The New England Rhodesian Ridgeback Club
Proudly presents a
Jan Thomas
Sunday April 1, 2007
Jan began her show career in 1971and has a very impressive list of
accomplishments. As a breeder/exhibitor of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers she broke
nineteen breed history records including multiple BIS wins. As a handler, she has
BIS’s in the US, Canada, and South America and has finished hundreds of Champions
in 27 breeds. Jan has placements in all 7 groups and has experience winning/major
pointing 67 breeds. For over ten years she has had a dog either Number 1 in its
breed, and/or in the top ten National rankings. As for her students, 65% have placed
in the groups and 9 have achieved the coveted Best in Show.
The Seminar will be held at Performance Plus in Taunton, Ma
To reserve your spot:
Please fill out the form below and return with your check made payable to
NERRC BY MARCH 23, 2007.
Mail to: Barbara Ferguson 7 Short Way, Sandwich, Ma. 02563
Name _________________________________________________________________
Phone Number________________________Email________________________________
Level of Handler: Beginner__________Novice____________Advanced_______________
Name of Dog_________________________________________Age_____________________
Specific Problem(s)____________________________________________________________
Check one: Member $50.00____________ Non-member $65.00_______________
Rte 495 North to Exit 9 – Go left on Bay Street heading towards Taunton. Take right at
traffic light into Myles Standish Industrial Park. Follow all the way thru the park out to
Rte 140 – go left on Rte 140 heading south towards Taunton. Travel 1.4 miles – you’ll
see Standish Gas Station on your right – look to the left – count 3 houses and then you’ll
see our sign – turn left at sign.
Rte 495 South to Exit 11 – Rte 140 South. Travel 7.4 miles following the signs for Rte
140 – you’ll see Standish Gas Station on your right – look to the left – count 3 houses
and then you’ll see our sign – turn left at sign.
From Taunton Green – travel north on Rte 140 – go past Trucchi’s Market – continue 2.3
miles look for our sign on the right. Turn right at the sign.
Cape Cod Kennel Club Supported Show
Trophy Sponsorships
NERRC and RRCUS will be supporting the Rhodesian Ridgeback entry at one of the
Cranberry Cluster Dog Shows on Sunday, September 16, 2007. This includes providing
trophies for the Puppy Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes winners as well as trophies
for the winners from the regular classes. In order to meet the deadline for publishing the
list of trophies and the names of those offering them, we need to identify these people
during the month of April so we need to hear from interested folks ASAP !!!!.
Sweepstakes, Puppy
Best Puppy in Sweeps $25
Best Opposite Puppy $20
Sweepstakes, Veteran
Best Veteran in Sweeps
Best Opposite Veteran
Regular Classes
Best of Breed $50
Best of Opposite
Best of Winners
Winners Dog $30
Winners Bitch $30
High in Trial
Anyone interested in sponsoring one of these trophies, please write or send an e-mail to me,
at letting me know which trophy/trophies you want to sponsor. I will
confirm that trophy is still available. Once the trophy is confirmed please mail a check,
made out to NERRC, to me at:
Evelyn Strawn
PO Box 1199
Plymouth, MA 02362
Thank you for your support,
Evelyn Strawn, Supported Show Chairperson
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to win a spectacular one of a kind quilt.
ALL proceeds go towards rescuing Ridgebacks in need.
Complete as many tickets as desired. The tickets are $3 each, 4 for $10, 8 for $20 or fill out one of the
special $50 tickets and get 25 chances to win!!!
The draw for the winning raffle ticket will be held at the RRCUS Annual National Specialty Show in Mason,
Ohio (May 19 – 25, 2007). YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE AT THE DRAW TO WIN.
Mail completed tickets and payment to: Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc., 104 Wild Turkey Rd,
Blythewood, SC 29016-8461. Tickets and payment must be received no later than May 12, 2007
The draw will be held during the RRCUS
Annual National Specialty Show
in Mason, Ohio.
$3 Each / 4 for $10 / 8 for $20
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Tel: ___________________ Email: _______________________________________
Mail completed tickets and payment to: Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc., 104 Wild Turkey Rd,
Blythewood, SC 29016-8461. Tickets and payment must be received no later than May 12, 2007
* The show is being held from May 19 - 25, 2007. You do not need to be present at the draw to win.
The draw will be held during the RRCUS
Annual National Specialty Show
in Mason, Ohio.
