How to construct new super edge-magic graphs from some old ones

How to construct new super edge-magic
graphs from some old ones
E.T. Baskoro1? , I W. Sudarsana2?? and Y.M. Cholily1
Department of Mathematics
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB),
Jalan Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
{ebaskoro, yus}
Department of Mathematics, Tadulako University,
Jalan Sukarno-Hatta Palu, Indonesia
Abstract. In this paper, we study the property of super edge-magic
total graphs. We give some further necessary conditions for such graphs.
Based on this condition we provide some algorithms to contruct new
super edge-magic total graphs from some old ones.
Keywords : super, edge-magic total labeling
All graphs, in this paper, are finite and simple. A general reference
for graph-theoretic ideas can be seen in [4]. For a graph G with
vertex-set V (G) and edge-set E(G) an edge-magic total labeling is a
bijection λ: V (G)∪E(G) → {1, 2, · · · , |V (G)∪E(G)|} with satisfying
the property that there exists an integer k such that
λ(x) + λ(xy) + λ(y) = k,
for any edge xy in G. We call λ(x)+λ(xy)+λ(y) the edge sum of xy,
and k the magic constant of graph G. In particular, if λ(V (G)) =
{1, 2, · · · , |V (G)|} then λ is called super edge-magic total labeling.
A graph is called (super) edge-magic total if it admits any (super)
edge-magic total labeling.
The notion of edge-magic total graphs was introduced and studied by Kotzig and Rosa [5] with a different name as graphs with
magic valuations, while the term of super edge-magic total graphs
was firstly introduced by Enomoto et al. [1]. They showed that a
Supported by Hibah Bersaing XII DP3M-DIKTI Indonesia, 2004, DIP Number:
Supported by Hibah Pekerti DP3M-DIKTI Indonesia, 2004.
E.T. Baskoro, I W. Sudarsana and Y.M. Cholily
star Sn+1 = K1,n is the only complete bipartite graph which is super edge-magic total. They also showed that any odd cycle is super
edge-magic total, but any wheel is not.
Since then, a number of papers have studied super edge-magic
property in graphs. For instances, Figueroa-Centeno et al. [3] and [2]
derived a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to be super
edge-magic total and they also showed several class of graphs, such
as fans fn ∼
= Pn +K1 with n ≤ 6, ladders Ln ∼
= Pn ×P2 for odd n, and
the generalized prism G ∼
m and n ≥ 2, are super
= m
edge-magic. They also studied the relationships between super edgemagic labeling with other labelings. However, a conjecture ”Every
tree is super edge-magic total” proposed by Enomoto et al. [1] still
remains open.
In this paper, we study super edge-magic total labelings. We
derive more necessary conditions to be able to know more deeply
the property of such labelings. Based on this condition we give some
algorithms to contruct a new super edge-magic labeling from some
old ones. By using these algorithms we can provide more evidence
to support the correctness of the conjecture proposed by Enomoto
et al.
Some further necessary conditions
Several necessary conditions for a graph to be super edge-magic have
been derived by several authors. Enomoto et al. [1] showed that if a
nontrivial graph G is super edge-magic then |E(G)| ≤ 2|V (G)| − 3.
Furthermore, Figueroa-Centeno et al. [3] provide a neccessary and
sufficient condition for a graph being super edge-magic as in the
following lemma.
Lemma 1. A (p, q)-graph G is super edge-magic if and only if there
exists a bijective function f : V (G) → {1, 2, · · · , p} such that the set
S = {f (u) + f (v) : uv ∈ E(G)}
consists of q consecutive integers. In such a case, f extends to a super
edge-magic labeling of G with the magic constant k = p+q +s, where
s = min(S) and
S = {f (u) + f (v) : uv ∈ E(G)}
= {k − (p + 1), k − (p + 2), · · · , k − (p + q)}.
How to construct new super edge-magic graphs
Further, in order to know what possible values of k 0 s for graph
G to be super, we add the following neccessary conditions.
Lemma 2. Let a (p, q)-graph G be super edge-magic total. Then,
the magic constant k of G satisfies p + q + 3 ≤ k ≤ 3p.
Proof. Since G is super edge-magic total then the vertices of G receive
labels 1, 2, · · · , p and the edges receive p + 1, p + 2, · · · , p + q
so that by Lemma 1 S = {f (u) + f (v) : uv ∈ E(G)} consists of
consecutive integers a, a + 1, · · · , a + q − 1 for some positive integer
a. The smallest possible magic constant of G obtained if a = 3.
In this case the vertices of G with labels 1 and 2 are adjacent and
the magic constant for this case must be k = (a + q − 1) + (p + 1)
= p + q + 3. If the vertices of labels p − 1 and p are adjacent in G
then we obtain the biggest possible magic constant of G , namely
k = (p−1)+p+(p+1) = 3p. Therefore we obtain p+q +3 ≤ k ≤ 3p.
