QUESNEL 6 A R I B 0 0 OBSERVER Siinday, April 17th, 2005 B3 B2 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER : Sunday, April 17th, 2005 Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bGClassifiedxom^^^w^ 3 Announcements 3 Announcements a n d ANNUAtCENERAt MEETING HOW TO PUCE A CLASSIFIED AD 3 Announcenieiil.s 3 Announcemenl.s 3 Announcenieiil.s 3 Announccnient.s QUESNEL GOLF COURSE, Phone S A L E TABEICLAM) All Accepted Business OpporturttlesCareers. Daycare- Edoeation— HdpWintedProfessional.. SUDsd HidesIWorfngVobRdeets — WorkWSntcd' Aocounttng:iAppBanc«sj. AutomoUvt. BufttbisSsrrleas. Ottering — CmpKtrt CMMCm—:— OMuilng.: ContiruelkM.. '•• EducsfelonrfMotlnQM Etodrie ; Esctntftoit FhtncaWortgsge.. Ksndynsn >iri » Honwimprovamsnl Hon* Support. HousiSMIng_ jMttorttL. Undstaplng/GMttonins: MtscciaiMOutSaryices.; Music Ussons Palming Pntng-. Photography.. Plumbing— -254 -258 J262 .266 -270 J-.274 .278 .232 ,28S -290 .302 i304 .306 .308 .310 .312 -314 .316 .318 .320 .322 .324 .326 .sa .330 .332 .334 .336 .333 .340 -342 .344 .346 -346 .350 .352 .354 -356 uuas -358 -360 -362 -364 -366 .366 ..404 ..408 -.412 -416 -420 -424 Condos...——..-c Duplex/Fourplex... -426 For Rent or Sale... -432 Halls/Auditoriums. ..436 „440 Houses— ; . ,444 Miscellaneous. Mobile Homes. 448 Modular Homes.. -452 -456 Rooms— Room 8i Board-460 Senkxs/RetlrementAccom.—.——.464 Shared Accommodation.... ——468 Storage. ..—472 Suites... „—476. Tourist Accommodation . ..».;.480 Townhouses—.-—— —464 ..468 Wanted to Rem. warehouses-.—...—-.-...;..-^ 492 . REAL ESTATE 500-599 Acre«geA.ots..-.—u—.——'-—506 ..512 Cabins/Cottages....... ..518 Commercial Business. Commercial Property.. -524 Condos....:—.— -530 DuplexA=ourples -536 Farms/Ranches... .542 For8aleorReM„ -548 Houses.——. -554 -560 Lakeshore-566 Mobiies -572 Modular Homes-. -578 . Open House — . -584 Out ol Town .590 RV sites .596 Townhouses- peisFARHeom •nraJlen. -606 .612 -618 -624 -630 , -636 -642 -648 • EqulpmentLoggingnrimbtr. HacMnsry Mining. -660 -670 -660 -690 Aktnll. -705 .710 -715 -720 -72S -730 -735 -740 -745 Am. BoirtsAlHlm. RVt. Rmlilt ySnowmobfles TIfadeffiwtp.. AUTDHOnVE 750-799 Ctnoplea —.—750 Cars. .„-,.—-.:.---762 -766 -774 Parts.—! -780 SUV*ft4x41-788 Thicto -792 Vtns/Bus«sHQTlCE3frEHPERSWXHH» Legal NoUcM Tenders 81S 830 ' All In Store stock Of Olfa Cutters & Blades OFF mm f price Use this space to promote and infomi the Quesnel readers. j M h reg. 'Q price 18 Coming Events QUILTING •QUILTINGI & RULERS BOUCHIE LAKE REUNION JULY 1ST, 2ND & 3RD. If you lived iri the Bouchie Lake/Milburn Lake area prior to 1965, you are invited to this spectacular event. Outdoor BarB-Q, seniors tea and much more. Please RSVP to: riarmstrong @ shaw.ca or call (250)249-5276 CRAFT PRINTS Ali in Store stocil of Olfa Rulers OFF All in store slock! ^O-price F O A M & iPlllOW FIBRE QUILT FILL BATTING FORMS All regular stock in several sizes OFF All regular Stock in by the metre OFF If P K O . Q U I U BAn All rcsular tiecli Ott fc reg. P price k reg. P price O T h e m o s t c o m p l e t e c o v e r a g e Reach over 24,000 readers per week $9.35 one Issue $13.49 two issues $18.46 six Issues $33.00 12 issues 20 word classifieds NO refunds: Plus GST Clip, Mail or Fax... 2. 1. 5. - .6.' ••••• 10. 9.13. ' 17. H. 18: FREE Items valued at less than $100 or pets to be given away will run Free for 4 issues. Observer & a r e a . . 5. 188 Carson Ave. Qtjesnei BC V2J 2A8 Ph: 992-2121 Fax; 992-5229 •. 4.- • 7. n. 15; 19. Address 12.'-' Post Code 16.. • • 20. . Additional words Please print your ad with one word per line. Add 26$ per word per Issue over 20 words. Bold Face type - double. Box rental $7.00. 0) Ph; Method of Payment D Cheque • Money Order oylsa "Print clearly and use dark pen for good fax reproduction" iSSEilEaiiia [amiiiii] QQQDiii!] •Dg^lSggm^DSgg GDHIilEI P- U 3 r^ = ^ • QIIESIBI DQQ lailli] 6 Anniversaries 6 Annivei'saiies A I R E - F L a i M D O O R C 3 E A R S 60tk "Sef/^ & Set 151 Reid Street •. 'Installations costs vary. Free on-site estimate. Jack and Agnes were married on April 19, 1945 and lived in Richmond, then moved to Quesnel in the Spring of 1957. Flooring Wholesaler Needs Cash Flow • Buy Direct Laminate....$.49 sq/ft. 12 ml laminate.....$1.99 sq/ft. Lami170 Auctions nate tile (from)....$.99 sq/ft. 1x6" knotty firor pine....$1.75 sq/ft. 3 1/4" oak. maple or bamboo pre HARDWOOD, LAMINATE & fin....$3.99 sq/ft, 3 1/4" JaEngineered Flooring Sale. panese cherry pre fin...$4.75 ONE DAY ONLY! May 7, Go- sq/ft. Oak, maple. ash quitlam. BC Call 604-325-2253 engineered....$2.99 sq/ft. TONS or 1-888-599-2253. MORE! 1-800-631-3342. With love from all the family. 180 Coinpulei-s 30 In Meinoi-iain Classfied word ads for any item for sale under $100. C a l l 9 9 2 - 2 1 2 1 QUESNEL • CAItlBOO OBSERVER SINCI iao8 .www.ciucsnclobscrver.com 20 word maximum. Private party. Price to be statcci. Sorry no pets. WEWING ANNIVERSARy (^Anniversary 175 Buildin.u iMiiterials for generous gents for discreet encounters 991-6256. on your 7(/ceA^ Owe ^uMt mm T 70 Peisonals SEXY BRUNETTE looking P h i l l i p s April 19,2005 Call Now to Book Earlyl T H E a n d j a c k SDQ BQDg ggna *instailed (2 ton system) A g n e s WSM from m 6 Anniversaries [aiSQaGlI \ S ! S M Q S S n Q D a K l > 11 111 i1 o " FREE internet posting, i An our word des* sltisds w potted' onttwbTtsmttat : bcdissffledxom^ Name ' cc -Energy Saving Performance - 5 year parts, 5 year compressor -1 year labour warranty c:c:>Avip.A,|ssiY o fQ u e s n e l QSEUDS When it comes to keeping cool and comfoilable, the Aire-Flo 10 air conditioner delivers on all counts! LOST: GOOD Friday, Cam Corderi McLeese Lake Rest area. Reward: 992-8526 R e c y c l e R e d u c e 6 Anniversaries Ane y o u i ^ i l y f o r a n o H i e r H O T SIIIIIMER? H P ' A C the Edkins St. area, (West Quesnel) Friday, April 1st. Male, Manx, cat 10 yrs old. Reward $25. 