– The Full Guide How to Cure Candida The Full Guide to Completely Regaining Your Health 1|Page Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS AN INTRODUCTION TO CANDIDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. b. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is Yeast? What is Candida? The Candida Related Complex (CRC) What are common causes of Candida? What are signs, symptoms and types of Candida? Common symptoms of Localized Candida Other Types of Candida Infections Who is Vulnerable to Candida? How is Candida Different in Men and Women? How does Candida develop into a health threat? How do I determine if I have Candida? pg. 6 pg. 6 pg. 8 pg. 9 pg. 16 pg. 18 pg. 18 pg. 20 pg. 21 pg. 22 pg. 26 COMMON TREATMENT METHODS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. How is a localized Candida Infection Normally Treated? Drugs used in the topical treatment of Candida Drugs used in the treatment of systemic Candida The problem with treating Candida using drugs How is a localized Candida Infection Treated Naturally? Restoring a healthy balance of microorganisms Restoring and maintaining the health of your immune system Eliminating behaviors that increase your risk What can I do to feel better now? Supplements to Treat Localized Yeast Infections Quickly Treatment Plans for Specific Candida Infections pg. 31 pg. 31 pg. 33 pg. 34 pg. 35 pg. 35 pg. 38 pg. 38 pg. 39 pg. 42 pg. 45 ALLERGIES AND TOXINS 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Introduction Food Allergies What causes Allergies and Sensitivities Leaky Gut Syndrome Symptoms Caused by a Leaky Gut Understanding the Immune Response Further Understanding the Immune Response to Allergens Factors that Affect Immune System Functioning Testing for Allergies Toxins and Chemicals in the Environment Toxins and Chemicals in our Food Toxins and Chemicals in Personal Care Products Allergy Treatment Action Plan 2|Page Copyright © 2008 by pg. 46 pg. 46 pg. 47 pg. 48 pg. 49 pg. 50 pg. 51 pg. 52 pg. 55 pg. 57 pg. 59 pg. 66 pg. 70 – The Full Guide THE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE 1. Being Responsible for your Own Health a. Health Care b. Stress c. EFT d. Sleep e. Exercise and Weight Loss f. Juicing g. Water pg. 72 pg. 72 pg. 73 pg. 80 pg. 81 pg. 85 pg. 86 pg. 88 THE 5 STEP PROTOCOL FOR TOTAL CANDIDA RECOVERY 1. 2. 3. 4. Protocol Summary Step 1 - The Anti-Candida Diet a. What foods should I avoid if I have Candida? b. What foods can I eat if I have Candida? c. How long should I stay on the anti-Candida diet? d. How to Start the Candida Diet e. Quick reference table f. Tips to Help you Eat Better g. Sugars, Sweeteners and Complex Carbs Explained h. The Raw Food Diet i. Alkalinity j. Planning and Preparing k. Where do I Begin? Step 2a - Supplements a. Supporting Supplements b. Timing of Supplements c. Supplements on a Budget d. Anti-Fungal Protocol e. The Healing Reaction f. Colon Cleansing Step 2b - Alternative Therapies a. Ozone Therapy b. MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) c. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) d. Deep Breathing e. Ayurvedic Therapy f. Colloidal Silver g. Oil Pulling h. Ileocecal Valve Massage i. Iodine Supplementation j. Cabbage Rejuvelac k. Psyllium, Bentonite & Caprylic Acid (PBC) Shake l. Castor Oil Pack 3|Page Copyright © 2008 by pg. 93 pg. 96 pg. 96 pg. 99 pg. 101 pg. 101 pg. 103 pg. 104 pg. 106 pg. 109 pg. 110 pg. 115 pg. 119 pg. 120 pg. 120 pg. 126 pg. 127 pg. 128 pg. 130 pg. 131 pg. 134 pg. 134 pg. 137 pg. 138 pg. 140 pg. 140 pg. 142 pg. 142 pg. 143 pg. 143 pg. 145 pg. 146 pg. 147 – The Full Guide 5. 6. 7. m. Epsom Salt Packs n. Clay Foot Detox o. Coffee Enemas Step 3 - Parasite and Kidney Cleanse a. What are Parasites? b. How do Parasites Destroy your Health? c. How do we get Parasites? d. How are Parasites Found and Diagnosed? e. The Different Types of Parasites a. The Parasite Cleanse (Instructions) b. The Kidney Cleanse (Instructions) Step 4 - Heavy Metal Removals and Detoxification a. Types of Heavy Metals b. What Causes Heavy Metal Toxicity? a. Heavy Metals and Candida b. Heavy Metal Detoxification Supplements c. Heavy Metal Testing Suggestions Step 5 - The Liver Flush a. Why Cleanse the Liver b. How Liver Problems Develop c. Symptoms of Liver Dysfunction d. Benefits of Bile e. The Liver Flush (Instructions) f. Liver Flush FAQ pg. 148 pg. 149 pg. 149 pg. 153 pg. 153 pg. 153 pg. 155 pg. 156 pg. 157 pg. 158 pg. 160 pg. 161 pg. 161 pg. 163 pg. 165 pg. 167 pg. 168 pg. 169 pg. 169 pg. 170 pg. 171 pg. 172 pg. 173 pg. 175 PRODUCT LINKS pg. 178 A CANDIDA FREE FUTURE pg. 181 4|Page Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO YOU This book is dedicated to those of you who feel that your current state of health is not what it should be, to those of you who have sought assistance with no real improvements, and to those of you who have spent endless amounts of time, effort and money into finding a real solution with no avail. Most importantly to you for taking health matters into your own hands and doing something “different” that most modern medicine still has yet to understand. It is our intention that this book will bring you clarity with not only Candida, but all your health concerns. Regardless of what your health problems are, we believe many of our suggestions will be of tremendous benefit. Take the information from this book and apply it as you see fit and reclaim your life. Some ideas and concepts may seem overwhelming at first or others may appear strange. This is fine as it is not our intention to manipulate you into changing your lifestyle. Our goal rather is to empower you to make the necessary changes in your life to help improve your health. We’re thankful that our own health challenges have not gone in vain. Why? As a result of our health troubles we can now help those who feel helpless at the mercy of some unknown illness that plagues their life. The saying every cloud has a silver lining has never rang more true! It’s time to rejoice and embrace the fact that there is a permanent natural cure for Candida! You can feel energized and healthy again. You now have the solution at your fingertips. The Team The information contained in this publication has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration nor is it intended to replace the services and recommendations of a physician or qualified health practitioner. All statements are for informational purposes only. Individuals with health problems or those who are pregnant are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking any natural remedies, over the counter treatments, dietary supplements, or instituting any diet changes. 5|Page Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide AN INTRODUCTION TO CANDIDA What is Yeast? Yeast is a type of fungus that derives its nutrients from anything living or that has been alive; these are usually plants or animals. To survive and flourish, yeasts produce enzymes that allow the yeast to absorb nutrient from its “hosts.” Given the right set of circumstances, some yeast can grow at an explosive rate. Every single person is colonized by yeasts, whether these are in the mouth, the intestines, or the vagina. Yeasts also colonize just as frequently in the nose, ears, and skin. Nobel Prize winning scientist Roger Williams asserts that if even a single yeast cell were given the right set of circumstances, it could produce a colony of over 100 yeast cells within 24 hours. At this rate of reproduction, within one week, one cell could develop an entire colony weighing 1 billion tons! There is always a fine balance with regards to yeast in the human body. Yeasts only cause problems and disease under special circumstances—usually a noticeable increase of fermentation in some parts of the body. As long as the yeasts are confined to specific areas and not allowed to overgrow, they normally do not present problems. Although it may be rare for yeast to acquire just the right set of circumstances to expand at an explosive level, it does have the potential to do so. So, if Candida is more or less inside all of us, what’s stopping it from causing serious health problems? Those who suffer from Candida overgrowth are missing one or more of the factors that prevent yeast from gaining a foothold in the human body. So, why is Candida a problem for you and not someone else? What is Candida? You’re a walking, breathing host for more invisible, single-celled creatures than you can imagine. Your skin is constantly covered with streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria. Your intestines are filled with Escherichia coli and roughly 500 other types of bacteria as well as fungi and protozoas. Mites that are invisible to the naked eye live in your hair follicles. Viruses find you equally appealing as a host. They’ve all moved in, and they’re here to stay. Candida (pronounced kandiduh), a yeast-like fungus, is often passed from mother to newborn during birth. By the time you are two years old, your microbiological species are well established. Under typical conditions, Candida is just one part of the vast microscopic zoo that is you. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Candida lives quite happily on the human skin, in the mouth, in the intestinal track and, for women, in the vagina. Within the first few months of life and by six months of age, over 90% of the population has Candida in or on their bodies. This is often overlooked by doctors, who think it is impossible that Candida could be the cause of so 6|Page Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide many different health problems, especially at such a young age. Soon after birth, the microorganism Candida albicans is normally found in the intestinal tract of healthy individuals in its yeast-like “friendly” form. However, under certain conditions Candida may be encouraged to change its structure and metabolize into the “unfriendly” fungal form. This fungus is composed of a mycelium, a mass of filaments or long root-like structures that penetrate into tissues. Because of their invasive quality, these mycelia must be eradicated for any treatment to be successful. Candida is actually the name for a whole group of incredibly tiny organisms. They’re measured in units called microns. A human hair is 100 microns in diameter. In comparison, a single yeast cell is just 4 to 6 microns long—a little sphere of fungus. There are actually more than 150 species of Candida yeasts and ten of these cause trouble for humans. Of these ten species that can make humans ill, the strain responsible for a vast majority of problems in people is the Candida Albicans (pronounced kandiduh albehkens). The vast majority of the time these microorganisms cause you no trouble at all and you’re not even aware of their existence on and inside of you. Your many microscopic species live in harmony, each population keeping the others in check, regulated by a healthy immune system. However, under certain circumstances, the balance between species of microorganisms is compromised. One species may multiply explosively and cause an infection. This can be a bacterium, a fungus, or a virus. In the case of Candida Albicans (which we will refer to as Candida from now on), the balance between the yeast cells and the bacteria that kept their numbers in check is upset. The yeast cells multiply quickly and aggressively, especially if the immune system is unable to step in and help. A Candida infection or Candidiasis can occur in a variety of locations throughout the body. Remembering that Candida already lives on the skin and in the mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina, it will come as no surprise to you that these sites are the most common areas for localized (contained to one part of the body) Candida infections. 50% of the healthy population has Candida in their mouths and 50% have Candida in their intestines. In contrast, evidence of Candida is found in approximately 80% of ill people. In healthy women, almost 20% women have yeast in their vagina. When the vaginal tissue becomes inflamed, the occurrence rises to 60%. These statistics directly show how a weakened immune system can allow significant overgrowth of Candida. In a study of 880 patients, 87% were found to have yeast infections. In every case, one or more of the following symptoms were experienced: IBS (89%), Childhood Ear, Nose and Throat infections (89%), Frequent Gas and Bloating (80%), Endometriosis (65%), Constipation (58%), Heartburn (40%), Recurrent Sinusitis (40%), Recurrent Bronchitis (30%). Chances are high that antibiotics were used in the treatment of these infections, leading to yeast infections. 7|Page Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Many of the problems and symptoms of Candida arise from a suppressed immune system. Moreover, once established, Candida tends to keep the immune system suppressed via many (79 documented) toxins that Candida produces. In essence, Candidiasis can become a condition that maintains itself. In addition, Candida makes the digestive system its home, which is also the location of nearly 80% of the friendly flora that contribute to our healthy immune system (again, a situation where Candida maintains itself). Candida can be a major factor in the cause of the following conditions: • • • Enzyme destruction. Enzymes are the key to breaking down foods in the body so that they can be utilized as nourishment. Abnormal hormone response. Hormones regulate your bodily functions. Cell membrane defects, damage to red and white blood cells, and other problems. There is no known symbiotic relationship between the Human Body and Candida. Candida is in every way a parasite, taking up space and only taking, never giving. It has been estimated that in the western, industrialized world, approximately one third of illnesses can be linked to Candida. Some doctors resort to labeling potential Candida patients as “psychosomatic” or “neurotic” when there is no other apparent cause to the patients’ symptoms. The truth, in many cases, is that patients are suffering from Candida overgrowth. A Candida overgrowth or sensitivity will not go away on its own. Proper treatment is required for the body to deal with the yeast in an effective manner. Candida often takes hold of an individual only when one has fallen ill for another reason. Taking antibiotics, which often destroy both malignant and beneficial bacteria, can allow an illness to take hold. There also appears to be a genetic limitation in some individuals’ ability to cope with yeast. Even if an individual has a genetic weakness in dealing with Candida, it does not mean that they will have a life-long struggle with the disease. In fact, more than 50 genetic diseases (including a predisposition to Candida-related problems) can be treated using high doses of the proper vitamins. The Candida-Related Complex (CRC) Candida is often renamed by many practitioners as CRC or Candida Related Complex because of its prevalence and cause of many diseases. This is also true when other health conditions become involved. Most often, the symptoms that occur are not life-threatening, but they can be severely debilitating. CRC diseases include Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Hypoglycemia, Leaky Gut Syndrome, allergy or sensitivity, hormonal, thyroid, adrenal dysfunction, emotionrelated disorders, and other conditions. However, many conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), fatigue, and chronic pain are not always caused by Candida infections. 8|Page Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Nevertheless, because of the common occurrence of Candida in people with these symptoms, it is very often a contributing factor. What Are Common Causes Of Candida? The following can all result in Candidiasis. Medications and Drugs Genital Irritation Immune Dysfunction Internal and External Environment Antibiotics Steroids Prescription drugs Birth control pills Douching Sprays, soaps and other hygiene products (especially the anti-bacterial kind) Direct contact with an infected area (sexual intercourse) A compromised immune system Allergies Fatigue (adrenal burnout) Stress Repeated bacterial infections Heavy Metal Toxicity Environmental toxicities Constipation and Organ Congestion Diet Hormone changes (PMS, menopause, pregnancy) Diabetes Exposure Parasites Low Stomach Acid Antibiotics Antibiotics are a primary cause of Candida overgrowths. Antibiotics can be important in the treatment of bacterial infections. However, antibiotics change the balance between populations of microorganisms, which can lead to Candida overgrowth. This is just one reason why antibiotics should be used with caution, only on the advice of a doctor and never for viral illnesses, like colds or flu. To further simplify, when you take antibiotics they wipe out both the bad and the good bacteria. Since the North American diet is very high in sugars and carbohydrates (the very foods that bad bacterium feeds on), the bad bacteria can reproduce at a much faster rate than the beneficial bacteria, suppressing this good bacteria as a result. 9|Page Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide An imbalance that is virtually impossible to correct without the proper diet and anti-fungal therapy to eliminate the bad bacteria is then created. In addition, when the body constantly produces insulin spikes due to excessive sugar intake, Candida is actually used by the body to eat away at the excess sugars in the bloodstream. Oddly enough, this is a defensive tactic of the body in response to elevated glucose levels in the blood. This is also the reason why insulin sensitive individuals such as diabetics are highly prone to Candida, which leads into our next common cause, diabetes. Diabetes This increasingly common condition impairs the ability of the immune system to respond to microbiological threats. Diabetes increases the likelihood of developing a Candida infection, particularly in men. Repeated Bacterial Infections Even without the balance-disrupting effect of antibiotics, repeated overgrowths of bacteria change the balance between species of microorganisms, creating a window where Candida can grow explosively. Douching Vaginal douching literally washes away the good bacteria in the vagina that helps keep Candida under control. Douching also alters the acid-alkaline balance of the vaginal tissue, making it less habitable for healthy bacteria and more habitable for Candida overgrowth. Strictly from a physiological standpoint douching is unnecessary as the vagina is designed to cleanse itself. Perfumed Feminine Hygiene Sprays and Soaps In addition to containing a lot of chemicals and unnecessary additives, these irritate the skin of the vagina, making it more susceptible to Candidiasis. Anything that irritates tender genital skin increases the likelihood of a yeast infection. A Compromised Immune System Illnesses and treatments that weaken the immune system make it easier for Candida to gain a foothold. These include an HIV infection and chemotherapy for cancer in more severe examples. Invasive procedures like surgery, implant, radiation, and chemotherapy can cause Candidiasis, as these procedures impair the immune system. When the immune system is weakened, Candida albicans yeast (which is normally harmless) can become more active and multiply, causing symptoms throughout the body. 10 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Allergies People who have food, environmental and chemical allergies are much more prone to developing a Candida infection. Proper steps must be taken to reduce allergen exposure as much as possible. This can include eating an allergen free diet, removing carpeting from the bedrooms and using air purifiers. Most people with chronic Candida also have allergies prior to developing Candida. Symptoms in many allergy sufferers are intensified by Candida. Environmental Toxicities Environmental factors that weaken the immune system makes it easier for Candida thrive. These factors include: • • • • • secondhand smoke from cigars, cigarettes, and pipes disinfectants hair sprays paint solvents • • • • • bedding animal hair household cleaning products dust mold Some products release volatile components into the air, like styrene from plastics, benzene from solvents and formaldehyde from manufactured wood products (pressed wood furniture and kitchen cabinets). Permanent press clothes, dry cleaned clothes, carpeting, and plastics all emit traces of toxic vapors. Chemicals People who are exposed to chemicals in their home or work place can become very ill. Both the toxins from the chemicals and the toxins stimulated by Candida can attack the immune system, causing all kinds of harmful effects. Many people who have Candida have also been affected by multi-chemical sensitivity (MCS). MCS can affect the immune system and enable Candida albicans yeast to become active, multiply and flourish. Once this occurs, the toxins from the Candida, as well as those from the chemicals, can cause problems throughout the body. Molds All hard cheeses are derived from mold and are therefore prohibited on the Anti-Candida Diet. In addition, mold can grow on coffee beans and tea leaves, as well as on dried herbs. Skins of 11 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide melons, fruits, and vegetables accumulate mold during their growth, so they should be cleaned well before peeling or cutting. Dried fruits also collect mold during the drying process. Constipation and Organ Congestion We felt it was a good idea to point this out, as there are instances in which a person will become blocked up on occasion. This is mainly due to a binge diet or some extreme change in dietary habits for a short period of time which disrupt the normal elimination of waste matter from the body. Constipation in particular, even if only for a short period of time can allow for an incredibly large amount of Candida to build up in the stagnant colon, feeding off of the unmoving waste that resides. This is a critical reason why getting the bowels moving is key to eliminating a Candida overgrowth. This idea of organ congestion in general though can also apply to the liver, kidneys and any other organ which processes waste in the body. Once one organ becomes blocked it places an excessive load on all the other organs which can significantly reduce the overall function and ability of the body to detoxify itself. Leaving the individual in a state where they never seem to be able to improve their health, regardless of what changes they seem to make to their diet or lifestyle (Although these still play a very large role). Fatigue Candida infections are more likely to occur if you’re experiencing unusual tiredness. At the same time long-term suffering from chronic illness will induce adrenal fatigue over time. If you have been suffering from adrenal fatigue you’ll notice breathing problems that you’ve never had in the past, panic attacks, hair loss, needing sleep longer than usual and not feeling rejuvenated from sleep. In our 5 Step Protocol, adrenal fatigue is looked at in greater depth. Specific adrenal supplements and cleansing that targets the causes of adrenal fatigue will be addressed. Stress Stress weakens the immune system and impairs your body’s ability to respond to natural antiinflammatory compounds. This makes it easier for Candida to grow. Dr. Bernie Siegel, cancer specialist and surgeon, wrote in his book, Look, Medicine and Miracles: “There is now experimental evidence that passive emotions such as grief, feelings of failure, and suppression of anger produce over secretion of these same hormones, which suppress the immune system. The salient point is that our state of mind has an immediate and direct effect on any state of the body.” This is further emphasized in the book, Your Body Believes Every Word You Say: The Language of the Body/Mind Connection, 2nd ed., by Barbara Hoberman Levine. 12 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Diet Poor nutrition is associated with illness for many reasons. One of the best-known impacts of diet on your health is the weakening effect of sugar on your immune system. An unchecked diet can also feed Candida. If you refer to the Anti-Candida diet below you can learn more about what proper foods you should be including and excluding in your daily diet. Too much sugar in the diet can cause the normally harmless Candida albicans yeast to become active and multiply, causing numerous symptoms to become apparent. Candida albicans thrive on all sugars, sweeteners, and natural sugars in fruits and fruit juices. The ingestion of too many complex carbohydrates can also cause problems. Hormone Changes Pregnancy, birth control pills, oral steroid medications like prednisone, and normal changes in the menstrual cycle can all cause hormone levels changes in the vaginal tissue and make it more susceptible to a Candida infection. Inadequate Lubrication during Intercourse Vaginal irritation arising from too little lubrication or prolonged intercourse increases the likelihood of Candidiasis. This is a common inducer of vaginal yeast infections. Increased Warmth and Moisture in the Vaginal Area In addition to factors that reduce the number of good bacteria or compromise the immune system, some conditions create the perfect incubator for Candida infections, particularly in the vagina. Poor personal hygiene can introduce yeast spores from the intestines into the vaginal area. Yeast cells love warm, moist areas. So not drying thoroughly after bathing, wearing tight-fitting clothing or pantyhose, and wearing a damp bathing suit for prolonged periods all create perfect environments for yeast cells to flourish. Use of Condoms Containing Spermicide In men, the use of condoms containing the common spermicidal known as nonoxynol-9 leads to more frequent Candida infections. While nonoxynol-9 kills sperm, it also increases the ability of yeast cells to adhere to skin cells. Direct Contact with an Infected Area Candidiasis can be passed back and forth between partners through direct sexual contact. It can be transferred from between mouth and the genitals through oral-genital contact and can infect the anus through anal intercourse. 13 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Exposure Candidiasis may also be transmitted by nonsexual means, such as between women or men who share a towel. To summarize Candidiasis can be caused by any one of these factors. However, it is usually a combination effect of factors that results in immune suppression and an environment that caters to fungal overgrowths. Mercury in Silver Amalgam Dental Fillings Many cases of yeast syndrome are aggravated, if not actually caused, by the presence of mercury and other toxic metals in silver amalgam dental fillings. The label “silver amalgam” is misleading. Amalgams typically contain only about 12% silver, but 50% mercury, which is the most poisonous of the toxic metals. Parasites It is not known for certain whether Candida cause parasites to proliferate or if parasites cause Candida overgrowths. Parasites have been known to cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), chronic fatigue, bloating, gas, depression, insomnia, constipation, allergies, extreme diarrhea, gastrointestinal cramps, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, lassitude (weariness or sluggishness), dizziness, muscle and joint pains, arthritic/rheumatoid symptoms, and more. You might think in order to get parasites, you have to travel to other countries, but that is not the case. You can easily acquire them in North America and Europe from improperly prepared food (preparer doesn’t wash hands) or improperly cleaned vegetables and fruits. Organic fruits and vegetables, especially, have to be cleaned well. Not being treated with chemicals means that they can more easily harbor parasites. It’s important to your health that the skins of any fruits and vegetables are scrubbed well before cutting. Meat, poultry and fish used in restaurants can contain parasites if they are not thoroughly cooked at the proper temperature. At home, it is wise to not only cook meat, poultry and fish thoroughly, but to not cook them at all when they are fresh. Low Stomach Acid Symptoms of too little hydrochloric acid in the stomach include: asthma, arthritic symptoms, food allergies, diabetes, iron and B12 deficiency, bacterial and yeast bowel overgrowth, bowel sensitivity, underactive thyroid gland and eczema. Causes for decreased stomach acid production are: pollution exposure, marijuana smoking, and excessive coffee consumption. Another cause is mineral deficiency (such as zinc), and minerals are necessary for the body to produce adequate amounts of stomach acid. 14 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Candida needs a slightly alkaline environment to thrive (a PH of 7.4). In an environment that is strongly acidic (a PH of 4.5), some antacid medications can actually allow yeast to spread into the stomach and digestive tract. Take Swedish bitters two or three times per day, 20 minutes before meals. This helps to stimulate acid production as well as increase bile production to further assist digestion. If this does not produce enough of an effect for you, you can also try Betaine, which is a supplement that will directly raise the acidity of stomach acid. Other Contributing Factors Acidosis can occur from long-term stress, acidic foods, medication consumption, inadequate water, regular coffee drinking, and antibiotics. Poor gut ecology of the mother. Our gut ecology is inherited from our mothers. We will have a pre-disposed weakness to Candidiasis if our mothers had a weakness of Candidiasis as well. Dentures are also a major risk for Candida overgrowth as they create trauma in tissue, allow yeast colonization, and lower salivary flow. Saliva has been shown to be integral to proper oral health. Proper and regular sterilization of dentures decreases one’s saliva levels. One can counteract this effect by using GSE, Tea Tree or Oregano Oil daily by performing mouth rinses with them. 15 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide What Are Signs, Symptoms and Types Of Candida? In adults, the most common indicators or symptoms of Candida are: 1. A Childhood History of • • • • • • ADD ADHD Hyperactivity Skin problems Respiratory problems Intestinal problems 2. Poor Overall Health • Poor endurance and weakness • Asthma • Bronchitis • A habitual cough that doesn’t produce phlegm • Postnasal drip • Hay fever • Headaches, including migraines • Fatigue to an incapacitating degree (especially after eating) 3. Recurring Infections • Recurring throat and/or ear infections • Recurring vaginal, oral, or skin (yeast) infections • Urinary tract infections • Athlete’s foot • Jock itch • Skin rash • Dry, brownish patches on the skin • Ringworm • Psoriasis • Low grade fever • Chronic sinus problems • Blisters on the tongue, in the mouth, or in the throat 16 | P a g e 4. Digestive System Problems • Poor digestion • Loose or constipated stools • Irritable bowel • Painful gas • Bloating • Nausea and vomiting 5. Sexual / Genital Problems • Menstrual difficulties • Male impotence • Male and female infertility 6. Mental & Emotional Problems • Anxiety • Panic attacks • Depression • Irritability • Paranoia • Poor concentration, or feeling in a persistent mental ‘fog’ • Unexplained feelings of being ‘hung over,’ as if after an alcoholic binge • Feeling not in total control of one’s actions, often expressed as “I know the right thing to do, but I can’t do it.” Schizophrenia and mental instability 7. Other • Arthritis-like symptoms • Joint pain, similar to that of having the flu • Cravings for carbohydrates • Chronic dental problems • White coating on the tongue Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide With such a wide variety of signs and symptoms it is common to misdiagnose a chronic Candida infection. In many cases, a chronic Candida sufferer try to treat a symptom with no avail only to have it reoccur later on. Treating a symptom of Candida without addressing the deeper rooted problem will not work. At times a patient may hesitate to tell their physician that they are still not feeling better with the fear of uprising costs or being mislabeled as a hypochondriac. Many traditional medical practitioners, frustrated by continuing complaints, may suggest antidepressant medications, ultimately mistreating this infectious disease as a psychological disorder. Here is brief synopsis of some of the most common symptoms: Allergies: of foods and/or airborne chemicals, especially if these are acquired in adulthood. The number of offending substances keeps increasing until many become so sensitive to the everyday environment that they must live in isolation. Fatigue: continual, but often more noticeable after eating. Gastrointestinal: poor digestion (constipation or diarrhea, gas, bloating, cramps, heartburn, nausea, gastritis, colitis, etc.) Neurological: carbohydrate cravings, poor memory, irritability, inability to concentrate, mood swings, headaches, migraines, “fogged-in” feeling, confusion, and dizziness. Also, multiple Sclerosis-like symptoms (slurred speech, loss of muscle co-ordination, vision problems), depression and/or anxiety without any apparent causes (often worse after eating), paranoia, feelings of helplessness, mental incompetence, and a variety of other disturbances in behavior. Genito-urinary: vaginal infections, impotence, menstrual difficulties, rectal itch, infertility, prostatitis, urinary tract infection/inflammation (urgency, burning). Respiratory: resistance problems (easy acquisition of flus and colds), hay fever, frequent clearing of throat, mucous congestion, asthma, postnatal drip, bronchitis, chest pain, habitual coughing (usually non-productive that do not respond to treatment), sore throat, earaches. Skin: athlete‘s foot, skin rash, jock itch, psoriasis, hives, dry brownish patches, ringworm, rough skin on sides of arms (that gets worse at certain times of the month or under increased stress). Clinical history (early childhood): CNS, hyperactivity, aggressiveness; SKIN: cradle cap, diaper rash, thrush; RESPIRATORY: chronic ear infection, tonsillitis, GI-colic. Miscellaneous: arthritis-like symptoms, feeling bad all over, cold extremities, white coating on tongue upon waking up (non-fasting state), standard blood parameters between normal limits. 17 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide IMPORTANT: Not all individuals presenting some combination of the above symptoms will have a Candida or Candida-related problem, but the likelihood is much higher for individuals who do present some of the symptoms above. Common Symptoms of Localized Candida Since Candida infections can occur at many different sites, the signs and symptoms of infection vary. Here are descriptions of symptoms in specific localized areas. In the skin folds and groin a Candida infection results in an itching, burning, bright red rash. In the vagina a Candida infection results in intense itching. The skin of the vulva may become irritated, and you may experience pain while urinating. In addition, increased vaginal discharge is also common. This can be watery or thick, almost like cottage cheese, and may be white or whitish-gray in color. In the mouth a Candida infection, or thrush, results in a ‘dry mouth’ feeling or the sensation of something at the back of the mouth or top of the throat. Your sensation of taste may be decreased and you may even have pain on swallowing. When you look in your mouth, you’ll see creamy, white patches coating your tongue, cheeks, tonsils, and/or throat. In the esophagus a Candida infection can cause difficulty swallowing. You may feel as though there’s something blocking your esophagus or have pain behind your breastbone. Nausea and vomiting can also occur with esophageal Candidiasis. While this condition can be quite uncomfortable, it is far rarer than skin, oral and vaginal yeast infections. Other Types of Candida Infections Candida infections that are localized to other parts of the body can cause serious medical problems. As mentioned, infection of the esophagus can cause pain and difficulty swallowing. Infection of the heart valves can cause fever, a heart murmur, and enlargement of the spleen. Candida infection in the inner part of the eye and the retina can cause blindness. Acute systemic Candidiasis is a serious and potentially fatal condition, usually causing fever and often progressing rapidly to shock, kidney failure, and bleeding disorders. ‘Acute’ refers to any condition that develops rapidly and progresses quickly. Acute systemic Candida infections are extremely rare in people whose immune systems aren’t severely compromised as a result of HIV infection, cancer chemotherapy, or other conditions that virtually eliminate the ability of the immune system to respond to infections. Generalized chronic Candida infections have a wide variety of symptoms. Most are also typical of other conditions, so diagnosing a generalized chronic Candida infection can be challenging. ‘Chronic’ refers to any condition that develops slowly, is resistant to treatment and tends to persist. Chronic Candida infections are synonymous with Dysbiosis or Candida of 18 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide the intestinal tract. When an overgrowth occurs here, as it does in many people with Candida, the possible symptoms are almost endless as numerous functions take place in this part of the body. Systemic Candidiasis develops slowly when, deep in the intestines, the yeast cells transform into a more invasive fungal form. They penetrate the bowel wall, causing what’s known as ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’, and spread throughout the body. Although not well recognized by traditional medicine, alternative medicine focuses heavily on this type of condition. This is the form of Candida overgrowth that is believed to cause the majority of symptoms from chronic fatigue to allergies to IBS. This is the most complex of all the forms of Candida and is the most difficult to treat and recover from. It is also the most prevalent problem and goes undiagnosed for many. This book focuses on the cure for this form of Candida and utilizes it as a backbone for the treatment of all other forms of Candidiasis. 19 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Who is Vulnerable to Candida? Anyone can be infected with Candida! Women can be infected because of antibiotic use, steroids, pain medications, anti-inflammatory medications, hormone pills, birth control pills, sexual relationships with an infected partner, and many other factors. Men can also be infected with Candida from antibiotic use, steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications, sexual relations with an infected partner, and many other factors. Teenagers may develop Candida from routine treatment with tetracycline or antibiotics for acne. As a result, they may have many symptoms (especially depression, because of toxins from Candida that may affect the brain). Children can easily get Candida from being treated with ear infection antibiotics. The antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria, but also the good bacteria. Thus, a child may become predisposed to getting recurring ear infections (a viscous cycle: ear infection – antibiotics – ear infection – antibiotics). Babies can get Candida from the birth canal or the breast milk of the infected mother. This explains why some babies often have thrush (a white coated tongue), which is a yeast infection. Nursing Mothers and Babies As mentioned above, a nursing mother who has Candida can pass the condition onto her baby through her breast milk. To prevent this, the doctor may prescribe Diflucan or Nystatin for the mother, and liquid Nystatin for the baby. Both prevent infection and re-infection of the mother. Sexual Relations When a woman gets repeated vaginal yeast infections, it is often because her partner is repeatedly re-infecting her. Candida may easily be obtained from an infected partner through sexual intercourse, especially if the immune system is weak. It is advised that during the time of the infection, a condom be used. Kissing on the mouth and oral sex should be completely avoided as well. However, most Candida sufferers are women under the age of 50. This is often due to the initial use of a contraceptive pill for preventing pregnancy, then becoming pregnant (and the side-effect of completely throwing off the woman’s hormonal balance in both cases). This is in addition of all the other causes of Candida such a long-term exposure to drugs (even prescribed drugs), a toxic environment, and a poor diet. Up to 35% of all women on the pill suffer from vaginal yeast infections. Chronic yeast infections are worst for women when progesterone levels are highest, found during pregnancy and the luteal (latter) phase of the menstrual cycle. This is thought by most to be a genetic inborn weakness (which explains why the other 65% of women taking the pill were able to properly 20 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide deal with the yeast in their bodies and avoid infection). Unless a full treatment of intestinal Candida overgrowth is performed, vaginal yeast infections cannot be expected to go away. In addition, there is abundant proof that women who have sexual relations with a large number of men are at a much higher risk of cancer of the womb. Frequent changes in sexual partners is best avoided (i.e. less exposure to various diseases) to maintain a strong immune system. How Is Candida Different In Men And Women? Men and women experience chronic systemic Candida in very much the same way. Treatments for each follow the same general guidelines. The primary difference between men and women when it comes to chronic systemic Candida is that men with diabetes are more likely to get it. Candida infections if localized to the genital area appear differently in men and women. Women experience symptoms such as: • • • • • vaginal burning, irritation, itching burning or pain when urinating discomfort during or after sexual intercourse odor (not unpleasant) genital itching, burning, redness, and/or swelling In addition to this women are also prone to the hormone imbalances that Candida creates in terms of increasing estrogen levels. This can lead to various health issues such as severe PMS or infertility. In the same way men can suffer erectile dysfunction and lowered testosterone because of this. Men however can have a Candida infection in the genital area and have no symptoms at all. If symptoms do appear they may arise as an itching and burning sensation during urination. Burning may also arise during intercourse or after intercourse if a condom isn’t used. A reddening, burning sensation of the penis or a rash that appears and then goes away may also appear. Chronic groin infections in men appear as flat, brown or red-brown patches. When the skin becomes moist or warm, the patches may get redder and itch. Treatments of localized Candida infections follow the same general guidelines for men and women, whether they choose an antifungal medication or a natural treatment. 21 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide How Does Candida Develop Into A Health Threat? To understand why the list of signs and symptoms of a Candida infection is so extensive, you must understand that the tiny yeast cells cause a cascading series of invisible effects deep within your body. You can’t feel these changes as they’re occurring. Effects are only felt and made aware after the damage has been done and your overall health has been seriously impacted. Let’s begin by looking at what yeast organisms do when they’re used for a good purpose. Fermentation 101 Yeast promotes the process of fermentation whether it is used for bread, wine, or beer. The purpose of yeast is to break down sugar into water, alcohol, carbon dioxide gas, and acid. The types of yeast however used to make bread, beer, and wine are commercially produced. They’re not the strain that causes misery for many people. But yeast is yeast and the chemical process that Candida promotes in your body is fermentation. This is the critical difference between yeast used for cooking and yeast in you. In cooking, the amount of available sugar is finite. When the yeast consumes the sugar, the process stops. In the human body however, the amount of sugar available to yeast is virtually endless. If you have Candida yeast in your intestines, fermentation goes on and on and on, producing water, carbon dioxide, and alcohol. Assuming your body defenses are down an overgrowth will occur. You probably won’t notice the water produced but the carbon dioxide released by the fermentation process causes discomfort in the form of painful bloating, flatulence, belching, and an upset stomach. The real problem with yeast however, is when the sugar is broken down into alcohol. Alcohol in the human body metabolizes into a chemical byproduct of fermentation called acetaldehyde. It is what’s responsible for the unpleasant feelings that accompany a hangover. Acetaldehyde is about 30 times as toxic as alcohol, and if you suffer from Candida your body is producing this everyday! Acetaldehyde also disrupts the ability of the red bloods cells to properly hold onto and transfer oxygen to the bloodstream. It actively combines with proteins that make up the cell membranes of red blood cells, and cause a stiffening effect of the red blood cells which inhibits their ability to enter into the capillaries. This prevents oxygen from being supplied throughout the body which is why so many Candida sufferers routinely have cold hands and feet. Acetaldehyde also depletes energy producing nutrients such as NADH and B3 and damages the liver and brain. 22 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide To top it all off, it also boosts the production of free radicals in the body, the #1 cause of degenerative disease. Virtually all symptoms, especially the mental and emotional symptoms of Candida are directly caused by acetaldehyde. Imagine all of this going on in your intestines. You can now understand why chronic Candida infections cause people to feel hung over, as if they’re “in a fog”, and leave them unable to make clear decisions. Yeast Changes Form When yeast is in your intestine, it actually changes shape. In your warm, moist interior, which happens to be the perfect temperature for this transformation to take place, the tiny spheres of yeast sprout filament-like branches called hyphae (pronounced hifuh), also known as rhizoids. Where the yeast cell was once an inconsequential sphere, it has now become a rapidly growing, branching organism, extending filaments everywhere. These hyphae burrow deep into the intestinal wall, extending a mass of tiny branches forward. The hyphae of many yeast cells intertwine and create a single living organism that permeates the intestinal wall. At this point the yeast becomes inseparable from the human tissue. In fact even if you could get directly to the burrowed and woven yeast in your intestine, you still wouldn’t be able to separate the yeast filaments from the underlying tissue. The yeast cells now permeate the intestinal tissue and, continuing their march forward, penetrate it. The intestinal wall becomes more permeable, which allows more liquids to pass through it. The liquids that do pass through the intestinal wall contain yeast cells and spread the infection beyond the intestines into the abdominal cavity and the bloodstream. This is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome. Leaky Gut Syndrome Leaky gut syndrome is a condition that generally goes hand in hand with a Candida overgrowth. What occurs is that the mutated form of Candida uses its Mycelial which are basically like tentacles to poke and grip the walls of your intestine. This creates microscopic holes in your intestinal wall that allow for small particles of food to pass directly into your bloodstream. This immediately sets off the alarm system of your immune system and as a result your body begins to view these particles as foreign toxins that must be immediately eliminated. This is how many allergies can become created as well in the body of a Candida sufferer. Candida isn’t the only cause of Leaky Gut Syndrome. Other conditions such as celiac disease, parasites, drugs, poor diet and alcohol abuse can cause large spaces to develop between the cells of the intestinal wall. This allows bacteria, toxins, and food to leak into the bloodstream. Regardless of the cause, Leaky Gut Syndrome is responsible for some of the symptoms of chronic Candida overgrowth as mentioned earlier. These include symptoms directly related to 23 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide the intestinal tract such as bloating, pain, gas, heartburn, constant hunger, hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea, and liver dysfunction. Symptoms related to the nervous system also included are insomnia, anxiety, depression, poor memory, sluggishness, brain fatigue, mood swings. Systems that are related to the nervous system are also affected including the respiratory, endocrine, and musculoskeletal system. When these are affected it can lead to shortness of breath, swollen lymph glands and muscle pain and cramping retrospectively. As your overall health continues to deteriorate, your nails may become brittle and you may begin to lose hair. Your energy seems to grind to a halt, and you may develop fevers for no apparent reason. How is it possible that one tiny yeast organism can create so many diverse problems? Toxins play a large role as Candida can produce 79 different toxins, including acetaldehyde, with each one of them exerting a poisonous effect on the organs throughout the body. In addition, Candida albicans is deviously equipped to resist the human immune system. This is discussed in further detail below in the ALLERGIES AND TOXINS SECTION. Generally many Candida protocols have spent a great deal of effort on healing up the intestinal wall, but these efforts are entirely futile until the root problem has been eliminated and the Candida as a result as well. When a person begins healing all of these underlying conditions its our belief that their body will be able to heal these micro holes in the intestinal wall with little effort as well. Candida Can Outwit the Human Immune System To start, Candida cells are enclosed in a capsule that prevents white blood cells from engulfing and destroying them. They can also change how they appear to the immune system. In addition, Candida cells can create chemical factors that suppress the immune system’s ability to fight them. The human immune system fights foreign cells internally in one of two ways. It can send out cells to look for foreign cells with those external receptors and destroy them or create a general inflammation response. Candida cells can change the receptors they display and effectively disguise themselves from attack when the immune system sends out cells to destroy them. For example, Candida cells may display the receptors of the connective tissue. Then the compromised immune system may begin a search and destroy mission to eradicate all cells displaying these receptors. The joints of the human body, rich in connective tissue, may then be attacked by the immune system mistakenly interpreting them as foreign invaders. The Candida cells can also display receptors of the human brain. This leads to root causes of brain disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Through the inflammation method, inflammation will persist in the body until the cells that provoked the immune response are eliminated. However, in the case of Candida, these cells 24 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide cannot be eliminated. This means that painful inflammation will persist within the human body until a cure is found. Autoimmune Diseases As mentioned not only does Candida protect itself from the immune system with devastating effectiveness, but it can also stimulate the immune system to attack healthy human tissue. The result can be one or more of a group of conditions called autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases are those in which the immune system attacks itself or another healthy part of the body. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, but they include conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, and colitis. There is still much debate on whether Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia are, in fact, autoimmune diseases, although they seem to share some characteristics with the ‘true’ autoimmune disorders. Regardless Candida has a direct relationship to both diseases. From Leaky Gut Syndrome to painful inflammation to autoimmune diseases, the ability of Candida to wreak havoc on the human body seems to have no bounds. People who suffer from chronic Candida infections can attest to this. 25 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide How Do I Determine If I Have Candida? Diagnosing Candida can be challenging. The symptoms of localized and non-localized infections are similar to those of many other conditions. In a vaginal yeast infection, symptoms include intense itching, burning of the skin, painful urination, and discharge. These common symptoms are shared with other infections such as Chlamydia, gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis. Urinary tract or bladder infections can also have signs and symptoms similar to vaginal yeast infections such as pain and burning during urination. Chronic systemic Candida infections also share this problem. Fatigue, one of the most common symptoms, occurs with many other diseases ranging from the common cold to cancer. The non-specific nature of Candida symptoms is why traditional medical practitioners often have trouble diagnosing it. This is why you need to rely on a professional diagnosis of a yeast infection. Even if you’ve had a yeast infection before, don’t rely on self-diagnosis. The other reason why diagnosing Candida is challenging is because it’s a “diagnosis of exclusion”. This means that Candida becomes the most likely reason behind a patient’s symptoms only after all other potential diagnoses have been eliminated. And it can take a long time to rule out the long list of potential causes for the non-specific symptoms of a chronic Candida infection. This is why chronic Candida sufferers have often received treatments for variety of conditions without feeling any better. They start each new treatment with a sense of hope that this one will work, only to find that their symptoms don’t improve. Unfortunately, there is no commonly available test for diagnosing Candida in the traditional medical setting. However Most Naturopaths and Alternative health care practitioners will supply some options for you. How can I test for a Candida Overgrowth? “Candidiasis is one of the few instances where the treatment of a health problem is, in fact, the main means of diagnosis.” As the quote above states, you’re better off treating Candida to reach a diagnosis (as opposed to trying various tests). Remember, Candida is present in everyone. The question is whether it is under control or not, and a Candida test may not provide an answer. Having Candida under control heavily depends on the overall health of the immune system. Candida testing was virtually non-existent 15 to 20 years ago, partly because antibodies of Candida can be found in over 90% of the population. 