Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG more than an Export Credit Agency Ferdinand Schipfer Belgrade, 19 March 2013 appealing business partner Austria strong economy at the heart of Europe many flexible SMEs with cutting edge technologies diversified and vibrant foreign trade community popular central headquarters location Vienna Airport - the leading hub to / from CEE decent foreign trade-support facilities offered mainly by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA (AWO / WKO) Austrian Gvt. and OeKB group of companies 2 Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG established in 1946 activities services for the Austrian foreign trade community (largely on Gvt.’s account) and the Austrian capital market total equity EUR 600 mn (12/11) total assets EUR 38 bn (12/11) staff approx. 400 owners private credit institutions 3 OeKB architecture insurance/guarantees a n d financing --> one stop shop: almost unique in continental Europe total guarantees outstanding: approx. EUR 35 bn (12/2012) total financing volume: approx. EUR 25 bn (12/2012) OeKB-funding based on Aaa-Rating (Moody‘s) and AA+ (S&P) respectively OeKB as quasi-sovereign issuer 4 Wide range of instruments 1. export credit or investment insurance a n d 2. financing (indirect, it is via banks) o f short and medium/long term supply contracts and export credits Austrian foreign direct investments tangible production a n d services (except nuclear and defence) pre-shipment a n d credit period sovereign and sub-sovereign buyers/guarantors, transactions backed by banks, corporate risk business, project financing purely Austrian projects a n d multi-sourcing deals bonds and counter guarantees ... 5 Export and investment guarantee portfolio by regions – 12/2012 4% 4% 1% 9% 29% Asia CEE countries turnover guarantees 13% Turkey Africa Latin America 40% other countries 6 Export guarantee portfolio by industrial sectors – 12/2012 metal and metallurgy 8% 1% 2% energy and electrical industry 22% 12% traffic, transport, vehicles water and environment construction industry 3% pulp and paper industry 7% 22% 7% chemical and plastic industry telecommunication 7% 11% agriculture and food other goods and services ohter machinery 7 OECD – Country risk classification (March 2013) (regularly updated at http://www.oekb.at) RISK Germany Hungary Korea Rep. Poland Slovenia USA 0 Hongkong Taiwan 1 Chile China Saudi Arabia UAE 2 Algeria Angola Brazil Azerbaijan India Albania Croatia Indonesia Bulgaria Armenia Egypt Mexico Columbia Georgia Jordan Morocco Philippines Kazakhstan Montenegro Russia Serbia South Africa Rumania Macedonia Tunisia Nigeria Turkmenistan Thailand Turkey Uzbekistan Vietnam Uruguay 3 4 CATEGORY 5 6 Argentina Belarus BosniaHerzegovina Iran Iraq Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Libya Moldova Pakistan Syria Tajikistan Ukraine Venezuela 7 8 OeKB’s financing scheme financing provided indirectly via commercial banks (“refinancing”; OeKB does n o t act as direct lender) financing in EUR or in foreign currencies floating EURIBOR based or on largely fixed rates for current interest rates please visit: http://www.oekb.at/en/export-services/Financing/interestrates/Pages/default.aspx 9 Business partner Serbia bilateral trade in 2012 EUR 800 mn; Austria investor Nr. 1 OeKB’s portfolio (export credits, FDI) over EUR 500 mn FDI-support dominating (telecom, finance, building material..) (disappointingly) few capital equipment transactions (concessional) Paris Club rescheduling agreement honoured in time good overall payment experience unrestricted cover policy 10 Austria and CEE historically strong family and cultural ties to Central Eastern Europe Austrian politics, industry, credit institutions and other service providers committed to region on a long term basis Austria (among) leading investor(-s) in lots of countries Austria as a gateway to the EU 11 Some more reasons to do business with Austria 12 Contact Ferdinand Schipfer Tel. +43-1-531 27 2610 Fax +43-1-531 27 4610 ferdinand.schipfer@oekb.at www.oekb.at 16
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