992-9267 OoFtmlTrri VJ'C^t.KVt.K IKE] (0 65 Lost & Found LOST IN iuujuj.fraserriuer.gmcanada.com To join the Website Directory, call LaRee at 992-2121. at Uie Royal Canadian legion upcoming event? ROTARY CUTTERS All in store stock of Clover Notions All in Store Stock ofOlfaMats OFF I reg. Apartments .. Bachelor Suite.. Basement Suita.: Cabins/Cottages.. Commercial : BoanBngFarm Equipment— Fewi&8eed»— Frti»ProduceMe«tw Hones Uvestock Pets iQUILTING' N O T I O N S uiiuui.dougiaslakeequipment.com Sunday April 24111,2005 at7:00pni Do you have an CUTTING EQUIPMENT FRRSER RIUER GM and Organizations HOURS: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday ASSOCIATION Annual General Meeting will be held Clubs, Groups DOUGtRS LRKE GROWERS Take notice that our ATTENTION or drop into our office at .188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, B C Poots/Spas. Roofing-Snowplowlng.. Uravel— TrucldngYard (Garden- COOPERATIVE Ladies' Kicker, April 24th 10a.m. start. A hole team scramble. Non-members $20.00, members $15.00 lunch included. To register call 2495550 992-2121 AWNPWCEHENTSH9 Aiinoune«m«i«» ..3 Anrtve«arie$™.——^.-6 ..-9 Blrth» ...12 Birthdays. -.15 Chwch.— Coming Events. .„ia ..21 Cofl^tulatlons.. ...24 Ensagement/Weddlng.. ..27, Funeral Dfrectflfy _.„..; .30 InltenoflamJ -33 (ftltuaries -36 Hunks. PERS0NAt,?0-99 Business personals— .—.....55 He«ltWBeairty__.~....-_.._.._.-60 Lost & Found 65 ..70 Personals. .75 Psychics.., -80 Singles. -65 TravelTours/Vaeallon. WflNTEPIW-149 -125 WantedMERCHANPISg 150-249 Antiques..-.™..——.....—-155 AppllBnces „ . „ _ . . _ . . ~ .-160 Alls S Crafts . _ _ - ™ - . . . . ~ . „ - . . . 1 6 5 Auctions™—-— 170 Building Materials 175 Computers 180 -185 Conslgnrnents-. .190 Firearms.. .195 Flrewood..»Mm .200 Fie« give-sway.. ..205 Fumitun—; .210 Garage Sales.. -215 Garden Equipment. -220 UisceOaneous -225 Music .230 Sporting Goods. -235 Tools — -• JMO IhKleor Swap- N O R T H CARIBOO R ftUR OF L O C n m E R C H f l N T S THRT VOU C R N U l S I T ON THE WE^ ^ [ [ J ^ - ^ Canadian Cancer — ^ ^ Society 'III 'MeinQty./'bv ^atmir In B.C.Yukon, The Canadian Cancer Society supports research, education and patient services. Mail gifts to: 332 Front Street Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2K3 992-6551. COMPUTER SERVICING & repair. Certified Technician. $20/hour. House-calls not available. Kevin 983-8019. Also : website design & photo-related services at www.trippy.ca ^ 12 Biithdavs 12 Biithdavs infee B f C r G r a n d m a C h r i s Offe I w a n c i w s k i Love from your : Srandkids, children/ soh-in-lavv and daushterin-laws and Grandpa Wally 205 Furniture NEW LOVE seat $300. 7478362 Please include n.ime of person DINING ROOM table /ciiairs being honored or name of /buffet/ and hutcfi $200 747deceased, and where to send cards. VisalMiistercard accepted.8362. J ^ You'll find It all in the Quesnel Cariboo 0\J^' . Observer. News, weather, sports, etc... '^'^ Call today for your subscription. 992-2121 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, April 17th, 2005 B5 B4 OUESNEL GARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, April 17th^ 2005 P h : 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com www.quesnelobserver.com ill 18 Coniiiii' Events B o n u s o f 2 5 A i r Affiles with purchase o f o n e these Maidta Bums Lake Kinsmen Club and Bums Lake Chamber of Commerce present of products 2005 BURNS L A K E TRADE SHOW April 22 & 23 msssm 3/8Cordless DiiU 14.4 Volt B o n u s of 205 Eurniture 18 C<)min<i Events OCCASIONAL CHAIR upholstered beige tweed, 31" wide $35. 747-2285 with p u r c h a s e of o n e these Qarant garden of tools Indoor booths stardhg at $350 Outside Space starting at $100 for thefirstpiece . each additional piece-$25 ,^ 11/8' R e c i p r o c a t i n g S a w 9-A Motor 24" Lawn Rake ^29.97 Round Shovel ^34.97 Level Rake ^32.97 Square Shovel ^34.97 Hoe-Cultivator. ^29.97 Home Based Business Alley - $100 R o g e r The world may change :; And .friends from . day LQ;day, but never will the • one I loved MOVING SALE: 125 Lambert St., Johnston Subdivision, April 17th, 8:30 - 2pm. Fridge, twin bed, lawnmower, snowblower & Household & gardening From memory .pass away. &nd\y forever cherished.; 215 Garden Equipment Gofie huL.not forgotten/ Garden Shovel or email: bldcoc@telus.net ^34.97- 1 21 Congratulations 1 20 Bonus Air Miles $4P and family 220 Miscellaneous 71/4- C i r c u l a r S a w 25 Bonus Air Miles Love Linda 1997 JOHN Deere, self propelled lawnmower, Excellent condition. $700. 992-7794 692-3773 1 with purchase of two 3.78 litre cans T of SICO Exterior Stain. 10 Bonus Air Miles with purchase of two "Nobela"OutdoorWall Lanterns ••imer a l f .o r Gayland Johnson t o L e k e l J . at A p r i l $24M 33 Obituaries in Quesnel 33 Obituaries 1 19tk, p.m. Tuesday, 2 0 0 5 1 4 3 N . 65 Lost & Found LOST i n the E d k i n s St. a r e a (West Quesnel), metal required. Disassembled and ready to be moved. Call Peter 250-838-7455. 7am - 3pm $30.000 0 8 0 . - F r i d a y , A p r i l 1st. ALPINE 6 disc changer, Alpine 50wattX 2channelamp, Alpine cassette deck/ am/fm tuner. $18^250-552-9148 Reward $25. Panel Laiitem O B I T U A R Y To place an obituary tribute please call 992-2121. V / O O JDK V E/IV Offer ends April 26/05 Obituary tributes are $45/single spot. $75/double spot and RONi^ 992-2155 T R I B U T E S Proudly Canadian 450 J o h n s t o n A v e . $104/triple spot and Includes archiving on our Internet site. ONE YEAR OLD ALUMINUM SHED. 12' W X 8" D X 5" H. $250. 747-8362 PROPANE STOVE, counter top insert, Coleman 2 bumer 17 3/4"x 13" $55. 747-2285 STAINLESS STEEL single sink, no hardware drilled for single faucet. 20x20.5x7 deep $20. FOR SALE: futon black metal frame, c/w 6" mattress black & blue in colour. Excellent condition $100.00 call 249-5853 before 5pm. WASIT TO KXt0W ABOUT FISHING? Vfstt www.SouthCaFibM>Toa S HP craftsman snowblower. Good condition. $200. 