M ed/Psych Update Hepatitis C: How to manage mood during interferon treatment Support patients through lengthy antiviral regimen edia M lth a e H en e only d w Do l us Kari A. Martin, MD Instructor of psychiatry Department of psychiatry and psychology ® t h na g o i s r r y Cop For pe Lois E. Krahn, MD Chair and professor of psychiatry Department of psychiatry and psychology Marianne J. Rosati, MSN, CRNP Instructor in medicine Division of transplantation medicine and hepatology Vijayan Balan, MD Professor of medicine Department of internal medicine Division of transplantation medicine Mayo Clinic Arizona Scottsdale, AZ M r. R, age 39, is found to have elevated liver function during a routine physical exam by his primary care physician. Subsequent testing reveals chronic hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection. Starting at age 17, Mr. R abused alcohol and drugs and occasionally shared IV needles. He stopped using street drugs at age 28 when he lost contact with his drug abusing friends and is now married and has two children. In the past 10 years he has had two episodes of major depression, successfully treated with fluoxetine, 40 mg/d. He has no physical or psychiatric symptoms of HCV infection. © 2006 Getty / Harald Sund continued VOL. 5, NO. 11 / NOVEMBER 2006 69 For mass reproduction, content licensing and permissions contact Dowden Health Media. M ed/Psych Update Table 1 How Americans contract hepatitis C viral infection Risk factor Percentage of U.S. cases* IV drug use 42% Having >1 sexual partner 27% Surgery 19% Sexual contact with a hepatitis C patient 14% Household contact with a hepatitis C patient 6% Percutaneous injury (needlestick) 5% Employment in medical/dental field 4% Hemodialysis <1% • how to manage treatment’s psychiatric side effects. COURSE OF CHRONIC HCV Mr. R’s primary care physician refers him to a gastroenterologist for liver function evaluation and treatment. Polymerase chain reaction testing reveals a detectable viral level, genotyping indicates that he has HCV type 1a, and liver biopsy shows moderate fibrosis. As part of the clinic’s treatment protocol, Mr. R is referred to a psychiatrist for evaluation. The typical interval from HCV infection to diagnosis is 10 to 30 * Patients could have more than one risk factor for hepatitis C transmission years. Patients with unrecognized Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hepatitis surveillance report. HCV infection usually are first Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2006. no. 61. treated by primary care physicians, who notice elevated liver function and refer them to a hepatologist or gastroenterologist. IV drug use causes >40% of HCV infections in In the United States, HCV is transmitted the United States,1 and substance abusers have most frequently through IV drug use, sexual increased rates of psychiatric illness, particularly activity, and surgery (Table 1). Nearly all IV drug major depression. But substance use does not account fully for the link between HCV infection abusers (65% to 90%) have been exposed to and depression. A depressive syndrome may HCV.1 After exposure, 70% of patients develop explain why depression’s mood and somatic sympchronic HCV infection. The disease often is toms are seen in significantly more HCV-infected asymptomatic for many years, and some patients drug users than in noninfected drug users.2 never show symptoms. If symptoms develop, they are usually nonspecific, such as fatigue, abdomiPsychiatrists are often called on to treat HCV-associated depression and other psychiatric nal discomfort, and nausea, and rarely jaundice symptoms—irritability, insomnia, and impaired and dark urine (Box, page 72). concentration—and to support patients who purOver time, the disease can progress to cirrhosue a cure through lengthy interferon treatment. sis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Ten percent to To help you collaborate in the medical/psychi20% of HCV patients develop cirrhosis a mean 20 atric care of these patients, this article discusses: years after infection. Serious complications devel• hepatitis C’s natural history op more rapidly in patients who: • diagnostic evaluation • are age >40 when infected • treatment options • abuse alcohol Blood transfusion <1% continued on page 72 70 Current pSYCHIATRY VOL. 5, NO. 11 / NOVEMBER 2006 M ed/Psych Update continued from page 70 • have HIV or coexistent liver disease. HCV diagnosis and treatment causes great stress for patients and their families, especially if the disease was transmitted through drug use or sexual activity. Most HCV clinics require that patients meet with mental health clinicians for