r, 80 te 25 gis 1Re -36 To 800 - ll 1 present: Ca and What Does It Take to Become One of Canada’s Top 100 Employers? 2004 TOP EMPLOYER SUMMIT MARCH 11 - 12, 2004 • PARK HYATT HOTEL • 4 AVENUE ROAD, TORONTO THE “MUST-ATTEND” HR EVENT OF THE YEAR In this two-day conference, you will: Meet the key writers and decisionmakers behind the annual Canada’s Top 100 Employers competition. Hear directly from over 20 senior HR managers on this year’s “Top 100” list about their most innovative HR programs. Interact with leading academic thinkers on how human resources policies now influence corporate strategy. Hear from practice directors at Canada’s leading HR consulting firms on future directions in recruitment and retention. Leave with a step-by-step guide on what you need to do to become one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers. HEAR SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES PROFESSIONALS FROM LEADING “TOP 100” EMPLOYERS: Bank of Montreal Merck Frosst General Dynamics Canada Great-West Life University Health Network Rogers Communications Halsall Associates Frank Russell Canada Ernst & Young LLP Crystal Decisions Wardrop Engineering Epcor Utilities Inc. Cascades Inc. Shell Canada SaskTel TDL Group KPMG LLP VanCity Canada’s most comprehensive conference on how to become a top employer. Hear from the experts: Richard N. Bolles, renowned speaker and author of the world’s most popular career guide, What Color is Your Parachute. Richard W. Yerema, author of Canada’s Top 100 Employers and best-selling career author. Dr. Barbara Moses, career guru, best-selling author of What’s Next and President, BBM Human Resource Consultants Inc. Anthony W. Meehan, creator of Canada’s Top 100 Employers and the Publisher of Mediacorp Canada Inc. Over 35 industry-lea speakers — ding one conferenall at ce! James Deacon, Assistant Managing Editor at Maclean’s Magazine responsible for the Canada’s Top 100 Employers annual feature story. Katherine Macklem, National Business Correspondent for Maclean’s Magazine and writer of their cover story on Canada’s Top 100 Employers. Dr. Daniel A. Ondrack, Academic Director & Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Dr. Jeffrey Gandz, Director of Executive Education & Leadership Professor, Richard Ivey School of Business Administration, University of Western Ontario. Chris Pinney, Director, Canadian Centre of Philanthropy’s “Imagine” Program. GALA RECEPTION: Conference delegates also receive a complimentary ticket to this year’s gala reception for Canada’s Top 100 Employers, held at the same time as the conference. SPACE IS AT THIS CONFERENCE IS LIMITED: Avoid disappointment — register today by calling 1-800-361-2580 or register online at http://www.EmployerSummit.ca. Sponsored by MEDIACORP CANADA CONFERENCE PROGRAM Thursday, March 11, 2004: 7:30 am — 8:30 am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:30 am — 9:00 am Opening Remarks from the Co-Chairs The first part of today’s session will focus on three “big picture” themes: (1) Why do human resource policies matter so much in employees’ lives? (2) Why are these policies becoming increasingly integrated with corporate strategy? (3) Why are the public and media paying so much attention to these issues? ANTHONY MEEHAN, Publisher, Canada’s Top 100 Employers RICHARD YEREMA, Author, Canada’s Top 100 Employers 9:00 am — 10:30 am KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: “Change Your Organization, Change the World: Why Human Resource Policies Matter in Employees’ Working Lives” Richard N. Bolles, the renowned speaker and the world’s best-selling career author, will make a feature presentation on the new role of employers — and the managers who set human resources policies — as positive agents of change in employees’ lives. Never before have employers been presented with so many opportunities to change their employees’ lives for the better — and become far more effective organizations in the process. This is a rare opportunity to hear the world’s leading authority in the field discuss a subject that has become his life’s mission. This feature presentation should not be missed. RICHARD NELSON BOLLES, Author, What Color is Your Parachute? 10:30 am — 10:45 am Refreshment & Networking Break “A Taste of France” — This short coffee break features pastries and refreshments from la belle France. Brought to you by Alliance Française. 