9927794 Our Tsunami Victims' Relief Dinner was a great success and we ttianii our community partners; the Quesnel and District Community Arts Council . , and Quesnel and Distnct Arts and Recreation Centre. We also wish to thank the following businesses: City of Quesnel, Canboo Regional Distnct, Fox Dairy Farm, Pino'cchio Restaurant. Active Rent-All, CaryAII Books, H & R Block, Quesnel Art Gallery, Cool Creations, Quesnel Canboo Observer, Quesnel Adviser and Shaw Cable. Thank you.for donated auction items: Don and Pat Wahlstrom, Emily Alston, Darwm and Gail Netzel, Norm Beckman and the anonymous donbr of the dolls. Thank you for donations of food: QiiesneVShiraoi Twinning Society, Mr. and Mrs. Shushil Thapar, Rose Gaetz. Cathy Hemzelrtian and Paul Zeegers, Lucy Machado, Soin Holberg, Rebecca Beuschel and Bernice Heihzelman. Thank you to Rose Gaelz for decorating the tables. Thank you entertainers: Jotie Minhas, Eddie De Souza and Christine Allen, Caroline Jamhomaas, Anjeli Kauldher, Amrita Kaulder, Sean Smith and the Correlieu Jazz Band. Thank you to Marian Gillard and Eddie De Souza for organizing the entertainment and Joti Mmhas for being a wonderful Emcee. Thank you Eddie De Souza for operating the sound system. Thankyou Mayor Bello - Guest speaker. Thanks to Ron Paull for all the PR and to Ron and Pat for auctioneering and the 50/50 draw. Thank you cooks and helpers: Mr. and Mrs. Sushil Thapaj-, Rose Gaetz; . Soin Holberg, Cathy Heinzelman and Paul Zeegei^, Judy Easy, Lucy Machado, Rebecca Beuschel, Lorcnz'and Mary Gradnitzer, Maggie Ferguson-Dumais, Shauna Vaupel,.Quesnet Princesses - Ashley Kopetski, Jessica Mead, Victor Johnson, Pat Morton, Maintenance . Crew- Arts and Rec Centre, Pal Wahlstrom, Tania Fucceneco, Kim Heinzelman; Frank McKelvie, Earl Gillard, Fernando Risma and the Filipino Community, and anyone else, we may ,. hive missed! Besides benefiting the ^Ivation Army's Tsunami Victims'. ;Fund, this event generated awareness and interest in the' QuesnelMulticuItural Society. Please call Bernice Heinzelman at 747-1727 if you are interested joining us as we prepare for our •x;!;" next inulticultural event. Male, Manx cat, 10 y e a r s o l d . 992-9267 254 Business Opportunities HOME WORKERS NEEDEDIII Up to $1500/wk assembling roducts / stuffing envelopes, lo experience needed. Free information: Ref#7-702 www.homeworkersnetwork.com or Call 1-705-726-9070. B GAS PRICES Too High? You can save money on gas. For free info call or fax 1-866-2001304. TEST DRIVE Unlqua opportunity to own and operate a 2006 Pete with zero (Jw»n.\bu must have a minimum ONE YEARflatdeck highway experience atjie and willing to run CANADA / USA and possess good references. Steve or Andre (800)663^9 258 Careers TECHNICIAN SERVICE ADVISOR Kamloops Honda Is expanding and has career opportunities for a licensed Technician and an experience Service Advisor. Potential candidates must be dynamic, motivated team players dedicated to exceeding customer expectations. If you re interested in joining our team in our new facility, apply in confidence with resume; Attn: Sen/ice Manager, Kamloops Honda, 1308 Josep Way, Kamloops, BC V2H 1N6 Fax or Email to: service @kamloopshonda.bc.ca 250-3743656. FRASER BRIDGE AUTOMOTIVEa»> . COMPLETE ' Automotive Fuel Injection ' Fuel Injection Brake Qervice J^^^0Vf*>r/f^if^ w Owner - John Andrews 26 yrs. Autonfiotive Experience ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WIRING Thattjfyou again, everyone! Vacuum Sales & Service Bags • Belts •Hoses • PowerNozzels 6 0 7 D o h e r t y D r i v e • 9 9 2 - 5 2 1 1 ^^^STT C o a c k R j . , Q u e s n e l . 65 Lost & Found GRAD DRESS size 9 worn 1 time, Paid $500 asking $250 747-8362 Outdoor i ^tom the Quesnel (BMulticuUutal (Society set Of two Gypsum 36 Thanks Betkel Pentecostal C k u r c h , NichoiSs andN&l^yek of Sur/ey and STEEL Building Micheal BaldwiihofAskciroft accowipeINDUSTRIAL the 110'x66'x23' H Structural Steel engag^t of tj^r children^ ^ in good condition. Some sheet to take place^$^h4gust2006 1:00 at NEED-A-PHONE. $24.95/first month. Reconnection with no credit check, No one refused. Email: csr@need-a-phone.com Web visit: Need-A-Phone.com Tollfree at 1-866-444-3815. Wedding 33 Obituaries 33 Obituaries Flooring Wholesaler Needs Cash F l o w - B u y Direct Laminate....................$.49sq/ft., 12 ml Lamihate.......$1.99 sq/ft., Laminate tile (From)...$.99sq/ft., 1x6" knotty fir or pine...$1.75sq/ft.. 3 1/4' dal<, maple or bamboo pre fin...........$3.99sq/ft., 3 1/4" Japanese cherry pre fin ...$4.75sq/ft.,Oak; Maple, ash engineei'ed......$2.99s'q/ft. TONS MOREI 1 -800-631 -3342 THE RAGMAN BILLIARDS We buy and selland sen/ice pool tables throughout the Interior of B.C. Over 30 years experience. www.theragmanbilliards.com Phone: 1-250-372-2908. Toll Free: 1-800^588-4188. 100 Bonus Air Miles with purchase of $500 or more Gypsum Panel, Joint Compound Ceiling Panel. missed and always •.remembered.: : Burns Lake Chamber of Commerce (250) V e k v e d April 3 0 , 1 9 ^ - 210 Garage Sales Formore information or to book your booth piease call 21 Congratulations with purchase of "Townley" round or oval washbasin. M i l l a r d 6 PIECE oak bdm set (queen size) Good condition. $475. 992-7794 5 Air Miles 36 Tbanks In Loving Memory of COFFEE TABLE, walnut, 46"x20''x14 1/2" high. $35 7472285 NOW B o o k your booth 30 In Memoriam 30 In Memoriam Canisters • Uprights • Commercial 258 Careers SALES MANAGER OKANAGAN VALLEY We are a large Chrysler dodge Jeep Dealer located in the Okanagan Valley with a rare opportunity available for the right individual. We are seeking a Sales Manager who is a self-starter capable of motivating sales individuals and building on our success. If you have the horsepower to take over this critical position and meet our high standards as well as the desire to grow quickly with our compa-; ny, please send your resume butlinei your proven sales success, three references, and a separate write up describing the most significant impact you have had at your current ob, and fonivard to applytosales Qtelus.net. Only those individuals who adhere to high standards, believe in challenging their potential, and can adapt quickly in a fast paced environment need apply. 