Where and how to find resources for the Latino population? Where?

Where and how to find resources for the Latino population?
When you are looking for resources to serve your Latino clients, you can use the guides and contact
information we provide below. There are several organizations around the state that provide
services for the Latino community; however, this is not a comprehensive list of all them. So at the
end of this guide you will find useful tips to gather information on your own and provide it effectively
to your Latino clients.
Organizations whose purpose is to serve the Latino Population
South Carolina Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: http://schcc.org/
SC Hispanic Leadership Council: http://www.schlc.org/
South Carolina Commission of Minority Affairs: http://www.state.sc.us/cma/hispanicla.html
South Carolina Immigration Coalition: SCimmigrationcoalition@gmail.com. http://www.sccoalition.org/home
Family connections: Serve Anderson, Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Rock Hill and Spartanburg
areas. http://www.familyconnectionsc.org/area_offices/
Upstate, Charleston, York, Lowcounty:
 Hispanic American Women Association: Upstate. http://www.ahamsc.org/
 Alianza Hispana: McAlister Square, Greenville Tech, Suite #110.
Contact Adela Mendoza:
(864)250-8968 adela@hispanicalliancesc.com
 Alliance for Hispanic Health: Charleston, SC. http://www.musc.edu/ahh/
 Nuevos Caminos: 117 South Main Street, Summerville, SC 29483. Contact JoDee at
hope@nuevoscaminos.us http://www.nuevoscaminos.us/About_Us.html
 International Center of York County: York County, SC. http://www.icycsc.org/
 Rural mission: Johns, Wadmalaw, Yonges and Edisto Islands. http://ruralmission.org/programsservices/migrant-headstart-program-2/
 Low country immigration coalition: http://lowcountry4u.blogspot.com/
 Hispanic Outreach: 827 Wildwood Avenue Suite 200 Columbia SC 29203. (803) 419-5121. HIV/ETS
testing services free and in Spanish in Richland and Lexington Counties. Other programs available
too. http://www.schispanicoutreach.org/
 Alianza Latina: Meets on the second Wednesday of every month from 12:00-1:00 pm at 730 Devine
Street in Columbia, SC. Anyone is welcome to attend. To join the list server, email
julie@scpasos.org http://www.facebook.com/alianzalatinaSC
 South Carolina Hispanic/Latino Health Coalition. Columbia, SC. http://www.schlhc.org/index/
Immigration Lawyers
See a comprehensive list by county in:
 American Immigration Lawyers Association: 1-800-954-0254 http://www.aila.org/
 Immigration Lawyer: Charles A. Phipps. 6156 St. Andrews Rd. Suite 106, Columbia, SC 29212. (803)
233-8374. http://charlesaphipps.com/index.php
 South Carolina Legal Services: 2109 Bull St. Columbia, SC 29201. (803) 744-9460 Ext. 4403. Angela
Perez- Intake System/LEP Paralegal. Serves all the counties.
 Pinilla Law Firm: 920 St. Andrews Road Columbia SC 29210. (803) 728-0045 and (803)200-1987
which is the emergency hot line. www.pinilla-law.com Serves Columbia, Lexington, Charleston,
Sumter, Florence, Myrtle Beach, Newberry.
Beaufort and Jasper Counties:
Carol K. Groeschel: 18948 Whyte Hardee Blvd., Suite 201 (G) Hardeeville, SC, 29927. (843) 7849495.
Catholic Charities: Mily Choy. 10 Office Way, Suite 200. Hilton Head (843) 785-2200
Hector Esquivel and Jose Fuentes: 7 Simmonsville Road, Suite 100B, Post Office Box 1969,
Bluffton, SC 29910 (843) 815-3500
Mogil Law Firm: 2 Corpus Christie Place, Ste. 303, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928. Line in Spanish
(843)-422-8503 www.mogillaw.com
Dobson Law LLC: 24 Drayton Street, Suite 312, Savannah, GA 31401. (912) 335-4469
Charleston, Dorchester and Berkeley counties:
Amanda Keaveny: (843) 722-1091
Amanda Newell: (843) 324-2323
Carlton Edgar Elliot: (843) 607-2492 or (843) 577-2929
Emily Guerrero: (843) 388-0089
Jose Fuentes: (843) 784-6900
Michael Sullivan: (843) 571-1893
Robert Condy: (843) 720-1212
Ross Miller: (843) 764-3334
Torres Law Firm: 125-A Wappoo Creek Drive, Suite 202. Charleston, SC 29412. (843) 720-3732
Guides about services for the Latino Population
You can take a look at these guides to find resources for the Latino Population in your county.
 Appleseed immigrant resource guide: Information about resources in each SC county (Cash
assistance, domestic violence, drug and alcohol services, food assistance, healthcare, housing,
legal assistance, Limited English Proficiency services, and others)
 SCIWAY Hispanic and Latino resources guide in SC: http://www.sciway.net/org/sc-hispanic-latinoresources.html
 SC Hispanic Leadership Council Resource Guide: http://www.schlc.org/9.html
 SCVAN Resource Guide per county: http://scvan.org/spanish/search.asp
 Consortium for Latino Immigration Studies guide: http://www.sph.sc.edu/cli/communorg.htm
 Resources for Hispanic victims of crime in Charleston county:
Legal aid organizations
See a comprehensive list by county in
 South Carolina Appleseed – Legal Justice Center: P.O. Box 7187 Columbia, SC 29202. (803) 779-1113
Ext. 103. Tammy Besherse: Staff Attorney.
