Practitioner Guide How to Make Well Adjusted Babies Work for You and Your Clientele! Please note: the content in this guide can be referenced in Well Adjusted Babies 2nd Edition CONTENTS Our vision for Well Adjusted Babies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A statement in support of the power of the adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Getting started Setting the scene Maximizing the use of this Practitioner Guide 2.0 Suggestions on how to use Part 1: Real Health for Your Pregnancy . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1 - Simple ways to assist the fertility-challenged couple, Chapter 2 2.2 - Helping clients clarify their approach to pregnancy, Chapter 3 2.3 - Working towards a healthy pregnancy, Chapters 4-7 2.4 - Preparation for birth, Chapter 8 & 9 3.0 Suggestions on how to use Part 2: Birthing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.1 - Working with medical challenges during pregnancy and birth, Chapters 10-12. 3.2 - Birthing and post-birth: Assisting babies to adjust to their new environment, Chapters 13 &14. 4.0 Suggestions on how to use Part 3: Holistic Parenting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4.1 - Supporting parents in their vaccination choices, Chapter 15 4.2 - Breastfeeding and formula, Chapters 16-18 4.3 - Benefits of chiropractic care after birth, Chapters 18-21 4.4 - Ideal food introduction and progression, Chapters 22 & 23 4.5 – The health revolution and positive holistic parenting, Chapters 24 & 25 5.0 Chiropractic in the community: Collaboration and success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 6.0 Questions and answers with fellow chiropractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Further support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Practitioner Guide 3 4 CONTACTS & RESOURCES Use this space to write down contact details of practitioners or support groups you work collaboratively with. (Example: obstetricians, midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, homeopaths, local mothers groups, pilates instructors). Practitioner Guide 5 VISION OUR VISION FOR WELL ADJUSTED BABIES Whenever I consider how chiropractic has shaped who I am today as a spouse, mother and practitioner, I feel extremely humbled and indebted to our great profession. I extend my deepest respect and gratitude to the chiropractors who have held onto our guiding principles and have fought to preserve our uniqueness. It is this gratitude along with the authenticity and courage of so many of my mentors that first inspired the writing of Well Adjusted Babies. Its subsequent success would not have been possible without the support and guidance of my husband, Dr Simon Floreani, a fellow chiropractor. Since the publication of the first edition in 2005, we have trained many associate doctors, allied health practitioners and carers using the principles contained in the following pages. We have combined these clinical and business experiences to compile this manual which is intended as a companion workbook for Well Adjusted Babies, designed to help chiropractors deliver a consistent message and high quality service to the community. Sometimes as practitioners we forget that each and every adjustment we offer changes lives. We may not always see ‘miracles’ and we can forget that each and every adjustment has a significant impact on that individual and their family in ways we may never know. Therefore, it has been a great privilege to create a product that supports and validates chiropractors in their tireless and important work. ϐϐ Our vision for YOU the practitioner: to support and promote wellness-oriented chiropractic healthcare to the public. ϐϐ Our vision for MOTHERS and MOTHERS TO BE: to empower women to see the beauty and merit in fully embracing pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. ϐϐ Our vision for BABIES and CHILDREN: to give them every opportunity to express their full genetic capacity. ϐϐ Our vision for SPOUSES and PARTNERS: to increase their role in childbirth and to encourage and inspire a deep connection to their children. ϐϐ Our vision for FUTURE GENERATIONS: to foster clear, robust nervous systems and true expression of innate body intelligence. ϐϐ Our vision for PLANET EARTH: to see the evolution of a Well Adjusted race who think and live harmoniously. 6 THE POWER OF THE ADJUSTMENT A STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE POWER OF THE ADJUSTMENT If it had not happened more than one thousand times in front of my very eyes that the delivery of a chiropractic adjustment so drastically changed a baby and a mother’s presentation, I could have empathy for those who misunderstand the power that lies behind something so simple. It is common for those practicing within the allopathic model to dismiss the chiropractic phenomenon: that of our founding principles of innate and universal intelligence and our use of the terms ‘vertebral subluxation’ (VS) and ‘nerve dysfunction’. The VS is a serious and complex phenomenon, under-respected and under-researched even within our own ranks. In different teaching institutions this term holds a different meaning and value; some may refer to the VS as a spinal lesion, others as a mechanical joint dysfunction, yet as research mounts to validate its very essence and impact, VS and nerve dysfunction appear to be the most congruent terms for communicating chiropractic to parents, as the guardians of family health. While we may be another decade away from a consensus on defining the VS (particularly in terms of the impact it has on the presentation of mothers and babies), we will refer to it as the VS throughout this guide. It is for you and your team to clarify how you wish to define and use this founding principle. Here is an example of how VS chiropractic is explained in Well Adjusted Babies: IMAGE COPYRIGHT. PRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM WELLNESS PRACTICES [ WWW.WELLNESSPRACTICES.COM ] NORMAL SUBLUXATION Think of your brain as a computer. It coordinates, via your nervous system, both organ and cell function. Nerve messages can be impaired by spinal subluxations which occur when there are misalignments of one or more vertebrae. This results in altered joint motion and nerve irritation which lessens organ function and general health. The nerve messages that initiate and sustain reproduction may in turn be compromised. It is both the severity of the subluxation and the length of time it has been left uncorrected that dictates the decline in body function. Practitioner Guide 7 THE POWER OF THE ADJUSTMENT While chiropractors adjust the spine to remove nerve interference, it is your individual body that recreates recreates ‘body order’, or homeostasis. As chiropractors we take no credit for the magnificent design or intelligence of the human body. Nerve messages can be interrupted or affected by spinal subluxations which occur when there are misalignments of one or more vertebrae. This results in altered joint motion and impaired nerve function. Chiropractic restores the flow of life force. 8 INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION Well Adjusted Babies plays a critical role in educating parents about the benefits of chiropractic and allied health. When fully used, Well Adjusted Babies can help a chiropractic team inspire families to strengthen their health far beyond ordinary levels. When the core principles outlined in this Practitioner Guide are understood and communicated skillfully, then this book will come to life in your practice as a handy ‘must-have’ referral guide. In our experience we have found that parents and parents-to-be are keen students and have many questions and a deep desire to be guided and supported. Instead of giving them a list of “shoulds” and expecting them to follow blindly, parents become enthused when challenged to develop an inquiring mind. It is our role as health leaders to encourage them to ask good questions—because the quality of our health is dependent upon the quality of the questions we ask. Why was Well Adjusted Babies created? I believe all parents—not just those fortunate enough to grow up in our profession—should have access to knowledge of pertinent health issues. Yet among the mainstream, health-related resources currently available to parents, there are very few that promote the fortitude of the nervous system as being central to health and vitality, and fewer still that even mention chiropractic. Acknowledging the needs of parents is precisely how Well Adjusted Babies took form. It was initially devised as a workbook for our associate chiropractors who did not have children themselves, as we felt that there was often a gap in understanding and rapport between chiropractor and parent. As a matter of urgency, we wanted to ‘standardise’ per se how all families were nurtured and cared for in our practice, and we wanted each family to be empowered with the latest research so as to build their health awareness. As the book developed we realized that although our colleagues would be able to disseminate the information, our message would be even more effective if we communicated it directly to parents. Thus Well Adjusted Babies came to be written mostly for the lay public: for mums and dads, guardians and grandparents, and secondarily for chiropractors, students and other allied health practitioners. Although Well Adjusted Babies was written initially as a workbook for our chiropractic team, it has had greatest success by being taken directly to the lay public, creating a groundswell of healthcare literacy and empowerment. It is my understanding that practitioners are thrilled to have a health book for parents that is written by a mother who is also a chiropractor. By sharing personal accounts, I build rapport with parents so that I am able to discuss the latest “taboo” health topics, such as infertility, birth intervention practices and vaccinations, to name a few. There are numerous pregnancy and parenting books available, yet few discuss these core health issues in such great depth. Practitioner Guide 9 INTRODUCTION At the same time, chiropractic research is included throughout the text, thereby promoting chiropractors as credible health authorities. Our vision was to bring the chiropractic message to each page, with research and published case studies that support the validity and effectiveness of chiropractic. This research is interwoven with core health principles and answers to everyday questions which parents and carers may have. Our vision was to bring the chiropractic message to each page, with research and published case studies that support the validity and effectiveness of chiropractic. Why is it of benefit to you to display Well Adjusted Babies in your practice? When mothers who are new chiropractic clients see Well Adjusted Babies displayed and promoted in the practice, they are likely to feel more confident about embarking on the chiropractic journey. Mothers regularly contact us via the Well Adjusted website to report the following types of heartfelt feedback. One mother said: “I was given ‘Well Adjusted Babies’ from a girlfriend who knew I had a bias against chiropractors. When I became pregnant I decided that I should at least have a look through some sections of the book to give her some feedback. Quite literally once I started reading I couldn’t put it down. Finally I had stumbled across a pregnancy book that really spoke to me! “What a relief it was then, after I located a chiropractor in my area, to walk into their building and find ‘Well Adjusted Babies’ displayed on the counter. How fabulous it was to find a chiropractor who shared a similar approach to women and children as I had just been reading. I waltzed up to the reception desk knowing I was in the ‘right place’, my anxiety diminished.” I believe mothers are excited about the chiropractic ‘way of life’ and are sharing this message. Here is another example: One of my colleagues told me that for the first time in his 25-year career he had a pregnant mother (who had never seen a chiropractor before) come into his practice and state that she wanted to be checked and adjusted. She also wanted to book her unborn child in to be adjusted post-birth because she had been reading about birth trauma in a book called ‘Well Adjusted Babies’. She asked my colleague, “Have you seen this book before?” He called me on his way home to give me this feedback, chuckling with delight and appreciation. It is stories like these that call me to action each day. All babies and children deserve to experience the chiropractic lifestyle. When we empower parents with knowledge, we collaboratively strengthen the health of future generations. 