Interviews. Photos. Reviews. Charts. News. And More Southern Gospel Singer Tasty Recipes Buy her Cook Books July 2010 , Vol. 1 Issue 01 Independence Day Remembering Sacrifices Ho I w Chuck Day Endorses Cedar Creek Custom Cases fo B ncr r y o ea to ou oki se He r s ng ch s lp fu l T edu le ip s Bruce Haynes New Project Established Year 2008 Founder, BJ Walters President, Michael Walters Editors/Writers BJ Walters Michael Walters Brian W. Stork Design and Artwork BJ Walters Editor Assistance, Brian Stork Contact Information: By correspondence 13793 Bunker Hill Rd Moss Point, MS 39563 If you would like to advertise on, or SGMdigital Online Magazine Please send your information to the email above or by post mail or request our price package plans we offer. The New and Latest Project from Bruce Haynes 5 Time Dove Award Winner Bruce Haynes Or It's been seven years since I've recorded and this is my seventh solo project. I was four years old when I started singing with my family. Dad would preach, the family would sing, and then we would load the equipment into the trunk of the Electra 225 Buick and it was off to another revival. Music was my life. I married the love of my life when I turned eighteen. Two daughters later some friends and I started a group called Jubilation. We recorded four albums and later changed our name to White River. In 1992 I went solo and traveled two hundred days a year. God blessed with many souls and many awards. I began having health problems and over a period of years I had eighteen kidney stones. I became addicted to painkillers. This addiction took over my life and it began to steal, kill and destroy. Guilt and shame were my constant companions. many times a day I would ask for forgiveness, but freedom stayed one step ahead of me. February 20, 2003 my Savior spoke very clearly to me and He said," You'll never be free until you forgive yourself!" He told me to look into the mirror and say, " Bruce I forgive you." I have been free for over five years.....I Finally Forgave Myself. My prayer is that these songs will help you forgive yourself. Singer. Songwriter. Minister 4 New's. Articles. Columns Contents 6 15 Featured Article Chuck Day Christian Country at its Best Songwriter of the Decade & was inducted into the ICGMA Hall of Fame in 2000 Features 18. Remembering Sacrifices” 4th. Of July” 20. Rita Broyle”Southern Gospel Tasty Recipes 23. Increase Bookings “Tips” 16 25. Music Charts “ Top 12” ROD & STAFF MINISTRY Rod Stokes started singing at the age of 19, growing up in church and around music his whole life, he never knew that God would lead him in this direction. No doubt His dedication to the Lord outshines his talent on any given day. After a few years of singing in several local churches with his sister Amy, Rod surrendered to the call of ministry, and to the Call God had placed upon his life. Through much prayer Rod decided that he wanted to start a band and share the gospel to a more wide spread area. God has surely done just that for the group known as Rod and Staff, with members Amy Stokes, Adam Robinson, Phillip McNeill, and Bo Barton. The recording of their first album, self entitled Rod and Staff, took place in Nashville, TN. Their first nationally released single "I Keep Runnin’" written by Rod and Phillip has launched their career to an awesome start and keeps things in fast forward as they keep touching lives all over. Thank you so much for stopping by and we hope to see you at one of our upcoming services. Maybe New Faces, but No Strangers To Gospel Music The sound of Rod & Staff are Phenomenal Set back and watch this Group soar for the Lord Join Today It's FREE Create an online Radio Station for Radio Casting purposes Become an Editor for writing articles. Showcase your music, videos Mp3's. Create A Free Artist Account @ When you sign up you receive a FREE Artist Profile for Artist Showcase The Man of Christian Country AT it's Best Christian Country Legend Chuck Day Known for writing songs that are remarkable, and unforgettable He has written/co-written 9 Number 1 Songs in the Christian genre. He has had songs recorded by such names as, Gold City, Clay Cross, Michael English, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, The Hoppers, Rebecca St. James, Barry Wayne, Bob Carlisle, and many others. Midnight Cry is the most notable song that Chuck has written Continue on Page 6 The Legend of Christian Country Chuck Day Chuck made his first recording project when he was just 12 years old. Before he was 18 he had recorded 4 albums with his family group, The Day Family, at the legendary Happy Goodman Family Studios. Since then he has worked in several music genres. He