How to improve Wireshark dissector design with C-code autogenerator methodology? September 23, 2009 By Antoine Varet, Nicolas Larrieu, Jean-Marie Fontaine, CNS Department ENAC 1 Note about the license /* * Copyright © ENAC, 2009 (Antoine Varet, Nicolas Larrieu, Jean-Marie Fontaine). * * ENAC's URL/Lien ENAC : * ASTERIX PLUGIN's URL : * Mail to/Adresse électronique : * **fr** Cette œuvre est une œuvre littéraire sous forme de documentation servant à décrire l’usage du plugin pour l'analyseur réseau Wireshark dissecteur des trames ASTERIX. Ce document est une œuvre libre, soumise à une double licence libre. Etant précisé que les deux licences appliquées conjointement ou indépendamment à l’œuvre seront, en cas de litige, interprétées au regard de la loi française et soumis à la compétence des tribunaux français ; vous pouvez utiliser l’œuvre, la modifier, la publier et la redistribuer dès lors que vous respectez les termes de l’une au moins des deux licences suivantes : - Soit la licence GNU Library General Public License comme publiée par la Free Software Foundation, dans sa version 2 ( ou fichier joint); - Soit la licence Creative Commons – Paternité – Partage des Conditions à l’Identique (CC-By-SA) comme publiée par Creative Commons, dans sa version 2 ( ou fichier joint). **en** This work is a documentation relating to a dissector plugin for ASTERIX data frame with the network analyser Wireshark. This document is free under the terms of two free licences. In case of problem, the licences will be interpreted with the french law and submitted to the competence of the french courts; you can use the document, modify it, publish and redistribute it if you respect the terms of at least one of the next licenses: - The GNU Library General Public License v2 of the Free Software Fundation ( or local file); - The Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 France licence ( or local file). 2 Summary Note about the license............................................................................................................................2 Summary................................................................................................................................................3 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................4 The autogenerator methodology.............................................................................................................5 A higher level than C..........................................................................................................................5 The “compiler”: a custom parser.........................................................................................................5 Using this parser................................................................................................................................6 And the result!....................................................................................................................................7 The ASTERIX Protocol: how does it work in practice?...........................................................................8 Frame.................................................................................................................................................8 Block..................................................................................................................................................8 The categories...............................................................................................................................8 Record................................................................................................................................................8 Data...............................................................................................................................................8 Example of an ASTERIX frame..........................................................................................................9 C-code autogenerator process design..................................................................................................13 Why so many “.inc.c” files?...............................................................................................................13 Example of the IDEN item decoding.................................................................................................14 When to call IDEN? From categories.csv to What to do with this field? Parsing of champs.csv.......................................................................15 Autogenerator skills..........................................................................................................................17 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................18 