26 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Test #1. Culturing stool samples: This is ineffective simply because everyone has yeast development in their intestines to a certain degree. So a positive test doesn’t carry a lot of weight (although they can sometimes indicate an extremely high presence of yeast). Test #2. Gut fermentation tests: These tests involve taking a blood sample prior to and after a dose of sugar is taken on an empty stomach. This test has benefits as it shows how actively the yeast produce alcohol in the body. Test #3. Gut permeability test: This test is used to measure the amount of proteins and other substances that are able to pass through the gut wall of the intestinal tract. This test can indicate a leaky gut. Test #4. Anti-bodies to Candida: The bloodstream is checked to indicate if antibodies have been developed to fight Candida. If Candida has become pathogenic (i.e., disease-causing), it elicits an immune system response leading to the production of elevated levels of specific antibodies. The ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbant Assay) is the test of choice. Test #5. Electro Dermal Screening – (EDS): There exist testing methods which utilize an electronic probe which when applied to acupuncture points on the hand can give a relatively accurate result regarding allergies and health conditions such as Candida. There are many versions of these devices around. The downside is that the practitioner using them must be skilled or at least experienced in their use to obtain accurate results. The Secretor / Non-Secretor Factor There is actually a factor within your blood that can directly determine whether you are at greater risk of a Candida overgrowth over the average person. The factor indicates whether you are a “Secretor” or a “Non-Secretor.” This factor is completely independent of what blood type you have. If you happen to be a Secretor along with 80% of the population, then you’re in luck. What this means is that you secrete your blood type antigen into your other bodily fluids besides just your blood, this includes the saliva in your mouth, the mucus in your digestive tract, the sinuses, respiratory tract, and other part of the body. This helps protect you against infectious micro-organisms, allergens and infections of all kinds. On the flip side if you are a part of the 20% of the population that are non-secretors you’ll generally experience more health problems than that of a secretor. By not being able to secrete your blood antigens into your other bodily fluids you will experience more frequent infections and a more overactive immune response to allergens. How this all relates back to Candida is the fact that your friendly bacteria use the antigens secreted into mucus of the digestive tract as food. So by being a non-secretor you are automatically placed at a loss in trying to promote healthy bacterial growth in the body. So chances are very high that you are a non-secretor if you constantly struggle with Candida and 27 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide retaining high levels of friendly bacteria. This is especially true for O blood type non-secretors. Non-secretors are also more likely to develop auto-immune diseases, allergies, asthma, diabetes and heart disease. Summary: Non-Secretors are much more likely to be affected by Candida, particularly O blood types, in which Candida has a much easier time colonizing. Secretors are able to inhibit bacteria and prevent yeasts from attaching to the surfaces of mucus membranes in the body. NonSecretors may actually promote the binding of Candida to tissues in the body. At Home Saliva Test Remembering that your intestinal tract provides the perfect warm and moist environment for Candida, you’ll want to look there for evidence of overgrowth. Before you go to bed at night put a clear glass of water beside your bed. In the morning, right after you wake up before you drink anything or brush your teeth, work up some saliva and spit into the glass. You’ll probably have to spit a few times—make sure to cover the surface of the water with saliva. Check the appearance of the water every few minutes for the next half hour. If your saliva doesn’t contain excess Candida, your saliva will eventually dissipate and the water will stay clear. If, however, your saliva contains a significant amount of Candida yeast calls, one or more of several things will happen: • • • • The water will become cloudy Your saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass Your saliva will form ‘strings’ or ‘legs’ extending toward the bottom of the glass. Cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water This is a quick and inexpensive way to determine if your intestinal tract contains excess Candida. If your test is negative and you believe that your symptoms are in fact caused by chronic yeast in your system, pursue other tests as well. Questionnaires There are numerous questionnaires that can be found on the Internet that will help you determine if Candida is responsible for the root of your health problems. The oldest and best-known questionnaire is written by Dr. William Crook, author of The Yeast Connection and several other bestselling books on the subject of chronic Candida infection. His survey totals 70 questions to assess the probability of whether or not you have Candida. 28 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Each health history item and major and minor symptom is assigned a number of points reflecting its importance as a diagnostic criterion for chronic systemic Candidiasis. You add up the points for each item to calculate your total score. A total score of 180 or more for women and 140 or more for men indicates that symptoms are almost certainly yeast-related. A score of less than 60 for women and less than 40 for men indicates that they’re probably not yeast-related. Intermediate scores indicate the probability or possibility of a Candida-related health issue. You can take a short form of this questionnaire or download a PDF of the original 71-item survey from The Yeast Connection® website here. With Dr. Crook’s permission, an online interactive form of the longer survey can be taken here. On top of all this there is our Questionnaire as well at it is quite in-depth as well. We have listed a majority of the questions below. Survey Questions Diagnostic factors in your health history include: • • • • • • • • Antibiotic use Memory or concentration problems Feeling “sick all over” from an unknown cause, despite many visits to physicians Pregnancy and contraception history Steroid use Environmental sensitivities Chronic fungal infections of the skin or nails Sugar cravings Major symptoms include: • • • • • • • • • Fatigue or “feeling drained” Poor memory; feeling spacey or “unreal” Depression Numbness, burning or tingling Pain and/or swelling joints Muscle aches, weakness or paralysis Abdominal pain Bloating, constipation or diarrhea Persistent vaginal burning/itching 29 | P a g e • • Troublesome vaginal discharge Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) Impotence or loss of sexual desire Endometriosis, PMS, menstrual irregularities, or other reproductive organ concerns Spots in front of the eyes; erratic vision • • • Minor symptoms include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Frequent: drowsiness irritability and/or jitteriness lack of coordination inability to concentrate mood swings (ups & downs) headaches dizziness/loss of balance itching anywhere on body persistent rashes heartburn and/or indigestion dry mouth sore or dry throat unexplained cough Feeling of head swelling & tingling Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide • • • • • • • • Belching, burping & intestinal gas Mucus in stools Hemorrhoids Rash or blisters in/around mouth Bad breath Joint swelling or arthritis Nasal congestion, itching or discharge Postnasal drip • • • • • • • Pain or tightness in chest Wheezing or shortness of breath Urinary urgency or frequency Burning on urination Noticeably failing vision Recurrent infections or fluid in ears Ear pain or deafness Immune Assays Some doctors test for the level of Candida immune complexes in the blood. A Candida immune complex consists of yeast cells, the antigen, bound to immunoglobulin (Ig) antibodies. There are different types of immunoglobulins in the body, and Candida immune assays may test for IgG, IgA, and/or IgM. While all these tests are reliable individually, their combined use will give you a much more accurate result. Candida immune complexes are present in the blood in direct proportion to the amount of Candida in the body. The higher the value of Candida immune complexes, the more the antigen is present in the blood. Immune complexes disappear rapidly once Candida is removed, so they only identify active disease. Immune assays are an objective and very specific marker for the presence of Candida. In contrast, symptoms and questionnaires are subjective, reported by the patient, and less specific. You can check with your doctor to see if he or she offers immune testing for the presence of Candida. You may also find labs offering Candida immune assays over the Internet. If you pursue immune assay testing, try to find a lab that test for all three immune complexes: IgG, IgA, and IgM. 30 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide COMMON TREATMENT METHODS How is a Localized Candida Infection Normally Treated? The goal of treating Candida infections with medications is to eliminate the yeast cells alone. This treatment of Candida is dependant heavily upon the location and severity of the infection. Many drugs used to treat Candida infections are used either topically (at the site of infection) or systemically (throughout the entire body). Most oral, skin, and genital yeast infections are treated with topical medications, which work well for mild to moderate infections. Systemic treatment is used to treat acute Candidiasis in the esophagus or other internal organs, as well as in the blood. Candida in these locations is almost always a result of severe immune system compromise from HIV infection or cancer chemotherapy. A NOTE ON DRUG NAMES: All medications, including those discussed below, have both a generic and a proprietary name. The generic name identifies the medication itself and is the same across manufacturers. The proprietary or brand name is given to the generic drug by an individual manufacturer. The same medication can have many proprietary names if it’s produced by several different manufacturers. The generic names of medications used to treat Candida listed first and followed by proprietary names follow inside parentheses. Drugs Used In the Topical Treatment of Candida Topical treatments include mouth rinses and lozenges for oral Candida or thrush; creams, ointments, lotions, and solutions for vaginal, nail, and skin infections; and vaginal suppositories and tablets. Oral Rinses Oral rinses are the least effective treatment for thrush because they’re only in contact with the yeast cells for a limited period of time. A mouth rinse should be held in the mouth for as long as possible, using the cheek muscles to swish the rinse around to maximize contact with all the tissues inside the mouth. The rinse is then swallowed or spit out, depending on your doctor’s instructions. Oral rinses should be used at least four times a day until several days after the symptoms such as creamy white patches on the tongue, cheeks, and tonsils, disappear. If treatment is stopped too 31 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide early, infection may recur with yeast that has become resistant to the antifungal agent in the rinse used. Nystatin (Nilstat, Mycostatin, Bio-Statin, Nystex) is the most widely used medication in mouth rinses for oral Candidiasis. Its yeast-killing action only occurs on direct contact with the cells. Nystatin isn’t absorbed through the stomach or intestines, so it won’t kill yeast anywhere but in the mouth. Lozenges Also called pastilles or troches, oral lozenges are used instead of mouth rinses for oral yeast infections. Usually, one or two lozenges are allowed to dissolve in the mouth three to five times a day. They must be sucked slowly, not chewed or swallowed. Lozenges should also be used several days after symptoms disappear to avoid reoccurrence and the development of drug-resistant strains of Candida. Nystatin (Nilstat, Mycostatin, Bio-Statin, Nystex) and clotrimazole (Mycelex) are the most widely used medications in lozenges for Candidiasis of the mouth and throat. Their antifungal action occurs only on direct contact with the yeast cells, so infections and overgrowth elsewhere in the body aren’t affected by oral nystatin or clotrimazole. Creams, Ointments, Lotions, and Solutions These are used for skin and nail infections and are available in both over-the-counter and prescription strengths. Over-the-counter preparations are usually labeled as treatments for athlete’s foot or jock itch. They’re applied one to four times a day for an extended period of time for as long as four weeks. One of the chief difficulties in eradicating skin and nail yeast infections is the length of treatment. Many people have difficulty consistently applying medication. The danger in stopping treatment early is that the yeast cells may simply develop resistance to the antifungal agent without being eradicated. Antifungal medications used to fight Candida infections on the skin often contain steroids as well to reduce inflammation. A wide variety of agents are used in creams, ointments, lotions, and solutions. They include clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Mycelex), clotrimazole with a steroid (Lotrisone), nystatin (Mycostatin), nystatin with a steroid (Mycolog-II), miconazole (MonistatDerm), ketoconazole (Nizoral), amphotericin B (Fungizone), and econazole (Spectazole). Vaginal Suppositories and Tablets Women can buy creams, suppositories, and tablets to fight vaginal yeast infections over the counter. However, because Candidiasis can mimic infections with other microorganisms, diagnosis by a physician is advised before starting treatment. 32 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Some solutions include both suppositories and creams (with applicators for insertion into the vagina) for nightly use, and wipes or lotions to relieve burning and itching of the skin. Even if the lotions or creams relieve itching and burning, the Candida deep within the vagina is still active, so it’s important to complete the recommended or prescribed treatment regimen. The duration of treatment depends on the particular antifungal agent and the strength of the preparation, so follow package directions or prescription instructions carefully. If you buy a seven-day treatment and feel better after three days, you must still complete the whole seven days to effectively kill yeast cells. As with other forms of Candida infection, a risk of incomplete treatment is the recurrence of the condition and the development of strains of yeast cells that can’t be destroyed by antifungal agents. Several antifungal medications are used against vaginal yeast infections. They include clotrimazole (GyneLotrimin and Mycelex-G, miconazole (Monistat, butoconazole (Femstat, Femstat 3, Gynazole 1, Mycelex-3), tioconazole (Vagistat-1), terconazole (Terazol). In addition, a single oral dose of fluconazole (Diflucan) is effective against vaginal yeast infections. Drugs Used In the Treatment of Systemic Candida Acute systemic Candida infections and infections in internal structures and organs like the esophagus can be treated with oral or intravenous medications. Ketoconazole (Nizoral) is an oral medication taken in a single dose daily. Ketaoconazole requires acid in the stomach for absorption, so it should be taken with acid-containing foods or liquids. It may not be a good choice for people who are unable to eat very much or have intestinal problems. Fluconazole (Diflucan) is also taken as a single dose daily. The first dose may be higher than subsequent ones. This is called “loading” and it quickly brings the concentration of antifungal medication in the system up to effective levels. Treatment with fluconazole may last two weeks for oral or skin Candidiasis and three weeks for an esophageal infection. Treatment must continue for two weeks after symptoms clear up. Fluconazole is a very effective antifungal agent. However, resistance to fluconazole is well documented in the medical literature and once it develops, medication choices for treating acute systemic Candidiasis are very limited. For this reason, some doctors prefer to use other medications such as ketoconazole first and use fluconazole only when necessary. Itraconazole (Sporanox) also needs stomach acid to be absorbed and should be taken with food. Blood levels of the drug may be checked to make sure that absorption is enough. Itraconazole comes in both oral solution and capsule forms. The oral solution delivers a higher level of medication to the blood. 33 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Amphotericin B (Fungizone) is used to treat very aggressive systemic Candida infections and is used when other treatments fail. It’s administered intravenously and has a large number of side effects including chills, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. As a result, people with severe Candida infections receive amphotericin B intravenously until they start to improve. Treatment is then normally changed to fluconazole. The Problem with Treating Candida using Drugs Medications are important as potentially lifesaving treatments that quickly reduce the number of yeast cells present and reduce symptoms. Undoubtedly, severe systemic infections require medication as do acute infections in the eye, esophagus, and other organs. However, a medication based approach to Candida focuses only on eliminating yeast cells. This can actually cause the body to develop a resistance to yeast cells making it harder to treat in future outbreaks. In a nutshell, a medication based approach that focuses on the treatment of recurring local Candida infections overlooks the importance of addressing root causes and will not cure your Candidiasis. Periodic Candida infections, especially vaginal ones, are looked at as much like the common cold, a normal occurrence that women have to occasionally suffer through. The importance of having a healthy immune function to keep Candida under control is overlooked. While it is well known that people with compromised immune systems are far more likely to develop Candida infections, a medication-based approach ignores the role of the immune system altogether. A medication-based approach also overlooks the critical role of balance among populations of microorganisms. The problem is not that yeast cells are within you it’s that those yeast cells are running rampant. 34 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide How Is a Localized Candida Infection Treated Naturally? Note: We suggest that if you are currently suffering from a genital or other localized yeast infection that you also use our corresponding yeast infection guide. The alternative to using medications is to take a larger view of Candidiasis. Even if you are using medications to treat localized yeast infections, taking this broader view will help you from experiencing recurring infections. If you recall, the factors that cause Candida to multiply explosively are predominantly a disruption in the balance of microorganisms in the body, a weakened immune system, amongst other causes. It makes perfect sense then that the three goals behind treating Candida naturally are: 1. To restore a healthy balance of microorganisms within your body 2. To restore and maintain the health of your immune system. 3. To eliminate behaviors that increase your risk of developing an infection To summarize all three, the goal of treating Candida naturally is to restore your body to a state of naturally balanced, optimum health. Restoring a Healthy Balance of Microorganisms To properly restore the balance of microorganisms in your body two actions must be undertaken. First you must reduce the yeast cells in the body, then decrease the activity of yeast cells in the body and finally increase good bacteria. Reducing Yeast Cells Reducing the number of yeast cells within your body is what medication aims to achieve. Using medication for the first step in this process is fine. Be sure to use it as directed and complete the entire course of treatment even if symptoms are entirely gone. This reduces the risks of your infection recurring and of developing a medication-resistant strain of Candida. If you are looking to reduce yeast cells naturally there are natural anti-fungals that we have listed below. Make sure you take Probiotics and beneficial bacteria foods such as Kefir, Sauerkraut and unsweetened yogurt while taking anti-fungals. This is in an effort to ensure that good bacteria thrives and is not lowered as well due to the anti-fungals which can sometimes kill off both good and bad bacteria. 35 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Anti-Fungals Garlic: is very effective against bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi, but harmless to the good bacteria that help keep the populations of these other microorganisms in check. It is effective when ingested in any form. Whether it is raw, cooked, in liquid or dried extracts, or as aged extracts. A typical recommended dose of garlic for an adult is three large cloves per day. It should be noted that Garlic allergy is not uncommon and for sensitive individuals it can irritate the tissues. Be cautious when using it initially to determine how you react to it. Caprylic Acid: is a fatty acid derived from coconut oil. It has substantial antifungal properties. Caprylic acid works to eliminate intestinal Candida overgrowth along the length of the intestinal tract if it’s absorbed slowly. In order to promote slow absorption, caprylic acid is best taken as a sustained-release capsule. An alternative form that also promotes slow absorption is caprylic acid oil mixed with psyllium seed powder. Since caprylic acid combined with psyllium fiber allows it to be in direct contact with the yeast cells inside the intestines on an ongoing basis. Instructions on how to make a Psyllium and Bentonite (P&B) Shake containing caprylic acid is explained under the Alternative Therapies section. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE): is effective against bacteria, parasites, and fungi. It’s available in liquid and capsule forms. Liquid extract is used, must be diluted well and used carefully because of its potential to cause gastrointestinal upset. Capsules may be better tolerated. Grapefruit seed extract also reduces the populations of good bacteria, so the timing of doses should take probiotics into account. It has been shown to be more effective in destroying yeast than colloidal silver, iodine, tea tree oil and even bleach! You can use the a few drops in a mouthwash every night before you go to sleep. Start slow with one drop per 8oz glass. Oregano Oil: has demonstrated its antifungal and antibacterial effects. Its impact on beneficial bacteria is unclear. Use 1-2ml per day in separate doses. Pau D’Arco: trees are found in Central and South America. The bark contains two compounds known as naphthaquinones which have antifungal activities. Pau D’Arco is best taken in capsule form and should not be used alone for serious fungal infections. It can also be consumed as a tea. It is known amongst the locals as an excellent cancer preventative when drank daily. Goldenseal Root: is sometimes recommended as an herbal antifungal agent, but it should be used with caution and never by pregnant women. Goldenseal 36 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide root is usually used for antibacterial and anti-amoebic effects with other herbs for long-term yeast treatment. Goldenseal should be used in consultation with an experienced herbalist. Its impact on beneficial bacteria within the body is unclear. Tea Tree Oil: is a topical antifungal and antibacterial agent. Make sure you choose tea tree oil with a greater concentration of Terpenine-4-oil (the beneficial element) and less Cineole (the caustic component). Tea Tree Oil should only be used externally, although some anti-yeast formulations contain very small amounts of pure Tea Tree Oil usually 1% or less. Calendula: has historically been used as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent. Its effectiveness is unclear. To simplify the process of taking anti-fungals you can take a fungal cleanse supplement. They tend to have a combination of anti-fungals including some of the ones mentioned above. We recommend Fungal Defense by Garden of Life™. We find this to be a superior anti-fungal amongst competitors. Reducing the Activity of Yeast Cells The metabolic activity of yeast cells actually depends on a single nutrient, sugar. If you recall, yeast combined with sugar results in fermentation. Fermentation in your body takes place in your intestines. By eliminating sugar from your diet you begin to deprive Candida cells of the nutrient they require for activity and growth. This is a step you can take right now. Simply stop eating sugar if you don’t want to feed your yeast. This includes honey, maple syrup, molasses, brown sugar, corn syrup, fructose, and simple carbohydrates such as white flour bread that breaks down into glucose. Increasing Good Bacteria With the number and activity of yeast cells in your system reducing, you now want to increase the good bacteria in your body. There are two main species of beneficial bacteria that work to keep Candida in check: • • Lactobacillus Bifdobacterium These bacteria are called probiotics and are available in some foods as well. Yogurt is a good source, but only if the label specifies indicates that it is live culture. Kefir is another great source of beneficial bacteria. Probiotic supplements are also available for people who are lactose intolerant or have difficulty digesting dairy products. For Candida, probiotics are the single best supplement you can take to maintain a proper balance of good and bad bacteria. Most people should have a balance of 85% good bacteria and 15% bad 37 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide bacteria at any given time to maintain optimal health. The reality is that the majority of the population in North America has the numbers reversed, with 75%+ bad bacteria and less than 25% good in their bodies. It’s not hard to understand why Candida overgrowth is such a wide spread problem in North America. Probiotics can also: • • • • • • • • • • improve bacterial and yeast vaginal infections and bacterial bladder and urinary tract infections improve inflammatory bowel disease improve food allergies and inflammatory allergic conditions like eczema and asthma reduce some risk factors for cardiovascular disease reduce some risk factors for intestinal cancers shorten the duration of gastroenteritis (stomach flu) and rotavirus-related diarrhea in infants reduce the rate of childhood respiratory infections improve travelers’ diarrhea, which is sometimes known as Montezuma’s Revenge help prevent tooth decay Allow some people to better digest foods with lactose due to their production of lactase in the body. Not only do probiotics compete with Candida cells for nutrients and survival, they also help to accomplish the second goal of treating Candida naturally. Restoring and Maintaining the Health of Your Immune System Research shows that probiotics help immune responses return back to normal levels, inhibit chronic low-level inflammation, and help improve some inflammatory conditions that have an autoimmune component like allergies and Crohn’s disease. If you want to restore and maintain your immune system health you must limit your overall exposure to environmental toxins such as secondhand smoke, paint, solvents, disinfectants and other household cleaning products. Getting adequate rest also enhances immune function, as does reducing stressors in your life. If you want to combat Candida more effectively look at what’s causing you stress and deal with it accordingly. Eliminating Behaviors That Increase Your Risk of Developing an Infection You can reduce the likelihood of developing another infection by making your body an uninhabitable place for Candida. Dry all skin folds thoroughly especially between the legs and under the breasts. Avoid cornstarch-containing body powders, because cornstarch is a 38 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide carbohydrate that can be broken down into sugar. Use good personal hygiene habits, wiping from front to back after urinating, but avoid the use of perfumed soaps. If you’re a woman avoid feminine hygiene sprays and douching as well. As a Candida infection can be transferred through nonsexual means never share hygiene products such as a washcloth, bathrobe, towel or toothbrush with someone else. A person may have Candidiasis and not even be aware. Choose underwear that is 100% cotton. Cotton allows air to reach the genitals unlike other synthetic fibers which trap warmth and moisture. Avoid tight-fitting pantyhose and if you go swimming, change out of your damp bathing suit as soon as possible. If one partner is suspected of having a yeast infection, both partners should be evaluated simultaneously to prevent the infection from being passed back and forth. Do not purchase or use condoms that contain the spermicide nonoxynol-9 as it increases the ability of yeast cells to adhere to skin cell. What Can I Do To Feel Better Now? If you suspect you have a chronic Candida infection, it may take weeks before your fatigue, fever, or other symptoms begin to resolve. You may even feel significantly worse ranging from a few hours to a few days while undergoing treatments. This is referred to as the Herxheimer reaction which occurs when large quantities of toxins are released into the body as Candida cells die. This is a necessary step to go through in order to fully recover from Candida. The following are treatments that will help you alleviate symptoms instantly in the mean time. Treating Your Yeast Infection Symptoms Instantly If you haven’t already, stop eating sugar! Gastrointestinal discomfort may be alleviated immediately by eliminating sugars and glucose producing simple carbohydrates from your diet. As mentioned before sugar is the single nutrient that feeds the Candida fungus and encourages it to grow and multiply faster. Douches and Other Remedies Yogurt and Probiotics This is an effective treatment for both males and females. If your groin region is burning and/or itching, apply yogurt directly on the inflamed area. Use unsweetened live culture yogurt only. 39 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Kefir or Bio-K brand yogurts are two brands we suggest using for this purpose. Both contain very large quantities of probiotics. You can also add acidophilus powder to yogurt to increase its effectiveness. Acidophilus, if you are unfamiliar, is a good bacterium that directly combats bad bacteria growth. We highly recommend acidophilus powder as your #1 supplement against Candida and yeast infections. It is particularly effective in controlling Candida overgrowth. It is also one of the main bacteria cultures used in yogurt which is why eating yogurt and applying it directly when dealing with a yeast infection is so effective. For women you can smear a tampon with yogurt and insert it in the vagina. You can also freeze the tampon and create what’s known as a “yogurt Popsicle”. This can be soothing for some women although the unfrozen version may be easier for sensitive women. If you do not have a tampon, you can use a spoon, a spatula, a needleless syringe or a vaginal cream applicator to insert yogurt into the vagina. Your fingers can also be used, just make sure you are reaching as high as you can into your vagina. Applying yogurt is best done when you can lie down for at least an hour immediately afterwards. If you have to stay on your feet, wear a panty liner to catch any drips. Sitting down on a towel allows for both neatness and a little more air circulation. Cranberries Eating cranberries or drinking pure 100% not from concentrate cranberry juice can help initially when you are experiencing initial yeast infection symptoms. Cranberries lower your PH and create a more acidic environment in your body. The environment in your vagina as a result also becomes more acidic and will kill off the yeast in the area. Cranberry extract capsules can also be inserted into the vagina directly. Make sure they are capsules, not tablets or caplets. Insert 1-3 daily this way if desired. Apple Cider Vinegar Bath Due to its highly acidic nature, apple cider vinegar is highly effective against topical and vaginal yeast infections. The best way to utilize apple cider vinegar is to fill up a bath enough to reach the affected area and add 1-2 cups of apple cider vinegar. Sit in this bath for at least 20 minutes and be sure to dry off fully when done. 40 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Hydrogen Peroxide Douche An alternative douche is hydrogen peroxide. The reason why Acidophilus and other beneficial bacteria help eliminate fungus is because hydrogen peroxide is produced as a byproduct. While it’s stable in a bottle, hydrogen peroxide breaks down into oxygen and water on contact with almost any other substance. The beneficial bacteria in the vagina thrive on oxygen, and the particular form of oxygen released by hydrogen peroxide (a free radical) destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi. To douche with hydrogen peroxide, mix 1/2 teaspoon of 35% hydrogen peroxide in 500ml of distilled water. Gently douche with minimal pressure and avoid forcing the liquid into the uterus. We suggest douching in a reclining position while lying in the bathtub for instance. The hydrogen peroxide will stay in contact with the infected tissue much longer. This should be done daily until symptoms disappear and then continue for another day. Garlic Garlic has well-documented antifungal properties and can be used within the vagina even while you sleep. Peel a garlic clove, being careful not to nick the surface of the clove. Garlic juice can burn and sting the walls of the vagina. Wrap the peeled clove in a small piece of cheesecloth or muslin, and tie the package with unwaxed dental floss, leaving a long tail to make removal easy. You can leave the garlic in the vagina for up to 12 hours. Be prepared you will smell strongly of garlic during this treatment! If you are sensitive to garlic, avoid this treatment. Always use fresh garlic. Oregano Oil Oregano is VERY effective in alleviating a topical yeast infection, however it also burns easily! So exert some caution when using it. Make sure to dilute it with olive oil. Add one drop per tablespoon. You can use more at your own risk. Feel how sensitive you are to it and slowly increase the amount of oil to your maximum tolerable limit. Douche twice a day. You should also be taking a few drops internally as well. This won’t have the same impact as the topical use will but it will help to address the underlying cause of your yeast infection. Again, make sure you dilute the oil with water or juice. If you are taking it orally from the dropper have something ready to chase it down with. 41 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide No matter what you do you’ll still feel a bit of the burn in your mouth and throat. The benefits of using it though are well worth it! Tea Tree Oil You can also douche with a very dilute solution of tea tree oil. Like oregano oil, tea tree oil also burns if not properly diluted. Add one tablespoon of tea tree oil to a half gallon of water. Make sure you choose tea tree oil with a greater concentration of Terpenine-4-oil (the beneficial element) and less Cineole (the component that can burn). Douche twice daily. If you know you have a Candida skin infection in the groin area or in skin folds, you can also use tea tree oil to help with itching and burning. Again, you must use a diluted solution. To apply tea tree oil for relief of skin infections, add 5 or 6 drops to a large bowl of tepid water. Apply to the affected area and allow it to air dry. Boric Acid Chronic yeast infections can be treated very effectively with Boric Acid. It is a pharmaceutical compound that has strong anti-fungal and anti-viral abilities. Generally boric acid capsules are very difficult to find. Unless you are able to find premade boric acid capsules you will have to make them yourself. You will need 00 size gelatin capsules and boric acid powder. WARNING: Boric Acid is poisonous if ingested! Do not swallow, place on open wounds or consume. Since this is not a natural method of relieving a yeast infection, we recommend this as a last resort once all other options have been exhausted. Insert 1 capsule into the vagina daily for 2 weeks. If it is a persistent or aggressive yeast infection you may increase the treatment to 2 capsules inserted vaginally daily. You may also continue for an additional 2 weeks if needed. Discontinue use if irritation occurs. Supplements to Treat Localized Yeast Infections Quickly Additional supplements maybe found in the Supplements and Therapies section below. Cranberry Extract: 500 mg 3-4 times daily. Garlic: 500-1000mg 2-3 times daily. Adjust dosage based on your tolerance. Too much can induce diarrhea in some individuals. Probiotics: Acidophilus strain probiotic with at least 12 billion live bacteria per serving. Consuming at least 50 billion worth of bacteria per day. 42 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Oregano Oil: Use up to 5 drops 3 times per day. Increase your tolerance slowly. B–Complex: 50-100mg x 3 times per day. This helps to boost the immune systems response to accelerate the elimination of infections. Vitamin C: 1000mg x 3 times per day. This helps to boost the immune systems response to remove the infection quicker. Niacinamide B3: B3 supplemented in 300mg/day has been shown in some cases to reduce yeast infection symptoms by 50% after just one dose. Maintain this dose for the first 7 days, then slowly reduce dose down to 100mg over the next 7 days. Raise dose back up if infection appears to redevelop or slows in reduction. Homeopathics The following is a list of homeopathic remedies that can help with your yeast infection. Each is unique to a specific set of symptoms. See which one matches up best with you and dose as follows. 200ch - recent and rapid development, quick onset of symptoms. 30ch – developed over the course of a few days gradually. (If in doubt use this one) 6ch – chronic, infection has existed for at least 2 weeks or came on very slowly. CH represents the diluted homeopathic potency level. Borax: Vaginal discharge is egg white and feels like warm flowing water. Infection appears midway between menstruations. Personality is often nervous and highly sensitive to noise. Calcarea carbonica (Calc Carb): Discharge is milky and has a strong odor or thick and yellow. Burning and itching occur before and after the menstrual period. Person is often chilly and stout. Craving sweets and is easily fatigued from exertion. Kali bichromicum (Kali Bich): Discharge is yellow, sticks together and is persistent. The vulva itches and burns as a result. Symptoms are worst in the morning. Person feels better from rest and keeping warm. Kreosotum: Discharge is watery, thin, foul odor and irritating causing swelling and itching. Symptoms are worse in the morning and also when standing up. This is typically indicated in women who are pregnant or before the menstrual period. Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur): Discharge is egg-white, causes itching and leaves a dry and irritated feeling in the vagina. The personality is reserved, yet very emotional within. You crave salt and salty foods, and feel worse when in the sun. 43 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Pulsatilla: Discharge can be creamy white or yellowish, this can be bland or irritating. The vagina may feel sore and the labia can itch or burn. A woman requiring pulsatilla will be moody, tearful, wanting much attention and affection. Often has Vaginitis during pregnancy. The key to this remedy is the changeable nature of the symptoms. Sepia: Discharge is yellow and itchy, or white and curd like. The Discharge may be worse in the morning and increased from walking. The woman feels worn down and irritable with cold hands and feet. A weak or sagging feeling in the pelvic region may also be felt. Sulphur: Discharge is yellowish and foul-smelling. It causes painful burning and itching. Symptoms are made worse by warmth and bathing. Additional Tips No matter what treatment you choose, forego underwear as much as possible when you have an active yeast infection. At night allow as much air circulation to your genitals as possible. Often air alone will provide relief from itching and burning. If you need to wear underwear make sure it is 100% cotton as other materials can promote infection. To prevent further transfer of bacteria wash any underwear or undergarments in boiling water for at least 5 minutes and add 10-20 drops of grapefruit seed extract. For temporary relief from itching mix aloe vera with slippery elm powder and apply directly to the area. This can be helpful in alleviating the itch but will NOT destroy the fungus. Avoid sexual intercourse while dealing with a yeast infection to prevent transferring it to a partner. If this is not possible, use a condom, avoid oral sex and touching the area. Avoid scratching or rubbing yourself. Scratching will risk injuring your inflamed skin and may create an opportunity for an even worse infection. Don’t confuse an irritation with an infection. If you find you are itchy and inflamed it is possible that you are having an allergic reaction to something you rubbed recently in the area rather than a yeast infection. If you do not have an infection, some of the recommended therapies can further irritate the area. Increasing the inflammatory response creates more warmth in the area. Warmth helps Candida thrive and encourages it to multiply explosively. Even worse is moist warmth because it will encourage Candida re-growth, undoing any good that your treatment has done. So between treatments, make sure the area stays clean and dry. 44 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Treatment Plans for Specific Candida Infections If you have a mild vaginal or groin infection, consider: • • • • • Immediately eliminating refined sugars and yeast-containing products from the diet Applying unsweetened, live culture yogurt to the area (by douche, vaginal applicator, or manually) twice daily Insert a peeled garlic clove into the vagina overnight Use one of the suggested anti-fungal supplements or formulas mentioned in the supplements and therapies section. If symptoms don’t improve significantly in 24 hours, seek medical attention because the cause may not be Candida For moderate to severe vaginal or groin Candida infections, consider: • • • • • • Doing all of the above Use a dilute solution of Tea Tree Oil to relieve symptoms Begin taking probiotics orally, and apply topically if desired. Eat two or three crushed raw garlic cloves daily until three days after symptoms resolve Use the Boric Acid Treatment if nothing is helping. If symptoms don’t improve significantly in 24 hours, seek medical attention because the cause may not be Candida For mild to moderate oral Candida infections, consider: • • • • • Immediately eliminating refined sugars and yeast-containing products from the diet Rinsing with a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide Eating two or three crushed raw garlic cloves daily until three days after symptoms resolve Gargle with Grapefruit Seed Extract 3 times per day. If symptoms don’t improve significantly in 24 hours, seek medical attention because the cause may not be Candida For mild to moderate systemic Candida infections, consider • • • • • • Immediately institute an anti-Candida diet Immediately begin antifungal treatment with oral medication, garlic, caprylic acid or one of the other suggested anti-fungal supplements Begin taking probiotics Increase bowel elimination with a cleansing or laxative tea If ‘die-off’ symptoms occur, add an enzyme supplement If you don’t notice some improvement within 48 hours or experience extreme nausea and/or vomiting, high fevers, or blood in your stool, seek medical attention 45 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Allergies and Toxicity Allergies are caused by an overactive immune system and are internationally recognized as an inappropriate immune system response that is out of proportion to the offending allergen. The proportion of the population suffering from allergies has been gradually rising. The best known allergies (and those most often seen by physicians) are typically those involving the IgE-histamine response, such as hay fever, eczema, and asthma. These are called “atopies” (hereditary allergies). Most people experiencing these allergies have a genetic (or at least a familial) predisposition for developing them sometime in their lives. However, when such problems start later in life, they may be less genetically dominated and more related to other factors. Each of these conditions involves increased sensitivity to certain allergens. For example, an asthmatic or eczema sufferer may be allergic to eggs, wheat, or milk, while hay fever sufferers are usually sensitive to pollen and other environmental agents. Isolating the specific reactions and avoiding the agents that cause them (or using injection desensitization) may relieve the symptoms. However, in all these cases, even with an elimination of symptoms, there is still the potential for problems. Nutritional medicines have a lot to offer to the allergic person by providing the optimum tissue and cellular nutrient levels that improve function and reduce symptoms. An allergen is any substance that produces an allergic reaction. Allergens invade your body through contact with your skin, the lining of your lungs, mouth, gullet, stomach or intestine. Symptoms can include runny nose and eyes along with sneezing (hay fever/allergic rhinitis), inflamed skin (dermatitis), a raised red patch or weal on the skin (urticaria), vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. More serious symptoms include dangerous swelling of the lining of the voice box (larynx), and narrowing of the air tubes of the lungs (as seen in asthma). We provide an allergy action plan at the end of this section with supplement recommendations for those who wish to better cope with their allergies while battling Candida. Food Allergies Allergic symptoms originating from food usually occur within a few minutes to an hour after ingesting the food. In some cases, the appearance of allergic symptoms can take up to twelve days. Eight foods cause the majority of all allergic reactions: 1. Milk 2. Egg 46 | P a g e 3. Wheat 4. Peanuts Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide 5. Soy 6. Tree nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans, etc.) 7. Fish 8. Shellfish Symptoms can be similar to those of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Food intolerance occurs when the body can’t adequately digest a portion of a particular food, usually because of a chemical enzyme(s) deficiency. There are thousands of allergens, including the obvious ones such as food, food additives, dust, pollen, pet dander, and washing powders. But there are others not widely known, including: green coffee beans, dust from tea and various kinds of beans (including coffee), spores from moldy cheese, and mushroom compost. The list goes on with weevil-infested wheat flour, dust, powders or pulp from wood, cork or tobacco, irritant gases and fumes (e.g., soldering and smoke), silk, cotton and dyes, resins and gums, solvents and paint, chemicals used in hairdressing, or isocyanates. Other lesser-known allergies include formaldehyde, salts of chromium, nickel, cobalt, platinum and vanadium, animal products (especially urine), various drugs (especially antibiotics) such as cimetidine and piperazine, drugs in powder form, plants, biological enzymes, and PVC products. What Causes Allergies and Sensitivities? There are many causes of allergies. As mentioned above, a genetic predisposition, which is clearly established in the diseases of hay fever, asthma, and eczema, exists in many of us. Interestingly, eating habits during the first year of life may influence our potential for allergies more than anything else. Babies ingesting solid foods too early (and not breastfeeding) is a primary cause of allergies and can produce many problems in infants. Cow’s milk and baby formulas provide large molecules that are difficult for the infant’s immature gastrointestinal tract and immune system to handle. Gluten allergy from early feeding of grains such as wheat, corn, and oats is also common. The best way to prevent allergies, particularly childhood ones, is to breastfeed a child exclusively for six months before introducing the child to solid foods. Even in adults, poor digestion, with low levels of hydrochloric acid or pancreatic enzymes, is an underlying cause of many food reactions. The digestive process is tied to allergies, particularly to foods. Problems arise from incomplete digestion resulting from improper chewing of food, improper amounts of hydrochloric acid, pancreatic enzymes, and bile. These problems are exacerbated by stress and excessive fluid intake before and after meals. Incomplete digestion, along with a "leaky gut" that comes from inflammation in the gastrointestinal mucosa, allows the absorption of the larger molecules that generate an immune reaction. These problems are compounded by fried and fatty foods, chemicals, and the presence of parasites or Candida albicans. 