Recipe how to reduce the data we did Makoto Miyoshi 2006.05.12 Points Before SPLIT all the data points were kept and not abandoned. If good solutions were not found, we put the point a value interpolated from adjacent good solutions. At Fringe we used somewhat low SNR cut off, aparm (7) =3. We never averaged the IFs, channel numbers in IF before SPLIT. Even at SPLIT we kept IF-numbers. We searched solutions for every If at every TASK for getting calibration solutions. AT CALIB, we used the image model followed Bower et al. (2004). Because the model is reliable we got amplitude and phase solutions together (= A&P mode). We did not perform iterations between CALIB and IMAGR for refining solutions. Namely we only used the CALIB once. At CALIB, we used SNR cutoff level= 3, rather higher level than usual. For the data points whose good solution was not found, we abandoned the points. ***FITLD*** data loading into AIPS. SiO maser sources were observed for the purpose of amplitude calibrations, but in this reduction we did not use them. Observing schedule, frequency, sources are in the table 1. ***INDXR*** INDXR RELEASE ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 13-FEB-2005 17:17:35 INDXR INNAME ='BS131B' INDXR INCLASS ='UVSRT' INDXR INSEQ = 1 INDXR INDISK = 3 INDXR CPARM( 1) = 1.00000E+01 INDXR CPARM( 2) = 6.00000E+01 INDXR CPARM( 3) = 1.74750E-02 (minute) =1.0485 second Time interval in CL table is the same as the accumulation period of correlator. => CL 1(figure 1) ***ACCOR*** ACCOR RELEASE ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 13-FEB-2005 ACCOR TIMERANG = beginning to end ACCOR SN table = 8 ACCOR SOLINT = 0.1 minutes ==> SN 8 (figure 2) ***CLCAL*** CLCAL RELEASE ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 13-FEB-2005 CLCAL OPCODE ='CALI' / MERG, CALI or SMOO CLCAL SOURCES = '' / All sources selected CLCAL SOUCODE ='' / Source Cal code CLCAL CALSOUR = '' / All calibrators selected CLCAL QUAL = -1 CALCODE = ' ' CLCAL /TIMERANG = beginning to end CLCAL SUBARRAY = 0 17:35:30 21:28:52 CLCAL CLCAL CLCAL CLCAL CLCAL CLCAL ANTENNAS = 0 / All antennas selected GAINVER = 1, GAINUSE = 2 / CL table INTERPOL = '2PT ' / Interpolation type CUTOFF = 0.0 minutes / Interpolation limit SNVER = 8 / SN table versions used REFANT = 8 (=PT station)/ Reference antenna used CL1+SN8 (ACCOR) => CL2 (figure 3) ****APCAL**** APCAL RELEASE: 31DEC05 START TIME: 10-FEB-2005 APCAL INNAME= BS131B.VBGLU.3.1 APCAL SUBA= 1 STOKES= IF= 1 - 8 APCAL FQID= -1 TIMERNG= *** 0 0 0*** 0 0 0 APCAL TYVER= 9 GCVER= 5 SNVER= 5 APCAL OPCODE= CALI SOLINT= 0.0 APCAL BDEF= 1.000 ZALIM= 90.0 SPILL= 1 ALL FQ= 02:26:42 F GC5 + TY9 => SN5 (figure 4) ***SNCOR**** SNCOR RELEASE ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 10-FEB-2005 SNCOR SOURCES = '' /All sources selected SNCOR /Antennas included: SNCOR ANTENNAS = 7 SNCOR /TIMERANG = beginning to end SNCOR STOKES = ' ' / Stokes type SNCOR BIF = 3, EIF = 4/ IF range SNCOR SUBARRAY = 1 GAINVER = 5 /SN table SNCOR OPCODE = 'MULA' / Operation code SNCOR SNCORPRM = 10.00000 / Multiplication factor SNCOR / 181 Records modified 02:29:41 SNCOR RELEASE ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 10-FEB-2005 02:30:06 SNCOR SOURCES = '' /All sources selected SNCOR /Antennas included: SNCOR ANTENNAS = 7 SNCOR /TIMERANG = beginning to end SNCOR STOKES = ' ' / Stokes type SNCOR BIF = 3, EIF = 4/ IF range