70 Help Wanted STEEL FABRICATORS. Bridge manufacturer in Armstrong B.C. requires experienced fabricators. Experience with overhead cranes, metric drawings and welding ability an asset. Fax resume 250-5469076. www.rgpidSPan-CQm REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Cashiers, Meat Cutter, Produce Person, Hardware/Grocery for busy Grocery Store in Yukon. Contact Denise or Terry at 867634-2200. Fax resume/References 867-634-2245. HIGHLY QUAUFIED Log Loader/Hoechuckers needed for Coastal Logging Camps near Campbell River. Union rates and benefits apply. Please fax resume/experience to Ted LeRoy Trucking Ltd. 250-2863661. Resumes kept on file 6 months. WANTED: , AUTOMOTIVE Technician, must have interprovlnclal number. Reply to Tire Craft 3943 Continental Way, Prince George B.C. V2N 5F5 266 lulucation TAYLOR PROFESSIONAL Training Services. Heavy Equipment Training. Class 1 & 3 Driver Training. Super "B" Training. Prince George and. Kelowna. Call Toll Free: 1-877860-7627 or 250-860-7624 www.tavlorprodrivina.com If you're uneniployed and want to start your own busiiiess, you inay be eligible for financial and technical assistance imder the jSelf-Employment Benefits Program. To find out more about this opportunity, call Marc St. Uurent at 991-5132 Spomondby | * | OMMpmnlCiiada n m ftoii s D l mm JATIICI S C I O O Register Today For The Next GLP Course Which Includes Free Training In BC's First Skid Control Simulator Starting May 2 Call Ron Craigmyji 7 4 7 - 2 1 3 © Now Offering Farm and Ranch Policies! AOMlianol da INSURANCEi. JOHRSnMI OBI • Macts (ID. across from the Post Office 333 Reid St. • 992-6611 B6 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSEVER Sunday, AprillTth, 2005 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, April ITlh, 2005 B7 THE III QUESNEL-CABIBOO Ph: 992-2121 258 Careers Call and ask about our Softeners, UV, RO, Chlorination, Iron & Carbon Filters, Arsenic Removal -..... ma. SERVICE INGRAM See your ads on-Ime! \vww.bcclasslfied.coin 258 Careers POSTING -AUXILIARY TRADE H/M\C 258 Careers QUESNEL, i 26 YEARS EXPERIENCE - FREE ESTIMATES! Ne^y &,Us«d Cabinets be$igrtrC6rt$ultatiOrt Countertqi^s CustomJ^iiiwork lnt?^M&rii$h 4-nL%:u%<orofVanW^Snls^ • 747-2642 • Fax-<^7i2642M 'The Sharpest Deals Around" N OR r H SAW REPAIR Complete Bandsaii & Round Saw Sales & Service & Sharpening *1Ve 1 I * I •I Sharpen EVERYTHING" • Carpentry Saws & Tools • Household Saws & Tools • Carbide Sen/ice • Knife Grinding • Mill Supplies • Lubricants . B.C. Millwright Vaiemount, between tiie Nortli Ttiompson Vaiiey, BC & Jasper, AB Innovative leadership and a commitment to the highest standards of environmental and operational excellence have secured Canfor its place as a national and global leader in the forest products industry. More than 100 people work in Canfor's Valemount forestry operations and specialty sawmill which produces 90 MMFBM annually, primarily for US and Japanese markets. This swing shift position calls for a team-player whose Millwright ticket is backed by several years' experience. Well-developed organizational and communication skills would be a plus. I WA rates and comprehensive benefits are offered, together with a progressive work environment where safety comes, first Valemount (www.ntvalley.com/ valernount). a growing community with the benefits of a smaller town, is located 20 minutes from Mount Robson Provincial Park (home to the highest peaks in BC) on the highway from Kamloops to Edmonton. SPECIAUZED SKILLS & ABIUriES: Successful candidate must possess the aptitude to learn and develop the skills and abilities of the Heavy Duty Mechanic trade, through supervised vocational and on-the-job instructiori and practice; the ability to successfully coniplete the Technical Training Program, the ability tb work with other employees and to take specific direction and Instructions from trade Jourrieynien on the Ob; willingness to learn and practice safe work habits, arid to participate in worksite safety in general. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please forward a r6sum6 without delay to; Canadian Forest Products Ltd. : Personnel Manager HMC Services Inc. #1031121 McFariane Way Merritt, B.C. V1K1B9 Fax: 250378^209 Application Deadline: Wednesday April 20,2005. , Donnie MacLean PO Box 189 Valemount, BC VOE 2Z0 Fax: (250) 566-9851 Email; d6nnie.maclean@canfor.com 1135B HIWV97 N (across from Co-opi • 992-9119 W W 266 luliieatioii W 266 Kdiicatioii HAZEL KRUMJS1 10 years experience Knowiedgeable Committed Caring A/ Are you researching training? V Are you looking for work? These are areas] 48 hours of theory and practical training Flatwater Canoeing Includes BC Recreational Canoeing Association Certificate River Rafting May 16-29 $1350 prepares students for the Federal River Rafting Class 1 Guide Examinalioni 14 full days Convenientlylocated at Helen Dixon Centre - across from Regency Chrysler - College of N e w Caledonia Quesnel Campus 488 McLean Street • 991-7500 • www.cnc.bc.ca The Government of Canada c o m 270 Help Wanted SECURmr PERSONNEL required immediately. BE S E CURE INC. expanding by public demand. Security guards, Alarm Installers, sales people wanted. Apply by faxing resume to 250-992-2597 or visit: www.besecure.ca Representatives needed in the area. Join our AVON winning team today and receive $30 worth of products • JEEEt tias contritHJted funding to ttiis initiative. your iianien... Canada I 'community Beginning September 2005 HAVE VOU been told. You are HEATING ESTABLISHED Company looking for careera great communicator? Does minded SERVICE TECHNl-; marketing and sales interest ClAN. Must be a qualified Gas- you? Great income and Opporfitter. We offer a competitive tunity. Potentials. Call 1-888salary and benefit package. Resumes to: Box 665; Smith- 765-4401 ext; 117. ers, BG VOJ 2N0. Atter)tion aU Professional and will be accepted from qualified applicants until May 2, 2005 Please contact the Regional OfTice for further information and to order an application package. 270 Help Wanted PACIFIC LOG Homes requires experienced log home builders. Piece work rates & MSP benefits. Fax resumes to 250-3953802 or call 250-395-4922. Attention Norm, LABORER WANTED at Barkerville Historic Town with Carpentry experience. 18 week position begins May 2nd/05. Send resume by April 2i2nd/05 by Fax or Mail" Attention; Reuben . Berlin" Fax; (250) 9943435 Mail; Barken/ille Historic Town, PO Box 19, Barkerville, BC VOK 1B0 I M M E D I A T E L Y CALL MARION 747-1746 lot Applicant must • Be physically fit • be able to organize work load • have clean drivers abstract • be friendly & courteous . Experience an asset but not necessary. Apply in person with resume to receptionist. REGENCY CHRYSLER 259 McLean St C O M P U T E R Area Due to expanding work, Bulk Systems is currently looking for trucks and drivers in the Quesnel area. 992-9293 T E C H N I C I A N Full time computer technician with the following qualifications required; • 3+ y e a r s o n t h e j o b e x p e r i e n c e i n r e p a i r i n g a n d servicing P C ' s , printers, scanners, tape b a c k u p s • Experience with W i n d o w s 9 8 / X P / 2 0 0 0 • S t r o n g b a c k g r o u n d a n d e x p e r i e n c e In n e t w o r k i n