traveled with several of the top Southern Gospel music groups as well as several Country bands including Freddy Fender, Marty Haggard and others. For several years Chuck traveled with his brother Greg and Greg's wife, Heather, as the Christian Country group, The Days. The Days were regulars on The Trinity Broadcasting Network's, Praise the Lord program for 4 years. Chuck is one of todays top singer/songwriters and is a pioneer in the Christian Country/Country Gospel industry. He has written/cowritten 9 Number 1 Songs in the Christian genre. He has had songs recorded by such names as, Gold City, Clay Cross, Michael English, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, The Hoppers, Rebecca St. James, Barry Wayne, Bob Carlisle, and many others. Midnight Cry is the most notable song that Chuck has written. Chuck penned this song in 1986 with his brother, Greg. Since then it has been awarded Song of the Year by The Singing News Fan Awards at the National Quartet Convention. It was also named Christian Music Song of the Decade, and in 2000 was named one of the Top 20 Christian Music Songs of the Century. Recently Chuck received an award for Midnight Cry being one of the most recorded songs in the history of all of Christian music. Chuck records for NewStep Records and tours throughout the United States and the world. His songs can be heard on Christian and Country radio stations in the U.S. and around the world. Chuck holds both a Doctorate of Theology degree and a Doctorate of Divinity. He is an Ordained Minister and was named a Kentucky Colonel in 2000 by Governor Paul Patton of Kentucky. Chuck received 2 RIAA Certified Gold Video Awards for 2 of the Bill Gaither Homecoming Videos. Chuck has received awards from the ICGMA (International Country Gospel Music Association) such as Entertainer of the Year, Songwriter of the Year, Male Vocalist of the Year, Songwriter of the Decade and was inducted into the ICGMA Hall of Fame in 2000. Chuck proudly endorses Kyser Capos and Strings plays Composite Acoustics Fine Carbon Guitars and uses Cedar Creek Custom Cases. The SSL console Chuck Day recorded the music tracks for his new record Titled “Eleven”on at The Tracking Room in Nashville Cedar Creek Custom Cases Tooled Guitar Case! Chuck taking A walk carrying his Guitar on the streets Chuck proudly endorses Kyser Capos and Strings plays Composite Acoustics Fine Carbon Guitars and uses Cedar Creek Custom Cases. More About Chuck Day This is Chuck Days new Cedar Creek Customs Guitar Case! Amazing cases! See them all at There is no doubt Chuck Day is Patriotic,and you Can tell by this custom made Acoustic Guitar Case. Be sure if you haven't already pick up his new album or download his music. Chuck Day's music can be found on, Chuck Day Loves His Country, and He will stand up and say so! Chuck is proud to announce that his latest album as been released. Among the eleven songs on the album are two duets, featuring country music great Linda Davis, and inspirational county artist James Payne. This Album is receiving great Response and reviews. Be sure to order yours today! Back Page News You can view Chuck Days Video on search under Videos, or the video wall. Song Titled: Back Page News which talks about a soldier who was Killed In war, who made the Back Page News. This song will Absolutely send chill bumps down your spine and make you think of the ones who have died in war in earlier times, and during crisis Times like now. We must not forget about our Country, Freedom, and And most of all our of Liberty to say we are free, and proud to be an American The song titled: Back Page News came off of the new released album “Eleven”. If you haven't heard this album , or any of the songs that is Off of this collection, your in for a treat when you do. The most crystal Clear voice in Christian Country Music Today. Chuck Days incredible And unique sound that is unlike any other sound in today's Christian, And Southern Gospel music. You will be blessed by his music, you can also find His music on as well. Visit The Official Website of Chuck Day Be sure to book your next big event with Chuck Day Network with Chuck Day Great Features, And articles. Rod & Staff is an Outstanding New Group Who is recei ving Great R esponse From fans a ll around. The world. The Amundruds An Outstanding Ministry CEO, m PSALM 100 LIFESONG MUSIC MINISTRIES 6653 Texas Hwy 154 S Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 903-885-4262 903-439-4597 Cell Psalm 100 & The Joyful Noise Let It R ain O Psalm 100 's desire is to make gospel music concerts available to any church - any size. Many small churches cannot bring in a nationally advertised group, but