;orteret fins Ceri< to bay in Oo»ch Henaia ii:l „„, B2-Came 1944 New bta defeating" R«J> , ,„dm sectional An»>i, v l',lV nlRht at A ,,,s,,if. of their impMf,1, i ho local cager« g were i ,.,,!nii Jersey c hampions, lim.h on r M.,tha third i. :>n-Ml. il,,. third period, .,, JIII1 reputed to the be ,,,,,1" club, unloaded r ; 1 |i y that netted tMr,.' nid sowed up the bail w „ , „ , „ ! the Carteret Warn iln< team's glory, u;TKRET ( 4 1 ) 6. 8 • >#•• f V •airviei, * »ir' atittt^iag to Ibe Prim 0 Laalaakpa %erk 896 793 815 MACHINE 8HOP (1) Kettyle 150 166181 Byteckl ,.. 150 179 160 111 SUtiko 196 12<5 Naaeak 202 Matkartnic 161 168 173 Landscaping can add moeh to th* beauty and enjoymtnt of a honae. Making a map.o* the hetae and grounds -so that il» work flan be Carefully planned should be thaHrst step in (he family landscape project. ' ' -- ' : . „ 158 187 cents * poand in a Qtowf JV •tort, four point! • famni. Anjr olb«r hambargw duMlld be iroaad kt yafcr rtqaail, imi tk« prlc« p it the p prlw oK tbe cut {round, and th* point of that cut. Q. I run a reatauram and>w«nt poruin m « . TH' «• Harek, 1MI, •inittntlM «attea«af llt l.Wt,T *oa*a stoek" ha Its* tltoa d w t a compared w i t h pounds oa Feb. 1, IH4. tata, ha may a*t aaw Holdings of bnttut down sbarpry, tstaltog •*|<J. Are the surplus eommodltlei . M W b,j B<t f0 |(t (,y r # t , | | itores 658,000 a»andt, inn.sefl.ooo pounds a U MtW under price control? far kb* w « a tya* tt "twf A. Tat. CUaarally, all rafeasad Of these stocks, the held 24.B7MO0 pounds. 4 aaartnaato aa tb« a l u . t*tf iata Ifea Ma«t til> raatar riiay Hrdact It. Vaa taaM as4 tbolttat Dlr*«»«r kts ••)«• >aa ater ,tb» aa*rtaieat< Q. I hane been discharged from the Army and have my eye on a gaaolirta station that is now closed up. How do I go about getting supplies since thest are ra^oned? A. Ca*ta«l ,y«ar local War Prfce worth more rent than., he and Kattonlng Board and arpaying. Could I collect th|l *& rang* ! • *•• « ma«iber af tlw irltional rent if the tenant' - Cm*^iia* PMI«I wte handU* lb« agreeable! balk | M » U B * aaaUMiion*. M« will ehaek over your situation . TMt would b« a *i«J»U«* of «»4 adVli* yo» wkat stfps ar* the rent r*|tiUt{oat «I»M It aactsur; ta g*t started. woajil IM more than tb« «i**tmam a m tho«|li tk« !••>«! Q. Is there a ceiling price on a scralas taauaodlti^, wbaa M U at rattll ara Ngalate*' tba sasaa aa Khlli. OPA bat t h o placed MEDICAL WACf • A recant anmHineamefll War Department is to ttMT •aatiaM la •> •• u tiMy art that Fort Oglethorpe, O«., roloMaJ by la* gavarasMat f«r training center for WAC8,1 tala. Pa» rtaBBlai A m y *bo*i, turned inte training ce | « . « h Madleal Carpt Kabbar medical WACS. All other \ activities at the fcrtwlH la»d Aataat, $1.«Ot to Dea Moin«d, Iowa. Tw»] KabUr G l o w , l i t . cal eouraev, a thfdical M teehnlohns' tours* and a •YOVNC BOMtOHTfiR clerk's school, are to be • MOSCOW, Idah«.—An 8-yenrold boy, who "borrowjd" fow bicycles in five days/pMfniaed police that he wouldn't do it; i h t more. SALT U K B O1TV.—1 However, when his mother, reachtd leda "Hansen recently was i home, she found that n a boy had 11,750 damages because "borrowed" a yf yetjnf Mlt and tied dropped from a hotel h dhd Struck her on the bead. it up In the woodahed, puXaVrpni p n t n vB ft BUB* * ..Si 117. I l l 1 la Ha* wftk 5 5 a r Item W fialka, Carteret boxer, Will compete in the Eastern State* Boxing Champion*.bi{. A mpkftsa ^-^ aam ^LW ft*>^s^Si ship to be hold at the Newark Ath. JkMaaaUwBVWmmJKn • ^M Wauit^ wilfffrfcfe cSM ITnl letic Club tonight and next FriDapartaMat of ' y«ar loeal day. JBalka, tutored by Al Sato, Board far tbair •apraral, Wformer borough'boxing star, will Questions are those moat ft* CAJTERET—Encountering lit- be flghtjng in the 126 pound class. thi optoaition, Boiler "B" won two Balk* who it now training at the qu.ntiy aaked rtte wstt <a,$* Trenton District of OPA, Anawcn I intend to open a dry cleaning gam.