g - Novell a n d w i n d o w s Server Please fax resume and abstract to: . : . Are You Seeking a Challenging Career in Retail? Our Quosnel Outlet needs a higttly motivated, quicic thinicing, hands-on, and creative M a n a g e r We offer: • Competitive Salary • Benefit Package • Merchandise Discount Fax resume/cover letter/salary expectation Attn: Mark Vella Fax:604-583-2255 Email: marl(y@liquidationworld.com The Nazko Indian Band requires a: 1055 Hwy 97 N Quesnel, BC V2J2Y3 250-992-7855 fax D Financial Statements D E-Filing D I n c o m e Tax C o n s u l t i n g Fax 992-9223 Phone 992-5171 V 2 J 2N7 2 6 % Ampfiy l o Bed Head F HEALTH SERVICES ADMINiSTRATOR T h e s u c c e s s f u l a p p l i c a n t w i l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r all p r o s r a m F a r e a s o f H e a l t h S e r v i c e s as o u t l i n e d In t h e f u n d i n s a s r e e m e n t w i t h Health C a n a d a . Responsibilities i n c l u d e p r o s r a m a d m i n sovemment s h o p facilitation, p r o p o s a l w r i t i n s a n d s o o d oral a n d w r i t t e n C a r e industry a n d / o r in l o c a l s o v e m m e n t w o u l d be a n asset Se lek HAIR PRODUCTS while supplies last. but not a requirement. hair studio D e a d l i n e d a t e is 1 2 : 0 0 p m , A p r i l 2 1 , 2 0 0 5 . P l e a s e s u b m i t y o u r r e s u m e b y fax, mail o r email t o t h e f o l l o w i n s : N a z k o Indian B a n d 4 6 9 B A n d e r s o n Drive Q u e s n e l , B.C. V 2 J 5 J 4 Attn: Personnel D e p t . Fax: ( 2 5 0 ) 9 9 2 - 7 9 8 2 e m a i l : l e e @ n a z k o b a n d . c a N o p h o n e call p l e a s e . V^M' D A c c o u n t i n g Services 138 M c L e a n Street P r e v i o u s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n e x p e r i e n c e p r e f e r a b l y in t h e H e a l t h S o n s • Servmg Quesnel for 45 years Who wants to succeed In a discount retail environment where everyday is a new adventure! c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills. & 992-5615 =ABTHURJB . URROWS &(X). —-rationworl.i.com • G o o d c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills ( w r i t t e n a n d o r a l ) J a m e s 315St. LourenlAve. 992-2427 • D e m o n s t r a t e d skills i n w o r k i n g i n a n u n s u p e r v i s e d environment THE KIGHT PRODUCTS - THE RIGHT PEOPtE Complimentary, Consultation , a Sample Treatment E-Mail: chickadeeadventures@yahoo.com Website: www.chickadeeadventures.com v»v^y^y<r"*. » w » * * w ^ f^r^^y^x^ istration, b u d s e t s , liason w i t h B a n d m e m b e r s , Resumes only. No phone calls please. Closing date: April 22, 2005 The Gentle Way For Permanent Hair Removal .• • ''. . a n d n o n s o v e m m e n t liasons, c o m p u t e r a p p l i c a t i o n s , w o r k - • M i n i m u m education - 2 years CIS graduate i We offer an excellent pay & benefits package and a good working environment. Lease Operators: paid weekly direct deposit, parts, tires, fuel at fleet prices, fuel cards supplied, interest.paid on holdback, and quartierly safety bonus. • S t r o n g p r o b l e m s o l v i n g skills • A + certified Slieryl Martin =J Electrologist OPENTue.-Sat. "]B Trijnaccont 270 Help Wanted o u r vehicle •permanent hair removal for men & women Lease Operators & Drivers 604-795-5797 or contact our office during regular hours (8:00a.m. - 11:30p.m.) Monday - Friday 01-80O-665-O664 UNBC SOUTH-CENTRAL OFFICE 302-488 McLean Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 2P2 Phone:(250)991-7540 Fax:(250)992-3346 Drivers! -r-1 lit 1-1fri- M»b><ijrii«'MVMA ^lataibtfii^wvtu. QUESNEL ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC 270 Help Wanted Quesnel APPLICATION PACKAGES A R E AVAILABLE NOW P e r s o n t oo v e r s e e AVON Please call 983-6928 or 983-6900 to book an appointment MASTER OF EDUCATION PROGRAM In Quesnel R E Q U I R E D MOUNTAIN C A T FOREST Management is hiring experienced Silviculture Technicians. Certified Surveyors are preferred. Applicants should be self motivated and willing to learn. • Very good wiages for quality driven individuals. Phone; 9922427 or Email resume to mountaincat@uniserve.com Prepares students to work as fishing guides Columbia n I * u 'r- wwwquesneIobseryer.com 270 llel|) Wanted O u t l e t c a n f or EMPLOYMENT / WREER COUNSELLOR V Are you choosing a career? of i DELIVERY DRIVERS wanted. Apply in person at Niko's Pizza. Valemount Specialty Mill Qualified applicants are invited to submit their applications in waiting, containing a full desci-lption of their skills, abilities, and experience to: Freshwater Fishing The University Nortfiern British Plans to offer the Preferably employment background relevant to the mechanical trade(s). Good physical condition and health, and ability to work outdoors wtjen required. Ability to take and follow instructions properly, and to apply positive studying and learning skills, both on the job and in the.classroom. Ability to learn, apply and follow safe work practices. The training and experience components of the Apprenticeship Program include: Successful completion of the required Technical Training Program Modules (four), plus related technical courses, through the assigned Trade Technical Facility. On thejob training and experience in all aspects of , Heavy Duty Mechanics. Tfie pay structure during the Apprenticeship is as per the Collective Agreement. Wilderness First Aid for Leaders May 6 - 1 0 $500 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com 266 Education 266 Education jB^^ MECHANIC In order to tie considered for this training opportunity applicant must meet the following basic requirements: Proven mechanical aptitude and ability. •Completion of pre-apprentice training in the heavy-duty mechanical field. , Valid B.C. Driver's license (Class 3 minimum) and positive driving record. 