For new millennium strategists CEFRIO Volume 2 no. 1 January 2000 Tomorrow’s manager How to ensure balance? editorial By Michel Audet Is your organisation stimulated by digital economy managers? BOTH ISSUES of Réseau CEFRIO published in 1999 have underlined the importance of changes brought about in electronic commerce and in the way individuals and organizations acquire knowledge in our modern society. This new society, which is sensitive to fast and intense technological developments, has transported us to a new word, a virtual world where information increases tenfold each and every day and where modern or traditional means of communication are superimposed. The lastest CEFRIO survey, which was conducted in co-operation with the Institut de la statistique du Québec, reveals that Quebec businesses (with more than 10 employees) are entering full force into this new economic and social world. Indeed, 57% of these companies are linked to the Internet and slightly more than one-third , i.e. 34%, are present on the Web. Although encouraging, these figures illustrate that the battle with modernisation has not been won and that efforts must be ongoing over the next few years. However, these findings also reveal a significant change in terms of practices, values, attitudes and skills among those who are becoming, on a daily basis, the major players within these new organizations. Managers are the major players. They are the ones making decisions that add value to information and decisions that translate information into knowledge. They are the ones setting the pace and releasing the energy that will influence the other members of their respective organizations. The advent of the new millennium provides a timely opportunity to examine the transformation of the manger’s role in this new world of organizations. To this end, we propose an article that aims to bring to light some of the challenges facing tomorrow’s managers: • Challenge facing the manager communicator • Challenge facing the manager moderator • Challenge facing managers focussed on their environment and organisation • Challenge facing the manager decision-maker • Challenge facing the manager strategy maker • Quality of life challenge facing the manager In order to support previous findings, we conducted, with Léger & Léger, a survey among our members. Nearly 200 managers showed great interest in responding to our poll, demonstrating, without any doubt, how sensitive this issue can be. This issue will also provide you the opportunity to compare the ideas of two well-known field men in this area. Don Tapscott, well-known author, propels you into the year 2015 and Guy Marier, President of Bell Québec, shares his vision of the role of the modern manager. In keeping with our tradition, we also wanted to present another point of view, that of university researchers who have a different view of the halls of organizations. Suzanne Rivard of the École des HEC and Alain Pinsonneault of McGill University graciously agreed to answer our questions. Finally, in addition to providing, in summary form, the points of view of various Quebec executives, we saw the need to present the other side of the coin, more particularly on how ITs affect individuals. To feed the discussion, we invited a European specialist on “ergostress”. We have left it up to him to explain this syndrome of the information society and of cyber-organizations. We wish you good reading and a great millennium! Michel Audet Innovation and Transfer Director, CEFRIO Professor of industrial relations, Université Laval 2 RÉSEAU CEFRIO Summary 2 Editorial Is your organisation stimulated by digital economy managers? 3 Evolving managers in a digital economy The manager: Model user? Challenge facing the Manager “e-fanatic, e-sceptic. e-conservative” Exclusive CEFRIO - Léger & Léger Poll Don Tapscott 9 President, Alliance for Converging Technologies A trip to the year 2015 A look at the future Alain Pinsonneault 12 Imasco Professor, Information Systems, McGill University Management Department and Suzanne Rivard Professor, École des Hautes Études Commerciales “It is the corporate vision/strategy that determines how managers will use information technologies” Guy Marier 14 President, Bell Québec “The manager of the future must provide added value to information” Yves Lasfargue 18 Director of the Centre d’études et de formation pour l’accompagnement des changements (CREFAC), France Ergostress: more effective work load measurement is published twice yearly by the Centre francophone d’informatisation des organisations (CEFRIO). This bulletin is written exclusively for CEFRIO members. Reproduction of articles, in total or in part, is authorised only if the source is acknowledged and if we are provided with a copy. RÉSEAU CEFRIO DISTRIBUTED BY: Centre francophone d’informatisation des organisations (CEFRIO) 900 René-Lévesque East, CIRCULATION: 1000 copies 550 Sherbrooke West CO-ORDINATION: Michel Audet Suite 717 Suite 350 WRITERS: Québec City, Québec Montreal, Quebec Michel Audet, Nancy Lauzon, G1R 2B5 H3A 1B9 Telephone: 418.523.3746 Telephone: 514.840.1245 Sandrine Lépinay and Danielle Stanton Fax: 418.523.2329 Fax: 514.840.1275 DOCUMENTALIST: Isabelle Poulin e-mail: GRAPHIC DESIGN: Astuce ILLUSTRATIONS: Serge Gaboury. By Michel Audet and Sandrine Lépinay Evolving managers in a digital economy History of an Event Foretold… THE LAST DECADE bears witness to major changes in terms of the development and implementation of modern management concepts. The obsession with the customer as the centre of business process re-engineering, the networking company, the management of the value chain, the mobilisation of staff around organisational projects and finally the information technologies (ITs) revolution each illustrate the profound changes in how management thinks and conducts business. In terms of information technologies (ITs), companies invest enormous amounts of money in all sorts of projects, whether the Internet, transaction-driven and interactive Web Sites, electronic commerce, intranets, extranets, integrated management software packages (Enterprise Resource Planning), etc. And this phenomenon is only beginning to expand exponentially, as illustrated in the findings presented below: • In 1998, American companies spent 10.9 $ billion on intranets, i.e. one fourth of all budgets allocated to Web initiatives (IDC, July 1999). • By 2002, the forecasted growth of the ERP market is 36% on an annual basis. In 1998, 60% of Fortune magazine’s 100 American corporations already boast an implemented ERP system (Les Affaires, Saturday, April 17, 1999). • In 2002, Internet spending by American companies should register at $203 billion, while figures stood at $85 billion in 1999 (IDC, February 1999). • In 2003, electronic commerce throughout the world will stand at $1,300 billion versus $95 billion at the end of 1999 (Activmedia, June 1999). • Today, nearly 60% of Quebec businesses with more than 10 employees have Internet access and by summer 2000, 24% plan to be selling their products online versus only 17% today (CEFRIO, 1999). In view of the above findings, we hardly need to mention that this new technological era is causing upheavals within organisations and in their way of conducting business and that, as a result, managers’ roles and skills have been transformed. But what is really happening? Is this build-up of technologies changing the very substance of managers’ work and more especially the work of executives and senior management? One might even ask if the aforementioned are really aware of all the systemic effects of such changes? This document aims to provide answers to such questions. In practical terms and having examined the state of IT appropriation by senior management (managers: model users?), we propose to analyse how the role of today’s and tomorrow’s managers will be influenced significantly in terms of the challenges they face: • Challenge facing the manager communicator • Challenge facing the manager moderator • Challenge facing managers focused on their organisation and environment • Challenge facing the manager decision-maker • Challenge facing the manager strategy developer • Challenge to the manager’s quality of life “Personal use of technology develops leaders …” “… The element that mainly stimulates change is the fact that everyone is increasingly using technology for their own personal reasons (…). The personal use of technology opens new horizons and develops curiosity. It also raises questions, issues and challenges for individuals and their organizations". Don Tapscott, "The Digital Economy", 1996, p.254-255 RÉSEAU CEFRIO 3 CEFRIO-Léger & Léger Poll, October 1999 • 194 respondents • 47% of respondents work for a Ministry or agency • 37% work in private industry • 57% belong to an organisation that has more than 500 employees • 71% of respondents are senior managers and 17% are middle managers Managers: or How often do you personally use the Internet for your work? Never: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% Less than 4 times a month: . 7% Once a week: . . . . . . . . . . . . 9% 2 - 4 times a week: . . . . . . 24% At least once a day: . . . . . . 59% How often do you personally use e-mail for your work? Never: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0% Less than 4 times a month: . 2% Once a week: . . . . . . . . . . 0,5% 2 - 4 times a week: . . . . . . . 5% At least once a day: . . . . . . 92% How would you describe your proficiency with regards to the Internet? Poor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Average: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17% Good: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37% Excellent: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43% On average, how many e-mails do you receive in one day? Between 0 and 10: . . . . . . 26% Between 10 and 20: . . . . . 40% Between 20 and 30: . . . . . 20% More than 30: . . . . . . . . . . 14% On average, how many e-mails do you send in one day? Between 0 and 10: . . . . . . 51% Between 10 and 20: . . . . . 38% Between 20 and 30: . . . . . . . 6% More than 30: . . . . . . . . . . . 5% What percentage of the e-mail you receive do you feel is relevant to your role as a manager ? Between 0 and 20%: . . . . . . . 6% Between 20 and 40%: . . . . 14% Between 40 and 60%: . . . . 28% Between 60 and 80%: . . . . 38% Between 80 and 100%:. . . . 