* from the .Machine Shop in Rahway ¥ . M. C. A. was entwed are official OPA rulings aa of March. establishment. How do I priee in the OoWert {Moves this year and the'foster Wheeler pin sloop lust won his Opening bout but was12. Readers may mail qtfeatron* my sarvtewt Weak at the Mil alleys. Other beaten in the seml-flnals. In both for replies'to Distriot Office, OPA, Tk« ari«a« tk*rge4 far • • ; performances, Balka got a bigTrenton, N. J. Bcorrs follow: hand from the fans for his ettl- Q. How mnch should I pay for ilnMhif imi«M S!M«U U th« BOILER "B" (2) •an** i«« thM* thM* charg bf y 184 161 164 Standing work. , hamburger? p ctat*kt caat|Mtltort. A ll»t e l 155 152 In recent bouts Balka has Shaped Mnwyka your prlcei taut b^ Mnt bambvrpr pr*Salad* „ 182 15S up In top condition' arid is looking your B««rd for approral. V gkropoMkt 187 136. forward to a crack at the state i The tenant living in one «f my J. Poll :,V.. 151) IBS179 title before long. •how c«i« ii apartrrfonts feels that it M. Lucas a i l 150 107 hi a GiwiCi 1 tlera, i*J M Wheeler Pia Loop loiiriiHiiieiw play • n d ,i , n i i e n t campaign, ,,'' ,,,.,-irtfls both Carteret , i;,r,k fought a close b i t ,, ^.jthor team giving a n ,'i |,;,,,k lod by one point : I.C. •-• 2 *' I 2 !l OFFICE "B" Plsar 96 Itonovan W Mtrciniak 1<8 .19,- •' » • • . . • HANK (34) G. P. 4 p. 11 o 4 '. o •%' < 0 .... 0.'. ,0 0 4 12 4 jU 5 S o '""'".. lo 1 0 : Jdwick 202 Vfrino 140 it 4 • Motulr,* Thtu Sitiwdiyf 711 696 CASING (3) Lombanli Eary Wadiak Blind Lucas 148 169 125 181 * • • " ...: o-. 12' 10 34 j p L l l ,, i,y i M ' r i n c i s : • ' • lei! Him!•• ',i,r 723 • 0 - 8 tt' 8 Wf'isS. MWSHOYS SELL WAR STAMPS WASHINGTON - ^ Newspaper | IV . :.-,,.II May. 11141, through Oc,,.: i:ni, ..olil more than f 128,i,,,i,'.,,. win ih of war-savines I ,, I'naMury announres ha; I- > rM"'f hoy* bave soul . I rni ,.f all stampa.sold in ii. ,',.,,1.11 \ iluring the three-year INSPECTION^) • fcosuh 115 131 IR2 Holton 163 147 124 Copper 18* 167 130 Tarnowsky 137 167 154 Cheslak , 147 171 156 696 783 BOILEH "A" (3) Fcdlum ;... 104 163 Kosh 120 202 Mtidrak : 172 197 Chomicki 212 177 Rogers 185 202 889 716 184 155 180 187 178 941 884 CONDENSER (2) 187 192 Matriska 218 151 Penwtt* 201 132 Maklalgki 185 185 Vero 105 158 200 188 108 186 205 VICIOKY 81fl V A I \ 11 DISTILLER'988 "A" (1> Mcstick 192 1B2 175 167 RI-.PUH Greco Shirker ^50 Dowling Menilu E. Poll 180 201 »47 DESK !23 147 Ml 100 In atketed mahogany veneers. Bulbous serpentine front, 156 140 233 '200 ipacioui writing. cwnparUnent, and four roomy drawwi whb 848 1871 traditional hardware, A useful, decorativa pi«u DISTRIBUTION "B" (2) L.rry Repair Gusrjiiircd. "••• , ••'. Job For or Fully cleaning, r*|uUli»|, bring your Wltcll 10 4 \LUREN Inc. 133 Smith St. Perth Amboy Colton Hollid Bertolami Slderis Bakm 181 189 164 159 16* 166 100 0 1 V?8 176 142 848 812 OFFICE "A" (1) AtUmaio t3» 172 Carpen«r 148 140 Sendzialc - 156 124. Peterson 161 117 13ft 1 8 B PILLOW-BACK CHAIR with separate, reversible pillow back, full spring construction, You'll Jje pka»ed with the perfection of this (of*. It has style, comfort and beauty of line. Full spring construction boucle ;and fringe trim. Available in choice of distinctive and \ arid antique satin stripe covers in rose or blue, opulent farii'lfs., 173 14U 167 203 71" LAWSON SOFA Designed for Comfort, but see how smart it is! Lounge elyle \ v;-.- <*3 > . ,' • WitH ba«e frbge, $ 9 8 , Others from | 1 H HOW TO SAVE YOUR FURNITUM AND RUGS ., •ffl •• '• ' ^ 1 Pernianent Wave RUG CUSHIONS Kwp IVH hakim new with Powd«r-ftM. - J u t brash inio ruf, Protect r^igs ,'. , conserve fuel, • '• » Sturdy waffle dejign rug cushions With huir bUrfate and heavy Wwforc$d hack. IJelpi prolong lifl^ljwur rugs, inakes . theni foeil liicker and nwreluxuriou^^eEted to resist rnotha. GLASS TOPS top* of. dressers, dicsts, desks, tables, bullets ini ^ • ^ heavy, polished plate glass. They five t i, ea»ier.to-cle«u surface, are custom-cut to Match rtiy and tb«y are inexpentive), TypWl dt«ww tup, ,1-^
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