10:45 am — 12:15 pm “Understanding the Strategic Importance of Being a Top Employer” Becoming an employer of choice is more than just a nice award — it has strategic con- To register, call 1-800-361-2580 or visit http://www.EmployerSummit.ca sequences that reach deep within your organization. Research shows that top employers not only outperform their competitors in the marketplace — they also attract the leadership talent needed to sustain this competitive advantage. In this thought-provoking session, two of Canada’s leading academic thinkers make the case for becoming a top employer. You’ll leave this session with the evidence needed to convince the rest of your executive team that becoming an employer of choice is a matter of strategic importance for every part of your organization. DR. DANIEL A. ONDRACK, Professor of Organizational Behaviour & Academic Director, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto DR. JEFFREY GANDZ, Director of Executive Education & Leadership Professor, Richard Ivey School of Business Administration, Univ. of Western Ontario 12:15 pm — 2:00 pm Luncheon With the Media: “Why Good Employers Now Make the Headlines” Interesting and innovative workplaces are increasingly in the news. In what promises to be a frank and animated exchange, Canada’s leading broadcasters and journalists in the field offer their insights on why good employers are making headlines — and what your organization can do to increase its profile. Questions & Answers will follow. Moderator: J AMES DEACON , Senior Editor, Maclean’s Magazine & Editor in Charge of their “Canada’s Top 100 Employers” Cover Story Media Panel: 2:30 pm — 2:45 pm Remarks from the Co-Chairs The next section of the conference consists of eight working sessions that focus on the key areas that distinguish organizations selected for Canada’s Top 100 Employers. Each session is introduced by a leading Canadian specialist in the field. They are followed by case studies from HR professionals at “Top 100” employers with remarkable programs in these areas. 2:45 pm — 3:45 pm “Don’t Show Me the Money: Improving Vacation Allowance and Paid Time-Off” Ask employees what they most want to improve at work and you’ll always get the same answer: more time-off. This stimulating session will change the way you think about vacation policy, time-off and new “earned days-off ” programs — and introduce you to three remarkable employers that are changing the rules in this field. Introduction: SUSAN BOWYER, Consultant, Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Toronto “Top 100” Case Studies: KAREN BRISCOE, HR Manager, Frank Russell Canada Ltd., Toronto BOB LANE, Vice-President, Human Resources & Corporate, CUETS, Regina PETER CONNELLY, VP, Human Resources, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Toronto 3:45 pm — 4:45 pm “The New Role of Training: Building a Sustainable Competitive Advantage” KATHERINE MACKLEM, National Business Correspondent, Maclean’s Magazine & Journalist for their “Canada’s Top 100 Employers” Cover Story Progressive training and development policies are increasingly seen as competitive tools, both in recruiting the best employees and in the marketplace. Explore this new world with three remarkable employers that have taken training to new levels. DIANNE BUCKNER, Host & Sr. Producer, CBC-TV “Venture” Introduction: KENNETH KIDD, Business Editor, The Toronto Star JUDITH TIMSON, Columnist Careers Section, The Globe and Mail DR. ANDREA PLOTNICK, National Expertise Director, The Hay Group “Top 100” Case Studies: JUDITH LACROIX, Manager, Recruitment & HR Development, CAE Inc., Montréal 2:00 pm— 2:30 pm Refreshment & Networking Break MARY KRESSIN, Director, Institute for Learning, Bank of Montreal, Toronto “Viva Italia!” — This short break features biscotti, coffee and refreshments that bring to mind “la dolce vita”. Brought to you by the Italian Cultural Institute. ADAM WELLWOOD, Manager, Recruitment & Retention Programs, Rogers Communications Inc., Toronto Thursday, March 11, 2004 (cont.) 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm Gala Reception, Park Hyatt Hotel 4th Annual Top Employers Reception Join CEOs and senior human resources managers from the 100 finalists in the 2004 edition of Canada’s Top 100 Employers for a gala reception with members of the media. This annual event brings Canada’s leading employers together with the book’s editorial team, journalists and senior members of the civil service. Complimentary drinks, hors d’oeuvres and live background music make this an evening not to be missed. (Reception is also open to conference delegates.) Special Guests of Honour: WAYNE WOUTERS, Deputy Minister, Human Resources & Skills Development, Canada DR. BARBARA MOSES, Bestselling Author & President, BBM HR Consultants Inc. HOSTED BY CERIDIAN CANADA LTD. “Top 100” Case Studies: “Top 100” Case Studies: KEITH BOWMAN, Canada People Team Leader, Ernst & Young LLP, Toronto ROSALIE FOYLE, Director, HR Business Partnership, Merck Frosst, Montréal DONNA WILSON, Vice-President, Human Resources, VanCity Savings Credit Union, Vancouver