ke ! Ta ne O P RO STAT E C A NC E R C OM M U N IC AT ION VOLUME 28, NUMBER 2 • JUNE, 2012 FOUNDER: LLOYD J. NEY, SR. – FOUNDED 1984 In This Issue: Intimacy After Prostate Cancer Optimizing Outcomes Of Advanced Prostate Cancer What The Heck Has Been Going On In My World Staying Active With Urinary Incontinence Be sure to visit our new website at: We now offer the convenience of making donations online! Life Without Prostate Cancer: Imagine The Possibilities! P A A C T, I N C. Published Quarterly by: PAACT, Inc. Patient Advocates for Advanced Cancer Treatments 1143 Parmelee NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 President…Richard H. Profit Jr. Editors….Richard H. Profit Jr./Molly Meyers Staff….Molly Meyers/Jill Beckwith Webmaster….Omega Systems Postmaster: Send address changes to: Prostate Cancer Communication P.O. Box 141695 Grand Rapids, MI 49514 Phone: 616/453-1477 Fax: 616/453-1846 E-Mail: PAACT Web Page: Newsletter: Editor: Articles authored by other than the editor may not fully reflect the views of the corporation but are printed with the understanding that the patient has the right to make his own interpretation of the efficacy of the information provided. In an effort to conserve space and be able to insert as much material as possible in the newsletter, references from various articles are intentionally omitted. If you would like to obtain those references, please contact PAACT, we keep all of the original articles and the references used on file. President and Chairperson: Medical Advisory Board: Richard H. Profit, Jr. Board of Directors: Richard J. Ablin, Ph.D. V. Elayne Arterbery, M.D. Robert A. Badalament, M.D. Duke K. Bahn, M.D. Israel Barken, M.D. E. Roy Berger, M.D., F.A.C.P. Douglas O. Chinn, M.D. Michael J. Dattoli, M.D. Fernand Labrie, M.D. Gary E. Leach, M.D. Fred Lee, Sr., M.D. Robert Leibowitz, M.D. Mark A. Moyad, M.D., M.P.H. Charles E. Myers, Jr., M.D. Haakon Ragde, M.D. Oliver Sartor, M.D. Stephen B. Strum, M.D., F.A.C.P. Ashutosh (Ash) K. Tewari, M.D., M.CH. Donald L. Trump, M.D. Newton Dilley Saleem Durvesh, Executive Marketing Director Edwin Kuberski, Treasurer Helen Mellema Janet Ney, Director Janette Ney, Director Anthony Staicer, Director Honorary Board Members: A.W. (Bud) Irish Russell Osbun Art Schlefstein contact us PAACT MEMBERS and non-members may contact PAACT headquarters directly (616-453-1477) to speak with our counselor (Richard H Profit, Jr.) for a free unlimited medical consultation regarding DIAGNOSIS, EVALUATION, DETECTION AND TREATMENT options for prostate cancer. Mr. Profit has worked with doctors in all aspects of prostate cancer treatment for over 13 years. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contact Us for Counseling................................................................................................... 2 How We Reignited Our Passion for Intimacy after Prostate Cancer........................................ 3 By Steve Frohman and Cindie Hubiak Optimizing Outcomes of Advanced Prostate Cancer: Drug Sequencing and Novel Therapeutic Approaches........................................................... 6 By E. David Crawford, MD and Thomas W Flaig, MD What the Heck Has Been Going On In My World - Part 57....................................................... 9 By Mark A Moyad, MD, MPH Staying Active with Urinary Incontinence: You Don’t Have to Use Diapers............................ 15 A Strange Place – Part V................................................................................................... 17 By T.R. Herbert Letters to the Editor......................................................................................................... 19 PCRI Conference Information and Agenda......................................................................... 20 Acknowledgements......................................................................................................... 21 Financial Summary Report............................................................................................... 23 PAACT Membership Form.................................................................................................. 24 How We Reignited Our Passion for Intimacy after Prostate Cancer B y S te v e F r o h m an Steve One in six men in America today is affected by prostate cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, more than two million men living in the United States have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their life. I am one of those. Women are impacted by prostate cancer at an exponential rate. After all, most men relate to more than one woman. In addition to being a husband/lover, men connect to women as fathers, brothers, uncles, colleagues and friends. Almost every woman could tell you a story about a man in her life diagnosed with prostate cancer. I am one of those stories. Cindie Steve and I learned early on that the survival rate from prostate cancer is extremely high, which we found comforting. We also learned that even with the latest nervesparing surgery techniques or the most accurate delivery of radiation treatment, there was a high possibility that Steve’s physical ability to engage in an intimate relationship would be negatively impacted, at least to some degree. Our journey from just surviving cancer to living a sexually fulfilled life was full of challenges we didn’t anticipate. an d C i n d i e H u b i a k Many of the physical aspects we enjoyed in our relationship disappeared after Steve’s prostate was removed. This negatively impacted our entire relationship, until we learned to look at sex in a whole new way. At first, Steve and I focused on all the traditional medical solutions with little success. The breakthrough came when we were able to better define the problem as a lack of intimacy and sexual fulfillment. We expanded the “playing field” and created dozens of solutions for intimacy. It didn’t start that way though. We took many wrong turns and lived in survival mode longer than needed. Soon after Steve’s diagnosis, he withdrew. Using a laser-like focus, he researched his options to remove the cancer from his body. I didn’t know how to reach him, and his distance caused me to withdraw from the relationship as well. As we reflect back, we see how we approached Steve’s diagnosis and our less than satisfying sex life from our own unique perspectives. In the beginning Steve and I didn’t fully appreciate how men and women approach and solve problems in different ways. • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 3 asked Cindie to keep my diagnosis “As we got to Iprivate. She resisted, but I insisted. I’m a private and didn’t want anyone know ourselves to know. Iperson didn’t realize, at the time, how better and took painful she would find this seemingly simple request. responsibility for wasn’t overly interested in sex after ourselves—voila— Itreatment. I’m embarrassed to say I just ignored our lack of intimacy. We we achieved lived a busy life and everything seemed Fortunately, Steve and I kept exploring What I didn’t realize is that we sexual fulfillment okay. ways to improve our intimacy until we were drifting apart and living more like found what worked. I didn’t want to be roommates. I also didn’t realize how and saved our like a woman I had met who had divorced unhappy Cindie had become. after 16 years of marriage because of the marriage.” isolation and lack of sexual fulfillment Cindie’s Story We were also very good at avoidance, a common human trait. Too often it was easier to ignore our lack of intimacy rather than address it. We found ourselves growing apart because of the cancer diagnosis and treatment, rather than allowing the experience to bring us closer together. Based on conversations with other men and women impacted by prostate cancer, this happens frequently. in her marriage. Our individual stories follow, along with five tips for reigniting passion for intimacy after prostate cancer. Steve’s Story It was May of 2007, early on a Friday evening at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. The mood of the group was festive as we were celebrating the retirement of a business associate. I felt apprehension, as it was still late afternoon in Phoenix. I nervously anticipated a phone call from my urologist with my latest biopsy results. This was my third biopsy over a 15-year period. I had a history of an enlarged prostate and high PSA score ever since my first PSA test in my mid 40’s. When my cell phone vibrated, I quickly stepped into the ballroom foyer to take the call. Dr. Bans let me know that the results of the biopsy were positive, indicating cancer had been found. Although no cancer is good, he explained that my cancer was a less aggressive form. This meant there was time to evaluate and select the best treatment method for my situation. I know he intended this information to be somewhat comforting, and it was, in a small way; though the fact still remained…I had cancer. Over the next few weeks and months, I worked closely with Dr. Bans, Cindie and a close friend to put a plan in place. I wanted to further understand and evaluate my situation, select a treatment option and undergo treatment. I ultimately selected surgery, and my prostate was removed six months later. 4 Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • I didn’t engage a great deal in Steve’s search for treatment options. He answered my questions, I went to San Francisco with him for a second opinion and I met his surgeon once before the surgery. Early attempts to engage more with Steve didn’t work. He seemed to prefer to handle the situation alone, so I gave up and went on with my life. Initially we focused on Steve’s recovery, ignoring my growing unhappiness. After all, I didn’t have cancer and my body hadn’t undergone an intense surgical procedure. Although, after several quarterly zero PSA tests, I still found myself struggling in a relationship that didn’t work for me. Steve’s diagnosis and treatment impacted me physically, emotionally and spiritually. I didn’t like myself after Steve’s recovery. I didn’t feel desired as a woman and my selfconfidence plummeted. Steve wasn’t interested in sex; something we learned later that is quite common in men treated for prostate cancer. Eventually, I discovered that I had to address my issues if I wanted to find happiness. I would have to take the lead if I wanted to save our marriage. When I began to take responsibility for my situation and stopped blaming Steve, our relationship improved. When I got over feeling sorry for myself and settling for an unhappy marriage, I discovered ways to take the initiative to create a life where Steve and I looked at sex differently than we did before prostate cancer. Steve - Reigniting Our Passion for Intimacy When Cindie and I began looking for ways to increase our intimacy, we started by defining sexual fulfillment. My definition included emotional closeness, physical intimacy and mental intensity. I used words like trust, passion, vulnerability, oneness and excitement. Cindie used a technique called circle drawing to uncover her definition of sexual fulfillment. She discovered sexual fulfillment meant aliveness, freedom, becoming one God and an opportunity to get to know herself better. Cindie and I didn’t possess the skills necessary to reach sexual fulfillment, so we sought outside assistance. Cindie started an intensive study of men, improving her ability to communicate with me in order to get her needs met. We both uncovered destructive childhood patterns that required breaking. We spent time with a tantrika, a woman who honors the beauty and fullness of sexuality and uses her knowledge to assist others. We learned how to move energy, the importance of slowing down and the necessity of scheduling time for intimacy. Cindie and I also realized we each needed to go through a grieving process before we could completely heal and experience sexual fulfillment. We talked about our own mortality; the elephant in the room cloaked with our unspoken fears about death and being alone. As we got to know ourselves better and took responsibility for ourselves—voila—we achieved sexual fulfillment and saved our marriage. Today we live a thriving life, filled with appreciation from our prostate cancer journey that brought us closer together than we had ever imagined. We followed five steps to reignite the passion in our life and in our relationship: • Grieve. Anyone impacted by prostate cancer experiences immense change. Change means loss, which goes hand in hand with grief. You need to go through the process of the five commonly accepted stages of grief: anger, denial, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Then go through the process of these emotions again. Your experience will be unique. You