 Center for Immigration Legal Assistance: 1427 Pickens Street Columbia, SC 29201. (803) 929-1940.
Glenda Bunce
 ACLU South Carolina National Office: P.O. Box 20998 Charleston, SC 29413. (843) 720-1423.
info@aclusouthcarolina.org, www.aclusouthcarolina.org, www.aclu.org/immigrants/espanol
 South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network: 113 Executive Pointe Blvd. Suite 202, Columbia, SC
29210. (803) 750-1200 press 1 for Spanish. Or 888-852-1900. It has a bilingual electronic resource
list. Contact Emmie Caplan-Bilingual Victim Advocate at (803) 750-1200 Ext. 130
Criminal Defense Lawyers
See a comprehensive list and add your filters in http://www.lawyers.com/find-a-lawyer.html
 Pinilla Law Firm: 920 St. Andrews Road Columbia SC 29210. (803) 728-0045 and (803)200-1987
which is the emergency hot line. www.pinilla-law.com Serves Columbia, Lexington, Charleston,
Sumter, Florence, Myrtle Beach, Newberry.
 John F. McKenzie: 1704 Main St P.O Box 58 Columbia SC 29202. (803) 252-0500/ (803) 376-1266
 Jack Duncan: (803) 951-2388
 Strom Law Firm (Personal Injury, Criminal Defense): (803) 252-4800 and (803) 490-2847.
Translation and Interpretation Services
 Hispanic Connections: Interpretation and translation services across SC. Look at the directory in
http://www.hispanicconnections.com. In Columbia: 2005 Hampton St # B, Columbia, SC 29204
(803) 765-0560
 Lester Legal Interpreting: (843) 270-9730. llester@lesterlegalinterpreting.com PO Box 13925,
Charleston, SC 29422. www.lesterlegalinterpreting.com
 Saillant Language Consulting: Translation and Interpretation in the Charleston Area. Crowfield
Plantation, Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445. (843) 200-2460 diana@saillantll.com
 International Center of York County. http://www.icycsc.org/
 Comunicar: 3400 Colonial Dr. Columbia, SC 29203. (803) 400-1178. office@comunicar.us.
 Palmetto interpreters: http://www.palmettointerpreters.com/
 Certified translation services: http://www.certifiedtranslationservices.com
 Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters: http://www.catiweb.org/
 HABLA line: for telephonic translation. Located at USC Columbia, Benson Building 201. (803) 7779404. Contact Cheryl Worrell for information about rates and availability of interpretation
services worrellc@mailbox.sc.edu
Other guides in Spanish or to serve the Latino population
 211 line: for resources, The line provides service in Spanish. The information in the website is
mainly in English www.sc211.org
 Hands on Health resource guide by city/county: http://www.handsonhealth-sc.org/golocal/
 Advocate’s guide to immigrant issues in South Carolina. SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center:
Latin American Consulates
Colombian Consulate
270 Carpenter Drive Northeast #110
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
(888) 764-3326
El Salvador Consulate
9740 Main St., Suite 120
Woodstock, GA 30188
(770) 591-4140 Ext. 22
Peruvian Consulate
4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd. Suite 580
Atlanta, GA 30341
Guatemala Consulate
2750 Buford Hwy NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
(404) 320-8804
Honduras Consulate
2750 Buford Hwy NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
(770) 645 8881/79
Mexican Consulate
336 E. Six Forks Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27609
Tips to gather resources and inform the community
Join Latino organizations or alliances within your county.
Google can help you locate resources for the Latino population in your county.
Attend events for the Latino population to do networking and find resources.
Gather information about services for the Latino community in Latino newspapers which are
delivered usually in Latino stores. (Lawyers and physicians usually advertise in this media)
 Many churches and school districts provide English as a Second Language classes and other
 Every time you find out about a service, ask them how the process works if the client only
speaks Spanish.
Members of the Latino community could need more information than your other clients, especially if
they do not speak English. So, when you find out about a community service ask and write down the
following things:
Name of the community resource
o If possible, use landmarks that your clients already know
o Is there a line in Spanish?
o Do they have to leave a message?
o Do they have to “press 2”?
Is there bilingual personnel or interpreters?
o Is there a specific day for attention in Spanish?
o Do they have to make a request for an interpreter?
Required documentation
o What documents are required to access the service?
o Can a letter replace the payment stubs?
o What kinds of ID are accepted? (Is “Matrícula Consular” –Consulate ID- accepted?)
o Does the organization require Social Security numbers of the child and parents or
only the US born child?
o Is SSN required or optional?
o Can the SSN be replaced with an ITIN?
o Are there any payment options?
Remember not to divulge the immigration status of your client unless required by law