10 INTRODUCTION How can a book for the general public also be used in universities and teaching institutions across the globe? Although Well Adjusted Babies is written using simple, lay terms, it is referenced like a text book. As both a mother and philosophical chiropractor, my intention was to share my passion with evidence-inspired literature. This approach helps chiropractic students, chiropractors and parents alike by explaining health issues in a manner that everyone can embrace. Over the years we have been able to update those references as more research arises. Getting started… Every chiropractic business spends money on advertising their services. Yet the key to attracting new clients has always been—and will continue to be—from the confident referral by a trusted source. We believe that the success we have had at our own practice is attributable to two things; firstly, our level of ‘certainty’ (faith in what we do) which is underpinned by our passion, and secondly, the actions we take. Over the years we have been able to corroborate our actions with the growing body of research that supports chiropractic. The very first action step is to READ Well Adjusted Babies. Well Adjusted Babies enhances a chiropractor’s level of certainty by presenting research that validates chiropractic and the approach we have to critical health issues. Well Adjusted Babies also saves chiropractors time by helping to educate families as part of their general duty of care. The very first action step for chiropractors is to READ Well Adjusted Babies. By becoming familiar with the content and research, educated discussion can occur between chiropractors and their patients who have read the book. Well Adjusted Babies GIFTS three things to you: ϐϐ CONFIDENCE from collated, up-to-date research that is referenced and easily accessible; ϐϐ SUPPORT and validation of the chiropractor’s vital role in navigating families towards wellness; ϐϐ PROMOTION of chiropractors via a public book. Well Adjusted Babies is a trusted source that refers families to you as a specialist in health and wellness. Practitioner Guide 11 INTRODUCTION Setting the scene… Before we begin outlining how this Practitioner Guide works, I believe there is merit in highlighting some key rapport-building skills which chiropractors can use when communicating with clients. In this regard, there is one guiding principle that I must stress: Stephen Covey’s tenet, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” The awareness and respect that chiropractors have for the human body is a by-product of our years of study and practice. It is unfair to expect all of our clients to fully appreciate and commit to our health philosophy, especially early on in care. Therefore our body language, our choice of words and our practice environment need to exude a sense of safety and confidence so that clients feel at an intuitive level that they are in the right place to grow and to make significant life changes. “Seek to understand” We believe it is more effective to empower clients with wisdom and knowledge than to appear antagonist regarding their current health or birthing choices. We advocate an “inquiring practitioner mindset” rather then any scripting, wording or body language that displays arrogance or judgement. This is also the tone we have adopted in Well Adjusted Babies. When discussing important health issues with parents, we believe that practitioners can have the greatest influence and impact by: 1. Making time for key questions when discussing a client’s history. For example: CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, you mentioned that you’ve been trying to get pregnant for the last 18 months. That can be quite distressing, how has that been for you?” JANE: “Well, it’s just exhausting! I seem to be so consumed about getting pregnant, busy with dates for IVF injections and doctors’ appointments that I don’t seem to be myself anymore. I am always grumpy and tired.” CHIROPRACTOR: “How has that affected your relationship with your partner?” JANE: “There is so much pressure on us both, and we don’t seem to talk about anything else!” CHIROPRACTOR: “And has it affected your work or other areas of your life?” 2. ‘Active listening’—using your body language as well as your ears to listen to your client’s responses. For example: While JANE speaks, CHIROPRACTOR maintains eye contact, with arms open, nodding appropriately. 12 INTRODUCTION Sensitive questioning and careful listening not only shows that we really care and appreciate what the client is going through but it also allows us to take note of their chief complaint and how it is influencing their lives. At a later date we can remind clients how chiropractic is a diverse health enabler. If a client makes a health choice that we disagree with (such as a certain medical procedure or a dietary choice), rather than being “anti” this choice, we can instead encourage them to ask pertinent and logical questions, and create an opportunity to empower them with knowledge. CHIROPRACTOR: “I understand your obstretrician has told you that it is safe to take Panadol for your headaches... Did you also discuss why you might be experiencing headaches? What could your body be trying to tell you? Do you think you might need more rest, for instance?” At times we make fear-based decisions rather than empowering ourselves with knowledge to make confident and rational choices on how we want to birth or raise our children. Maximizing the use of this Practitioner Guide To fully benefit from this Practitioner Guide I would recommend that it be used during team meetings with the principal chiropractor, associate doctors and CAs, working through one section at a time. Each section should be followed by completion of the Activities and discussion of the Powerful Points and Talking Tic (chiropractic) recommendations. Each section can also be used as clever content for practice newsletters and websites. Practitioner Guide 13 HOW TO USE PART 1 2.0 Suggestions on how to use Part 1: Real Health for Your Pregnancy 2.1 Simple ways to assist the fertility-challenged couple, Chapter 2 Infertility has now become a major health issue, affecting one couple in five in the US, one couple in every six in Australia and one couple in every seven in the UK. Typically the fertilitychallenged couple is emotionally vulnerable yet also highly motivated to improve their health. Once ‘conception’ is established as a health goal there will be many important health topics to broach. Here are a few questions to clarify your message when dealing with couples who are struggling to become pregnant. Answering these questions will help you and your associates become competent in managing the specific needs of these couples. It is also worthwhile to ensure that your ‘new patient form’ includes a question about reproductive challenges and any associated history. “Where there is great love there are always miracles.” WILLA CATHER Activities Please answer these questions in consultation with Well Adjusted Babies, Chapter 2: ѧѧ What other allied therapies may assist the fertility-challenged couple? (Chapter 2, page 41) ѧѧ Write down a succinct explanation of the chiropractic rationale for infertility, i.e. how can nerve dysfunction be another cause for infertility? (Chapter 2, pages 42–45) 14 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ How would you explain how postural distortion influences reproductive integrity? How could a double AS Ilium possibly influence visceral alignment and then ultimately reproductive capacity for some couples? (Chapter 2, pages 45–46) ѧѧ Can you explain why IVF couples need adjustments too? (Chapter 2, pages 38–41 and 51–52) ѧѧ Can you explain why lifestyle and environment greatly affects a couple’s health outcome? Practitioner Guide 15 HOW TO USE PART 1 Also list three factors that may adversely influence fertility, e.g. hormone disruptors, and why? (Chapter 2, pages 47–49) 1 2 3 ѧѧ As part of a wholesome diet, which nutrients may boost chances for conception and how would you recommend increasing intake? (Chapter 2, pages 49–50) There are many chemicals which create estrogenic activity in the body. These are chemicals that we use every day, present in household cleaning products, body care products, furniture and building materials, and even in the food we eat. 16 HOW TO USE PART 1 Powerful Points from Chapter 2 ϐϐ Parental health prior to conception is one of the many factors to influence a successful reproductive outcome. ϐϐ 2005 figures indicate that 80% of IVF-assisted pregnancies in women 40 to 45 years end in miscarriage, and that the chance of a 40 year old falling pregnant through IVF is a mere 15%. ϐϐ Chiropractic is a very safe and effective approach for helping couples to conceive. ϐϐ Chiropractic adjustments clear the nervous system of the interference that has been built through a lifetime of physical stressors, chemical and emotional stressors. This interference may allow for miscommunication between the brain and reproductive organs, promoting infertility. Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with clients (not just those who are fertility-challenged): CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you know that chiropractic is one of many healthy lifestyle habits that can assist couples to strengthen their reproductive integrity (babymaking capacity) naturally?” CHIROPRACTOR: “And did you know that by encouraging couples to prioritize their health, chiropractic care may enhance the effectiveness of artificial or medical reproductive therapies/IVF treatments?” Newsletter ideas: A regular newsletter is a great way for your practice to educate clients on the benefits of chiropractic and associated healthy lifestyle choices. Here are some suggestions for newsletter topics relating to infertility: ϐϐ The effects of ‘gender-benders’ ϐϐ The effects of the contraceptive pill ϐϐ How chiropractic may assist the fertility-challenged couple ϐϐ Nutrition tips to assist fertility Practitioner Guide 17 HOW TO USE PART 1 2.2 Helping clients clarify their approach to pregnancy, Chapter 3 Pregnancy is a fascinating time for women. First-time mothers often feel as though no other woman could possibly have experienced what they are going through. Along with emotional highs and lows, they are humbled by nausea, tiredness, brain fatigue, breast tenderness and irritability. It is our role as health practitioners to acknowledge the needs of these women (and couples) and inspire and educate them regarding the innate power and capacity of the human body. Prospective parents are often encouraged to have their pregnancy ‘managed’ by a specialist and there are literally hundreds of tests and procedures couples can have prior to conception and then during pregnancy. For most women though, pregnancy needn’t be a ‘medical process’. Pregnant women are not sick or broken, nor do they benefit from being poked and prodded every few weeks. Invasive tests and intervention may provide valuable information regarding a baby’s progress; however, the tests are not without risk, nor are they the best way to build maternal or fetal health. We have created a Well Adjusted Pregnancy Planning Form for you to use in your practice with new or existing clients who are pregnant (you will find this form after the Activies in this section). The form helps to clarify their thoughts pertaining to pregnancy and birth and ascertain their level of health literacy regarding pregnancy. This form is to be used as an adjunct to your new patient protocol (i.e. it is not intended to replace your new patient form, which ascertains prenatal history). The form could also be used as a progressive assessment form during pregnancy. “Becoming healthier involves making (positive) changes that will help you function at your best, adapt to new stresses and change with more flexibility and ease.” TRAVIS WILD, D.C. 18 HOW TO USE PART 1 Activities Please answer these questions in consultation with Well Adjusted Babies, Chapter 3: ѧѧ How would you explain to pregnant mothers that the health and vitality they experience during pregnancy and post-birth depends upon the proactive steps they take towards wellness, and not necessarily the number of antenatal tests they complete? (Chapter 3, page 57) ѧѧ When discussing the varied approaches to pregnancy, what are the best ways to keep rapport with the couple? (Chapter 3, pages 57–58) ѧѧ Ideally, what is the key objective of holistic prenatal care? (Chapter 3, page 58) Parental health prior to conception is one of the many factors which influence a successful reproductive outcome. Practitioner Guide 19 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ For those clients wanting to conceive, what are the “10 Steps to Pre-conceptive Health”? (Chapter 3, page 58) 1 2 Broaden your knowledge, interview others 3 4 5 6 7 Focus on wholesome nutritious diet 8 9 10 ѧѧ How do you succinctly define health and wellness? (Chapter 3, pages 60–61) 20 HOW TO USE PART 1 Powerful Points from Chapter 3 ϐϐ Screening tests to determine that the mother is free from infection or disorders are important indicators that she is within the ‘normal’ range of health, but they do not suggest how she could be healthier. ϐϐ Whatever approach a couple may choose for their pregnancy is their right as parents. Whilst honoring their needs, a chiropractor can offer inspiration and literacy to help them reflect on and define their personal health culture. ϐϐ Many chemical reactions take place with thought creation. Chiropractic plays a key role in keeping thoughts in check. Nerve dysfunction can promote chemical imbalance and a lack of harmony within the body. This imbalance affects areas of the brain responsible for emotion and this may alter perceptions and moods. Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with clients (not just those who are pregnant): CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, if a person in pain takes a pill and the pain then goes away, does this mean he or she is healthy again? Why is that?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Can you name five healthy lifestyle habits important to fostering your vitality?” Display ideas: “What does good health mean to you?” “Do symptoms mean your’e sick?” “What are the five components of health” Practitioner Guide 21 Pregnancy Screening Form NAME D.O.B. WEEKS PREGNANT ESTIMATED DUE DATE: REFERRED BY: (please allow us to thank this person by providing us with their name) In order for us to support you best, please let us know more about your current circumstances: ѧѧWhy are you here today? (answer 1, 2 and/or 3) If yes, with whom and what was the date of your last visit? 1) For advice on a particular health crisis (include how long you have experienced it for)? Yes / No ѧѧWas this a planned pregnancy? 