SNCOR SUBARRAY = 1 GAINVER = 5 /SN table SNCOR OPCODE = 'MULA' / Operation code SNCOR SNCORPRM = 10.00000 / Multiplication factor SNCOR / 181 Records modified Something was wrong at IF3&4, then using SNCOR we magnified the amplitudes 100 times. It may be due to bag at 31DEC05version or bad compile. ***CLCAL**** CLCAL RELEASE ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 14-FEB-2005 CLCAL OPCODE ='CALI' / MERG, CALI or SMOO 10:42:02 CLCAL SOURCES = '' / All sources selected CLCAL SOUCODE =' ' / Source Cal code CLCAL CALSOUR = '' / All calibrators selected CLCAL QUAL = -1 CALCODE = ' ' CLCAL /TIMERANG = beginning to end CLCAL SUBARRAY = 0 CLCAL ANTENNAS = 0 / All antennas selected CLCAL GAINVER = 2, GAINUSE = 4 / CL table CLCAL INTERPOL = '2PT ' / Interpolation type CLCAL CUTOFF = 0.0 minutes / Interpolation limit CLCAL SNVER = 5 5 / SN table versions used CLCAL REFANT = 8 / Reference antenna used CL2+SN5(APCAL) => CL4 ***FRING*** FRING RELEASE ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 14-FEB-2005 14:06:31 FRING /Calibrators included: FRING CALSOUR = 'SGRA', 'NRAO530',‘OV236’ We searched parameters with the both of continuum sources. FRING QUAL = -1 CALCODE = FRING FLAGVER = 1 /Flagging table used FRING GAINUSE = 4 /CL table used FRING IN2NAME=' ' IN2CLASS=' ' FRING IN2SEQ= 0 IN2DISK= 0 FRING INVER = 1 /CC file version no. FRING NMAPS = 0 /Number of clean images used This means that point source is the image model. FRING /TIMERANG = beginning to end FRING SOLINT = 1.00 /Soln. inter. (min) ..integration time FRING SUBARRAY = 0 FRING REFANT = 8 (PT station) /Reference antenna FRING BCHAN, ECHAN = 1 64 (We used all channels) FRING APARM(1) = 1 /Min. no antennas FRING APARM(4) = -1 />0 => avg. freq. in an IF FRING APARM(5) = -1 />0 => soln. for each IF We searched parameters of each IF independently. FRING APARM(7)= 3.0 /SNR cutoff We set SNR cutoff level lower than usual. FRING SNVER = 10 / Output SN table version FRING UVRANGE(1)= 0.00000E+00 /Min. bl. full weight FRING UVRANGE(2)= 1.00000E+15 /Max. bl. full weight FRING WTUV = 0.00000E+00 /Weight outside annulus FRING DPARM(1)= 1 /No. baseline combinations FRING DPARM(2)= 150.0 /Delay win. (nsec) FRING DPARM(3)= 150.0 /Rate win. (MHz) FRING DPARM(4)= 0.00 /Input integ. time (sec) FRING DPARM(5)= 1 /.gt.0 => no ls. soln. FRING ANTWT= 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 /Ant. wt => SN10 (figure 5) ***CLCAL**** CLCAL RELEASE ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 14-FEB-2005 21:07:42 CLCAL OPCODE ='CALI' / MERG, CALI or SMOO CLCAL SOURCES = '' / All sources selected CLCAL SOUCODE =' ' / Source Cal code CLCAL CALSOUR = '' / All calibrators selected CLCAL QUAL = -1 CALCODE = ' ' CLCAL /TIMERANG = beginning to end CLCAL SUBARRAY = 0 CLCAL ANTENNAS = 0 / All antennas selected CLCAL GAINVER = 4, GAINUSE = 6 / CL table CLCAL INTERPOL = '2PT ' / Interpolation type CLCAL CUTOFF = 0.0 minutes / Interpolation limit CLCAL SNVER = 10 / SN table versions used CLCAL REFANT = 8( PT station) / Reference antenna used CL4 + SN10 => CL6 (figure 6) ***BPASS*** BPASS Release ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 15-FEB-2005 BPASS /Calibrators included: BPASS CALSOUR = 'OV-236','NRAO530' BPASS QUAL = -1 CALCODE = BPASS BPVER = 4 /Version of BP table written BPASS FLAGVER = 1 /Flagging table used BPASS UVRANGE(1)= 0.00000E+00 /Min. uv used