中科院上海有机化学研究所研究生讲座, 中科院上海有机化学研究所研究生讲座 , 2010年 2010年6月 HOW TO WRITE AND PUBLISH A SCIENTIFIC PAPER PART II 授课教师:王任小 研究员 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS Important Ingredients in a Scientific Paper 1 Effective organization 1. • Follow the standard format • Organize ideas logically within that format 2. Appropriate pp p language g g 3 Nice 3. Ni illustrations! ill t ti ! 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 2 Writing is Easy “Writing is easy. All you do is to stare at a blank paper p until drops p of blood form on y your sheet of p forehead.” Gene Fowler 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 3 Three Steps to Finish a Paper 1. Make M k preparations. 2. Start to write each section, and finish the draft. 3 Revise, 3. Revise revise and revise. revise 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 4 1. Make Preparations Thi Think k about b t th the aims i and d highlights hi hli ht off your work. Decide them as early as possible. Gather scientific contents: results, data, references f and d even id ideas. Write a formal outline first first. Tip: Start all these preparations while the work is still ill on-going. i 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 5 Prepare a Good Outline Title I Introduction d i • Point A • Point B • Point C Methods • Step I • Step II • Step III Tab.1 Tab.2 Tab 3 Tab.3 R l & Di Results Discussion i • Point A • Point B • Point C Conclusion References Fig.1 Fi 2 Fig.2 Fig.3 1. Set the title. 2. List the main points in section each section. 3. Make all tables and figures in publication quality. 4. List the references. 5. Then, discuss with your director. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 6 Why to Write an Outline First? The outline presents your material in a logical manner. The outline helps to organize your ideas. The outline reveals what results are still missing, and you know what still thus y needs to be done! 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 7 2. Start to Write Tip 1. 1 Schedule your time for writing writing. Tip 2. Write section by section. Tip p 3. Use references! 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 8 Tip 1. Schedule Your Time for Writing Writing g needs blocks of time. Thus,, schedule your y time carefully, and find a quiet place to write. How much time does one need to finish writing a typical yp paper? p p About two weeks if one makes good g preparations. Methods M th d and d Material: M t i l 1-2 1 2 days d Results: 1-2 days I t d ti and Introduction d Discussion: Di i 3-5 35d days Figures, tables, and references: 1-3 days Ab Abstract & Title: Ti l 1/2 day d 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 9 Keep Writing Once Started The leap frog method: Do not interrupt your writing to search for small details (data, reference and etc). etc) For Fo instead, instead make notes and move mo e on, on and fill up the missing information later. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 10 Tip 2. Write Section by Section 1. Methods and Material • Experiments 1, 2, 3 … 2 Results 2. R l and d Supporting S i Information I f i • Experiments p 1, 2, 3 … 3. Introduction • Points A, A B, B C… C 4. Discussion & Conclusion • Points A, B, C… 5 Abstract & Title 5. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 11 What to Discuss? Highlight the brilliance of your work: you really need to know about others’ work; otherwise it cannot be done. done Cite Ci relevant l references f and d comment on other h researchers’work. If y you do not know what to discuss,, be concise then. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 12 The Brain Storm Method While y you are gathering g g scientific contents, ideas for your paper may occur to you …… Write down these ideas! 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 13 A True Example of Brain Storm 李贺(790~816),字长吉, 李贺( ),字长吉, 世称“诗鬼”, 与李白、李商隐三 人并称唐代“三李”。李贺因仕途 并称唐代 李 李贺因 途 失意,就把全部精力用在写诗上。 外出时背 锦囊 得句即写 囊中 外出时背一锦囊,得句即写投囊中, 暮归足成诗篇。 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 14 Organize Your Points List the points you wish to make in each section, sort and resort them until you are pleased with the order order. A B C D E F Methods: ( ?) 石头有多重,大象就有多重。 石头有多重 大象就有多重 ( ?) 然后称称石头有多重。 ( ?)) 先 先把大象赶上船。 象 ( ?) 看看船沉到哪里,在齐水面高的地方画一道线。 ( ?) 开始往船上装大石头,直到船沉到画线的地方。 ( ?)) 再把大象赶上岸。 再把大象赶 岸 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 15 Tip 3. Use References! Get very familiar with the recent review articles your problem p under study. y on y Collect the references to be cited in your paper. Select out the key references (3‾10) (3‾10), and learn how to write your paper from them! 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 16 Effective imitation Like doing research itself, good writing is largely a matter of effective imitation. “依葫芦画瓢” 葫芦 Thus, collect highly regarded scientific papers relevant to your work, and learn how these papers are written: How are they structured? What types of data, data tables and figures are typical? What are the standard phrases that you could use to present your own work? y do discussion? How do they 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 17 Citing Others’ Statements Correction citation: e.g. In this sense, we agree with the statement made by somebody:“Good writing is largely a matter of effective imitation.”[refs] Wrong conduction: This is plagiarism(剽窃)! ee.g. g Thus, Thus we believe that good writing is largely a matter of effective imitation. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 18 The Elements of A Scientific Paper The paper Sections Paragraphs g p Sentences Organize sentences logically into paragraphs; organize the paragraphs in each section logically , and then you have the whole paper. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 19 Write Good Sentences What makes bad sentences? Not clear enough Not accurate enough Not concise enough Try to use short sentences. One sentence sentence, one topic. topic 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 20 Example of Long, Bad Sentence “Taken altogether, g our results suggest gg that the workflow can be a valuable tool for ligand identification and optimization, p being g able to automatically y and efficiently y refine docking poses, which sometimes may not be accurate, and rank the compounds p based on more accurate scoring functions.” 