ANNEX 1: Eurocontrol, DGAC and ASTERIX......................................................................................19 1: The standardization organism: Eurocontrol..................................................................................19 2: The customer: DGAC...................................................................................................................19 3: The project leader: ENAC.............................................................................................................19 4: Presentation of the standard: ASTERIX.......................................................................................20 ANNEX 2: Source files for the autogenerator......................................................................................21 3 Introduction The European network of aviation control organism uses a standard named ASTERIX (see annex 1-4 for more details) and managed by Eurocontrol (see Annex 1-1) to exchange data between the different devices. The local control center of Toulouse, France, asked to ENAC (the French Civil Aviation University, more details in annex 1-3) to develop a dissector for the ASTERIX protocol in order to decode frames with the well-known open-source network capturer and analyzer Wireshark. Figure 1 - Context of this project Preliminary versions of the Wireshark ASTERIX protocol dissector were completely written by-thehand by four programmers and of course the code was heterogeneous (different ways to write the identifiers, different languages, different results for twin-fields…), the code was big (5000 lines in one file), neither global view nor list of decoded fields… In order to simplify design and future evolutions (add new categories faster, homogenize the code, prevent bugs, check the dissection…), we decided to design an autogenerator methodology. This automatized process gives us a lot of gains: • • • • • • Gain for the time of development; Easiness to develop (people without a good knowledge in C can develop dissector evolutions); Maintainability (because there are less lines to modify, comparing to the same effort for “manual-written” code); Homogenity of the code ; Documentation generated in the same time; Less bugs. We have chosen to develop a plug-in and not a built-in dissector, for development and deployment facilities; but the auto-generation process is independent of this consideration. In a first time, we will explain our c-code autogenerator methodology. Then, an application to the ASTERIX protocol will illustrate these explanations. 4 The autogenerator methodology A higher level than C Figure 2 - Development architecture The autogenerator aims to improve the capacity of development by adding a new layer of abstraction. For example, the C is a language parsed into assembler and enables to make programs more easily and then bigger and more powerful than if we developed the programs directly in assembler. By adding a level of abstraction, it reduces the development complexity. In the same idea, the autogenerator will take some input data (as a code source) and compile it into C language. The “compiler”: a custom parser Figure 3 - Compiling the parser The generation step is based on a conversion process from tabular data describing the protocol to the code in C language. We used Bison and Flex toolbox to build the executable from a grammar and specific actions to convert a language into another one. 5 Using this parser Figure 4 - How the parser works After compiling the parsers (our autogenerator is composed of two parsers called in a Makefile), we call it to convert the table into the code for the plug-in dissector. In fact, we do not generate the code for the whole dissector, but we generate some parts of the code, included during the compilation by some #include pragmas. Figure 5 - How the autogenerator works 6 And the result! Wireshark is then able to decode all parts of the ASTERIX frames and we have the filters we need, a detailed tree asked by project specifications, some sub-trees… Figure 6 - Example of decoding display in Wireshark In this example, all code needed for displaying the sub-items of trees « RECORD: » is automatically generated with our parsers. 