19 dudes fhe concert featuring the band Taha Two, desserts, soft drinks and specialty coffees. For. reservations: 354-4047. Watty iterative entertainment with musician David Detang in an intimate coffeehouse environment The evert w» be held at 7:30 pm Feb. 21 at the Faculty Dining Room at Armstrong AlantJc State Onrvereity. The event te free and open to tie pubic. 927-5300, COMCCftTMT - Armstrong Atlantjc State University w«1 present "Baroque and Beyond," an evening .of eaity music performed by Lorraine Jones, assistant principal flutist of the Savannah Symphony, and VaB PNKps, concert master of the orchestra, at 8 pan. Feb. 22. This event wil take place in the Art Galery of the Fine Arts Building on the Armstrong campus. The program wW feature works of J.S. Bach, G.F. Handel, J. Quanta and W.A. Mozart, accompanied by Gene Jarvte, harpsichord and fortepiano. Admission is free, and the public is invited. MUSIC FARM. 32 Ann St., Chartsston - The foeowing acts are scheduled to ptay.: Matthew SwettwH Feb. 7, $10. Feb. 8, $7. LernonheedewHhBentet* Mstchtin»20.Feb.19.$l2. Jup»*erCoyo*e,Feb.21,$7; over 21, $8. Ticket* to theeashows avalable through Souti Carolina Automated Ice. (803) 577-4500, MWel as the Music Farm. (803) 853FARM. •VMeMMMMIIMfi *97 ~ A showcase of eight local bands tor the pubic and record label executives. TMa yea/a performer Include Backwoods, WaHace Green, Steighboy Abrasions, Ausotu* Sense, Squad 5*0, Roeoo. 8JM.O., andJ.Chronidee. Prefrninariea wl be held at noon and finals at 8 p.m. Feb. 1 at the Fine Arts Auditorium at Arm•tnong Atlantic Stale University. Cost for pretminaries Is $3. finals, $4, and both events, $5. Sponsored by Rock Me Productions, 2102 FM, and Rody's Music. Cal 927-5300. STtNMNT MCITAL - A general recttal of Armstrong Alantte State University music majors wil be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 6at Lutheran Church of tie Ascension, 102 Bui St. The redtal Is free and open to the public. Cal 927-5325. DOUMA SIMO* MICITAL - A senior redtal featuring two Arm- stongAianfc Stats Un*versty students, Sonie Yodar, mezzo-ecprano. and John Cdwards. piano, wfl be held at 130 pjm. Feb. 8 at the Fine Arts*Audstorium at Am> strong AHanHc State Unrversty. The recital is free and open to the pubic. -8 pm Feb. 1, Johnny Mercer Theatre, Lease B. Dunner, conductor. .and Kyle A. Lombard, vtolrv Program Includes: JUIiisaiiM tls^aitnrtr. An American Fanfare; Duke EMngton. setechons from The River;" George Water. Lyric for Strings; Tciiafcovaky. Vtolin Concerto, movement No. 3; and Prokofiev. Excerpts from "Romeo and Juliet" Free concert. Sponsored by dty of Savannah. Department of Cultural Affairs/Leisure Services Bureau and Carson Products. Tickets are avalabte at the Savannah Symphony Box Offce. 226 Abercom St.; Savannah Civic Center Box Office, Lfcarty and Jefferson; dty of Savannah. Department of Cultural Affairs, 6 E. Bay St.; and Ben SheftaJI Beauty ft SuppV Store and al Today's Beauty stores. For more Information, cat the SSO Box Offce at 236-9536 or (800) 537-7894, outside Savannah. MaatsfWorfcaVl - 830pjm. Feb. 8, Johnny Mercer Theatre. Savannah Symphony Orchestra Pt*pGreenberg.c Gary GraHman, piano. Program includes: I Overture to "The School for ScaridaT; Ravel, Ptano Concerto for Let Hand; and Dawaon. Negro Fok Symphony. Sponsored by Coastal Bank. Tickets are $12-$40 and are on sate now and may be purchased by caUng the SSO Box Office at 236-0636 or (800) 637-7804 (outside Savannah). Also, Words on Mueto, beginning at 730 p.m. In the Simms/Traub room. SSO's pre-concert lecture series features SSO vktfrtat. Margo Ames. "Words on Music" to free and open to (he pubic. Free Concert - 5 p.m. Feb 9, St. Thomas Episcopal Church. Savannah Symphony CMc Orchestra, Scott Speck, conductor, and David Warshauer, associate conductor. Program features works by fMABsVAa* ••atifisV «*w4 •• •-• uviuvit Ueifiutv •no lYvnovi. Sponsored by Pubic ft Publx Super Markets Charities, inc. For more Information regarding the Savannah Symphony Civic Orchestra, caN Caroline Whkkfon, Education Coordinator and Opera- Symphony at 236-9636 or (800) 537-7894 (outside SawMVtah). SSOUHllogpedl-8p.m. Fab 13 at Heaanfc Center, 14 West Andereco St., Savannah Symprtony Orchestra PMspGreenberg, oonductor, Ed Kuhn, trumpet, and Anne Cafferty. vtoln. Program includes; Paul SchoenleM. Vaudsv«e; UvHs*> rtton, Concarto for Vtoin and Hv0 Percussion; and