47 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide It’s important to know that low-level infectious microorganisms, parasites, yeasts, and certain bacteria may also create a propensity for allergies. Chronic stress affects pancreatic and adrenal function, which is tied to digestion, energy level, and food cravings. The key is to minimize food allergies by encouraging proper digestion (chewing well, eating good foods, lowering stress, and maintaining the proper levels of digestive juices). Decreasing inflammation and healing the gut, treating any abnormally present microorganisms, supporting immune and glandular functions, getting the proper nutrients, and stimulating proper detoxification will all help minimize food reactions and allergies. Leaky Gut Syndrome Food allergies can become a particularly serious problem if you are struggling with CRC (Candida Related Complex) or any other severe intestinal imbalance due to a weakening of the intestinal wall (Leaky Gut Syndrome). Many of these allergies will be temporary and will resolve themselves as your condition improves, but there may be a handful of allergies that have been long standing (recognized only during healing and increased health awareness). Some of these allergies may come from foods that you will have to avoid permanently or only on a periodic basis. Chronic intestinal stress from Candida toxins, putrefaction, and related indigestion can inflame your intestinal wall and make it hypersensitive to irritation from certain foods. In addition to which, the fungal form of Candida has the ability to actually penetrate the intestinal walls, damage them, and cause a leakage of food substances and fecal waste into the bloodstream. Foreign substances can further stress an already fatigued immune system, resulting in the development of food allergies. If food particles leak through the permeable intestinal membrane before being thoroughly broken down by the body into amino acids, simple sugars and fatty acids then the immune system does not recognize the particle as nutrition, but as a Toxin! It sees it as something that is foreign and must be broken down by specialized immune cells that clean up the blood (macrophages). Basically, the body responds as it would to any foreign particle in the blood. If particles of a specific food are repeatedly leaked into the blood stream, your body will see it as a troublesome invader and will develop a “memory” of the food. Your immune system will now have specific antibodies ready to attack the next time it encounters the substance. Then, whenever the particular food is eaten, the immune system is triggered into a defensive mode and one experiences symptoms of intolerance or allergy. Unfortunately, this condition can be even more common during recovery from a Candida overgrowth. As the anti-fungal therapy kills off the Candida, the roots (or mycelia) that hold them onto the intestinal wall shrink and are released from the intestinal membrane, leaving permeations behind. It is for this reason that a hypoallergenic, four-day rotation diet is recommended during a Candida purge. Eating certain foods less frequently can reduce the potential for the immune system to develop defenses against them. 48 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Leaky gut can result from years of insult to your gastrointestinal tract, usually from a diet high in white flour, refined sugar, and fast foods. Chronically consuming foods that you are allergic or sensitive to (continually causing your immune system to overreact) likewise aggravates the problem, as does the imbalance of friendly versus unfriendly bacteria in your small intestine (created by taking birth control and replacement hormones, by using antibiotics, and by being exposed to chlorine among other things). When Candida filaments puncture through the intestinal wall, the following can occur: Leak of toxic bacteria and other micro-organisms into the bloodstream, causing a variety of symptoms and aggravating many pre-existing conditions. Under the anaerobic conditions within the putrid coating of the intestinal wall, Candida itself will produce a number of toxic elements by fermenting refined carbohydrates, lactose and other sugars. One poison produced as mentioned earlier is acetaldehyde, which is known to deactivate enzymes, which leads to a variety of disease manifestations. Absorption of incompletely digested dietary proteins into the blood stream is also a major concern. If you’ve ever wondered how people develop allergies to foods they used to enjoy eating , this is it. These proteins are very antigenic and may produce a large spectrum of allergic reactions, as the body, and especially one weakened by Candida will detect the proteins as intruders. Food allergies as a result are a very common symptom of Candidiasis. Environmental sensitivities can also be heightened as the immune system becomes hyper-sensitive in general due to a leaky gut. A leaky gut allows for toxic waste and substances to spread to all body tissues and may produce various gland/organ dysfunctions such as thyroid dysfunction and a weakening of the entire immune system, lowering resistance to other diseases. There is no doubt as to the ability of this kind of yeast to cause a wide range of physical and mental symptoms—a view that is shared among the alternative health community. However, because this yeast is found in over 90% of the population, the typical response met by a doctor is that, unless the overgrowth of this yeast is life-threatening, or you have HIV or a severely suppressed immune system, there is cause to dismiss its involvement (and unexplainable symptoms are ignored). Symptoms Caused by a Leaky Gut Allergies. The immune system, overloaded as it encounters so many foreign particles, attacks more common substances in the environment, such as food molecules. Muscle pain and stiffness. When bacteria/fungi attach themselves to the soft tissue cells and are then attacked by the immune system, muscle pain and stiffness can occur. NSAIDs or steroids are typically prescribed for this, but these can further increase gut permeability. Pain is usually worse in the early morning, since there is less blood flow when one is lying in bed. 49 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Joint pain. This is similar to muscle pain, except the bacteria/fungi affix themselves to the tissues in the joints. Mal-absorption. When the small intestinal wall is damaged, it is not able to absorb nutrients as efficiently. This can lead to a range of problems including fatigue; insulin and blood sugar problems; mood swings; temperature regulation problems; and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. “Spaced-out” feelings. This is caused by toxins given off from metabolic activity of yeasts not entirely cleared through the liver and the lymphatic and immune systems. They (re)circulate in the blood, reaching the brain as neurotoxins. Brain allergies can be developed when a leaky gut allows for substances to pass through the gut, into the blood stream, and into the brain. Many changes can occur when this occurs, including depression, irritability, mood swings, etc. The substances that trigger these changes are known as exorphins. These can be mistaken for endorphins—hormones such as dopamine and serotonin that are naturally produced by the body. When the immune system attempts to neutralize these exorphins, they are attacked as any foreign particle. Unfortunately, these substances are constantly being released into the blood stream through a leaky gut. The immune system’s relentless attack on these particles can actually harm bodily tissues and cause increased inflammation and an auto-immune-like reaction is experienced. Understanding the Immune Response One way to picture how your body handles allergies is thinking of your body as being like that of a bucket that collects rain, the rain water level represents the level of antigens that you are exposed to, such as dust mites, cat dander, pollen, or pesticide residues on foods. On any given day, the total level of “rain” may be well below the top of the bucket, and no allergic reactions are experienced. But, as the level of water in the bucket increases (the level of antigen exposure), some allergic symptoms start to appear. Finally, when the level of exposure gets too great, the water overflows from the bucket, producing all the symptoms of an allergy attack. Stress, emotional or otherwise, how depressed an individual is, and the frequency of repeated exposure, all have a direct effect upon the level of immune functioning and response. That is why on some days an exposure to a certain level of antigens produces no reactions but on other days it does. You might have noticed this with pet allergies. People that have allergies tend to produce higher than normal quantities of an antibody called immunoglobulin class E (IgE), which is a molecule of protein. Allergic people also produce extraneous mast cells. IgE molecules attach themselves onto the outside of mast cells at special points called receptor sites. When an allergen such as a pollen grain comes along, it attaches 50 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide itself to two or more of the IgE molecules. The membrane of the mast cell is then distorted and torn. Each mast cell contains an arsenal of a thousand or more large, globular granules, some of which include histamine. Histamine can have a number of effects when released such as making the smooth muscles contract in the walls of the air tubes of your lungs, increasing the leakage of fluid from small veins. Your membranes can also swell and stimulate mucus and watery secretion from your nose lining, which causes local itching and burning. Over ninety percent of a certain population can show a type of allergic reaction to yeast called “delayed hypersensitivity” (DHS), which is also called “Type 4 allergy.” The DHS response to yeast is what helps the body prevent yeast overgrowth. DHS responses to yeast are normal and protective. Many women with recurrent vaginal yeast infections show a lack of DHS to Candida upon skin testing, and this lack of DHS is one reason they have so much trouble preventing or clearing a yeast infection. However anyone, not just women suffering from vaginal yeast infections can have a DHS response to Candida and it may explain why some people are subject to chronic overgrowths. There are other types of allergic reactions to yeast, however. These are not normal or common and can make you quite ill. One is called “Type 1 allergy” or “immediate hypersensitivity,” found in no more than ten per cent of the general population. Controlled clinical studies have shown that Type 1 allergy to Candida can cause chronic vaginitis, hives, asthma, eczema, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Other types of unusual or abnormal allergic reactions to yeast may trigger autoimmune diseases like arthritis or thyroiditis, or celiac disease (an intestinal disease due to an abnormal immune response to gluten—the major protein found in wheat). It has been shown that Candida contains a protein called HWP-1, which is similar in its structure to gluten. Candida infection in the intestines can cause an immune system reaction to HWP-1, which then stimulates an allergic reaction to the gluten in wheat and may trigger celiac disease in genetically susceptible people. If removing wheat from the diet doesn’t control the symptoms of celiac disease, it may be necessary to eliminate yeast from the intestinal tract with ant-fungal medication. There is a constant battle going on inside our bodies. We are under the constant assault of infectious bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites. A healthy immune system is able to neutralize these invaders and prevent them from taking over. Specifically, specialized blood cells produced by the immune system (called leukocytes) are constantly on the move to destroy these infectious microbes. Further Understanding the Immune Response to Allergens When the body is faced with an allergen, the immune system produces Y-shaped IgE antibodies in response to the foreign proteins. But rather than going directly after the foreign intruders, these IgE antibodies lodge their tails onto the surface of the mast cells. Mast cells are found 51 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide wherever the body comes into contact with the outside world and therefore (with allergens) they are found in the skin, in the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat, and in the lining of the lungs and intestine. By the time the initial IgE response is complete, each mast cell has between 100,000 and 500,000 Y-shaped antibodies protruding from its surface. The foreign proteins from the pollen of airborne plants activate the IgE branch of the immune system, and IgE antibodies are quickly posted on mast cells in vulnerable pollen-exposed areas, (such as the nose, respiratory tract and eyes). Unfortunately, when we later encounter foreign proteins our mast cells are already primed for them. IgE antibodies on the cells trap the foreign proteins, then the cells release histamine and other chemicals that infiltrate the skin and other tissues close to the activated mast cells. These chemicals cause all the symptoms of inflammation such as itching, dilated and leaky blood vessels, swelling, excess mucus secretion (streaming nose, sneezing, coughing, and itchy, watery eyes). Similarly, if the invaders are dust mites that find their way into the lungs, the allergic reaction can trigger the kind of wheezing and shortness of breath that is associated with asthma. A meal of shellfish can also produce the upset stomach and diarrhea associated with food allergy. As mentioned above, when the body is faced with an invasion of foreign viruses or bacteria, it responds by producing masses of Y-shaped IgG antibodies. These antibodies float freely in the bloodstream, looking for certain proteins on the surfaces of microbes (which signify them as foreign). When they encounter the intruders, the Y-shaped molecules seize them and trap them for the immune system’s “terminators”, the macrophages that digest the bacteria. The antibodies act like a bridge between the foreign particles and the killer cells, bringing them together (eliminating the invaders). Factors that Affect Immune System Functioning A high ‘toxic load’ (toxins such as heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and parasites) creates a polluted internal environment. This means the immune system has to work harder to identify and eliminate toxins, which lowers its efficiency. This puts the body at risk from the growth of tumor cells. Stress This alters the hormonal balance of the body. Drugs Pharmaceutical drugs, such as antibiotics, often destroy beneficial bacteria in the intestine. (These beneficial bacteria act as probiotics, protecting the colon and bowel.) Steroids are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that directly decrease the immune response by lowering the amounts of immunoglobulin A, G, and 52 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide M antibodies in the bloodstream (and increasing the body’s natural killer T-cells). Overactive natural “terminators” can also attack the body’s own tissues. This can lead to a number of diseases known as auto-immune diseases. Problems of immunodeficiency (disease) include opportunistic infections by micro-organisms that normally do not cause a problem. Recreational drugs also compromise the proper functioning of the immune system. Immune system cells (including the lymphocytes and natural killer cells) and their products (cytokines) are less active in protecting your body after cannabis and marijuana use. As a result, you may get infections more easily or become more susceptible to disease. Free Radical Damage and Antioxidants The body’s cells are in a constant state of incurring oxidative damage in the process of wear & tear. Antioxidants are nutrients that provide a safeguard against cellular damage. Vitamins, minerals, and enzymes donate one of their own electrons to these free radicals, thus neutralizing their effects. Autoimmune Disease and its Causes Autoimmune diseases are caused by an overactive immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body and foreign substances in the bloodstream. Our body reacts to the foreigner as well as the tissue that resembles the foreigner. These foreign substances can enter through the lungs, but often enter via the digestive tract due to Leaky Gut Syndrome, where the lining of the small intestine becomes permeable to larger proteins because of years of eating foods (like corn, wheat, dairy, and sugar) that cause it to corrode. Since we can’t change our genes (not yet anyway), we must control what comes into contact with our immune system. Some researchers speculate that immune-related gut problems have increased at too high a rate to be caused only by a genetic predisposition. Environmental influences are a much more likely cause. Once the body has developed an immune response to an invader, anything that resembles that invader will also be subject to attack by the body’s own immune system. Typical foods that have a tendency to “leak through” into the bloodstream where they don’t belong are: corn, wheat, dairy, oranges, chocolate (among many more). These foods aggravate the intestinal tract to a degree that small micro-tears are created, allowing proteins to leak through. There have been many studies that show the following auto-immune links: Wheat to depression, eczema, psoriasis, colitis, Crohn’s, dairy to ear infections, ADD, allergies, asthma, IBS and diabetes. 53 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Excessive and Repeated Contact Create the Problem Excessive or repeated contact with particular foods and substances in the environment can cause allergies. It usually takes a few days for our immune system to be become sensitized to an antigen and guide the formation of antibodies by B lymphocytes. After that occurs, reactions to exposures are immediate and usually produce mild immune-inflammatory responses. Initially, histamine released by other cells causes some redness, swelling, and fluid release. Subsequent exposures can create repeated antigen-antibody responses, which have a variety of effects on the tissues and bodily functions. Just as there are many causes, there are also many symptoms related to allergies. These symptoms can be obvious or subtle, and visible or invisible. Symptoms such as fatigue, itching, or a runny nose can continue, turning into a chronic problem with repeated exposure (especially to food allergens). Also, many inflammatory diseases such as colitis, arthritis, dermatitis, and bronchitis, can come from allergies. Processed Food One reason (besides Candida) for craving sugar comes from the body being too acidic. To see this effect, test your pH when the cravings are strong. Then after using our suggestions to increase your pH into the alkaline range test again. Watch as your sugar cravings diminish the more alkaline you become! We eat very differently than our ancestors did. The preparations we use for our foods are relatively new and haven’t been fully examined. We eat highly-processed foods mostly because they can be conveniently packaged and stored. These processed, fast foods are mostly highly-processed carbohydrates and sugars that make our bodies become more acidic. We’ve reached the era of processed foods somewhat gradually. Each decade marks a change in the way we eat. Over the last few centuries, these steady small steps have taken us quite a distance from the way nature intended us to prepare and consume our food. Today, much of our food is processed and stored for a period of time (and such foods cannot be called fresh) before ingestion. This makes many types of foods available at any time. Such foods are convenient and can be quickly prepared, complementary to our busy lifestyle. Convenient foods are everywhere and readily available. We pay a hefty price, however, for these convenient foods in the forming of acid in our bodies. This over production of acid in our bodies is at the root of our pH imbalance, and the majority of our health problems. Genetics only require you to eat whole, unprocessed and denatured foods. Anything foreign can cause problems as your body may not know what to do with the foreign foods you consume. Your body was designed to eat whole foods found in nature. This was the way of our ancestors. 54 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Eating processed foods has caused an epidemic of health problems. Changing two things in your life can reverse most ailments. Proper exercise and eating whole foods. Individuals who routinely eat meat of any kind have substantial amounts of antibiotic and hormonal residues in their bodies. This is also true for anyone who consumes dairy products, including eggs. Over many years, the constant exposure to these substances can be incredibly harmful to a person’s health. Even if meat, eggs and dairy products are avoided, there is still the exposure to unwanted chemical substances through our drinking of tap water. Soil Depletion Intensive farming has reduced plant mineral absorption, a result of our soils being depleted of minerals. In the past, fields had longer fallow periods, enabling better decomposition and greater nitrate absorption. The average mineral content of fruits and vegetables has declined substantially in the last 50 years. For example, between 1941 and 1991, levels of magnesium declined by 25%, calcium by 47%, copper by 62% and iron by 36%. Testing for Allergies Some points regarding allergy testing 1. Tests are not always conclusive. 2. Tests can be expensive and it’s easy to become obsessed with having more and more tests (and becoming more anxious each time the results are negative). This can undermine confidence in your belief in a physical rather than mental origin to your illness. 3. There are literally thousands of different types of allergy tests: blood, urine, hair, skin, sweat, all with conflicting opinions as to their effectiveness. It’s also very important to remember that although many people can test positive to the same allergen, the fact remains that any two people can experience entirely different sets of symptoms. Types of Allergy Tests There are a number of medical and non-medical approaches to allergy testing, none of which are 100% accurate. Our bodies have numerous types of immune reactions to both intolerances and allergies. However, medical tests are specific to one type of reaction only. There is no one test that provides a thorough look at all the potential food allergens you may be sensitive to. A very expensive barrage of testing and lab work would be required to diagnose a significant number of problem foods (and you may still have reactions to uncover). 55 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide There is however, some diagnostic technology that is able to pick up a broader range of suspect foods at a cost less than the medical tests. This technology is more commonly used by naturopathic physicians. Electro Dermal Screening (EDS) is the most accurate of all of the testing methods available, provided the equipment is well-maintained and the technician is highly-skilled. The more modern versions of this equipment have built-in indicators that reduce the margin for operator error. EDS technology has the remarkable ability to identify allergens by the degree to which they cause stress on the body. This allows the test to pick up a broader range of intolerances and allergies than regular medical tests (which each identify only one type of immune reaction). The EDS also provides a printout of food intolerances according to the degree of stress with which the body reacts to each food. For home testing, there are a variety of methods that focus on careful and thorough observation, including the use of a food diary and various methods of food elimination and reintroduction. If performed with methodical care, these self-testing methods can be just as accurate as other testing methods. However, they do take much longer and require a great deal of commitment on your part. In many cases, even when all allergy testing options have been utilized, self-testing is needed to clear up the final mysteries of how particular foods affect us or what foods are causing the specific symptoms. There is also something known as muscle testing or applied kineseology which is quite popular amongst alternative health practitioners as a way of determining allergies amongst other things. It is not hard to do but requires some proper understanding of how to do it correctly to make sure your results are as accurate as possible. We have included at the end of this book a section that contains a link to a book that is in-expensive and explains this method of testing very well. The Home Food Test For this test to be effective, you must have completely avoided the food (not eat even the smallest amount of the food as an ingredient in a prepared food) to be tested for a period of five days. On the sixth day, for lunch or dinner (and three to four hours after your last meal), eat only the food to be tested. Pick a day on which you feel well and stable. Eat a large portion of the food you want to test. For example, eat several pieces of fruit, or two servings of a vegetable. If you are testing wheat, use cracked wheat cereal, cream of wheat or a cracker made with only wheat and water. You can test yeast by eating mushrooms and several brewer's yeast tablets. If you want to cook the test food, you may steam or boil it but only in a stainless steel, enamel or glass pot. Use distilled spring or filtered water. On test days, except for tested foods, eat only foods that you ate the previous day. Do not eat anything else for the next four hours, except as noted below. If you are sensitive to the food tested, you will probably react within an hour, although the reaction may occur 4 to 24 hours later. If you have not reacted in one hour, eat a single portion of the food you are testing. Any change from the way you were feeling before you ate the test food may be a positive reaction. Write how you were feeling before, and at half-hour intervals after 56 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide eating. Symptoms to look for include fatigue, fog, bloating, gas, problems with sleep, trouble waking up in the morning, skin rashes, sinus issues, constipation, and diarrhea. If you do have a reaction, you may take up to two teaspoons of Vitamin C powder (8,000 mg) in water. This will often relieve the symptoms. Alternatively, you could take one tablespoon of milk of magnesia as a laxative. If you do not react within 24 hours, you should challenge yourself again with the same food at the same meal. If there is again no response, you may use the food every three to four days on rotation, testing yourself on a new food the next day. If you react, wait at least three months then challenge the food again. If you are unclear about the reaction, wait a week and test again. After you have challenged several foods, bring your records with you and discuss them with your doctor. If you have asthma or any severe medical problems, it may be better to test yourself while you are in your doctor’s office. Be sure someone knows what you are doing and have them check on you at regular intervals. Do not challenge foods that have caused severe reactions in the past. Toxins and Chemicals in the Environment In addition to the suggestions made previously, if your environment harbors mold, dust or other allergens your immune system can be suppressed and prevent any major improvements in your health. People suffering from a Candida overgrowth tend to be either allergic or sensitive to dust mites. In the bedroom make sure that your box spring and mattress has either a vinyl or allergen case to prevent dust mites from getting out at night and eating your dead skin. A dust mite pillow protector is also advised. Carpets are also a major source of allergens. A bedroom carpet that is suppressing your immune system can prevent full recovery from Candida or make it incredibly difficult. Consider removing carpeting from your bedroom, if not from your entire house, if it bothers you. At times if you are feeling worse even after implementing all these suggestions it could be a Herxheimer reaction or a healing crisis your body is going through, which is a indication that you are improving. Simply continue your routine and if supplementing anti-fungals, you may reduce the dose to minimize the die-off effects of Candida. Air Pollution We live in a world that continually challenges our immune system. The levels of pollutants in the air are higher than at any time in the past, adversely affecting our immune system. Some of the toxic chemicals we face on a daily basis include: gasoline, diesel fumes and other petro chemicals, formaldehyde, perfumes, cleaning fluids, insecticides, tobacco, and other indoor and outdoor pollutants (i.e., molds). 57 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Toxicity in the environment is another probable cause for the increasing number of people with allergies. Exposure to irritating and allergenic substances may also adversely affect our immune function. Today, many people are reacting to new synthetic products and pollutants in the air. Formaldehyde, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, as well as many industrial or food chemicals found in food, such as the antibiotics, certain food colors, sulfites, MSG, and sodium benzoate, may be the cause of allergic responses and lower our immunity levels. There are many other chemicals that are not easily avoided (or easily diagnosed). Living as natural a life as possible and avoiding polluted areas and chemicals is critical to good health. Molds To avoid harmful molds in your home, regularly check your basement, inside and around your air-conditioner, and beneath and behind your refrigerator. Clorox bleach has been found to be beneficial in removing molds. When using this product, or any other mold remover, rubber gloves should be worn. If you are too sensitive to take on this job, have someone else remove the mold when you are not present. Another form of mold is hard cheese, and it’s best to avoid it altogether. Dust Common household dust is a main offender. Studies both in Europe and the U.S. have shown that dust can contain over 100 compounds, including hormone-disrupting chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, flame retardants, petrol additives, solvents, dead skin from animals and humans, bacteria and moulds, and insect/dust mite body parts and feces. For example, a double mattress may typically contain millions of dust mites. Ten percent of the weight of a two-year-old pillow is made up of dead dust mites and their droppings. Effects of Chemicals and Metals The huge increase of chemicals in our environment, our foods, and our medicines (such as the use of mercury in vaccinations and dental fillings) all challenge our body’s ability to rid itself of toxins. Chemical and metal toxicity can cause a vast range of problems, including: • Cellular damage. The ingestion of toxic metals destroys brain tissue and nerve cells by increasing cellular membrane permeability. This enables the leakage of nutrients, inhibits enzyme production, causes excessive free radical production, and decreases cellular energy. They cause chromosomal damage, genetic alterations, and hormonal problems. • Damage to T-cell production and immune system functioning. This opens the gateway for all kinds of problems in the body, including viral, parasitic and bacterial. When the body’s defense mechanisms are impaired, it can’t efficiently eliminate toxins. 58 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide • When toxins aren’t being metabolized and eliminated, the body transports them via the blood and stores them within fat cells in the body. Because heavy metals and chemicals are fat-soluble, these toxins can be transported and stored in almost any organ or other site(s) in the body. Some of the more common places where metals reside are in the adipose (fatty connective) tissue, the liver, the Gall-bladder (within the bile) and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Formaldehyde Formaldehyde is found in virtually all indoor environments. Its major sources include particleboard, paper products, and any material used for insulation. Many cleaning products also contain formaldehyde. It’s well known that formaldehyde irritates the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory system and can increase the risk of asthma. Benzene Benzene is a commonly used solvent and is found in gasoline, inks, oils, paint, plastic, rubber, and even tobacco smoke. It’s also used in the manufacturing of detergents, pharmaceuticals and dyes. Exposure to benzene can cause dizziness, headaches, anemia, nervousness, and irritation to both the eyes and skin. Trichloroethylene (TCE) Trichloroethylene has a wide variety of industrial uses, as it’s used in inks, adhesives, paints, and varnishes. It’s important to note that, according to the National Cancer Institute, trichloroethylene is a carcinogen that attacks the liver. Toxins and Chemicals in our Food Artificial Sweeteners and Ingredients The book Dirty Medicine by Martin J. Walker explains the dangers of food additives best. He thoroughly explains how it has taken more than 20 years for regulatory bodies to begin to accept the fact that these very additives are direct causes of hyperactivity, ADD and other mental diseases. The worst artificial sweeteners and additives in food and drink are the following: NOTE: The codes in brackets next to the names apply to labels used in Europe. Acesulfame K or Acesulfame Potassium: This sweetener also known as Sunette or Sweet One has been shown to directly cause cancer in animal testing. It also indicated increased risk of thyroid related diseases. It was approved by the FDA in 1988 as a sugar substitute in packet or tablet form, in chewing gum, dry mixes for beverages, instant coffee and tea, gelatin desserts, puddings and nondairy 59 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide creamers. It is also popularly used in soft drinks and energy drinks and even baked goods. Its popularity is a result of the fact that it is 200x sweeter than sugar. Through public outcry it has been pushed to be banned alongside many other sweeteners, such as Aspartame, but the FDA has yet to budge on their stance as declaring it safe, when their own studies have indicated otherwise! Acrylamide: Another cancer causing compound which was discovered through animal research in Sweden, it has been shown to cause nerve damage as well. Although the dosage that caused cancer was quite high this compound is regularly found in starchy foods which have been fried, baked or cooked in some form. So you can imagine eating the North American diet of high starch foods that have been fried, baked or cooked may accumulate Acrylamide quite rapidly. Ammonia Caramel (E150c): This coloring has the same risks associated with ammonia, acting as a carcinogen. It is actually made through the process of heating sugar with ammonia. It is in many food products such as beef stock cubes, sauces and various other processed food products that contain Caramel coloring. Artificial Colors: Most people don’t realize that without food coloring, almost all processed food would look different. Unfortunately, the much more common artificial colors that are used also have some pretty hefty consequences. There are many reasons to not eat foods that have artificial colors. One reason right off the bat is that around 90% of artificial colors are derived from Coal-tar. Coal tar is a carcinogenic, or in other words it directly promotes the growth of cancer in the body. These have also been linked as being direct causes for ADD and ADHD as well as increased asthma attacks and all forms of allergies in general. They are typically labeled as Blue 1 or FD&C Yellow #5 for example. Aspartame (E951): This very popular artificial sweetener also goes by the names Equal and Nutrasweet. It can be found in over 6000 products including almost all products labeled as “Sugar Free” or “diet”. Many times Aspartame will even be included in products that already contain sugar for added “Flavour”. Some of the many products that contain Aspartame, Equal or Nutrasweet include; instant breakfasts, breath mints, cereals, sugar-free chewing gum, cocoa mixes, coffee beverages, frozen desserts, gelatin desserts, juice beverages, laxatives, multivitamins, milk drinks, pharmaceuticals and supplements, protein shake mixes, soft drinks, tabletop sweeteners, tea beverages, instant teas and coffees, topping mixes, wine coolers, yogurt and much more! It’s in virtually everything. So what’s all the trouble with Aspartame? This “sweetener” is as dangerous as it is popular, labeled as the most dangerous substance on the market being currently added to foods. It accounts for over 75% of all the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of which have been quite severe, even to the point of seizures and death! Here are some of the 90 different documented symptoms caused by Aspartame consumption; Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, 60 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. One of the ingredients in the production of Aspartame is Phenylalanine. It can cause severe symptoms and even death in those who suffer from a rare genetic disorder that occurs in one out of 15,000 births. If that wasn’t bad enough the following chronic illnesses have also been shown to be triggered or exacerbated in some way through the consumption of aspartame. This list includes: Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. BHA (E320) & BHT (E321): These are preservatives and anti-oxidants. Now although they are anti-oxidants it does not imply that these are somehow healthy for you. They simply prevent the oxidation of food products, in the case of BHA this includes: butter, meats, cereals, chewing gum, baked goods, snack foods, dehydrated potatoes, and beer. It is also found in animal feed, food packaging, cosmetics, rubber products, and petroleum products. BHT also prevents oxidative rancidity of fats. It is used to preserve food odor, color, and flavor. Many packaging materials incorporate BHT. It is also added directly to shortening, cereals, and other foods containing fats and oils. So what exactly is so bad about them? Well they’ve already shown in some studies to cause cancer in rats. They are considered heavily carcinogenic for humans. They’ve also been known to trigger hyperactivity including ADD and ADHD in children, cause liver damage, baldness and fetal abnormalities, and create xeno-estrogens which have been linked to various diseases such as breast cancer. Caffeine (Methylxanthines): Maybe you no longer think of caffeine as a food additive but a food itself and part of your daily routine perhaps, well here is some information that may shake up your world: Here are 15 reasons why you should give up coffee, caffeinated energy drinks and caffeine altogether. 1. Caffeine is directly linked to ovarian, bladder and kidney Cancer. It actually increases your risk of bladder cancer by 250%. 2. It creates the obvious problems such as withdrawal symptoms, headaches and fatigue. 3. Coffee increases stomach acid secretion by 400%, this contributes to gastritis and peptic ulcers. 61 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide 4. Coffee and the caffeine content in it increases and intensifies stress, this creates an average increase in adrenaline by 40%! As a result increased blood pressure, heart rate, perspiration, muscular tension, nervousness and irritability are all experienced. 5. Coffee drinkers have a 50% higher risk of heart attack. This statistic also applies however to regular energy drink drinkers and drinkers of any heavily caffeinated beverages. 6. The pancreas and adrenals are stimulated by coffee and the caffeine in it. This intensifies hypoglycemia and also weakens the adrenals ability to respond to stress. 7. The risk of miscarriage is significantly increased by coffee and regular caffeine intake. Even with just 163mg a day, which is just 1 cup of coffee, the risk is doubled! Unfortunately it is estimated that 75% of pregnant women continue to drink coffee throughout pregnancy. They are most probably unaware of these facts! 8. Coffee also reduces fertility. As the chance of miscarriage is doubled, the chances of conception are also halved. 9. Coffee and the caffeine content in it have negative effects on a baby’s muscular development and nutritional balance. It also increases the chances of birth defects. 10. As much as Caffeine stimulates intellectual speed and increases the rate at which tasks can be performed, the quality of the work done has been shown to be worse than that of a non caffeine stimulated individual. 11. Roasted coffee contains some of the most powerful carcinogens (Cancer causing compounds) known as Polycyclic hydrocarbons or PAH’s. These are the same carcinogens found in burnt meat. It also includes many other potent free radicals and benzene which heavily contribute to chronic disease and cancer. 12. Decaffeinated coffee isn’t an option either! It contains methylene chloride, a toxic solvent, which is actually worse than drinking regular coffee itself! 13. Coffee is a major source of cadmium. This heavy metal is carcinogenic and immunosuppressive. It promotes prostate hypertrophy and cancer. 14. Coffee and Caffeine of any kind causes a massive loss of nutrients. This especially includes the B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc. It interferes with iron absorption. Lastly, women who drink at least 1 cup of coffee every day have significantly lower bone density after they reach menopause, much of which can be attributed to the significant draining of minerals critical to maintaining bone mass. 15. A dose of 5000mg of caffeine can kill a 5 year old! 62 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Disodium 5’-ribonucleotide (E635): primarily used in flavored noodles, snack foods, chips, crackers, sauces and fast foods. It has been linked to causing a skin rash up to 30 hours postingestion. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Asthma and gout sufferers are also warned to avoid this, as it can flare up symptoms. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) (E621): Well known as a popular flavor enhancer that is used in virtually all fast foods and many processed foods. It requires special attention, much in the way that Aspartame does. It can be responsible for very severe, acute symptoms, as well as being the underlying cause for many chronic health conditions. Part of the challenge in dealing with MSG is the fact that it is listed under many names on food labels, so figuring out if a product contains MSG or not is a common problem. This emphasizes the reason why not to purchase processed foods, or at the very least buy natural and organic processed foods that are very unlikely to contain something such as MSG. Here is a list of products that always contain MSG and other products known to commonly contain MSG. Absolute avoidance of the foods in both categories is mandatory to not experience symptoms caused by MSG. The following always contain MSG: • • • • • • • Autolyzed yeast Calcium caseinate Gelatin Glutamate Glutamic acid Hydrolyzed protein Mono-potassium glutamate • • • • • • Monosodium glutamate Sodium caseinate Textured protein Yeast extract Yeast food Yeast Nutrient • • • • • • • • • • • Pectin Protein-fortified substances Seasonings Soy protein Soy protein isolate or concentrate Soy sauce Soy sauce extract Stock Vegetable gum Whey protein Whey protein isolate or concentrate The following foods often contain MSG: • • • • • • • • • • • • Barley Malt Bouillon Broth Carrageenan Enzyme-modified substances Flavoring Flavors Malt Extract Malt flavoring Maltodextrin Natural flavor/flavorings Natural pork/beef/chicken flavoring 63 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Ok so it appears that MSG is in virtually everything. Why would you want to go to all the trouble of avoiding all these food products? These are the symptoms typically experienced when consuming MSG: • • • • • • Numbness Burning sensation Tingling Facial pressure or tightness Chest pain Headache • • • • • Nausea Rapid heartbeat Drowsiness Weakness Difficulty breathing for asthmatics Estimates have suggested that up to 50% of the population may have a sensitivity issue with MSG and even this number has been suggested to be conservative. MSG has also been implicated in causing nerve cell damage in the brain and even heart attacks. So it’s safe to say that if you generally find yourself feeling somewhat ill after eating Chinese food or you have multiple food sensitivities, you are best avoiding MSG at all costs. Nitrates & Nitrites: These include sodium nitrite (E250), sodium nitrate (E251), potassium nitrite (E249), potassium nitrate (E252) Nitrates are added to cured meats as a color fixative and as preservatives. Some vegetables are high in nitrates if they were exposed to high-nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrates are added to cured meats to act as both a preservative and to brighten up the color of the meat. Sodium nitrite retains the red bloodedness of meats, renders the food tangier, and acts as a fungicide. So what are the downsides to these? They create what are known as nitrosamines in the stomach when consumed, which are very potent carcinogens. In addition to which they are identified as allergy irritants for some people and may be responsible for ADD and ADHD symptoms in children. The only reason the FDA has not banned their use is because the industry claims they have no other substitute for them. Their only warning made is that they should be avoided by pregnant women. In reality no one should be exposed to them! Potassium Bromate (E924): Typically found in breads, rolls and any pastry that would require volume. Bromate has been found to cause cancer in animal tests. As a result, its use has been banned around the world, except for the USA and Japan. A cancer warning is actually placed on products in California that include this ingredient, another reason to completely avoid refined grain foods like bread if you happen to live in the United States or Japan. Propionic Acid: Also known as calcium propionate and sodium propionate. This chemical is produced by combining the toxic compounds ethylene and carbon monoxide with steam. It is commonly found in breads, cheeses and many other unsuspecting foods. Its side effects commonly include triggering migraines and in some cases causing digestive problems such as the formation of ulcers. This is hardly all the major reasons to watch out for this stuff. Propionic acid has also been shown to be just as dangerous to our bodies cells as the bacteria it has been used to kill. It does this through hindering cell growth. 64 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Sodium Benzoate (E211): Used as a preservative in soft drinks, with orange soft drinks containing a very high amount of it, up to 25mg per 250ml. Sodium Benzoate is also in milk and meat products, relishes and condiments, baked goods and lollipops. Used in many oral medications including Actifed, Phenergan, and Tylenol. It has caused birth defects on animals it was tested on. Typical symptoms involve Nettle rash and an aggravation of asthma. It has also been found to actually induce asthma and decrease lung function in doses of 50-500mg. Sucralose (E955): Also known as Splenda and SucraPlus has been shown to reduce gut flora (beneficial bacteria) by up to 50% in tests. The list of symptoms that can be caused by this chemical flavor is equivalent if not identical to those caused by Aspartame. Sulfites: There are many names that this preservative falls under, including sulfur dioxide (E220), sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, sodium sulfite (E221), sodium metabilsulfite (E223), and potassium metabisulfite. Sulfites are used as preservatives to maintain food color and prolong shelf-life, prevention the growth of micro-organisms, and maintenance of the potency of certain medications. Sulphites are also used to bleach food starches, such as potato, and are used in the production of some food packaging materials such as cellophane. The reactions to Sulfites include: • • • • • • • • Flushed face, hives or a rash, red and itchy skin Swelling of the eyes, face, lips, throat and tongue Trouble breathing, speaking or swallowing Anxiety, distress, faintness, paleness, sense of doom, weakness Cramps, diarrhea, vomiting A drop in blood pressure, rapid heart beat, loss of consciousness Asthma attacks Sulfites also destroys vitamin B1 in food. Here is an extensive list of products that contain Sulfites: • • • • • • • • Alcoholic/non-alcoholic beer, cider, wine Baked goods, e.g., breads, cookies, pastries, waffles Bottled lemon and lime juice/concentrate Canned/frozen fruits and vegetables, e.g., mushrooms, sliced apples, olives, peas, peppers, pickles, pickled onions, tomatoes Cereal, cornmeal, cornstarch, crackers, muesli Condiments, e.g., coleslaw, horseradish, ketchup, mustard, pickles, relish, sauerkraut Deli meat, hot dogs, sausages Dressings, gravies, guacamole, sauces, soups, soup mixes 65 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dried fruits/vegetables, e.g., apples, apricots, coconut, mincemeat, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple, raisins, sun dried tomatoes Dried herbs, spices, tea Fish, including crustaceans and shellfish, e.g., shrimp (fresh/frozen) Fresh grapes, lettuce Fruit filling, fruit syrup, gelatin, jams, jellies, marmalade, molasses, pectin Fruit/vegetable juices, e.g., coconut, grape, sparkling grape, white grape Glazed/glacéed fruits, e.g., apples, grapes, maraschino cherries Potatoes, e.g., frozen french fries, dehydrated, mashed, peeled, pre-cut Snack foods, e.g., candy, chocolate/fruit bars, tortilla/potato chips, soft drinks, trail mix Soy products Starches, e.g., corn, potato, sugar beet; noodles, rice mixes Sugar syrups e.g., glucose, glucose solids, syrup dextrose Tomato paste/pulp/puree Vinegar, wine vinegar Tartrazine or FD&C Yellow 5: Known as Yellow dye #5. This food and drink coloring is used in abundance around the world due to its very cheap cost. Derived from coal tar, reactions may include anxiety, migraine, depression, blurred vision, itching, rhinitis, urticaria, general weakness, heatwaves, palpitations, a feeling of suffocation, pruritus, purple skin patches, and sleep disturbance. In some instances the symptoms caused by tartrazine can be felt up to 72 hours after exposure even from a very minuscule dose. It has been linked to ADHD in children and Obsessive compulsive disorder. The key point to be made from all of this information is to avoid processed foods as much as possible and eat organically. Be sure to properly wash all your fruit and vegetables. Also remove fat from your non-organic meat, as the fat retains the highest amount of toxic substances. Toxins and Chemicals in Personal Care Products Your skin is the largest organ of the body and you are unnecessarily exposing it to hundreds of chemicals and toxins that you could easily avoid. Harmful products you use in your regular routine are being absorbed into your skin and into your body. It is your liver that has the responsibility of detoxifying from these harmful toxins. The problem is while your liver is busy detoxifying those toxins your body is simultaneously competing for resources from the liver to fight Candidiasis. We need to give the liver a break so it can fight the Candida. To start, you should begin to buy toothpastes, deodorants, hair gels and sprays, shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and all other cosmetic products that are natural with no harmful chemicals. A rule of thumb is you should be able to eat anything that you put on your skin! 66 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide In deodorants look for products with no Lauryl Sulfates, Glycols, and Parabens; in toothpastes look for products with no aluminum or fluoride. These can be listed under multiple terms and names, so be careful reading labels. Look for ones with fewer ingredients and avoid items with a lot of complex chemical names. Nearly all brands of skin, body and hair care products, antiperspirants, and nail polish found in stores contain formaldehyde-releasing ingredients. No where on the label does it warn you that the product you are buying is a formaldehyde product. So why should that concern you? Well, according to the Mayo Clinic, formaldehyde can irritate the respiratory system, cause skin irritations, and trigger heart palpitations. Exposure to formaldehyde releasing products may also cause allergies, nose congestion, nausea, headaches, dizziness, ear infections, chronic fatigue, depression, asthma, chest pains, and loss of sleep. But more seriously, formaldehyde is toxic to the immune system, a human mutagen, and is carcinogenic. Here is a rundown of some of the most common ingredients added to Personal Care Products and the problems they can cause: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Potentially the worst of all these chemical ingredients is Sodium Lauryl (Laureth) Sulfate. It can be found in your shampoos, hair conditioners, face and body cleansers, bubble baths, toothpastes, body lotions, skin creams, and many other personal care products. Sometimes it is disguised in so-called 'natural' products (in parenthesis) as a coconut derivative. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a harsh detergent found mainly in products that "foam." It is used in industrial engine degreasers, garage floor cleaners, water softeners, and auto cleaning products. Research has shown that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate may be one of the most dangerous ingredients found in personal care products. Because it's such a strong and efficient degreaser, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate dries the skin and hair. It strips your hair of its natural oils. It may even damage the immune system, causing the layers of your skin to inflame and separate. Not a pretty sight. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate has been linked to eye damage, intestinal damage, breathing problems, skin spots, and cysts. It can cause cataracts in adults and prevent children's eyes from developing properly. According to the Journal of American College of Toxicology, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate corrodes and damages the hair follicles. It can actually cause your hair to fall out! After exposure, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate can stay in your body for up to 7 days. It penetrates easily into your skin and then lingers around in your heart, liver, lungs, and brain. By reacting with other product ingredients, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate can be transformed into nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are a large group of chemicals, most of which have been proven to cause cancer. They are absorbed into your skin and into your body. Nitrosamines can cause 67 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide your body to absorb higher levels of nitrates - much more than if you had eaten nitrite preserved foods. Polyethylene Glycol Another major toxic chemical in various personal care products is Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) and can be found in your antiperspirants, fragrances, lipsticks, makeup, and most baby shampoos. It is used in cleansers to dissolve oil and grease, as well as to thicken products. Because of its effectiveness, PEGs are often used in caustic spray-on oven cleansers. PEGs strip your skin of its Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF), which can destroy the natural functioning of your skin, which helps keep it soft and moist. And what's worse, products with Polyethylene Glycol are likely to be contaminated with 1, 4-dioxane, a carcinogen (cancer causing chemical). Studies show that dioxin easily penetrates into your skin. So how would you know if a product has been contaminated with dioxin? You won't. Unless you have it tested. Propylene Glycol Propylene Glycol (PG) can be found in most forms of makeup, hair products, baby lotions, mouthwash, aftershaves, toothpaste, deodorants, cold creams, suntan lotions, and baby wipes. Propylene Glycol is made from petroleum (crude oil). It is used to keep cosmetics from drying out, smooth and spreadable. Propylene Glycol is the main active ingredient in antifreeze. There is no difference between the Propylene Glycol used in anti-freeze and the Propylene Glycol used in personal care products. It can also be found in brake fluid and hydraulic fluid. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) warns companies who put Propylene Glycol into their products: • • • • May cause skin and eye irritation May be harmful if inhaled or ingested Can cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, gastrointestinal disturbances, and depression Can inhibit skin cell growth. This means that your cells will not be able to reproduce normally. If your body cannot make new cells, then the cells will get old and wrinkled. Did you know that some wrinkle creams can make you look older because of this damage caused to the skin and muscle tissue? Propylene Glycol is also a chemical used in food processing. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires food workers to wear protective gloves, clothing, and goggles when 68 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide working with Propylene Glycol. This is because Propylene Glycol quickly penetrates into your skin. It is also linked to Contact Dermatitis, liver and brain abnormalities, and kidney damage. Isopropyl Alcohol Also known as Cetyl Alcohol can be found in your hand and body lotions, hair color rinses, fragrances, aftershave lotions, massage preparations, cosmetics, and many other skin and hair products. Isopropyl Alcohol is made from propylene, a petroleum derivative. It is used as an antiseptic, as a solvent in shellacs, and in anti-freeze. If you swallow or inhale Isopropyl Alcohol, it may cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, wheezing, abdominal pain, depression, hallucinations, narcosis, and coma. The fatal ingested dose is about one fluid ounce. Fragrances Fragrances can be found in most shampoos, skin care, body care, sunscreens, and baby products. Fragrances are the number one common cause of allergies and irritant reactions to cosmetics. The FDA does not require manufacturers to list the ingredients of a "fragrance." When you see the word "fragrance," it can have as many as 4,000 separate chemicals. Some symptoms you may experience when exposed to these chemicals may be: headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, forgetfulness, irritability, hyperactivity, visual problems, clumsiness, watery eyes, stuffy nose, skin rash, skin discoloration, depression, mood changes, an inability to concentrate, and sleep problems. Because the FDA does not require manufacturers to list hazardous chemicals in their fragrances, you have no way of knowing whether it contains carcinogens. For example, methylene chloride is one of the most common "fragrance" ingredients and is a confirmed carcinogen. Mineral Oil and Petroleum Jelly Mineral Oil can be found in your skin creams, hair conditioners, makeup, suntan lotions, and most baby products. Baby Oil is 100% Mineral Oil. It is made from petroleum. It is used in industry as a metal cutting fluid. Mineral Oil may also be a possible carcinogen producing gastrointestinal tumors. It coats your skin and literally suffocates it in the most unnatural way, trapping toxins in and keeping oxygen out. This causes the skin cells to die. These products create the very problem you are attempting to alleviate. Essentials oils are a great alterative. Talc Talc can be found in baby and bath powders, face powders, foot powders, skin fresheners, and makeup. It gives a slippery feel to powders and creams. Talcum powder causes cancer in laboratory animals and using it in the female genital area increases your chance of ovarian cancer. Talc enters the reproductive tract if used 69 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide this way, and inhaling talc may be harmful too. Never use talc on babies. Not only is it a possible carcinogen, but inhaling it may cause acute respiratory distress and result in death. These ingredients are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to chemical ingredients used daily in cosmetic and personal cleaning products. It is a wise decision to remove them entirely from your life as they offer no value, only plenty of toxicity. Shower Water Chlorine and other chemicals that are in tap water are also a major concern when washing. You will want to get a shower filter if you don’t already have one to purify out these chemicals. In the time you take a 20 minute shower your body will absorb the equivalent chlorine of drinking 3 liters of unfiltered tap water. The dangers of chlorine are endless; it can even reduce your immune function. Allergy Treatment Action Plan The following are our recommendations for those suffering from allergies and wish to find some relief. If Outdoor Allergies are your main complaint, primarily grass, trees and pollen season in general then try Pollinosan. We’ve found that with ourselves and our clients this has worked wonders, especially when begun 2 weeks prior to allergy season. It’s perfectly safe for kids as well! For Indoor Allergies caused by dust mites you can use Mites Out! This spray is an effective way to clear dust mites out of a mattress, however you can spray it anywhere mites can be found such as carpeting, pillows and sheets as well. Wash all bedding sheets at least once per week in hot water to kill the dust mites and wash away their allergenic feces. For larger bedding such as comforters that cannot be washed in this way, simply bang them off outside as best you can and then throw them into the dryer for 10min on high this will kill any dust mites that were left. Remember it isn’t enough to just kill mites as you will still be sensitive to their feces and corpses, so it’s best to vacuum mattresses and buy a new hypo-allergenic pillow every 6 months. Be sure to keep moisture levels down using a de-humidifier. Mold and dust mites have a difficult time surviving in dry climates, generally preferring a humidity of at least 40% to survive indoors. Air out your bathroom with a window after use and be sure to wipe the walls down after showers to reduce moisture for mold to grow from. (See Ozone Therapy in the Alternative Therapies Section for more information on mold elimination) For general year round allergies take 8,000-12,000mg of Vitamin C per day in 3-4 divided doses. With each dose of Vitamin C be sure to also take 500mg-1000mg of Quercetin. Quercetin is a natural anti-histamine which becomes charged like a battery by Vitamin C and as a result becomes much more potent. You are always better off buying a Vitamin C powder as opposed to 70 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide capsules as you’ll find you often need to take a very large number of capsules every day to achieve the desired dose. (See 5 step protocol: Supplements for our recommendations) MSM is another amazing anti-histamine supplement, which is best taken before exposure to an allergen as it reduces overall histamine release in the body as well as inflammation caused by allergies. We recommended a dose of 3,000mg-10,000mg (if tolerated) broken up into 3-4 divided doses each day. MSM powder such as this one can be very effective and in-expensive, although the taste tends to turn some people off of it. N’acetyl Cysteine is another supplement proven to be highly effective for allergies, its only downside being it has a short half-life in the body. Using an extended time release can help such as this one. Take 500-600mg, 2-3 times per day. In an acute allergic reaction take 10,000mg of Vitamin C with 5,000mg of MSM. This will immediately work to reduce the inflammation of the allergy and will also flush the histamine out of the digestive tract where approximately 80% of all the histamine production takes place. Many times this will cause diarrhea which is expected and normal, incredibly once it passes out of the system the allergic reaction many times subsides entirely! 