may skip a stage or bounce backand-forth between several stages. Cindie and I live in the acceptance stage most of the time, assisting each other to grieve more when needed. • Explore different solutions. Rely on a combination of resources, both traditional and non-traditional, to achieve a fulfilling sex life. Traditional resources include your urologist, other medical professionals and the use of pharmaceuticals. Non-traditional resources include a naturopathic physician, a psychologist, a hypnotherapist, a tantrika and a chiropractor. By balancing the benefits of high-technology Western medicine with the practices of a more holistic approach, Cindie and I ultimately achieved a more fulfilling relationship than we had ever imagined. • Define and devote time to intimacy. Too often couples define intimacy as achieving a physical destination, i.e. an orgasm. Explore how you can broaden that definition. Learn how to look at your intimate relationship as a journey, one without a destination. You can do this best by scheduling intimate time together each week. Get to know each other’s bodies without an expectation of orgasm. Use all five senses during your intimate time and slow down. Christie and I amazed ourselves at the increased levels of pleasure we experienced simply by slowing down and expanding our awareness. • Excellent communications. You achieve high levels of intimacy results when you, as partners, share feelings rather than thoughts. Learn what makes a safe environment for each other to make sure feelings are shared easily. Recognize the different communication styles of men and women. When I learned to just listen to Cindie without fixing the problem, she relaxed and felt closer to me. When Cindie learned to get my attention and make requests using a specific formula, I began to meet her needs every time. • Believe in a thriving life. Know that you can do it. Commit to taking the journey. Be open to experiment. If you want a different result you must take a different action. You’ll find things that don’t work for you as a couple, stop doing them. You’ll also find things that do work for you in your relationship, so make sure you do those things more often. By doing this you’ll be creating the journey of a lifetime. Let Cindie and I know what works for you. Today, we celebrate Steve living cancer-free for more than four years. We also celebrate living a sexually fulfilled life. Steve Frohman and Cindie Hubiak, co-founded Solutions For Intimacy™ to help men, women and couples get to the root of their intimacy struggles and enable them to live a sexually fulfilled life after prostate cancer. The program’s cornerstone – The Personal Approach – addresses the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of intimacy. Cindie recently published a book titled “A Woman’s Guide to Thriving after Prostate Cancer.” It helps women and men gain new ideas, understanding and skills from her journey through what’s typically considered a man’s disease. She writes a weekly Intimacy Tip posted on the Solutions For Intimacy Facebook page. They can be reached at 480-607-6850 or • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 5 Optimizing Outcomes of Advanced Prostate Cancer: Drug Sequencing and Novel Therapeutic Approaches By E. David Crawford, MD and Thomas W Flaig, MD University of Colorado Cancer Center and the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora Abstract: The rapid approval of several novel agents has given prostate cancer patients and their treating physicians many new and effective therapeutic options. Three new medical therapies were recently approved on the basis of prolonged overall survival in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients: sipuleucel-T (Provenge), cabazitaxel (Jevtana), and abiraterone acetate (Zytiga). Additionally, there are several other promising prostate cancer agents in late-stage development, including MDV3100, PROSTVAC-VF (Prostvac), orteronel (TAK-700), and radium-223 chloride (Alpharadin), each with a novel mechanism of action. Taken together, we have entered a period of accelerated drug development and optimism in the care of advanced prostate cancer. The treatment paradigm for these patients is rapidly evolving, with future study needed to define the optimal sequencing and potential combinations of these new agents. Introduction Last year marked the start of an accelerated period of drug development for advanced prostate cancer. While gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and anti-androgens were approved in the 1980s docetaxel, approved for prostate cancer in 2004, had been the only modern chemotherapy agent to demonstrate an overall survival advantage for men with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Three new medical therapies were recently approved on the basis of prolonged over-all survival in CRPC patients: sipuleucel-T (Provenge), cabazitaxel (Jevtana), and abiraterone acetate (Zytiga). Tables 1 and 2 provide further information about these agents; Table 2 also compares them with docetaxel and highlights their efficacy, safety and costs. In addition, a novel new bone-targeting monoclonal antibody, denosumab (Xgeva), and an LHRH antagonist, degarelix (Firmagon), have been introduced into clinical practice. [1] 6 Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • With the rapid introduction of these agents, questions arise about their optimal sequencing, in the context of our existing therapies. There are also many other novel agents currently under active development for prostate cancer, including a significant number in late-stage, phase III clinical trials for prostate cancer. Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) Sipuleucel-T was approved by the FDA in April 2010 for use in men with metastatic CRPC that is asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic (Table 1). It represents a first-in-class agent, classified as an autologous cellular immunotherapy. The manufacturing process for sipuleucel-T is unique and integral. Patients initially undergo collection of peripheralblood mononuclear cells via leukapheresis, for enrichment for antigen-presenting cells. The patient’s blood is then delivered to a central manufacturing site, where it is processed with the recombinant fusion protein PA2024 (ProACT), which contains both antigenic (prostate acid phosphatase) and stimulatory (granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor) elements. This autologous, ex vivo loaded product is then shipped back to the patient and infused approximately 3 days after collection. This process takes place three times over a period of approximately 4 weeks. [2] Sipuleucel-T was initially tested in a small study of 127 patients with symptomatic CRPC. [3] Subjects were randomized in 2:1 fashion to sipuleucel-T vs. placebo. The primary endpoint was time to progression (TTP), with a secondary endpoint of overall survival; crossover to active therapy in those initially randomized to placebo was allowed. The median TTP was 11.7 weeks vs. 10.0 weeks, favoring sipuleucel-T, but this was not statistically significant (P = .052). Median overall survival, however, was statistically significantly improved with sipuleucel-T, at 25.9 months vs. 21.4 months with placebo (P = .01). Table 1: Recently Approved Agents for Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) Name Class FDA Approval Regimen Mechanism of Action Disease Setting Comments Sipuleucel-T Autologous cellular immunotherapy April 2010 Doses (IV) every 2 weeks x 3 doses Ex-vivo processing of patient’s dendritic cells with PA2024 CRPC, metastatic with minimal or no symptoms Patient’s blood is collected via leukapheresis and shipped to a central facility for processing; no PFS advantage noted Cabazitaxel Microtubule inhibitor June 2010 25 mg / m2 IV every 3 weeks with prednisone 10 mg PO daily Microtubule stabilization CRPC, metastatic after docetaxel chemotherapy Increased incidence of neutropenia and neutropenic fever noted in phase III trial Abiraterone acetate CYP 17 inhibitor April 2011 1000 mg PO daily with prednisone 5 mg PO BID Inhibits androgen synthesis in adrenal gland and prostate cancer cells CRPC, metastatic after docetaxel chemotherapy Associated with symptoms of mineralcorticoid excess (hypertension, edema, hypokalemia) Denosumab (Xgeva) RANK ligand inhibitor November 2010 120 mg SQ every month Human monoclonal antibody against RANK ligand CRPC, metastatic bone disease For the prevention of skeletal-related events Denosumab (Prolia) RANK ligand inhibitor September 2011 60 mg SQ every 6 months Human monoclonal antibody against RANK ligand High-risk for skeletal-related event while on ADT for prostate cancer (nonmetastatic) To increase bone mineral density in those on ADT and at high risk in the nonmetastatic setting ADT = androgen-deprivation therapy; BID = twice daily; IV = intravenous; PFS = progression-free survival; PO = by mouth; RANK = receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B; SQ = subcutaneous. Table 2: Docetaxel Compared with Three Recently Appproved Agents for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Trade Name Taxotere Jevtana Provenge Zytiga Generic Name docetaxel cabazitaxel sipuleucel-T abiraterone Indication For treatment of metastatic (m+) CRPC For treatment of m+CRPC in m+CRPC with no or few symptoms due combination with prednisone after to the PC (asymptomatic) prior treatment with docetaxel Clinical (Efficacy vs. control) For treatment of m+CRPC in combination with prednisone after prior treatment with docetaxel 2.4 months [5.6] 2.4 months [9] 4.1 months [2] 4.6 months [15] -23.90% -30.00% -22.50% -26% Safety / Tolerability Side effects such as infections and bone marrow suppression Side effects such as neutropenia including fatal outcomes, severe hypersensitivity, and diarrhea Side effects such as chills, fever, back pain, nausea, joint ache, and headache (peri-infusional) Hypokalemia edema, and hypertension Treatment Method and Duration 1 hour IV every 3 weeks for 7-10 cycles 1 hour IV every 3 weeks - multiple cycles 3 - 4 hour cell collection, 1 hour reapplication (IV) every 2 weeks for 3 treatments Oral administration once daily - continuously Cycles of Therapy 10 cycles 6 cycles 3 treatments 8 months Cost of Therapy $2,412 / cycle $8,000 / cycle $31,000 / treatment $5,000 / month Total Cost of Treatment (including administration cost, adverse event [AE] management, etc.) $24,120 (not including administration costs, AE management, etc.) $48,000 (not including administration costs, AE management, etc.) $93,000 $40,000 (not including AE management, etc.) Setting Chemotherapy Post-Chemotherapy Pre-Chemotherapy Post-Chemotherapy Overall survival (months) Risk of death To follow up on these findings, a larger study was initiated. [2] This phase III trial included 512 subjects with metastatic CRPC who were randomized in 2:1 fashion to sipuleucel-T or placebo. Overall, therapy was well tolerated, with serious adverse events (grade 3-5) observed in 31.7% of sipuleucel-T treated subjects, vs. 35.1% of those in the placebo group. Adverse events that were more frequently observed in the sipuleucel-T group included chills (54.1%), pyrexia (29.3%), and headache (16.0%). The median overall survival time was 25.8 months with sipuleucel-T treatments vs. 21.7 months in those randomized to placebo, remarkably similar to the survival results from the earlier randomized study. It is notable that 63.7% of those in the placebo arm did receive sipuleucel-T at some point in their subsequent treatments. The median survival of those in the placebo group who received delayed sipuleucel-T was 23.8 months vs. 11.6 months in those who did not. The median time to objective disease progression and clinical disease progression was not different between the two treatment groups. One of the challenges with the use of sipuleucel-T is the lack of prostatespecific antigen (PSA) responses as a marker to evaluate activity. There are few published data on activity of sipuleucel-T in the hormone-responsive or hormone-naïve prostate cancer state. In a study by Beer, et al., 176 patients with hormonedependent prostate cancer and biochemical relapse after radical prostatectomy were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to 3 to 4 months • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 7 of androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT), with or without sipuleucel-T. [4] The median time to biochemical failure was not statistically different in the sipuleucel or control groups (18.0 vs. 15.4 months, respectively), although those with sipuleucel-T treatment did have a longer PSA doubling time (155 vs. 105 days; P = .038. Based on the previous CRPC studies, overall survival may be more informative than TTP