JAMES POPEL, VP, Human Resources, Wardrop Engineering Inc., Winnipeg 9:45 am — 10:45 am “Beyond the Bonus: Financial Benefits as Part of a Total Rewards Program” Top employers are increasingly taking a holistic approach in developing their total rewards strategies, encompassing more aspects of employees’ lives. By thinking “outside the box”, these organizations are using financial benefits to attract and retain the talent they need to thrive. Introduction: WENDY POIRIER, Consultant, Towers Perrin “Top 100” Case Studies: Friday, March 12, 2004 7:45 am — 8:30 am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:30 am — 8:45 am Opening Remarks from the Co-Chairs The morning session will focus on improving your organization’s health, financial and family-friendly benefits. Three working sessions will highlight current best-practices in each of these important fields — and offer practical advice on how to transform your organization into one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers. 8:45 am — 9:45 am “Health Benefits Plans Get a Makeover: Crafting the Ideal Plan and Staying Within Budget” Once remarkable for their consistency across various employers, a bewildering array of new health benefits plans have sprung up across the country. These innovative plans go far beyond the familiar flexible benefits schemes. Some even allow employees to “trade” unused benefits for more vacation, extra pay or a charitable donation. That’s the subject of this enlightening and informative one hour working session. Introduction: BRENT KERSLAKE, VP, Major Accounts, Great-West Life, Winnipeg ERIC BEAULIEU, Corporate Human Resources Director, Cascades Inc., Kingsey Falls, QC ROSS HANSON, Chief Operating Officer, Park Lane Homes Ltd., Coquitlam, BC DAVID FULTON, General Manager, Human Resources Shell Canada Limited, Calgary 10:45 am — 11:00 am Energizing Fitness Break Namasté — This brief exercise break will be a led by an instructor from Toronto’s renowned ‘Downward Dog’ yoga studio. 11:00 am — 12:00 pm “The Vanishing World of June Cleaver: Family-Friendly Benefits Catch Up to Today’s Working Parent.” Forward-thinking employers increasingly view family-friendly benefits as a strategic tool to attract and retain the best people. From improved maternity leave to flexible work options, family-friendly benefits have emerged as the key distinguishing feature of Canada’s best employers. EMMA PAVLOV, VP, Human Resources University Health Network, Toronto 12:00 pm — 1:30 pm Working Lunch: “Why Good Corporate Citizens Are Often Great Employers” One of the most thought-provoking findings from Canada’s Top 100 Employers is that employers who take a broader view of their responsibilities to the community are almost always better places to work. HR professionals increasingly are becoming involved in their organizations’ charitable programs. These programs actively involve employees and, in the best cases, make the most of their employees’ skills. Introduction: CHRIS PINNEY, Director, Canadian Centre for Philanthropy’s “Imagine” Program “Top 100” Case Studies: ROBERT MURRAY, President, MSM Transportation., Bolton, Ontario BRIGID PELINO, Vice-President, Human Resources, TDL Group, Oakville VANDA CONWAY, Manager, Strategic Planning & Staffing, SaskTel, Regina 1:30 pm — 1:45 pm Energizing Fitness Break Join instructors from Roots Canada’s new Yorkville fitness studio for an exercise break. 1:45 pm — 2:45 pm “Getting Employees Engaged Through Innovative Performance Management” As more is learned about what drives employee engagement, progressive employers are tailoring their performance management programs not only to focus and direct employees’ efforts – but also to retain and motivate them. The traditional annual review has given way to a fascinating array of practices that will change how you think about performance management. Introduction: DAVID NEILLY, Consultant, Towers Perrin Co-Moderators: “Top 100” Case Studies: SARAH MOORE, Senior Editor in Charge of the CT100 Canada’s Top Family-Friendly Employers Project, Today’s Parent Magazine BRIAN K. HUGHES, Director, Organizational Effectiveness, Halsall Assoc., Toronto PAMELA P. JEFFERY, President & CEO, The Jeffery Group Ltd., Founder, The Women’s Executive Network MARY FITZGERALD, National HR Director, KPMG, Toronto ROBERT ARMSTRONG, Senior VP, HR, Epcor Utilities, Edmonton Friday, March 12, 2004 (cont.) Introduction: 2:45 pm — 3:45 pm “Unsung Hero: Is Culture the Most Effective Recruitment & Retention Tool?” PETER BROMLEY, Founder First Light PMV Inc., Toronto Could it be that the culture of an organization is the main reason why talented people choose to join and remain there? From employee hockey teams to regular family social events, building a vibrant