psychosocial assessment before starting IFN treatment. Box Hepatitis C: Risk of infection and disease progression ❚ HCV affects 2% of the U.S. population but 20% of persons with severe mental illness ❚ Average annual new infections declined to 36,000 in 1996 from a high of 230,000 in the 1980s, which for reasons that are unclear correlates with a decrease in cases among IV drug users ❚ Progression of HCV infection is the leading cause of liver transplants in the United States ❚ Persons infected with HCV are at an increased risk for disease progression if they drink alcohol (>2 drinks/day for men under age 65, >1 drink/day for nonpregnant women and all persons over age 66), are age >40 years at time of infection, or are HIV-positive ❚ Deaths from acute liver failure are rare ❚ Chronic HCV infection causes 8,000 to 10,000 deaths per year MOOD SYMPTOMS WITH IFN Significant depressive symptoms occur in 21% to 58% of patients receiving interferon, with major depressive disorder developing at a mean 12 weeks (range 1 to 32 weeks) after therapy begins.3 Other patients develop depressive symptoms that do not meet DSM-IV-TR criteria for major depression. Manic and hypomanic symptoms also may emerge, such as elevated mood, irritability, inflated self-esteem, insomnia, talkativeness, racing thoughts, distractibility, agitation, and excessive pursuit of pleasurable activities. The mechanism for psychiatric side effects with IFN is unknown, but nutritional and metabolic alterations are thought to be responsible. One theory holds that IFN decreases CNS tryptophan levels by disrupting the transporter that ferries this essential amino acid across the blood-brain barrier. Deficient tryptophan—the rate-limiting step in serotonin synthesis—results in decreased serotonin levels.4 Another possible explanation is that interferon disrupts the hypothalamic-pituitary axis or more directly alters neural functioning. Patient history of depression. One study asserted that patients with a history of depression or increased depressive symptoms at baseline are more susceptible to IFN-related psychiatric side effects such as irritability, insomnia, depression, and impaired concentration.5 Other studies, however, show no statistically significant difference in neuropsychiatric symptoms during IFN therapy in patients with preexisting psychiatric disorders and those without such a history.6,7 Source: References 24 and 25 Whether or not patients with a psychiatric history are at increased risk, the incidence of neuropsychiatric effects with IFN remains high (Table 2, page 77) and warrants attention.8-11 Psychiatric assessment. Assess all IFN candidates for present or past psychiatric disorders, including: • depression • suicidal thoughts (in one study, 43% of patients on IFN therapy reported suicidal ideation)12 • bipolar disorder (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs] could induce mania or aggravate cycling) • chemical dependency (substance abuse may represent the patient’s attempt to selfmedicate underlying mood and anxiety symptoms). continued on page 77 72 Current pSYCHIATRY VOL. 5, NO. 11 / NOVEMBER 2006 Current p S Y C H I AT R Y continued from page 72 Perform a baseline psychiatric exam to evaluate the patient’s emotional suitability for treatment and to screen for depression, anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, and personality disorders. Evaluate the patient’s social support system, which may be augmented with group or individual therapy if deficient. Assess for depression and other psychiatric symptoms periodically and in some cases weekly during antiviral therapy. CASE CONTINUED: GETTING READY Although Mr. R no longer uses street drugs, he tells the psychiatrist he drinks 2 to 3 beers nightly. Because alcohol use stresses a compromised liver and could undermine IFN therapy’s effectiveness, he agrees to complete a chemical dependency program, demonstrate 6 months of sobriety before starting HCV treatment, and enroll in a chemical dependency relapse prevention program where unannounced drug and alcohol screenings are conducted. As his IFN treatment approaches, Mr. R agrees to begin prophylactic citalopram, 20 mg/d, because he may be at increased risk for IFN-induced depression. Although Mr. R’s past depressive episodes responded well to fluoxetine, the psychiatrist chooses citalopram during IFN treatment because of its lower risk of drug-drug interactions. Alcohol and IFN. Continued alcohol use can accel- erate HCV-induced liver disease and reduce the likelihood of viral clearance with IFN treatment. One study showed that individuals who enrolled in a substance abuse treatment program were more