BPASS UVRANGE(2)= 0.00000E+00 /Max. uv used BPASS / Data will be calibrated BPASS GAINUSE = 6 /CL table used BPASS IN2NAME=' ' IN2CLASS=' ' BPASS IN2SEQ= 0 IN2DISK= 0 BPASS INVER = 1 /CC file version no. BPASS NMAPS = 0 /Number of clean images used BPASS /TIMERANG = beginning to end BPASS / Average over whole time range BPASS SUBARRAY = 1 BPASS REFANT = 8 /Reference antenna BPASS SMOOTH = 3, 2.0, 3 /Spectral smoothing parms BPASS / Bandpass not normalized BPASS / Ch. 0 Avgd: Start, Stop, Inc 9 56 1 IF= BPASS / Ch. 0 Avgd: Start, Stop, Inc 9 56 1 IF= BPASS / Ch. 0 Avgd: Start, Stop, Inc 9 56 1 IF= BPASS / Ch. 0 Avgd: Start, Stop, Inc 9 56 1 IF= BPASS / Ch. 0 Avgd: Start, Stop, Inc 9 56 1 IF= BPASS / Ch. 0 Avgd: Start, Stop, Inc 9 56 1 IF= BPASS / Ch. 0 Avgd: Start, Stop, Inc 9 56 1 IF= BPASS / Ch. 0 Avgd: Start, Stop, Inc 9 56 1 IF= BPASS / Blanks in BP not interpolated BPASS SOLTYPE = ' ' /Gain solution method BPASS ANTWT= 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 00:19:19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.0 /Ant. wt =>BP4 *** TBOUT,edit&TBIN *** Phase of BR station was strange, we then set to be 0 by editting TBOUT /BP table version 4 of INNAME='BS131B .UVSRT . 1' TBOUT / copied to the text file BP4 TBOUT / 15-FEB-2005 12:58:11 TBIN OUTNAME='BS131B ' OUTCLASS='UVSRT ' TBIN OUTSEQ= 1 OUTDISK= 3 TBIN / Created BP table version 6 with 10 records BP4->BP6 *****SPLIT***** SPLIT Task to split multi-source uv data to single source Adverbs Values Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------also works on single files. INNAME 'BS131B ' Input UV file name (name) INCLASS 'UVSRT ' Input UV file name (class) INSEQ 1 Input UV file name (seq. #) INDISK 3 Input UV file disk unit # SOURCES 'SGRA ' Source list *rest ' ' We extracted the SgrA* data only. QUAL -1 Source qualifier -1=>all CALCODE ' ' Calibrator code ' '=>all TIMERANG *all 0 Time range to copy STOKES ' ' Stokes type to pass. SELBAND -1 Bandwidth to select (kHz) SELFREQ -1 Frequency to select (MHz) FREQID -1 Freq. ID to select. BIF 1 Lowest IF number 0=>all EIF 8 Highest IF number 0=>all BCHAN 1 Lowest channel number 0=>all ECHAN 64 Highest channel number SUBARRAY 0 Subarray, 0=>all DOCALIB 1 If >0 calibrate data = 2 calibrate weights GAINUSE 6 CL (or SN) table to apply DOPOL -1 If >0 correct polarization. BLVER -1 BL table to apply. FLAGVER 1 Flag table version DOBAND 1 If >0 apply bandpass cal. Method used depends on value of DOBAND (see HELP file). BPVER 6 Bandpass table version SMOOTH *all 0 Smoothing function. See HELP SMOOTH for details. OUTCLASS '661 ' Output UV file name (class) OUTSEQ 0 Output UV file name (seq. #) OUTDISK 5 Output UV file disk unit #. DOUVCOMP APARM 1 1 1 (T) => compressed data *rest 0 Control information: 1 = 1 => avg. freq. in IF multi-channel out NCHAV 64 Number of chan. to average. (used if APARM(1) = 1) <= 0 -> ALL CHINC 64 Channel incr. between output channels (used if APARM(1)=1) We keep all IFs. Every IF is reduced to 1 ch from 64ch-integrations ICHANSEL *all 0 Array of channel start, stop, and increment numbers and IF number to be used when averaging in frequency. (used if APARM(1) = 2, 3) BADDISK *all 0 Disks to avoid for scratch Result of output 16151 SPLIT / Previously flagged flagged by gain kept 16152 SPLIT / Partially 127779 5906521 2017659 16153 SPLIT / Fully 0 2442 1903240 *****CALIB***** CALIB: Task to