14% Is someone responsible for filtering your messages for you? Yes: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17% No:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82% To enrich our thought process and support our reasoning, CEFRIO, in collaboration with Léger & Léger, conducted a poll in October 1999 among managers of CEFRIO member organisations. We are aware that our sample (194 respondents) has limitations as it mainly includes sophisticated and informed IT users. However, results provide some insight into the perception of managers who are leaders in this field. The Manager: Model User? Managers: or To what extent can we claim that ITs are transforming the roles of managers when the majority of studies reveal that managers are not heavy users? Indeed, according to a survey conducted by PriceWaterhouseCoopers (1999), North-American business leaders only access the Internet some 9 times a month on average and the majority (70%) describe their own Internet appropriation as being “average” or “poor”. Consequently they appear to be much more at ease travelling around the world than surfing the Internet. Moreover, the same poll established a narrow correlation between managers’ degree of Internet appropriation and their vision of electronic commerce. Therefore, the more managers use the Internet personally, the more convinced they are that electronic commerce can transform their organisation. Today, it is clear that a number of managers are well aware of some of the impacts electronic commerce will produce in its wake. They are even at ease discussing the issue. However, they are underestimating its speed and as a result, do not appear to appreciate the urgency involved in personal and organisational appropriation of ITs and more particularly, of the Internet. In this respect, another poll conducted WORLD LEADERS ON THE NET Number of times managers accessed the Internet during the month preceeding the survey North America Asia 4 RÉSEAU CEFRIO 9 Latin America Europe CEFRIO - Léger & Léger survey, October 1999 Response figures do not always add up to 100%, given that non-respondents were accounted for in the survey. this time among Europeans business leaders revealed that the majority (82%) are of the opinion that electronic commerce could strategically impact their organisation, but less than half (39%) have actually implemented this new manner of conducting business (PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 1999). How can we explain this low level of technological appropriation among executives and senior management? Researchers Suzanne Rivard of the HEC, Alain Pinsonneault of McGill, and Carmen Bernier of the HEC (1999), offer up two major reasons: “Lack of use: a significant number of executives do not believe that ITs can provide the information and support they need to do their jobs. Failure to recognize different work styles: some managers approach work differently and what they need is a technology that complements, not transforms their work style” (p. 51-52). However, it is a question of generations. Most business leaders are probably more uncomfortable with technologies than the up-coming generation that grew up “mouse-in-hand”. This Net Generation, to paraphrase Don Tapscott, absorbs information at an incredible rate, making ITs everyday and indispensable work tools with which they will have invented a new work style, a “nouveau genre”. Beyond Scepticism… Fanatic Managers! Notwithstanding these results, all is not lost. The CEFRIO - Léger & Léger (1999) poll reveals things are changing and that executives use ITs to conduct everyday business. Three categories were defined: “e-fanatics”, “e-sceptics” and an in-between category, “e-conservatives”. The large majority of CEFRIO member organisation managers appear to be “e-fanatics”: • 59% access the Internet at least once a day; • 79% describe their own proficiency with 12 6 7 “Inside the mind of the CEO” “The 1999 Global CEO Survey”, World Economic Forum, 1999 Annual meeting, Davos, Switzerland, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 1999. regards to the Internet as being “good” or “excellent”; • 92% use their e-mail at least once a day; • 57% use an intranet at least once a day. On the other hand the “e-sceptics” represent a small percentage of surveyed managers: • 8% never surf the Internet or do so less than 4 times a month and rarely use e-mail; • 3% describe their own proficiency with regards to the Internet as being "poor". An in-between category was identified, one we called “e-conservatives”. Although the Internet is important to them it does not play a significant role in their work: • 33% surf the Internet once to 4 times a week • 17% describe their own proficiency with regards to the Internet as being “average”. In terms of methods of communication, numerous researchers claim that oral communication is the favoured means of communication of business leaders and senior executives. “It allows communication at various levels and is conducive to better understanding the thorny issues they are often called upon to solve. (…) Currently,(…),information technologies would be especially useful to business leaders if they were adapted to oral communication” (Rivard, Pinsonneault and Bernier, 1999, p. 53). The latest Fast Company (1999) poll concurs: personal meetings (79%) and telephone conversations (78%) remain the preferred means of communication of individuals in the work place, while e-mail ranks third (65%). Only 20% of respondents claim that e-mail is more effective than face to face meetings. As for our survey, results suggest IN TERMS OF METHODS OF COMMUNICATION, NUMEROUS RESEARCHERS CLAIM To what extent does your personal use of ITS help you To better understand your organization (activities, structures, background, etc.) Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 54% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 45% Know more about the environment in which you organisation evolves (market, products, clients) Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 66% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 32% To save time when you are looking for information Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 80% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 20% To broaden your network of contacts Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 54% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 44% To communicate more with your employees and colleagues Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 73% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 26% To make decisions more rapidly THAT ORAL COMMUNICATION IS THE FAVOURED MEANS OF COMMUNICATION Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 66% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 32% To make more enlightened decisions OF BUSINESS LEADERS AND SENIOR EXECUTIVES. Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 62% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 35% To react more rapidly to crisis situations These results lead us to conclude that entire organisations, and indeed, that major sectors of the economy have assimilated these changes. Current and future initiatives open the doors to an exploration of how such transformations will impact on the role of today’s and tomorrow’s managers. Such impacts will be discussed in terms of the challenges faced by contemporary managers as their various roles are transformed. Challenge facing the Manager Communicator Our survey revealed that 73% of business executives and senior managers feel that ITs allow them to communicate more effectively with employees and colleagues, while 86% believe that ITs will allow them to communicate more effectively within the next three years. a very frequent use of e-mail. Indeed, 60% of managers interviewed receive between 10 and 30 messages a day, and 44% send between 10 and 30 a day! Some people claim that the success of e-mail has led to an information overdose. Our survey examined this issue: half of respondents (52%) feel that more than 60% of the messages they receive are relevant to their managerial role. Notwithstanding this craving for information, it is also interesting to note that only 17% indicated that another person actually filters their messages. For the time being, ITs have not replaced traditional communication tools, but rather have become complementary. As a result, managers will have to become increasing skilful at dealing with this superimposition of communication methods (telephone, mail, e-mail, fax, meetings) which will lead them to explore new practices that provide the opportunity to filter essential from nonessential facts. Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 61% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 36% To delegate more responsibilities Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 46% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 51% To discard some routine tasks in favour of more strategic activities Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 40% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 57% To have more flexibility in planning your work Quite a lot / a lot: . . . . . . . 53% Slightly / not at all: . . . . . . 44% CEFRIO - Léger & Léger survey, October 1999 Response figures do not always add up to 100%, given that non-respondents were accounted for in the survey. RÉSEAU CEFRIO 5 Over the next 3 years, to what extent do you feel that your personal use of ICTs will help you : To better understand your organization (activities, structures, background, etc.) Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . 73% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . 23% Know more about the environment in which your organisation evolves (market, products, clients) Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . 87% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . . . 9% To save time when you are looking for information Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . 92% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . . . 5% To broaden your network of contacts Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . 79% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . 15% To communicate more with your employees and colleagues Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . . . 86% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . . 11% To make decisions more rapidly Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . . . 81% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . . 14% To make more enlightened decisions Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . . . 81% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . . 14% To react more rapidly in crisis situations Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . . . 75% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . . 20% To delegate more responsibilities Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . . . 67% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . . 27% To discard various routine tasks in favour of more strategic activities Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . . . 65% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . . 30% To have more flexibility in planning your work Quite a lot /a lot: . . . . . . . . 75% Slightly/ not at all: . . . . . . . 21% Challenge facing the Manager Moderator LINES OF AUTHORITY, STATUS, In an organisational world where formal communications are structured by technological platforms such as intranets, and where informal communications take on various forms, it is clear that the hierarchical organisation is losing ground. Lines of authority, status, information flow and control now follow new rules which are increasingly based on network logic. Managers are consequently called upon to manage delocalized, if not virtual teams. They must create synergy between members, mobilize them around an organisational project and more particularly, ensure that they develop a collective identity based on a team project. Any manager would find such an agenda challenging in a context of stability and unity of space and environment. Virtuality and delocalization are making the noble and legitimate role of managers increasingly complex. In short, some managers are “poor hands-on managers”. Will remoteness improve their performance? Challenge facing the Manager Focussed on their Organisation and Environment According to a study conducted by Elizabeth Posada (1995), managers who have assimilated technology clearly demonstrate a higher level of understanding of their organisation and environment compared to managers who have not. For Rivard, Pinsonneault and Bernier (1999), ITs now provide access to more information on the organization while also providing more opportunity for analysis. In terms of increased understanding of their organisation through ITs, our survey revealed INFORMATION FLOW AND CONTROL NOW FOLLOW NEW RULES WHICH ARE INCREASINGLY BASED ON NETWORK LOGIC. that managers do not all share the same perception. While slightly more than half (54%) feel that ITs help them to better understand their organisation, the remaining 45% are of the opposite opinion. However, a majority of managers believe in the future potential of technologies as 73% claim that technologies will allow them to better understand their organisation within the next three years. With respect to an increased understanding of the organisation’s environment through information technologies, the majority of surveyed managers appear to agree. Indeed, 66% consider that ITs allow them to better understand the environment in which their organisation operates (markets, products, clients, etc). Such data highlights the relevancy of reasons why organisations implement integrated management systems (ERP). While the majority of major applications support, first and foremost, a more effective integration of internal administrative functions, it has been noted that managers are biased in favour of using ITs to improve their own understanding of the outside environment. This issue reveals the importance of effectively developing new generations of integrated management software packages that allow optimal treatment and integration of market, customer and supplier data. Challenge facing the Manager Decision-maker CEFRIO - Léger & Léger survey, October 1999 Response figures do not always add up to 100%, given that non-respondents were accounted for in the survey. 6 RÉSEAU CEFRIO ITs allow managers to speed up their decision-making process because “they (managers) can base their decisions on more specific and more abundant data” (Rivard, Pinsonneault and Bernier, 1999, p. 52). Le This statement seems to illustrate the “real world” of managerial responsibilities. Approximately two thirds of surveyed executives feel that ITs allow them to make faster (66%), more enlightened (62%) decisions, and to react to crisis situations more quickly (61%). These data corroborate the perception that ITs allow a large majority of managers (80%) to save time when seeking information. According to managers, this is a growing trend as 80% of them believe that ITs will allow them to make more enlightened decisions and to make them more rapidly within the next three years. Consequently, ITs will lead the revolution in the decision-making process whether operational or strategic. Faster, more effective decisions are therefore on the agenda of tomorrow’s managers. Has the introduction of ITs at work had an impact on the number of hours your spend working? Yes, decreased the number of hours for same amount of work accomplished: . . . . 6% Yes, decreased the number of hours for more work accomplished: . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% Yes, increased the number of hours for the same amount of work accomplished: . 6% Yes, increased the number of hours for more work accomplished: . . . . . . . . . . . 51% No, has had no impact on the number of hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28% Since you began using ITs at work, have you been working more hours outside the office? Fewer hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Same: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43% More hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . 38% Does not apply: . . . . . . . . . 15% Challenge facing the Manager – Strategy-maker THESE FINDINGS IMPLY THAT MANAGERS ARE CURRENTLY GOING THROUGH AN IMPORTANT FAMILIARIZATION STAGE AND ARE BECOMING MORE SKILFUL IN THEIR DEALINGS WITH ITS. AS A RESULT, BENEFITS ASSOCIATED WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES WILL BE RECORDED OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS. Challenge to manager’s quality of life With ITs, “they (managers) can spend less time doing this type of work, (…) such as supervising activities and solving problems (…), and devote more time to activity development, negotiation and resource allocation.(…) Senior executives can unload various task to junior staff members and assign them the responsibility of making more decisions” (Rivard, Pinsonneault and Bernier, 1999, p.53). What did our own survey reveal? Some 57% of surveyed managers feel that ITs provide them little or no opportunity to discard routine tasks in favour of more strategic activities. Moreover, half (51%) claim that ITs provide them little or no opportunity to delegate responsibilities. However, and interestingly enough, approximately two-thirds feel that over the next three years, ITs will allow them to delegate more responsibilities (67,5%) and to discard various routine activities in favour of more strategic ones (65%). These findings imply that managers are currently going through an important familiarization stage and are becoming more skilful in their dealings with ITs. As a result, benefits associated with strategic priorities will be recorded over the next few years. These results also support the findings of Rivard, Pinsonneault and Bernier (1999) that bring to light the fact that “most managers think that ITs have not significantly improved the quality of their work, and regard ITs more as tools than as management aids in their own right” (p. 53). Since you began using ITs to perform your work, have you been working more hours at home ? Fewer hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Same: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33% More hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . 54% Does not apply: . . . . . . . . . . 9% Do you feel that the use of ITs is an additional source of stress in your everyday life? Not at all: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51% Somewhat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32% Quite a lot: . . . . . . . . . . . . 13% A lot: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Since your began using ITs, have you had more time for your personal life? Not at all: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87% Somewhat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Quite a lot: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% A lot: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,5% Do you feel that the use of ITs has had an impact on your family life? Negative impact: . . . . . . . . 14% Neutral impact: . . . . . . . . . 73% Positive impact: . . . . . . . . 12% CEFRIO - Léger & Léger survey, October 1999 Response figures do not always add up to 100%, given that non-respondents were accounted for in the survey. RÉSEAU CEFRIO 7 Challenge to Manager’s Quality of Life Our survey reveals that because of the flexibility provided by ITs (home / external access to company data), 54% of surveyed managers spend more hours working at home than they did previously and 38% now work more hours outside the office. In terms of executives’ perception of improved flexibility in work planning (time and place), here again opinions vary. Results again reveal two categories: e-fanatics versus e-sceptics. Indeed, even if the majority of managers (53%) find that technologies allow them to be more flexible in planning their work, a large number of them (44%) hold the opposite point of view. However, 75% believe that, over the next three years, technologies will allow them to be more flexible in planning their work. It would appear that ITs have a paradox effect on managers’ work: it both restricts and liberates. Such a paradox warrants closer examination. One cannot really contend that technologies make the world a better place for managers. Indeed, 87% claim that the use of ITs at work has not provided them with more personal time. Moreover, nearly one half (48%) believe they (ITs) might even prove to be a source of additional stress (a little, some, a lot). On the other hand, the majority (73%) considers that technologies have no impact on their family life, while only 12% perceive a positive impact and 14% perceive a negative impact. Increased Performance through ITs: Myth or Reality? Results of our survey show that half (51%) of interviewed managers feel that information technologies allow them