$3 Each / 4 for $10 / 8 for $20
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Tel: ___________________ Email: _______________________________________
Mail completed tickets and payment to: Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc., 104 Wild Turkey Rd,
Blythewood, SC 29016-8461. Tickets and payment must be received no later than May 12, 2007
* The show is being held from May 19 - 25, 2007. You do not need to be present at the draw to win.
The draw will be held during the RRCUS
Annual National Specialty Show
in Mason, Ohio.
$3 Each / 4 for $10 / 8 for $20
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Tel: ___________________ Email: _______________________________________
Mail completed tickets and payment to: Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc., 104 Wild Turkey Rd,
Blythewood, SC 29016-8461. Tickets and payment must be received no later than May 12, 2007
* The show is being held from May 19 - 25, 2007. You do not need to be present at the draw to win
The draw will be held during the RRCUS
Annual National Specialty Show
in Mason, Ohio.
$3 Each / 4 for $10 / 8 for $20
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Tel: ___________________ Email: _______________________________________
Mail completed tickets and payment to: Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc., 104 Wild Turkey Rd,
Blythewood, SC 29016-8461. Tickets and payment must be received no later than May 12, 2007
* The show is being held from May 19 - 25, 2007. You do not need to be present at the draw to win
The draw will be held during the RRCUS
Annual National Specialty Show
in Mason, Ohio.
Special $50 Ticket. Complete 1 ticket and get 25 chances to win!
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Tel: ___________________ Email: _______________________________________
Mail completed tickets and payment to: Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc., 104 Wild Turkey Rd,
Blythewood, SC 29016-8461. Tickets and payment must be received no later than May 12, 2007
* The show is being held from May 19 - 25, 2007. You do not need to be present at the draw to win
January ~ February ~ March 2007
The Ridgeline
a publication of the New England Rhodesian Ridgeback Club
President's Message
Secretary's Report
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the
membership for the honor of being installed as the
president of the New England Rhodesian Ridgeback Club.
I take on this role from the very experienced hands of Barbara
Ferguson. Thank you Barbara, I hope we all can continue to grow
the club and offer more events to the membership.
We have many events planned for 2007, the first will be a super
Handling Seminar offered on April 1st. The seminar will be
conducted by Jan Thomas who has 36 years experience in the “Dog
Show” arena. The seminar is open to anyone from beginner to
experienced handlers. Now is the time to obtain new skills, fine
tune your handling expertise and get expert advice for problem
areas. This seminar is just in time for the spring show season and
for the RRCUS National Specialty. Please contact Barbara
Ferguson for details and registration.
There are 3 Lure Coursing events planned, the first of which will
be in June. If have any interest in Lure Coursing, try to come to an
event. You never know, your dog may love it. The committee is
Ridgeback Club
Board of Directors Meeting –
January 28, 2007
Fireside Grill Middleborough, MA.
Meeting was called to order at 10:50am. Board Members present
were: Cheryl Fraser, Alan Fraser, Barbara Ferguson, Ken Walker,
Evelyn Strawn and Jean Gamble. Club members present were
Joyce and Mort Myers
Evelyn made a motion to wave the reading of minutes of last
meeting, and accept them as written in the Ridgeline. All board
members voted in favor.
Secretary’s ReportRenewals are going fairly well. Of the 127 members on the list, 82
(64.6%) have renewed.
To Be Voted On:
Vincent Brathwaite, Brockton MA - Sponsor: Helen McCune
always looking for new people to help make the events a success.
NERRC will be sponsoring 2 supported shows again this year. The
first will be Sept 16th, on Cape Cod. The club received a lot of
Terri Chapman, Carlisle MA - Sponsor: Ulla-Britt Ekengren
positive feedback on our first experience at that venue. The 2
supported show will be held in Boston. Evelyn Strawn is in need of
trophy sponsors for the Cape Cod show. Please contact Evelyn if
Paul & Dawn Gesualdi, N. Billerica MA - Sponsor: Cheryl Cote
you are interested.
Petra Gospodnetic & Adrian Bignami, Cambridge MA - Sponsor:
Cheryl Cote
Linda & Garry Koch, who have been fostering 2 of the puppy mill
Karen Heine, Barrington RI - Sponsor: Helen McCune
dogs, have written a heartwarming story of how they have been
able to bring 2 of the girls out of their shells. It is a lovely update
and perhaps will inspire you to consider opening your home and
Fran Howley, Bass Harbor ME - Sponsor: Ulla-Britt Ekengren
heart to fostering a rescue dog. Or adopting one of them.