endpoints, and survival data for this study will require additional follow-up. Cabazitaxel (Jevtana) Cabazitaxel was approved by the FDA in June 2010 for treatment of metastatic CRPC after treatment failure with docetaxel chemotherapy (Table 1). As discussed, docetaxel was approved for CRPC in 2004, and until 2010 it was the only agent to demonstrate a survival advantage in patients with CRPC. [5,6] Like docetaxel, cabazitaxel is a non-cross-resisted microtubule target agent, promoting tubulin assembly and thereby stabilizing the microtubule to the point of biological consequence. In preclinical studies, cabazitaxel showed activity in a variety of chemotherapy-resistant cell lines and was more active than docetaxel in several models. [7] Phase I testing of cabazitaxel was reported in 2009, with dose-limiting neutropenia, but little neurotoxicity was observed. [8] In phase III testing 775 men with metastatic CRPC who had received previous docetaxel chemotherapy were randomized to prednisone with either cabazitaxel (at 25 mg/m2) or mitoxantrone (at 12 mg/m2), each given every 3 weeks. [9] The overall survival was 15.1 months with cabazitaxel, vs. 12.7 months with mitoxantrone (P < .0001). The most common toxicities in the cabazitaxel arm were related to bone-marrow suppression, with grade 3 or higher neutropenia in 82 % of the cabazitaxel-treated patients vs. 58% of the mitoxantronetreated patients. Additionally, febrile neutropenia was seen in 8% of those in the cabazitaxel arm compared with only 1% of the mitoxantrone arm. Diarrhea was also more common with cabazitaxel therapy, seen in 47% of patients, with 6% experiencing grade 3 or higher diarrhea. Abiraterone Acetate (Zytiga) Abiraterone acetate was approved by the FDA in April 2011 for the treatment of men with metastatic CRPC following docetaxel chemotherapy (Table 1). It is an oral inhibitor of CYP17, a key driver of testosterone production. While GnRH agonist/antagonist therapy reduces systemic testosterone production by 90% to 95% (via testicular suppression), the adrenal glands and some prostate cells themselves continue to synthesize testosterone despite GnRH agonist/antagonist treatment. Abiraterone acetate therapy directly suppresses this extragonadal testosterone production, yielding systemic testosterone levels approaching 0 ng/dL. [10,11] 8 Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • Early phase I and II studies established activity of abiraterone acetate in CRPC. The Initial phase I study of abiraterone acetate in CRPC escalated the dose from 250 to 2000 mg daily, with a recommended phase II dose of 1000 mg daily. [10] While generally well tolerated, increased levels of upstream steroids, including adrenocorticotropic hormone, were observed and side effects associated with mineralocorticoid excess were noted. In subsequent studies, dexamethasone, and later prednisone at 5 mg twice daily, was given with abiraterone to partially abrogate the accumulation of excess mineralocorticoid. [12] Across several of these studies, the rate of PSA responses (reductions of ≥ 50%) ranged from 36% to 67%. [10-14] Notably, subjects with previous ketoconazole treatment given the similarities of ketoconazole’s adrenal-suppressive action) generally had a lower PSA response rate. [14] A phase III study of abiraterone randomized 1195 subjects with metastatic CRPC and progression after docetaxel chemotherapy. [15] Participants received prednisone with or without 1000 mg of abiraterone acetate daily in a 2:1 ratio. Abiraterone acetate was well tolerated overall, although events associated with mineralocorticoid excess including fluid retention/edema (31%), hypokalemia (17%), and hypertension (10%) were observed more frequently in the abiraterone group. The median overall survival was 14.8 months with abiraterone acetate treatment, compared with 10.9 months in the placebo arm (P < .001). Secondary endpoints of PSA progression (10.2 months vs. 6.6 months, respectively), progression-free survival (PFS) (5.6 months vs. 3.6 months, respectively), and PSA response rate (29% vs. 6%, respectively), all favored abiraterone acetate therapy. Denosumab (Xgeva) Denosumab (Xgeva) was approved by the FDA in November 2010 for prevention of skeletal-related events (SREs) in patients with bone metastases from solid tumors (Table 1). A dynamic bone environment exists in normal bone, with a balance between bone production via osteoblasts and bone resorption via osteoclasts. SREs are common in prostate cancer due to dysregulation of bone formation/resorption, bone metastases themselves, and loss of bone mineral density associated with ADT. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B (RANK) ligand is critical to osteoclast formation and survival. Denosumab is a human monoclonal antibody against RANK ligand and it inhibits bone-resorption activity of osteoclasts. In a phase III study of bone metastases and CRPC, 1904 men were randomized to denosumab (at 120 mg SQ) or zoledronic acid (Zometa; at 4 mg IV) every 4 weeks. [16] Median time to observance of the first SREs was 20.7 vs. 17.1 months, favoring denosumab (P = .008). No overall survival difference was seen. Hypo-calcemia (P < .0001) and osteonecrosis of the jaw (P = .09) were noted more frequently in the denosumab group. In addition to its initial label indication, denosumab was approved (under the trade name Prolia) in September 2011 to increase bone mass in patients who are at high risk of fracture and also are receiving ADT for nonmetastatic prostate cancer. In contrast to the dosing for metastatic CRPC, denosumab is given as a subcutaneous injection (Prolia, at 60 mg) every 6 months in the nonmetastatic setting. In the phase III study leasing to this indication, high-risk prostate cancer subjects treated with ADT who were without bone metastases were randomized to denosumab or placebo, with 734 men in each group. [17] Highrisk was defined as being 70 years of age or older, having low bone mineral density with a T score of < - 1.0, or having a history of an osteoporotic fracture. After 2 years on the study, the bone mineral density of the lumbar spine in the denosumab-treated group increased by 5.6%, while it had decreased 1.0% in the placebo group (P < .001). Those treated with denosumab also had fewer new vertebral fractures at 36 months (1.5% vs. 3.9%, P = .006). A recently completed clinical trial in high-risk prostate cancer patients after local therapy revealed that denosumab is capable of delaying the development of bone metastasis. This study enrolled 1432 subjects with nonmetastatic CRPC and randomized them to denosumab (120 mg every 4 weeks) or placebo. The time to first metastasis was delayed by approximately 4 months in the denosumab-treated group. [18] REFERENCE GUIDE: Therapeutic Agents Mentioned in This Article Abiraterone acetate (Zytiga) Anti-androgens Cabazitaxel (Jevtana) Degarelix (Firmagon) Denosumab (Xgeva, Prolia) Docetaxel Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists/antagonists Granulocyte-macrophage colonyStimulating factor Ipilimumab (Yervoy) Ketoconazole MDV3100 Mitoxantrone Orteronel (TAK-700) PA2024 antigen (ProACT) Prednisone Prostate acid phosphatase PROSTVAC-VF (Prostvac) Radium-223 chloride (Alpharadin) Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) Strontium-89 Tasquinimod Zoledronic acid (Zometa) Brand names are listed in parentheses only if a drug is not available generically and is marketed as no more than two trademarked or registered products. More familiar alternative generic designations may also be included parenthetically. *Not all of these Therapeutic Agents appear in Part 1 of this article. This article is being printed in a multi-part series. The next series will continue with “Sequencing of Medical Therapy in Advanced Prostate Cancer.” This article originally appeared in ONCOLOGY in the January 2012 Issue ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: David Crawford, MD Division of Medical Oncology, University of Colorado Cancer Center and the University of Colorado School of Medicine PO Box 6510, Mailstop F743 Aurora, CO 80045 References: 1. National Comprehensive Cancer Network: NCCN Guidelines. Version 4.2011. Prostate Cancer. Available at 2. Kantoff PW, Higano CS, Shore ND, et al. Sipuleucel-T immunotherapy for castrationresistant prostate cancer. N Engl J Med. 2010;363:411-22. 3. Small EJ, Schellhammer PF, Higano CS, et at. Placebo-controlled phase III trial of immunologic therapy with sipuleucel-T (APC8015) in patients with metastatic, asymptomatic hormone refractory prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2006;24:3089-94. 4. Beer TM, Bernstein GT, Corman JM, et al. Randomized trial of autologous cellular immunotherapy with sipuleucel-T in androgen-dependent prostate cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2011;17:4558-67. 5. Petrylak DP, Tangen CM, Hussain MH, et al. Docetaxel and estramustine compared with mitoxantrone and prednisone for advanced refractory prostate cancer. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:1513-20. 6. Tannock IF, de Wit R, Berry WR, et al. Docetaxel plus prednisone or mitoxantrone plus prednisone for advanced prostate cancer. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:1502-12. 7. Bissery M, Bouchard H, Riou JF, et al. Preclinical evaluation of TXD25, a new taxoid (abstract 1364). Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res. 2000;41:214. 8. Mita AC, Denis LJ, Rowinsky EK, et al. Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of XRP6258 (RPR 116258A), a novel taxane, administered as a 1-hour infusion every 3 weeks in patients with advanced solid tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 2009;15:723-30. 9. de Bono JS, Oudard S, Ozguroglu M, et al. Prednisone plus cabazitaxel or mitoxantrone for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer progressing after docetaxel treatment: a randomized open-label trial. Lancet. 2010;376:1147-54. 10. Attard G, Reid AH, Yap TA, et al. Phase I clinical trial of a selective inhibitor of CYP17, abiraterone acetate, confirms that castration-resistant prostate cancer commonly remains hormone driven. J Clin Oncol. 2008;26:4563-71. 11. Ryan CJ, Smith MR, Fong L, et al. Phase I clinical trial of the CYP17 inhibitor abiraterone acetate demonstrating clinical activity in patients with castrationresistant prostate cancer who received prior ketoconazole therapy. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:1481-8. 12. Attard G, Reid AH, A’Hern R, et al. Selective inhibition of CYP17 with abiraterone acetate is highly active in the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:3742-8. 13. Reid AH, Attard G, Danila DC, et al. Significant and sustained antitumor activity in post-docetaxel, castration-resistant prostate cancer with the CYP 17 inhibitor abiraterone acetate. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:1489-95. 14. Danila DC, Morris MJ, de Bono JS, et al. Phase II multicenter study of abiraterone acetate plus prednisone therapy in patients with docetaxel-treated castrationresistant prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:1496-501. 15. de Bono JS, Logothetis CJ, Molina A, et al. Abiraterone and increased survival in metastatic prostate cancer. N Engl J Med. 2011; 364:1995-2005. 16. Fizazi K, Carducci M, Smith M, et al. Denosumab versus zoledronic acid for treatment of bone metastases in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer: a randomized, double-blind study. Lancet 2011; 377:813-22. 17. Smith MR, Egerdie B, Hernandez Toriz N, et al. Denosumab in men receiving androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. N Engl J Med. 2009;361:745-55. 18. Smith MR, Saad F, Coleman R, et al. Denosumab and bone-metastasis-free survival in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer: results of a phase 3, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet, 2011 Nov 15. [Epub ahead of print] 19. Tran C, Ouk S, Clegg NJ, et al. Development of a second-generation antiandrogen for treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Science. 2009;324:787-90. 20. Scher HI, Beer TM, Higano CS, et al. Antitumor activity of MDV3100 in castrationresistant prostate cancer: a phase 1-2 study. Lancet. 2010;375:1437-46. 21. Medivation and Astellas Oncology: Medivation and Astellas Announce Positive Survival Data From Interim Analysis of Phase 3 AFFIRM Trial of MDV3100 in Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer [news release]. Available at: http://investors. 22. DiPaola RS, Plante M, Kaufman H, et al. A Phasse I trial of pox PSA vaccines (PROSTVAC-VF) with B7-1, ICAM-1, and LFA-3 co-stimulatory molecules (TRICOM) in patients with prostate cancer. J Transl Med. 2006;4:1. 