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 21 Example of Long, Bad Sentence “However, adding a polarization term to the potential energy function needs extra parameterization of atomic polarizability and consumes more computational time and resource, which may limit its application to MD simulation for binding mode study between protein and designed compound in drug discovery project, because designed molecules are very diverse and parameterization of atomic polarizability is a tedious work. ” 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 22 Organize Your Sentences “The amino acid sequence of hSMS1 used in our study was retrieved from f om PubMed P bMed (access ID = NP_671512). NP 671512) It has 413 amino acids long with six transmembrane (TM) region [1]. However, truncation of Nterminal and C C-terminal of hSMS1 will not influence its activity [2]. So we only built the core sequence regions (M130-Q353).” “The amino acid sequence of hSMS1 used in our study was retrieved from PubMed (access ID = NP_671512). It has a total of 413 amino acid residues residues. The structure of hSMS1 has an N-terminal N terminal domain, domain a transmembrane domain, and a C-terminal domain [1]. Recently, Jiang g et al demonstrated that truncation of the N- and C-terminal domains of hSMS1 did not abort its biological activity [2]. Thus, only the core of hSMS1 (M130-Q353) was considered in our study.” 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 23 Tense in Scientific Writing Whenever y you state previously p y published p findings, g, you should use the present tense since they are established knowledge. g • e.g. “C-H bond activation is not a new reaction.” Your own present work must be referred to in the past tense since it is not p presumed to be established knowledge yet. • e.g. “We “W observed b d that h C-H C H bond b d was activated i d through h ha new reaction.” 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 24 Tense in Scientific Writing In a typical paper, you will normally go back and forth between the past and present tenses. M Most off the h Abstract Ab should h ld b be iin the h past tense, as you are referring to your own present results. The Methods and Results sections should be in the past tense, as you describe what you did and what you found. Much of the Introduction and Discussion should be in the present tense, because these sections often emphasize p p previously established knowledge. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 25 Exceptions • References to tables, figures and so on. –e.g. e g “Table Table 1 shows that ……” • Description on the results of calculations and statistical analysis analysis. –e.g. g “The standard deviation of three p parallel measurements is 1.0 kcal/mol.” 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 26 Active Voice versus Passive Voice • As a general rule, the active voice should be used more in scientific writing. e.g. –The The authors found that …… –It was found that …… • The passive voice may work well for the Methods section. e.g. The mouse was injected with …… 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 27 The Elusive Grammar Please do not expect that the English language is fully scientific scientific. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 28 Grammar by Google! To determine which one is more appropriate: pp p “One One still could argue …” –Google returns 38.9M hits. “One could still argue …” –Google returns 44.1M hits. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 29 A Couple of “Minor” Issues Correct use of some common words Euphemistic words and jargon Correct use of numbers Proper use of abbreviations Units of measurement Punctuations 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 30 Correct Use of Common Words Certain words are wrongly used by thousands of times in i tifi writing. iti scientific • Amount or Number? –e.g. “An amount of cash” is correct; whereas“An amount of coins” is wrong. • Like or As? –e.g. Like Lik I said, id this hi sentence should h ld rather h start with i h “As”. “A ” • While or Whereas? –When a time relationship exists, “while”is correct; otherwise, “whereas” would be a better choice. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 31 Misuse of Common Words • Each / every –e.g. “If I had a dollar for every mistake I have made, I would have one dollar. If I had a dollar for each mistake I h have made, d I would ld be b a millionaire.” illi i ” • Where to put the word word“only”? only ? e.g. –Only Only I hit him in the face yesterday yesterday. –I only hit him in the face yesterday. yesterday. –II hit only him in the face yesterday –I hit him only in the face yesterday. –II hit him in the face only yesterday. yesterday 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 32 Euphemistic Words Euphemistic (委婉的) words and phrases normally should be avoided. Do not write: D i “Some in the population suffered mortal consequence from the lead in the flour.” But write: “Some people died as a result of eating bread made f from lead-containing l d i i fl flour.” ” 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 33 Jargon Jargon: (1) Confused unintelligible language; (2) Obscure and often pretentious language. (3) Technical terminology of a special activity or group. Do not write: “The resultant experimental data indicate that there is no utility in belaboring a deceased equine.” equine. But write: “It is of no use to beat a dead horse.” Check out Appendix 2 in our text book! 