2) To prevent a potential health issue (include whether you have experienced it before)? ѧѧAre you currently taking any medication (e.g. antibiotics or over-the-counter drugs such as Panadol)? Yes / No ѧѧAre you currently receiving prenatal care from a midwife, obstetrician or both? With whom specifically? ѧѧHave you taken any medication during this pregnancy? Yes / No If yes, please specify: 3) To strengthen your health? Chiropractor’s Notes — location, frequency, duration, onset, impact on lifestyle, etc. ѧѧHow would you currently rate your health (if 10 is exceptional and 1 is poor)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ѧѧHave you seen a chiropractor previously? ѧѧWhich hospital or birth center are you planning to have your baby? Or are you planning a home birth? ѧѧWhat type of birth are you planning? ѧѧHave you had any vaccines during your pregnancy? Yes / No ѧѧHow often are you currently consuming alcohol? □ Each day □ Each week □ Every few weeks □ Rarely □ Never ѧѧDo you or other people around you smoke? Yes / No If yes, how frequently? Yes / No Pregnancy Planning Form © Well Adjusted. For family health resources and further information, please visit ѧѧWould you like further information on how to minimize exposure to toxins commonly found in our foods and personal care products?? Yes / No ѧѧAre you experiencing any emotional stress (e.g. relationship, family, financial, or career challenges)? Yes / No If yes, can you elaborate? ѧѧWhat clinical tests have you had to date (e.g. tests to establish if you or your baby has any health risks)? ѧѧPlease tick any of the following which relate to your current pregnancy: □ Any hospitalization □ Medications □ Excessive fatigue □ Mood swings □ Depression □ Infections □ Urinary infections □ Blood in urine □ Blood in stool □ Protein in urine □ High blood pressure □ Pre-eclampsia □ Eclampsia □ Seizures □ Gestational diabetes □ Heart problems □ Thyroid issues □ Placental issues □ Pelvic Inflammatory Disease □ Abnormal bleeding □ Circulatory problems □ Swollen ankles □ Low blood pressure □ Anemia □ Yeast infection □ Indigestion □ Other illness (please specify) Have you experienced any of these in previous pregnancies? ѧѧWhat accidents and/or falls have you experienced (e.g. car, sporting or riding accidents)? ѧѧWhat operations or hospitalizations have you had? ѧѧHave you had any ultrasounds to date? Yes / No If yes, how many? ............................ Findings? ѧѧAre you aware of the current position of your baby (e.g. head down, breech, transverse)? ѧѧHave you had advice on optimal posture during your pregnancy? If so, what advice? Pregnancy Planning Form © Well Adjusted. For family health resources and further information, please visit CHIROPRACTIC IN THE COMMUNITY ѧѧHave you had any tests to guide you on health during pregnancy? ѧѧHave you had advice on optimal diet during your pregnancy? If so, what advice? ѧѧIf this is a subsequent pregnancy and birth for you, how do you feel about your previous birth experience? ѧѧHow can we support you best during your pregnancy? □ Delighted □ Neutral □ Disheartened Comment ѧѧDo you have any other comments or questions? ѧѧDo you enjoy being pregnant? Yes / No? ѧѧAre you planning to attend any birth classes? Which ones? ѧѧHow do you feel about your pending birth? □ Frightened □ Anxious □ Excited Comment ѧѧHave you received information or advice regarding your pending birth? If so, what advice and by whom? ѧѧWhat vision do you have for this labor? Please describe: ѧѧDo you have a birth plan? Yes / No? ѧѧDo you feel supported in your birth choices (e.g. by your partner, family, health practitioners)? Yes / No Pregnancy Planning Form © Well Adjusted. For family health resources and further information, please visit CHIROPRACTIC IN THE COMMUNITY PRACTITONER USE ONLY: ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION POSTURE NOTES on additional orthopedic or neurological testing: MOTION PALPATION Cervical Thoracic Lumbar SPINAL PALPATION Cervicals C1 L R B C2 L R B C3 L R C4 L R C5 L R C6 L R C7 L R T1 L R T2 L R T3 L R T4 L R T5 L R T6 L R T7 L R T8 L R T9 L R T10 L R T11 L R T12 L R L1 L R L2 L R L3 L R L4 L R L5 L R Thoracics Cervical Lumbar Lumbars Sacrum Ilium Pregnancy Planning Form © Well Adjusted. For family health resources and further information, please visit HOW TO USE PART 1 2.3 Working towards a healthy pregnancy, Chapters 4-7 During pregnancy not only will a woman’s nutritional requirements change but nearly all her physical and emotional needs as well. Yet the medical approach for pregnancy and childbearing is often so structured that women sometimes deny their maternal instincts on how to care for themselves and their unborn child. Very little has been written on the shifting emotional needs of a woman or couple during pregnancy. Our role as health practitioners is to remind couples to focus on genuine self-care during this time. These rituals are vital for the nurturing of both parents and baby. There are many proactive steps discussed in Chapters 4 and 5 that mothers can take during pregnancy to build their level of health. There are also steps they can take to avoid certain detrimental lifestyle choices that may compromise their pregnancy. Chapter 6 recommends certain toxins be minimized or, if possible, avoided completely, while Chapter 7 describes and evaluates the standard routine procedures that are recommended in pregnancy. It is our role as chiropractors to guide and support couples towards the healthiest pregnancy possible. Activities Please answer these questions in consultation with Chapters 4-7: ѧѧ Of the numerous self-care tips and healthy habits that are discussed in Chapter 4, what are your top 10? (pages 69–90) 1 2 3 4 5 Maintain exercise 6 7 8 Visualize ideal birth 9 10 26 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ List the benefits of chiropractic adjustments for mothers during pregnancy. (Chapter 4, pages 73–74) ѧѧ List the benefits of chiropractic adjustments for laboring mothers. (Chapter 4, page 75) ѧѧ How can chiropractors help pregnant women avoid postural strain? (Chapter 4, pages 75–76) ѧѧ List three reasons why dairy is not the best source of calcium? (Chapter 5, pages 100–105) 1 2 3 Practitioner Guide 27 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ Why are probiotics vital for pregnant women? (Chapter 5, page 107) ѧѧ How would you succinctly explain the benefits of ‘good fats’ during pregnancy? (Chapter 5, page 108) ѧѧ What are the three major health concerns regarding fish? (Chapter 6, pages 115–117) 1 2 3 ѧѧ Why are Trans Fatty Acids (TFAs) so harmful, especially when pregnant? (Chapter 6, pages 118–119) 28 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ What is one plausible effect of antibiotics during pregnancy or birth? (Chapter 6, page 128) ѧѧ List effective lifestyle habits that can help mothers decrease their need for drugs during pregnancy. Also list the practitioners who can help in this regard. (Chapter 6, page 129) ѧѧ Please complete the following: (Chapter 6, page 132) In the words of the British Chief Medical Officer: “All ultrasound exposure should be ............................. and ............................. to the minimal necessary for the diagnostic purpose.” If the results of your scan would not alter the course of your pregnancy, please consider whether you really need to have an ultrasound. Alternately, consider having just one scan, either at 15–16 weeks so you can also have an ............................. (if wishing to do so) or later in the pregnancy at ............................ weeks gestation. Use a skilled technician and ............................. ultrasound equipment. Practitioner Guide 29 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ What are the three key questions parents should ask themselves before having an ultrasound? (Chapter 6, page 135) 1 2 3 ѧѧ What are the possible effects of food irradiation for pregnant women? (Chapter 6, page 135) ѧѧ Which foods are irradiated in your region? (Chapter 6, pages 137-141) ѧѧ What is EMR and which household items emit EMR? (Chapter 6, page 141) e.g. Computers ѧѧ List the helpful tips for reducing toxic load during pregnancy. (Chapter 6, page 142) e.g. Keep your nervous system free from vertebral subluxations. 30 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ Before any routine test or procedure is undertaken, what key points should parents consider and be sure to ask their carers? (Chapter 7, page 147) ѧѧ What two things does anemia predispose a birthing mother to? (Chapter 7, page 148) 1 2 ѧѧ Pernicious anemia is also common in pregnancy. How does this type of anemia occur? (Chapter 7, page 148) ѧѧ True or False? Literature suggests that an amniocentesis in the second trimester of pregnancy is safer than CVS. (Chapter 7, page 156) Practitioner Guide 31 HOW TO USE PART 1 Powerful Points from Chapters 4-7 ϐϐ Chiropractic care is important before, during and after pregnancy and helps women to be as healthy as they can be. ϐϐ Research indicates that chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy decreases the need for painkillers during delivery by 50%. ϐϐ Research shows that correct alignment of the pelvis and spine contributes to a more straightforward labor with less pain and trauma for mother and child, and may significantly reduce labor time. ϐϐ Antenatal procedures can yield a large ratio of false positive and false negative diagnoses. These incorrect findings may then result in unwarranted intervention or complacency from a caregiver. If you are unsure of a test result, ask to have it repeated or seek a second opinion. No single test can be definitive. ϐϐ The degree of success and the inherent risks of these procedures is dependant on the skill of the technician, the equipment used and the timing of the test. ϐϐ There is a time and place for medical testing. We do, however, need to be mindful of unnecessary and invasive procedures. With every medical treatment there are risks, and a lot of those risks are unknown at the time. 32 HOW TO USE PART 1 Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with clients (not just those who are pregnant): CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you know chiropractic not only helps mothers be healthy during pregnancy but also help babies to position themselves well within the pelvis, increasing chances of an ideal birth?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Did you know research has shown that chiropractic care during pregnancy decreases the need for painkillers during delivery, and correct alignment of the pelvis and spine contributes to a more straightforward labor with less pain and trauma for mother and child. Show me any mother who wouldn’t be excited about that!!” CHIROPRACTOR: “Did you realize that studies have shown chiropractic care during pregnancy may significantly reduce labor time?” Newsletter ideas: Here are some suggestions for newsletter articles relating to pregnancy: ϐϐ How chiropractic benefits mothers, babies and birth ϐϐ How chiropractic can assist your birth outcomes ϐϐ The search for healthy water ϐϐ Why dairy is not your best source of calcium Display ideas: “How can chiropractic help pregnant women?” Practitioner Guide 33 HOW TO USE PART 1 2.4 Preparation for birth, Chapter 8 & 9 There is so much involved when preparing for childbirth and this planning stage can evoke an array of emotions for pregnant couples. It is our role as practitioners to help mothers to be as mentally and physically prepared for the many birth outcomes that are possible. We also need to help couples be mindful that life is unpredictable and that during labor, our best laid plans are often tested and pushed to their limits. The support and confidence that a woman gains from a loving partner during pregnancy and labor cannot be over-emphasized and chiropractors are well placed to guide partners (and/or birth teams) on how to confidently support the laboring mother. Activities ѧѧ List your Top 5 Reminders (pick them from the 25 Reminders) that are of greatest priority when preparing for birth. (Chapter 8, pages 164-172) 1 2 3 4 5 ѧѧ What is one particular subluxation pattern seen in pregnant women that may have detrimental effects on the effectiveness of labor? Why is this so? (Chapter 8, page 165) ѧѧ Which vitamins and minerals are of particular benefit to mothers in preparation for birth? (Chapter 8, page 167) 34 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ What are the six reasons that subluxations commonly occur during pregnancy? (Chapter 8, page 174) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ѧѧ List the ten tips for caring for your spine during pregnancy. (Chapter 8, page 177) 1 Don’t try to sit up from a lying position using your abdominal muscles. Instead, bend your knees, turn onto your side and push yourself up with your arm. 2 Remember to unlock your knees when standing and refrain from wearing high-heels. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Breathe deeply into lower abdomen especially when stressed 9 10 Have your spine regularly adjusted by a chiropractor Practitioner Guide 35 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ How would you succinctly explain the three reasons that nerve dysfunction or vertebral subluxations occur in a newborn? (Chapter 8, page 179) ѧѧ What factors need to be considered before taking a chiropractic approach to a breech presentation? (Chapter 8, page 181) ѧѧ What four activities (including specifics relating to exercises) can parents focus on when their unborn baby is positioned posterior? (Chapter 8, pages 185–186) 1 Consult a chiropractor 2 3 4 ѧѧ If a couple shy away from perineal massage, then how is this likely to affect their future sex life? (Chapter 8, page 187) 36 HOW TO USE PART 1 ѧѧ What are your top five tips for partners preparing for birth? (Chapter 9, pages 201-203) 1 2 3 4 5 ѧѧ How would you explain to a partner how they may be able to offer pain relief for the birthing mother during labor? What techniques will you need to demonstrate? (Chapter 9, pages 204-208) “Midwifery shortages are key when looking at the type of birth experience a women is likely to have. A woman who is supported continuously throughout her labor and birth is less likely to need drugs for pain relief, or to experience forceps, ventouse or a cesarean section.” E. D. HODNETT Practitioner Guide 37 HOW TO USE PART 1 Powerful Points from Chapters 8 & 9 ϐϐ According Dr McCullen’s research, subluxations in pregnant women can have “severe long-term consequences as the patient will be prone to protracted (long) labor, intense back pain during her labor and disordered uterine action (contractions that are inconsistent)”. ϐϐ Maternal subluxations have also been implicated in fetal constraint (i.e. constraint within the uterus and pelvis). ϐϐ Correct biomechanics of the spine and pelvis during birth allows your baby to apply even pressure onto your cervix with the head, which enables your body to dilate effectively, resulting in shorter labor time. ϐϐ Birthing couples should be reminded about the importance of writing a birth plan. Whatever approach they desire to take towards their birth, their requests need to be clearly outlined in a birth plan. ϐϐ Recommendations from a report on “Appropriate Technology for Birth” published by the World Health Organization: “There is no evidence that a cesarean section is required after a previous cesarean. Vaginal births should be encouraged.” And: “There is no evidence that routine fetal monitoring during labor has a positive effect on the outcome of pregnancy.” Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with clients (not just those who are pregnant): CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you know that chiropractic can sometimes help breech, transverse and posterior babies move into a more ideal birthing position?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Did you also know that a baby’s position within the uterus can create nerve dysfunction (i.e. vertebral subluxation) for that unborn infant?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you know most babies start life with nerve dysfunction that is undiagnosed and uncorrected?” 38 HOW TO USE PART 2 3.0 Suggestions on how to use Part 2: Birthing 3.1 Working with medical challenges during pregnancy and birth, Chapters 10-12 Every woman will have different needs and references for birth, and it is therefore imperative that she choose a ‘style’ of birthing that honors her needs and instils in her greatest confidence. It is also imperative that as practitioners we inform clients about various procedures and treatments, thus helping couples to make informed birth choices. Many couples are unfamiliar with the sequence of events that can unfold with medical procedures during a birth; for example, just a little bit of pain relief can lead to a chain reaction of intervention. When working with pregnant couples, the goal is to inspire their health literacy in an attempt to circumvent birth choices that may otherwise be made in haste, thereby alleviating disappointment and lingering resentments post birth. It is also critical that parents realize there are risks involved with all births, even vaginal, and that cesareans are often incorrectly viewed as the safest approach to childbirth. As practitioners we have the benefit of trusting in the innate capacity of the human body to heal and give life. Most couples lack this certainty, and our role is to empower and instil confidence rather then judge a client’s approach to birth. A good birth is one which a woman can look back on, no matter what happened, with a sense of fulfillment and inner peace, knowing that she had fully prepared herself in physical, mental and emotional ways. “With every medical treatment there are risks, and a lot of those risks are unknown at the time.” PROFESSOR WILFRED BUTT Activities ѧѧ Please finish the following sentence: A birth that begins naturally is more likely to end ............................. (Chapter 10, page 222) Practitioner Guide 39 HOW TO USE PART 2 ѧѧ Ideally, what can parents request if induction is recommended and why is this beneficial? (Chapter 10, page 223) ѧѧ If parents have to choose a method of induction, why is prostaglandin gel the better option? (Chapter 10, page 224) ѧѧ List the methods used to induce labor and a brief description of effects. 1 2a 2b 3 40 HOW TO USE PART 2 ѧѧ How do high levels of artificial oxytocin influence lactation? (Chapter 10, pages 227–228) ѧѧ How does pethidine affect a baby’s respiration? (Chapter 10, pages 233–234) ѧѧ List five hazardous effects of an epidural? (Chapter 10, pages 237–240) 1 2 3 4 5 ѧѧ There is an increased likelihood that the mother’s temperature will rise the longer an epidural is in place. If this happens, the baby’s temperature will also rise, increasing the risks of fetal distress. If the newborn has a temperature post-birth, a pediatrician will generally be called to administer the baby with antibiotics. Discuss how antibiotics are one plausible rationale for colic and reflux. (Chapter 10, page 238) Practitioner Guide 41 HOW TO USE PART 2 ѧѧ What impact can epidurals have on breastfeeding? (Chapter 10, page 239) ѧѧ True or false? Research has shown that vacuum extraction is preferable to forceps in almost all cases? (Chapter 10, pages 244–247) ѧѧ Which babies are most at risk of Hemorrhagic Disease of Newborns (HDN)? (Chapter 10, pages 249) e.g. Premature babies or babies of low birth weight (with an immature liver). ѧѧ How would you explain to parents the risks associated with vitamin K injections and the Hepatitis B vaccine that they need to consider? (Chapter 10, pages 249-252) 42 HOW TO USE PART 2 ѧѧ What questions do you suggest parents ask those who advocate vaccination? (Chapter 10 page 252) “The trauma from the birth process remains an under-publicised and therefore significantly under-treated problem.” GUTMANN ѧѧ List some of the factors that can cause birth trauma. (Chapter 10, page 256) 1 False labor 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fetal distress Practitioner Guide 43 HOW TO USE PART 2 ѧѧ Ideally babies should be checked and adjusted as soon as possible after birth to help alleviate spinal problems and nerve distress. List three possible reasons for this distress. (Chapter 11, page 256) 1 2 3 ѧѧ Please complete the following sentences: A study found that of 239 mothers who chose to breastfeed their infants, only 46% continued breastfeeding at 22 weeks. Of the reasons given for stopping breastfeeding, 59% were potentially related to the infant’s inability to ............................. (Chapter 11, page 257) Babies born via an elective cesarean will often be ............................. and are likely to have breathing difficulties. (Chapter 12, page 271) Babies born via cesarean have a greater risk of developing ............................. and allergies. (Chapter 12, page 271) ѧѧ Cesarean birth is associated with a lack of molding of the cranial bones in a newborn. Why is this potentially hazardous for a newborn and what are the long term potential health risks? (Chapter 12, page 271) ѧѧ What are the health risks associated with cesarean births for mothers and their subsequent pregnancies? (Chapter 12, page 272) 44 HOW TO USE PART 2 ѧѧ List the ways in which couples can make either an elective or emergency cesarean a positive experience. (Chapter 12, page 273) “All births are sacred.” Practitioner Guide 45 HOW TO USE PART 2 Powerful Points from Chapters 10-12 ϐϐ Clever obstetrics can indeed be life-saving procedures for women and babies, however, it is the unwanted ‘medicalization’ of straightforward births that needs addressing. ϐϐ Numerous studies link epidurals with longer labors and an increased risk of instrumental deliveries and cesarean births. ϐϐ With increased instrumentation there is a greater risk of separation of the mother and baby. With this separation the mother will not have the initial hormonal stimulation from her baby—that which normally stimulates colostrum and milk let-down. Prolonged separation will inevitably continue to affect the milk ‘supply and demand’. ϐϐ The effect of drugs used in labor will be intensified for the newborn considering their dose/body weight ratio. Most often a baby’s drowsiness or irritability post-birth will be due to this chemical sensitivity rather than mother/baby incompatibility. No one knows as yet whether these drugs might also over-ride the mother’s own hormonal capacity to produce milk. ϐϐ Studies reveal that 80–90% of babies suffer birth trauma and associated strain through the neck and cranial areas. ϐϐ Whether a mother has instinctively planned for an elective cesarean or it has been suggested that she should plan for one, there are many ways a couple can still create a nurturing birth. Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with clients (not just those who are pregnant): CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you know that even with straightforward vaginal births, birth-induced jaw dysfunction can be created which can ultimately affect how well a newborn can breastfeed?” Display ideas: On a white board displayed in your practice, write a list of “Potential health issues that may arise from undetected nerve dysfunction associated with birth trauma”. (Chapter 11, page 257) 46 HOW TO USE PART 2 3.2 Birthing and post-birth: Assisting babies to adjust to their new environment, Chapters 13 & 14 Post-birth is an extremely delicate time for couples and for mothers. Women often say, “No one ever warned me about what happens after the birth!” As practitioners we need to be mindful of our words and our tone when discussing birth outcomes with a mother. Post-birth mothers are sleep deprived, physically and emotionally exhausted and extremely sensitive, so tread carefully! Many chiropractors have unintentionally offended a post-birth mother when discussing the effects that birth can have on newborns. Naturally, these women are quick to feel persecuted and judged. There’s a saying: As time passes, People don’t remember what you’ve said They don’t even remember what you’ve done, But they do remember how you made them feel… This is never more apparent than with post-birth mothers so strive to offer a caring and supportive disposition. NOTE: It takes a lot of time and effort for mothers and newborns to organise a trip to the chiropractor, so don’t take it personally if they turn up late for an appointment or if they forget their appointment entirely—post-birth mothers are all over the place! They are forgetful, fearful and fretful! They won’t tell you they are—but they are. If you intend to see mothers and babies in your practice make sure your team are accommodating, empathic and supportive. Activities ѧѧ List your top five suggestions for naturally bringing on labor for overdue babies. (Chapter 13, pages 280–282) 1 2 3 4 5 Practitioner Guide 47 HOW TO USE PART 2 ѧѧ Name two activities that can help optimize fetal positioning for birth. (Chapter 13, pages 282–284) 1 2 ѧѧ When coaching a couple preparing for birth what are the some of the factors that can ultimately affect a birth outcome? (Chapter 13, page 287) 1 Having the right advice and support from carers (midwives and obstetricians) and the birth team. 2 3 4 5 6 7 ѧѧ There are many things partners and birth attendants can do to support a laboring mother. What are some of these? (Chapter 13, pages 290–305) 1 Keep the mother drinking. 2 Offer to massage her and help her stay relaxed. 3 4 5 6 Hot towels 7 8 9 48 HOW TO USE PART 2 10 11 12 13 14 ѧѧ What are some of the homeopathics, tinctures and tissue salts that benefit mothers during pre-labor, labor and post-birth? ѧѧ How does Traditional Chinese Medicine benefit mothers post-birth? (Chapter 13, pages 292-305) ѧѧ Encouraging post-birth mothers to prioritize sleep and rest helps these mothers feel acknowledged. What are some other suggestions you can offer that not only nurture them during this vulnerable time but also build rapport? (Chapter 14, pages 309–321 / 329–339) ѧѧ What plan do you have in place in your practice for guiding mothers with pelvic floor exercises and posture? (Chapter 14, pages 314–315) Practitioner Guide 49 HOW TO USE PART 2 Powerful Points from Chapters 13 & 14 ϐϐ The first months after a baby is born will possibly be the most challenging in a couple’s relationship. This is truly a delicate time. ϐϐ Labor and birth takes enormous physical and emotional effort and is extremely unpredictable. It is vitally important, regardless of the birth outcome, that at no stage should the mother be made to feel as if she has failed. ϐϐ The position in which a baby lies in the pelvis during early stages of labor can ultimately affect the birth outcome. ϐϐ For most first-time mothers, the hardest part of labor is not the pain experienced but rather not knowing when the labor will end. ϐϐ Natural levels of oxytocin will be highest around the time of birth and will contribute to the feelings of euphoria for the mother and receptiveness towards her baby. The stretching of the birth canal triggers this peak; however, this phenomenon may not occur with an epidural in place, or with cesarean births. ϐϐ Oxytocin causes the contractions that lead to separation of the placenta from the uterus and its subsequent release, and reduces the chance of bleeding or post-partum hemorrhage. ϐϐ Putting a newborn straight to the breast greatly increases a mother’s oxytocin levels, and uninterrupted skin-to-skin, eye-to-eye time between mother and baby are just as important due to the neuro-chemical processes this contact creates. ϐϐ Mothers who have low EFA levels are more prone to post-partum depression (PPD). ϐϐ Increasing B vitamins during the post-birth period may help mothers to better cope with fatigue, anxiety and emotional highs and lows. ϐϐ It is estimated that up to 75% of all women will experience a yeast infection in their lifetime, and post-birth mothers and pregnant women in particular are predisposed. Hormonal changes during pregnancy often influence yeast imbalance, and post-birth, mothers may experience nipple thrush, with the newborn similarly affected. 