• BOOKS • WEB SITES • CONFERENCES • BOOKS • WEB M • CONFERENCES • BOOKS • Sorting a Sea of Information I anaging Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images, Ian H. Witten, Alistair Moffat, and Timothy C. Bell. Storing, compressing, and retrieving information can be challenging and frequently critical to many applications. This book focuses on the theory, illustration, and general discussion of this type of information management. The authors discuss techniques such as block sorting, new indexing techniques, and new loss-less compression strategies. They also provide a summary of text and image compression, indexing, and querying techniques.A history of relevant algorithm development along with a discussion of challenges, pitfalls, and specific solutions is explored. Information is organized into topics such as compression and indexing. In addition to diagrams and examples, the authors use pseudocode to present algorithms in a languageindependent manner. The book covers text and image compression models, including Huffman, LZW, and their variants; trends in information management; index creation and compression; performance; and overall system implementation. nformation Storage and Retrieval, Robert R. Korfhage. With a glut of information, IT professionals are scrambling for ways to store, retrieve, manage, and dissect it all. This book tackles the complex problems facing programmers and system designers, addressing different components of the problems; for example, in addressing querying, the author explores the familiar Boolean-logic queries along with vector, weighted, fuzzy, and probabilistic queries. Another useful section outlines techniques for determining the similarity of two documents, methods for incorporating user profiles into queries, and nontraditional ways of presenting query results. The book also presents measures for rating information retrieval systems. Other topics include shortcomings in current tools for Internet searching; an overview of visual information retrieval interfaces; and a discussion of security issues.The book shows how to handle full-text graphics, video, and audio; and how to distribute these massive databases over networks. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco; http://www.mkp.com; ISBN 1-55860-570-3; 576 pp.; $54.95. John Wiley & Sons, New York; http://www.wiley.com; ISBN 0-471-14338-3; 368 pp.; $87.50. STORAGE Finding Room for Gigabytes SITES How to Create Effective SANs D esigning Storage Area Networks, Thomas Clark.The sheer volume of data generated by today’s commercial and academic institutions has created a storage crisis for IT managers and administrators. Although larger-capacity disk drives absorb part of the growing data load, connecting the requisite number of disks to file and application servers by traditional means has become increasingly difficult. Providing the bandwidth to keep up with the users’ requests is also a continual challenge, as is allocating sufficient time and bandwidth for backing up data to tape. Fibre Channel, a standards-based architecture, provides gigabit speeds over long distances and supports devices in an extended network. Fibre Channel has become synonymous with storage area networking because it supports the protocols most optimized for moving data to and from disk and its inherent networking capabilities. This book talks to IT managers who are considering Fibre Channel SANs as a management resource. Storage area networking represents a major shift from previous storage models, introducing new networking products and concepts between servers and storage.The text does not assume prior knowledge of networking concepts and discusses the most essential aspects of networking as they apply to SANs. Networking professionals who use SANs as an extension of the local and wide area enterprise network may also find value in this book. For these readers, discussions of basic server and storage concepts should assist in bridging the gap between networking and storage worlds. Storage area networking based on Fibre Channel is relatively new, and this book attempts to achieve a balance between the technical detail required to understand the basic principles of Fibre Channel SANs and the technology’s most useful features. Addison-Wesley,Reading,Mass.;http://www.awl.com; ISBN 0-201-61584-3; 202 pp.; $24.95. July ❘ August 2001 IT Pro 53 BOOKS KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT • • WEB SITES • CONFERENCES • BOOKS • WEB SITES The Right Knowledge Tools for the Job T he Knowledge Management Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Building a Knowledge Management System, Amrit Tiwana. Companies are finally realizing that technology alone is not enough—knowledge is the real sustainer. The author claims it is through unchaining knowledge in your company, that people, processes, and experience can best grow and mature. The author delivers techniques and tools for making KM work in your company.You’ll learn how to use KM to make sure that decisions are fully informed as you build on intranet, data warehouse, and project management investments. The author provides a 10-step roadmap for implementing KM successfully checklists to help you focus on critical issues, and an interactive toolkit format to guide strategic design decisions. Identifying key intangibles and auditing the knowledge you already have are key parts of the process. The book also examines how to mobilize subtle, tacit knowledge and how to calculate and maximize return on investment in KM systems.A Web site at http://www.kmtoolkit.com, provides you with ongoing support