7 The ASTERIX Protocol: how does it work in practice? Frame An ASTERIX data frame contains one or more data blocks; each block is associated to one and only one category. Block 1 Block 2 … Block n Block A block contains its category, its length and a succession of record. BLOCK 1 CAT LENGTH REC1 REC2 … REC N The category’s byte indicates how to decode the data of the following records in the data block. For example, the records indicating the state of radar are different than the ones indicating the position of an object in the sky. The 2 bytes for the length enable to pass directly to the next data block in the frame. Besides, the records are concatenated without indication (where is the start, where is the length, where is the end). Consequently, if the decoder fails to decode some record, it will not be able to understand the following bytes after this record! The categories The ASTERIX category defines the type of data in the records. Up to 256 data categories can be defined and their usage is as follows: • • • data categories 000 to 127 for standard civil and military applications; data categories 128 to 240 reserved for special military applications; data categories 241 to 255 used for both civil and military non-standard applications. Record RECORD i FSPEC Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 … Data x A record begins by an extensive field called the FSPEC (Field Special): this field is a bit mask indicating the presence or not of some data field. It is an extensive field, so its size can be 1, 2 or more… Data Each field of each category is defined by some Eurocontrol norm. There are three main kinds of fields: • • • Fixed field: the field length is constant and defined by the standard. Extensive field: each byte of the field contains 7 bits of data and the least significant bit indicates if the next byte contains the next data bits of the field or if it is the end of the field. Repetitive field: the first byte contains the size of the field 8 Figure 7 - Different kinds of fields Example of an ASTERIX frame The global structure of the frame seems like that: Block n°1 CAT SIZE FSPEC (1,5,8) Data1 Data5 Record n°1 Block n°2 Data8 FSPEC (7,9) Data7 Data9 CAT SIZE FSPEC Record n°2 ASTERIX frame Figure 8 - Frame example But in order to understand more, we will take an example of a frame containing one Block of category #1. This category collects data from radars related to flying objects (mostly aircrafts). 9 D Figure 9 ASTERIX network Each object is associated to a “plot” and each plot is transmitted in a record. The FSPEC extensible field is decoded like that for this category: 8 IDEN 7 ESC 8 MCD 8 OD2 7 QA 6 UM Byte 1: 5 OSU 4 OSX 3 VIT 2 MODA 1 EXT Byte 2 (if present, ie if EXT of byte 1 is 1): 7 6 5 4 3 PTU LOT UIS OPP IST 2 UAL 1 EXT Byte 3 (if extension of byte 2): 6 5 4 QC Q2 WEC 2 FS 1 EXT Byte 4 (theorical, because in practice, he is never present!): 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It could have some 5th or 6th or more unused bytes in the FSPEC. 1 EXT 3 SP Each record has a FSPEC indicating which information is transmitted for the plot. For example, if the bits 3 and 2 of the 3rd byte are set to 1, then the record contains the SP field and the RFS field. Here is a Ethernet frame recorded in the ENAC. F7 84 08 05 A8 01 A8 70 21 BD 88 09 09 26 68 00 89 85 50 68] 77 84 A8 00 21 68 BC B9 D4 08 1B A7 28 4D A0 45 C8 48 77 84 A8 01 7D 57 A9 B8 70 08 0E FE 0E 0A E8 05 78 48 77 84 A8 00 88 48 3E BF 34 08 1F 2A B8 02 06 04 D8 48 77 84 A8 00 8B 4 E B7 BC CC FD FF FF FF 08 02 00 80 02 00 00 15 00 92 34 34 03 01 00 83 [ 07 05 82 08 06 E 6 02 0C 48 77 84 A8 01 4F 4A FA BE 00 08 37 7B 00 04 C8 05 C8 48 77 84 A8 00 31 18 3A BC 50 01 E1 07 D0 0D 40 00 70 68 02 00 0C F4 08 05 02 C0 3D 81 AF 20 … 10 In this frame, we have the destination (6 bytes) and then the source (6 bytes) MAC address and after 5 bytes relating to LLC protocol. The ASTERIX frame begins really to the understrike text by a block of category #1 and of length 0x83=131 bytes. Then we notice directly the FSPEC of the first data record. A cheat enables to know the size of this field: the bytes are even until the last byte which is odd. Here, the FSPEC is F784. F7 1111 84 0111 1000 0100 ext IDEN QUAL DESC PIST DOPP NUM POSX PUIS POSX PLOT VIT HPTU MODA MCD Figure 10 - Decoding FSPEC bytes Now we know the content of this record: the fields IDEN, DESC, NUM, POSU, VIT, MODA, MCD, PLOT, PIST are presents (in this order), all other fields are absent. So we can continue the decoding process: the IDEN field is in fact 2 bytes called SAC (Source Area Code, geographic origin of the emitter) and SIC (Source Identification Code: radar identifier)… 11 FD FF FF FF 08 02 @ MAC dest 00 80 02 00 00 15 00 92 34 34 @ MAC source Eth.size SSAP DSAP 03 01 00 83 F7 84 08 05 A8 cmd CAT Block size FSPEC SAC SIC DES 01 A8 70 21 BD 88 09 09 26 68 00 89 85 50 Track nb POSU SPEED Mode A Mode C 68 77 84 … TkS Next FSPEC Figure 11 - Decoding a Ethernet frame containing ASTERIX data Field SAC SIC DES 08 05 A8 Data Track nb POSU Speed 01 A8 70 21 BD 88 09 09 26 68 Mode A Mode C Track_ status 00 89 85 50 68 Remarks Mono-pulse Mont Ventoux True track, secondary,TPR2,no SPI, no fixed transponder Track number 424 Rho=224 Nm(7021), Theta=266°(BD88) Speed=508Kts=0,14 Nm/s (0909) cap=54 ° (2668) Mode A valid, no garbled, brut, mode A =1120 Mode C valid,no