50 HOW TO USE PART 2 Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with clients (not just those who are pregnant): CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you realize that when allergies run in a family or have been experienced by either parent (such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, Crohn’s, arthritis or asthma), research suggests that attempts should be made to prevent sensitization? For example, when cow’s milk allergies are present, research suggests that avoiding milk during the last third of your pregnancy as well as during lactation can provide a definite benefit, at least against early allergy.” CHIROPRACTOR: “Did you know that chiropractic is a secret health weapon for families? Not only does it have a profound effect on newborns, assisting them with sleep, colic and attaching to the breast, chiropractic makes the world of difference for mums too, as it helps to rebalance the body’s emotions and hormones.” CHIROPRACTOR: “Many women suffer post-birth with low back pain or neck and shoulder pain from carrying infants and breastfeeding. Do you know any mothers who might benefit from chatting about chiropractic’s safe and effective approach to these problems?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you know that research suggests that chiropractic care may help infants sleep?” Public talks and workshop ideas: You could hold an in-house lecture or public talk in your practice on the following topics: ϐϐ The benefits of strengthening the pelvic floor and good posture ϐϐ The effects of breast milk toxicity and allergies on newborns ϐϐ Essential diet tips for mothers and babies, including the benefits of probiotics, essential fatty acids and B vitamins, and the dangers of candida ϐϐ Avoiding allergies in your unborn child and newborn ϐϐ Safe baby products Practitioner Guide 51 HOW TO USE PART 3 4.0 Suggestions on how to use Part 3: Holistic Parenting 4.1 Supporting parents in their vaccination choices, Chapter 15 All parents and guardians face challenges with their children’s health. To be a guardian is to make the best choices you can with the information or literacy you have at the time. Whether parents decide to vaccinate their child or not is a parental choice. Either decision will involve risks and challenges, and it is therefore imperative that parents make a personally informed decision by sourcing varied literature. Chiropractors often work with children who have been vaccine-injured, and it is our responsibility to help parents thoroughly research this topic in order to be confident with their choice. Not only is the topic of vaccination laden with propaganda, it is often a highly emotive debate and the arguments both ‘for’ and ‘against’ can be convincing. Firstly, we must acknowledge which aspects of these arguments relate to real health threats and which are imagined. Remind parents of the future peace of mind (with either choice) that comes via good critical thinking and analysis of the options, instead of simply purchasing the blanket insurance policy that vaccine manufacturers promote. Our greatest focus should be on how we can protect and strengthen a child’s immunity. It is also vitally important that, irrespective of their vaccine decision, parents have a health framework available that will support, inform and guide them. Parents need to surround themselves with health practitioners who are accessible in times of both health and ill health, and who can use holistic techniques and offer proactive steps to raise the health status of the family. Activities ѧѧ How would you explain the theory behind vaccination to clients? (Chapter 15, page 347) 52 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ What are the six suspected variables that can predispose a child to developing autism and other neurological disorders soon after vaccination? (Chapter 15, page 354) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ѧѧ Vaccines contain a number of substances which can be divided into three main groups. What are these groups? (Chapter 15, page 359) 1 2 3 ѧѧ The chemical 2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE) is being used as a preservative in some vaccines as an alternative to thimerosal. What do you know of its effects? (Chapter 15, page 361) Practitioner Guide 53 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ List at least five published vaccination reactions. (Chapter 15, page 364) 1 2 3 4 5 ѧѧ Please complete the following sentences: 90% of the total decline in mortality had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization, due to improved hygiene, sanitation, ............................. and .............................”. (Chapter 15, page 367) Germs and bacteria do not create illness. Even Louis Pasteur, on his death bed, condemned his own “Germ Theory” when he said, “The seed (germ) is nothing; the soil (body) is .............................” (Chapter 15, page 372) The argument referred to by many practitioners as ‘Herd .............................’ claims that if enough people in a community are immunized, all will be protected. If vaccines are effective—if they offer the protection they claim—then vaccinated children would not be at risk of exposure from those who chose not to vaccinate. Evidence suggests that vaccines may indeed be an unreliable method of preventing disease. (Chapter 15, page 372) ѧѧ What facts can you distill to parents who are anxious to give their children the HPV vaccine? (Chapter 15, page 368) 54 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ The effect of chemical toxins on the immune system has been linked to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Shaken Baby Syndrome, behavioral disorders and autism. Discuss how children are being overexposed to these toxins. (Chapter 15, page 375-376) ѧѧ What are some of the apparent advantages of homeopathic vaccination over standard orthodox vaccination? (Chapter 15, page 377–378) ѧѧ For parents who have chosen not to vaccinate, do you have a summary handout for your state or area which describes their right of access to schools and Government allowances? What information would you include? (Chapter 15, page 379) Practitioner Guide 55 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ If parents decide that vaccinating their child is still the best decision for their family, what proactive steps can you discuss with them that may help to protect their child during this process and in the future? (Chapter 15, page 380) ѧѧ There are many ways to nourish a child’s immune system; the stronger their immunity, the healthier they will be. In order for families to strengthen their immunity, what should their health framework include? (Chapter 15, page 381) e.g. Optimum maternal health during gestation. ѧѧ How can chiropractic assist a vaccinated child? (Chapter 15, page 382) 56 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ How can chiropractic assist an unvaccinated child? (Chapter 15, page 382) ѧѧ For parents who have chosen not to vaccinate or to delay vaccination, create a list of various practitioners, associations, websites and books that might help them to feel supported and connected with organizations and like-minded families. “One distressing flaw of mass inoculation is the assumption that all children, regardless of age, should be treated the same. No consideration is given to the dosage, as relative to body weight. A two-month-old (weighing eight pounds) receives the same dosage as a five-year-old (weighing 40 pounds)—with five times more body mass.” Practitioner Guide 57 HOW TO USE PART 3 Powerful Points from Chapter 15 ϐϐ Researchers now question if the number of vaccines a child receives and the timing of these injections has led to the dramatic rise in the number of autistic children. ϐϐ Researchers have found that, “Thimerosal, ethanol and the heavy metals lead and mercury, all interfere with DNA function crucial to the normal development of the brain. What’s more, thimerosal created interference at doses 100 times lower than a child would receive after a single shot with a thimerosal-containing vaccine.” ϐϐ One distressing flaw of mass inoculation is the assumption that all children, regardless of age, should be treated the same. No consideration is given to the dosage, as relative to body weight. A two-month-old (weighing eight pounds) receives the same dosage as a five-year-old (weighing 40 pounds)—with five times more body mass. ϐϐ Most childhood diseases are self-limiting, rarely dangerous and have few serious consequences. In fact, these illnesses can be beneficial to your child as they stimulate and encourage their defence systems which play an integral role in strengthening their immunity. ϐϐ Children who experience an illness and fight the sickness naturally have a much stronger immunity than children whose responses are suppressed or falsely stimulated. ϐϐ Childhood diseases have been known to have a role in maturing the immune system and protecting against asthma, cancer and other serious diseases. ϐϐ There are no preliminary steps that can guarantee against vaccine injury or the sideeffects of vaccines. ϐϐ The responsibility of the associated health threats of vaccinating and not vaccinating lies solely with the parents and guardians and no one else. No one can guarantee a child absolute safety with either choice, and all practitioners, orthodox and complementary, should encourage families to investigate the risks and benefits for themselves. ϐϐ Clients should be encouraged: — not to rush this vitally important decision; — to investigate the topic for themselves; — to keep abreast of current research; — to ask good questions; — not to allow themselves to feel intimidated; — to have confidence and peace of mind with their individual vaccination choice as a well-informed consumer. 58 HOW TO USE PART 3 Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with parents: CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you know that due to the intricate connections between the nerve and immune systems, chiropractic adjustments help to strengthen your child’s ability to combat childhood illness?” CHIROPRACTOR: “And did you know that chiropractic may help to ease some of the shock that vaccines create on the nervous system?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Did you realize that choosing to vaccinate or not vaccinate is an extremely important decision parents have to make, therefore we hold a workshop here on the ‘Health Risks Associated with Either Choice’.” CHIROPRACTOR: “Do you know anyone who has recently had a baby that may like some additional information on this topic?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, you have decided to vaccinate your child… Can you tell me how you went about making this choice? Did you find certain books or resources valuable in your decision making process? Would you like any further information? Do you have any questions that I could help you with?” Practitioner Guide 59 HOW TO USE PART 3 4.2 Breastfeeding or formula, Chapter 16-18 Most of us are aware of the saying “breast is best”, yet we often lack information regarding the benefits for mother and baby. To the first-time mother, breastfeeding can seem like an art unto itself and can be particularly challenging. It is our role as practitioners to explain to mothers during their pregnancy the potential health benefits of breastfeeding. This will make it easier for mothers to remain patient while learning this new skill. Although the scales are tipped toward breastfeeding as the best health option, sometimes this style of nurturing may not be appropriate for all mother-baby duos. Happy mothers breed happy children—not mothers who weep in frustration or anger as they feed their babies. Emotional challenges may surface or resurface with breastfeeding, and using alternatives may be the wisest choice for all family members involved. If breastfeeding has become an emotional ordeal and the mother has exhausted all attempts and used all her resources and networks, then formulas can be of great benefit. As practitioners we need to provide these parents with resources that guide their selection. Be mindful though, that reversing the decision to “not breastfeed” may be extremely difficult. Activities ѧѧ What procedures or workshops do you have in place in your practice to offer parents advice on: Ideal postures and techniques for breastfeeding? Foods and beverages that will create irritability and possible allergies for the breastfed infant? What additional resources would you like to offer clients? 