to do more work, but only by working longer hours. Can we therefore conclude that ITs improve managerial performance? The question remains unanswered as findings reveal that only 8% of surveyed managers feel that ITs allow them to do more work in less time. For the sake of this debate, it would be beneficial to establish common definitions for the concept of performance and for the context in which individuals evolve. Regardless of the numerous studies conducted, the knowledge gained does not allow us to draw conclusions easily as to the impact of ITs on performance. As suggested by a summary prepared by Anne Beaudry (1999), various authors have settled on negative impacts, others have settled on positive impacts while others still have identified no significant consequences. Even serious business magazines that promote ITs in the new economy convey a message of scepticism with respect to the relationship between performance and ITs. According to the Fast Company survey (1999) for example, only 20% of respondents feel that the Internet helps them be more efficient at work and only 15% claim that it is essential to their success. Most respondents do not expect that, over the next five years, Internet will be a critical factor in the success of enterprises. Indeed, respondents do not perceive the Internet to be significant in terms of decision making or of human resource management at work. Their perception is that the Internet is a personal tool that can help individuals perform specific tasks. However, a number of researchers currently are of the opinion that performance levels vary according to the level of appropriation of information technologies (Posada, 1995). In her study, (1999) Anne Beaudry indicates that the more balance there is between technologies, individuals and tasks, the more positive are the effects of technologies on individual performance. Moreover, Elizabeth Posada (1995) demonstrated in her study that if the degree of satisfaction with respect to technology is low, the degree of appropriation will also be low and as a result, managers’ VARIOUS REFERENCE SITES Don Tapscott Site: Le Centre d’Étude et de Formation pour l’Accompagnement des Changements (CREFAC) : Ergostress Site: Bibliography • BEAUDRY A., Les technologies de l’information et la performance individuelle : le rôle de l’appropriation et l’adéquation, Rapport théorique présenté à Pinsonneault A., Hafsi T., Rivard S., Wybo M., École des Hautes études commerciales, March 1999. • CEFRIO. “Le Québec inc. prend enfin le virage Internet : 57 % des entreprises sont maintenant branchées”, Press Release dated December 2. 1999. • FAST COMPANY. “Where are you on the Web”, A Fast CompanyRoper Starch Worlwide Survey, October 1999. • IDC. “From 1999 to 2002, Spending Will More Than Double”, February 23, 1999. • IDC. “U.S. Intranets Go Full Tilt as Spending Reaches a Staggering $10.9 Billion”, July 15, 1999. • LASFARGUE, Y. “Internet, intranet : des leviers pour moderniser l’administration”, CREFAC, June 8, 1999. • LE JOURNAL DU NET (page consulted November 8, 1999). “Chiffres clés : E-commerce, le marché dans le monde”. • LES AFFAIRES. “Un marché en dent de scie qui ne cesse de croître : les ERP sont rapidement entrées dans les mœurs des entreprises”, Saturday April 17, 1999, p. 37. • POSADA, E. The impact of information technology on managerial scanning and performance, École des HEC, thèse de doctorat, février 1995. • PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS : Inside the Mind of the CEO, The 1999 Global CEO Survey, World Economic Forum, 1999 Annual meeting, Davos, Switzerland, January 1999. • PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS : Inside the Mind of the CEO, The View from Europe, World Economic Forum, 1999 Annual meeting, Davos, Switzerland, January 1999. Senior Executives Say the Internet Is Transforming Global Business... / Booz-Allen & • RIVARD, S., PINSONNEAULT, A., BERNIER C. “Impact des technologies de l’information sur les cadres et les travailleurs”, Revue Gestion, École des Haute Études Commerciales, Fall 1999, p. 51 - 65. Hamilton : • TAPSCOTT, D. “The Digital Economy : Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence”, Mc Graw-Hill, 1996. The CIO is the CEO of the Future : 8 perception of performance will also be low. In the banking industry, she has established a positive correlation between the use of ITs and the advancement of executives over the past three years. This signals performance improvement. Whatever the case, we must be realistic. As reported by The Economist: history suggests that decades must past before the relative gains of new technologies bear fruit: after all, companies needed 40 years to remodel their procedures around the use of electricity. (The Economist, September 13,1993) ■ RÉSEAU CEFRIO By Danielle Stanton a trip to the year 2015 a look at the future "If we want to make sure that ICTs live up to their promises, we have to embrace the movement ourselves" Interview with Don Tapscott President, Alliance for Converging Technologies How will information technologies change the organisations of tomorrow? Will this technological revolution have as much impact on other areas of society? plan to provide each citizen with an Internet address. Now that will certainly help to rapidly increase Internet usage among Quebecers. However, these positive measures should not Don Tapscott: Their impact will be extraordi- Yes. There is a tsunami approaching and it nary. Take the Internet for example. The emer- will not only affect the business environment, make us feel self-satisfied if we want to be gence of this new type of human communica- but society as a whole. We are currently going ready to face the new technological paradigm, tion is rapidly and radically changing the through an exploration phase. We are trying we still have a long way to go. economic infrastructure, not only modifying the to determine how we can profit from this new nature of organisations, but also the very way communication structure, both in terms of the industrial revolution the City of Glasgow in goods and services are created. improving training methods in the field of edu- Scotland enjoyed great prosperity. Yet, although cation and in terms of supporting social devel- the industrial revolution was born in Great greatest control possible over their entire opment or means of co-operating as citizens Britain, Glasgow did not foresee the changing production. Remember: Henry Ford owned even of one society. Profound changes will soon tides. The City did not realise the scope of those small companies that produced the take place. changes occurring all around it with respect to Companies have always sought to have the manufacturing. The city began to decline. mahogany he needed to decorate his cars! Soon, this era will have come and gone. There is a new model on the horizon. Increasingly, small and medium-sized enterprises are forming alliances, networks and businesswebs. An Internet site is a technology; a businessweb is an organisational structure, a new type of administrative entity which allows companies to join forces to design strategic activities, develop markets, offer state-of-theart services. The Internet allows us to conduct business in a manner we could not even have imagined only a few years ago. I would like to mention a historical fact. Until Are Quebec and Canadian organisations model users of ITs? A few are. But not enough. But let me be clear, we are not late in every area. The majori- Today, Glasgow is a second zone city. Are you saying that something similar could happen here? ty of the country’s organisations did not delay Certainly. If we want to avoid a similar fate, in adopting the Internet. Just as in other popu- innovation is crucial. We must constantly strive lations, today, one of every three households to innovate and work tirelessly to make sure with children has Internet access. And if we that our institutions keep up with the times. look more specifically at Quebec, I seem to detect among you a curiosity, an open-mindedness with respect to ICTs . Some of your initiatives are certainly worthy of mention, like the RÉSEAU CEFRIO 9 interview with Don Tapscott come to light, like voting every night on one co-ordinate, ensure leadership and financial Lots of things. First, allow me to repeat subject during the newscast! In the age of management… but he will have to learn to do myself, we must renew again and again our electronics, democracy is something totally without the concept of the “supreme master” business models. The only way for an organisa- different. It can become a great and noble ruling over everything and everyone. In tomor- project. Because of the Internet the common row’s new economy, there will be no room for citizen may cease to be perceived simply that relic of the past. Exactly what should we be doing? tion to remain competitive in the new economy will not be to initially know how to use information, provide good management or effective marketing for its products. The only way will be to continuously renew itself. New models are already among us, revolutionising the delivery of financial services, totally transforming the way products are manufactured, etc. Businesses simply have no choice. Emerging as a consumer of government services and become what he really is, i.e. the “owner of government”. To this end, we have to carefully reflect on the various avenues that ITs are opening up for us. Internet provides governments the opportunity to fundamentally renew themselves, so that they can play their role even more effectively. models destroy old models as they develop. This is an unexpected opportunity and it would The only hope for survival is innovation. be unforgivable not to seize it. And that alone will not suffice. As a society, Will this new type of manager develop new skills, new management methods? Certainly. The skills required of tomorrow’s managers will be very different from those expected until now. For example, instead of focusing on supervision, good managers of the future will have to be skilled at creating an environment where people will be motivated to invent, innovate, succeed. An environment if we do want to be left behind, we must invest conducive to encouraging common work a great deal of effort to change our institu- towards common goals. tions. The government is slow to adopt new technologies and very resistant to change. This poses a problem. INTERNET PROVIDES GOVERNMENTS THE OPPORTUNITY TO