71 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide THE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Being Responsible For Your Own Health Taking personal responsibility for your overall health is one of the most crucial decisions that you can make if you are looking to achieve abundant health in your life. When you move towards a healthy lifestyle you will begin to notice something else. Your greater sense of personal well being will begin to shift your entire life into a more positive direction. Your personal power will expand and as a result your own independence will increase as well. Prevention and being aware of your state of health are critical to this state of mind. Your health should never be ignored until symptoms develop and manifest into serious illnesses. Your health is the most important aspect of your life. Without good health nothing else matters. Don’t take it for granted. Stop relying on physicians and never depend on drugs. As mentioned, drugs will only mask root causes and make your health worse by creating new problems by adding to the toxic load your body is desperately trying to eliminate. We as a society need to realize that there aren’t always quick fix solutions especially when it comes to health. Abundant health is a lifelong process that you must work towards daily! When individuals look at their own personal health problems they usually look for one specific solution such as taking a drug or removing a junk food from their diet. In reality, there is no one solution to a health related problem. All unhealthy lifestyle habits need to be replaced including negative mental thoughts. Positive emotional and mental health is also important components towards a healthy balanced life. Even when extremely ill you are always in control of your attitude towards any physical, mental and emotional adversities. Never allow yourself to feel victimized. You hold the key to your own health! Health Care Health care is important to us all but unfortunately, it is controlled by a health care system dominated by health insurance and drug companies. Drug companies in particular have direct influence over doctors, however their only goal is to increase profits at any cost, your health is no part of their consideration. Doctors have little power over this and if anything at least in North America have become drug pushers for the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical drug industry! Many doctors use drugs for a quick fix solution to their patient’s problems, ignoring the underlying cause of the disease. Have you been treated with drugs with no real long-term improvement to your health? MDs focus on suppression of symptoms, never curing or truly healing the body, always keep this in mind. It’s very unfortunate but the reality is that by placing your health in a doctors hands you take a serious risk of doing more harm than good! 72 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide In order to get healthy, you need to restore balance in your life. You can do this by eliminating the things that have a negative effect on your health, while focusing on enhancing the positive. There is no doubt that drugs play a useful part in life or death situations, and they play a big part in keeping a patient comfortable during recovery from surgery (as well as allowing the surgery). But our bodies are designed to heal themselves with the right emotional support, proper natural diet, and therapies to stimulate healing. Yes, your body was designed to heal itself, however our society’s obsession with drugs has separated this natural bodily instinct and has replaced it with suppression. In the case of health and healing, life should be simple and kept that way. Your lifestyle has a much greater impact on your health than anything else. It’s important to focus on the basics—the basic foundations of health. Many people take bags of supplements for years, yet they are still not healthy. This is because they lack focus on what’s really important. The keys to a healthy lifestyle are maintaining a positive attitude, proper activities (exercise), and eating habits that provide your body with proper whole food nutrition. There are number of ways to do this and they are outlined in this chapter as well as the diet chapter. Making lifestyle changes can be a bit challenging but they are absolutely necessary if you also want to change your health. Stress Stress reduction wherever possible is crucial to healing. If you look at people who suffer from cold sores as an example it is no coincidence that they get breakouts when they are stressed. For Candida, the symptoms may not be as obvious and visibly apparent, but they are very real. Candida coupled with stress breed yeast infections as a result. Relaxation techniques including deep breathing can help tremendously. If you commit to the diet in this book and make the lifestyle changes as well, your ability to handle stress will be heightened. Becoming aware of the stressors in your life and learning to deal them in an unobtrusive manner will prove incredibly beneficial. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress, look into joining a class. For stress the following supplements can help: L-Theanine allows focus and calms a hyperactive brain that can’t stop over thinking. Rhodiola optimizes feel good hormones as well as reduces fatigue due to stress. Gaba is a natural valium-like supplement that has a tranquilizing effect on the brain. Magnesium which most people lack is also a great relaxant. Chamomile Tea calms and also shows great healing benefits for many people. Stress Levels and Lifestyle The demands of modern life, especially in a city, can be intense. The speed of life has changed dramatically in the past 50 years. People eat on the go, often relying on fast food and snacks 73 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide which offer little nutritional value. The average lunch break lasts an average of 36 minutes, and the demands placed on many employees in the workplace are counter-productive to good health. To enable the immune system to remain strong and function effectively, it needs an optimum number of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, E, C, B complex vitamins, and the minerals potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, among others. A strong immune system can ward off the negative effects of stress. There is a clear connection between the way a person handles stress mentally and emotionally and their immune function. Stress, be it real or perceived, can demand more of the essential nutrients needed for a healthy immune system. Draining these reserves can lead to infections and a number of other problems. If you introduce additional toxic stressors such as pollution, alcohol, smoke, and caffeine, the immune system becomes compromised. A calm state of mind is critical. Stimulation of any kind increases adrenaline which in turn increases the amount of sugar in the bloodstream by causing the pancreas to release insulin (which initially causes the liver to release its storage of sugar). The same goes for stimulants such as coffee and tea. They also stimulate insulin production and cause a temporary rise in blood sugar levels, allowing yeast to proliferate. Get at least 30 minutes of sunlight every day to stimulate your immune system. If this is not possible, consider buying a full spectrum lighting system (especially important in winter). Also, avoid damp environments that promote mold growth. Read up on ozone in the alternative therapies section if mold is a continual problem for you. How Does Stress Affect Us? Stress affects us all at one time or another. Some handle it well while others do not. The way we handle stress depends on what we have learned from our parents, our eating habits, our relationships, past accidents or trauma, our water consumption, and our general perspective on life. Stress actually changes our biochemistry as hormones are released to increase blood pressure, dump sugar and fat into the blood stream, and shut down the digestive process. When we are under stress, our bodies demand more and more antioxidants. This lowers the amount of antioxidants fighting off disease, so that we are more susceptible to disease when stress is present (or when we perceive it is present). These changes (especially over the long-term) can lead to digestive disorders, headaches, arterial sclerosis and hypertension. It is important to manage stresses from both physical and emotional aspects. To that end, exercising, eating properly and learning relaxation techniques and coping skills are very important. 74 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide • • • • • Any physical deviation from routine can be perceived as stress. Even if the change is a positive one, the body must adapt. Gradual improvements have a better chance of becoming permanent. When a new way of eating is adopted such as the Anti-Candida Diet, the body must adapt. Most commonly referred to as detoxification, this adaption phase is the body way’s way of eliminating toxins accumulated over years of poor diet and inappropriate food consumption. The poorer the quality of the previous diet, the longer the detoxification process will last. o Note: the body’s response to stress is the same, whether it’s the physical demands of sports, the strains of breathing improperly, poor diet, or the hectic pace at which most of us live. Success starts with the ability to effectively cope with stress. Our bodies are not ideally equipped to deal with many of the modern day demands placed on them. o Simply put, stress is anything that causes strain on the body, regardless of its origin. The sources of stress are many, including pollutants in our drinking water, job dissatisfaction, poor nutrition, depression, relationship concerns, worry, even over exercise or a lack of exercise Commonly accepted as one of the leading causes of illness, stress has been shown to precipitate many forms of disease. For optimum health and well-being, you must cultivate beneficial stressors, and eliminate the stress that is harmful. Stressors can be classified into three basic categories: uncomplimentary, complementary and production. Uncomplimentary stress is of no benefit and should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible. Examples include poor nutrition, worrying about things we have no control over, setting unattainable goals, poor planning, and undesirable environmental factors (such as toxins in the air, or sunburn). Complementary stress is stress that instigates and encourages growth and renewal within the body. For example, the right kind and amount of exercise strengthen us, both mentally and physically. Production stress is a wise and necessary way to yield positive results. Examples are a physically demanding training session for an athletic competition, working (with a positive attitude and environment), overtime pay (when needed), working (and solving) personal and family problems, and taking calculated risks. o A common practice in our society and western medicine is to treat the symptom while neglecting the cause. The body should be assessed as a whole as stress is often a causative factor, yet it is seldom considered and addressed. Adrenal exhaustion can cause stress and optimum adrenal health is imperative for overall health, If you need help in this area, Maca is a great adrenal tonic as it’s an adaptogen that nourishes and strengthens the adrenals. o Don’t take on more than you can handle. Learn to prioritize. Ways to Tell if Stress Affects You: • • • • Take your blood pressure before and after having coffee, sugar, wheat or alcohol. Pinch the skin on the back of your hand and see if it snaps back. Are you perfectionist and do things upset you easily? Do you get tired if you get upset, do you squint in the sun, and are your shoulders tense? 75 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide • Do you shy away from being the center of attention? TIPS to counter stress • • • • • • Yogic breathing, visualization, go for a walk. Complete all of the unfinished business, complacent/unresolved relationships. Get Body Work Done - Hydrotherapy, Network Chiropractic, and Massage. Exercise - go for a walk at least once per day, do Tai Chi, play sports, always stretch Afterward, get a personal trainer, do something that calms you down. Manage your life and time, prioritize Healing and Stress Healing is integrating the mind, body and spirit to support us in being our most powerful selves. This allows us to live a fuller life— one of good health and well-being. Over time, we impair this healing by placing nutritional, emotional and spiritual stresses on ourselves. This is why reducing and eliminating stress form your life as much as possible is so important! Your body has incredible healing power, power that heals your cuts and wounds, and removes headaches and other aches and pains. And your body talks to you in many ways such as reminding you how uncomfortable the effects of stress can be and what it needs to function at its best. Often, disease does not feel good (and it’s intended not to). It’s fortunate that our bodies give us these kinds of wake up calls to remind us that something in our bodies needs attention. Thank goodness we feel bad, or we would never know there is work to be done! But there is a great difference between feeling better and healing. Feeling better is often about getting rid of pain. Unfortunately, most prescribed medications only address the pain itself, but not its root cause. The cause can originate in your nervous system, musculature, glands, or digestive tract or be caused by undesirable emotions and the effects of stress. Healing is an opportunity to gain the kind of knowledge that will help you reach optimum health. If you don’t take advantage of such an opportunity, you may feel spiritually and physically not your best. This can lead to prescriptions, treatments, and procedures to once again regain your health. The journey to optimum health begins with knowledge, including the ability to reduce stress in your life Nutritional Stress • Nutritional stress is usually due to a poor diet high in refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats (burgers, fries, chips, soft drinks, fast foods, sugared cereals, candy bars, chocolates) Such a diet is also too low in complex carbohydrates, fiber, and essential fatty acids found in whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables. This diet wears down the endocrine system and slows organ recovery. 76 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide • Nutritional stress can be reversed through a plant-based diet as well as some whole food nutritional supplements that are known to be effective. o Note: Those who consume animal products, including fish (contaminated with mercury and other cancer causing chemicals), milk, dairy products and chicken eggs, have significantly higher incidences of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis. Most people suffer form food stress, also known as nutritional stress. Doctor visits for stressrelated elements are at an all-time high. Poor nutrition contributes to this. Proper nutrition is the key to regeneration, especially when stress is high. By eating nutrient-dense whole foods that have not been modified, we can reduce the chance of disease later in life, while extending life expectancy and improving quality of life. Choosing such foods can reduce any internal physical stresses added to the internal organs from a typical Standard American Diet (SAD). Eating processed foods and fast foods do just the opposite. Processed and fast foods add stress to the body as they require a lot of energy to break down, process and absorb. Food is analogous to a bank account. The more quality foods you eat, the more money (energy) you will have. The less quality foods you eat, the more debt (loss of energy) you create. That is why so many people turn to stimulants such as coffee, drugs and alcohol for an energy boost. Eating processed foods (dead foods) is not going to help your cause. Humans are living organisms and therefore we need to eat an enriched diet complete with foods that are high in live enzymes (such as nutritious foods, “super” foods like spirulina, sprouts, greens and fruits). Many people’s bodies are starving for proper nutrition and they don’t even know it. They have become numb and unaware and have no idea their body is trying to show them that things aren’t going well. What are the solutions? The foods chosen for the Anti-Candida Diet section of this book is a great start. These foods are low in sugar and increase energy and aid healing. Proper nutrition also provides the mind with the clarity it needs to function optimally. It also drastically speeds physical recovery from exercise and allows the body’s cells to regenerate quickly (while slowing signs of aging). Proper nutrition also leads to better sleep habits. Stress and Digestion Stress levels are a major factor for healthy digestion. Stress can inhibit the secretion of the essential enzymes and HCL that break down our foods for proper digestion. Furthermore, HCL dictates the enzymes that are stimulated to help digest carbohydrates. Unfortunately, we do not live in a society that is conducive to a calm and peaceful sense of being. That being said, there still is a lot you can do to reduce stress, and in turn, aid digestion. 77 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide The Stress-Fat Connection The body protects itself by calling upon fat stores to protect it from harmful chemicals that enter the body (by way of the foods we eat, the beverages we consume and the air we breathe). Even emotional stress in our lives contributes to toxins. If you are under a lot of stress, the body can’t perform its natural cleansing process. That is why relaxation is so important, for example, deep breathing exercises throughout the day can drop cortisol levels in your blood, giving you a burst of energy. Some people are lacking in oxygen and many people don’t know how to breathe properly such as people hunched over at their desks taking in shallow breaths. Proper breathing comes from the practice of breathing from the abdomen and not from the chest. Increased stress will increase cortisol and in most cases, cause you to gain weight. An important lesson to be learned from this is that stress, even during heavy exercise, can cause fat to accumulate. Along with environmental and personal stress, not eating enough nutrient rich foods is, in its own way, stressful to your body. Go with the Flow! Why do some people who pay no attention to proper nutrition, never exercise and still live happily until they are 90? And why do some people get well more quickly and with less suffering than others? The answer is that some people have the ability to allow life to unfold in front of them, participate in its moments, and move on. Every time we compromise our true selves, there is stress to the body. Stress is stored in the healing center where it has set up hurdles to proper healing. The more stress you cause yourself such as having the need to always be right, unhealthy attachments to people, places or things, or not allowing life to unfold according to its own will, the more energy you are robbing from the healing process. Life will happen. Whether it is stressful or not is up to you. There is no more powerful magic than your body’s healing power. Your body is yearning to be well, so the best thing is take steps toward a better awareness of stressful events and learn to deal with them in a healthy, positive way. This is the most difficult part of healing, but by far the most fulfilling. Emotional Trauma is a Form of Stress Emotional trauma is stored in our organs (stomach, liver, etc.) and our nervous system. It can cause subluxations of the spine as well as physical trauma that leaves the body unable to cope with stress, or operate in-efficiently. If this is ignored and untreated, it can be quite a drain on the immune system and adrenals, leaving the door wide open for disease. Proper therapy alongside chiropractic care with good nutrition is often helpful, if not necessary. 78 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide You Must Have Faith in Healing The simple fact of truly believing you will get better and good health will be yours, is the first step in the healing process. The power of positive thinking is very important in regaining your health. Conflicting and troublesome thoughts can be very stressful to the mind and body. Good health comes from reducing or eliminating such stress and its causes. You will find that most people who are in a state of good health also have a positive and calm approach to life. Even if a doctor has labeled you as someone who will have health challenges the rest of your life, you don’t have to think that way. Remember, many doctors miss the sign of Candida-related problems and give their patients false diagnoses. Rather than focuses on the “tag” given to you by your doctor, embrace the idea of total health and well-being. In your pursuit of this, it may be helpful to study those who are positive about their health and learn from them. Stress and Panic Attacks Being in a poor physical state and can contribute to panic attacks. If you are experiencing panic attacks, there are some immediate things you can do to gain control. At the outset of an attack, stop the ‘zoning in’ sensation. Slap your hand on your lap/thigh, or clap your hands together. This sudden loud sound helps the brain to refocus its attention. It’s also important to know that fear of having an attack alone may be all that’s needed for an attack to occur. We recommend using the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy Tincture as it is hugely effective in relieving anxiety. Also effective are homeopathies used to control panic attacks such as Aconite. We also recommend you read Anthony Robbins’s Unlimited Power, particularly the chapter on ‘anchoring’ as it’s useful for putting yourself in a resourceful state of mind to be prepared for the challenges of anxiety and stress. It’s imperative to stop using any recreational drugs or over-indulging in alcohol. These have both been linked to increased anxiety states. Excessive abuse of either will leave you feeling very wired and in a constant state of stress. A multi B vitamin can help. B1 deficiency can increase lactic acid in the blood, which, if not picked up immediately by the liver, can cause symptoms that mimic a panic/anxiety attack and a heart attack combined. To assist in eliminating Anxiety, attempt to remove or heal the following: 79 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide 1. Stress or bad feeling thoughts – they create an over abundance of adrenaline, the excess of which will oxidize and become acidic to your body. 2. Excess starch in the diet – especially wheat, sugar, alcohol and certain teas and coffee. There are ways to supply the body with what it needs to counter the craving for these substances 3. Poor Digestion – loose stools or less than one bowel movement per day will cause auto – intoxication 4. Pathogenic Stress from antibiotics, birth control or medical steroid usage – this can also be reversed through specific nutritional cleanses Journal It is wise to keep a journal of your daily eating habits, including how much and what types of food you eat. You may not realize what you are eating and how it affects your health. Once you have a clearer picture of your (poor) eating habits, you can begin to take action to change those habits and set goals for optimum health. EFT EFT which is short for Emotional Freedom Technique that can be a powerful healing tool which combines two well established sciences so you can benefit from both at the same time: 1. Mind Body Medicine 2. Acupuncture Consider using EFT for emotional challenges. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a needle-free version of acupuncture that is based on new discoveries regarding the connection between your body’s subtle energies, your emotions, and your health. EFT has been reported to be successful in thousands of cases, covering a huge range of emotional, health and performance issues. It often works when nothing else will. Understanding how emotional healing with EFT works requires an open mind and a bit of education. The effectiveness of EFT only makes sense if it is related to the human energy system. Fortunately, you don’t have to firmly believe any of this in order to receive the positive benefits of using these techniques. In addition to having a physical body which is fueled by food, we also run on an intricate energy system that is fueled by electrical impulses that run through the body. This energy system holds the key to many of the disturbances we experience in our daily lives. When it is out of balance, our emotional life could be compared to a car that is in desperate need of a tune up. The result of an imbalance may take the form of emotional disturbances including phobias, anger, depression, grief, guilt, anxiety, and a full range of fears. There may also be physical symptoms like pain, headaches, and asthma which are known to be related to emotions. EFT provides relief from the majority of these disturbances and it often provides relief within minutes, with long-lasting results. In fact, it frequently provides relief where other techniques have failed and has a high success rate (typically 80% or better). 80 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide How EFT Works EFT is based on a revolutionary new discovery that challenges most of the beliefs within conventional psychology and medicine. It contends that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. With remarkable consistency, EFT relieves symptoms with an unusual (but proven) routine of tapping the fingertips on a short series of points on the body that correspond to acupuncture points on the energy meridians. Where there is an imbalance, there is a corresponding blockage in the flow of energy. The tapping releases blockages that are created when a person thinks about or becomes involved in an emotionally disturbing circumstance. When this blockage is cleared, the emotions come into balance. Once balanced, the person often does not continue to get upset about the circumstance. The memory remains but the charge is gone. Typically, the result is lasting and the person's awareness usually changes in a positive way as a natural result of healing. Most energetic imbalances may be partially or completely relieved within a short time using this process. Others may be relieved through repetition. Some examples of energetic patterns that have been successfully cleared using EFT: • • • • • • • Emotional trauma from war experiences, physical abuse, etc. Emotions related to addictive patterns like overeating and smoking Fears related to performance like public speaking, concentration, sports, etc. Emotions related to physical conditions Phobias like the fear of heights, flying, enclosed spaces, driving, etc. Disturbing emotions like depression and anger Insomnia All of the above can block your healing mechanisms if they are not addressed. Fear is by far an emotion we all experience. Fear can rapidly deplete your energy levels, often when they are needed most. For more information on EFT and a Free EFT Manual Download go to Sleep Another very important factor in your recovery is your sleeping time and hours. The ideal sleeping time is from 10pm-7am for healing. A healthy person can get away with 10pm-6am, anything less and you begin to incur a sleep debt. The exact hours slept are just as important as the amount of time slept. From 10pm-2am our body’s ability to heal is significantly heightened. It has been shown that those who do not sleep during these hours, such as 81 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide shift workers, are prone to illness more often and have higher overall cancer rates. The majority of hormone and mineral balancing occurs at this time, as well as rejuvenation of major glands and organs, and most importantly your liver and adrenals. The earlier you retire the faster your body will heal itself. It’s that simple. If you constantly go to bed late night after night, even if you do get 9+ hours of sleep, you can still suffer from burnout and fatigue. The folk saying “One hour’s sleep before midnight is worth two after” is absolutely true! Sleep Deprivation Sleep deprivation weakens your immune system and can lead to a number of problems. The optimal amount of sleep for longevity and good health is eight hours a night for adults (although you may need as much as nine to twelve hours while healing). Sleep benefits most major organ systems and improves many markers of longevity. More to the point, it helps prevent illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive and memory decline, as well as accelerated aging. Sleep deprivation also causes much additional stress, and stress weakens our immune system. Your sympathetic nervous system—that is, your “fight-or-flight” mechanism you use to cope with emergencies—becomes activated when you don’t get enough sleep. Cortisol and Sleep Stress raises cortisol levels and elevated cortisol levels inhibit our ability to sleep. Lack of sleep further raises our cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol levels (dependant on severity) inhibit the body’s ability to slip into the deep, sound sleep state known as delta. It’s in the delta phase that the body is best able to restore itself. Exercise and Sleep Exercise is the best natural sleep aid but only if done early in the day (morning is best), and not near bedtime. Exercise tires you out in positive, health-building ways. When your body is ready to repair muscle tissue from your workouts, you will be ready for the type of sound sleep that encourages that form of repair. Exercise for at least 20-30 minutes, five days a week if possible. Three times per week is the minimum. Some exceptions to the rule apply if you are overly tired. Workout as you can but aim for low impact workouts that are more beneficial to your health such as walking, and rebounding. The wrong types of exercise performed at the wrong times can do more harm than good because they can elevate the stress hormone cortisol (see above). 82 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Not Enough Sleep Can Make You Fat The reason sleep deprivation causes weight gain is because it causes hormone disruption. Sleep deprivation: • • • • Increases cortisol, which causes increased appetite and fat deposits around your mid section. Memory loss and insulin resistance (a precursor to diabetes) can also result from an increase in cortisol. Decreases leptin, which causes the body to crave more food, especially carbohydrates. Increases ghrelin, which increases appetite and prevents the body from using up its excess fat stores. Decreases insulin, which increases the appetite and leads to low blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Pitch Black Darkness All Night While You Sleep Your bedroom should be completely dark at night (so much so that you can’t even tell where the window is, and so dark that if you get up to use the bathroom during the night, you would have to grope your way forward slowly in order not to collide with anything). Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the pineal gland. Its release is dependant upon the amount of light your body is exposed to. Melatonin helps prepare the body for sleep by reducing alertness and slightly lowering body temperature. For at least an hour before bedtime reduce your exposure to light. Meditation, also an hour before bed, will help the release of melatonin. Be sure to meditate in low light (dim). Melatonin is also a potent antioxidant. Harnessing its power will not only evoke a deep regenerating sleep, it will also speed up recovery at the cellular level. Alarm Clocks If you have a digital clock in your bedroom, turn it face down so the light does not show, as even this small amount of light can affect your sleep. It is important to sleep in complete darkness. Loud alarm clocks are also stressful for your body. If you are regularly getting enough sleep, you may not even need an alarm clock because your body and mind adjust to your regular wake-up schedule. Evening Activities That Will Prepare You For Bed Get in habit of going to bed early. Our ancestors were in the habit of going to bed shortly after sundown. Being asleep by 9 p.m. in the winter and 10 p.m. in the summer gives your adrenal glands 83 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide the best opportunity to repair and recharge. During these times, your gallbladder also dumps toxins. So it is a good idea to keep your body rested and let these internal organs do their cleansing and repair. Some people feel more relaxed listening to relaxation CD’s of music, nature sounds such as waterfalls or the ocean, white noise, or brainwave-enhancing audio technology. Your bed is for sleeping only. If you are in the habit of eating, working, filling out crossword puzzles, or watching TV in bed, you are associating stimulating activity with a place that should be used just for sleeping. Supplements for Better Sleep L-tryptophan or 5-HTP is a precursor to melatonin and serotonin. L-tryptophan is safer than straight melatonin. Be sure to follow product label instructions and avoid supplements with yeast. Other Helpful Considerations to Help You Sleep Better • • • • • • • It is best to avoid eating before bedtime, especially grains and sugars. These simple carbohydrates break down to simple sugars and raise your blood sugar interferes with drifting off to sleep. Worse yet, simple carbohydrates raise your blood sugar for a very short period, and then abruptly lower your blood sugar, leaving you hypoglycemic, which can wake you up and prevent your return to sleep. Also avoid alcohol. Although it makes people drowsy, that effect is of short duration, and you may wake up several hours later and feel that you cannot go back to sleep. Alcohol also keeps sleep light, which is not optimal for the repair and restorative functions that deep sleep accomplishes. If you know you are sensitive to certain foods, it would be best to avoid them. Delayed food sensitivity may appear one to three days after the ingested antigenic food. Dairy and wheat are common allergens. For many people, they cause abdominal upset, gas, sinus congestion, and even sleep apnea. If caffeine keeps you awake, try to avoid it in the afternoon. Caffeine is metabolized slowly by many people. Although some people can drink coffee and be ready for sleep an hour later, many others cannot sleep if they have had any afternoon caffeine. Amphetamine analogs, such as diet pills or the drugs used for ADHD (Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, etc.), can promote wakefulness, so avoid them if possible Don’t drink any fluids within two to three hours of bedtime. There is less chance of your sleep getting disturbed by the need to awaken and go to the bathroom. Put work away at least an hour or two before bed so your mind has a chance to relax Establish a bedtime routine (this could include deep breathing, meditation, aromatherapy/essential oils, massage, etc.) and follow each and every night. 84 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Exercise and Weight Loss We all know exercise is good for us. Yet, many of us put if off due to procrastination, mental barriers, and just plain laziness. If told exercise was mandatory to getting healthy, would you consider it then? We know exercise helps us feel better, gives us more energy and allows us to get a good night sleep. These three benefits are a strong enough reason to exercise. Commit to it. Typically to improve elimination of toxins through the skin, regular exercise is important to stimulate sweating. Exercise helps with detoxification and also improves our general metabolism. Regular aerobic exercise is a key to maintaining a nontoxic body in our toxic environment. On the other hand, exercise increases the production of toxins in the body, so it must be accompanied by consuming a lot of water, antioxidants, and vitamin and mineral replenishments. Here are a few things exercise can do for you: • • • • Encourages better sleep Lowers stress and anxiety Lowers your risk of health problems Helps you lose weight and regulate metabolism • • • Improves immune function Brings in more oxygen to your body Increases serotonin levels (feel good chemicals) Below are more exercise options. Remember, exercise has to be enjoyable. Pick the exercises you like to do and always try to incorporate some form of exercise into your daily life. (Although don’t overdo it if your Candida symptoms are severe). Types of exercise that may be suitable for Candida sufferers: • • • • • • Walking or jogging in nature: a forest, up a mountain, by a river, on the beach. Dancing, aerobics, gymnastics, mild-moderate weight lifting, and stretching. Swimming (a wonderful low-impact exercise) Fishing, horseback riding, rowing, golf Yoga, meditation. Martial arts: Karate, Judo, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, and Aikido. Remember there is no need to exhaust yourself! Moderate exercise is best. Avoid colds and flu If you feel over trained, stressed or rundown, keep to yourself and avoid contact with other people hosting a virus that could spread easily in your body. You’re more likely to catch a cold 85 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide when your body is run down. Those who over-exercise have an elevated risk of infection due to a compromised immune system. Also, those who exercise the least are also likely to develop a compromised immune system. Therefore, balance your workout. Health must be achieved first, and fitness second, so the body can handle the demands of cleansing Candida. Workout Plan Suggestion When your health improves, there are many great exercise programs you can consider. If you are interested in a weight resistance training routine, we recommend Turbulence Training or P90x as being one of the best home workout plans. Juicing Consider juicing as a means of getting healthy and staying healthy. Juicing will make you feel amazing and give you the energy you need to tackle the busiest day. Juicing is great for your health, but it’s also good insurance against poor health and disease. You are able to absorb more nutrition from juice rather than the whole food. It truly is hard to get your required serving of veggies each day. Juicing is a great solution. Some people trying to regain their health may require more than typical daily servings of veggies, even 2-4 times more. Some people are picky when it comes to eating certain veggies. Juicing allows consuming them in a different form and may allow the benefits of a wider variety of beneficial vegetables. You should note that, when juicing, you need to rotate your vegetables often so you do not become susceptible to allergies. When you eat a food often (daily), you can develop an allergy to that food. Juicing can be tricky, especially if you haven’t done it before. The juice you make should taste refreshing and pleasant. If it makes you feel noxious, cut back on the amount of juice or the veggies you are using. Listen to your body as it will tell you if something needs to be changed. You should stick to juicing only veggies (veggies that grow above ground) as fruits can make your Candida yeast infection worse. Vegetable juice will not raise your insulin levels like fruit juice can. Note: a rise in insulin can happen if you juice carrots or beats so it is recommended you do not juice them in the early stage of the Anti-Candida Diet. Add Herbs to your Juice A good way to step up the detoxification process is by adding herbs to your juices. Parsley and Cilantro have powerful detoxifying effects on heavy metals in the body. You may even wish to add dandelion root to your juice mix as it can be beneficial. If you are having a hard time finding the leaves, buy the tincture and add a couple of drops to the mix. 86 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Add Supplements to your Juice Chlorella provides the body with a high source of chlorophyll, which is very alkaline. By weight, it has the most protein available. Chlorella is actually a miracle supplement as it can bind to heavy metals and pesticides, which then are disposed through your bowels. Special Note: Some people may not be able to tolerate chlorella. If you cannot, you will know if you are burping it up or if you feel noxious after consuming it. Don’t let this deter you from trying it again as Chlorella is great at cleaning out the body of chemicals and heavy metals. Another note: if you have high iron or vitamin D levels, you should avoid taking Chlorella as it is loaded with these. If you can’t tolerate Chlorella then your next best bet is Spirulina (although it doest not bond to heavy metals). Most people would complain that veggie juice alone is not filling enough on its own, that’s why we would recommend adding more nutritional value to it. Veggies cover the carbohydrate spectrum, but you can also add protein and fats to the mix. Adding Protein You can use raw eggs, or New Zealand Protein (If not sensitive!), free of antibiotics, pesticides and hormones. If you decide to use raw eggs, add 24 to your juice. The risk of salmonella infection is usually only present in traditionally raised commercial hens. It is important to note that only sick chickens lay salmonella-contaminated eggs. So, if you purchase high quality, cage-free, organically fed, chicken eggs, the risk of salmonella are dramatically reduced. Studies have been done to analyze the risks of contracting salmonella from raw eggs and it’s surprising to find out how low this risk actually is. A study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2002 (Risk Analysis April 2002 22(2):203-18) indicates that only 2.3 million, out of the 69 billion eggs produced annually, are contaminated with salmonella. This means that only 0.003 % (one in 30,000) of eggs is infected Hemp protein is another great addition to shakes. Rich in amino acids and high in fibre, this protein is vegan and vegetarian friendly. As well consider using Pea Protein and Brown Rice Protein Powders. Avoid Soy Protein There are a variety of issues with soy, such as its high content of phytates which prevent nutrient absorption, it is frequently GMO and the processing of soy protein creates substances very similar to MSG that can cause various health problems. Soy is also often contaminated with Hexane during processing. The only time soy is truly digestible is through fermentation, even then there is arguments as to whether it should be consumed at all. 87 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Adding Fats You can add some seeds to your juice, but first grind them up. The best choices are pumpkin and flax seeds. Turn the seeds into meal by adding them to a coffee grinder. Then add the meal to your veggie juice and mix. Seeds are not the only option. You can add oils to your juice such as coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil (a source of omega 3 fatty acids), cod liver (which has vitamin D and A in addition to the EPA/DHA of fish oil.) and flax oil (another source of omega 3 fatty acids). Other oils rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are evening primrose oil, hemp seed oil, pumpkin oil and black seed oil. If you’d like to add some kick to you juice, and if you can tolerate it, add ginger to your juice. Ginger has many health benefits and is especially good for reducing inflammation and increasing circulation. Special note about juice Juice will break down quickly due to exposure to oxygen. As mentioned earlier, oxygen can cause oxidation, reducing the potency of the juice and the nutritional value you receive from it. It is best to consume your juice immediately after preparation. If you find it hard to get your juice ready in the morning before work then there are some alternatives. You can put the juice in an air tight glass jar (preferably a dark jar to block out any light) and fill the jar all the way to the top of the lid so there is virtually no oxygen remaining in the jar to prevent spoilage. You can also wrap your jar with aluminum foil if you don’t have a dark jar. You will also need to store it in the refrigerator to maximize freshness. However, you should try to drink your juices at room temperature. Take it out of the fridge 30 minutes before drinking. Tips for Cleaning Your Juicer Some find cleaning their juicer an arduous task as it can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to clean. However, cleaning is mandatory or you will risk mold growth and further contamination of any new juices. You can use a toothbrush to get inside the hard to reach areas. It's important to clean your juicer immediately after you juice to prevent it from encouraging mold growth. If you like, you can drop a few drops of bleach in your juicer, running it for a minute and then rinsing it thoroughly. Water Most of us think we drink enough water but that is far from the truth. Good advice dictates that you need to drink more water if you want to become healthier. I see a lot of people counting juice, soda, alcohol and coffee/tea as 88 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide part of their daily intake of water, but what they really do is increase your sugar (and calorie) consumption and dehydrate you even more than you already are. For every glass of milk you must drink 2 glasses of water just to negate the dehydration caused by the milk! Keep in mind that your body is made up of 80% water and most of the population is severely dehydrating themselves. Beyond these reasons, you should be drinking water because: • • • • • • It is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption and elimination Helps remove toxins from your body Aids circulation Lubricates and cushions joints Helps control your body’s temperature Keeps the skin healthy Water is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical reactions. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. No less important is the ability of water to transport waste material out of our bodies. Water is the substance of life. Life cannot exist without water. We must constantly be adding fresh water to our body to keep it properly hydrated. Water can be a miracle cure for many common ailments such as headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and much more. And remember, we can go for weeks without food, but only three days without water! Water is also essential for proper circulation in the body. The levels of oxygen in the bloodstream are greater when the body is well-hydrated and the more oxygen the body has readily available, the more fat it will burn. Without the presence of oxygen, the body cannot properly use stored fat for energy. Not only will the body burn more fats when it's well-hydrated, water increases oxygen levels, which means more energy. Water helps remove toxins from the body, in particular from the digestive tract. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits. Water Loss Dehydration can occur at any time of the year, not only during the summer months when it is hot. Actually, the dryness that occurs during winter can dehydrate the body more quickly then summer. When you are dehydrated you tend to eat more which leads to weight problems. Every day you lose water from your body through urine and sweat, and this fluid needs to be replenished. We advise that people follow a more individualized rule of thumb: for every 50 pounds of body weight drink one quart of spring or filtered water per day. 89 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Rather than relying on some formula, individualized or not, it is best to allow your body to dictate how much you should drink. You can do this observing the color of your urine. Under most circumstances you should strive to have your urine have a very light yellow or straw color. A darker and deeper yellow, or even orange, may indicate you are dehydrated and not drinking enough water. Special Note: The only caveat here is if you are taking riboflavin (vitamin B2) which fluoresces and turns your urine bright yellow. Be aware that riboflavin is in most multi-vitamins. Sip Don’t Gulp It’s also important to sip your water all day long, as opposed to downing a large amount of water several times a day. Depending on your size, your body can only process a bit more than a glass of water per hour. If you drink much more than one glass at a time, the extra water will not be used, but rather flushed down the toilet. The Thirst Mechanism When your body begins to lose from 1%” to 2% percent of its total water, your thirst mechanism kicks in and tells you, “I’m thirsty.” Of course, if you live in a climate that is hot, has high altitude, or low humidity (or you are engaged in exercise or other vigorous activity), you will require more water than normal. Do NOT Drink Tap Water! Drinking water from your tap will almost assuredly introduce hefty doses of two toxins: chlorine and fluoride. Showering in chlorinated water can actually expose you to more of the chemical than drinking it! Buy a Shower filter; also buy a tap water filter if you do not plan on buying fresh spring water. Optimal drinking water choices are: • • • Fresh spring water Reverse Osmosis High Quality Bottled (such as Fiji) Are you drinking enough water? Here are things you should know: • • • • Lack of water is the number one trigger of daytime fatigue 75% of North Americans are chronically dehydrated In 37% of North Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. Even mild dehydration can slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3% 90 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide • • • • A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy, short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed page One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers Drinking five glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, and it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer! The Importance of Water and Water Purity Chemicals in our food enter the intestines. Fermentation is the result of the healthy bacteria needed for a healthy body. Unwanted putrefaction is the result of a structural change in bacteria, making them aggressive and destructive, leading to the body breaking down. Put simply, in fermentation, bacteria maintain paired electron stability, which allow them to perform their vital functions in the body. In putrefaction, bacteria lose an electron and become unstable and aggressive, attacking cells, stealing electrons, and causing instability. This is what is seen in cancerous cells—unstable, aggressive cells with an odd number of electrons. A simple example that explains how the body reacts differently to fermentation and putrefaction is seen in how the digestive and elimination systems function. Under normal conditions, fermentation allows bacteria to perform a vital role in maintaining homeostasis of the body. We enjoy regular bowel movements to remove waste materials from the intestines before putrefaction overcomes fermentation. However, the results of putrefaction are seen in constipation, when the body is unable to eliminate waste materials. This changes the structure of bacteria and promotes the formation of disease in the intestines and colon. Interestingly and fortunately, diarrhea is the body’s way of eliminating a large build up of toxicity created by putrefaction. Constipation is the more serious condition. Constipation is a breakdown of natural fermentation. Diseases begin when intestinal flora change from fermentation to putrefaction. Water is a Vital Force in the Stability of the Fermentation Process From the very beginning of life existing on Earth, water has provided the medium to prevent temperature changes from disrupting growth and developing organisms. It has been the catalyst in chemical changes, from simple to complex. Water has provided the medium for electrical conduction that is required for ionization of cells and cellular mobility. Fluid fluctuations affect blood volume and cellular function and can be life threatening. When the amount of water within cells is relatively constant, there is an exchange of solutes and water (between compartments) to maintain unique compositions. Individuals with a 91 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide greater percent of body fat have less total body water percentage and are more susceptible to fluid imbalances. The body’s percentage of water decreases with age, resulting in inadequate cellular hydration. Most critical is the decrease in the intra/extra cellular fluid ratio. Also with increased age, kidney function becomes less efficient in producing urine and conserving sodium. There are two major issues that must be resolved if the body is to remain in a state of harmony and balance. First, the water in our body must be able to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating and destroying cells. And water must introduce the minerals and nutrients required for metabolism into the cells and remove any substances that can damage the cell. It must be able to protect the cell membrane from damage and invasion. Second, since water is involved in every function of the body, it must act as a conductor of electrochemical activity, such as neurotransmission. This is done by smoothly and efficiently transferring information from one nerve cell to another. When water with a weak electromagnetic signal enters nerve cells, the synapses cannot generate strong impulses between cells. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a visionary researcher from Japan, received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently, he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. He carried out extensive research of water around the planet, not only as a scientific researcher, but also as one who possesses the perspective of new and original thoughts. He discovered that it was in the frozen crystal form that water showed us its true nature. Distilled Water… And What’s Wrong with it Dr. Emoto began by studying the crystallization process of water. This all started in 1994 when he took samples of water from various sources, froze a few droplets, examined them under a dark field microscope, and photographed them. He carefully photographed the crystal formations produced by water as it passes from liquid into freezing state—like a snapshot of the water at that moment in time. He quickly realized that the crystals that formed from water depended highly on the natural health and condition of the water. In other words, water from natural springs and healing water sources formed beautiful and complex crystalline geometries similar to those of snowflakes. Water that had been distilled, polluted or passed through consumption had lost its inner order. This leads to the realization that natural healthy water carries an “inner order” defining its nature and properties. Distilled and tap water is thus arguably dead and processed, but when we add a life-giving substances such as Cellfood drops to the water, the pure source crystal structure appears. This water is in far more harmony with your body and it is more hydrating, more usable, and delivers more nutrients to the body’s many cells. A product such as Cellfood when added to water also detoxifies the body. 92 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide THE 5 STEP PROTOCOL FOR PERMANENT CANDIDA ELIMINATION FOR LIFE An acute case of Candidiasis and chronic cases are very different. In chronic cases the following symptoms are much more prevalent. Symptoms in chronic cases include: • • • • • • • • • Asthmatic symptoms Shortness of breath Breathing difficulty Allergies from food, chemicals and the environment Brain fog Chronic fatigue Depression Drastic bowel changes, chronic constipation or in some cases diarrhea Digestive pain, shooting pains through • • • • • • bowel, acid reflux Eczema, severe skin rashes Gas and bloating Headaches and body aches Joint pain and inflammation Mucous production and congestion White coated tongue The 5 Step Protocol will help cure you forever, even if you have chronic systemic Candida. Since Candida is difficult to correctly diagnose it is quite possible that you may be suffering from another pathogen or toxic cause such as parasites or heavy metals. The intention of the 5 Step Protocol is to address all major root causes of illness not just Candida. Everything discussed so far was created to educate you on the causes of Candida and poor health in general. The 5 Step Protocol addresses the underlying cause behind Candida so you don’t have to ever deal with this problem again. Here is a brief summary of what to expect in the 5 Step Protocol. 1. The Anti-Candida Diet Find out which foods feed Candida and which foods don’t, more importantly which foods improve your overall health and help you escape the cycle of chronic poor health. Establishing the Anti-Candida diet ensures proper flora development and creates an alkaline environment within the body. The result of this is a major reduction in consumed toxins and a healthy base foundation from which proper healing can emerge. Without incorporating the Anti-Candida diet and a healthy lifestyle, Candida can thrive even when constantly bombarded with drugs and anti-fungals. (Expected duration Ongoing) Once the Candida overgrowth has been eliminated we advise you remain on the diet to a certain degree to maintain proper health. 