right to appeal when the taxpayer was not at fault. State Updates ARKANSAS KANSAS HB1345 provides an alternative assessment date for tangible personal property acquired after Jan. 1 of the assessment year. It allows such property to be assessed according to its market value on either Jan. 1 or the date the property was acquired, if it was acquired between Jan. 2 and May 31. The Attorney General opined that proposed legislation (HB2009) to repeal the exemption for out-of-state utilities with transmission lines and appurtenances in the state—while still providing the exemption to in-state utilities—would be invalid under the federal Supremacy Clause. (Opinion No. 2009-8) HB1386 allows delinquent personal property taxes and penalties to be deducted from the proceeds of the sale of land for delinquent real property taxes. HB1841 excludes the value of nonproducing mineral interests from assessment. CALIFORNIA A proposed amendment to the newconstruction-reassessment provisions of the state constitution will be submitted for voter approval at the June 8, 2010, general election. If adopted, the proposal would remove qualifications from the exclusion from the definition of “newly constructed” for seismic retrofitting improvements or improvements utilizing earthquake hazard mitigation technologies. (AB18) Because a California school district, lacking voter approval, could not issue refunding general obligation bonds to KENTUCKY Effective Jan. 1, 2010, taxes will be due and payable on or before Dec. 31 (currently, Sept. 15) of the assessment year. For payment in full by Nov. 1 of the assessment year, taxpayers will receive a 2% discount. For payment between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31 of the year following the assessment year, taxpayers will be required to pay a penalty of 5% of the taxes due and unpaid. For taxes paid after Jan. 31 the penalty is 10% of the taxes due and unpaid. In addition, the sale of certificates of delinquency is moved from the sheriff’s office to the county clerk’s office. (HB262) MICHIGAN A township did not have the authority to retroactively uncap and increase the taxpayers’ property value based on an oversight of paperwork in the assessor’s office. (Morehouse v. Township of Mackinaw, Michigan Court of Appeals, No. 281483) NEBRASKA A large portion of the state’s property tax regulations have been amended to reflect statutory change. Among the highlights: (1) “Fixtures” are described in the real property regulations as items which are common to the maintenance and operation of structures such as central air conditioning, heating system, common lighting and plumbing, all of which add to the value of a structure or appreciably prolong the useful life of the structure; and (2) trade fixtures such as machinery and equipment used directly in commercial, manufacturing or processing activities conducted on real property, regardless of whether the real property is owned or leased, are added to the definition of “tangible personal property” within the personal property regulations. (Reg. Chs. 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 45, 52, and 90, DOR Property Assessment Division) NEW MEXICO The New Mexico Legislature may not enact, by statute, a tax exemption for real property owned by a third party and leased to a public school district THIS IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL — it is unlawful to photocopy. Property Tax Alert (800) 449-8114 April 2009 for educational purposes. ( Opinion Request—Tax Exemption for Property Leased to a School, New Mexico Attorney General) NORTH DAKOTA A centrally assessed wind turbine electric generation unit, with a nameplate generation capacity of 100 kilowatts or more, must be valued at 3% of assessed value, if construction is completed before Jan. 1, 2015 (previously, 2011). However, if a purchased power agreement was executed after April 30, 2005, and construction was completed after April 30, 2005, and before July 1, 2006, it must be valued at 1.5%. In addition, if construction is completed after June 30, 2006, and before Jan. 1, 2015 (previously, 2011), it must be valued at 1.5% as well. (SB2031) OHIO For valuation purposes, federally mandated use restrictions imposed pursuant to IRC §42 (the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit) may be considered. (Woda Ivy Glen Limited Partnership v. Fayette County Board of Revision, Ohio Supreme Court, No. 2008-0312) PENNSYLVANIA Where a taxpayer demonstrated good faith in addressing delinquent Philadelphia real estate taxes on property he purchased and did not show any negligence or intent to defraud the city, the Tax Review Board could abate one-half of the interest on the delinquent tax and all the penalties that had been assessed. The taxpayer was willing to pay taxes that accrued prior to his ownership of the real estate, had ongoing efforts to rehabilitate the property and was making good faith efforts to pay the current year tax after purchasing the property. (In re: Ali, Philadelphia Tax Review Board, No. 36REINPZZ3433) SOUTH DAKOTA Overriding Gov. M. Michael Rounds’ veto, the Legislature has enacted HB1197, which will allow a single-family dwelling that is under construction or is listed for sale by a contractor to be classified as an “owner-occupied single-family dwelling” for local property tax purposes. Property Tax Alert TEXAS A taxpayer was found liable for personal property tax owed on office equipment that was imposed by a school district, but was not liable for a similar county tax because a rebuttable presumption of liability did not apply to the county tax. The school district and the county both sent delinquent tax notices to the address where the property was located, but the county improperly addressed its notice to an entity that had since gone bankrupt. Although a rebuttable presumption of tax liability is granted based on a taxing unit’s current and delinquent tax rolls, the presumption does not apply when the identity of the taxpayer on the rolls does not match the taxpayer being sued by the taxing unit. Absent the presumption, the county failed to offer sufficient evidence that the taxpayer was the owner of the property. In addition, the county could not rely on the presumption given to the school district because the taxing units were distinct and evidence that the school district performed its tax collection duties did not create evidence that the county had done the same. (Maximum Medical Improvement, Inc. v. County of Dallas, Texas Court of Appeals, Fifth District, No. 05-07-00854-CV) A community development housing organization that had property held in escrow until it received approval by state and federal housing authorities did not qualify for a charitable exemption because it did not own the property during the period it was in escrow. ( Hidalgo County Appraisal District v. HIC Texas I, LLC, Texas Court of Appeals, Thirteenth District, No. 13-07-083-CV) VIRGINIA The Attorney General has opined that the meaning of the term “original cost” (as used in the statutory provision pertaining to the classification of tangible personal