FUNDAMENTALLY RENEW THEMSELVES, SO THAT THEY CAN PLAY THEIR ROLE EVEN MORE EFFECTIVELY. THIS IS AN UNEXPECTED OPPORTUNITY AND IT WOULD BE UNFORGIVABLE NOT TO SEIZE IT. Are you saying that the government is not handling this well? Until now, our leaders have concentrated Let’s talk about the government of the future. What is your vision? One of the determining factors will be the Can you describe a typical day in the life of tomorrow’s manager? It is very difficult to generalise. It will all their efforts on regulating the Internet, on emergence of what I call the NET generation, depend on the manager’s area of activity. establishing conditions conducive to an effi- those children aged 10 to 22 who are going to However, I can offer one prediction: one-on-one cient NET. That’s fine. But it is far from being enter the workplace during the next few years . communication will not disappear from the life sufficient. To paraphrase that famous state- In terms of ICTs, they will know so much more of the technological manager except that he or ment made by John F. Kennedy, I would say to than the preceding generation. Their entry on she will waste less time than their alter egos of our elected officials: “Do not ask what the gov- the work market will be a first in the history of today in unending unproductive meetings. I am ernment can do for the NET, but what the NET humanity: it will be the first time that strategic thinking for example of monthly meetings that can do for the government”. ICTs provide us knowledge will be in the hands of the younger bring together all company employees to pre- the opportunity to re-examine government generation. They will invent new ways of collab- sent the sales records - everyone falls asleep structures and the manner in which public ser- oration and co-operation in business. They will listening to others rattle off statistics. The vices are delivered, to reduce costs, and change everything, revolutionise everything. Internet will allow us to put an end to this increase service quality... They also provide an This intersection of technology and demo- practice. The time gained will be reinvested in extraordinary challenge: to rethink the very graphics will bring about major changes. interesting and productive work. Meetings The executives of tomorrow will not only between individuals will be devoted to produc- manage as we perceive management now. tive human contacts among colleagues which Each of us will have his or her own area of are always invaluable. In other words, the standing of the infinite possibilities ICTs offer authority or expertise and we will collaborate typical day of tomorrow’s manager will be a day in this respect. Some “off the wall” ideas have with others within work cells. Managers will during which he or she takes the time to think nature of government, of the democratic process. We still have only a very primitive under- 10 RÉSEAU CEFRIO about the most intelligent way of benefiting from those powerful tools – ICTs. I admit that there is a risk that ICTs could eventually create a very stressful and demand- Let’s move on to a more personal area. Are you personally a heavy user of technologies? And how! Always have been and increasingly The emergence of ICTs doesn’t seem to have made you nervous at all ... We fear those things we do not understand, things we don’t know. I don’t deny that there is ing work environment, putting a lot of pressure so. I surf the Web every day and honestly, I a dark side to this: loss of confidentiality, both on the manager and his or her associates. don’t understand how anyone can work properly potential censuring, invasion of one’s private Senior management will have to be very care- without it today. life... However, currently, neither the general ful: high performance cannot exist without quality of life at work. The two go hand in hand. What are the critical factors that will ensure that today’s managers successfully adopt tomorrow’s technologies? The basis has to be the establishment of a I am presently living in a hotel. From there, I ers appear in a of e-mails and have sent hurry to really face just as many that I had the technological written beforehand in the realities. That is plane instead of watching IN OTHER WORDS, THE something that some stupid movie or makes me anxious. reading some boring Because time is of company culture based on curiosity, one open magazine. Without such to new ideas. tools, a number of people Moreover, one thing is essential: personal population nor managers, nor government lead- have downloaded dozens TYPICAL DAY OF TOMORROW’S the essence . To those who are would have tried to reach concerned about commitment from each and every manager. me by phone today and I am speaking directly here to those who are would have probably world of tomorrow, reading these lines: if your fingers are not on interrupted me right in who fear that ICTs the keyboard – if you are not clicking - not your the middle of my work. secretary – on the mouse to get onto the ICTs have allowed me to increase business Internet, you are missing the boat. Using ICTs communicate with them performance than personally is an absolute prerequisite to under- at my own pace and in standing the technological paradigm. my own time. MANAGER WILL BE A DAY DURING WHICH HE OR SHE TAKES THE TIME TO THINK sess an "innovation" command! They will have to make an effort each and every day to ask will be used more to individual quality of life – I would say this: I know of no Managers also need to remember that ICTs, no matter how powerful they are, do not pos- the technological Do ICTs affect your personal life? ABOUT THE MOST INTELLI- ensure that everything is done Yes, and very much themselves if strategies can be improved upon, so. In terms of my family, if certain products can be made more sophisti- ICTs help me plan holi- cated... If they don’t, their competitors will be days with those who are more than pleased to do it for them. far away. We also help better way to GENT WAY OF BENEFITING to your satisfaction than to personally get involved in the FROM THOSE POWERFUL movement. ■ each other make online Will the massive arrival of ICTs mean that, over time, managers will disappear? purchases (in all honesty, it is my children who TOOLS – ICTS. mostly help me). When I No. But surely we will need less middle man- am travelling, I also com- agement. In the traditional hierarchy, this man- municate with my daugh- agement category is more or less called upon ter at home every day. to amplify messages coming from the top. But ICTs have not invaded my life – because I do ICTs are going to allow an increasingly fluid not allow them to invade my life. circulation of information from top to bottom. If the first thing you do when you get home is The status of middle management will no to rush to your e-mail to check for messages – longer be required, and will finally disappear before hugging your spouse or your children, unless these people themselves bring to light you are falling into the trap. ICTs are not good some added value that will benefit the new or bad in their own right in terms of your per- technological enterprise. It’s possible. But I am sonal life – they are not the ones deciding how not revealing any new facts when I say that you are going to organise your family life or those who have the power in any paradigm are your business, just as they are not going to often the last to want to adopt a new one... decide how we should manage the nation. That is up to us. And no one else. RÉSEAU CEFRIO 11 By Danielle Stanton interview with Alain Pinsonneault and Suzanne Rivard Imasco Professor, Information Systems, McGill University Management Department Professor, École des Hautes Études Commerciales “It is the corporate vision/strategy that determines how managers will use information technologies” How are technologies going to transform tomorrow’s organisations? Alain Pinsonneault: Research has shown that to date, ICTs mainly have allowed companies to more effectively co-ordinate their activities within the organisation and with external partners. ICTs have also allowed for improved monitoring and control. The net result? Companies have decreased in size and alliances with suppliers and other companies have been strengthened. Today’s companies have become more flexible, less formal. They are increasingly networkminded companies. Sometimes firms are spread out geographic- ally with their teleworkers and remote suppliers. There are even virtual companies that are only accessible via telecommunications. Suzanne Rivard: I agree with the result. But I would examine the subject from another angle. The question I would ask myself is not how ICTs are going to transform organisations, but how can I use ICTs to implement the transformations I am considering? In today’s economic environment– globilization of markets, new consumer and business client expectations, customized marketing – companies have had to adapt their structures and their business process to become more flexible and to react quickly. As it happens, ICTs allow them to do this. In other words, basically, it is not so much ICTs that create networking or virtual companies, but rather it is the need to satisfy requirements that lead us to use ICTs to create networking or virtual companies. A. P.: ICTs provide opportunities, but the decision to act or not to act obviously belongs to the manager. The tool does not necessarily determine the measures undertaken. The tool does not decide, it only provides the opportunity. How have and how will ICTs transform the role of managers? A. P.: ICTs do not always affect managers’ work in the same way. As a general rule, they allow managers to devote less time to routine tasks and more time to other activities. But everything depends on the company’s orientation. A manager who is in the habit of working in a certain fashion is given a new, very flexible tool – it Today’s companies have become more flexible, less formal. They are increasingly network-minded companies. is up to him to react. Yet, as we all know, human nature is such that the natural reacS. R. : Indeed. As a matter of tion is to do things exactly as they fact, one study that we conducted were done before. That is why the among three major Montreal firms tool will never replace the compahas demonstrated clearly that first ny’s orientation, i.e. senior manageand foremost it is the context, i.e. ment’s vision. the company’s orientation, that Let me give you an example: determines the degree to which the massive implementation of ICTs will be used. automatic tellers in banks! This The first company had chosen technology provided banks with to implement very modern techthe opportunity to reduce the numnologies. It had also planned for ber of tellers, something a number training sessions but had not of them chose not to do – at least determined specific orientations. at the very beginning. Rather, they After some time, it became apparchose to change the employees’ ent that the profile of managers responsibilities, to use their work using ICTs was quite similar to force differently: sale of new that of other managers. products, advisory role, etc. The second company had folHowever, they could have opted lowed a similar path, except that it for something totally different! was, at that time, entering a very In other words, basically, it is not so much ICTs that create networking or virtual companies, but rather it is the need to satisfy requirements that lead us to use ICTs to create networking or virtual companies. 