garbled, FL=340 Confirmed track, sec radar, manoeuvring aircraft, TPR2, no association plot/unconfirmed track, not a ghost track 12 C-code autogenerator process design In this section, we will abbreviate Wireshark by “WS”. Problematic can be summed up by converting a list of entities into C-code: what are theses entities, which are the entities, when are they called? These entities – on the following “the fields” – have different views: • • • In the Eurocontrol specification, they are the “data item”, In Wireshark, they are each line of the detailed tree, In ASTERIX record, each bit of the FSPEC is associated to the presence or the absence of some field. In order to solve our problem, we chosen to make a table (“champs.csv”) describing how works an entity (“how to show it and how to filter it?”) and another (“categories.csv”) to decode the FSPEC (“what is the bit mask for each category?”). The first table responds to the question “what are the entities”, the second one responds to “when to call them?” We have 2 tables so we need 2 parsers for our autogenerator. The compiler solves the question “which entities exist?”. If a field is used in categories.csv but undefined in champs.csv, the compilation fails and indicates the name of the problematic field. The user needs some list of fields in order to know and use the names of the filters. That’s why a bash script generates the documentation from “champs.csv”. The developer of the plug-in has just to complete the files “champs.csv” and “categories.csv” in order to complete the ASTERIX plug-in: he has to indicate “which bit of the FSPEC corresponds to which data item” in “categories.csv” and “which are the data items” in “champs.csv”. Then he starts the compilation by typing “make” in cygwin in the folder ./plugins/asterix/autogenere. This command creates the files *.inc.c included in the plug-in’s code during the compilation of the library ASTERIX. Figure 12 - The different files used for the plug-in Why so many “.inc.c” files? First a field is a filter (with label and description) declared in (to create some variable for the WS’handle) and registered (indicate to WS the existence of the filter) in Most of time, a field is associated to some C-code called “decoder”. This decoder is a procedure beginning by “void decode_field_name (…)” ; the declaration is written in the file and the definition in the file This decoder includes instructions relative to the displaying of the data in the detailed tree, to the size of the field... In some cases, the code has to be not auto-generated (field without code or with special code), the file is for that (not auto-generated, this file is completely manually filled). This file contains the translations integer-text too. 13 Some fields are “master”-fields and correspond to an input point to other fields or other decoders. In the detailed tree, theses fields are not single items but trees with sub-items. WS needs the tree to register in order to use them: does it. Finally, the FSPEC bit mask is described in (each category corresponds to one and only one bit mask). Example of the IDEN item decoding The IDEN field is coded by the first bit of many FSPEC and contains two bytes: the SAC and the SIC. When to call IDEN? From categories.csv to The file categories.csv is a table with the description of each byte of the FSPEC for each category. The first column is reserved for a # to neutralize the line. The second waits for a category number (the text is included as-is in the code) and after, the cells are discomposed bit per bit (with commas to separate the bits). Table 1 - Categories.csv #ignore? N°categ 1 2 Octet1 IDEN,TRD01,TRACK,POS_SPOL,POS_CART,CTV_POL,ModeA IDEN,Type02,SECT,TIME,ARS,SCS2,SPM2 The generated code follows : /* AUTOGENERATED FILE (BISON/FLEX) ** MODIFICATIONS WILL BE ERASED ON THE NEXT REGENERATION */ case 1: expert_add_info_format( pinfo, enregistrement_item, PI_SEQUENCE, PI_NOTE, "1"); if (longueur_fspec>=1) { /*DOT* cat_1 -> IDEN */ if ((fspec[0]&128) !=0) decode_IDEN(pinfo, tvb, enregistrement_tree, enregistrement_item, pt_offset); /*DOT* cat_1 -> TRD01 */ if ((fspec[0]&64) !=0) decode_TRD01(pinfo, tvb, enregistrement_tree, enregistrement_item, pt_offset); … /*DOT* cat_1 -> ModeA */ if ((fspec[0]&2) !=0) decode_ModeA(pinfo, tvb, enregistrement_tree, enregistrement_item, pt_offset); } if (longueur_fspec>=2) {… if (longueur_fspec>=5) { error_decode(pinfo, tvb, enregistrement_tree, pt_offset, fin_Block); erreur_durant_le_decodage=TRUE; break; } break; case 2: expert_add_info_format( pinfo, enregistrement_item, PI_SEQUENCE, PI_NOTE, "2"); if (longueur_fspec>=1) { /*DOT* cat_2 -> IDEN */ if ((fspec[0]&128) !=0) decode_IDEN(pinfo, tvb, enregistrement_tree, enregistrement_item, pt_offset); /*DOT* cat_2 -> Type02 */ if ((fspec[0]&64) !