Meghan Terwilliger, Medfield MA - Sponsor: Bonnie Johnson
Are you thinking Spring yet???
Steven & Barbara Vincenty, Cumberland RI-Sponsor, Helen
Cheryl Fraser
Ken made a motion to accept the new members as listed. All board
members voted in favor.
If a dog’s prayers were answered, bones would
rain from the sky.
~ Turkish Proverb
Treasurer’s Report –
Written report provided by Alan Fraser was reviewed. Alan
commented that there would be some additional expenses from the
January ~ February ~ March 2007
The Ridgeline
December show that will appear in the next treasurer’s report. All
board members voted to accept the treasurers’ report.
Committee Reports –
Supported Show Committee –
Evelyn reported that Cathy Ford had stepped down from the
supported show committee. Evelyn will contact a couple of club
members to see if they are interested in joining the committee.
The Cape shows are as follows:
Cape Cod-South Shore KC: Friday Sept 14 and Saturday,
September 15 Cape Cod KC: Sunday, September 16 and Monday,
September 17. NERRC sponsorship for the Sunday September 16th
show was discussed.
Jean made a motion to support the September 16th show. All board
members voted in favor.
Lure Coursing Committee –
Sue Ann submitted a written report: trials dates for 2007 are:
June 9/10 Voluntown, CT, FTS, Lisa Keating
Sept. 3 added on to the GONE trials of Sept. 1 & 2 Starkville,
FTS, Sue Ann Leslie
Oct. 20/21 Griswold, FTS Celia O'Brien
Lure coursing committee is beginning to work on the trials, by
contacting judges and the LA Caterers for the food. Karen Hocker,
Photographer has contacted Sue Ann regarding trials. Lure
coursing committee could use two batteries this year. Cost,
approximately $80 per motor.
Evelyn made a motion to pay up to $200 for two batteries. All
board members voted in favor.
Historian Report –
There should be an article in the next RRCUS newsletter based on
material from NERRC documents from Kay Fanning.
Mary Wickwire, NERRC Historian
Membership Care –
Membership Care Committee is up to date with Welcome notes to
new members. Since our last report cards have been sent to
members who have lost loved ones recently.
There is a beautiful Ridgeback themed quilt being raffled off at
this year’s national specialty in Mason Ohio. Visit the rescue
website for details on how to purchase tickets and to view photos
of the blocks. Tickets will be available from the NERRC website as
well. Three NERRC members contributed blocks for the quilt;
THANKS go to Bette Rallo, Deb Ridlon and Cheryl Fraser.
Unfinished Business –
There was a general discussion about the possibility of NERRC
holding a Bill Sahloff Handling Seminar – The board recommended
we delay in scheduling said seminar. Cheryl will follow up with
Cathy Ford. The board discussed the possibility of having a
seminar with a local instructor that may be less costly. Barbara
would contact Jan Thomas about a possible seminar the end of
March or first of April.
Draft a set of guidelines and procedures for each committee.
Some guidelines are in place for the supported show, so it was
decided that we start there, Evelyn would put them together and
send them to the board for review before the next meeting.
Cheryl indicated that they should live in the Policy and Procedures
once they are finalized.
Ken offered to retrieve the remaining periodicals/RR publications
that are with Cathy Ford and Jean offered to deliver to Mary
Wickwire, NERRC Historian.
Investigate putting some of NERRC’s funds into a money market or
CD account. Alan will talk to Jack at the bank regarding NERRC
funds, but the general consensus from the board was that we
should not put the money in an interest bearing account because
then we may need to pay taxes on the income.
New Business –
Mort indicated that he often gets requests from people for local
RR breeders and he inquired about the fact that NERRC does not
have a breeders directory, but sends people to the RRCUS website
to find local New England breeders. It was explained that we don’t
have a ethics committee to monitor the breeders list and suggest
we continue to refer people to the RRCUS site, but to also look at
NERRC for general information on finding reputable breeders.
NERRC calendar of events for 2007 is as follows:
Additional NERRC note paper for future use was requested.
Welcome notes if anyone on the BOD has any in reserve.
Ways & Means –
New Lure Coursing Magnets have been ordered. They are the Euro
style oval magnet.
The Ridgeline –
The club newsletter is expected to be mailed the second week of
February. Membership renewal reminder notices will be sent at
that time to members who have yet to renew.