still have a need for Christian concerts for their members enjoyment and uplifting. Psalm 100 & Band feels this is a part of their ministry - to go out into the highways and byways bringing encouragement in the message of Gods love, grace and forgiveness. Psalm 100 was honored recently at the Southern Gospel Music Association of Texas (SGMA of Texas) with the Youth Male Vocalist of the Year - presented to Caleb Frazier vocalist and drummer for Psalm 100. At the International Country Gospel Music Association (ICGMA) Convention, Psalm 100 was presented with the Gold Cross Award for "Band Of The Year." Thanks to our peers and fans and to God be the Glory for honoring Psalm 100 with your support and recognition. Finding favor with God is the ultimate but finding favor with man encourages us to make that joyful noise. If you would like to financially support the Psalm 100 ministry, you will find information on the contact page@ nM e To the # 40 on the Christian Country Charts Psalm 100 & The Joyful Noise Band is a ministry and believes that music is one of the few things in life that can cross all boundaries. For 30 years, "Making a Joyful noise unto the Lord," and presenting the Gospel in song and testimony to the concert attendee is the number one priority of Psalm 100. Also, having a sensitivity to the needs of the Church, gives this group the ability to minister in all denominations as they show respect to the members and their mode of worship. Christ is the focal point of the Psalm 100 ministry with the message that, in Christ, there is hope for the hopeless, forgiveness for the unforgiven, peace after the storm and salvation for the lost. What are the five things you can’t live without? God – Bible – Singing – coffee - sleep What’s your motto or the advice you live by? Don’t take yourself to seriously - laugh What is you favorite song to belt out in the car/or while taking a shower? “In The Still Of The Night” ----and really hope no one is listening Whats your favorite color? Red! Red! And Red! What group or artist is your biggest influence? Chris Freeman. She is so energetic, fun loving and loves God with all her heart & it shows Where do you call home? Texas Do you write your own songs? Some of them. I write a lot but not all are sing-able! LOL Whats your favorite food? Well of course, Fried Chick and Steak Do you play an instrument?if so what do you play? INA GORE I play a few chords on the piano…just enough to play for myself and write a lead sheet or melody for a new song. Don’t think anyone would hire me for their lead musician! What has been your greatest moment in your career or ministry? There’s been several – and of course witnessing and feeling the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the first time has to be number one. But after singing for over 50 years, having a song I wrote and recorded reach #30 in the CVM charts has truly been awesome. Who has been your mentor in gospel music? Pretty much had to mentor lots of young people who have been a part of my group over the years. Never had the opportunity to have a mentor of my own! Boo-hoo! What do you like most about your career or ministry? Knowing people have been blessed or have received Christ into their life - by the ministry of my testimony and music. How did you get started? In Church. Started singing with my Mother at the ripe old age of 4. She taught me to sing harmony so I could sing specials with her in church. She took me to every Singing Convention within walking / driving distance. Guess you could say that she was my mentor! Was singing in a trio with my 2 sisters while in our teens. Sang with several trios over the years and then in 1980 formed my own group “Psalm 100 and The Joyful Noise Band.” Since that time we have always had a live band…Piano, Bass, Drums, Rhythm guitar. What has been your most embarrassing moment in gospel music? I’m sure there are quite a few – but the one that comes to mind right now is; We were singing at a County Fair – on a flat-bed trailer. It was Texas Hot and the June bugs were having the time of their life and loved those lights. I was singing “Ain’t No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down”, when one of those critters took a bomber dive and went down the front of my blouse. I guess everyone thought I was having a Pentecostal spell and got into the spirit with me – except I wasn’t in it. Or this one from my teen age drummer; We were doing a Homecoming service in Dallas and lunch was being served in their private park just behind the church. Several had filled their plates and was ready to eat only to discover someone forgot to bring the eating utensils. Well, our