60 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ Please complete the following sentence: Most of the difficulties experienced with breastfeeding can be resolved through ............................. and technique. (Chapter 16, page 386) ѧѧ What are the beneficial effects of colostrum? (Chapter 16, pages 387–390) ѧѧ Why should mothers keep their own consumption of lactose to a minimum in the first few weeks, post-birth? (Chapter 16, page 388) ѧѧ Why is it beneficial that babies receive the both the fore and hindmilk (i.e. drain one breast at a time) rather then the foremilk of both breasts? (Chapter 16, page 389) ѧѧ Why are formula-fed babies more likely to suffer from gastrointestinal conditions than breastfed babies? (Chapter 16, page 389; Chapter 17, page 420) Practitioner Guide 61 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ Why are supplementary feeds particularly detrimental in the first few days, post-birth? (Chapter 16, page 390) ѧѧ Sharing feeding time from one breast to the other is thought to enhance the development of the brain (particularly the pons and homo-lateral function). Bottle-fed babies generally do not experience this stimulus as the bottles are held so that the care-giver can use their dominant hand. Therefore, what advice on positioning a newborn can you give parents who are bottle-feeding? (Chapter 16, page 390) ѧѧ The Australian Breastfeeding Association outlines some of the signs to look for in order to assess if a baby is receiving enough milk. What are these signs? (Chapter 16, page 401) 1 2 3 4 5 ѧѧ What are the three things mothers can do to increase their milk supply? (Chapter 16, pages 401–403) 1 2 3 62 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ List the detrimental foods and beverages that ultimately affect breast milk and may create irritability in a newborn. (Chapter 16, pages 404–408) ѧѧ What can mothers do about cracked nipples and mastitis? (Chapter 16, pages 408–409, 411) ѧѧ What are three contributing factors for irritability in a newborn, as discussed in “Should Breastfeeding and Settling My Baby Be This Hard?” (Chapter 16, page 410) 1 2 3 ѧѧ What other healthy tips can you offer parents for bottle-feeding? (Chapter 17, page 425) e.g. Refrain from using plastic bottles to feed a baby; instead use glass bottles or specially-marked plastics that don’t leach BPA chemicals (a substance similar to polypropylene or polyethylene). e.g. Refrain from using microwaves to heat a baby’s bottle. Alternatively heat the bottle in a saucepan of water. Practitioner Guide 63 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ Dr Joan Fallon’s explanation of milk protein (i.e. human breast milk and cow, goat or soy milk) offers a wonderful insight into colic and irritability. How would you succinctly explain this process, the effects of antibiotics and how parents can assist infants with symptoms of allergies? (Chapter 17, page 422) ѧѧ Cow’s milk allergies can also occur in fully breastfed babies, where an infant develops an allergy if they receive cow’s milk allergens through breast milk. What advice do you have for breastfeeding mothers on this matter? (Chapter 17, pages 421–422) ѧѧ According to the literature review, why is whey formula most preferable for newborns? (Chapter 17, pages 425–427) 64 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ What are the major concerns relating to soy formulas? (Chapter 17, pages 428–431) e.g. Soybeans are ranked in the ‘top eight’ allergen list. Four out of ten infants (over one third of children) with cow’s milk allergy are also allergic to soy. ѧѧ Please complete the following sentence: If you wish to use a soy formula, try to source a brand that is GMO free and contains no ............................. or corn solids. (Chapter 17, page 430) ѧѧ Why is goat’s milk formula sometimes not advantageous? What minerals is it low in? (Chapter 17, page 431) ѧѧ What are the healthiest packaging options for formulas? (Chapter 17, page 432) First choice Second choice Third choice - Practitioner Guide 65 HOW TO USE PART 3 Powerful Points from Chapters 16-18 ϐϐ The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding into the second year of life. ϐϐ The innate intelligence of the human body is so remarkable that breast milk will modify itself if your baby is born early. Breast milk for babies who are born premature contains greater amounts of protein, nitrogen and growth hormone. ϐϐ Mature milk also produces specific antibodies to help fight colds, ailments and lifethreatening infections, such as bacterial meningitis, until a baby’s own individual immunity matures. Fully breastfed babies have lower rates of diarrhoea, coughing, wheezing and vomiting, and a lower incidence of illness. ϐϐ Research demonstrates that infants exclusively breastfed for 16 weeks or more have a 50% lower rate of acute otitis media (ear infections). ϐϐ Infants who are breastfed are also less likely to experience coeliac disease, juvenile diabetes, childhood cancers, heart disease and multiple sclerosis later in life. ϐϐ A lack of spinal motion, nerve dysfunction or the jamming together of the skull bones may create significant pain for a baby while he attempts to feed. ϐϐ The repetitive posture of breastfeeding (initially 10–14 times a day) can also fatigue the neck and shoulders. Many mothers suffer with headaches, neck, shoulder and lower back pain, from which chiropractic care can offer effective relief. ϐϐ A Canadian study found a significant positive correlation between consumption of milk protein and the incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in data from various countries. A 95% correlation was found, whereby the rate of childhood diabetes in dairyconsuming and formula-using nations is up to 35 times that in non-dairy nations. Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with parents: CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you realize that your baby may experience pain upon turning their neck to nuzzle at the breast, or discomfort in opening their jaw to attach, resulting in poor feeding? Having a baby’s spine and nervous system assessed by a chiropractor who is confident with children makes the world of difference to newborns.” CHIROPRACTOR: “Research indicates that nerve irritation can occur even with straightforward labors, affecting the biomechanics of the cervical spine, skull and jaw. In fact, 80% of babies immediately following birth are subluxated due to the stress of the birth process.” 66 HOW TO USE PART 3 4.3 Benefits of chiropractic care after birth, Chapters 18-21 The birthing process can be particularly traumatic for a baby. Research discussed in Chapter 11 indicates how both natural and assisted birthing techniques—including cesarean sections—can create distress for a newborn’s spine and nervous system. Inappropriate handling of the infant during the early weeks of life and poor maternal nutrition may also contribute. Chiropractors are able to guide parents as to the possible cause of an infant’s colic and irritability, and may be a welcome source of knowledge and support. It is important to note that 65% of neurological development (i.e. development of the brain and nervous system) occurs in a child’s first year. It is therefore imperative to ensure that not only is a baby free from pain but that they are thriving and have every opportunity to maximise their nerve function during this critical period in their development. Chiropractic helps children to reach their full genetic capacity. Certain sections of a baby’s brain will develop at different times; hence the age-appropriate time frames for activities or tasks will vary. Chiropractors are wonderfully placed to assess if children are reaching their developmental milestones, help parents engage with their child, and create deeper, more interactive relationships. Equally it is our role to inform parents about the dangers of the overuse of cleaning products, antibiotics and over-the-counter prescription drugs. Chiropractors and other holistic practitioners aim to support the natural defence systems of the body and we see childhood illnesses as essential stepping stones to building a strong and healthy immune system. By consistently lowering a child’s temperature, parents and guardians will compromise their ability to fight infections and render them less able to independently fight subsequent infections. By giving our children drugs, we continue to challenge their health and expose them to an array of unknown side-effects. Allowing children the opportunity to independently strengthen their immune system is one of the greatest gifts we can give offer to them. Activities ѧѧ How can colic be differentiated from Irritable Baby Syndrome? (Chapter 18, pages 442–444) Practitioner Guide 67 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ List your top seven tips to ease the pain of colic and Irritable Baby Syndrome. (Chapter 18, pages 444–447) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 “Chiropractic, as we chiropractors know, does not ‘cure’ but what it does is allow the body to function at its optimum and thereby improve the quality of life.” DR J. FALLON ѧѧ Chapter 19 discusses developmental milestones and age-appropriate activities for babies and toddlers. Create an easy reference hand-out for parents that summarizes these milestones for each of the different age brackets; e.g. Birth to 4 Weeks; From 6 weeks; etc. ѧѧ Please complete the following sentences: After about ............................., pupils will be sensitive to changes in brightness, and your baby will turn his head toward sudden bright light. (Chapter 19, page 453) After ........... weeks your baby may follow a toy if you move it in an arc-like motion. (Chapter 19, page 454) The grasping reflex disappears by approximately .......... weeks. (Chapter 19, page 454) 68 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ From how many weeks can babies start to see in color? (Chapter 19, page 455) ѧѧ From how many weeks might a baby be able to hold his head up for a few moments when he is lying on his tummy? (Chapter 19, page 456) ѧѧ By what age can a child build a tower containing at least five blocks and create phrases made up of two or three words? (Chapter 19, page 465) ѧѧ By what age can a child draw a circle and a cross? (Chapter 19, page 466) ѧѧ What procedures and systems do you have in place for children in your practice whom you consider may not be responding to care or who do not appear to be reaching their developmental milestones? For example, do you have a network of specialist chiropractors you can refer to? ѧѧ Parents have been socialized to believe that they must keep their home and work environment germ-free, yet science has demonstrated that our immune competence is strengthened through exposure to bacteria. How can you explain the benefits of a child’s body mounting its own immune responses? (Chapter 20, page 471) Practitioner Guide 69 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ How can chiropractic benefit asthma sufferers? (Chapter 20, pages 476-477) ѧѧ What are the dangers of recurrent antibiotic usage? (Chapter 20, pages 473-476, 478–480) ѧѧ How would you educate parents about monitoring fevers? (Chapter 20, pages 484-488) Focus on comforting your child rather than directly trying to reduce the temperature. A good fever will help your child fight the infection more effectively. ѧѧ How can chiropractic benefit children suffering with ear infections and tonsillitis? (Chapter 20, pages 488–489) 70 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ From a nutrition perspective what are some ‘immunity boosters’ and ‘immunity weakeners’? (Chapter 20, page 490) Immunity Boosters: Immunity Weakeners: ѧѧ What are some of the recorded side effects of common pharmaceutical drugs? (Chapter 20, pages 493-495) Paracetamol Nurofen Ventolin ѧѧ Chiropractic adjustments for adults differ significantly from those performed on newborns. How would you explain the distinction in techniques? (Chapter 21, pages 506-507) ѧѧ What are some other examples of causes of nerve dysfunction for children? (Chapter 21, pages 507–508) Practitioner Guide 71 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ How can chiropractic influence behavioral disorders? (Chapter 21, pages 514–517) “All prescribed and over-the-counter drugs are high-risk substances for an infant.” DR TREVOR SMITH Powerful Points from Chapters 18-21 ϐϐ Antibiotics are often inappropriately prescribed, i.e. they are prescribed for viral conditions such as colds and measles that will not be improved by antibiotic therapy, which is instead designed to fight bacterial infections. ϐϐ Children who have been regularly exposed to antibiotics will generally suffer more from tonsillitis and otitis media (ear infections). “Children using amoxycillin (antibiotics) for earaches suffered 2–6 times more recurrent infections. Children treated with antibiotics for streptococcal tonsillitis suffered 2–8 times more recurrence.” ϐϐ Dairy products commonly carry residues of antibiotics, steroid hormones and pesticides. These chemicals are used in abundance in modern farming and they can weaken immunity. ϐϐ The overuse of too many domestic chemicals is one cause for an increase in allergies. ϐϐ If we interfere with the innate intelligence of the body by consistently lowering a child’s temperature, we can compromise their immune system and make them less capable of mounting immune responses in the future. The immune system is then more likely to take offense to natural allergens, rendering the child susceptible to chronic illness. 72 HOW TO USE PART 3 Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with parents: CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you realize that chiropractic can help children reach their developmental milestones? Sometimes vertebral subluxations and nerve irritation are a potential cause for a child not thriving developmentally.” CHIROPRACTOR: “Did you know that if we interfere with the innate intelligence of the body by consistently lowering a child’s temperature, we can compromise their immune system and make them less capable of mounting immune responses in the future?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Did you know that antibiotics have been shown not to be as effective as once thought, and that they may also be detrimental to the health of our children?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Isn’t it amazing that when you talk to someone about chiropractic and they start chiropractic care, you may never realize how much you have altered and improved their lives? Chiropractic helps people express their full genetic capacity for health, and that’s a wonderful gift. Aren’t we so lucky to know how to look after the nervous system?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Do you remember the days when you would have popped a pill to cover up any symptoms of pain? Isn’t it wonderful how far you have come in learning about your body and health?