Rescue –
There are 2 new dogs coming into rescue. A 7 month old male and a
1.5 year old male.
Possible Handling Clinic:
LC in Voluntown, Ct
Annual BBQ
LC in Starkville NY
Supported Cape Cod show
LC in Griswold, CT
Annual Meeting
Supported Boston show
April 1
June 9-10
August 11
September 3
September 16
October 20,21
Dec 9th
Next BOD meeting will be Feb 25th.
NERRC received a solicitation for the RRCUS specialty, Terri
Newman who has been appointed to make calls to the regional clubs
January ~ February ~ March 2007
The Ridgeline
for donations to defray the costs of such things as the DJ and
hospitality items for the 2007 National Specialty in Ohio.
the entry on Sunday again this year. They responded that they are
pleased that we will be participating in this way.
Evelyn made a motion to donate $100 towards the National in Ohio.
The majority voted in favor of the donation.
Lure Coursing Committee – Nothing to report
Historian Report – Nothing to report
NERRC support for a Regional basket for the Rescue Silent
Auction table at the 2007 Specialty. Would ask for monies to
provide a basket be obtained from the NERRC rescue account.
Evelyn made a motion to spend up to $250 towards a basket from
NERRC. All voted in favor
The board discussed payment of new Lure Coursing Magnets – cost
is $367.45 for 250 magnets.
Jean made a motion to pay for the magnets out of the NERRC
treasury. All voted in favor.
Jean mentioned that there was an ad in the Boston Sunday Globe
for Emergency first aid training classes offered at VESCONE in
Waltham. She agreed to contact them about the possibility of
running a class for NERRC members.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Gamble
NERRC Director
Mass Federation of Dogs – Mass Fed has a meeting on March 7 in
Framingham about legislation and discussion of upcoming Lobby
day. Jean plans on attending and if anyone else is interested, they
need to pay for dinner by Wed Feb 28th.
Membership Care – A single condolence card has been sent since
the last BOD meeting. Welcome notes to be sent to members voted
in as soon as additional NERRC stationery arrives.
Ways & Means – The Lure Coursing Magnets have been received.
The bill for the magnets has been submitted to the Treasurer.
The Ridgeline – Nothing to report
Rescue – Linda & Garry Koch have written a wonderful update on
their experiences with fostering 2 of the puppy mill dogs out of
Missouri. This will be published in the newsletter.
There are 2 more dogs coming into rescue: a 6 year old female and
5 year old female.
Webmaster – Nothing to report
Policy & Procedures – Nothing to report
New England Rhodesian Ridgeback Club
Board of Directors Meeting – February 25, 2007
Fireside Grill, Middleborough, MA.
Meeting was called to order at 10:55 am. Board Members present
were: Cheryl Fraser, Alan Fraser, Barbara Ferguson, Helen McCune
and Jean Gamble. Club members present were Joyce and Mort
Unfinished Business –
Handling Seminar status – Helen dropped off a deposit of
$150 with Nancy at Performance Plus on 2/26/07.
Handling seminar will take place on April 1 from 10-4.
Draft a set of guidelines and procedures for each
committee – tabled until next meeting.
Barb got more of the remaining periodicals/RR
publications from Cathy Ford and she plans to scan them
so that they can be available for others to enjoy. The
rest of the inventory will have to wait until spring as they
are currently in Cathy’s barn and snow and ice were
blocking the doorway.
Investigate putting some of NERRC’s funds into a money
market or CD account. – tabled until next meeting.
NERRC to provide the RRCUS specialty, a donation to
defray the costs of such things as the DJ and hospitality
items for the 2007 National Specialty in Ohio. Helen
mailed this $100 donation to Chris Abraham on 2/26/07.
NERRC support for a Regional basket for the Rescue
Silent Auction table at the 2007 Specialty. Cheryl Fraser
to coordinate.
Helen made a motion to wave the reading of minutes of last
meeting, and accept them as written in the Ridgeline. Seconded by
Alan. All board members voted in favor.
Secretary’s ReportSome additional membership renewals have been received.
Treasurer’s Report –
Written report provided by Alan Fraser was reviewed. A copy of
the report is available upon request. All board members voted to
accept the treasurers’ report.