The lower and upper bounds in Lemma 2 are tight, since the
super edge-magic labelings λ1 and λ2 on a star Sn of n vertices
shown in Fig. 1 have the magic constant 2n + 2 and 3n, respectively.
Fig. 1. A star graph achieves the lower and upper bounds of k.
Corollary 1 If k is the magic constant of a tree with p vertices then
2p + 2 ≤ k ≤ 3p. Furthermore, the magic constant of a (p, q)-graph
G with c components ranges between 2p − c + 3 to 3p.
E.T. Baskoro, I W. Sudarsana and Y.M. Cholily
Proof. The first statement holds, since in any tree the number of
edges is one less than the number of vertices. If a (p, q)-graph G has
c components then in each component Gi (i = 1, 2, · · · , c) we have
E(Gi ) ≥ V (Gi ) − 1. Thus, |E(G)| ≥ |V (G)| − c and by Lemma 2 it
implies that 2p − c + 3 ≤ k ≤ 3p.
Duality in super edge-magic labeling
Given any edge-magic total labeling λ on a (p, q)-graph G, Wallis et
al. [6] define the dual labeling λ0 of labeling λ as follows.
λ0 (vi ) = M − λ(vi ), ∀vi ∈ V (G), and
λ0 (x) = M − λ(x), ∀x ∈ E(G),
where M = p + q + 1.
It is easy to see that if λ is edge-magic total with the magic
constant k then λ0 is edge-magic total with the magic constant k 0 =
3M − k. It is also easy to see that if λ is super edge-magic total then
λ0 is no longer super edge-magic total.
In the next theorem, we introduce another dual property which
preserve the superness of edge-magic total labelings.
Theorem 1. Let a (p, q)-graph G be super edge-magic total. Let λ
be a super edge-magic total labeling of G with the magic constant k.
Then, the labeling λ0 defined:
λ0 (vi ) = p + 1 − λ(vi ), ∀vi ∈ V (G), and
λ0 (x) = 2p + q + 1 − λ(x), ∀x ∈ E(G)
is a super edge-magic total labeling with the magic constant k 0 =
4p + q + 3 − k.
Proof. Let uv ∈ E(G). Then, λ0 (u) + λ0 (uv) + λ0 (v)
= (p + 1 − λ(u)) + (2p + q + 1 − λ(uv)) + (p + 1 − λ(v))
= 4p + q + 3 − (λ(u) + λ(uv) + λ(v))
= 4p + q + 3 − k a constant.
Therefore, λ0 is a super edge-magic total labeling of G with magic
constant k 0 = 4p + q + 3 − k.
The labeling λ0 in Theorem 1 is called the dual super labeling of
λ on G.
How to construct new super edge-magic graphs
Construction of new labelings
In this section, we give algorithms to construct new super edge-magic
graphs by extending the old ones.
Theorem 2. From any super edge-magic (p, q)-graph G with the
magic constant k, we can construct a new super edge-magic total
graph from G by adding one pendant incident to vertex x of G whose
label k − 2p − 1. The magic constant of the new graph is k 0 = k + 2.
Proof. In the new graph, define a labeling in the following. Preserve
all vertices labels of G. Increase the labels of all edges (except the
new one) by 2. Label the new vertex and edge by p + 1 and p + 2
respectively. It can be verified that the resulting labeling on the
new graph is super edge-magic total labeling with magic constant
k = k + 2. Since 2p + 2 ≤ k ≤ 3p (by Lemma 2), the proposition
holds for any value of k.
Theorem 3. Let a (p, q)-graph G be super edge-magic total with the
magic constant k and k ≥ 2p + 3. Then, a new graph formed from
G by adding exactly two pendants incident to two distinct vertices x
and y of G whose labels k − 2p and k − 2p − 2 respectively is super
edge-magic total with the magic constant k 0 = k + 4.
Proof. In the new graph denote by u and v the new vertices adjacent
to x and y, respectively. Then, define a labeling in the new graph as
follows. Preserve labels of all the vertices of G. Add all edge labels
(except the new ones) by 4. Label vertices x and y by p+1 and p+2,
respectively and label two new edges xu and yv by p + 3 and p + 4,
For the new edges, clearly we have the edge sum of each is k + 4.
Since each label of old edge increased by 4 then we get the edge sum
of each old edge is also k + 4. Therefore, the new graph is super
edge-magic total labeling. This process works only if k − 2p − 2 ≥ 1.
This implies that k ≥ 2p + 3.
Theorem 4. Let a (p, q)-graph G be super edge-magic total with the
magic constant k and k ≥ 2p + 3. Then, a new graph formed from G
by adding exactly three pendants incident to three distinct vertices x ,
y and z of G whose labels k −2p, k −2p−1 and k −2p−2 respectively
is super edge-magic total with the magic constant k 0 = k + 6.