23. Arlen PM, Skarupa L, Pazdur M, et al. Clinical safety of a viral vector based prostate • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 9 cancer vaccine strategy. J Urol. 2007;178:1515-20. 24. Kantoff PW, Schuetz TJ, Blumenstein BA, et al. Overall survival analysis of a phase II randomized controlled trial of a poxviral-based PSA-targeted immunotherapy in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:1099-105. 25. Kaku T, Hitaka T, Ojida A, et al. Discovery of orteronel (TAK-700), a naphthylmethylimidazole derivative, as a highly selective 17,20-lyase inhibitor with potential utility in the treatment of prostate cancer. Bioorg Med Chem. 2011;19:6383-99. 26. Bruland OS, Nilsson S, Fisher DR. Larsen RH, High-linear energy transfer irradiation targeted to skeletal metastases by the alpha-emitter 223Ra: adjuvant or alternative to conventional modalities? Clin Cancer Res. 2006;12:6250s-7s. 27. Journal of the National Cancer Institute: 103 ESMO Parker Transcript [podcast]. Available at: interview_103-esmo.html. 28. Flaig TW, Tangen CM, Hussain MH, et al. Randomization reveals unexpected acute leukemias in Southwest Oncology Group prostate cancer trial. J Clin Oncol 2008;26:1532-6. 29. Dorff TB, Flaig TW, Tangen, CM, et al. Adjuvant androgen deprivation for highrisk prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy: SWOG S9921 study. J Clin Oncol. 2011;29:2040-5. WHAT THE HECK HAS BEEN GOING ON IN MY WORLD-PART 57! By Mark A. Moyad, MD, MPH University of Michigan Note: A total of 57 times in a row (and for over 10 years…actually I think almost 15 years) I have written and volunteered for this newsletter, and I have yet to receive any financial compensation or personalized gifts; such as a Michigan Co-Big Ten Champions Basketball Jersey (we shared the title with that school to the North and South of us), a free case of Diet Mountain Dew or even a bottle of 5-hour energy to keep me awake at night when I am working on this column! BREAKING NEWS STORY FROM THE Early Access Program for Prostate Cancer Patients Committee (EAPPCPa; an allvolunteer organization made up of health care professionals and patient advocates from around the U.S.) 223) MDV3100 is a pill for those with hormone refractory prostate cancer (HRPC, also known as CRPC….) from “Medivation” and “Astellas” and there is also an IV drug for metastatic HRPC known as Alpharadin ([radium-223 chloride] from “Algeta” and “Bayer”). Both of these drugs will be available soon for men that are in need of more options right now! However, Alpharadin is already available for some men that are running out of options through an Early Access Program (EAP). Continue to follow the PAACT website for updates! (Reference: Moyad and Friends, 2011) Bottom Line: MDV-3100 is an oral daily drug used after no longer responding 10 Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • to taxotere chemotherapy and should be available through an early access program (EAP) soon. Alpharadin is an IV radiopharmaceutical drug that helps men with bone pain from HRPC and also improves survival which should also be available soon. Alpharadin is arguably less well known right now, but the company has already opened up an early access program for patients that are in need of the drug right now! What else? PAACT, PCRI, US TOO, and Zero prostate cancer patient advocacy groups have volunteered their time and resources to bring you the latest and greatest information on the latest drugs being made available to prostate cancer patients. Please go to their websites for more information. 224) Metformin could potentially help some men with early stage prostate cancer? How groovy is this! (Note: groovy is an endearing 1970s and 1980s term that I picked up from watching shows like the Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, Starsky & Hutch and Disco Movies…) (Reference: Joshua A, et al. Presentation at the American Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting, 2012) Bottom Line: WHAT A GREAT LITTLE STUDY! Metformin, one of the cheapest and oldest drugs (pills) used for type-2 diabetes may help men with prostate cancer, but more research is needed (and in reality the words “more research is needed” is the most politically correct adage in all of medicine). What else? I have talked and written about this prescription drug before mucho (many) times, and the news just keeps getting better, so why not continue to write about it? Okay, I will continue - good idea! Metformin is not only a cheap generic drug, but has a long-term safety record and has helped a lot of adults not only lose weight but prevent type-2 diabetes for those individuals at a higher risk for this condition. Yet, metformin’s ability to potentially prevent and help with certain types of cancer treatment is getting interesting and more impressive by the day. We need to keep watching the research on this drug! In a phase 2 study completed at the Princess Margaret Hospital - Ontario Cancer Institute and Jewish General Hospital - McGill University, men with localized prostate cancer took as much as 500 mg of metformin 3 times a day for as little as 4 to 12 weeks before their radical prostatectomy. After prostate removal the researchers noted that certain indices that reflect tumor growth itself appeared to be impacted by metformin. In other words, it appeared that metformin was significantly reducing tumor growth. Now there was no control group and there were slightly over 20 men that participated in this study, but it is still impressive if you consider all the other areas of cancer where metformin seems to be helping some men and women. In this study, metformin also appeared to control or reduce PSA in most of the men in a very short time. Here is what we already know about metformin (if you have been reading my column or have followed the medical journals): • It is a heart healthy drug • It helps control blood glucose, insulin, and IGF-1 levels • It helps some men and women (diabetics and nondiabetics) lose weight safely • It even seems to help some men on hormone therapy (LHRH) for prostate cancer, to lose weight • The side effect rate is so low, I could argue that it should be available over the counter at lower doses • It can reduce the risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes • It is being studied in a phase 3 trial in breast cancer patients right now • It appears to be slowing the growth of many tumor types in the lab and in humans • The results are preliminary and this drug could still turn out to be worthless against cancer but in the meantime it has to be one of the more exciting stories in medicine. KEEP AN EYE ON THIS DRUG! IT IS SO FASCINATING!!! (see how many exclamation points I used there…I must really like it). 225) 7 Parameters that could dramatically improve the lives of many people and reduce the risk of dying from many causes, and only 1-2% of Americans are following these things!?! (Oops - there goes another exclamation point) (Reference: Yang Q, et al. JAMA 2012; published early on-line March 16, 2012) Bottom Line: The greater the number of heart healthy behaviors and parameters, the greater the positive impact on cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of dying from numerous causes (also known as “all-cause mortality”). However, only 1-2% of individuals in the U.S. have ideal maximum heart healthy behaviors and measurements. What else? The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends 7 cardiovascular health metrics (numbers and lifestyle changes) that include: no tobacco, exercise, normal blood pressure, blood glucose, total cholesterol, and weight; and consuming a healthy diet. So, a recent study attempted to examine the “We need more studies that address long-term pain medication use after a lowrisk surgery in individuals that had not utilized these medications previously.” impact of making none, some, or all of the metrics or changes and the results were STUNNING! Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) was utilized that included almost 45,000 U.S. adults 20 years of age or older. The average age was 46-47 years and approximately half of the participants were women (almost all age ranges were represented). These individuals were followed for up to 14.5 years. Only 1-2% of the participants met all 7 of the health parameters. Let me repeat that again, “Only 1-2% of the participants met all 7 of the health parameters.” Participants achieving 6 or more metrics compared to 1 or fewer experienced a 51% reduction in all-cause mortality, 76% reduction in cardiovascular mortality, and 70% reduction in ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality. Achieving a higher number of cardiovascular health parameters also appeared to be correlated with a lower risk for all-cancer mortality (HEART HEALTHY IS ALL HEALTHY). A lower risk of dying from all-causes including cardiovascular disease was associated with a greater number of healthy parameters, but again the actual numbers of individuals meeting these criteria were so low it is scary. So, do you want the best anti-aging secret in America that may reduce your risk of dying from any cause? Use the following as your checklist and see what you or your friends need to work on. Every time you answer “yes” to any of the questions below you get to go out • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 11 and celebrate with a Pabst beer, light cheese and veggie pizza, and buffalo wings for dessert (or they can be used as an appetizer… don’t forget the celery sticks). 1. Do you avoid all tobacco products? 2. Are you physically active almost every day of the week? 3. Is your Body Mass Index (BMI) 25 or less? (Personally, I hate this question because my BMI is 26 and I can run 7 miles a day for 7 days a week and I can never get it in the “normal” range, but who wants to be normal?) 4. Is your diet heart healthy (fruits/veggies/fiber/fish, and low sodium)? 5. Is your total cholesterol equal to or less than 200 mg/dL? 6. Is your blood pressure equal to or less than 120/80? 7. Is your fasting blood glucose less than 100 mg/dL? 8. Do you exhibit extreme verve, happiness, and sheer joy when someone starts fighting on a reality television show? Okay, so I falsely added an 8th question! Gee, I wonder how many of the 7 secrets to anti-aging above involve taking pills? If you are able to achieve 1-4 or just get close to achieving these things, then your pill count should be low. However, only 2% of Americans can achieve these items listed above?! So, let me get this straight…over 50% of Americans take multivitamins or all sorts of pills regularly but 2% cannot regularly follow lifestyle changes that can immediately improve life expectancy? Wow! That is kind of like being obsessed with removing “pink slime” in your meat, or worrying about bed bugs and high fructose corn syrup, but at the same time you just love to drive your car every single day to and from work really fast, on the ice, in reverse, while also constantly texting and never wearing your seat belt. Now that is some really weird stuff! Look, I am not saying that the 7 metrics outlined by the American Heart Association (AHA) are easy, and in fact they are a pain in the _____(fill in your favorite dirty word like “rump”) to achieve, which is why they need our regular attention. Wow, now that was a serious statement! 