likely to complete HCV treatment.13 This study also reported that HCV-seropositive patients were more likely to complete a 28-day chemical dependency treatment and remain abstinent 6 months after program discharge, compared with HCV-seronegative patients.13 This suggests that a chronic hepatitis C diagnosis motivates Table 2 Psychiatric side effects with interferon/ribavirin treatment* Side effect Prevalence Irritability, anxiety 33% to 45% Insomnia 30% to 40% Depression 20% to 31% Impaired concentration 10% to 17% Aggressive behavior < 1% Psychotic disorder < 1% Suicide < 1% * In patients without a history of psychiatric disorders Source: References 19 and 20 patients to address chemical dependency as a prerequisite for hepatitis C treatment. Prophylactic antidepressants can be used in patients with a history of depressive episodes or baseline Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scores >10. Prophylaxis is quite tolerable compared with IFN-induced depression, which has an insidious onset and can be associated with aggression, suicide risk, and interferon discontinuation. Start antidepressants 2 to 4 weeks before antiviral therapy begins to allow the medication to reach therapeutic efficacy. SSRIs such as paroxetine, 10 to 50 mg/d, and citalopram, 20 to 40 mg/d, have been reported to be effective and do not interact with HCV therapies.5,14 In our experience, dual-action antidepressants such as duloxetine, venlafaxine, or bupropion also can be beneficial. IFN TREATMENT PROTOCOL Mr. R begins a 48-week IFN protocol. To maximize the treatment’s effectiveness, he is given long-acting pegylated interferon, 180 mcg injected weekly, and takes oral ribavirin, 600 mg twice daily. continued VOL. 5, NO. 11 / NOVEMBER 2006 77 Current p S Y C H I AT R Y M ed/Psych Update Table 3 • liver biopsy with portal or bridging fibrosis • and at least moderate inflammation and necrosis. HCVab If positive then do a HCV Riba Forty-eight weeks of treatment HCV Riba If positive 2 bands or more, then are recommended for patients with do a HCV Genotype and HCV PCR HCV genotype 1 (70% of patients) HCV Genotype Genotype determines duration of and 24 weeks for those with HCV treatment genotypes 2 and 3 (15% to 25% patients). HCV PCR Qualitative Confirms presence of the virus Some patients—particularly those and/or Quantitative with genotype 1b—do not respond Determines the extent of liver Liver biopsy to IFN therapy. For nonresponders, damage from fibrosis or cirrhosis repeated trials of longer duration or different types of IFN may be tried. Higher IFN dosages or more frequent administration are not viewed as beneficial. IFN plus ribavirin. The mainstay of HCV therapy is IFN, a cytokine immunotherapeutic agent. A Side effects. Sustained response rates 6 months long-acting IFN administered weekly—called after patients complete interferon treatment are: pegylated because the compound is bound to • 30% to 59% for genotype 1 polyethylene glycol—doubles the sustained viral • 60% to 90% for genotypes 2 or 3.15-18 response rate and is now widely used. Reaching this goal is difficult, however, Pegylated interferon is often combined with because 48 weeks or more of a typical treatment ribavirin—an oral nucleoside analog that has program is fraught with multiple physical and been shown to improve outcomes. Ribavirin psychiatric side effects. The most common physincreases the risk of hemolysis, however, which ical side effects of IFN treatment include initial mandates frequent blood count monitoring. The flu-like symptoms followed by sleep disturbance, NIH recommends pegylated interferon and ribcognitive impairment, and fatigue. avirin for patients with: Many of IFN’s early side effects are neu• detectable HCV RNA viral loads >50 rovegetative and overlap with psychiatric sympcopies per ml of blood toms. The more specific psychiatric side effects of irritability, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and impaired concentration develop in 1 to 32 weeks Psychiatrists are often consulted to of treatment (mean 12.1 weeks).19,20 Fatigue and manage side effects—such as depression, depression are the main reasons 10% to 14% of insomnia, impaired concentration, and outpatients in large randomized trials discontinirritability—of hepatitis C viral infection ue HCV treatment.21 and its treatment. Prophylactic antidepressants and careful monitoring CASE CONTINUED: PREVENTING RELAPSE during interferon therapy can improve During therapy, Mr. R completes the BDI and Fatigue patient outcome. Line HCV testing protocols Bottom Severity Scale (FSS) weekly. His pretreatment BDI score of 9 (normal) increases over time to 22 (mild to moderate