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 34 Correct Use of Numbers If style for numbers is not specified, here are the general guidelines to follow: One-digit number should be spelled out; numbers of two or more digits should be expressed as numerals. e.g. Three experiments, 13 experiments. If a number comes with the standard unit, it should always be expressed as numeral. e.g. 3 ml, 13 ml Do not start a sentence with a numeral. Reword your sentence or spell out the number. e.g. Thirteen experiments were conducted … ; A total amount of 3 ml alcohol was added to … 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 35 Proper Use of Abbreviations Spell out the word or term first, first followed by the abbreviation within parentheses. e.g. deoxyribonucleic d ib l i acid id (DNA) D Do not use an abbreviation bb i i in i the h Title. Ti l Do not use any abbreviation in the Abstract unless it is a must. y, abbreviations may y be used if a In the text body, long word or phrase will appear repeatedly. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 36 Examples of Standard Abbreviations Some standard abbreviations “etc.” means “so on”;; “et al.” means “other people”; “i.e.” means “that is”, and “e.g.” means “for example”. p Widely accepted abbreviations for some technical terms Nuclear N l magnetic i resonance (NMR), (NMR) high-pressure hi h liquid chromatography (HPLC) 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 37 No Abbreviations of Your Own Please “Although g bonded Zn-ligand g interactions p preserve the observed geometry of the metal-binding site, they would not be suitable in cases where the coordination number (CN) of Zn2+ changes as in the f ldi / f ldi off Z folding/unfolding Zn-finger fi proteins i …” ” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005,, 127,, 4921-4929. “Both protein design (PD) and virtual drug screening (VDS) depend on algorithms that can rapidly and accurately predict the energy of a given protein or protein-ligand complex.” J. Med. Chem. 2009, 52, 5673–5684. Do not use abbreviations for common terms!!! 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 38 Units of Measurements Number Prefix Abbreviation Examples 10‐15 femto femto‐ f fs 10‐12 pico‐ p ps 10‐9 nano‐ n ns, nM, nm, ng , , , g 10‐6 micro‐ s, M, m, g 10‐3 milli‐ m ms, mM, mm, mg 10‐2 centi‐ c cm 10‐1 deci‐ d dm 102 hecto‐ h hm, hg 103 kilo‐ k km, kg 106 mega‐ M MB MHz MB, MHz 109 giga‐ G GB, GHz 1012 tera‐ T TB 1015 peta‐ P Pm (1 light year = 9.461Pm) 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 39 Punctuations Do not use any ’ in written language. language Do not write Do write you’re ’ you are I’ll I will can’t can not or cannot shouldn’t should not 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 40 Good Habits in Scientific Writing Structure sentences simply. simply Use proper syntax. Use mainly active voice. Use words accurately; delete needless words; use short and familiar words. Avoid strings of nouns; use verbs rather than nouns made from them. Minimize use of abbreviations. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 41 3. Revise, Revise and Revise Good writing is largely a matter of good revising. revising First, cool down for a while. First while Then, Then revise your paper by yourself. Then, show it to others, and revise more with their feedbacks. –Follow Follow the useful suggestions suggestions. –Even if a suggestion misses your point, you may want to state your point more clearly. l l 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 42 What to Revise? Does the manuscript include all the necessary information? Does it contain anything it should not? Is all of the information accurate? Is everything logically organized? Have you stated your points briefly and directly? Is what you say consistent throughout? Are A grammar, spelling, ll punctuation, and d word d use correct throughout? Are all figures and tables well designed? p comply p y with the instructions? Does the manuscript 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 43 On Automatic Formatting and Template When you finalize your manuscript: Use plain text as much as possible! Remove automatic formatting (such as dynamic links) provided by the word processing software unless it is absolutely necessary. necessary Do not use a template unless it is required. required 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 44 Summary The basic format of a scientific paper Individual Sections Paragraphs g p Sentences & Words The overall structure of my lectures on scientific writing. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 45 An Additional Reference Edited by Anne M. Coghill and Lorrin R. Garson ISBN: 9780841239999 The electronic Th l i version i off this book is available in our lib library! ! 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 46 The ACS Style Guide Part 1: Scientific Communication • • • • • • • • Chapter 1: Ethics in Scientific Publication Chapter 2: Scientific Papers Chapter 3: The Editorial Process Chapter 4: Writing Style and Word Usage Chapter 5: Electronic Submission of Manuscripts Using Web‐Based Chapter 5: Electronic Submission of Manuscripts Using Web Based Systems Systems Chapter 6: Peer Review Chapter 7: Copyright Basics Chapter 8: Markup Languages and the Datument Part 2: Style Guidelines • • • • • • • • • • Chapter 9: Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling Chapter 10: Editorial Style Chapter 10: Editorial Style Chapter 11: Numbers, Mathematics, and Units of Measure Chapter 12: Names and Numbers for Chemical Compounds Chapter 13: Conventions in Chemistry Chapter 14: References Chapter 15: Figures Chapter 16: Tables Chapter 17: Chemical Structures Chapter 17: Chemical Structures Chapter 18: Selected Bibliography 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 47 Suggested Homework Select one recently published paper that interests you, read it through, summarize it into a 200word abstract, abstract and then compare your writing with the one published. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 48 Learn the Tools for Writing Software for word processing: Microsoft Word Software for making chemical sketches: ChemDraw/Chem3D Software for data analysis and making scientific graphs: Origin (No Excel please!) Software for reference managing: EndNote 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS 49
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