12 RÉSEAU CEFRIO Learning to evolve in a life without boundaries “Managers must discipline themselves to understand employees’ work, the various stages employees must pass, and they have to understand how the remote training system operates, etc. It is essential that they have at least a general understanding; this is essential to communication, to motivating your team.” “On a large scale, today’s managers must strive to make the work place more casual. I spent three years working in Saudi Arabia. In the Arab world, business, family, religion and social activities are experienced simultaneously. In the Western world, the process is sequential: we work, go back home, go to church, participate in social events ... But ICTs are changing this sequence: we have an office at home, in our car, we can organize our work schedule in various ways, etc. But we have not yet assimilated the transformation. Therefore, more often than not, we have the unpleasant impression that work is encroaching on our family and on our social life. And this creates stress. We must evolve, learn how to manage in a world where boundaries are less and less impervious. Accepting this will make life easier.” Guy Marier, President - Bell Québec interview with Alain Pinsonneault and Suzanne Rivard competitive market. Managers had not received specific instructions to use ICTs, but had been strongly encouraged to effectively analyse the new market in order to position the company. The result? This time, heavy users of technologies presented very different profiles versus other managers; now they were focusing strongly on information analysis. As a result, their work was transformed. The third company was a major bank. While implementing new technologies, it had asked branch managers to emphasise customer relations. The message was very clear. Some time later, it became apparent that heavy ICT users were using technologies to eliminate routine tasks and thus devote more time to customer relations. Three examples – identical findings: it is mainly the company’s strategy that determines how managers will use technologies. What are the other critical factors or conditions for success that lead managers to adopt or not to adopt technologies, or that will allow them to develop the right mix or not? S. R.: There is another revealing study. Conducted among 400 corporate managers, its findings demon- strate that users’ perception, i.e., their confidence that the technological tool will improve their performance, represents a major condition for success. Training is therefore very important, if not crucial. Of course, I am not talking about developing “typing” skills, but skills to use the tool intelligently. In other words, we have to help managers assimilate the technology we provide: through effective training of course, but also through ongoing technical support. Giving laptops to managers so that they can do their own secretarial work does not appear profitable to me. Providing them with an eight-hour training session on Windows – and then not providing the laptop for another two weeks or two months – is not profitable either. This is seven hours too much! It is better to organise one hour of training followed up by good technical support. This way, they will learn how to deal with this tool in their own time. In all such cases, customization is the order of the day. A. P.: This is a very important point. Training must provide managers the opportunity to understand the possibilities and the limitations of such technology. It is then up to them to "translate", to discover the applications relevant to their work, their field of interest. ICTs are too often considered to be the business of technologists. Yet they are mainly management levers that fall under the responsibility of managers - who must develop the reflex of asking themselves what they can do with ICTs, how they can get the most out of ICTs. Does the introduction of technologies in the professional life of managers impact their personal life – positively or negatively? How can a balance be achieved? A. P.: Numerous studies have confirmed that the presence of a computer in the home generally leads to an increase in the number of hours worked. The same holds true for those who own laptops, as if managers felt an obligation to use it. Studies on telework reveal the same findings, that is, a 15 to 20% increase in time worked. Personally, I feel that technologies do add more pressure: gains in terms of flexibility have certainly increased expectations. S. R.: I agree with Alain. But, at the same time, I think that the flexibility provided by ICTs can contribute to reducing stress. I can, for example, choose when to respond to my e-mail, it can be in the evening, or even during the night. In yesterday’s word, I probably would have waited for the stack of notes, or pink and yellow slips to accumulate on my desk because I did not always have time to respond. The immediacy and the brevity of current communications have removed a considerable amount of stress. Personally, I have gained something – I have improved my quality of life. But are we going to reach a point where the boundary between our professional and personal lives will disappear? Wouldn’t that be less frustrating in the end? A. P.: Personally, I think that would be very ill-advised. On the contrary, soon we will have to define new rules, establish an etiquette for communications in the technological age. Today, we are expected to instantaneously reply to all communications we receive, no matter what their origin! Cellular phones and e-mail are marvellous instru- TRAINING MUST PROVIDE MANAGERS THE OPPORTUNITY TO UNDERSTAND THE POSSIBILITIES AND THE LIMITATIONS OF SUCH TECHNOLOGY. IT IS THEN UP TO THEM TO “TRANSLATE”, TO DISCOVER THE APPLICATIONS RELEVANT TO THEIR WORK, THEIR FIELD OF INTEREST. RÉSEAU CEFRIO 13 interview with Alain Pinsonneault and Suzanne Rivard ments, but they can have very negative impacts on our personal lives. S. R.: People will have to learn self-discipline. Humans need and will always need privacy. Personal life must be protected. On a totally different subject, do you feel that universities are providing effective training for tomorrow’s managers – in terms of technology? A. P.: As a general rule, I would say yes. On the one hand, management students are required to take information technology courses. Such courses not only include direct utilisation of ICTs, but also include ICT integration into the management process. On the other hand, we have noticed that an increasing number of students also have “minors” in technologies. I would even add that the technologists we are training today are a far cry from yesterday’s computer specialists. They have a good understanding of commerce, and of how businesses work. These elements come together to create a interview with Interview conducted by CEFRIO promising and interesting synergy. S. R.: Today’s students have integrated ICTs effectively. At the HEC, and as is probably the case in most Québec universities, management students have laptops; they download their classes, do their work in the classroom and their papers on their PC. For them, the computer is simply an everyday object. But mostly, students are very aware that information technologies are without any doubt their most useful tool. They have grasped the fact that any manager’s work boils down to processing information: employee performance ratings, customer dealings or management of meetings … For them, information is both the raw material and the finished product. ■ Guy Marier President, Bell Québec “The manager must add value to information; access to information does not eliminate the need to communicate, to motivate, to create and to work as a team.” What role does technology play in the transformation of Bell? Guy Marier: The evolution of any company must be viewed from a number of points. But let us only examine two which are closely related within our company: technologies and market . With the development of technologies, and mostly with the advent of the Internet, computers and telecommunications have become closely interrelated. For a company like Bell, tomorrow’s engineers will also need to be computer experts. It will be necessary for them to be very familiar with technologies, to understand their potential in terms of communication network application, to ensure their network interoperability and finally, on top of all that, to be outstanding interpretive experts. Their job will be to help managers make the right decisions, integrate technological levers in companies and organisations. “Until recently, one of the greatest powers of any manager stemmed from the information that he or she possessed and how he/she used it. Following the emergence of new technological tools, everyone has access to the same data in real time. For the new manager, the challenge is now to increase the added value of the information in his/her possession. This manager must interpret and incorporate this information in his/her management strategies and activities.” 