226) Prescription drug abuse is arguably one of the fastest growing medical problems in the U.S. So, be careful. (Reference: Center for Disease Control, 2012; and Alam A, et al. Arch Intern Med 2012;172:425-430.) Bottom Line: Remember this saying with any prescription drug or supplement: “Start low, go slow, and you can reduce some side effects and save some dough.” And, be careful with certain medications because it is really easy to become addicted to some of them. What else? We need more studies that address long-term pain medication use after a low-risk surgery in individuals that had not utilized these medications previously. We just got a few of these studies and they 12 Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • did not receive much attention, so let’s go ahead and give them the attention they deserve my friends. This was a study from Ontario, Canada that identified individuals 66 years and older that were prescribed an opioid (serious pain medication) within 1 week of the following procedures: TURP (prostate tissue removal for non-cancerous enlarged prostate), cataract surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, or varicose vein stripping. Short-stay surgery was analyzed among approximately 390,000 opioid-naïve adults. Patients receiving an opioid prescription were 44% more likely to become long-term users versus those that did not receive these medications. Patients that began utilizing NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) within 7 days of surgery were approximately 4 times more likely to become long-term NSAID users versus those that did not receive such a prescription. Additionally, many individuals initially receiving a prescription of low-potency opioids became users of higher potency opioids within 1-year of surgery. OUCH! Strong pain relieving prescription drugs given immediately after a low-risk surgical procedure occurs regularly in older individuals, and is also correlated with long-term utilization of these medications. I get calls monthly from some groups that really want me to give a lecture about dietary supplements, and how concerning they are, and how they can be abused and cause drug interactions…. blah, blah, blah! Yeah, I can talk about this, but some folks in the medical profession are so obsessed with pointing a finger at all of the dietary supplement concerns because they cannot see or deal with all of the prescription drug issues (in my opinion - of course my opinion - it is my volunteer column). This is called “displacement” or “projection” in psychiatry, and it’s kind of like yelling at someone or blaming someone for things even if they were not at fault, because you are simply unhappy with your job or situation. In one of the latest national publications from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), they confirmed that over 70 individuals die daily in the U.S. from UNINTENTIONAL prescription drug abuse mostly from pain and other commonly used medications. That is crazy! Now, I am not implying that every person will become addicted to the pain meds after a minor procedure, but I am implying that thinking about “less is more” when it comes to pills before and after a procedure is not a bad idea. And, 2 wrongs do not make a right so, when it comes to utilizing opioids for minor and routine procedures or talking about the dependence on over the counter pain pills it is important to mention and emphasize the “catch.” More pills have translated into more abuse and more deaths! I know that this is a somewhat depressing part of the column, but this is such a serious subject and problem that it does not deserve a joke as an ending. For individuals that are trying to reduce their pain pills by occasionally using a supplement with a lower rate of side effects, I offer you the next part of my column on SAM-e. 227) Why doesn’t the dietary supplement “SAM-e” get more credit? (Reference: Me, and feel free to do multiple searches on this supplement and the research including meta-analysis to suggest it reduces arthritic pain, and depression.) Bottom Line: SAM-e is getting a lot of research in the area of joint pain relief, and improved mood (reduces depression), so why don’t more doctors talk about it? I think they will start doing this very soon (in fact at the time of this writing there was a small Harvard study that showed a benefit in individuals with depression that were not responding to regular medications). What else? A few weeks ago I gave a dietary supplement lecture in New Orleans at the American Pharmacists Association Annual (APhA) Meeting, and it was one of my favorite lectures to give because no medical group in the world is more sensitive or knowledgeable, in my opinion, about drug and supplement side effects and interactions compared to pharmacists. Yet, you might be surprised that I talked at length with the pharmacists about the sad recent 2012 publication from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) that I mentioned in the last part of the column, which calculated the number of annual deaths in the U.S. from unintentional prescription drug abuse. Therefore eliminating any pill through lifestyle changes (if possible) gets me very excited. However, I also get excited about any pill that seems to be effective for a variety of conditions, and appears to have a low rate of side effects, a low rate of dependency, is heart healthy, and may ultimately reduce the number of pain pills used by an individual. That would be groovy! S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e) is a compound present in every cell of the human body. Its basic role is to make many other compounds from head to toe work more efficiently, and perhaps when the body does not generate enough SAM-e, then problems can occur. Depressed individuals, for example, tend to carry low blood and spinal fluid levels of SAM-e. Researchers from Italy first documented the potential antidepressant effects of SAM-e in the 1970s, and it has been a prescription drug in that country since 1979. It is interesting that almost every clinical trial of SAM-e by pill or by intravenous (IV) or muscular injection route has found some benefit for individuals with depression. Side effects have been very uncommon, but can include nausea, and tummy aches (sorry I had a flashback to when I was a little boy and I wanted to miss school because I had a “tummy ache” and my dad would always think I was lying and make me go to school and he was right - I was lying). The dosages of SAM-e used in the depression studies were 4001600 mg/day, but it appears that benefits have been observed at a variety of dosages. Remember the Moyad saying with supplements and prescription drugs “Start low, go slow, and talk to the doctor and/or pharmacist you know before you even start to spend any dough.” Hey, wait a second…that was a little different from the last time I used that mantra in this column a few hundred words ago. It is interesting to me that over the past few decades while SAM-e was accumulating all of this clinical evidence of efficacy and safety that St John’s Wort seemed to get all the attention in terms of an effective over the counter antidepressant. And although St John’s Wort has some efficacy, the “catch” with this herbal supplement has made it the negative paradigm in the pharmacist and overall conventional medical world. St John’s Wort not only has the potential for serious quality control issues, but it may arguably reduce the efficacy of at least 50% of the available prescription drugs on the market. And, while most prescription anti-depressants appear to have an enormous negative impact on sexual function, it appears, from preliminary studies, that SAM-e does NOT negatively impact sexual function. Furthermore, a recent study from Harvard found that the combination of traditional prescription anti-depressants drugs with SAM-e appeared to result in greater efficacy for those with difficult to treat depression compared with the prescription drug alone! Still, never combine anything, including a prescription anti-depressant with SAM-e until you and your doctor discuss the positives and negatives that can occur when this happens (anyone ever heard of “serotonin syndrome” or drug induced “mania”). In other words, don’t take SAM-e and/or any prescription without checking with the doctor that you trust the most in your world. Now, ten years ago another notable medical journal review of pain medications concluded that SAM-e was as effective as over the counter Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in terms of reducing pain and disability, and appears to be safer! In fact, the real benefit for SAM-e is in the area of pain relief from osteoarthritis. Americans love to consume over the counter pain relievers, but they have resulted in a serious concern over acute liver failure with excessive amounts of acetaminophen, especially when combined with alcohol. Other NSAIDs that may cause kidney dysfunction, now from another recent medical review appear to increase the risk of cardiovascular issues and may also negatively impact sexual function. Thus, SAM-e appears to be an option and may show some effectiveness in reducing pain from osteoarthritis at a dose of 200 mg three times daily, or even lower. So, what other catches occur with SAM-e apart from the fact that it also needs more long-term studies of efficacy and safety? There have been concerns that SAM-e may increase blood levels of “homocysteine,” which could theoretically increase the risk of future cardiovascular and kidney problems, but recent studies have not supported this concern. Yet, there is one issue with SAM-e that no one can argue and that is the cost of this supplement! Wow! It can be expensive, as much as 30-100 dollars a month! Therefore, you need to shop around and look for lower cost options and try it at the lowest dose after talking with your • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 13 doctor. SAM-e pills are not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract very well and this also needs to be improved. Regardless, it is really amazing to me how far SAM-e has come in the medical world, but at the same time just how far it needs to go in order to get recognized as a legitimate option for those with some forms of depression or pain. It is even being studied for liver disease right now. So, I may have found one of the most under hyped dietary supplements in the world that many medical journals agree can be effective with and without conventional medicine. However, remember the biggest side effect with this pill may be a decrease in the size of your wallet or purse, so make sure you compare prices and talk to your doctor/pharmacist. Finally, do not forget that exercise and weight loss are cheap and also very effective in reducing symptoms of depression and osteoarthritis and can also improve your heart health! Yeahhh!!! 228) Pick the diet plan/fad that works for your personality because most of them result in the same amount of weight loss (and other healthy changes). (Reference: de Souza RJ, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2012.) Bottom Line: Caloric quantity has more impact on weight loss versus caloric quality. Individuals experience equal weight loss benefits with a variety of diet plans. What else? Weight loss can reduce body fat, but whether or not some diet plans work better than others based on the nutrient intake is a matter of debate that goes on and on and on---just like political debates. So, researchers decided to determine whether calorie restricted diets that place a different emphasis on fat, protein, or carbohydrate impact total, deep belly fat; fat in and on the liver and muscle mass. A total of 424 individuals in a randomized trial of 4 weight loss diets were measured for metabolic parameters at 6 months and 2 years. Differences from the beginning of the study were compared for the following diets: 1. low-fat, moderate-protein diet (20% fat, 15% protein, and 65% carbohydrate), 2. low-fat, high-protein diet (20% fat, 25% protein, and 55% carbohydrate), 3. high-fat, moderate-protein diet (40% fat, 15% protein, and 45% carbohydrate), and 4. high-fat, high-protein diet (40% fat, 25% protein, and 35% carbohydrate). Each volunteer had a goal of reducing approximately 750 calories per day. The average age and BMI was 52 years and 33 (obese), respectively. 14 Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • The average weight loss at 6-months was between 9-10 pounds and approximately 4.5 pounds of muscle mass with no differences between the different groups. Individuals also lost 5 pounds of abdominal fat with no differences between the diet groups. Individuals regained 40% of these original losses by year 2 with no differences between the diets, and liver fat was also reduced in all groups similarly. Basically, participants in different dietary programs lost and regained the same amount of weight over 2 years. There were also no differences between groups in regards to body composition, abdominal or liver fat. You want to hear a tired and really old line in medicine (apart from “the doctor will be in to see you soon so wear this light and beautiful gluteus maximus exposing gown while waiting”)… ”calories in = calories out.” Yet, this may really be true. Reducing overall calories, rather than adding or subtracting a specific macronutrient in the diet was the single most important variable to determine fat loss in this incredible study. This is one of the longest dietary trials in medical history to closely follow individuals on different diet plans. What was learned was simple and should be taught in every medical school today. Reducing daily caloric intake up to 750 calories per day (even 100 calories a day) allows for weight loss in a short period of time, regardless of where the calories are specifically reduced in the diet. So, reducing alcohol, bread(s) or fatty burgers (wait - don’t reduce the fatty burgers) or juice, candy, chips or fries, etc…whatever you are able to reduce is the right answer. Yet, being able to stick with any diet plan beyond 6 months is so very, very difficult and after 2 years almost half the weight that was lost was regained. In other words, trying to micro-dissect your diet in order to follow specific intakes of fat, protein and carbohydrate’s over a very long period of time based on what you believe is the best diet plan/method is about as futile as trying to get a politician (democrat or republican) to stay away from Medicare reimbursement cuts while at the same time doing nothing for tort reform (oops - did I just say that….I guess I just did). Basically diets are difficult and should be very flexible, but it is really amazing that deep belly fat and liver fat were reduced with weight loss, which again shows the destructive overall nature of excessive fatty tissue on the internal organs and body, but at least this can be reversed. Yes, weight loss is really, really hard, but at least we now have great research to show that you have the flexibility of picking where you want to reduce some of your calories from your daily lives. For example, I am eating less candy and less dessert and I thought of cutting back on beer and popcorn, but then I thought nahhhhhh…can’t cut back on the beer and popcorn in moderation because that would cause me immeasurable pain and sorrow! Okay, I was being dramatic… life is short…everything in moderation (I just made that up). 