Melaan, UMe Suite. Host sponsor: St. Paul's Qraek Orthodox Church. Tickets are $40 for general admtesion seating and single tickets are $15 (general admission). For more information contact (he SSO Box Office at 236-9535 or (800) 537-7894 (outside Savannah). Savannah Symphony Pope Orchestra - 8 p.m. Feb. 15, Johnny Mercer Theatre. Savannah Symphony Orchestra Scott Speck, jMHKK^ajp conductor, presents "Man* Gras on Bourbon Street" wtt) Pete Fountain, King of Dixieland, clarinetist. Sponsored by Ameribank, Savannah Morning News and Guifstream Aerospace. Cat fhe SSO Box Offcett 236-9536 or (800) 537-7894 (OUtskfe Savannah) lor tickets and ad- 3 pjn. Feb. 16 at Johnny Mercer Theatre. Savannah Symphony Orchestra Scott Speck, associate coriductor.canckjctowithoceenfc program. "Symphony Under the Program highlights includes: selections from WmekySsM-Seent, Glare and much more. Sponsored by Savannah Bectric. Adut tkketB are $8 and chldren $6, tickets are on sale now cal the SSO Box Office at 236-9536 or outside Savannah (800) 537-7894. Music In the Schools- Feb. 9. In-Schooll Ensemble Demonstrations. Savannah Symphony String Quartet and Savannah Symphony Woodwind Quintet. . Sponsored in part by American Express Phtanthropte Foundation. For more information. caH fhe SSO Box Office at 236-9536 or How to get stuff in Calendar The Savannah Morning News and Carolina Morning News welcome Murmatton for our Calendar testings. Mght (^ubs, Muste, Theater and Audrtton listings appear in Friday Diversions. Attractions, a list of area tourist sites and norv^ntertainment events is on Saturday's Community News page, and Arts, Classes/Tafes/Readfngs are Hated hi Sunday's Arts and Travel section. Information must be submitted IN WRITING by 5 p.m. one week prior to puMcation. Items without information such as date, time, place, sponsor, coat or phone number may not be used. The Cak* idar list Ings are free. The newspaper reserves the right to reject Kerns at the editor's discretion. Unsolicited information or photographs cannot be returned. EVENT: . LOCATION: . - . . .„ PRESENTED BY COST: — FOR MORE WFORfMOON CAUL: OTHER: m Cut out this form and send information to: Community News Desk Savannah Morning News/Carolina Morning News P.O. Box 1088 Savannah. Ga 31402 Or fax information to 912-2346522 (BOO) 537-7894, outside Savannah. state hi the Schools- Feb. 20. * bvSchool Ensemble Demonstrations. Savannah Symphony Woodwind Quintet Sponsored in part by American Express Phlanthropic Foundation. For more information, caR Vie SSO Box Office at 2364536 or (800) 537-7894, outside Savannah. Msrterworka VI - 8:30 p.m. March 1, Johnny Mercer Theatre. Savannah Symphony Orchestra PnHp Greenberg, music director and conductor, soloists Jufia Kemp, soprano, and Guy Renard, tenor. sohn, Incidental Music from "A Midsummer Might's Dream." and Mendelssohn, Lobgesang with the Savannah Symphony Chorus and the Jacksonvie Symphony Chorus. Sponsored by Del Webb's Sun City HiHon Head. Concerts tickets ranging form $12-$40 are on sale now and may be purchased by caling the SSO Box Office at 236-9536 or (800) 537-7894 (outside Savannah). Also Words on Music, the SSO's pre-concert lecture series features Associate Conductor Scott Speck, and wi be held on the second floor of the Mezzanine hi the James Simms/Frankln Traub room on the west side of fhe Theatre beginning at 730 p.m. "Words on Music" is free and open tofnepubtfc. Young People's Concerts 1WJ6 a.m. and 11:36 am March 5-7, Johnny Mercer Theatre. Conductor Scott Speck leads the orchesta In performances of Wagner's Stegfrtend's Rhine Journey, Debussy's La Mar, and Ftoesbfs WWam Tel Overture. Sponsored In pert by Chatham County Board of Education. Friday's penfrmances are avalable to fhe DuMc for 13. For more Information, cal Carosne Whktdon, Director of Communtty RafaMtom at Savannah Symphony Office, 236-9538 or (800) 537-7894, outside Savannah. -•roadway Bound" wNh Bernade«ePetars - 8 p.ra March 8, Johnny Meroer Theatre. The Savannah Syiiiphony Pope Orchestra tod by Associate Conductor Scott Speck. The Queen of Broadway bins the Savannah Symphony for one night only. Corporate sponsor: NattonsBank. Tickets are $48, $37, $26.50 and on sake now. Cal fhe SSO Box Office at 236-9536 or (800) 537-7894 (outside Savannah). See page 21 YATES Pest Control ,651-9000 * Savannah's most trusted name since 1928
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