HARMONY HOW-TO How to be agreat barbershop baritone oW to be a great baritone starts with how to be a bet do the reverse: ge t quie ter for six and then getting ter baritone. Application of the below principles can loude r for six. Repeat at half steps up or down as enhance your enjoyment of the hobby and will make needed. Nex t, try more adva nced versions where barbershop harmony more enj oyable for those with you become stead ily more bass-like or more tenor like for those first six bea ts. Notice the repeated use whom you sing. These tips are directed to the quartet of "sl ightly. " Neve r sing to any extreme that intro baritone, but most of them apply to chorus work, too. ~ duces tension or stra in. Sing as loud or soft (or ~. as bass- o r teno r-like) as you can while keep At·home preparation ing yo ur to ne relaxed and pretty. The best thing you can do is to strive to consistently create a beautiful tone Making the most of rehearsal that is freel y produced and well sup N ow comes the really fun stuffl A q uartet bari's main role is to weave the threads of three dif ported. You must be more aware of what's going on as the quartet sings and ferent duets into the fabric of the quartet's unit grow your ability to have your voice behave sound. Bari is barbe rshop harmony's most unique voice pan. At any moment in the song, you should be as you'd like. Most of your effort needs to be spent at ready to duet with yoW' bass, lead or tenor. At rehears home in preparation. Once that becomes habit, you can do some very enj oyable work at q uartet rehearsal. al, take the time to duet each song with each part. Learn some music theory. Your awareness will grow Bass duet. Become aware of how yo ur proximity tremendously when you study you r music. Leam what to his notes changes th roughout the song. As you ap part of eac h chord you're singing. This helps with proach his notes, try to have your voice sow1d as much like his as it can while singing relaxed and in good tW1ing, but mainly teaches you how to balance each q uality. (That tip alone goes a long way.) A lso, as your chord so it'll ring. The Society's Theory ofBarbershop notes approach the bass notes, try to match his vol Harmony publication (Harmony Marketplace, item ume, which usually means becoming a bit louder. Be #403 7) is a good beginning. The H armony UniverSity music theOlY courses are also available for free at vvww. aware of when yo u're singing a root/5th relationship or an octave with your bass so that your great match on barbershop.OIg w1der the education tab. Learn and apply these rules of thumb. Sing a bit loud these chords really pops the oveltones. er the lower you sing and a bit quieter the higher you sing. Even better, sing more li ke a bass the lower you Your music Team At Work sing, more like a lead in the mid range , and more like AUDITIONING METHOD STA NDARDIZED AND SIMPUFIED a tenor in your uppe r range. Note the "pillar" chords, Te-nor. Le,Qd and 8ar.5 :liudhion . • 1 i or the held chords. Are you high or low in your range) . ~ . 1 ,l ,~;~ ) ~ \~ \~ • ~ I ~ ~ Adjust accordingly. Are you singing the root or 5th ":: I&'lt.j' t'--~' ~ -. I ? F I OJ I I f i of the chord) Then sing slightly more bass-like. Are • .. M.· ,; h3d • tl.larr.b. Ilt· tl< lamb. li t oe lnmb. you singing the 3rd or 7th or another less fo undational _ ~~'" 0note? S ing slightly mo re tenor-like. - ~ . VI r • S.. I I S..I I.. I~ ,'~_ 1= B Sing a bit every day. Only then will your voice be Le-ads ~i ll be: comidtrc d (Of membershi p i( thcy recognize the, melody. have as you'd like. Vocalize throughout yo ur range in a Tho!oe wbo ,,:(u3!1 't hi t the fi rst n(l(c after he~rini tht pi lch re,~i ... e b<mtli pciNJ.. Those who rc.:II d'l n\(:'U'wrt " :n P:-CP<'T key \to·ill be cons.idered (0:' s.~l i oQ !u ~ '(. free and rela-'{ed way. This can be as simple a5 singing Tc-nor! l... Bast'S mlk.i n, it to mQj.ure Z ....·ill be: c on~ e r e4 (Of m!mb<:rship. sca les, but be sure to stay loose. On the lower third of T t-.Ok makin g it to tf'.cUfJre J ""'ill be: con ~idcccd tOf S«li on ludt r. UI~ \boK m3k;. i ~s. lt 10 :n.u surc 4 will bc. .h<tspitaliz.ed immc:dilttly 'your range, rela-x and produce a ringing, bass- like tone (4Ift er ~ ign in & them up. of cou: t.c) . Barhon~ audition (simpUr:i('d) . without any pushing or tension. In the midd le third, ~I~' &/" --"" r:: focus on making a lead-like sound that rings and is st ill ~~~ ,~ ~~. ~ . ,,~ , Richard warm and pretty. Most of us struggle with our upper . .. l,.Ob .. • \ ~ ~~I':\ v -c=:: Lewellen range, which needs the most relaxation as you produce ~ ~( ' :~"";'-='" I' IJ!..