266 lulueation P h : 992-2121 UfA POSITION HMC Services Inc. Nortti Cariboo Division (Quesnel), is inviting : applications from qualified individuals wtio are interested in a Trade Apprentice Heavy Duty Mechanic opportunity In Quesnel. Ttiis Apprenticestiip Position is a four year-program including sctieduled attendance at a Technical Training Facility, and successful competition of the technical Uade modules. This position is an auxiliary hire as per the Collective Agreement. KITCHEN & BATHROOM RENOVATIONS SPECJAUSTS 258 Careers APPRENTICE HEAVY DUTY ServlcesMncv www.quesnelobserver.com on Uie cutting edge Mon., Tue., Fri., Sat. 9am - Spm • VVed., Tfiu. 9am - 8pm 583 St. Laurent Ave. 992-9405 \4 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, April 17th, gOOS 89 B8 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, Apnl 17th, 2005 ^"'^ QUESNEU..CAHIBOO P h : <^24121 OVERHEAD DOORS lening Doors For Tbu" •All doors & iwindows • Professional renovations . • Residential • Commercial . •Industrial Jiff Rob Butcher Ph/Fx: 747-2904 % R e v i e w B e f o r e Y o u R e n e w Gayle Perison Ques-Cu Insurance Agencies L t d 253 Reid street 9 9 2 - 5 5 5 9 C C E S S BUSINESS m i N G H 270 Help Wanted offering up-to-dcrte courses in •COMPUTER SOFTWARE • BOOKKEEPING and OFFICE PROCEDURES 5A-651 Wade Street CallPatColboume - 992-8750 4. W C B Appeals Assistance £-Assist! Consulting & Support Services H H H B H H 270 Help Wanted 1 • inspection Agency d'inspection des alinnents EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FEED SPECIALIST INSPECTOR Positions in various locations in the Western Area. The CFIAis seeking energetic individuals willing to take on the challenge of ensuring that feeds from commercial and on-farm feed manufacturing facilities, rendering plants, feed retail outlets and feed ingredient manufacturing facilities are in compliance with CFIA acts and regulations. Salary: 547,541-560,155 per year. For further information on this position and how to apply, visit our website at: www.inspection.gc.ca. Search for Feed Specialist Inspector. Canada Serving Individuats. Non-profit & Small Business A l s o Providing; • G e n e r a l Public L e g a l l n f o • R e s e a r c h & Reports • Letters & F o r m s Preparation • G o u h s e l i n g & Referral S e r v i c e s {Consulting fees apply) Telephone 250-747-3213 Weekdays B.A. Kennedy-20+ Years Experience (Not a lawyer service) A S P E N P L A N E R S Aspen Planers Ltd. is a producer of SPF dimension lumber with a present annual capacity of 200minfbm. Our sawmill and planer operations are located in Merritt, B.C. in the beautiful Nicola Valley. Mild winters, isunny summers, numerous outdoor recreation opportunities and all amenities make this area an ideal location to live and work. BEAT THE SPRING RUSH- Certifled Millwright Certified Electrician Certified Saw Filer Production Employees GunvBepairs Brian mm Curry GETYOUR Lawn & Ganlen Equipment • A1V • IWotoroycle SERVICED TODAY m 747.2796 2391 Hydraulic Rd. Cell: 991J5501 E-mail! f^jckfbntOranrrti.rnrn 1 important In a dealership. Applicants must have Ford parts iaxperience, be highly • motivated, and have creative marketing ideas. Responsibilities include: maintainingjnventoiy, hiring and training of staff, being responsible for all dealership parts and other purchases and negotiating pricing with customers and suppliers. If you have recent expeirience and possess the above mentioned skills, you will be the successful applicanL Send resumes to: E-mail: Mike@iacObsonf6rd.bc.ca Fax: 250^-9909 C A N A D I A N TIRE C R A N B R O O K fully equipped 11 bay Auto Service Center requires a Journeymanniechniclan. Knowledge and experience in all areas of automotive repair. Unit rate, full benefits & profit sharing. Please apply with resume to: We are currently seeking qualified, enthusiastic individuals with a desire to work in a fast paced team environment for the following positions: • ilTl H H 270 Help Wanted P h : 992-2121 www.(iuesnelobservencom 1 H H B H H H I 270 Help Wanted AD COMPOSITOR Position UNITED ABOFJIGINAL HousVyAITER/WAITRESSES Drivers and Owner Operators ing Society is looking for experiWANTED. Apply iri person at Available in Campbell River. The Campbell River Mirror has Anvw Transportation Systems Inc. enced cleaning company or Ulysses. " a , part time position (approx. Is seeking qualified lease operators and professional drivers, for Immediate openperson to maintain apiartnient 22.5 hrs/wk) for an ind yidual at our Kamloops Chip division and the PART-TIME position. Curves with a minimum one-year crea-; ings building. Must have business Hope / Chilliwack area. We areoffering full Quesnel requires a person to tive/production experience in time employment along with competitive license, WCB, Liability Incompensation ianci ah excellenf tmck lease . the industry. The successful assist ladies during their 30 : surance and references. Recandidate will be skilled in In- program. The successful candidates must have a quirements are 15-20 hrs per. minute circuit. Experience with Design, Quark, Word, Photoclean drivers abstract; 'Super B" experiLease operators must have a; late week for cleaning of common nutrition & fitness an asset. Shop and have a good un- ence.. model tractor. derstanding of the printing proPlease apply in perspri with reareas, yard maintenance and duction process. Other skills Please send resume and sume to 535 Reid St., Applicasome unit cleaning. Please sub^ drivers abstract to: require the individualto work in tion Deadline April 29/05. mit your expression of interest a team environment, have highFax:250-374-0250 ly developed computer and typto United Aboriginal Housing E-mail: jobs@arrow.ca ing skills, be highly motivated Society at ;358Vaughah Street, and organized. Direct newspaIF WE could show you a busiFULLTIME/PART-TIME posi- per experience is an asset. Quesnel, BC. Must have all iri: ness that has exploded with no tion available, for licensed HairPlease forward you resume with fornriation into the office on or \ signs of slowing down & proven covering letter and references stylist. The successful canbefore May 15th. 2005. successful people through out by APRIL 25 to: Zena Williams, didate will possess a Canada. Exclusive territory for Advertising Manager, The WANTED: EXPERIENCED pet fashionable, professional imdistributors/dealerships, your inCampbell River Mirror, #104groomer for well established vestment will include territory age, good technical skills and a 250 Dogwood Street, Campbell products, tools, signage, grooming shop, Cornpetitiye River, BC V9W5C1 Fax: (250) commitment to customer sen/brochures & marketing. Excep- • wages. Fleply to Box G, c/o ice and advanced education, as 287-3238. Email: zenaw@ tional income, low investmient, vinewsgroup.com Thanks to all Quesner