=0) decode_Type02(pinfo, tvb, enregistrement_tree, enregistrement_item, pt_offset); /*DOT* cat_2 -> SECT */ … 14 What to do with this field? Parsing of champs.csv Note: to represent the table, we transposed it (inverting rows and columns). Indeed in the source code, each line is a field description and each column is some indication for the parser. Table 2 - Champs.csv #Ign NOM name Filtre filter Libellé label Détails (filtre) details for the filter L length of the field in the frame Bitmask TYPE Baz base used for the display VALS(nom) Gén Does generate the code ? Appel de décodeurs et d'autres champs Does call other decoders ? mv7 SsA Make a sub-tree for called decoders hidA Hide the item of the detailed tree Surlign Use the expert system to colorize the item Remarques... Remarks IDEN iden Identification (SAC/SIC) SAC sac System Area Code SIC sic System Identification code 2 1 1 UINT 16 UINT 10 1 1 VALS 10 Liste_SIC 1 SAC,SIC 1 Appelle SAC et SIC Here we can see the IDEN item : its filter string will be “ast.iden”, the label used to explain the filter and the label for the item of the detailed tree will be “Identification (SAC/SIC)”, the length for this field is 2 bytes, there is no bit mask used, the type is an unsigned integer (2 bytes) displayed in hexadecimal (base 16), the code is auto-generated and call the sub-fields SAC and SIC to complete it. The generated code in registers the filters for WS: {&hf_asterix_champs_IDEN, {"Identification (SAC/SIC)", "ast.iden", FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x00, "", HFILL}}, {&hf_asterix_champs_SAC, {"System Area Code", "ast.sac", FT_UINT8 , BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "", HFILL}}, {&hf_asterix_champs_SIC, {"System Identification code", "ast.sic", FT_UINT8 , BASE_DEC, VALS(Liste_SIC), 0x00, "", HFILL}}, This file is included in packet-asterix.c (the main plug-in code file) : static hf_register_info hf[] = { #include "" };/* end of static hf_register_info hf[] */ proto_register_field_array (proto_asterix, hf, array_length (hf)); Notice one advantage of using our generator: some basic but fatal bug (like associating FT_NONE and BASE_DEC, resulting in WS failure at its initialization) are avoided. The generator signals where the errors are. We gain time in debugging. 15 The generated code to dissect the frame is in the file void decode_IDEN(packet_info * pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *enreg_tree,proto_item *caller_item, guint32 *offset) { proto_item * item=NULL; item = proto_tree_add_item( enreg_tree, hf_asterix_champs_IDEN, tvb,*offset, 2, FALSE); PROTO_ITEM_SET_HIDDEN(item); /*DOT* IDEN -> SAC; */ decode_SAC(pinfo, tvb, enreg_tree, item, offset); /*DOT* IDEN -> SIC; */ decode_SIC(pinfo, tvb, enreg_tree, item, offset); } void decode_SAC(packet_info * pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *enreg_tree,proto_item *caller_item, guint32 *offset) { proto_item * item=NULL; item = proto_tree_add_item( enreg_tree, hf_asterix_champs_SAC, tvb,*offset, 1, FALSE); *offset+=1; } void decode_SIC(packet_info * pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *enreg_tree,proto_item *caller_item, guint32 *offset) { proto_item * item=NULL; item = proto_tree_add_item( enreg_tree, hf_asterix_champs_SIC, tvb,*offset, 1, FALSE); *offset+=1; } We can see the PROTO_ITEM_SET_HIDDEN(item) line added in the case of the IDEN: the hidA column contains a 1, then the autogenerator add this line to hide the item of the detailed tree! The decoders for SAC and SIC are easily an addition of the item to the detailed tree, the caller is the IDEN field. Note the offset variable: we need some position indicator to know what we are decoding into the frame. The variable offset is updated by the decoder. Each decoder have a lot of parameters (pinfo, tvb, enreg_tree, caller_item, offset): some specific cases indeed need them to produce a powerful code. The file declares the variable needed by the filter and the item in detailed tree. It declares the decoder function too in order to be called by others decoders. This file is included at the beginning of the packet-asterix.c file. static gint hf_asterix_champs_IDEN =-1; void decode_IDEN(packet_info * pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *enreg_tree, proto_item *caller_item, guint32 *offset); static gint hf_asterix_champs_SAC =-1; void decode_SAC(packet_info * pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *enreg_tree, proto_item *caller_item, guint32 *offset); static gint hf_asterix_champs_SIC =-1; void decode_SIC(packet_info * pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *enreg_tree, proto_item *caller_item, guint32 *offset); A last file is used to add here manually the list of string values with their indexes. For example, the structure Liste_SIC contains the associations