TUTORIAL # 1 – HOw TO TURn $200 InTO $600...

TUTORIAL # 1 – How to Turn $200 into $600 in 4 Hours
by Roberto Echeverry
A 60 Second descent
When I decided to start trading, there was still a while until the next closing. Because of this, I decided to do some 60 Second Trades. These trades are tricky—
they are always ready when you want them, but they also have a higher risk (which
is why I don’t recommend them for beginners). In this case, the EUR/USD was
showing a steep descent (which is ideal). I didn’t have to think too much, I just
bought a Put option. It was a close win, but no apologies are needed.
Profit: $35
Accumulated profit: $35
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After a pause, Gold resumes its descent
Soon enough, I found the Gold vs. EUR pair in a similar situation. At the time,
however, the descent was stalled, so I waited for an indication of which direction would prevail. It was down, so I bought a Put option and won again. (It was
supposed to be $50, but I forgot to change the amount…)
Profit: $3.50 3
Accumulated profit: $38.5
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055
A trend reversal of Oil
Finally, I turned to normal High/Low trading (more fitting for the purpose of
this tutorial). I picked one of my favorite assets, Oil. Oil’s price climbed abruptly
and then began to drop—symptoms of a trend reversal. That was confirmed
by Netdania’s Daily Chart (see below), which showed me that the price had
reached its peak for the day. This meant the odds were high that the descent
would continue, at least for the next few minutes. I bought a Put option and
won once again.
Netdania’s Daily Chart
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Final result
Profit: $80
Accumulated profit: $118.50
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055
The Euro’s jumpy behavior makes for another win
The price of EUR/USD had been going down all day with steep jumps (see the
Netdania chart below). At the moment this screen shot was taken, it was actually rising a little, yet the general trend was downward. Since I was trading
in such a short time (less than 10 minutes) , however, the odds were that the
climb would continue. So I bought a Call option and I was SO right
Netdania’s Daily
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Final result
Profit: $80
Accumulated profit: $203.50
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055
The price of the Euro plunges
In the next period, the downward pattern of the EUR/USD resumed (see the
Netdania chart below). It was plunging in a very convincing way—when this is
happening, you cannot waste a moment (provided it is within my timeframe
of 10-15 minutes). I immediately bought a Put option, betting the maximum
amount possible. It was a clear an easy win. The bottom line is: Always wait for a
clear opportunity.
Netdania’s Daily Chart
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Profit: $85
Accumulated profit: $288.50
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055
Oil racing downwards
Here is perfect proof of why I love the Oil so much: when it goes down (or up),
it usually does so in a big way. This was a no-brainer: I bought Put and enjoyed
the show. Maybe I should’ve bet more…
Netdania’s Daily Chart
Profit: $80
Accumulated profit: $368.50
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055
Unfortunately, the Euro is not so dependable
The price of EUR/USD was still dropping and it showed a big plunge 7 minutes
before expiry time. This made my choice obvious. The price, however, was at
the minimum point of the day (see Netdania’s Daily Chart) –so we were, in a
manner of speaking, in “uncharted waters.” Because there were no previous
maximum or minimum reference points, the latent risk was trend reversal…And
that is exactly what happened. The price bounced up, and I lost big time.
Final result
Profit: $100
Accumulated profit: $268.50
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055
Sudden death also happens here
The price of USD/JPY had been climbing all day (see Netdania’s Daily Chart),
and at the moment it was showing a strong upwards trend. The drawback was
that, as in the other cases, it was at the maximum point of the day. Still, with
the force it was showing, I decided to buy a Call option.
The final period was a nightmare. The price kept bouncing up and down, but
I was winning the whole time. That was until the final descent happened-stronger than the others--and I lost in the last 5 seconds! In a few minutes, I
had lost more than half of the profit I had painfully accumulated…
Netdania’s Daily Chart
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Lost: $100
Accumulated profit: $168.50
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055
Striking the defining blow
The price of EUR/USD was showing ups-and-downs in the last minutes before
expiry, but it was still very consistent and “high”. I had no doubt it was going to
start a new loop upwards—In this case, the ideal time to get in is as low as you
can. I put all my remaining profit (and some more) in this trade, and I wasn’t
disappointed at all. It happened exactly as I expected. Another win!
Netdania’s Daily Chart
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Profit: $170
Accumulated profit: $338.50
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055
A trend reversal for the Big Final Trade
The price of EUR/CAD was making a trend reversal (more clearly seen in the
Netdania chart below), but wasn’t showing a clear downwards trend for more
than 30 minutes. That finally changed 11 minutes before expiry time, when a
clear descent began. As the price rapidly surpassed all the previous minimums,
I bought a Put options. And the price kept going down smoothly to give me my
final victory of the day.
Netdania’s Daily Chart
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055
Profit: $180
Accumulated profit: $418.50
Summary of Operations
Total trading time: 4 hours
Total trades
High/ Low
60 Seconds
Wins and Losses
Winning Trades
$618.5 Won
Losing Trades
NET PROFIT: $ 418.50
PERCENTAGE PROFIT: 209 % (over $200)
beeoptions.com | info@beeoptions.com | (888) 741-0055