little teenager made a trip to the bus and got plastic utensils and announced “WE can eat, WE have silverware!” Needless to say – we did not eat until everyone else did…and the Pastor never let that boy live it down. What group or artist is your biggest influence: The Quists are our biggest influence to get into the music industry. They encouraged us when we were just starting out to continue our ministry. Some of our other influences are other family bands like the Crabb Family and The Isaacs. Where do you call home? Home is Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Canada. We live on a grain farm there. Do you write your own songs? Yes, we do write our own songs. On our latest studio album "That's Love" we wrote 4 out of the 10 songs. They are "That's Love", "Time", "Roller Coaster" and "When I Think About Jesus." Daryl, Gary and Glen Amundrud are the songwriters in the group. Recently we have been getting songs pitched to us by great songwriters. Our latest radio single "Standin' On the Rock" now at # 15 on the charts was written by Barbara Lister Williams (daughter of the great celebrated songwriter Mosie Lister) Whats your favorite food? Our favorite food kind of differs from one group member to another but we all enjoy chicken, mashed potatoes and peas. mmm...that's good! Do you play an instrument?if so what do you play? There are 7 members of The Amundruds. Here is what everyone does: GLEN (Acoustic Guitar, Sound Tech), LINDA (BGV's), GARY (Drums, Lead Guitar, BGV's), DARYL (Piano/Keyboards, Lead Vocals), LORILYN (Bass Guitar, BGV's), SHERI (Mandolin, BGV's) MELISSA FEHR (Vocals) The group is made up of siblings Gary, Daryl, Lorilyn, and Sheri, joined by their parents, Glen and Linda. Also, joining the Amundruds is multitalented singer/songwriter, Melissa Fehr. They all share a common desire to touch lives and reach the lost. Their unique ability to communicate through song has made them a favourite in Gospel music today with their appearances at Trinity Music City USA, Nashville's Gibson Cafe and Canada's Gospel Music Celebration. Continue on next page>>>>>>> Making an Impact in Gospel Music What has been your greatest moment in your career or ministry? There have been some highlights in our music ministry: Winning Country Gospel album of the Year in 2008 for the Saskatchewan country music awards. Multiple nominations in the GMA Covenant Awards and singing at major Gospel music festivals like the National Quartet Convention and Canada's Gospel Music Celebration. Blending great Gospel music with Christian family values, the Amundruds continue to share the love of Jesus wherever they go. Amid our daily struggles and trials, it is reassuring to be reminded of the hope we have in Jesus. Interview with The Amundruds What are the five things you can’t live without? 1. Jesus. He is the reason that we sing. 2. Family. Singing together brings us closer together as a family. 3. Music. It is our passion to minister in song and give all the glory to God. 4. Friends. We appreciate our friends praying for us when we are on the road. It sure makes a difference. Lastly Radio: We do want to thank radio and DJ's for playing our music. Without you guys our music wouldn't be heard. Glen and Linda accepted the Lord shortly after they were married. Their faith has been challenged from time to time. They were unable to have children, but they fasted and prayed. God answered prayer after eight years of longing, trusting and waiting for a miracle. They were blessed with two sons, Gary and Daryl, and two daughters, Lorilyn & Sheri. They all love the Lord and serve Him. The Amundruds' goal is to be a light and a blessing to those they meet. This family group from Lloydminster, Saskatchewan ministers to audiences through their thought-provoking lyrics, innovative musical arrangements and life-changing testimonies giving all the glory to God. What do you like most about your career or ministry? We enjoy packing up the bus and hitting on the road to sing. Our desire is to be a blessing to those we come in contact with. Also to encourage the Christians and to tell the Lost about Jesus' love for them. How did you get started? We have always sang together as a family but didn't start traveling until 2004. Our parents bought us instruments and we started playing them. We began singing in church when we were quite young. What has been your most embarrassing moment in gospel music? Our most embarrassing moment was when our lead vocalist Daryl got locked in the bus. The concert was about to start and we were wondering where Daryl went to. He was banging on the door for someone to let him out. It finally clicked in that maybe he