Cariboo Observer, 188 well as being prepared to work full training available, simple who apply. Only candidates seCarson Ave, Quesnel, BC. V2J Saturdays, Hair Plus provides lected for. an interview will be process can be run from home office. Countertop re-facing 2A8. • - ' . contacted. No phone calls quality products, numerous proven formulas & market has please. accepted it for over one year STORE DETECTIVE: fulltime training opportunities and an excellent working environment. now. Serious enquiries only, Cariboo region. We offer jgbod must sign a non-compete, fiDental and extended medical wages- & rnedical/dental benenancing available for the right are available. Application forms fits. Current security license people. Will put you on the are available at front desk. phone with successful people. holders or BST One and Two Please apply in person with rePhone Owner Direct 1-866-206grads. Please fax resumes to: Parts Manager 6948. . : sume to 371 Reid Street, Attenl-Corp Securities @ (604) 687Come to the beautiful Shuswap. Located tion: Jackie or Donna. in south central BC.Jacobson Ford offers WANTED: Graduate Mining or 8640 a modern facility, progressive ownership Civil Engineer, full time position and a huge market area. Salmon Arm is truly the best place In the worid to live, . for Kamloops based company. offering unequalled lifestyle and recreation Send resumes to: info@rcmi.ca i Canadian Food Agence canadienne or fax:250-828-1948., position of Parts Manager Is very 1 ACCESS YOUR F U T U R E TODAY! B B See your ads onTlme!Jww.bccIassified.c^^^ Having one or more of the following would t>e a definite asset: •Experienced MSR Lumber Graders • Previous Sawmill/Planer Experience • Occupational First Aid Level 3 • Lumber Grading Ticket • Forklift Experience We operate seven days per week and sOmc shifts would Involve working weekends. I.W.A. rates and benefits will apply to all positions. Please forward your resume to Aspen Planers Ltd. P.O. Box 160, Merritt, B.C., V I K IBS or fax to: (250) 315-4237 Attention: Jim Rosevear, Sawmill Superintendent We thank all applicants who show interest; however only those selected for an Interview will be contacted. Canadian Tire Attention: Rachel Vlachos 1100 Victoria St. Cranbrook, BC V1C6G7 WELDERS: Bridge manufacturer in Amistrong, B.C. requires experienced mig welders. Must be qualified with CWB or C ticket. Must have ability to interpret welding symbols. Fax resume 1-250-5469066. " DEALER/INSTALLER OPPORTUNITY with Flex-C-Ment.com. Flexible cerhent overlay system for vertical and horizontal applications over existing cement, wood, tile or drywall. CountryRockEnterprises @ canada.cbm or (250)335-0242. ESTABLISHED, B.C. Central Interior Wood Re-Manufacturing company seeks full-time Electrician: This position requires a motivated tradesman to oversee all electrical and control aspects of the sawmill, paneling, and re-manufacturing operations. An excellent benefit and wage package is available for the most qualified applicant. A British Columbia contractor's "A" ticket is an asset. Reply to: C/O Box "W", Quesnel Cariboo Observer, 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel. B.C. V2J 3W6 o r fax: 250-489-0957 R A N C H M A N A G E R P O S I T I O N Beaverdell Ranch, est. 1905, is seeking a RANCH MANAGER for immediate placement. Salary package commensurate with experience and expertise. Accommodation provided. Beaverdell Ranch has 700 acres deeded land, and adjacent crown range lease of 72,000 acres. Intensive irrigation on 325 acres provides approx. 2,000 t. of feed. Present herd of 150 cows/calves, is in process of building to 400. Two other employees report to the Manager, a lead cowboy and a farm hand. There is a complete line of new and topequipment. Provide a one page brief resume, including education, experience and previous employment with three independent references by facsimile to (250) 764-8706 no later than April 29, 2005. 270 Help Wanted See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com 270 Help Wanted 270 Help Wanted www.quesnelobserver.com Pros 316 Cleaning ALARM INSTALLER is reThe City of Kelowna is looking SEASIDE RESTAURANT on for a mechanic to diagnose, re- Salt Spring Island. B.C. seeks quired for the Quesnel area. pair, rebuild rieplace and adjust kitchen manager - wages negoCurtis-Elite Security Ltd. is BC's major and minor mechanical tiable. Bakers and experienced largest and most experienced equipment problems on en- line cooks $12 to $15 per hr. for independent full service security ~ gines, transmissions, rear ends, busy sumnier season. Email hydraulic systems, brakes, treehouse@saltspring.com or company, we are expanding our steering and pumps. Preventa- : fax 250-653-4836. , . operations into Quesnel. ...WITH T H E tive maintenance checks and Curtis-Elite is presently taking THE QUESNEL CARIBOO electrical servicing are also reCLASSIFIEDS quirements for this position. applications for a highly motiOBSERVER Qualifications: Permanent carriers are required vated individual with experience Call 992-2121 Variety of experience in the in alarm installations. You may for the following: maintenance and repair of cars, Whether you're looking contact us by calling 991-0886, : (Richbar Hlllr Red Bluff. trucks and heavy mobile equipfor the best bargains in through our web site at ment. Expertise in hydraulics Hanson & Abbey) new or used merchanand electronics. BC or Interwww.curtiselite.com, or by fax (10 Mile Lk, Best & Ritchie) provincial Heavy. Duty Mechanic dise, or you want to make (250) 564-0100 (Gassoff Rd) Ticket or a Commercial Vehicle extra cash by (Barkerville Hwy, Elgin, Mechanic Ticket (proof of ticket selling your unwanted HEAD CHEF and sen/er posimust be submitted with reMcLean, Omega, Schemenaur sume). Welding and mechanitions available at seasonal wilitems, the classifieds are Shaver & Svirallow) cal repair experience. BC Drivderness ; resort in Central BC. the place to do it! er's License - Class with Air May 6 - Oct 31. Full time R & B You'll find an incredible Ticket. (Agate, Beryl, Dragonview PI., included. (250) 243-2433 rainselection of vehicles, Please note: A 3rd and 4th Flint & Gook) bow® elysiaresort.com year apprentice may be conjewelry, furniture, real (Barker, sidered. WwW.eiysiaresort.com estate, antiques, rental