Proof. In the new graph, define a labeling as follows. Preserve all
vertex labels of G in the new graph. Increase all edge labels (except
E.T. Baskoro, I W. Sudarsana and Y.M. Cholily
the new ones) by 6 in the new graph. Label the three new vertices
u which adjacent to x, y and z by using the second row of either
matrix A or B. Label the corresponding new edge e by using the
third row from A or B.
A = u : p + 1 p + 3 p + 2 , B = u : p + 2 p + 1 p + 3
e: p+4 p+6 p+5
e: p+5 p+4 p+6
For the new edges, clearly we have the edge sum of each is k + 6
(from the above matrix). Since each label of old edge increased by 6
then we get the edge sum of each old edge in the new graph is k + 6.
Therefore, the new graph is super edge-magic total. Note that this
process works only if k −2p−2 ≥ 1. This implies that k ≥ 2p+3. u
Alternatively, we have the following theorem for adding three
Theorem 5. Let a (p, q)-graph G be super edge-magic total with the
magic constant k and k ≥ 2p + 4. Then, a new graph formed from G
by adding exactly three pendants incident to three distinct vertices x
, y and z of G whose labels k − 2p + 1, k − 2p − 1 and k − 2p − 3
respectively is super edge-magic total with the magic constant k 0 =
k + 6.
Proof. The proof is similar with the one of Theorem 4 by using the
following matrix C.
C = u : p + 1 p + 2 p + 3
e: p+4 p+5 p+6
Theorem 6. Let p be an odd integer. Let a (p, q)-graph G be super
edge-magic total with the magic constant k = (5p + 3)/2. Then, a
new graph formed from G by adding exactly p pendants incident to all
vertices of G is also super edge-magic total with the magic constant
k = (9p + 3)/2.
Proof. In the new graph, define a labeling as follows. Preserve all
vertex labels of G in the new graph. Increase all edge labels (except
the new ones) by 2p in the new graph. Label each new vertex u which
adjacent to the old vertex v by using the second row of the following
matrix. Label the corresponding new edge e = vu by using the third
How to construct new super edge-magic graphs
· · · p−1
u : 3p+3 3p+5 · · · 2p p + 1 p + 2 · · · 3p−1 3p+1 
e : 3p − 1 3p − 3 · · · 2p + 2 3p 3p − 2 · · · 2p + 3 2p + 1
For the new edges, clearly we have the edge sum of each is 9p+3
(from the above matrix). Since each label of old edge increased by
2p then we get the edge sum of each old edge in the new graph is
k + 2p = 9p+3
. Therefore, the new graph is super edge-magic total.
Note that the (extension) construction method in Theorem 6 only
works for a super edge-magic total graph with the magic constant
k = (5p + 3)/2. There are several graphs of p vertices known to have
the magic constant (5p + 3)/2, such as odd cycles and paths with
odd number of vertices.
Let C(n, s) be a graph contructed from path Pn of n vertices
by adding s pendants to each vertex of Pn . Let us call C(n, s) by
a caterpillar with s legs. We know that C(n, s) is super edge-magic
total [5]. The following corollary shows one way how to label this
graph so that super edge-magic total.
Corollary 2 For odd n and s ≥ 1, the graph C(n, s) is super edgemagic total.
Proof. Take a super edge-magic total labeling for path Pn , for odd n,
with the magic constant (5n + 3)/2, namely label the vertices in the
odd positions of Pn from left to right consecutively by 1, 2, · · · , (n +
1)/2; And then label the even positions from left to right consecutively by (n + 3)/2, (n + 5)/2, · · · , n; Next, it is easy to label all the
edges of Pn so that we have a super edge-magic total labeling.
Apply Theorem 6 to Pn . Denote the resulting graph by C(n, 1).
For i = 1, 2, · · · , s − 1, apply Theorem 6 repeatedly to graph C(n, i)
and denote the resulting graph by C(n, i + 1). In the final result, we
have a super edge-magic labeling for C(n, s).
Let Tp be a tree of p vertices, for p ≥ 3. For h ≥ 1 we denote
by Tn + Ah a graph which is obtained by adding h pendants to one
vertex of tree Tp . Then, we have:
Theorem 7. From any super edge-magic total tree Tp with the magic
constant k = 2p + 1 + s, for some s ∈ {1, 2, · · · , p}, we can construct
a new super edge-magic total tree Tp + Ah .
E.T. Baskoro, I W. Sudarsana and Y.M. Cholily
Proof. Apply Theorem 2 to Tp h times by attaching a new pendant
each to vertex whose label k − 2p − 1.
By using Theorem 7 we can obtain a class of trees which is super edge-magic total from just one super edge-magic total tree. For
instances, the tree in Fig. 2(b) is obtained by applying Theorem 7
to the tree in (a). This theorem provides more facts to support the
correctness of the Conjecture proposed by Enomoto et al. [1].
Fig. 2. The tree in (b) is formed from the tree in (a) by using Theorem 7.
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