SERMON NOTES Sermon Series: Life Worth Dying For “Consistent Character in a Changing World” Philippians 2:12-18 Main Point: Christ-followers _____________________ _____________ by having __________________________ _______________________. Three commands for consistent character: Don’t ______________________ ____________________; ___________________________ ______________! (v12-13) Don’t ___________________ ; ________________! (v14-15) Don’t __________________________________ for meaning; WEEKLY CALENDAR SUNDAY 11/1 8:30 Worship Service 9:00 Mission Friends 9:00 Children In Action 9:45 Bible Study 10:55 Worship 4:00 Acteens 5:00 AWANA 6:00 Youth Worship 6:00 Evening Worship 7:00 Deacons’ Meeting 8:00 The NET MONDAY 11/2 10:00 WMU World Day of Prayer 10:00 Bea Walker Group 6:00 Youth Monday Night Football & Bible Study 7:00 Betty Sledd Group TUESDAY 11/3 9:00 Mother’s Day Out 10:00 Dorothy Group 7:00 Ladies Bible Study Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman WEDNESDAY 11/4 9:00 Mother’s Day Out 9:00 Friendship International 9:00 Ladies Bible Study Me, Myself and Lies 5:30 Fellowship Supper 5:30 Worship Team Rehearsal 6:00 Blood Drive 6:30 Prayer Meeting 6:30 Children’s Choirs 6:30 Prime Time 7:30 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:30 BFS Committee THURSDAY 11/5 9:00 Mother’s Day Out 7:00 Chemical Dependency Group FRIDAY 11/6 7:00 Youth Breakfast Club Noon Ladies Bible Study Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman HOW TO JOIN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ____________ _________ __________ to the Truth! (v16-18) The Bible tells us Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it (Eph. 5:25b); it also records that as people were saved they were added (joined) to the church (Acts 2:47b). God wants believers to be part of a local church. Here are ways to become a member of our church. Sermon Sources: Sam uses the Holman Christian Standard Bible New American Commentary Philippians, Melick Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, Hawthorne Holman New Testament Commentary Philippians, Anders An Introduction to the New Testament, Carson and Moo The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown, Kostenberger Laugh Again, Swindoll Thru the Bible, McGee Holman Bible Dictionary By Baptism When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you need to obey Him by being baptized (immersed). Following your baptism, you will be a member of this church. By Letter If you are a member of another Baptist church, you may request we write that church stating you have come by letter into our church. They in turn will send us a letter confirming you have been a member there, transferring your membership from their church to ours. By Statement If you have committed your life to Christ and have been biblically baptized by immersion, you can request that we receive you into membership by statement of prior confession and baptism. How to Contact First Baptist Church Phone: (270) 753-1854 Fax: (270) 753-3967 Email: Mission Friends and Children In Action will meet today following the Children’s Sermon in the early worship service. THE LORD’S DAY - SUNDAY, November 1, 2009 SUNDAY MORNING LIVE - 8:30 AM MORNING WORSHIP - 10:55 AM Organ Prelude Welcome - Boyd Smith “Happy Day” Margaret Wilkins “Our Savior, Our Shepherd Meditation” Welcome to Our Worshippers “Grace Like Rain” “Share His love by telling what the Lord has done for you, Share His love by sharing of your faith, And show the world that Jesus Christ is real to you Ev’ry moment, ev’ry day.”* Baptism - Belinda Young Children’s Sermon - Amber Sugg Offertory Prayer - Tim Fortner, Deacon of the Week Prayer Boyd Smith Choral Message Offertory - “How He Loves” Sanctuary Choir “I Give My Life to You” Message in Word - Pastor Sam Rainer “Consistent Character in a Changing World” Philippians 2:12-18 Worship Through Response - “For the Glory of It All” Prayer - Gary Garth “Be Thou My Vision” Hymn No. 60 Offertory Prayer Tim Greer, Deacon of the Week Piano/Organ Offertory Lisa Ray & Margaret Wilkins “This Is My Father’s World” Message in Song EVENING WORSHIP - 6:00 PM “This is the day, this is the day that the Lord hath made, that the Lord hath made. We will rejoice, we will rejoice and be glad in it, and be glad in it. This is the day that the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and be glad it in. This is the day, this is the day that the Lord hath made.”* “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” Brian and Mary Grace West Message in Word Pastor Sam Rainer “Consistent Character in a Changing World” Philippians 2:12-18 Hymn of Commitment No. 482 Benediction “All to Thee” Dr. Ken Winters Piano Postlude Lisa Ray "Jesus Shall Reign” * CCLI #776766 Prayer “Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus” Hymn No. 320 Message Pastor Sam Rainer 66 in 52 FBC Blood Drive - Wednesday, November 4, 6:00-8:30 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. Please help us reach our quota! The procedure usually takes 30-45 minutes. You must be at least 18 years of age and weigh at least 110 lbs. A sign-up list is located in the Welcome Center or you may contact Debbie in the church office, 753-1854. “To God Be the Glory” Hymn No. 4 “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” Hymn No. 54 Boyd Smith Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer - November 2, 10 a.m. in the chapel. All ladies, come join Baptist women from all over the world who will be praying on this day. This Day of Prayer observance links women of the world providing spiritual lifelines that strengthen and gives hope as we pray for the lost of the world. Nursery will be provided by contacting Amber Sugg today. The flowers in the Sanctuary today are in memory of Ted Lawson, given by his family. Operation Christmas Child is sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse under the direction of Franklin Graham and provides a ministry opportunity for individuals, groups or classes to send a message of hope to children in desperate situations around the world. Brochures are available today in the Welcome Center with information on preparing the shoe boxes. All shoe boxes and donations are due by Sunday, November 8. WMO Spotlight: Life House Care Center in Murray, KY provides free and confidential services to women facing unplanned or planned pregnancies. They focus on serving the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of their clients. FBC supports Life House through the World Mission Offering. Please pray about your level of giving to Life House as a part of the WMO. November order forms are available in the Welcome Center and are due by noon on Monday, November 9. Angel Food is for anyone who wants to save money on groceries. "Fall into Friendship" on Wednesday, November 11, with other FBC women. Join us at 5 p.m. in the church Library for food, fellowship, and friendship as we encourage each other in Christ. Sign-up sheets are available in the Sunday School folders and in the Welcome Center (childcare will be available). All FBC family and guests are encouraged to sign the attendance pad located at the ends of each pew. If you are a guest visiting with us today, please stop by the guest services desk in the Welcome Center. We have a gift bag for you. MSU Students and young adults are invited for a time of contemporary praise and worship service in The NET Building tonight at 8 p.m.
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