determine calibration for data. Adverbs Values Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------Input uv data. INNAME 'SGRA ' UV file name (name) INCLASS '661 ' UV file name (class) INSEQ 1 UV file name (seq. #) INDISK 5 UV file disk drive # Data selection (multisource): CALSOUR *all ' ' Calibrator sources QUAL -1 Calibrator qualifier -1=>all CALCODE ' ' Calibrator code ' '=>all SELBAND -1 Bandwidth to select (kHz) SELFREQ -1 Frequency to select (MHz) FREQID -1 Freq. ID to select. TIMERANG *all 0 Time range to use. BCHAN 1 Lowest channel number 0=>all ECHAN 0 Highest channel number ANTENNAS *all 0 Antennas to select. 0=all DOFIT *all 0 Subset of ANTENNAS list for which solns are desired. 0 => all in ANTENNAS, < 0 all but those in DOFIT ANTUSE *all 0 Mean gain is calculated (CPARM(2)>0) using only the listed antennas. See explain. SUBARRAY 0 Subarray, 0=>all UVRANGE 0 0 Range of uv distance for full WTUV 0 weight Weight outside UVRANGE 0=0. Cal. info for input: If >0 calibrate data = 2 calibrate weights GAINUSE 0 CL table to apply. DOPOL -1 If >0 correct polarization. BLVER -1 BL table to apply. FLAGVER -1 Flag table version DOBAND -1 If >0 apply bandpass cal. Method used depends on value of DOBAND (see HELP file). BPVER -1 Bandpass table version SMOOTH *all 0 Smoothing function. See HELP SMOOTH for details. CLEAN map. See HELP. IN2NAME ' ' Cleaned map name (name) IN2CLASS ' ' Cleaned map name (class) IN2SEQ 0 Cleaned map name (seq. #) IN2DISK 0 Cleaned map disk unit # INVERS 0 CC file version #. NCOMP *all 0 # comps to use for model. 1 value per field FLUX 0 Lowest CC component used. NMAPS 0 No. Clean map files CMETHOD ' ' Modeling method: 'DFT','GRID',' ' CMODEL ' ' Model type: 'COMP','IMAG' SMODEL 1 0 Source model, 1=flux,2=x,3=y 0 1 See HELP SMODEL for models. 7.120E-04 4.070E-04 79.8 This Gaussian shape is followed the average at 43GHz observations from Bower et al 04, and we assumed the flux density to be 1 Jy. Output uv data file. OUTNAME ' ' UV file name (name) OUTCLASS ' ' UV file name (class) OUTSEQ 0 UV file name (seq. #) OUTDISK 0 UV file disk drive # Solution control adverbs: REFANT 8(PT station) Reference antenna SOLINT 0.2 Solution interval (min) APARM 1 0 General parameters 0 0 1=min. no. antennas 0 0 2 > 0 => data divided 3 *rest 0 3 > 0 => avg. RR,LL 5 > 0 => avg. IFs. 6=print level, 1=good, 2 closure, 3 SNR 7=SNR cutoff (0=>5) DOCALIB -1 8=max. ant. # (no AN) 9 > 0 => pass failed soln Phase-amplitude Parameters: We set here the SNR cutoff is 3. searched for the solutions of each IF independently.) SOLTYPE 'L1 ' Soln type,' ','L1','GCON' SOLMODE 'A&P ' Soln. mode: 'A&P','P','P!A', Because we know the image shape is reliable model, then go A&P solution directly. 'GCON' SOLCON 0 Gain constraint factor. MINAMPER 0 Amplitude closure error regarded as excessive in MINPHSER 0 Phase closure error regarded as excessive in degrees CPARM *all 0 Phase-amp. parameters 1 = Min el for gain normalization (deg) 2 >0 => normalize gain 3 avg. amp. closure err 4 avg. ph. closure err 5 >0 => scalar average SNVER ANTWT GAINERR BADDISK 0 *all 0 *all 0 *all 0 Output SN table, 0=>new table Ant. weights (0=>1.0) Std. Dev. of antenna gains. Disk no. not to use for scratch files. = > SN1 *****TACOP***** SN1 =copy=> SN2 The solutions include very high amplitude ones, then we abandoned such points and smoothed the amplitude solutions like