229) Protein supplementation needs to get more attention for building muscle, reducing appetite and for overall heart health? (References: Teunissen-Beekman K FM, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2012;95:966-971.) Bottom Line: Purchase a low calorie (about 100 calories per serving) soy, pea, egg white or even whey protein isolate powder so that you can use it several times a week to enhance your exercise workouts, lose weight and become more heart healthy. THAT IS ALL FOLKS! See you in FALL, when I will write about many other serious issues and give timeless advice in the next newsletter, such as why it is never smart to take your first ice-skating or ski lesson in the nude! Ouch and Yikes! What else? I used to love to make fun of the entire heavy steroid looking muscle heads in the gym and especially their protein powders, but could it be that I misjudged these folks? Yes! I was an idiot, because I had not looked into the research in the past on protein powders and now I have done this for the past few years. It turns out that protein powders (just mix a scoop with water or a smoothie and it is yummy) are now a wonderful part of most diet plans. I like to rotate my protein powders every 2-3 months. So, I will use a high-protein egg white powder (my favorite right now is the brand known as “Jay Robb”…tastes great…and I have never met Jay Robb but it is yummy) and then I will switch to a soy protein powder for a few months and then perhaps a whey protein isolate. The bottom line is there are few places in life that you can get such high amounts of healthy protein (25 grams per serving) in a low calorie drink. Most other protein sources such as protein bars, do NOT have this much protein and if they do then they have a lot more calories. Staying Active With Urinary Incontinence: You Don’t Have To Use Diapers In fact, I believe that any man or women on LHRH treatment or hormone therapy should actually ingest 1 serving of protein powder daily to help maintain their muscle mass, because reductions in testosterone or estrogen can be associated with dramatic muscle loss in a short period of time. Researchers have also learned that these protein powders can really suppress your appetite (about 25-50 grams per day), so they should be a part of most weight loss programs. There is new research to suggest that protein powder may reduce blood pressure! This was a randomized trial of 60 grams of mixed (20% pea, 20% soy, 30% egg, 30% milk-protein isolate) protein powder per day compared to a similar amount of carbohydrate. A total of 99 individuals participated in this study. Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure was 4.9 and 2.7 mm Hg LOWER IN THE PROTEIN GROUP. And for those of you that are curious I have decided to include the average sources of protein from certain meats (for the most part), which might also surprise you (based generally on one 3.5 ounce serving): Chicken Breast = 32 grams of Protein (161 calories) Dark Meat Chicken = 28 grams of Protein (200 calories) Filet Mignon = 28 grams of Protein (214 calories) Lamb Loin Roast = 21 grams of Protein (354 calories) Tofu = 14 grams of Protein (144 calories) Now, how attractive does 25 grams of protein from a protein powder look when it only contains about 120 calories! Are you feeling me on this one my friends? Urinary Incontinence and Prostate Cancer Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common side effect for men who have undergone radiation, or have had surgery for prostate cancer. If you are undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, then you probably know that as a result you may develop urinary incontinence, either permanently or temporarily. Many of the men affected by incontinence can attribute their bladder issues to prostate treatment. About half of the men who undergo prostate removal will have some leakage; most commonly in the first six months following surgery, however, 20% of men continue to experience leakage more than a year after surgery. Options for UI Management While you are recovering from your prostate cancer treatment, your doctor or other health professional will probably recommend pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises that may eventually improve your continence. You may be looking for ways to manage your urine during this process, and after if needed. But don’t be surprised if your doctor is not as knowledgeable on new options for managing incontinence as you would think. Unfortunately, doctors are inundated with treatment information, with little time to review it all, as they are more focused on acute medical conditions. Longer-term maintenance and quality of life issues can be overlooked. Products used for urinary incontinence include absorbent pads and diapers, indwelling urethral (Foley) catheters, and condom catheters. Infections and skin problems are common complications with these products. These products can also have social ramifications since they can be unpleasant and unreliable. Men’s LibertyTM is a new way to immediately help • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 15 men to maintain their active lifestyles by giving men back their freedom, mobility, confidence and masculine vitality. Diapers and condom catheters are often not the best option for men who wish to be active. Diapers may be uncomfortable and bulky, cause odors, and may leak after a large void. Diapers trap moisture against the skin causing Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis (IAD). Diapers having high capacity absorbents may reduce this problem; however, the skin is still subjected to urine that is frequently acidic. The discomfort, odors, and possibilities of skin breakdown and infections, make diapers an undesirable option for many active men. Condom catheters are not widely used because of a tendency to pop off of the penis, and are also associated with skin breakdown and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). Some condom catheters use an adhesive that is irritating to the skin. For men to be active with urinary incontinence, a solution is needed that is discrete and comfortable, seals reliably to the tip of the penis, and keeps the skin clean and dry at all times. The Men’s Liberty Solution Men’s Liberty was created to get rid of unhealthy, unpleasant, and uncomfortable catheters and absorbent pads and diapers. It was created to give men and caregivers freedom and mobility (and has several patents and patents pending). Men’s Liberty is the discrete, no-fuss option, especially for active men. Men’s Liberty is a completely external and non-invasive continence system that seals directly to the tip of the penis with skin friendly hydrocolloid adhesive. Men’s Liberty directs all the urine away from the body into a convenient collection pouch. The skin stays completely clean and dry at all times, and Men’s Liberty can be worn for more than 24 hours with no leakage. “Men’s Liberty is applied to the tip of the anatomy with hydrocolloid and then sealed with a second wrap.” 16 Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • “Men’s Liberty is a Complete Urine Collection System.” Men’s Liberty ends dependency on adult diapers, pads, and condom catheters, making an embarrassing problem insignificant and dramatically reducing, if not eliminating, the chance of infection (after more than one million applications, no UTIs were reported that are attributable to Men’s Liberty). Men’s Liberty is Designed to Keep You Active To keep you active, Men’s Liberty is designed to work with your specific needs and has many features to assure reliability when you need it. Men’s Liberty was designed as a complete system under the guidance of medical professionals that understand the physiological requirements of various conditions including those that are associated with treatments for prostate cancer. • Men’s Liberty is quick and easy to apply, important when you are on the go. • Men’s Liberty was designed by a clinical team to accommodate all male anatomy, including large, small, retracted, and uncircumcised. • The adhesive that secures the Men’s Liberty system to your penis is a moisture compatible hydrocolloid material and will work even as you perspire. • The urine collection pouch that is part of the Men’s Liberty system is comfortable and discrete - small enough to fit within your pants. If you want to connect to a urinary leg bag, the pouch has an easy connection. A supporter accessory is available if you prefer. • The system has a vent that assures urine flows easily into the pouch, and the pouch contains a valve that prevents urine from flowing back even when you are active. • Men’s Liberty can be removed instantly when you are ready, with the optional FreeDermTM adhesive remover. Men’s Liberty and Sports Men’s Liberty is now a sponsor for adaptive athletes, who stay active by using sports equipment designed to work with their disabilities. Hydration and fluid management are of critical importance for athletes; the only effective way to compete for some men is with Men’s Liberty. With a totally external device men can continue to enjoy sports without the bulk and difficulties that present with diapers and condom catheters. Adaptive athletes using Men’s Liberty are active in wheelchair games and races, fishing, hunting, downhill skiing, golf, kayaking, table tennis championships, horseback riding and much more. These athletes claim that they are able to continue their active lifestyle as a result of using Men’s Liberty. Wounded heroes who served us in the military and now stay active in sports are also benefiting from Men’s Liberty. Trying Men’s Liberty Men’s Liberty is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, Workers Compensation, the VA and most private insurance plans. Most users pay little to nothing out of pocket. A free starter pack is available that includes three samples for men to try and experience the benefits of Men’s Liberty. A Customer Care team is available to answer all your questions and help you have the best chance of getting the results you desire from Men’s Liberty. For more information on Men’s Liberty and male bladder management, call the Men’s Liberty team at (800) 814-3174, email:, or visit online at A STRANGE PLACE part V AN INFORMATION GUIDE TO PROSTATE CANCER Notice of Copyright© T. R. Herbert 2010 This booklet is being printed in a multi-part series. Part 1 began June 2011, Volume 27, Number 2. This is part 5 in the series. We will continue with part 6 in the September 2012 (Volume 28, Number 3) issue. Terry Herbert, the author of this booklet, has no medical training. He was diagnosed as having prostate cancer in August 1996 and has learned something about the subject since then. In 1998, with colleagues Gregg and Kerry Morrison he established a website - YANA- You Are Not Alone Now at The stated mission of the site, which is still active, is: “To provide comfort to any man diagnosed with prostate cancer, to offer thoughtful support to him and his family and to help them to decide how best to deal with the diagnosis by providing them with and guiding them to suitable information, being mindful at all times that it is the individual’s ultimate choice; that the path he decides to follow is his own and that of his family, based on his particular circumstances.” Terry Herbert has produced this booklet. It represents a significant input of the knowledge, skills and time of Terry Herbert. It is regarded as intellectual property owned by Terry Herbert and is subject to copyright. Acknowledgement is made, and thanks given, to Donna Pogliano; members of the Prostate Support Action (PSA) Group