Booth, Norwood, & Vernon) This is a CUPE bargaining unit (Norwood & Bradshaw) property, stereo position and offers a salary of A B C COMMUNICATIONS is $24.45 hourly, plus an excep(Westfraser, Ruric Spring & equipment and more! now hiring for the position or tional incentive/benefit program, Skyline) Retail Salesperson/Technician. including^ two-year vested regWe are looking for a motivated istered pension. Anyone interested in these Please fonivard your resume routes please call Jaicey at team player with retail sales exwith a current copy of your mo- 992-2121. perience, excellent customer tor vehicle driving record, qiiot-. service skills and related techniing Competition number 1183- PHONE DISCONNECTED? cal skills. This is a full to part 05 by April 26, 2005 to; Human Resources Department, City of Need service? First month $25, time position requiring Saturday Kelowna, 1435 water Street, No deposit, No refusal. Long shifts. Please forward your reKelowna, BC, VIY 1J4; Fax: distance 4.4 cents per minute. sume with a handwritten cover 250-862-3318 or via Email to: 1-866-747-3425 Dial A Phone letter stating wage expactations O b s e r v e r apply ©kelowna.ca The city will contact applicants • Inc. and references to: 248 Reid whom it wishes to consider Street, Quesnel. BCV2J 2M2 HELP WANTED: 2 people to within two weeks of the competition closing. Applicants not work with irrigation from May contacted within this period are 1st - Aug. 1st, 2005. Must be in 328 Finance/ 282 Tiitorinji thanked for their interest. good physical condition, will Mort^aj^e train. $8.50/hr. 40 hrs/week. Housing provided. Fraser River MOUNTAIN BIKE Mechanic NEED MONEY NOWl wanted at Panorama Mountain Ranching. Phone: (250) 989If you have equity in your home, Village. For a full job descrip1095. Fax resume (250) 989we can help! Can't prove inr tion or to apply to to: ^ ^ ^ ^ 1006. Also one person to opercome, slow credit, bank says vvww.panoramaresort.com or ate farm equipment, cropping, nol Call Rick Graves at Rick contact Adam Hopper at Graves & Associates. 1-604(250)341-3061. haying, etc.. 306-0891. T U T O R I N G ) A RETIRED couple to help arWANTED ESTHETICIAN part GET BACK ON TRACKI Bad ound our place and be caretakSpecializing in ers when we're away in time or full time with clientele. Credit? Bills? Unemployed? exchange for large log cabin on Majority waxing & nails requestNeed money? We lendll If you E. Kettle River, Westbridge, BC. ed. Terry 992-8101 M a t h • Physics own you own home - you 1-250-446-2761. qualify. 1-877-987-1420. PARTIME GARDENER - perwww.pioneenivest.com • High School fect for retired person, at RoMember of the Better Business • College DOUGLAS LAKE RANCH bert's Roost 3121 Gook Rd. ReBureau. • •Correspondence Senior Accountant . The Douglas Lake Ranch is a sume in person only. • Provincial Exam large diversified cattle ranch Preparation 346 .Mi.scellaneou.s arid multi-branch equipment BUSY ACCESSORIES shop needs experienced installer, audealership with gross sales of GnSnswyBicNic. Ser\ ices $50 million.. tomotive glass experience an 0J2M-00SI We are now accepting applica- asset. Class 5 driver license In tions for a Senior Accountant at G E T T H E most out of your adour Home Ranch headquarters good standing, Physically fit & litis personable a must. Qualified at Douglas Lake, BC. vertising dojlarl $47.00 . plus The successful candidate will applicants Only Please. Please GST ($.75 for each additional have a recognized accounting reply to Box "O" c/o Quesnel 290 Work Wanted word over 20 words) puts your designation (CGA, CMA, CA), Cariboo Observer, 188 Carson: ad in The Tribune (Williams be skilled with computers, have supen/isory skills, and be able Ave., Quesnel B.C. V2J 2A8 OWNER/OPERATOR butt-n- Lake). The Observer (Questo handle the financial reporting top log loader looking for work. nel). The Free Press (100 Mile WANTED: GREAT for a people for all operations. 30 years bush experience, fully House) and for 2 weeks Douglas Lake is 80 kni South person. Full time summer help certified. Please call and ask for CARIBOO-WIDE of Kamloops & 50 km North of at Robert's Roost Campsite. Sid or Holly at (250) 847-4628. Merritt. We are a self contained CLASSIFIEDS. community, with housing, For camp registration, house- ; References provided upon reWHATADEALI! school, store, and church - an keeping and campsite care takquest P H O N E 992-2121. ideal location for a young family ing. Resume in person only seeking a wholesome country 3121 Gook Rd., Robert's Roost lifestyle. In addition to excellent career Campsite. opportunities, we offer a very competitive salary & benefits EARN EXTRA income from .S.itunl.is. Aijj;iiM 2U. .'005 home. No salel No MLM! Risk package (including housing). .Suixlav, Octi.lH-r 1(>. iOOi You are invited to mail, fax, or free. www.achievefromemail your resume to: Jim Mc- home.com 250-396-4305 \o\.rtnhiT .''005 Gill, controller, Douglas Lake Ranch, General Delivery, DougHONOLULU Siina.n. Dcct'inlKT 11. JOOS las Lake, BC VOE ISO, Fax: PART TIME janitor, on call, ca.\l.irili JOOf, (250) 350-3336 or email: HY- sual work, will train. Criminal PERLINK '*mailto:info@doug- records: check required. Reply Walk or Run a 10 km, half or ftill marathon. laslake.com" to file "D" c/o Quesnel Cariboo info@douglaslaK9.cpm NO TELEPHONE CALLS Observer 188 Carson Ave,, Parlavr* la frmgwrnta PLEASE Quesnel B.C. V2J 2A8 1-80O-665-6526 x 246 • www.teamdiabetes.ca all t y p e s Gancrete of c o n c r e t e w o r k Call Rick far more info Mm <EsiJ5L9ts»siJIS9Ssn Major & Minor Collision Specialists AccTKttUd CoUliton Rapatr r PROBLEM GAMBLING SERVICES Counselling & Prevention Services Available At No Cost Funded by Ministry of Public Safety & SoliQtor General GR BAKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 992-8021 u^i/alfiabCe to tlie I Cowwunlty o f ^ •Activity Programs • Houselteeptng . • lleatDellveiy Program • YardWort( Quesnel •Home Support •TransportatkMito Appointments • Assisting wKh Errands Permanent & Respite Housing All Employees are Bonded 14 4,^ 865 A n d e r s o n Drive 992-7928 • 983-9383 email:melodymanor@shaw.ca • SPY WARE' ^ • VIRUSES ^ • SPAM ^ We've Got The Package For You! 2 4 8 Reid Street w4% 9 9 2 - 1 2 3 0 COMMUNICATIONS w w w . a b c c o i i i m . c o i i i
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