bags to protect How to) use usel'JYlotUme Nylofume*bags ld othercommoditiesduring food and dl tions with VIkane* fumigations VIkane*gas gas fumigant. f1 Nylofume bagsare madefrom a specialnylon polymer film. Researchhasdemonstratedthat double-bagging. as shown below,achievesoptimum protection. All items suchas food, feed,drugs and medicine (including (including those thoseiter items in refrigeratorsand freezers) must either must either be be lemo removedfrom the structurebeing fumigated fumigatedor or be be seal sealedin protectiveNylofume bags. To assure proper sealing and good protection, please follow these instru ctions carefully: 1. While bags are still empty, place one inside another. Double-bagging helps assure effective protection. 2. P1aceitems to be protected inside the inner bag. Do not overfill-leave clearance on top for adequateclosureof the bags. I. Twist the top of the inner bag,fold onceand securethe fold in placeusing a suitablefastenersuchasa twist tie, tape, rubber band or string. IMPORTANT: Keep these and other such bags out of children's reach. 4. Repeat Step 3 with the outer bag. '1I\'~I.n_\ ruIO L Check the sealby pressinggently against the sidesof the bag and listening for air leaks. No air should be able to escape. "1i8demarItof [)ow ~ LLC ,Dow AgroSciences 111" nowAtvn.~ II,.. To Bag Or Not To Bag... Thatis thequestion. Protecting consumable items like food, feed and medicine is part of every fumigation with Vikane* gas fumigant. However, from time to time questions arise about which items need to be double-bagged in Nylofume* bags, and which items can remain in the structure unbagged during the fumigation. Here are some examples to guide you as you prepare your home for fumigation. ... these... "c I . ~fi;j Pretzels andotherfoodspackaged in plasticbagsneedtobebagged or removed. ~~/~,'~ .~. Animal feed, like human food, needsto be bagged or removed. :>:'i::'; ~ ifI I . ~ ~ " ," ~~~ "'.:' II". 'to ~ -- ' ,' interior plastic bag may not be airtight. Spiceswithout their original manufacturer's airtight sealintact must be baggedor removed. Eggsmustbebaggedor removed/rom .hestructure. e ~~~-.};"" d~'-';;"!i' "".~.:*",:. !~~r Foods packagedin cardboard boxes,like cereal,need to be bagged or removed becausethe {, Aspirin and other shnilar ingestablemedicinesneed to be bagged or removed. Cottage cheese should be bagged or removed because resealable containers, including Tupperware and other storage containers, do not form airtight seals. ", Ice cubesshould be discarded before the fumigation and the icemaker turned off. -I,,'\ .W '... No need to bag the..... Q Q iii ~ Unopened 2-liter plastic bottles with manufacturer's airtight seal intact can remain unbagged.Shake2-liter bottles to confirm that the airtight seal is still intact. CannL..!pnxlucts like soup may remain unbaggedbecauseunopened metal cans provide an airtight seal. When In doubt, take It out. H there's any question as to the seal on an item, the best approach is to take it out of the structure to be fumigated or double bag it. If you have any questions about what items should be bagged,please contact your local professional pest control companyat .
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