and updates. Prentice Hall,New York;http://www.prenhall.com;ISBN 013-012853-8;640 pp.;$44.99. Knowledge Management Asia 2001 18-20 July 2001 Singapore F ocusing on knowledge creation, the conference intends to examine strategies for developing a knowledge organization, emphasizing the use of formal and informal communities of practice. The accompanying three-day exhibition, which is free, will showcase advances in KM solutions and applications, and includes 60 vendors/ exhibitors. Keynote presenters include knowledge creation professor Ikujiro Nonaka (University of California) who will discuss the limits of knowledge management, creating a dynamic place for knowledge emergence, and building synthesis capability. Mark Stone of Arthur Andersen will discuss “The Knowledge Paradigm,” covering what KM can do for you and how to distinguish between knowledge and information management. James Yong and Praba Nair (National Computer Systems Pte Ltd.) will present their keynote on “The KM Journey: A Singapore Experience.” They discuss their organization’s early efforts at overcoming initial challenges in dealing with KM. Dominic Kelleher’s (PricewaterhouseCoopers) presentation, “Using an Intranet to Capture Tacit and Explicit Corporate Knowledge,” addresses the question of whether knowledge capture can be automatic or must involve people, and how knowledge captures relate to existing work practices. http://www.kmasia.com/home/default.asp 54 IT Pro July ❘ August 2001 • CONFERENCES • BOOKS • WEB Knowledge Management http://www.knowledgemanagement.net Knowledge management (KM) consulting has revenues of more than $25 billion worldwide. Information systems and technology are some of the most in-demand areas for consulting services, followed by training, strategic planning, change management, and human resources and compensation. According to this Web site, KM is the systematic process of finding, selecting, organizing, distilling, and presenting information in a way that improves an employee’s comprehension in a specific area of interest. Knowledge management helps an organization to gain insight and understanding from its own experience. Specific KM activities help focus the organization on acquiring, storing, and using knowledge for problem solving, dynamic learning, strategic planning, and decision making. This Web site provides sections that focus on topics such as benchmarking and best practices, business ethics, change management, corporate governance, operations management, and organization development. Links take visitors to case studies, consulting services, content management, and other valuable resources. The Key Players section provides a link to the KM competitor resources at Business.com, including lists of companies with the highest investment growth. Links to events and trade associations also help keep the KM worker informed. SITES • CONFERENCES • BOOKS •WEB SITES 5-10 November 2001 Atlanta, Georgia T he Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) provides an international forum for research on information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances in data and knowledge bases. The conference identifies challenging problems in developing future knowledge and information systems, and solicits and reviews applied and theoretical research findings. An important part of the conference is the workshops program, which focuses on research challenges and initiatives. Topics of interest to the CIKM community include application of knowledge representation techniques to semantic modeling, development and management of heterogeneous knowledge bases, automatic acquisition of data and knowledge bases (especially raw text), object-oriented database management systems, optimization techniques, transaction management, high performance online transaction processing systems, and security techniques. The conference will also cover performance evaluation, unconventional applications, parallel database systems, physical and logical database design, domain modeling and ontology building, knowledge discovery in databases, and information storage and retrieval and interface technology. http://cikm2001.cc.gatech.edu CONFERENCES • BOOKS •WEB SITES • CONFERENCES • Making Tacit Knowledge Explicit, Japanese Style T he Knowledge-Creating Company:How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation, Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchii. In this book, Nonaka and Takeuchii provide an inside look at how Japanese companies go about creating new knowledge organizationally. They point out the two types of knowledge: explicit knowledge—contained in manuals and procedures— and tacit knowledge—learned only by experience and communicated only indirectly, through metaphor and analogy. US managers seem to focus on explicit knowledge; the Japanese, on tacit knowledge.And this, the authors argue, is the key to success—the Japanese have learned how to transform tacit into explicit knowledge. The authors illustrate the theory of organizational knowledge creation with case studies drawn from Honda, Canon, Matsushita, NEC, Nissan, 3M, GE, and even the US Marines. For instance, using Matsushita’s development of the Home Bakery (the world’s first fully automated bread-baking machine for home use), they show how to convert tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge: When the designers couldn’t perfect the dough-kneading mechanism, a software programmer apprenticed herself with a master baker, gained a tacit understanding of kneading, and conveyed this information to the engineers. In addition, the authors show that, to create knowledge, the best management style is what they call “middle-up-down,” in which middle managers form a bridge between the ideals of top management and the front line’s chaotic realities. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Tenth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management • Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK; http://www.oup.co.uk/; ISBN 0-19509269-4; 304 pp.; $29.95. Knowledge from a Smart Perspective S mart Things to Know About Knowledge Management,Thomas M. Koulopoulos and Carl Frappaolo.This book is aimed at executives who need an introduction to KM basics but who also desire insight from the folks on the front lines of the industry. This book tries to cut through the hype to deliver the basic facts and necessary information to help you learn how to take advantage of this aspect of business. The authors aim to help you position KM at the heart of your business, understand the technologies that support knowledge management, become a smart knowledge manager, understand how to measure success in a knowledge-based economy, and make KM work for you. Capstone Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK; http://capstone.co.uk; ISBN 1-841-12041-3; 240 pp.; $16.95. July ❘ August 2001 IT Pro 55 BOOKS E-COMMERCE • • WEB SITES • CONFERENCES • eWorld Exhibition and Conference 2-4 October 2001 Vancouver, British Columbia T he eWorld Exhibition intends to present 120 exhibitors offering their latest tools for B2B Internet e-business solutions. The exhibit floor will also feature a presentation area, where exhibitors will demonstrate their latest solutions. The conference’s strategy sessions will include a seminar offering small firms a road map to implementing e-business. These sessions will discuss examples of how small Canadian companies have begun to automate their “common business events” and point out portal sites that can help launch e-business initiatives at low risk and low cost. Another session will discuss how to formulate manageable Internet strategy. A presentation entitled “Internet Marketing in the New Century” will discuss establishing an actionable online promotional strategy, tools and techniques for attracting return visitors, and the risks and paybacks of execution. “Creating Awareness of Your E-Business” examines how companies collect Internet usage data and implement strategic business decisions. http://www.eworldex.com/v2001/index.html Vnunet.com http://vnunet.com Vnunet.com is a technology Web site that provides news, product reviews, and downloadable software for technology users, whether at work or at home. The Web site has operated for six years and its parent organization, VNU UK, has over 20 years experience producing IT magazines and information in the UK. The Web site divides content into seven areas: e-business, communications, business hardware, business software, security, personal computing, and gaming. 56 IT Pro July ❘ August 2001 BOOKS • WEB SITES • CONFERENCES • BOOKS • WEB Selling with Java P rofessional Java E-Commerce, by Subrahmanyam Allamaraju and colleagues. Intended for IT managers and developers working on e-commerce projects, this book shows how to design and program working e-stores and other enterprise Web applications with Java. A nuts-and-bolts guide to Java use for e-commerce sites, it also surveys the management and design issues that any organization will face in online business. The first sections give an IT manager’s perspective on integrating e-commerce initiatives into your organization, whether they’re business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), or mobile commerce.As well as terms you’ve already heard about, the team authors also look at B2B2C and C2B2C scenarios.They cover project planning for successful e-commerce software development and today’s n-tiered architectures. The book then gives sample source code for a variety of e-commerce applications, beginning with a traditional online store (for selling computers) with a product catalog and a shopping basket. Written with simple JSP, the authors later show how to enhance the basic site with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) for better scalability and performance. Hands-on advice for using tools like BEA WebLogic Application Server will help you apply this knowledge to real projects. Wrox Press, Chicago; http://www.wrox.com; ISBN 1-861-00481-8; 1,000 pp.; $59.99. Making Your E-commerce Site Work T he Complete E-Commerce Book:Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Webbased Business, Janice Reynolds and Roya Mofazali. Whether your company is a startup or well established, this book aims to help you learn how to plan, implement, and operate a successful e-commerce site. The authors start by discussing how to create a plan for the customer experience and design an effective interface. They progress to programming techniques, robust server configurations, site marketing, customer service, order processing, warehousing, and shipping. The book offers real-world examples of Web sites to illustrate what and what not to do. Besides the technical mechanics, the book also discusses how to create successful business models, handle outsource, build traffic, and fulfill orders. CMP Books, San Francisco; ISBN 1-578-20061-X; 339 pp.; $29.95. http://www.cmpbooks.com; SITES • CONFERENCES • BOOKS •WEB SITES • CONFERENCES • BOOKS B 2B Application Integration: e-Business-Enable Your Enterprise, David Linthicum. Making business applications communicate across corporate boundaries can be complicated, which is why system architects usually coordinate such projects. This book explains approaches that system architects can take to get application A to talk to database B and Web site C, without allowing hackers in for a look around. The author surveys technologies and products that implement these approaches. The author explains competing technologies—for example, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Extensible Markup Language (XML)—side by side. There’s very little code included, other than the barest examples for illustrative purposes. This is a book for architects and planners, not implementers. The author also discusses middleware, remote procedure calls (RPC), message queuing, XML, RosettaNet, Microsoft BizTalk and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE). Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.; http://www.awl.com; ISBN 0-201-709368; 407 pp.; $39.95. E-commerce Summit 6-7 September 2001 Rome T he Summit will focus on e-marketplaces, private exchanges, and products and services for e-procurement. The conference’s overarching theme is the fact that to compete for business today and maximize profits, companies need to identify, attract, and retain their best customers. It is not the one-time sale that gives value to customer relationships but the number of times the customer comes back. Keynote speakers include Roy Ayliffe, director of professional practice, The Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPSUK). With 28,000 members, CIPS is one of the largest purchasing organizations in Europe.Also presenting will be Yves Barbieux, chair, CPGmarket.com (Switzerland); Willem A. Boomsluiter, vice president corporate purchasing, cosmetic division, Henkel (Germany); and Carlo Di Gregorio, executive director, ADACI Associazione Italiana di Management degli Approvvigionamenti (Italy). One seminar, “XML in the Network: Securing and Controlling B2B Traffic on the Internet,” discusses the Internet economy’s emergence and the new standards of communication that are developing. XML (extensible markup language) is a universal format for structured documents used to share information on the Web. XML permits the sharing of important business information like order entry, pricing, and inventory levels—dramatically improving efficiencies and reducing costs. http://www.e-commerce-summit.com/ SITES • CONFERENCES • E-commerce Degrees and Certifications http://www. ecommercedegrees.s5.com This Web site is simply a list of e-commerce colleges, degrees, and Internet universities. Organized alphabetically, the listing is a product of the Global Federation of E-Commerce. Entries include North Carolina State University, with e-commerce concentration as part of master degree programs in management (College of Management) and computer networking (College of Engineering). Also, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore offers a program leading to a masters of management in the network economy, aimed at producing managers who can work with the emerging digital economy. The University of British Columbia offers over 50 seminars and workshops on the Internet, including certificates in programming, publishing, systems administration programming, multimedia studies, Internet marketing, and software engineering. Carnegie Mellon University has the Institute for E-Commerce, a joint program of the Graduate School of Industrial Administration and the School of Computer Science. It also includes affiliated faculty from the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management.The Institute offers a 12-month master of science in electronic commerce (MSEC). Bond University on the Gold Coast, Australia, offers a bachelors of electronic commerce and a masters in electronic commerce. Bradford University details four main components to its ecommerce BSc: mobile communications, networking and the Internet; software engineering, computing and programming; business studies and management; and personal transferable skills. July ❘ August 2001 IT Pro E-COMMERCE Powering Your Business and Enterprise •WEB 57 BOOKS CAREER/TRAINING • • WEB SITES • CONFERENCES • BOOKS • WEB SITES CONFERENCES • BOOKS • WEB Visit IT Training Ongoing Great Britain and Scotland http://www. train-net.co.uk V IT Training magazine is a UK source for IT training news, views, and information. Audited circulation statistics indicate that the magazine reaches over 15,828 corporate IT training buyers. It’s also the official journal of the Institute of IT Training and goes to all IITT members. The magazine’s goal is to keep business professionals up-to-date with the latest IT skills issues. The Web site contains IT training news and information, including comment and columnist articles from industry analysts, and coverage of developments in IT training, such as Web-based, self-paced, and computer-based training. It also tracks course and certification news, career profiles of industry-leading professionals, training-course reviews, and books. There’s also a marketplace section that lets buyers reach training companies more quickly using a reader inquiry service. isit is a leading recruitment exhibition in the UK, offering vacancies in systems and IT. This organization puts companies under one roof for easier communication. The program lets you present yourself face-to-face to hiring companies, cutting out agencies, headhunters, or other intermediaries. Visit events run all year, covering national and European locations. You can decide when to submit your resume and to whom, at whichever exhibition you choose to attend. There is no admission fee, and only one full year of IT experience is required. These events occur