below. *****SNCOR***** SNCOR Task which applies various corrections to SN tables. Adverbs Values Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------INNAME 'SGRA ' Input UV file name (name) INCLASS '661 ' Input UV file name (class) INSEQ 1 Input UV file name (seq. #) INDISK 5 Input UV file disk unit # SOURCES *all ' ' Source list ' '=>all. STOKES ' ' Stokes type to process SELBAND -1 Bandwidth to select (kHz) SELFREQ -1 Frequency to select (MHz) FREQID -1 Freq. ID to select, 0=>all BIF 1 Lowest IF number 0=>all EIF 8 Highest IF number 0=>all TIMERANG *all 0 Time range to use. ANTENNAS *all 0 Antennas to correct. SUBARRAY 0 Subarray; 0 => 1. SNVER OPCODE SNCORPRM 2 SN table version to update 'CLPA' (clipping by amplitude) Operation code.See HELP 0.1 5 Parameters (see HELP SNCOR). *rest 0 We kept solutions whose amplitude is greater-equal than 0.1 and less-equal than 5. PHASPRM *all 0 Parameters for OPCODE=XFER BADDISK *all 0 Disks to aviod for scratch 16190 16191 16192 16193 16194 16195 16196 16197 16198 16199 SNCOR RELEASE ='31DEC05 ' /********* Start 15-FEB-2005 15:06:06 SNCOR SOURCES = '' /All sources selected SNCOR ANTENNAS = 0 /All antennas selected SNCOR /TIMERANG = beginning to end SNCOR STOKES = ' ' / Stokes type SNCOR BIF = 1, EIF = 8/ IF range SNCOR SUBARRAY = 1 GAINVER = 2 /SN table SNCOR OPCODE = 'CLPA' / Operation code SNCOR SNCORPRM = 0.10000 5.00000 / Valid range of ampl SNCOR / 8165 Records modified => SN2 *****SNSMO***** SNSMO Task which smooths and filters Solution(SN) tables. Adverbs Values Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------INNAME 'SGRA ' Input UV file name (name) INCLASS '661' Input UV file name (class) INSEQ 0 Input UV file name (seq. #) INDISK 5 Input UV file disk unit # SOURCES *all ' ' Source list ' '=>all. DOBTWEEN 0 > 0 -> smooth all sources together; else separate them SELBAND -1 Bandwidth to select (kHz) SELFREQ -1 Frequency to select (MHz) FREQID -1 Freq. ID to select, 0=>all BIF 1 Lowest IF number 0=>all EIF 8 Highest IF number 0=>all TIMERANG *all 0 Time range to use. ANTENNAS *all 0 Antennas to correct. SUBARRAY 0 Subarray; 0 => all. SAMPTYPE ' ' Smoothing function BPARM 0.2 (=12min) *rest 0 Smoothing parameters CUTOFF 0 Cutoff for functional forms DOBLANK -1 Blanked value interpolation SMOTYPE 'AMPL'(= smooth amp only) Data to smooth CPARM 0.1 0 Range of allowed delays and 0 0 rates. 0 2 *rest 0 INVERS 2 Input SN table; 0=>highest OUTVERS 3 Output SN table; 0=>new REFANT BADDISK 8 *all 0 Reference antenna 0=>pick. Disks to avoid for scratch => SN3 *****IMAGR***** IMAGR: Wide field imaging/Clean task Adverbs Values Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------INNAME 'SGRA' Input UV data (name) INCLASS '661' Input UV data (class) INSEQ 0 Input UV data (seq. #) INDISK 5 Input UV data disk drive # SOURCES 'SGRA ' Source name *rest ' ' QUAL -1 Calibrator qualifier -1=>all CALCODE ' ' Calibrator code ' '=>all TIMERANG 0 16 Time range to use 25 0 0 16 30 0 This is an example of time range. SELBAND -1 Bandwidth to select (kHz) SELFREQ -1 Frequency to select (MHz) FREQID -1 Freq. ID to select. SUBARRAY 0 Sub-array, 0=>all DOCALIB 2 If >0 calibrate data = 2 calibrate weights GAINUSE 3 CL (or SN) table to apply We calibrated the data with weights obtained at CALIB. DOPOL -1 If >0.5 correct polarization. BLVER -1 BL table to apply. FLAGVER -1 Flag table version DOBAND -1 If >0.5 apply bandpass cal. Method used depends on value of DOBAND (see HELP file). BPVER -1 Bandpass table version SMOOTH *all 0 Smoothing function. See STOKES ' ' Stokes parameters (see HELP) BCHAN 1 Low freq. channel 0 for cont. ECHAN 0 Highest freq channel CHANNEL 0 Restart channel number NCHAV 1 Number of chan. to average. CHINC 1 Channel incr. between maps. BIF 1 First IF in average. EIF 8 Last IF in average. We averaged all 8-IFs data here and make one map. OUTNAME ' ' Output image name (name) OUTDISK 0 Output image disk drive # OUTSEQ 0 Output seq. no. OUTVER 0 CC ver. no (Continuum only) *** SET OUTVER ON RESTARTS IN2NAME ' ' UV work file name IN2CLASS IN2SEQ ' ' UV work file class 0 UV work file seq *** SET TO KEEP WORK FILE IN2DISK 0 UV work file disk CELLSIZE 2.930E-06 2.930E-06 (X,Y) size of grid in asec We used very small cell size nearly equal 3 micro arc-seconds. IMSIZE 0 0 Minimum image size NFIELD 1 Number of fields (max 4096) DO3DIMAG -1 > 0 => use different tangent points for each field FLDSIZE 1024 2048 Clean size of each field. *rest 0 Imaging region size is 3 mas(east-west) * 6 mas(north-south). RASHIFT *all 0 RA shift per field (asec) DECSHIFT *all 0 DEC shift per field (asec) UVTAPER 857142.81 857142.81 (U,V) Gaussian taper units are kilo-lambda This means 6000km-taper in both of E-W & N-S directions. UVRANGE 0 0 Min & max baseline (klambda) GUARD 0 0 x,y guard band fractional radius ROTATE 0 Rotate image CCW from N by ROTATE degrees ZEROSP *all 0 0-spacing fluxes and weights SEE HELP!! UVWTFN ' ' UV dist. weight function blank => uniform UVSIZE 0 0 Array size for doing uniform weights. 0 -> actual field size. ROBUST 0 Robustness power: -5 -> pure uniform weights, 5 => natural UVBOX 0 Additional rows and columns used in weighting. UVBXFN 1 Box function type when UVBOX > 0. 0 -> 1 round pill box. XTYPE 5 Conv. function type in x default spheroidal YTYPE 5 Conv. function type in y default spheroidal XPARM *all 0 Conv. function parms for x YPARM *all 0 Conv. function parms for y NITER 20000 Maximum # of Clean components BCOMP *all 0 Begin at BCOMP component Specify for each field. ALLOKAY 0 For restart: > 0 => beams okay, > 1 => work file too NBOXES 1 Number of boxes for Clean NB: field 1 only. CLBOX 141 284 Four coordinates for each box 869 1708 *rest 0 We put a clean box around the center region covering the SgrA* image at 43GHz. BOXFILE *all ' ' Input file of field params OBOXFILE *all ' ' Output file for final Clean boxes GAIN 0.005 Clean loop gain We subtracted the peak of dirty image very very slowly. FLUX 0.01(for 5min integrations.) Minimum Clean component (Jy) (0.005 for 15min integrations.) MINPATCH 51 Min. BEAM half-width in AP. BMAJ 4.000E-04 FWHM(asec) major axis Clean restoring beam. BMIN 1.500E-04 FWHM(asec) minor axis Clean restoring beam. BPA 0 Clean beam position angle We fixed all restoring beam shapes. The major axis is north-south direction. OVERLAP 0 1 => restore components to PHAT 0 Prussian hat height. FACTOR 0 Speedup factor see HELP CMETHOD ' ' Modeling method: IMAGRPRM *all 0 Task enrichment parameters NGAUSS 0 Number of resolutions to use WGAUSS *all 0 Resolutions in arc sec >= 0 FGAUSS *all 0 Minimum flux for each resol. MAXPIXEL 0 Maximum pixels searched in DOTV -1 Display residuals on TV ? BADDISK *all 0 Disks to avoid for scratch.
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