and the YANA - You Are Not Alone Now website and members of my family who assisted in the final editing of this booklet. And to members of the YANA site for their generous donations that made this edition possible. This document is supplied free of charge to those who need it. A donation will ensure that more copies are made. Index: A Continuation Of Treatment Choices Cryotherapy High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (Hifu) Active Surveillance (Often Referred To As Watchful Waiting [Ww]) (To be continued in the next issue beginning with Beyond Treatment – The Plains Of Recovery) CRYOTHERAPY: This procedure uses probes to freeze the gland. The targeted prostate tissue is then destroyed by the very rapid thawing process which ruptures the cell membranes. The probes are placed through the perineal skin - between the scrotum and anus - like the tubes for brachytherapy. They are guided using transrectal ultrasound which is also used to monitor the freezing process in real time. It is unusual for fewer than three probes to be placed; additional probes may be placed to allow for adequate freezing of more extensive disease. Incontinence levels are kept low by warm liquid being circulated in the urethra during the procedure. When this procedure was first used, the entire gland was destroyed, which led to a very high incidence of erectile dysfunction - almost 100% of men were impotent according to some studies. Later developmaents have seen the development of focused cryotherapy, which destroys only identified tumors and the healthy cells in the immediate vicinity of the tumor, leaving some or all of the erectile nerves untouched and resulting in levels of ED that are comparable with those resulting from other treatments. It can be difficult to pinpoint the position of small tumors. This usually involved a mapping biopsy using a large number of needles; as a rule of thumb the volume of the gland + 20 - up to a potential maximum of 100 needles. This type of biopsy is usually undertaken under a general anesthetic. One advantage this form of treatment has is that it can be repeated and it can be used in suitable cases as a salvage procedure for other failed treatments, notably radiation. HIGH INTENSITY FOCUSED ULTRASOUND (HIFU): This procedure was developed in China and used for liver and pancreatic cancers, but was not used initially for prostate cancer. Subsequently several European countries, notably France, Germany and Belgium started to treat men with prostate cancer. Basically the targeted prostate and tumor cells are cooked to death. The focused sound energy raises the temperature to around 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius), killing the cells in about one second. The ultrasound beam must travel through continuous tissue or fluid to the tumor site because the energy cannot be focused through gas or bone. By targeting tumor cells precisely, theoretically the tumor can be destroyed with minimum collateral damage. Like cryotherapy one of the immediate pre-treatment issues is how to identify the precise location of the cancerous cells. • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 17 HIFU is still regarded as experimental in a number of countries and has not yet been approved for prostate cancer by the FDA in the U.S.A. although trials are being carried out there. There have been alarming reports of bladder damage creating severe urinary problems. It is clear that experience with the equipment used for this therapy is even more important than in other therapies. An unskilled practitioner can do a great deal of damage very quickly. ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE: This option is still often referred to as WW (Watchful Waiting) although the terms have different meanings. In the past Watchful Waiting meant no action was undertaken unless the disease was seen to progress. Men choosing Active Surveillance are monitored closely and will often use a variety of non-conventional or alternative treatments to manage the progression of the disease. Dr Jon Oppenheimer, a leading pathologist in the U.S.A. is on record as saying: “For the vast majority of men with a recent diagnosis of prostate cancer the most important question is not what treatment is needed, but whether any treatment at all is required. Active surveillance is the logical choice for most men (and the families that love them) to make.” The rationale for this statement is that prostate cancer is what is termed an “indolent” disease in most cases, because it progresses so slowly it may never be a threat to life. Many men choosing Active Surveillance believe by taking a proactive stance they can harness their immune system to either halt the progress of the disease or possibly even cause it to regress. Prime candidates for this option are those who have been diagnosed with an insignificant tumor or very low risk disease. There are various definitions of these terms, but broadly speaking they are similar to the one established by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the U.S., where the definition of an insignificant tumor was established some years ago as one with the following characteristics: • Non palpable - the examining doctor would not feel anything when carrying out the DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) • Stage T1c - the tumor is discovered in the course of a biopsy following an elevated PSA test where there are no other symptoms • Free PSA - the percentage of free PSA should be 15% or greater • Gleason Score - less than 3 + 4 = 7 or as some practitioners have it, 7 or less 18 Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • • Size - less than three needle cores positive with none greater than 50% tumor. (In this definition it is assumed that a 12 needle biopsy is used) The latest guidelines issued by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN®) following the codified changes to the Gleason grading system in January 2009 has this definition of very low risk disease: • Clinical Stage T1-T2a - the examining doctor felt nothing on DRE or felt something on one side of the gland only • Gleason Score 6 - the lowest score on the current range • PSA less than 10 ng/ml • Size - 3 positive needles or less with 50% or less positive material in each core • PSA density - less than 0.15 ng/ml/gm Old studies have shown the majority of men with a diagnosis similar to these will not have a life-threatening progression of the disease for many years. Current studies demonstrate that there is negligible additional risk for suitable men in undertaking Active Surveillance. The problem for any man considering this option is the uncertainty of the diagnostic process, which is more art than science. It is not possible to identify, with absolute certainty, which tumors are indolent (the kitty cats) and which are aggressive (the tigers) or just where they fit in the range of this disease. There are good indicators: The ones listed above indicate disease that is most likely indolent; on the other hand PSA doubling times measured in months or weeks, high Gleason Scores (8 – 10), PSA over 20 ng/ml, late stage disease - stages T3 and T4 all indicate a disease that requires early attention. Indolent disease can often be treated like a chronic illness. For many men choosing this course, the essence of Active Surveillance is a belief in the mind/body continuum. The aim is to maintain the immune system in good condition to deal with the tumor. Since there are very few studies to guide men in this endeavor, and the medical professionals are often illinformed on nutritional matters and similar issues, there is a tendency for each man to develop his own unique program. Most of the programs for which there is anecdotal support include the following elements: • Stress reduction: Stress is commonly regarded as one of the most universal causes of damage to the immune system. Stress reduction can be accomplished using activities such as meditation, visualization or yoga. • Exercise: Moderate amounts of exercise are essential. Usually, subject to the fitness of the man, he is recommended to exercise at least three days a week at a level where the pulse rate is raised and sweat is formed. • Changes in diet: This subject is covered in a little more depth in the section titled Plains of Recovery, but essentially, the aim is to attain a vegetarian diet or better still a vegan diet. Red meat and dairy products are regarded as bad: fresh vegetables and fruit are regarded as good. Smoking should, of course, be stopped, as should consumption of alcohol, although small quantities of wine, especially red wine, are thought to be beneficial. Consumption of coffee, animal fats, fried foods and sugar should be kept to a minimum. • Weight loss: There is a clear connection between illness and obesity. Although following the steps above should lead to weight loss, this should also be incorporated as one of the aims of any successful program. Successful Active Surveillance management should see a stabilizing or even a reduction in PSA levels, and this is the primary measure of success. Because of the vagaries of PSA counts, this should not however be the only measure. There should also be an annual DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) and, some recommend, an annual or biennial biopsy. In considering this latter test, some thought should always be given to the potential for side effects from biopsy. A continuous rise in PSA or a positive DRE would be the trigger to contemplate further, conventional treatment. Many men - more than 20% in one study - who have chosen Active Surveillance have negative biopsy results on repeat biopsy. This does not necessarily mean that there are no longer cancer cells in the gland, because the biopsy process is literally ‘hit and miss’ but it does imply that there has been little or no significant growth in the tumor. The side effects of a successful Active Surveillance program are all positive since the enhanced immune system will generally result in better health all round. It is often difficult to deal with the uncertainty associated with Active Surveillance. This is often seen to be greater than the uncertainty of those who have had conventional treatment. However in three studies it has been found that essentially, if men are ‘worriers’ they have similar levels of concern whatever the path they choose. Those who are more phlegmatic accept the uncertainty more easily. Anyone embarking on Active Surveillance will need determination to continue. The medical profession along with well-meaning friends and relatives often create a good deal of pressure to ‘do something.’ This leads many men to abandon Active Surveillance and opt for conventional treatment even if there is no significant change in the diagnostic pointers. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mr. Profit, A short note to thank you for returning my phone call and for the support and information. I was surprised to receive Dr. Moyad’s book “Beyond Hormone Therapy.” I gained more information in reading his book than I have in the past 17 yrs. since being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, JB Dear Mr. Profit: I wanted to personally thank you as a beneficiary of your objective, unbiased advice over the years that enabled me to make the right choice for my prostate cancer. You are doing a tremendous service for so many men, so often caught in the throes of conflicting advice by self-interested parties. Please let me thank you on behalf of them as well as myself. Yours is an invaluable service. Please pass on news of the enclosed, if you wish. Though it’s not in your field, it is helping needy people – those who are hungry. And it costs nothing for any anti-hunger agency to share in our money and use it as spur to other donations, too ( My best wishes to you for the New Year, Mr. Profit. You’ve done and are continuing to do invaluable good for countless men. With admiration, Sincerely yours, ASF • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 19 EARLY-BIRD EARLY-BIRD SPECIAL: SPECIAL: Register Register by May by31 May to receive 31 to receive $60 conference $60 conference admission! admission! E! AT ED ! TH ATE VE D SA THE VE SA September September 7-9, 2012 7-9, ◆2012 Marriott ◆ Marriott LAX Hotel LAX Hotel Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California California Call PCRI Call at PCRI 310.743.2116 at 310.743.2116 to register to register today. today. Look for Look more forinformation more information on excursions on excursions and prize and prize 20122012 CONFERENCE CONFERENCE AGENDA* AGENDA*giveaways giveaways in the May in the2012 Mayissue 2012ofissue Insights! of Insights! FRIDAY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 7, 2012 7, 2012 FACULTY