14 RÉSEAU CEFRIO Only those who adapt will survive the revolution “I am not only a heavy user but a promoter of ICTs because I am involved in electronic commerce! The Internet is literally my work base. My role is to convince businesses that they can be more profitable if they take advantage of the information revolution.” “Today’s managers must adapt: information is easy to access at all times, tracking the evolution of competitors is easy, technical operations of yesteryears have been significantly simplified, if not automated, etc. Freed from repetitive operations, managers can now devote their time to real management. Their first role is to make sure that their company takes advantage of all new available tools, because only businesses that manage to adapt will survive”. Michel Vincent, director, Business Development, SIBN interview with Guy Marier Networks are already increasingly complex and require numerous technologies. There are communications from individuals to PC, from PC to PC, from telephone to PC, etc. The trend is gradually taking us towards a single network where several technologies will coexist. Such a network “BY 2003, IT IS EXPECTED THAT DATA TRANSMISSION, THE INTERNET, ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, AS WELL AS INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES WILL PLAY will be less complex, fully interoperable and more reliable. A MUCH MORE SIGNIFICANT ROLE. THEREFORE, WE Technologies are in the process of transforming the telecommunications market: what is your position? New technologies are going to cause current dividing lines to fade and they are going to transform the more traditional products like local ARE EXAMINING THESE NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN AN EFFORT TO DETERMINE THEIR MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS AND THE FULL POTENTIAL THAT CAN DEVELOP THE service and long distance service. By 2003, it is expected that data transmission, the Internet, electronic commerce, as well as information PRODUCTS AND SERVICES WE OFFER OUR CLIENTS.” systems and technologies will play a much more significant role. Therefore, we are examining these new technologies in an effort to executives in Montreal, presentations were only available and could only determine their multiple applications and the full potential that can be viewed through a computer dedicated to each of the executives develop the products and services we offer our clients. We are also present in the room! All the administrators were taking notes straight banking on these new technologies: a company like ours cannot afford to from the electronic file on their PC. It was a real success. wait for telecommunications to develop – we must be at the forefront! For example: the IP protocol opens up new vistas and potential new products that we incorporate and offer to our clients. On a wider scale, for any company, the Internet affects not only the way it operates but also the very manner in which it promotes and markets its products. At Are technologies in the process of changing the role of managers? What impact are they going to have on tomorrow’s managers? Until recently, one of the greatest powers of any manager stemmed Bell, our challenge is to support Quebec and Canadian firms so that they from the information that he or she possessed and how he/she used it. can build on the advanced telecommunication services (voice, data, Following the emergence of new technological tools, everyone has IP technologies) and position themselves favourably in their market. access to the same data in real time. For the new manager, the We would like these companies to integrate the Internet in their way of challenge is now to increase the added value of the information in doing things and to gain access to a world wide market. his/her possession. This manager must interpret and incorporate this information in his/her management strategies and activities. However, How do your managers use technologies on a daily basis? Technologies have been well integrated among our staff and they above all, access to information does not eliminate the need to communicate, to motivate, to create and to work as a team. The tools are part of an ongoing process. We want to take full advantage of are different but the social and relational aspects of work remain technological means. Recently, during a meeting of the company’s of primary importance. RÉSEAU CEFRIO 15 interview with Speaking of skills, which ones do you want to develop among Bell managers so that they can assimilate such technologies? There must be a will to harness the new technologies and build upon them. It is important for our managers, sales staff and technologists to focus on emerging services in order to be at the forefront, and to be able to identify business opportunities and present them to clients. Everyone has to develop that reflex. For example, let us examine electronic commerce. With this new Guy Marier Will the use of technologies affect your employment structure? For example, is it possible that you will need fewer managers or that their job descriptions will be changed? As emerging services develop, we will of course need new skills; there will be a natural migration towards new jobs, new types of jobs. For now, the trend we are witnessing does certainly not point to a reduction in the number of managerial jobs. At Bell, for example, to explore new business opportunities, attack emerging markets and form of transaction, the four Ps of marketing (Price, Promotion, Place, develop new products, we set up small independent units. People who Product) need to be reinterpreted. The retail store model must be work in such units – that we call centres for excellence – can operate reinvented and telecommunication networks play a major role in this in a distinct manner, adapted to the market they are analysing. sense. Our managers, sales staff, our employees as a whole must have a good understanding of where these changes are headed to help customers through the changeover. “HOWEVER, CONVERTING TO NEW Exactly! Is this transformation difficult for your staff? TECHNOLOGIES REQUIRES A LOT OF Difficult? No. But challenging? No doubt. Once an employee has understood and assimilated it, introducing a new product can become SUPPORT FROM MANAGERS AND FROM very motivating. However, converting to new technologies requires a lot of support from managers and from the organisation. THE ORGANISATION. MANAGEMENT Management must provide proper training and a strong infrastructure. This support must be felt by all the departments, e.g. Sales, Customer Service, Invoicing, etc. Bell sells between 5 000 and 6 000 MUST PROVIDE PROPER TRAINING AND A STRONG INFRASTRUCTURE. THIS Internet subscriptions every week; after-sales service must be impeccable. must be impeccable. Sales staff must always feel SUPPORT MUST BE FELT BY ALL THE supported by senior management and the company. DEPARTMENTS, E.G. SALES, CUSTOMER SERVICE, INVOICING, ETC.” Philippe Biron, senior director of information technologies, Hydro-Québec We must not drown in the sea of new tools “ICTs simplify the traditional management process: I can now approve, directly on screen, employee time sheets, process various forms, complete transactions that formerly required the intervention of clerks, of secretaries. “On the other hand, ICTs create a new form of stress. Let’s look at e-mail for example. I now receive an impressive number of documents, several of which are perfectly useless. That’s because, for the sender, the operation has become very, if not too easy: all 16 RÉSEAU CEFRIO organisation executives are now just a click away! In my opinion, we have to learn to manage new technologies. We have adopted the new medium, we now have to define the new rules of usage, of management. Otherwise, managers will soon be submerged, and we risk creating a new bureaucracy. In short, we have to learn quickly how to intelligently use these new tools of knowledge!” The taming process is not yet over “ICTs have completely transformed the way I work. I can reach people in a second; it is very rare that I ask other people to help me with my mail. I can delegate not only part of a task, but a whole task; for example, I can prepare the basic part of my own presentations. All this has changed the relationships we have with other employees. Using the new tools, managers are clearly more independent. ICTs allow me to save a lot of time, to be more organized, more efficient. Even managing my schedule has become child’s play! “New tools are going to improve again. I foresee, among other things, that we will travel a lot less in the near future, especially for regular meetings. Today still, meetings take up a lot of our time – time oftentimes spent in inter-city travel. We have not yet totally managed videoconferencing, but it is only a question of time.” Cécile Cléroux, President, Cifra Médical interview with Guy Marier But won’t emerging markets eventually play a very significant role – requiring you to re-examine the very structure of your organisation? “WE CREATE ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS IN RESPONSE TO NEW DEMAND, IN RESPONSE TO CONTINUALLY If anything may lead us to re-examine our organisational structure, it is primarily the competition rather than emerging markets. Everything is INCREASING NEEDS. THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW evolving very rapidly. We must react quickly in an industry where products are multiplying and where demand is strong. We create additional products in response to new demand, in response to continually increas- TECHNOLOGY DOES NOT NECESSARILY ENTAIL THE RAPID DISAPPEARANCE OF TRADITIONAL TECHNOLOGY ing needs. The introduction of new technology does not necessarily entail the rapid disappearance of traditional technology but it may cause it to evolve or undergo transformation. When the mobile phone came out ten BUT IT MAY CAUSE IT TO EVOLVE OR UNDERGO TRANSFORMATION.” years ago, some people predicted that homes would soon be wireless. You know as well as I do that there are more wires now than there have ever been. In reality, the addition of technologies allows us to communicate more. At Bell, our development model rests on the following premise: evolution rather than revolution.