was in the bus. We unlocked the door and let him out and the concert started a little late but went without a hitch. Praise the Lord!! The Hubbard Family is a full-time gospel music ministry. Over the last ten years, the Hubbard Family has presented the gospel to thousands of people in churches, festivals, and concert houses. The Hubbard Family is unique because it is an authentic family of five and an authentic five piece band. Audiences enjoy the dynamic vocals and instrumental skills that each family member brings to the band, but the heart of the Hubbard Family is in the lyrics of the songs- lyrics about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The Hubbard family would love to bring their music, as well as their passionate testimony of the difference the Lord can make in a family, to your church. Jeremy Ledgewood I write my own music from my heart and soul. I have seen the destruction, pain, and suffering life without GOD can wreck upon a family. Standing tall as a Christian musician, I deliver the message GOD has given me, through my music, to help spread the word that there is hope, there is love, and there is life without pain once you know the truths of God's word. My music touches young and old alike, taking listeners through a spiritual journey of understanding, trust, love, happiness,and devotion. Contact General Information & Questions Booking & Management JH Management Jai Hutcherson 817-600-5406 Ron Brewer Ministries Visit Ron's Profile at Blessing people through his music is something Ron has been doing for years. His commitment to serve the Lord, reach lost souls, bring hope and encouragement and share a smile grows stronger each day. Ron is talented, humorous and spiritual. The warmth and love he betrays captives his audiences the moment he walks on the stage. Ron is very professional, as his perception is, God gave his best and he should give his best at all times. Ron travels full-time throughout the United States and appears in auditoriums, churches, revivals, camp-meetings and various other venues and sings at the National Quartet Convention and Branson Gospel Music Convention. Ron has also appeared on many syndicated Television and radio programs, and has been nominated for the 2009 Diamond Award, Soloist of the Year, 2009 Top Five Favorite Male Vocalist- Southern Gospel Music FanFair and the 2008 Diamond Award Top Five, Soloist of the Year. With "I'll Make It Someday," "Footsteps On The Clouds," and "Won To the Highest Power," charting, Ron gives all credit to the lord for these accomplishments. In 2002, Ron accepted the call into the full-time solo ministry. Ron is blessed to have his wife Trish travel with him and also accompany him on the keyboard with various arrangements of his style. Ron has shared the stage with many of the great artist, The Hyssongs, The Roark's, The Dove Brothers Quartet, Freemans, Aaron and Amanda Crabb, Trevor Thomas, The Profitts, Eternal Vision, Paul's Journey, Big MO, Mike Upright, Emmaus Road Quartet, Fresh Anointing, Gerald Crabb, Dixie Melody Boys, The Nelons, Blackwood's, Pfeiffer's, Eric Hinson, Rod Burton, Brain Free and Assurance, Young Harmony, and so many others. With a twist of Southern Gospel and Christian Country, Ron is sure to bless audiences of all ages with his heartwarming vocals, humor and testimony. Remembering Sacrifices By By Michael Michael WaltersWalters Well with memorial day just celebrated, and past I think about the men and women who suffered, and gave their life, for the freedom, and liberty we have now. I saw on television documentary war stories of different battles where men lay dead, burned bodies, and oceans beaches turned to blood from dead bodies that lay in the water, what horrifying scenes. I will stop there to gory to go on. Then you see all the military cemeteries all the crosses, a symbol of sacrifices. From the American revolution war to the present, the war on terrorism how sad for the hardship, of the injured, disabled, and those who died at an early age sacrificing for freedom. Let me say to the men and women who serve in the military today defending our country thank you so much and God bless you. July the 4th we will be celebrating, Independence Day, here In the United States, commonly known as the Declaration of Independence which was signed on July 4, 1776 . Thank God for the people who has sacrificed for liberty and freedom. Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are suffer able than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.