culture has remarkable consequences for recruitment and retention. Join us for a thought-provoking examination of why culture really matters — and the practical steps human resources professionals can take to harness its power. JANE MCVEIGH, Vice-President, Human Resources, General Dynamics Canada, Ltd.,Ottawa “Top 100” Case Studies: JACKIE BOHEZ, VP, Strategic Resource Development Telvent Canada Ltd., Calgary NIKKI WATKINS, Worldwide Director, Learning & Development, Business Objects SA (formerly Crystal Decisions, Inc.) Co S nf pe er c en ia ce l Ra te Stay at the Park Hyatt and receive a free spa session at the hotel’s renowned STILLWATER SPA, courtesy of conference organizers. You’ll receive a voucher for a 30 minute session when you check in to the hotel. Please call the spa at 416-926-2389 to reserve a time. YONGE ST. QUEEN’S PARK AVENUE ROAD The Globe and Mail calls the book “an instant bible for human resources professionals”. At bookstores across Canada: Call us toll-free at 1-800-361-2580 Online at www.employersummit.ca Fax this form to 416-964-3202 d, rly ite Ea im er s L ist e i eg ac R Sp ease Pl So Four Easy Ways to Register: Mail this form to: Mediacorp Canada Inc. 21 New Street Toronto, Ontario M5R 1P7 Photocopy for multiple delegates • Register 3 delegates at once, receive 4th registration free DELEGATE NAME COMPANY / ORGANIZATION ADDRESS CITY PROV POSTAL CODE FAX Registration fee: $1,895 plus GST Includes all conference sessions, breakfasts, refreshments, luncheons, materials and Gala Reception. Visa MasterCard Amex CREDIT CARD NUMBER Bill Us P.O. #: CARDHOLDER NAME Cheque Enclosed — Please make payable to “Mediacorp Canada Inc.” All registrations will be confirmed. Delegates will receive a registration package prior to the conference. Conference Materials will be provided to delegates at no charge at the start of the conference. These materials, prepared in advance by conference speakers, summarize the key topics each speaker will address. If you cannot attend the conference, you may purchase these materials ($195 plus tax) by calling 1-800-361-2580. Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities are available for this conference. For details, call Vivian Lui at 416-964-6069 or email vivian.lui@mediacorp2.com Fly Air Canada to this conference and save up to 35%. Call your travel agent or Air Canada’s special reservations line at 1-800-361-7585 and quote #CV042099. EMAIL ADDRESS PAYMENT INFORMATION 4:30 pm — Conference Concludes Prepare for attending the 2004 T OP E M PLOYER SUMMIT by reviewing a copy of 2004 Canada’s Top 100 Employers. All conference proceedings and the Gala Reception on Thursday evening will take place at the PARK HYATT HOTEL, located at 4 Avenue Road in Toronto’s fashionable Yorkville district. DAVEN Book your room before PORT RD. February 11th and get a special delegate rate of YORKVILLE AVE. PARK HYATT $199 per night — a $70 TORONTO CUMBERLAND ST. saving. To reserve, call: BLOOR ST. WEST ROYAL 416-925-1234. Request ONTARIO MUSEUM special rate for “2004 Top Employer Summit”. COLLEGE ST. TELEPHONE Exclusive to this conference, the organizers of the Canada’s Top 100 Employers competition will share their insights on this year’s competition and look ahead to the 2005 edition. Discover their unpublished industry-by-industry “cut-off ” points for this year’s Top 100 list. Get a glimpse of the remarkable new features that will be incorporated into next year’s edition. To register, call 1-800-361-2580 or visit http://www.EmployerSummit.ca REGISTRATION INFORMATION DELEGATE INFORMATION 3:45 pm — 4:30 pm Closing Remarks by Co-Chairs: “Whither Janus? Reflections on the Canada’s Top 100 Employers Competition” EXPIRY DATE SIGNATURE GST #134051515 • PBN #134051515PG0001 Cancellations & Refunds. Delegate substitutions are permitted until the conference begins. To arrange a replacement delegate, fax the details to Karen Chow at 416-9643202. If you cannot locate a substitute, please notify us in writing at least 30 days prior to the conference and a credit voucher will be issued for the full amount paid. (The voucher is redeemable against any product of Mediacorp Canada Inc., including next year’s conference.) If you prefer, you may request a refund of the amount paid, less a 15% service charge. No credit or refund is provided for cancellations received less than 30 days before the conference begins. Limitation of Liability. The conference organizer reserves the right to amend this program, make speaker changes and cancel this conference. If the conference is cancelled, the organizer shall refund all registration fees paid, but shall not be liable for hotel, airfare or other costs incurred by delegates.
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