property) means the cost of the personal property employed in a trade or business that was paid by the owner who first purchased the personal property from either a manufacturer or dealer. (Opinion No. 09-109) WASHINGTON The Dept. of Revenue is preparing to revise WAC 458-16-260 as it relates to 7 the exemption for nonprofit hospitals. The DOR invites interested parties to contact Harold Smith at (360) 570-5864 or HaroldS@dor.wa.gov to be added to the list of stakeholders who will be notified of the public hearings that will be held as part of the rulemaking process. (Property Tax Special Notice, Washington Dept. of Revenue) WISCONSIN A trial court erred in concluding a city’s appraisal of commercial real estate was excessive, because the taxpayer failed to rebut the statutory presumption that the assessment was correct. The property, a commuter parking lot adjoining an airport, could not be valued based on a recent arm’s-length sale because there was no recent sale of the subject property that could be used to assess its value. Also, sales of reasonably comparable properties could not be utilized because there were none on which to base such an analysis. The court concluded that the income generated by the parking facility appertained to the land and, therefore, was properly considered in the city’s assessment. Further, the city’s assessment did not violate the Uniformity Clause of the Wisconsin Constitution, because there was no evidence that the assessor singled out the taxpayer’s property for assessment, nor was there any evidence that the assessor used an arbitrary method of assessment. (Allright Properties, Inc. v. City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Court of Appeals, No. 2008AP510) WYOMING A rural health care district may levy property taxes up to four mills (previously, two mills). (HB145) For any property subject to assessment on or after Jan. 1, 2009, contiguous or noncontiguous parcels of land under one operation, owned or leased, may be classified as agricultural land if the land is not part of a platted subdivision, except for a parcel of 35 acres or more that otherwise qualifies as agricultural land. (HB9) A new property tax is levied on the gross product of helium produced in Wyoming. The helium is valued for taxation as natural gas and is subject to the same tax rates. (HB287) THIS IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL — it is unlawful to photocopy. Property Tax Alert (800) 449-8114 8 Property Tax Alert April 2009 SPOTLIGHT ON WASHINGTON TAXABLE PROPERTY All property, unless specifically exempt, is taxable. EXEMPTIONS Washington’s constitution, unlike many state constitutions, does not limit the Legislature’s power to grant exemptions. This has resulted in a plethora of exemptions, including those for business inventory; freeport goods; air pollution control equipment; cargo containers; custom computer software; exports; farm animals, machinery and equipment; forest land; in-transit property; interstate commerce; master copies of computer software; medical research facilities; motor vehicles; and property of value of less than $500. VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT All property is valued at 100% of its true and fair value in money and assessed on the same basis (unless specifically provided otherwise by law). The county assessor values all property within the county that is not valued by the Dept. of Revenue. DOR values the operating property of interstate and intercounty public utilities. County assessors go through a year-round assessment cycle. All property in a county is revalued at least once every four years, and physically inspected at least once every six years. In some counties, properties are revalued each year and require physical inspection at least once every six years. Operating property of utility companies is entered into the tax rolls at its assessed value. All other property is assessed the same as the general property of the county. Personal property reports are due April 30. ASSESSMENT DATE Jan. 1 PAYMENT DUE DATES Property taxes can be paid in two installments, due April 30 and Oct. 31. ASSESSMENT CORRECTIONS year of the due date of the taxes for the year in which the assessment is made. Any person receiving notice of an omitted property or omitted value assessment may appeal to the county board of equalization. REFUNDS Refund claims for a tax paid under protest must be filed before June 30 following the year in which the tax became payable. Refund claims under other statutes (that is, those not requiring a protested payment) must be filed within three years after payment of the tax. A claim for refund that is rejected by the county treasurer may be appealed to the Board of Tax Appeals. APPEALS A taxpayer (or owner) may petition an assessor for an assessment reduction. The assessor must reconsider the valuation of the real property at issue within 120 days of the filing of a petition. Taxpayers may petition the county board of equalization for a change in the county assessor’s valuation of their property or for any other reason authorized by statute. The petition must be filed with the board of equalization on or before July 1 of the year of the assessment or determination, within 30 days after the date an assessment, value change notice or other notice has been mailed, or within a time limit of up to 60 days adopted by the county legislative authority, whichever is later. The board of equalization can raise, lower or sustain the county assessor’s value. Taxpayers dissatisfied with the decision of the county board of equalization may appeal to the Board of Tax Appeals. The petition must be filed within 30 days after the county board’s notice is mailed. Taxpayers who own centrally assessed property but do not obtain relief from the DOR may file an appeal with the State Tax Appeals Board. A notice of appeal may be filed with the board within 30 days after the issuance of the decision. Property omitted from the assessment roll of a preceding year will be included in the current year’s assessment roll. Taxpayers may appeal a State Tax Appeals Board decision to the Superior Court if all taxes, penalty and interest have been paid. Judicial review of a BTA decision is tried as a new case. The assessor may go back three assessment years to assess omitted property. (The three-year lookback period does not refer to revaluation or reassessment of property, but simply confers authority on the assessor to make a supplemental assessment of property omitted from the assessment roll or erroneously assessed.) Additionally, an appeal may be taken directly to a Superior Court if it can be shown that the assessor’s action is unconstitutional, not authorized by statute or arbitrary or capricious. When such an omitted assessment is made, the taxes levied may be paid without penalty or interest within one As in most states, presumption of correctness is with the assessor. THIS IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL — it is unlawful to photocopy. Property Tax Alert (800) 449-8114
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