-- Just wanted to add that to show where we have come from, Yes America has experienced freedom, and liberty, but now it is quickly being taken away. Thank God for Freedom,but aren't you glad you can say Your FREE from Sin Continue On Page 13 The name Jesus barely can be spoken in public without someone being offended . It is heartbreaking to know, that you can be arrested for praying in public, yes it has happened ,America values and morals are Deteriorating. Some people follow Mohammad or say the name of Buddha, or speak of some other false god, but that doesn’t seem offensive, no one arrested for that ,that I heard, oh well get the point ! I don’t mean to sound gloom, and doom I’m just concerned, it just declares the word of God to be true, and being fulfilled KJV - Mat 24:12 -And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Like I said I’m concerned, but not worried remember what Jesus said KJV - John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. I guess what I am saying for all the sacrifices it was not in vain .You think about sacrifice, it started in the beginning there had to be a sacrifice for something to be better. And there was the ultimate sacrifice Jesus dieing for the world KJV - Jhn 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Wow did that make things better ! What a change it made in me. When you are celebrating the 4th of July this year reminisce what you are celebrating, its not all about fireworks, having friends over, eating hamburgers, and hot dogs of course there’s nothing wrong with that we just sometimes forget what we are celebrating for. Sacrifice some time tell someone about Jesus,and what we are celebrating for. God Bless GOD BLESS AMERICA Have A Great 4th. Of July and remember The sacrifices that were made on that day Southern Gospel Singer Who 's to Cook! Rita Broyles What are the five things you can’t live without? God, Singing, Bible, Family, Faith What’s your motto or the advice you live by? 1) Put God First 2) Put God First 3) Put God First What is you favorite song to belt out in the car/or while taking a shower? Amazing Grace Whats your favorite color? Green What group or artist is your biggest influence I appreciate so many different talented artists and styles, I can't say there's only one influence. Where do you call home? At this time---Albemarle, NC Do you write your own songs? God has gifted me lately in doing so. Whats your favorite food? Home Cooking!! I love Home Made Biscuits!! Do you play an instrument?if so what do you play Rythem Guitar-----a little piano, bass, and drums Continue on page 16 What has been your greatest moment in your career or ministry? God has blessed me with my new CD this past week and it's 10 original songs that He has allowed me to write----it's called "A Gift From God" and it truly is something that I prayed for God to let me do and it has my heart! God does answer prayer!! Who has been your mentor in gospel music? God is truly my mentor because I trust in Him for everything in this ministry and my life! Nothing happens without Him! I'm serving Him so God should get the Glory!!! What do you like most about your career or ministry? When I see people's hearts touched and lives changed and receive Jesus! Seeing lost souls come to Jesus is the final answer! How did you get started? I've been singing since the age of 11. In trying to put a live gospel group together years ago I found not all hearts are committed to the Lord so I began as a solo artist and let God do the rest. I prayed lots about becoming part of a group cause I love harmony, but so far God has not lead me that direction. What has been your most embarrassing moment in gospel music? One that comes to mind is starting a very fast song over 3 times and still getting the words tangled up cause it was one of those songs with a ton of words in it and no breathing room! You fellow artists know what I mean! It ended up being an ice breaker with the people and we had a time in the Lord after that! We're all human and we all make mistakes--it's how you handle them that counts! I've learned to laugh at myself! Home Made Biscuits 2 cups self rising flour (approx) 2/3 cup Crisco (approx.)---no other shortening 2 cups buttermilk (approx.)