93 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide 2. Supplements and Therapies These are needed to supply the body with nutrients to keep the immune system strong. Anti-fungals and Probiotics are needed to rebalance the good and bad bacteria in your body. Alternative Therapies in this section are recommended to bring you deep rooted relief. (Expected duration 2-24 months) Once the diet has been established the next step is the inclusion of all supplements and anti-fungals. Begin whenever you are prepared. Some individuals experience strong detoxification symptoms from the Anti-Candida diet alone. This step may take 1-4 weeks to incorporate after step 1. 3. Parasite and Kidney Cleanse Parasite infections suppress the immune system and allow pathogens such as Candida to go unchecked in the body. Sometimes Candida and parasite symptoms can seem identical. You may in fact need a parasite cleansing more than a Candida cleanse. Cleansing the kidneys is not necessary but is beneficial in easing future cleansing and improving all other detoxifying. (Expected duration 30-60 days) Parasite cleanse may be attempted 1 month following beginning of step 2. Suggested cleanse kits and herbs are listed in this section. It should be noted that the MMS, Hydrogen Peroxide and Lugols Iodine supplements will begin parasite cleansing should you choose to use them during step 2. Kidney cleansing may be performed prior to a parasite cleanse. 4. Heavy Metal Removal and Detoxification Heavy metal toxicity is a deep rooted condition that is a major cause for most unidentifiable health problems including Candida. If you suffer from even slight heavy metal toxicity then your Candida infection will be nearly impossible to eliminate. (Expected duration 3-24 months) This is to be done either following a chelation protocol through a certified practitioner such as a Naturopathic Doctor or following our suggested natural chelation therapy depending on the severity. This step will also require individuals with amalgam fillings to have them replaced or removed in order to totally eliminate all metals from the body. This step is mandatory for those suffering from long standing Candida infections as well as any other chronic health issue with no obvious cause. 5. The Liver Flush Your liver determines how healthy your body functions more so than any other organ. If your liver is completely clean and functioning at 100%, Candida development will be virtually impossible. Stones that accumulate in your liver over time make it sluggish and less 94 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide able to deal with body stresses and toxicity. This creates a blockage of bile, the natural antiseptic of the body. A low bile production makes it easy for Candida to flourish. (Expected duration 4-24 months) The liver flush is the most important step to recovery from chronic Candidiasis and other chronic health issues. The amount of flushing needed to fully regain your health has less to do with time and more to do with the amount of stones that are passed. It has been suggested by the famous Dr. Hulda Clark that 2000 stones must be passed in order to eliminate health conditions such as arthritis and allergies. On a positive note many people have passed hundreds of stones per flush. As long as all the steps are followed properly, your chances of passing a large amount of stones will be great. This step can be started at any time. 95 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide STEP 1 - THE ANTI-CANDIDA DIET Dietary changes are crucial to treating existing Candida infections and preventing them from re-occurring. However, if you have a medical condition we suggest you check with your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet. (For a thorough understanding of the diet, please refer to our Diet and Cookbook Guide) What Foods Should I Avoid If I Have Candida? Sugar This includes all forms of refined sugar such honey, maple syrup, brown sugar, corn syrup, molasses, and cane (white sugar). This means all goods containing refined sugar must be eliminated as well. You should be avoiding sugar like a diabetic. Diabetics have to avoid sugar because it can kill them. You should be actively avoiding sugar just as aggressively. Few food labels list refined sugar as sugar. You need to recognize various terms for sugar including the more common ones: • • • • sucrose fructose maltose lactose • • • • glycogen glucose mannitol sorbitol • • • galactose monosaccharide polysaccharide As a general rule, any substance that ends in the suffix ‘-ose’ is a sugar and any substance that contains the root ‘saccharide’ is also a sugar. Artificial Sweeteners Should also be eliminated. These both contain chemicals of, at best, dubious value to the body and immune system and keep your sugar cravings alive. In place of sugar you can use xylitol or stevia! Xylitol is a wood alcohol sweetener that actually destroys Candida and bacteria in the mouth! Most brands produce a Xylitol sweetener that is derived from corn and typically imported from China. We recommend using a higher grade xylitol that is extracted from Birch trees if possible. You can find it here. Stevia is a natural sugar substitute from the stevia plant. Fruit and Fruit Juices Due to the sugar content, these items must be eliminated. There are a handful of fruits with a low glycemic index that can be safely included into your diet including papaya, pineapple, grapefruit, lemons and some berries. However they should be omitted fully from the diet for at least the first 2 weeks. 96 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Simple Starches This includes white bread, white rice, and pasta made with white flour. High-Starch Vegetables Such as corn and peas should be avoided because they contain high levels of starch which convert to sugar in your body. Dairy Products Among many other reasons, dairy products should be avoided because they are mucus forming, damaging and detrimental to the digestive tract, and bring out allergies in many people. Fast And Processed Foods For obvious reasons, they are entirely made up of ingredients that promote Candida development. Fermented Foods These include vinegar—white, red, apple cider, rice, balsamic—and anything containing vinegar, such as salad dressing, ketchup, barbecue sauce, steak sauce, pickles, olives, pickled vegetables, and mustard. No fermented soy products like miso or tempeh, no sourdough breads, and no alcohol. Stimulants All types, such as caffeine or ephedrine (EPH). Baker’s or Brewer’s Yeast This includes any raised, baked product like bread, muffins, rolls, bagels, and pastries. Foods Containing Gluten Gluten intolerance is a very common condition that can lead to gastrointestinal difficulties. An unhealthy intestine finds it particularly challenging to handle gluten fibers. Eliminating wheat including spelt and kamut, barley, and rye gives your intestines the chance to heal. Nuts Should be avoided unless they’re freshly cracked, because of the possibility of mold. Peanuts, peanut butter, and pistachios may frequently contain mold, too. Processed, Dried, Smoked, and Pickled Meats Salmon, sausages, bacon, sandwich meats, bologna, salami and the like should be eliminated. There is evidence that these are often contaminated with yeasts on the surface. Also, these foods commonly contain nitrates, other allergens and artificial ingredients which will only further stress your immune system. Hydrogenated Oils and Margarines These are difficult to digest and unhealthy. They have no place in a restorative diet or any diet for that matter. Mushrooms It is best to avoid them as they are fungus themselves, and often are aggravating for Candida sufferers. Although Reishi, Maitake and Shiitake are all recommended as they actually kill Candida and boost the immune system. Just make sure you are getting high grade organic quality that does not have mold or fungicides on them. If these requirements cannot be met, avoid them as well. 97 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Preservatives and Chemical Additives These should be completely eliminated. A good rule of thumb is, if you don’t know that the substance is or you can’t pronounce it don’t put it in your body. Coffees, Teas and Dried Herbs It is best to use fresh herbs only as dried herbs can contain mold that adheres to them during their drying process. Coffees and tea should also be avoided for the same reason. Other Thoughts The list of foods you should eliminate when you’re fighting Candida can be daunting. It may seem as though there’s nothing left. However, the benefits during and following an Anti-Candida diet are a profound change for many people. A majority of people notice a difference in the way they feel almost immediately. Within a few weeks, many people are adamant about staying on the AntiCandida diet. In truth, many people need to stay on the AntiCandida diet for months to regain optimum health. Most people who suffer from chronic Candida also suffer from mild to severe food sensitivities. The Anti-Candida diet is actually designed to be incredibly hypo-allergenic, eliminating foods that you may not even realize you are sensitive to from your diet. This is incredibly beneficial as very often a large amount of unknown allergens are removed and a persons health improves even more drastically. You are your best detector of what foods are good and not good for you. Look for symptoms after you eat certain foods. Do you feel congested? Does your pulse and heart rate quicken? Do you become bloated? Does your skin become itchy? Symptoms such as these are good indicators that you are allergic to something you ate. These foods will create inflammation of the digestive lining which in the case of your small intestine will destroy the villi that is there to absorb the nutrients. If you notice that certain foods create a reaction in you, immediately cut it from your diet. With potential and hidden allergens removed in addition to sugar, your health with improve dramatically in a very short period of time. 98 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide What Foods Can I Eat If I Have Candida? High Fiber, Low Starch Vegetables These should be the bulk of your diet; at least 50% of your diet if possible. Examples are broccoli, spinach, celery, asparagus, and okra. Vegetables that inhibit the growth of Candida include onions, garlic, ginger root, cabbage, broccoli, turnips, and kale. Include plenty of these in your daily diet. Use black pepper with your food as it has an active ingredient called piperine that aids in digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Chlorophyll found in green vegetables prevents the spread of fungal infections and promotes good bacteria growth. Limit your intake of starchy vegetables like potatoes and yams to once or twice a week. Fiber Fiber is important because the faster the transit time is for bowel movements, the smaller the chance there is for the Candida fungus to survive. As the colon is constantly swept clean, there is no chance for fermentation to take place and Candida growth is kept to a minimum. Besides eating high fiber foods make sure to make at least 1 fiber shake per day. Ideally 3 fiber shakes per day should be consumed that make use of hemp, flax, Salba (chia) or psyllium as a base fiber. A minimum of 15-20 grams of fiber per day should be consumed per shake totaling at least 40 grams per day. PGX is a relatively new fiber product on the market that is incredibly potent as a blood sugar balancer and sugar/starch blocker, thus making it incredibly effective for weight loss. Beyond this, every 1 gram of PGX is considered 5 grams towards your daily requirement for fiber. It’s a good option for those who don’t have the time to make shakes every day as it comes in both pill and powder form. Lean Meat & Fish Roughly 20% of your diet can consist of high nutritional value protein. Chicken, fish, eggs, turkey, and lamb are excellent sources. Beef should be included no more than once a week if at all. Use antibiotic-free or organically raised meats and vegetables whenever possible. If you find you are entering a habit of not eating organic meats and are unable to due to local sources, we suggest that you focus more on vegetable consumption and minimize meat consumption as much as possible. If you have to make a choice between non-organic available meats chose white meat simply because red meat is far more toxic with antibiotics, chemicals and hormones. 99 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Nuts and Seeds These are a good source of high biological value protein and beneficial fats. These include almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds. They must be either raw or freshly cracked to prevent mold. Whole Grains Another 20-30% of your diet can be made up of whole grains that don’t include gluten. These include amaranth, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, and brown rice. Breads without Wheat or Yeast French Meadow Bakery makes bread that is permitted on the Candida Control Diet. They do not have any yeast in their facility (yeast is airborne and can contaminates other breads). French Meadow specializes in the following products without wheat or yeast: • • • • • Brown rice bread (100% organic, wheat/yeast-free) Millet bread (100% organic, wheat/yeast-free) Sourdough French bread (100% organic, wheat/yeast-free) European rye bread (100% organic, wheat/yeast-free) Whole grain rye (100% organic, wheat/yeast-free) Omega Oils Beneficial oils are an important part of an Anti-Candida Diet, because they’re a good source of essential fatty acids (EFAs). These fats are called essential because the human body can’t make them; they must be consumed from high-quality dietary sources. EFAs play an important role in protecting the health of your heart by, among other things, lowering the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides circulating in your bloodstream. EFAs also reduce inflammation and help prevent the growth of cancer cells. Sources of EFAs that you should incorporate into your anti-Candida diet include coconut oil, flaxseed oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil. These are not used for cooking purposes with the exception of coconut oil, grape seed oil or olive oil. They are the only three oils that will not convert to a trans-fat when heated to a high temperature. Also as mentioned, coconut oil is a very good source of caprylic acid one of the best anti-fungals to treat Candida with. Water Again, your Anti-Candida Diet must include lots of water. Noncaffeinated herbal teas are fine, as is mineral water without sugar. Consuming the proper daily amount is critical because hydration is vital to the oxygenation of the tissues and oxygenation is crucial in eliminating Candida. It is recommended to consume one half of 100 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide your body weight of water in ounces daily. For example if you weigh 150 pounds, you should consume 75 ounces of water daily. Divide this amount into 8 – 10 ounce amounts and this is how many servings you will need to drink daily. How Long Should I Stay On the Anti-Candida Diet? Your body will be the best gauge of when you’re ready to gradually add some restricted foods back into your daily intake. However, as a rule of thumb, mild to moderate cases of Candida overgrowth generally require 6 weeks to 6 months to completely go away. More severe cases can take up to two years, depending on how long the individual has had the condition. Those who have had symptoms for the past 5-20 years can expect to need at least this much time. Healing from Candida infections requires both an effective antifungal treatment, with either medication or herbal supplements, and the Anti-Candida diet as a foundation. Both must be adhered for long enough to starve off the overgrowth of yeast cells. However, to completely eliminate Candida for life all the other steps in the 5 step protocol must be followed as well. Once you are feeling better, you’ll want to continue to eliminate refined sugar and refined sugarcontaining foods and products from your diet. A sugarless diet is a health habit that will serve you well for life! You’ll be surprised at how unappealing refined sugar tastes when you’ve gone without it for a few weeks. How to Start the Candida Diet For the first 2 weeks (minimum) of the Candida Diet you will need to omit ALL forms of carbohydrates to completely limit all sugar sources for Candida. This includes all complex carbohydrate sources such as grains, legumes (beans) and starchy vegetables (sweet potato). Ideally if possible you should attempt to remove these carbohydrate sources from your diet for 4 weeks, especially if you have suffered from Candida for an extensive period of time. As the 2 week minimum may not be long enough to starve off the yeast and make an impact. However, 4 weeks of diligent avoidance of all grains, legumes and starchy vegetables will normally be enough time. This is easily the toughest part of the diet, with many people already finding it is overwhelming enough to begin changing onto the Candida Diet, let alone to also remove all complex carbohydrates. So what we suggest is that if unable to initially remove all carbohydrates from the diet, make all the other required changes first. At which point, slowly over the course of a month try to wean yourself off of grains, beans and starchy vegetables such as peas all together. Once you have removed all of these carbohydrate sources completely, you can then begin the two week minimum time needed to have these foods removed before re-introducing them again. 101 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Following this removal of Grains, Legumes and Starchy Vegetables you can re-introduce these foods slowly back into your diet with a maximum of 1 serving per day for the first week. We suggest beginning with the least irritating grains initially such as quinoa or millet. Do not reintroduce brown rice at this point, as it is still far too rich in carbohydrates. During this time you must pay close attention to your symptoms. If they stop improving or especially if they become worse, immediately eliminate the newly added foods from your diet. Continue the diet for another 2-4 weeks with carbohydrates removed, after which time when ready, slowly reintroduce these foods back into your diet. Again, pay attention to any negative symptom changes and modify the diet again as needed. This is also an excellent indicator as to the progression of your improvement and levels of Candida in your body as a minor or no reaction to carbohydrates generally indicates a great deal of improvement. Of course this doesn’t mean you should go back to your old eating habits! An additional note should be made that many people find that their health improves so dramatically when removing grains from the diet that they decide to avoid them indefinitely. If you happen to be the type of person who reacts in this way you should notice significant health improvements while omitting grains from the diet. Serious, continued removal of the offending foods must be considered. If grains of any kind tend to irritate you then you may want to seriously consider the raw food diet as we discuss ahead. 102 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Quick Reference Table Note: Our Candida Diet Cookbook contains the most comprehensive details regarding dietary food requirements, options and how to approach the diet in general. Moderate Foods Moderate foods are foods that you eat although it is recommended that you only eat a maximum of 2-3 servings a day of these foods. If you find that your yeast infection or Candida symptoms are persisting and you are doing everything right, you may need to reduce your intake of some moderate foods. Eliminating some of these foods for a period of time will determine what is causing the problem. Sugar of any kind or form. Including fruit and fruit juices, honey, cane sugar, brown rice syrup, corn syrup. Artificial sweeteners (Sucralose, Splenda, Aspartame, Acesulfame potassium, Acesulfame – K, etc. These should be avoided anyways) Refined Grains (Flour, White Rice, Pasta, Breads, Buns, Cookies, etc) Glutinous Grains (Wheat, Barley, Kamut, Spelt) Yeast, Alcohol, Vinegar, Caffeine Moldy foods (Peanuts, Corn) Dairy (Cheese, Milk, Ice Cream Etc) Nightshade vegetables (Tomatoes, Potatoes, Eggplant etc) Fermented Foods (Miso, Tempeh, etc) Any form of Junk Food or Fried Food, Red Meat, Hydrogenated Oils Restricted (Avoid) Beneficial (Unlimited servings per day) Moderate (2-3 servings per day) 103 | P a g e Leafy Green Vegetables (Spinach, Bok Choi, Dark lettuce, Kale, Collards etc) Sea Vegetables (Kelp, Wakame, Dulse etc) Non – Starchy Vegetables (Broccoli, Asparagus, Celery, Cabbage, Green Pepper, Cucumber, Cauliflower, Onions, Leeks, Brussel Sprouts, Ginger, Okra) Herbs (Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Parsley, Garlic, Horseradish, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Cloves etc) Seeds (Hemp, Salvia/Chia, Sesame etc) Nuts (Raw Fresh Cracked walnuts, almonds) Non-Glutinous whole grains (Quinoa, Millet, Amaranth, Brown Rice, Oats (steel cut or Irish) Buckwheat (Buckwheat is gluten free) Organic Free Range Lean Meat (Chicken, Turkey) Organic Poached, Soft boiled (If tolerated) Fresh Vegetable Juice Sprouts, Soaked Beans Wild cold water fish (Salmon, Tuna) Freshly cracked nuts *Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit, Papaya, Pineapple *Organic Soy *These fruits are low sugar, a max of 1 serving a day can be consumed *Soy must be organic. If you’re sensitive to other foods, chances are you are sensitive to soy as well, so it is best to avoid. Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Tips To Help You Eat Better General Tips Never Microwave Your Food Microwaves were actually banned in Russia until recently. They zap away nutrients and leave you with carcinogens that promote disease in the body. Why would you put something that has been exposed to radiation into your body? Avoid Overcooking! If cooking meat try not to char or burn your food. Even when you steam vegetables it is recommended for only 30-60 seconds. More time maybe needed initially for certain vegetables such as broccoli, if indigestion occurs. The less you cook your food, the better it is for you as cooking vegetables removes natural enzymes as well as vitamins and minerals. Chew Food Thoroughly to increase the digestive enzyme secretions in your mouth and to increase the digestion and absorption of the food through your digestive tract. It is suggested that you chew each mouthful of solid food at least 40 times before swallowing until it is a paste like consistency. Avoid Overeating as this allows your food a greater chance to ferment in the digestive track and feed your Candida. By the time you feel full you’ve eaten too much! Avoid Drinking Water or Liquids with Your Meals as this dilutes stomach acid, causes bloating and can decrease absorption of nutrients as a result. Try to only drink up to 30 minutes before a meal or more than 2 hours after a meal. Supplement Betaine Hydrochloride if you are having trouble breaking down fats and proteins. Don’t Eat The Same Food Every Day. Variation is critical to good health. Eating one food repeatedly especially a grain can lead to developing food intolerances and allergies to that food. Don’t Eat Before You Sleep. Your last meal should be no less than 3 hours from the time when you go to the time you go to sleep. Eating too close to bedtime will make your body work overtime while you are sleeping to digest. This is why people who eat late night meals are slow to rise in the morning. Half their night was spent digesting their last meal! Food Combining There are sound physiological reasons for eating foods in compatible combinations, particularly with our fast paced lives. The principles of food combining are dictated by digestive chemistry. Various groups of foods are digested differently. For example, starchy foods require an alkaline digestive medium, which is supplied initially in the mouth by the enzyme ptyalin. In contrast, protein foods require an acid medium, hydrochloric acid, for digestion. As any student of chemistry knows, acids and bases (alkalis) neutralize each other. If you eat a starch with a protein, for example, digestion can be impaired or completely arrested. The 104 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide undigested food mass can then cause digestive disorders. Undigested food creates an ideal environment for bacteria to ferment and decompose. The byproducts of this action can be poisonous. One such byproduct is alcohol, a narcotic that destroys or inhibits nerve function. It can adversely affect nerves of the digestive tract and suspending their vital actions, causing constipation, poor digestion and bloating. A Sample Eating Plan We highly recommend taking the supplements noted below even if you can’t take them at the times recommended. The following was one of our members regular supplement routine use while battling a yeast infection. We’re aware this may seem like a little too much for you to do, it is only an example and we don’t expect you to do this exact plan. Breakfast 30 minutes – 1 hour before meal take the Fiber Anti-Candida Shake (1 tsp Psyllium, 1 tsp Caprylic Acid and 1 tbsp Bentonite NOTE: lower intake of Bentonite if noticeable constipation occurs). If you can tolerate this add Buffered or Ester pH neutral vitamin C powder to the shake beginning at 1 tsp/5g serving and increase to 1 tbsp/12g serving over time as you feel comfortable. Overdosing on vitamin C early can result in diarrhea and cramping, but accelerated cleansing of the bowels as well. 15 minutes before meal take a digestive enzyme such as Omega-Zyme by Garden of Life and have a blend of one of the following supplements (Perfect Food, Berry Greens, Sun Chlorella), add 2 tbsp hemp protein and/or Vega brand protein mix. Have quinoa, millet, buckwheat cooked grains, or unprocessed hot cereal and mix in organic cinnamon and xylitol. Switch cereal every day to avoid developing sensitivity to any one grain. Poached eggs (If not allergic) and over time incorporate bananas, green apples and berries when in season (This is not recommended for those with severe Candida developments) A snack to be eaten with breakfast or between meals eat Chia/Salba seeds, hemp nut hearts, chlorella tablets (15) or make a Psyllium and Bentonite shake (see Alternative Therapies). 1-2 hours after your meal take the following: Probiotic (Primal Defense, Kefir or Sauerkraut), multi vitamin (Garden of Life, New Chapter or other whole food supplement). Lunch 15 minutes before your meal take a Digestive Enzyme and Multi Vitamin (Our recommended brands are Garden of Life, New Chapter or other whole food supplement). For lunch have quinoa, millet or buckwheat cooked grains mixed with organic sugar free soup add in some washed raw broccoli. The heat of the soup warms up the broccoli enough to 105 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide activate enzymes in them. Make a raw salad (broccoli, baby spinach, yellow peppers) with added organic salt such as Herbamere and chicken breast with no skin. 1-2 hours after your meal take a Probiotic (Primal Defense, Kefir or Sauerkraut). As a snack you may have Chia/Salba seeds, hemp nut hearts (with meal or as a snack between meals) and chlorella tablets (10) or a greens drink such as wheat grass, barley grass etc. Dinner 15 minutes before your dinner take a Digestive Enzyme and Multi Vitamin (Garden of Life, New Chapter or other whole food supplement) Reheat soup made from earlier in the day at lunch. Add additional vegetables to the mix and soup if needed. Cook additional quinoa, millet or buckwheat as needed. Have fresh salmon or chicken. 1-2 hours after your meal take a Probiotic (Primal Defense, Kefir, Sauerkraut, Acidophilus Supplement in 20 Billion+ Doses), a hemp protein mix shake with rice, pea and flax protein blend and MMS (15 drops mixed with 1tsp organic fresh lemon juice.) Sugars, Sweeteners, and Complex Carbohydrates Explained Carbohydrates and Insulin Carbohydrates, termed Carbs for short are our major source of energy. But refined carbohydrates are low in fiber and can cause a high spike in your insulin levels. It’s the job of insulin to infuse sugar into your cells (or store it for later use). Problems can occur when you consume too much sugar, especially the highly processed variety. This causes an increase in insulin, which over time will weaken your body’s ability to respond accordingly to sugar the result of which is diabetes. So it is important that you are aware of the amount sugar in your food. Glycemic load measures the response of your blood sugar after consuming a meal. A low glycemic load absorbs into your body slowly (which is desired). Insulin This hormone has extensive effects on both metabolism and several other body systems. Insulin causes most of the body’s cells (including liver, muscle, and fat tissue cells) to take glucose from the blood, storing it as glycogen in the liver and muscles (rather than depending on stored fat as an energy source). When insulin is absent (or at low levels), fat is used as an energy source. Because insulin is a central metabolic control mechanism, it also signals other body systems and has several other anabolic effects. Without proper control of insulin levels, diabetes mellitus can result. 106 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide The consumption of too much sugar generates a rapid use in overall blood glucose (sugar in your blood). In order to adjust, your pancreas secretes insulin into your bloodstream. If your sugar levels are too high, an unhealthy increase of insulin puts you at risk for a number of health problems (including, in rare cases, coma). It’s also important that carbohydrates are digested at a healthier and slower rate. Carbohydrates should always come from whole unprocessed foods such as veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds. These are considered complex and fibrous carbohydrates. Sugar is a contributing factor to: heart disease, overweight and obesity, immune system suppression, fatigue, inviting infection and disease, diabetes, depression, premature aging, osteoporosis, yeast infections, cancer (of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and rectum), decreased absorption of calcium and magnesium, decreased energy and the reduced ability to build muscle, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, dental decay and gum disease. One hundred years ago, the consumption of sugar was about 20 lbs. per person every year. Now it’s about 100 lbs. per person per year! Calories/Insulin Evaluated insulin levels cause cortisol levels to increase, which is a response to stress. As with any stress placed on the body, you’ll experience reduced quality of sleep and the inability to concentrate (as well as other symptoms). Poor nutrition (including eating too much sugar, i.e. “empty” calories) actually makes you hungrier. The less macro-micro nutrients in the meal, the more you may eat. A diet rich in the proper nutrients will reduce appetite and curb the craving for sugar. Among the goals of the Candida-Control Diet is to keep sugars and complex carbohydrates low, and to starve the yeast, especially in the beginning stages of treatment. Therefore, it is recommended that Candida sufferers keep their carbohydrate intake between 20 and 60 grams daily. Sugar Substitutes? As mentioned earlier you can use stevia or xylitol as a sweetener. We would prefer xylitol only to be used in small amounts as it is still a sugar and can increase insulin levels although it requires far more than normal sugar. Stevia has no negative effect on blood sugar as it isn’t a sugar at all but a sweet herb, so go nuts with it! Grains A diet high in grains consistently shows reduced lifespan, increases in infant mortality and infectious disease, and major nutritional deficiencies. 95% of grains consumed in the United States today are highly processed and can cause health problems. 107 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Corn Corn (a grain) has all the negative health impacts of a grain. Furthermore, High fructose corn syrup which is created using corn is the number one source of calories for Americans and is partly responsible for unwanted weight gain and obesity. Each person in the U.S. drinks an estimated 56 gallons of soda each year (an average of 600 cans per year). Avoid maltodextrin, often found in soft drinks. Maltodextrin is a cheap sugar derivative made from corn and it can cause hay fever like symptoms. The food pyramid for good health focuses too heavily on grains with a recommendation of 6-9 servings of bread, cereals, rice, and pasta per day. For many, a diet high in grains will promote the growth of yeast and will increase insulin to unwanted levels. In addition, many people suffer from un-diagnosed allergies to various grains. Their constant consumption will only cause the individual to experience deteriorating health. Alternatives to Refined Sugar Caution: DO NOT CONSUME alternatives to refined sugar in the early Anti-Candida Diet phases (although you may introduce these nominally at a later time). Alternatives are honey, fruit juice, molasses, maple sugar, brown rice, barley malt, dates, Sucanat, and rapadura. Watch Out For Low Fat Products Low fat products often contain high levels of sugar for added taste. Also avoid trans-fats and too much saturated fats. Healthy fats include monounsaturated, coconut oil, fish oil, krill oil, and olive oil. The Four Food Groups You don't need to follow the 4 food groups, it's just a structure created by the government to push certain foods to support farmers based on financial interest, particularly the dairy industry. You need to know if there are financial reasons behind foods, supplements, etc. Food/Supplement companies listed on the stock market for example often go to further lengths to make profits by bending rules, as a result quality is lost in favor of quantity, you the consumer lose out because of this while shareholders profit. Look for companies that have a good reputation with more of a grass roots identity. 108 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide The Raw Food Diet There are an unlimited number of benefits from eating a raw food diet. People have had very rapid success with their Candida overgrowth by following a strict raw food diet. We do not recommend eating raw meat only fruits, nuts, vegetables, sprouts. If you feel you can achieve a diet of 100% raw food diet we recommend researching it further before you jump full into it. Possibly the greatest benefit to be had from eating a raw food diet is the high levels of enzymes you will be consuming from your foods and the ease placed on your body as it does not need to produce as many enzymes to digest foods. In addition, cooking food has been shown to make food more acidic, whereas eating raw food is highly alkaline. The advantages of eating raw food are significant. A great book on raw food dieting and how to properly begin to eat raw foods is The Sunfood Diet Success System by David Wolfe. Raw Food Diet Tips • • • • • • • • All animal products, refined foods and most high gluten grains create an acidic condition in the body. All disease, particularly cancer, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis exists in an acid medium. In contrast, plant-based diets create more of an alkaline body pH. The best sources of iron are vegetables, including kelp, brewers yeast, blackstrap molasses, wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds. Sprouts occupy a special transitional phase in the plant life cycle and have much to offer. Power packed with vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes, sprouts greatly enhance the efficiency and nutrient value of the seed. They also possess a high pH level and help alkalize the body. After soaking or sprouting, be sure to rinse the sprouts in fresh water. Beans and legumes must be prepared properly. After soaking beans and shelled peas for at least 6 hours in water to remove the phytic acid, be sure to rinse them in fresh water. It’s also a good idea to rinse them in fresh water after they have been cooked. Cooking in water helps absorb some of the indigestible sugars and rinsing in water improves digestion. Alkalizing foods are an integral part of the repair process after exercise. They discourage lactic acid build-up from physical exertion or stress. Where as acid-forming foods lead to muscular stiffness, fatigue, and joint pain. Most prescription drugs, artificial sweeteners, and synthetic vitamin and mineral supplements are also extremely acid forming. As mentioned above, those who maintain an acidic environment within their body are also prone to fatigue. And since acidity is a stressor, cortisol levels can rise resulting in impaired sleep. Diet has the greatest impact on the body’s PH level. However, there are other factors. Maintaining a positive attitude and setting time aside to do an enjoyable activity on a regular basis promotes PH balance within the body. Yellow peas have an exceptional amino acid profile (look for pea proteins). 109 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide • • Some grains are more alkaline than others: Those with the highest pH should be consumed more frequently, while others to be eaten in moderation. The following grains are gluten free and alkaline: brown rice, amaranth, wild rice, quinoa, millet, and buckwheat. Sea vegetables (generally referred to as seaweed, dulse, nori and kelp) are known to some Americans. Seaweed is an exceptionally good source of minerals especially natural iodine, trace elements, and is known for its alkaline properties. The key to optimal health, chemical and emotional balance is your body’s pH level. The body is made mostly of water. Like a swimming pool, if your pH is out of balance, you will become susceptible to the growth of pathogens in your body. (In a pool, Algae starts to grow if the pH is out of balance.) If your body’s pH is out of balance, it can become the perfect environment for unwanted pathogens (like viruses, fungus, mold, Candida and bacteria). You do not manifest pathogens in your body because you “catch” them. They are already there as we are exposed to at least 10,000 organisms every day. Those who become ill are those with poor pH balance (as they provide the ideal conditions for these organisms to develop). The symptoms of an acidic environment include: irritability, stiffness, cravings for sugar, coffee, chocolate, starches or alcohol, weight problems, and many other problems that you may not realize are a result of a pH imbalance. Your blood too, must be at a certain pH level. Your body buffers its blood pH by robbing minerals and other compounds from other areas of your body. If your blood pH were to ever shift too much for an extended period of time you would die! Alkalinity One of the most dramatic changes you can do to benefit your health is to constantly aim to increase your bodies alkalinity. You may have heard of the acid/alkaline balance before. Essentially it is the balance that the body needs to stay alive. It is believed that the reason cancer develops in many cases if because the body has become acidic for too long. Well the most important factor is your diet when it comes to a good pH balance. Foods such as green vegetables tend to be relatively alkaline, whereas grains, meat and citrus fruits tend to be quite acidic. The majority of the population is overly acidic from a diet high in meat and grains and low in greens. By cultivating a body that is overly acidic your body will begin to accumulate toxins. Alkaline substances are needed to excrete over accumulated acidic substances. Your body will also use up more nutrients in an attempt to deal with the overwhelming acidic environment. You then run into nutritional deficiencies. The high toxins and low nutrients will leave your body prone to disease. The best thing you can do is start eating more greens. The Anti-Candida diet is an ideal diet to become alkaline with although it is geared towards cleansing. Besides food the other player in alkalinity is your breathing. Oxygen is alkaline and carbon dioxide being acidic. If you don’t breathe properly on a daily basis you are going to become acidic. Deep breathing techniques, as 110 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide mentioned in the Alternative Therapies section, should be considered. This is especially important for people with respiratory problems. An acidic environment will make asthmatic or sinus symptoms worse. Low oxygen intake through weak breathing will also make it worse. Minerals, Alkalinity, and Fermentation It is worth noting that an acidic environment increases the fermentation process within the bowel which can lead to Candida! Minerals are required in your diet to remove the acidic byproducts created in the body. For example, when you exercise your muscles produce lactic acid. In order to remove lactic acid your body needs minerals to bind to the acid to remove it from the body through your sweat pores which is why people drink electrolytes afterwards. Young coconut water is actually the highest source of electrolytes in nature. Virtually all minerals are alkaline, which is why they are so important in rebalancing an acidic condition. pH Testing The human body is mostly made up of water and this water-based medium can have either acid or alkaline properties (or both), which are easily measured by a graduated scale called pH (for “potential hydrogen”). PH is a measure of how acid or alkaline your body system is. The possible range of pH values range from 1 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline). Pure water, with a pH of 7.0, is considered neutral. The normal pH of human blood is 7.4. The normal vaginal pH is 3.8 to 4.5. The normal pH of the human intestine is 4.7 to 7.3 (the pH becomes less acid further away from the stomach). The normal pH of saliva is between 6.0 and 7.4. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity. On the scale of 3.0 (acidic) to 9.0 (base, or alkaline)—with 7.0 being neutral—we tend to remain in the 5.0 to 6.5 range (too acidic). In general, according to Mishio Kushi of the Kushi Institute (Macrobiotics), women should try to maintain a 7.1 pH and men, a 7.3 pH level. This recommendation is slightly in the alkaline range. Our health can be compromised if we have higher acidic readings. The foods we eat tend to create acidosis or an acidic pH. Meats, coffee, eggs, and grains (especially in their more processed forms like breakfast cereals and pastries), all make our bodies more acidic. For example, one can of soda is so acidic that it takes 25 glasses of water to neutralize the acidity! While pH alone doesn’t indicate the presence or absence of Candida in your system, people with Candidiasis often have very acidic body fluids. To test your salivary pH, use litmus paper 111 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide (available at lab supply stores). We have provided a link here as well if you wish to order some online. pH Testing Instructions Litmus paper is used to test you pH levels. You should do the test on a regular basis. How to use pHydrion paper and interpret the results: First, remove the dispenser from the front of the kit. Open the plastic dispenser at the seam and remove foil wrap. Then feed the test material through the serrated portion of dispenser (the paper is layered so be careful not to split it apart during this step). Tear the paper into l” to 2” pieces as needed, per test. Note: This is for invitro (external) use only. Do not use internally. This particular pH paper is only accurate when testing buffered solutions. It is not meant for used with unbuffered solutions such as water. After testing urine or saliva, immediately compare to the color chart located in the dispenser to measure your current pH level. A level in the range of 6.8 to 7.2 (urine or saliva test) is desired. Upon further testing, levels may fluctuate until you become balanced. Readings are: 5.5 Acid — 7.0 Neutral — 8.0 Alkaline Testing Urine Testing after the first voiding in the morning (after 4:00 a.m.) will set a baseline. Place the l” or 2” piece of test paper into urine stream, shake off excess fluid, and immediately match the result to the color chart. Testing Saliva Test your saliva first thing in the morning, before you brush your teeth or eat anything. Spit a small amount of saliva into a dry cup or glass and moisten the litmus paper with it. This test can also be performed with urine, although expect a much more acidic result; this is the reason saliva is the preferred method. Important: anything you have put in your mouth, such as food, water, beverages, toothpaste, etc., can affect the outcome of the test. Do not eat or drink before you test. Test at least 4 hours away from a meal. Drip fresh saliva (do not allow the test material to touch your mouth) from under the tongue onto the test strip. Compare immediately to the color chart. Readings taken first thing in the morning (after 4:00 a.m.) will give a better indication of pH and the body's metabolic functions. Readings taken throughout the day will vary. Experts such as Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc., suggest that urine and saliva show a reading of 6.8 to 7.2 for 112 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide optimum balance (except immediately after meals when your pH should be 7.2 or higher). Note: If the test paper does not register above 5.5 (acid) or below 8.0 (alkaline), the true reading may be lower or higher and you should retest until you receive a reading. Store your test materials in a dry, non-humid place. If kept dry, the test material will remain accurate for years. Remember, the test materials may be sensitive to the oils/moisture on your skin which can compromise the test result. Handle all test materials in a way that avoids this. Different Body Environments, Different pH Specific areas in the body need their own pH environment. For example, there is more acidic pH in the stomach where it’s needed for digestion. There is separate correct range of pH for the small intestine, and yet a different one for the large intestine. The body is designed to regulate the pH balance in these areas. We are most concerned with the pH of the body on the whole and how it relates to Candida overgrowth. Our bodies work best when whole body pH is in the slightly alkaline range. When body pH is off, it can affect almost everything our bodies are designed to do. Your Body pH affects EVERYTHING! • • • • Human blood pH is normally 7.36 to 7.44. Levels below or above this range are an invitation to disease. When pH balance is disturbed, microbial forms in the blood can change shape, mutate, mirror pathogenicity, and grow, causing frequent illness. Enzymes, which are usually constructive, can become destructive causing problems with digestion when pH is affected. The delivery of oxygen to our body’s cells can also be affected by poor pH, often causing lack of energy or mental confusion. How to change your body’s pH The most natural and healthiest way to change the pH levels in our body is through a nutritious diet. Eating lightly cooked or raw vegetables is perhaps the best way to maintain proper pH levels. Fresh fruit is also very beneficial. One of the reasons fresh fruit and vegetables are so important to our health is that they go a long way in creating proper pH balance. During the times you are unable to eat fruits and vegetables as you should, some type of supplement can helps. Whole food supplements in general and daily superfoods are an easy and effective way to reach and maintain optimal pH balance. There are also pH balancing supplements such as Alkala and Cellfood also helps to stabilize a healthy pH level. 113 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Every morning you can add ¼ teaspoon of aluminum free/gluten free baking soda and ¼ teaspoon of Himalayan or Celtic sea salt to about 1 cup warm water to immediately improve your pH, this can also be repeated at night before bed. The pH Regulatory System of the Body The pH balance of the bloodstream is recognized as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of body chemistry. As mentioned above, pH (“Potential Hydrogen”) is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. It is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. A higher number means the substance is more alkaline in nature (and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions). Lower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions. Our body pH is very important because it controls our body's biochemical reactions by controlling the speed of enzyme activity (as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body). The higher (the more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution hold. Thus, electricity travels slower in a high pH environment. All biochemical reactions and electrical (life) energies are controlled by pH If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is “hot and fast.” A car’s battery, for example, which depends on acid to function, is tested the most on cold days (when we need the car to start quickly). Alkaline pH on the other hand can be, biochemically speaking, thought of as “slow and cool.” Compare it to an alkaline battery in a flashlight. You want that battery to be cool, and to burn out slowly. 114 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Breathe Another little known way to balance pH is to BREATHE! Deep breathing by itself can sometimes bring pH into balance. Full, long-lasting breathes can be very beneficial. Any form of exercise that encourages deep breathing is recommended. As mentioned earlier in the Allergies and Toxins section, not only is it important to breathe but to also make sure the air quality you are breathing provides a healthy environment. There is no sense in trying to attempt deep breathing exercises if you’re surrounding by dust, mold or car fumes! Planning and Preparing Prepare, Organize and Disciple Yourself Prepare - Preparation is crucial in this diet. It gives you time to properly prepare a meal and think ahead and assess how much food you will need. It’s never a bad idea to have nuts and seeds on hand to fill the gap as a snack. If you want to avoid cheating simply always have something you can eat with you. As long as you have snacks such as nuts and seeds you will be able to suppress cravings for restricted foods and as a result reduce your chances of cheating. Organize – Organizing your foods and snacks and structuring your meals throughout the day ensures that you will always be prepared for what to eat next. When you prepare meals constantly at the last minute without any prior thought you will find that you often end up cheating somewhat on the diet to make it happen. Discipline Yourself - Without discipline your Anti-Candida will fall apart and so will your health. You must remain diligent and restrain yourself from eating the restricted foods, cheating only creates setbacks. The Anti-Candida diet can be overwhelming at times. However, if you prepare a large meal in the morning and have snacks that you can have throughout the day this will drastically cut down on any cheating. Planning your Meals Your health relies on how you organize your life and time. It’s very important to take the proper amount of time to prepare healthy meals (especially when treating Candida), as the old saying goes: “if you fail to plan you’re planning to fail.” You may want to sit down once a week and plan out your meals, including snacks, and make sure you set aside time for frequent breaks from your work. Everyone needs a break from their busy lives. Morning and afternoon breaks are a great time to do some deep breathing or meditative exercises. 115 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Planning is important on the Anti-Candida Diet. Write down your meals for each and every day—what you will be eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner (plus your snacks in between). Start a grocery list of the things you will need. You can grocery shop once a week, but it’s preferred to go twice a week to maintain food freshness. When you have your list of foods and the things you will need to prepare them, it’s time to get things in order. Have a grocery list planned out when you get to the store so you know in advance what meals you will be shopping for. Take your list to the grocery store and buy only what is on your list. You may wish to cook foods in large batches and store food for later use. (You should store your food in a glass container as plastic can leech poisonous toxins into your food.) If you cook enough food, you can preserve it by freezing it and serving it later (just thaw it out in advances). Cooking foods in large quantities may make your life easier (as opposed to spending hours and hours in the kitchen). It’s a good idea to label all your containers (such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks). This will save you time and allow you to adhere to the Anti Candida Diet Plan. Needless to say, eat only the healthiest of meals. Don’t waste your time and money on junk food. Junk food is to blame for promoting poor health and is a partial cause of Candida. If your goal is to get healthier, why would you consume unhealthy foods? Manage Your Time If you want to succeed with your health and eliminating Candida, you have some planning and preparing to do. A lot of people fail on the Anti Candida diet due to their lack of preparing foods that they need. It’s important to make a list of the foods you can have and cannot have, especially in the first phase of the diet. A lot of people complain that they don't have time to prepare meals, but it’s essential to good health and you need to set aside the time for this. It boils down to prioritizing the things that are important to you. If you want to take control of your diet and become healthier, it begins with time management. Here is how you can look at your day to help you better manage your time. There are 24 hours in our day, and we sure don't stay awake for all of it, but we’ll show the best way to use the time you have by breaking down the day into three sections. • • • Eight hours to sleep (you may need more, but you should not get less if you are struggling with Candida) Eight hours to work (If you have Vacation time take use of it.) Some people need to completely stop working to recover. Eight hours to play (in this case you will be using most of this time to address your Candida issues and health challenges) 116 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide We understand that you can have all the time in the world, but maybe not the energy to get things done. This is an issue to deal with on your road back to good health. It requires patience and persistence, and a plan. When we say a plan, we mean how to use your eight hours of free time. If you take into account travel time to work, getting ready in the morning, or taking the kids to soccer practice, that leaves four hours. That is still a substantial amount to prepare food, and go grocery shopping. Plus, you don’t have to shop everyday, only every three to four days (to allow the purchase of fresh foods). You will need to manage your time well. Where do you spend most of your time? Is it in front of the computer surfing aimlessly on the internet or in front of the tube watching your favorite programs? Is it hanging out with your friends after work? Everyone’s story will be different. But knowing how and where you are spending your time is the first step to good time management. If you seem to lack the energy needed to prepare your food, try another time of day. You might have low energy one part of the day and more energy another part of the day. Make use of the times when you have more energy to prepare your food or go to the super market. If you still feel tired at times, have others help you. If you have children, ask them to prepare their own lunch (a healthy lunch of course!). Make the best use of your time — to improve your health! If you haven't been in the kitchen before or you rarely make food, we suggest you learn how to prepare meals. (Refer to the Anti Candida Diet Section of this book for foods to buy and avoid.) Save money while eating better! The average person spends anywhere from $10-$30 a day during a five-day work week. That's anywhere from $50-$150 a week spent on lunch. Use this money to buy fresh food (for the Anti Candida Diet). You’ll save money and eat healthier. Cooking Your Meals It’s very important you choose the right cookware. It’s best to avoid nonstick pots and pans which are made with Teflon. They are made with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which is a dangerous chemical that is known to cause an array of health problems including cancer, birth defects, toxicity and overall poor health. You can read more about (PFOA) here The convenience of cooking with Teflon is really not worth the risk. Get rid of all your Teflon pot and pans and replace them with healthy alternatives such as: • • • Enameled Cast Iron Cookware Ceramic-coated Pots and Pans Stoneware 117 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide • Glass Cooking Oils Coconut oil is one of the best oils you can use for cooking as it resists high temperatures without breaking down. And it has a higher smoke point than olive oil. There are several healthy omega3 oils such as flax and olive oil, but they don’t do well under the high heat. It’s harder for coconut oil to go rancid, unlike other cooking oils, which are usually rancid long before you even bring them home. Rancid oils cause free radical damage in the body, which is a leading cause of cancer. Coconut oil is stable for over a year at room temperature. Misinformation has caused us to forget the healthy benefits of coconut oil. But new information shows its many benefits. Tips for Cleaning and Caring for your Veggies You should always keep your veggies as fresh as possible. To this end, buy your veggies a few times a week. The best way to keep them fresh is by putting them in a bag and removing as much air from that bag as possible. Air is the cause of oxidative stress which spoils all our food. (The bag should look as if you vacuum sealed it. This also prevents mold from growing.) Always clean your veggies, even if they are organic. Many vegetables are contaminated with dirt and possibly some forms of bacteria. You should soak your veggies in a sink full of water and about 4-8 ounces of distilled vinegar for 30 minutes. You can also use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and plain white or apple cider vinegar, rinsing the veggies under cool running water. Do this by adding the contents in a spray bottle and spraying the veggies as this will remove any dirt or contaminants, including pesticides. Although there is no guarantee that all pesticides will be removed as some are ingested by the vegetables that are embedded in its skin. This is why it is vey important to consider organic (even if there is a slight price difference). 