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, isn’t it great to see so many children in here being adjusted? It’s such a fabulous start in life!” Display idea: On a white board in your practice create a list of all the reasons that parents bring their children to see a chiropractor. Practitioner Guide 73 HOW TO USE PART 3 4.4 Ideal food introduction and progression, Chapters 22 & 23 The old saying of “We are what we eat” is very true, however, we are also “How well we digest and absorb our food”. An adult’s digestive health experience is most certainly related to the digestive strength established and fostered during childhood. Inappropriate food introduction during childhood can compromise digestive strength for life. Infants are born with immature digestive systems that are not able to easily break down and assimilate foods. The enzymes of an infant’s digestive system are neither plentiful nor efficient. The digestive system is also extremely porous, hence the importance of the correct introduction of solid foods. A child’s future digestive capacity can be weakened by early exposure to poor food choices and common dietary allergens. Digestive weakness can persist, increasing the likelihood of chronic childhood and adult illnesses. The digestive system houses the largest part of a child’s immune system; in fact, it is estimated that approximately 60% of our immune cells reside in our colon. Unfortunately, toxins and dietary allergens can fundamentally affect and overload our digestive capacity. The advice that often accompanies the popular ‘food pyramid’ culture to “just feed your child a balanced diet” is simply not enough to raise strong, healthy children. It is our role as health practitioners to empower parents and guardians about wholesome first foods and ideal food progression, and to teach parents that the parameters for a healthy family diet begin and end with them—with each of their daily choices. Children are very intelligent and understand nutritional concepts when they are reinforced and led by example. Activities ѧѧ What are your top six wholesome nutrition tips for well-adjusted infants and children? (Chapter 22, pages 529-531) 1 2 3 4 5 6 74 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ How are Classic Food Allergies and Type 2 allergies (food intolerances) distinct from each other? (Chapter 22, page 532) ѧѧ What are the signs of a salicylate allergy? (Chapter 22, pages 534–535) ѧѧ What is the number one allergen to which infants react? (Chapter 22, page 537) ѧѧ How does delaying food containing wheat, gluten, sugar and dairy for 12-15 months minimize the likelihood of the child developing an allergy to these foods? (Chapter 22, pages 537-538) Practitioner Guide 75 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ Chapter 5 (pages 100–105), Chapter 22 (pages 537–546) and Chapter 23 (pages 584–589) all discuss why milk consumption is not as advantageous as we had been lead to believe. From these pages, extract your top five reasons why milk can no longer be considered a health food. 1 2 3 4 5 ѧѧ When introducing an infant to dairy, what are the steps that can be taken (and the appropriate ages) to minimize allergy and sensitivity? (Chapter 22, pages 544–556) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 ѧѧ What is a key sign that an infant is not yet ready for solids? (Chapter 22, page 547) ѧѧ What foods are best avoided during the 6-9 month period? (Chapter 22, pages 551–553) 76 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ What foods are best avoided during the 9-12 month period? (Chapter 22, pages 554) ѧѧ What are the ten key nutritional steps to strengthen a child’s health? (Chapter 23, page 567) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ѧѧ Please complete the following sentences: Many of the chemicals currently found in foods also create intolerances known as Food ............................. Reactions. These reactions are cumulative, difficult to identify (being dose-related) and often produce delayed reactions. (Chapter 23, page 575) Practitioner Guide 77 HOW TO USE PART 3 Irritability, ............................., inattention and ............................. disturbances (rather than hyperactivity) were the effects of food additives, as noted by researchers in a Melbourne study of children aged 2–6. Children aged 7–14 were irritable, aimlessly active, lacking in self-control, whiny and unhappy. In light of this information, it is interesting to note that the latest childhood behavioral condition, known as ‘Oppositional Defiant Disorder’, lists irritability as the core behavioral effect. (Chapter 23, page 575) ѧѧ If buying 100% organic produce is not possible, the next best option is to minimize the pesticide load from commercially grown produce. List the ten fruits and vegetables which contain the most pesticide and are therefore best to avoid. (Chapter 23, page 572) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ѧѧ Please complete the following sentences: Tartrazine is banned from foods in Norway and its use is heavily restricted in Austria, Sweden and Germany. Sadly, this coloring is approved and frequently used in both the ............................. and in ............................. It is found in soft drinks, confectionery, cereals, snack foods, cordials and oral medications. (Chapter 23, page 576) 78 HOW TO USE PART 3 Annatto(160b): Is red in color and is used to dye ............................., butter, margarine, ice cream, ............................., cereals, snack foods and soaps. It has been known to cause urticaria (skin eruption with profound itching, red circular or irregularly shaped eruptions) and is implicated in childhood behavioral issues. (Chapter 23, page 576) If your child has an allergy to all forms of MSG, the ingredients to look for on labels are: monosodium glutamate, ............................., natural coloring, spice, spice extract, seasoning, broth, yeast extract, kombu and seaweed extract. (Chapter 23, page 577) Beware of the antioxidants 319–321, known as (TBHQ), (BHA) and (BHT). These are phenolic compounds that are added to food to preserve fats; they can trigger ............................., inflammation of the mucus membranes and severe skin reactions. TBHQ (319) may be found in oils, ............................. products and carbonated soft drinks. BHA (302) can be found in margarine, meats, cereals, ............................. baked goods, snack foods, dehydrated potatoes and beer. BHT (321) is used to preserve food odor, color and flavor and can be found in ............................. and ............................. Other possible sources of BHA and BHT are oils, dried vegetables, potato products, cocoa products, frozen fish products, ready-to-eat soups and broths, fish, flavorings (e.g. lemon and orange) and yeast products. (Chapter 23, page 579) ѧѧ What are the common causes of a bacterial imbalance? (Chapter 23, page 582) 1 2 3 4 5 Practitioner Guide 79 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ What are the most common symptoms of candida in children? (Chapter 23, page 583) ѧѧ What are the three most common genetically modified (GM) foods? (Chapter 23, page 595) 1 2 3 ѧѧ List five health concerns relating to soy. (Chapter 23, pages 596–600) 1 2 3 4 5 ѧѧ Why are good fats so important? (Chapter 23, pages 600–606) 80 HOW TO USE PART 3 Powerful Points from Chapters 22 & 23 ϐϐ Children require specific food preparations until their digestive capacity has had sufficient time to mature. ϐϐ With the careful introduction of certain foods at particular ages, we can potentially minimize food sensitivities and allergies. ϐϐ Cow’s milk is the first allergen to which infants commonly react. In the United States, pasteurized milk is said to be the number one allergic food. ϐϐ Many health experts now suggest that if cow’s milk is introduced too early in life to susceptible children, it can trigger the onset of juvenile diabetes, asthma, eczema and a variety of allergic conditions. ϐϐ The American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents not to give their children dairy milk before their first birthday. ϐϐ Introduce new foods one at a time. ϐϐ Allow at least one whole week before adding additional items to your child’s menu. ϐϐ Pesticides that mimic the hormone estrogen (known as EDCs) have been shown to disrupt the hormonal balance within the body. EDCs are considered one of the prime contributing factors to the escalation of hormone-related cancers such as breast, prostate, ovarian and testicular cancer. ϐϐ The closer the food is to its natural state, the better it is for us. ϐϐ Grains are generally not a vital source of vitamins and minerals in comparison to fresh fruits and vegetables or even whole proteins. By the time a grain is ready for harvest and is processed, the grain itself has been dead for a long period of time. In fact, there is very little ‘life force’ remaining or holding it together. ϐϐ Many of the chemicals currently found in foods also create intolerances known as Food Additive Reactions. These reactions are cumulative, difficult to identify (being dose-related) and often produce delayed reactions. Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with parents: CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you realize that your nervous system governs how well your bowels work?” CHIROPRACTOR: “It’s a really great idea to teach your children about the health of their bowels. Ask them to consider how often they poo (it should be 2 or 3 times a day), and if their poo is irregular, to consider any reasons why.” Practitioner Guide 81 HOW TO USE PART 3 4.5 The health revolution and positive holistic parenting, Chapters 24 & 25 More and more families are becoming proactive about their health, and chiropractors, passionate about wellness philosophies, are well placed to offer stewardship in this matter. Chiropractic strengthens an individual’s health, increases their biological (or vital) age and maximises their genetic capacity. Health confidence established through wellness habits is the greatest gift parents can offer their children. Einstein once said, “No problem can be solved with the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” As practitioners, we can inspire parents about the role they have in guiding and developing their children, and encourage them to develop their own holistic parenting habits. Parents today can learn more about their health than ever before, and they can foster the ‘art of being healthy’ with their children. We can remind them that health is a process, not a destination, and any process begins with little steps. Activities ѧѧ How would you explain how chiropractic influences the following aspects of human physiology: (Chapter 24, pages 613-614) Brain function Athletic performance The healing process 82 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ Please complete the following sentences: The BBC News reported that as many as 30,000 British people die every year from ............................. The authors comment that this figure exceeds the combined number of deaths attributable to ............................. and ............................. accidents, suicide, falls, poison and drownings. (Chapter 24, page 615) Official 2004 Australian Government reports revealed that ............... in every ............... Australian deaths is attributable to drug and medical errors, i.e. at least 19% of all deaths are the result of preventable medical errors in hospitals or private practice, and adverse reactions to properly prescribed drugs. (Chapter 24, page 615) 100,000 Americans die every year due to medical error. According to Senator Tom Daschie, that figure is equivalent to a ............................. crashing down approximately every day and a half. (Chapter 24, page 615) ѧѧ How does chiropractic care influence the health of senior citizens? (Chapter 24, page 622) ѧѧ How can you remind parents that the ‘health culture’ that they teach and promote, and the consistent example they set is the greatest gift they can provide for their children’s future? How can you guide parents on how to define their own health culture? (Chapter 25, pages 628–629) Practitioner Guide 83 HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ We now have access to a plethora of written material on any imaginable health subject through books and the internet. Each of these avenues helps improve our ‘health literacy’ or our awareness about health issues. How would you discuss with parents the importance of improving their health literacy on a variety of topics? (Chapter 25, pages 629–631) ѧѧ Chapter 25 discusses a variety of topics which can challenge holistic parents. How does your health literacy rate on some of these topics? - - - - - - 84 What are nano-foods? Which fish is considered safe? How can you eliminate hormone disruptors from your diet and lifestyle? What are the dangers of artificial sweeteners? What are some of the side effects of prescription and non-prescription drugs? Why be cautious about sunscreens? HOW TO USE PART 3 ѧѧ Please complete the following sentence: (Chapter 25, page 630) It is imperative for all parents to realize that, just as we are consumers in ............................. of our lives, we are (as strange as it may sound) also healthcare consumers. And with the current economic crisis, consumers want safe and effective results for their money spent. ѧѧ A ‘Family Health’ workshop is a great way to educate parents about how they can nurture their child’s health. Topics could include: diet appraisal; food promotion; health bowels; family exercise. What other topics could you include? ѧѧ Which practitioners would you advise parents to seek advice from when establishing a health framework? (Chapter 25, page 635) ѧѧ What examples could you give parents when illustrating how to conduct ‘doctor within’ converzations? (Chapter 25, page 635) “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” NELSON MANDELA Practitioner Guide 85 HOW TO USE PART 3 Powerful Points from Chapters 24 & 25 ϐϐ A true wellness lifestyle differs from prevention and can be defined as “an active, lifelong process of becoming aware of choices and making decisions towards a more balanced and fulfilling life”. ϐϐ Wellness priorities enable us to function at our best and involve securing good health through quality nutrition, sleep and exercise, minimization of toxins, reduction of stress, the maintenance of a well functioning nervous system, and positive, happy thoughts. ϐϐ President Barrack Obama made the following statement... “Chiropractic care is low-cost, drug free, non-invasive, and has been shown to have a positive impact on patients’ health... My health plan prioritizes preventive care, and chiropractors play a significant role in this effort. As we shift our healthcare delivery system towards a culture of wellness and disease prevention, I believe that chiropractors must play an integral role in expanding access to preventive care and strengthening our public health system.” ϐϐ Through gaining health literacy, parents can make informed choices which then shape and mould their family “health culture”. ϐϐ With a defined health culture, parents decide how they want to raise their children. They become conscious “health consumers”, making empowered choices to ensure the on-going health of their children from the womb to adulthood. 