---no substitutions Put flour in large bowl and cut in Crisco with fork or pastry blender till blended. Add milk a little at a time and stir with fork till it becomes soft dough. Use enough milk for soft dough but not too wet or not too dry. Do not over mix! Turn dough out on lightly floured surface and add a little flour if needed to start folding and kneading it till smooth. Do not over knead or you will have a tough bread! When finished, you can use dough roller to roll to desired thickness or just press out with your hands. Then cut with biscuit cutter and re-roll leftover pieces and keep cutting till all dough is used. You can pinch off the dough and roll biscuits in your hands---that's the way I learned years ago. Place biscuits on greased baking sheet and bake at 450 till browned. These measurements are estimated! Most of us Southern cooks don't measure!! Also, you won't find any sugar in these biscuits---this is the old southern way!!! Enjoy!!! Cover 'em with gravy, slather 'em with butter, dunk 'em in syrup, fill 'em with ham, or just eat 'em plain---Home Made Biscuits----that's what I like about the South!!! Coo kie s' M Cho y N A nd ame col ate 's m yG a me The kitchen is a happy place for me! Cooking special dinners and inviting family and friends over is a fun way to fellowship! Food is a perfect way to bring people together. My Mama had me standing in a chair at the stove helping her cook when I was very young. It became a passion of mine and still is today!!! Next to singing, it's my favorite thing to do! So, why don't you just break out the pots and pans and get your creative juices flowing. After all, cooking creates sharing, sharing creates love, and love creates memories!! To Purchase here famous Cook books please visit here website: Tips On Advertising & Promotion Importance Of Advertising If you are looking for advertisement idea’s and promotional tools check out it’s a unique Christian Music Website Community of Social Media Networking. It has many features to use and, most of all it’s a very affordable platform. Sgmdigital also offers a Free Artist Account upon first initial sign up. Sometimes one may have a personal website using it to promote their music business, bookings, sales, etc,and wonder why their website is not being visited often, one of the causes is if you are just starting in the music business, and you are not very well known, and your website is not being visited, in most cases it will only be visited by the people you tell, or accidentally visited that’s not to say your music is not good or anything that’s just the way it is. You must use a popular website or other advertisements agents the internet is the most popular way to advertise Today. When selecting an advertising website you want to choose one that is a heavy traffic website with advertising page exposure, meaning a measure of the opportunity for readers to see a particular advertisement, or the number of people who see an advertisement. If you will do some research you may find that well known artist use advertisement other than their own because more advertisement they use the better it increases their chances to make more sales, bookings, and etc we all want to succeed in business any business person will tell to be successful you must use advertisement. So you want to be heard, sell your music, get more bookings, and so on advertise, advertise, and advertise. Tips On Increasing Bookings 1- Place banner with contact information on a popular high traffic website such as 2- Have booking package available for visiting pastors/music directors at events, and functions at sales table 3- Reschedule where you last performed for future date right then.. 4- If possible try to keep all engagements people are expecting you , and made plans for that scheduled date. Don't cancel notoriously 5- Stay in contact where visited or performed give schedule, and availability if called on 6- except love offerings if possible don’t set a price for an engagement. Tips On Music Sales 1- Offer limited time specials (note) people will rush to buy sells ending soon. 2- Use promotion codes for discounts”create promo codes on” 3- Offer a special of the week / month buy one at full price get the second half price. 4- Offer buy album at full price get a single free 5- Offer buy album $10.ea. Get all three albums for $ 25.ea. (price is an example) CHARTS Featured Album “Eleven” Buy it Now Top 12 Artist & Songs Pos. Artist 1. Victorious QT 2. Pamela Grundy 3. Chuck Day 4. Doug Hudson 5. Bruce Haynes 6. Rod & Staff Blessings On the Way Top 4 Albums His Again 1 VQT A Blessing's on the way Read Between the Lines 2 Ron Brewer Won to the highest power You Can Come Home 3 Chuck Day Eleven I Keep Runnin' 4 Wess Adams I'll Stand Up and Say So 7. The Downs Family He Kept On Loving Me 8. Curt Shoemaker It's No Secret 9. Ron Brewer 10 Rita Broyles . June Song We All Came Through The Blood Standing Room Only 11 . Terry Luna & Another Day That Says It All 12 . Burress Family I Found Jesus at WalMart God's Country Top 3 Singles 1 Victorious Qt A Blessing's On The Way 2 Ron Brewer Get Up in Jesus Name 3 Chuck Day I'll stand up & say so For contact: email :, © 2010 All Rights Reserved
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