FACULTY NathanNathan Roundy, Roundy, PCRI Educational PCRI Educational Facilitator Facilitator Jan Manarite, Jan Manarite, PCRI Senior PCRI Educational Senior Educational Facilitator Facilitator TOPICTOPIC ProstateProstate Cancer Cancer 101 101 ProstateProstate Cancer Cancer 201 201 John Blasko, John Blasko, MD MD Radiation Radiation Oncologist, Oncologist, Seattle Prostate Seattle Prostate InstituteInstitute What the What Heck theDo Heck YouDo DoYou withDo a Tiny with Cancer? a Tiny Cancer? SATURDAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 8, 2012 RichardRichard Lam, MD Lam, MD TreatingTreating High-Risk High-Risk ProstateProstate Cancer Cancer Research Research Director, Director, ProstateProstate Oncology Oncology Specialists Specialists CharlesCharles “Snuffy” “Snuffy” Myers, Myers, MD MD How toHow Manage to Manage ProstateProstate Cancer Cancer if it Comes if it Comes MedicalMedical Oncologist, Oncologist, American American InstituteInstitute for Diseases for Diseases of the Prostate of the Prostate Back after Back Surgery after Surgery or Radiation or Radiation RobertRobert Dreicer,Dreicer, MD MD TreatingTreating ProstateProstate Cancer Cancer that hasthat Metastasized has Metastasized Chairman, Chairman, Department Department of SolidofTumor Solid Tumor Oncology, Oncology, Cleveland Cleveland Clinic Clinic EugeneEugene Kwon, MD Kwon, MD The Coming The Coming Wave ofWave New of Treatment New Treatment Professor Professor of Urology, of Urology, The Mayo TheClinic Mayo Clinic John Mulhall, John Mulhall, MD MD Preventing Preventing Treatment-Related Treatment-Related Side Effects Side Effects Director, Director, Male Sexual Male and Sexual Reproductive and Reproductive Medicine Medicine Program, Program, Memorial Memorial Sloan-Kettering Sloan-Kettering Cancer Cancer Center Center Lori Buckley, Lori Buckley, PsyD PsyD Issues ofIssues Intimacy of Intimacy Therapist, Therapist, Dr. LoriDr. Buckley Lori Buckley & Associates & Associates SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 9, 2012 9, 2012 Mark Moyad, Mark Moyad, MD MD Saturday Saturday review, review, Q&A Q&A Senior Research Senior Research Associate, Associate, University University of Michigan of Michigan MedicalMedical School School 8 AM to 8 AM 9 AMto 9 AM Mark Scholz, Mark Scholz, MD MD MedicalMedical Director, Director, ProstateProstate Oncology Oncology Specialists Specialists ASK THE ASKEXPERTS THE EXPERTS MichaelMichael Steinberg, Steinberg, MD MD Radiation Radiation Chair ofChair Radiation of Radiation Oncology, Oncology, UCLA UCLA StephenStephen Strum, Strum, MD MD Hormone Hormone Blockade Blockade MedicalMedical Oncologist Oncologist RichardRichard Lam, MD Lam, MD Chemotherapy Chemotherapy Duke Bahn, DukeMD Bahn, MD Active Surveillance Active Surveillance & & MedicalMedical Director, Director, ProstateProstate InstituteInstitute of America of America Focal Therapy Focal Therapy David Heber, David Heber, MD MD Nutrition Nutrition and Fitness and Fitness CharlesCharles “Snuffy” “Snuffy” Myers, Myers, MD MD Hormone Hormone TherapyTherapy EugeneEugene Kwon, MD Kwon, MD SurgerySurgery *AGENDA *AGENDA & FACULTY & FACULTY SUBJECT SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TO CHANGE. 3 20 Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS OF CONTRIBUTIONS January 1, 2012 Through March 31, 2012 (YOUR NAME WILL APPEAR BELOW IF WE DEPOSITED YOUR DONATION BETWEEN THE ABOVE DATES) Memorial Contributions In Loving Memory of Lloyd J Ney, Sr. Founder of PAACT, INC., Grand Rapids, MI Dr. Bob Leibowitz In Loving Memory of Lloyd Dennis Stuhr Stan House Norman Smith In Loving Memory of Dr. Thomas Scott Truitt, DMD - Colonel U.S. Army (Ret) Jim Thomson Ronald & Norma Campbell The Hendrix Family Earl & Linda McCallum Richard & Susan Frushour Carl & Linda Strojan David Hudson, DMD, PA Jeanne M Warner Greg & Kathy Peterson Dr. Charles & Karen Wyont Pamela Grickis Bradley Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Bill & Joyce Hardy John & Eda Morelli Michael & Sandy Power Ronald E Toole, DMD Russ & Jean Schwalbert Dan & Julie Overall Frances R Boyce Larry & Sheri DeWitt Joseph Shappell Brent Richards Thong & Phuong-Nhi Hang Gregory & Lynn Hall Nancy Sjostrom Savannah River Banking Company Carolyn Apperson John & Roberta Knox Michael & Margaret Rollins Jack R Miller Steve & Sherry Hansel Aiken County Dental Society Friends at Hutson-Etherredge Companies In Loving Memory of Mary Sandra Guyer Richard Kolkka In Loving Memory of Dr. David Todd In Loving Memory of My Brother Pat John Learman Michael P Springer, Jr. In Loving Memory of George Johnston Wayne & Colette Hedien In Loving Memory of Captain David Cronin In Loving Memory of Lawrence L Brown United Airlines Flight 811 Barbara Brown Jan Driessen In Loving Memory of Julius Sirowitz In Loving Memory of Fred Williams Charlene Sirowitz David Williams In Loving Memory of Robert N Greene In Loving Memory of Carl Hirschfeld Dorcas P Greene Peter Manes In Loving Memory of Luella Engelke In Loving Memory of My Father, John Shappell Carol A Arnold Joseph Shappell In Honor of My Dad Roy E Flake Terri O’Neill • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 21 Contributions ($1,000 and Above) Contributions ($500 to $999) Field, Elvin Patron Membership ($100 to $499) Aaronson, Rev. David Agan, Mike Ali, Earl Amir, Raymond Anonymous Ayer, Donald Baker, Charlie Basta, George Billings, Robert Brown, Arthur Byrne, Donald Christman, Ronald Clauser, Ray Clyma, Frank Coker, Dennis Cooley, Dave Cox, Laurence Curry, A.M. Dubin, Carol Ferrier, Ray Gaudioso, Robert Goodland, Robert Gould, Gerald Grissom, Gary Heffron, Dr. Chuck Hennessey, Charles Horneffer, Harold House, Stanley Hudspeth, Jack Jezek, Ray Johnson, Philip Jones, Rex Keppel, Paul Korstanje, John Lane, Moses Lomax, Art Magarian, Gerald Manheim, Stewart McIlwain, Arthur McIntee, F.P. Parker, Ted Pausig, Dr. Ronald Preston, Fred Rauscher, John Schwan, David Sharp, Ben Shimer, Alan Snyder, William Strite, Dan Suri, Hira Swisher, Robert 22 Taylor, Conway Walker, Gil Wencley, Stan Wilkes, James Wilson, David PAACT Membership ($50 to $99) Allison, Richard Anderson, James Anderson, Joseph Anonymous Bennett, Edward Berry, Jean Biondo, Vince Blake, Charles Blaser, Donald Block, Louis Bohn, Paul Borer, Paul Bronstein, David Brown, Charles Buck, Tom Burroughs, John Carson, Robert Constance, Donald Cooley, Jack Delatush, Dr. George Dennis, Max Dorr, Howard Dugger, Richard Dunning, Larry Eiken, Erling English, Ross Fields, Karen Flake, Roy Fletcher, Herbert Fuchs, Vale Garrison, Richard Gerassi, John Greenblatt, Elias Gruenwald, Edward Guenther, Steven Gunther, Norman Hall, George Hallenbeck, Richard Hamilton, David Harper, Dennis Hays, Henry Hellings, David Herman, James Hertel, Robert Hiob, Manfred Howard, Ted Howell, Marvin Huang, Donald Juday, Bernard Kaufman, Stanley Keck, Robert Kelly, Peter Kerkorian, Charles Kim, Iksu Kocher, Robert Kramer, Dr. Ron Kusnirik, Robert La Porta, Nicholas Lamb, Sydney Laubach, Robert Lilley, Richard Lind, George Loomer, F.D. Lustig, David Luttrell, Robert Macy, Harry Magley, Jack Mallon, John Mann, Donald Marino, Edward Marsted, P Severin Mather, Hal McCormick, James McGovern, Robert McGowan, John McLeod, Douglas Meetze, Jack Michaels, Jeremy Milstead, John Mitchler, Lawrence Mrukowski, William Murley, Windsor Myers, Hal Newstrom, Wayne Nord, Arlo Nystrom, Donald Oppenheim, Robert Owen, Robert Palmer, L.W. Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Piehl, R.A. Rapattoni, Salvatore Rigby, Edward Roedl, Douglas Ruebsamen, Neil San Jose Support Group Sanford, Gus Sarna, Walter Serruto, Roy Shaw, Dr. Roger Shere, Charles Singer, Arthur Sisson, Victor Spangrude, George Steinhauser, Rudolph Stephens, Robert Stoney, Gordon Strack, Bob Sugar, Dr. Max Tehan, George Thomas, Clarence Prostate Cancer Communication / JUNE 2012 • Thompson, Walter Travis, John Wagner, Albert Wakely, William Watterson, John Weiss, Franklyn Whitten, Robert Wilson, Bill Wilson, C Vaughn Wright, Raymond Miscellaneous Contributions (less than $50) Anonymous Bailey, Charles Baker, John Blundell, James Bonecutter, Roger Braun, Irwin Bruhns, Frank Burger, Eugene Burkett, Charles Carrano, Arthur Clark, Earl Coddington, Steele Colier, Philip Cunningham. Patrick Daniels, Susan Denney, James Dunn, Joseph Eagle, John Eisenberg, Albert Fancher, Duke Fusco, Joseph Givone, Dr. William Harvey, Andrew Henson, Keith Hill, Robert Hovey, Roy Hyatt, Stuart Iannaccone, Louis Jackson, Lesley Kennedy, James Kintner, George Krejci, Dr. John Kubecka, Paul Lindsey, Jim Litten, James Loeffler, Tony Matus, Richard May, Don McCann, Alfred Montgomery, George Patterson, Philip Pitt, John Pittelli, Rudy Schlappi, Larry Segal, Arnie Siegelman, Philip Stanley, William Starr, Dr. Robert Stockinger, Barry Vanni, M.O. Vaughan, Jr., W.J. Villoch, Jorge Wendt, Michael Youngberg, Ed Contributions by State & Province Alabama...................1 Arizona.....................3 California...............45 Colorado...................6 Connecticut..............1 Florida....................35 Georgia.....................4 Hawaii......................1 Idaho........................1 Illinois....................11 Indiana......................4 Iowa.........................3 Kansas......................1 Kentucky..................1 Louisiana.................1 Maine.......................1 Maryland..................2 Massachusetts..........1 Michigan................14 Minnesota.................2 Missouri...................2 Montana...................1 Nebraska..................2 Nevada.....................3 New Hampshire.......2 New Jersey.............15 New Mexico.............3 New York...............15 N Carolina..............10 Ohio.........................6 Oklahoma.................1 Oregon.....................9 Pennsylvania............6 S Carolina...............18 Tennessee.................4 Texas......................11 Utah.........................2 Vermont....................1 Virginia.....................2 Washington..............5 West Virginia............2 Wisconsin.................5 Wyoming..................3 Australia...................2 Canada......................1 Denmark...................1 France.......................1 Saudi Arabia.............1 Financial Summary Report h 31, 3012) (January 1, 2012 through Marc FUND GENERAL 1,645,719.19 2011 31, er emb Dec d Han on e anc Bal REVENUES RECEIVED Membership Contributions Memorial Income Trusts & Bequests Investment Income Reimbursed Expenses Total Revenues 21,366.45 2,055.00 2,267.97 14,537.88 43.55 5 70.8 40,2 Revenues Total Balance on Hand and EXPENDITURESInvestment Withholding Employee Wages Payroll Taxes ation) Insurance (Health, House, Workman’s Compens Outside Services, Labor Rent Meals, Motel, and Transportation Auto Expense Printing Postage and Delivery Telephone Service Plans/Licenses & Permits Program Expense-Conference Exhibit Fees Office and Computer Supplies Utilities - Refuse Repairs (Building, Equipment) Miscellaneous Total Expenditures Balance on Hand March 31, 2012 Assets: Checking Account Petty Cash Savings Account Certificates of Deposit, Stocks, and Bonds Money Market Funds Equipment Net Assets: Foundation Fund Balance: 1,685,990.04 0.00 32,868.12 3,091.01 11,035.50 450.00 3,900.00 1,087.29 0.00 6,118.85 6,881.03 978.74 2,839.14 0.00 479.20 0.00 0.00 2.62 69,731.50 1,616,258.54 29,714.25 50.00 29.63 1,233,005.72 59,205.01 9,144.92 1,331,149.53 261,651.40 • JUNE 2012 / Prostate Cancer Communication 23 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PAACT, Inc. (PATIENT ADVOCATES FOR ADVANCED CANCER TREATMENTS, INC.) 1143 Parmelee NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Phone: (616) 453-1477 Fax: (616) 453-1846 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID GRAND RAPIDS, MI PERMIT NO. 875 Join Us on Facebook! P A A C T M embership F orm Name: Birthdate: / / Address: City: St/Province: Telephone HM: WK: Postal Code: Fax: E-Mail: Other: A nnual M embership C lassification c Patient................................................. $55 c Donor................................................ $500 c Advocate............................................. $55 c Sponsor...........................................$1000 c Professional...................................... $100 c Corporate........................................$5000 c Other...................................... $________. c Anonymous...........................$________ c Include me as a PAACT member, although I currently cannot contribute Tribute gifts support the daily operations of PAACT, Inc., by furnishing PC patients, doctors and advocates with the latest information available on the methods of detection, diagnostic procedures, evaluation and treatments for prostate cancer. 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