86 HOW TO USE PART 3 Talking Tic Suggestions for discussing chiropractic with parents: CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, did you know that chiropractic is the largest, most regulated, drug-free, primary healthcare profession in the Western world?” CHIROPRACTOR: “Jane, who do you think benefits from the proactive and natural approach of chiropractic? Would you believe, millions of people, including infants, seniors and pregnant mums!” CHIROPRACTOR: “You would think that because Western cultures spend the most money on healthcare and have the best medical technology at their fingertips, they would be the healthiest of nations…. Unfortunately, Western cultures are the sickest!” Display idea: On a whiteboard, have clients define a “Reactive, Preventative and Wellness Approach towards Health”. The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after. NEWTON D BAKER Practitioner Guide 87 CHIROPRACTIC IN THE COMMUNITY 5.0 CHIROPRACTIC IN THE COMMUNITY: COLLABORATION AND SUCCESS Great practices are built on great relationships. Of foremost importance is the relationship you have with yourself, then with your team, then with each and every client, and finally, with your community network. For chiropractors focused on family care, this network will include various allied health practitioners, birthing specialists and infant carers. The book Well Adjusted Babies is written to consolidate these relationships; as a mother, I wish to support and inspire parents, and as a fellow chiropractor, I want you to be a valued resource in your area. The perception of chiropractic has shifted dramatically over the last few decades, and in particular the perception of chiropractors being ‘back-crackers’ or ‘quacks’. The shift in awareness has been due to the advanced educational standards of chiropractors today, the expanding body of research supporting the efficacy and safety of chiropractic, and the high public demand for chiropractic care. Millions of chiropractic adjustments occur across the globe each day. In fact, chiropractic is the largest, most regulated and most established profession within the allied health industry. The New Zealand Government’s Commission of Inquiry into Chiropractic recently stated that, “Spinal adjusting is a vital, very safe and clinically effective form of healthcare. Chiropractors have more thorough training in spinal mechanics and spinal care than any other health profession. Furthermore, chiropractic is scientifically-based”. Collectively around the world there is now a large movement towards wellness and seemingly a great desire to understand proactive, non-invasive forms of healthcare. The growing demand for this type of knowledge is evidenced by the success of Well Adjusted Babies amongst mothers, many of whom have networks of other mothers with whom they like to share newfound knowledge. Thus the book has been continually promoted by word-ofmouth as being a stylish, at-arm’s-length referral system. The consequences of this exposure are exciting for both chiropractors and other allied health practitioners. Likewise, when Well Adjusted Babies is given to health and maternal nurses, midwives, general physicians and lactation consultants, chiropractors are established as being important health leaders in the ‘child-birthing community’. Over a period of time (it may take some years), skilled chiropractors who focus on patientcenterd care will create an extremely strong network of referees. Other health practitioners and birthing specialists will also refer parents to you, knowing that you can assist families to achieve and maintain optimum health. 88 CHIROPRACTIC IN THE COMMUNITY Success begins with loving service This Practitioner Guide is a companion to the best-seller Well Adjusted Babies and together they will work to bring empowered parents to your door. Is your practice ready for that? Having a successful family practice begins and ends with patient-centerd care and loving service. There are some practices that wish to see more families but unfortunately, through their procedures and their environment, they do not appear to cater for them. Does yours? Some questions to consider are: ѧѧ Do you have a children’s play area filled with clean toys and books? ѧѧ Do you have a photo wall of all the children in your practice? ѧѧ Do you have a breastfeeding area for mothers? ѧѧ Do you have baby change facilities? ѧѧ Do you have a good selection of family health literature available to read? ѧѧ Do you have financial plans or arrangements that cater for families? Practitioner Guide 89 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 6.0 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH FELLOW CHIROPRACTORS We asked some of our biggest supporters, chiropractors with large pediatric practices, the following questions: Q: What is an unexpected strength of Well Adjusted Babies? ϭϭ “When I started using Well Adjusted Babies I was amazed that each time I read even one page I had an ‘Aha!’ moment and picked out a ‘gem’ to use in the practice immediately.” ϭϭ “This book made ME look good and I didn’t even write it!!” ϭϭ “As a midwife, I have seen mothers empowered by Well Adjusted Babies and asserting their rights as a consumer. Informed and empowered mothers at last—thank you, Dr Jennifer.” ϭϭ “Research written in lay public terms has given me confidence to speak from a sturdy platform. Not only does MY health awareness grow with each paragraph I read, but so too does my practice.” ϭϭ “Having chiropractic research that was applicable to practice in my ‘hot little hands’ is so empowering. It completely changed my delivery of the chiropractic message when communicating with patients.” ϭϭ “Well Adjusted Babies is an extremely powerful resource that parents have TRULY NEEDED for a long time. By validating chiropractic and the lifestyle approaches we espouse, clients can refer to this reference bible time and time again. This book becomes their family reference; they own it, they use it, they love it and they treasure it.” Q: What surprised you about Well Adjusted Babies? ϭϭ “I can’t tell you the number of pearls I have taken from this book. I have learnt things for myself which has helped me to be a better chiropractor and I have used it repeatedly for my own family. This book has empowered our births, clarified what we should feed our children, and allowed me to be a better parent in countless ways.” 90 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: Why do chiropractors buy Well Adjusted Babies by the box-full? ϭϭ “We gift Well Adjusted Babies (or on-sell it) to couples desiring to conceive or those who are pregnant; in doing so, the chiropractic message is magnified.” Q: Some of you offer a ‘money back guarantee’ when clients buy Well Adjusted Babies. Why do you do that? ϭϭ “We believe it shows the client that we have the utmost certainty that this product will be of great benefit to them.” Q: Why do you use the content from Well Adjusted Babies for newsletters, websites and patient handouts? ϭϭ “Because it is beautifully written for parents and clearly gets the chiropractic message across. Putting this information out into the community creates ‘urgency’ for the whole team to be familiar with the information, for them to know how to truly care for parents and families. Chiropractors can’t succeed with families if they don’t know their concerns and needs, families need the right support and advice.” Practitioner Guide 91 FURTHER SUPPORT FURTHER SUPPORT Well Adjusted Products & Resources Our Well Adjusted website offers many other inspiring resources and products which support the physical and emotional health of families. Holistic Products Other holistic products by Well Adjusted include: ϐϐ Well Adjusted Babies eChapters (individual chapters available as PDF downloads) ϐϐ Well Adjusted Babies Audio (individual chapters available in MP3 audio format) ϐϐ Which Foods When brochures ϐϐ Holistic Parenting eBooks ϐϐ BBB (Belly, Breast & Baby) Pillow ϐϐ Pelvic Stabilizing Belt (SIJ) Free Health Resource Blog for Parents Dr Jennifer presents her personal journey with holistic parenting, offering heartfelt advice based on the latest research and her experiences as a health practitioner and mother. Topics include Health & Well-Being, Time for Mom & Dad, Nutritional Wisdom, Breastfeeding, Birthing, Holistic Parenting, Pregnancy and more. Please see overleaf for an example article from the Well Adjusted blog. 92 FURTHER SUPPORT 05 AUG What Approach Are You Taking With Your Pregnancy? Posted by Dr Jen as Benefits of Allied Healthcare, Health & Wellbeing, Holistic Parenting I asked a woman the other day how she was feeling about her pregnancy and she replied, “Well, my doctor says we’re doing fine, so I guess everything is good.” What amused me was not her response but that I still get surprised when I hear this type of reply! Life caught me off guard. You see, just like we all do at times, I was momentarily viewing the world from my perspective. This woman had previously been a nurse and her approach to pregnancy made perfect sense, as she found great comfort with medical management. As we all know, our “belief systems” create our world and her life to date had revolved around providing care within the medical paradigm and her response was congruent with her philosophy. My “surprise” was also authentic, as I was raised in a household where pregnancy is viewed as a perfectly natural process governed by Mother Nature or Innate Intelligence rather than a physician. There are many approaches we can take in preparation for birth and there are no rights or wrongs as long as the couple involved investigate all their options and their needs are honored. Many couples today choose to have their babies at a later age and prospective parents are often encouraged to have their pregnancy “managed” by a specialist. Most pregnancy guides or books tell us that although pregnancy and childbirth are normal events in a woman’s life, they can be “enhanced” by the expertize of maternity care providers. There are, however, literally hundreds of tests and procedures couples can have prior to conception and then during pregnancy; I can’t help wondering—just how much “enhancing” does nature really need? Practitioner Guide 93 FURTHER SUPPORT For most women, pregnancy needn’t be a medical process. Women are not sick or broken, nor do we need to be poked and prodded every few weeks. Since the beginning of time, pregnancy has been and still remains a natural phenomenon. In most cases it is not a medical event—it is not an illness. Certainly I would agree that parents want to give their unborn child the healthiest start in life and invasive tests and intervention may provide valuable information regarding their baby’s progress; the tests are not, however, without risk, nor are they the best way to build maternal or fetal health. I am not suggesting that we dispense with all antenatal tests—this would be foolish. But Western culture tends to forget that women across the globe give birth every day to healthy children without having a multitude of tests and scans. Statistics indicate that 95% of births across the globe are uncomplicated. It is important for women to remember that the health and vitality they experience during pregnancy and post-birth depends upon the proactive steps they take towards wellness, not on the number of antenatal tests they complete. Some couples seek the advice of an obstetrician before conceiving, and their doctor may wish to perform certain tests. For the most part, these procedures are screenings which indicate that the mother is free from infections or disorders. These tests will tell couples that they are within the “normal” range of health, but they do not indicate how mothers can be healthier. I believe the objective of prenatal care should be to arm parents with knowledge and confidence on how to strengthen their health, enabling them to better nurture their unborn child. Please also see the blog post 10 Steps to a Healthier Pregnancy. 94 THANKS With thanks We appreciate the time you may have taken to study this Practitioner Guide. Many parents today are seeking genuine coaching and leadership on how to raise healthy, vibrant children and chiropractors are highly skilled to offer such stewardship. It is my every wish that Well Adjusted Babies becomes one of many tools and resources that you can use in your practice to educate your community about the benefits of chiropractic. When we empower parents with knowledge, we collaboratively strengthen the health of future generations. Yours in health, Jennifer. Practitioner Guide 95 For further information, please visit our website: COPYRIGHT © WELL ADJUSTED 2010
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