■ Micheline Bouchard, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Motorola Canada Offices without boundaries “The PC, Internet, intranet, cellular phones, the personal digital assistant…; I am a heavy user of ICTs! I always travel with my “personal network”. It follows me everywhere: Montreal or Toronto, in Europe, at the office or at home – except of course, when I choose otherwise. The balance between work and family life has always been very important to me. “I can appreciate the fact that in our daily lives, geographic boundaries no longer exist. ICTs have provided me with a new independence and a new flexibility. These tools will continue to improve and we will gain more in that respect. For example, soon information will be accessible immediately and we will spend less time on research. “Of course, we will expect more of managers: we live in a world of immediacy, of interactions – this is no longer a world of “postponements”. E-mail has made us more dependent on communication. The medium demands an almost immediate answer. However, and initially, I perceive ICTs as tools that help me organize my own activities based on what is expedient for me.” RÉSEAU CEFRIO 17 By Danielle Stanton interview with Yves Lasfargue Yves Lasfargue, Director of the Centre d'études et de formation pour l'accompagnement des changements (CREFAC), France Ergostress: more effective work load measurement Can you explain the concept of ergostress? Yves Lasfargue : Let’s begin with the word. Ergostress refers to account this “work” (ergo) and to “stress”. The last element basic idea of this new concept is because, in the following: as we pass from an the information industrialized society to an infor- society, mation society, we have to change pleasure can com- the way we measure the work load. pensate for the Prior to this, the only measurement other three factors unit used was the “work time” . A parallel can be drawn However, in an information society, using the example of nutrition. Fifty production and stress are decreas- years ago, we simply measured ingly linked to the hours the individ- the weight of food. Since then, we ual spends at the office. It is have learned to understand their important that we take into caloric value, their nutritional account the intensity and the den- value, their sugar content etc. sity of the work load... - factors Consequently, our perception is which, I will agree, are practically more complex – the same can be impossible to evaluate objectively. said of work. But, certainly the “felt” work load can be measured. That is what we are doing. As a result, ergostress allows us to understand the following association: physical load experienced, mental work load experienced, stress and … pleasure. As surprising as it may appear, we do have to take into 18 RÉSEAU CEFRIO How do you specifically measure the level of ergostress? Initially we had to identify the sional activities into account: Five major sources of social, family, personal and sports ergostress were identified. First, activities. Finally, the last ques- there is the work station: posture, tions deal with a list of stress organisation of the station, loads symptoms used to verify the carried, air conditioning, etc. coherence of answers provided. Secondly, corporate organisation: Overall, the questionnaire deals power and responsibilities, profes- with some one hundred factors. sional relationships within the company, relationships with clients and suppliers, ICT related problems, etc. Third, environmental factors are taken into account: reorganisation or potential firings, sources of ergostress. We then perception of the social useful- designed a four page question- ness of one’s work, etc. Fourthly, naire to measure the influence of and given that an individual is indi- each source. visible, we also take extra-profes- Is this questionnaire available here? It can be found on the Internet: The expert system will provide an initial diagnosis, not a specific evaluation (on a scale of 1 to 10 for example), but it will indicate those areas that require work to improve or master your ergostress. interview with We have also designed a second expert system that allows you to calculate the distribution of time among professional, social, personal and family activities. Based on your data, is professional time taking over more and more time in the life of managers? Overall, for managers, profes- parents) which often add to households: less than 25% of parental responsibilities. households. We have not yet In France, has the introduction of ICTs significantly changed the balance between professional and personal life? acquired the habit of home com- Finally, the Internet also provides sional time represents 50% of a third expert system that feeds the waking hours, social time, 2%, debate on a very French issue: and personal and family time, decreasing the work week from 39 48%. Perceptions have recently changed What are the major factors that increase ergostress among managers? in France. At the outset, we to 35 hours. Changing the theoretical work time is one thing, but there also has to be a balance between real times (time devoted to all aforementioned activities). This will allow us to see if decreasing work time really changes something. So, does reducing the work week change the balance – does it really change things? It is too early to tell. But we have enriched the collective debate on the issue – because The first consideration are the Yves Lasfargue Again, it is too early to tell. puters – at least not compared to what is happening here! How do you foresee the role of the manager in the future - as ICTs become widespread? Virtual work groups - via net- noticed a certain hesitancy, even works – are already widespread. resistance at times. Then, Within these groups, leadership is technologies became appealing, not always the responsibility of work station characteristics: the especially the Internet and cellular managers. But hierarchy remains manager’s work load is constantly telephones. Currently, we are important. The role of the cyber- increasing due to the development going through the discovery period manager is to bring the circuits of portable tools and the increas- and many people have become together, to ensure coexistence. ing number of trips, air condition- believers. So much so, that there He or she must learn to manage ing problems and use of tobacco has been no thinking out process salaried teleworkers, to organise in the workplace (in France, air because the honeymoon has not work differently, to develop new conditioning is often defective in yet ended. skills... However, my feeling is office towers). It is however important to Reflection has focused mostly that the development of newer on teleworking and close proximity skills will not mean the demise of older ones. mention a new phenomenon in our working: what is most profitable? we expect to have a public debate country: an increase in the finan- Should activities be regrouped or if people don’t know where they cial and criminal liability of senior dispersed? Recently, Renault issue: tomorrow’s managers will themselves stand? The result management. This represents chose to regroup its “studies and have to be conciliators. They will additional stress, one with which methods” services in an have to ensure that ICTs do not we have to learn to deal. enormous plant that contains result in exclusions, i.e. new that is indeed what it is. How can would be that we would speak in general terms or provide individual examples. Any collective reflection, whether in companies or In terms of the organisation, 7,500 people near Paris. Prior to forms of segregation within firms business deadlines which have to this change, such activities were separating computer buffs from others. How can we obtain more information about the concept of ergostress? be met, and which are becoming spread out in 60 centres. I could reflection – one that is based unbelievable, also admittedly add also give you examples where the on the most precise available to stress. The mere weight of the opposite was done. measurement. hierarchy is also another factor, Moreover, the union survey You therefore strongly recommend that all managers do this type of exercise? as is the new style of business that I mentioned before demon- relationships – dealings with strated that in France, ICTs are clients and suppliers are much basically used in the work environ- Absolutely. Among others, a more frequent than they were, a ment. I must say that we only major French union has purchased factor which also adds to the have a small number of online part of the system. The union mental load of a number of play- used it to conduct a major survey ers. Finally, management by stress on time distribution, just prior to (benchmarking, management by the adoption of the law in 1999. project, flux tendus or just in time) ORGANISATION, BUSINESS This will provide a very strong decreases feelings of security and DEADLINES WHICH HAVE TO reference document for future sur- as a result increases the level of veys. Moreover, EDF (Électricité de ergostress. unions, must start by personal France) is now conducting another There is another important With regard to extra-profession- survey using our questionnaire al activities, a new phenomenon is among its teleworkers, a survey on the increase: lineal ascen- that will certainly be instructive. dants’ responsibilities (ageing I am publishing a book in Januar y: L’ergostressie, syndrome de la société de l'information. It will contain all relevant information including our research findings. ■ IN TERMS OF THE BE MET, AND WHICH ARE BECOMING UNBELIEVABLE, ALSO ADMITTEDLY ADD TO STRESS. RÉSEAU CEFRIO 19 Yves Lasfargue Yves Lasfargue, Director of the Centre d'études et de formation pour l'accompagnement des changements (CREFAC), France (…) Ergostress refers to “work” (ergo) and to “stress”. (…) as we pass from an industrialized society to an information society, we have to change the way we measure the work load. Prior to this, the only measurement unit used was the “work time”. However, in an information society, production and stress are decreasingly linked to the hours the individual spends at the office. As a result, ergostress allows us to understand the following association: physical load experienced, mental work load experienced, stress and … pleasure. As surprising as it may appear, we do have to take into account this last element because, in the information society, pleasure can compensate for the other three factors. (...) Five major sources of ergostress were identified. (…) the work station, (…) corporate organisation, (…) environmental factors, (…) extra-professional activities, (…) a list of stress symptoms. For more information, refer to complete interview on page 18. CEFRIO 18 Centre francophone d’informatisation des organisations (CEFRIO), 900 René-Lévesque East, Suite 717, Québec City, Québec G1R 2B5 Telephone: 418.523.3746 Fax: 418.523.2329 E-mail:
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