depression), and his FSS scores range from 4 to 6, indicating fatigue sufficient to impair daily functioning. Medical and psychiatric staff address his symptoms during weekly treatment assessments. After 12 weeks of treatment his viral levels are undetectable, but he develops severe fatigue and mild irritability that contribute to arguments with his wife. He is referred to supportive counseling, and citalopram is increased to 40 mg/d. His wife tests negative for HCV. Monitor patients closely during IFN treatment, regardless of whether an antidepressant is prescribed. If depression abruptly worsens or mania emerges, IFN might need to be discontinued until the patient’s psychiatric disorder is stabilized. Adding an atypical antipsychotic—such as olanzapine, 10 to 20 mg/d—can help patients with psychosis, mania, mood lability, impulsivity, or irritability.22 For patients with substantial fatigue, we may supplement antidepressants with modafinil, 100 to 200 mg/d, which caused some improvement in an open trial as measured by the FSS.23 Support groups and cognitive-behavioral therapy have shown modest benefit. CASE CONTINUED: STAYING HEALTHY Mr. R completes treatment, and his prognosis for remaining virus-free remains good. His fatigue and irritability resolve, and his BDI score returns to 9. One year later, he maintains a negative viral load. He periodically returns to his gastroenterologist for monitoring and continues in a chemical dependency relapse prevention program. Mr. R acknowledges that his HCV-seronegative status motivates him to stay sober. Citalopram was withdrawn 1 month after he completed antiviral treatment, and his wife has not noted resurgent irritability. He has returned to work, and his supervisors report satisfactory task completion. u u u u u u Related resources American Liver Foundation. www.liverfoundation.org. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Viral Hepatitis. www.cdc.gov/hepatitis. Hep C Connection. www.hepc-connection.org. HCV Advocate/Hepatitis C Support Project. www.hcvadvocate.org. National Institute of Mental Health. Depression. www.nimh.nih.gov/healthinformation/depressionmenu.cfm. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Hepatitis C Program. www.hepatitis.va.gov. DRUG BRAND NAMES Bupropion • Wellbutrin Citalopram • Celexa Duloxetine • Cymbalta Fluoxetine • Prozac Modafinil • Provigil Olanzapine • Zyprexa Paroxetine • Paxil Venlafaxine • Effexor DISCLOSURES Dr. Martin, Dr. Krahn, and Ms. Rosati report no financial relationship with any company whose products are mentioned in this article or with manufacturers of competing products. Dr. Balan receives research grants from Novartis, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Schering-Plough, InterMune, SciClone Pharmaceuticals, and Human Genome Sciences. References 1. McCarthy JJ, Flynn N. Hepatitis C in methadone maintenance patients: prevalence and public policy implications. J Addict Dis 2001;20(1):19-31. 2. Johnson ME, Fisher DG, Fenaughty A, Theno SA. Hepatitis C virus and depression in drug users. Am J Gastroenterol 1998;93;85-9. 3. Hauser P, Khosla J, Aurora H, et al. A prospective study of the incidence and open-label treatment of interferon-induced major depressive disorder in patients with hepatitis C. 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Prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C in people with severe mental illness. Am J Public Health 2001;91(1):31-7. Updates in Psychiatry What you’ll learn here in one day you’ll put into practice the next. CME developed for psychiatrists, Updates in Psychiatry features seven highly interactive sessions focused on new and emerging guidelines, therapies, conditions and evidence-based medicine—at no cost. Plus, earn up to 8.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. According to the 2005 Clinical Outcomes study*, attendees reported: • An average 26% increase in confidence when treating specific conditions as a result of attending the Updates in Psychiatry program. • 98% agree that the CME experience was a valuable use of their time. • 99% have used the education obtained to change or refine their patient care approach. *Source: 2005 Clinical Outcomes study conducted by the Physician Insights group at Pri-Med Visit our website at www.pri-med.com/psych or call 877-4PRI-MED for program information or to register 2006 Programs—Register Today, Space is Limited! Spring 2007 Programs Stamford, CT Chicago, IL Philadelphia, PA Rosemont, IL Boston, MA Brooklyn, NY Los Angeles, CA November 15, 2006 December 2, 2006 Sponsored by Pri-Med May 2007 May 2007 June 2007 TBD TBD
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