Committee Reports –
By-Laws – No report
Supported Show Committee – Evelyn has been in touch with the
Cape Cod Kennel Club and notified them that we will be supporting
January ~ February ~ March 2007
The Ridgeline
Jean called VESCONE in Waltham about the first aid
training. They said they were all booked up for now, but
that they may consider doing an entire group if we have
at least 10 people. Jean will check back with them to
investigate the possibility of holding this training at a
later time.
Discuss investigating the purebred breeder referral
service advertised in the Boston Globe. An ad will be
placed during the 1st weeks of March, April and May with
a link to NERRC’s website. Activity on the website will be
monitored and we’ll make a determination based on this as
to how we will proceed.
New Business –
RRCUS has submitted an ad to be run in Dog Fancy magazine.
Cheryl asked if regional clubs could be given permission to place
the ad on regional club websites. Permission has been given,
discussion on adding the RRCUS Breeders ad to the NERRC
website. A print out of the ad will be available at the meeting –
This ad will be added to NERRC’s website.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00
Respectfully submitted,
Helen McCune, secretary
Motions passed via e-mail:
On February 8, 2007, Jean Gamble moved to have Barb schedule
the Handling Clinic with Jan Thomas at whatever the cheaper
location is. Evelyn seconded the motion.
Motion passed
On February 5, 2007 Jean Gamble moved to order 250 NERRC
notecards and envelopes at a cost of $97.30 + tax. Helen McCune
seconded the motion.
A discussion ensued about adding envelopes to the stationery
Helen McCune moved to amend this motion to include 250 ivory
business size envelopes with brown ink logo in left hand corner at a
cost of $39.32 + tax and 250 NERRC notecards and envelopes at a
cost of $97.30 + tax. The total for this order would be $136.62 +
tax. Seconded by Jean Gamble. Motion passed unanimously
NERRC 2007 Club Officers & Committees:
President Cheryl Fraser 508-393-6966
Vice Pres. Barbara Ferguson 508-477-2063
Treasurer Alan Fraser 508-393-6966
Secretary Helen McCune 508-690-2049
Board Of Directors:
Evelyn Strawn 508-746-3206
Jean Gamble 978-779-6112
Kenn Walker 603 472 8692
Anita Craven 603 823-5225
Mass.Federation of Dog Clubs:
Jean Gamble 978-779-6112
Policy & Procedures:
Kenn Walker 603 472 8692
Mary Wickwire 413-628-3869
Barbara Ferguson 508-477-2063
Membership Care:
Cheryl Cote 413 548-9404
Theresa Chan Conza 781 575-6323
Joyce Myers 781 784-2704
Ways & Means:
Linda & Garry Koch 603 783 4483 .
Lure Coursing :
Sue Ann & Clay Leslie 860-848-7629
Supported Show:
Evelyn Strawn 508-746-3206
NERRC Webmaster:
Cheryl Fraser 508-393-6966
"The Ridgeline" Editor:
Cheryl Fraser 508-393-6966
NERRC 2007 Events:
NERRC Handling Clinic –SEE FLYER April 1
Lure Coursing in Voluntown, Ct
June 9-10
Annual BBQ
August 11
Lure Coursing in Starkville NY
Sept. 3
Supported Cape Cod show
Sept. 16
Lure Coursing in Griswold, CT
Oct. 20,21
Annual Meeting - TBD
BOD meetings will be Jan 28th, Feb 25, May 6th,
Aug 11th, Sept 16th, Nov 18th. 6
January ~ February ~ March 2007
The Ridgeline
Barbara Ferguson 508-477-2063
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont Coordinator:
If there is a Ridgeback in need of rescue in ME, NH or VT.,
contact Barbara Ferguson or Cheryl Fraser
Rhode Island Coordinator:
If there is a Ridgeback in need of rescue in Rhode Island., contact
Marie LaPointe
New England Regional Coordinator:
Cheryl Fraser 508-393-6966
R.R.Rescue Volunteer Coordinator:
Barry Sullivan 978-974-0719
Places to go on the WEB
Real food for dogs is easier than you
think by Christie Keith
In Loving Memory
Bowmore Fraser
6/18/1997 ~ 12/22/2006
On December 22, 2006, Bowmore journeyed to the Rainbow Bridge.
Gone from our sight, forever in our hearts.
Cheryl & Alan Fraser
Chaza & Ruby & Robin
Rescue Report:
Rescue is in SERIOUS NEED of people to
perform HOME CHECKS. We have a
detailed checklist to follow. If you can do
a home check please contact on of the
rescue coordinators ASAP.