118 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Where Do I Begin? As you start to apply the Anti-Candida diet do the following: 1. Print the Quick Reference Table and carry this wherever you go. (Use the reference table in the diet and cookbook guide for a more detailed explanation) 2. Locate a local grocery or health store that has the necessary foods and supplements you need. A good grocery store is more important because you can go without the supplements to begin with but the good food is absolutely necessary. Whole Foods is a good place to start. You can also explore farmer’s markets and farms, for local organic produce. If you haven’t led a life of cooking your own food get ready because things are about to change! To Sum it all up, the following foods will be the staples of your diet: Grains: (20-30%) Buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth and millet. Brown rice oats if tolerated later on in the diet. Remember that you will not be eating these grains primarily and that grains like millet and quinoa are less starchy than brown rice and oats and are preferred. Vegetables: (40-70%) All leafy greens especially spinach. Broccoli, Kale, bok-choy, Peppers, Onions, Garlic and okra are all great. Avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes and carrots. Meat: (10-20%) Free range organic turkey, chicken and wild fresh fish (salmon typically). These choices based on our experience are the easiest to obtain and prepare. Of course feel free to go ahead and eat whatever you want from the OK foods list. Try to eat organic especially when it comes to meat. If this is not possible then antibiotic, steroid free is the next best option. To make this diet work you’ll have to remain steadfast and dedicated. The saying cheaters never prosper has never been more appropriate. 119 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide STEP 2a - SUPPLEMENTS When dealing with Candida your body is typically in a state of malnutrition to some degree as a result of poor digestion. So supplementing is actually crucial to strengthening your body to help it fight against Candida. There is an endless list of supplements which can boost health and support individuals in dealing with Candida. We have chosen to list however the ones that are the most important in our opinion and have a direct impact on Candida itself. The following are a list of supplements divided into supporting supplements and anti-fungals that are recommended in addition to any previously noted. Note: We have placed links in this section for each supplement that will connect you to our recommendation online. The links appear light blue and your mouse cursor will change when you highlight one. Although these are our recommendations, most other supplements of the same quality or even better in most cases will suffice. Supporting Supplements The following supplements are useful in supporting the elimination of Candida. All are recommended, however for those on a budget see Supplements on a Budget below for details regarding the most important of the supplements to be taking for those who can’t afford to take them all. Enzymes – Candida actually has a shell referred to as the Chitin that if ever penetrated will kill Candida. Even with anti-fungals you can’t always break down this wall. The enzymes cellulase and protease however are able to break it down. Protease actually feeds on the Candida in this state so the die-off reaction is minimal. For this reason we HIGHLY suggest you begin regularly supplementing a high cellulase, high protease enzyme. CandiZyme by Renew Life is an excellent option as it has contains very high amounts of both cellulase and protease. These enzymes can break down the cell wall of Candida and allow antifungals to destroy them more effectively. They also have anti-fungal like effects on Candida. Be sure to supplement all enzymes AWAY from probiotics as they will destroy probiotics if they are ingested at the same time. Digestive Enzymes are also highly recommended to assist in the break down of food as Candida impairs enzyme production. We highly recommend Omega-Zyme by Garden of Life or MegaZyme by Enzymatic Therapy. Probiotics – As mentioned earlier, these are mandatory to your elimination of Candida. Acidophilus and other beneficial bacteria are your good guys in the fight against Candida. Their benefits range from the production of enzymes and B-vitamins in the body to helping the body 120 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide eliminate internal fungal growths. The common side effect from taking a large amount is diarrhea or loose bowel movements, which is simply a reaction of the battle between the probiotics and yeast in the bowel. These can be chewed to battle oral Candida (Thrush). We suggest both a powdered form and a pill form to be taken on an empty stomach, as the powdered form allows a person to take a large dose easily. The powder form can be mixed morning and night and the pill form can be taken 3 times per day morning, between lunch/dinner, before bed. Our 3 favorite probiotics: 1. Garden of Life – Primal Defense Ultra 2. Renew Life – Ultimate Flora 50 Billion 3. Garden of Life – Primal Defense Vitamin C – Is a huge asset towards your Candida battle as it uses up the same absorption points as sugar in the body. Meaning the more vitamin C in your system, the less sugar there is to feed the overgrowth of Candida in your body. Besides this, it is also a powerful antioxidant that speeds up the healing process in various ways including the stimulation of white blood cell production. The suggested use is 1200-3000mg up to 6 times per day. It may cause diarrhea initially, so start with a low dose and gradually increase to adapt to higher doses. It is recommended that you use pure ascorbic acid as opposed to Ester-C or any other form of Calcium Ascorbate. To achieve large doses of vitamin C using the Ascorbate actually would cause an overdose of calcium over time, on top of which pure ascorbic acid has been shown to be at least 33% more effective in most cases. In the case that you can’t tolerate the strong taste of ascorbic acid powder you can try sodium ascorbate, which is equally effective. T cells contain very high levels of vitamin C, which has a direct influence in their ability to be effective in fighting infections and overgrowths such as Candida. All forms of stress will cause the body to immediately use up Vitamin C stores. Because it is water soluble it requires a constant supply. It has also been shown that a healthy person will generally develop diarrhea from Vitamin C use whereas an unhealthy person can generally take a higher dose without this being the case. If you do happen to develop diarrhea it does not mean you’re out of the clear, just that you will need to drop your dose down and build up slowly. Sodium Ascorbate - Large Sodium Ascorbate - Small In addition to vitamin C you can supplement bioflavonoids, specifically Quercetin. Quercetin acts as an anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory that is powered up like a battery through supplementing Vitamin C. You can take a 1000mg dose of Quercetin 3 times per day. Chlorella – Is a single cell algae that contains a large amount of enzymes, minerals and vitamins. It’s high in beta carotene, B12 and has 18 amino acids. It can chelate heavy metals such as mercury and remove them from the body. Its chlorophyll content is also the highest 121 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide natural source in the world which makes it one of the best natural blood detoxifiers! It can also stimulate interferon, one of the body’s natural defenses against cancer. All this helps to boost your immune system and rebalance itself in regards to Candida but the next point is of the greatest significance. Chlorella causes Lactobacilli to multiply at four times the normal rate! Start with 5 grams a day and work your way up to 15 grams a day over the course of a couple of weeks. Since it is such a strong detoxifier you may find your bowel movements get quite a boost from taking large doses of chlorella. The best chlorella we have found to date has been Sun-Chlorella. This is because Sun-Chlorella has the highest nutrient yielding Chlorella on the market due to their sophisticated cell wall penetrating technology. The shell wall of chlorella is very difficult to digest and unless you can effectively break this wall down you can’t access the nutrients in Chlorella no matter how much of it you supplement! Sun-Chlorella can be quite expensive, so if you want to start on a cheaper but still effective Chlorella we recommend this pill form and this powder form. Wheatgrass/Barley Grass/Spirulina/Algae – These are all beneficial, highly alkaline nutritious foods that are useful in the beginning stages of recovery when you are adapting to eating an increased amount of vegetables. They are also useful if simply cannot find the time to prepare vegetable salads. For example one tablespoon wheatgrass has been equated to the nutritional value of a dark leafy green vegetable salad. We recommend that you start with chlorella first and if you are open to taking multiple greens supplements we suggest you take as many as possible, since they can only create a more alkaline environment in your body and help speed your fight against Candida. Perfect Food by Garden of Life is a stand-out product in this category. It combines the grasses from Wheat and Barley as well as containing Spirulina, Chlorella and other algae’s. Pantethine – The vitamin B5 precursor known as Pantethine is a huge benefit in detoxifying the toxic byproducts of Candida such as Acetaldehyde, the main culprit of brain-fog symptoms in a Candida sufferer. It also helps boost the probiotics lactobacillus and bifdobacterium. Pantethine can also alleviate other allergic sensitivities due to Candida and it is also a factor in detoxifying formaldehyde which is the converted chemical in the body from Aspartame consumption. The recommended dose is 300-600mg daily with equal doses of Pantethinic Acid (B5) for added effectiveness. Saccharomyces Boulardii – A beneficial non-pathogenic yeast that competes with Candida for the same resources such as sugar. It stays in your system for no more than a week so there is no fear of developing a systemic infection from it. This is a powerhouse in healing from Candida as it literally assists in starving out the Candida. You can find our recommendation here. Biotin – A member of the B family of vitamins inhibits the Candida yeast from converting into the fungal form. Its production in the body is reliant upon good bacteria, so those suffering from Candida are most likely deficient in biotin and need to supplement it. Supplement 5000 mcg daily. Our recommendation can be found here. 122 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Mushrooms – Not all fungus is harmful. Reishi, maitake, shiitake, cordyceps and other high grade mushrooms destroy Candida directly and boost immune function significantly. They can increase white blood cell counts, increase lung capacity and support the adrenals and much more. The New Chapter line of mushrooms are of incomparable quality in that they are organic and P-Value mushrooms, which means they’re derived from the highest possible quality mushrooms you can find. Nothing else we have found compares. New Chapter has two lines of mushrooms which have been shown to be incredibly effective in eliminating Candida and resolving Immune Dysfunction, and in practice with many of our clients they showed very good results using it. They are Liver Force and Host Defense the later of which is incredibly helpful in combating oral thrush. Another product of theirs which is incredibly useful in preventing catching colds and battling oral conditions such as thrush is Life Shield. Most of us here have used it during the winter months and found that as long as we used it in crowds and around those who were sick we never got sick! Whole Food Multi-Vitamin – This is necessary to maintain a minimum level of all your vitamins and minerals in your body. Even if you are on a great diet, your body lacks certain essential nutrients. Much of this is due to degraded soil from farming practices that have left soil void of any minerals. Garden of Life™ or New Chapter® products are recommended because they are whole foods. This means their absorption in the body is far-superior to any other type of multi-vitamin. Both brands include Organic ingredients, The New Chapter line is 100% Organic. • • Garden of Life Mens Multi New Chapter Mens Multi • • Garden of Life Womens Multi New Chapter Womens Multi B-Complex – A combination of B-vitamins that will boost your thymus and adrenals resulting in an improvement in immune system function. A Candida sufferer needs b-complex as malabsorption and low levels of B-vitamins is common. A suggested dose is 100 mg 3 times per day. Our recommended B-Complexes are Yeast Free: Small bottle and Large Bottle Niacinamide B3 – B3 supplemented 300mg daily has been shown in some cases to reduce yeast infection symptoms by 50% after just one dose. Maintain this dose for the first 7 days, and then slowly reduce the dose to 100mg over the next 7 days. Raise dose again if infection redevelops. B3 is able to trigger a gene in yeasts that induces an early death in the yeast cells. Fiber Shake – A fiber shake with any of the following ground forms of flax, hemp, psyllium or Salba (chia) as a base will ensure consistent bowel elimination. Your diet may change from day to day but your fiber intake must remain above 35 grams per day minimum. 2 tbsp minimum per day can help to ensure you are receiving enough. Make sure to mix with at least 250ml per tbsp. You can also try Super Seed by Garden of Life which is a superior fiber blend that we all use and highly recommend. 123 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Neem – An incredible Indian herb that is revered very highly under Ayurvedic medicine. It helps to stimulate the immune system and also purifies the blood. Best of all it’s well known to kill off Candida and Parasites in the body in a very effective manner. In addition to which it can help control blood sugar levels which is of tremendous help to anyone trying to control Candida, especially diabetics. Make sure to only use a Neem extract that is safe for internal use, as most forms of Neem oil are for external use only. Our recommended Neem extract is safe for internal use and can be found here. The following are not mandatory to combating Candida but are highly recommended. Aloe Vera – If you find that your bowel movements are sluggish try drinking aloe vera. As much as 8oz a day in 2-3 divided doses per day can be ingested. Not only will it get things moving but it is also an anti-microbial and immune system booster as well. Vitamin E – 400 IU per day should be consumed a day. It helps boost immune function and circulation. This dosage may or may not be achieved through multi-vitamin use. We recommend one found here that combines with Selenium for superior antioxidant protection. Zinc – 50 mg per day to boost immune function. Zinc is especially important if you experience any symptoms of adrenal fatigue. This is due to the fact that many sufferers of Candida or adrenal fatigue are also overloaded with copper. Zinc is your bodies balancing agent against copper. Copper in abundance will suppress immune function, induce stress and adrenal burnout. Milk Thistle – Helps detoxify and rejuvenate the liver which will reduce stress on the liver and improve your body’s ability to detoxify harmful byproducts of Candida. Your liver is actually hit hardest by chronic illnesses such as Candida, so optimizing its functionality should be a number 1 priority. We recommend this liquid milk thistle and suggested this in pill form. Adrenal Supplements For a highly detailed Adrenal Fatigue recovery plan click here. Best of all the doctor who runs the website can do phone consultations for extremely personalized professional help. Adrenal glands like most organs in the body can take a “reasonable” amount of stress. However, never ending infections and inflammation, including Candida, allergies and even injuries, will all eventually develop into adrenal fatigue. During a period of illness most people involved in intensive cleansing, can actually cause themselves adrenal fatigue when a cleansing program doesn’t end or more importantly when it is done improperly. The key here is to not do anything in extremes and if you do feel additional stress from having to do too many things at once, cut back and don’t do as much. Never become so strict on yourself that it actually creates more stress in your life and as a result worsens your health. 124 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Taking supplements to support the adrenals is crucial when dealing with chronic Candidiasis. Additional B5 can be supplemented if desired in doses of 2-3grams daily, in addition to pantethine mentioned above. Our supplement of choice when dealing with fatigued adrenals is Organic Raw Adrenal Glandular which should be taken in 200-300 mg doses twice per day. In addition we recommend a homeopathic preparation such as this one, to help stimulate your adrenals on a more subtle level. It’s also necessary to supplement with at least 50mg of zinc per day when you are suffering from adrenal fatigue. This will prevent copper toxicity which is synonymous in most cases with adrenal fatigue and chronic yeast infections. We also recommend that you sleep at least 11 hours a night if at all possible if you feel you are suffering from total adrenal burnout, in order to recover appropriately. Be sure to read and follow all our suggestions in the sleep section. The most crucial aspect of a total recovery is to identify the exact root cause of your adrenal fatigue, which we can only assume if you’re reading this book you suspect to be Candida. Pregnenolone is a natural substance from which all other steroid hormones in the body are made. It is the base building block needed to create stress hormones and when you are experiencing adrenal burnout it is likely that you will be severely depleted of these hormones as a result. A tremendous lift in energy can be felt within days of using this supplement, and it can in many cases effectively support and heal adrenals that are all but worn out. Depending on the severity of burnout you may only require a low dose of 5-10mg per day. More severe cases of adrenal burnout may require as high as 50mg per day temporarily, however in these instances we recommend only using these doses under professional supervision. Be aware though that continual use of a dose even as high as 10mg/day can present some side effects. It’s for this reason that taking breaks or “hormone holidays” are ideal. An example is to take a low dose of 5mg per day for 2 weeks and then to go off pregnenolone for 2 weeks. We suggest that you speak with a health care professional before using this supplement as it can cause side effects from extended use in some individuals with pre-existing hormonal imbalance issues as well. In our experience it has been a tremendous asset in recovering from adrenal fatigue and when used in low doses of 5-20mg per day can provide substantial relief. Best of all it is an incredibly in-expensive supplement! Our recommended 10mg bottle can be found Here. NOTE on Supplementing Certain supplements such as whole food supplements and mushrooms may be chewed as opposed to swallowed. This is a welcome change for many Candida sufferers as their digestive ability may be compromised from the Candida. Many times the reason why results are not achieved with supplements is because the compromised digestion is unable to fully assimilate the supplement. By chewing supplements you significantly increase your absorption of them. If you decide to chew all your supplements make sure you have a good toothbrush! 125 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Timing of Supplements Almost as important as taking the right supplements is knowing when to take them. Here are the common rules of supplementing: Anti-fungals are best taken on an empty stomach or at least 30 minutes before eating. There are instances though where people are unable to stomach them very well. It’s in these cases that we recommend taking the anti-fungals with some food. Never take anti-fungal supplements at the same time as probiotics as a precaution. As most anti-fungal supplements will to some degree reduce the good bacteria in the supplement before it has a chance to colonize in your digestive tract. Although some natural anti-fungals have been shown to not destroy probiotics it’s always better to be safe than sorry. The best times to take Anti-fungals are between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. Probiotics should be taken before meals by at least 15-30 minutes or after meals by at least 2 hours. They are best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed, although they are also useful 30 minutes before a meal with foods that can create gas and bloating such as beans and split peas. Saccharomyces Boulardii is an exception as it is a beneficial yeast it is actually best taken about 30 minutes after a meal. Herbal supplements that are not anti-fungal in nature such as milk thistle are best taken on an empty stomach as well. This also includes green drinks and individual superfoods such as Chlorella and Wheat Grass. Fiber shakes are also best taken on an empty stomach. Therapeutic oils such as fish, flax and hemp oil are all better taken away from meals. Although they can be added to fiber shakes for convenience sake, its best to not consume these oils on a full stomach or with any other foods besides fiber. Oils are the most difficult and straining of the food groups for the body to breakdown, they also take the longest amount of time. They can however be taken with Vitamins and Mineral supplements, and can in some cases actually improve the absorption of the vitamins as a result. Vitamins, minerals and all other supplements not mentioned can and should be taken with food. Vitamins in particular are absorbed into the body more effectively when taken with food as your body only ever expects to digest vitamins with some form of macro-nutrients such as carbs, fats and protein. In fact if you take vitamins without any other food your body may pass it through the digestive system with it left almost entirely intact. It is for this reason, it’s always a good idea to have your vitamins supplements on hand for when you’re eating. The exceptions are whole food vitamin supplements such as those made by garden of life and new chapter which can be taken on an empty stomach. As well taking large single doses of vitamin C of more than 5,000mg to flush out the digestive system are best taken away from food, while low doses are best with food. 126 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide When supplementing Iron daily it’s also best to avoid taking it at the same time as Calcium or Calcium rich foods. The reason being that Iron and Calcium use the same absorption points in the body and will actually neutralize the full absorption of the other. Digestive enzymes as the name implies are best taken with a meal, however they can be taken at either the beginning, middle or end of a meal and can even be taken at all three points if you are eating a large meal or a food which you have a greater amount of difficulty digesting. When in doubt take the recommended dose at the beginning of a meal. Supplements on a Budget We understand that taking all the supplements we recommend can blow out almost anyone’s budget, so for that reason we have isolated the most important supplements for a person who can’t afford to go broke treating themselves. The other supplements mentioned are still highly recommended and useful to those who can afford to try them. The ones below have the most critical roles in regards to Candida. Probiotics – Absolutely mandatory at all times to continually support the beneficial flora of your digestive system which will help to eliminate excess Candida. Vitamin C – For immune support, anti-inflammation and histamine reduction and the fact that it will help starve off Candida among many other reasons, this supplement is a must at all times. Biotin – It’s inexpensive and plays a vital role in Candida elimination. Fiber Shake – Using either flax, hemp or psyllium seed you’re literally paying pennies per day for the ability to clear out your colon every day. Absolutely mandatory. Anti-Fungals – As this is quite a critical component, especially in the initial treatment of Candida you will need to always keep these in mind when budgeting for your supplement purchases. Grapefruit seed extract is rather in-expensive, especially considering its effectiveness and can be used initially with Oregano Oil for a very potent effect. Neem extract that is safe for internal use as we recommend is also very useful and in-expensive. Garlic can be used in a capsule form or a time release tablet which tends to be somewhat inexpensive as well, however the most effective way to budget for it is to simply eat lightly cooked garlic with all your meals or get into a habit of eating 3-6 raw organic garlic cloves every day with a little water or tea to wash it down, it’s easier to do than you think. You are best avoiding the anti-fungal combinations and kits as they tend to cost much more than they’re worth, especially when compared to the individual supplements. If you end up buying your own colloidal silver generator you can make colloidal silver for just pennies every day as well. 127 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Anti-Fungal Protocol What is it? Herbal and other Natural Anti-Fungal supplements that will reduce the Candida overgrowth in your body. Why do you need it? The Anti-Fungals are needed to act as a sort of Damage Control for the excessive Candida overgrowth, while not necessarily addressing the underlying cause of the overgrowth. They can effectively provide relief to symptoms and most importantly allow for the immune system to strengthen itself back up. Timeline: Initially for the first 3 months at least one of the following 4 anti-fungals must be taken daily: Oregano, Garlic, GSE or Olive Leaf is to be taken daily in the required dosage described below. In addition to which at least 1 other anti-fungal supplement must be used daily as well, not including the recommended teas. You could use 2 of the necessary anti-fungals though on the same day. A daily routine for example could be: Garlic - 1000mg x 3 per day and Psyllium, Caprylic Acid, Bentonite Shake – 2 x per day. Or on a week to week basis you could do the following: GSE & Oregano every day during week 1, Olive Leaf and Garlic every day for week 2. Changing the type of anti-fungal used from week to week will help prevent the yeast from adapting to any one type of anti-fungal and most importantly will prove to have the strongest effect. How Long to take Anti-fungals for? We found it difficult to recommend an exact amount of time that an individual should take anti-fungals for based solely on the fact that people reading this book will have entirely different situations, which call for different approaches. However we do believe that everyone should maintain full doses of anti-fungals for at least the first 3 months and ideally this should last for 4-6 months in most cases of Severe or Chronic Candida. The best advice we can give is to pay close attention to your improvement, if after 2 months you feel completely better, then it may be possible to lower the doses. If however you still suffer from symptoms, maintain the anti-fungals while moving through the other phases of the 5 step protocol. Once the majority of your Candida symptoms appear to have been eliminated you can then begin effectively healing the gut lining. Although it is in our opinion that by the time Candida has been eliminated your gut should have been able to heal itself, provided you maintain the diet. The following supplements will be of use however for those who wish to directly heal their intestinal lining, these can be especially helpful for those suffering from IBS or other bowel inflammation. 128 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Use 5grams L-Glutamine daily. Ideally a blend with the following supplements would also be of help. NAG, Rice Bran Oil, Butyric Acid and FOS. Foods rich in FOS include onion, asparagus, banana, Jerusalem artichoke. These foods are highly recommended while on the candida diet. Anti-Fungal Dosages The following is a list of the recommended amounts of various anti-fungals to be taken per day. It should be understood that not all of these anti-fungals are required at one time, rather a daily combination of 2-3 per day. As mentioned above of the antifungals used daily at least one must be Oregano, Garlic, GSE or Olive leaf. Supplement Dosage Garlic Psyllium, Caprylic Acid, Bentonite Mix 1000mg 2-3 times per day. (Recommended link 3 per day) 1tsp psyllium powder or 1tbsp psyllium husk, 1tbsp liquid bentonite, 2tsp caprylic acid mixed into 8-10 oz of water. Chase with another 810 oz of pure water. 2 x Per Day. Grapefruit Seed Extract Follow dose directions on bottle. Typically Liquid 1-10 drops diluted (GSE) into 500ml of water or pill form taken 2-3 times per day. Oregano Oil 30 drops daily divided in 2-3 doses or 3 pills 3 times per day. Olive Leaf Extract 1000mg 3 times per day. Colloidal Silver Take concentrated form 2 tbsp per day, for more information read the Alternative Therapies section. Kolorex (Horopito) 1 soft gel per day, aggressive infections should increase to 2-3. Pau D’Arco Use in tea form, drink 2-3 cups per day. Cloves Use in tea form, drink 2-3 cups per day. It should be noted that anti-fungals should always be taken on an empty stomach and never at the same time. This is because anti-fungals are constantly developing resistance to Candida. An anti-fungal routine that changes from week to week should be implemented. An example would be: Anti-Fungal Schedule Morning Noon 129 | P a g e Week 1 Pau D’arco Tea Garlic 1000mg Olive Leaf 1000mg Garlic 1000mg Olive Leaf 1000mg Week 2 Week 3 Oregano Oil 15 drops. Clove Tea Olive Leaf 1000mg GSE 5 drops in water Colloidal Silver 1 tbsp Kolorex Olive Leaf 1000mg Garlic 1000mg Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide The Healing Reaction (Herxiemer) A possibility while detoxifying is an experience known as the herxiemer reaction. It involves a number of uncomfortable reactions that may occur as you begin to physiologically balance your body chemistry and revitalize your immune system. It takes time for your body to adjust to a long history of poor diet habits. The longer the problems have existed, the more prevalent the corrective response. Corrective reactions that may occur include fever, rash or hives, excessive gas, running nose, headaches, insomnia, increased thirst, weakness, constipation, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, canker sores, nervousness, nausea, fever blister, dry mouth, dizziness, and aches and pains in joints and muscles. When these reactions occur, don’t be discouraged. Your body is making positive changes toward an improved state of health. If you recognize this, the symptoms will be easier to accept and deal with. These symptoms are a small price to pay for the long-lasting, positive benefits for a life of good health and well-being. Why These Reactions Occur Immune Response Long periods of emotional, physical, and environmental stress (heavy metal, petrochemical, other chemical exposures) combined with an inappropriate diet, compromises your defense mechanisms and puts you in a state of poor health. When the immune system is restored, you may experience flu-like symptoms as the first line of defense for the immune system is the gut lining. Toxic Dump The human body is remarkably efficient in eliminating toxins that accumulate in the body. On the other hand, an inefficient system allows toxins to build up and be stored (especially in body fat) rather than be eliminated. When this system begins to work more efficiently, unwanted reactions can occur. These reactions result from stored up toxins being released faster than the liver, kidneys, skin, and lungs can deal with them and remove them from the body. Reactions include loss of appetite, headache, nausea, swelling of the lymph glands, and rashes and itchy skin. Allergic-Type Reactions Allergic-type reactions can be caused by a deficient amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, when the liver and adrenal glands are in a state of dysfunction (or from extreme exhaustion of the liver and glands), or from deterioration of the small intestine. Such allergic-type reactions include skin rashes and shortness of breath. 130 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Colon Cleansing Good bacteria within the colon produces essential nutrients like b-12, vitamin k and lactase (extremely important to the body’s overall health). These nutrients are absorbed through the colon wall. Unfortunately, toxins can be absorbed in the same manner. When the colon is toxic, the effects are far-reaching. There are usually between 3-5 lbs of good bacteria in the colon (unless antibiotics are being taken that disrupt this balance). Nutritional protocols can help to restore the health of the colon A nutritional protocol is meant to cleanse, nourish and restore the body in a way that provides every cell with appropriate nourishment. Before you start a cleansing program, spend at least two weeks prior to the program changing your diet to include water, whole grains, vegetables and (allowed) fruits (along with 1-2 servings of protein per day). This prepares your body for the cleansing phase. A good cleansing program should always begin by removing the waste in your colon (the last portion of the food processing chain). If you attempt to clean your liver, blood, or lymph system without first dealing with a waste filled colon, excreted toxins will be recycled back into your body. Constipation is generally attributed to a low fiber diet and lack of sufficient water. A constipated system is one in which the transition (or time of the passing of toxic wastes) is slow and the consistency of the stool can cause strain (which may cause hemorrhoids, varicose veins, hiatus hernia, or other mechanically-induced problems). The longer the transit time, the longer the toxic waste matter remains in our bowel. This is a problem because it allows proteins to putrefy, fats to go rancid, and carbohydrates to ferment. The longer your body is exposed to putrefying food in your intestines, the greater the risk of developing disease. Even with one bowel movement per day, you will still have at least three meals worth of waste matter in your colon. Plus, your system can also become self-polluting by the poisonous gases caused by this stagnation in your bowel. These poisonous gases can enter your bloodstream, irritating your organs and joints. A long-held belief is that many people just have fewer bowel movements than others. This is true, but for some, having fewer bowel movements creates a fertile breeding ground for serious disease. It’s important to know that, over an extended period of time, infrequent or poor-quality bowel movements can be very hazardous to your health. Alternating between constipation and diarrhea, or diarrhea alone, are also indications of foul matter in your intestines. On a more serious note, it has been seen that many cancers and immune system dysfunctions begin with a toxic bowel. All of this adds to the statement that “the single greatest challenge our body faces is the effective removal of wastes and toxins”. We should never underestimate the importance of frequent, high 131 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide quality bowel movements. Gastroenterologist, Dr. Anthony Bassler, tells his colleagues, “Every physician should realize that the intestinal toxemias (poisons) are the most important primary and contributing causes of many disorders and the diseases of the human body.” As the colon becomes impacted with dry putrefactive waste, its shape (and function) can be affected in a number of different ways. It may stretch in certain areas, develop diverticula (pouches on the intestinal wall that may become infected), or collapse upon itself (prolapsed colon). All of these, and other colon malformations, can impair the large intestine’s ability to function. This strains the digestive organs and glands and affects nutrient assimilation and absorption. The colon is the body's “sewer system.” If it’s not working properly, toxins (poisons) can accumulate, eventually being absorbed into the bloodstream. This can lead to diseases like Candida. Important Facts about the Colon • • • • • • • • Lack of fiber and water in the diet is the main cause of intestinal disorders The large intestine absorbs minerals and water The small intestine is where nutrients are absorbed When the membrane of the large colon is compromised (impacted), it cannot assimilate and absorb minerals. This leads to deficiency diseases (no matter how many supplements we take) Magnesium is crucial to peristalsis, which relaxes the bowels and intestines for a healthy bowel movement The health of the entire body is maintained when the intestinal system is working properly and efficiently Stress can cause irritation of the small intestine and affect proper nutrient absorption Dehydration from diuretic consumption (pop, coffee, alcohol) impact intestinal health and bowel movements Symptoms of Colon Dysfunction The symptoms of colon dysfunction are many: lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, pain in lower stomach (especially left side), flatulence/gas, skin problems, colds and flu, constipation or diarrhea, bloating, Crohn's disease, colitis/irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis/diverticulosis, and Leaky Gut Syndrome. There are great benefits from an annual full colon cleanse (with ongoing colon maintenance when necessary). When you initiate a colon cleanse, it’s recommended that a parasite cleanse be taken at the same time (to remove any parasitical infestations). Important Nutrients for the Colon There are many nutrients that are crucial to providing optimal functioning of your intestinal tract. (Optimal functioning includes a bowel movement three+ times per day with no pain of any kind. Your stools should be brown, formed and soft, and you should experience no gas or bloating.) 132 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Nutritional Suggestions for your Digestion: • • • • • • • Drink liquids between meals at room temperature or warmer Eat many portions of vegetables during the day Try food combining for best results with bloating after meals Drink at least 1.5L of water per day Have your fruits in the mornings Eat no more than two servings of whole grains per day (oats, quinoa, millet and brown rice) Eat two servings of protein per day Supplementations for your Intestinal Health: • • • Acidophilus for reintroducing good bacteria. This is very beneficial when combined with FOS or superfood drinks as it helps good bacteria adhere to the colon wall. This can also help with sneezing, itching and stuffy nose. A sprouted green drink of 1tbsp before every meal (1/2 hr) for enzymes and magnesium (and trace minerals - aids whole digestive process). Aloe Juice for aid in helping to repair the gut lining. Also important for softening the stools and eliminating pains in the stomach. Great with a colon cleanse. About Cleansing: • • • For optimal intestinal health, perform a colon cleanse twice per year. This can prevent disease. Drink 2L of water per day. Take ¼ cup of 100% Organic Aloe Juice twice per day on an empty stomach, and follow a cleansing regime that is right for you. For serious constipation and/or bloating (if combined with restless sleep, achiness, fatigue, weight gain and dry skin). Thyroid support such as Iodine and flax oil may help along with additional probiotics. 133 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide STEP 2b - ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES The following list of therapies can help improve overall health and eliminate Candida. What works ok for one person might work great for another so we suggest you try them out to see what works best for you. These are not necessary to recover from Candida overgrowth but can make a large difference in your recovery rate and your health overall. Unlike medications and herbal antifungals, Candida cannot adapt to many of these therapies such as colloidal silver, hydrogen peroxide, MMS and Ozone. Ozone Therapy I strongly suggest you do your due research on this therapy as it has been proven to be highly effective in assisting in the healing of an endless amount of diseases including Cancer! So what is Ozone Actually? Oxygen is (O2), Ozone is (O3) Ozone is created when Oxygen is electrified in some way. For example Ozone is produced in very high amounts when lightning crashes. Ozone is that fresh air smell that occurs immediately after a thunder storm. However it is always being created from the suns ultraviolet rays entering our atmosphere and making contact with oxygen molecules in the air. The Ozone layer is what protects our planet from excessive solar radiation AND helps oxidize the air pollution we are creating throughout the earth. It is produced naturally with one purpose in mind, To Purify! Ozone destroys viruses, bacteria, free radicals and acts as the most powerful antiseptic in the environment and within the body as well. It’s the natural cleanser of our environment and not only are its levels decreasing due to the excessive levels of fossil fuels but it also gets falsely labeled as being the cause for problems such as smog! What is Smog Really? Smog, in reality, is an accumulation of pollution that ozone is attempting to eliminate. Carbon monoxide, a deadly poison, is present in smog at about 3000 parts per hundred million. Toxic hydrocarbons are present in smog at about 100 parts per hundred million. Ozone is present in smog only briefly at around 25 parts per hundred million. Ozone has a half life of about 20 minutes. Ozone weighs about 50% more than the air surrounding it so it has a tendency to fall down to the lower atmosphere. The problem with Smog is that there is too little Ozone left in the atmosphere and we’re experiencing the impact directly on smog alert days. If there were enough Ozone in the air to keep up with our rising pollution levels we wouldn’t experience smog at all! We shouldn’t accuse the Ozone, we should see this as a warning sign that the earth is struggling to keep our air clean! We should all be thankful for the existence of Ozone, without it none of us would be here. 134 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide How is Ozone good for me? Ozone is the active form of Oxygen. Where Oxygen is stable containing 2 Oxygen atoms, Ozone is the un-stable form of Oxygen which contains 3 oxygen atoms. What this means is that 3rd oxygen atom in Ozone is able to destroy the things both in your body and in the environment that are anaerobic or don’t require oxygen. If you were to blast 100% pure Ozone at your hand and you were holding a dead leaf, the leaf would be completely oxidized and your hand would feel untouched. This is because we humans are aerobic life forms, we use oxygen so Ozone likes us and gets along with us. Now let’s take this one step further. The famous Nobel Prize winning doctor Otto Warburg said that any cell that is denied 60% of its oxygen will mutate and become cancerous. It’s interesting to note that Candida develops under the same circumstances as Cancer… A lack of full body oxygenation! What is even more interesting is that because of the nature of Ozone, anaerobic pathogens such as Candida fungus CANNOT adapt to it EVER! So there is no fear of resilient strains of bacteria or fungus developing because of using Ozone therapies. The scenario would be similar to humans trying to breathe in space without any air, it just can’t happen. Neither can anaerobic (No Oxygen) life forms survive in a heavily aerobic (High Oxygen) environment. Another interesting point is the fact that acidophilus and many other probiotic bacteria create an active form of oxygen to oxidize Candida and other pathogens. Ozone is in fact so powerful that it has been 97-100% effective in destroying the AIDS virus without harming the blood in any way. Beyond simply destroying viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, Ozone is able to: Stimulate the immune system, speed up the healing process, purify the blood and lymphatic system, breaks up red blood cell clumping and increases oxygen levels in the blood, reduce inflammation, reduce pain and calm the nerves, stops bleeding, normalizes hormone and enzyme production, improve brain function and memory, both oxidize toxins and assist in their elimination, prevents and reverses degenerative diseases… And much, much more! How safe is Ozone for personal use? In one extensive study, out of 5.5 million applications only 39 cases showed evidence of any form of side effects. When compared to the 140,000 people that died from FDA approved drugs in one year which would you want to use? By the way, the number of deaths caused by FDA approved drugs is 2 ½ times more Americans than those who were killed in the entire Vietnam War! While on the topic of pharmaceutical drugs, it has also been found that over 51% of FDA approved drugs were later found to be harmful. The only place currently in the world where there appears to be an active suppression of Ozone therapy appears in North America, particularly the USA. Mexico however is one of the more progressive countries that actively practices Ozone therapy, seeing its many benefits for what they are. Germany has a VERY strong history of Ozone use, having been used safely and successfully for over 50 years by thousands of doctors with millions of treatments administered. 135 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Both Russia and Cuba are also strongly supporting Ozone therapy with thousands of doctors using it as well. Fortunately for North Americans there are still some places you can find Ozone treatments, although they will make you sign quite a few forms and completely denounce it being able to assist in any disease whatsoever for fear of being thrown in jail. This is a big part of why you need to do your own research when it comes to natural therapies, as the ones who might tell you about them, can’t and/or are afraid to for legal reasons! How is Ozone Therapy Used? Air Ozone Generators: These are used to clean indoor air pollution. These actively destroy mold spores and any other toxins in the air, so those with environmental sensitivities will notice a significant improvement in indoor air quality and their health as a result. However because air is 70% nitrogen it is recommended not to breathe in the air directly coming out of an air ozone generator, as some nitrogen oxides will be produced in addition to Ozone. Preferably, setting it on when you are out of the room and allowing it to purify the air is the ideal method of use. Some manufacturers claim that their units do not produce any nitrogen oxides although there is some skepticism surrounding these claims. Many people who regularly run a low output ozone generator while in the same room report significant improvements to their breathing and energy levels, whereas using it on a high output can aggravate breathing. We personally use these and believe anyone suffering from Candida or poor health can benefit from them, as they will destroy air-borne mold and other allergens that can weaken the immune system and further allow for diseases such as Candida from occurring. Medical Grade Ozone Generator: This is where the real magic occurs when using Ozone to heal the body. These units require an oxygen feed coming from either an oxygen tank or an oxygen concentrator. This way the individual is exposed to ozone that is free of impurities such as nitrogen oxides and MUCH stronger due to the concentration of oxygen being used. Treatments that utilize these generators include oxygenating drinking water, something that should not be performed unless using a Medical Grade Generator with an oxygen feed, as an air fed generator will also create nitric acid in the water which is even worse than the oxides produced in the air because the acid is much more concentrated. Insufflation is another popular method of use which can be used rectally, vaginally or using an auricular method with the ears. Rectal insufflation is a mandatory treatment for those suffering from Candida and any type of digestive disorder when using Ozone. Even with an oxygen feed it is still not recommended to breathe ozone in directly as it may be so concentrated that it could injure the lungs, like anything, too much of a good thing is never good. Bubbling Ozone through oil and breathing it in is an ideal way to not take in too much ozone at once. In addition to this the oil can be ozonated and applied to the skin to help speed up healing of cuts and bruises and is especially good against psoriasis and eczema. 136 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Ozone Saunas are a VERY popular and highly effective form of Ozone therapy. So much so that regardless of what type of illness you are treating they are always recommended and highly effective. Essentially the idea is that in a sauna your pores open up, so while running ozone into the sauna the ozone easily passes into your body and rapidly detoxifies. After just a few minutes of this, some people can experience profound detoxifications that are far more powerful than anything they have ever tried. Fortunately to keep the cost down on this therapy there are sauna tents that are quite in-expensive and resilient to Ozone. Lastly there are Ozone injections, which will typically only be available through a trained practitioner, although many people have been known to perform this at home as well like the other therapies. This is the therapy used with great success against AIDS. It has also been used to inject Ozone directly into tumors which again being anaerobic growths are rapidly oxidized. The sad reality is that this therapy is extremely effective against various illnesses like Cancer, yet because there is virtually no profit to be made from it by the drug companies it is suppressed. There have been testimonials of people having cancer and told by doctors they only have months to live, who went full throttle with Ozone therapies and became completely free of cancer in months! Not only were they able to survive but they thrived and in some cases no trace of cancer was detectable afterwards! For more information about the benefits of Ozone, its history and how its use is being suppressed in America read “Flood Your Body with Oxygen by Ed McCabe” MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) We will tell you upfront that we HIGHLY recommend this above almost all other alternative therapies. MMS is a formulation of 28% sodium chlorite dissolved in distilled water that was developed by Jim Humble. He wrote a book about his discovery and how he treated 75,000 cases of malaria poisoning with MMS with a 100% success rate. This solution is a VERY powerful anti-septic, so strong in fact that in 1999 it was officially recognized by the American Society of Analytical Chemists as the most powerful pathogen killer in the world. Sodium chlorite creates chlorine dioxide when you combine a few drops of MMS with an acidic compound such as vinegar or lemon juice. Chlorine dioxide has been used to purify water for over 100 years and is far safer than chlorine (Used in Pools and Tap Water). Chlorine dioxide selectively destroys pathogens by oxidizing them and leaves only water and sodium chloride (table salt) as a byproduct. It is safe to consume within the recommended doses, which is actually far higher than anyone would normally consume anyway. The worst side effect people experience is nausea and in some cases vomiting. This only occurs when a very large dose is taken at once such as an initial dose of 25+ drops at once. On the positive side when large doses of chlorine dioxide were taken to cure Malaria, after induced vomiting occurred, the patient would be cured of the Malaria the following day. 137 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Chlorine Dioxide is the safest method of oxygen therapy as it is selective oxidizes life-forms that are of greater acidity than the human body, which is actually all disease pathogens! It will never react against anything that has the same acidic level as the human body or is more alkaline. It can also oxidize metals within the body and assist with reducing heavy metal toxicity in the body. Overall this supplement should become a staple as it will clear out parasites relatively inexpensively and potentially get rid of Candida in your body over time. The recommended starting dose is one MMS drop a day mixed with 5 times the amount of a citric acid activator such as lemon juice or grapefruit juice. Once mixed let it sit for at least 3 minutes before diluting the mixture into water and drinking it. Over time you will be able to increase your dose to a maximum of 25 drops twice per day. Most people go to a maximum of 3 drops for every pound of body weight. Remember though that 25 drops can be enough to cause nausea and you should start with a low dosage and work your way up to such a heavy dose after many weeks or even months of daily use. Additionally it should be noted that Vitamin C will negate the effect of MMS when taken at the same time. Both can be taken if a gap of at least 4 hours is left in between. Although Lemons and Grapefruits contain vitamin C it does not seem to negate the effect the way that supplemental Vitamin C does. Since MMS is an oxidant, in that it will destroy bacteria, parasites, and fungus, it will also destroy antioxidants in the body. Because of this we suggest you not take it consistently for more than 2 months at a time maximum and then use it sporadically in low doses to maintain a parasite free body. Even if MMS is unable to destroy Candida by itself, it does have a very powerful impact on parasites that should not go overlooked. Because of its excellent antiparasitic abilities, you can also take MMS for the purpose of parasite cleansing prior to starting Step 4 and 5 of the Protocol. Ultimately, the key to making it work are having an adequate activator such as lemon juice with no vitamin C and letting it sit for at least 3 minutes before mixing it with water and drinking it. If you are interested in buying MMS our recommended supplier can be found here. Make sure if you buy from anyone else that they are an approved distributor. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Hydrogen peroxide is water (H2O) that contains one additional atom of oxygen to create (H2O2) hydrogen peroxide. It occurs in nature when falling rainwater comes into contact with the ozone. This naturally occurring process helps keep harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi in check within the environment. It is able to do this by releasing the extra oxygen atom it carries and using it to oxidize infectious pathogens in nature. When this happens what you’re left with is water (H2O). 138 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide In your own body right now white blood cells, vitamin C and lactobacillus, the good bacterium, are creating hydrogen peroxide to fight off infections and foreign invaders with oxygen. The good bacterium in your body thrives off of an oxygen rich environment that hydrogen peroxide provides whereas a Candida infection cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Use hydrogen peroxide with a 35% Food Grade content. The bottle may state Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade or H202 35% Food Grade. You will be able to find it in most good health stores or online. Handle it carefully when pouring and try to wear plastic gloves; if skin contact is made wash it with water immediately. Do NOT get it into your eyes! There are several other forms of Hydrogen Peroxide such as the topical use version that is normally 3% hydrogen peroxide. DO NOT USE THIS ONE! It is not safe to consume internally, it is poisonous due to other ingredients that are added into the formula. Begin by taking 1 drop in 6-8 ounces of clean distilled water 3 times a day. Increase this to one drop daily per serving e.g. Day two 2 drops 3 times/day. Continue this until a maximum of 25 drops 3 times/day is reached. After 3 weeks of this you may decrease the dose and stop taking it unless you have chronic systemic Candida in which case consume 25 drops 2 times/day until your infection is cured, in some case this may take a few months. Always consume Hydrogen Peroxide on an empty stomach; a minimum of an hour before meals or at least three hours afterwards. When consumed with food in the stomach the hydrogen peroxide will attempt to oxidize the food in the stomach and will create excessive free radicals. Extended periods of doing this is extremely dangerous and even deadly. Hydrogen Peroxide can also increase energy because of the amount of oxygen it produces in the body. If you have trouble sleeping try taking your last dose at least 4-5 hours before bed. It is not uncommon to experience stomach cramps with higher doses. If you reach a dose that makes you continually nauseous stop there and decrease the dosage. Many people find that 10 drops 3 times/day is all they can handle. You will still benefit from the hydrogen peroxide but it may take a little longer than larger doses. If you want to learn more about Hydrogen Peroxide you can read the following books: Hydrogen Peroxide by William Campbell Douglass and Flood Your Body with Oxygen by Ed McCabe. 139 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Deep Breathing As we’ve mentioned before, the human body uses oxygen to regulate harmful organisms within it. Therefore an increase of oxygen in your body tissues will increase your ability to eliminate harmful bacteria in your body such as Candida. When you exhale for twice as long as you inhale you effectively release more toxins from your body. Your respiration is improved and increased by actively exhaling more air. Try taking a deep breath and exhale without effort, at the end of the exhalation squeeze more air out of your lungs by contracting your abdominal muscles. A great way to also relax is just to spend 5 minutes every day focusing on breathing in slowly for 3-5 seconds, holding your breath for 3 seconds then exhaling for about 5-7 seconds. Being able to breathe properly is a major key to correcting poor health. The best book we’ve found on the topic of incorporating proper breathing is Free Your Breath, Free Your Life by Dennis Lewis. Ayurvedic Therapy Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that translates into “Science of Life”. It focuses on self healing of the mind, body and spirit. It has even been claimed to have been the founding roots for Traditional Chinese Medicine. In treating people, Ayurvedic medicine focuses on not only the physical but the mental and spiritual aspects of life as well. It takes into account diet, nutrition, exercise, rest and relaxation, lifestyle, meditation and much more. It is centered around the idea of not only healing but around an overall improved quality of life. According to Ayurveda there are 3 types of energies reflected in people otherwise known as Doshas. Although 1 Dosha will stand out for an individual all the doshas need to remain in balance otherwise the individual will experience various health problems according to the imbalance. The three Doshas are Vata, Kapha and Pitta. The following is only a brief explanation of each Dosha, there is far more to the system than just this, including detailed diets tailored to each Dosha. Ayurvedic Doshas: The dominant Dosha traits are the following, which one are you? Vata: Lean body frame with low body fat to the point of appearing underweight, veins are often visible and will often have dry skin. Another dominant trait is poor circulation, with frequent complaints of cold hands and feet. Due to this poor circulation Vatas prefer hot weather over cold weather. Vatas will tend to have smaller eyes, cracking and popping joints. Often in a hurry Vatas cannot remain idle and must continually stay active although their overall endurance is not as high as the other types and as a result they can easily become overtired. Vatas are the insomniacs and the light sleepers that wake very easily and have trouble getting back to sleep. 140 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide They speak quickly and have fast minds that grasp concepts quickly but also have a tendency to forget quickly. They are vulnerable to bouts of anxiety, fear and worries and insecurity. Dryness and Cold being consistent in their complaints. People who fall under this Dosha who are not well should avoid stimulants such as sugar, caffeine, alcohol, loud noise and drugs. These people need routine to ground themselves and allow focus in their lives. Staying warm and calm is highly important. Vatas cannot digest raw and cold foods well so they should be avoided and they should also avoid cold temperatures in general. Pitta: People who fall under this Dosha generally have an average build. They are prone to heat in the same way that Vatas are prone to a cold disposition. Their skin is typically oily and warm and they may frequently have sweaty palms, in fact perspiration comes very easily and often to Pittas many times with an odor. Due to their overall hot disposition Pittas prefer cooler climates and most importantly they cannot tolerate hot weather, sunshine and hard work will aggravate them further. They have very large appetites which can be accommodated by their strong digestion. If you feel your blood sugar become quite shaky and you become irritable when putting off eating while hungry odds are you’re a Pitta. These people unlike Vatas sleep well and are rarely interrupted in their sleep often reading in bed and falling asleep while doing this. They have sharp, intelligent logical minds with good memory, they like to problem solve and enjoy knowledge greatly. They are also organizers and leaders. Pittas can be irritable, aggressive, controlling and dominating in their negative state. If they have no one else to criticize they will criticize themselves in their perfectionist nature. They are aggravated by spicy, sour and citrus foods so these should be avoided as well as oily or fried foods which can cause indigestion and headaches. They should drink and eat cool food and also avoid exerting themselves in warm or hot weather as this can literally flare up their emotions and make them irritable, agitated and angry. Kapha: These people will normally have large frames, with well developed bodies and commonly will have the most body fat of any of the three Doshas. The large amount of body fat that a Kapha will typically carry around is due to their slow metabolism and digestive process. In spite of this Kaphas are normally quite healthy with a good stamina although they dislike exercise and tend to be lazy, however exercise is very good for them, more than any other type. They tend to have the largest eyes of any of the types with long eyelashes, eyebrows and thick, soft, plentiful hair. They have soft skin, a soft voice and a calm gaze that is grounded and stable. Kaphas sleep the deepest and longest of any of the types. They are also typically slow in all their actions from moving to speaking. Kaphas are caring, peaceful, patient and forgiving, although they never forget! This can also be a consequence of their very vivid long term memory as well. People under this dosha will also have a sweet tooth for chocolate, candy and cookies. They prefer sweet, salty, oily and heavy foods which all aggravate Kapha and will cause weight gain and water retention. They are also aggravated by sweet fruits, dairy products, cold and frozen food and drinks. In their negative state these individuals will become greedy, envious, attached, jealous, possessive, lustful and lazy. 141 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Colloidal Silver Colloidal silver is a liquid that contains 99.9% pure silver particles that are .01 .001 microns in diameter. These microscopic particles destroy bacteria and fungus when brought into contact with them. It is able to perform this destructive action by a suffocation-like action towards pathogenic cells such as a bacterium or a parasite. Not only does it kill the cell causing the problem but it will bring the damaged tissue back to health very rapidly. Colloidal silver is able to affect the polarity of Candida and effectively destroy it. The best part is, unlike other forms of anti-bacterial medications out there, bacteria and fungus cannot adapt and become resistant to Colloidal Silver. It is one of the best substances to be applied topically to external Candida infections of the skin folds, groin, and is incredibly effective as a douche for vaginal yeast infections. It is also non-irritating. Colloidal silver is sold in both pre-mixed and heavily concentrated forms. We actually prefer Colloidal Silver Generators which can be a very economical way of obtaining colloidal silver in the long run. You will need to use distilled water in the process as other minerals and metals in water can bind to the silver negating its effects. Besides this you want to make sure you are using silver rods that are (0.9999 pure) to make sure the silver itself has no impurities in it. There are no side effects to ingesting colloidal silver with the exception of some very rare cases of people developing bluish skin, a condition known as Argyria, from over-consumption of improperly made colloidal silver. Most cases of this are blown out of proportion by the media in an effort by pharmaceutical companies to diminish its use as it is more effective than any pharmaceutical antibiotic in existence. To read more on the truth regarding Argyria go here. They also happen to sell colloidal silver generators at reasonable prices. Oil Pulling Oil Pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic healing technique that has been shown to benefit problems such as eczema, migraines, arthritis and diabetes. It is very effective at removing bacteria and germs from the mouth. Those with thrush and Candida ailments affecting their mouth will benefit tremendously from this! The theory is that the swishing of oil activates enzymes in the body to draw out toxins that are affecting the elimination systems of the body. This forces bacteria and pathogens such as Candida to be eliminated orally. To do this you need to swish around 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 10-20 minutes. Move the oil from the back to the front of the mouth using a sipping and sucking motion, similar to a mouth rinse. When done swishing, spit it out. DO NOT SWALLOW IT! The oil now contains the germs that you are trying to get rid of. The best oils to use are cold pressed or refined sunflower, safflower and sesame oil. Experiment with this to try different oils to see if a noticeable difference is found. We also suggest mixing 1-3 drops of oregano oil with the base oil to increase its effectiveness. Always perform Oil Pulling on an empty stomach. The best 142 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide time is first thing when you get up in the morning for 20 minutes. The oil will become thinner with continued use and frothy white, if it is still yellow you have not been pulled enough. After you spit it out, make sure to clean your mouth thoroughly and drink 2-3 glasses of water. Ileocecal Valve Massage The spot where your small intestine meets with your large intestine is called the ileocecal valve, pronounced ill-E-O-C-kal. We recommend you book an appointment with a massage therapist, chiropractor, osteopath or specialist who can check this area for you and let you know if it is strained and either open or shut. A shut valve will cause constipation issues and prevent food from moving into the large intestine. In other scenarios your small intestine may be stuck open allowing food to pass back from your large intestine into your small intestine. This causes toxic substances to be reabsorbed into the body and causes autointoxication which can trigger Candida overgrowth. If there is a problem with your valve, there is a very high chance that strengthening this valve and returning it to proper function will solve your Candidiasis. The ileocecal valve syndrome (ICVS) is nicknamed the “great mimicker” because many of the symptoms it causes are also caused by a wide range of other chronic health issues one of which is Candida although it is possible to have both ICVS and Candida. The good news is that this can be treated very easily, the downside is the recurrence rate of ICVS is high unless treated by a professional who knows how to eliminate it through diet (which the Anti-Candida diet will assist with), massage and possibly homeopathy as well. If you are unable to find a professional you can still help yourself! Locate your appendix, just up and to the left is your ileocecal valve. It is located two inches in and down from the top of your right hip. Then massage in an upward circular motion to promote proper movement of fecal matter and to strengthen the valve and surrounding muscles. Massage here for up to 30 seconds. Try to do this movement first thing in the morning when the digestive tract is free of food. Always perform this on an empty stomach. Iodine Supplementation Iodine is a trace mineral found in every cell of the body, adequate levels of it are necessary to achieve proper cell and immune function. It is well known for its importance in proper thyroid function but its value far exceeds this. The inorganic non-radioactive form of Iodine can be safely supplemented for long periods of time in amounts as much as 100,000 times the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of 150 mcg per day (0.150 mg), making it the safest of all essential trace elements. It is capable of detoxifying heavy metals and halides such as fluoride, bromine and chlorine out of the body. These halides are abundant in our environment and actually cause a displacement of iodine in us. 143 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide 95% of Americans are receiving less than 150 micrograms of iodine in their daily diet meaning they are iodine deficient. The amount of iodine typically found in most American and European diets is only about 10% of what is needed to fully saturate the thyroid. Providing a surplus of iodine to the entire body not just the thyroid is needed to heal diseases of the body. It has highly potent antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer capabilities. In cancer alone it has been shown to effectively destroy mutated and infected cells through a process referred to as apoptosis. Lugols Iodine is a highly potent form of Iodine that contains 5mg of Iodine and 7.5mg of Iodide per 2 drops, Iodide is another form of Iodine that the body also needs. Lugols is also sold under the product name Iodoral which contains 12.5mg of Lugols in a tablet form and claims to reduce gastric irritation. Effective doses range from 12mg to as high as 250+ mg per day. Although it has been shown that the body can retain 1500mg of iodine and only 3% of which is stored in the thyroid which indicates that iodine is highly used by other body systems and not just the thyroid as was originally thought. To test to see if your body is deficient in iodine as well to ensure that it doesn’t irritate you, put a drop on your skin and rub it into a circle, most people attempt this on the inside of their forearm. If the iodine is absorbed in by the body within 24 hours then you are deficient in it. We suggest starting slow with 1 drop/ day for the first week to see how your body responds to it, increase to 2 drops/ day the next week and at the end of that week go up another 2 drops until you are at 8 drops daily. If detoxification symptoms are overwhelming you can slow the progress down until you are comfortable again with building back up to 8 drops/day. The more aggressive alternative method is to start at 4 drops a day for week one. Slowly increase to 6 drops daily the next week and adding a dose of 6 drops every week following until a max of 6 drops 4 times/day is achieved. Always add to water and do not take it with other supplements, especially vitamins and antioxidants, as iodine is an oxidizer. There are some side effects that affect less than 5% of the population, such as acne, sneezing, diarrhea, excessive saliva, metallic taste in the mouth, and sinus pressure. If you experience these symptoms chronically while supplementing, discontinue use until symptoms subside. You can reduce the occurrence of side effects by taking ½ a teaspoon of Celtic sea salt per day while supplementing with iodine; it also assists in the detoxification and assists the kidneys in flushing out the excess toxins being released by the iodine. A marked increase in nasal cavity moisture is the first sign of an overdose of iodine. We recommend stopping supplementation for a few days and then resuming again at a lower dose. If this symptom arises again repeat going off and on again at a lower dose until the symptom does not occur. 144 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Cabbage Rejuvelac Cabbage is rich in lactobacteria which makes up 95% of the good bacteria in the digestive tract. Sauerkraut, fermented cabbage, is highly recommended for someone battling Candida. Cabbage is undoubtedly a great source of natural probiotics strains. It is superior as a food with naturally occurring probiotics. Yogurt can produce excess mucous and other symptoms for those suffering from Candida, which is why Rejuvelac is a superior alternative for natural probiotics. To prepare cabbage rejuvelac you will need: 3 cups of cabbage that is fresh, chopped and loosely packed 1 ¾ cups of filtered or distilled water (tap water contains chlorine which will kill the bacteria) 1. Mix cabbage and water in a blender 2. Use the low speed setting and advance to high speed for a maximum of 10 seconds. Do not over blend. 3. Pour the mixture into a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid. 4. There must be at least 1 inch of space above the mixture/liquid to allow room for expansion. Screw the lid on tightly. 5. Store the jar in a room temperature environment for 3 days. This should be about 72 Fahrenheit or 22 Celsius. 6. After 3 days, strain off the liquid in the mixture and save it in a glass or jar. This is the cabbage rejuvelac drink. 7. From here you have some options as what to do with the leftover cabbage. You can eat it or you can store it and make another batch of rejuvelac. Further batches only require 24 hours. 8. To make further batches use 1 ½ cups of purified water and follow all the previous instructions. 9. When the batch is mixed and poured into a glass jar add ¼ cup of rejuvelac from the previous batch. Make sure to leave 1 inch of space from the lid as before. 10. After 24 hours, strain off the liquid and save it in a glass or jar and begin your next batch. This process can go on endlessly. Once the rejuvelac is made, if you aren’t planning on consuming it all in one day - refrigerate. Rejuvelac will remain good for up to 24 hours after it is separated from the cabbage. If you don’t have a blender you can still make rejuvelac. You will require 2 ½ cup of finely ground or chopped cabbage. Use the same amount of water as before 1 ¾ cups. Mix the cabbage in a jar and pour the water over it. Everything else is the same. It is suggested that the blend should taste like a cross between carbonated water and the whey liquid you find in yogurt. A bad batch will have a putrid odour and taste. If you make a bad 145 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide batch throw it out and start over. Drink half a cup of rejuvelac three times per day preferably with meals. It is suggested to drink Rejuvelac daily for at least 2 months when battling Candida. Psyllium, Bentonite & Caprylic Acid (PBC) Shake To make the shake you will need 1 teaspoon of psyllium powder, or 1 tablespoon if using the husk, mixed with 1 tablespoon of liquid bentonite (powdered form). You then blend the ingredients with 810oz of water to create a yogurt like consistency. Shake vigorously and drink immediately, followed by another 8-10oz glass of water. This drink requires a tremendous amount of water to make it work, so make sure to hydrate yourself continuously through the day! Also be very careful not to inhale any psyllium as it can cause serious breathing problems if inhaled. Constipation can also occur if you are not well hydrated, so make sure to keep drinking water through the day. If drinking extra water does not work, cut down on the shakes. You can also drink aloe vera juice, magnesium and vitamin C blended together to flush out your intestines enough to effectively begin utilizing the PBC shakes. Start with taking a shake daily in the morning for the first week to adjust to the increased fiber. Then begin consuming the shake before bed every night as well the next week. Then in the third week increase the amount to 3 shakes a day. On the fourth week you may consume 4-5 shakes daily if desired. Otherwise 3 a day is fine. We suggest taking a break every few months or use it for 6 months and then break for 2-6 weeks before restarting. Always take the shake on an empty stomach. Try to keep the shake one hour away from food and other supplements as it can affect their absorption if consumed together. You can also add 2tsp of liquid caprylic acid per shake, as it is a powerful anti-fungal it can increase the toxic load your body has to process. So start slow with this, adding it to every 2nd or 3rd shake you have. As it’s a very powerful anti-fungal the die off effect it causes can be overpowering, if you feel this way initially you may want to remove it from the shake entirely until you’re better able to tolerate it. We suggest using 2tsp for up to 3 shakes maximum a day for 3 months at a time maximum with a break of at least a month in between if you are looking to start again. This therapy is strong enough to just about stand alone, although we still recommend using multiple anti-fungals for the greatest effect. There is a kit known as yeast busters which has all the components together or you can buy them separately, the caprylic acid in liquid form is often labelled caproil. 146 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Castor Oil Pack This is another ancient natural therapy that can yield tremendous results for people. It can be used as a means to reduce inflammation, sluggish lymph flow, congestion and constipation. In regards to Candida it can accelerate recovery and eliminate various symptoms quickly. The pack can be applied to anywhere on the body. In many instances people apply it over the liver, this being the ideal way to begin using the castor oil packs. To create a Castor Oil Pack you will need the following: Cold-pressed castor oil (Buy a large bottle as you will need enough to saturate the entire piece of cloth) Wool or Cotton flannel Cloth (The amount of cloth may vary depending on the size of the area you wish to apply it to. If you were making a liver pack you would want about 10” x 14”) Plastic Sheet (Table cloth or garbage bags will work) Electric heating pad or hot water bottle Two towels or one very large towel (These will get stained with castor oil) Plastic wrap (This will wrap the heating pad to prevent oil from getting on it) Safety Pins (Optional, to hold everything in place) How to make and apply the Castor Pack: 1. Folding the cloth into the appropriate size and dip it into castor oil that has been poured into a wide bowl. Soak to saturate the cloth. 2. Place the plastic sheeting you have chosen down on the area you plan on laying down on, either a couch or your bed. 3. Lying down, apply the flannel down on the area you wish to target. 4. Cover the top of the flannel with plastic wrap or wrap the plastic around the heating source to prevent castor oil from getting on it. 5. Place the heating pad or hot water bottle on top of the plastic covered cloth. You should use at least a moderate amount of heat as the heat helps the effectiveness of the oil. 6. Wrap the towel or towels around the body going over the castor oil pack and heating pad to hold everything in place. You can use the safety pins to hold it tightly together. 7. Leave the pack on for at least 1 hour and as long as 4 hours. Make sure not to fall asleep with it on! Following the application you should wash the area with 1 cup of warm water mixed with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. If you want to reuse the castor oil pack, store the pack in a glass jar or plastic bag and refrigerate. 147 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Epsom Salt Packs Another use for Epsom salts besides their place in the liver flush is in the creation of Epsom salt packs that are very similar to castor oil packs in their creation and use. Inspired and more or less strongly promoted as a healing therapy much like castor oil packs by Edgar Cayce, these packs can be used to relieve pain, improve bowel function and relax the body. Instructions: 1. Using a pot or small basin filled with about 4 cups or a quart of water add 2 cups of Epsom salts and stir to help dissolve them. 2. Soak a large piece of flannel or a heavy towel in the Epsom salt water. 3. Apply the pack over the area you wish to treat. 4. Place plastic over the pack and then add a heating pad to maintain the heat until the Epsom salts have completely dried or have caked in the pack. 5. Leave the pack on until it has become hardened or dried. 6. Cleanse the area with water. 7. Massage the area with pure castor, extra virgin olive, coconut or peanut oil. Seeing as you should have quite a large supply of Epsom Salts sitting around with all the liver flushing you’ll be doing, here are some other great uses of Epsom Salts you can try! Epsom Salt Bath: This is a very popular and easy way in which to use Epsom Salts. You simply add 2 cups of Epsom salts to your bath, in some cases people will use as much as 4 cups to amplify the effect. Foot Bath: Add ½ - 2 cups of Epsom salts to a water basin large enough for your two feet or a foot bath tub. Fill the basin with warm – hot water. Generally as warm as you can tolerate to allow the pores to open up and allow better absorption of the magnesium in the salts. Facial Cleanser: Mix a ½ teaspoon of Epsom salts in with your regular facial cleanser or mix in some Epsom salts into clean water and splash generously on the face. Rinse with cold water when finished. Full Body Exfoliation: Dampen skin, using handfuls of Epsom salts massage them all over your body, beginning at your feet and working your way up to your face. Shower or bathe afterwards to wash off any remaining salts. Hair Volumizing: Mix together equal parts of Epsom salts and a conditioner. Heat until warm and work the mixture through your hair and leave in for about 20 minutes and then rinse. An 148 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide alternative to this would be to use castor, extra virgin coconut, or olive oil instead of a conditioner. Mix together with Epsom salts, massage into the scalp, and leave in for 20-40 minutes. Alternatively, massage into your scalp at night before bed and rinse it out in the morning. Clay Foot Detox A much more powerful and effective foot detoxification remedy is an all night clay foot poultice. Mix 1 cup of clay with 1/3 cup of water (approx), spread over entire foot, top, bottom & ankle to a thickness of 1/4 inch. Wrap in a moist cotton gauze (to hold moisture in the clay) cover with Saran Wrap or a plastic shopping bag (to protect the bed and retain moisture). Sleep with this all night. An average to wonderful sense of lightness comes from this procedure, probably depending on degree of beginning toxicity. Most poultice clays will work, but the clay with the strongest drawing power is Sacred Clay (a pyrophyllite clay). Adding some good dissolved sea salt (Himalayan, Celtic, etc.) to the mix increases ion exchange, thereby speeding detox and positive mineral uptake. I like to add the Sacred Bath product (same company) that contains a blend of Sacred Clay, Himalayan Salt, Humic Substances and Ormalite (a rejuvenation clay). Coffee Enemas An Enema may very well sound awkward and strange to most people who are just being introduced to the idea. But this therapy has been used for many years and is HIGHLY effective in eliminating chronic illnesses and Candida. Now you may be surprised, thinking that by using an Enema the goal would be to empty out the bowels. This in fact is not the case. The goal of a Coffee Enema is to actually directly detoxify the liver. This was developed by Dr. Max Gerson as a powerful method of detoxifying the body in his approach to effectively eliminating Cancer. Here’s how the enema works. In the last segment of the colon, known as the sigmoid colon which is shaped as an S, is where a great deal of nutrients within the stool are absorbed back into the bloodstream. Because there is toxic matter mixed in with the nutrients, there exists a special channel that circulates this matter back to the liver for filtering. This is a good time to add in the fact that any time you have to pass a bowel movement you should do so then. As this fecal matter is partially passed back and filtered through the liver, this can cause excessive work for the liver and can further weaken your detoxification system and immune system as a result. This method of re-circulating bowel matter that is near to pass is known as entero-hepatic circulation. 149 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide It is because of this circulatory channel that coffee enemas work, and why they are so effective. The caffeine from the coffee used in the enema is absorbed by the hemorrhoidal vein which causes it to dilate increasing blood flow, this in effect also causes the portal vein which leads to the liver to dilate as well. This as a result makes the bile ducts expand due to the increased blood flow; this induces an increase in bile flow. By holding the coffee in the bowel it also stimulates the visceral nervous system, which promotes increased peristalsis of the bowels and allows for a great amount of toxins to be carried out of the liver. This is because the water sitting in the bowel will dilute bile released from the liver, causing the liver to release even greater amounts of stored bile. As well all the blood in your body will pass through the liver every 3 minutes, allowing for this significant detoxification to occur. It does this much in the same way by which a “Liver Flush” utilizes bile production to detoxify the liver. It forces the gallbladder to increase bile production, through which the liver becomes freed up to detoxify the rest of the body on a heightened level. This stimulation of the gallbladder assists the liver in removing toxins using bile acid. It also helps to detoxify by providing alkaloids naturally found in coffee that stimulate the production of the enzyme glutathione by as much as 700%. This is a very important aspect because this enzyme is used by the liver to ensure detoxification is as effective as possible. This includes improved detoxification of various organs, tissues and the blood, thus preventing a backup of substances yet to be detoxified. This detoxification also includes the removal of large amounts of free radicals from the body by the significant Glutathione increase. Glutathione is arguably the most important compound in your body that destroys cancer cells, so it’s of no surprise that Dr. Gerson used Coffee Enemas in the treatment of Cancer for this very reason. In his use of Coffee Enemas on patients of his, Dr. Gerson observed increased cell energy production, enhanced tissue integrity, improved blood circulation, increased immunity, improved tissue repair, and cellular regeneration. As long as the enema procedure is followed correctly the coffee itself will not become re-circulated into your body and will remain in the colon. Dr. Gerson has an entire system of natural healing, but by far his greatest contribution to the alternative healing community has been his creation of the coffee enema. We suggest as the ultimate coffee enema source. To Perform a Coffee Enema you will require the following: • • • • • 1 enema bag or bucket organic coffee (it must be fully caffeinated and untouched, do not use the non-organic form) Spring or filtered water (this is critical as tap water containing chlorine will damage the flora in your intestine; above all else make sure the water you use is clean!) 1 large stainless steel cooking pot Personal lubricant jelly or olive/coconut oil 150 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide How to do it: 1. Bring 4 cups (1 Quart) of filtered clean water to a boil in a non-aluminum pot, pan or a French coffee pot (Some prefer using a pot or pan made of a material other than metal). Add 2-4 Tbsp of Ground Organic Coffee. Start at 2 Tbsp and eventually work your way up to a maximum of 4 Tbsp. Continue to boil with the coffee for another 5 minutes, then turn off the stove and leave the pan or pot on the burner. 2. Allow the coffee to cool down until it’s at a lukewarm, comfortable temperature. Test it with your finger before you use it, never use it while hot. It’s ok to use it cold, although ideally body temperature or about the temperature of a baby’s bottle is ideal. 3. Lay out an old towel or a towel you are not afraid of getting dirty on the floor. You may consider layering many towels to have a more comfortable position on the floor. 4. Pour the coffee from the pan into the enema bag or bucket you plan on using. Loosen the clamp on the enema bag and allow the coffee to run out to the end of the catheter tip and reclamp the bag when all of the air has been removed from the enema tubing. When pouring, avoid getting any of the coffee grounds into the bag or bucket. Ideally, try to use a strainer of some kind. Do not use a paper filter to strain the grounds. Place the enema bag in the sink with the catheter clamped closed. 5. Hang the enema bag at least 2 feet above the floor using a door knob or towel rack for example. If using a bucket it can rest on a chair, shelf or can be held. Do not hang the enema bag too high such as on a shower head as this will cause the coffee to rush into the rectum with far too much force. The coffee should flow very gently into the rectum and sigmoid colon only. Inserting the enema tube or using too much pressured force on the enema bag could cause the coffee to flow up into the colon and potentially introduce caffeine into general circulation as though you had drunk the coffee in the first place. 6. Lying on the towel on your back or right side, slowly and gently insert the catheter. Using lubrication such as KY jelly or olive or Coconut oil is recommended. For those who are quite sensitive to foods and chemicals in general, we suggest sticking to the oils. Avoid petroleum based products. 7. Once the catheter is in place gently insert the tube into the rectum just a few inches and then release the clamp and let the first ½ of the coffee mixture flow in, this should be about 2 cups. Immediately clamp off the tubing as soon as any sign of discomfort or fullness is felt. Do not change positions or use an incline board, either of these will defeat the purpose of the enema. 8. Retain the enema for between 12-15 minutes or more if desired but no less than 12 minutes. You will likely feel an immediate urgency to eliminate the enema, this is normal and natural. The enema can work much better many times when a water-only enema is used first, which is emptied into the toilet immediately. This can help when followed up with a coffee enema 151 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide to hold more and as a result achieve greater results. However you should never attempt to try to retain more if it feels wrong or that you simply can’t. 9. When ready clamp the tubing, remove the catheter tip and void when you have to into a toilet. After you have emptied the bowel, proceed to do another enema with the remaining ½ of the bag or bucket. 10. Once you have finished performing the enemas, rinse out the bag and hang it up to dry. You may wish to use Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Boiled Water or any other form of antimicrobial agent in the enema bag to destroy any potential mold or bacteria growth. It should be noted that it is more important that you hold each enema in for at least 12 minutes than it is to do multiple short enemas that do not last this long. If you happen to feel the effects of the caffeine strongly, you may reduce the amount of coffee used by half and attempt the enema again. This time, take note of the difference in reaction. It is a good idea to also have some form of potassium and electrolyte salts on hand. Cellfood or any other mineral/oxygen drops would be sufficient as well. It has been suggested that regular coffee enemas over the course of 2 years can have absolutely life changing effects on a person’s health. 152 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide STEP 3 - PARASITE AND KIDNEY CLEANSE What Are Parasites? A parasite is an organism that lives off its host—the human body. They feed off our energy, our cells, the foods we eat, and even the supplements we take. The first question that comes to mind when you are told you have unwanted parasites is: “How can a parasite live in my body and I don't even know it is there?” One purpose of a parasite is to not make itself known. If your health care provider has a good understanding of parasites and how they can effect your health, they will be able to read the body, interpret its signals, and recognize the presence of a parasite. Then it can be dealt with effectively. It’s very important that you always pursue a life of good health and well-being. If you accept that it is normal to have low energy levels, health challenges, skin rashes, pains, frequent colds, flu and constipation (the list is endless for the symptoms parasites will cause), you may never question whether you have parasites (or know they exist). Most people have a hard time understanding the depth of the problem of unwanted parasites. There are many factors that contribute to the presence (or absence) of parasites, including personal hygiene and cleanliness, diet, exercise and environment. How Do Parasites destroy your health? A parasite eats, lays eggs, and secretes a number of different substances. Different types of parasites feed off different things. For example, if you have sugar cravings, you may have a sugar-loving parasite. In fact, such parasites are known to be one of the causes of diabetic tendencies and discrepancies in blood sugar levels. Other parasites actually get their nutrition directly from the cells of the body. They can literally attach themselves anywhere. These parasites are significantly more dangerous because they can travel to different places in the body. Thus, they can do a lot more damage than a parasite living exclusively in the digestive tract. Parasites get the best nutrients, and you get the scraps and leftovers. While they grow healthy, your body starves for nutrition. In some cases, parasites can remain in your body for several decades. To illustrate the longevity of parasites in the human body, consider the following example. In 1979, a British study reported on 600 former prisoners from World War II who had been stationed in the Far East. Thirty years after the war, 15% were still infected with a parasite, called Strongyloides, which they had contracted during the war. This means you could have eaten meat 10 years ago that was contaminated and still be hosting the tapeworms or other types of parasites that were in that meat. The nutrients parasites look for are: zinc, protein and iron. Parasitic worms are prolific breeders: they can release tens of thousands of eggs at a time. It’s these eggs (or freshly-hatched larvae) 153 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide that cause problems. Other ways that parasites enter our bodies are through the skin while walking barefoot or orally by putting something into our mouths that has touched the feces of an infected person or animal. Parasites Secrete Mycotoxins All organisms secrete something, whether it be lubricants, waste materials, protective liquids that warding off viruses, bacteria and other harmful organisms, or secretions to help attract food. The secretions from parasites in our bodies are poisons and toxins that our bodies are forced to deal with by stepping up the process of detoxification. A perfect illustration of this is food poisoning. In addition, a chronic parasitic infection (and its secretion of low levels of toxins) can create a stressed immune system that may allow a variety of health challenges to develop. When the immune system is stressed over a long period of time, it becomes weak, and a weakened immune system causes our bodies to become susceptible to infections. A healthy immune system is one of the primary sources of energy in the human body. Thus, people with a weakened immune system tend to feel tired all the time. In some instances, this lack of energy is recognized as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Parasites Create Toxic Overload We have to neutralize the toxins that parasites secrete into our bodies. Those who drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, eat junk food or breathe polluted air put additional stress and strain on their body’s cleansing systems beyond what it can already handle and health problems arise. Toxic overload occurs when the four cleansing systems of the body (the lungs, kidneys, skin and bowel) have been pushed beyond their capabilities. With toxic bowel syndrome, for example, the excess of toxins absorbed from a clogged bowel moves on to the liver. The liver then becomes overburdened—eventually unable to cope with the toxic load, causing the toxins to start spilling into the bloodstream. Once this happens, the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin are all needed to begin the detoxification process to bring the body back into balance. Parasites Reproduce Quickly There are two major categories of parasites: large parasites, which are primarily worms, and small parasites, which are mainly microscopic in size (including protozoa and amoebae). Despite their almost invisibility, small parasites can be dangerous to your health. Microscopic parasites can get into your joints and eat the calcium linings of your bones, which may lead to arthritis. These parasites can also eat the protein coating on your nerves (the myelin sheath) causing a disruption in nerve signals from the brain. The disease is called amebiasis, and is often transmitted via contaminated food or water, however it is often misdiagnosed by modern medicine as any number of other diseases. 154 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide The smaller organisms, the protozoa, and amoebae act almost like bacteria by traveling through the bloodstream to virtually any part of the body. Unlike larger parasites, these smaller organisms reproduce without laying eggs and behave more like an infection in the body. Large parasites, which are the worm type, are usually large enough to be seen by the naked eye. Larger parasites include worms, which reproduce by laying eggs. These eggs are deposited in the intestinal tract, where they stick to the walls of the intestines. When the eggs hatch, they feed on the food that we eat and eventually grow into adults. The adult parasites then repeat the process. How do we get Parasites? Eighty-five to ninety percent of the adult population has parasites, and the parasites' goal in life is to live and reproduce, then the parasites need to find a new place to live when its host perhaps isn't going to be around anymore. Parasites can enter your body in a number of ways: shaking hands, sharing someone’s drink, kissing, and intimate sexual contact. You can get parasites from traveling abroad or from the drinking the water of any of the thousands of lakes, rivers, streams and creeks in North America or abroad. Gardening with no gloves is another way for parasites to enter your body. You can also get parasites from eating meat or salad. One example, the parasite Giardia Lambia (which causes Giardia), can be contracted in this way. It remains in the small intestine and does not spread via the bloodstream, or the gastro-intestinal tract. Parasites are also transmitted from host to host through ingesting undercooked meats, contaminated water or foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, poultry, and fish. Insects can also transmit parasites, an example would be malaria transmitted by mosquitoes. Even if you cast out a problem parasite, it is possible to be re-infested. For example, if only one spouse is treated for a parasitic infection, they are often re-infested by the other. It’s extremely important that both be treated at the same time, and in many cases, the children should be treated along with their parents. If you eat out in restaurants, avoid salad and salad bars. The vegetables and fruits might not have been cleaned thoroughly, or the food handlers may not have washed their hands properly before preparing the salad. Order only well cooked meat, poultry or fish. For this reason it’s also a good idea to avoid raw sushi. At home, do not cook, broil or cake any fresh meat, poultry or fish. Instead, freeze meat and poultry for at least 24 hours (fish for at least 48 hours) before preparation to kill any parasites. In addition, after coming into contact with raw meat, poultry or fish wash your hands thoroughly with warm, soapy water. Scrub sharp knives or utensils, and clean cutting boards with Clorox bleach, GSE or Hydrogen Peroxide and hot water to prevent contamination. Aside from tapeworms from beef, pork and fish, there is also a type of dog tapeworm you can get when dogs lick your face or hands. 155 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide How are parasites found and diagnosed? It is estimated that 85%-95% of the population suffers from parasites. It doesn’t mean we all have massive worms in us (unfortunately some of us do). Primarily the parasites that plague most of us are quite small, mainly microscopic in size. Some parasites are even within our blood cells and leech on our nutrients and hemoglobin. This is a major reason why some people suffer from unknown fatigue. Symptoms can manifest as chronic fatigue syndrome or chronic indigestion. Endless lists of symptoms are caused by parasites, most of which are identical to the list of symptoms caused by Candida. Sometimes people will misdiagnose themselves with Candida when they are really suffering from parasites and vice versa. Although if you have Candida it is VERY likely that parasites are a problem for you as well, as those with a weakened immune system are especially susceptible. Symptoms unique to having parasites are: • • • Nail biting Bedwetting Teeth grinding • Increased severity during a full moon of symptoms Parasite cleansing is a necessary part of fully recovering from systemic Candida as they further stress your body and as a result weaken your immune system and allow for the overgrowth of Candida Unfortunately, medical testing procedures only catch about 20% of active parasites. Even if you were tested by a doctor specifically for parasites, chances are the results would come back negative. Over 1,000 species of parasites can live in your body, but accurate tests are only available for approximately 40 to 50 types. This means that doctors can only test for a small percentage of parasites. If you suspect you may have unwanted parasites, ask yourself these questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you ever consumed food from fast food restaurants? Have you ever eaten out? Have you ever consumed processed food? Have you eaten raw or undercooked food such as sashimi? If you answered yes to any of these questions, there’s a good chance you have parasites in your body as there are over 100 different types of parasites that could be active in your gut at any time. Besides robbing your body of important nutrients, parasites leave their own feces inside your colon which are toxic and can be very harmful. 156 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide The Different Types of Parasites 1. Single-celled Protozoa are parasites that are microscopic in size and permeate our environment, killing and harming more people worldwide than any other type. For some who have been exposed to these protozoa, their (healthy) immune system keeps the organism under control. However, those with weakened immune responses (or those experiencing trauma and stress) have difficulty in fighting off these parasites. Some people are able to produce cysts (closed sacs) in which the protozoa may be safely transported (through food and water) from one person to another. In the cyst state, protozoa are resistant to heat and chemicals, making them safe from destruction by normal digestion. However, their ability to rapidly reproduce can take over the intestinal tract of their host, and then spread to other parts of the body. Common protozoa include Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidum parvum, Giardia lamblia, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Endolimaxnana, Trichomonas vaginalis, Toxoplasma gondii, and Plasmodium malariae. 2. Roundworms are multi-cellular parasites that exist worldwide (particularly in warmer climates) and include hookworms and pinworms that can reach the size of a pencil. They are most common in areas of poor sanitation. The adult worms multiply by producing eggs (ova or larvae), which can cause a number of problems. Roundworms are usually present in soil or on fruits and vegetables grown in contaminated soil. Many people don’t show signs of disease unless they’re substantially infected by many worms. In fact, it is possible that the human host can co-exist comfortably with a few worms, unless they reproduce in great numbers and create organ obstruction. Children are more prone than adults because they tend to put soiled hands in their mouths. These worms are also known as threadworms and can grow from 0.2-35 centimeters in length. They reside in the intestinal tract and can migrate into the lymphatic system. They can even migrate into the heart, pancreas, lungs, liver and most other bodily cavities. Common roundworms include Trichinella (Trichinella spiralis), the roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), the hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenal), the pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis), the heart worm (Dirofilaria immitis) and Strongyloides (Stronglyoides stercoralis). Another type of roundworm that can be present in humans is whipworms. These insidious creatures inject a digestive fluid into the colon which converts the colon tissue into liquid which the worms then consume. An expert in this field, Dr. Norman Stoll at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research estimated (in the 1940s) that the roundworm infected about 644 million people in the world. There’s no doubt that a lot more people are infected with roundworms today. 157 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Hookworms bite and suck on the intestinal wall, which can cause bleeding and necrosis (death of the tissue). In severe infections, iron deficiency becomes a problem because of all the iron that is lost to the hookworm. Dr. Brooks says, “hemoglobin levels as low as 15% of normal have been seen in patients with severe, long-standing hookworm disease.” To demonstrate the seriousness of hookworms, one species is called “nectar Americanus,” which literally means “American Murderer.” Pinworms are very infectious and can cause a lot of itchiness in the rectal area. “The worms deposit their eggs mostly at night, contaminating pajamas and bed linen,” writes Dr. Brook. “The eggs are readily transported though the air, and it is not uncommon to find them in every room of the house . . . complications are much more common in women than in men.” Pinworms can be found in the vulva, uterus and fallopian tubes of women. Tapeworms are common throughout the world. They are long, flat, and ribbon-like creatures with a scolex (head) that attaches to the intestinal wall. As long as the head remains attached to the intestinal mucosa, a new worm can grow from it. Tapeworms don’t have digestive systems, so they obtain their nourishment through their whitish transparent skin, absorbing partiallydigested substances from the host, especially vitamin B12 and folic acid. Incredibly, they can grow up to twelve meters in length! Common cestoda include the Pork tapeworm (Taenia solium), Fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) and Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata). 3. Flukes are leaf-shaped flatworms that are classified into four types: liver flukes, blood flukes, lung flukes, and intestinal flukes. Most are 1-2.5 centimeters, and travel through the liver, kidneys, lungs, or intestinal tract. They have two suckers that allow them to attach themselves to their hosts. Infection usually results from eating raw, undercooked fish or seafood, from eating infected vegetation such as watercress and water chestnuts, or from drinking or wading in infected water. Once inside the body, they end up in various organs, often causing inflammation. Flukes also release eggs that have tiny spines that can cause damage as they pass through the body’s digestive or urinary tract. These worms also release toxic substances that can damage the host’s tissue. Common flukes include the intestinal fluke (Fasciolopsis buski), blood fluke (Schistosoma japonicum, Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma haematobium), liver fluke (Clonorchis sinensis) and oriental lung fluke (Paragonimus westermani). The Parasite Cleanse What is it? An Herbal Cleanse to eliminate multiple forms of parasites from your body. Why do you need it? Parasites are a major undiagnosed health problem in industrialized countries, especially North America. They directly cause malnutrition and immune system suppression through toxins they release into the body. This suppression of the immune system can allow for Candida to overgrow within the body in addition to the health problems parasites pose. 158 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Timeline: A parasite cleanse protocol should be used in the following way. 15 days taking the parasite cleanse, 5 days stopping the cleanse, 15 days back on, 5 days off and 15 days back on. For a total of 45 days on the anti-parasitic with two 5 day breaks. Bear in mind those with severe parasitic infections will continue doing a parasite cleanse for 6+ months straight. In some cases people have passed parasites only after doing consistent parasite cleansing for almost a year. So don’t feel limited to 45 days, if you feel that parasites may be involved in your health crisis then we highly recommend you continue taking parasite cleansing herbs on a continual basis until major improvements are seen. Fortunately there are various ways to kill parasites in the body ranging from herbs, oxygen supplements and specialized electronic devices known as zappers. Although anti-parasitic herbs should always make up the base of your treatment. Parasite Cleanse Recommendations For cleansing parasites we suggest using an herbal cleansing product that contains the three essential parasite killing herbs Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood and Cloves. The combination of these 3 herbs alone is known to kill as much as 90% of all parasites that people can have. Most parasite kits are quite effective, so we shouldn’t be overly concerned about which one to pick. However it must contain the three herbs listed above and its overall duration must last for at least 30 days if not longer. 