SIC-number with SIC-label. static const value_string Liste_SIC[] = { { 0x80, "DACOTA"}, { 0x81, "STR Athis"}, 16 { { { { { { { { }; 0x82, "STR Reims"}, 0x83, "STR Aix"}, 0x84, "STR Bordeaux"}, 0x85, "STR Brest"}, 0x86, "STR Orly"}, 0x87, "STR Roissy"}, 0xA0, "SPIP2000"}, 0, NULL } Theses use cases present principles of autogenerator behaviors. We did not present the use case of an item having a sub-tree of sub-items or other specific cases. You may read the generated code or/and the code of the autogenerator (joint in annex) to understand the exact work done, specific to the ASTERIX protocol. Autogenerator skills The generator is able to recognize a lot of types of fields and to generate the associated C-code. • It manages the signed and unsigned integer (on 8,16,24 or 32 bits ; 64 bits integers are unused for now in the ASTERIX standard); • It manages bit masks to isolate some relevant parts of bytes (with WS’s limitations for signed integer); • It can associate text with some values; • It can call other decoders (field decode functions), automatically generated or manually written; • It can display some items in color (with the expert functions); • It is able to make sub-tree with sub-items; • It can hide easily an item (1 cell to change is enough to disable a complete field); • It can extract fixed strings (length fixed in the standard), zero-terminal strings (but unused in ASTERIX) and short strings (with a maximum of 255 characters and the first byte used to indicate the length of the string); • It enables to decode easily a status byte bit-per-bit (for example the Target Report Descriptor below). Figure 13 - Example of bit per bit byte dissecting 17 Conclusion Figure 14 - Code size breakdown In the graphic we can see than 75% of the C-code is auto-generated; a very small part has been written for the parsers and about 20% have been manually written for non-automatized things. The creation of an automatic code generator requires some skills; here the Bison and Flex toolbox have been used to generate the parsers. But the Internet provides a lot of documentation and examples and if you take some time to understand how to use theses tools, you finally gain time on projects with a lot of data to compute. The autogenerator represents a new language more limited and constrained than the C and then remains more accessible for low-skill user of the parsers (the developers of the plug-in). The final developer does not need to know how works exactly the parsers and can everytime consult the result. Some people would say it is not a good idea for performances to have a lot of filters, but Wireshark use hashing tables in its source code and the difference is not visible in terms of additional running time but is visible in terms of filtering skills (for instance we can filter on any byte in the packet). We can anyway find a few negative points with this methodology. Firstly the compilation chain needs one more step, but this can be added to the makefiles and then automatized. Secondly you cannot do anything with the new higher language, but this is actually a positive point by avoiding some dangerous things the programmer would do! Lastly the binary code seems to be bigger, because of the big number of implemented fields, which is a regular consequence of all the different filtering done but you cannot notice bad performance consequences when you run Wireshark program. 18 ANNEX 1: Eurocontrol, DGAC and ASTERIX 1: The standardization organism: Eurocontrol EUROCONTROL is the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation who plays a unique role at the European level in coordinating efforts from all aviation stakeholders to achieve common goals. Created in 1960 by six founding members, this civil and military intergovernmental organization now counts 38 Member States from across Europe. It is based in Belgium with specialized offices in six other European countries. Eurocontrol’s mission is to harmonize and integrate air navigation services in Europe, aiming at the creation of a uniform air traffic management (ATM) system for civil and military users, in order to achieve the safe, secure, orderly, expeditious and economic flow of traffic throughout Europe, while minimizing adverse environmental impact. 