Your donation to Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue Inc, is tax
deductible! Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc. is a not-for-profit,
charitable organization formed under Section 501(c)(3) of the
United States Internal Revenue Code. Donations to Rhodesian
Ridgeback Rescue Inc., are tax deductible for US taxpayers to the
extent allowed by law.
Please visit the Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue website.
Take a look at us now –
A wonderful update on 2 of the puppy mill dogs in
foster care ~ by Linda & Garry Koch
When we first acquired Babe & Briar in June of 06 from a Missouri
Puppy Mill, I really thought that we had taken on a task that was going
to be impossible with these two angel girls.
In June, they came to us scared, traumatized, and without any feeling,
they would both stare into space. For about a month they were pretty
well glued to their crates and it took everything we had to get them out
of their comfort zones, always trying to bury their heads in shame, they
could not look you in the eyes.
Rescue Contacts:
Connecticut Coordinators:
Marie LaPointe 860 395 1502
Massachusetts Coordinator (excluding Cape Cod):
Cheryl Fraser 508-393-6966
Massachusetts Coordinator (for Cape Cod):
By the time July came around, they were getting a little more
comfortable with their surroundings, eating very well but still would
stare into space. We would give them treats and they would not eat
January ~ February ~ March 2007
The Ridgeline
them, but then realized they did not know what treats were. By letting
them see my own dog eat treats, they were soon enjoying them.
August came along and I soon starting letting them run freely in our
fenced yard and we thought there is no way these girls are ever going
to play with toys or even fetch a ball. Now, I have no toys that are
intact, they love to pull the squeakers out and yes, they do fetch a ball,
run around squeaking their toys, throwing them in the air, playing like
happy dogs.
They play and romp with my male ridge and found that these two angel
girls have no aggression in them what so ever. Briar is a survivor,
she’s strong willed and very independent and just loves to be outside,
running and romping and laying around in the sun. Briar does relate
more to my husband. Babe on the other hand, is the loveable one, she
wants hugs and kisses. We have a 4 ft high fence and neither one of
them has ever challenged the fence. Babe is always proud to share
her paw with you and now, Briar is learning to do the same.
By September they were coming and going freely in their crates, they
do obey and understand, but have recently discovered fleece, they
love to lay on top of fleece and be covered with a fleece blanket
To see them both in the yard and in the house playing is so amazing
now, Babe & Briar are glued to the hip. It is my hope that these two
girls would be adopted together, but that is not a requirement. They are
shy yet with strangers but they do overcome their shyness. They are
wonderful with children and excellent with my male, have no problems
with their crates and are very quiet; they do well on a lead with walking,
although I have not taken them out into public yet.
They both have the ability to hide their bones, look forward to eating
and love their treats, they don’t mind the outside cold for very short
periods of time, and they absolutely love their showers. No fear of loud
noises now and Briar gets a kick out of the vacuum. They don’t counter
surf, nor have they ever been destructive, except for an occasional pair
of my slippers, their coats are very shinny now, with a beautiful ridge
on both girls and they will now eat treats from your hands, something
we never thought would happen.
I don’t want these two girls to be overlooked because they have been
categorized as “mill dogs”. These girls did not ask for that life and
certainly did not deserve the deplorable conditions from once they
lived, they don’t require special needs, they need love and attention
and possibly another docile dog to play with. If the girls need to be
separated, Briar would do well with a man in the family and another
dog, she is a motivator, she will get another dog up and running for
Babe would be content by your side on a big fluffy pillow (with fleece)
but also does well playing with another dog. We never fostered a mill
dog and although they were challenging, they have overcome some
many obstacles but our rewards have been great.
They are now ready to leave my nest so that I can continue fostering,
these girls have been such a wonderful addition for Garry and I, it was
truly a pleasure teaching these girls how to trust and love again.
Once more, the NERRC Supported Show in Boston on December 9th
was an exciting event! I’m sure that some winners are still
The entry was large and with the best weather in years, there
were very few absentees. Sweepstakes competition was judged by
Danik Dancause, an experienced Canadian handler from Ontario.
Danik was a successful Ridgeback handler in the Boston area many
years ago and has always felt attracted to the breed. His current
primary breed is the Portuguese Water Dog and he aspires to
become a multi-breed Canadian and US judge.