from July through November 2001 in London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Prague, and the Thames Valley. Among the exhibitors at July’s event will be Cap Gemini, Ernst & Young, IBM UK, Marlborough Stirling, CMG Admiral, and British Airways. http://www.visit.haynet.com Professional Exchange Ongoing throughout year US A s the competition for qualified professionals from technical and other disciplines intensifies, this organization has emerged to offer companies and candidates recruiting events held all over the US. With over 80 career events planned for 2001, this organization sponsors events ranging from general recruitment for college students and recent college grads to specialized areas such as technology, health, science, biotech, and diversity. Founded in 1986, Professional Exchange became a part of The New York Times Company in September 2000. It has over 65,000 active candidates in its growing attendee database and a roster of over 1,500 client companies. Professional Exchange has the promotional benefit of several strategic newspaper partners including The Boston Globe, The Baltimore Sun, The Philadelphia Inquirer & Daily News, The New York Times, The News and Observer (Raleigh, N.C.), The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Tampa Tribune, The Houston Chronicle, The Orange County Register, and The San Diego Union-Tribune. Guide pages for career fairs are posted as information becomes available and remain on the Web site for 30 days after the event. If the date is highlighted blue, then it is an active link. Company advertisements are posted as they arrive in the office. All advertisements are usually up by the Friday before the show date. http://www.professional-exchange.com 58 • IT Pro July ❘ August 2001 TechEmployment. com http://www. techemployment.com This job-posting Web site helps companies recruit and hire technical professionals directly, and aims to avoid the cost for traditional recruitment advertising or headhunting fees. The site offers its services free to job candidates. A Web site community also provides a resource for job seekers and employee hunters. TechEmployment.com also offers free e-mail, newsletter, tech-community, estore, IT help desk, resume writing, college degree(s) information, global IT resources, career assessment, and advice on background checks. SITES • C NO FO EK RS E N•C W E SE B • S B IOTO WOENBF E SR I TEENSC E • SC • O NBFOEORKESN C S E•B BSOI O KS S • •W TES C O•N B FE •OB EK S S• •C • EW TE CE OB N FSEI R N C•E S OR OE KN S C •E S http://www.kwork.org At the Association of Knowledgework (AOK), people from many specialties cross professional, cultural, economic, and hierarchical barriers to learn together. This site aims to provide a virtual home for those who work with knowledge. The free visitor center affords access to a member-tested public library, which contains the best of the pages they’ve found among 11 million Web sites on knowledge management and knowledge work. Visitors are welcome to “kick the tires” without joining AOK, become a member of the AOK Public Library for free, or have a preview of the member-only section. The site owners are also busy building and maintaining other resources: the library, bookstore, white papers section, seminars, and an expert panel they call K911. Nine good reasons why close to 100,000 computing professionals join the IEEE Computer Society Transactions on ■ Computers ■ Knowledge and Data Engineering ■ Multimedia ■ Networking ■ Parallel and Distributed Systems ■ Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ■ Software Engineering ■ Very Large Scale Integration Systems ■ Visualization and Computer Graphics One-Stop IT Professional Shopping O perationIT launched its Resume Flash program, which offers IT professionals a new vehicle to reach IT recruiters. When you become a member of Resume Flash you are not just emailing your resume to recruiters. You become part of the OeprationIT.com network. Your resume, based on what you choose will be available for thousands of recruiters find you. You will also be eligible for special offers and opportunities that present to registered members. If you are looking for an IT career, OperationIT is your one stop full service web site. Resume Flash service is unlike other resume blasting services since OperationIT focuses exclusively on IT recruiters. In addition, these recruiters are members of OperationIT and are actively seeking qualified IT professionals right now. Candidate fees range from $39.99 to $79.99, depending on level of service. RECRUITING Association of Knowledgework • http://www.OperationIT.com E-cruiting New Talent E ZRecruit attempts to capture recruiting’s best practices and brings them to you in one cohesive, easy-to-use e-cruiting system. A search tool scours the Web for qualified candidates and brings their information to you. Once you identify a candidate, EZRecruit can automatically present the opportunity, ask screening questions, and give online technical testing.You can even specify a reference-checking mode. A proprietary algorithm determines sourced candidate ranking, making it faster and easier for recruiters and hiring managers to identify the most suitable candidates. Capture passive candidates using EZRecruit’s Web-based interface. Use outside vendors as collaborative partners in your search by giving them passwordprotected access to the system, letting them post resumes as well. A demo CD is available from the Web site. http://www.ezrecruit.com computer.org/publications/ July ❘ August 2001 IT Pro 59
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