45 days of parasite cleansing divided into 3 phases of 15 days is an ideal starting protocol. Typically a parasite cleanse will require that you take a 5 day break after a period of time (Normally 15 days) to allow the eggs that the parasites lay to hatch. Once they hatch you can once again effectively kill them off. Parasites are intelligent and if you continually bombard them, they will adapt and go into hiding and the eggs will remain dormant, so it is imperative that you take these breaks throughout parasite cleansing in order to “trick” them into thinking it’s safe to come out again. One parasite cleanse we suggest is the Ultimate Colon Cleanse, which in reality is a parasite cleanse/colon cleanse. One of our members performed this parasite cleanse recently and found it to be quite effective. It’s also backed by a money back guarantee even after it’s been used, so they’re quite confident in their product. Another very powerful and popular parasite cleanse is the Humaworm parasite cleanse. They use fresh herbs, and their formula is quite strong and thorough so if you feel that you need a stronger than usual parasite cleanse then this is the one to get. There are other very important anti-parasitic herbs some of which you should already have taken such as garlic and grapefruit seed extract for their anti-fungal effects. If you haven’t already, include snacking on organic pumpkin seeds in your Anti-Candida diet as they are anti-parasitic too. Make sure to chew them thoroughly. 159 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Kidney Cleanse (Optional) Keeping the kidneys in optional functioning condition is ideal although not necessary for a Candida cleanse. A kidney cleanse provides accelerated detoxification by further reducing stress on your body, and most importantly keeping a vital channel of elimination open. We suggest the celery seed and/or watermelon seed tea for this cleanse due to their effectiveness and simplicity. • • Take 1 tablespoon of freshly ground celery or watermelon seeds. Add 16 ounces or 2 cups of boiling water over the seeds and steep until the tea is cooled down to about room temperature before drinking. Drink this tea 1 or more times a day, 3 times a week for at least a month. This cleanse can be maintained as it has a strengthening and fortifying effect on the kidneys and assists to maintain them in a healthy state. In addition to this, drink 1-3 cups of Dandelion tea as well on these days to maximize the effects further. Make sure you drink 12 glasses of water daily as you will constantly be clearing out your kidneys and urinating. If looking to use a kidney cleanse system, try the Total Kidney Cleanse by Renew Life or the Ultimate urinary cleanse. This system contains the herb Uva Ursi an incredibly potent herb for cleansing the kidneys. We suggest doing a kidney cleanse either before or after each liver flush you perform, this can be performed in addition to a colon cleanse. 160 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide STEP 4 - HEAVY METAL REMOVALS AND DETOXIFICATION Note: Depending upon the amount of heavy metal toxicity involved, you may need to split your initial focus between your current Candida overgrowth and the cause of your heavy metal toxicity. What is it? A Heavy Metal Cleanse and other protocols used to remove all forms of heavy metals from the body. Why do you need it? Heavy metals such as Mercury have a substantial negative impact on the immune system and body as a whole. They are typically referred to as the root cause for most major diseases afflicting people today, including Candida overgrowths. Timeline: A heavy metal detox has no set time line, as it is the most difficult of all the possible detoxifications and requires a continual consistent effort to achieve total success. In addition to requiring amalgam removal and advanced chelation therapies in many cases. Heavy Metal Toxicity Heavy metals are natural metals found in the crust of the earth. Through the excavation of land for oil, gold and other elements heavy metals have found their way into our water supply, although they affect us through various other causes such as vaccines, amalgam fillings and fish. Some examples of heavy metals are lead, mercury and aluminum. There are very toxic to the body and have been shown to cause cell mutations leading to cancer and disease. The reason they are referred to as “heavy” metals is because their atomic weight is greater than that of water, leading them to sink. This is VERY bad because in the body they tend to settle and because of their weight can be extremely difficult to remove, remember most of the body is water. Types of Heavy Metals A number of clinical studies have established where the most common metal toxins tend to accumulate. The majority of inhaled lead is absorbed directly into the blood where it’s circulated and distributed primarily in the soft tissues, the kidneys, brain, muscle, and bone. Adults distribute about 95% of their total body lead to their bones (children about 73%). The reason for this is that lead mimics calcium, which you know, is a major component of healthy bones. Aluminum tends to accumulate in the brain, muscles, lungs, kidneys, liver, reproductive organs, stomach, skin and bones. Depending on the type of exposure, aluminum can be absorbed through the GI tract or lungs. Once absorbed through the GI tract, aluminum is distributed to the liver, brain, testes (in men), soft tissues and bones. 161 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Arsenic, orally consumed, is readily absorbed through the GI tract. It can also be absorbed through the lungs, where it is later distributed to the liver, kidneys, lung, spleen, aorta and skin. Arsenic compounds are also readily deposited in the hair and nails. Absorption of copper can occur through the GI tract, skin, and lungs. Once absorbed, copper is distributed primarily to the liver, kidneys, spleen, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, nails, and hair. Individuals with copper toxicity show abnormally high levels of copper in the liver, kidneys, brain, eyes and bones. Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals (more so than lead). It is found in sewage, vaccinations, fungicide pesticides and of course, dental amalgams (fillings). Some of the grains and seeds we eat are treated with methyl mercury chlorine bleaches (which get into our food and water supply and introduce toxins to fish). It is also present in paints, solvents, inks, latex, tattoos, some medications, plastics, polishes, fabric softeners and wood preservatives. There are no barriers to mercury reaching the brain cells and central nervous system. The molecule of mercury resembles iodine. Thus, one of the issues that are often apparent with metal toxicity is thyroid symptoms. The reason for this is iodine receptors of the thyroid get blocked with the mercury that the thyroid interprets as iodine. Mercury also prevents both the entry of nutrients to cells and the removal of wastes from cells. It also binds with antibodies and impairs normal immune response. Significant amounts of mercury have been directly correlated to autoimmune diseases. Mercury (as well as aluminum, and lead) has a detrimental effect on bone density as well. Studies have shown the following conditions to be connected to mercury: memory loss, arthritis, depression, dermatitis dizziness, gum disease, hair loss, insomnia, multiple sclerosis and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). The US Environmental Protection Agency has also linked it to PMS and spontaneous abortion. The biggest exposure to mercury comes from “silver” fillings, which are really 25% silver, 25% other materials and 50% mercury. Fillings release 3-17 micrograms of mercury every day. Methyl mercury is formed through a reaction with chemicals in the mouth. This gets into the bloodstream and has been linked to chronic Candidiasis, along with muscle spasms, fatigue other ailments. Organic methyl mercury - The most common form of organic mercury is methyl mercury, which can be produced by small organisms in water and soil. Organic mercury compounds are absorbed from the GI tract more readily than inorganic mercury compounds. After absorption in the GI tract, organic mercury is distributed throughout the body (but tends to concentrate in the brain and kidneys). Mercury vapor - Approximately 80% of mercury vapor is absorbed directly through the lungs and distributed primarily to the central nervous system and the kidneys. Inorganic and organic 162 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide forms of mercury have also been seen in the red blood cells, the liver, muscle tissue and gallbladder. Common Sources of Harmful Metals: • • • • • • • • Lead: Old paint, pottery glazes, stained glass, automobile exhaust, insecticides, candle wicks, bullets, tap water, pewter ware, some hair colorings, batteries, cosmetics, lunch meat. Aluminum: Some drugs (including antacids), most baking powders, white flour, some cooking utensils, acid rain, cosmetics, antiperspirants, foil, table salt. Mercury: Dental restorations (especially amalgam “silver” fillings), some vaccines (as the preservative, thimerosal) and medicines, fluorescent lights, fish, thermometers, old paint, pesticides, cosmetics, felt, fabric softeners. Nickel: Dental crowns and root canals, cigarette smoke, batteries, hydrogenated oils, inexpensive jewelry, stainless steel. Cadmium: Cigarettes, batteries, many art supplies, fungicides, ceramic glazes, automobile exhaust, pink dyes used in dentures, welding fumes, Teflon, plastic. Copper: Some cooking utensils and plumbing, insecticides, gold dental fillings and crowns. Arsenic: Pesticides, smog, tobacco smoke, curtains, wood preservatives in lumber and playgrounds, carpets, a by-product of metal ore smelting and coal-fired power plants, green pigment used in toys, colored chalk. Platinum: Some dental gold, automobile exhaust. What Causes Heavy Metal Toxicity? Dental Health The average person has 8 amalgam fillings in their mouth and could absorb up to 120 micrograms of mercury per day from these fillings. This can be very dangerous to our health because of the real risk of metal toxicity. While brushing and flossing are key to preventing cavities and gum disease, avoiding sugar and processed junk foods can help prevent additional cavities (and their fillings). Sugar is not the only culprit. Acids in soda are also known to dissolve tooth enamel. From our perspective, there is absolutely no reason for drinking soda. Sugar and aspartame are detrimental to your health and may affect your well being. Pure water is always your best choice (for this and a number of other reasons). Infrequent dental visits, lack of brushing and flossing, and smoking are the main contributors to tooth loss and decay in adults. Studies show that smoking hinders blood flow to the gums, causing tooth loss and decay. 163 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Avoid Silver Amalgam Dental Fillings Patients who need dental fillings can request that their dentist not use silver amalgams. Patients should request their dentists to make their fillings out of a composite material (first testing the new material for sensitivity for the patient, which holistic dental care workers are trained in). In addition, when a dentist removes a silver amalgam filling, a dental dam should be used in the mouth to prevent the patient from ingesting any mercury. How to Remove Amalgams Safely It takes special equipment and training to remove fillings properly. Your dentist should have proper training in removing mercury fillings, should not use mercury in their practice, offer an IV drip of Vitamin C after removal, use high suction hoses, and use a dam to prevent ingestion of mercury. They should also have extra ventilation in the office. Furthermore, they should support detoxification after removal. Testing for Heavy Metal Toxicity If you are unsure as to whether heavy metal toxicity is a problem for you, ask yourself these questions. • • • • • Do you have amalgam fillings in your mouth? Is your skin sensitive to contact with metals such as nickel? Are you sensitive to various things and have various allergies or intolerances? Do you experience involuntary nervous system symptoms such as muscular weakness, twitching or tremors? Do you have short-term memory problems or the inability to concentrate? An answer YES to any of these questions may indicate that heavy metals are a part of your health problems and further investigation is needed. How the Body Deals with Heavy Metals Heavy metals are fat-soluble. This means that they bind to structures that are rich in fat. As they are transported by the blood, they can end up being stored in the fat cells within organs (such as the liver, gall-bladder, GI tract, and the brain). They are also found in the fatty connective tissue of the body, where they are stored as a defense mechanism. When the body is unable to eliminate toxins over and above what it is able to excrete, it stores them in various places in the body. Heavy metals such as mercury are frequently released through the skin. The skin is, in fact, an organ, and plays the biggest role in eliminating toxins from the body. 164 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Heavy Metals and Candida If it isn’t clear already there is a direct link between heavy metals and Candida. Mercury in particular will cause immune suppression and liver congestion and as a result an overgrowth of Candida. In the case of heavy metal accumulations one theory is that Candida feeds off of metals such as mercury, engulfing the metals and potentially assisting the body by reducing the harm that these metals can cause, although this only fuels the growth of Candida and doesn’t resolve the real problems of heavy metal toxicity at all. The bottom line is that Candida related problems can never be eliminated without removing the metals first. Mercury and Candida Mercury alters biological systems because of its affinity for sulfhydryl groups which are the functional parts of most enzymes and hormones. Tissues with the highest concentrations of sulfhydryl groups include the brain, nerve tissue, spinal ganglia, anterior pituitary, adrenal medulla, liver, kidney, spleen, lungs, heart and intestinal lymph glands. These altered biological functions create health problems including Candidiasis, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, even cancer and cardiovascular disease. Another theory is that Candida overgrows as a result of the mercury inhibiting the growth of friendly bacteria and causes dysfunction of organs. With mercury in the picture Candida is truly the lesser of two evils. Competition at absorption sites for various minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese causing a disruption of enzyme systems as well as displacing these same minerals, disruption of electron transfers, hypersensitivity and autoimmune reactions are just a few of the problems mercury can cause. It has been found individuals that have a poor detoxification pathway for metals are the ones who suffer from them in the end. So you may have no more exposure to heavy metals than the next person but you may be more genetically inclined to have Candidiasis due to a poor detox pathway. Food, water and amalgam fillings can all yield enough mercury to cause illness in an individual with poor heavy metal detoxification abilities. Vaccinations are also very high sources or Mercury. If you have amalgams and Candida it is guaranteed 100% that you have heavy metal toxicity to some degree. If you ever wish to eliminate your Candida overgrowth completely you will need to have them removed. For this you will need the assistance of a Holistic Doctor/Holistic Dentist. The reason we are not suggesting a normal dentist is because they drill the amalgams out oblivious in regards to the mercury toxicity issue. The use of a regular dentist has resulted in a huge release of mercury into the body in some individuals and will lead to even greater mercury poisoning results! Here is a link to an online directory of Holistic Dentists. 165 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Chelation Chelation is the process of introducing a chelating agent into the body that binds to a metal and carries it out of the body through the detoxification pathways. Chelating agents are actually able to pick up and lift the metals out of the body where they were sitting or stuck. There are three main chelating compounds used EDTA, DMPS, and DMSA. There is much debate surrounding which is the best as well as safest; overall it seems that DMSA ranks first. You can receive intravenous chelation to remove metals from your body if you are very toxic. For this you will need to inquire with local naturopaths or integrative MDs that deal with this. Alternatively you can follow our recommendations below for Natural Chelation Therapy although it could take longer. We highly recommend IV chelation methods for moderate-severe heavy metal toxicity, if you have had amalgams for many years and suffered from Candida related symptoms then you will absolutely want to research this further and highly consider it. Natural Chelation Therapy There are two main options you can do either independently or simultaneously. The first A cheaper alternative to the foot option is the now popular foot detoxification detoxification bath is an Epsom salt foot baths. Although quite expensive some people baths. Fill up a basin with clean, filtered have experienced tremendous benefits, although water, put your feet in and add about 1 cup in our opinion do not rely upon this as a primary of Epsom salts. Leave your feet in for 15form of heavy metal detoxification. The reason 30 minutes. This can be a very useful detoxification through the feet is so popular is detoxification method! because the body’s largest pores are on the feet. This makes it easier for larger particles such as heavy metals to be eliminated through them. We recommend other suggestions before investing in foot detoxification baths. Foot Detoxification Baths This should be done 2-3 times per week. You should research this and use a higher quality device. Units can range from $300 to $6000. If you decide to go and get your foot baths from a clinic, find out which system they’re using and assess its cost and quality. Over a few weeks you should notice a considerable amount of metals coming out in addition to Candida! There are also foot detoxification pads which have shown to be very effective as well and much cheaper than foot detoxification baths. 166 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Lugols Iodine Foot Rub Beyond just supplementing Lugols Iodine, as discussed in the Alternative Therapies, you can also rub it on your feet to enhance heavy metal detoxification. Put 2-4 drops on the soles of your feet and rub them all over the surface. Check your soles the next day. If the iodine is gone, up the dose and keep applying it to your feet. This alone can be used to detoxification heavy metals and is relatively cheap to do. Heavy Metal Detoxification Supplements Supplement Alpha Lipoic Acid Dosage 50mg 3-6 times per day N’acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 500-600mg x 3 per day B-12 1000mcg x 2 per day Methylcobalamin Sublingual Form (Oral) Colloidal Mineral Supplement Magnesium 2 Tbsp per day Garlic 500mg 2-3 per day (Recommended Link 2x Per Day) MSM 1000mg 3 times per day Chlorella Tablets 5 tablets 5 times per day Selenium Yeast Free 200mcg x 2 per day Coriander/Cilantro Eat every day in salads raw. 2-3 servings per day Chelate or Aspartate Form 500mg Daily These supplements are meant to be taken in addition to any supplements you are taking with your anti-Candida Protocols. Natural Heavy Metal Removal Products The next two suggestions are lesser known but incredibly potent natural substances, that actively bind to metals to remove them from the body. Zeolite A popular natural solution to chelating heavy metals is a rare mineral known as zeolite. It carries a negative charge and pulls in other metals into it like a magnet. It will remain stuck to these metals as it moves out of your body, effectively removing them. The only downside with zeolite is that it tends to be expensive. 167 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Humic and Fulvic Acids With the exception of oxygen and water, there is virtually no other substance on earth as important as Fulvic and Humic Acids. A natural extract that occurs in organic plants and soils, they present incredible life benefiting qualities. In addition to which they are some of the most complex substances known to man. Not only can they eliminate heavy metals but they are arguably the most effective substances known to regenerate the damage caused by toxic substances at the molecular level. They are incredibly versatile in the body, able to act as enzymes, electrolytes, anti-virals, anti-fungals and as powerful antioxidants to name just a few. We suggest you to research these further especially if you suffer from CFS or heavy metal toxicity, there is quite a bit of competition online from vendors and increasing your knowledge will allow you to make the best purchase. Our Fulvic Acid Recommendation can be found Here. Heavy Metal Testing Suggestions Urine, blood and fecal matter analysis have shown to be inconclusive as far as those are concerned with chronic metal toxicity. These tests show better for those with acute mercury poisoning where the mercury has not built up in the tissues and is still freely flowing in the blood. 99% of the people in chronic Candida cases with underlying metal toxicity will fall under chronic metal toxicity where the metals have moved into the body’s tissues and are hiding meaning these tests are not suggested in determining your toxic level and cannot be relied upon as absolute indicators of toxicity. It should be noted that hair analysis although quite popular is still somewhat inconclusive as far as being able to measure elevated Mercury levels in regards to chronic accumulations. Autistic children, who are proven to suffer from elevated levels of mercury in their bodies, test below average for mercury in these kinds of tests. This shows the inability of the detoxification pathway to eliminate mercury in these children, as the hair is one of the ways in which your body moves metals out of itself. These same tests taken after a chelation program will show a much higher level of mercury due to the fact that the mercury is now freed up and being detoxified. The best options in our opinion are kinesiology tests and energetic testing devices. A kinesiologist and some chiropractors, homeopaths and osteopaths can also do applied kinesiology testing for you. Besides this some natural doctors and practitioners have advanced devices that can give you energetic readouts of the functioning of your organs, allergies and heavy metal toxicities. These devices include such as the EDS, EAV, NES and Bi-Com amongst others. A great website to learn more about these types of devices is 168 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide STEP 5 - THE LIVER FLUSH Why Cleanse the Liver? The health and vitality of every organ, gland, and cell in our bodies (along with our emotional and mental health) is dependent upon the liver. A healthy, properly functioning liver helps us repel disease (or recover from disease). Along with the heart and brain, the liver is considered the most important organ in our bodies and a clean and healthy liver is critical to our overall health and well being. The largest gland in the body, weighing about 4 pounds, the liver is responsible for removing 75% of the toxic substances in our bodies. Some estimate that at least 85% of the Western World’s population has unhealthy or sluggish livers. Most people with cancer, AIDS, diabetes, heart problems, yeast infections, digestive problems, parasites, etc. will probably experience liver congestion at some point. It’s also important to note that as our bodies depend upon the liver, the liver depends upon the health of the digestive tract. A clean liver requires a clean digestive tract. What the Liver Does for You The liver cleans and filters the toxic matter (pollutants) that enter our bloodstream such as dead cells, microorganisms, chemicals (including supplements), drugs and other particulate debris. Exposure to more and more pollutants, via air, water, food (pesticides, damaged trans fats, artificial sweeteners, chemically altered supplements) and pharmaceutical drugs (pain relievers, birth control pills, etc.) causes the liver to work much harder. Only a healthy liver can break down these toxins. Every artificial chemical, pesticide and hormone is metabolized by enzyme pathways inside the liver’s cells. The more chemicals the liver is exposed to, the more easily its detoxification systems are overloaded. Beyond that, certain parasites (such as roundworms and flukes) can block the biliary duct and cause further problems. This is why a parasite cleanse is necessary prior to doing any liver flushing. Many of the toxic chemicals that enter the body are fat-soluble and tend to be stored in fat tissue. They can remain there, and will only be released during times of exercise, stress or fasting. You may be doing fine with normal activities, but going on a diet or starting an exercise program can cause you to tap into these highly toxic fat stores. The liver performs over 500 functions essential to your health! The liver processes just about everything you eat, drink, and breathe, as it extracts the fuel your body needs to live, then flushes out the waste. During this process, the liver processes hormones, waste, toxins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It also generates the proteins that help build up your immune system. The liver also produces urea to aid in detoxification, uses bile to help 169 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide digest fats, and stores fat-soluble vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals. And it deals with toxins by converting them into water-soluble compounds for elimination, by literally digesting them so that they are no longer toxic, or by flushing them away with bile. As mentioned above, the liver filters the blood, secretes fat soluble toxins using bile, and has specialized cells that engulf toxins. It also uses enzymes to take apart toxins, then by using two phases in a complex manner, excretes them. If a perfect balance is not maintained, the resulting toxic buildup, in many cases, may lead to Candida. The liver, like any filter, needs to be cleansed regularly. And it is much easier and safer to do so on a daily basis (rather than using a stop-gap method such as fasting). Your body detoxifies in two stages In the first stage, the liver uses specific enzymes (complex proteins) to prepare fats for elimination. In the second phase, the liver converts these modified molecules into water-soluble compounds for elimination by the kidneys. Both stages depend on a regular supply of the right nutrients. Both Stages MUST Function at the Same Level Some of the molecules created in stage one are actually more toxic than the original forms and need to be converted to water-soluble forms as quickly as possible. If this is not the case, serious health issues can arise. It’s been shown that people with fast stage one, but slow stage two detoxification, are more prone to cancer and can suffer severe reactions to environmental toxins. How Liver Problems Develop Physiologically, we develop liver weakness by long-term eating of acid-forming foods, processed foods, and other unhealthy foods. These foods include: meat, sugar, white flour, white rice, foods cooked in oil, etc. A poor diet gradually weakens our digestive system, causing the liver to work even harder. All the food absorbed from our intestines goes directly to the liver, by way of the portal vein. The liver and bowels then must deal with harmful chemicals such food colorings, preservatives, heavy metals, fried oils, partially digested proteins, etc. These unhealthy foods take their toll upon our liver and digestive system. For this reason, cleansing the bowels is absolutely the most important treatment in helping to rejuvenate the liver as it significantly reduces the toxic load that it must deal with on a regular basis. Emotions Affect the Liver Too More than any other organ, the liver is affected by negative thoughts and feelings. Anger, resentment, fear, and other such emotions can all harm the liver. With the exception of injury, 99% of all disease has an association with toxic waste settlement in conjunction with 170 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide unconscious negative thoughts and feelings. Thus, as we cleanse and strengthen the liver, strong emotions can surface. Symptoms of Liver Dysfunction Digestive Disorders: Poor digestion, abdominal bloating, nausea after eating fatty foods, weight gain around the abdomen, and constipation. If you wake up in the morning with bad breath and/or a coated tongue, then your liver definitely needs cleansing! Mood and Attitude: Unpleasant and erratic mood changes, a general feeling of depression, “foggy” brain and an impaired ability to concentrate or remember. If the liver is sluggish, excessive amounts of toxic metabolites can find their way into the blood stream and affect the function of the brain. Unstable blood sugar levels: An unhealthy liver can cause large fluctuations of blood sugar levels. Very low glucose levels can cause fatigue, dizziness, light-headedness, and cravings for sugar and sweets. Fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome are also signs that you need a liver cleansing. High blood pressure and/or fluid retention Gall-bladder Issues The gall-bladder is located beneath the liver and is attached to the bile duct, which delivers bile through the biliary tree (a system of ducts/veins) from the liver and gallbladder into the small intestine. Bile is a bitter, greenish-yellow alkaline fluid secreted by the liver. It is stored in the gall-bladder between meals and is discharged into the small intestine where it aids the process of digestion, especially of fats, making them more susceptible to enzymatic breakdown. If the composition of the bile is less than optimum due to faulty liver function or inadequate fats supplied in the diet, gall stones can occur. Gallstones can be made up of either calcium salts, which can be detected by X-rays, or cholesterol. As fat-soluble neurotoxins move through the cells of the body, they eventually enter the liver and the bile. Once neurotoxins bind with bile, they have access to the liver, and the body becomes poisoned over and over again (as the bile is re-circulated, first released into the intestine to digest fats, and then reabsorbed). Other issues with faulty bile production include difficulty digesting fats (which results in bloating after meals) and nausea. It’s also likely that stools will be pale, since the color comes from the bile pigments. 171 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Unhealthy bacteria can colonize the liver and its biliary system. These bacteria (as well as viruses) can synthesize very long-chain saturated fats, leading to liver toxicity, biliary congestion, impairment of prostaglandin (hormone) synthesis and impairment of the release of glutathione. Benefits of Bile Low-fat diets and the subsequent lack of bile production can impair biliary flow, which hinders the clearing of toxic elements. This is because bile is paramount to cleansing the body. Coffee enemas are used in the detoxification process to stimulate the gall-bladder and clear toxins of both the gall-bladder and the biliary tree. They also help repair the outer leaflet of the cell membranes. Bile also stimulates the peristaltic action of both the small and large intestines, which helps to prevent constipation and other intestinal problems (constipation can increase the formation and absorption of several different toxins). Bile also helps in the prevention of Candida, as proper movement along the intestines reduces the risk of developing an environment in which Candida yeast can flourish. Bile also help to prevent allergic, or food sensitivity (reactions) within the GI tract. It also can reduce such problems as gastritis, spastic colon and irritable bowel syndrome, all of which can be aggravated by food sensitivities. Maintaining a healthy internal environment, and proper peristaltic action and liver bile function, can help to reduce the risk of bowel cancer. When you are constipated, a number of toxins can build up in the digestive tract and become absorbed into the bloodstream, where they are cleansed by the liver (in its role as a detoxification organ). If your liver does not deal with them, your body tries to get rid of them in other ways (causing aggravating skin problems as your body tries to eliminate them through your pores). Failure of the liver in this case may put an excessive load on your kidneys. Toxins in the digestive tract can move back up the system, causing bad breath. This too can be prevented by liver cleansing. Before you begin liver flushing you should have completed the following: 1 Parasite Cleanse 1 Colon cleanse (Our suggestions of daily fiber shakes count towards this) Both of which can be done at the same time as well, which is highly effective. The reason for each, is that parasites can block your bilary ducts and cause discomfort and poor result if they are not eliminated first. If your colon is compacted and not moving consistently 2-3 times minimum per day then there is a risk of stones not being effectively eliminated from the body and becoming partially re-absorbed. You can do both at once with the ultimate colon cleanse which also acts as a parasite cleanse as well. It’s quite effective so you can expect potent results. 172 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide The Liver Flush All parts of your body are susceptible to becoming sluggish and congested. Colon cleanses have become very popular as people are now recognizing the benefits of being regular. Many people with Candida will attempt to do a colon cleanse in addition to taking antifungals only to find the benefits are mediocre. The reason for this is because the liver needs to be cleansed as well. Our livers are overrun with deposits of stones that are the built-up residues from years of toxic foods, drugs, metals, chemicals etc. The buildup in many cases may even be the exact cause of your Candidiasis. Yeasts, bacteria, parasites, metals and more get stuck to the stones in your bile ducts while they are being processed for removal from the body. We have observed that poor adrenal gland function also reduces bile production. Fortunately flushing the liver has been shown to alleviate adrenal fatigue. Some people have reportedly brought back their health from Candida overgrowth without the use of anything except the AntiCandida Diet and doing the Liver Flush. The same statement can be said for some individuals suffering from heavy metal toxicity given that the source of toxicity has been removed. The liver flush will eliminate the stones that have built up over time in your liver and as a result will allow for a better flow of bile. This improves your digestion and more importantly allows your liver to provide its full ability to help restore total health to the body by resolving health issues such as a chronic Candida overgrowth. By removing the toxic load that your liver has stored up, your liver will be able to function optimally and remove built up toxins from other organs without any restraints. Your detoxification will be maximized and you will no longer have to worry about dealing with your chronic Candidiasis anymore. In order for the Liver Flush to continue working you will be required to maintain a minimum dose of anti-parasitic supplements off and on to maintain a parasite free body. Most people will take a moderate dose of anti-parasitic herbs for 1-2 weeks prior to a liver flush. This of course performed only after the full 45 day parasite cleanse protocol has been completed (see Alternative Therapies and Step 3). You may also wish to maintain drinking Uva Ursi and dandelion tea to keep your kidneys healthy and clear between flushes. It is also recommended during this time that you avoid cold foods and drinks and try to eat primarily warm food and drinks. This helps to decongest the liver somewhat and improve the effectiveness of the flush itself. As well the epsom salt drinks should all be made with warm water and the lemon or grapefruit used in the mixture should be left out to reach room temperature, as should the olive oil used. You can do a liver flush a maximum of once every 2 weeks. It has been suggested that in order to bring about significant health improvements, a total of more than 2000 stones must be flushed out first. However the overall goal of liver flushing is to eliminate all your stones, you will know when you have reached this point because you will no longer release any stones when liver flushing. When done perfectly many people reportedly flush out hundreds of stones per flush. A continual routine of flushing that may last a year or a couple of years may be needed for some to 173 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide fully eliminate their body of all stones although benefits can be realized after the first flush. The rewards of an unclogged liver are superior to anything else you could ever do to benefit your health. Candida will only be one thing on your list of health complaints to disappear when you implement this protocol. You will require the following for a liver flush: ¼ cup of Medical Grade Epsom salts (Enough for 4 Tbsp) ½ cup olive oil ¼ tsp sea salt 16 ounce (500 ml) jar with a lid + a drinking straw Lemon or Grapefruit As well it is recommended that you have some form of a sleeping aid. The one recommended in most texts is Ornithine in a dose of 2 to 4 grams or 4-8 x 500mg caps. You can also use Valerian, Gaba, Melatonin or 5-HTP. It is recommended that you find one that works for you ahead of time as individual reactions vary. These aren’t necessary but can help ensure you sleep through the night. Here is the step by step formula for success when attempting a liver flush; this is based on a 10:30 pm bedtime. Feel free to adjust to your own bedtime, although it has been shown that liver flushes have less success the later it is. So start early! The Day before the Flush Try to eat light such as soups, salads, veggies. Mild pseudo-grains such as quinoa and millet are ok in moderate amounts. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. The Day of the Flush Stop taking any medications you can do without. This includes all other supplements, antifungals, parasite and kidney cleansing supplements, vitamins, herbs, as well as any prescription drugs if possible. In fact it would be wise to stop any drug/chemical medications at least 2 days before the flush if possible. 1. Breakfast Eat light with NO FAT OR PROTEIN not following this step will not allow the flush to work right. Try eating steamed, stewed or raw vegetables 2. Lunch Same as breakfast, stop eating after 2:30 pm. Continue drinking. 3. 6:30 pm Mix 1tbsp of Epsom salts with ¾ cup water and drink. Have a drink ready to chase it as it’s quite bitter. Expect to begin to have watery diarrhea as soon as 30 minutes after drinking the mix. 4. 8:30 pm Repeat step 3 (Mixing a new drink) 174 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide 5. 10:15 pm Take the sleeping aid of your choice if needed. 6. Squeeze a fresh grapefruit or lemon and pour through a sieve to collect and remove pulp until you have ½ to ¾ cup of juice. Combine the lemon or grapefruit juice, ½ cup olive oil, and ¼ tsp of sea salt in the jar, place lid on and shake. This mix can however also be placed in a large cup and stirred vigorously until completely mixed. 7. Get ready for bed and while standing up at your bedside, drink all the entire oil mixture using your straw. Try to drink it all within 15 minutes for the best effect. Remember to stand for the entire duration as you drink it. 8. Immediately lie down on your back or on your right side with both knees or just your right knee up in a fetal like position. As soon as you finish the drink, remain as still as possible for at least 20 minutes. Go to sleep. The Next Day… 9. Expect to have diarrhea in the morning when you first get up. In this bowel movement and the next few bowel movements look for small pea green gallstones and/or sawdust appearing chaff floating on the surface of the water. You may want to purchase a sieve for your toilet to collect stones on flush days. 10. Take 2 more drinks of Epsom salt and water as you did in steps 3 & 4. One when you awaken and another 2 hours later. These epsom salt drinks are critical in eliminating stones that were released but have not been cleared yet from the bowels. In our experience most stones were only eliminated after these drinks. It is with these drinks that you can also add 1 tbsp of vitamin C powder to be 100% sure that you clear all the stones from your bowels, be sure to not be far from a toilet once you do this. 11. Begin eating light meals throughout the day when you feel hungry again (At least 2-3 hours after the last Epsom salt drink). Make sure to gradually incorporate fat and protein foods back into your routine. You may feel some nausea until all the stones have been cleared from your bowels. NOTE: We also highly recommend that you utilize the Coffee enema procedure mentioned in the alternative therapies section, as it will maximize your efforts of liver cleansing. Liver Flush FAQ Q: “Can I begin liver flushing immediately?” A: Yes you can, however we recommend that the parasite cleanse is performed first. As it’s commonly known that parasites, specifically liver flukes can block the bile ducts and make the liver flush less 175 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide effective and sometimes allow for greater incidence of side effects because of this. Q: “How often can I perform the liver flush?” A: Generally it’s believed that liver flushing should only be performed no more than once every 2 weeks. However some people have managed to perform multiple (as many as 5 to our knowledge) in a row. The general concern is that as beneficial as liver flushing is, that this could be too much stress to put your body through, especially an individual who is having severe symptoms to begin with. It’s understandable that you’ll want to do as many as possible in as short a period of time to flush out all the stones, or at least a significant amount. It’s our suggestion until we learn otherwise that you should only do a maximum of 1 liver flush every 2 weeks as mentioned. As well antiparasitic herbs and/or supplements should be maintained in low doses throughout the period of time that you are liver flushing. This is to prevent liver flukes from blocking the bile ducts and reducing the success of your flushes. Q: “This liver flush sounds dangerous and even painful, I don’t see how it will help me.” A: We can only assure you from personal experience as well as the many testimonials you’ll find from people who have performed them that they’re perfectly safe when followed as directed. Even when not followed correctly the worst thing that can occur generally is that no stones are passed. The most common symptom you might experience while performing a liver flush is nausea from the epsom salts. When experienced however this tends to pass when the bowel movements begin. In fact many people find the hardest part of the cleanse is getting past the taste of the epsom salts. Q: “Can I perform the liver flush on a different time schedule, such as starting a couple hours later?” A: In our experience the liver flush will still work even when begun at a later or earlier time, however the timing of the steps must still remain the same. For example, if you stop eating at 4:30 you must still wait at least 4 hours until beginning step 3, which would be 8:30. The one downside of starting late of course is that you cannot rush the steps and that you must wait out the full duration of each step before proceeding to the next. Meaning that if you start late, you’re probably going to end up having to go to bed late. 176 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Q: “Is there anything else I can do to effectively eliminate more stones during the liver flush?” A: There are a few things. Normally for those not suffering from Candida it is recommended to consume apple juice for 5 days leading up to the flush because it contains high levels of a compound known as Malic Acid. Malic Acid is able to help break down stones in the liver, further assisting in their removal. Of course this is not an option for those with Candida, so the alternative is this. You can purchase Malic Acid online for a relatively cheap price and add approximately 2000mg daily to the water you drink for the 5 days prior to the liver flush. Apple Cider Vinegar is also an alternative source for Malic Acid that can be used if you are able to tolerate it (Some individuals with Candida react poorly to it). Drink 1-2 Tablespoons in 4 glasses of water per day for 5 days leading up to the cleanse. Early on the day of the cleanse you can also take another serving of either malic acid or ACV. The herb chanca piedra which translated means stone-breaker is another excellent way to help eliminate large stones in the liver. Take the recommended dose for 2-3 weeks prior to a liver flush. Chinese and Swedish bitters are also incredibly helpful in stimulating bile production and can be used between flushes as a way to maximize the amount of bile your gall-bladder will produce. These also help digestion in general and should be taken 15-30 minutes before meals. Peppermint Oil in a pure form can also help to dissolve stones. Chamomile tea is also useful as it helps to dissolve stones, drink at least 2 cups per day to see a noticeable difference. Also a general suggestion is to drink warm lemon water every morning to help stimulate the gallbladder in an effort to regularly detoxify the liver. Milk Thistle and/or Artichoke supplements in large doses following a flush and taken daily in moderate to high levels while you are regularly flushing is helpful as they help stimulate both liver detoxification and regeneration. For a more advanced technique you can try performing a coffee enema early in the day and then begin the liver flush process later that same day. We also recommend doing coffee enemas between flushes as well as our suggested kidney cleanse in step 3 of the protocol. Vitamin C is what we have used the day after the flush to help eliminate all stones. This is especially helpful if you find that the epsom salts are not powerful enough to trigger bowel movements. Take 1-2 Tbsp of Vitamin C the morning after the flush with one of the early morning epsom salt drinks, or both. Q: “How will I know when I can stop flushing?” A: When you have performed enough flushes to see several hundred if not thousands of stones released and the subsequent flushes release no more stones then you have realized your goal. Generally you will want to flush at least 2 consecutive times without releasing any stones to be sure that there are no stones that still need to be released that are simply stuck or lodged. 177 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide PRODUCT LINKS Recommended Books: Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation – Possibly the definitive guide. The author Andreas Moritz is highly renown for his insights into healing the body. This book is truly a must have for anyone who wants to improve upon every possible area of their health. The best part is we’ve found this book to be a relatively easy read and many of his suggestions are easy to incorporate. The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body – For those who want more information regarding the liver flush. Written also by Andreas Moritz. The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies – The best “easy reading” Ayurvedic medicine guide that we have come across. Very well laid out with many therapies. Most importantly it goes into depth about the different doshas or body types and what types of foods and habits you should incorporate your life based on the Ayurvedic system of healing. The Hundred Year Lie: How to Protect Yourself from the Chemicals That are Destroying your Health – A great book if you want more information regarding just how bad the toxicity really is in our food and world today and how the powers that be are only looking to continue this trend as long as it continues to serve their financial interests. If you aren’t convinced to look out for your own health interests already this will be the book to change your mind. Milady's Skin Care and Cosmetics Ingredients Dictionary – A great guide for those concerned about the chemicals in their cosmetics and learning more about which ones are safe and which ones could be causing allergies. Flood your body with Oxygen – If you found the section on Ozone interesting and would like to learn more about it, we HIGHLY recommend this book. It breaks down the myths surrounding the use of Ozone and Oxygen therapies in North America, and how it is literally the best way of healing the body that no one seems to know about. The Ultimate Healing System: The Illustrated Guide to Muscle Testing and Nutrition – As the title says, it is a good guide to learn about muscle testing as there are pictures throughout to help describe the steps involved. Lots of little bits of information, all in all a good read for anyone concerned about their health. Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body's Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality Updated and Expanded – An excellent self-help guide to learning about energy medicine. Its great for beginners as it teaches about tapping specific points of the body that stimulate the immune system and can help reduce pain as well. We really didn’t explore this facet of natural healing very much in this guide, however it can be incredibly useful and this guide explains it all. 178 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies – Another great book covering energy medicine. However this is a more complex read and is not recommended to those who are completely new to the concept of energy healing. Unlike Energy Medicine, this guide goes into more detail surrounding concepts and devices able to channel energy and heal the body. Where-as Energy Medicine is much more focused on a hands on approach and is better for beginners in this respect. Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type – If you haven’t read this book yet, then it is about time you have. It’s entirely possible that your diet is just completely off of what you should be eating according to what your blood type is able to utilize. A very helpful book in eliminating problem foods that are otherwise normally healthy. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition – A very helpful to have encyclopedia of natural treatments and supplements. Its thorough and contains extensive details for any kind of health problem ranging form A-Z. Highly recommended if you want something to provide a strong foundation in supplements and nutrition. Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition (3rd Edition) – One of the best books available that thoroughly explains what it is to eat a whole food diet correctly. If eating to kill off Candida seems futile or you don’t quite see any benefit beyond eliminating candida then this book is absolutely for you. Anyone who wants to learn how to eat healthy to heal their body should read this! The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses – An excellent resource on naturally healing the body of chronic illnesses from the ground up. If you find the idea of juicing and coffee enemas as fascinating ways to rejuvenate the body then you’ll love this guide. Asthma-Free Naturally – Don’t let the title fool you this is one of the best books to read if you suffer from breathing problems of any kind. This includes those experienced by anxiety and during panic attacks. It teaches a very effective breathing technique which is so effective that most asthma sufferers who use it regularly can come off their puffers completely! Online Supplement, Food and Product Stores: Organica Research – This company only really sells one product which is a colon cleanse and parasite cleanse wrapped into one. Its quite strong and for those looking to eliminate the prerequisites needed to begin liver flushing (Parasite Cleanse + Colon Cleanse) then this is their ideal product. Mother Nature - Is an excellent and very popular online health supplement and food store that has competitive prices and a very large selection of supplements and natural health and beauty products with a moderate selection of organic food and snacks as well. 179 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide Vita Pal – Another excellent online supplement store with good shipping options within North America and provides a very good selection of well known brands. It also has very competitive prices. eVitamins – Carries many popular products, although if you live in North America Vita Pal is a better option in terms of pricing. However eVitamins offers International shipping. Mountain Rose Herbs - Our personal source for organic and wild crafted herbs, tinctures, coconut oil, body products, himalyan salt and much more. They offer many great prices on bulk teas and herbs. La Cense Beef - Offers high quality natural organic grass fed hormone free beef which you can order online. They also offer free shipping for most orders. Sunfood Nutrition - Is the website of the popular and world renown raw food expert David Wolfe. His website offers everything from raw organic foods to natural health and beauty products to even appliances to help you pursue a raw food lifestyle. CleanAir4Life – They provide a good selection of high end air purifiers and filtration systems. Allergybegone – An excellent website for allergy sufferers with a wide selection of products to reduce the amount of allergens and your exposure to them in the house. Sawilsons – The best resource we have found for cheap organic coffee that is made for enemas and cheap enema equipment as well. Basically your one stop shop for all your coffee enema needs. 180 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by – The Full Guide A CANDIDA FREE FUTURE Candida can be a very deep rooted illness that may be preventing true health potential in you for months or even years. The information in this book will undoubtedly help your body work towards the best health. The goal of the Anti-Candida diet is one of prevention. You should be changing the way you see certain “foods” and work to preventing problems in your body before they even arise. Some people may find the diet extreme and treatment measures difficult to maintain but the reality of the situation is that this is the way we should be eating all the time. Society has forgotten its natural roots in favor of heavily processed foods and a quick minded approach to food. The truth is modern medicine works more as a last resort option. We should be working at the root cause of our issues, our diet and explore options that will help us move towards a prevention of illness rather than a treatment. We encourage you to seek out additional information when you finish reading this book to bring yourself further along the path to achieving perfect health. The choice is yours. Are you serious about eliminating your chronic Candida and changing for life for a better future? Perfect health can be yours, you can begin today. Or you can delay and let years pass before your symptoms get out of control. We suggest the former. Life is precious and the quality as well the quantity of years on earth should work hand in hand. The information contained in this publication has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration nor is it intended to replace the services and recommendations of a physician or qualified health practitioner. All statements are for informational purposes only. Individuals with health problems or those who are pregnant are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking any natural remedies, over the counter treatments, dietary supplements, or instituting any diet changes. 181 | P a g e Copyright © 2008 by
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