There were 4 puppy dogs and 11 puppy bitches in sweepstakes
competition. The ribbons went to:
Best in Puppy Sweepstakes:
from Sweepstakes 12-18 Month Junior Bitches class:
Kimani’s Naya (CH Kimani’s Aires Above The Ground, JC - Kimani’s
Stay The Course)
Owners: Dr. David Ellis & Alicia Hanna
Best Opposite Sex in Puppy Sweepstakes:
from Sweepstakes 6-9 Month Puppy Dog class:
Adili’s American Idol
(CH Kimani’s Gazeley of Tahari - CH Adili’s Serengeti Starlight SC,
Owners: Tammy Lynch, Nadine Vaccarino, Phyllis Lia & Karen
We had 3 beautiful dogs in competition for Veterans Sweepstakes.
It was wonderful to see 11.5 year old Rufus so happy in the ring!
Best in Veteran Sweepstakes:
from Sweepstakes 7-9 Years Veterans Class:
CH Rocky Ridge Caught in the XFire
(MBIS/MBISS CH Kimani’s Blue Chip Image, JC – Ch Mshindaji’s
Roxie Ridge)
Owners: Dale Stammel & Kent MacFarlane
Best Opposite Sex in Veteran Sweepstakes:
from Sweepstakes 7-9 Years Bitches Class:
CH Rocky Ridge’s Hi Caliber Shabani
(CH Rocky Ridges Lethal Weapon – CH Shabani Shona, JC)
Owners: Dale Stammel & Kent MacFarlane
Mr. Dana Cline judged the regular competition. He was rushing
from one ring to the next, but did an excellent job efficiently
judging our large Ridgeback entry. There were 4 class dogs, 2
veteran dogs, 8 specials dogs, 11 class bitches, 1 veteran bitch and
7 specials bitches. The big winners were:
Boston Supported Show Results:
Cathy Ford
NERRC Supported Show Committee member
Winners Dog
from the Open Dog class:
January ~ February ~ March 2007
The Ridgeline
Black Ridge’s Anane Minkah
(DC Spring Valley’s Half Dimond, UD, MC, NA – CH Paumanok’s
Andromeda At Black Ridge, CD)
Owners: Tiffany Knox, Deborah Yeager & Joseph Serin
Reserve Winners Dog
from the Bred By Exhibitor Dog class:
Adili’s American Idol
(CH Kimani’s Gazeley of Tahari – CH Adili’s Serengeti StarLight,
Owners: Tammy Lynch, Nadine Vaccarino, Phyllis Lia, and Karen
Winners Bitch and Best of Winners
from the 12-18 Months Bitches class:
-Mr. Bruce Smith, President of the Eastern Dog Club, who ensured
that the Ridgeback ring would be enlarged for our Saturday
-our generous NERRC members who donated the wonderful
trophies awarded to the above-mentioned recipients.
Special Thanks to the following members for their
generosity in sponsoring the trophies for the 2006
Boston Supported Show
Best of Breed ~
Sarah Curtis
Best of Opposite ~ Lisa Keating
Best of Winners ~ Joyce & Mort Myers
Kimani’s Naya
(CH Kimani’s Aires Above The Ground, JC – Kimani’s Stay The
Owners: Dr. David Ellis & Alicia Hanna
Winners Dog ~ Bob & Celia O'Brien
Winners Bitch ~
Kenn Walker
Reserve Winners Dog ~ Bob & Celia O'Brien
Reserve Winners Bitch & Best Puppy
from the 6-9 Months Bitches Class:
Shabani’s Meeka of Tumomak (CH Ikimba Tumomak Sheikh – CH
Shabani’s Kali’s Creed)
Owner: Elizabeth Keating
Best of Breed and Group 2
CH Kimani’s Lasting Impression -bitch
(DC Kimani’s Flexible Flyer – DC Kimani’s Wilds Of Africa)
Owners: Alicia Hanna, MaureenTauber & Theresa Lyons
Best Opposite Sex
CH Avendale of Nashira - dog
(Ch Nashira’s Excalibur of Ridgelea – CH Nashira’s Lady Gwenavier)
Owners: Concetta Jez, Doris Pio & Pasquale Pio.
Immediately following the judging, the RRCUS Education
Committee held a Breed Study Seminar presented by George
Ohanesian and Danielle Sand, VMD. Breed Study Seminars are
generally provided at large dog shows for the benefit of educating
prospective breed judges. Due to scheduling conflicts, the RR
seminar got off at a late start, but those who attended were quite
impressed. The highlight of the presentation was a video of a
Rhodesian Ridgeback working with his handler, Scotty Stewart,
Park Ranger at the Kruger National Park in South Africa.