2: The customer: DGAC The French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) plays a central role in the world of French air transport. This department of the Ministry of ecology and sustainable development guarantees air traffic safety and security and is a service provider for airlines. It also manages air traffic, defines and enforces the regulations applicable to French airports and airlines. The DGAC ensures that passengers’ rights are respected and that land planning and development criteria are properly taken into account. The DGAC is a consulting partner for French industry and provides research and development support for major aircraft industry programs. The Authority is working to help reduce all forms of pollution generated by air traffic. The DGAC implements sophisticated technical resources and high level skills to provide air traffic control services for airlines, under the best possible conditions of safety, regularity and cost. 3: The project leader: ENAC The French Civil Aviation University is called ENAC, “Ecole Nationale d’Aviation Civile”. Enac’s mission is to provide ab-initio and further training for the executives and main players of the civil aviation world. This genuine University of Civil Aviation offers a wide range of activities which are tailored to meet the requirements of the public and private sectors both in France and in other countries. Enac offers a favourable environment for research activities: it has its own impressive teaching and training facilities (experts in various aeronautical disciplines, laboratories, simulators, etc.) and can rely on the skills and equipment of the Sous-Direction de la Recherche de la Direction de la Technique et de l'Innovation (DTI/SDER) which is located on the campus. All Enac’s competences rely on aeronautical applications. 19 4: Presentation of the standard: ASTERIX ASTERIX is a EUROCONTROL Standard which refers to the Presentation and Application layers (layers six and seven) as defined by the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model (International Standards Organization (ISO) Standard 7498). Transmission of ASTERIX coded surveillance information can make use of any available communication medium, for instance Wide Area Network (WAN), Local Area Network (LAN), Internet Protocols (IP), etc as those belong to lower layers. Considering that there is information common to all systems (for instance position, Mode-A Code and Mode-C Code information), ASTERIX specifies minimum requirements at the Application level, so as to ease data exchange between heterogeneous applications. The communication between two different systems (even located in different countries) is thus made possible, based on a core of commonly used surveillance related data, transferred in the same way by the ASTERIX Presentation layer. ASTERIX has been developed to ease the exchange of surveillance information between and within countries. Thus, the main users of ASTERIX are the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Centers. Today almost all ECAC States are using this data format in their ATC Centers. But ASTERIX is also used by Industries to help stabilization/maturation of new technologies, and is then integrated in surveillance sensors and in automation systems such as ARTAS (ATM suRveillance Tracker And Server), RMCDE (Radar Message Conversion and Distribution Equipment) and RADNET (RADar NETwork implemented in the so-called four states area - Benelux and Germany), RAPS II (Radar Analysis, Playback & Simulation System for Surveillance Data). As the volume of Air Traffic is continuously increasing and as high level of Safety must be maintained, the surveillance systems are under constant evolution. New-generation surveillance technologies are being developed which need to cohabit with current systems. The information they generate must be transmitted in a harmonized and efficient way. 20 ANNEX 2: Source files for the autogenerator Here is the development tree of sources for our plug-in. In the subdirectory “./plugins/asterix/autogenere”: sources of the autogenerator and data for code generation specific to ASTERIX categories Categories.csv and champs.csv Files containing the data to convert into C Categories.exe and champs.exe Executables of our 2 parsers Categories.lex and champs.lex Source files for LEX (lexical analyser) Categories.y, champs.y and champs.c Source files for YACC (semantic analyser) Categories.lex.c,, champs.lex.c,,, C-code of our parsers, generated by Bison and Flex Makefile Make-script to generate the parser easily Shell-script to generate the documentation Filters_asterix.htm and filters_asterix_tbl.htm Documentation files, generated by Other files Temporary files generated and deletable In the main directory “./plugins/asterix”: sources and binaries for the ASTERIX plug-in Packet-asterix.c Main C-code source file of the plug-in moduleinfo.*, asterix.res, Makefile*, plugin* Files used to generate the Wireshark plug-in Asterix.dll Binary of library built for Wireshark on Windows Binary built for Wireshark on Linux,,,,, Autogenerated files, containing parts of C-code for ASTERIX plug-in dissector code, included in packetasterix.c by “#define” Compile_only_asterix.bat Batch-script used to generate asterix.dll on Windows 21
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