--:---" l~~-~: ~p-§¥E~~'L-v Harmony a pleasing, tenor-like tone. Again, sing quieter as you H .. j j" • IT Ufaculty, interna tional quartet medalist wilh Ripti de rrlewellen@ gmail.com 8 go higher. That bell-like tenor sound is idea l. Fine tune vocal color and volume. H ere's a useful exe rcise: start ing on C in your middle range , sing six beats on a count of 12, getting slightl y louder on each beat. On the last six beats ge t slightly quieter until on 12 yo u're back where you started. Then The HARM ON IZER c. MOl/ JUlie 2012 ~ .. ff ... ~~~:-ppp r~'ir~...ffjfjjjf~~'leJ~ -5T!§.l~l =- . ~- ! ! ;:;;;:=0 B~rilont"j : I I i$ eJ; ?C"C1cd Iholl U'lyonc ~ppl yin8 35 .a f».ri'0f'Ie- Ilrady k, now~ ifm :l-imple lill! t= :nlro. We \Io"on 'l ins:ul( ( he rr! by suppl YlOg (he- lt4'Q.)" dJ Origin unknown. If you know the guy who created it, we'd like to shake his hand . Lead duet. In these duets, you need to know when your notes are pretty close to his, when you're quite a bit below him, and when he's low and you're high. The closer you are to the lead, the more you need to sound like his twin. When just slightly above him, take a little of the edge off so he doesn't have to fight to be easily heard. When right below him, volume is less of a worry because the higher note is more easily heard; but still be sure to not out-sing him. When quite a bit below him, you're probably better off focusing on the bass duet. When he's low and you're high, you'll be keying in to the tenor. (Incidentally, the main reason any voice part duets with the lead is to sound more like his voice, to try to treat each word sound the same way he does, and to be exactly in synch with his tim ing. Duets help each part support the lead's artistic approach.) Tenor duet. Many fear this duet be cause so many tenor notes seem to clash with the baritone notes. If you strive to make this duet the most beautiful, your quartet will sOLmd wonderful. Again, be aware of when your notes approach his. When you're up near the tenor and the lead is down near the bass, try to sound like your tenor. In the trademark Bar bershop 7th Chord, the tenor has the root of the chord, the baritone (or lead) is one note below him on the 7th, the lead (or baritone) is quite a bit lower on the 3rd, and the bass is down low on the 5th. The singers of the root and 7th need to sow1d like twins and be equal in volume. Generally, the baritone sing ing near the tenor wcmts to match his tone and volume. Mark your music. Use highlighters of three different colors to mark where you should focus on the bass, lead or tenor duets. If it's not clear which guy to stick with, go with the lead. mid range, and a bass in your lower range. At rehearsal, you can fine-tw1e this to sound iike your tenor, lead and bass. If you also know what part of the chord you're singing, you can give a little extra to the root any time and strengthen the 5th of the chord, espe cially when singing below the lead. When weaving these duets through the song becomes second nature, you'll be able to focus on performing artisti cally from the heart. 111en you'll truly be on the path to becoming a great baritone. Cyber-Tune Classic The New Electronic PitchPipe Maintains puch With computer accuracy, but still delivers thai familiar "reed pipe" sound. Measures 1" x 2-3/8" x 3-3/4" Uses 9-volt battery Available in C and F keys $5995 + $5.00 Shipping Optional beH clip available INDEMAC, Inc. Compuier Products Div 10615 Monroe Drive Keithville, LA 71047 318-925-6270 145 Society chapters already on board Is your chapter on board yet? Groupanizer will help you add members and sing better in less time • ~rOUranlzer than ever before! Helping Gro"p, Change The World Be sure the lead is always heard. Sometimes, everyone is low and the lead is below you. Here you Just need to make sure that the lead is easily heard. Sometimes everyone is up high and the temptation is to sing really loud. You don't need to. Just sing as rela'Xed and pretty as you can. Summary You'll tend to sound more like a tenor in your upper range, like a lead in your lvloy/lul1e 2012 The HARMONIZER 9
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