Reserve Winners Bitch ~ Evelyn Strawn
Best Puppy ~ Clay & Sue Ann Leslie
~ Sweeps ~
Best in Sweeps (Puppy) ~ Alexandra Moffat
Best of Opposite ~ Roseann & George Sexton
Best in Veterans Sweepstakes ~ Cathy Ford
Best of Opposite ~ Teresa & Michael Conza
Brags and Announcements!
Missing the event was NERRC Supported Show Chair, Evelyn
Strawn, who was recuperating from knee surgery. It’s good to
have her out-and-about now!
The NERRC Supported Show Committee would like to thank:
-our judges, especially Danik who traveled from Ontario just to
judge our sweepstakes,
-George and Danielle for their education efforts on behalf of our
Pamela Shattuck announces:
Acerridge Flying Kirby, AX, AXJ, CGC lived up to his name
with the fastest Standard course time of 4.6 yps for Ridgebacks in
January ~ February ~ March 2007
The Ridgeline
the US!! Overall he was ranked 13th by the RRCUS and 11th by the
Mshindaji’s Flying Millie was ranked 16th overall in her first
year of competition! I am so very proud of both my Ridgies :)
Mort & Joyce Myers announce:
MBIS AM and CAN CH Bandari's A Twist Of Fate,
Oliver, won Best Of Breed at the 2006 AKC/Eukanuba National
Championship show in Long Beach, California. To go along with his
4 Best In Show wins, Oliver has just completed his second
consecutive year (2005 and 2006) as a Top Ten
nationally ranked Rhodesian Ridgeback. He has amassed 105 Best
Of Breed wins, 47 Group Placements, including 21 Group Firsts, as
well as winning an Award Of Merit at Westminster in February
2006 and an Award Of Merit at Westminster in February 2007.
Lisa Keating announces:
"Zeke" Am DC & Can Ch Jendaya's Azikiwe of Tumomak
MC FCh TT HIC finished #9 RRCUS combined lure coursing for
A big thank you to breeder and friend Helen McCune for my very
special boy. Much appreciation to all fellow coursing enthusiasts
for all the support. Ch Ikimba Tumomak Sheikh CGC TDI ET x FC
Qhili Ruzuna Jabalieupe CD SC FCh CGC TDI ET
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender,
your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He
will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of
his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such
devotion." –Unknown
Reservations: first come, first served basis. If classes fill early a
waiting list will be kept.
Fees: Participants with dogs - $125.00 for two days (includes lunch
both days)
Participants without dogs - $75.00 for two days
(includes lunch both days)
Mixed Breed Participation Survey
AKC is seeking the input of the Fancy on the subject of
possibly expanding mixed breed dog participation in AKC
programs. Staff is researching the possibility of creating a
listing service for spayed and neutered mixed breed dogs. In
addition, we are exploring the possibility of enrollees in this
service being eligible to compete in separate classes at
Companion Events (agility, obedience, rally, tracking).
We want to give the Fancy ample opportunity to give feedback
before proceeding with forming any program proposals. As a
starting point, we would appreciate your response to the AKC
Mixed Breed survey.
We have prepared an informational packet that contains
background and facts regarding mixed breed dogs and AKC’s
interest in mixed breed dogs. This material may be useful to
you as background information in thinking about your answers
to the survey.
We ask that you complete the survey by March 31. Thank you
for your participation and input.
Upcoming Handling Seminar in Hamden, CT.
South Windsor Kennel Club Presents All Breed
Handling Seminar by Corky Vroom June 9th & 10th,
9 am to 5 pm Paws ‘N Effect Training Center Hamden, CT
The seminar is divided into three types of participants:
Advanced: Class limited to 20 people with dogs. Should be
experienced exhibitors.
Beginners: Class limited to 20 people with dogs. Open to those just
starting to handle, or those who feel their skills need work.
Participants without dogs: Unlimited number accepted.
January/February/March 2007
•President’s Message
•Secretary’s Report
•NERRC 2007 Club Officers & Committee
•NERRC 2007 Event Dates
•Rescue Report
•Places to go on the WEB
•Boston Supported Show Results
•Brags and Announcements
• Cape Cod Trophy Sponsor letter
• Rescue Quilt tickets
• Jan Thomas Handling Seminar Flyer